2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 3 Contents ■ Opening Ceremony Opening Address Welcome Address Congratulatory Speech ■ Congress Information ■ Tour Information, Daegu ■ The Daegu 2011 IAAF World Championships Timetable ■ Congress Schedule ■ Invited Speakers ■ Keimyung University Campus Map ■ Schedules of Disciplinary Sessions History of Sport Philosophy of Sport Sociology of Sport Sport Psychology Sport Pedagogy Sport Management Sport and Leisure Studies Leisure and Recreation Dance Exercise Physiology Sport Biomechanics Measurement and Evaluation Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise Exercise Nutrition Growth and Development Field and Track Sport Science Symposium ■ Subcommittee President ■ KAHPERD Staff / Subcommittee Staff ■ 2011 KAHPERD Board Members 4 Opening Address Dear honourable Minister Byoung Gug Choung at the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, President Yong Sung Park at the Korean Olympic Committee, President Jung Taek Jung at the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, President Kang Too Lee at the Korea Council of Sports for All, President Il Hi Synn of Keimyung University, the honored guests from home and abroad, and the presidents of subcommittee academies and members. I'd like to offer my heartfelt gratitude for gracing the 2011 International Sports Science Congress (ISSC) commemorating the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and the IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011 with your presence. The ISSC is one of the three main events that the Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD) hosts each year. KAHPERD hosts the Sports Scientist Integrated Conference in July, ISSC in August, which is linked to the international sports competition, and annual conference in October commemorating the National Sports Festival. The ISSC, inter alia, is the only event that is conducted in English. We live in times when the world is becoming one global village, Thus, it is important for sports scientists in over the world to come together, and share and discuss their findings in one place. I sincerely ask all participants from internationally prominent scholars who are building up outstanding research achievements globally to the foreign speakers to share and discuss your opinions candidly so that it could act as a great support in improving Korea's sports science. The theme of this year's ISSC is "Physical Education and Sports as a Consilience: Diverstability." As our physical education society is composed of fifteen subcommittees, knowledge on sports is divided and studied separately. Thus, we experience a huge dilemma when we try to comprehend sports phenomena. The biggest challenge that the sports scientists overcome is that the integrated application of sport science is achieved. Advanced countries have already acknowledged the importance of the integrated and fusion research and have long been putting their findings into practice. Lately, numerous active discussions and studies on the sports consilience have been conducted in Korea. Not only he integration of theory and its actual practice in the field, but also the linkage of physical education, sports for all, and elite sports have to be achieved through these researches on the fusion of sports science. The research on fusion and consilience will increase the practical effectiveness and social contribution of sports and physical education. I expect various researches on fusion and consilience of the sports science to be promoted through this congress. 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 5 I'd like to offer many thanks again to the members, and foreign scholars who came from all over the world to participate in the event today. I'd like to thank especially President Ilhee Shin of Keimyung University, members of the preparation committee, and the alliance executives, who provided full supports for a successful opening of the congress. I'd also like to welcome all the participants from home and abroad. I sincerely hope you to take this opportunity to enrich yourself with scientific and friendly encounters at this congress. Thank you. August 25, 2011 Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance President, Jong Young Lee 6 개회사 존경하는 내ㆍ외 귀빈 여러분, 정병국 문화체육관광부 장관님, 박용성 대한체육회 회장님, 정정택 국 민체육진흥공단 이사장님, 이강두 국민생활체육회 회장님, 신일희 계명대학교 총장님, 각 분과학회 장님 그리고 학회 회원 여러분들 감사합니다. 바쁘신 일정에도 불구하시고, 88서울올림픽 및 대구세 계육상선수권대회 기념 2011 국제스포츠과학 학술대회를 빛내주시기 위하여 이 자리에 참석하여 주 셔서 진심으로 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. 국제스포츠과학학술대회는 한국체육학회가 개최하는 가장 핵심적인 학술행사 셋 중 하나입니다. 한 국체육학회는 7월에 한국 스포츠과학자 통합 학술대회를 개최하고, 8월에는 국제스포츠관련대회와 연계하여 국제스포츠과학학술대회를, 그리고 10월에는 전국체전과 연계하여 정기학술대회를 개최 합니다. 그 중에서 국제스포츠과학 학술대회는 영어로 진행되는 유일한 학술행사입니다. 전 세계의 지구촌이 한 마을처럼 좁아지는 지구화시대에 전 세계의 스포츠과학자들과 자신들이 수 행해온 연구결과를 공유하고 토의하는 것은 매우 중요한 과제임에 틀림이 없습니다. 부디 전 세계에 서 뛰어난 연구업적을 쌓아가고 있는 저명한 초청학자는 물론 외국의 연구발표자들과 허심탄회하 게 의견을 나누고 소통하여 우리나라 스포츠과학의 수준을 높이는데 노력해주시기를 부탁드립니다. 올해 국제학술대회의 주제는 융합학문으로서의 체육과 스포츠: 다양성 입니다. 우리 체육학회가 15 개의 분과학회로 구성되어 있듯이, 스포츠에 관한 지식은 분리되고 나뉘어 연구되고 있습니다. 그래 서 스포츠 현상을 종합적으로 이해하는데 큰 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 스포츠의 실천은 통합적으로 이루어지는데 스포츠과학의 지식은 분리되어 연구된다는 것이 앞으로 스포츠과학자들이 극복해야 하는 가장 큰 과제가 되었습니다. 선진국은 이미 이 융합연구의 중요성을 인식하고 이에 대한 연구를 실천에 옮긴지가 오래 되었습니 다. 최근 우리나라에서도 통섭적 연구에 관한 논의와 시도가 활발하게 이루어지고 있습니다. 특히 이 러한 융합 연구를 통하여 현장과 이론의 통합은 물론 체육교육과 생활체육 및 엘리트체육 분야의 연 계가 시급하게 이루어져야 할 것입니다. 융합과 통섭 연구들은 체육 분야의 실천 효과를 높이고, 체 육이 사회에 기여하는 수준을 더욱 높여 줄 것입니다. 이번 학술대회를 통하여 스포츠과학의 융합적 연구가 촉진될 수 있기를 기대합니다. 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 7 다시 한번 전국 각지에서 모여주신 회원 여러분, 전 세계에서 참석해주신 외국학자분들께 감사드립 니다. 특별히, 학술대회가 예정대로 개최될 수 있도록 모든 지원을 아끼지 않으신 신일희 계명대학교 총장님, 준비위원회 위원님과 학회 임원진들께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 또한 국내ㆍ외에서 참석해 주신 모든 참가자분들을 환영합니다. 진솔한 학술적 만남과 함께 개인적 우정도 돈독히 쌓을 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되시기를 바라마지 않습니다. 감사합니다. 2011년 8월 25일 한국체육학회 회장 이 종 영 8 Welcome Address On behalf of Keimyung University, I am pleased to extend my most sincere welcome to President Jong Young Lee of Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), and the members of the 2011 Korea International Sport Science Congress. This international Congress held in commemoration of the '88 Seoul Olympic Games has become more meaningful with the hosting of the 2011 IAAF World Championships in Daegu. Since its foundation in 1954 under the precept of "For the Kingdom of Truth, Justice, and Love," the University has produced many excellent students for the community. It will put on a great emphasis on making global leaders who dedicate their lives for the world beyond communities and national societies. The 21st century is called the century of culture. The role of sports in this cultural era can't be overemphasized. By hosting the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, 2002 FIFA World Cup, and Daegu 2011 IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the national status of Korea has soared and it provided the country with an opportunity to solve social conflicts, and brought peoples closer together. Diverse but important academic discussions will be held regarding all fields of sport at this beautiful campus for two days. This Congress aims to enhance competitiveness of all fields of sport by applying current theories and the state-of-the-art facilities. In addition, I hope that this Congress will contribute to a lively academic exchange of views among national and international scholars, and further the growth in the field of sport studies. Please give us your support also to the 2011 IAAF World Championships in Daegu, one of the three most renowned sport events worldwide, and to all athletes coming to Daegu for the Championships. I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the participants once again, and thank the staff members of KAHPERD for their preparation for this Congress. Thank you very much. August 25, 2011 Keimyung University President, Il Hi Synn 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 9 환영사 오늘 계명대학교를 방문해주신 한국체육학회 이종영회장님을 비롯한 회원 여러분과 이 자리에 참석 해 주신 내외귀빈 여러분을 우리 계명의 모든 가족을 대신하여 진심으로 환영합니다. 아울러 우리 대 학교에서 88 서울올림픽 및 대구세계육상선수권대회 기념 2011 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 를 개최 하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. 특히 이번 학술대회는 2011 대구세계육상선수권대회 개막을 앞두 고 개최되어 그 의미가 더욱 깊다고 하겠습니다. 21세기는 문화의 세기라고 합니다. 이와 같은 문화 영역에서 체육이 담당하고 있는 역할은 아무리 강 조해도 지나치지 않을 것입니다. 1988년 개최된 서울하계올림픽경기대회와 2002년 개최된 한일월드 컵축구경기대회는 세계사회에서 대한민국의 위상을 크게 높일 수 있는 계기가 되었으며, 국내적으로 도 사회갈등을 해소하고 국민을 하나로 묶어주는 원동력이 되었습니다. 그리고 이틀 앞으로 다가온 2011 대구세계육상선수권대회 역시 성공적으로 개최될 것이고 이로 말미암아 대한민국을 대내외적 으로 한 단계 성숙하게 만들어 주는 계기가 될 것으로 믿어 의심하지 않습니다. 오늘부터 이틀간에 걸쳐 계명대학교 캠퍼스에서 스포츠를 주제로 다양하고도 심도 깊은 학술 토론 이 이루어질 것입니다. 이번 학술대회를 통해 스포츠의 전 분야에 걸쳐 이론과 실제가 조응하는 훌 륭한 연구결과들이 많이 도출되기를 기원합니다. 아울러 이 계기를 통해 국내 및 국제 스포츠학자들 사이에 왕성한 학술교류가 이루어질 수 있게 되길 바랍니다. 여러분들의 왕성한 연구 의욕은 스포츠 가 더욱 고차원적인 문화로 거듭나는데 중요한 역할을 담당할 것이며, 나아가 학문분야 전체의 발달 에도 크게 기여할 것입니다. 그리고 스포츠과학 학술대회에 대한 관심뿐만 아니라 이틀 후에 개최되는 2011 대구세계육상선수 권대회, 지구촌의 3대 스포츠축제로 손꼽히는 이 대회가 성공적으로 개최될 수 있도록 많은 성원을 부탁드리고, 이 대회에 참가하기 위한 대구를 찾은 모든 선수들을 응원해 주시기기를 부탁드립니다. 다시 한 번 이번 학술대회를 위하여 저희 계명대학교를 방문해 주신 모든 분들을 환영하며, 이번 학술 대회를 준비하시느라 수고하신 관계자 여러분의 노고에 깊은 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 아울러 한국 체육학회의 무궁한 발전과 2011 대구육상선수권대회의 성공적 개최를 기원합니다. 2011년 8월 25일 계명대학교 총장 신 일 희 10 Congratulatory Speech The honorable president, Jong Young Lee, of the Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), and the members, I give the heartiest congratulations on the opening of the 2011 International Sports Science Congress (ISSC), and I would like to welcome the celebrated foreign scholars and honorable guests from home and abroad. The ISSC began in 1988 to commemorate the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, and grew up to be the representative international conference in the physical education field, with a productive management. As the Seoul Olympic Games contributed in the enhancement of Korea’s level by introducing the democratization of Korea and its economic development to the world, the ISSC made a great contribution to the enhancement of international cooperation for the Korean sports and its international status. I thank KAHPERD for their efforts and fervor. The importance and value of sports is increasing daily, from a personal level to the national and social level. The sports not only contribute to the national economy with its wide range of economic impacts, but also, improve citizens’ quality of life by boosting the nation’s image, achieving national unity and the sense of kinship, and promoting citizens’ health. Moreover, the sports reinforce the nation’s competition power because it is the source of social unity. These increased values of sports have led to the expansion of the sports policy’s domain and category, and this also emphasizes the sports policy’s integration and communication with other fields. In this sense, the theme of “Physical Education and Sport as a Consilience: Diverstability” for the 2011 ISSC represents a significant meaning. I wish active exchange and fusion of the athletic field and other adjacent fields take place at the 2011 ISSC and, as a result, lead to academic consilience. After the Seoul Olympic Games, another splendid achievement, which will become history in the Korea’s athletic field, was made on July 6th, 2011. Pyeongchang, Korea was chosen as the official 2018 Winter Olympic location. The 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games is not just another sporting event, but the nation level event that will boost the brand value of Korea, and contribute to ward the development of social integration, economic growth, and soon. We will prepare fully for successful management of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games, which will be the event that Korea will leap to the level of an advanced sports country as well as become one of the leading advanced countries, following the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, and the 2002 Korea Japan World Cup. I would like to thank the people, who prepared the 2011 ISSC, again, and I expect all the attending guests including speakers, panelists, and all other participants to have active discussions and meaningful communication at the 2011 ISSC. August 25, 2011 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Minister, Byoung Gug Choung 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 11 축사 존경하는 한국체육학회 이종영 회장님과 학회 회원 여러분, 2011 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 의 개막 을 진심으로 축하드립니다. 그리고, 오늘 학술대회에 참석해 주신 저명하신 해외 석학님들과 국내외 귀빈 여러분들께 환영의 인사를 드립니다. 1988년 서울올림픽을 기념하기 위해 시작된 국제스포츠과학 학술대회는 그동안 내실 있는 운영으로 체육 분야의 대표적인 국제 학술대회로 성장하였습니다. 서울올림픽이 한국의 민주화와 경제 발전 을 전세계에 알리고 국격을 제고하는 데 기여했듯이 국제스포츠과학 학술대회는 학문적인 측면에서 한국체육의 국제협력을 증진하고 국제적 위상을 높이는 데 공헌해 왔습니다. 그동안의 한국체육학 회의 노력과 열성에 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 오늘날 스포츠는 개인적 차원을 넘어 국가·사회적 차원에서 그 중요성과 가치가 날로 증가하고 있 습니다. 스포츠는 광범위한 경제적 파급효과로 국가경제에 기여할 뿐 만 아니라 국가 이미지 제고, 국민적 화합과 동질감 형성, 국민건강 증진, 건전한 사회규범 형성 등 국민의 삶의 질 향상과 국가경 쟁력 강화, 사회적 통합의 원천입니다. 이러한 스포츠의 가치 증대는 체육정책의 영역과 범주의 확 대로 이어지고 있으며, 이는 또한 체육정책에 있어 타 분야와의 융합과 소통을 강조하고 있습니다. 이런 의미에서 Physical Education and Sport as a Consilience : Diverstability'라는 이번 학술대회의 주제는 그 의미가 매우 크다고 할 수 있습니다. 오늘 학술대회가 체육 분야와 인접학문과의 교류와 융합이 활발해지고 그 결과 학문적인 통섭이 이루어지는 계기가 되기를 바랍니다. 특별히, 지난 7월 6일에는 서울올림픽에 이어 한국스포츠 역사에 남을 또 하나의 쾌거를 이루었습니 다. 이번에 유치가 확정된 2018 평창동계올림픽은 단순히 스포츠에 국한된 행사가 아니라 대한민국 의 브랜드 가치를 제고하고 사회 통합, 경제 성장 등에 기여하는 국가적 차원의 행사입니다. 앞으로 1988 서울올림픽, 2002 한일월드컵에 이어 2018 평창동계올림픽을 통해 다시 한번 대한민국이 스포 츠선진국으로 도약하고 선진 일류국가로 가는 계기가 될 수 있도록 성공적인 대회 개최에 만반의 준 비를 기할 것입니다. 다시 한번 오늘 학술대회를 준비해 주신 여러분들께 감사의 말씀을 드리며, 학술대회를 통해 발제 자, 토론자 그리고 참석하신 모든 분들 간에 활발한 토론과 의미 있는 소통이 이루어질 수 있기를 기 대합니다. 2011년 8월 25일 문화체육관광부 장관 정 병 국 12 Congratulatory Speech It is my great pleasure to host the International Sports Science Congress here at Keimyung University in Daegu. And I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all participants today. International Sports Science Congress has begun to be held since 1982 to commemorate the successful host of 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Seoul. The congress has contributed tremendously in terms of improving the quality of life and creating healthy society by promoting sports. Moreover, the Congress has made progress both in its quality and the number of participants. Such development stems from the active participation of KAHPERD members who have worked hard in the sports field. As a result, the conference has become one of the prestigious, international event. Particularly, this year, Korea succeeded in the bid to host 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeong Chang. It will give us a chance to think what we should do for the success of 2018 Winter Olympic Games by looking back on how 1988 Summer Olympic Games made success. So I believe that this conference will be very helpful and meaningful than ever for us. I also believe that this conference will serve as an opportunity to promote interactions among the scholars in and outside of Korea. In this regard, I wish active participation from all of you who are working in the sports circle. Finally, I sincerely wish the success of this Congress today from your active participation and affection for sports. And I would like to express my deep appreciation to the president of KAHPERD, Jong Young Lee and all the officials concerned for their hard work to organize this event. Thank you. August 25, 2011 Korean Olympic Committee President, Yong Sung Park 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 13 축사 친애하는 한국체육학회 회원 여러분 반갑습니다. 먼저 2011 국제스포츠과학학술대회가 이곳 대구 계명대학교에서 열리게 된 것을 축하드리며, 이번 학술대회에 참가하신 회원여러분들을 진심으로 환영합니다. 1982년, 88서울올림픽의 성공적인 개최를 위해 처음 시작된 국제스포츠과학학술대회는 그 동안 스 포츠를 통해 국민들의 삶의 질을 높이고 건강하고 건전한 사회를 만드는데 크게 기여해 왔습니다. 또 매년 체육관련 분야에서 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있는 한국체육학회의 회원들이 대거 참가하면서 질적으로나 양적으로 많은 발전을 이루어 왔고, 어느덧 세계적으로도 매우 권위 있는 국제학술대회 로 성장했습니다. 특히 올해는 우리나라가 평창 동계올림픽을 성공적으로 유치함에 따라, 이번 학술대회를 통해 88서 울올림픽의 성과를 되돌아봄으로써 우리가 7년 뒤 평창 동계올림픽의 성공적인 개최를 위해 무엇 을 어떻게 해야 할 것인가에 대해 고민하는 등 그 어느 때보다도 유익하고 알찬 학술대회가 될 것이 라 믿습니다. 이번 학술대회를 계기로 국내외 학자들 간의 더욱 왕성한 교류가 이루어져 우리나라 스포츠의 이론 과 실제가 큰 발전을 이룰 것이라고 생각하며, 이를 위해 체육 관계자분들의 적극적인 참여를 당부 드립니다. 아무쪼록 이번 국제스포츠과학 학술대회가 체육 관계자들의 적극적인 참여와 관심 속에서 성공적으 로 개최되길 기원하면서, 이번 학술대회 준비에 노고를 아끼지 않으신 이종영 한국체육학회장을 비 롯한 모든 학회 관계자 여러분께 다시 한 번 깊은 감사의 인사를 드립니다. 감사합니다. 