박정희새마을대학원 - Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul

Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul
Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul, Yeungnam University
280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-749, Republic of Korea
712-749 경상북도 경산시 대학로 280 천마아트센터 타워동 1층
Tel. +82-53-810-1315~1319 / Fax. +82-53-810-2055
Homepage. http://psps.yu.ac.kr E-mail. psps@yu.ac.kr
Think New,
Act Together,
Share Globally
The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) of
Yeungnam University contributes to mutual prosperity by sharing
the Korean development experience with Saemaul Undong
and cultivating human resources for leadership.
About the PSPS
- Introduction
- Vision & Mission
Extracurricular Programs & Insurance
- Mentorship Program
- Group Activity
- Extracurricular Activity
- Insurance
Financial Information
Campus Guide
Master's Degree Programs
- Departments, Majors, and Degrees Offered
- Departments and Majors
- Academic Information
PSPS Networking
Campus Map & Getting to YU
Message from the President
Message from the Dean
Message from the President
Share a dream
for development
and prosperity
with the world
세계와 함께
발전과 번영의 꿈
Yeungnam University, founded in 1947, is a leading university in the
Republic of Korea (ROK). It was re-established by late President Park
Chung Hee by merging two major private universities in the region in
1967. During the presidency of Park Chung Hee, from 1963 to 1979, Korea
achieved such an unprecedented economic growth that it was able to
overcome the calamity of the Korean War of the early 1950s and absolute
poverty following the war. There were many factors behind this success
story. The most important, however, was the state leadership of President
Park, under which the enthusiasm and dedication of the people were put
to good use to develop the country. They were able to make a miraculous
achievement, transforming Korea from one of the world’s poorest nations
to one of the ten major economies in only half a century.
The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) was
established in November 2011 in order to fulfill the vision of education
founded by President Park Chung Hee and share Korea’s remarkable
development experience with other countries around the world. The great
achievements of Korean people under President Park’s leadership have
impressed many countries in the world, developing countries in particular.
In most developing countries, where agriculture is the major industry, the
backwardness of the rural-agricultural sector and the socio-economic
disparity between rural and urban areas are one of the most serious
problems hindering their national development. The Saemaul Undong
(New Community Movement), a public policy project and nationwide
social movement to develop agricultural economy and rural society in
Korea during the 1970s, has been acclaimed as the most successful rural
development policy program ever to deal with those problems.
The mission of the PSPS is to educate young leaders and students to work
for the development of poor countries in the world. It is committed to
sharing Korea’s development experience and the spirits, modalities and
methodologies of Saemaul Undong with other countries. The PSPS would
like to invite government employees, professors, students, politicians
and community leaders who aspire to eradicate poverty and develop their
home countries. We hope you can find your own vision and meaning of life
here at the PSPS and participate in the project to make the global village a
better place where all people live together in peace and prosperity.
영남대학교는 박정희 대통령이 1947년과 1950년에 각각 설립된 영남지역의
대표적인 2개의 사립대학을 1967년에 통합하여 발전시킨 우리나라의 명문
대학 중 하나입니다. 1950년대 한국전쟁의 참화와 절대빈곤의 상황을 극복
하고 오늘날의 선진 한국의 토대를 구축한 것은 바로 1960~1970년대의 산
업화 시대라 할 수 있으며, 이 시대와 이 시대를 산 위대한 대한민국 국민
들의 열정과 헌신을 하나로 묶어 성공으로 이끈 것은 박정희 대통령의 리
더십이었습니다. 그의 리더십하에 하나로 뭉친 대한민국은 불과 50년 만에
세계의 최빈국에서 세계 10대 경제대국으로 도약했습니다.
우리 대학교는 설립자인 박정희 대통령의 창학정신을 실현하고 우리의 개
발경험을 개발도상국과 공유하기 위해 2011년 11월 박정희새마을대학원을
설립했습니다. 지난 50년간의 대한민국 국민의 위대한 성취와 박정희 대
통령의 리더십에 대해 이미 오래 전부터 세계가 주목해 왔습니다. 최근에
는 많은 개도국에서 우리의 성공적인 개발경험을 배우려 하고 있습니다. 특
히 농업 등 1차산업의 비중이 큰 대부분의 개도국에서 사회발전의 가장 큰
걸림돌이 바로 농업 및 농촌부문의 후진성과 도농간 사회경제적 격차인데,
1970년대의 우리의 새마을운동은 이런 문제를 해결하는 데 가장 성공적이
었던 정책으로 평가받고 있습니다.
박정희새마을대학원은 우리의 성공적인 개발경험을 도움이 필요한 이웃나
라와 공유하고, 새마을운동의 정신과 실천내용을 개도국에 전수하는 것을
그 목적으로 합니다. 이를 위해 우리 대학원은 조국의 빈곤탈피와 근대화에
대한 간절한 소망과 열정을 가진 개도국의 공무원, 사회지도자, 정치인, 교
NOH Seok-Kyun
수, 학생, 연구자, 사회활동가 여러분들을 모시고자 합니다. 우리 대학원에
서 여러분의 비전과 소명을 찾고, 모든 나라와 모든 사람이 함께 공존하고
번영하는, 행복한 지구촌을 만들어 나가는 길에 함께 참여하시기를 기원합
니다. 감사합니다.
Thank you very much.
NOH Seok-Kyun, Ph.D.
President, Yeungnam University
영남대학교 총장 노석균
Message from the Dean
The Republic of Korea (ROK) has achieved the most astonishing economic
development among the countries that gained independence in the postwar era. Korea was transformed from one of the poorest to one of the
most affluent countries--and from a recipient of international aid to an aid
donor country--in the world only within fifty years. There has not been any
other case to surpass this miraculous economic metamorphosis in the
contemporary world.
Serving all mankind,
a new sacred calling
for the Korean people
인류애의 실천,
선진 대한민국의
신성한 소명입니다
대한민국은 제2차 세계대전 이후 건국한 세계 모든 나라 중에서 가장 경이
로운 사회경제적 발전을 이룬 나라입니다. 1960년대 초 세계에서 가장 가
난한 나라 중 하나였던 대한민국은 2010년에 OECD 선진 원조 공여국의 일
원이 될 정도로 발전했습니다. 반세기라는 짧은 기간에 세계 최빈국에서 선
진국으로 도약하는 이러한 위대한 업적을 이룬 나라는 세계사적으로도 그
유례를 찾아볼 수 없을 것입니다.
박정희새마을대학원의 설립목적은 한국의 성공적인 사회경제적 발전과 새
The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) was
established to share Korea's experiences in the socio-economic
development with the rest of the world and thus contribute to the
development of poorer countries and the general progress of mankind.
In order to achieve this goal, the PSPS invites promising young students
and leaders from other countries--developing countries in particular-to educate them about the state philosophy and leadership of President
Park Chung Hee, the public policies and programs that the Korean state
initiated and implemented during the development era of the 1960s and
1970s, including forestation programs and the strategy and experience of
Saemaul Undong. It also aims to produce competent experts in the field of
'international development cooperation.'
