For more information on the University Program Low Power RF for Academia Chipcon tools for Wireless Projects The Chipcon product line of low-power RF ICs operate at sub-1GHz or 2.4GHz ISM band frequencies providing robust digital communication using proprietary and industry standards (such as IEEE 802.15.4). Applications include home automation & security, PC peripherals, remote control, industrial process monitoring, and wireless sensor networks. Typical data rates are in the range 1.2K to 500K bps. Device Nomenclature: CCXXXX Chipcon devices cover 2 frequency ranges: CC10XX/CC11xx - Sub 1GHz, ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) and frequency bands at 315, 433, 868 and 915 MHz. CC24xx and CC25xx -2.4 GHz, ISM and SRD band: 2,400 - 2,483.5 MHz. With 3 types of radio: CCxx5x - Transmitter CCxx0x - Transceiver (transmitter and receiver) CC2x2x - 802.15.4 Transceiver CCxx1x – System-on-Chip (SoC) CC2x3x - 802.15.4 SoC Using the CC11xx and CC25xx devices, students can develop their own proprietary MAC and network layers. With free downloadable software and a development kit, you are able to test range, data rates and modulation/transmission techniques straight out of the box. Once you are satisfied with the performance of the radio, you can connect your own MCU to a transceiver, or program the SoC CPU, to start developing your project immediately. With CPU, memory, power management, and peripherals all in one chip, the SoC devices are ideal for teaching SoC design concepts and programming. And some with added functionality: CC2431– Hardware location engine CC2511– USB controller on-chip About ZigBee® ZigBee is an international protocol defined by an alliance of companies, including TI. It has been developed to ensure interoperability between different devices in an ad-hoc wireless network, which is optimized for low-power, many nodes, and ease of configuration. For teaching purposes, it may be more educational to configure classroom networks manually. ZigBee is useful if: - you are developing a large network with hundreds of nodes, multiple hops, or it is an evolving “ad-hoc” network - you need interoperability between manufacturers Find out more about TI Low-Power RF Radios Development Boards CC11xx Family & CC25xx Family Features: • • • • • • • Configurable Modem Data rates up to 500 kbps Forward Error Correction for increased range Hardware support for packet handling, burst transmission, clear channel assessment and link quality indication The Low-Power RF BB is a simple battery module for use with an EM. It has one LED, one push switch and one power switch. It allows you quickly deploy a SOC network. Wake on Radio 64-byte transmit/receive FIFOs Controlled via SPI interface CC242x Family & CC243x Family Features: • • • • • • • • BB – Battery Board Supported by TI’s 802.15.4 MAC and ZigBee stack EB - Evaluation Board Smart RF04 EB The Smart RF04 EB is a hostboard for the EM. It has an onboard 8051 microcontroller for use with the transceivers, and can also be used to program the SoCs. Data rate: 250 kbps DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) Programmable output power 128(RX) + 128(TX) byte data buffering Digital RSSI / LQI support Hardware MAC encryption (AES-128) Battery monitor System-on-Chip – CCxx1x, CC2x3x devices The SoC uses an enhanced 8051 core. This uses the standard 8051 instruction set. Instructions execute faster than the standard 8051. One clock per instruction cycle is used as opposed to 12 clocks per instruction cycle in the standard 8051. It features a range of peripherals, including: a LCD 4 LEDs 5-way push-switch 2 potentiometers Audio in/out It also has all the connections you need to connect your own peripherals or microcontroller. DB – Demonstration Board (CC2430DB) The CC2430 DB is a sensor board. It contains a PCB antenna and a USB connector for use with the ChipCon packet-sniffer. The CC2430 is onboard. It features a range of peripherals, including: Temperature sensor Light sensor Switches LEDs Potentiometer Accelerometer CC2511 EM – USB Dongle EM – Evaluation Module The EM contains the minimum components for a RF part to function. With a tested RF section, and the complete pinout available, it removes the need for RF design when prototyping. Note: A SmartRF04EB is required to program the SoC EMs For more information on the University Program Development Kits sub-1GHz CC1100 Transceiver Part # CC1100EMK CC1100-1150DK CC1150 Transmitter CC1110* SOC 2.4GHz CC2430 SOC - 802.15.4 CC2431 SOC - 802.15.4 CC2500 Transceiver CC2550 Transmitter CC2510 SOC CC2511 SOC + USB ZigBee CC2430 SOC - 802.15.4 CC1150EMK CC1110DK Freq: -868 -433 -868 -433 -868 -433 -868 -433 Part # CC2430DK CC2431DK + location engine CC2500EMK CC2500-CC2550DK CC2550EMK CC2510EMK CC2510-CC2511DK CC2511EMK Part # CC2430DB CC2430ZDK CC2431 SOC - 802.15.4 CC2431ZDK + location engine More detailed information about Chipcon devices can be found in the Low-Power RF Selection Guide, Literature Code: SLAB052 *NOTE: Until Q4 2007, the price for the CC1110DK is $649. Also the contents are temporarily changed: - The CC1110EM boards are replaced with two CC2510EMs and two CC1100EMs. - Except for the radio, the CC2510 is identical to the next version of the CC1110 chip, thus full software development can be carried out using the CC2510. Contains: 2x CC1100 EM Boards + Antennae Price $ 100 2x EB, 2x CC1100EM, 1x CC1150EM + Antennae 1x CC1150 EM Board + Antennae 490 2x EB, 2x CC1110 EM, + Antennae *See note below Contains: 2x EB, 2x CC2430 EM + Antennae 540* 50 Price $ 540 2x EB, 2x CC2430 EM, 10x BB 10x CC2431EM + Antennae 2x CC2500 EM Boards + Antennae 2x EB, 2x CC2500EM, 1x 2550EM + Antennae 1x CC2550 EM Board + Antennae 999 2x CC2510 EM Boards + Antennae 2x EB, 2x CC2510EM, 1x CC2511EM + Antenna 1x EM (USB Dongle) Requires EB to program Contains: 1x CC2430 DB 149 649 2x EB, 2x CC2430 EM, 5x CC2430 DB + Antennae 2x EB, 2x CC2430 EM, 10x CC2431 EM 10x BB, 5x CC2430 DB + Antennae 100 490 50 49 Price $ 149 1 499 1 999 Product Support Europe, Middle East and Africa Find out more about TI Low-Power RF Software TI MAC Compatible with: CC2430, CC2431, CC2420+MSP430FG461x (Experimenters Board) IAR embedded workbench Why use the TI MAC? • • • The Medium Access Control stack offers full 802.15.4 compatibility Easy, low overhead peer-peer and star networking Easy migration to ZigBee if required What is it suitable for? Simple peer to peer networks or star networks with only one hop. Low data rate applications. Physical layer data rate of 250kbps Application data rate of approximately 120kbps Star or Peer-to-Peer operation Dynamic device addressing Fully handshaked protocol for transfer reliability Why use ZigBee? • • Mesh network o Extended range (multi-hop) o Robust routing of packets o High number of nodes (16 bit addressing) Interoperability with 3rd party products World Wide Marketing What is it suitable for? Complex networks, where there is more than one hop. Very low data rate applications. e.g. large area sensor networks MSP430-CC Library Literature code: SLAA325 Compatible with: MSP430 and CC1100 or CC2500 What is it? This library collection gives you the abstraction libraries to establish an interface between the MSP430 devices and the Chipcon devices in a short time with little code. IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 Compatible with: CCxx1x / CC2x3x devices (SoCs) What is it? The IAR 8051 compiler is an industry standard compiler for use with 8051 MCUs. It allows you to compile code specifically for the Chipcon SoC devices. Using this software suite, you can program the CC SoC with your own application. Both the IAR C/C++ Compiler and C-SPY Debugger are included in the CC2430 ZigBee development kit as 30-day evaluation licenses. By contacting one of the IAR sales offices a 60-day extension of the license will be given. Why use the IAR compiler? • • • • • • Features • • • • • ChipCon Flash Programmer Compatible with: CCxx1x / CC243x devices (SoCs) CSMA-CA channel access Z-Stack Compatible with: CC2430, CC2431, CC2420+MSP430FG461x (Experimenters Board) IAR embedded workbench • What is it? SmartRF studio is a windows application which allows you to perform basic transmission tests and generate register settings for Chipcon devices. It also allows you to export the register settings to C-code for use in your application. What is it? This simple program allows you to use the SmartRF04EB to place your compiled application into the memory of the SoC. Features • • • • • • Smart RF Studio Compatible with: All Chipcon Low-Power RF devices Support for ZigBee 2006 Multiple Platforms (MSP430 or SoC) Easy Application Development Over-the-Air Download Location capabilities • • • TI MAC ZigBee IDE with project management tools and editor Optimizing 8051 compiler supporting C and C++ Configuration files for 8051 Relocating 8051 assembler Linker and librarian tools C-SPY debugger with 8051 simulator and support for RTOS-aware debugging on hardware ROM-monitor and JTAG drivers as well as source code and project for creating your own ROM-monitor driver. Required for use with TI MAC or Z-Stack Industry standard 8051 compiler