ABOUT VFSTR UNIVERSITY VFSTR University, the flagship institution of Vignan Group of Educational Institutions, is a NAAC ‘A’ accredited institution, ranked 88 by National Institutional Ranking Framework of MHRD, Government of India. Located in serene environs of Vadlamudi on the Guntur-Tenali highway, the university with its sprawling play grounds, campus greenery and imposing academic blocks, is a virtual haven of rural quiet and idyllic beauty. Since its inception in 1997, the institution has been striving to promote high standards in technical education to aid in the career building of many students who step into its portals. Through diverse programs and updated curriculum and by imparting industry exposure and hands-on skills, the university trains its students into competitive and global professionals, imbued with ethical consciousness and social awareness. All the departments are supported by a good mix of young and senior faculty with a rich research, teaching and industry background. The sophisticated laboratories and research centres make it one of the most preferred institutions for the aspirants of engineering studies. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Started in 1997, the Electronics & Communication Engineering Department is reputed for its motivated and highly accomplished and committed faculty team. The department students are known for their outstanding performance and consistent placements i.e. above 85%. Backed by a team of 8 professors, 9 Associate professors and 42 Assistant Professors, the major focus areas of research in the department are VLSI Design, Communication, Embedded Systems, Networking and Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. It has 45 research scholars pursuing quality research in diverse areas. The department got 3 projects from DST and AICTE. The faculty have around 242 publications into their credit and also filed 2 patents. The Department of ECE offers three UG courses - Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Computer Engineering(ECM), Bio-Medical Engineering and 4 P.G courses - VLSI design, Embedded system, Data Communication Networking and Image Processing and Machine Vision (IPMV). DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Started in 1999 by adopting the motto: Excellence in Engineering Education, the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department has experienced and highly qualified faculty team with strong research and professional expertise. The department students are known for their outstanding performance and consistent placements i.e. above 90%. Backed by a team of 4 professors, 5 Associate professors and 19 Assistant Professors, the department strives for excellence in teaching, research and professional services to the industry so as to achieve eminence in selected niche areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The major focus areas of research in the department are power converter design, power electronic control of drives, power system automation, hybrid / electric vehicle design, renewable energy systems and reactive power compensation. The department got one project from DST - FIST. The faculty have around 162 publications in to their credit and also filed 2 patents. The Department of EEE offers UG course in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and 2 PG courses - Power Electronics & Drives and Power Systems. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The aim of the International conference on Allied Electrical and Communication Systems (ICAECS2016) is focused on research and emphasizes the latest in terms of technological advancements. The conference also aims to provide an outstanding opportunity for both academic and industrial communities to discuss new trends and address challenges and emerging technologies on the topics relevant to electrical, electronics and communication. The conference will feature plenary lectures, invited talks and referred paper presentations. In addition, ICAECS 2016 will organize brainstorming sessions and provide a plateform to young minds to participate and exchange ideas and knowledge through discussions. The conference focuses on specific engineering topics, allowing the speakers to have an indepth presentation and discussion on the front line research issues. 