Scientific CV - David Edward Bruschi

Curriculum Vitæ
David Edward Bruschi
York Centre for Quantum Technologies, Department of Phyiscs
the University of York,
Information Centre, Market Square,
YO10 5DD, York, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 7595825321 -
David Edward Bruschi
Born 25/11/1982
U.S.A. and Italian nationalities.
Current Employment
04/2015 - Current
Postdoctoral Fellow
York Centre for Quantum Technologies, Department of Physics
University of York,
York, UK
Past Employment
10/2013 - 03/2015
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Racah Institute of Physics,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel
07/2012 - 08/2013
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
University of Leeds,
Leeds, UK
PhD, Mathematics (supervisor Dr. Jorma Louko)
Main topic: Relativistic Quantum Information
2008 - 2012
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
MSc cum Laude, Theoretical Physics
2005 - 2008
Università degli Studi di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”
Bologna, Italy
BSc cum Laude, Physics
2002 - 2005
Università degli Studi di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”
Bologna, Italy
Work experience
2015 - Current
Department of Physics
University of York
Tutor in Physics classes
2012 - 2013
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Leeds
MEng student supervior
2008 - 2012
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Nottingham
Undergraduate demonstrator, private tutor, notetaker, dyslexia private tutor
2006 - 2008
Liceo Scientifico G. Marconi
Parma, Italy
Physics Laboratory Teacher
- 2015 - 2016
Chester Moore, MSc (York, UK)
- 2016 - 2017
Matthew Harris, MSc (York, UK)
Ben Morris, MSc (York, UK)
Journal referee
Annals of Physics, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Journal of Modern Optics, Journal of the
Optical Society of America B, Nature Scientific Reports, New Journal of Physics, Nuclear
Physics B, Physics Letters A, Physics Letters B, International Journal of Modern Physics A,
Foundations of Physcis, International Journal of Quantum Information, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Phyiscal Review A, Quantum Information Processing, Entropy,
Optical and Quantum Electronics, Physical Review Letters.
Events Organized
RQI-N 2013
June 2013, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Local organizing committee member
Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information: joint efforts and new directions in
mathematical physics
April 2013, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Quantum technologies
February 2013, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Conferences, seminars and events
Academic visits
2016 the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (June-September), University of Geneva, Switzerland (April), University of Vienna, Austria (March).
2015 Universidad de La Habana, Cuba (December), University of Malta, Valletta, Malta (November), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel (October), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel (June), University of York, York, UK (February).
2014 ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (July), University College London, London, UK (July),
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (April).
2013 University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (November), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
(November), University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK (November), University of Oxford,
Oxford, UK (September), Chalmers University of Technology, Göteburg, Sweden (March),
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (February).
2012 SISSA, Trieste, Italy (December), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (September), University of Bristol, Bristol, UK (May), SISSA, Trieste, Italy (January)University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Canada (January).
Invited seminars
2016 University of Lancaster, UK (November), University of Durham, UK (November), University
of Geneva, Switzerland (April), University of Vienna, Austria (March)
2015 Universidad del La Habana, Cuba (December), University of Malta, Valletta, Malta (November), Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy (September)
2014 ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (July), University College London, London, UK (July),
ICFO, Barcelona, Spain (April)
2013 University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (September), Chalmers University of Technology, Göteburg,
Sweden (March), ICFO, Barcelona, Spain (February)
2012 SISSA, Trieste, Italy (December), University of York, York, UK (November), University
of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (September), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK (August),
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK (June), DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
(May), University of Bristol, Bristol, UK (May), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
(January), SISSA, Trieste, Italy (January)
2011 University of Leicester, Leicester, UK (November), University of Southampton, Southampton, UK (June)
Invited Talks
* RQM 2014
March 2014, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Not delivered due to personal reasons.
