AC 60 NMAH Warshaw Collection of Business Americana Container List MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 1 Adams, G.W., & Company Successors to Adams & Whittredge Blacksmiths and Machinists Boston, Massachusetts Adams & Hammond Black & White Smiths Boston, Massachusetts Adams, William, & Company Iron Founders and Manufacturers of Fittings and Ornamental Iron Work Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ajax Forge Company Manufacturers of Frogs and Crossings, Light and Heavy Forgings of all kinds Chicago, Illinois 2 Albany Foundry Company Dealer in Stock Feed Cookers Albany, New York Albany and Rensselaer Iron and Steel Company New York, New York Albany Foundry Facing Mills also known as P.W. Lamb Albany, New York Alger & Reed Manufacturers of Anchors, Shapes and Forgings Boston, Massachusetts Althause, S.B., & Company also known as Althause Iron Works New York, New York 3 Altoona Manufacturing Company Altoona, Pennsylvania Amenia Foundry Dealer in Sash Weights, Grate Bars, Etc. Amenia, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 AC 60 NMAH Warshaw Collection of Business Americana American Brake Shoe & Foundry Company New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 3 American Facing Company Manufacturers of Foundry Facings New York, New York 4 American Foundry Company Dealer in Light Iron Castings Cleveland, Ohio Ames, H. Falls Village, Connecticut Amoskeag Manufacturing Company Manchester, New Hampshire Anchor Post Iron Works New York, New York 5 Arcade Malleable Iron Company Worcester, Massachusetts Atha, Benjamin, & Illingworth Company Steel Foundry Newark, New Jersey Ayers, Abraham Iron Foundry New York, New York Baily, Jacob Manufacturer of Iron Fronts, Railroad Castings, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Baldwin & Company Also known as Ulster County Furnace Kingston, New York 6 Baltimore Eagle Works location unknown Banks, C.M. Iron and Brass Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Barnhart Type Foundry Company New York, New York Bartlett, C.O., & Snow Company Cleveland, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 6 Bartlett, Hayward & Company Engineers and Iron Founders Baltimore, Maryland 7 Baugher, George F. Successors to Baugher, Frey & Kurtz Iron and Brass Foundry York, Pennsylvania Baugher, Kurtz & Stewart Founders, Machinists & Tanners York, Pennsylvania Baxter, Cortland, Dr. Blacksmith Peekskill, New York 8 Bennington Iron Works location unknown Bingham, O.A. Manufacturers of Revolving Flower Stand Keene, New Hampshire Birkbeck, William Fulton Foundry Jersey City, New Jersey Birmingham Iron Foundry Manufacturers of India Rubber & Rolling Mill Machinery Birmingham, Connecticut 9 Bloomer, Alfred Birmingham, England Bloomer, Caleb Iron and Steel Merchant West Bromwich, New York Boston Forge Company Manufacturers of Anchors and Forgings Boston, Massachusetts Bowers, Pratt & Company also known as Roxbury Iron Foundry Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 9 Bowman & Mansfield also known as Rutland Foundry And Machine Shop Rutland, Vermont 10 Bradshaw, James T. also known as Point Pleasant Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bramhall, Otis Dealer in Iron Railings for Cemeteries, Balustrades, Etc. Boston, Massachusetts Brande's Stock Mill New Orleans, Louisiana Bridgeton Foundry and Machine Works Bridgeton, New Jersey 11 Brier Hill Iron & Goal Company Youngstown, Ohio Brooke, E. & G. Manufacturers of Anchor Brand Mills Birdsboro, Pennsylvania Brown, D. Arthur, & Company Machinists Fisherville, New Hampshire Brown, Rowe & Company also known as Phoenix Facing Mills Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 12 Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of Find Castings, Machinery, &c. Providence, Rhode Island Burlington Foundry & Machine Works Successors to G. Hendrie & Company Burlington, Iowa Burnside, Crowther & Rogers also known as Union Foundry St. Joseph, Missouri Bush Hill Iron Works Engineer, Machinist, Founder and Boilermaker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 12 Bush & Lobdell Chilled Rail Road Car Wheel, Tire, and Rail Road Machine Works Wilmington, Delaware 13 Camden Rolling Mill Company Camden, New Jersey Carnell, Franklin L., & Company Successors to Charles Carnell also known as Cohocksink Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Capital Co-Operative Foundry Company Manufacturers of Germania Cooking Stove Albany, New York Catskill Foundry and Machine Works Erectors of Brick, Ice and Mill Work Catskill, New York 14 Chambers, Brother & Company Founders & Machinists Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Chamberlin, Thomas, & Company Coppersmiths Boston, Massachusetts Chapin, E.S., & Company also known as Plymouth Iron Foundry Boston, Massachusetts Chase Brothers & Company Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron Railings Boston, Massachusetts 15 Chattanooga Foundry & Machine Works Chattanooga, Tennessee Chattanooga Foundry and Pipe Works Chattanooga, Tennessee Chelmsford Foundry Company Manufacturers of Mechanical and Ornamental Iron