2 CONFERENCE TRACKS Conference includes plenary lectures, key note addresses, invited talks, tutorials and contributed research articles from academia and industry across the globe CIRCUIT AND SYSTEMS Analog Circuits Digital Circuits Mixed Signal Circuits Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Sensing and Sensor Networks Filters and Data Conversion Circuits RF and Wireless Circuits Low Power Design and VLSI Physical Design Biomedical Circuits Advanced fabrication Technologies (MEMS and NEMS) CONTROL SYSTEMS Control Theory and Applications Adaptive and Learning Control System Intelligent and AI Based Control Manufacturing Control Systems and Applications Process Control Systems Robotics and Automation Sliding Mode Control Non-linear Control PLC, Measurements, Telemetry VLSI Advanced Logic & Memory devices Flexible Electronics Nano biosensors Photonics and Plasmonics Nano-electro-mechanical Devices and Systems Low dimensional Semi conductors: Growth & Applications Compound Semi conductor Devices Semi conductor Process Technologies 3-D Systems and Packaging Technologies Computational Modeling at the Nanoscale POWER SYSTEMS Bulk Power Transmission Distribution system FACTS controllers & HVDC system Design, development and placement of smart sensors in power system Grid optimization Impact of distributed generation on security and reliability of power systems Grid challenges: Planning, interconnection, operation and control Transmission planning under market and regulatory uncertainty Micro grid and Smart grid Power Quality Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Information and Coding Theory Advanced Communcation Systems Communication Theory Antenna and Propagation Microwave Theory and Techniques Modulation, Coding, and Channel Analysis Networks Design, Network Protocols and Network Management Optical Communications Wireless/Mobile Communications & Technologies 4G, 5G Cellular Communication SIGNAL PROCESSING Signal Processing Theory Digital Signal Processing Algorithms Digital Filter Design & Implementation Array Processing Adaptive Signal Processing Audio, Speech and Language Processing Image and Video Processing Communicational Signal Processing Bio-Medical Signal Processing & Medical Imaging 3 ENERGY SYSTEMS New & Renewable Energy Systems Alternate Energy based electronics System Photovoltaics Electric & Hybrid Electric Vehicles Energy Storage Technologies Energy Auditing & Energy Efficiency Optimization & Computational Techniques for Green Energy Systems POWER ELECTRONICS & DRIVES Control Techniques of AC & DC Motor Drives Power Converters Topologies and Design Analysis and Design of Electrical Machines Adjustable and High Performance Motor Drives and Motion Control Hard switching and soft switching static power converters Grid Interactive Systems Smart grid technologies, net metering, feed-in tariff OPTICS & SPECTROSCOPY Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits Bio-Photonics Optical & Photonic Sensors Optical devices and instrumentation Theoretical Vibrational Spectroscopy Crystallography and X-ray Spectroscopy Note: Topics are not limited to the above mentioned areas. EVENTS IN THE CONFERENCE Oral Presentation Invited Talks / Plenary Lectures Workshop Poster Presentation SUBMISSION GUIDELINES PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOP Pre-conference workshop on IoT (Internet of Things) on 7th December 2016. Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference. It is required that the manuscript follows the standard IEEE camera-ready format (IEEE standard format, double column, 10-point font in A4 size paper) not exceeding six pages. Submissions shall include title, abstract, keywords, author and affiliation with email address. The paper should be uploaded through our website. IMPORTANT DATES: Last date of paper Submission : 15-09-2016 Acceptance Communication : 01-10-2016 Last date for Registration : 25-11-2016 At least one author of each accepted paper must register by 25-11-2016 (12:00 AM). Refer to Conference website for further details and updates. All the presented papers in the conference will be published in one of the Scopus cited journals which are listed below : BOARDING & LODGING The registration fee includes conference Kit and boarding during conference & lodging can be provided on payment basis based on the availability. - Indian Journal of Science and Technology (IJST): ISSN 09746846, 09745645. - Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications: ISSN 09737006. - Institute of Integrated Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB): ISSN 09763104. - International Journal of Engineering (IJE) : ISSN: 1025-2495. - International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA): ISSN : 0974-5572. How to Reach Vignan’s University ? The nearest airport is Vijayawada (Gannavaram) airport (VGA). This airport has domestic flights from Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad-the major cities of India. The University is situated approximately 65km from the airport and it takes 90min drive by road. The next major Airport is Rajiv Gandhi international airport at Hyderabad, which has international and domestic flights from all over the world. It is approximately 330km by road. It takes about 5 hours to reach the campus by road from this airport. - ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences: ISSN : 