* RQI-N 2013
June 2013, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
* Analogue gravity meets quantum information
March 2013, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
* Workshop on Effective Gravity in Fluids and Superfluids
July 2012, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
* NBMPS 33
March 2012, Heriot Watt, Edinburgh, UK
Contributed Talks
* 2nd Quantum Thermodynamics Conference (04/2015, Spain)
* DICE 2014 Conference (09/2014, Italy)
* QCN 2014 Conference (01/2014, UK)
* IPS 2013 Conference (12/2013, Israel)
* White Rose Meeting (01/2013, UK)
* 9th Vienna Central European Seminar: DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY,
* Theory Meets Experiment: Finding Proposals Towards Testing Foundational
Issues in Particle Physics (COST Action MP1006) (12/2012, Austria)
* Quantum Square (11/2012, UK)
* Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Spacetime (09/2012, Greece)
* RQI 2012 (06/2012,Canada)
* CiE 2012 (06/2012, UK)
* BritGrav 12 (04/2012, UK)
* YRM 2012 (04/2012, UK)
* First NASA Quantum Future Technologies Conference (01/2012, USA)
* YTF 11 (12/2011, UK)
* Young Researchers in Mathematical Physics (11/2011, UK)
* Relativity meets Entanglement and High Energy (09/2011, UK)
* RQI 2011 (06/2011, Spain)
* Britgrav 11 (04/2011, UK)
* Britgrav 10 (04/2010, Ireland)
* Marcel Grossmann 12 (07/2009, France)
* 31st Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics
Jerusalem, Israel (December 2013 - January 2014)
* SIGRAV graduate school in contemporary relativity and gravitational physics
Como, Italy (May 2011)
* Summer School: DPG Physics School 2009
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Bad Honnef, Germany (September 2009)
* Summer School: Geometry and Physics
Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany (May - August 2008)
Grants, awards and funding
Major Grants and funding
2 FQXi large grant (n. to be appinted) - 84030 US Dollars awarded by the Foundational
Questions Institute (216) to fund the “Quantum Observers in a Relativistic World” project
in collaboration with Prof. I. Fuentes (University of Vienna, Austria) and Prof. S. Mancini
(Universitá degli Studi di Camerino)
1 John Templeton Foundation grant (n. 58745) - 232691 Euros awarded by John Templeton Foundation (2015) to fund the “Leaps in cosmology: gravitational wave detection with
quantum systems” project in collaboration with Prof. Ivette Fuentes (University of Vienna,
Smaller Grants and funding
15 Otto Harpner Grant - 540 GBPs awarded by the Anglo-Austrian Society (2016) to visit
IQOQI and the University of Vienna, Austria.
14 STSM grant - 860 Euros awarded by the COST Action MP1403 (2016) to visit IQOQI
and the University of Vienna, Austria.
13 STSM grant - 700 Euros awarded by the COST Action MP1405 (2016) to visit IQOQI
and the University of Vienna, Austria.
12 STSM grant - 700 Euros awarded by the COST Action MP1304 (2016) to visit the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
11 STSM grant - 540 Euros awarded by the COST Action MP1304 (2015) to visit the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Israel.
10 STSM grant - 1100 Euros awarded by the COST Action MP1405 (2015) to visit the
University of Malta, Malta.
9 STSM grant - 1100 Euros awarded by the COST Action MP1209 (2015) to visit the
University of Malta, Malta.
8 STSM grant - 360 pounds awarded by the COST Action MP1006 (2013) to visit the
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
7 IOP Grants - 468 pounds awarded by IoP Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Group, the
Gravitational Physics Group and the Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum
Control Group (2013) to organize the “Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information: joint efforts
and new directions in mathematical physics” postgraduate meeting to be held in April 2013
at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
6 STFC Grant - 907 pounds awarded by STFC (2013) to organize the “Quantum Fields,
Gravity & Information: joint efforts and new directions in mathematical physics” postgraduate meeting to be held in April 2013 at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
5 Grant from CP network - 1400 pounds awarded by CP network (2012) to organize the
“Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information: joint efforts and new directions in mathematical
physics” postgraduate meeting to be held in April 2013 at the School of Mathematical
Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
4 EMS RSF Award - 750 pounds awarded by Edinburgh Mathematical Society (2012) to
organize the “Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information: joint efforts and new directions
in mathematical physics” postgraduate meeting to be held in April 2013 at the School of
Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
3 LMS Grant Award - 4000 pounds awarded by London Mathematical Society (2012) to
organize the “Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information: joint efforts and new directions
in mathematical physics” postgraduate meeting to be held in April 2013 at the School of
Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
2 IMA Small Grant - 400 pounds awarded by The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (2012) to organize the “Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information: joint efforts and
new directions in mathematical physics” postgraduate meeting to be held in April 2013 at
the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
1 IMA Small Grant - 400 pounds awarded by The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (2012) to attend the “ Relativistic Quantum Information 2012 - N” meeting in
Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada.