The PSPS offers master's degree programs in five different majors:
Saemaul Undong and Community Development, International
Development Cooperation, Public Policy and Leadership, Forest
Resources and Ecological Restoration, and Environmental Management
and Policy. The degree programs can be completed within one year and a
half, or four semesters. We currently have students from over 50 different
countries and more than 95 percent of the students are foreign nationals.
The cultural and ethnic diversity of its student body is one of the greatest
strengths of the PSPS as it provides a rich environment for the students
to nurture creative and innovative thinking and to develop a sense of
harmonious and inclusive global community.
The PSPS is eager to invite the most promising students from all over
the world. With the best environment to develop global leaders provided,
the students will play pivotal roles in reducing extreme poverty in many
countries and contribute to the betterment of the world. I look forward to
welcoming you here at the PSPS.
마을운동의 경험을 널리 세계인과 공유함으로써, 한편으로는 인류공영에
이바지하고 다른 한편으로는 우리의 국격 향상에 기여하는 데 있습니다. 우
리는 이러한 설립목적을 ‘근면, 자조, 협동과 나눔, 봉사, 창조의 새마을정신’
을 글로벌 차원에서 실천함으로써 구현하고자 노력합니다.
우리는 이를 위해 개발도상국을 비롯하여, 세계 각국으로부터 매년 수십 명
의 젊은이들을 선발하여 우리의 성공적인 경제발전의 성공전략과 경험, 박
정희 대통령의 국정철학과 통치리더십, 각종 공공정책의 내용과 집행과정,
새마을운동의 성과와 경험 등을 교육하고 있습니다. 또한 국제개발협력 분
야에서 우수한 인재를 교육시켜 개발도상국과 원조 수원국의 빈곤 퇴치
와 자조·자립적인 발전기반 구축에 참여하게 하고 있습니다. 이는 6.25전
쟁 당시 그리고 그 이후 오랫동안 세계 각국의 도움을 받아 세계 최빈국에
서 선진국으로, 원조 수원국에서 원조 공여국으로 발전한 한국의 세계의 이
웃나라들을 위한 보은의 일환이자, 선진 한국인의 신성한 소명이라고 할 수
우리 대학원의 석사학위과정에는 「새마을국제개발학과」에 「새마을지역개
발전공」과 「국제개발협력전공」을, 「공공정책리더십학과」에 「공공정책및리
PARK Seung Woo
더십전공」을, 「지속가능발전학과」에 「산림자원및생태복원전공」과 「환경관
리및정책전공」을 개설하고 있습니다. 우리 대학원은 정책연구와 실무경험
을 고루 겸비한 우수한 교수진을 확보하고 있고, 학생들이 최고의 교육을
받는 데 불편함이 없도록 양질의 교육환경을 제공하고 있습니다.
박정희새마을대학원은 개도국의 절대빈곤 극복과 인류의 삶의 질 향상에
공헌하고자 하는 헌신적이고 열정적인 인재, 창의적이고 혁신적인 글로벌
인재가 되기를 희망하는 분들의 지원을 기다립니다. 우리는 우리 대학원에
서 수학한 인재들이 국제사회에서 상호협력과 공존공영의 인류애를 실천
하게 될 때, 그것이 곧 대한민국의 국격을 드높이고 우리 국민이 세계인의
사랑과 존경을 얻게 되는 데 기여하리라고 확신합니다. 감사합니다.
Warm regards,
PARK Seung Woo, Ph.D.
Dean, Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul
Professor of Saemaul Studies; Professor of Sociology
박정희새마을대학원 원장 박승우
Introduction 소개
The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul
(PSPS) as a professional education and research institute
promotes the development of self-support competency
with the spread of the Self-Development Assistance (SDA)
model in developing countries.
The PSPS of Yeungnam University contributes to mutual
prosperity by sharing the Korean development experience,
including Saemaul Undong, and cultivating human
resources for leadership.
The PSPS is reaching out to government employees,
professors, students, community leaders, and politicians
hoping for the modernization of their home country.
It welcomes the interested leaders and experts from
international organizations and developed countries who
are committed to co-prosperity as well. Together, we'll
make the global village a safer and happier place to live in.
전문교육 및 연구기관으로서 박정희새마을대학원은 개도국에 자기
개발원조모델의 확산을 위해 자조역량개발을 촉진합니다.
영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원은 새마을운동을 포함한 한국의
개발경험을 함께 나누고, 리더십을 겸비한 인적자원을 양성함으
로써 상생공영에 이바지합니다.
박정희새마을대학원은 본국의 현대화를 바라는 공무원, 교수, 학생,
공동체지도자, 정치인 등을 대상으로 합니다. 또한 상호번영에 헌신
하는 관심있는 국제기구와 선진국의 지도자와 전문가도 환영합니
다. 이들과 함께, 우리는 지구촌을 더 안전하고 행복한 곳으로 만
About the PSPS
Vision 비전
Realization of YU’s
Educational Philosophy
Commitment to Enhancing
National Prestige
(창학정신 구현)
(국격향상 기여)
Globalization of
Saemaul Undong
Commitment to Mutual
Prosperity of Mankind
(새마을운동 세계화)
(인류공영 기여)
Mission 미션
• A graduate school for education and research based on the educational
philosophy of President Park Chung Hee, the founder of Yeungnam
• A graduate school favored and respected by the international community
through the globalization of Korean development experience and
Saemaul Undong
• A graduate school committed to the mutual prosperity of mankind
through the promotion of 'self-help and self-reliant development model'
as a new model of 'International Development Cooperaton (IDC)'
• A graduate school for education and research to cultivate leaders and
experts for the eradication of poverty and the establishment of selfsupporting economy in developing countries
들어 나가겠습니다.
• 영남대학교의 설립자인 박정희 대통령의 창학정신을 구현하는 대학원
• 한국의 개발경험과 새마을운동의 세계화를 통해 국제사회에서
사랑과 존경을 받는 대학원
• 한국의 발전경험을 바탕으로 ‘자립개발원조모델’을 개발·보급하여 인류공영에
기여하는 대학원
• 개도국의 빈곤 퇴치 및 자립경제기반 구축을 위한 지도자와 전문가를 양성하는
교육 및 연구 중심 대학원
Saemaul Undong
Miracle on the Han River
The PSPS offers programs on:
한강의 기적
PSPS 프로그램 강점
Saemaul Undong, with the slogan “We Can Do It”
or “Can Do,” was a nationwide movement for better
life, which contributed to the modernization of Korea.
It was a very successful social movement that went
beyond rural villages to urban industrial areas, schools
and other work places. Saemaul Undong put ‘we’
above ‘I’ for the common good, making the community
leaders exert their strengths and the members actively
respond to them.