2011년 8월 25일 대한체육회 회장 박 용 성 14 Congratulatory Speech Today, I extend my heartiest congratulations to the Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), which played a pivotal role in the growth and development of physical education in Korea, on the opening of the 2011 International Sport Science Congress (ISSC) commemorating 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, the event in which the power and capabilities of our sports science can come together. Now, the participants of sports, with its dominance based on the global universality, have exploded, and the influence of sports is diffusing rapidly in the cultural, economic, and industrial aspects, beyond the category of simple physical activities, through expansion of various contents. In response to the change of sports paradigm, the Korean government is focusing its attention and investments on the sports field that boasts a promising potential for future growth, and making various efforts to establish Korea as the new sports center of the world. I wish for the 2011 ISSC to be productive, in which the participants have in-depth discussions on the preferred development direction of the global sports science. In addition, I hope the 2011 ISSC to provide an opportunity for Korea to solidify its position as one of the advanced countries in sports, and lead the world to participate in development of sports science. I should like to end by offering many thanks to the president, Jong Young Lee, of KAHPERD for preparing this grand conference, and the members for their numerous efforts in development of physical education in Korea. I wish you good health and happiness. Thank you. August 25, 2011 Korea Sports Promotion Foundation President, Jung Taek Jung 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 15 축사 오늘, 우리나라 체육계의 성장과 발전에 중추적인 역할을 해온 대한체육학회가 우리스포츠과학의 힘 과 역량을 하나로 결집 할 수 있는 「88서울올림픽기념 2011 국제스포츠과학 학술대회」를 개최하게 된 것을 진심으로 축하드립니다. 이제 스포츠 는 세계적으로 보편성의 우위에 기반을 두고 참여인구가 폭발적으로 증가했을 뿐 아니 라 다양한 콘텐츠의 확장을 통해 단순한 신체활동의 범주를 넘어 문화적, 경제적, 산업적으로 그 영 향력을 급속히 확산하고 있습니다. 이러한 스포츠패러다임의 변화에 발맞추어 정부는 미래성장 잠재력이 큰 유망분야인 스포츠에 대한 관심과 투자를 집중하고 있으며 우리나라가 아시아를 넘어 새로운 세계조류의 중심국가가 될 수 있 도록 다각적인 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 모쪼록 오늘 학술대회가 세계스포츠과학의 바람직한 발전방향을 심도 있게 논의하는 내실 있는 학 술대회가 되기를 바라며 아울러 이번 학술대회를 통해 우리나라가 스포츠선진국의 입지를 보다 공 고히 하고 세계스포츠과학 발전에 주도적으로 참여할 수 있는 좋은 계기가 마련되기를 기대합니다. 끝으로 이런 훌륭한 학술대회를 준비해주신 한국체육학회 이종영 회장님을 비롯하여 항상 우리나라 체육발전을 위해 애쓰시는 회원여러분들의 노고에 감사드리며 오늘 자리를 함께해주신 모든 분들의 가정에 건강과 행복이 함께하시기를 기원합니다. 감사합니다. 2011년 8월 25일 국민체육진흥공단 이사장 정 정 택 16 Congratulatory Speech I would like to offer my congratulations on the opening of the 2011 International Sport Science Congress (ISSC) at the hall of truth, Keimyung University. I salute the president Jong Young Lee of the Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), the members, and other interested party who prepared enthusiastically to heighten the dignity and prestige of this event. I also would like to offer my heart felt thanks to the distinguished scholars from home and abroad. Lately, the concept of “consilience”, which means to create new theories beyond the disciplinary boundaries, is attracting academic interest. The physical education is no exception. The wide exchange and fusion of the physical education and its adjacent fields are already taking place in advanced countries like the US. Numerous researches on “Fusion and Consilience” are being conducted as well. The era when consilience with the adjacent academic fields is inevitable for the future of the physical education field has indeed arrived. The domestic physical education field’s research on consilience is yet to be studied sufficiently. Determined scholars have been advocating for the physical education’s fusion and consilience from a few years ago but it hasn’t produced any tangible results. The physical education, which includes sports psychology, sports philosophy, and sports medicine, has much room for “domain-specific” fusion and consilience. The chemical union of each domain will not remain as a simple “one plus one” fusion, but the fusion that will create limitless synergy effect. I think the 2011 ISSC will be an important opportunity for the fusion and consilience of the physical education. Moreover, I expect the development of extensive consensus, and eduction of new and ground-breaking ideas, as well as theories that are one step forward, through active discussions. I offer congratulations again on the 2011 ISSC, and pray for the participants’ good health. Thank you. August 25, 2011 Korea Council of Sport for All President, Kang Too Lee 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 17 축사 먼저, 진리의 전당 계명대학교에서 2011 국제스포츠과학 학술대회가 개최된 것을 진심으로 축하합 니다. 아울러, 학술대회의 품격과 권위를 높이고자 열과 성을 다해 준비해 오신 이종영 한국체육학회 장님을 비롯한 학회 회원 및 관계자 여러분께 경의를 표합니다. 심도 있는 토의를 위해 어려운 걸음 을 하신 국내·외 유수 석학여러분께도 감사를 드립니다. 최근, 학문의 경계를 넘어서 새로운 이론을 창출하는 통섭 이라는 개념이 등장하여 학계의 주목을 받고 있습니다. 체육학도 예외는 아닙니다. 이미 미국 등 선진국에서는 체육학과 인접학문간 폭넓 은 교류·융합이 이루어지고 있습니다. 융합과 통섭 과 관련하여 다양한 연구도 진행돼 오고 있습 니다. 그야말로 체육학의 발전과 미래를 위해서 인접학문과의 통섭은 피할 수 없는 시대가 도래 했 습니다. 국내 체육학 분야에서는 아직 통섭에 관한 연구가 미흡한 것으로 알고 있습니다. 뜻있는 석학들이 수 년 전부터 체육학의 융합과 통섭을 주창했지만, 가시적인 성과를 거두지 못한 것이 현실입니다. 체육 학은 스포츠심리학, 스포츠철학, 스포츠의학 등 영역별 융합과 통섭 여지가 참으로 많은 학문입니다. 학문 영역별 화학적 결합은 단순한 1+1이 아니라 무한한 시너지 효과를 발휘할 것으로 전망합니다. 오늘의 학술대회가 체육학의 통섭과 융합을 위한 중요한 계기가 될 것으로 생각합니다. 활발한 논의 를 통해 폭넓은 공감대가 형성되고, 신선하고 획기적인 아이디어와 진일보한 이론도 도출되길 기대 합니다. 다시 한 번, 2011 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 개최를 축하드리면서, 참가자 여러분의 건승을 기원합니다. 감사합니다. 2011년 8월 25일 국민생활체육회 회장 이 강 두 18 Congress Information 1. Date and Venue •Date: August 25(Thu)-27(Sat), 2011 •Venue: Keimyung University SengSeo Campus 2. Location and Traffic •By Plane All international flights arrive at the Incheon International Airport (IIA) except certain flights from Japan and China. From IIA, you can either take a connecting flight to Daegu or transfer to the nearby Gimpo Airport (domestic airport) by bus (40 min.). It takes only one hour to Daegu International Airport from Incheon by plane. •By Train Take a shuttle from IIA to the Seoul Train Station (60-min.). The train from Seoul to Daegu takes 1 hour and 40 minutes by the KTX train, 3 hours and 20 minutes by Saemaeul, and 4 hours by Mugunghwa. There are two train stations in Daegu: Daegu Station, near downtown; and Dongdaegu Station, located in the eastern part of Daegu. Please note that Saemaul train and KTX only stop at Dongdaegu Station. You can purchase a ticket at the Railroad Travel Information Center at IIA Location : Passenger Terminal 1st floor, next to exit 7 at IIA Business hours : 9:00∼21:00 every day Phone : 02-3149-2973/032-741-7788 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 19 •By Express Bus It takes 5 hours and 30 min. to Dongdaegu Express Bus Terminal. Location : Bus Stop No. 10C in front of the Passenger Terminal Building You may purchase bus ticket and information at the passenger terminal arrival floor by the Transportation Information counter located at exit 2, 4, 9 and 13. 3. Inquiry Subcommittee Phone Number Homepage Korean Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 02-415-0215 http://www.kahperd.or.kr/ Korean Society for History of Physical Education, Sport, and Dance 02-880-7793 http://www.kshpesd.org/ Korean Philosophy Society for Sport and Dance 02-410-6979 http://kpssd.sportskorea.net/ Korean Society for the Sociology of Sport 053-950-7990 http://www.ksss.org/ Korean Society of Sport Psychology 051-640-3598 http://www.kssp.or.kr/ Korean Association of Sport Pedagogy 063-270-4884 http://kasp.sportskorea.net/ Korean Society for Sport Management 031-203-6995 http://www.kssm.or.kr/ Korean Society of Sport and Leisure Studies 041-860-1369 http://www.kssls.org/ Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation 031-321-0087 http://kslr.sportskorea.net/ Korean Association of Dance 02-961-0540 http://www.kaodance.or.kr/ Korean Society of Exercise Physiology 053-586-6217 http://www.kesa2004.com/ Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics 1588-3396 http://www.kssb.or.kr/ 031-8020-2971 http://www.ksme.pe.kr/ 041-530-1291 http://kosape.sportskorea.net/ Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition 055-286-5523 http://www.ksen.or.kr/ Korean Society of Growth and Development 031-339-6306 http://kpgmd.sportskorea.net/ Korean Society for Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports Science Korean Society of Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise 20 Tour Information, Daegu Popular Attractions - Recommended Destinations Daegu Hyanggyo Confucian Academy Established in 1398(the 7th year of King Taejo’s reign over Joseon) at Gyo-dong, Daegu Hyanggyo Confucian Academy was an academy for Confucian doctrines. Every year during spring and autumn, Confucians in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do arranged memorial services in honour of Confucius. Daegu Hyanggyo Confucian Academy has old school buildings bounded by beautiful gardens. At present, lectures on old Chinese characters and traditional Korean manners and etiquette are organized at the academy. On weekends and holidays, traditional Korean wedding ceremonies are held at the beautiful garden. A building that represents the academy is Daeseongjeon Hall, a single-story building with a multi-cluster bracketed structure and a gabled roof. In this Hall, ancestral tablets are preserved and an ancestral memorial service is organized every year. The Hall is designated as Cultural Properties Materials No. 1 (Daegu). Directions Situated in a 500-meter distance from KB Kookmin Bank at Nammun Negeori (Jct) in the direction of Bongsan Yukgeori (Jct). It takes ten minutes from Daegu city on foot. City Bus No. 301, 303, 401, 427, 439, 524, 613, 646, 730, 929, 402, 704. 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 21 Gyeongsang Gamyeong Park Gyeongsang-Gamyeong Park was the original location for Gyeongsang-Gamyeong before it was moved to Daegu about four hundred years ago. It was turned in to a park in 1970 to preserve the location, permanently. It was initially called ‘Central Park’ because of its location in the center of Daegu, but its name was changed to ‘Gyeongsang-Gamyeong Park’ in 1997. Inside the park, SunHwa-Dang (Daegu tangible cultural property No.1), where Gyeongsang-Gamsa worked, and JingChung-Gak (Daegu tangible cultural property No.2), which is a dwelling place, and the gravestone (No. 27) containing the achievements of the governor or Gwan-Chal-Sa can all be found. The park is loved by the citizens because of its green forest, beautiful flowers, well-organized grass plaza, fountain, and its comfortable walking roads and benches. It acts as a quiet resting place where one can escape urban life to get rid of fatigue and stress. Directions Five-minute walk from Jungangno Station Gukchae - bosang Memorial Park 22 The park is dedicated to the 1907 National Debt Repayment Movement led by Daegu citizens. It houses the local poets’ monuments, where their respective poems are inscribed, as well as gigantic video display and other facilities that blend well with the foundations, pavilions, and stone formations. The park holds various exhibitions and musical performances. On every New Year’s Eve, people of Daegu gather at the park to hear the bell and celebrate New Year. Directions Opposite Kyungpook National University Hospital, next to Bank of Korea Dongseongno Street The busiest street in Daegu, Dongseongno presents Daegu Department Store, Donga Department Store, stores filled with the latest fashion, sporting goods, shoes, and etc. Cool and hip people of Daegu all gather in this street to shop, date, spend time, and others. The street is lined with restaurants offering exotic foods, cafés, beerhouses, large book stores, and theaters, among many other entertainment establishments. Also many coffee and tea lovers can find classic yet interesting coffee houses in Dongseongno Street. Directions Subway Jungangno Station. 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 23 Yakjeon Golmok (Herbal-Medicine Street) The biggest draw of Daegu is this 350-year-old market. With its origins during Joseon Dynasty, the entire alley is lined with herbal medicine shops, acupuncturists, and all manner of traditional oriental medicine. Even if you're not looking for a cure, it's great fun to smell the earthy scents of dried roots and peer into glass jars filled with ginseng roots and other bizarrely beautiful cures. The Wholesale Herbal Medicine Fair is held on the first floor of the nearby Yangnyeongsi Exhibition Hall (the Herbal-Medicine Exhibition Hall) every first and sixth day of the month. The Yangnyeongsi Festival is held here usually the second week in May. Yangnyeongsi Exhibition Hall located in the market has recently been renovated, revitalizing the herbal-medicine street.Petite Joong-Ang Family Museum is a family-owned museum that showcases the antiquities of Oriental medicine, as practiced by a local family for three generations or 90 years in the city of Yangnyeong known for its 350-year-old medicinal herb market. The tools used by the family including scales, medicine bowls, prescriptions and manuscripts of Oriental medicine tell the history of Oriental medicine in Korea as well as the family's dedication to treatment with Oriental medicine. Directions Five-minute walk from Subway Banwoldang Station, behind Donga Shopping Mall 24 The Daegu 2011 IAAF World Championships Timetable 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 25 Timetable Timetable 27-Jul-11 Approved byIAAF the IAAF Council Approved by the Council April 2010 (Revised August 2010) April 2010 (Revised August 2010) Saturday 27 August DAY 1 09:00 Saturday 27 AugustFINAL DAY 1 W Marathon 10:00 100m 09:00M W Marathon 10:05 W Discus Throw 10:35 W 3000m SC DEC FINAL Sunday 28 August DAY 2 09:00 Sunday 28 August DAY 2 M 20k Race Walk 9:30 W Pole Vault R1 9:50 M 110m Hurdles Pole Vault 10:40 10:00M M 100m Qual A&B DEC 10:00 9:05 Discus MM 110m H Throw 11:00 DEC A&B 10:20 M Long Jump 10:05 W Discus Throw 11:25 W Discus Throw 11:30 100m 10:35W W 3000m SC 12:05 M 800m 10:40 M Pole Vault Qual A Qual B Prelim R1(1) W Shot Put 9:30 W Pole Vault 10:40 W 1500m 11:15 9:50 R1 Qual A&B 10:00 M Discus Throw DEC A&B Prelim (1) 10:20 PolePut Vault 13:00 WM Shot (1) Unqualified 11:25 WAthletes Discusonly Throw Qual B 19:00 M Shot Put 11:30 W 100m Opening Ceremony 12:05 M 800m DEC A&B Prelim (1) R1 11:20 M Discus Throw 12:10 W 100m Qual A&B R1 11:00 12:20 W 400m Hurdles 11:00 W High Jump Qual10:20 B R1 R1 DEC B 11:30 M Discus Throw Qual B R1 10:10 R1 HEP A&B 11:30 M 400m Hurdles DEC A W 5000m 10:00 W10:20 Long Jump HEP A&B Qual A R1 Tuesday August 10:00 W 30 Long Jump 4 Jump 10:10 DAY M High R1 HEP W High Jump 10:1011:30 M Discus ThrowHurdles M 400m QualDEC A&BA&B 12:20 W 400m Hurdles 10:40 W 1500m 16:30 Qual A M Discus DEC A 10:4011:30 M 3000m SC Throw DEC Qual A&B R1 400mHurdles MM 110m 11:00M M Long Jump 12:55 100m 12:50 Qual A&B R1 Tuesday 30 August DAY 4 HEP M 3000m SC W 100m H FINALDEC 10:0010:40 9:05 MM 20k 110m 09:00 RaceH Walk Qual A Monday 29 August DAY 3 Monday 29H August W 100m DAY Throw 3 10:10 M Discus 10:00 FINAL R1 11:20 HEP A&B R1 12:50 Triple Jump R1 11:45 W Triple Jump Qual A&B 12:50 W Javelin Throw HEP B R1 M Javelin Throw DEC A 11:15 M 400m 17:45 M Javelin Throw DEC B Semi Final 19:00 M 110m Hurdles Semi Final 19:00 W 400m Hurdles R1FINAL 19:05 W Shot Put HEP A&B 19:05 W Pole Vault 20:30 Hammer 12:55M M 100m Throw Qual A(1) Prelim 18:30 Semi Final 19:15 M Hammer Throw FINAL 19:30 M 400m Hurdles 21:00 W 10,000m 21:45 M 100m 22:00 M Hammer Throw (1) Unqualified 21:15 W LongAthletes Jump only 19:00 M 22:40 Opening Ceremony 400m 20:00 M High Jump 20:05 W 400m 11:20 M Discus Throw 18:00 M 800m R1DEC B 12:10 18:15 WW 100m Long Jump DEC A&B M Pole 100m Vault 13:00 M 18:55 W 400m Qual A&B 19:15 W Discus Throw R1 19:30 16:30 Qual B 20:15 M 1500m 20:45 M 100m FINAL DEC DEC A&B R1 10,000m MM Javelin Throw 17:45 M Javelin Throw 18:00 M 800m DEC A&B 19:25 M Pole Vault FINAL 19:55 M Discus Throw 19:30 W 100m Semi Final 20:00 W 800m 20:00 M 400m Semi Final 20:35 W 1500m 20:35 W 200m HEP 21:00 M 800m FINAL 21:20 W 3000m SC FINAL FINAL 21:45 M 400m FINAL DEC DEC B FINAL Semi Final FINAL 18:30 MFriday 100m 2 September Semi Final 21:00M W 10,000m Shot Put 18:55 W 400m 10:00 W Hammer Throw DAY 6 10:05 5000m 21:15M W Long Jump 10:10 Javelin Throw 21:45W M 100m 10:45 W High Jump Hammer Throw 22:00W M 10:50 200m 11:25 