AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 1 ID REG STCD HOSPN DTBEG DBEGM DBEGD DBEGY DTEND DENDM DENDD DENDY DCOV FYR NA NA NA NA N N N N N N N N NA N 7 1 2 4 10 2 2 4 10 2 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 4 8 8 11 14 18 18 21 24 28 31 7 2 3 7 17 9 12 17 27 19 22 27 30 31 7 FISYR FISM FISD FISY CNTRL N N N N NA 10 2 2 4 2 32 32 35 38 42 41 33 36 41 43 8 SERV NA 2 44 45 9 10 SERVOTH RADMCHI N N 100 1 46 146 145 146 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 HSACODE HSANAME HRRCODE HRRNAME MTYPE LOS MNAME MADMIN MLOCADDR MLOCCITY MLOCSTCD MLOCZIP MSTATE AREA TELNO RESP CHC NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 30 3 30 2 1 100 150 60 30 2 10 2 3 7 1 1 147 152 182 185 215 217 218 318 468 528 558 560 570 572 575 582 583 151 181 184 214 216 217 317 467 527 557 559 569 571 574 581 582 583 AHA Identification Number AHA Region Code AHA State Code AHA Hospital Number Beginning of reporting period Reporting Period Beginning Month Reporting Period Beginning Day Reporting Period Beginning Year End of reporting period Reporting Period End Month Reporting Period End Day Reporting Period End Year Days open during reporting period Was the hospital in operation 12 full months to the end of the reporting period? Beginning date of fiscal year Fiscal Year Beginning Month Fiscal Year Beginning Day Fiscal Year Beginning Year Control Code – type of authority responsible for establishing policy concerning overall operation of the hospitals Service Code – category best describing the hospital of the type of service provided to the majority of admissions Special Service description Does the hospital restrict admissions primarily to children? Health Service Area Code - Dartmouth Health Service Area Name - Dartmouth Health Referral Region Code - Dartmouth Health Referral Region Name - Dartmouth Hospital type code Short-term, long-term classification code Hospital name Name of chief administrator Street address City State Code ZIP code Hospital, 2-letter state abbreviation Area code Local telephone number Response code Community hospital code (as defined by AHA membership) 2 3 4 5 6 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question A.1. A.1. A.2.b. A.2.a. A.3. Access Table Notes as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem See Appendix C - Census Divisions and State Codes MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY 000 for non-reporters 1=yes, 2=less than or more than full year. MM/DD/YYYY B.1. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem B.2. as14dem See Appendix B - Primary Service Code Descriptions B.3.a. as14dem as14dem Only if Service Code is 49 or 59 1=yes, 0=no as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem Y=AHA registered hospital, N=not a registered hospital. Source: AHA Membership. 1=short-term, 2=long-term, Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership See Appendix C - Census Divisions and State Codes Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership 1=yes, 2=no 1=community hospital, 2=not a community hospital ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com See Appendix A - Control Code Descriptions 1 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 28 29 30 BSC MHSMEMB SUBS NA N N 1 1 1 584 585 586 584 585 586 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 MNGT MNGTNAME MNGTCITY MNGTSTCD NETWRK NETNAME NETCT NETSC NETPHONE GROUP N NA NA NA N NA NA NA NA N 1 100 30 2 1 100 30 2 10 1 587 588 688 718 720 721 821 851 853 863 587 687 717 719 720 820 850 852 862 863 41 42 43 44 45 46 GPONAME GPOCITY GPOST SUPLY SUPNM PHYGP N N N N N N 100 30 2 1 100 1 864 964 994 996 997 1097 963 993 995 996 1096 1097 47 48 LTCHF LTCHC N N 1 1 1098 1099 1098 1099 Bed size code System member Does the hospital itself operate subsidiary corporations? Is the hospital contract-managed? Management organization name Management organization City Management organization State abbreviation Is the hospital a participant in a network? Network name Network city Network state Network, Concatenated Phone Does the hospital participate in a group purchasing agreement? Group purchasing organization name Group purchasing organization City Group purchasing organization State Supplies purchased directly through distributor Distributor's name Is hospital owned in whole or in part by physicians or a physicians group? Freestanding LTCH LTCH collocated in a general acute care hospital 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 LTNM LTCT LTST NPINUM CLUSTER SYSID SYSNAME SYSADDR SYSCITY SYSST SYSZIP SYSAREA SYSTELN SYSTEM_PRIMARY_CONTACT SYSTITLE COMMTY N N N N NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 30 2 10 1 4 100 60 30 2 10 3 8 30 100 1 1100 1200 1230 1232 1242 1243 1247 1347 1407 1437 1439 1449 1452 1460 1490 1590 1199 1229 1231 1241 1242 1246 1346 1406 1436 1438 1448 1451 1459 1489 1589 1590 65 66 67 68 MCRNUM LAT LONG CNTYNAME NA NA NA NA 6 10 10 60 1591 1597 1607 1617 1596 1606 1616 1676 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question Access Table Notes B.3.b. as14dem as14dem as14dem See Appendix D - Bed Size Codes If SYSID is not blank then MHSMEMB = 1 1=yes, 0=no B.3.c. B.3.c. B.3.c. B.3.c. B.3.d. B.3.d. B.3.d. B.3.d. B.3.d. E.2. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no E.2. E.2. E.2. E.3. E.3. B.3.e. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no Literal Description 1=yes, 0=no B.3.f. B.3.f. as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no If collocated, what is host hospital's name? B.3.f. B.3.f. Host hospital's city Host hospital's state B.3.f. 10 Digit NPI number AHA System Cluster Code Health care system ID System name System address System city System state System ZIP code System area code System telephone number System primary contact System contact's title Community Hospital flag - to foot to AHA Hospital Statistics ™ Medicare Provider ID Hospital, Latitude Hospital, Longitude County Name, State Abbreviation as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem Literal Description ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no See Appendix G - Cluster Codes AHA Health Care System Identifier unique values (last four digits) Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Source: AHA Membership Y=community hospital as defined in AHA Hospital Statistics™ , N=not a community hospital Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and AHA Membership Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency 2 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 69 CBSANAME NA 60 1677 1736 as14dem Source: U.S. Census Bureau 70 CBSATYPE NA 8 1737 1744 Core Based Statistical Area Name, State Abbreviation Core-Based Statistical Area Type as14dem 71 CBSACODE NA 5 1745 1749 Core-Based Statistical Area Code as14dem 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 DIVNAME DIVCODE CSANAME CSACODE MCNTYCD FCOUNTY FSTCD FCNTYCD CITYRK MAPP1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 60 5 60 3 3 5 2 3 3 1 1750 1810 1815 1875 1878 1881 1886 1888 1891 1894 1809 1814 1874 1877 1880 1885 1887 1890 1893 1894 Metropolitan Division name Metropolitan Division code Combined Statistical Area name Combined Statistical Area code Modified FIPS County Code FIPS State and County Code FIPS State code FIPS County code Ranking of 100 largest cities Accreditation by The Joint Commission as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem Metro, Micro, Rural; Source: U.S. Census Bureau (see 'Census Division Name' for Census Bureau Division names) Source: U.S. Census Bureau (see 'Census Division Code' for Census Bureau Division codes) Source: U.S. Census Bureau Source: U.S. Census Bureau Source: U.S. Census Bureau Source: U.S. Census Bureau AHA derived code Source: U.S. Census Bureau Source: U.S. Census Bureau State code Source: U.S. Census Bureau County code See Appendix F - City Rank Code 1=yes, 2=no; Source: The Joint Commission 82 MAPP2 NA 1 1895 1895 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: American College of Surgeons, Commission on Cancer 83 MAPP3 NA 1 1896 1896 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 84 MAPP5 NA 1 1897 1897 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: American Medical Association 85 MAPP6 NA 1 1898 1898 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: National League for Nursing 86 MAPP7 NA 1 1899 1899 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities 87 MAPP8 NA 1 1900 1900 Cancer program approved by American College of Surgeons Participating site recognized for one or more Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education accredited programs Medical school affiliation reported to American Medical Association Hospital-controlled professional nursing school reported by National League for Nursing Accreditation by Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Member of Council of Teaching Hospital of the Association of American Medical Colleges (COTH) as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Association of American Medical Colleges 88 89 MAPP9 MAPP10 NA NA 1 1 1901 1902 1901 1902 as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Blue Cross Blue Shield Association 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 90 MAPP11 NA 1 1903 1903 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program 91 MAPP12 NA 1 1904 1904 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: American Osteopathic Association 92 MAPP13 NA 1 1905 1905 as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: American Osteopathic Association 93 94 95 96 97 MAPP16 MAPP18 MAPP19 MAPP20 MAPP21 NA NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Blue Cross contracting or participating Medicare certification by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Accreditation by Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) of the American Osteopathic Association. Internship approved by American Osteopathic Association Residency approved by American Osteopathic Association Catholic church operated Critical Access Hospital Rural Referral Center Sole Community Provider DNV Healthcare Accreditation as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 2=no 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 1=yes, 2=no; Source: DNV Healthcare Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com Access Table Notes 3 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question 98 MAPP22 NA 1 1911 1911 99 100 AHAMBR SNT NA N 1 1 1912 1913 1912 1913 101 SUNITS N 1 1914 1914 102 103 IPAHOS IPASYS N N 1 1 1915 1916 1915 1916 Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality accreditation AHA Membership Flag Does your hospital provide services through one E.1. or more satellite facilities? Does the hospital maintain a separate nursinghome type of long-term care unit? Independent practice association - hospital C.102.a. Independent practice association - health system C.102.a. 104 105 106 107 108 109 IPANET GPWWHOS GPWWSYS GPWWNET OPHOHOS OPHOSYS N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 110 111 OPHONET CPHOHOS N N 1 1 1923 1924 1923 1924 112 CPHOSYS N 1 1925 1925 113 CPHONET N 1 1926 1926 Closed physician-hospital organization - health system Closed physician-hospital organization - network 114 115 MSOHOS MSOSYS N N 1 1 1927 1928 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 MSONET ISMHOS ISMSYS ISMNET EQMODHOS EQMODSYS EQMODNET FOUNDHOS FOUNDSYS FOUNDNET PHYOTH PHYHOS PHYSYS PHYNET IPHMOHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 131 IPHMOSYS N 1 Access Table Notes as14dem 1=yes, 2=no; Source: Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality accreditation as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no as14dem 1=yes, 0=no as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no C.102.a. C.102.b. C.102.b. C.102.b. C.102.c. C.102.c. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no C.102.c. C.102.d. as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no C.102.d. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no C.102.d. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1927 1928 Management service organization - hospital C.102.e. Management service organization - health system C.102.e. as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 2039 2040 2041 2042 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 Management service organization - network Integrated salary model - hospital Integrated salary model - health system Integrated salary model - network Equity model - hospital Equity model - health system Equity model - network Foundation - hospital Foundation - health system Foundation - network Other, please specify Other - hospital Other - system Other - network Health maintenance organization (HMO) - hospital C.102.e. C.102.f. C.102.f. C.102.f. C.102.g. C.102.g. C.102.g. C.102.h. C.102.h. C.102.h. C.102.i. C.102.i. C.102.i. C.102.i. C.107.a. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Literal Description 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 2043 2043 Health maintenance organization (HMO) - health system C.107.a. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Independent practice association - network Group practice without walls - hospital Group practice without walls - health system Group practice without walls - network Open physician-hospital organization - hospital Open physician-hospital organization - health system Open physician-hospital organization - network Closed physician-hospital organization - hospital ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 4 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 132 IPHMONET N 1 2044 2044 Health maintenance organization (HMO) - network C.107.a. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 133 IPHMOVEN N 1 2045 2045 C.107.a. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 134 IPPPOHOS N 1 2046 2046 Health maintenance organization (HMO) - joint venture Preferred provider organization (PPO) - hospital C.107.b. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 135 IPPPOSYS N 1 2047 2047 C.107.b. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 136 IPPPONET N 1 2048 2048 C.107.b. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 137 IPPPOVEN N 1 2049 2049 C.107.b. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 138 139 140 141 142 IPFEEHOS IPFEESYS IPFEENET IPFEEVEN HMO86 N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 C.107.c. C.107.c. C.107.c. C.107.c. C.108.a. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 143 144 HMOCON PPO86 N N 4 1 2055 2059 2058 2059 C.108.b. C.108.c. as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 145 146 PPOCON CAPCON94 N N 4 1 2060 2064 2063 2064 C.108.d. C.111 as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 147 CAPCOV N 8 2065 2072 Number of lives covered under a capitated basis C.112. as14dem 148 IPAP N 8 2073 2080 C.102.a. as14dem 149 GPWP N 8 2081 2088 C.102.b. as14dem 150 OPHP N 8 2089 2096 C.102.c. as14dem 151 CPHP N 8 2097 2104 C.102.d. as14dem 152 MSOP N 8 2105 2112 C.102.e. as14dem 153 154 155 156 157 ISMP EQMP FNDP PHYP FTMT N N N N N 8 8 8 8 8 2113 2121 2129 2137 2145 2120 2128 2136 2144 2152 Number of physicians, Independent Practice Association Number of physicians, Group Practice without walls Number of physicians, Open Physicians-Hospital Organization (PHO) Number of physicians, Closed Physicians-Hospital Organization (PHO) Number of physicians, Management Service Organization (MSO) Number of physicians, Integrated Salary Model Number of physicians, Equity Model Number of physicians, Foundation Number of physicians, Other Total physicians engaged in arrangement with hospital C.102.f. C.102.g. C.102.h. C.102.i. C.102.b. as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question Preferred provider organization (PPO) - health system Preferred provider organization (PPO) - network Preferred provider organization (PPO) - joint venture Indemnity fee for service plan - hospital Indemnity fee for service plan - health system Indemnity fee for service plan - network Indemnity fee for service plan - joint venture Does the hospital have a formal written contract with an HMO? Number of HMO contracts Does the hospital have a formal written contract with a PPO? Number of PPO contracts Does the hospital contract directly with employers or a coalition of employers to provide care on a capitated, predetermined or shared risk basis? ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com Access Table Notes Number of physicians 5 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 158 JNTPH N 1 2153 2153 C.103.a. as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 159 160 161 162 163 JNLS JNTAMB JNTCTR JNTOTH LSHTXT N N N N N 1 1 1 1 100 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2154 2155 2156 2157 2257 Does your hospital participate in any joint venture arrangements with physicians or physician groups? Limited Service Hospital Ambulatory Surgical Centers Imaging Centers Other Joint other Description as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Literal Description 164 165 166 167 168 JNTLSC JNTLSO JNTLSS JNTLST JNTTXT N N N N N 1 1 1 1 100 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2258 2259 2260 2261 2361 Cardiac - Limited Service Hospital Orthopedic - Limited Service Hospital Surgical - Limited Service Hospital Other - Limited Service Hospital Limited Service Hospital other description as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem as14dem 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Literal Description 169 JNTMD N 1 2362 2362 as14dem 1=yes, 0=no N 1 2363 2363 Does hospital participate in joint venture arrangements with organizations other than physician groups? Does your hospital have an established medical home program? Does your hospital have an electronic health record? General medical and surgical (adult) beds General medical and surgical (pediatric) beds Obstetric unit care level C.103.b.a. C.103.b.b. C.103.b.c. C.103.b.d. C.103.b.d. other C.103.c.a. C.103.c.b. C.103.c.c. C.103.c.d. C.103.c.d other C.103.d. C.105 as14dem 1=yes, 0=no D.9.e. as14dem 0=No; 1=Yes, partially implemented; 2=Yes, fully implemented C.1. C.2. C.3. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 C.3. C.4. C.5. C.6. C.7. C.8. C.9. C.10. C.10. C.11. C.11. C.12. C.13. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 C.14. C.15. C.16. C.17. C.18. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 170 MEDHME 171 N 1 2364 2364 172 173 174 EHLTH GENBD PEDBD OBLEV N N N 4 4 1 2365 2369 2373 2368 2372 2373 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 OBBD MSICBD CICBD NICBD NINTBD PEDICBD BRNBD SPCICBD OSPOTH OTHICBD OTHIC REHABBD ALCHBD N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 100 4 100 4 4 2374 2378 2382 2386 2390 2394 2398 2402 2406 2506 2510 2610 2614 2377 2381 2385 2389 2393 2397 2401 2405 2505 2509 2609 2613 2617 188 189 190 191 192 PSYBD SNBD88 ICFBD88 ACULTBD OTHLBD94 N N N N N 4 4 4 4 4 2618 2622 2626 2630 2634 2621 2625 2629 2633 2637 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Obstetric care beds Medical/surgical intensive care beds Cardiac intensive care beds Neonatal intensive care beds Neonatal intermediate care beds Pediatric intensive care beds Burn care beds Other special care beds Other special care beds, description Other intensive care beds Other intensive care beds, description Physical Rehabilitation care beds Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency inpatient care beds Psychiatric care beds Skilled nursing care beds Intermediate nursing care beds Acute long term care beds Other long-term care beds ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 1=provides services for uncomplicated maternity and newborn cases; 2=provides service for all uncomplicated and most complicated cases; 3=provides services for all serious illnesses and abnormalities 6 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 193 194 195 196 OTHBD94 OTHOTH HOSPBD GENHOS N N N N 4 100 4 1 2638 2642 2742 2746 2641 2741 2745 2746 C.19. C.19. C.1. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 Calculated Field: Sum of all individual bed counts 1=yes, 0=no 197 GENSYS N 1 2747 2747 C.1. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 198 GENVEN N 1 2748 2748 C.1. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 199 PEDHOS N 1 2749 2749 C.2. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 200 PEDSYS N 1 2750 2750 C.2. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 201 PEDVEN N 1 2751 2751 C.2. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 OBHOS OBSYS OBVEN MSICHOS MSICSYS MSICVEN CICHOS CICSYS CICVEN NICHOS NICSYS NICVEN NINTHOS NINTSYS NINTVEN PEDICHOS PEDICSYS PEDICVEN BRNHOS BRNSYS BRNVEN SPCICHOS SPCICSYS SPCICVEN OTHIHOS OTHISYS OTHIVEN REHABHOS REHABSYS REHABVEN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 Other care beds Other care beds, description Total hospital beds General medical and surgical care (adult) hospital General medical and surgical care (adult) - health system General medical and surgical care (adult) - joint venture General medical and surgical care (pediatric) hospital General medical and surgical care (pediatric) health system General medical and surgical care (pediatric) joint venture Obstetrics care - hospital Obstetrics care - health system Obstetrics care - joint venture Medical/surgical intensive care - hospital Medical/surgical intensive care - health system Medical/surgical intensive care - joint venture Cardiac intensive care - hospital Cardiac intensive care - health system Cardiac intensive care - joint venture Neonatal intensive care - hospital Neonatal intensive care - health system Neonatal intensive care - joint venture Neonatal intermediate care - hospital Neonatal intermediate care - health system Neonatal intermediate care - joint venture Pediatric intensive care - hospital Pediatric intensive care - health system Pediatric intensive care - joint venture Burn care - hospital Burn care - health system Burn care - joint venture Other special care - hospital Other special care - health system Other special care - joint venture Other intensive care - hospital Other intensive care - system Other intensive care - joint venture Physical Rehabilitation care - hospital Physical Rehabilitation care - health system Physical Rehabilitation care - joint venture C.3. C.3. C.3. C.4. C.4. C.4. C.5. C.5. C.5. C.6. C.6. C.6. C.7. C.7. C.7. C.8. C.8. C.8. C.9. C.9. C.9. C.10. C.10. C.10. C.11. C.11. C.11. C.12. C.12. C.12. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 7 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 232 ALCHHOS N 1 2782 2782 C.13. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 233 ALCHSYS N 1 2783 2783 C.13. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 234 ALCHVEN N 1 2784 2784 C.13. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 PSYHOS PSYSYS PSYVEN SNHOS SNSYS SNVEN ICFHOS ICFSYS ICFVEN ACUHOS ACUSYS ACUVEN OTHLTHOS OTHLTSYS OTHLTVEN OTHCRHOS OTHCRSYS OTHCRVEN ADULTHOS ADULTSYS ADULTVEN AIRBHOS AIRBSYS AIRBVEN AIRBROOM ALCOPHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2813 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2812 2813 C.14. C.14. C.14. C.15. C.15. C.15. C.16. C.16. C.16. C.17. C.17. C.17. C.18. C.18. C.18. C.19. C.19. C.19. C.20. C.20. C.20. C.21. C.21. C.21. C.21. C.22. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 261 ALCOPSYS N 1 2814 2814 C.22. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 262 ALCOPVEN N 1 2815 2815 C.22. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 ALZHOS ALZSYS ALZVEN AMBHOS AMBSYS AMBVEN AMBSHOS AMBSSYS AMBSVEN N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency inpatient care hospital Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency inpatient care health system Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency inpatient care joint venture Psychiatric care - hospital Psychiatric care - health system Psychiatric care - joint venture Skilled nursing care - hospital Skilled nursing care - health system Skilled nursing care - joint venture Intermediate nursing care - hospital Intermediate nursing care - health system Intermediate nursing care - joint venture Acute long term care - hospital Acute long term care - system Acute long term care - joint venture Other long-term care - hospital Other long-term care - health system Other long-term care - joint venture Other care - hospital Other care - health system Other care - joint venture Adult day care program - hospital Adult day care program - health system Adult day care program - joint venture Airborne infection isolation room - hospital Airborne infection isolation room - system Airborne infection isolation room - joint venture Airborne infection isolation rooms - count Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency outpatient services - hospital Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency outpatient services - health system Alcohol/drug abuse or dependency outpatient services - joint venture Alzheimer Center - hospital Alzheimer Center - system Alzheimer Center - joint venture Ambulance services - hospital Ambulance services - system Ambulance services - joint venture Ambulatory surgery center - hospital Ambulatory surgery center - system Ambulatory surgery center - joint venture C.23. C.23. C.23. C.24. C.24. C.24. C.25. C.25. C.25. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 8 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 ARTHCHOS ARTHCSYS ARTHCVEN ASSTLHOS ASSTLSYS ASSTLVEN AUXHOS AUXSYS AUXVEN BWHTHOS BWHTSYS BWHTVEN BROOMHOS BROOMSYS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 C.26. C.26. C.26. C.27. C.27. C.27. C.28. C.28. C.28. C.29. C.29. C.29. C.30. C.30. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 286 BROOMVEN N 1 2839 2839 C.30. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 287 288 289 290 BLDOHOS BLDOSYS BLDOVEN MAMMSHOS N N N N 1 1 1 1 2840 2841 2842 2843 2840 2841 2842 2843 Arthritis treatment center - hospital Arthritis treatment center - health system Arthritis treatment center - joint venture Assisted living services - hospital Assisted living services - health system Assisted living services - joint venture Auxiliary - hospital Auxiliary - system Auxiliary - joint venture Bariatric/weight control services - hospital Bariatric/weight control services - system Bariatric/weight control services - joint venture Birthing room/LDR room/LDRP room - hospital Birthing room/LDR room/LDRP room - health system Birthing room/LDR room/LDRP room - joint venture Blood Donor Center - hospital Blood Donor Center - health system Blood Donor Center - joint venture Breast cancer screening/mammograms - hospital C.31. C.31. C.31. C.32. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 291 MAMMSSYS N 1 2844 2844 C.32. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 292 MAMMSVEN N 1 2845 2845 C.32. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 ACARDHOS ACARDSYS ACARDVEN PCARDHOS PCARDSYS PCARDVEN ACLABHOS ACLABSYS ACLABVEN PCLABHOS PCLABSYS PCLABVEN N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 C.33.a. C.33.a. C.33.a. C.33.b. C.33.b. C.33.b. C.33.c. C.33.c. C.33.c. C.33.d. C.33.d. C.33.d. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 305 ICLABHOS N 1 2858 2858 C.33.e. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 306 ICLABSYS N 1 2859 2859 C.33.e. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 307 ICLABVEN N 1 2860 2860 C.33.e. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Breast cancer screening/mammograms - health system Breast cancer screening/mammograms - joint venture Adult cardiology services - hospital Adult cardiology services - system Adult cardiology services - joint venture Pediatric cardiology services - hospital Pediatric cardiology services - system Pediatric cardiology services - joint venture Adult diagnostic catheterization - hospital Adult diagnostic catheterization - system Adult diagnostic catheterization - joint venture Pediatric diagnostic catheterization - hospital Pediatric diagnostic catheterization - system Pediatric diagnostic catheterization - joint venture Adult interventional cardiac catheterization hospital Adult interventional cardiac catheterization system Adult interventional cardiac catheterization - joint venture ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 9 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 308 PELABHOS N 1 2861 2861 C.33.f. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 309 PELABSYS N 1 2862 2862 C.33.f. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 310 PELABVEN N 1 2863 2863 C.33.f. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 ADTCHOS ADTCSYS ADTCVEN PEDCSHOS PEDCSSYS PEDCSVEN ADTEHOS ADTESYS ADTEVEN PEDEHOS PEDESYS PEDEVEN N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 Pediatric interventional cardiac catheterization hospital Pediatric interventional cardiac catheterization system Pediatric interventional cardiac catheterization joint venture Adult cardiac surgery - hospital Adult cardiac surgery - system Adult cardiac surgery - joint venture Pediatric cardiac surgery - hospital Pediatric cardiac surgery - system Pediatric cardiac surgery - joint venture Adult cardiac electrophysiology-hospital Adult cardiac electrophysiology-system Adult cardiac electrophysiology-joint venture Pediatric cardiac electrophysiology-hospital Pediatric cardiac electrophysiology-system Pediatric cardiac electrophysiology-joint venture C.33.g. C.33.g. C.33.g. C.33.h. C.33.h. C.33.h. C.33.i. C.33.i. C.33.i. C.33.j. C.33.j. C.33.j. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 CHABHOS CHABSYS CHABVEN CMNGTHOS CMNGTSYS CMNGTVEN CHAPHOS CHAPSYS CHAPVEN CHTHHOS CHTHSYS CHTHVEN CWELLHOS CWELLSYS CWELLVEN CHIHOS CHISYS CHIVEN COUTRHOS COUTRSYS COUTRVEN COMPHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 345 COMPSYS N 1 2898 2898 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 346 COMPVEN N 1 2899 2899 Cardiac Rehabilitation - hospital C.33.k. Cardiac Rehabilitation - system C.33.k. C.33.k. Cardiac Rehabilitation - joint venture C.34. Case Management - hospital C.34. Case Management - health system C.34. Case Management - joint venture C.35. Chaplaincy/pastoral care services - hospital Chaplaincy/pastoral care services - system C.35. Chaplaincy/pastoral care services - joint venture C.35. C.36. Chemotherapy - hospital C.36. Chemotherapy - system C.36. Chemotherapy - joint venture C.37. Children's wellness program - hospital C.37. Children's wellness program - health system C.37. Children's wellness program - joint venture Chiropractic services - hospital C.38. C.38. Chiropractic services - system C.38. Chiropractic services - joint venture C.39. Community outreach - hospital C.39. Community outreach - health system C.39. Community outreach - joint venture Complementary and alternative medicine services - C.40. hospital Complementary and alternative medicine services - C.40. system Complementary and alternative medicine services - C.40. joint venture as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 10 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 347 CAOSHOS N 1 2900 2900 Computer assisted orthopedic surgery - hospital C.41. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 348 349 CAOSSYS CAOSVEN N N 1 1 2901 2902 2901 2902 C.41. C.41. as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 CPREVHOS CPREVSYS CPREVVEN DENTSHOS DENTSSYS DENTSVEN EMDEPHOS EMDEPSYS EMDEPVEN PEMERHOS N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 Computer assisted orthopedic surgery - system Computer assisted orthopedic surgery - joint venture Crisis prevention - hospital Crisis prevention - health system Crisis prevention - joint venture Dental services - hospital Dental services - health system Dental services - joint venture Emergency Department - hospital Emergency Department - health system Emergency Department - joint venture Pediatric emergency department - hospital Pediatric emergency department - health system C.42. C.42. C.42. C.43. C.43. C.43. C.44.a. C.44.a. C.44.a. C.44.b. C.44.b. as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no C.44.b. C.44.c. as14svc1 as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no C.44.c. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no C.44.c. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 361 362 PEMERSYS PEMERVEN FSERHOS N N 1 1 2914 2915 2914 2915 363 FSERSYS N 1 2916 2916 364 FSERVEN N 1 2917 2917 365 FSERYN N 1 2918 2918 366 367 368 369 TRAUMHOS TRAUMSYS TRAUMVEN TRAUML90 N N N N 1 1 1 1 2919 2920 2921 2922 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 ENBHOS ENBSYS ENBVEN ENDOCHOS ENDOCSYS ENDOCVEN ENDOUHOS ENDOUSYS ENDOUVEN ENDOAHOS ENDOASYS ENDOAVEN ENDOEHOS ENDOESYS ENDOEVEN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company C.44.d. as14svc1 1=yes, 0=no 2919 2920 2921 2922 Pediatric emergency department - joint venture Freestanding/Satellite Emergency Department hospital Freestanding/Satellite Emergency Department system Freestanding/Satellite Emergency Department joint venture Is the department open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Certified trauma center - hospital Certified trauma center - health system Certified trauma center - joint venture Level of trauma center C.44.e. C.44.e. C.44.e. C.44.e. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 Enabling Services - hospital Enabling Services - system Enabling Services - joint venture Optical Colonoscopy-hospital Optical Colonoscopy-system Optical Colonoscopy-joint venture Endoscopic ultrasound - hospital Endoscopic ultrasound - system Endoscopic ultrasound - joint venture Ablation of Barrett's esophagus - hospital Ablation of Barrett's esophagus - system Ablation of Barrett's esophagus - joint venture Esophageal impedance study - hospital Esophageal impedance study - system Esophageal impedance study - joint venture C.45. C.45. C.45. C.46.a C.46.a C.46.a C.46. b. C.46. b. C.46. b. C.46. c. C.46. c. C.46. c. C.46. d. C.46. d. C.46. d. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=regional resource trauma center, 2=community trauma center, 3=rural trauma center, 4 or greater=other (specific to some states) 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 11 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 385 ENDORHOS N 1 2938 2938 386 ENDORSYS N 1 2939 2939 387 ENDORVEN N 1 2940 2940 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography C.46. e. (ERCP) - hospital Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography C.46. e. (ERCP) - system Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography C.46. e. (ERCP) - joint venture 388 389 390 391 ENRHOS ENRSYS ENRVEN ESWLHOS N N N N 1 1 1 1 2941 2942 2943 2944 2941 2942 2943 2944 392 ESWLSYS N 1 2945 2945 393 ESWLVEN N 1 2946 2946 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 FRTCHOS FRTCSYS FRTCVEN FITCHOS FITCSYS FITCVEN OPCENHOS OPCENSYS OPCENVEN GERSVHOS GERSVSYS GERSVVEN HLTHFHOS HLTHFSYS HLTHFVEN HLTHCHOS HLTHCSYS HLTHCVEN GNTCHOS GNTCSYS GNTCVEN HLTHSHOS HLTHSSYS HLTHSVEN HLTRHOS HLTRSYS HLTRVEN HEMOHOS HEMOSYS HEMOVEN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question Enrollment Assistance Program - hospital Enrollment Assistance Program - system Enrollment Assistance Program - joint venture Extracorporeal shock waved lithotripter (ESWL) hospital Extracorporeal shock waved lithotripter (ESWL) system Extracorporeal shock waved lithotripter (ESWL) joint venture Fertility Clinic - hospital Fertility Clinic - system Fertility Clinic - joint venture Fitness center - hospital Fitness center - health system Fitness center - joint venture Freestanding outpatient center - hospital Freestanding outpatient center - health system Freestanding outpatient center - joint venture Geriatric services - hospital Geriatric services - health system Geriatric services - joint venture Health Fair - hospital Health Fair - health system Health Fair - joint venture Community Health Education - hospital Community Health Education - health system Community Health Education - joint venture Genetic testing/counseling - hospital Genetic testing/counseling - system Genetic testing/counseling - joint venture Health screenings - hospital Health screenings - health system Health screenings - joint venture Health research - hospital Health research - system Health research - joint venture Hemodialysis - hospital Hemodialysis - system Hemodialysis - joint venture Access Table Notes as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no C.47. C.47. C.47. C.48. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no C.48. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no C.48. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no C.49. C.49. C.49. C.50. C.50. C.50. C.51. C.51. C.51. C.52. C.52. C.52. C.53. C.53. C.53. C.54. C.54. C.54. C.55. C.55. C.55. C.56. C.56. C.56. C.57. C.57. C.57. C.58. C.58. C.58. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 12 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 AIDSSHOS AIDSSSYS AIDSSVEN HOMEHHOS HOMEHSYS HOMEHVEN HOSPCHOS HOSPCSYS HOSPCVEN OPHOSHOS N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 C.59. C.59. C.59. C.60. C.60. C.60. C. 61. C. 61. C. 61. C.62. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 434 OPHOSSYS N 1 2987 2987 C.62. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 435 OPHOSVEN N 1 2988 2988 C.62. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 IMPRHOS IMPRSYS IMPRVEN ICARHOS ICARSYS ICARVEN LINGHOS LINGSYS LINGVEN MEALSHOS MEALSSYS MEALSVEN MOHSHOS MOHSSYS MOHSVEN NEROHOS NEROSYS NEROVEN NUTRPHOS NUTRPSYS NUTRPVEN OCCHSHOS OCCHSSYS OCCHSVEN ONCOLHOS ONCOLSYS ONCOLVEN ORTOHOS ORTOSYS ORTOVEN OPSRGHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 HIV-AIDS services - hospital HIV-AIDS services - health system HIV-AIDS services - joint venture Home health services - hospital Home health services - health system Home health services - joint venture Hospice Program - hospital Hospice Program - system Hospice Program - joint venture Hospital-based outpatient care center/services hospital Hospital-based outpatient care center/services health system Hospital-based outpatient care center/services joint venture Immunization program - hospital Immunization program - system Immunization program - joint venture Indigent care clinic - hospital Indigent care clinic - system Indigent care clinic - joint venture Linguistic/translation services - hospital Linguistic/translation services - system Linguistic/translation services - joint venture Meals on wheels - hospital Meals on wheels - health system Meals on wheels - joint venture Mobile Health Services - hospital Mobile Health Services - health system Mobile Health Services - joint venture Neurological services - hospital Neurological services - system Neurological services - joint venture Nutrition program - hospital Nutrition program - health system Nutrition program - joint venture Occupational health services - hospital Occupational health services - health system Occupational health services - joint venture Oncology services - hospital Oncology services - health system Oncology services - joint venture Orthopedic services - hospital Orthopedic services - system Orthopedic services - joint venture Outpatient surgery - hospital C.63. C.63. C.63. C.64. C.64. C.64. C.65. C.65. C.65. C.66. C.66. C.66. C.67. C.67. C.67. C.68. C.68. C.68. C.69. C.69. C.69. C.70. C.70. C.70. C.71. C.71. C.71. C.72. C.72. C.72. C.73. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 13 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 OPSRGSYS OPSRGVEN PAINHOS PAINSYS PAINVEN PALHOS PALSYS PALVEN IPALHOS IPALSYS IPALVEN PCAHOS PCASYS PCAVEN PATEDHOS PATEDSYS PATEDVEN PATRPHOS PATRPSYS PATRPVEN RASTHOS RASTSYS RASTVEN REDSHOS REDSSYS REDSVEN RHBOPHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 C.73. C.73. C.74. C.74. C.74. C.75. C.75. C.75. C.76. C.76. C.76. C.77. C.77. C.77. C.78. C.78. C.78. C.79. C.79. C.79. C.80.a. C.80.a. C.80.a. C.80.b. C.80.b. C.80.b. C.80.c . as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 494 RHBOPSYS N 1 3047 3047 C.80.c . as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 495 RHBOPVEN N 1 3048 3048 C.80.c . as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 RPRSHOS RPRSSYS RPRSVEN RBOTHOS RBOTSYS RBOTVEN RSIMHOS RSIMSYS N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 C.80.d. C.80.d. C.80.d. C.80.e. C.80.e. C.80.e. C.80.f. C.80.f. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 504 RSIMVEN N 1 3057 3057 C.80.f. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 505 506 507 PCDEPHOS PCDEPSYS PCDEPVEN N N N 1 1 1 3058 3059 3060 3058 3059 3060 Outpatient surgery - health system Outpatient surgery - joint venture Pain Management Program - hospital Pain Management Program - system Pain Management Program - joint venture Palliative Care Program - hospital Palliative Care Program - health system Palliative Care Program - joint venture Inpatient palliative care unit - hospital Inpatient palliative care unit - system Inpatient palliative care unit - joint venture Patient Controlled Analgesia - hospital Patient Controlled Analgesia - system Patient Controlled Analgesia - joint venture Patient education center - hospital Patient education center - health system Patient education center - joint venture Patient representative services - hospital Patient representative services - health system Patient representative services - joint venture Assistive technology center - hospital Assistive technology center - system Assistive technology center - joint venture Electrodiagnostic services - hospital Electrodiagnostic services - system Electrodiagnostic services - joint venture Physical rehabilitation outpatient services hospital Physical rehabilitation outpatient services - health system Physical rehabilitation outpatient services - joint venture Prosthetic and orthotic services - hospital Prosthetic and orthotic services - system Prosthetic and orthotic services - joint venture Robot-assisted walking therapy - hospital Robot-assisted walking therapy - health system Robot-assisted walking therapy - joint venture Simulated rehabilitation environment - hospital Simulated rehabilitation environment - health system Simulated rehabilitation environment - joint venture Primary care department - hospital Primary care department - health system Primary care department - joint venture C.81. C.81. C.81. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 14 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 508 509 PSYCAHOS PSYCASYS N N 1 1 3061 3062 3061 3062 C.82.a C.82.a as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 510 PSYCAVEN N 1 3063 3063 C.82.a as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 511 PSYLSHOS N 1 3064 3064 Psychiatric child/adolescent services - hospital Psychiatric child/adolescent services - health system Psychiatric child/adolescent services - joint venture Psychiatric consultation/liaison services - hospital C.82.b. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 512 PSYLSSYS N 1 3065 3065 C.82.b. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 513 PSYLSVEN N 1 3066 3066 C.82.b. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 PSYEDHOS PSYEDSYS PSYEDVEN PSYEMHOS PSYEMSYS PSYEMVEN PSYGRHOS PSYGRSYS PSYGRVEN PSYOPHOS PSYOPSYS PSYOPVEN PSYPHHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 C.82.c. C.82.c. C.82.c. C.82.d. C.82.d. C.82.d. C.82.e. C.82.e. C.82.e. C.82.f. C.82.f. C.82.f. C.82.g. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 527 PSYPHSYS N 1 3080 3080 C.82.g. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 528 PSYPHVEN N 1 3081 3081 C.82.g. as14svc2 1=yes, 0=no 529 530 531 532 533 PSTRTHOS PSTRTSYS PSTRTVEN CTSCNHOS CTSCNSYS N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 C.82.h C.82.h C.82.h C.83.a. C.83.a. as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc2 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 534 CTSCNVEN N 1 3087 3087 C.83.a. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 535 536 537 538 DRADFHOS DRADFSYS DRADFVEN EBCTHOS N N N N 1 1 1 1 3088 3089 3090 3091 3088 3089 3090 3091 C.83.b. C.83.b. C.83.b. C.83.c. as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 539 EBCTSYS N 1 3092 3092 C.83.c. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 540 EBCTVEN N 1 3093 3093 C.83.c. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Psychiatric consultation/liaison services - health system Psychiatric consultation/liaison services - joint venture Psychiatric education services - hospital Psychiatric education services - health system Psychiatric education services - joint venture Psychiatric emergency services - hospital Psychiatric emergency services - health system Psychiatric emergency services - joint venture Psychiatric geriatric services - hospital Psychiatric geriatric services - health system Psychiatric geriatric services - joint venture Psychiatric outpatient services - hospital Psychiatric outpatient services - health system Psychiatric outpatient services - joint venture Psychiatric partial hospitalization program hospital Psychiatric partial hospitalization program - health system Psychiatric partial hospitalization program - joint venture Psychiatric residential treatment - hospital Psychiatric residential treatment - health system Psychiatric residential treatment - joint venture Computed-tomography (CT) scanner - hospital Computed-tomography (CT) scanner - health system Computed-tomography (CT) scanner - joint venture Diagnostic radioisotope facility - hospital Diagnostic radioisotope facility - health system Diagnostic radioisotope facility - joint venture Electron Beam Computed Tomography (EBCT) hospital Electron Beam Computed Tomography (EBCT) system Electron Beam Computed Tomography (EBCT) joint venture ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 15 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 541 542 543 544 545 FFDMHOS FFDMSYS FFDMVEN MRIHOS MRISYS N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 C.83.d. C.83.d. C.83.d. C.83.e. C.83.e. as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 546 MRIVEN N 1 3099 3099 Full-field digital mammography - hospital Full-field digital mammography - system Full-field digital mammography - joint venture Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - hospital Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - health system Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - joint venture C.83.e. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 547 IMRIHOS N 1 3100 3100 C.83.f. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 548 IMRISYS N 1 3101 3101 C.83.f. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 549 IMRIVEN N 1 3102 3102 C.83.f. as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 550 551 552 MEGHOS MEGSYS MEGVEN N N N 1 1 1 3103 3104 3105 3103 3104 3105 C.83.g. C.83.g. C.83.g. as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 553 MSCTHOS N 1 3106 3106 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 554 MSCTSYS N 1 3107 3107 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 555 MSCTVEN N 1 3108 3108 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 556 MSCTGHOS N 1 3109 3109 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 557 MSCTGSYS N 1 3110 3110 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 558 MSCTGVEN N 1 3111 3111 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 559 560 PETHOS PETSYS N N 1 1 3112 3113 3112 3113 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 561 PETVEN N 1 3114 3114 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 562 PETCTHOS N 1 3115 3115 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 563 PETCTSYS N 1 3116 3116 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 564 PETCTVEN N 1 3117 3117 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 565 SPECTHOS N 1 3118 3118 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 566 SPECTSYS N 1 3119 3119 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 567 SPECTVEN N 1 3120 3120 Multislice spiral computed tomography < 64 slice - C.83.h. hospital Multislice spiral computed tomography < 64 slice - C.83.h. system Multislice spiral computed tomography < 64 slice - C.83.h. joint venture Multi-slice spiral computed tomography 64 + slice - C.83.i. hospital Multi-slice spiral computed tomography 64 + slice - C.83.i. system Multi-slice spiral computed tomography 64 + slice - C.83.i. joint venture C.83.j. Positron emission tomography (PET) - hospital Positron emission tomography (PET) - health C.83.j. system Positron emission tomography (PET) - joint C.83.j. venture Positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) C.83.k. hospital Positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) C.83.k. system Positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) - joint C.83.k. venture Single photon emission computerized tomography C.83.l. (SPECT) - hospital Single photon emission computerized tomography C.83.l. (SPECT) - health system Single photon emission computerized tomography C.83.l. (SPECT) - joint venture as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging hospital Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging system Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging - joint venture Magnetoencephalography (MEG) - hospital Magnetoencephalography (MEG) - system Magnetoencephalography (MEG) - joint venture ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 16 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 ULTSNHOS ULTSNSYS ULTSNVEN IGRTHOS IGRTSYS IGRTVEN IMRTHOS N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 C.83.m. C.83.m. C.83.m. C.84.a. C.84.a. C.84.a. C.84.b as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 575 IMRTSYS N 1 3128 3128 C.84.b as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 576 IMRTVEN N 1 3129 3129 C.84.b as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 PTONHOS PTONSYS PTONVEN BEAMHOS BEAMSYS BEAMVEN SRADHOS SRADSYS SRADVEN RETIRHOS RETIRSYS RETIRVEN ROBOHOS ROBOSYS ROBOVEN RURLHOS RURLSYS RURLVEN SLEPHOS SLEPSYS SLEPVEN SOCWKHOS SOCWKSYS SOCWKVEN SPORTHOS SPORTSYS SPORTVEN SUPPGHOS SUPPGSYS SUPPGVEN SWBDHOS SWBDSYS SWBDVEN TEENSHOS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 Ultrasound - hospital Ultrasound - health system Ultrasound - joint venture Image-guided radiation therapy - hospital Image-guided radiation therapy - health system Image-guided radiation therapy - joint venture Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) hospital Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) system Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) joint venture Proton beam therapy - hospital Proton beam therapy - system Proton beam therapy - joint venture Shaped beam Radiation System - hospital Shaped beam Radiation System - system Shaped beam Radiation System - joint venture Stereotactic radiosurgery - hospital Stereotactic radiosurgery - system Stereotactic radiosurgery - joint venture Retirement housing - hospital Retirement housing - health system Retirement housing - joint venture Robotic surgery - hospital Robotic surgery - system Robotic surgery - joint venture Rural health clinic - hospital Rural health clinic - system Rural health clinic - joint venture Sleep Center - hospital Sleep Center - system Sleep Center - joint venture Social work services - hospital Social work services - health system Social work services - joint venture Sports medicine - hospital Sports medicine - health system Sports medicine - joint venture Support groups - hospital Support groups - health system Support groups - joint venture Swing bed services - hospital Swing bed services - system Swing bed services - joint venture Teen outreach services - hospital C.84.c C.84.c C.84.c C.84.d C.84.d C.84.d C.84.e C.84.e C.84.e C.85. C.85. C.85. C.86. C.86. C.86. C. 87. C. 87. C. 87. C.88. C.88. C.88. C.89. C.89. C.89. C.90. C.90. C.90. C.91. C.91. C.91. C.92. C.92. C.92. C.93. as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 17 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3223 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3222 3237 Teen outreach services - health system Teen outreach services - joint venture Tobacco Treatment Services - hospital Tobacco Treatment Services - system Tobacco Treatment Services - joint venture Bone Marrow transplant services - hospital Bone Marrow transplant services - system Bone Marrow transplant services - joint venture Heart transplant - hospital Heart transplant - system Heart transplant - joint venture Kidney transplant - hospital Kidney transplant -system Kidney transplant - joint venture Liver transplant - hospital Liver transplant - system Liver transplant - joint venture Lung transplant - hospital Lung transplant - system Lung transplant - joint venture Tissue transplant - hospital Tissue transplant - system Tissue transplant - joint venture Other Transplant - hospital Other Transplant - system Other Transplant - joint venture Transportation to health services - hospital Transportation to health services - health system Transportation to health services - joint venture Urgent care center - hospital Urgent care center - health system Urgent care center - joint venture Virtual colonoscopy - hospital Virtual colonoscopy - system Virtual colonoscopy - joint venture Volunteer services department - hospital Volunteer services department - health system Volunteer services department - joint venture Women’s health center/services - hospital Women’s health center/services - health system Women’s health center/services - joint venture Wound Management Services - hospital Wound Management Services - system Wound Management Services - joint venture Total facility expenses (excluding bad debt) Hospital total expenses, including bad debt C.93. C.93. C.94. C.94. C.94. C.95.a. C.95.a. C.95.a. C.95.b. C.95.b. C.95.b. C.95.c. C.95.c. C.95.c. C.95.d. C.95.d. C.95.d. C.95.e. C.95.e. C.95.e. C.95.f. C.95.f. C.95.f. C.95.g. C.95.g. C.95.g. C.96. C.96. C.96. C.97. C.97. C.97. C.98. C.98. C.98. C.99. C.99. C.99. C.100. C.100. C.100. C.101. C.101. C.101. as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14svc3 as14util1 as14util1 TEENSSYS TEENSVEN TOBHOS TOBSYS TOBVEN OTBONHOS OTBONSYS OTBONVEN HARTHOS HARTSYS HARTVEN KDNYHOS KDNYSYS KDNYVEN LIVRHOS LIVRSYS LIVRVEN LUNGHOS LUNGSYS LUNGVEN TISUHOS TISUSYS TISUVEN OTOTHHOS OTOTHSYS OTOTHVEN TPORTHOS TPORTSYS TPORTVEN URGCCHOS URGCCSYS URGCCVEN VRCSHOS VRCSSYS VRCSVEN VOLSVHOS VOLSVSYS VOLSVVEN WOMHCHOS WOMHCSYS WOMHCVEN WMGTHOS WMGTSYS WMGTVEN EXPTOT EXPTHA Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no 1=yes, 0=no Total Expenses Calculated Field: Total expenses less nursing home unit expense 18 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 657 658 EXPTLA CPPCT Y N 15 4 3238 3253 3252 3256 659 CAPRSK N 4 3257 3260 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 DPEXA INTEXA SUPEXA OTHEXPA NPAYBEN PAYTOT PAYTOTH NPAYBENH N N N N Y Y Y N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3261 3271 3281 3291 3301 3311 3321 3331 3270 3280 3290 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 Nursing home expenses, including bad debt What % of the hospital's net patient revenue is paid on a capitated basis? What % of the hospital's net patient revenue is paid on a shared risk basis? Depreciation expense Interest expense Supply expense All other expenses Total facility employee benefits Total facility payroll expenses Hospital unit payroll expenses Hospital unit employee benefits 668 669 670 671 PAYTOTLT NPAYBENL LBEDSA BDTOT Y N N NA 10 10 6 4 3341 3351 3361 3367 3350 3360 3366 3370 672 673 674 ADMTOT IPDTOT BDH Y Y N 6 8 4 3371 3377 3385 3376 3384 3388 Nursing home payroll expenses Nursing home employee benefits Licensed Beds Total Facility Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of reporting period Total facility admissions Total facility inpatient days Hospital unit beds set up and staffed (calculated) 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 ADMH IPDH LBEDLA BDLT ADMLT IPDLT MCRDC MCRIPD MCDDC MCDIPD MCRDCH MCRIPDH MCDDCH MCDIPDH MCRDCLT MCRIPDLT MCDDCLT MCDIPDLT BASSIN BIRTHS SUROPIP SUROPOP SUROPTOT N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N NA Y Y Y Y 6 8 6 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 4 6 6 6 6 3389 3395 3403 3409 3413 3419 3427 3433 3441 3447 3455 3461 3469 3475 3483 3489 3497 3503 3511 3515 3521 3527 3533 3394 3402 3408 3412 3418 3426 3432 3440 3446 3454 3460 3468 3474 3482 3488 3496 3502 3510 3514 3520 3526 3532 3538 Hospital unit admissions (calculated) Hospital unit inpatient days (calculated) Licensed Beds Long Term Care Nursing home beds set up and staffed Nursing home admissions Nursing home inpatient days Total facility Medicare discharges Total facility Medicare days Total facility Medicaid discharges Total facility Medicaid days Hospital unit Medicare discharges Hospital unit Medicare days Hospital unit Medicaid discharges Hospital unit Medicaid days Nursing home Medicare discharges Nursing home Medicare days Nursing home Medicaid discharges Nursing home Medicaid days Bassinets set up and staffed Total births (excluding fetal deaths) Inpatient surgical operations Outpatient surgical operations Total surgical operations Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question Access Table Notes C.109 as14util1 as14util1 C.110 as14util1 D.3.h. D.3.i. D.3.j. D.3.k D.3.g. D.3.f. D.3.f. D.3.g. as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 D.3.f. D.3.g. D.1.a. D.1.b. as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Expense Expense Expense Expense Employee benefits Payroll Expenses Total facility payroll expenses less Nursing home facility payroll expenses Total facility employee benefits expenses less Nursing home facility employee benefits expenses Payroll Expenses (Nursing Home Unit) Employee benefits (Nursing Home Unit) Total licensed beds Beds set up and staffed (Total Facility) D.1.e. D.1.f. D.1.b. as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Admissions (Total Facility) Inpatient Days (Total Facility) Total facility beds less Nursing home unit beds D.1.e. D.1.f. D.1.a. D.1.b. D.1.e. D.1.f. D.2.a1. D.2.b1. D.2.c1. D.2.d1. D.2.a1. D.2.b1. D.2.c1. D.2.d1. D.2.a1. D.2.b1. D.2.c1. D.2.d1. D.1.c. D.1.d. D.1.i. D.1.k. as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Total facility admissions less Nursing home unit admissions Total facility inpatient days less Nursing home unit inpatient days Licensed Beds (Long Term Unit) Nursing home beds set up and staffed Nursing home admissions Nursing home inpatient days Medicare Discharges (Total Facility) Medicare Inpatient Days (Total Facility) Medicaid Discharges (Total Facility) Medicaid Inpatient days (Total Facility) Total facility Medicare discharges less Nursing home unit Medicare discharges Total facility Medicare days less Nursing home unit Medicare days Total facility Medicaid discharges less Nursing home unit Medicaid discharges Total facility Medicaid days less Nursing home unit Medicaid days Medicare Discharges (Nursing Home Unit) Medicare Inpatient Days (Nursing Home Unit) Medicaid discharges (Nursing Home Unit) Medicaid Inpatient days (Nursing Home Unit) Bassinets set up and staffed Births (exclude fetal deaths) Inpatient Surgeries Outpatient Surgeries Inpatient surgical operations + Outpatient surgical operations ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com Total Expenses (Nursing Home Unit) 19 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 698 VEM Y 8 3539 Y 8 3547 699 VOTH 700 VTOT Y 8 3555 Note: Numbers in parentheses below indicate survey questionnaire columns 701 FTMDTF Y 5 3563 702 FTRES Y 5 3568 3546 3554 3562 Emergency room visits Other outpatient visits Total outpatient visits D.1.g. as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Emergency department visits Total Outpatient Visits less Emergency Department Visits (VTOT less VEM = VOTH) Total Outpatient Visits 3567 3572 Full time physicians and dentists D.10.a.(1) Full time medical and dental residents and interns D.10.c.(1) as14util1 as14util1 Full Time Physicians and dentists Full Time medical and dental residents/interns 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 FTTRAN84 FTRNTF FTLPNTF FTAST FTRAD FTLAB FTPHR FTPHT FTRESP FTOTHTF FTTOT PTMDTF PTRES Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3573 3578 3583 3588 3593 3598 3603 3608 3613 3618 3623 3628 3633 3577 3582 3587 3592 3597 3602 3607 3612 3617 3622 3627 3632 3637 Full time other trainees Full time registered nurses Full time licensed practical or vocational nurses Full time nursing assistive personnel Full time radiology technicians Full time laboratory technicians Full time pharmacists, licensed Full time pharmacy technicians Full time respiratory therapists Full time all other personnel Full time total personnel Part time physicians and dentists Part time medical and dental residents and interns D.10.d.(1) D.10.e.(1) D.10.f.(1) D.10.g.(1) D.10.h.(1) D.10.i.(1) D.10.j.(1) D.10.k.(1) D.10.l.(1) D.10.m.(1) D.10.n.(1) D.10.a.(2) D.10.c.(2) as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Full Time Other trainees Full Time Registered Nurses Full Time Licensed practical (vocational) nurses Full Time Nursing assistive personnel Full Time Radiology technicians Full Time laboratory technicians Full Time Pharmacists, licensed Full Time Pharmacy technicians Full time respiratory therapists Full All Other Personnel Full Time Total Facility Personnel Part Time Physicians and dentists Part Time medical and dental residents/interns 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 PTTRAN84 PTRNTF PTLPNTF PTAST PTRAD PTLAB PTPHR PTPHT PTRESP PTOTHTF PTTOT FTTOTH Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3638 3643 3648 3653 3658 3663 3668 3673 3678 3683 3688 3693 3642 3647 3652 3657 3662 3667 3672 3677 3682 3687 3692 3697 Part time other trainees Part time registered nurses Part time licensed practical or vocational nurses Part time nursing assistive personnel Part time radiology technicians Part time laboratory technicians Part time pharmacists, licensed Part time pharmacy technicians Part time respiratory therapists Part time all other personnel Part time total personnel Total full time hospital unit personnel D.10.d.(2) D.10.e.(2) D.10.f.(2) D.10.g.(2) D.10.h.(2) D.10.i.(2) D.10.j.(2) D.10.k.(2) D.10.l.(2) D.10.m.(2) D.10.n.(2) as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 728 PTTOTH Y 5 3698 3702 Total part time hospital unit personnel 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 FTTOTLT PTTOTLT FTED FTER FTET FTEN FTEP FTEAP FTERAD FTELAB Y Y N N N N N N N N 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3703 3708 3713 3721 3729 3737 3745 3753 3761 3769 3707 3712 3720 3728 3736 3744 3752 3760 3768 3776 Total full time nursing home personnel Total part time nursing home personnel Physicians and dentists FTE Medical and dental residents FTE Other trainees FTE Registered nurses FTE Licensed practical nurses FTE Nursing assistive personnel FTE Radiology technicians FTE Laboratory technicians FTE Part Time Other trainees Part Time Registered Nurses Part Time Licensed practical (vocational) nurses Part Time Nursing assistive personnel Part Time Radiology technicians Part Time laboratory technicians Part Time Pharmacists, licensed Part Time Pharmacy technicians Part Time respiratory therapists Part Time All Other Personnel Part Time Total Facility Personnel Calculated Field: Total full time facility personnel less Total full time nursing home personnel Calculated Field: Total part time facility personnel less Total part time nursing home personnel Total full time nursing home personnel Total part time nursing home personnel Physicians and dentists FTE (Reported) Medical and dental residents FTE (Reported) Other trainees FTE (Reported) Registered nurses FTE (Reported) Licensed practical nurses FTE (Reported) Nursing assistive personnel FTE (Reported) Radiology technicians FTE (Reported) Laboratory technicians FTE (Reported) Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company D.1.h. as14util1 D.10.p. D.10.p. D.10.a.