Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-
Dissemination Level
PU Public
PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission
RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the
Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission
HOLISTIC / Mödling 1
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive summary......................................................................................... 3
O BJECTIVE OF THE W ORK P ACKAGE ........................................................................... 4
Business and financing models.......................................................................... 5
Common scheme................................................................................... 5
3.2 HOLISTIC solar partnership .................................................................... 7
4.0 Refined Building integrated PV .......................................................................... 8
4.1 Proposed subproject „Wehrgasse“............................................................ 9
4.2 Proposed subproject “Rehberger“ .......................................................... 10
4.3 Proposed subproject “HTL Mödling”........................................................ 11
4.4 Proposed subproject “Wirtschaftshof Mödling“ ......................................... 12
4.5 Proposed subproject “sewage-treatment plant”........................................ 13
4.6 Proposed subproject “new carport construction” ...................................... 14
5.0 Conclusions.................................................................................................. 15
HOLISTIC / Mödling 2
This report presents the proposal of the HOLISTIC partners in terms of providing a detailed analysis for high-performed building integrated Photovoltaic systems (BIPV) with a capacity of 30kWp in Mödling. Due to the legal and economic constraints such as that the revision of the main framework, the Green Electricity Act is still reviewed by the
European institution the HOLISTIC solar partnership is launched in May 2009. Once this partnership is established the HOLISTIC WP2.M2 team is quite confident to achieve the target quota of high innovative BIPV application as contractually agreed in Annex I.
Beside the executive summary the deliverable includes 4 sections briefly summarised hereafter:
• Chapter 2 of this report highlights the opportunities and challenges WP2.M2 is facing with respect to the given objectives of the work package.
• Chapter 3 is dealing with responses of WP2.M2 on challenges associated with the set-up of a private and public financial scheme able to overcome the uncertainty of the Austrian legal frame and to establish a robust partnership under the signet of HOLISTIC.
• Section 4 describes the sites, the innovative approaches, the annual sun diagrams and the performance ratio respective the yield of six already identified BIPV applications with a capacity of 4 – 5 kWp each.
• The concluding remarks highlight the advantages associated with the HOLISTIC solar partnership and recommend the construction of app. 80% of the contractually agreed 30kWp under the signet of HOLISTIC.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 3
This document includes the “Construction site for Building Integrated PV (BIPV) defined, design completed and construction schedule agreed.” (Deliverable 25) of WP 2.M2
“Mödling: Solar Energy”. WP 2.M2 intends to design a Solar Roof Program for Mödling and to conduct a detailed analysis for high-performed building integrated Photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 30kWp. Deliverable 25 is due at the end of January 2009, viz:
Table 1: Key facts about deliverable 26
Del. No Deliverable title Partners Delivery date
Construction site for Building
Integrated PV (BIPV) defined, design completed and construction schedule agreed.
20 -> 24 Done
In order to discuss about how to achieve the share of 34% renewables on the final energy consumption in 2020, a workshop 1 was organised by the national representatives of renewable interest groups Mid May 2008. In this workshop, those representatives were queried about realistic potential of renewable technologies towards 2020. By taking the perspectives for more efficient and economic solar systems into account, the Photovoltaic
Roadmap for Austria 2 predicts yearly 20% growth, which may lead to a supply of 1TWh in
2020. The degree of utilising this potential is hardly depending on the public support schemes, which have been mainly characterized by discontinuity as already described in the provided Deliverable D26. The revision of the main framework, the Green Electricity
Act took place in September 2008 and is still reviewed by the European institution for the time being. The share of the Austrian solar applications in 2006 and the predicted portion in 2020 are summarised in the table below:
Share in 2006
25.6 MWp / 13.5 GWh 3
Share in 2020
1000 MW / 1 TWh 3
Solar thermal heat 3.6 Mio. m² / 1.2 TWh 3 36 Mio. m² / 12 TWh 3
WP 2.M2 aims at supporting the rocky way towards achieving these national targets by promoting the installation of 430kWp Photovoltaic and 2000 m² sun collectors till
2012. The challenge is to provide the right policy frameworks and financial tools that
The attendees on the workshop consist of representatives of the Austrian RES associations such as Biomasse-
Verband, IG Windkraft, Kleinwasserkraft, Photovoltaic Austria, AustriaSolar, ARGE Kompost & Biogas
H.Fechner et al.: Photovoltaic Roadmap for Austria, http://www.energiesystemederzukunft.at
/results.html/id4342, 2007
Source: G. Faninger
HOLISTIC / Mödling 4
will enable solar technologies to achieve its market potential and move from the margins of energy supply into the mainstream. According to recently published findings of the European KIS-PIMS project 4 “…Financial structure and scale pose a further challenge to investment in renewable energy projects. They usually carry higher up-front capital costs and lower operational costs than their conventional counterparts. The external financing requirement is therefore high and must be amortised over the entire project lifecycle. Moreover, most renewable energy projects are small, which means that transaction costs (e.g. feasibility analysis, due diligence, legal and engineering fees, consultants, etc) are disproportionately high, as these do not vary significantly with project size. Finally, renewable energy project developers are often under-financed with relatively limited track records, which cause financiers to perceive them as high risk and to refuse non-recourse project finance.