Javelin 22:40W M 400mThrow FINAL Qual A&B 10:20 WW Discus 100mThrow Hurdles 19:15 FINALR1 Qual A 10:30 M Triple Jump 19:30 M 10,000m FINAL R1 Qual A&B Qual R1 B Qual DECB M Long Jump 11:40 W 800m R1 12:30 M 4x400m Relay R1 M Javelin Throw 19:10 FINAL Thursday 1 September FINAL DAY 6 W 200m Semi Final Semi Final FINAL 19:00 W 400m Hurdles W Put 100m 19:0521:45 W Shot HEP A&B Saturday 19:15 M Hammer Throw 3 September FINAL DAY 8 19:30 W 100m 12:10 MW 100m 4x400m 20:45 Semi Final 20:00 W 800m 20:35 W 1500m HEP 21:00 M 800m FINALR1 20:40 W Shot Put FINAL 21:20 W 3000m SC FINAL 21:05 W 400m FINAL 21:45 M 400m FINAL 21:25 M 110m Hurdles FINAL 21:45 W 100m FINAL M Shot Put FINAL FINAL 19:10 FINAL FINAL 19:15 Semi Final Semi Final 19:45 Semi QualFinal A&B M Javelin Throw Qual B FINAL R1 19:55 W M Hammer 200m Throw 10:00 20:25 W 5000m 20:55 W 200m 10:20 W 100m Hurdles Javelin Throw 20:5510:10W W 1500m Qual A FINAL 10:30 JumpRelay 21:15 M M Triple 4x400m 21:1510:45W W 400m HighHurdles Jump FINAL Qual A&B 11:10 M 200m 21:30 FINAL M 400m Hurdles 10:50 W 200m 11:25 W Javelin Throw 11:35 M Long Jump R1 Qual B 11:35 W Hammer Throw 12:10 W 4x400m 19:00 W High Jump M Javelin Throw Saturday 3 September W 100m Hurdles DAY 8 FINAL W 800m Wheelchair T54 Semi Qual A Final08:0019:55 M 50kMRace Walk 400m Wheelchair T53FINAL Semi Final FINAL 17:55 Medal Cermonies FINAL FINAL 18:15 W Hammer Throw Sunday 4 September 18:30 W 4x100m Relay DAY 9 19:00 M 4x100m Relay FINAL 09:00 M M19:05 Marathon FINAL Triple Jump Final FINAL 20:15 M 1500m FINAL 19:40 M 5000m FINAL 20:40 W 4x400m Relay FINAL 20:15 W 800m FINAL 21:00 W 100m Hurdles FINAL 20:35 W 4x100m Relay FINAL 21:20 M 200m FINAL 21:00 M 4x100m Relay FINAL Qual FINAL A&B R1 Qual B R1 11:40 W 800m R1 12:30 M 4x400m Relay R1 19:00 M Javelin Throw Qual A 19:00 M Shot Put FINAL 19:00 W High Jump FINAL 17:55 19:10 M High Jump FINAL 19:10 W Javelin Throw FINAL 19:10 M Javelin Throw FINAL 18:15 W Hammer Throw 19:20 W Triple Jump FINAL 19:20 M Long Jump FINAL 19:15 W 100m Hurdles Semi Final 18:30 W 4x100m Relay R1 19:45 W 800m Wheelchair T54 FINAL 19:00 M 4x100m Relay R1 Semi Final 19:55 M 1500m 19:25 W 800m Semi Final Medal Cermonies FINAL Semi Final 19:55 M 200m Semi Final 19:55 M 400m Wheelchair T53 FINAL 19:05 M Triple Jump 20:20 M Javelin Throw Qual B 20:25 W 5000m FINAL 20:15 M 1500m FINAL 19:40 M 5000m FINAL 20:25 M 3000m SC FINAL 20:55 W 200m FINAL 20:40 W 4x400m Relay FINAL 20:15 W 800m FINAL 21:15 M 4x400m Relay FINAL 20:55 W 1500m FINAL 21:15 W 400m Hurdles FINAL 21:30 M 400m Hurdles FINAL R1 R1 FINAL R1 Qual A&B 19:25 W 200m Final HEP Semi Final W Javelin Throw Friday 2 September M Long Jump DAY 7 W 800m M 3000m SC FINAL DAY 9 19:10 10:05 M 5000m W Pole Vault FINAL 19:00 20:20 Semi Final 19:55 M09:00 Discus Throw FINAL M Marathon FINAL 19:20 20:25 HEP FINAL Sunday 4Semi September 19:30 M 400m Hurdles Final M High Jump 19:25 FINAL Semi Final DEC Qual B 20:35 W 200m R1 20:00 M 400m FINAL 19:05 W Triple Jump 19:5510:00M M 1500m Shot Put Qual A W Shot Put W 400m Qual A&B M 200m 20:15 11:35 MW 1500m Hammer Throw Qual A&B 19:00 19:25 11:10 20:40 21:05 19:0021:25 M 110m Hurdles M 110m Hurdles Semi Qual Final A 19:2508:00 M Pole Vault M 50k Race Walk R1A&B Qual 11:35 19:20 DAY 7 FINAL FINAL DECFINAL A 18:15 W Long Jump Semi Final Semi Final Semi Final Thursday 1 Throw SeptemberQual A 20:30 M Hammer 10:00 HEP B HEP A DEC R1A&B M High Jump Qual A&B R1 12:50W M Shot Put 20:05 400m 20:00 HEP A W Javelin Throw 11:40 W Javelin Throw R1 R1 09:00 W 20k Race Walk M 1500m W11:45 5000m W Wednesday 31 August DAY 5 Wednesday 09:0031WAugust 20k Race Walk DAY 5 Qual A&B HEP A&B M11:40 High Jump Qual A&B W Javelin Throw 11:20 M 1500m 27-Jul-11 FINAL 21:00 W 100m Hurdles FINAL 20:35 W 4x100m Relay FINAL 21:20 M 200m FINAL 21:00 M 4x100m Relay FINAL FINAL FINAL 26 Congress Schedule Date & Time Program 09:00~17:00 • Registration 09:00~12:00 • Disciplinary SessionⅠ 12:00~13:00 • KAHPERD Executive Meeting and Luncheon with Guest Speakers 13:00~15:00 • Poster PresentationⅠ 15:00~15:40 • Keynote Speech Ming-Kai Chin (HOP Sports) 8. 25 (Thu) • Invited Speech 15:40~17:00 Dr. Robert C. Hickner (East Carolina University) Dr. Sato Tomihiko (Tsukuba University) 17:00~17:40 • Opening Ceremony 18:00~21:00 • Welcome Reception Remarks Presider: Dai Hyuk Choi (Sogang Univ.) Hong Bum Shin (Keimyung Univ.) Ae Rang Kim (Dankook Univ.) • Disciplinary SessionⅡ 8. 26 (Fri) 09:00~12:00 • Field and Track Sport Science SymposiumⅠ Satoru Tanigawa (Tsukuba University) Jack Ransone (Texas State University) 12:00~13:00 • Luncheon 13:00~15:00 • Colloquium 1. Humanity & Social Science 2. Natural Science Presider: Man Gyoon Lee (Kyunghee Univ.) Presider: Eui Chang Choi (Seoul National Univ.) • Poster PresentationⅡ 8. 27(Sat) 15:00~17:00 • Field and Track Sport Science SymposiumⅡ Tae Won Jeon (Seoul National University) Randall L. Wilber (US Olympic Training Center) 14:00~18:00 • Disciplinary SessionⅢ 09:00~12:00 • Disciplinary Session Ⅳ Presider: Ki Hong Kim (Yongin Univ.) 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 27 Invited Speakers Ming-Kai Chin (USA) HOP Sports Robert C. Hickner (USA) University of East Carolina Sato Tomihiko (Japan) University of Tsukuba 28 ● Field and Track Sport Science Symposium Tae Won Jeon (Korea) Satoru Tanigawa (Japan) Seoul National University University of Tsukuba Jack Ransone (USA) Randall L. Wilber (USA) Texas State University US Olympic Training Center 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 29 ● History of Sport ● Philosophy of Sport Margaret Toohey (USA) Sharon Kay Stoll (USA) Califonia State University Long Beach University of Idaho ● Philosophy of Sport ● Sociology of Sport Uchiyama Haruki (Japan) Katherine M. Jamieson (USA) University of Tsukuba University of North Carolina ● Sport Psychology ● Sport Psychology Bruce Abernethy (Australia) John Wang (Singapore) University of Queensland Nanyang Technological University ● Sport Pedagogy ● Sport Pedagogy Bryan A. Mccullick (USA) Alun Hardman (UK) University of Georgia University of Wales Institute Cardiff 30 ● Sport Management ● Sport Management Yong Jae Ko (USA) Margaret Tang (Taiwan) University of Florida Chinese Culture University ● Leisure & Recreation ● Dance Heewon Yang (USA) Anita Zhang (China) Southern Illinois University Beijing Dance Academy ● Exercise Physiology ● Sport Biomechanics Stephen D. Ball (USA) Casey Kerrigan (USA) University of Missouri University of Virginia ● Measurement & Evaluation ● Adapted Physical Activity & Exercise David A. Rowe (UK) Davis Ronald (USA) University of Strathclyde Texas Woman’s University 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 31 ● Adapted Physical Activity & Exercise ● Exercise Nutrition Tomoyasu Yasui (Japan) Richard Kreider (USA) Hokkaido University of Education Texas A&M University ● Exercise Nutrition ● Growth & Development Yoshiharu Shimomura (Japan) Katsunori Fujii (Japan) Nagoya University Aichi Institute of Technology 32 Keimyung University Campus Map 1. Main Administration Building 2. Computer Center 3. College of Social Sciences (SAHOEKWAN) 4. Bouer Hall - Student Union 5. Information & Service Center Building 6. College of Education, College of Humanities(YOUNGAMKWAN) 7. College of Natural Sciences 8. 1st Student Union Building 9. 2nd Student Union Building 10. College of Medicine (Under construction) 11. Open Amphitheater 12. International House 13. Student Domitory 14. Adams Chapel 15. Dongsan Library 16. Keimyung Hanhakchon 17. College of Business Administra18. College of International Studies tion 19. R.O.T.C 20. College of Physical Education 21. Graduate Schools 22. Hengso Museum 23. College of Law and Police Sci24. Osan Hall ences 25. College of Engineering 26. Keimyung Junior College 27. Taekwondo Center 28. Main Gate 29. East Gate 30. South Gate 31. Athletic Field 32. TMR Center 33. International Center 34. Art Center(College of Music and 35. Advanced Construction Material Performing Arts) Testing Center 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 33 Schedules of Disciplinary Sessions Venues of Disciplinary Sessions Venue Rm Aug. 25(Thu) Registration Aug. 26(Fri) Registration(SAHOEKWAN) Keynote Speech ADAMS CHAPEL (아담스 채플관) Invited Speech Opening Ceremony ART CENTER Welcome Reception (see the campus map) Field and Track Sport Science SymposiumⅠ,Ⅱ Colloquium 124 132 SAHOEKWAN (사회관) YOUNGAMKWAN (영암관) Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise 135 Exercise Nutrition 222 Growth and Development 228 Measurement and Evaluation 230 Exercise Physiology 232 Sport Biomechanics 249 Sport Pedagogy 253 Leisure and Recreation 255 History of Sport 340 Sport and Leisure Studies 354 Sport Management Ⅱ 357 Sport Psychology 358 Sport ManagementⅠ 440 Philosophy of Sport 443 Dance 445 Sociology of Sport 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 35 한국체육사학회 oral History of Sport 8.26 / 13:00~18:00 YOUNGAMKWAN #255 Presider 1. Bang-Chool Kim (Seoul National University of Education) 2. Woong-Yong Ha (Korea National Sport University) No. 1 2 3 Author Organization - Oral Session Title Margaret Toohey Califonia State University Long Beach Oral History as a Means of Documenting Athletic Performance Woong-Yong Ha Korea National Sport University A History of Sport-Technalogy on UM's Cycle Dong-Jin Joo Yeungnam University The Political Ideal and Physical Education of the Third Reich -Physical education policies of the Nazi Reich 4 Woong-Yong Ha, Ji-Young Kim Korea National Sport University 5 Gi-Dong Park, Myoung-Gwoun Kim, Seog-Pyo Hong Kangwon National University Political Backgrounds Involved in the Foundation of Korea Professional Baseball Woong-Yong Ha, Haeng-Soo Choi Korea National Sport University 6 Potential Effects of the Foundation of Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) on the Development of Korean Professional Baseball The Life History of Woman Participants in Lifetime Sports: Based on the Lifetime Sports Policy Development of Korea Lifetime Sports Council 7 Tsai Tsung Da, Keh Nyit Chin National Taiwan Normal University 8 Ki-dong Park, Ji-Hun Kim Kangwon National University Gangwon Sports Council of the Practitioners than to Oral Woong-Yong Ha, Bong-Ju Baiek korea National Sport University 9 A Study of the Gender Difference for Physical Education Teachers from Teacher-Student Interactive Behaviors with TGfU model Hockey Stick Swing toward Top of the World: Korean Men's Hockey during the Tenure of Mr. Shin Bak-jae, Former Chairman of Korea Hockey Association (KHA) Kyoung-Ho Park, Gwang Ok Chungbuk National University 10 Football, its Ideological Transformation and Contribution to Modern Formation of Sporting Culture in Korea Woong-Yong Ha, Young-Geum Choi Korea National Sport University 11 The Historical Transitions of Korean Woman Sport: Based on Feminism and Michel Foucault's Power Theory Janes Jeon, Yang-Seung Ha Korea National Sport University 12 Korean Ballet in View of Korean Cultural Policies in 1980's: Based on the Culture and Art Festival of Seoul Asian Games and Seoul Olympic Games Tae-Yang Kim Gyoengsang National University 13 Cindy Park Youngsan University A Study on the Development Process of Karatedo Young-Man Kim, Sung-Sub Shim Soongsil University 14 A Study on the Contemporary History of Taekwondo in a Cultural Perspective Cindy Park Youngsan University 15 Young-Kwan Shin Gyeongsang National University A study on the short weapons in《Muye-dobo-tongi》 Jun-Ho Cho Daelim University College 16 Youth Sports Club "Hanyongdan" 36 한국체육철학회 oral Philosophy of Sport 8.26 / 09:00~18:00 No. YOUNGAMKWAN #440 1 Presider 2 1. Oh-Ryun Kwon (Pusan National University) 2. Kang-Bon Goo (Daegu Haany University) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Author Organization - Oral Session Title Sharon Kay Stoll University of Idaho Physical Activity: The Everyday Dilemma Haruki Uchiyama University of Tsukuba Merging Humanities and Natural Science -From the Viewpoint of the Science of CoachingKyoung-Hee Ko Korea National Sport University The Beauty on Korean Dance in Paintings Mi-Young Park Hanyang University Aristotle's Hedonism and Dance Art Activity's Possibility Jae-Chan An, Yong-Kyu Ahn Korea National Sport University The Significance on Deleuze's Notion of the Control Society and the Role of Sport Chae-Man Na, Hyeong-Seok Song Keimyung University A Study on Change Process of Taekwondo Centers According to Time Period Kyoung-Sook Lee, Young-Sun Park Korea National Sport University Exploration on the Play Essence of Dancesport Mi-Young Park, Yul-Ja Oh Hanyang University Aesthetical World as An Open Mind Shin-Ja Lim, Seok Ryu Kyounghee university Jeong-Hyeon Kwak Kundong university The Need of Applications in the Study of Taekwondo Skill Seok-Ki Son Keimyung University Possibility of Application in Historical Observation of Taekwondo through Luhmann's System Theroy Kyoung-Sook Lee, A-Reum Jo Korea National Sport University Exploration on Masculine and Feminine Beauty in Continental Tango Ju-Hwa Lee, Hyeong-Seok Song Keimyung University Student-athletes in Korea from the perspective of Niklas Luhmann Theorie Sozialer Systeme Ju-Seok Lee, Yong-Kyu Ahn Korea National Sport University The Effect of Descartes’ Dualism on Modern Sport Mi-Young Park, Yul-Ja Oh Hanyang University Art and Daily Life Taek-Kyun Lee Korea National Sport University, Jae-Hwan Jung Chosun University The Significance on Foucault's Theory on Power and the Role of Professional Physical Training Min-Woo Jeon, Mi-Yeon Lee, Jung-Myung Song, Ik-Ki Jeon KyungHee University Body View of Pumsae Player from the Viewpoint of "Body Schema" of Merleau Ponty Eun-Chul Kim Yanbian University Tea-Ho Ha Korea National Sport University John Dewey's Empiricism and Hanaro Class Hyeong-Seok Song Keimyung University Epistemological Change of Contemporary Science and it's Implication for Sport Philosophy Kyoung-Sook Lee Korea National Sport University Ju-Eun Ban Suwon Women's College Rumba from the Aesthetical Standpoint Mi-Young Park, Jin-Soo Moon Hanyang University Color Consciousness on Pung-mul Goot from An Outlook of Korea's Traditional Chromatics Eun-Chul Kim Yanbian University Yong-Kyu Ahn Korea National Sport University The Future on China's Professional Sport According to Marx Chung-Yoon Chang Dong-A University Artistic and Aesthetic Identification of Sport 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 37 - Poster Session 한국체육철학회 poster Philosophy of Sport No. Author Organization Title 1 Do-Ryoung Han, Yong-Kyu Ahn Korea National Sport University 2 Ji-Hyeok Kim, Kwon Jang Korea National Sport University 3 Eun-Young Jung Gyeongsang National University 4 Kyung-Hwa Seo Tsukuba University Ji-Hyun Youm Korea National Sport University A Diagnosis of Modern Pentathlon and Reillumination of Its Modern Value The Cultural Symbol of Korea, Taekwondo at a Crisis Investigation on Value of Asian Dance Culture Exploration on Sexual Inequality for Female Taekwondo Athletes-Focused on Feminism 5 Oh-Ryun Kwon, Jae-Yong Jang Pusan National University 6 Mi-Sook You, Jae-Bong Lee Korea National Sport University 7 Moon-Sung Lee, Hong-Sik Kim Korea National Sport University 8 Kwang-Sup Han, Yong-Kyu Ahn Korea National Sport University 9 Seok-Wang Jang, Kook-Hyun Jeong Korea National Sport University 10 A-Ra Jo, Keun-A Ahn Korea National Sport University Value of Sport for All as New-Nationalism Physical Education for Well-Being Society Suggestion on a Developmental Plan of Korea Elementary School Taekwondo Federation Ethical Problem on an Athlete's Genetic Enhancement Sport Broadcasting Commentary from the Angle of Qualitative Utilitarianism Philosophical Exploration on Korea's Traditional Thought and Taekwondo Exploration on Aesthetical Experience of Taekwonmoo 38 한국스포츠사회학회 oral Sociology of Sport No. 8.26 / 09:00~16:00 YOUNGAMKWAN #445 Presider 1. Hee-Joon Chung (Dong-A University) 2. Sun-Yong Kwon (Seoul National University) Author Organization - Oral Session Title 1 Katherine M. Jamieson University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2 Kyoung-Yim Kim University of Toronto 3 Seung-Yup Lim Seoul National University 4 Sung-Won Jo, Young-Sin Won Yonsei University 5 Dangerous Women and Sporting Imperialisms: Making the (Global) Turn with/in the USLPGA Intersectionality: Methodological Concerns Looking the Real World: An Empirical Analysis of the Success of Korean Women's Soccer The Effect of Teaching Beliefs on Job Attitude in Sport Instructor for the Aged