Prizes and awards
3 Nottingham University Travel Prize 2012 - 400 pounds awarded by The University of
Nottingham (2012) to attend the “First NASA Quantum Future Technologies Conference”
(QFT 1.0) in NASA Ames research center, Mountain View, California, USA.
2 Borsa di studio per periodi di ricerca all’estero - 1000 Euros awarded by Università
degli Studi di Bologna (2008) for further studies abroad. Funding used while visiting the
Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany.
1 Research Fellowship - 1000 euros per month/three months awarded by BIGS in Bonn
(2008) to attend the summer school Geometry and Physics at the Hausdorff Institute
for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany.
24 “Thermal noise in BEC-phononic gravitational wave detectors” C. Sabı́n, J. Kohlrus, D. E.
Bruschi, I. Fuentes, EPJ Quantum Technology 3:8 (2016)
23 “Towards universal quantum computation through relativistic motion” D. E. Bruschi, C.
Sabı́n, P. Kok, G. Johansson, P. Delsing, I. Fuentes, Sci. Rep. 6, 18349 (2016)
22 “On the weight of entanglement” D. E. Bruschi, Phys. Lett. B 754, 182-186 (2016)
21 “Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe” N. Liu, J. Goold, I.
Fuentes, V. Vedral, K. Modi, D. E. Bruschi, Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 035003 (2016)
20 “The thermodynamics of creating correlations: limitations and optimal protocols” D. E.
Bruschi, M. Perarnau-Llobet, N. Friis, K. V. Hovhannisyan, M Huber, Phys. Rev. E 91,
032118 (2015)
19 “Quantum estimation of the Schwarzschild space-time parameters of the Earth” D. E. Bruschi, A. Datta, R. Ursin, T. C. Ralph, I. Fuentes, Phys. Rev. D 90, 124001 (2014)
18 “Repeat-until-success quantum repeaters” D. E. Bruschi, T. M. Barlow, M. Razavi, A. Beige.
Phys. Rev. A 90, 032306 (2014)
17 “Spacetime effects on satellite-based quantum communications” D. E. Bruschi, T. C. Ralph,
I. Fuentes, T. Jennewein, M. Razavi, Phys. Rev. D 90, 045041 (2014)
16 “Phonon creation by gravitational waves” C. Sabı́n, D. E. Bruschi, M. Ahmadi, I. Fuentes.
New J. Phys. 16, 085003 (2014)
15 “Relativistic Quantum Metrology: Exploiting relativity to improve quantum measurement
technologies” M. Ahmadi, D. E. Bruschi, N. Friis, C. Sabı́n, G. Adesso, I. Fuentes, Sci.
Rep. 4, 4996 (2014)
14 “Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments” D. E. Bruschi, C. Sabı́n, A. White, V. Baccetti, D. K. L. Oi, I. Fuentes, New J.
Phys. 16, 053041 (2014)
13 “Quantum metrology for relativistic quantum fields” M. Ahmadi, D. E. Bruschi, I. Fuentes,
Phys. Rev. D 89, 065028 (2014)
12 “Localised projective measurement of a relativistic quantum field in non-inertial frames ”
A. Dragan, J. Doukas, E. Martin-Martinez, D. E. Bruschi, Class. Quantum Grav. 30,
235006 (2013)
11 “On the robustness of entanglement in analogue gravity systems” D. E. Bruschi, N. Friis, I.
Fuentes, S. Weinfurtner New J. Phys. 15, 113016 (2013)
10 “Relativistic motion generates quantum gates and entanglement resonances ” D. E. Bruschi,
A. Dragan, A. Lee, J. Louko, I. Fuentes Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 090504 (2013)
9 “Mode-mixing quantum gates and entanglement without particle creation in periodically accelerated cavities” D. E. Bruschi, D. Faccio, I. Fuentes, J. Louko New J. Phys. 15, 073052
8 “Time evolution techniques for detectors in relativistic quantum information” D. E. Bruschi,
A. R. Lee, I. Fuentes J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 165303 (2013)
7 “Fermionic mode entanglement in quantum information” N. Friis, A. R. Lee, D. E. Bruschi
Phys. Rev. A 87, 022338 (2013)
6 “Quantum gates and multipartite entanglement resonances realized by motion” N. Friis, M.
Huber, I. Fuentes, D. E. Bruschi Phys. Rev. D 86, 105003 (2012)
5 “Particle and anti-particle bosonic entanglement in non-inertial frames ”D. E. Bruschi, I.