In Korean history, late President Park Chung Hee
led an unprecedented economic growth through his
strong vision and development policies. His major
achievements, including rapid industrialization
and urbanization, technological advancement, rise
in economic indicator, and the reinforcement of
emphasis on education, transformed Korea from
the ashes of the War into a highly developed country,
making the ‘Miracle on the Han River.'
➊ President Park’s state leadership and national
*Saemaul: “Sae” means "new" and “Maul” means
"village" or "town," the basic unit of community.
박정희 대통령은 강한 비전과 개발정책을 통하여 대한민국 역
‘할 수 있다’는 슬로건을 바탕으로 새마을운동은 정부의 절대
적 지원을 통해 전국으로 확대되면서, 단순한 농촌개발사업이
아니라 공장·도시·직장 등 한국사회 전체의 근대화운동으로
사상 전례 없는 경제성장을 이루어내었다. 빠른 산업화와 도시
화, 기술향상, 경제지표의 성장, 교육에 대한 중요성 강화 등은
한국전쟁으로 황폐화된 대한민국을 부유하고 발전된 나라로
만들었으며 이를 한강의 기적이라 한다.
management philosophy which led to the “Miracle
on the Han River”
➋ The elimination of global poverty through Saemaul
➌ Sustainable national development through
forestation and ecological restoration
➍ Nurturing global talents for the reduction of
poverty and the improvement of the quality of life in
developing countries
➎ Educating global professionals for mutual
cooperation and coexistence around the world
➏ Contributing to the development of poorer countries
and communities through the spirit of diligence,
self-help and cooperation
확대되고 발전하였다.
➊‘한강의 기적’을 이끈 박정희 대통령의 국가경영철학과
리더십을 배울 수 있는 기회
➋ 새마을운동을 통해 국제적 빈곤퇴치에 기여
➌ 산림보전을 통하여 지속가능한 국가발전 방안의 제시
➍ 개발도상국의 삶의 질 향상과 빈곤퇴치에 기여
➎ 인류의 상호협력과 상호공존에 기여하는 글로벌
전문가 양성
➏ 근면, 자조, 협동을 통하여 공동체 발전에 기여
Master's Degree Programs
Educating creative
human resources
to lead a new leap of
Saemaul Undong
Departments, Majors, and Degrees Offered
Department 학과
Major 전공
Saemaul Undong and
Community Development
Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS)
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Saemaul and
International Development
Degree 학위
도약을 이끌
창조인재 양성
Master of Arts in International Development (MA/ID)
International Development 국제개발학석사
Master of Public Policy in
International Development (MPP/ID)
Master of Arts in Economics (MA/E)
Master of Arts in Development Economics (MA/DE)
Public Policy and
Public Policy and
Master of Public Policy (MPP)
Master of Public Policy
in Economic Development (MPP/ED)
Forest Resources and
Ecological Restoration
Master of Science (MS)
Master of Science in Agronomy (MS/A)
Sustainable Development
Management and Policy
Master of Public Policy (MPP)
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul consists of three
박정희새마을대학원의 개설학과는
(3) departments. The Department of Saemaul and International
새마을운동의 국제화를 선도하는 새마을국제개발학과,
Development leads internationalization of Saemaul Undong.
경제발전의 정책적 배경을 연구하는 공공정책리더십학과,
The Department of Public Policy and Leadership researches
고속성장의 부작용 극복을 추구하는 지속가능발전학과로
political background of Korea’s economic development. And
구성되어 있다. 체계화된 교육과정으로 양성된 인재들은
the Department of Sustainable Development explores how to
세계 각지에서 제2의 새마을운동을 주도하고 본국의
overcome side effects from rapid growth.
더 나은 도약을 선도하는 리더로 활약할 것이다.
Systematiclly educated at PSPS, students will be able to lead
the 2nd Saemaul Undong all over the world and play a pivotal
role in their countries' economic development.
Master's Degree Programs
Departments and Majors
Department of
Saemaul and
International Development
Department of Saemaul and International Development
- Saemaul Undong and Community Development major
- International Development Cooperation major
(새마을지역개발전공, 국제개발협력전공)
The Department of Saemaul and International
Development provides hands-on experience in
the national development of Korea in theory and
practice. Saemaul Undong, the successful national
development model initiated by President Park
Chung Hee, has been recognized as the driving force
behind the unprecedented speed of modernization
and economic development in Korea. It is also viewed
as the best model in eliminating poverty around the
The Department provides the competence
development program for government officials, social
workers, development consultants, and regional
experts from all over the world who are committed
to the development of community and sustainable
growth. It offers two majors: Saemaul Undong and
Community Development major and International
Development Cooperation major.
<새마을국제개발학과>에서는 이론과 실제를 통하여 한국의
성공적인 개발경험을 학습한다. 박정희 대통령이 주도한 성
공적 사회개발모델인 새마을운동은 한국의 유례없는 현대화
와 급속한 경제개발의 핵심요인으로 잘 알려져 있다. 이는 현
재 전 세계의 빈곤퇴치에 기여할 수 있는 유력한 대안으로 인
정받고 있다.
<새마을국제개발학과>의 교육프로그램은 지구상에 있는 공동
체의 발전과 지속가능한 성장에 기여하고자 하는 각국의 공
무원과 사회운동가, 개발컨설턴트 및 지역전문가들을 위한
역량개발 프로그램으로 구성되어 있다. 본 학과에는 <새마을
지역개발전공>, <국제개발협력전공>의 2개 전공이 있다.
Master's Degree Programs
Department of Saemaul and International Development
Department of Saemaul and International Development
Saemaul Undong and Community Development major
International Development Cooperation major
Saemaul Undong and Community Development major is focused on education and research on Saemaul Undong for
the reduction of poverty around the world. It covers the development of the Saemaul Undong, its success factors, a
current form of the movement, and its globalization. This program aims at the globalization of the Saemaul Undong
or Saemaul Spirit by producing leaders to spread the philosophy around the world, thereby ultimately contributing to
the elimination of world poverty.
International Development Cooperation major seeks to cultivate future leaders in the field of international development
cooperation who are equipped with not only theoretical knowledge and practical competence but also creative
problem-solving capability and leadership skills. Students will first be introduced to the meaning and purpose of
international development cooperation, which will be followed by an in-depth overview of the history, current practice
and strategies of Korea's international development cooperation that has had its focus on Official Development
Assistance (ODA). With the aim of providing a solid theoretical foundation and insightful understanding about the best
practice model of international development cooperation, emphasis will be placed on the study of and research in
creation and spread of 'Sustainable Self-Development Assistance Models.'
<새마을지역개발전공>에서는 새마을운동의 도입배경과 성공요인, 현재의 새마을운동 및 새마을운동의 세계화 등에 관하여 연구하고
교육한다. 이를 토대로 본 전공학생들을 새마을 지도자로 양성하여 새마을정신을 전 세계에 확산하고 접목시켜, 세계의 빈곤퇴치와 새
마을운동의 세계화를 목적으로 하고 있다.