A key tool for catalysing investment in renewables in many countries is creating price support mechanisms that provide stability and predictability over the medium and long term. Such mechanisms reduce the risk premium in the cost of capital, which will increase the amount of investment in renewable energy and lower the price that consumers have to pay. Policy interventions are taking a range of forms including market-based quota mechanisms such as carbon emissions trading and renewable obligation arrangements, and fixed-price schemes such as the feed-in laws.” A survey of related support schemes is provided in D5: Validated list of regulations and framework conditions to be analysed of WP 1.4.
Apart from political support schemes direct financial and business models are needed in order i) to underpin a guided transition from policy “push” towards market “pull”, ii) to facilitate the large-scaled integration of PV applications into the existing electricity system and iii) to lower the initial financial effort of the customers. The following sections intend to provide a general frame as it is outlined in the KIS – PIMS publications 4 and a derived particular model, the so called HOLISTIC solar partnership for Mödling.
“For renewable energy, the variety of forms of capital – the finance continuum – needed to realise a project is generally incomplete and the gaps can often only be filled with niche financial products, some of which exist and some of which need to be
See also http://www.europe-innova.org/kis-ip/kis-pims/results
HOLISTIC / Mödling 5
created. Figure 1 shows which types of finance are often secured today by mid- to large-scale renewable energy projects, which types are occasionally secured, and the current gaps and barriers in the continuum. It also proposes some interventions that might be supported by public sources to close the gaps. The following discussion takes the reader through this chart (fig. 1), moving from left to right.
Fig. 1: Secured and unsecured types of finance for renewable energy projects (Source: KIS-PIMS)
Project preparation for renewable energy projects is generally carried out either by large energy companies or specialised project development companies, as is usually the case in Germany. Energy companies finance project preparation from operational budgets. Specialised companies finance project development work through private finance, capital markets, or with risk capital from venture capitalists, private equity funds, or strategic investors.
If the concept successfully passes through the development stages, the project developer is in a strong position to attract external financing, both from equity sponsors and eventually from the banks. To secure loans, developers and their sponsors will generally need to provide between 25% and 50% of the capital required for a project in the form of shareholder equity. As the risk (real or perceived) associated with a project increases lenders will require that equity play a larger role in the financing structure. This not only strains a developer’s capital resources, it raises the cost of the entire project, since equity capital always costs more than debt capital.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 6
Therefore, innovative structures are needed that can fill the widening gap between the equity and debt available to a project.
Further along in the finance continuum, another option to fill the equity/debt gap is quasi-equity or mezzanine finance, which constitutes a variety of structures positioned in the financing package somewhere between the high risk/high upside equity position and the lower risk/fixed returns debt position. Public participation in mezzanine funds, if structured appropriately, can help mitigate the risks for commercial investors.
The bulk of the financing provided to a project is usually in the form of senior debt, which can be structured as on-balance sheet corporate finance or off-balance sheet project finance. Corporate financing requires a decision by the corporate sponsor to accept the risk and potential reward of a project in its entirety and can only be used by sponsors with a significant base of assets, debt capacity and internal cash flow. Tax incentives, such as accelerated depreciation, and leasing structures can help improve the financials of renewable energy projects for corporate sponsors.”
As the new Austrian Green Electricity Act is still under discussion between the Austrian
Government and the European institutions the economic conditions for investing in renewables are unclear for the time being. For realising nevertheless the originally building integrated PV systems of 30kW a HOLISTIC solar partnership with the town council of Mödling (see also fig. 2) is supposed, which is introduced during a particular
Community Steering Group event on the 19 th of May, 2009.
System provider
Pool of private/public investors
HOLISTIC / Mödling
Solar partnership
Fig. 2: HOLISTIC solar partnership in Mödling
Potential investors requesting for the HOLISTIC solar partnership are put together in a buyer pool in order to reduce the PV component and system costs as well as to use the full spectrum of solar modularity and flexibility in the application. The partner TBB acts as facilitator between the potential investors and the bank by providing consultations with respect to financial issues for the foreseen PV integration. TBB is also in charge of planning and designing the BIPV applications and of treating with the purchasing departments of the manufacturers. She coordinates the realisation, cooperates closely with assigned local installation companies and conducts acceptance tests with the future operators.
