VISION STATEMENT States and EPA are committed to a partnership to build locally and nationally accessible, cohesive, and coherent environmental information systems that will ensure both the public and regulators have access to the information needed to document environmental performance, understand environmental conditions, and make sound decisions that ensure environmental protection. State Membership Mike Linder, NE (Co-Chair) Ken Elliott, UT Gordon Wegwart, MN Ron Tuminski, NJ Ed Levine, FL Steve Thompson, OK Helen Lottridge, OR Karen Bassett, PA Bruce Humphrey, TX Keith Borgel, WV John Young, MO Arleen O’Donnell, MA Melanie Morris, MS Bob Kaliszewski, CT Bob Zimmerman, DE Kevin Kessler, WI Renee Martinez, NM Jeff Johnston, IL Rod Dehner, VT Philip Bandy, ID Gene Pezdek, NY Tom Lamberson, NE Warren Angell, RI Gary Arstein-Kerslake, CA Environmental Data Standards Council (EDSC) EPA Membership Kim Nelson, OEI (Co-Chair) Diane Regas, OW Mike Stahl, OECA Dev Barnes, OSWER Tom Curran, OAR Marylouise Uhlig, OPPTS Ira Leighton, Region I Tom Voltaggio, Region III Stan Meiburg, Region IV Bharat Mathur, Region V Network Steering Board (NSB) (OEI - Ofc of Environ. Info.; OW - Ofc of Water;OECA- Ofc of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance; OSWER - Ofc of Solid Waste and Emerg. Response; OAR- Ofc of Air and Radiation; OPPTS- Ofc of Pollution, Pesticides and Toxic Substances) NSB EDSC Environmental Data Standards Council (EDSC) Mission To promote the efficient sharing of environmental information among EPA, States, Tribes and other parties through the development of data standards. EPA States Tribes Mark Luttner, OEI (Co-Chair) Tom Lamberson, NE (Co-Chair) Jim Hanlon, OW Bill Backous, WA Latane Donelin, Prarie Board of Potawatomi Indians Jody Hudson, R VII Yvonne Bolton, CT Don Aragon,Wind River James Woolford, OSWER Steve Vassey, SC Permitting II Laboratory Reporting Envir. Interest Envir. Notices/ Advisories Fed. Facilities Identification (OEI - Office of Environmental Information; OW - Office of Water; R VII - EPA Region VII; OSWER - Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response) NSB EDSC Network Steering Board (NSB) EPA Mission To steer Network participants’ implementation of the Network towards success, and to manage the administration and support of the Network to ensure that it is effective, impartial, and responsive to all Network participants. Kim Nelson, OEI (Co-Chair) Ira Leighton, R I; Tom Curran, OAR Stan Meiburg, R IV Staff Person: Pat Garvey States Bob Zimmerman, DE (Co-Chair) Karen Bassett, PA; Renee Martinez, NM Mitch West, OR Staff Person: Molly O’Neill, (ECOS) Node 1.0 Group Develop a “How To”/Best Practices guide for states wanting to implement a node on the Network. Tech. Resources Group (TRG) Communications Team Advertise the benefits of the Network to increase the level of understanding and participation among states and EPA programs. CRM Provide specific technical advice and assistance in the use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) related to the implementation of the Network. Registry DET (OEI- Office of Environmental Information; R I – EPA Region 1; OAR- Office Of Air & Radiation; R IV- EPA Region 4; ECOS- Environmental Council of the States)