<국제개발협력전공>은 학제적 접근을 토대로 이론과 실무, 창의적 문제해결능력과 리더십을 두루 갖춘 국제개발협력 분야의 미래 지도
인력을 양성하고자 개설되었다. 이를 위해 학생들은 우선 국제개발협력의 국가전략적 의미와 중요성을 이해하고 공적개발원조를 중심으
▶ Core courses
▶ Faculty
CHOI Oe Chool
Ph.D. (Daegu
Development /
Saemaul Undong
Ph.D. (University of
PARK Seung Woo
Georgia, USA)
Community and Culture / Understanding of SAEMAUL Spirit /
Understanding Korean Economy / Understanding Korean
RHEE Jaehoon
Ph.D. (Cornell
University, USA)
Conflict and Negotiation Management / International
KIM Jung Hoon
LEE Jeong Ju
Relations / Rural Development / Multiculturalism and
Comparative Community Development / SAEMAUL
Community Development Planning / Case Study of SAEMAUL
Ph.D. (Newcastle
University, UK)
Urban and
Regional Planning
Discussion / Skills and Techniques for SAEMAUL UNDONG /
Ph.D. (Daegu
Development /
Saemaul Undong
SAEMAUL UNDONG / Agenda-setting and Policy Process /
Ph.D. (Yeungnam
RHO Wha Joon
Ph.D. (Syracuse
Development /
Saemaul Undong
Policy Studies
▶ Major courses
LEE Byeong Wan
Ph.D. (University of Monetary
Pittsburgh, USA) Economics
LEE Yu Sin
Ph.D. (Johns
University, USA)
YI Yangsoo
Ph.D. (University Regional
of Louisville, USA) Development
CHO Whan-Bok
B.A. (Seoul
Development Cooperation / Development Administration /
Ph.D. (University of
New South Wales,
LEE Misook
▶ Faculty
▶ Major courses
Ph.D. (Kyungpook
National University)
에 대한 확고한 이론적 토대와 안목을 기르고자 한다.
President Park Chung Hee Leadership / Economic Analysis /
CHUNG Yong Kyo
대한 학습과 연구를 강조함으로써 국제개발협력활동의 효과성과 효율성을 높이는 거시적 정책분석과 함께 성공적인 국제개발협력 모델
Research Method and Thesis Writing Skill / Understanding of
Ph.D. (University of
Georgia, USA)
로 전개돼온 한국의 국제개발협력 정책과 전략, 추진모델 등을 학습하게 된다. 특히 ‘지속가능한 내재적 개발원조 모델’의 창출과 확산에
UNDONG / SAEMAUL Community Development: Issues and
Human Resource Development / Telecommunications and
Political Science
Politics in the Developing World / International Development
English / International Development Project Management 1 /
International Development Project Management 2 /
International Development Cooperation: Issues and
Discussion / Understanding International Development
Cooperation / Internship in International Development
Cooperation / International Economic Relations /
International Organizations / International Law / Global
Economics / Rural Development / Seminar in East Asian
Economy / Development Administration / Cost-Benefit
Analysis / Poverty and Social Policy / SAEMAUL Community
Development Planning / Case Study of SAEMAUL UNDONG /
▶ Core courses
Skills and Techniques for SAEMAUL UNDONG / Human
Leadership / Community Development and Marketing /
Community and Culture / Understanding of SAEMAUL Spirit /
Development / NGOs and International Development
Theories of Community Development / Community and
Research Method and Thesis Writing Skill / Understanding of
Cooperation / Field Study in International Development
Cooperatives / Community Organization / Field Study in
President Park Chung Hee Leadership / Economic Analysis /
Cooperation 1/ Field Study in International Development
Understanding Korean Economy / Understanding Korean
Cooperation 2 / Field Study in International Development
Cooperation 3 / Economic Development / Seminar in
Policy Analysis & Evaluation / Citizen Participation /
Practice / Seminar in SAEMAUL UNDONG and Community
Resource Development / Leadership / Theories of Community
International Development Cooperation
Master's Degree Programs
Department of
Public Policy and
Public Policy and Leadership major
This major provides systematic education and research on the process of economic development and national
leadership in Korea. Students will learn about the leadership and development strategy in Korea and do research on
macroeconomic policy, trade policy, industrial policy, infrastructure-building policy, and labor policy in each period in
the modern history of Korea. This program aims to grow leaders and experts on public policy, providing a role model
for government employees from developing countries which struggle to reduce poverty.
<공공정책및리더십전공>에서는 세계의 최빈국에서 선진국으로 도약한 한국의 경제발전과정과 국가지도자 리더십에 대하여 체계적인
교육과 연구를 수행한다. 즉 본 전공에서는 근대화 이후 한국의 시대별 거시경제정책, 산업정책, 인프라구축정책, 노동정책 등을 연구
하고 또한 지도자 리더십의 역할과 국가 발전전략을 학습한다. 본 전공은 학생들을 국가정책 전문가와 리더로 양성함과 동시에 빈곤
Department of Public Policy and Leadership
에서 탈출하고자 하는 개발도상국 공무원들에게는 롤모델을 제시하는 데 교육의 목표를 두고 있다.
▶ Faculty
The Department of Public Policy and Leadership
provides current government officials and future
public-sector leaders from around the world with
theoretical and practical knowledge for national
economic development and public service provision.
The unprecedented economic development of Korea,
often called the 'Miracle on the Han River' has not
only transformed the country from the recipient into
the donor of foreign aid in half a century but also
made Korea a rolemodel for developing countries.
It was made possible by the leadership of President
Park Chung Hee. This program offers both the
theories of economic development and President
Park’s transformational leadership to help solve
unexpected and complicated challenge that may
emerge in the process of economic development.
Students will learn how to utilize organizational
and national resources, to monitor and mediate
an innovative alternative policy, and to exert
transformational leadership.
<공공정책리더십학과>는 세계 각국의 공무원과 차세대
유례없는 경제개발은 반세기만에 한국을 원조 수혜국에서
Economic Policy / Quantitative Analysis / Topics in
LEE Hwan Beom
Ph.D. (University
of Southern
California, USA)
of Public
Internationl Finance / Development and Financial Market /
PARK Chu Hwan
State University,
리더십을 가르쳐 준다. 학생들은 조직이나 국가의 자원을
HWANG Sungsoo
Ph.D. (University of Public
Pittsburgh, USA) Administration
JWA Sung-Hee
Ph.D. (University
of California-Los
Angeles, USA)
활용하는 방법, 혁신적 정책대안을 모니터하고 조율할 수
있는 방법, 성공으로 이끌어주는 변환적 리더십을 발휘하는
방법을 학습한다.
