JE Adv - Uttarakhand Public Service Commission

mÙkjk[k.M yksd lsok vk;ksx
xq#dqy dkaxM+h] gfj}kj
l a ; q D r dfu"B vfHk;Urk p;u ijh{kk&2013
foKkiu la[;k & ,&1
foKkiu iz d k'ku dh frfFk & 07 viz S y ] 2015
vkosnu djus dh vfUre frfFk & 22 vizSy] 2015 ¼le; jkf= 11%59%59½
ijh{kk “kqYd cSad esa tek djus dh vfUre frfFk & 27 vizSy] 2015
os c lkbV&www. in
Toll Free No. 18001804143
eks c kbZ y u0% 07060002410
vfr egRoiw.kZ funsZ'k %&
1& vH;FkhZ vius m/okZ/kj ,oa {kSfrt vkj{k.k ls lEcfU/kr /kkfjr lHkh dk vadu vkWuykbu vkosnu i= esa
vo”; djsaA vkj{k.k dk nkok u fd;s tkus dh n'kk esa Lis'ky vihy la[;k % 79@2010 jk/kk feÙky cuke mÙkjk[k.M yksd
lsok vk;ksx esa ek0 mPp U;k;ky;]uSuhrky }kjk ikfjr vkns'k fnukad 08-06-2010 rFkk fo'ks"k vuqKk ;kfpdk ¼flfoy½ ua0
¼,l½ 19532@2010 esas ek0 mPpre U;k;ky; }kjk ikfjr vkns'k 30-07-2010 ds Øe esa vH;FkhZ dks vkj{k.k dk ykHk dnkfi
vuqeU; ugha gksxkA vkj{k.k fo"k;d izek.k&i= vkosnu i= tek djus dh vfUre frfFk rd vH;FkhZ }kjk vo'; /kkfjr
djuk pkfg,A
2& vkosnu i=ksa dh lfUujh{kk ¼Scrutiny½ vk;ksx }kjk fu;ekuqlkj lEikfnr dh tk;sxhA
3& vH;FkhZ ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd vkWuykbu vkosnu i= izLrqr djus dh vfUre frfFk vFkkZr~ fnukad
22 vizSy] 2015
2015 rd vfuok;Z 'kSf{kd vgZrk,a ,oa vU; vgZrk,a vo'; /kkfjr djrs gksaA
4& vH;FkhZ vkWuykbZu vkosnu i= dh fizUVvkmV izfr Hkfo"; esa vk;ksx ls fd;s tkus okys i=kpkj o vU; vko';d
iz;ksx@lk{; gsrq vius ikl lqjf{kr j[ksaA vkWuykbZu vkosnu i= dh fizUVvkmV izfr vFkok fdlh Hkh izek.k i= dks vk;ksx
dks izsf"kr djus dh vko';drk ugha gSA 'kSf{kd vgZrk o vU; izek.k i=] fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ ijh{kk
ijh{kk esa lQy
vH;fFkZ;ksa ls ijh{kk ifj.kke
ifj.kke ?kksf"kr gksus ds i'pkr izkIr
Ir fd;s tk;saxs ftlds laca/k esa lwpuk fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B
izdkj½ ijh{kk ds ifj.kke esa iznku dh tk;sxhA
5& QthZ izek.k i=ksa ¼'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk@vuqHko@vkj{k.k lEcU/kh½ ds vk/kkj ij vkosnu i= izLrqr djus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa dks
vk;ksx dh lEkLr ijh{kkvksa ls vf/kdre~ 05 o"kksZ ds fy, izfrokfjr dj fn;k tk;sxkA
6& vkWuykbZu vkosnu i= izLrqr djus ds mijkUr vkosnu i= esa dh x;h izfof"V;ksa ;Fkk vgZrk] vkj{k.k ls lEcfU/kr] vk;q ,oa ijh{kk dsUnz vkfn esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dk la”kks/ku ;k ifjorZu dk vuqjks/k Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
7& vkosnu i= Hkjus ds iwoZ foKkiu esa of.kZr leLr funsZ'kksa dk Hkyh&Hkkfr v/;;u dj ysa rFkk vkWu ykbu vkosnu i=
dks lgh&lgh HkjsaA
8& iz'uxr ijh{kk gsrq ek= vkWuykbu vkosnu ,oa cSad pkyku ds ek/;e ls gh ijh{kk 'kqYd Lohdk;Z gksxkA fdlh vU;
izdkj ls fd;k x;k vkosnu@ijh{kk 'kqYd Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
9& ,d vH;FkhZ ds uke ls ,d gh in gsrq ,d ls vf/kd vkosnu i= gksus dh n'kk esa ml in ls lEcfU/kr lHkh vkosnu i=
fujLr dj fn;s tk;saxsA
10& vkosnu i= tek djus dh vafre frfFk o fu;r le; rd vH;FkhZ }kjk ^^Online Application^^ izfØ;k esa iw.kZ :i
ls Hkjk gqvk vkosnu i= ^^Submit^^ cVu dks ^^Click^^ djus ij gh ^^Online Application^^ izfØ;k iw.kZ ekuh tk;sxhA
11& vH;FkhZ vkWuykbu vkosnu Hkjus gsrq vafre frfFk dh izrh{kk u djrs gq, vafre frfFk ls iwoZ gh viuk vkWuykbu
vkosnu i= Hkj ysaA
12& vH;FkhZ dks vkWuykbu vkosnu djus dh vafre frfFk rd mRrjk[k.M jkT; ds lsok;kstu dk;kZy; esa iathd`r
gksuk vfuok;Z gSA ftyk lSfud dY;k.k ,oa iquokZl dk;kZy; esa iath—r iwoZ lSfud rFkk jkT;k/khu lsokvksa esa
lsok;ksftr vH;fFkZ;ksa dks iathdj.k dh vko';drk ugha gSA
dfu’B vfHk;Urk inksa ij ik= vH;fFkZ;ksa ls mRrjk[k.M yksd lsok vk;ksx }kjk la;qDRk dfu’B
vfHk;Urk p;u ijh{kk&2013 ds vUrxZr vkWuykbu vkosnu i= vkeaf=r fd;s x;s gSaA bPNqd vH;FkhZ
foKkiu dh 'krkZuqlkj vk;ksx dh osclkbZV ij fnukad 22 vizSy] 2015 rd vkWuykbu vkosnu dj ldrs
gSaA mi;qDr vH;fFkZ;ksa ds p;u gsrq ifjf'k"V&1 esa mfYyf[kr uxjksa esa fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ ijh{kk
dk vk;kstu fd;k tk;sxkA fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ ijh{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr fo"k; ,oa muds dksM
ifjf'k"V&2 esa fn;s x;s gSa] ftuds vuqlkj vkosnu i= izLrqr fd;k tkuk gSA ijh{kk ;kstuk ifjf'k"V&3]
fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ ijh{kk gsrq ikB~;Øe ifjf'k"V&4 ij miyC/k djk;k x;k gSA
2- fjfDr;ksa dk foHkkxokj fooj.k fuEuor~
fuEuor~ gSA dqy fjfDr;ka 578 gSaA jkT; ljdkj
ljdkj }kjk fjfDr;ksa dh la[;k ?kVk;h vFkok
c<+k;h tk ldrh gSA
Ø- foHkkx
la- dk uke
inksa dh la[;k
vfuok;Z 'kSf{kd
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ 249 (GEN-176, SC- fdlh ekU;rk izkIr
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 38, ST-10, OBC-25)
ls flfoy bathfu;fjax
esa fMIyksekA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼izkfof/kd½@ 26 (GEN-20, SC-3, fdlh ekU;rk izkIr
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is 4600 OBC-3)
ls flfoy bathfu;fjax
esa fMIyksekA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼fo|qr½@#0 9 (GEN-6, SC-2, fdlh ekU;rk izkIr
9300&34800 xzsM is :0 OBC-1)
ls fo?kqr bathfu;fjax
esa fMIyksekA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼;kaf=d½@ 10 (GEN-7, SC-2, fdlh ekU;rk izkIr
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 OBC-1)
ls ;kf=ad bathfu;fjax
esa fMIyksekA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ 55 (GEN-18, SC-24, mÙkjk[k.M@mÙkj
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 ST-1, OBC-12)
izns'k izkfof/kd f'k{kk
ifj"kn~ }kjk ekU;rk
izkIr fdlh laLFkk ls
flfoy bathfu;fjax esa
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼fo|qr½@ 14 (GEN-9, SC-2, ST- mÙkjk[k.M@mÙkj
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 1, OBC-2)
izns'k izkfof/kd f'k{kk
ifj"kn~ }kjk ekU;rk
izkIr fdlh laLFkk ls
fo?kqr bathfu;fjax esa
,oa xzkeh.k
lsok foHkkx
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼izkfof/kd½@ 5 (GEN-3,
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 OBC-1)
izns'k izkfof/kd f'k{kk
ifj"kn~ vFkok fdlh
ekU;rk izkIr laLFkku
ls flfoy vfHk;=a.k esa
vf/kekuh vgZrk
vU; ckrks ds leku gksaus
ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds ekeys esa
,sls vH;FkhZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk,xk ftlusa&
¼d½ izknsf'kd lsok esa
U;wure 02 o"kZ dh vof/k
rd lsok dh gks+] ;k
¼[k½ jk"Vªh; dSfMV dksj
dk ^ch0* izek.k&i= izkIr
dj fy;k gks] vkSj
¼x½ izf'k{k.kkFkhZ ds :i esa
lQyrkiwoZd ,d o"kZ dk
izf'k{k.k iw.kZ dj fy;k
vU; ckrks ds leku gksaus
ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds ekeys esa
,sls vH;FkhZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk,xk ftlusa&
¼,d½ izknsf'kd lsok esa
U;wure 02 o"kZ dh vof/k
rd lsok dh gks+] ;k
¼nks½ jk"Vªh; dSfMV dksj
dk ^ch0* izek.k&i= izkIr
dj fy;k gks] ;k
¼rhu½ jk"Vªh; lsok ;kstuk
dk ^^lh** izek.k i= izkIr
fd;k gksA
vU; ckrks ds leku gksaus
ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds ekeys esa
,sls vH;FkhZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk,xk ftlusa&
¼,d½ izknsf'kd lsok esa
U;wure 02 o"kZ dh vof/k
rd lsok dh gks+] ;k
¼nks½ jk"Vªh; dSfMV dksj
dk ^ch0* izek.k&i= izkIr
dj fy;k gksA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ 49 (GEN-12, SC-27, 'kklu }kjk ekU;rk
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 ST-7, OBC-3)
flfoy vfHk;kf=adh esa
rhu o"kZ dk fMIyksekA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼fo|qr ,oa 40 (GEN-33, SC-6, 'kklu }kjk ekU;rk
;kaf=d½@#0 9300&34800 xzsM ST-1)
is :0 4200
fo|qr@;kaf=d esa rhu
o"kZ dk fMIyksekA
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ 106 (GEN-82, SC-12, vH;FkhZ
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dksbZ
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is :0 ST-9, OBC-3)
vko';d gS %&
¼d½ Hkkjr esa fof/k }kjk
fo'ofo|ky; ;k laLFkk
vfHk;=a.k esa fMIyksek ;k]
¼[k½ mÙkj izns'k izkfof/kd
f'k{kk ifj"kn~ }kjk iznÙk
flfoy vfHk;=a.k esa