The proposed solar partnership includes that the originally planned single application will be split into eight 4 – 5 kWp PV units with the same performance, degree of innovation and financial support through the HOLISTIC project as foreseen in the particular description of work of WP2.M2 and CDS sheet. In order to connect the envisaged investors with the identified attractive BIPV applications TBB provides the following site descriptions:
• General information including a brief synopsis, the nominal power, PV array area,
Module type, location of subproject, mounting type and typical use.
• Annual sun diagrams used for predicting the particular PV system power production.
• Selection of the proper assembling technologies allowing robust installations at low costs.
• Calculation of the expected energy performance and output by using the following formula:
Inv * E
PR (A roof
) = E
/ H i
* A roof
* η A
* η Inv (for roof integration)
PR (A fac
) = E
/ H * R fac
* A fac
* η A
* η Inv (for facade integration)
: AC energy output from inverter, energy, H i
: Irradiation in plane, Rfac : Tilt factor determined according to the Austrian standard
ÖNORM M 7701; η A
PR : Performance ratio, A : Module areas, E
: PV array
: Array efficiency under Standard Temperature Condition (0,12 for the modul RSM75), η Inv: inverter efficiency
HOLISTIC / Mödling 8
Nominal power
Innovative façade integration with solar shading elements
PV array area
37 m²
Module type Solarwatt
Azimuth angle
Mounting type
Typical use
Power station for commercial enterprises
Fig. 3: Picture of the site “Wehrgasse”
The BIPV will be integrated on the building shown in fig. 3 foreseen for retrofitting. According to the annual sun diagram given in fig. 4 the chosen site is free of obstacles in winter and summer time periods. No influence on
Fig. 4: Annual sun diagram“Wehrgasse” the energy yield is expected.
Novel assembling components are used in order to secure that the façade and solar shading elements are robust enough with respect to local windy thunderstorms and to the snow weights during the winter time period.
The energy performance is calculated with PR (A) = 0.72 for the solar shading elements and PR (A) = 0.44 for the façade. The output E
is predicted with 790 kWh/kWp.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 9
Nominal power
Novel modules for easy roof integration
PV array area
Module type
Azimuth angle
80 - 170°
Mounting type Roof integrated
Typical use
Power station for residential/commercial needs
Fig. 5: Picture of the site “Rehberger”
The used Solarwatt modules consist of recently patented frames, which can be directly mounted on the roof battens. Costs for tiles and other roof elements as well as for the usually utilised aluminium mounting systems for the PV application can be both saved.
The water protection of the solar roof is then comparable to conventional roofs. The two
BIPV systems will be integrated on the two building shown in fig. 5.
As the office and tailor of the company are located on the same site the solar electricity use can be synchronised regarding the load profile. Some advertising issues about the application and about the degree of novelty are foreseen by the company and application owner.
According to the annual sun diagram given in fig. 6 the chosen sites are facing obstacles, which are considered
Fig. 6: Annual sun diagram “Rehberger” in the accurate design of the two BIPV applications.
The energy performance is calculated with PR (A) = 0.67 for both systems. The output
is predicted with 793 kWh/kWp.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 10
Façade integration into an old school buidling
Nominal power
PV array area
Module type Solarwatt
Azimuth angle
Mounting type Facade
Typical use
Power station for the school
Fig. 7: Picture of the site “HTL Mödling”
The BIPV will be integrated on the building shown in fig. 7 foreseen for retrofitting. The building serves as a residential home for the surrounding technical professional school, the largest in Europe. The BIPV façade will be integrated into the educational program of the school as part of the laboratory lessons.
According to the annual sun diagram given in fig. 8 the chosen sites are facing few obstacles. This and the particular use for laboratory lessons are both considered in the accurate design of the building integrated application.