Presidential Leadership / Urban and Regional Planning /
Leadership and Media Communication / Health and
Economic Development / Mathematics for Social Science /
Human Capital and Labor Market / Financial Planning
HUH Chang Deog
있도록 경제개발이론과 함께 박정희 대통령이 보여준 변환적
International Development / International Economic Analysis /
Seminar on East Asian Economy / Leadership Case Study /
Ph.D. (Southern
Illinois University,
리더십 때문에 가능하였다. 이 학과에서는 경제개발과정에서
직면하게 될 복잡하고 예기치 못했던 문제들을 해결할 수
Conflict and Negotiation Management / Macroeconomics /
공여국으로 바꾸어 놓았을 뿐만 아니라 개도국들이 반드시
배우고 싶은 롤모델이 되었으며, 이는 박정희 대통령의
Ph.D. (Purdue
University, USA)
이 프로그램은 두 개의 영역, 즉 국가경제개발과 리더십에
초점을 두고 있다. 한강의 기적이라 일컬어지는 한국의
HAN Dong Geun
공공부문 리더들에게 국가경제 개발과 공공서비스의 성공적
제공에 필요한 개념적, 실제적 지식과 기술을 교육한다.
▶ Major courses
▶ Core courses
and Invest Analysis / Agenda-setting and Policy Process /
Policy Analysis and Evaluation / Government Reform / Policy
Issues and Discussion / Regional Economics / Regional
Development and Infrastructure / Statistical Analysis /
Seminar on Korean Economy / Contemporary and Modern
History of Korean Economic Development / Environmental
Economics and Policy / IT and Economic Development / Field
Study on Economic Development 1 / Field Study on Economic
Community and Culture / Understanding of SAEMAUL Spirit /
Development 2 / Field Study on Economic Development 3 /
Research Method and Thesis Writing Skill / Understanding of
Development Economics / Policy Seminar
President Park Chung Hee Leadership / Economic Analysis /
Understanding Korean Economy / Understanding Korean
Master's Degree Programs
Department of
Sustainable Development
Department of Sustainable Development
- Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration major
- Environmental Management and Policy major
The Post-2015 Development Agenda, which has
recently been proposed by the United Nations (UN),
aims to help define the future global development
framework and eradicate extreme poverty from the
face of the earth by 2030. This new agenda succeeds
the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set
of eight global development targets, which has come
to an end in 2015. One of the most important tasks in
this Post-2015 Development Agenda is to integrate
the social, economic, and environmental dimensions
of development and to pursue a more sustainable
mode of livelihood.
지난 2000년 유엔(UN)이 범세계적인 개발 의제로 ‘새천년개발
목표(MDG)’를 채택한 후 목표연도인 2015년까지 지구촌의 절
대빈곤 완화 등 많은 성과를 거두었으나 여전히 전 세계 많은
주민이 최소한의 인간적 삶을 누리지 못하고 있는 것이 현실
이다. 이에 유엔은 새로 ‘포스트2015 개발어젠다’를 채택하고
2030년까지 지구상에서 절대빈곤을 철폐한다는 목표를 제시
했다. 이 포스트2015 개발어젠다에서 가장 중요한 과제는 사회
경제적 발전과 환경문제를 함께 고민하고 인류의 지속가능한
발전을 위한 대안을 모색하는 것이다.
<지속가능발전학과>는 급속한 기후변화와 환경파괴 발생을 완
화하고, 식량 부족, 에너지 고갈, 물 부족, 산림자원의 황폐화 및
The Department of Sustainable Development aims
to educate students to explore new alternatives to
mitigate climate change and to solve environmental
issues such as food, energy, water shortage, forest
degradation, and desertification problems, and
eventually achieve balanced development between
economy and environment. Korea has experienced
rapid economic growth with successful national
greening. Through this experience, PSPS can help
students to explore global coexisting development
models that attain sustainable development for both
developed and developing countries.
사막화 등의 문제를 극복함으로써 경제와 환경이 균형있고 조
화롭게 발전하기 위한 새로운 대안을 연구하고 가르치는 것을
목표로 한다. 한국은 세계적으로 유례없이 국가 산림녹화 성공
과 빠른 경제성장을 동시에 이룩한 나라이다. 이러한 경험을 바
탕으로 학생들로 하여금 선진국과 개도국이 함께 모색해 볼 만
한 지속가능한 발전을 위한 지구촌의 상생적 개발모델을 탐색
하게 한다.
Master's Degree Programs
Department of Sustainable Development
Department of Sustainable Development
Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration major
Environmental Management and Policy major
This major aims to grow leaders to inherit and further develop the ideas of the Saemaul spirit. Practicing the
Saemaul spirit involves understanding and practicing a new concept of forest science which emphasizes the
importance of forest resources and constructs a new paradigm for silviculture, forestry, preservation and utilization
of forest resources. The objective of this program is to contribute to the restoration of the forest ecological system by
sharing the accumulated knowledge of forestation with the world through the education and marketing of the new
forms of forest rehabilitation technology.
Environmental Management and Policy major provides students with an opportunity to explore the fundamental
causes of various environmental problems and to pursue their solutions across different academic fields, based on
fundamental understanding of the organic relationship between human activities and the environment.
오늘날 인간의 삶의 양식은 급격한 기후변화와 환경의 파괴, 자원의 고갈 등을 가져오면서 지속가능한 발전을 위협하고 있다. 이러한
환경문제는 선진국과 개도국을 가리지 않고 전 세계 모든 주민들에게 공히 영향을 미치고 있으나, 특히 가용자원과 정책수단이 부족
한 개도국 주민들에게는 더욱 더 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. <환경관리및정책전공>에서는 현재 지구상에서 이러한 환경문제를 야기하고
산림은 목재 생산, 생물다양성 보전, 수원 함양, 자연재해 방지, 아름다운 경관, 휴양 및 치유 등 인류에게 다양한 혜택을 제공한다.
지속가능한 발전을 위협하는 여러 가지 요인들을 연구 검토해 이러한 문제에 어떻게 대처할 것인지 그 방안을 총학문적으로 모색하게
그러나 지난 세기동안 산업화로 인한 과도한 목재 생산, 화전, 목축, 전쟁, 산불 등으로 인해 세계의 많은 나라의 산림이 파괴되었고,
한다. 특히 개도국의 학생들에게는 한정된 자원과 역량을 모아 어떻게 개발과 환경보전이란 두 가지 목표를 동시에 추구할 수 있을지
이로 인해 기후변화와 자연재해 등 부작용들이 동시다발적으로 발생하고 있다. 우리나라는 한국전쟁 이후 산림이 크게 황폐하였으나
고민하게 한다.