fMIyksek ;k]
¼x½ vf[ky Hkkjrh;
izkfof/kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~
}kjk flfoy vfHk;=a.k esa
iznÙk jk"Vªh; izek.k&i=
izkfof/kd f'k{kk
ifj"kn~ mÙkj izns'k }kjk
vfHk;=a.k esa iznÙk rhu
o"kZ dk fMIyksekA
Hkkjr esa fof/k }kjk
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ 3 (SC-2, ST-1)
fdlh laLFkku
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is 4600
vfHk;=a.k esa rhu o"khZ;
vf[ky Hkkjrh; izkfof/kd
f'k{kk ifj"kn~ }kjk flfoy
jk"Vªh; izek.k&i=A
Hkkjr esa fof/k }kjk
dfu"B vfHk;Urk ¼;kaf=d½@ 5 (GEN-4, ST-1)
fdlh laLFkku
#0 9300&34800 xzsM is 4600
vfHk;=a.k esa rhu o"khZ;
vf[ky Hkkjrh; izkfof/kd
;kf=ad vfHk;=a.k esa
iznÙk jk"Vªh; izek.k&i=A
esa fof/k }kjk
¼d`f"k 7 (GEN-5, ST-1,
fdlh laLFkku
vfHk;a=.k½@#0 9300&34800 OBC-1)
xzsM is 4600
vfHk;=a.k esa rhu o"khZ;
vU; ckrks ds leku gksaus
ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds ekeys esa
,sls vH;FkhZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk,xk ftlusa&
¼,d½ izknsf'kd lsok esa
U;wure 02 o"kZ dh vof/k
rd lsok dh gks+] ;k
¼nks½ jk"Vªh; dSfMV dksj
dk ^ch0* izek.k&i= izkIr
dj fy;k gksA
vU; ckrks ds leku gksaus
ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds ekeys esa
,sls vH;FkhZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk,xk ftlusa&
¼,d½ izknsf'kd lsok esa
U;wure 02 o"kZ dh vof/k
rd lsok dh gks+] ;k
¼nks½ jk"Vªh; dSfMV dksj
dk ^ch0* izek.k&i= izkIr
dj fy;k gksA
vU; ckrks ds leku gksaus
ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds ekeys esa
,sls vH;FkhZ dks vf/keku
fn;k tk,xk ftlusa&
¼,d½ izknsf'kd lsok esa
U;wure 02 o"kZ dh vof/k
rd lsok dh gks+] ;k
¼nks½ jk"Vªh; dSfMV dksj
dk ^ch0* izek.k&i= izkIr
dj fy;k gksA
vf[ky Hkkjrh; izkfof/kd
f'k{kk ifj"kn~ }kjk d`f"k
jk"Vªh; izek.k&i=A
uksV%& mDrkuqlkj foKkfIkr inksa esa fuEu in fodykax ds vH;fFkZ;ksa gsrq vkjf{kr gSa&
inksa dh
vkj{k.k dh
vks-,y,y-&1 in
vks-,-&02 in
ihih-MhMh-&02 in
dfu’B vfHk;Urk ¼izkfof/kd½@yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
dfu’B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ iapk;rhjkt ,oa xzkeh.k vfHk;a=.k
lsok foHkkx
dfu’B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ is;ty foHkkx
dfu’B vfHk;Urk ¼fo|qr@;kaf=d½@ is;ty foHkkx
dfu’B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@ flapkbZ foHkkx
dfu’B vfHk;Urk ¼flfoy½@yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
vks-,y,ypyu fØ;k
pyu fØ;k
3- in dk Lo:i %& vjktif=r
¼lewg ^x*½@va'knk;h isa'kuA
4- uksV %& 1 (i) lewg ^^x^^ in gsrq HkrhZ ds fy, vfuok;Z vgZrk& mRrjk[k.M yksd lsok vk;ksx dh ifjf/k
ds vUrxZr rFkk yksd lsok vk;ksx dh ifjf/k ds ckgj lewg ^x^ ds inksa dh HkrhZ ds fy, vfuok;Z 'kSf{kd
vgZrk@okaNuh; vgZrk fu;ekoyh] 2010 ds fu;e&4 ds vuqlkj ogh vH;FkhZ ik= gksxk ftldk uke
mRrjk[k.M jkT; esa fLFkr fdlh lsok;kstu dk;kZy; esa vkosnu i= izkfIr dh vafre frfFk rd iathd`r
(ii) 'kklu ds i=kad 1097@XXX ¼2½@2011 fnukWd 08 vxLr] 2011 ds vuqlkj ^tks O;fDr iwoZ ls gh
jkT;k/khu lsokvksa esa lsok;ksftr gS^ muds fy, lsok;kstu dk;Zy; esa iathdj.k dh vfuok;Zrk ugha gSaA
uksV %& 2 'kklu ds i=kad 809@XXX ¼2½@2010&3 ¼1½ fnukWd 14 vxLr] 2012 ds vuqlkj ^ftu iwoZ
lSfudksa }kjk mRrjk[k.M jkT; ds fdlh ftyk lSfud dY;k.k ,oa iquZokl dk;kZy; esa iathdj.k djk;k
x;k gS] mUgsa iqu% lsok;kstu dk;kZy; esa iathdj.k djkus dh vko';drk ugh gksxh vkSj ftyk lSfud
dY;k.k ,oa iquZokl dk;kZy; }kjk lacaf/kr iwoZ lSfudksa dks fuxZr iathdj.k laca/kh izek.k i= dks lsok;kstu
dk;kZy; es iathdj.k ds lerqY; ekuk tk,xkA
uksV %& 3 vH;FkhZ vkWu ykbu vkosnu i= Hkjrs le; jkT;k/khu lsokvksa esa gksus ;k u gksus ds laca/k esa
ij fDyd djsaA
5- vk;q % ¼d½ dfu’B vfHk;Urk yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx@is;ty foHkkx@y?kq fl
kbZ foHkkx gsrq& U;wure
vk;q 21 o’kZ ls de ,oa vf/kdre vk;q 42 o’kZ ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg,A vk;q x.kuk dh fu'pk;d frfFk
01 tqykbZ] 2015 gS] vFkkZr~ vH;FkhZ dk tUe 02 tqykbZ] 1973 ls iwoZ rFkk 01 tqykbZ] 1994 ds ckn dk ugha
gksuk pkfg,] ijUrq vuqlwfpr tkfr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr] vU; fiNM+s oxksZ rFkk vU; ,slh Jsf.k;ksa ds
vH;fFkZ;ksa ds ekeys esa ftUgsa ljdkj }kjk le;≤ ij vf/klwfpr fd;k tk,] vf/kdre vk;q mruh
c<+kbZ tk;sxh tSlk fd fofgr fd;k tk,A
¼[k½ dfu’B vfHk;Urk iapk;rhjkt ,oa xzkeh.k vfHk;a=.k lsok foHkkx@ flapkbZ foHkkx gsrq& U;w
U ure vk;q
18 o’kZ ls de ,oa vf/kdre vk;q 42 o’kZ ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg,A vk;q x.kuk dh fu'pk;d frfFk 01
tqykbZ] 2015 gS] vFkkZr~ vH;FkhZ dk tUe 02 tqykbZ] 1973 ls iwoZ rFkk 01 tqykbZ] 1997 ds ckn dk ugha
gksuk pkfg,] ijUrq vuqlwfpr tkfr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr] vU; fiNM+s oxksZ rFkk vU; ,slh Jsf.k;ksa ds
vH;fFkZ;ksa ds ekeys esa ftUgsa ljdkj }kjk le;≤ ij vf/klwfpr fd;k tk,] vf/kdre vk;q mruh
c<+kbZ tk;sxh tSlk fd fofgr fd;k tk,A
6- vf/kdre vk;q lhek esa NwV% fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa@miJsf.k;ksa gsrq fu;ekoyh ,oa le;≤ ij izo`RRk
'kklukns'kkuqlkj }kjk iznRr mPpre vk;q lhek esa NwV vuqeU; gksxhA mPpre vk;q lhek esa NwV laca/kh
'kklukns'kksa ds foLr`r fooj.k gsrq vk;ksx dh osclkbV ns[ksaA
uksV %& mRrjk[k.M jkT; vkUnksyudkfj;ksa gsrq vuqeU; {kSfrt vkj{k.k ekuuh;
ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky;] UkSuhrky
ds le{k yfEcr fjV fiVh'ku ¼PIL½ la[;k& 67@2011 esa ikfjr
ikfjr gksus okys vafre vkns'k ds v/khu
v/khu jgsxkA
7- m/oZ@{kSfrt vkj{k.k 'kklu }kjk fuxZr rFkk v|ru izpfyr 'kklukns'k ds vk/kkj ij dsoy mRrjk[k.M
ds vf/koklh dks gh vuqeU; gSA vkWuykbu vkosnu i= ds lacaf/kr dkWye esa m/oZ@{kSfrt
dh lwpuk iznku djus ij gh vkj{k.k vuqeU; fd;k tk;sxkA
8- ;fn vH;FkhZ {kSfrt vkj{k.k ds varxZr ,d ls vf/kd esa vkj{k.k dk nkok djrk gS rks og
dsoy ,d mi] tks mlds fy, vf/kd ykHknk;d gksxh] dk ykHk ikus dk ik= gksxkA
9- vkj{k.k ds ykHk dk nkok djus okys vH;FkhZ viuh ds leFkZu esa fu/kkZfjr izk:i ij
l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fuxZr izek.k i= vo'; izkIr dj ysaA dqN fu/kkZfjr izk:i bl foKkiu ds
^^ifjf”k’V&5^^ esa mfYyf[kr gSaA
10- jk"Vª
jk"Vªh;rk % lsok esa fdlh in ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds fy, vko';d gS fd vH;FkhZ %&
¼d½ Hkkjr dk ukxfjd gks( ;k
¼[k½ frCcrh “kj.kkFkhZ gks] tks Hkkjr esa LFkk;h :i ls fuokl ds vfHkizk; ls 01 tuojh] 1962 ls iwoZ
Hkkjr vk;k gks] ;k
¼x½ Hkkjrh; mn~Hko dk ,slk O;fDr gks] ftlus Hkkjr esa LFkk;h :i ls fuokl ds vfHkizk; ls
ikfdLrku] cekZ] Jhyadk ;k fdlh iwohZ vÝhdk ns'k] dsU;k] ;qxkaMk vkSj ;wukbZVsM fjifCyd vkWQ rUtkfu;k
¼iwoZorhZ rkaxkfudk vkSj tathckj½ ls izotZu fd;k gks %
ijUrq mi;qZDRk ¼[k½ ;k ¼x½ ds vH;FkhZ dks ,slk O;fDr gksuk pkfg,] ftlds i{k esa jkT;
ljdkj }kjk ik=rk dk izek.k&i= tkjh fd;k x;k gks %
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd ¼[k½ ds vH;FkhZ ls ;g Hkh vis{kk dh tk;sxh fd og iqfyl
mi&egkfujh{kd] vfHklwpuk “kk[kk] mRrjk[k.M ls ik=rk izek.k&i= izkIr dj ys %
ijUrq ;g Hkh fd ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ mi;qZDr ¼x½ dk gks rkss ik=rk dk izek.k&i= ,d o’kZ ls
vf/kd vof/k ds fy, tkjh ugha fd;k tk;sxk vkSj ,sls vH;FkhZ dks ,d o’kZ dh vof/k ds vkxs lsok esa bl
'krZ esa jgus fn;k tk;sxk fd og Hkkjrh; ukxfjdrk izkIr dj ysA %& ,sls vH;FkhZ dks] ftlds ekeys esa ik=rk dk izek.k&i= vko”;d gks] fdUrq og u rks tkjh
fd;k x;k gks vkSj u nsus ls badkj fd;k x;k gks] fdlh ijh{kk ;k lk{kkRdkj esa lfEefyr fd;k tk ldrk
gS vkSj mls bl 'kRkZ ij vufUre :i ls fu;qDr Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gS] fd vko”;d izek.k&i= mlds
}kjk izkIr dj fy;k tk; ;k mlds i{k esa tkjh dj fn;k tk;A
11- pfj= %& lsok esa fdlh in ij lh/kh HkrhZ ds fy, vH;FkhZ dk pfj= ,slk gksuk pkfg,] fd og
ljdkjh lsok esas lsok;kstu ds fy, lHkh izdkj ls mi;qDr gks ldsA fu;qfDr izkf/kdkjh bl laca/k esa viuk
lek/kku dj ysA %& la?k ljdkj ;k fdlh jkT; ljdkj ;k fdlh LFkkuh; izkf/kdjh }kjk ;k la?k ljdkj ;k jkT;
ljdkj ds LokfeRok/khu ;k fu;U=.kk/khu fdlh fuxe ;k fudk; }kjk inP;qr O;fDr lsok esa fdlh in ij