Goods Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 15 Chicago Steam Boiler Works and Iron Foundry Chicago, Illinois 16 Christiana Machine Company Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists Christiana, Pennsylvania Cleveland Rolling Mill Company Manufacturers of Steel and Iron New York, New York Coldwell-Wilcox Company Iron and Brass Founders & Machinists Newburgh, New York Cole, B.J., & Company's Iron Foundry & Machine Shop Lake Village, New Hampshire Cole, John B. Chicopee, Massachusetts 17 Composite Iron Works Company Garden & Cemetery Adornments New York, New York Concord Axle Works Iron Founders and Machinists Fisherville, New Hampshire Concord Iron Foundry Manufacturers of Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves Concord, state unknown Congdon, Carpenter & Company Importers and Dealers of Iron & Steel Providence, Rhode Island 18 Conshohocken Boiler & Tuyere Works Manufacturer of Boilers, Water & Oil Tanks, Smoke Stacks & Tuyere Coils Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Convers, E. Dealer in Wrought Iron Work Oswego, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 18 Cooper & Company Manufacturers of Iron Fence, Caldron Kettles, Iron Sinks, Brackets, Axle Boxes Concord, New Hampshire Cooper, John D., & Company Iron and Brass Founders Concord, New Hampshire 19 Go-Operative Foundry Company Rochester, New York Cornell, J.B. & J.M. Iron Works and West Point Foundry Gold Spring, New York Cornell, J.B. & W.W., & Company Iron Works and Foundry New York, New York Cornelius & Platt Puritan Iron Works Brooklyn, New York Cornell & Jackson Plain and Ornamental Iron Works New York, New York 20 Craig, Alexander General Brass Founder, Smelter and Refiner Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Crowell, S. Manufacturer of Fine Castings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Crowley, J. Brass Founder Boston, Massachusetts 21 Curtis, Philo s., Dr. Machinist, Founder and Boiler-Maker Utica, New York Cushing, Nathan Formerly Cushing & Clapp Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURER AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 21 Cutler & Brown Manufacturers & Dealers in Foundry Facings & Supplies New York, New York 22 Darling & Varney, Dr. Brass Founders, Copper Smiths, &c. Manchester, New Hampshire Davenport, Fairbairn & Company Manufacturers of Car Wheels and Rail Road Castings Erie, Pennsylvania Davis, A.P., & Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania De Lamater, C.H., & Company New York, New York Delamater Iron Works Boiler Makers, Engine Builders and Founders New York, New York 23 Deritend Iron Foundry also known as Thomas Jones and Sons Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Mill Work Birmingham, England Detroit Novelty Works Manufacturers of Blacksmithing and Brass Founding, &c. Detroit, Michigan Devlin, Thomas, & Company also known as National Hardware & Malleable Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dillon, John Manufacturer of Steam Engines, Boilers, &c. Rondout, New York 24 Dover Iron Foundry Manufactory of Oven, Ash and Boiler Mouths Dover, New Hampshire Drake, Lincoln Manufacturer of Malleable and Common Castings Easton, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AHD DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 25 Drullard & Hayes Manufacturers of Cast and Wrought Iron Work Buffalo, New York Drumm, E.A. Manufacturer of Railroad, Mill and Brass Castings Chatham, New York Dry Dock Iron Works New York, New York 26 Dutton, J.W. Foundry & Machine Works Newark, New Jersey 27 Eagle Foundry also known as T.R. Risdon & Son Mount Holly, New Jersey Eagle Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 28 Eagle Iron Works Company Architectural Iron Works Buffalo, New York Eagle Works of P.W. Gates, Warner, Chalmer & Fraser Chicago, Illinois East Boston Iron Foundry Boston, Massachusetts Easton Foundry Facing Company Manufacturers of Foundry Facings Easton, Pennsylvania 29 Edwards, Daniel Blacksmithing Establishment New Orleans, Louisiana Elkins Manufacturing & Gas Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Emerick, J.A., & Company Manufacturers of Facings & Foundry Supplies Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 30 Empire Metal Working Company Manufacturers of Plain and Ornamental Work in Brass, Copper and Iron New York, New York Equitable Co-Operative Foundry Company Rochester, New York Erie Malleable Iron Company, Limited Erie, Pennsylvania Essen Architectural Iron Works location unknown 31 Excelsior Iron Works Dealer in Wrought & Cast Iron Railings, Etc. New York, New York Fall River Iron Works Company Providence, Rhode Island Farrel Foundry & Machine Company Manufacturers of Chilled Rolls & Iron Mill Machinery Ansonia, Connecticut Felton, M., & Company Dealer in Castings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 32 Fiske & Rice Express Charlestown, state unknown Fiske, J.W. Manufacturer of Ornamental Iron and Zinc Work New York, New York Fitchburg Foundry and Machine Company Fitchburg, Massachusetts Fitzgerald & Flagg Malleable & Grey Iron Founders Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fitzsimmons, William, & Son Foundrymen Cleveland, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 33 Flagg, Stanley G. Malleable and Grey Iron Founder Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Flesh & Roeper, Dr. Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 34 Flower, James, & Brothers Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists Detroit, Michigan Foote, J.B., Foundry Company Manufacturers of School, Church and Farm Bells Fredericktown, Ohio Ford & Company also known as Concord Iron Foundries Concord, New Hampshire Ford & Kimball, Dr. Brass and Iron Founders Concord, New Hampshire 35 Ford, W.P. & J.H. also known as Concord Iron Foundry Concord, state unknown Forest Mills Bridgton, Maine Fort Pitt Foundry also known as MacKintosh, Hemphill & Company, Limited Founders & Machinists Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Fort Scott Foundry & Machine Works Company Successors to the Walburn-Swenson Manufacturing Company Fort Scott, Kansas 36 Founder Machinists and Boiler Makers also known as Stephen Freeman & Sons Racine, Wisconsin Foundry & Machine Business Petersburg, Virginia For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 37 Foundry & Machine Company Manufacturers of Car Wheel Presses Taunton, Massachusetts Franconia Iron and Steel Company also known as William E. Coffin & Company Boston, Massachusetts 37 Frankford Steel and Forging Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Franklin Foundry &Machine Company Manufacturers of Iron and Brass Castings, &c. Providence, Rhode Island Franklin Foundry and Machine Shop Manufacturers of Gearing and Castings Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 38 Fredericks, A.J., & Company also known as West End Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fry, B.H. also known as The Amenia Foundry Waterbury, Connecticut Fuller, Frederick Iron Founder and Machinist Providence, Rhode Island Fuller Iron Works Providence, Rhode Island 39 Fuller, Leonard also known as West Boston Iron Foundry Boston, Massachusetts Fullerton, Alexander Hollow Ware and Castings and Iron Manufacturers Boston, Massachusetts Girard Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 40 Glen Foundry Company Hartford, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 1 Folder 40 Glendon Rolling Mill and Forge Works Boston, Massachusetts Globe Foundry Buffalo, New York Globe Iron Foundry New York, New York Goewey, John A. Manufacturer of Hollow Ware, Ham Boilers, &c. Albany, New York 41 Goossen, P.H. General Blacksmithing Mountain Lake, Minnesota Green & Company Iron Founders Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Grundy, J., & Brothers Brass Founders Boston, Massachusetts 42 Haight & Clark Iron & Brass Founders Albany, New York 43 Hains, Henry R., & Company also known as Philadelphia Smelting Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hardy, William A., & Company Brass Founders Fitchburg, Massachusetts Harkins & Pray Manufacturers of Blacksmith Tuyeres, Wrought and Cast Iron Fencing Bristol, Pennsylvania Hartshorn, Darling & Company Brass Founders, Copper Smiths, Etc. Manchester, New Hampshire For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 43 Hartshorn, J.C. Providence, Rhode Island 44 Hartupee, A. Founder for Iron & Wooden Vessels Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Hawes & Stanley Iron Founders Providence, Rhode Island Hawkins', R.F., Iron Works Springfield, Massachusetts Hazelton, G.H., & Company Manufacturer of Boiler and Kettle Bottoms Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 45 Heron, John N. Albany, New York Heywood, Wilson & Company Iron Founders Fitchburg, Massachusetts Hibbs, Josephs., & Company Foundries Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Himrod Furnace Company Pig Iron Foundry & Forge Youngstown, Ohio 46 Hinckley and Egery Iron Company Founders & Machinists Bangor, Maine Hinkley, Williams & Company, Dr. Founders, Locomotive Engine Builders Boston, Massachusetts 47 Hoefinghoff & Laue Foundry Company Dealers in Iron Castings Cincinnati, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 47 Hoffman, Mills & Company Manufacturers of Malleable Iron Albany, New York Hollidaysburg Foundry also known as John R. McFarlane & Company Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania Holmes & Blanchard also known as Neponset Foundry Boston, Massachusetts 48 Hooks Smelting Company Successors to H.W. Hook Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hoopes & Townsend, Dr. also known as Bolt, Nut and Rivet Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hope Iron Foundry also known as Adams & Storrie Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hope Iron Works also known as Springer & Gering Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 49 Horn & Ralston Agents of Portage Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Houlton Foundry and Machine Company Houlton, Maine House, Henry Dealer in Valves, Taps and Safety Valves Barton-On-Humber, England 50 Howard Foundry and