1970년대 새마을운동과 함께 산림녹화사업에 성공하여 오늘날의 아름다운 산림경관을 조성하였다. <산림자원및생태복원전공>은
산림자원의 중요성을 인식하는 데서부터 시작하여 조림, 육림, 보전 및 산림자원의 이용을 연구하고, 이를 토대로 지속가능한
산림관리의 새로운 패러다임을 이해하고 실천하게 한다. 특히 박정희 대통령의 새마을정신 실천은 새로운 개념의 산림자원학을
이해하고 실천하는 일이다. 본 전공은 새로운 형태의 산림복원 기술교육과 실습을 통하여 국제적인 산림전문 인력을 양성함으로써
우리의 축적된 산림녹화 경험을 전 세계에 전파하고 훼손된 산림생태계의 복원에 기여하고자 한다.
▶ Faculty
Conflict and Negotiation Management / Agricultural
Ph.D. (Seoul
National University) Ecology
Technology and Development / Leadership Case Study /
MOON Yong Sun
Ph.D. (Cornell
University, USA)
Restoration Ecology / Forest Management and Policy /
LEE Yohan
Ph.D. (Oregon State
Forest Resources
University, USA)
LEE Don Koo
Ph.D. (Iowa State
University, USA)
Vegetable Crop
Community and Culture / Understanding of SAEMAUL Spirit /
Research Method and Thesis Writing Skill / Understanding of
President Park Chung Hee Leadership / Economic Analysis /
Understanding Korean Economy / Understanding Korean
YI Huiuk
JUNG Jin Young
Ph.D. (Korea
Advanced Institute
of Science and
Forest Economics / Forest and Short-term Earning /
Forest Ecology / Tree Propagation and Forest Genetics /
Dendrology / Silviculture / Socioeconomic Issues of Global
Environment / Environmental Engineering / Environmental
Forest Resources 2 / Field Study in Forest Resources 3 /
Seminar on Forest Issues / Forest Resources Science
Conflict and Negotiation Management / Climate Change
Adaption: Theory and Practice / Climate Change Policies /
Air Quality Management / Global Environmental Issues /
Cost-Benefit Analysis / Forest Ecology / Case Study of
SAEMAUL UNDONG / Skills and Techniques for SAEMAUL
Civil Engineering
UNDONG / Water Quality Management / Agendasetting and Policy Process / Political Ecology / Citizen
Participation / Sustainable Energy Policy and Planning /
Global Environmental Issues / Erosion Control and
Policy / Field Study in Forest Resources 1 / Field Study in
▶ Core courses
▶ Major courses
Ph.D. (University of Communication /
Alabama, USA)
▶ Major courses
KIM Yong Shik
▶ Faculty
Community and Environment / Soil Environment / Waste
▶ Core courses
Community and Culture / Understanding of SAEMAUL Spirit /
Research Method and Thesis Writing Skill / Understanding of
President Park Chung Hee Leadership / Economic Analysis /
Understanding Korean Economy / Understanding Korean
Management / Environmental Economics / Environmental
Engineering / Environment and Public Administration /
Case Study of Environmental Problems / Environmental
Law / Environmental Ecology / Environmental Movement /
Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development /
Environmental Policy / NGOs and International Development
Cooperation / Field Study in Environmental Management
and Policy 1 / Field Study in Environmental Management and
Policy 2 / Field Study in Environmental Management and
Policy 3 / Topic in Environmental Management /
Seminar in Environmental Policy
Master's Degree Programs
Academic Information
Degree Requirements
Students pursuing a master's degree at the PSPS must satisfy the following requirements:
석사학위취득요건은 아래와 같다.
The PSPS master's degree program consists of four semesters. The master's degree requires a minimum of one and
a half years of full time study. One academic year consists of three semesters: spring, summer, and fall. Students are
required to live on or off the campus within the township during the first three semesters, but they may go back to
their home country to work on their thesis or research paper in the last semester.
All students are required to complete a coursework of at least 30 credits in addition to completing research credits.
Students who intend to submit a paper for a Master’s degree must obtain three (3) additional thesis-substitute credits.
A student who obtains six (6) additional credits may be exempt from writing a thesis or paper for the Master’s degree.
이 프로그램은 4개 학기로 구성되어 있으며 졸업에는 최소 1년 6개월이 소요된다. 4개 학기 중 1년차 3개 학기는 의무유학기간이며, 마
지막 학기에는 한국에서 혹은 귀국하여 논문/보고서를 완성할 수 있다.
모든 학생들은 논문연구학점을 제외하고 최소 30학점을 이수해야 한다. 논문 대신 보고서를 제출하고자 하는 학생은 논문대체학점 3
학점을 추가로 수강하여야 한다. 논문대체학점 6학점을 이수한 자의 경우, 논문 혹은 보고서 제출이 면제된다.
1. Fulfilling the coursework requirements with one of the following three options
Option1) Obtain 33 credit hours of coursework with Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above, and average score 80 or
above, and submit the master’s thesis 평점 평균 3.0/4.5 이상, 백분위 80점 이상, 최소 33학점 이상 이수, 논문 제출
Required Credits for a Degree: 33
수료학점 : 33학점
Course credits 30 / 교과목학점 (30학점)
Research credits 3 / 연구학점 (3학점)
Option 2) Obtain 36 credit hours of coursework with Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above, and average score 80 or
above, and submit the research paper 평점 평균 3.0/4.5 이상, 백분위 80점 이상, 최소 36학점 이상 이수, 보고서 제출
Required Credits for a Degree: 36
수료학점 : 36학점
Course credits 30 / 교과목학점 (30학점)
Research credits 3 / 연구학점 (3학점)
Thesis substitute credits 3 / 논문대체학점 (3학점)
Option 3) Obtain 39 credit hours of coursework with Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above, and average score 80 or
above 평점 평균 3.0/4.5 이상, 백분위 80점 이상, 최소 39학점 이상 이수
Course credits 30 / 교과목학점 (30학점)
Required Credits for a Degree: 39
Research credits 3 / 연구학점 (3학점)
수료학점 : 39학점
Thesis substitute credits 6 / 논문대체학점 (6학점)
Courses and Credits Required 학점구분
Core course credit / 공통
Extra activity credit / 특별활동
Major course credit / 전공
Research credit / 논문연구
Credit Required
Course credits
Research credits
2. Demonstrating a certain level of proficiency either in Korean or English by one of the following three options
Option 1) Take three (3) language courses at the Korean Language Institute or PSPS
- International students: Korean I, II, III
- Domestic students: English I, II, III
Option 2) Submit the official test score results in Korean/English language proficiency
Domestic Students / 내국인
1. TEPS 690
3. IELTS Level 6
4. TOEIC 800 or above
International Students / 외국인
1. TOPIK Level 3
2. KLAT Level 3
* Only the results of tests taken within the last 2 years will be considered.
Option 3) Pass the language proficiency test which is administered by the PSPS
3. Passing the comprehensive examination
4. G
etting the approval of the Thesis Review Committee on the thesis or research paper and submitting the final draft
of the thesis or research paper
Extracurricular Programs & Insurance
Mentorship Program
Group Activity:
PSPS Student Soccer Club
Extracurricular Activity
멘토 프로그램
동아리 활동
과외 활동
This program pairs new students with current students
as their mentors to help them adjust to their new life
on campus and in Korea.