fu;qfDr ds fy, ik= ugha gksaxsA uSfrd v/kerk ds fdlh vijk/k ds fy, nks’k fl) O;fDr Hkh ik= ugha
12- oSokfgd izkfLFkfr %& lsok esa fdlh in ij fu;qfDr ds fy, ,slk iq#"k vH;FkhZ ik= u gksxk] ftldh
,d ls vf/kd ifRu;ka thfor gksa ;k ,slh efgyk vH;FkhZ ik= u gksxh] ftlus ,sls iq#’k ls fookg fd;k gks]
ftldh igys ls ,d iRuh thfor gks%
ijUrq jkT;iky fdlh O;fDr dks bl fu;e ds izorZu ls NwV ns ldrs gSa] ;fn mudk lek/kku gks
tk, fd ,slk djus ds fy, fo'ks"k dkj.k fo|eku gSaA
13- “kkjhfjd LoLFkrk %& fdlh Hkh vH;FkhZ dks lsok esa fdlh in ij fu;qDr ugha fd;k tk;sxk tcrd
fd ekufld o 'kkjhfjd n`f"V ls mldk LokLF; vPNk u gks vkSj og fdlh ,sls “kkjhfjd nks’k ls eqDr u
gks] ftlls mls vius drZO;ksa dk n{krkiw.kZ ikyu djus esa ck/kk iM+us dh lEHkkouk gksA fdlh vH;FkhZ dh
fu;qfDr ds fy, vafre :i ls vuqeksfnr fd;s tkus ls iwoZ mlls ;g vis{kk dh tk;sxh fd og fpfdRlk
ifj"kn dh ijh{kk dks mRrh.kZ dj ys %
ijUrq inksUufr }kjk HkrhZ fd;s x;s vH;FkhZ ls LoLFkrk ds fpfdRlk izek.k i= dh vis{kk ugha dh tk;sxhA
14- vkosnu dSls djsa %& bPNqd vH;fFkZ;ksa ls vk;ksx dh osclkbV ij vkWuykbu vkosnu i=
vkeaf=r fd;s x;s gSA vH;FkhZ osclkbV ij miyC/k funsZ”kkuqlkj viuk vkWuykbu vkosnu i= izLrqr
dj ldrs gSA
15- vkWuykbu vkosnu fd;s tkus gsgsrq izfØ;k %&
¼1½ vH;FkhZ foKkiu dk lE;d~ :i ls voyksdu djus gsrq vk;ksx dh osclkbV
ij tk,aA
¼2½ osclkbV ij “Examination” “kh’kZd dks Click djsa ,oa fyad cVu
¼3½ fyad cVu “New
User Sign Up” ds vUrxZr vH;FkhZ dks fyad cVu
New User Sign Up
esa izos”k djsaA
fn[kkbZ nsxk]
ftlesa funsZ”kkuqlkj vH;FkhZ Lo;a ls lEcfU/kr izfof’V;ka Hkjsa] ,oa izfof’V;ksa dks lko/kkuhiwoZd tk¡pus ds mijkUr
¼4½ iathdj.k ds mijkUr vH;FkhZ dks mlds eksckby uEcj@bZesy ij
New Registration
User Id ,oa Registration Number
izkIr gksxkA
¼5½ iathd`r vH;FkhZ vkWuykbu vkosnu i= Hkjus gsrq
}kjk izos”k djsa ,oa fyad cVu
“Examination” “kh’kZd ds vUrxZr fyad cVu
Click Here For Online Application Form
Sign In
dks [kksysA
¼6½ vkWuykbu vkosnu gsrq J.E. EXAMINATION &2013 ds lEeq[k “Click Here” ij
Click djsAa
¼7½ osclkbV ij iznf”kZr gksus okys vkWuykbu vkosnu i= dks foKkiu dh “krksZa ds vuqlkj lgh&lgh Hkjsa
,oa osclkbV ij nf”kZr funsZ”kksa dk ikyu djsaA
¼8½ vkWuykbu vkosnu i= iw.kZ :i ls Hkjus ds i”pkr~ izfof’V;ksa dks lko/kkuhiwoZd tk¡p yasA Hkjh x;h
izfof’V;ksa esa “kadk gksus ij vFkok fdlh =qfV dh n”kk esa vkosnu i= ds vUr esa
ij Click djs ,oa
iqu% leLr izfof’V;ka HkjsA Hkjh x;h izfof’V;ksa ds ,dne lgh gksus dh n”kk esa vkosnu i= ds vUr esa
ij Click djsaA
¼9½ osclkbV ds funsZ”kkuqlkj izfof’V;ka Hkj ysus ds mijkUr vH;FkhZ dks mldk vkosnu i= leLr fooj.kksa
lfgr fn[kkbZ nsxk] ftlesa vH;FkhZ dks viuh LdSu QksVksxzkQ ¼40 KB ls vf/kd u gks½ ,oa gLrk{kj JPG Format
¼20 KB ls vf/kd u gks½ esa viyksM djus gksaxsA
¼10½ vkosnu i= esa iznf”kZr fooj.k esa ifjorZu gsrq vH;FkhZ
ds lgh gksus dh n”kk eas
I Agree
ij Click djsa rFkk izfof’V;ksa
ij Click djsaA
¼11½ ^^vki dk vkos
vkosnu i= vk;ksx esa tek gks x;k gSg**] dk lans”k izkIr gksus ds Ik”pkr vH;FkhZ vius
vkosnu i= dks MkmuyksM dj vius ikl lqjf{kr j[k ysA
¼12½ vH;FkhZ ijh{kk “kqYd tek djus gsrq cSad pkyku dh fizaVvkmV fudky ysaA
¼13½ vkosnu i= Hkjus ds 02 fnu i”pkr~ vH;FkhZ State Bank Of India (SBI) dh fdlh Hkh “kk[kk esa
ijh{kk “kqYd tek dj ldrs gSaA mijksDr ds vfrfjDr vU; fdlh izdkj ls tek fd;k x;k “kqYd Lohdk;Z
ugha gksxkA
16- 'kqYd %& vH;FkhZ dks cSad pkyku ds ek/;e ls fuEufyf[kr “kqYd tek djuk gksxk %&
Ø0 la0
lkekU;@vU; fiNM+k oxZ@Lora=rk laxzke lsukuh vkfJr ds vH;fFkZ;ksa gsrqA
vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr@fodykax@iwoZ lSfud ds vH;fFkZ;ksa gsrqA
:0 150@&
:0 60@&
mRrjk[k.M efgyk@mRrjk[k.M jkT; vkUnksyudkjh rFkk muds ik= vkfJr ftl oxZ ;k]
;k vuqlwfpr tkfr ;k vuqlwfpr tutkfr ;k vU; fiNM+k oxZ] ds gksaxs mUgsa mlh
;Fkk& gsrq fu/kkZfjr “kqYd tek djuk gksxkA
uksV %& vkosnu i= Hkjus ds 02 fnu i”pkr~ vH;FkhZ State Bank Of India (SBI) dh fdlh Hkh “kk[kk esa
ijh{kk “kqYd tek dj ldrs gSaA mijksDr ds vfrfjDr vU; fdlh izdkj ls tek fd;k x;k “kqYd Lohdk;Z
ugha gksxkA
vH;FkhZ vkWu ykbZu vkosnu i= esa vfuok;Z vgZrk ds vUrxZr foKkiu esa of.kZr inokj vgZRkk ds
vuqlkj lgh&lgh tkudkjh gsrq lEcfU/kr fodYi ij fDyd djsaA mDrkuqlkj iznku dh x;h lwpuk ds
vk/kkj ij gh lEcfU/kr in ds lkis{k vH;FkZu ij fopkj fd;k tk;sxkA
vkosnu i= dh fizUV vkmV izfr bR;kfn vk;ksx dks izsf"kr djus dh vko';drk ugha gSA dsoy
vkWu ykbZu vkosnu i= gh Lohdkj fd;s tk;sxsaA
17- vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr egÙoiw.kZ funsZ”k %&
¼1½ vk;ksx }kjk lEiUu dh tkus okyh lEiw.kZ p;u izfØ;k v|ru izpfyr vf/kfu;eksa@
fu;ekofy;ksa@eSuqvYl@ekxZ&n'kZd fl)kUrksa ,oa le;≤ ij vk;ksx }kjk fy;s x;s fu.kZ;ksa bR;kfn esa
of.kZr izkfo/kkuksa ds vUrxZr lEiUu dh tk;sxhA
¼2½ vH;fFkZ;ksa gsrq Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (Procedure and Conduct of
Business) Rules – 2013 vkSj mRrjk[k.M ijh{kk ifj.kke fuekZ.k izfØ;k fu;ekoyh&2012 ;Fkk la'kksf/kr
2013 ¼izFke la'kks/ku½ o 2014 ¼f}rh; la'kks/ku½ vk;ksx dh osclkbV ij miyCk/k
¼3½ vH;fFkZ;ksa dks izos'k i= Mkd }kjk izsf"kr ugha fd;s tk;saxs vfirq vk;ksx dh osclkbV ij MkmuyksM
djus gsrq miyC/k djk;s tk;saxsA bl laca/k esa vH;fFkZ;ksa dh lwpuk gsrq foKfIr jkT; ds nSfud lekpkj
i=ksa esa ,oa osclkbV ij izlkfjr dh tk;sxhA
¼4½ fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ ijh{kk ,oa lk{kkRdkj esa izkIr izkIrkadks ds vk/kkj ij Js.khokj@miJs.khokj
fjDr inksa dh la[;k ds vuqlkj eSfjV ds vk/kkj ij vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lQy ?kksf"kr fd;k tk;sxkA ijh{kk
ifj.kke vk;ksx dh osclkbV ij iznf'kZr fd;k tk;sxk] ftldh lwpuk fofHkUu lekpkj i=ksa esa izdkf'kr dh
¼5½ lk{kkRdkj ls iwoZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds leLr 'kS{kf.kd o vkj{k.k lEcU/kh nkoksa dk ewy izek.k i=ksa ls ijh{k.k
fd;k tk;sxk ;fn vH;FkhZ dh vgZrk ds laca/k esa izLrqr nkos esa dksbZ deh ;k vlR;rk ik;h tkrh gS rks
mldk vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxkA
¼6½ ewy izek.k i= ds lR;kiu ds le; gh vH;FkhZ dks vius foHkkxk/;{k vFkok ml laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk]
tgka vH;FkhZ }kjk f'k{kk ik;h gks] vFkok fdlh jktif=r vf/kdkjh }kjk ikliksVZ vkdkj ds nks
QksVksxzkQ Hkh izLrqr djus gksaxsA
¼7½ dsUnz vFkok jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu vFkok muds fu;a=.kk/khu dk;Zjr~ vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lk{kkRdkj ds le;
vius lsok fu;kstd dk ^vukifRr izek.k i=^ ewy :i esa izLrqr djuk gksxkA
¼8½ vH;fFkZ;ksa dks iz'uksa ds mRrj Lo;a nsus gksaxsA fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa vH;FkhZ dks mRrj nsus ds fy, dksbZ
Jqr ys[kd ugha fn;k tk;sxk] ijUrq n`f"Vghu vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, Jqr ys[kd dh O;oLFkk vuqeU; gksxhA Jqr
ys[kd dh 'kSf{kd vgZrk gkbZLdwy ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA n`f"Vghu vH;fFkZ;kasa dks izR;sd /k.Vs ds fy, 10
feuV dk vfrfjDRk le; vuqeU; gksxk] ijUrq Jqr ys[kd dh vuqefr vk;ksx ls ijh{kk dh frfFk ls 10
fnu iwoZ vo'; izkIr djuh gksxh] ftlds fy, vH;FkhZ }kjk Jqr ys[kd dh 'kSf{kd vgZrk lEcU/kh izek.k i=
'kiFk i= ds lkFk izkFkZuk i= lfgr vk;ksx ds le{k izLrqr djuk gksxkA
¼9½ fyf[kr ijh{kk esa oLrqfu"B izdkj dk iz'ui= gksxk rFkk iz'uksa ds ewY;kadu esa _.kkRed i)fr viukbZ
¼10½ xyr mRrjksa ds fy, n.M& oLrqfu"B iz'u i=ksa esa vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk fn;s x;s xyr mRrjksa ds fy, n.M
¼_.kkRed ewY;kadu½ fn;k tk;sxk&
¼d½ izR;sd iz'u ds mRrj ds fy, pkj fodYi fn;s tk;asxsA vH;FkhZ }kjk izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fn;s x, ,d
xyr mRrj ds fy, iz'u gsrq fu;r fd;s x;s vadks dk ,d pkSFkkbZ n.M :i esa dkVk tk;sxkA
¼[k½ izR;sd iz'u dk ;fn vH;FkhZ ,d ls vf/kd mRrj nsrk gS] rks bls xyr mRrj ekuk tk;sxk] ;fn fn,
x, mRrjksa esa ls ,d mRrj lgh Hkh gks] fQj Hkh ml iz'u ds fy, mijksDrkuqlkj gh mlh rjg dk n.M
fn;k tk;sxkA
¼x½ ;fn vH;FkhZ }kjk dksbZ iz'u gy ugha fd;k tkrk gS] vFkkZr vH;FkhZ }kjk mRrj ugha fn;k tkrk gS] rks
ml iz'u ds fy, dksbZ n.M Ukgha gksxkA
¼11½ oLrqfu"B izdkj ds iz'u i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr mRrj dqath@dqaft;ksa dk fooj.k ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr
vk;ksx dh osclkbV ij izdkf'kr dj fn;k tk;sxk vkSj vH;FkhZ mRrj dqth ds izdk'ku ds 10 fnukas ds
Hkhrj iz'u i= ,oa lacaf/kr mRrj ds laca/k esa viuk izR;kosnu bZ&esy ds ek/;e ls izLrqr dj ldrs gSA
fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds mijkUr izkIr izR;kosnuksa ij vk;ksx }kjk dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼12½ fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ ijh{kk esa ukWu&izksxzkescy ljy cSVjh pkfyr dSydqysVj dk iz;ksx
iz'u i= esa fn;s x;s funsZ'kksa dh 'kRkZ ds v/khu vuqeU; gSA
¼13½ ijh{kk dsUnz ifjlj esa ijh{kk ds nkSjku vH;FkhZ dks dSejk] eksckby Qksu] istj] LdSuj iSu vFkok fdlh
vU; izdkj ds lapkj ;a= vFkok fdlh vU; bySDVªksfud midj.k dks ijh{kk d{k esa ys tkus dh vuqefr
ugha gSA ;fn vH;FkhZ bu vuqns'kksa dk mYya?ku djrs ik, tkrs gSa rks mu ij yksd lsok vk;ksx }kjk bl
ijh{kk lfgr Hkfo"; esa vk;ksftr dh tkus okyh vU; lHkh ijh{kkvksa esa cSBus ij jksd lfgr vU; dk;Zokgh
dh tk ldrh gSA vH;fFkZ;ksa dks muds fgr esa lykg nh tkrh gS fd os ijh{kk LFky ij QksVks dSejk]
eksckby Qksu] istj] LdSuj iSu vFkok fdlh vU; izdkj ds lapkj ;a= vFkok fdlh vU; fdlh bYkSDVªksfud
midj.k lfgr fdlh izdkj fd izfrcfU/kr lkexzh u yk,a D;kasfd mudh lqj{kk dk izcU/k lqjf{kr ugha
fd;k tk ldrk gSA
¼14½ mÙkjk[k.M yksd lsok vk;ksx ds fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj fdlh Hkh vH;FkhZ dks vius vkosnu i= esa xyr
rF;ksa dks ftudh izek.k&i= ds vk/kkj ij iqf’V ugha dh tk ldrh] nsus ij vk;ksx dh leLr ijh{kkvksa ds
fy, izfrokfjr ¼fMckj½ fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj mlds fo:) vkijkf/kd n.MkRed dk;Zokgh Hkh dh tk
ldrh gSA
¼15½ ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu djus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa dks ;g lqfuf”pr dj ysuk pkfg, fd os ijh{kk esa izos”k
gsrq ik=rk dh lHkh “krksZa dks iwjk djrs gSaA ijh{kk ds lHkh Lrjksa ij mudk izos”k iw.kZr% vufUre gksxkA
vH;FkhZ dks ek= izos”k i= tkjh fd, tkus dk ;g vFkZ ugha gksxk fd mldk vH;FkZu vk;ksx }kjk vfUre
:i ls lqfuf”pr dj fn;k x;k gSA ;fn fdlh Hkh Lrj ij ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd vH;FkhZ vgZ ugha Fkk]
ftlds vk/kkj ij mldk vkosnu i= vLohd`r fd;k tkuk pkfg,
pkfg, Fkk vFkok og izkjfEHkd Lrj ij gh
Lohdkj fd, tkus ;ksX; ugha Fkk] rks ,slh fLFkfr esa mldk vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk,xk vkSj ;fn og
vfUre :i ls pqu fy;k tkrk gS rks Hkh vk;ksx dh laLrqfr okil ys yh tk,xhA
¼16½ fu/kkZfjr izk:i ij vkosnu i= izLrqr u fd, tkus dh n”kk esa vkosnu i= vLohd`r dj fn;k
¼17½ ewy vkosnu i= esa n”kkZ;s x, fooj.k ¼;Fkk&]] 'kSf{kd vgZrk vkfn½ esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dk
dksbZ ifjorZu fdlh Hkh n”kk esa vuqeU; ugha gksxkA
¼18½ vH;fFkZ;ksa dks ;g lqfuf”pr djuk pkfg, fd vius vkosnu i=] mifLFkfr lwph vkfn esa rFkk vk;ksx
ds lkFk leLr i=kpkj esa lHkh LFkkuksa ij muds }kjk fd, x, gLrk{kj ,d tSls gksus pkfg, vkSj muesa
fdlh Hkh izdkj dh fHkUurk ugha gksuh pkfg,A vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij fd, x, gLrk{kjksa esa ;fn
dksbZ fHkUurk ik;h tkrh gS rks vk;ksx mlds vH;FkZu dks jn~n dj ldrk gSA ;fn vH;FkhZ }kjk ;FkkLFkku
gLrk{kj ugha fd, tkrs gSa] rks Hkh vk;ksx mlds vH;FkZu dks jn~n dj ldrk gSA
19½ gkbZLdwy izek.k i= esa vafdr tUefrfFk gh ekU; gksxhA vH;FkhZ dks eq[; ijh{kk ds vkosnu i= ds
lkFk gkbZLdwy vFkok led{k ijh{kk dk izek.k i= layXu djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA tUefrfFk gsrq mDr izek.k
i= ds vfrfjDr vU; dksbZ vfHkys[k ekU; ugha gksxk rFkk mDr izek.k i= layXu u fd, tkus ij vkosnu
i= vLohd`r dj fn;k tk,xkA
20½ tks vH;FkhZ foKkiu dh “krksZa ds vuqlkj ik= ugha ik;s tk,axs mudk vH;FkZu fujLr dj fn;k tk,xk
rFkk ijh{kk esa izos”k gsrq mudk dksbZ nkok ekU; ugha gksxkA vH;fFkZ;ksa ds vH;FkZu@vgZrk@ik=rk ds
lEcU/k esa vk;ksx dk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkA
¼21½ ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ fu/kkZfjr “kqYd ls de “kqYd tek djrk gS rks mldk vkosnu i=@vH;FkZu fujLr
dj fn;k tk;sxkA
¼22½ vuqfpr lk/ku l[rh ls izfrcfU/kr %& dksbZ Hkh vH;FkhZ fdlh Hkh vU; vH;FkhZ dh mRrj iqfLrdk ls
u rks udy djsxk] u gh udy djok;sxk vkSj u gh fdlh vU; rjg dh vuqfpr lgk;rk nsxk] u gh
lgk;rk nsus dk iz;kl djsxk] u gh lgk;rk izkIr djsxk vkSj u gh izkIr djus dk iz;kl djsxkA
¼23½ dnkpkj ds nks"kh ik;s x, vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fo:) Uttarakhand Public Service Commission
(Procedure and Conduct of Business) Rules – 2013 ds lqlaxr izkfo/kkuksa ds vUrxZr dk;Zokgh dh
24½ dnkpkj ds nks’kh ik;s x, vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fo#) dk;Zokgh%& vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lpsr fd;k gS fd vkosnu
i= Hkjrs le; u rks dksbZ >wBs fooj.k izLrqr djsa vkSj u gh fdlh egRoiw.kZ lwpuk dks fNik,aA mUgsa ;g
Hkh psrkouh nh tkrh gS fd os vius }kjk izLrqr fdlh izys[k ;k mldh izfr dh
fdlh izfof’V esa dksbZ “kks/ku ;k ifjorZu ;k vU;Fkk Qsj cny ugha djsa rFkk u gh os Qsj cny fd;k
x;k@tkyh izys[k izLrqr djsaA ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd nLrkostksa ds chp vFkok mudh izfr;ksa esa dksbZ vlaxfr ;k folaxfr gks rks bl folaxfr ds ckjs esa vH;FkhZ dks
Li’Vhdj.k izLrqr djuk pkfg,A
¼25½ vW¡xwBs dk fu'kku ¼Thumb Impression½ %& lHkh vH;FkhZ ijh{kk d{k esa viuh ijh{kk dh
mRrj&i=d ds fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij vius v¡axwBs dk fu'kku ¼iq:"k vH;FkhZ dh n'kk esa ck¡;s v¡xwBs dk fu'kku
rFkk efgyk vH;FkhZ dh n'kk esa nk¡;s v¡xwBs dk fu'kku½ vo'; vafdr djsaxsA
¼26½ ijh{kk Hkou esa vkpj.k %& ijh{kk dsUnz@d{k esa vH;FkhZ u rks fdlh ds lkFk nqOZ;ogkj djsaxs vkSj u
gh vO;oLFkk QSyk;saxs rFkk ijh{kk ds lapkyu gsrq vk;ksx }kjk rSukr LVkWQ dks Hkh ijs”kku ugh djsaxsA ,sls
fdlh Hkh nqjkpj.k ds fy, dBksj n.M fn;k tk,xkA
¼27½ vk;ksx ls fd, tkus okys lHkh izdkj ds i=kpkj esa vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk vius uke ds lkFk in dk uke]
foKkiu la[;k] vH;FkhZ dh tUefrfFk] firk@ifr dk uke] jftLVsª'ku la0 rFkk vuqØekad ¼;fn lwfpr
fd;k x;k gks½ dk mYys[k vo';d fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
¼28½ vkosfnr in ij vfUre :i ls p;fur gks tkus ds ckn Hkh vH;FkhZ dks fu;qfDr dk dksbZ vf/kdkj rc
rd izkIr ugha gksrk gS tc rd fd vk;ksx dks ,slh tkap djus ds i'pkr~ tSlk vko';d le>k tk;] ;g
lek/kku u gks tk;s fd og fu;qfDRk ds fy, lHkh izzdkj ls mi;qDr gSA
¼29½ vH;fFkZ;ksa dks ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr leLr lwpuk,a osclkbV ds ek/;e ls voxr djk;h tk;sxhA vr%
vH;FkhZ vk;ksx dh osclkbV dk le;≤ ij vuqJo.k djrs jgsaA
30½ iz'uxr ijh{kk gsrq ek= vkWuykbu vkosnu ,oa cSad pkyku ds ek/;e ls ijh{kk 'kqYd dh Lohdk;Z
gksxkA fdlh vU; izdkj ls fd;k x;k vkosnu@ijh{kk 'kqYd Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼31½ vH;FkhZ dks fuEufyf[kr dkj.kksa ls vk;ksx }kjk nks’kh ?kksf’kr fd;k tk;sxk %&1- vxzfyf[kr rjhdksa ls
viuh mEehnokjh ds fy, leFkZu izkIr fd;k x;k gS] vFkkZr ¼d½ xSj dkuwuh :i ls ifjrks"k.k dh is'kd'k
djuk] ¼[k½ vuqfpr ncko Mkyuk] ];k ¼x½ ijh{kk vk;ksftr djus ls lacaf/kr fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks CySdesy
djuk vFkok rFkk mls CySdesy djus dh /kedh nsuk] vFkok 2- uke cnydj ijh{kk nh gS] vFkok vuqfpr
ykHk izkIr djus ds vk'k; ls vks0,e0vkj0 mRrj iz=d@mRrj iqfLrdk esa vuqdzekad xyr Hkjk gks vFkok
3- izfr:i.k }kjk Ny djrs gq, vU; O;fDr ls ijh{kk fnyk;h gks dwV&jfpr izos'k i= ds lkFk ijh{kk
Hkou esa izos'k fd;k gks] vFkok 4- tkyh izek.k i= ;k ,sls izek.k i= izLrqr fd, gS] ftuesa rF;ksa dks
fcxkM+k@Qsjcny fd;k x;k gks] vFkok 5- xyr ;k >wBs oDrO; fn, gS ;k fdlh egRoiw.kZ rF; dks
fNik;k gS] vFkok 6- ijh{kk ds fy, viuh mEehnokjh ds laca/k esa fuEufyf[kr lk/kuksa dk mi;ksx fd;k gS]