Machine Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Howard, George G. Foundry and Machine Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 1 50 Huber, Henry, Jr. Dealer in Domestic Wrought Iron Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hughes, Morgan & Caskey Manufacturers of Bar Iron and Forgings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hunneman & Company Manufacturers in Copper, Brass and Iron Boston, Massachusetts Hunter, James, Machine Company Iron Founders and Machinists North Adams, Massachusetts 51 Hussey, Wells & Company Manufacturers of Cast Steel Boston, Massachusetts Hussman Crucible Company Manufacturers of Plumbago Crucibles St. Louis, Missouri Indiana Foundry Company, Limited Indiana, Pennsylvania Industrial Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2 1 Insull, Thomas Manufacturers of Springs, Axles and General Castings Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Iron City Foundry also known as Morris & Marshall Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Island Works Seneca Falls, New York Jackson, George R., & Company also known as Iron Works & Foundry New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 2 1 Jackson, James L., Brother & Company Foundry for Fine Castings New York, New York 2 Jager Manufacturing Company Successors to Jensen & Jager Company Racine, Wisconsin Jersey City Iron Works Jersey City, New Jersey Johnson, Cammel & Company Boston, Massachusetts Johnston, J.R. Founder and Machinist Dayton, Ohio 3 Keith, Daniel Utica, New York Kendall & Roberts also known as Charles River Iron Works Cambridgeport, Massachusetts Kenyon, William also known as Jefferson Machine Works Steubenville, Ohio Kidd, William, & Company Rochester, New York Kile, John, Dr., Casting Pattern Maker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 4 Kingslands & Ferguson also known as Phoenix Foundry St. Louis, Missouri Kinsley Iron & Machine Company Canton, Massachusetts Knap Fort Pitt Foundry Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 2 4 Knoxville Foundry and Machine Company Successors to Rogan, Kelly & Company Knoxville, Tennessee LaBontee, Joseph, Dr. Blacksmith Fisherville, New Hampshire 5 Landon & Davis also known as Mansfield Foundry and Machine Works Rutland, Vermont Lane & Bodley Company Engineers and Iron Founders Cincinnati, Ohio Lane Manufacturing Company Montpelier, Vermont Langdon Rolling Mill Company Albany, New York 6 Lawrence Machine Shop Lawrence, Massachusetts Leeds & Company Leeds Foundry New Orleans, Louisiana Leeds, Robinson & Company Iron & Steel Commission Merchants Boston, Massachusetts Leonard Manufacturing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7 Leslie Company Founders and Manufacturers Lyndhurst, New Jersey Le Van, W. Barnet Engineer, Iron Founder and Machinist Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lewis, D., & Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Link & Mahony Iron Founders Troy, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 2 Folder 8 Lowell Machine Shop Lowell, Massachusetts Lyon & Dolan, Dr. Troy Iron Railing Works Troy, New York Mallary, Morrison & Company Albany, New York Manning, H.S., & Company Machinists and Railroad Supplies New York, New York 9 Manning, T. Manufacturer of Composition and Brass Cuttings Dover, New Hampshire March, William H. Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Market Street Architectural Foundry & Iron Works also known as Snead & Company Louisville, Kentucky Marrett & Baker Manufacturers in Ornamental Iron Works Saint Paul, Minnesota 10 Matlack, J.R. also known as U.S. Foundry Facings and Goal Mills Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Maurer, G. Manufacturer of Iron Bedsteads, Wash Stands, &c. New York, New York Mayger & Shaffer Engineers, Machinists and Pattern Founders Baltimore, Maryland' 11 McIlvain Brothers formerly Thomas Matlack Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 2 Folder 11 McKinney, James, & Son also known as Albany Architectural Iron Works & Foundry Albany, New York McNeals & Archer General Foundry Work Burlington, New Jersey 12 Meins, Walter R. Iron Foundry Boston, Massachusetts Meneely, George R., & Son Manufacturers of Self-Fitting Journal Bearings West Troy, New York 13 Merrill Brothers Machinists and Machine Builders Brooklyn, New York Morris, Tasker & Company also known as Pascal Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mors, Eddy & Shepard Manufacturers of Waterford Mills Flour Waterford, New York Moseley, Hodgman & Company Bar, Pig and Railroad Iron Boston, Massachusetts Mott, J.L., Iron Works New York, New York Muldoon & Hutton Millwrights, Machinists and Iron Founders Location unknown 14 Nashua Iron Company Dealer in Shafts & Forgings Nashua, New Hampshire National Foundry and Pipe Works also known as William Smith Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS A N D DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 2 14 National Iron Armor & Ship Building Company Kaighn’s Point, New Jersey National Steel Works also known as Samuel Mulliken & Company New York, New York 15 Naylor & