Compiling and installing the Ariane application

Source Code, Compilation and Installation Notes
Ariane 2.x.x
August 2008 –
Table of contents
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................3
2 Official resources....................................................................................................................3
2.1 Web page..........................................................................................................................3
2.2 Ariane package.................................................................................................................3
2.3 Documentation.................................................................................................................4
3 Compilation and Installation...................................................................................................4
3.1 A quick start.....................................................................................................................4
3.2 Requirements...................................................................................................................5
3.2.1 Autotools, configure and make concepts..................................................................5
3.2.2 Fortran 90/95 compiler .............................................................................................6
3.2.3 NetCDF library ........................................................................................................6
3.3 Compilation and installation detailed..............................................................................7
3.3.1 Configure..................................................................................................................7
3.3.2 Make..........................................................................................................................8
3.3.3 Make check...............................................................................................................8
3.3.4 Make install...............................................................................................................9
4 References.............................................................................................................................10
1 Introduction
Ariane is a Fortran code dedicated to the computation of 3D streamlines in a given velocity
field (as the output of an Ocean General Circulation Model) and subsequent water masses
analyses. In this document, a new version of this application is presented. It is based on the
old version written by Bruno Blanke [Speich, 1992; Blanke et Raynaud, 1997; Blanke et al.,
1999 and 2001] in Fortran 77.
This new version using Fortran 90 capacities is more modular and readable. Dynamic
allocation is introduced to ensure better memory management and array notation, and intrinsic
functions are used to improve portability and performances.
Compilation and installation use autotools1 efficiency. Ariane migration from a platform to
another is easier and needs minimum effort. Cpp keys, inherited from OPA2 coding rules, are
removed and replaced by a namelist file that avoids excessive recompilations.
All the input data file strategy has been rethought using netcdf facilities. For example, this
new version of Ariane reads directly data from OGCM netcdf output3.
This version comes with a Users’ Guide and these notes in order for the user to take full
advantage of the Ariane application.
This note describes how to build and install the Ariane package, version 2.2.x, on Unix and
Linux systems. In a first part, the Ariane official web page, package and documentation will
be presented and in a second part, its compilation and installation will be detailed.
This new Ariane version has been tested intensively by its designer (B. Blanke), but please
keep in mind that it only emerged recently from its cocoon and is still drying its wings. Bugs,
problems and comments should be sent to and/or
2 Official resources
2.1 Web page
Ariane package (source code), news, documentation, support and contacts can be found at:
For a complete description of the Ariane product and utilities, please consult the Ariane
Users’ Guide.
2.2 Ariane package
The Ariane package is available in the download section of the Ariane official web pages. It is
a compressed “tarball” where you can find source codes, documentation, tests and all the
useful files to compile and install easily this package.
The access to this product is free, nevertheless we strongly recommend you to subscribe to the
mailing list. News, help and support will be available only for people whose email addresses
automake, autoconf and configure, make, etc.
The OPA system is an Ocean General Circulation modelling System shared by projects (research and
operational) in oceanography and Climate change studies . It is developed at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie
DYnamique et de Climatologie.
The only condition is that the data have to be stored on a C grid (Arakawa’s classification [1972]).
are recorded. It is also for us one way to evaluate the popularity of the product, and to know
who uses it and what for.
2.3 Documentation
The documentation is available on the Ariane official web page (html, pdf) and in the Ariane
package (pdf) in the “ariane-x.x.x/doc/manual” directory.
It is also possible to dive into the source code using your favorite web-browser. Html pages
are available in the “ariane-x.x.x/doc/src_browser” directory of the Ariane package.
Compilation and Installation
We assume that the Ariane package will be compiled and installed on a Unix, Linux or Mac
OS X operating system.
3.1 A quick start
To install Ariane, uncompress and unpack the compressed tarball file, then move to the
ariane-x.x.x directory (where x.x.x is the product version):
gunzip ariane­x.x.x.tar.gz
tar ­xf ariane­x.x.x.tar
cd ariane­x.x.x
Now run the usual configure, make, make check and make install cycle:
to configure the compilation and installation.
to compile executables.
make check to test Ariane in qualitative and quantitative modes.
make install
to install the distribution (bin, doc, examples).
The configure script will try to find necessary tools in your PATH environment variable.
Configure comes with a lot of useful options and environment variables. Enter configure ­­help to print them all.
For example, when you run configure you may optionally use the ­­prefix argument to
change the default installation directory (/usr/local)”:
./configure ­­prefix=/my/dir
This Ariane version needs netcdf 3.6.0 (or newer) version and requires availability of the
netcdf Fortran 90 module (netcdf.mod). The netcdf library has to be compiled with the same
Fortran 90/95 compiler as Ariane.
If by default your netcdf version is older or does not support Fortran 90 calls, please install a
new and complete version and use the netcdf environment variables NETCDF_INC and
NETCDF_LIB to override default configure choices.
For example in csh and ksh:
setenv NETCDF_INC /usr/local/netcdf­3.6.0/include
setenv NETCDF_LIB /usr/local/netcdf­3.6.0/lib
export NETCDF_INC=/usr/local/netcdf­3.6.0/include
export NETCDF_LIB=/usr/local/netcdf­3.6.0/lib
where you have to replace /usr/local/netcdf­3.6.0 by the correct path for your platform.
If all this does not work, then you might have to read the next chapter. Better luck next time!
3.2 Requirements
3.2.1 Autotools, configure and make concepts
Figure 1: development and compilation scheme based on autotools.
To develop and maintain the Ariane package we use autoconf and automake (autotoolsFigure 1) that provide an effective build system to maintain the application and companion
Automake is a tool for generating Makefile's--descriptions of what to build-- that conform to a
number of standards. Automake substantially simplifies the process of describing the
organization of a package and performs additional functions such as dependency tracking
between source files.
Autoconf is a tool that makes your packages more portable by performing tests to discover
system characteristics before the package is compiled. Your source code can then adapt to
these differences.
Practically, the purpose of the autotools is to create the platform-independent input files
necessary for the configure script to run correctly. These autotools are used by the developers
and maintainers and not by the Ariane users. On the other hand the configure script is
designed to be run by the user installing the Ariane package on his own platform.
Running the configure command on the build host executes the various tests originally
specified by the file, and then creates another script, config.status. This new
script generates Makefile's from the named's. Once config.status is created, it can
be executed by itself to regenerate files without rerunning all the tests.
The final tool to be run is make with specific options to compile and install the package. Like
configure, it is designed to execute on the build host. Make will use the rules in the generated
Makefile to compile the project sources with the aid of various other scripts generated
All this to conclude that configure and make (or gmake) commands have to be installed and
have to run successfully on your platform in order to compile and install without problem the
Ariane package.
3.2.2 Fortran 90/95 compiler
A Fortran 90/95 compiler is required to generate the Ariane application and its tools.
The file takes a no-exhaustive list of Fortran 90/95 compilers into account. This
list is presented in Table 1:
Compiler full name and provider
Intel Fortran compiler
GNU GCC Fortran 90/95 compiler
Mac(G4)/Mac OS X Yes
Fortran 90/95 compiler (
Mac(G4)/Mac OS X Yes
HP alphaserver
It’s a generic name for a lot of Fortran 90/95 SGI
F90 or f95
Portland Group Fortran compiler
Pathscale Fortran 90 compiler
xlf90/xlf95 IBM Fortran compiler
Power 4 or 5/AIX
Intel Fortran compiler (older version of ifort) PC/Linux
Table 1: Fortran 90/95 compilers taken into account by the Ariane configure script.
If your Fortran 90/95 compiler is not present in this list, it is always possible to use configure
environment variables to force the compilation with it. In this case, use FC, FCFLAGS and
LDFLAGS to specify Fortran 90/95 compiler name, options and link editor for your platform,
respectively. These environment variables override the choices made by configure or help it
to find libraries and programs with non-standard names or locations. They are detailed in
chapter 3.2.1.
If no Fortran 90/95 compiler seems to be installed on your machine, verify your environment
variable PATH and troubleshoot with the help of your administrator system. As a last resort
install a Fortran 90/95 compiler (for example: g95).
In all cases, please feel free to send us your comments and suggestions to have them shared in
the future version of the package.
To close this chapter, we want to specify that due to the short time and CPU resources needed
to compile and install this package, cross compilation is not available.
3.2.3 NetCDF library
NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a
library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netcdf library also defines a
machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library,
and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data.
More information is available on the official web site:
All the input data file strategy of the Ariane package has been rethought using netcdf
facilities. The 3.6.0 (or a newer) version of the netcdf package, including the Fortran 90
interface, has to be installed on you computer to compile and link successfully the application.
If this version is not the default version on your computer, it is possible to specify a different
directory with appropriate environment variables during the “configuring” phase (see chapter
Ariane application can read input data from different netcdf files that have not necessarily the
same number of fields nor the same number of time steps. Therefore, it is possible to read
directly data from the OGCM netcdf output (if such data is on a C-grid in the Arakawa
classification [Arakawa, 1972]) without duplicating them in a different format or in a specific
file. The NetCDF file name strategy is explained in the Ariane User’s Guide.
3.3 Compilation and installation detailed
Ariane package is developed to be used on multiple platforms. Since these platforms have
different compilers and different include files, there is a need to write Makefile’s and build
scripts that can work on a variety of platforms.
As presented in the requirement chapter, autotools are chosen to solve these installation
problems. If you have downloaded and built any GNU software from source, you are
probably familiar with the configure script and the make command.