Yong-Eun Kim, Dong-Kyu Na SungKyunKwan University Chun-Shan Cui Tiyuwenhuajidi DalianJiaotong Daxue The Relationship among Motivation, Satisfaction, and Media Functional Evaluation of Sport Blog User 6 Jung-Hee Ko, Jong-Young Lee Korea National Sport University 7 Kwang-Ok Kim Korea National Sport University 8 Seung-Jun Lee, Jung-Min Baek Korea National Sport University 9 Ji-Hwan Jang, Haeng-Woong Nam, Chi-Hoon Jo Hanyang University The Rationality of Mothers Choice Process for Infant Swimming Program The Task in Phase to Set for the Right to Education Guarantee of the Student Athletes: the Approach of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Busan Galmege's Fly-up: An Ethnographic Study on the Cheering Culture For Lotte Giants The Effective Analysis of Parents Involvement on Relationship among Taekwondo Service Quality, Consumer Satisfaction, and Continuous Participating Intention Jong-Hyun Lee Korea National Sport University 10 An Exploration on the Economic·Cultural·Social·Symbolic Capital Building of Korean Elite Sport Coach's 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 39 - Poster Session 한국스포츠사회학회 poster Sociology of Sport No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Author Organization Title Hyo-Min Kang Kangwon National University An Ethnography of the Leisure Activity of Korean Americans Dae-Sung Kang, Byung-Kook Park University of Ulsan Sub-cultural and Identity of Female Golf Club Members Young-Mee Kim Seowon University A Close Examination of Drug Use and Its Relation to Factors Related to Dance Performance of the University Students Majoring in Dance Kyong-Sik Kim, Jong-Hwan Lee Hoseo University Chan Sun Kim Seoul University of Venture & Information Influence of Mentoring Type and Function on the Organizational Commitment among the Security Guard Soo-Hyun Kim Namseoul University Strategy of Samsung to Jump Worldly Brand 'Global Olympic Marketing' Kyu-Sung Sim Korea National Sport University Changes in Social Functions of Sport and Forming of the Sport Welfare Concept: Exploration of Applicability of Focault’s Discourse Theory Xianchen Li, Chan-Ryong Kim Dongeui University A Study on Social Capital of Trainees of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Un-Hak Lim Hoseo University Ki-Youl Bae Yewon Arts University An Investigation on Nationalism in Korea and Japan after 2002 Wor ldcup Un-Hak Lim Hoseo University Ki-Youl Bae Yewon Arts University Mi-Kyoung Kim Korea National Sport University Criticism Direction of Sports Journalism by Mass Media in Japan Mi-Kyoung Kim Korea National Sport University Jong-Ha Lee Kyonggi University Consumption Behaviors According to the Emotions of Sports Spectators Lee-Seob Maeng Hanyang University A Struggle to Acquire for Sports Event Broadcasting Rights Between Channels Through Game Theory Le-Guo Chen Tiyuwenhuajidi DalianJiaotong Daxue Kyu-Jung Cho Honam University The Relationship among Enjoyment Sources of General Physical Education, Class Satisfaction, and Will of Exercise Adherence in University Kyu-Jung Cho Honam University Chun-Shan Cui Tiyuwenhuajidi DalianJiaotong Daxue The Relationship of Couple Participants in Dance Sports among Leisure Perception, Marital Satisfaction, and Quality of Life 40 한국스포츠심리학회 oral Sport Psychology No. 8.26 / 10:00~17:00 YOUNGAMKWAN #357 Presider 1. Young-Ho Kim (Seoul National University of Science and Technology) 3. Jung-Gil Park Title 1 Bruce Abernethy University of Hong Kong 2 Soo-Jin Kang, Young-Ho Kim Seoul National University of Scienceand Technology 2. Young-Jin Yoon (Yonsei University) Author Organization - Oral Session 3 (Korea University) 4. Ho-Sang Yoo (Yeungnam University) Examining, Understanding and Facilitating Sports Performance Through an Expertise Approach Correlates of Physical Activity Behavior in Older Adults Jung-Gil Park Korea University Young-Ho Kim Seoul National University Kyung-Won Kim Seowon University Testing the Mediating Roles of Attitude toward Physical Education, Self-Efficacy, and Outcome Expectancy in the Relationship between Learning Environments and Physical Activity 4 Wang, Chee Keng John National institute of Education 5 Sung-Hyeon Cheon, Johnmarshall Reeve, Ik-Soo Moon Korea University 6 Heon-Jin Kang, Yong-Jin Yoon Yonsei University 7 Reylin San Juan University of the Philippines Willy Pieter Masaryk University The Importance of Self-motivation in Physical Education: The Role of Beliefs, Goals, and Self-determination Effects of Intervention Program to Help Teachers Be More Autonomy Supportive toward Their Students in Secondary Physical Education Mediation of Personality Traits Influences on Exercise Behavior within the Protection Motivation Theory in Type 2 Diabetes Mood and Performance in Filipino Varsity Athletes 8 Chan-Kyo Jeong, Ho-Sang Yoo Yeungnam University 9 In-Ae Yoon, Yong-Jin Yoon Yonsei University Differentiation of Risk Factors between Female Collegiate Athletes and Non-Athletes with respect to Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating The Effects of The Physical Self-Concept on Self-Efficacy and Exercise Behavior Appling Transtheoritical Model in Korea College Students Dong-Il Kim, Dong-Woo Kang, Min-Suk Oh, Justin Y Jeon Yonsei University 10 Relationship between Physical Fitness and Mental Health among University students in Korea 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 41 - Poster Session 한국스포츠심리 poster Sport Psychology No. Author Organization Title 1 Yong-Kyu Kim, Jong-Sam Lee, Seong-Kyeong Ko, Seung-Hyun Lim Daegu University 2 Eun-Kyong Kim Sahmyook University 3 The Relationships among Rowing Coach's Transformational Leadership, Coaching Knowledge and Sports Behavior. Impact of Dance-for-All Participation Motivation on Social Support and Mental Health in Middle-Aged Women Jung-Gil Park Korea University Kyoung-Hwan Lee Seatbyol Middle School Validation of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire in Secondary School Physical Education Settings 4 Bum-Jun Park, Jin-Hoon Park, Yong-Gwan Song Korea University 5 Tae-Young Yun Dankook University 6 Effects of Spacing Practice Session on Memory Consolidation during the Acquisition of Visuomotor Adaptation Effects of Perfectionism on Goal Orientation and Exercise Addiction in Community Sports Participants Heung-Han Yoon Sungkyunkwan University Dong-Hyun Lee Sangmyung University Influence of enjoyment factor on exercise adherence for the college level physical activity snow ski classes 7 Kawano, R. Ishii, Y. Sasaki, Y. Waseda University 8 Eun-Kyong Kim Sahmyook University 9 Toward understanding the psychological moderators of pain in physical activities: the appraisal and its role for athletic performance The Relationship between Participation Motivation in Dance Activities and Sport Flow, Mental Health, Life Satisfaction Soo-Jin KangㆍSoung-Jun NaㆍYoung-Ho Kim Seoul National University of Science and Technology HakKwon Lee SungKeunKwan University Effect of Aerobic Activity-Based Exercise Program on Adolescents' Physiological and Psychological Variables 42 한국스포츠교육학회 oral Sport Pedagogy 8.26 / 09:00~16:25 YOUNGAMKWAN #249 No. 1 Presider 1. An-Su Lee (Kyungpook National University) 2 2. Han-Joo Lee (Yonsei University) Author Organization - Oral Session Title Sang-Bong Park, Cheon-Tae Son University of Icheon An Autobiographical Study on an Elementary School Teacher's Physical Education Curriculum Enactment Experience Gyu-Il Lee Kyonggi University Byung-Jun Lee Gyeongsang National University The Exploration on the Alternative Logic of Justification of Physical Education as a Subject with a View Point of 'Physical Education 3 Sung-Hyeon Cheon, Reeve Johnmarshall, Tea-Ho Ryu Korea University 4 Bryan McCullick 5 Hee-Jung Hong, Mi-Hye Cho Inha university 6 Moon-Mi Jung Yonsei University 7 Ki-Cheon Lee Korea University 8 Kyeong-Jin Kang, An-Su Lee Kyungpook National University 9 Won-Jung Kim Kongju National University 10 Alun Hardman University of Wales Institute Cardiff 11 Jeong-Jun Park Yeouido Middle School What Autonomy-Supportive Versus Controlling Teachers Do and Say in Middle School Physical Education Learning About Teaching, Research, PETE, and Self Through Autoethnographic Service-Bonded Inquiry The Development of Expressive Activities Teaching Strategies for Middle and High Schools The participation motivation of social dance program by self-perceived and life style of elderly women Understanding of Holistic Perspective through Outdoor Activities for University Physical Education Class Effects of Responsibility Model on Social Behavior in Underserved Youth How Can Pre-service Physical Education(P.E.) Teachers Construct and Deconstruct Curriculum? The ethics of sports coaching & the virtue of phronesis Exploring the Content and Methods of Sportsmanship Education: An Integrated Approach Sung-Zoon Zae, Cheon-Taik Son Icheon University 12 Formation of Self-directed Learning Ability of High School Students by Applying a Cooperative Learning Model to Physical Education Classes 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 43 - Poster Session 한국스포츠교육학회 poster Sport Pedagogy No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Author Organization Title Dae-Won Park Gyeonggi sungho High School, Jong-Lyul Park Korea National University of Education. A Narrative Inquiry on the Qualitative Research Methodology of Postgraduate Researchers Studying in the Field of Sports Pedagogy: Emphasis upon Experience on Interview and Data Analysis Hyuk Ha, Jong-Lyul Park Korea National University of Education. Actual State Analysis on Athletes' School life in Middle & High School Youn-Sook Lee, Kyung-Sook Kim Ewha Womans University Exploring Management System of Basketball Team in College by Retired Professional Basketball Players Won-Jung Kim Kongju National University Ae-Ryung Hong Seoul National University Se-Myong Jeon Konkuk University Three Voices: Self-reflective Practice of Physical Education Teacher Educators Joo-Wook Yi Chungnam National University The Sub-Culture and Schooling of College Student Athletes to Prepare for the Qualified Teacher Examination Suk-Hee Nam Daegu National University of Education Dae-Gwon Park Sangkyuk Elementary School The Physical Education of Rural Elementary Schools from the View of Student-Teachers Il-Hong Jeang Joongbu University The Study on Curriculum Development of Karatedo Instructor's Training Courses Sun-Hee Kim Mokpo National University How to Coach Female Athletes in High School? Hyoung-Soo Jin, Dae-Jin Kim Chonbuk National University Ki-Cheol Shin Jeonju National University of Education Implementing process and its educational meaning of the after-school basketball class that sport education model applied Ji-Heon Kim, Seung-Jae Kim Kangwon National University Understanding the Professional Teaching Culture of Dual-licensed Elementary School Physical Education Teachers Jeong-Ho Choi Dongdaejeon Middle School Jong-Lyoul Park Korea National University of Education A Case Study on the Change in the Perception of Middle School PE Curriculum through the Experience of PE-English Integrated Class Joo-Young Kim, Mi-Hye Cho Inha university A Qualitative Case Study on PCK(Pedagogy Content Knowledge) of the Teachers who Instruct Dance Sport Class in Secondary School In-Seo Park, Seung-Jae Kim Kangwon National University A Case Study of High School Students' Thinking about Dance Sports Class Hyun-Chul Jeong, Dae-Jin Kim, Joong-Geun Oh Chonbuk National University The application on Modified Sport Education Model to the Training of Middle School Baseball Players Jae-Yong Lee Gyeongin National University of Education Changes in Teaching Perspectives of Female Preservice Teachers through Physical Education Consulting Program Ki-Cheol Shin Jeonju National University of Education Sang-Bong Park Seoul YoungBon Elementary School Implementing the education for developing 'creativity' and 'character' in elementary school physical education 44 - Oral SessionⅠ 한국스포츠산업경영학회 oral Sport Management 8.26 / 08:30~16:00 YOUNGAMKWAN #358 Presider 1. Woo-Yeul Baek (Namseoul University) No. 1 2 2. Joon-Young Han (Yeongnam University) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Author Organization Title Hee-Jung Kim, Yong-Seok Jang, Jeoung-Hak Lee Kyunghee University The Effect of Credibility on Application Reuse and Game-Watching Behaviors in Users of Application for Professional Baseball Teams Tae-Wan Kim, Kwang-Min Cho, Seoung-Lo Rhee Yonsei University The Study on Web Accessibility Situation of Sports Institution; Focused on Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Related Institutions and the Organizing Committee for Comprehensive Athletic Do-Heui Lee, Byung-Shik Kim Korea National Sport University Sang-Hoon Kim Kyungwon University The Effect of Selection Attributes and Service Fairness on Membership Values, Customer Satisfactions and Behavior Intention in Membership Country Club Won-Yong JangㆍKwang-Min Cho, Taerin Chung Yonsei University The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategies for Korean Professional Football League Ki-Han Kim, Jun-Hyuk Oh Seoul National University The Impact of Media Coverage on Audiences’Evaluation of SBS’s Acquisition of the Exclusive Broadcast Rights to the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup Jung-Myung Song, Ji-Hyun Kang, Jung-Hyun Ra, Ik-Ki Jeon KyungHee University The Structural Relationship Among CSR on Corporate Performance Use Sports and Corporate Reputation, Perceived Social Connectedness, Purchase Intention Hyo-Min SeoㆍKyung-Ro Chang Sungkyunkwan University The Influence of Emotional Labor on Non-Task Behavior Among Instructors in Sports Center Woo-Je Han Kyunghee University Do-Kyun Kim, Russell Ahn University of California Berkeley Benchmarking of MLB for the Korean Professional Baseball Clubs Maximize Revenue Won-Jae Lee, So-Hee Kim Seoul National University A Comparative Analysis of Bid Files Among Three Candidate Cities for 2018 Olympic Winter Games Ki-Han Kim, Li-Ra Yun, Shin-Woong Bang Seoul National University Sport Programs of Major Sport Cable Television Channels in Korea Mi-Yeon Lee, Chul-Hee Oh, Keum-Sun Mo, Tae-Seung Park, Ik-Ki Jeon Kyunghee University The Effect of Female Taekwondo Leader's Organization Communication on Job Stress, Job Burnout and Transfer Intention. Hye-Yeon Kang, Byung-Shik Kim Korea National Sport University Woo-Yeul Baek Namseoul University Relationship Among Title Sponsorship, Brand Equity, Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention of Tennis Tournament Eung-Soo Oh, Young-Kyun Shin Dong-A University An Analysis of the Factors Which Contribute to Win the Bid for Mega Sport Events Focus on the Case of 2018 Winter Olympics Yong-Jae Ko University of Florida Understanding Donors’Decision Making Process: Trust and Commitment Perspective Ki-Han Kim, In-Jun Kim, Ji-Gyu Chung Seoul National University SBS’s Exclusive Broadcasting of 2010 FIFA World Cup in Korea and Audiences’ Perceptions and Behavior Regarding the Broadcast Channel Ji-Hae Lee, Min-Jae Kim, Jeoung-Hak Lee Kyunghee University The Effect of Online Golf Mall's Product Characteristics on Consumer's Shopping Value and Consuming Behavior Tae-RIn Chung, Kwang-Min Cho, Sang-Back Nam Yonsei University The Study of K-League Attendance Effects as a Substitution on Attendance in Korean Professional Baseball League. Myung-Soo Choi, Hyun-Duck Kim Keimyung University Chang-Wook Chung Thomas University Sun-Yoong Kim Daegu University Asian Women's Perceptions of Educational Service Quality: a Survey of International Students from the U.S. Higher Education Institutions (HEI) 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 45 Sport Management 8.26 / 08:30~12:30 YOUNGAMKWAN #354 Presider 1. May Kim No. 1 2 (Korea University) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Author Organization - Oral SessionⅡ Title Jung-Hwan Cho, Kwang-Min Cho, Bum-Gyu Im Yonsei University The Effect of Fitness Center Relationship Marketing Strategy on Market Orientation and Fitness Center Image. Seung-Hoon Jeong, Sung-Yong Kim, Jeoung-Hak Lee Kyunghee University The Influence of Professional Baseball SNS Characteristics on Team Satisfaction, Parent-Incorporate Image and Brand Equity Hong-Ryol Kim, Kwang-Min Cho, Kwang-Yong Lee Yonsei University A Study on the Application of the Collaboration in the Sports Industry Through Domestic and Foreign Cases; Focused on Sports Goods Hyun-Kyu Moon, Byung-Shik Kim, Hwa-Ryong Kim Korea National Sport University Sung-Kyeom Kim