The PSPS Student Council runs a soccer club to
promote leadership, perseverance, and teamwork
among the student members.
The students can enhance socializing abilities as well
as building a fellowship among themselves through a
variety of extracurricular activities, such as Taekwondo
and Korean traditional musical performance.
All international students must take out the following
two healthcare provisions.
신입생들의 학교생활을 돕고자 마련한 프로그램으로 재학생들
PSPS 학생회는 학생들의 리더십, 인내심 그리고 학생들과의
박정희새마을대학원 학생들은 특별활동 수업을 통해 교우들간
이 멘토가 되어 신입생들의 학교생활 적응 및 한국에서의 생활
팀워크를 촉진하기 위하여 축구 동아리를 운영하고 있다.
의 협력과 친목을 도모할 수 있다. 이러한 특별활동 수업이 귀
을 도와준다.
* Healthcare Service provided by Yeungnam University
- Healthcare service fee: KRW 25,300 / semester
overage: medical care for minor medical conditions
may be eligible for reimbursement of up to US $100.
국 후 업무 수행에 도움이 될 수 있도록 태권도나 사물놀이 활
동을 통하여 우리나라의 전통문화를 배우는 기회도 함께 제공
하고 있다.
* Health insurance by a private health insurance company
- Health insurance payments: about KRW 200,000 / year
- Coverage: This health insurance covers serious
sickness and accident medical expenses.
It includes insurance fee for stomach trouble, skin
trouble, appendicitis, daily incidents, traffic accidents,
lacerated wounds, simple fractures, sprains, etc.
Financial Information
Dormitory Fee
기타 경비
- Admission Fee: KRW 796,000
- Advisor’s Tutoring Fee:
KRW 50,000 / semester
- Health Service Fee:
KRW 25,300 / semester
- Health Insurance Fee:
approx. KRW 200,000 / year
- Student Council Fee:
KRW 50,000 / semester
- Graduation Fee: KRW 100,000
- Dormitory Fee:
KRW 180,000 / month
(6 month basis contract)
All international students admitted to the PSPS will be awarded one of the
following scholarships. The scholarship type will be decided according to the
PSPS Admissions Committee.
1st Semester
KRW 4,500,000
2nd Semester
KRW 4,500,000
3rd Semester
KRW 4,500,000
4th Semester
KRW 3,000,000
General Scholarships supported by Local Governments or NongHyup
The benefits include:
1) Admission fee waiver
2) Tuition fee waiver for four semesters
3) Living allowance for 12 months (KRW 1,000,000/month)
KGPA(Korea Green Promotion Agency) Scholarship
The benefits include:
1) Admission fee waiver
2) Tuition fee waiver for four semesters
3) Living allowance for 16 months (KRW 1,000,000/month)
4) Airfare: Students will be provided with round-trip airfares for the
international flight between their home country and Korea. Airfares for
domestic flights will not be covered.
내국인 장학금
1) 입학금 면제
2) 4개 학기 학비 면제
1) 입학금 면제
2) 4개 학기 학비 면제
3) 생활비 월 1,000,000원
(12개월 또는 16개월)*
4) 왕복항공료*
*생활비 및 왕복항공료 지급사항은
장학 종류에 따라 상이함
※ 단, 다음의 경우 학생은 다음 학기
IBK(Industrial Bank of Korea) Scholarship
The benefits include:
1) Admission fee waiver
2) Tuition fee waiver for four semesters
3) Living allowance for 16 months (KRW 1,000,000 /month)
4) Airfare: Students will be provided with round-trip airfares up to
KRW 1,600,000 for the international flight between their home country
and Korea. Airfares for domestic flights will not be covered.
KOICA(Korea International Cooperation Agency) Scholarship
The benefits include:
1) Admission fee waiver
2) Tuition fee waiver for four semesters
3) Living allowance for 16 months (KRW 1,000,000 /month)
4) Others: Airfare and other fees will be supported by KOICA according to
the KOICA regulation.
※ Minimum requirements for the scholarship:
Students must maintain a satisfactory academic progress to retain the
scholarship eligibility as follows: GPA 3.0 or above without ‘F’ in any course.
수업료의 30%를 부담해야 함
- 직전학기 평점이 B(3.0) 미만인 경우
전학기 수강과목 중 한과목이라도
F학점을 받는 경우
Campus Guide
Campus Guide
+ Security
+ Housing / Dormitories
+ Post Office
YU maintains a very safe campus environment. Local
police branches are located near the campus.
In the event of an emergency, dialing 119 (campus
extension: 3119) will immediately connect to the local
police or campus security.
Dormitories are conveniently located on the campus.
The classrooms are within walking distance.
The Post Office is located at the 1st floor of the
+ Daegu Bank
Students may open a bank account at Daegu Bank
located on the campus. It also issues the student
identification card.
+ Libraries
+ Computers on the Campus
캠퍼스 내 컴퓨터 사용
The University Library is open to the public. The main
library holds a huge collection of books in liberal arts
and social sciences. There are three more: the Law
Library, the Science Library, and the Medical Library.
The Medical Library is located on the Daegu Campus.
The students can freely use computers in the libraries,
Global Lounge, and colleges.
+ Health Care Service Center
+ Convenience Facilities
Convenience facilities such as student cafeteria,
convenience store, and stationery store are available
on the campus
+ Shuttle Bus
The university offers a shuttle bus service on the
campus. The fare is free of charge.
Health Care Service Center provides an excellent
health care service for students, faculty, and staff.
Also it is affiliated with Yeungnam University Medical
Center on the Daegu Campus. It works specifically for
prevention, early detection, first-aid treatment, and the
improvement of public health on campus. It regularly
conducts physical check-ups, immunizations, hygiene,
and health consultations for students, faculty and staff.
+ Wireless LAN Service
무선랜 서비스
Wireless LAN service is available anywhere on the
campus for free of charge.
PSPS Networking
PSPS Networking
Demeke Atlaw MELKE
Public Policy and Leadership
at Park Chung Hee School of Policy
and Saemaul /
Yeungnam University, Korea
Total _ 258명
Afghanistan 아프가니스탄
Bangladesh 방글라데시
Bolivia 볼리비아
Bulgaria 불가리아
Burundi 부룬디
Cambodia 캄보디아
Cameroon 카메룬
P. R. China 중국
Colombia 콜롬비아
D.R. Congo 콩고민주공화국
Cote d’Ivoire 코트디부아르
Ecuador 에콰도르
Ethiopia 에티오피아
Fiji 피지
"I am very much delighted being a graduate from PSPS.
I was working hard to get most out of this school. I was
committed to spending every minute for study and
getting experience to implement in my country. I was
impressed with the ability of the professors in PSPS,
they were capable enough to help developing countries.