Fuentes, J. Louko, Phys. Rev. D 86, 025026 (2012)
4 “Motion generates entanglement.” N. Friis, D. E. Bruschi, J. Louko, I. Fuentes, Phys. Rev.
D 85 (R), 081701 (2012)
3 “Kinematic entanglement degradation of fermionic cavity modes.” N. Friis, A. Lee, D. E.
Bruschi, J. Louko, Phys. Rev. D 85, 025012 (2012)
2 “Voyage to Alpha Centauri: Entanglement degradation of cavity modes due to motion.” D.
E. Bruschi, I. Fuentes, J. Louko, Phys. Rev. D 85 (R), 061701 (2012)
1 “The Unruh effect in quantum information beyond the single-mode approximation.” D. E.
Bruschi, J. Louko, E. Martin-Martinez, A. Dragan, I. Fuentes, Phys. Rev. A 82, 042332
6 “Gravity in the Quantum Lab” R. Howl, L. Hackermüller, D. E. Bruschi, I. Fuentes,
5 “Entanglement and coherence in bi-squeezed tripartite Gaussian states” D. E. Bruschi, C.
Sabı́n, G. S. Paraoanu, arXiv:1607.05043
4 “Thermodynamics of relativistic quantum fields: extracting energy from gravitational waves”
D. E. Bruschi, I. Fuentes, arXiv:1607.01291
3 “Tuneable interacting bosons for relativistic and quantum information processing” C. Moore,
D. E. Bruschi, arXiv:1601.01919
2 “Quantum estimation of physical parameters in the spacetime of a rotating planet” J. Kohlrus,
D. E. Bruschi, J. Louko, I. Fuentes, arXiv:1511.04256
1 “Ultimate precision: Gaussian parameter estimation in flat and curved spacetime” D. Šafránek,
J. Kohlrus, D. E. Bruschi, A. R. Lee, I. Fuentes, arXiv:1511.03905
Conference proceedings
2 “Entanglement generation in relativistic cavity motion.” D. E. Bruschi, J. Louko, D. Faccio,
Submitted to DICE2012 proceedings
1 “Charged Unruh effect on geon spacetimes.” D. E. Bruschi, J. Louko, Proceedings of
the Twelfth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity (Paris, France, 12–18 July
2009) edited by T. Damour, R. Jantzen and R. Ruffini (World Scientific, Singapore, 2012),
pp. 2359–2361. (arXiv:1003.1297)
Impact and outreach
Impact, Outreach
* My article “On the weight of entanglement” was reviewed in July 2015 by the
* My article “Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based
experiments” has appeared in the 2104 NJP Highlights.
* My article “On the weight of entanglement” was reviewed in February 2015 by the
* My article “On the weight of entanglement” was reviewed in January 2015 by the NAUKAS
* My article “On the weight of entanglement” was reviewed in January 2015 by MOTHERBOARD (VICE).
* My article “On the weight of entanglement” was reviewed in January 2015 by the Physics
arXiv Blog.
* My article “Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based
experiments” was reviewed in June 2014 by
* My article “Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based
experiments” was reviewed on May 2014 by
* The article “Phonon creation by gravitational waves” featured in March 2014 in the issue of
New Scientist.
* The article “Voyage to Alpha Centauri: Entanglement degradation of cavity modes due to
motion” featured in April 2013 issue of the New Scientist.
* My work “Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based
setups” featured in the cover article of New Scientist 218, 2913 page 35 (20 April 2013).
References and other information
Langauge skills
Native speaker English and Italian.
Basic Knowledge of German, Spanish, Hebrew.
Computer skills
Knowledge in Mac, Windows, Office, Latex, Mathematica environments.
Basic knowledge in C++ and Java
* Sixteen years of Martial Arts, a strong basis in Karate and good knowledge of Muay Thai.
Basics of Krav Maga.
* Reading, exploring, culture, knowledge. And strong opinions.
* Prof. Ivette Fuentes
Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna
1090 Vienna, Austria
telephone: +43 1427751230
* Dr. Mohsen Razavi
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Leeds
LS2 9JT, Leeds, UK
telephone: +44 (0)113 3439406
* Prof. Tim Spiller
York Centre for Quantum Technologies
Department of Physics
University of York
YO10 5DD, Heslington, UK
telephone: +44 (0)1904 32 2254