Dongseo University The Relations Among Comsumer Need Satisfaction, Sports Star Brand Attachment and Consumer Behavior Intention in Product Brand Sponsored by Sports Start Brand Min-hong Kang, Kwang-Min Cho Yonsei University Oun-Yong Cho, Ji-Myung Jung Korea Institute of Sport Science QR(Quick Response)Code Marketing Strategy in the Social Mobile Era Sang-Woo Lee, Min-Sup Lee, Yong-Gun Lee, Jeong-Hak Lee Kyunghee University The Effect of Sportscaster's Characteristics on the Watching Satisfaction and Intention to Re-Watch TV Su-Yeon Cho, Ik-Soo Moon, May Kim Korea University Development of the Psychological Contract Inventory for Sport Event Volunteers Margaret TANG Chinese Culture University Rethinking Determinants of National Olympic Success: Australia and Taiwan as Examples Sang-Hyun Park, Kwang-Min Cho, Gun-Hee Lee Yonsei University Management Strategies of Sport Teams Through Communication Networks Chul-Hee Oh, Yang Girl, Min-Woo Jeon, Craig lawrence Ruete, Ik-Ki Jeon Kyunghee University A Study on the Education Service Quality of Taekwondo Academy on the Basis of Kano Model Ki-Han Kim, In-Jun Kim Seoul National University Strategic Communication to Promote the Public’s Participation in Physical Activities: The Interplay Between Message Framing and Audience Regulatory Focus Woo-Hyung Cho, Hyung-Seok Kim, Seung-Ho Shin Kookmin University Jin-Kook Kim Kangwon National University The Effect of Consumer Response about Sporting Goods Branded Application Advertising on Consumer's Attitude and Purchase Intention Hyuk-Do Kwon, Do-Kyun Kim Kyunghee University Rusell. Ahn U.C. Berkeley A Study on The Korean College Sports Culture Activation Through College Sports Culture Analysis in America 46 한국사회체육학회 oral Sport and Leisure Studies 8.26 / 10:00~12:00 YOUNGAMKWAN #340 Presider 1. Sang-Woo Bae (Korea University) No. 1 No. 2 1 2 No. Author Organization - Oral Session Title Kyung-Wan Nam, Seung-Hyun한국사회체육학회 Lim, Seung-Wook Song, oral Kyung-Mi Kim Daegu University The Relationship Between Golf Product Brand Personality, Brand Preference and Author Organization Propensity to Consume of Golf Practice Range Users Young-Joo Kim Korea National Sport University Title Exercise Habits, and Heart Based Resting Blood Kyung-Wan Nam, Cardiovascular Seung-Hyun Lim,Factors, Seung-Wook Song, Events Kyung-Mi Kim on Daegu University Pressure of Middle-aged Marathon Runners The Relationship Between Golf Product Brand Personality, Brand Preference and Propensity to Consume of Golf Practice Range Users 한국사회체육학회 poster Young-Joo Kim Korea National Sport University Exercise Cardiovascular Factors, and Heart Events Based on Resting Blood Author Habits, Organization Pressure of Middle-aged Marathon Runners Title 한국사회체육학회 poster Il-Kwon Kwon Kookmin University Ji-Tae Kim, Yoo-Min Won Dankook University Author Organization Young-Jun Kim Myung-Duk Girl's High School Title The Relationship Between Adolescents' Outdoor Sports Bland Benefits Sought and Purchase Satisfaction Il-Kwon Kwon Kookmin University Ji-Tae Kim, Yoo-Min Won Dankook University Seung-Hyun Lim, Myung-Mi Kim, Bo-Ra Ryu, Seong-Kyeong Ko, Jong-Sam Lee, Young-JunKim, Kim Yun-Mi Myung-Duk School DaeguHigh University Yong-Kyu Kim Girl's The Effect Relationship Between Style Adolescents' Outdoor Sports Benefitsand Sought of Leadership of Volleyball Leader on Bland the Burnout Socialand Deviant Purchase of Satisfaction Behavior Volleyball Athletes Seung-Hyun Lim, Myung-Mi Kim, Bo-Ra Ryu, Seong-Kyeong Ko, Jong-Sam Lee, Se-Yun Kim, Yong-Man Kim, Ae-Rang Kim Dankook University Yong-Kyu Kim, Yun-Mi Kim Daegu University The Influence of Social Responsibility of Professional Baseball Tittle Sponsors on Image, The Effect of and Leadership Identification Loyalty Style of Volleyball Leader on the Burnout and Social Deviant Behavior of Volleyball Athletes Eun-Kyong Kim Sahmyook University Se-Yun Kim, Yong-Man Kim, Ae-Rang Kim Dankook University Relationship Behavior to Needs Satisfaction in on Image, The InfluenceofofParticipation Social Responsibility of Psychological Professional Baseball Tittle Sponsors Dance-for-All Participants Identification and Loyalty Hyun-Tae University Eun-KyongKim Kim Dankook Sahmyook University The Effect ofofLifestyle on Leisure Satisfaction of Participants in Lifetime in Sports Relationship Participation Behavior to Psychological Needs Satisfaction Dance-for-All Seung-Hyun Lim,Participants Kyung-Wan Nam, You-Jin Kim, Seung-Wook Song Daegu University Ki-Man KimKimDaegu polytechnic College University Hyun-Tae Dankook University The Influence of Public on Swimming Users' Behavioral Patterns and Service Quality Effect of Lifestyle Leisure Pool Satisfaction of Participants in Lifetime Sports on the User Lim, Satisfaction Level andYou-Jin Repurchase Intention Song Daegu University Seung-Hyun Kyung-Wan Nam, Kim, Seung-Wook Seung-Hyun Kyung-Wan Gi-Baek Lee, Seong-Kyeong Ko, Jong-Sam Lee, Ki-Man Kim Lim, Daegu polytechnicNam, College University Yong-Kyu Kim, of Jung-Dong Hwang Daegu The Influence Public Swimming Pool University Users' Behavioral Patterns and Service Quality on the User Satisfaction Level and Repurchase Effects of Organizational Atmosphere RecognizedIntention by Soccer Players on Empowerment and Team Performance Seung-Hyun Lim, Kyung-Wan Nam, Gi-Baek Lee, Seong-Kyeong Ko, Jong-Sam Lee, Yong-Kyu Kim, Hwang Daegu University Seong-Won SeoJung-Dong Dankook University Effects of Organizational Atmosphereof Recognized by Taekwondo Soccer Players onon Empowerment The Effect of Leadership Efficiency a University Coach Reliability inand a Team Performance Coach and Players' Satisfaction Seong-Won Seo Dankook University Chung-Sick Shin, Jun-Won Lee, Austin Sang Hyun Na, Seung-Chul Lee Korea National sport University The Effect of Leadership Efficiency of a University Taekwondo Coach on Reliability in a Case researchSatisfaction on unethical acts of domestic professional sport athletes Coachstudy and Players' Chung-Sick Shin, Jun-Won Lee, Austin Sang Hyun Na, Seung-Chul Lee Korea National sport University Byoung-Wook Ahn, Sun-Hwan Hwang University of Seoul Young-Sam Jungwon University acts of domestic professional sport athletes Case study Lim research on unethical The Relationships Between Leisure Motivation, Flow, and Satisfaction In Winter Sports Byoung-Wook Ahn, Sun-Hwan Hwang University of Seoul Participants Young-Sam Lim Jungwon University Ji-Hyun Hwang, Tae-Young Yun Dankook University The Relationships Between Leisure Motivation, Flow, and Satisfaction In Winter Sports Relationship Participants between Interpersonal Relations, Physical Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem in Leisure Sports Participants Ji-Hyun Hwang, Tae-Young Yun Dankook University Sun-Hee Lee, between Keum-SunInterpersonal Mo Kyunghee University Physical Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem in Relationship Relations, Jeong-Hyeon Kwak Kundong University Leisure Sports Participants The influence of the elder's on social adaption and leisure competent Sun-Hee Lee, Keum-Sun Mo flow Kyunghee University Jeong-Hyeon Kundong University Soon-Oh Lee Kwak Dankook University The influence of the elder's flow on social adaption and leisure competent The Relationship Between the Environmental Factors of Taekwondo Gymnasium and the Soon-Oh Lee DankookofUniversity Training Satisfaction Junior Black Belt Grades - Poster Session Sport and Leisure Studies 1 No. 1 2 32 43 5 4 65 6 7 7 8 98 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 The Relationship Between the Environmental Factors of Taekwondo Gymnasium and the Training Satisfaction of Junior Black Belt Grades 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 47 - Poster Session continued Sport and Leisure Studies Jung-Eun Lee, Ran Yu, Bit-Na Kim Dankook University 14 The Influence of Professional baseball Spectators' Experiential Consumption on Re-visit Intention Myung-Mi Kim, Seung-Hyun Lim, Dong-Ho Lee, Kyung-Wan Nam, 15 Jung-Dong Hwang, Seung-Jin Cha Daegu University The Influence of Golfers’ Perfectionistic Inclination on Their Burnout Hee-Hyuk Lee, Myung-Jin Oh, Il-Gyu Jeong Hannam University 16 Regular Exercise Reduce Heart Rate Variability in Obese Women Woo-Jeong Cho, Hae-Dong Ha, Shin-Beum Kang, Jae-Hyung Lee Korea Maritime University Chung-Wan Ryu Gwangju University 17 Recommendations for Developing Yachting as Sport Tourism Resources based on Potential Customers' Perspectives 48 - Oral Session 한국여가레크리에이션학회 oral Leisure and Recreation 8.26 / 09:30~16:30 YOUNGAMKWAN #253 Presider 1. Young-Sun Yoon (DaeJin University) 2. Sung-Hun Choi (University of Ulsan) 3. Kang-Young Song (Dongseo University) No. Author Organization Title Hyuck-Ki Lee Taekyeung University 1 Development of competitiveness of golf courses through Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Hee-Won Yang Southern Illinois University 2 Recreation Therapy in the U.S.A: Implication for RT Professionals in Korea Tae-Jun Chon, Soon-Chang Kwon Soongsil Univercity 한국여가레크리에이션학회 oral 3 The Exercise Addiction for Badminton Participants As Leisure Activities Author Organization Kyong-Sik Kim Hoseo University No. Min-Sook Yun Chungnam University Title 4 Relationship Leisure Constraints, the Negotiation of Leisure Constraints and Leisure Hyuck-Ki Lee ofTaekyeung University 1 Flow among Sports Participants Development of competitiveness of golf courses through Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Kwang-Pil Suh, Chul-Won Lee Yonsei University Yang Southern Illinois University 5 Hee-Won Grounded Theoretical Analysis on the Negotiation Strategies for Leisure Constraints for 2 Recreation in theinU.S.A: Youngsters Therapy Participating LeisureImplication Activities for RT Professionals in Korea Tae-Jun Chon, Soon-Chang Kwon Soongsil Univercity 3 Sun-Hwan Hwang University of Seoul Yeon-Ju Lee Hallym University The Exercise Addiction for Badminton Participants As Leisure Activities 6 Relationships Leisure Motivation, Constraint, Negotiation, and Recreation Kyong-Sik Kim between Hoseo University Specialization the Levels of Leisure Motivation and Constraint Min-Sook Yun according Chungnam toUniversity 4 A-Ruem Han, of Yun-Jung Dongduk women's universityof Leisure Constraints and Leisure Relationship LeisureLee Constraints, the Negotiation Hee-Jung SeoSports Dankook University Flow among Participants Se-Hyuk Park Seoul National University of Technology 7 Kwang-Pil Suh, Chul-Won Lee Yonsei University 5 The Relationships among Emotional Constraints, Grounded Theoretical Analysis on theExpressivity, Negotiation Leisure Strategies for LeisureLeisure Constraints for Satisfaction,Participating and Flow forinKorean Youngsters LeisureAdolescents Activities Sun-Hwan Hwang University of Seoul Yeon-Ju Lee Hallym University 한국여가레크리에이션학회 poster 6 Relationships between Leisure Motivation, Constraint, Negotiation, and Recreation Author Organization Specialization according to the Levels of Leisure Motivation and Constraint No. A-Ruem Title Han, Yun-Jung Lee Dongduk women's university Hee-Jung Seo Dankook University Hun-Il Kim University Se-Hyuk ParkCheong Seoul Ju National University of Technology 7 1 Laurence Chalip University of Texas. Austin The Relationships Emotional Expressivity, Leisure Constraints, Leisure Travel Constraints among of Long-haul Scuba Diving Tourists Satisfaction, and Flow for Korean Adolescents Jong-Chul Kim Kyoungil University 2 A study of leisure program activation plan for new senior citizen by life-long education 한국여가레크리에이션학회 poster through the participation in leisure sports Jang-Hee Yonsei University Author Lee Organization Won-Nick Song Daebul University No. 3 Byoung-Wook Ahn University of Seoul Title The Study Participant character and Leisure Benefit In Billiard Sports Participants Hun-Il Kim ofCheong Ju University Chalip University of Texas. Austin 1 Laurence Ji-Won Park, Nam-Ki Cho Sookmyung women's University Constraints of Long-haul Scuba who Diving Tourists line dance : Focused on 4 Travel Life change for breast cancer patients experienced experiential Jong-Chul Kimcontents Kyoungil University 2 Sang-Il Kyungilprogram Universityactivation plan for new senior citizen by life-long education A studyPark of leisure the participation in leisureEquivalence sports 5 through A Comparative Study of Construct and Latent Means Analysis of Job Satisfaction between Male and Female Sport for All Leaders Jang-Hee LeeScale Yonsei University Won-Nick Song Daebul University 3 Byoung-Wook Ahn University of Seoul The Study of Participant character and Leisure Benefit In Billiard Sports Participants Ji-Won Park, Nam-Ki Cho Sookmyung women's University 4 Life change for breast cancer patients who experienced line dance : Focused on experiential contents Sang-Il Park Kyungil University 5 A Comparative Study of Construct Equivalence and Latent Means Analysis of Job Satisfaction Scale between Male and Female Sport for All Leaders - Poster Session Leisure and Recreation 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 49 한국무용학회 oral Dance 8.26 / 09:00~12:00 YOUNGAMKWAN #443 Presider 1. Hae-Joon Park (Kyunghee University) No. Author Organization - Oral Session Title Soon-Hee Jeon, Won-Mi Son Seo-keong University 1 Plural Eclecticism Found in Dido and Aeneas, Expressed in Contemporary Dance Byung-Il Lee Kyung Hee University 2 A Study on the Influence Factors of Managerial Outputs of Municipal Arts Center in Korea's Local Governments Seung-Il Kim, Se-Mi Park Chung-Ang University 3 The Influence of University Student's Dance Mentoring upon Dance Enthusiasm and Learning Effects Zhang Zhaoxia Beijing Dance Academy 한국무용학회 oral 4 In the Name of "New China": The Creation of Chinese Contemporary Dance Training System Hye-Ryung Bae Chung Woon university Author Organization No. 5 Adoption Title of Individualized Instruction Method for Improvisational Dance in the Course of Introduction of Playwriting Soon-Hee Jeon, Won-Mi Son Seo-keong University 1 Seung-Il Kim, Ju-Young Kang Chung-Ang University 6 Plural Eclecticism Found in Dido and Aeneas, Expressed in Contemporary Dance A Case Study of Wheelchair Dance Activity of Physically Disabled Byung-Il Lee Kyung Hee University Sung-Hee Cho, Yo-Sub Kang Kangwon National University 2 A Study on the Influence Factors of Managerial Outputs of Municipal Arts Center in 7 Strategies for Activating Local Cultural Festivals through Comparative Analysis of Korea's Local Governments Outstanding Festivals Seung-Il Kim, Se-Mi Park Chung-Ang University 3 The Influence of University Student's Dance Mentoring 한국무용학회 poster upon Dance Enthusiasm and Learning Effects Author Organization Zhang Zhaoxia Beijing Dance Academy No. 4 InTitle the Name of "New China": The Creation of Chinese Contemporary Dance Training System Hye-Ryung Bae Yul-Ja ChungOhWoon university Mi-Young Lee, Hanyang University 5 1 An Adoption of Individualized for Improvisational Dance ininthe Course of Analysis of Evaluation Instruction Perspective Method Given Examination of Performance Korea Introduction of Playwriting Traditional Dance - Focusing on Appearance Seung-Il Kim,Byong-Ju Ju-YoungAnKang Chung-Ang University Su-Eul Bae, Kyunghee University 6 2 A Caseand Study of Wheelchair Activity ofActivities Physically Dance Festival: Aspects Dance of Performance of Disabled Foreign Groups Invited to International -Focusing on Comparison Sung-Hee Cho,Dance Yo-SubFestivals Kang Kangwon National University of SIDance and SPAFSu-Eul Bae for Kyunghee University 7 Strategies Activating Local Cultural Festivals through Comparative Analysis of 3 Outstanding Festivals Dance and Socio-Cultural Art Education: Status and Implications of Dance Class Curriculum at Culture Centers of Department Stores 한국무용학회 poster Hea-Kyung Kim Sejong University 4 An Examination of Middle School Students' Expectancy-Value Beliefs in Dance Education Author Organization No. with Regard to Gender and Grade Title Mi-Young Lee, Yul-Ja Oh Hanyang University 1 An Analysis of Evaluation Perspective Given Examination of Performance in Korea Traditional Dance - Focusing on Appearance Su-Eul Bae, Byong-Ju An Kyunghee University 2 Dance and Festival: Aspects of Performance Activities of Foreign Groups Invited to International Dance Festivals -Focusing on Comparison of SIDance and SPAFSu-Eul Bae Kyunghee University 3 Dance and Socio-Cultural Art Education: Status and Implications of Dance Class Curriculum at Culture Centers of Department Stores Hea-Kyung Kim Sejong University 4 An Examination