¼d½ xyr rjhds ls iz'u i= dh izfr izkIr djuk ¼[k½ ijh{kk ls lacaf/kr xksiuh; dk;Z ls tqMs+ O;fDr ds
ckjs esa dksbZ tkudkjh izkIr djuk] ¼x½ ijh{kdksa dsk izHkkfor djuk] ;k 7- ijh{kk ds le; vuqfpr lk/kuksa
dk iz;ksx fd;k gks] ;k 8- mRrj iqfLrdkvkas ij vlaxr ckrs fy[kuk] tks v'yhy Hkk"kk esa ;k vHknz vk'k;
dh gks ;k v'yhy ;k Hkn~ns js[kkfp= cukuk] vFkok 9- ijh{kk Hkou esa nqO;Zogkj djuk] ftuesa mRrj
iqfLrdkvksa dk QkM+uk] mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks ijh{kk d{k ls ysdj Hkkx Tkkuk] ijh{kk nsus okyksa dks ijh{kk dk
cfg"dkj djus ds fy, mdlkuk vFkok vO;oLFkk rFkk ,sls gh vU; fLFkfr iSnk djuk 'kkfey gS] vFkok 10ijh{kk lapkyu ds fy, vk;ksx }kjk fu;qDr deZpkfj;ksa dks ijs'kku fd;k gks ;k vU; izdkj dh 'kkjhfjd
{kfr igqpk;h gks] ;k 11- ijh{kk gkWy@lk{kkRdkj d{k esa ijh{kk ds nkSjku eksckby Qksu@istj ;k vk;ksx
}kjk oftZr vU; fdlh izdkj dk bySDVªkfud midj.k ;k ;U= vFkok lapkj ;U= ds :i esa iz;ksx fd;s
tk ldus okyk dksbZ vU; midj.k iz;ksx djrs gq, ;k vius ikl j[ks ik;k x;k gks] ;k 12- ijh{kk dh
vuqefr nsrs gq, vH;fFkZ;ksa dks Hksts x;s ds lkFk tkjh vuqns'kksa dk mYya?ku fd;k gSa] vFkok 13mi;qZDr [kaMks esa mfYyf[kr lHkh vFkok fdlh Hkh dk;Z dks djus dk iz;Ru fd;k gks ;k djus dh izsj.kk nh
gks] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] mu ij vkijkf/kd vfHk;ksx pyk;k tk ldrk gS vkSj mlds lkFk gh mls ¼d½
vk;ksx }kjk fdlh vH;FkhZ dks ml ijh{kk ds fy, v;ksX; Bgjk;k tk ldrk gS ftlesa og cSB jgk gS]
vkSj@vFkok ¼[k½ mls LFkk;h :i ls vFkok ,d fo'ks"k vof/k ds fy, ¼i½ vk;ksx }kjk yh tkus okyh fdlh
Hkh ijh{kk vFkok p;u ds fy, fooftZr fd;k tk ldrk gS ¼ii½ jkT; ljdkj }kjk mlds v/khu fdlh Hkh
ukSdjh ls okfjr fd;k tk ldrk gSA ¼x½ ;fn og ljdkj ds v/khu igys ls gh lsok esa gS rks mlds
fo#) mi;qDr fu;eksa ds v/khu vuq'kklfud dk;Zokgh dh tk ldrh gSA bl fu;e ds v/khu dksbZ 'kkfLr
rc rd ugha nh tk;sxh tc rd ¼i½ vH;FkhZ dks bl laca/k esa fyf[kr vH;kosnu] tks oks nsuk pkgs] izLrqr
djus dk volj fn;k x;k gks vkSj ¼ii½ vH;FkhZ }kjk vuqer le; esa izLrqr vH;kosnu ij] ;fn dksbZ gks]
vk;ksx }kjk fopkj dj fy;k x;k gksA
¼32½ fuEufyf[kr vfHkys[k vk;ksx dk;kZy; }kjk okafNr gksus ij izLrqr fd;k tkuk vko';d gksxk&
¼d½ “kSf{kd vgZrk ls lEcfU/kr vadrkfydk] izek.k&i=ksa ,oa vkj{k
.k ls lEcfU/kr
k.k&i= dh Nk;kizfr;ka rFkk vk;q ds izek.k gsrq gk;j lSdsUMªh@gkbZLdwy dk izek.k&i=A
¼[k½ ftykf/kdkjh@vij ftyk eftLVªsV@uxj eftLVªsV@,l-Mh-,e-@rglhynkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr izi= ij
tkjh tkfr izek.k&i= fdlh Hkh vkjf{kr;ksa ds vUrxZr vkj{k.k ds nkos dh iqf’V essaA vuqlwfpr
tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, tkfr izek.k&i= dk fu/kkZfjr izk:i
foKkiu ds lkFk ifjf”k’V&5
ifjf”k’V&5 esa izdkf”kr fd;k x;k gSA vU; fiNM+k oxZ dk izek.k i= bl foKkiu ds
izdk'ku dh frfFk ls ,d o"kZ iwoZ ls vf/kd le; dk ugha gksuk pkfg,A
¼x½ {kSfrt vkj{k.k ,oa vk;q esa NwV dh izkfIr gsrq l{ke vf/kdkjh }kjk fu/kkZfjr izk:i ij tkjh izek.k i=
izLrqr djuk visf{kr gksxkA
33½ vk;ksx vH;fFkZ;ksa dks mudh ik=rk ds lEcU/k esa dksbZ ijke”kZ ugha nsrk gSA blfy;s vH;FkhZ foKkiu
laarq’V gks fd os foKkiu dh “krksZa ds vuqlkj
dk lko/kkuhiwoZd v/;;u djsa vkSj rHkh vkosnu djsa tc os l
vgZ gSaA mUgsa foKkiu ds vUr eas izdkf'kr ikB~;dze dk v/;;u lko/kkuh ls dj ysuk pkfg,A vf/kOk;Ld]
vYiOk;Ld rFkk 'kSf{kd vgZrk ds vk/kkj ij vugZ gksus vFkok fu;eksa] izfØ;k vkfn ds mYy?kau ds dkj.k
vLohd`r fd;s tkus
tkus okys vkosnu&i=ksa ds ekeyksa esa dksbZ “kqYd okil ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼34½ ijh{kk frfFk] le; ,oa ijh{kk dk;ZØe o ijh{kk dsUnz ds lEcU/k esa vuqØekad lfgr lwpuk vk;ksx dh
osclkbV ds ek/;e ls miyC/k djk;s tkus okys izos”k&i=ksa }kjk iznku dh tk;sxhA vH;fFkZ;ksa dks vkoafVr
dsUnz ij gh ijh{kk nsuh gksxhA dsUnz ifjorZu lEcU/kh dksbZ Hkh vuqjks/k Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
¼35½ fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ esa lQy vH;fFkZ;ksa dks gh lk{kkRdkj gsrq vkgwr fd;k tk;sxkA
foKkfir lHkh inksa ds fy, vgZ vH;FkhZ dks lk{kkRdkj gsrq dsoy ,d gh ckj lk{kkRdkj ifj"kn ds lEeq[k
mifLFkr gksuk gksxkA
¼36½ iz'uxr ijh{kk esa lfEefyr foHkkxksa gsrq vH;fFkZ;ksa ls ojh;rk,a lk{kkRdkj ls iwoZ vkWuykbZu izkIr dh
tk;sxhA vkWuykbZu izLrqr ojh;rkvksa esa dksbZ Hkh ifjorZu vuqeU; ugha gksxkA
¼37½ U;wure vgZd vad mRrjk[k.M yksd lsok vk;ksx ijh{kk ifj.kke fuekZ.k izfd;k fu;ekoyh&2012
¼izFke la'kks/ku&2013 ,oa f}rh; la'kks/ku&2014½ ds vuqlkj iz'uxr ijh{kk ds fofHkUu pj.kksa esa vH;fFkZ;ksa
dks fu;ekoyh }kjk fu/kkZfjr U;wure vgZd vad izkIr djuk vfuok;Z gSA U;wure vgZd vad /kkfjr djus
okys vH;fFkZ;ksa dks gh eSfjV ds vk/kkj ij vxys pj.k gsrq lQy ?kksf"kr fd;k tk;sxkA
¼38½ p;u ifj.kke rS;kj djus dh dk;Zokgh laxr lsokfu;ekoyh ds lqlaxr izkfo/kkuksa ds vuqlkj dh
¼,l0,u0 ik.Ms;½
fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ fuEu uxjksa esa vk;ksftr dh tk;sxhA
hA vH;FkhZ
vkWuykbZu vkosnu i= ds lacaf/kr dkWye esa ijh{kk dsUnz ds fy, uxj gsrq viuk fodYi
izLrqr djsa &
uxj dksM
uksV%& vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk izLrqr fodYi ds vk/kkj ij gh vk;ksx }kjk ijh{kk dsUnz vkoafVr fd;s
tk;sxsaA dsUnz fu/kkZj.k ds mijkUr ijh{kk dsUnz ifjorZu ds fdlh Hkh vuqjks/k dks Lohdk;Z ugha
fd;k tk;sxkA
fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½ gsrq fu/kkZfjr oSdfYid fo"k;ksa ds dksM gsrq
oSdfYid fo"k;
fo"k; dksM
flfoy@xzkeh.k vfHk;U=.k
;kaf=d vfHk;U=.k
fo|qr vfHk;U=.k
d`f"k vfHk;U=.k
uksV&izkfof/kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~] m0iz0 }kjk xzkeh.k vfHk;a=.k esa iznÙk 03 o"kZ dk fMIyksek /kkfjr
vH;FkhZ ek= fla
flapkbZ foHkkx ds foKkfir inksa gsrq ik= gksxkA
l a ; q D r dfu"B vfHk;Urk p;u ijh{kk&2013]
ijh{kk&2013 ] ijh{kk ;kstuk
fyf[kr izd`fr ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½
¼v½ lkekU; ;ksX;rk ijh{k.k
dqy iz”uksa dh
lkekU; fgUnh
lkekU; vaxzsth
¼izR;sd iz”u 01 vad dk½
¼izR;sd iz”u 01 vad dk½
le; vof/k
02 ?k.Vk
02 ?k.Vk
¼c½ vfHk;a=.k fo"k; ¼ikB~;Øe ifjf'k"V & 2½
dqy iz”uksa dh
flfoy bath0
¼izR;sd iz”u 02 vad dk½
¼izR;sd iz”u 02 vad dk½
¼izR;sd iz”u 02 vad dk½
¼izR;sd iz”u 02 vad dk½
¼izFke iz'u&i=@f}rh; iz'u&i=½
eSdsfudy bath0
¼izFke iz'u&i=@f}rh; iz'u&i=½
bySDVªhdy bath0
¼izFke iz'u&i=@f}rh; iz'u&i=½
,xzhdYpj bath0
¼izFke iz'u&i=@f}rh; iz'u&i=½
¼l½ lk{kkRdkj ¼O;fDrRo ijh{kk½ &
100 vad
fyf[kr ijh{kk
920 vad
100 vad
dqy ;ksx & 1020 vad
3 ?k.Vk
3 ?k.Vk
3 ?k.Vk
3 ?k.Vk
l a ; q D r dfu"B vfHk;Urk p;u ijh{kk&2013
lkekU; fgUnh
fyf[kr ijh{kk ¼oLrqfu"B izdkj½
le; % 02 ?k.Vsa
dqy iz'uksa dh la[;k % 100
iw.kkZad % 100
1- o.kZ lajpuk ¼Loj vkSj O;atu½
10 vad
2- orZuh 'kks/ku@fo'ys"k.k
10 vad
3- 'kCn jpuk & milxZ] izR;;] laf/k vkSj lekl
20 vad
4- 'kCn Hksn & jpuk] vFkZ] bfrgkl] O;kdj.k
20 vad
5- fjDr LFkkuksa esa mi;qDr 'kCnksa dk iz;ksx
05 vad
6- okD; jpuk
06 vad
7- okD; 'kks/ku
05 vad
8- 'kCn 'kqf)dj.k
05 vad
9- yksdksfDr ,oa eqgkojsa
10 vad
1010- vifBr xa|k'k &
¼d½ vkB js[kkafdr 'kCnksa@okD;ksa ds vFkZ
08 vad
¼[k½ mi;qDr 'kh"kZd dk p;u
01 vad
uksV & izR;sd iz'u 01 vad dk gksxkA iz'u&i= dk Lo:i gkbZLdwy Lrj dk gksxkA
Subject : General English
(Objective Type)
Time : 02 Hours
No.of questions – 100
M.M. - 100
1. Comprehension
A passage of appropriate length which is designed to test the
ability of the candidate in the following areas:
(a) Familiarity with vocabulary
(b) Knowledge of English grammar
(c) Thematic understanding of the passage
2. Use of Article s
3. Use of correct Prepositions
4. One- word substitution
5. Synonyms
6. Antonyms
7. Filling up of blanks with appropriate words
8. Verbs – Main, Auxiliary and Modals
9. Active/Passive voice
10. Direct/Indirect Narration
11. Correct spelling of words
12. Tenses
13. Re-ordering of given sentences into a meaningful paragraph.
14. Subject - Verb agreement
15. Idioms and Phrases
16. Conjunctions
17. Homonyms
Note : Each Multiple choice question shall be of 01 Mark.
(a) Strength of materials and theory of structures.: 1. Effect of a force, tension and
compression, free body diagram, virtual work, force distribution system. 2. Principle of energy,
conservation of energy and momentum, rotation of rigid bodies about fixed axis, mass moment of
inertia. 3. Stresses and strains: Types of stresses and strains, Definition of tension, compression,
shear, bending, torsion, volumetric and lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio, Hookes’s law. 4. Bending
moment and shear force: Types of beam, simply supported, cantilever, fixed, overhanging and
continuous beams. 5. Analysis of trusses, slope and deflection of bearms. 6. Columns and struts:
Long columns, short columns & struts, slenderness ratio. 7. Torsion: Circular shaft, combined
bending, torsion and axial thrust, strength of hollow and solid shaft.
(b) Design of reinforced concrete structures.: 1. Design based on working stress method Flexural
strenght shear strength and bond strength of a singly reinforced RCC beam. 2. Design of lintels,
Design of a Cantilever beam and slab. Design of doubly reinforced concrete beam. 3. Design of
RCC slab, design of one way and two way slabs. 4. Design of Reinforced brick beams, slab &
lintels, design of T-beams. 5. Design of columns and column footings, cantiliver retaining walls.
6.Components of (i) overhead water tank and (ii) Multistoreyed framed structures. 7. Introduction
to design based on limit state method. 8. Presstressed concrete.
(c) Steel and Machinery structures.: 1. Tension and Compression members in steel. 2. Design of
steel of steel beams. 3. Design of simple column bases. 4. Design of simple trusses and purlins. 5.
Design of masonry retaining walls. 6. Design of masonry wall foundation.
(d) Building estimates & coating, construction management, account & enterpreneurship
(a) Soil mechanics and foundation engineering.: 1. Fundamental terms and their relationships.
2. Classification and identification of soils. 3. Phase relationship index property, laboratory
determination. 4. Capillary phenomenon permeability, factors affecting permeability.
5. compaction, methods of compation. 6. Consolidation, difference between compactions and
consolidation. 7. Streesses in soil, shear strength, colomb’s equation, unconfined compression test.
8. Earth pressure and retaining structures. 9. shallow and deep foundations, classifications of piles.
10. Stabilisation of soils by lime and cement. 11. Sub-surface exploration.
(b) Surveying.: 1. General principles. 2. Chain surveying. 3. Compass Traversing, bearings, local
attractions, types of travessing, traverse computations, corrections and missing readings. 4.
Leveling-Theory, Temporary & permanent adjustment of levels, types of levelling. Reciprocal
levelling, L-section and cross section, Refration and curvature corrections. 5. contouring characteristics, uses and plotting of contours. 6. Plane table surveying- orientation, plotting
methods, two & three point problems, Lehmann’s ruler errors and precautions. 7. Theodolite:
Adjustmen (Temporary & permanent) Measurement of angles, curves, horizontal and vertical
curves, their design and layout transition curves. 8. Minor Instruments Abneys Level, Tangent
Clinometer, ceylone Ghat tracer, pantograph and planimeter.
(c) Building Materials and construction.: 1.Buildhing Materials: Bricks, their classification and
characteristics, building stones, source, quarrying, classification and properties, lime, properties,
Cement types, properties and tests, timber and wood products, types, properties and uses, paints,
varnishes and distempers, glass and plaster etc., Lime concrete, uses in foundation and terracing,
Cement concretes, ingredients, grading of aggregates, workability, water cement ratio, mixing,
laying compaction, curing. 2. Building constructions- Detailing of walls, floors, roofs stair cases,
doors and windows, finishing of building, plastering pointing, damp proofing etc., Ventilation and
air conditioning fire fighting.
(d) Water supply and sanitation for public building.: 1. Sources of water, quality and quantity of
water supply, water treatment, water distribution, laying of pipes, building water supply &
maintenance. 2. Quantity of sewage, sewarage systems, sanitation and drainage, disposal of rainfall
and domestic wastes. Including night soil, waste water and garbage, plumbing for public and
residential buildings, septic tanks and soak pit, sewage treatment.
1. Introduction: Definition of irrigation, necessity of irrigation, history of development of irrigation
in india, types of irrigation in india. sources of irrigation water. 2. Rain fall & run-off: Definition of
rainfall & run-off, catchment area, dicken’s & ryve’s formula, types of rain gauges-automatic &
non-automatic, stream guaging. 3. Water requirement of crops: Definition of crop season, duty,
delta and base period, their relationship, irrigation methods & efficiencies, gross command area,
culturable command area, intensity of irrigation, irrigable area, water requirement of crops-kharif
and rabi, preparation of water supply schedules for kharif and rabi. 4. Lift irrigation: Types of walls,
shallow & deep well, aquifer, types, ground water flow, construction of open wells and tube wells
yield of an open/tube well and problems, methods of lifting water, manual and mechanical devices,
use of wind mills, lift canals their design, construction and water scheduling. 5. Flow irrigation:
Irrigation canals, perrinial irrigation, different parts of irrigation canals and their functions, sketches
of different canal cross sections, classification of canals according to their alignment, design of
irrigation canals, chezy’s formula, mannings formula, kennedy’s and lacey’s sift theory and
equations, comparison of above two silt theory, equations, critical velocity ratio, use of garrets and
lacey’s charts, various types of canal lining, advantage & disadvantages. 6.Canal head works:
Definition, object, general layout functions of different parts, difference between weir and barrage.
7. Regulatory works: Functions and explanation of terms used cross and head regulators, falls,
energy dissipates, outlets-different types, escapes. 8. Cross drainage works functions and necessity
of the following types: Aqueduct, syphon, superpassage, level crossing, inlet outlet, constructional
details of the above. 9. Dams: earthen dams-types, causes of failure, classification into masonry &
concrete dams, labelled cross section of goavity dam, spiliways. 10. Water logging and drainage:
Definition, causes and effects, detection, prevention and remedies, surface and sub-surface drains
and their layout, field drainage, salinity controlling measures, ground water recharging measures.
11. Flood protection: Estimation of flood discharges, systems of flood warning, river behaviour,
training works and control, marginal embankments, their design, causes of failure, spurs & dykes,
attracting & repelling types, nonstructural flood management, relief & rehabilitation measures. 12.
Irrigation management: Checking of irrigated, areas, raising water charges, bills, compensation for
crop damages, penalties for unauthorised use of irrigation water, procedure for imposition of panel
rates. Canal law and its application, formation of water users, associations and their participation in
irrigation management, command area development. 13. Major irrigation projects in India. 14. Fluid
machanics: (a) Properties of fluids, hydrostatic pressure of various types of surfaces, measurement
of pressure, kinematics of fluid flow. (b) Dynamics of fluid flow, bernouli’s theorem, measurement
of flow, pilot tube, piezometer, orifices venturimeter, current meter. (c) Flow through pipes-losses
and pipe network, water hammer, reynold’s number. (d) Flow through open channels-hydolic
gredients, equation for uniform flow, chezy’s and manning formula most economical section. (e)
Measurement of discharges by (i) wairs and (ii) notch. (f) Hydraulic machines-pumps
(Reciprocating and Centifugal), Turbines (Implulse & Reaction).
Applied Mechanics
Forces: Transmissibility, moments and couples, funicular polygon, lami’s theorem, varigon
theorem. Friction: Limiting and dynamical friction, coefficient of friction, bodies on inclined
planes, simple screw jack. Machines: Basic terms-mechanical advantage, velocity ratio,
mechanical efficiency. Lifting machines: System of pulleys-weston differential pulleys. Stress
and strain: Volumetric and lateral strains hooke’s law, poisson ratio, modulus of rigidity bulk
modulus. Application to bars and composite sections. Beams and trusses: Determinate cases,
bow’s notation. Types of supports. Graphical methods: Analytical methods of joints and sections.
Thin cylinders and spherical shells: Hoop stress, longitudinal stress. Changes in dimensions and
volumes of thin shells subjected to internal pressure.
Theory of Machines and Automobile Technology
Slider crank mechanism: Turning moment in single cylinder engine: Fluctuation of speed and
energy; crank effort diagrams, flywheel size. Gear drive: Gear trains; simple, compound, epicyclic
and reverted. automobile gear box. Automobile differential. Clutches: Function of clutch in
automobiles. Single plate and multiplate clutches. Friction torque for uniform wear and uniform
pressure. Cams: Comcept, classification of different cams and followers. Application to
automobile engines, simple cam profiles for uniform velocity, SHM and uniform acceleration
balancing. Static and dynamic balancing. balancing of masses rotating in same plane. Basic concept
of several masses rotating in different planes, Application to automobile engines. Belt drive.
Derivation of limiting ratios of driveing tensions, centrifugal tension V-belts. Ropes and chains.
Dynamometers: Classification, functions, construction and working concepts. Governor:
Functions, classification: Watt, porter, hartnell, hartung. Elementary numericals about height,
maximum and minimum radil, controlling force etc.
Mechanics of Solids
Mechanical properties of materials: Concept of stress and strain, stress-strain curves of mild
steel, aluminium, cast iron rubber etc., various modulli determination of stresses and strains in bolts,
stepped bars, compound bars and columns obligue plane. Principal stresses,mohr circle. Shear
force/bending moments/deflection: analysis of cases of concentrated and uniformly distributed
load. Shear force and bending moments diagrams: Cantilever, simply supported, overchanging
beams. Strain energy: resilience, derivation of formulae of strain energy for uniform bars in
tension, shock load, shear stress. Modulus of resilience. Torsion: solid and hollw circular shaftspolar modulus, weights, power transmitted. Springs: close colled helical springs. Laminated
springs. Maximum stress and central defiection, (simple numericals, no proof of formulae).
Columns and struts: long and short columns, slenderness ratio. End conditions and equivalent
lenghts. Euler and rankine formulae (no derivation).
Material Science
Materials: Ferrous-iron, steel, alloy steels. Nonferrous metals-aluminium, zinc, copper, tin, lead.
Nonmetallic materials-timber, polymers. Basic knowledge of their production. Structure of
materials: Crystalline, amorphous, arrangement of atoms. Crystal structure, imperfections.
mechanical properties of common metals and alloys, deformation. Heat treatment: Iron-carbon
equilibrium diagram, TTT curves; recovery recrystallisation and grain growth, elementary concepts
of hardening, tempering, annealing normalizing and case hardening. Alliy elements: effects of
alloying Cr,Co,Si,Mn etc., Tool steels, stainless steels, heat resisting alloys, spring steel.
Nonferrous materials: Duralumin, solders, brass, bronze, gnmetal, inconel. Non-metallic
materials: Timber-plywood, hard board, seasoning. Polymers, thermoplasts and thermosets. Heat
insulating materials. Glass wool, thermocol, rubber. Electric insulation materials: Bakelite, mica
refractory materials; composites.
Design and Estimating
General design considerations for machine parts: Steps in machine design, factor of safety.
Mechanical properties of materials, selection of materials. Machine parts subjected to the following
loadings: (i) Direct and shear loads: Theaded connection, cotter and knucle joints (ii) Bending
moment: Design for railway wagon axle and road vehicle axles. Proof load and proof stress. Semi
elliptic laminated springs, maximum stress and deflection, (iii) Twisting moment: Solid and
hollow shafts. Design of keys and coupling bolts in rigid flanged coupling. Reveted and welded
joints: Types of reveted joints, strength, efficiency, safe load and pitch of revets, lap and butt joints.