Fig. 8: Annual sun diagram “HTL Mödling”
The energy performance is calculated with PR (A) = 0.56 for the system. The output
is predicted with 620 kWh/kWp.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 11
Roof integrated power plant
Nominal power
PV array area
Module type
Azimuth angle
Mounting type Roof
Typical use
Power station for the public building
Fig. 9: Picture of the site “Wirtschaftshof” incl. the existing sun collectors
The so-called Wirtschaftshof consists of offices and tailors for the communal waste infrastructure and logistics. Together with the already existing solar-thermal application the BIPV will generate electricity and thermal energy so that the building will be nearly self-sufficient. The town council of Mödling will conduct advertising actions on the applications such as particular energy days in close cooperation with WP 5.3 in a format that is attractive for citizens following in the footprints of their local authorities. For doing so and due to the fact that citizens join continuously the Wirtschaftshof this
BIPV application serves as cutting-edge for the HOLISTIC solar partnership as it is described in section 3.2. The chosen site
(see fig. 10) is facing few obstacles to be considered in the accurate design of the building integrated application.
Fig. 10: Arial picture of the roof of “Wirtschaftshof”
The energy performance is calculated with PR (A) = 0.68. The output E
is predicted with 798 kWh/kWp.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 12
Nominal power
Power quality improving BIPV application
PV array area
Module type Solarwatt
Azimuth angle
Mounting type
Facade / Roof
Typical use
Power station for the sewagetreatment plant
Fig. 11: Picture of the site “sewage-treatment plant”
The sewage treatment plant was founded in
1904 and served as the first biological application in Central Europe at that time. The today catchment area consists of the city of
Mödling and 5 further communites with an altogether population equivalent of app.
90,000. The treatment plant is operating with pumps and agitators leading to an annual consumption of app. 1.3 GWh. Due to trees
Fig. 12: Annual sun diagram “HTL Mödling” towards the South the BIPV at the administration building (fig. 13) is suspended. According to the annual sun diagram given in fig. 12 the system integrated into the blue building (fig. 11) is free of obstacles in winter and summer time periods. No influence on the energy yield is expected, but improvements in the power
Fig. 13: Adminitration office at the plant quality of the distribution network during the daytime. The latter will be validated by measurements done in WP 1.3. The energy performance are calculated with PR (A) = 0.74 for the roof integration and PR (A) = 0.43 for the façade. The output E
is predicted with 786 kWh/kWp.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 13
PV shading elements integrated in a new carport
Nominal power
PV array area
Module type
Azimuth angle
Mounting type
Power station for two
Typical use residential buildings
Fig. 14: Picture of the new carport site
Obstacles such as trees and neighbouring buildings exist in Mödling due to its green environment and due to the high building density at the same time. The analysis is made at different locations (see also the sun diagrams fig. 15 and 16). The simulation results that the maximum energy yield can be achieved with a new carport due to its modularity and high replication potential in Mödling. The new carport serves as shadowing roof for the car and is situated on a place with a minimum of obstacles towards the South.
Fig. 15: Annual sun diagram "new carport" - var. 1 Fig. 16: Annual sun diagram "new carport" - var. 2
The energy performance is calculated with PR (A) = 0.67. The output E
is predicted with 790 kWh/kWp.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 14
The HOLISTIC solar partnership is launched based on the legal and economic constraints mentioned earlier and on results of the in-depth analysis of WP2.M2. The partnership consists of:
• Potential investors with declared interest in innovative BIPV solution within the dedicated zone.
• Partners of the HOLISTIC team acting as system designer, energy consultant and
• a kind of connector towards the system providers as well as financial institutions.
The town council of Mödling overseeing the solar partnership by handing over a
HOLISTIC signet especially designed for this purpose.
The possibilities to join the HOLISTIC solar partnership are presented on dedicated
Community Steering Group (CSG) events on 19-05-09 and on 24-06-09.
Subprojects already identified to be financially supported in the frame of WP2.M2 and supposed to get the signets of the HOLISTIC solar partnership are described in section 4.
All mentioned subprojects cover different innovation aspects WP2.M2 intends to overcome such as:
• “Wehrgasse” – façade and shading elements are integrated with an architecturally ambitious design.
• “Rehberger” – cost-effective roof integration avoiding usually utilised tiles and special mounting systems whilst having the same degree of roof protection.
• “HTL Mödling” - cost-effective assembling technology for the façade elements and integration of the BIPV into the regular laboratory lessons of the school of engineering.
• “Wirtschaftshof” – optimised use of energy by adding a BIPV application to the already existing solar-thermal system.
• “Sewage-treatment plant” – improving the power quality of the distribution network during the daytime, which is connected to the ventilation system of the sewage-treatment plant.
• “New carport construction” - shading elements are integrated on a new carport in order to maximise the energy yield within an area full of obstacles such as trees, neighbouring buildings etc..
For achieving the contractually foreseen high-performed building integrated Photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 30kWp further two applications are envisaged, but not mapped yet. The two applications will follow the same principles and analysis steps described for the other six applications above.
HOLISTIC / Mödling 15