1819-6608. CONFERENCE FEE : (Includes Registration Fee, Participation, Conference kit and Pre-conference Workshop) Conference and Journal Publication: Ph.D Scholars & Students Faculty from Institutions Industrial Participants Listeners Foreign Deligates : : : : : Product Exhibition Panel Discussion Vignan’s University, is located along National Highway-5 and lies between Guntur and Tenali in Andhra Pradesh. It is 13 km from Guntur and 12 km from Tenali. It is well connected by road. Bus services are available to Guntur from all major areas of India. Rs.8,000 Rs.9,000 Rs.10,000 Rs.2,000 $350 Vijayawada is one of the major railway junctions near the campus. The junction is around 45 km from the University campus and is well connected by bus and taxi services. It is an hour drive from railway station to the campus. Train timetables and connections can be checked at https://www.irctc.co.in. Other Railway junctions very near to the Campus are Tenali and Guntur junction. It takes 20 -30 mins to reach the campus from either junctions Participants can register by sending the registration form along with Demand Draft in favour of "VFSTR, General Funds" payable at Guntur and it should reach on or before 25th November, 2016. 4 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Steering Committee Member Chief Patron Dr. Eswaran, Multimedia University, Malaysia Dr. S. Salivahanan, SSN Institutions, Chennai Dr. Lakshminarayana Merugu, Chairman, IEEE Hyderabad Section Smt. Smriti Dagur, President, IETE Prof. (Dr) KTV Reddy, Chairman TPPC, IETE Dr. Ajoy Ghatak, IIT Delhi Dr. M. Y. S. Prasad, Ex. Director, ISRO Dr. S. V. Subba Rao, SDSC-SHAR, ISRO Dr. J. A. Kamalakar, VSSC, ISRO Dr. P. Chakrabarti, Director, MNIT Allahabad Dr. Satyabrata Jit, IIT (BHU) Dr. Kartikeyan MV, IIT Roorkee Dr. Shymal Kumar Bhadra, Ex. Director, CGCRI, Kolkata Dr. Y. Dwivedi, NIT Kurukshetra Cmde. Dr. M.S. Raghunathan, Registrar, VFSTRU Dr. L. Rathaiah Chairman, VIGNAN GROUP Patrons Sri L. Srikrishnadevarayalu, Vice-Chairman, VFSTRU, Vadlamudi Dr. K. Ramamurthy Naidu, Chancellor, VFSTRU, Vadlamudi Dr. C. Thangaraj, Vice-Chancellor, VFSTRU, Vadlamudi Dr. B. Ramamoorthy, Rector, VFSTRU, Vadlamudi Dr. V. Madhusudhan Rao, Dean, E&M, VFSTRU, Vadlamudi General Chair and Co-Chair Mr. D. Ramakrishna, CEO, Efftronics TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE National Advisory Committee International Advisory Committee 1. 1. Prof. CID. B. Araruja, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil 2. Prof. Animesh Jha, University of Leeds, UK 3. Prof. R. Moncorge, University of Caen Normandy, France 4. Prof. R.J. Dwayne Miller, FRSC, Germany 5. Prof. Sidney Burrus, IEEE Fellow, Rice University, USA 6. Dr. Dharmasa Pawar, Caledonian College of Engg., OMAN. 7. 7. Dr. Venkata Yaramasu, Northern Arizona University, USA. 8. 8. Prof. Sanowar Khan, City University, London 9. 9. Prof. Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace, France 10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10. Prof. S.V Muravyov, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia 11. 11. Prof. G Rossi, University of Genova, Italy 12. 12. Prof. Kenneth Grattan FREng, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK 13. 13. Prof. B M A Rahmam, City University, London 14. 14. Dr. D. Sakthi Kumar, Toyo University, Japan 15. 15. Prof. A.S. Sovlukov, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow 16. 16. Prof. P. Kyriacou, City University, London 17. 17. Prof. Oleg V. Stukach, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia 18. 18. Dr. Ranganathan Vijayaraghavan, Ethiopia 19. 20. 19. Prof. A. Alphones, Nanayang Technological University, Singapore 21. 20. Dr. Valery Zavorotny, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Dr. N. V. S. N. Sharma, NIT Warangal 22. 23. Dr. N. S. Murthy, NIT Warangal 24. Dr. P. C. Pandey, IIT (BHU) 25. Dr. G. S. Tomar, Director MIR Lab, MPCTM, Gwalior 26. Dr. Debapriya Das, IIT Kharagpur 27. Dr. V. T. Somasekhar, NIT Warangal 28. Dr. Suvarna Bhai Arniker, Scientist-E, RCI, Hyd. 29. Dr. O. P. N. Calla, ICRS Jodhpur 30. Dr. Indra Gupta, IIT Roorkee 31. Dr. N. Vishwanathan, NIT Warangal 32. Dr. Amit Patra, IIT Kharagpur 33. Dr. Shyama Prasad Das, IIT Kanpur 34. Dr. Jayanta Pal, IIT Bhubaneswar 35. Dr. K. Shanti Swarup, IIT Madras 36. Dr. Sachin Jain, NIT Warangal 37. Dr. M. K. Pathak, IIT Roorkee 38. Dr. Sukumar Mishra, IIT Delhi 39. Dr. M. Veerachary, IIT Delhi 40. Dr. D. M. Vinod Kumar, NIT Warangal 41. Dr. H. M. Suryawanshi, VNIT, Nagpur 42. Dr. Amritanshu Pandey, IIT (BHU) Technical Program Committee Publication Committee Dr. B. Seetha Ramanjaneyulu, Dean, Academics, VFSTRU. Dr. Avireni Srinivasulu, Dean, R&D, VFSTRU. Dr. Techn. Chavali S.S.S. Murthy Yadav, Dean, Foreign Collaboration, VFSTRU. Dr. M.S.S. Rukmini, Dean, Student Affairs, VFSTRU. Dr. N. Ramaraj, Professor, VFSTRU. Dr. P. Subbaraju, Professor, SWCET, Hyderabad. Dr. G. Durga Sukumar, Professor, VITS, Hyderabad. Mr. A. Surendar, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. S. Ravi Shankar, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. A. Srihari Babu, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Ms. K. Mercy Rosalina, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Finance Committee Mr. T. Pitchaiah, Assoc. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. P.V.S. Sobhan, Assoc. Professor, VFSTRU. Organizing Chairs : Dr. D.P. Kothari, Former Director, IIT Delhi Dr. G. Kesava Rao, Retd. Professor, IIT BHU Dr. B. L. Narasimharaju, NIT Warangal Dr. K. Siva Kumar, IIT Hyderabad Dr. Ravikumar Bhimasingu, IIT Hyderabad Dr. D. V. S. S. Siva Sarma, NIT Warangal Dr. V. Abhai Kumar, TCE, Madhurai Dr. P. Manoj Kumar, PSGI Tech, Coimbatore Dr. Raju, TCE, Madhurai Dr. Rajeswari, CIT, Coimbatore Dr. S. Robinson, Mount Zion College of Engg. & Tech., Tamilnadu Dr. Preeta Sharan, Oxford College of Engg., Bengaluru Dr. Salivahanan, SSN Institutions, Chennai Dr. S. Siva Nagaraju, JNTU Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh Dr. S. Subba Rani, PSG College of Tech., Coimbatore Dr. Ch. Sai Babu, JNTU Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh Mr. Bharadwaja, Technical Head-Schneider, Chennai Dr. M. Venakateswarlu, Head, F&A, Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. Mr. B. Murali Krishna, Team Lead- Honeywell, Bangalore Dr. Gaurav Saxena, GWEC, Ajmer Dr. Shankar Gargh, Editor-in-Chief, World Research Journals Hospitality (Accomodation & Transport) Committee Event Management & Publicity Committee Mr. Y. Ravi Sekhar, Assoc. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. M. Subba Rao, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. P. Joshua Reginald, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. S. Sivaji, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. Ch.N. Narasimha Rao, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. A. Naveen Reddy, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Mr. Ch. Saida Reddy, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Web Team Ms. S. Mrudula, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Ms. K. Rachananjali, Asst. Professor, VFSTRU. Dr. N. USHA RANI, Professor & Head of Department, ECE Dr. G. SRINIVASA RAO, Professor & Head of Department, EEE Organizing Co-Chairs : Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Dikshit, Asst. Professor, Mobile: 9453134716 Mr. P. Krishna Chatanya, Asst. Professor, Mobile: 9701671579 Mr. A.R. Vijay Babu, Asst. Professor, Mobile: 8096777458 Mr. K. Bala Krishna, Asst. Professor, Mobile: 9030452652 All Correspondance should be addressed : Dr. N. Usha Rani, Organizing Chair Vadlamudi, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. | Email: convenericaecs2k16@gmail.com, icaecs@vignanuniversity.org | Mobile: 9440020660 5 Website: www.icaecs.org CONFERENCE TOUR Papi Hills is a scenic gorge located on a section of the Godavari river in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is a hill range in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh. Papi Hills are distributed among Khammam & East Godavari and West Godavari districts. The original name for this hill range was ‘Papidi Hills’. Papidi is a rough translation for partition in Telugu. Since this range looks like a well designed partition that splits river Godavari, this name was coined. There is also another idea that the range looks like a partition of a typical Indian Woman’s hair line. In due course, it settled for ‘Papi Hills. Papi hills are one of the most visited tourist attraction in Andhra Pradesh. There is also a night stay facility in Kollur village which is in the mid of hills completely covered by forests. The scenary, including the waterfalls at Munivaatam, and the peaceful atmosphere at this tribal area make this area a tourist attraction. The idol of Shiva under serpent shade was installed in Munivaatam of Khammam district. The village Perantala palli is in this area. Polavarm Project which is planned to be constructed across Godavari river on is considered to be a threat to Papi Hills. It would displace 276 villages of which many are tirbal villages situated in Papi Hills. Teak, Arjun and Rose Wood are most commercial forest timber products. Very rare medicinal plants do also exist in Papi Hills. Papi Hills has wide varieties of natural vegetation and wildlife, that spreads across the three districts of Andhra pradesh. Papi hills lies in Eastern Ghats . Papi Hills wild life sanctuary is shelter for animals including tigers, panthers, antelopes, hyenas, jackals, spotted deers and many types of birds. Lying on the banks of the River Godavari, this mountain range Papi hills is one of the most scenic spots around in this part of the state. * Terms & Conditions apply 6