With full of ups and downs in PSPS finally I succeeded to
graduate from PSPS in Yeungnam University."
India 인도
Papua New Guinea
Iraq 이라크
Philippines 필리핀
Jamaica 자메이카
Poland 폴란드
Kazakhstan 카자흐스탄
Rwanda 르완다
Kenya 케냐
Senegal 세네갈
Republic of Korea 대한민국
Sri Lanka 스리랑카
Kyrgyzstan 키르기스스탄
Sudan 수단
Lao PDR 라오스
Tanzania 탄자니아
Malawi 말라위
Thailand 태국
Malaysia 말레이시아
Togo 토고
Mauritius 모리셔스
Tunisia 튀니지
Moldova 몰도바
Uganda 우간다
Mongolia 몽골
Ukraine 우크라이나
Mozambique 모잠비크
USA 미국
Myanmar 미얀마
Uzbekistan 우즈베키스탄
Nepal 네팔
Vietnam 베트남
Nigeria 나이지리아
Zambia 잠비아
Pakistan 파키스탄
Zimbabwe 짐바브웨
Ghana 가나
Indonesia 인도네시아
GASANA Richard
Public Policy and Leadership
at Park Chung Hee School of Policy
and Saemaul /
Yeungnam University, Korea
"The PSPS staff (both academic and non academic) was
too kind to the international students. The speeches
delivered by Dean Park Seung Woo were too parental
and always kept me moving. The diversity of students
coming from all over the world was such a great
experience for me.
The Korean culture, food, weather and language were
in the beginning of a big challenge but after a couple of
months up to now, I am so friendly with them."
Papua New Guinea
Saemaul Undong Theory and
Practice at Park Chung Hee School
of Policy and Saemaul /
Yeungnam University, Korea
"A very life changing and memorable experience which
opened the way for even greater things to come in the
future. I am grateful to every person that contributed to
make my studies a success including my family, friends
and lecturers and those that assisted financially."
Campus Map & Getting to YU
Getting to YU
+ From Incheon International Airport to PSPS,
Yeungnam University (Gyeongsan Campus)
19 General Lecture Hall 종합강의동
20 The 2nd Humanities Hall 제2인문관
21 Foreign Language Institute 외국어교육원
22 Baseball Field 야구장
23Reserve OfficersTraning Corp (ROTC) Center 학군단
24 Main Administration Building 본부본관
25 Folkore Park 민속촌
26 Law School Library 법학전문도서관
27 Graduate School, Law School 대학원/법학전문대학
28College of Human Ecology and Kinesiology 생활과학대학 본관
29College of Human Ecology
and Kinesiology(annex) 생활과학대학 별관
30 Mirror Pond 거울못
31 College of Sciences(1st Building) 제1과학관
32 College of Sciences(2nd Building) 제2과학관
33 College of Sciences(3rd Building) 제3과학관
34 Science Library 과학도서관
35 College of Pharmacy 약학대학
36 Achitecture Building 건축관
37Institute of Information & Computing Systems 정보전산원
38Institute of Information & Communication 정보통신연구소
39 Construction Hall 건설관
+ From Daegu International Airport to PSPS,
Yeungnam University (Gyeongsan Campus)
•It takes about 30 minutes from Daegu International Airport to the
Gyeongsan campus by taxi.
1 University Library 중앙도서관
2Cafeteria of Liberal Arts Building 인문계식당
3 College of Education 사범대학/교육대학원
4College of Art and Design
(School of Arts) 디자인미술대학 미술관
5 College of Art and Design
(School of Design) 디자인미술대학 디자인관
6 College of Music 음악대학
7 One-Stop Service Center 학생지원센터
8 University Museum 박물관
9 International Center 국제교류센터
10 Soccer Field 축구장
11 Lee Hee Gun Memorial Hall 이희건 기념관
12 Student Union Building 학생회관
13 Amphitheater 노천강당
14College of Commerce and Economics /
College of Business 상경관
15 College of Law 법정관
16College of Political Science
and Public Administration 정치행정대학
17 Evening Programs 야간강좌동
18 College of Liberal Arts 인문관
• Take a domestic flight from Incheon International Airport (ICN) to
Daegu International Airport (TAE). It takes about 30 minutes from Daegu
International Airport to the Gyeongsan campus by taxi.
• Take a shuttle bus at the airport bus terminal to Gyeongsan or Dong
Daegu Bus terminal. It takes about 5 hours to Gyeongsan Bus Terminal
a nd another 10 minutes to the Gyeongsan campus by taxi.
If you arrive at Dong Daegu Bus Terminal, it takes about 40 minutes to
the campus by taxi.
• Take a KTX (Korean Train Express) train at the Incheon Airport KTX
station to Dong Daegu Station (about two hours from station to station).
After arriving at Dong Daegu Station, it takes about 30 minutes from the
station to the Gyeongsan campus by taxi.
40Cafeteria for Natural Sciences
Building 자연계식당
41 School of Biotechnology 생명공학관
42 College of Natural Resources 자원대본관
43College of Natural Resources
(3rd Laboratory) 자원대 제3실험동
44College of Natural Resources
(2nd Laboratory) 자원대 제2실험동
45 Information Technology Hall IT관
46 Electrical Engineering Building 전기관
47 School of Textiles 섬유관
48 Chemical Engineering Building 화공관
49 Laboratory Factory 기계공작실습실
50Materials Science
and Engineering Building 소재관
51 Mechanical Engineering Building 기계관
52Center for Industry-Academic
Cooperation Technology 생산기술연구원
53 Instrumental Analysis Center 중앙기기센터분관
54Industry Academic Cooperation
Technology Building 산학협동기술원
55 Wind-Tunnel Laboratory Hall 풍동실험실
56 Learning Factory 공장형실습장
57 1st Manufacturing Laboratory 제1시험생산공장
58 Safety Experience Traning Center 안전체험교육장
59 2nd Manufacturing Laboratory 제2시험생산공장
60 Gyeongbuk Technopark 경북테크노파크
61Chunma Arts Center
(60th Anniversary Hall) 천마아트센터
62 CRC(Convergence Research Clister) CRC
63 Gymnastics Gymnasium 체조장
64 Chunma Gymnasium 천마체육관
65 Basketball Court 농구장
66 Track Field 인조잔디축구장
67 Dormitory 생활관
68 Dormitory of 'Hyangtogwan' 향토생활관
69 PSPS 박정희새마을대학원
70 Samchenji Pond 삼천지
+From Gimhae International Airport near Busan to
PSPS, Yeungnam University (Gyeongsan Campus)
• Take an airport shuttle bus bound for Dong Daegu Bus Terminal (about
two hours from the airport). After arriving at Dong Daegu Bus Terminal, it
takes about 30 minutes from the terminal to the Gyeongsan campus
by taxi.
lease note that Yeungnam University has two campuses: Gyeongsan
※ P
Campus (Main Campus) and Daegu Campus.