Common types of welded joints, leg length, throat thickness and size of weld. Simple design for
vee, butt, transverse fillet and parallel fillet welded joints. Theories of failure: Maximum principal
stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, concept of equivalent bending moment and torque;
Rolling elements bearing: Equivalent load, dynamic capacity, life of bearings. Estimation of
material requirements: Estimation of weight of simple machine parts. Review of the area/volume
of triangle, hexagon, octagon, cylinder, frustum of cone and pyramid etc. Estimation of time for
common operations: Turning, facing, theading, drilling, shaping, chamfering. Simple problems
pertaining to above. Estimation of cost: Concept of costing-direct materials, indirect materials,
direct labour, indirect labour, overhead expenses. Break-even analysis. Cost estimation of
welding: Cost of materials, fabrication, preparation, welding, finishing and overhead expenses.
Industrial Engineering
Plant Layout: General plant location factors, selection of plant site. Product layout, process layout.
Standardization: National and international standards, value of standardization. Standardization
techniques and problems. Quality Control: Elements of quality control and objectives. Frequency
distribution. X-R charts, P-charts, C-charts and acceptance sampling concept of production.
Inspection and its objectives. Types of inspections. Work Study: Flow process chart, flow
diagrams, work measurment, time study. Time and motion study. Products, planning and control:
Sales forecasting and its uses. Planning-products, process, parts, materials. Optimum batch quantity
for production and inventory. Routing, dispatching and follow-up activities. Inventory control:
Elements of control procedurers, types of controls. Inventory control system of bin and recorder
cycle system. Safety stock concepts. Material handling: Factors in material handling problems.
Reduction of cost and time through improved material handling. Material handling equipment:
Lifting, lowering, transporting and combination devices. Industrial safety: Need for safety-legal,
humanitarian, economic and social considerations. Safety at work place-unsafe conditions and
hazards-electrical hazards, lighting, ventilation, heat control, noise and vibrations, fire and
explosion, chemical hazards; hygiene. Brief knowledge of relevant acts like factory act, workman
compensation act, Indian boiler act, Indian electricity act, explosive act.
Thermal Engineering
Boilers: Fire tube, water tube, mountings and accessories. Equivalent evaporation, efficiencies.
Steam and gas turbines: Impulse and reaction. Turbine components. Classification. Steam
conndensers, components and construction features. Internal combustion engines, classification.
Two stroke and four stroke engines. Main components and their functions. Air standard cycles, otto,
diesel, dual; efficiencies. Engine lubrication, cooling systems. Air compressors: Types
reciprocating and rotary, single stage and two stage compressors. Simple numerical problems.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Refrigeration: Various cycles. COP. Representation of cycles in p-V, T-S and P-H diagrams.
Vapour compression system: Wet and dry compression. Domestic refrigerator. Vapour absorption
system, cycles of operation. Simple numerical problems. Refrigerants: Classification, properties
SO2, CO2, NH3, Freon-12 etc., Air conditioning: Psychrometery, basic ideas of salient terms-dry
and wet bulb temperatures, dew point, enthalpy, sensible heating, humidification and
dehumidification, sensible heat factor, basic knowledge of room air conditioning. Central air
conditioning systems.
Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines
Fluid Properties: Pressure-depth relationship, total pressure on lamina, condition of equilibrium of
floating bodies, meta center and meta centric height (simple numerical problems). Fluid
dynamics: types of flow, equation of continuity. Bernoulli equation, orifices, coefficients of
contraction, velocity and discharge. Minor losses in fluid flow. Venturimeter, orifice meter, pilot
tube. Notches and weirs: Rectangular notch, V-notch francis and bazin formulae for rectangular
weirs. Broad crested weirs. Flow through pipes, friction loss darcy weisbach equation. Simple
numerials. Channels: uniform flow in rectangular and trapezoidal channels. Chezy and manning
equations. Most economical sections. Hydraulic machines: Impulse and reaction turbines, pelton,
francis and kaplan turbines-constructional and operational features. Velocity diagrams. Pumps:
Centrifugal and reciprocating pumps. Basic knowledge of constructional and operational features.
Manufacturing Processes
Metal forming processes: Classification on the basis of properties of deformability, fusibility and
divisibility such as rolling, forging, drawing, extruding, pressing, punching, blanking, spinning.
Welding: Concept of various welding processes-electric arc, resistance, thermit, metal-inert-gas,
tungsten-inert-gas, laser beam, electron beam, explosion and ultrasonic. Welding of different
materials in industries: Plastics, aluminium, copper, brass, bronze, alloy steels, cast iron, stainless
steel; oxyacetylene method. Welding arcs; arc initiation, structure, types, metal transfer
characteristics. Different types of electrodes. Basic knowledge of testing of welds and relevant
welding code. Foundry practice: Patterns and moulding-pattern types, materials, allowances,
layout, colour scheme, difects cores. Moulding process: Mould materials, types of sands, parting
powders, sand mixing and preparation. Moulding defects. Melting and pouring. Basic knowledge of
refractory materials and fluxes. Furnaces-cupola, pit, tilting and electric types. Special castings:
Shell mould casting, die casting, investment mould casting. Centrifugal and continuous casting, full
mould casting. Powder metallurgy: Basic knowledge of the process, production of metal powders,
blending, compaction, sintering etc. Self lubricated bearings. Advantages and limitations of the
Mechine Tool Technology & Maintenance
Machine tools: Basic common features, drive systems, sources of power, work and tool holding
devices, speed varying systems, mechanical methods of providing automaticity in machine tools.
Lathe: Various parts, their functions and kinematics, lathe accessories and attachments. Capstan
and turret lathe tools operations carried out on lathes such as turning, taper turning, drilling, screw
cutting, reaming, knurling. Common lath tools and their uses. Simple kanowledge of computer
numerical control (CNC) lathes and automation. Milling machines: Types, components, general
maintenance. Operations such as plane milling, angular milling, straddle milling, spur gear milling,
endexing. Shaping, planing and slotting machines: Components, working principle, quick return
mechanism; types of tools used, their geometry. Drilling and boring machines: Constructional
details and principle of working. Classification such as simple and radial types. Tools used.
Maintenance; general and periodic. Grinding machines: Types common abrasive materials, grains,
grits; speeds and feeds. Use of coolants. Jigs and fixtures: Difference between jigs and fixtures,
types of jigs. Cooling processes: Coolants and cutting fluids their fuctions, selection for different
materials and operations.
Workshop Practice & Production Technology
Workshop technology: Scope in engineering. Brief survey of different shops generally contained
in a standard engineering workshop viz. Carpentry, foundry, smithy, sheet metal, fitting, painting
and machine shops. Carpentry: Common carpentry tools-their classification such as marking and
measuring, holding and supporting, cutting and sawing, drilling and boring, striking and turning
(name of parts, functions and specification only). Joining of timber components: Types of joints,
common defects likely to occur in joints, their causes. Foundry: Basic knowledge of tools used in
foundries. Patterns-types, uses and allowances: Green sand maoulding; sand preparation and
additives, parting powders, problems in moulding, uses of cores, risers, gates, chills etc. Smithy:
Basic concepts of operations in smithy shop such as fullering, upsetting, swaging, forge welding
drawing down. Tools used in smithy (names, functions and size specifications only) smithy forge,
blower, shovel anvil, swage block, striking tools, punch , drift and hammers. Sheet metal shop:
Basic knowledge of operations such as laying out, shearing, blanking, seaming, burning, stamping
etc., tools in sheet metal shop used for marking, measuring, punching. Fitting shop: Fasterners like
rivets, bolts, nuts, screws, keys, pins etc., (basic understanding only). Tools used in fitting shop
such as threading tools, dies, taps, vices, wrench and spanners, hack saw, drills (names, function
and specifications only). Painting shop: Surface preparation, sand and emery papers, varnishing
and polishing. Common materials used such as red oxide, putty, yellow clay. Defects likely to occur
in painting and their remedies. Machine shop: Elementary theory of metal cutting; chips-types,
geometry of formation. Brief idea of newer machining processes such as abrasive jet machining,
ultrasonic machining, chemical machining, electric discharge machining, leser beam machining,
electron beam machining, plasma arc machining. Metal finishing processes: Such as diamond
machining, honing, lappings buffing etc.
(Brief study of following subjects)
1. Basic Electrical Engg.: Basic terminology and their concept, D.C. circuits, batteries, capacitors,
electromagnetism, electromagnetic induction, A.C. circuits, polyphase circuits. 2. Electrical and
electronic engg. materials: Classification, conducting materials, insulating materials, magnetic
materials, semi-conductor materials, special purpose materials. 3. Electronics-I: Semiconductor
diode, bipolar junction transistor, basic transistor amplifier, single stage transistor amplifier,
transistor power amplifier, feedback in amplifiers, regulated power supply. 4. Electrical machineI: Generalized treatment, D.C. machines, transformer, A.C. generator (Alternator).
(Brief study of following subjects)
5. Electrical instruments and measurements: Introduction to electrical measuring instruments,
measurement and errors, ammeters and voltmeters (moving coil and moving iron) wattmeters
(dynamometer type) and max. demand indicator, energy meter (induction type), miscellaneous
measuring instruments, electronic instruments, measurement of resistance, inductance and
capacitance. Elements of process instruments. 6. Power plant engg.: Thermal stations, hydro
electric plants, nuclear power plants, diesel power plants, gasturbine plants. Combined working of
power plants, major electrical equipment in power stations, recent development. 7. Transmission
and distribution of electrical powers: Electrical design of lines. Constructional features of
transmission lines, economic principles of transmission, mechanical design of distribution system
lines/power factor improvement, underground cables, carrier communication. 8. Electronics-II:
Digital electronics, microprocessors, oscillators, integrated electronics, operational amplifiers,
communication engg.
Section – A
(Brief study of following subjects)
1. Network Theorems: KCL, KVL, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition
theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem.
2. Electrical Machines-II : Synchronous motor, Induction motor, FHP motors, Stepper motor,
Servomotor, Submersible pumps.
3. Switchgear and Protection: Distribution system, Causes of low power factor, Fuses,
Switchgears, Circuit breakers, Isolators, protective schemes, overvoltage protection, over
current protection, different types of substations.
4. Non-conventional sources of energy : Importance and it’s present scenario, Future
prospects and it’s Economics, Solar Energy, Bio Energy, Wind Energy, Geothermal and
Tidal Energy.
5. Estimation and costing in Electrical Engineering : Introduction and types of wiring,
Estimation and costing of overhead and underground distribution. Introduction to Energy
6. Utilization of Electrical Energy: Illumination, Electrical welding, Electric-heating,
Electrolytic process, Electric circuits in refrigeration, Air conditioner and water cooler,
Electric drives and Electric traction.
Section – B
(Brief study of following subjects)
7. Installation and Maintenance of Electrical equipment: Brief study of Electrical
maintenance, installation and commissioning, Preventive maintenance of electrical
equipments, Electrical safety, Insulation testing and electrical earthing.
8. Industrial Electronics: Semiconductor, Introduction to SCR, Controlled Rectifiers,
Choppers, Dual Convertors, Cycloconverters, Thyristor control of electric drives and UPS.
9. Instrumentation and control: CRO and it’s application, open loop and closed control
system, Components and circuits of control system, Introduction, working and application
of programmable logic controllers (PLC).
10. Miscellaneous measurements and Transducers: Meggar and it’s application,
Transducers, Measurement of displacement, strain, force, torque, pressure flow and
temperature, signal conditioning, recording and display systems.
1- Farm Power Engineering & Non Conventional sources of Energy: Introductions : Sources of
power on farms, comperative study and uses. Limitation and brief description of animal, fossil fuel
(Diesel/petrol) wind, solar, Biogas and electric power. I.C. Engines : Principles Heat engine,
principle of operation, classification of I.C. Engines, Principles of operation two stroke and four
stroke engine. Diesel and petrol engine, stationary, reciprocating and rotary parts, their material of
construction and functions. Concept of terms related with I.C. engine, Numerical problems related
with different terms. Performance of engine. Tractor: Introduction Classification of tractor and
adoptability. Factors affecting selection of tractor. General idea about different makes, models, in
fifferent H.P. ranges of tractors. Hourly Cost of Operation : Hourly Cost of operation of small
petrol engine, diesel engine and tractor.