of Middle School Students' Expectancy-Value Beliefs in Dance Education with Regard to Gender and Grade - Poster Session Dance 50 한국운동생리학회 oral Exercise Physiology 8.26 / 09:30~17:45 SAHOEKWAN #230 Presider 1. Jin-Hong Kim No. 1 2 (Inje University) 2. Hoon Kim (Daegu University) 3. Seung-Kyu Roh 3 (Kangwon National University) 4. Chang-Keun Kim (Korea National Sport University) 5. Jae-Kyung Byeon (Chungbuk National University) 6. Woo-Seob Eom (Seoul National University of Education) 7. Hyung-Don Kim (Kyung Hee University) 8. Jae-Ryang Yoon (Korea National Sport University) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Author Organization - Oral Session Title Sang-Nam Nam, Jae-Joong Kim, Ju-Young Lee Hanyang University The Effects of Combined Exercise and Circuit Training on Glucose, and Adiponectin's Concentrations in Middle-aged Obese Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance Young-Jo Kim, Jin-Ho Yung Korea National Sport University Moderate to High Intense Exercise Prescriptions Using Treadmill Stress Test Affect Hemodynamic Response according to Exercise Types Jae-Kyung Byeon, Soo-Jeong Jeong, Sun-Hee Park, Su-Kyoung Min, Kee-Joong Ann, Young-Jin Oh, Tae Hun Noh Chungbuk National University Correlation of Heart Rate Recovery and Body Composition, Cardiopulmonary Fitness Following Exercise in Children Ah-Reum Han, Eun-Sook Sung, Timo Hinrichs, Petra Platen University of Bochum MAtthias vorgerd Ruhr-University Bochum Effect of menstrual phase-based strength training in oral contraception users Stephen Daniel Ball University of Missouri Jump Into Action Robert C. Hickner East Carolina University Applications of Microdialysis in Studies of Exercise and Health Young-Joo Kim, Jae-Keun Oh Korea National Sport University Effects of Six-week Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise on Adiponectin in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Hye-Jin Kim, Sang-Nam Nam Hanyang University Tae-Won Jeon Seoul National University Ryong Hwang Dongnam Health College Ung-Ryel Bae Kookmin University Study of Props Pilates Stability Exercise (PPSE) Program on the Female Farmers with Musculoskeletal Symptoms (MSS) Hae-Mi Jee. Young-Soo Jin University of Ulsan College of Medicine Biological Age Prediction Models Based on Physiological and Fitness Variables with Principal Component Analysis Hee-Seung Nam Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital Chul-Hyun Kim Korea National Sport University Linkage Disequilibrium Between ACE Indel and A22982G polymorphism and its Impact on ACE activity in Korea Eun-Sook Sung, Ah-Reum Han, Timo Hinrichs, Petra Platen University of Bochum MAtthias vorgerd Ruhr-University Bochum Effect of menstrual phase-based strength training in eumenorrheic females Hye-Jin Kim, Won-Jun Lee Ewha Womans University Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Induces Androgen Receptor Coactivators Expression in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells through the PI3K/Akt Pathways Jung-Soo Kim, Il-Hyung Kim, Kwang-Hoon Oh, Mi-Young Lee, Chi-Sug In, Eun-Ju Kang, Chul-An Kim, Young-Woo Park Kongju National University Effects of Nectar-thinking Education and Combined Exercise Training on Binge Eating Behavior, Stress in Obesity and Change in Density of Leptin and Ghrelin in Obese Adolescent Boys Soon-Mi Choi, Man-Gyoon Lee, Hyoung-Jun Kim, Won-Sang Jung Kyunghee University Bo-Kyung Koo Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center Soo Lim, Ji-Won Yoon, Hak-Chul Jang Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Effects of Interval Training on Aerobic Capacity, Mitochondrial DNA Contents, C1QTNF5 Levels, and Surrogate Indices of Insulin Resistance in Middle-aged Pre-diabetes Women A-Ram Yoon, Hee-Geun Park, Young-Ran Lee, Soon-Mi Kwon, Hak-Young Jang, Su-Hyun Kang, Wang Yen, Li Wei, In-Kyun Na, Sang-Ki Lee, Jong-Kui Jun, Wang-Lok Lee hungnam National University Effect of Exercise Training and Quercetin Supplement on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism in High Fat Diet-induced Obese Mice Na-Young Ahn, Jae-Hoon Kim, Ja-Young Byon, Young-Sik Ju, Seung-Wook Kim. Ki-Jin Kim Keimyung University Relationship of Cross Sectional Area of Psoas Major with Anaerobic Power in Runners 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 51 - Poster Session 한국운동생리학회 poster Exercise Physiology No. Author Organization Title Kyo-Hee Jang, Hong-Kwan Cho, Sin-Young Song Kunsan National University 1 Study for Expression of Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinases and c-Jun N-terminal Kinase by Difference Intensity Exercise Pathways in Rat Tibialis Muscle Eun-Ju Choi, Kwang-Suk Cha Konkuk University Jin-Hwan Yoon Hanman University 2 Jeong-Ryong Chae Kunsan National University Regulates Gluconeogenesis and Lactate Production in Low-Intensity Exercise Rats: Roles of PPARγ, PEPCK and AMPK Bo-Kyun Kim, Su-Shin Lee, Yu-Mi Hoe, Mal-Soon Shin, Chang-Ju Kim Kyunghee University Young-Pyo Kim JeJu National University 3 Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Memory Function, β-Amyloid Precursor Protein, and Neurogenesis in Rats with Amyloid β25-35 Peptide-Induced Alzheimer's Disease Su-Shin Lee, Yu-Mi Huh, Bo-Kyun Kim, Mal-Soon Shin, Chang-Ju Kim Kyunghee University Baek-Vin Lim Dong Seo University 4 Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Apoptotic Neuronal Cell Death in Injury Site of Spinal Cord Contusion Rats Sun-Young Jung, Dae-Young Kim, Jin-Hee Seo, Yun-Hee Sung, Tae-Woon Kim, Chang-Ju Kim Kyunghee University 5 Tae-Beom Seo Korea Institute of Sports Science Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Apoptotic Neuronal Cell Death in Injury Site of Spinal Cord Contusion Rats Eun-Sang Ji, Ji-Eun Kim, Chang-Ju Kim Kyunghee University Seung-Soo Beak Sang Myung University 6 Tae-Beom Seo Korea Institute of Sports Science Treadmill Exercise Increases Hippocampal Neuronal Proliferation through Activation of Reelin Signaling Pathway in Rats with Autism Hee-Jeong Son, Seung-Won Shin, Zhu-Xiang Shan. Hyeong-Tae Kwon, Eun-Beom Kang, Hyo-Jeong Kim, Chang-Keun Kim Korea National Sport University 7 Change of mTOR Signaling Pathway Following Intensive Resistance Exercise in Human Skeletal Muscle Hoo-Kyoun Byun, Hee-Jeong Son, Su-Ju Eo, Hyeong-Tae Kwon, 8 Hyo-Jeong Kim, Chang-Keun Kim Korea National Sport University Effect of Acute Exercise on LPL and HSL Protein Expression to Tissue Type in Aged Rat Doo-Hong Kuk, Won-Hee Kim, Dong-Hee Kim, Mee-Hyun Yang, 9 Hyo-Sung Lee, Joong-Kwon Ahn Chonnam National University Effects of Exercise on Expression of UCP-2 and TNF-α in Obese Zucker Rats Gyu-Lark Lee, Hyun-Lyung Jung, Dong-Hun Yoo, Kyung-Mo Nam, Ying Chang. Dam-Hyun Jung, Ho-Youl Kang Kyungpook National University 10 Effects of 24-h Fasting on Human Growth Hormone (hGH) and Cytokine Responses after Resistance Exercise 52 Exercise Physiology No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Author Organization - Poster Session continued Title Man-Gyoon Lee, Soon-Mi Choi Kyunghee University Soo Lim Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Relationship among Body Composition, Cardiovascular Function, Liver Function, Blood Lipids, Mitochondrial DNA Contents, C1QTNF5 Levels, and Insulin Resistance in Normal and Pre-diabetes Women Suh-Jung Kang, Jin-Hee Park Sangmyung University The Differences of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Factors and Aerobic Capacity by Sarcopenic Obesity and Fat Distribution Byung-Kon Yoon, Se-jung Park, Hye-Rym Cha Dong-Eui University The effect of difference exercise intensity on type II diabetes Yong-Seok So, Hea-In Lee, Mi-Ja Kim, Jong-Kuk Kim, Ok-Hee Yeon, Young-Jun Kim Dong-A University The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on the Risk Factor of Metabolic Syndrome and RBP4 in Obese Elderly Women Chan-Kyoung Jung, Dae-Pil Seo Korea Golf University Sang-Nam Nam Han Yang University The Effects of Combined Training and Policosanol Supplementation Inflammatory and Immune Factor in Middle Aged Obese Women Yun-Mi Kim, Hee-Han Kim, Yong-Kyu Kim, Seung-Hyun Lim, Jong-Sam Lee, Young-Woo Kwon, Seong-Kyeong Ko Daegu University The Effects of Aerobic Program and Lifestyle Modifying Education on Body Composition, Lipoprotein and Insulin Resistance in the Obese Women Hee-Han Kim, Yun-Mi Kim, Yong-Kyu Kim, Seung-Hyun Lim, Jong-Sam Lee, Young-Woo Kwon, Seong-Kyeong Ko Daegu University The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Lipoprotein and Inflammatory Markers in the Obese Elderly Population Su-Jin Jung, Jae-Hyoung Park, Je-Sang Kim, Chul-Min Ahn, Soon-Jun Hong, Do-Sun Lim Korea University Anam Hospital Exercise Improve Endothelial Function and Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients Dae-Yun Seo, Hyoung-Kyu Kim, Nari Kim, Byoung-Doo Rhee, Kyoung-Soo Ko, Jin Han Inje University Yeong-Ho Baek, Pusan National University Yi-Sub Kwak Dong Eui University Effect of Weight Loss Program on Serum Parameters in Obese Male Middle-School Students Gyeong-yeop Back, Jun-Young Hong, Dong-Hee Kim, Hyun-Soo Park, Mee-Hyun Yang Chonnam National University Sun-Ho Kim Nambu University Acute Effects of Different Intensity Exercise on Obesity Risk Factors in Overweight Males Man-Gyoon Lee, Soon-Chang Sung, Shin-Eon Lee Kyunghee University Effects of 12 Weeks of Resistance Exercise Training on Body Composition, Muscular Strength, Resting Metabolic Rate, and Adipocytokines in Obese Men of 20s Cheol-Woo Kim Dong-Eui University Tai Chi exercise on health fitness and body composition in elderly people Ho-Seong Lee Dankook University Changes in Immunocompetent Cell Numbers Following Eccentric and Concentric Muscle Contraction in Skeletal Muscle 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 53 Exercise Physiology No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Author Organization - Poster Session continued Title Yi-Sub Kwak Dong-Eui University Swim duration on FDEIA in sensitized models Mu-Young Son, Bong-Yeon Hwang, Myung-Hwa Kim, Hyun-Jin Jung, Jong-Kwang Kim, Dae-Taek Lee Kookmin University Influence of Feet Cooling on Blood Fatigue Index and Power Output Prior to Simulated Competitive Cycling in Young Cyclists Hyung-Don Kim, Yong-Seok Shin Kyunghee University The Effects of Fatigue Induced by the Incremental Running Exercise on Postural Stability of Taekwondo Players Il-Gyu Ko, Yong-Seok Jee Hanseo University Hong Kim Daegu Haany University Sung-Eun Kim, Se-Hyung Cho, Chang-Ju Kim Kyunghee University Starting time-Dependence of Treadmill Exercise on Cognition and Neurogenesis Woo-Young Park, Ho-Seong Lee, Ki-Hong Kim Dankook University Effects of Three Days Golf Round on Physical Fitness Factors, the Fatigue Substance and the Cortisol Hormone Seung-Jae Kim, Sun Hur Kangwon National University The Relationship between Type D Personality and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease In-Sung Park Korea University Tae-Young Kim Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Jin-Hoon Park Korea University Yu-Mi Won Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Yong-Ju Jung Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Jin-Hwan Yoon Han Nam University Im-Joo Rhyu Korea University Volumetric analysis of cerebellum in short-track speed skating players Jong-Ho Kim, Jeong-Wook Jung, Jun-Won Bae, Sang-Hwa Kim, Dong-Il Kwon, Hoon Kim Daegu University Yong-Ho Cho Kyungpook College The function of Core Shoes based on different walking speeds Kyung-Mo Nam, Dong-Hun Yoo, Hyun-Lyung Jung, Su-Hyuk Kim, Yuk-Hyun Kim, Ying Chang, Dam-Hyun Jung. Ho-Youl Kang Kyungpook National University Effects of the Angular Velocity on Muscle Activity during the Knee Joint Isokinetic Contraction Yi-Sub Kwak Dong-Eui University Sang-Gu Kim Wellness Hills, Inc The Analysis of Vibration shoe walking on Syndrome X Ki-Jun Ko Daegu Mirae College Ki-Jin Kim Keimyung University In-Hyun Chang Catholic University of Daegu The Effects of Walking Exercise Program on Aging-related Hormones in Elderly Men Hyung-Don Kim, Jae-Suk Lee Kyunghee University The Influence of Yoga Exercise on the Development of Static & Dynamic Balance of Pre and Post Menopausal Women Hyung-Don Kim, Jae-Suk Lee, Yong-Suk Shin Kyunghee University The Differential Influences of Taekwondo Training on the Development of Postural Stability of Preadolescent Athletes Wan-Ju Cho Chosun University Sam-Gyu Lee, In-Sung Choi, Jae-young Han Chonnam National University Hospital The effect of Combined Exercise program on CRP, WBC, Adiponectin, IL-6 in Obese Middle-aged Women Jin-Sun Kim Chonnam National University Hospital The Effect of Dance Sports Program on Health-Related Physical Fitness, Change of Skinfold thickness and Body girth in Obese Middle-Aged Women Jin-Sun Kim, Sam-Gyu Lee, In-Sung Choi, Jae-young Han Chonnam National University Hospital The Effects of Yoga and Resistance Exercise Programs on Physical Fitness, Body composition, TC, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C in Obese Middle-Aged Women 54 - Poster Session continued Exercise Physiology No. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Author Organization Title Ja-Eun Kim, Kyoung-II Lee Chosun University The effect of a Walking program on Physical Fitness and Change of Blood Lipids in Obese Middle-Aged Women Jin-Hee Seo, Tae-Woon Kim, Sun-Young Jung, Dae-Young Kim, Yun-Hee Sung, Chang-Ju Kim Kyunghee University Sam-Jun Lee Tong Myong University Treadmill Exercise Ameliorates Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction in Pregnancy Rats Hyun-Chu Cho, Nam-Kyu Yoon Yongin University Chang-Sik Ahn, Eui-Young Kim Hoseo University Jong-Dae Yoon kyungwoon university Sung-Yeon Kim Sungkyunkwan university Joung-Kyu Kim Korea National Sport University The Study of Relationship on Neuro Growth Factor, Cardiorespiratory fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Middle Aged Women Sang-Hyuk Song, Yong-Seok Jee, Il-Gyu Ko Han Seo University Sang-Hoon Kim, Sung-Soo Baek Sang Myung University Jin-Hwan Yoon Han Nam University Sung Eun Kim Kyunghee University Effects of voluntary and forced exercise on motor function and apoptosis in lipopolysaccharide-induced brain inflammation in rats Jee-Eun Son Pyeonghwa Uhealth Dae-Taek Lee Kookmin University Effects of Exercise Intervention with Online-based Health Care Service Following Medical Examination on the Elements of Metabolic Syndrome Sang-Eun Jeon, Dae-Taek Lee Kookmin University Chang-Bin Kong Dong Seoul University Sang-Ho Lee Kyung Won University Responses of Muscle Fatigue Index Following Exhaustive Isokinetic Exercises with Kinesio-taping Sang-Hak Lee Cheongju University Jong-Oh Kim Hannam University Yong-Seok Ji Cheongju University Jin-Hwan Yoon Hannam University Effects of Aerobic Exercise on LDH isozyme Profile and MCT Expression during Gestation and Lactation in the Brains of the Offspring of Nicotine Exposure Pregnant Rats Hee-Jeong Son, Hyo-Jeong Kim, Jin-Hae Kim, Hideki Ohno, Chang-Keun Kim Korea National Sport University Change of Oxygen Transport Capacity and Anaerobic Power by 5-week hypoxic training Dong-Il Kwon, Jeong-Wook Jung, Jong-Ho Kim, Jun-Won Bae, Sang-Hwa Kim, Hoon Kim Daegu University Ji-Young Lee Pohang university of science and technology A Study of Respiro-Circulatory Function change on Combined Exercise Performance Order Jae-Ryang Yoon, Moon-Jin Lee, Nam-Ju Lee, Jong-Kyu Kim Korea National Sport University Effects of normobaric hypoxia exposure on improvement of blood variables after sprint interval training Eun-Sun Yoon, Seon-Ju Lee, Soo-Hyun Park, Yong-Hee Lee, Ki-Won Lee, Jae-Yoon Lim, Sae-Young Jae University of Seoul Acute Effects of Different Type of Exercise on Arterial Stiffness in Young Subjects Yong-Hee Lee, Soo-Hyun Park, Eun-Sun Yoon, Ki-Won Lee, Jae-Yoon Lim, Sae-Young Jae University of Seoul Association between Physical Fitness and Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Stroke: A Preliminary Study 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 55 Exercise Physiology No. 52 53 54 55 Author Organization - Poster Session continued Title Dong-Hun Yoo, Hyun-Lyung Jung, Kyung-Mo Nam, Ying Chang, Dam-Hyun Jung, Ho-Youl Kang Kyungpook National University The Effect of Isokinetic Exercise on Heart Rate, Oxygen Uptake and Respiratory Rate by the Various Angular Velocities Yuk-Hyun Kim, Dong-Hun Yoo, Hyun-Lyung Jung, Kyung-Mo Nam, Ying Chang, Dam-Hyun Jung, Ho-Youl Kang Kyungpook National University Effects of Panax ginseng Supplementation on Muscle Damage and Inflammation after Treadmill Running in Hmans Seong-Kyun Noh, Hyun-Lyung Jung, Dong-Hun Yoo, Kyung-Mo Nam, Ying Chang, Dam-Hyun Jung, Ho-Youl Kang Kyungpook National University Effects of Endurance Exercise and Fat Diet on Insulin Resistance and Muscle Ceramide in Rats Hyun-Chul Cho, Nam-Kyu Yoon Yongin University Han-Sang Jung Kangam University Yeon-Hee Son Chosun University Sung-Yeon Kim Sungkyunkwan University Jong-Kyu Kim Korea national sport University The Correlation of BMD and Isokinetic Muslce Strength on Body Parts in Combat Sports Athlete 56 한국운동역학회 oral Sport Biomechanics 8.26 / 09:30~12:30 SAHOEKWAN #232 Presider 1. Kyung-Ock Lee (Ewha Womans University) No. 1 2 (Kyungpook National University) (Dong-A University) Title D. Casey Kerrigan M.D University of Virgina School of Medicine A Definitive Understanding of Women’s Footwear and Musculoskeletal Injuries O'Sullivan David M Chung-Ang University Fife Gabriel P. Dong-A University Shin-In sik Seoul National University Safety Performance Evaluation of Selected Impact Sites of Taekwondo Headgear 2. Woen-Sik Chae 3. Chang-Hong Youm Author Organization - Oral Session 3 4 5 Chang-Eun Kim, Woen-Sik Chae, Chang-Jin Yoon, Haeng-Sub Lee, Nyeon-Ju Kang, Dong Soo Kim, Jung-Ho Park Kyungpook National University Analysis of Temporal Parameters in Domestic 100 m Elite Woman's Hurdling Using a 2-Dimensional Panning Technique Eui-Hwan Kim, Sung-Sub Kim, Moon-Suk Kwon, Ung-Ryang Wi, Ki-Tae Kim Yongin University Tae-Whan Kim Korea Institute of Sport Science Kinematical Analysis of The Utilization of Upper Limbs By The Type Of Steps In Roundhouse Kick Motion Dong-Seop Kim, Jun-Mo Park, Joong-Sook Lee Silla University Young-Min Jang pohang University Comparison of Insole Foot-Pressure Distribution of a Stepping Foot at Instep Shooting 6 Hyo-Taek Lee, Yong-Jae Kim Pukyong National University Hyo-Lyun Ro Kangwon National University A Study on Muscle Activities of Low Extremities by Ski Simulator Exercise 7 Kyung-Ock Yi, Hye-Rhee Park Ewha Womans University The Difference Between Closed and Open Kinetic Chain Integrated Functional Physical Fitness Exercises on Muscle Strength, Balance, and Alignment for Children Training in Ballet 8 Se-Jung Choi, Chang-Hong Youm, Tae-Hyeon Kim, Kyu-Heon Lee Donga University 9 Young-Sang Bea, Oh-Koo Woo, Jeong-Min Lee Keimyung University Ki-Man Kim Daegu Polytechnic College University Effects of muscular fatigue of lower extremities and blocked vision on the velocity of the center of pressure and the center of mass during bipedal legs stance Ground Reaction Force Characteristics of the Taekwondo's Apkubi on Older Men 10 Si-Hyun Ryu, Ji-Seon Ryu, Suk-Hoon Yoon, Sang-Kyoon Park Korea National Sport University Biomechanical Comparison of Stability for Hakdariseogi Motion of Taekwondo 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 57 - Poster Session 한국운동역학회 poster Sport Biomechanics No. 1 Author Organization Title Tae-Sam Kim, Ji-Seon Ryu, Mi-Sook Lee, Suk-Hoon Yoon, Sang-Kyoon Park, Won-Seob Hwang Korea National Sport University Se-Mi Seo Seoul Women's University Kinematic Analysis of Hairpin Motion on Badminton Skill 2 Tae-Jin Park, Kook-Eun Seo Pusan National University 3 Dong-Sung Choi, Hae-Dong Lee, Sung-Cheol Lee Yonsei University 4 Hyo-Lyun Roh Kangwon National University Min-Wook Kim, Sung-Min Son Yang-Deuk Oh, Yong-Jae Kim Pukyong National University A Comparative Analysis of the Horizontal Rotation of Shoulder and Hip Joints in Open and Square Stances during the Two-Handed Backhand Motion of Male Tennis Players Three-Dimensional Kinematics During the Instep and Out-front Soccer Kicks in Collegiate Players The Changes of Power and Foot Pressure During Golf Swing 5 6 Ara Jo, Si-Hyun Ryu, Ji-Seon Ryu, Suk-Hoon Yoon, Sang-Kyoon Park, Won-Seob Hwang Korea National Sport University The Kinematic Analysis of Upper Extremities During Smash and Drop Motion in Badminton Game Seung-Bum Park, Kyung-Deuk Lee, Footwear Industrial Promotion Center, Stefanyshyn Darren, Fukuchi Claudiane, Worobets Jay Human Performance Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Canada Influence of the New Trail Walking Shoes on Muscle Activity During Hiking Movements 7 Sung-Ah Shin, Hae-Dong Lee, Sung-Cheol Lee Yonsei University 8 Yeon-Jo Yu, Ki-Kwang Lee, Jung-Ho Lee Kookmin University 9 Eun-Kyong Kim Sahmyook University A Biomechanical Analysis of the Vertical Jump(Saut) in Ballet and the Effects Toe Shoes Insoles Characteristics of Sit-to-Stand Movements in Stroke Patients According to the Post-Stroke Time and Foot Position The Effects on the Lower Limbs Joint as the Landing Height and Floor Pattern Tae-Jin Park, Kook-Eun Seo Pusan National University 10 Differences in Motor Strategies for a Sit-to-Stand Movement with Change of Chair Height in Able-Bodied Women in Their 20s and 60s O'Sullivan David Chung-Ang University FifeP.Gabriel Dong-A University 11 Tae-hee Lim Yongin University An Analysis of Accelerations Acting on the Head from Various Kicks of Middle School Taekwondo Athletes 12 Eui-Hwan Kim, Sung-Chul Kang, Duck-Hyun Nam, Sung-Sub Kim, Seong-Chul Baek, Woong-Ryang We Yongin University Kinemetical Comparative Analysis of Bilateral Symmetry on Lower Extremity According to Skill Level in Taekwondo 58 한국측정평가학회 oral Measurement and Evaluation 8.26 / 09:00~14:00 SAHOEKWAN #228 Presider 1. My-Young Lee (Kookmin University) 2. Hyuk Chung (Yeongnam University) No. 1 No. 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 10 No. Measurement and Evaluation 1 No. 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 5 Author Organization - Oral Session Title 한국측정평가학회 oral David A. Rowe University of Strathclyde Back to the Future? Algorithms and Equipment vs. Simplicity and Common Sense in Author Activity Organization Physical Measurement. Title Sang-Jo Kang Korea National Sport University Do WeA.Correctly Report Effect Sizes in Exercise Science Research? David Rowe University of Strathclyde Hyeoi-Jin KimFuture? Korea National University of Educationvs. Simplicity and Common Sense in Back to the Algorithms and Equipment Chul-HyunActivity Kim, Jae-Hyeon Park Korea National Sport University Physical Measurement. Chan Kim Eulji University School of Medicine Sang-Jo Kang Korea National Sport University Optimal Cutoff Points BMI and itsinValidity forScience ObesityResearch? in Korean Adults Do We Correctly ReportofEffect Sizes Exercise Tae-Gyu Kim Korean Olympic Committee Hyeoi-Jin Kim, Kim Eun-Kuk Korea National University of Education Jae-Hyeon National University Chul-Hyun Park Kim, Korea Jae-Hyeon ParkSport Korea National Sport University SportsKim Injury by the Korean Olympic Committee at the Summer Asian Chan EuljiSurveillance University School of Medicine Games 2010: Prospective Epidemiologic Studyforin Obesity NationalinAthletes Optimal CutoffA Points of BMI and its Validity Korean Adults Dae-Yeon Kim Eun-Kuk KookminKim University Tae-Gyu Kim, Korean Olympic Committee Clustering Park Analysis Sedentary Jae-Hyeon KoreaofNational SportBehaviors University and Physical Activity in Korean Children and Adolescents Sports Injury Surveillance by the Korean Olympic Committee at the Summer Asian Sae-Hyung Kim, Kim, Sang-Jo Kang, Jae-Hyeon Park Athletes Korea National Sport University Games 2010: A Nam-Hun Prospective Epidemiologic Study in National Weight Elicitation of Handball Dae-Yeon Kim Kookmin UniversityShooting Position to Evaluate Valuable Player Tae-Song Kim, You-Sun Ko Sookmyung Women's Clustering Analysis of Sedentary Behaviors and University Physical Activity in Korean Children and Adolescents A Study on Physical Strength and Obesity of Female College Students According to Their Sasang Constitution and the OneNational Week Sport University Sae-Hyung Kim, Nam-Hun Kim,Average Sang-Jo Daily Kang, Sedentary Jae-Hyeon Time Park In Korea Chang-Hwan Choi, Jae-Hyeon Park, Jae-Bong Lee Korea NationalValuable Sport University Weight Elicitation of Handball Shooting Position to Evaluate Player Hyeoi-jin Kim Korea National University ofWomen's EducationUniversity Tae-Song Kim, You-Sun Ko Sookmyung Language of Taekwondo Cross-Cultural Study According to Their A Study onBias Physical Strength Knowledge and ObesityTest: of Female College Students Bong-Seok Kim Jeonjuand University Sasang Constitution the Average Daily Sedentary Time In One Week Eun-Jeong Kang, Chang-Hwan Park University Chang-Hwan Choi,Won-chung Jae-Hyeon chung, Park, Jae-Bong Lee Choi, KoreaJae-Hyun National Sport Korea National UniversityUniversity of Education Hyeoi-jin Kim Sports Korea National Advanced Device Using WirelessTest: Feedback System forStudy Taekwondo Knowledge Language Response Bias of Taekwondo Knowledge Cross-Cultural Test Based on Multimedia Bong-Seok Kim Jeonju University Hyung-Don Kim, Jin-Seok Chea Kyung Hee University Eun-Jeong Kang, Won-chung chung, Chang-Hwan Choi, Jae-Hyun Park Comparison Predictive Models on the Number of Spectators of Korean Pro Baseball Korea NationalofSports University Advanced Response Device Using Wireless Feedback System for Taekwondo Knowledge Test Based on Multimedia 한국측정평가학회 poster Hyung-Don Kim, Jin-Seok Chea Kyung Hee University Author Organization Comparison of Predictive Models on the Number of Spectators of Korean Pro Baseball Title 한국측정평가학회 posterOh Matsumoto University Yuki Denda, Setsuko Nakajima, Seung-Kook Yang, ae-Woong Tae-Tyun Lee Yongin University Author Organization The Yo-Yo Tests and Twelve Minute Run Test Performance in Cross Country Skiers Title Hyung-Don Soon-Ryong Kyung hee Yuki Denda, Kim, Setsuko Nakajima,Kwon Seung-Kook Yang,University ae-Woong Oh Matsumoto University The Differences of a University Rating Agreement and a Grading Judgement Between International Tae-Tyun Lee Yongin Judges and Korean Judges in Dance Sport The Yo-Yo Won, Tests Bok-Hee and Twelve Performance in Cross Country Skiers Dong-Wook You, Minute You-SunRun Ko Test Sookmyung Women's University A Study onKim, Depression of Female Students According to Dance Education and Hyung-Don Soon-Ryong Kwon College Kyung hee University Sasang Constitution The Differences of a Rating Agreement and a Grading Judgement Between International Youn-Sun Son, Dae-Taek Lee,inBong-Yeon Hwang Kookmin University Judges and Korean Judges Dance Sport Analytic Technique of Orienteering Using Positioning System (GPS): Preliminary Dong-Wook Won, Bok-Hee You, You-Sun Ko Global Sookmyung Women's University Study A Study on Depression of Female College Students According to Dance Education and Mi-Hyun Constitution Lee, Duck-Hyun Nam, Seung-Yun Shin, Seoung-Ki kang, Seong-Bong Hong Sasang Yongin University Youn-Sun Son, Dae-Taek Lee, Bong-Yeon Hwang Kookmin University Bone Mineral Density CollegeUsing Female Players by Sports Analytic Technique of Among Orienteering Global Positioning System (GPS): Preliminary Study Mi-Hyun Lee, Duck-Hyun Nam, Seung-Yun Shin, Seoung-Ki kang, Seong-Bong Hong Yongin University Bone Mineral Density Among College Female Players by Sports - Poster Session 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 59 - Oral SessionⅠ 한국특수체육학회 oral Ⅰ Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise 8.25 / 09:30~12:00 No. 1 2 Jun-Hun Kim, Chul-Han Kim Yeungnam University 3 Jin-Ho Park, Han-Chul Kim Yeungnam university 1. Han-Chul Kim (Yeongnam University) Title Hyo-Lyun Roh Kangwon National University SAHOEKWAN #132 Presider Author Organization Effects of Exercise in Aquatic Environments on Disabled Person with Hemiplegia Psychological game disturbance factor comparison between superior and non-superior wheelchair basketball players Study on the Self-management and Exercise Performance according to the Gender, Type of Disability, Class of Disability and Sports Career with the Disabled Athlete 한국특수체육학회 oral Ⅰ Yeon-Jae Choi Yeungnam University Author Organization 4 No. An Effect of Long-Term Wheelchair Tennis on Physical Strength and Mental Health of Title the Physically Disabled 1 5 2 6 3 Hyo-Lyun Roh Ki-Hong Kangwon National University A-Reum Han, Kim, Ji-Hwan Kang Yongin University Effects of Exercise in Aquatic Environments on Disabled Person with Hemiplegia The Effects of Therapeutic Horse Riding on the Gait Patterns and Equilibrium Abilities of the Adolescents with Brain Lesions Jun-Hun Kim, Chul-Han Kim Yeungnam University Jeong-Ae Yoon Youngdong University Psychological disturbance factor comparison between superior and non-superior Hyol-Yun Roh game Kangwon National University wheelchair basketball players Comparison of Respiratory Function and Activities of Daily Living between Disabled Jin-Ho Kim Hemiplegia Yeungnam university Person Park, with Han-Chul Spinal Cord and Normal Elderly People Study on the Self-management and Exercise Performance according to the Gender, Type 한국특수체육학회 oral of Disability, Class of Disability and Sports Career withⅡ the Disabled Athlete Yeon-Jae Yeungnam University Author Choi Organization No. 4 An Effect of Long-Term Wheelchair Tennis on Physical Strength and Mental Health of Title the Physically Disabled You-Hwan Kim Gyeougnju University 1 A-Reum Han, Ki-Hong Kim, Ji-Hwan Kang Yongin University Disability Sports, 2012, 2013 and Beyond 5 Intellectual The Effects of Therapeutic Horse Riding on the Gait Patterns and Equilibrium Abilities Dong-Ki Han, Yoo-Seok Yang Baekseok University of the Adolescents withKang, BrainHan-Na Lesions Bom-Jin Lee Silla University Yoon Osan Youngdong University 2 Jeong-Ae Ki-Young Kim University Hyol-Yun Roh Kangwon National University 6 The Development of Ecological Approaching Model for Inclusive Physical Education Comparison of Respiratory Function and Activities of Daily Living between Disabled Ji-Tae Kim, Won Hemiplegia Dankook University Person withYoo-Min Spinal Cord and Normal Elderly People 3 Problems and Activation Strategies about the Participation in a Trail-Orienteering 한국특수체육학회 oral Ⅱ among New Sports for People with Disability Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise 8.26 / 09:00~12:10 4 No. 1 5 SAHOEKWAN #132 Presider 1. Kwang-Jin Oh (Korea National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare) 2 Ronald Texas Woman’s University AuthorDavis Organization - Oral SessionⅡ Title Disability Sport to All Students in Physical Education Teaching You-Hwan Kim Gyeougnju Tomoyasu YASUI Hokkaido University University of Education Intellectual Sports, 2012, 2013 andPhysical Beyond Activity in Japan The history Disability and Current Status of Adapted Dong-Ki Han, Yoo-Seok Kang, Han-Na Yang Baekseok University Bom-Jin Lee Silla University Ki-Young Kim Osan University The Development of Ecological Approaching Model for Inclusive Physical Education 3 Ji-Tae Kim, Yoo-Min Won Dankook University 4 Ronald Davis Texas Woman’s University 5 Tomoyasu YASUI Hokkaido University of Education Problems and Activation Strategies about the Participation in a Trail-Orienteering among New Sports for People with Disability Teaching Disability Sport to All Students in Physical Education The history and Current Status of Adapted Physical Activity in Japan 60 - Poster Session 한국특수체육학회 poster Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise No. 1 Author Organization Title Young-hyuk Kim, Soo-Gyoung Park, Jin-Woo Park, Yun-Seok Choi, Hyun-Su Lee Busan National University Gi-Young Kim Osan University Kwang-Jin Oh Korea National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare Effects of Health Belief of the Physically disabled on Their Exercise Behaviors 2 3 4 In-Woo Lee, Jin-Ki Kim, Jun-Mo Park, Joong-Sook Lee, Bom-Jin Lee Silla University The Effects of Participation in a Combined Exercise Program on Hemiplegic Gait Patterns Jae-Won Lee, Kang-Won Choi Yongin University The Effect of External Routine on The First Pitching Performance Among Boccia's Players Gwang Yon Hwang, Ronald Davis Texas Woman's University Equal Status Track Competition for Paralympic and Olympic Athletes 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 61 한국운동영양학회 oral Exercise Nutrition 8.26 / 10:00~17:00 SAHOEKWAN #135 No. 1 Presider 1. Young-Ju Song (Sunmoon University) 2. Chang-Sun Kim (Dongduk Womens University) 3. Woo-Gwang Cheon (Keimyung University) 4. Sung-Pil Ryu (KyungPook National University) 2 Author Organization - Oral Session Title Yoshiharu Shimomura, Yasuyuki Kitaura Nagoya University Juichi Sato Nagoya University Hospital Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) as nutraceuticals for sports Richard B Kreider Texas A&M University Colin D Wilborn