The configure script runs a series of tests to determine information about your machine and
the make command, using Makefile’s features, compiles, installs, etc, the application.
3.3.1 Configure
A standard configuration of the compilation and installation requires simply the execution of
the configure script as follows:
This script will determine your system environment and will try to find and test the default
Fortran 90 compiler and netcdf library. By default it assumes that the installation is to be
made in the /usr/local directory.
The configure scripts support a wide variety of options. The most interesting ones are
­­prefix and ­­enable. You can use the ­­help option to get a list of the options
controlling the Ariane compilation and installation:
./configure ­­help
Configure Script Options
To display the configure help
./configure --help
To overwrite the product install directory that is by
default /usr/local.
./configure --prefix=/my/home/login/product
To select the compiling optimization level [normal].
a soft Fortran 90 optimization level is
selected for robustness in results.
debugging Fortran 90 options are selected to
debug the application.
aggressive an aggressive Fortran 90 optimization level is
selected for performances. In this case, results
must be verified.
./configure –-enable-optimization=aggressive
To add profiling Fortran 90 options if they are available for
this compiler. By default the gprof profiler is used to
analyze Ariane code performances.
./configure –-enable-profiling
Environment Variables
To specify a Fortran 90 compiler.
export FC=f90 (ksh)
and ./configure [options]
To specify the include NetCDF directory.
export NETCDF_INC=/dir/netcdf_3.6.x/include (ksh)
and ./configure [options]
To specify the library NetCDF directory.
export NETCDF_LIB=/dir/netcdf_3.6.x/lib (ksh)
and ./configure [options]
Table 2: configure options and environment variables.
Use the options and environment variables listed in Table 2 to override the choices made by
configure or to help it find libraries and programs with non-standard names or locations.
It is possible to use them together, and environment variables must be declared before
submitting the configure script.
At the end of the configure execution, a config.log file is created where all the configure
execution is detailed. It is useful to consult it if an error is encountered afterwards.
3.3.2 Make
Make is a command that creates a machine-language program by compiling source files to
produce a group of object files, and then to link the object files together. It uses the rules of
the generated Makefile to do this with the aid of various other scripts generated earlier. If
modifications are made in the source code, it recompiles only the modules that have been
updated since the last compilation.
Running make (or gmake) will build the Ariane application (ariane) and utilities (for
example: mkseg and mkseg0).
Run make like this:
make (or gmake)
It is possible to add a keyword to pass a specific action to the make command. This keyword
is a target that defines a dependency rule in the Makefile.
Use the target clean to delete all object files and executables generated by the make command:
make clean
3.3.3 Make check
Make check tests on small cases the executable built by the make command. In our case
make check will test the Ariane application. It will submit a first test in quantitative mode and
a second test in qualitative mode (more information about these modes is available in the
Users’ Guide).
Tests should be finished by one of these messages:
All 1 tests passed
All 1 tests passed
3.3.4 Make install
To install the entire Ariane package, run the installation like this:
make install
Files are automatically distributed in the appropriate places as shown in Figure 2: Installation
tree.: executables (bin), documentation (doc) and examples (examples).
Figure 2: Installation tree.
Add the bin subdirectory of the installation directory to your path:
setenv PATH prefix/bin:$PATH
export PATH=prefix/bin:$PATH
Where prefix is the product install directory defined during the configuration phase (see
chapter 3.3.1).
Check that everything is in order at this stage, by typing
which ariane
(csh, tcsh, etc)
type ariane (bash, sh, ksh, etc)
Here is a table with different Makefile targets and their definitions.
To install the entire Ariane package:
make install
executables, documentation, examples,
scripts and so on.
make install­exec
make install­data
make uninstall
To install only the executables in the bin
To install part of the Ariane package:
documentation and examples but not the
To delete all the installed files, the copies
that the install target creates. This rule should
not modify the directories where compilation
is done, but only the directories where files
are installed. Directories are not deleted.
Table 3: make keywords.
Arakawa, A., 1972: Design of the UCLA general circulation model. Numerical
simulation of weather and climate. Dept. of Meteorology, University of California,
Rep. 7, 1-34.
Blanke, B., and S. Raynaud, 1997: Kinematics of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent:
a Eulerian and Lagrangian approach from GCM results. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27,
Blanke, B., M. Arhan, G. Madec, and S. Roche, 1999: Warm water paths in the
equatorial Atlantic as diagnosed with a general circulation model. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
29, 2753-2768.
Blanke, B., S. Speich, G. Madec, and K. Döös, 2001: A global diagnostic of
interocean mass transfers. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31, 1623-1632.
Speich, S., 1992: Étude du forçage de la circulation océanique par les détroits: cas de
la Mer d'Alboran. Thèse de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.