2- Non Conventional Enegry ; Bio-gas Technonogy : Introduction of Biogas, Production of
Biogas, Bio-digestion of plants and animals waste, reaction taking place during bio-digestion, gases
produced during the process, elimination of unwanted gases such as CO2 and H2 s. Factors
affecting production of gas, efficiency of Bio-gas plants in winter, uses of biogas. Wind Energy
Technology: Types of wind mills-Vertical axis and Horizontal axis. Various uses of wind mills.
Site selection for a wind mill construction, working and maintenance of wind mills. Solar Energy
Technology : Solar radiation and potentiality of solar radiation in India. Application of solar
energy. solar collector.
3- Post Harvest Technology & Agro Based Industries : Introduction: Importance of grain and
seed processing principles of agricultural processing, sequence of operation, Flow digestion
services offered by processor of farmers: Wheat, Maize, paddy and Soyabeen, Agro-Based
Industries: Sugercane crushing, khandsari and Gur making process and equipment, vegetable and
animal waste utilization, bye products of Soyabeen and potato, dehydration of vegetables.
4- Farm & Land Development Machinery : Farm Mechanization: Definition, Status of farm
mechanization in India, Scope, Limitation, Advantages. Primary and Secondary tillage equipment,
Sowing and Planting equipment, Harvesting and theshing equipment, Land Development
equipment: construction, operation and output of the following Dozen Scraper, Draghoe and
1- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering: Introduction: Definition of Irrigation, History of
Irrigation, Necessity and scope of Irrigation. Water Requirement of Plants: Types of soils, soil
properties in relation of Irrigation and drainage, classes and availability of soil water, Evaporation,
transpiration, evapotranspiration, consumptive use, estimating crop water requirements, duty of
water, delta. Assessment irrigation water requirements of different crops, estimation of depth and
time of irrigation, different criteria for irrigation scheduling depending upon soil plant- atmospheric
factor. Irrigation Methods: Surface and subsurface methods, sprinkler and drip system of
irrigation and conjunctive use. Measurement of irrigation efficiencies, water conveyance, storage,
application, distribution and water use efficiency.
Drainage Engineering: Definition, necessity, water logging salinity, its control interrelationship of
irrigation, drainage, drainage coeficient. Different types of surface and subsurface drainage system.
2- Minor Irrigation : Importance, necessity and advantages of minor irrigation, land survey,
method of levelling, determination of cuts and fill. Importance and necessity of levelling. Sources
of minor irrigation. Definition of tubewell, need, advantage & disadvantage, characteristics of
tubewell site, factor affecting site selection.
Section - B
and causes of soil erosion, factors affecting erosion, damages caused by soil erosion. Agronomical
measures for soil & water conservation : Contour tarming, matching, grip cropping, cover cropping,
mixed cropping, role of grasses in soil conservation. Mechanical mothod of erosion control: Field
bunding, contour bunding, graded bunding, ridge and channel terraces. Gully erosion control:
classification of gullies, control of gullies by temporary and permanent structures: earthen check
dams, brush dams, loose rock dams, straight drop spiliway. Land Reclamation: Classification of
user soils, salty resistant crops, reclamation of user soils. Reclamation of waste lands forest lands
and sandy soils, sanddunes stabilization. Ravine Reclamation: Classification of ravines and
various measures for ravine reclamation.
mÙkjk[k.M dh vkjf{kr Jsf.k;ksa gsrq fu/kkZfjr izek.k&i=ksa ds izi=A
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vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds :i esa ekU;rk nh xbZ gSA
Jh@Jherh@dqekjh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rFkk vFkok mudk
ifjokj mÙkjk[k.M ds xzke ------------------------------- rglhy --------------------------uxj ------------------------------ftyk --------------------------------------- esa lkekU;r;k jgrk gSA
LFkku %
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mÙkjk[k.M ds vU; fiNMs+ oxZ ds fy;s tkfr izek.k&i=
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------------------------------------------ fiNM+s tkfr ds O;fDr gSA ;g tkfr m0iz0 yksd lsok ¼vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa] vuqlwfpr
tutkfr;ksa rFkk vU; fiNMs+ oxksZa ds fy, vkj{k.k vf/kfu;e]1994½ tSlk fd mÙkjk[k.M jkT; esa izHkkoh gS]
dh vuqlwph&1 ds vUrxZr ekU;rk izkIr gSA mDr vf/kfu;e]1994 dh vuqlwph&2 ls vf/klwpuk
la[;k&22@16@92&dk&2@1995 Vh-lh- fnukad 08 fnlEcj]1995 }kjk ;Fkk la”kksf/kr ls vkPNkfnr ugha
Jh@Jherh@dqekjh ----------------------------------------------------- rFkk@vFkok mudk ifjokj mÙkjk[k.M ds xzke --------------------rglhy ---------------------------------------------------- uxj ------------------------------------- ftyk -----------------------------------esa
lkekU;r;k jgrk gSA
LFkku %
gLrk{kj -----------------------------------fnukad %
iwjk uke ----------------------------------inuke ------------------------------------eqgj -----------------------------------------ftykf/kdkjh@vij ftyk eftLVsªV@flVh
eftLVsªV@mi ftyk
@ftyk lekt dY;k.k vf/kdkjhA
mÙkjk[k.M jkT; vkUnksyudkfj;ksa ds fy;s izek.k&i=
¼dsoy “kkl0 la0&1270@rhl&2@2004 fnukad 11 vxLr] 2004 o “kkl0 la0&776@XX¼4½
26@m0vk0@2006&08 fnukad 22 vDVwcj] 2008 rFkk “kkl0 la0&637@XX¼4½&26@m0vk0@2006@09
fnukad 13
13 vxLr] 2010 ds v/khu vgZ lsok;kstu gsrq fpfUgr~ vkUnksyudkfj;ksa ds fy, ½
lqiq=@iRuh@lqiq=h Jh ----------------------------------------------------------------------- fuoklh xzke ---------------------------------------------------rglhy
&1270@rhl&2@2004 fnukad 11 vxLr] 2004 o “kkl0 la0&776@XX¼4½26@m0vk0@2006&08
fnukad 22 vDVwcj] 2008 rFkk “kkl0 la0&637@XX¼4½&26@ m0vk0@2006@09 fnukad 13 vxLr] 2010
ds vuqlkj mÙkjk[k.M jkT; vkUnksyudkjh ds :i esa fpfUgr~ gSA
LFkku %
fnukad %
gLrk{kj -----------------------------------iwjk uke ----------------------------------inuke ------------------------------------eqgj -----------------------------------------ftykf/kdkjh@vij ftyk eftLVªsV
mÙkjk[k.M ds Lora=rk laxzke lsukfu;ksa ds vkfJrksa ds fy, izek.k&i=
“kklukns”k la[;k 4@23@1982&2@1997] fnukad 26 fnlEcj]1997
¼tSlk fd m0iz0 iquxZBu vf/kfu;e] 2000 ds vUrxZr mÙkjk[k.M esa ykxw gS½
izek.k&i= fd;k tkrk gS fd Jh@Jherh@dqekjh -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------lqiq=@iRuh@ lqiq=h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fuoklh xzke ------------------------------------------------rglhy --------------------------------------------- uxj ------------------------------------------------ ftyk ---------------------------------------------mRrj izns”k
yksd lsok ¼”kkjhfjd :i ls fodykax] Lora=rk laxzke lsukfu;ksa ds vkfJr vkSj HkwriwoZ lSfud ds fy,
vkj{k.k½ vf/kfu;e]1993 tSlk fd mÙkjk[k.M jkT; esa ykxw gS] ds vuqlkj Lora=rk laxzke lsukuh gS vkSj
Jh@Jherh@dqekjh¼vkfJr½ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iq=@iq=h@ikS=@
vfookfgr ikS=h mi;afdr vf/kfu;e]1993 ds gh izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj mDr Jh@Jherh@¼Lora=rk laxzke
lsukuh½ ds vkfJr gSA
LFkku %
gLrk{kj -----------------------------------fnukad %
iwjk uke------------------------------------inuke ------------------------------------eqgj -----------------------------------------ftykf/kdkjh --------------------------¼lhy½ --------------------------------------30
fu%'kDrrk izek.k & i=
laLFkku@vLirky dk uke vkSj irk
izek.k i= la[;k & ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rkjh[k --------------------------------fu%'kDrrk izek.k & i=
fpfdRlk cksMZ ds
v/;;{k }kjk
mEehnokj dk gky
dk QksVks tks
mEehnokj dh
fu%'kDrrk n'kkZrk
gksA fd;k tkrk gS fd Jh@Jherh@dq0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lqiq=@iRuh@lqiq=h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------vk;q
------------------------------------------ fyax------------------------------ igpku
-----------fuEufyf[kr dh LFkk;h fu%'kDrrk ls xzLr gSA
d- xfr fo"k;d ¼yksdkseksVj½ vFkok izefLr"dh; i{kk?kkr ¼QkWfyt½
(i) nksukas Vkaxs ¼ch ,y½ & nksuka iSj izHkkfor fdUrq gkFk izHkkfor ugha
(ii) nksuksa ckagsa ¼ch ,½ & nks
nksuksa ckagsa izHkkfor ¼d½ nqcZy igqWp
¼[k½ detksj idM+
(iii) nksuksa Vkaxs vkSj ckagsa ¼ch ,y ,½ & nksuksa VkWxsa vkSj nksuksa ckgsa izHkkfor
(iv) ,d Vkax ¼vks ,y½ & ,d Vkax izHkkfor ¼nk;ka ;k ck;ka½
¼d½ nqcZy igqWp
¼[k½ detksj idM+
¼x½ xfr foHkze ¼vVSfDll½
(v) ,d ckag ¼vks ,½ & ,d ckag izHkkfor
¼d½ nqcZy igqWp
¼[k½ detksj idM+
¼x½ xfr foHkze ¼vVSfDll½
(vi) ihB vkSj furEc ¼ch ,p½ & ihB vkSj furEc esa dM+kiu ¼cSB vkSj >qd ugha ldrs½
(vii) detksj ekal isf'k;ka ¼,e MCyw½ & ekal isf'k;ksa esa detksjh vkSj lhfer 'kkjhfjd lgu'kfDrA
[k[k- va/kkiu vFkok vYi n`f"V &
ch & va/krk
ih ch & vkWaf'kd :i ls va/krk
ih Mh & vkWf'kd :i ls cf/kj
x- de lqukbZ nsuk
¼ml dks gVk nsa tks ykxw u gks½
;g fLFkfr
fLFkfr esa izxkeh gS@xSj izxkeh gS@ blesa lq/kkj gksus dh lEHkkouk gS@lq/kkj gksus dh lEHkkouk ugha gSA bl ekeys
dk iqufu/kkZj.k fd, tkus dh vuq'kalk ugha dh tkrhA ------------------o"kks
------------------o"kksaZ ---------------- eghuksa dh vof/k ds i'pkr iqufu/kkZj.k
fd, tkus dh vuq
vuq'kalk dh tkrh gSA *
muds ekeys esa fu'kDrrk dk izfr'kr ------------------ gSA
vius drZO;ksa ds fuoZgu ds fy, fuEufyf[kr 'kkjhfjd vis{kkvksa
dks iwjk djrs@djrh gSa%&
(i) ,Q&vaxqfy;ksa dks pykdj dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(ii) ih ih&/kdsyus vkSj [khapus ds tfj, dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gS A
(iii) ,y&mBkus ds tfj, dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(iv) ds lh&?kqVuksa ds cy >qdu vkSj ncd dj dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSa
(v) ch&>qd dj dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(vi) ,l&cSB dj dk;Z dj ldrs @ldrh gSaA
(vii) ,l Vh&[kM+s gksdj dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(viii) MCyw&pyrs gq, dj dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(ix) ,l bZ&ns[k dj dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(x) ,p&lquus@cksyus ds tfj, dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
(xi) vkj MCyw&i<+us vkSj fy[kus ds tfj, dk;Z dj ldrs@ldrh gSaA
fpfdRlk cksMZ
fpfdRlk cksMZ
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¼eqgj lfgr½
* tks ykxw u gks dkV nsaA