University of Mary Hardin Baylor Lem Taylor University of Mary Hardin Baylor Bill Campbell University of South Florida Anthony L Almada Dana Point Rick Collins McDonald & Gann Mathew Cooke The University of Queensland Conrad P Earnest Pennington Biomedical Reseach Center Mike Greenwood Baylor University Douglas S. Kalman Miami Research Associates Chad M. Kerksick University of Oklahoma Susan M. Kleiner High Performance Nutrition LLC Brian Leutholtz Baylor University Hector Lopez Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Lonnie M Lowery University of Akron Ron Mendel Mount Union College Abbie Smith University of Oklahoma Marie Spano Marie Spano Nutrition Consulting Robert Wildman Kansas State University Darryn S. Willoughby Baylor University Tim N Ziegenfuss The Center for Applied Health Sciences Jose Antonio Nova Southeastern University ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations 3 3 Yanghoon Peter Jung, Richard B. Kreider Texas A&M University Effects of a High Protein Energy-restricted Diet on Body Composition and Markers of Health in Obese Women Jonghoon Park The University of Tokyo Katsuji Aizawa Senshu University Takayuki Akimoto The University of Tokyo Motoyuki Iemitsu Ritsumeikan University Seiji Maeda, Umon Agata, Satoko Takeda, University of Tsukuba Ikuko Ezawa Japan Women's University Naomi Omi University of Tsukuba The Effect of Running Exercise and DHEA Administration on Bone Local Bioactive Sex Horomone Metabolism in Ovariectomized Rats 4 6 7 8 9 10 Hea-Yeon Yun, Noriko Tamura, Tomohiro Tamura Hakkaido University Proteolytic System and Protein Production-for Characterization of Proteins In vivo and invitro Ga-Hee Koo, Jin-Hee Woo, Sang-Heon Woo, Sung-Hwun Kang, Hye-Young Kim, Ah-Lang Lee, Eun-Hyeong Seo, Seung-Mi Kim, Ki-Ok Shin Dong-A university The Effects of Combined BCAA and Glutamine Supplementation on Blood Myokines and Angiogenesis Factors in Adolescence Athletes Hye-Jung Hwang, Ji-Su Kim, Ye-Rim Jeon, Hea-Jung Suh, Ki-Won Lim Konkuk University Effect of Long-term High-fat Diet Feeding on Energy Metabolic Substrates Utilization in Resting Rats Sook-Jang Nam, Tae-Dong Kwon, Ki-Hoon Kim, Cheol-Hae Kim, Sung-Pil Ryu, Yun-Gi Yeo Kyungpook National University The Effect of Exercise and Achyranthis Radix Extract Ingestion in Collagen-induced Arthritis Rats Sun-Hyo Jeong, Wang-Lok Lee, Sang-Ki Lee, Jong-Kui Jun Chungnam National University Hepatic PPARα Action on the regulation of obesity and lipid metabolism by Swimming in High Fat Diet-fed Female C57BL/6J Mice Won-Jae Lee, Tae-Dong Kwon, Ki-Hoon Kim, Dae-Hyoung In, Sung-Pil Ryu, Yun-Gi Yeo Kyungpook National University The Effect of Exercise and High-fat Diet Feeding on Blood Chemicals and Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER) Stress of Skeletal Muscle in Rats 62 - Poster Session 한국운동영양학회 poster Exercise Nutrition No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Author Organization Title Jin-Ho Park, Dae-Keun Kwon, Jun-Yong Kang, Sung-Yu Lee, Jae-Yong Park, Young-Ju Song Sunmoon University Effect of Opuntia Humifusa Supplementation and Swimming Exercise on Muscle Lipid Peroxidation and SOD Protein Expression of Rats Fed a High Fat Diet. Min-Sun Song, Jun-Ho Shin, Soo-Kuen Kim Chonnam National University Seoung-Gil Lim, Young-Kwon Yoo, Dong-Hyun Kim DongShin University The Study of Criterion for Fitness using SFT of Elderly Women in the Rural Community Min-Sun Song, Jun-Ho Shin Chonnam National University Joong-Chul Lee, Hyun-Young Shim, Soo-Kuen Kim DongShin University A Comparison of Physical Fitness by the Rural and Urban Elderly Women Chun-Sim Kim, Dong-Hee Kim, Ha-Yan Lee, Hyun-Woong Moon, Chan-Il Na, Chang-Ui Back Chonnam National University The Effects of Combined Exercise on Blood Lipid, Atherogenic Index and Health Fitness in Elderly Aged Women Seok-Ki Min, Ki-Hyuk Lee, Koyama K, Hiranuma K, Nakazato K Nippon Sport Science University Relationship of COL5A1 Gene and Range of Motion in Collegiate Athletes Sun-Hee Park, Se-Won Jung, Sun-Joo Park, Yoon-Kwon Yang Sung Shin womens University The Effect of Isoflavone & Arginine Simultaneous Administration and Combined Exercise on Antioxidant Enzyme and Cardiorespiratory Function. Young-A Park, Dong-Hee Kim, Ha-Yan Lee, Doo-Hong Kuk, Hyun-Woong Moon, Chan-Il NA Chonnam National University Effect of Aquarobic Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome Factor and Health Related Fitness of Elderly Women So-Young Bu, Sang-Il Park, Jae-won Yang Kyungil University Change of food intake and nutritional behavior during a 11 weeks of weight-management program Won-Mok Son, Yong-Bae Choi Dong-A University Yeong-Ho Baek Busan National University Effects of Combined Exercise with Vitamin C and E Intake on Free Oxygen Radical and Blood Lipids in Middle-age Women Hyuk Kim, Seong-Ju Lee, Dong- Hee Kim Chonnam National University Sun-Ho Kim Nambu University Young-Bok Yoon Chonnam Science College The Effects of Belly Dance Exercise on Body Composition, Health Fitness and Metabolic Syndrome Factors in Middle-Aged women Chan-Kyo Jeong, Kyu-Ho Kim, Sung-Han Park Yeungnam University Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating and Related Variables in Collegiate Taekwondo Athletes in comparison of Endurance and Aesthetic Athletes Kyoung-Yul Lee, Jae-Sug Shin, Ji-Hwan Choi, Young-Heun Eom, Man-Dong Huh Kyungnam University The Effects of Combined Exercise on the Body Composition, Inflammatory Makers and Hormones in Obese Pre- and Post-Menopausal Women Hyo-Chul Lee, Young-Pyo Hong, Hyun-Tae Kim Korea National Sport University Combined Exercise Enhances Life-related Fitness Factors and Cognitive Function in Elderly Women 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 63 한국발육발달학회 oral Growth and Development 8.26 / 10:00~14:00 SAHOEKWAN #222 Presider 1. Youn-Shin Nam No. 1 2 (Duksung Womens University) 2. Jae-Soon Chung (Chungju National University) 3. Gi-Duck Park 3 (Namseoul University) 4 Author Organization Title Katsunori Fujii Aichi Institute of Technology Cross Correlation Function for Growth Pattern Analysis -To verify the similarity of growth and development curveWon-Guk Son, Youn-Hee Son, Hyang-Sun Go, Mee-Sung Choi, Young-Hwan Seo Chosun University The Effects of Badminton, One of After-school Activities, on Blood Flow in Elementary School Students Chee-Wook Park, Joo-Ha Jung, Jung-Hak Jung, Bo-Kyoung Chae, Jum-hong Yang Pusan National University Effects of Combined Exercise On GH, IGF-I in Elementary Female Students as follow Menarche Existence and Nonexistence Chang-Hun Kang, Kwang-Soo Koo, Ye-Ju Hong, Do-Hyeong Kim Changwon National University Jun-Ho Lee Korea Polytechnics Ⅶ Introdction The Effect of Participation in Long-term Exercise Program on Body Composition an Physical Fitness of Obese Children 5 Tae-Seop Park, Hyun Kyun Lee Myongji University 6 Na-Young An, Tae-Seop Park, Dong-Jun Lee Myungji University 7 Nam-Ik Kim Kwandong University 8 9 - Oral Session A study on the development and effectiveness of gross motor exercise ability program for children based on the Gallahue's conceptual movement teaching method A Study on Obesity Level and the Characteristics of Physical Fitness Development in Different Age Groups of Preschoolers Practices of Growth and Development in Pediatric and Adolescent Jong-Hwan Choi, Seok-Joo Eom, Joo-Cheon Lee, Du-Hwan Kim, In-Ki Kim, A-Ram Choi, Mi-Suk Jin Chungbuk National University Development of Measurement and Evaluation Tool for Correct Walking Posture in Elderly Women Woo-Ram Han, Hyun-Min Choi, Ho-Sung Nho, Jong-Kyung Kim Kyunghee University Aerobic Exercise Training Alters the Strength of Muscle Metaboreflex in Obese Women 64 - Poster Session 한국발육발달학회 poster Growth and Development No. 1 2 3 4 Author Organization Title Hye-Ji Jang, Eul-Kyo Kim Myongji University Influence of Dancing Activity Experience on the Development of Emotion and Development of Health related Fitness in the Primary School Student Sa-Yup Kim, Seong-Bin Park, Kyung-Ryul Chung Korea Institute of industrial Technology Gi-Duck Park Namseoul Univ. Submaximal Treadmill Walking and Jogging Test to Predict Cariovascular Function in Fit Adults Seong-Bin Park, Sa-Yup Kim, Kyung- Ryul Chung Korea Institute of Industrial Technology A Study on the Exercise Load Auto-Control in a Treadmill for Maintaining Target Heart Rate Seok-Hee Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Woong-Jae Choi PaiChai University Correlation among Demographic-Sociological Variables, Body Composition and Physical Fitness Factors in Older Men 5 Jong-Kook Song, Hyo-Jung Kang, Hyun-Chul Jung, Hyun-Bae Kim Kyunghee University 6 Sun-Deok Lee, Won-Guk Son, Youn-Hee Son, Hyang-Sun Go, Mee-Sung Choi, Young-Hwan Seo Chosun University Trends in Bone Mineral Density and Physical Fitness in Obese Adolescents The Effects of Task-oriented Training on Gait of Stroke Patients 7 Seung-Bin Park, Sa-Yup Kim Korea Institute of industrial Technology Gi-Duck Park Namseoul University Effects of Low-intensity and Middle Intensity Exercise Programme for 12 Weeks on Patients with Osteoarthritis on Range of Motion and Muscle Function 8 Sung-Min Kim, Hyun-Min Choi, Jong-Kyung Kim, Ho-Sung Nho Kyunghee University 9 Hyung-Kook Lee Sangmyung University Resistance Exercise Training Enhances the Muscle Metaboreflex during Post-exercise Forearm Occlusion Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Order Effects on Heart rate, Energy Expenditure in College Males Se-Won Chung, Sun-Hee Park, Sun-Joo Park, Yoon-Kwon Yang Sungshin Women's University 10 Effect of Auricular Acupuncture with combined exercise on Body Composition, Blood Lipid 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 65 육상심포지엄 poster Field and Track Sport Science SymposiumⅠ 8.26 / 10:00~12:00 SAHOEKWAN #124 Presider No. Title 1 Satoru Tanigawa University of Tsukuba 2 Jack Ransone ATC, FACSM 3 Tae Won Jun Seoul National University 1. Man-Gyoon Lee (Kyunghee University) Author Organization THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC DATA TO IMPROVE SPRINT AND SPINT-HURDLE PERFORMANCE Restoration and Recovery Systems in Track and Field 육상심포지엄 poster The Body-Mind Connection in Athletic Eminence Author Organization No. Randall L. Wilber United States Olympic Committee 4 Title ALTITUDE / HYPOXIC TRAINING BY ELITE ATHLETE Satoru Tanigawa University of Tsukuba 1 THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC DATA TO IMPROVE SPRINT AND SPINT-HURDLE PERFORMANCE 육상심포지엄 poster Field and Track Sport Science SymposiumⅡ 8.26 / 15:00~17:00 SAHOEKWAN #124 Presider Jack Ransone ATC, FACSM Author Organization 2 No. Restoration and Recovery Systems in Track and Field Title 3 1 Tae Won Jun Seoul NationalofUniversity Satoru Tanigawa University Tsukuba 4 2 Randall L. Wilber States Olympic Committee Jack Ransone ATC,United FACSM 3 Tae Won Jun Seoul National University 4 Randall L. Wilber United States Olympic Committee 1. Ki-Hong Kim (Yongin University) The Connection in Athletic Eminence THE Body-Mind USE OF SCIENTIFIC DATA TO IMPROVE SPRINT AND SPINT-HURDLE PERFORMANCE ALTITUDE HYPOXIC TRAINING ATHLETE Restoration /and Recovery SystemsBY in ELITE Track and Field The Body-Mind Connection in Athletic Eminence ALTITUDE / HYPOXIC TRAINING BY ELITE ATHLETE 66 Subcommittee President Subcommittee Name Organization Korean Society for History of Physical Education, Sport, and Dance Young-Il Na Seoul National University Korean Philosophy Society for Sport and Dance Yong-Kyu Ahn Korea National Sports University Korean Society for the Sociology of Sport Soo-Woen Lim KyungPook National University Korean Society of Sport Psychology Yong-Gak Jung Pusan National University of Foreign Studies Korean Association of Sport Pedagogy Dae-Jin Kim Jeonbuk National University Korean Society for Sport Management Kwang-Min Cho Yonsei University Korean Society of Sport and Leisure Studies Chang-Kook Kim Korea University Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Jun-Hi Kim Yongin University Korean Association of Dance Myung-Sook Park Kyung Hee University Korean Society of Exercise Physiology In-Hyun Chang Catholic University of Daegu Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics Young-Sang Bae Keimyung University Korean Society for Measurement and Evaluation Chung-Hwan Cho Seoul Women's University Korean Society of Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise Hea-Ja Jeon Soon Chun Hyang University Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition Tea-Dong Kwon KyungPook National University Korean Society of Growth and Development Tae-Seop Park Myongji University 2011 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress 67 KAHPERD Staff KAHPERD Name Chan-Woo Ahn Kyu-Sung Sim Ah-Ram Kim Won-Mi Lee Heon-Su Gwon Hyun Jung Title Director Deputy General Manager Office Team Manager Editorial Team Manager IJHMS Editorial Team Manager Office Assistant Administrator Phone Number 010-9104-4703 010-8426-2223 010-8652-1148 010-4742-5715 011-9331-4870 010-3717-2008 Hyun-Ju Lee Editorial Assistant Administrator 010-6296-8917 Subcommittee Staff Subcommittee KSHPESD KPSSD KSSS KSSP KASP KSSM KSSLS KSLR KAD KSEP KSSB KSEM KOSAPE KSEN KSGD Name Ho-Jun Cheon Hyun-Ju Jin Moon-Sung Lee Jae-Chan An Won-Hee Lee Yu-Jin Sung Eun-Hwa Jung Hye-Jeong Park Ki-Cheol Shin Joong-Geun Oh Wook-Ki Kim Hee-Jung Kim Jeong-Woong Choi Moon-Kyoun Jung Su-Taek Kang Young-Su Kim Yoo-Ra Jung Joo-Sung Hwangbo Hong-Soo Kim Ja-Young Byon Kyung-Hun Kim A-Reum Baek Seoung-Ki Kang Seong-Bong Hong Jae-Keun Baek Ho-Gil Yun Eun-Jung Kim Chae-Eun Lee Title Director Deputy General Manager Director Office Assistant Administrator Director Deputy General Manager Director Office Assistant Administrator Director Deputy General Manager Director Deputy General Manager Director Editorial Assistant Administrator Director Office Assistant Administrator Director Office Assistant Administrator General Affairs Director Office Assistant Administrator General Affairs Director Office Assistant Administrator General Affairs Director Director Director Director Director Office Assistant Administrator Phone Number 010-6299-7174 010-9986-4583 010-9072-0600 010-7186-4268 010-2879-9393 010-4342-6452 010-9327-6338 010-9229-1192 010-2725-4373 010-5018-8509 011-664-8353 010-3168-2163 010-9417-4779 010-8590-4832 010-9359-4453 010-9380-9040 010-2267-2578 010-2275-6735 011-808-5580 010-5444-4841 010-7440-4779 010-9081-1509 010-6355-2868 010-6616-5526 010-9517-9518 010-3582-9279 010-8904-7358 010-2298-1123 68 2011 KAHPERD Board Members Title Name Organization E-mail President Jong Young Lee Korea National Sport University jylee@knsu.ac.kr Senior Vice President Chang Mo Koo Hanseo University cmkoo@hanseo.ac.kr Kwang Soo Koo Changwon University kskoo@changwon.ac.kr Dong Sun Kim Kyonggi University kds@kyonggi.ac.kr Jong Kim Hanyang University chongkim@hanyang.ac.kr Hyung Don Kim Kyung Hee University hkim@khu.ac.kr Hyeon Woo Park Chonnam National University hwpark@chonnam.ac.kr In Hyun Chang Catholic University of Daegu ihchang@cu.ac.kr Yun Soo Jun Catholic University of Daegu ysjeon@cu.ac.kr Chang Hoon Seong University of Incheon seong@incheon.ac.kr Young Lin Chung Kwandong University cyl@kd.ac.kr Yong Sik Lee Korea Institute of Sport Science ysl@sports.re.kr Ho Moon Jun Mokpo National University hmjun@mokpo.ac.kr Jae Koo Lee Sahmyook University jkone@syu.ac.kr Dai Hyuk Choi Sogang University choi6547@sogang.ac.kr Hwan Son Chung-Ang University ssshwan@cau.ac.kr Kwan Young Choi Korea National Sport University cky@knsu.ac.kr Hyoung Sook Kang Dong-A University sports4@dau.ac.kr Jin Ho Kim Korea National Sport University jinho@knsu.ac.kr Joong Woong Nam Chung-Ju National University jwnam@cjnu.ac.kr Byeong Gwan Ryu Youngin University bkry55@hanmail.net Ho Sang Ryu Yeungnam University hsyoo@yu.ac.kr Hyun Kwon Park Kyungpook National University parkhk1@knu.ac.kr Jin Hwan Yoon Hannam University yoonjh@hnu.ac.kr Sang Heang Lee Jeonju University shlee@jj.ac.kr Ki Won Lim Konkuk University exercise@konkuk.ac.kr Kwang Leong Han Kyung Hee University foreverkhu@khu.ac.kr Vice President Auditor Executive Director Director History of Sport Philosophy of Sport Sociology of Sport Sport Psychology Sport Pedagogy Sport Management Sport and Leisure Studies Leisure and Recreation Dance Exercise Physiology Sport Biomechanics Measurement and Evaluation Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise Exercise Nutrition Growth and Development Field and Track Sport Science Symposium