(3) D.10.c.(3) D.10.d.(3) D.10.e.(3) D.10.f.(3) D.10.g.(3) D.10.h.(3) D.10.i.(3) ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 20 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 739 740 741 742 743 744 FTEPH FTEPHT FTERESP FTEO FTETF FTERNLT N N N N N N 8 8 8 8 8 8 3777 3785 3793 3801 3809 3817 3784 3792 3800 3808 3816 3824 D.10.j.(3) D.10.k.(3) D.10.l.(3) D.10.m.(3) D.10.n.(3) D.10.o.(3) as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Pharmacists, licensed FTE (Reported) Pharmacy technicians FTE (Reported) Respiratory therapists FTE (Reported) All other personnel FTE (Reported) Total facility personnel FTE (Reported) Nursing home registered nurses FTE (Reported) 745 746 747 748 749 750 FTEU VMD VRES VTTRN VRN VLPN N N N N N N 8 8 8 8 8 8 3825 3833 3841 3849 3857 3865 3832 3840 3848 3856 3864 3872 Pharmacists, licensed FTE Pharmacy technicians FTE Respiratory therapists FTE All other personnel FTE Total facility personnel FTE Nursing home type unit/facility registered nurses FTE Nursing home personnel FTE Physician and dentists- vacancies Medical and dental residents/interns- vacancies Other trainees - vacancies Registered nurses - vacancies Licensed practical (vocational) nurses - vacancies D.10.p.(3) D.10.a.(4) D.10.c.(4) D.10.d.(4) D.10.e.(4) D.10.f.(4) as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Nursing home personnel FTE (Reported) Physician and dentists-vacancies Medical and dental residents/interns- vacancies Other trainees - vacancies Registered nurses - vacancies Licensed practical (vocational) nurses - vacancies 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 VAST VRAD VLAB VPHR VPHT VRSP VOTHL VTOTL VRNH N N N N N N N N N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3873 3881 3889 3897 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3880 3888 3896 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 D.10.g.(4) D.10.h.(4) D.10.i.(4) D.10.j.(4) D.10.k.(4) D.10.l.(4) D.10.m.(4) D.10.n.(4) D.10.o.(4) as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 Nursing assistive personnel - vacancies Radiology technicians - vacancies Laboratory technicians - vacancies Pharmacists, licensed - vacancies Pharmacy technicians - vacancies Respiratory therapists - vacancies All other personnel - vacancies Total facility personnel - vacancies Nursing home type unit/facility registered nurses- vacancies 760 VTNH N 8 3945 3952 D.10.p.(4) as14util1 Total nursing home type unit/facility personnel - vacancies 761 762 763 764 765 ADC ADJADM ADJPD ADJADC FTEMD NA NA NA NA NA 8 8 8 8 8 3953 3961 3969 3977 3985 3960 3968 3976 3984 3992 Nursing assistive personnel - vacancies Radiology technicians - vacancies Laboratory technicians - vacancies Pharmacists, licensed - vacancies Pharmacy technicians - vacancies Respiratory therapists - vacancies All other personnel - vacancies Total facility personnel - vacancies Nursing home type unit/facility registered nursesvacancies Total nursing home type unit/facility personnel vacancies Average daily census Adjusted admissions Adjusted patient days Adjusted average daily census Full time equivalent physicians and dentists as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 766 FTERN NA 8 3993 4000 Full time equivalent registered nurses as14util1 767 FTELPN NA 8 4001 4008 as14util1 768 FTERES NA 8 4009 4016 769 FTETRAN NA 8 4017 4024 Full time equivalent licensed practical or vocational nurses Full time equivalent medical and dental residents and interns Full time equivalent other trainees as14util1 770 FTETTRN NA 8 4025 4032 Full time equivalent total trainees as14util1 771 FTEOTH94 NA 8 4033 4040 Full time equivalent all other personnel as14util1 772 FTEH NA 8 4041 4048 Full time equivalent hospital unit total personnel as14util1 Inpatient Days / Days Covered Admissions + (Admissions * (Outpatient Revenue/Inpatient Revenue)) Inpatient Days + (Inpatient Days * (Outpatient Revenue/Inpatient Revenue)) Adjusted Inpatient Days/Number of Days in Reporting Period All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com as14util1 21 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 773 FTENH NA 8 4049 4056 Full time equivalent nursing home total personnel as14util1 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 FTE OPRA EADMTOT EIPDTOT EADMH EIPDH EADMLT NA N NA NA NA NA NA 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 4057 4065 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4064 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 Full time equivalent total personnel Number of Operating Rooms D.1.j. (Estimation Flag) Admissions (Estimation Flag) Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Admissions (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Admissions as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 All full time equivalent personnel fields are calculated by adding full time personnel to 0.5 * related part time personnel. Excludes medical and dental residents, interns and other trainees Number of operating rooms 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 781 EIPDLT NA 1 4074 4074 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 782 EMCRDC NA 1 4075 4075 (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Medicare Inpatient Discharges as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 783 784 785 786 EMCRIPD EMCDDC EMCDIPD EMCRDCH NA NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 4076 4077 4078 4079 4076 4077 4078 4079 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 787 EMCRIPDH NA 1 4080 4080 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 788 EMCDDCH NA 1 4081 4081 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 789 EMCDIPDH NA 1 4082 4082 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 790 EMCRDCLT NA 1 4083 4083 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 791 EMCRPDLT NA 1 4084 4084 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 792 EMCDDCLT NA 1 4085 4085 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 793 EMCDPDLT NA 1 4086 4086 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 EBIRTHS ESUROPIP ESUROPOP ESUROPTO EVEM EVOTH EVTOT EPAYTOT ENPAYBEN EPAYTOTH NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 804 ENPYBENH NA 1 4097 4097 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question (Estimation Flag) Medicare Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Medicaid Inpatient Discharges (Estimation Flag) Medicaid Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Medicare Inpatient Discharges (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Medicare Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Medicaid Inpatient Discharges (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Medicaid Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Medicare Inpatient Discharges (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Medicare Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Medicaid Inpatient Discharges (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Medicaid Inpatient Days (Estimation Flag) Births (Estimation Flag) Surgical Operations Inpatient (Estimation Flag) Surgical Operations Outpatient (Estimation Flag) Surgical Operations Total (Estimation Flag) Outpatient Visits Emergency (Estimation Flag) Outpatient Visits Other (Estimation Flag) Outpatient Visits Total (Estimation Flag) Total Payroll Expenses (Estimation Flag) Employee Benefits (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Total Payroll Expenses (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Employee Benefits ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com Access Table Notes 22 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question 805 EPYTOTLT NA 1 4098 4098 806 ENPBENLT NA 1 4099 4099 807 EFTMDTF NA 1 4100 4100 808 EFTRES NA 1 4101 4101 809 810 811 EFTTRN84 EFTRNTF EFTLPNTF NA NA NA 1 1 1 4102 4103 4104 4102 4103 4104 812 EFTAST NA 1 4105 4105 813 EFTRAD NA 1 4106 4106 (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Total Payroll Expenses (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Employee Benefits (Estimation Flag) Full Time Physicians and Dentists (Estimation Flag) Full Time Medical and Dental Residents (Estimation Flag) Full Time Other Trainees (Estimation Flag) Full Time Registered Nurses (Estimation Flag) Full Time Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurses (Estimation Flag) Full Time Nursing assistive personnel (Estimation Flag) Full Time Radiology technicians 814 EFTLAB NA 1 4107 4107 815 EFTPHR NA 1 4108 816 EFTPHT NA 1 817 EFTRESP NA 818 819 820 EFTOTHTF EFTTOT EPTMDTF 821 Access Table Notes as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded (Estimation Flag) Full Time Laboratory technicians as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 4108 (Estimation Flag) Full Time Pharmacists, licensed as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 4109 4109 (Estimation Flag) Full Time Pharmacy technicians as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 1 4110 4110 (Estimation Flag) Full Time Respiratory therapists as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded NA NA NA 1 1 1 4111 4112 4113 4111 4112 4113 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded EPTRES NA 1 4114 4114 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 822 823 824 EPTTRN84 EPTRNTF EPTLPNTF NA NA NA 1 1 1 4115 4116 4117 4115 4116 4117 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 825 EPTAST NA 1 4118 4118 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 826 EPTRAD NA 1 4119 4119 (Estimation Flag) Full Time All Other Personnel (Estimation Flag) Full Time Total Personnel (Estimation Flag) Part Time Physicians and Dentists (Estimation Flag) Part Time Medical and Dental Residents (Estimation Flag) Part Time Other Trainees (Estimation Flag) Part Time Registered Nurses (Estimation Flag) Part Time Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurses (Estimation Flag) Part Time Nursing assistive personnel (Estimation Flag) Part Time Radiology technicians as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 827 EPTLAB NA 1 4120 4120 828 EPTPHR NA 1 4121 829 EPTPHT NA 1 830 EPTRESP NA 1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 4121 (Estimation Flag) Part Time Laboratory technicians (Estimation Flag) Part Time Pharmacists, licensed as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 4122 4122 (Estimation Flag) Part Time Pharmacy technicians as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 4123 4123 (Estimation Flag) Part Time Respiratory therapists as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 23 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 831 832 833 834 835 EPTOTHTF EPTTOT EFTTOTH EPTTOTH EFTTOTLT NA NA NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 836 EPTTOTLT NA 1 4129 4129 837 838 EEXPTOT EXPTHB NA NA 1 1 4130 4131 4130 4131 839 EXPTLB NA 1 4132 4132 840 TECAR N 8 4133 4140 (Estimation Flag) Part Time All Other Personnel (Estimation Flag) Part Time Total Personnel (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Total Full Time (Estimation Flag) Hospital Unit Total Part Time (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Total Full Time (Estimation Flag) Nursing Home Unit Total Part Time (Estimation Flag) Total Expenses (Estimation Flag) Hospital total expenses, excluding bad debt (Estimation Flag) Nursing home expenses, excluding bad debt Primary care (general practitioner, general internal D.11.a.1. medicine, family practice, general pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, geriatrics) - total employed 841 842 843 844 TEMER TEHSP TEINT TEGST N N N N 8 8 8 8 4141 4149 4157 4165 4148 4156 4164 4172 845 846 847 TEOTH TETOT TCCAR N N N 8 8 8 4173 4181 4189 4180 4188 4196 848 849 850 851 TCMER TCHSP TCINT TCGST N N N N 8 8 8 8 4197 4205 4213 4221 4204 4212 4220 4228 852 853 854 TCOTH TCTOT TGCAR N N N 8 8 8 4229 4237 4245 4236 4244 4252 855 856 857 858 TGMER TGHSP TGINT TGGST N N N N 8 8 8 8 4253 4261 4269 4277 4260 4268 4276 4284 859 860 TGOTH TGTOT N N 8 8 4285 4293 4292 4300 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question Emergency medicine - total employed Hospitalist - total employed Intensivist - total employed Radiologists/pathologist/anesthesiologist - total employed Other specialists - total employed Total - Total Employed Primary care (general practitioner, general internal medicine, family practice, general pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, geriatrics) - total individual contract Emergency medicine - total individual contract Hospitalist - total individual contract Intensivist - total individual contract Radiologists/pathologist/anesthesiologist - total individual contract Other specialist - total individual contract Total - individual contract Primary care (general practitioner, general internal medicine, family practice, general pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, geriatrics) - total group contract Emergency medicine - total group contract Hospitalist - total group contract Intensivist - total group contract Radiologists/pathologist/anesthesiologist - total group contract Other specialist - total group contract Total - total group contract Access Table Notes as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util1 0=reported, 1=estimated, 2=expanded as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges D.11.b.1. D.11.c.1. D.11.d.1. D.11.e.1. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges D.11.f.1. D.11.g.1. D.11.a.2. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges D.11.b.2. D.11.c.2. D.11.d.2. D.11.e.2. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges D.11.f.2. D.11.g.2. D.11.a.3. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges D.11.b.3. D.11.c.3. D.11.d.3. D.11.e.3. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges D.11.f.3. D.11.g.3. as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 24 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description Survey Question Access Table Notes 861 NECAR N 8 4301 4308 D.11.a.4. as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges 862 NEMER N 8 4309 4316 D.11.b.4. as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges 863 864 865 NEHSP NEINT NEGST N N N 8 8 8 4317 4325 4333 4324 4332 4340 D.11.c.4. D.11.d.4. D.11.e.4. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges 866 NEOTH N 8 4341 4348 Primary care (general practitioner, general internal medicine, family practice, general pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, geriatrics) - not employed or under contract Emergency medicine - not employed or under contract Hospitalist - not employed or under contract Intensivist - not employed or under contract Radiologists/pathologist/anesthesiologist - not employed or under contract Other specialist - not employed or under contract D.11.f.4. as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges 867 868 NETOT TPCAR N N 8 8 4349 4357 4356 4364 Total - not employed or under contract D.11.g.4. Primary care (general practitioner, general internal D.11.a.5. medicine, family practice, general pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, geriatrics) - total privileged as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges 869 870 871 872 TPMER TPHSP TPINT TPGST N N N N 8 8 8 8 4365 4373 4381 4389 4372 4380 4388 4396 D.11.b.5. D.11.c.5. D.11.d.5. D.11.e.5. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 TPOTH TPRTOT HSPTL FTEHSP INTCAR FTEMSI FTECIC FTENIC FTEPIC FTEOIC FTEINT CLSMSI CLSCIC CLSNIC CLSPIC CLSOIC APRN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8 8 1 8 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 4397 4405 4413 4414 4422 4423 4431 4439 4447 4455 4463 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4404 4412 4413 4421 4422 4430 4438 4446 4454 4462 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 D.11.f.5. D.11.g.5. D.12.a. D.12.b. D.13.a. D.13.b.1. D.13.b.2. D.13.b.3. D.13.b.4. D.13.b.5. D.13.b.6. D.13.b.1. D.13.b.2. D.13.b.3. D.13.b.4. D.13.b.5. D.14.a. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of physicians with privileges Number of physicians with privileges 1 = yes, 0 = no Hospitalists FTE 1 = yes, 0 = no Intensivists FTE Medical-surgical intensive care Intensivists FTE Cardiac intensive care Intensivists FTE Neonatal intensive care Intensivists FTE Pediatric intensive care Intensivists FTE Other intensive care Intensivists FTE Total 1 = yes 1 = yes 1 = yes 1 = yes 1 = yes 1 = yes, 0 = no 890 891 892 893 894 FTAPRN PTAPRN FTEAPN APCAR APANES N N N N N 8 8 8 1 1 4477 4485 4493 4501 4502 4484 4492 4500 4501 4502 Emergency medicine - total privileged Hospitalist - total privileged Intensivist - total privileged Radiologists/pathologist/anesthesiologist - total privileged Other specialist - total privileged Total - total privileged Hospitalists Provide Care Hospitalists FTE Intensivists provide care Intensivists FTE Medical-surgical intensive care Intensivists FTE Cardiac intensive care Intensivists FTE Neonatal care Intensivists FTE Pediatric intensive care Intensivists FTE Other intensive care Intensivists FTE Total Closed medical surgical intensive care Closed cardiac intensive care Closed neonatal intensive care Closed pediatric intensive care Closed other intensive care Do Advanced practice nurses/PA's provide care for patients in your hospital? FT Advanced practice nurses/PA's PT Advanced practice nurses/PA's FTE Advanced practice nurses/PA's Primary care Advanced practice nurses/PA's Anesthesia services Advanced practice nurses/PA's D.14.b. D.14.b. D.14.b. D.14.c. D.14.c. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Number of Full Time Advanced Practice Nurses Number of Part Time Advanced Practice Nurses Number of Advanced Practice Nurse FTEs 1 = yes, 0 = no 1 = yes, 0 = no Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 25 AHA Annual Survey Database™ FY 2014 File Layout Item No. Field Name Estimated Length Start End Field Description 895 APEMER N 1 4503 4503 896 APSPC N 1 4504 4504 897 APED N 1 4505 4505 Emergency department care Advanced practice D.14.c. nurses/PA's Other specialty care Advanced practice D.14.c. nurses/PA's Patient education Advanced practice nurses/PA's D.14.c. 898 APCASE N 1 4506 4506 899 900 APOTH FORNRSA N N 1 1 4507 4508 4507 4508 901 AFRICA N 1 4509 4509 902 KOREA N 1 4510 4510 903 CANADA N 1 4511 4511 904 PH N 1 4512 4512 905 CHINA N 1 4513 4513 906 INDIA N 1 4514 4514 907 OFRNRS N 1 4515 4515 908 RNSCH N 10 4516 4525 909 910 911 912 913 914 PLNTA ADEPRA ASSNET GFEET CEAMT ENDMARK N N N N N N 10 10 10 10 10 1 4526 4536 4546 4556 4566 4576 4535 4545 4555 4565 4575 4576 Copyright 2015 Health Forum LLC, an American Hospital Association Company Survey Question as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no as14util2 as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no 0=did not hire, 1=more, 2=less, 3=same D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no D.15.b. as14util2 1 = yes, 0 = no E.4. as14util2 Number of new graduate RNs D.7.a. D.7.b. D.7.c. D.7.d D.8. as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 as14util2 Property, plant and equipment at cost Accumulated depreciation Net property, plant and equipment Total gross square feet Total Capital Expenditures Case management Advanced practice D.14.c. nurses/PA's Other Advanced practice nurses/PA's Did your facility hire more foreign-educated nurses D.15.a. to help fill RN vacancies in 2014 vs. 2013? From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses. Africa From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses. Korea From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses. Canada From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses. Philippines From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses? China From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses. India From which countries/continents are you recruiting foreign-educated nurses. Other If your hospital hired RNs during the reporting period, how many were new graduates from nursing schools? Property, plant and equipment at cost Accumulated depreciation Net property, plant and equipment (a-b) Total gross square feet of your physical plant Total Capital Expenditures End of Survey Access Table Notes ph: 866-375-3633 ahadatainfo@healthforum.com 26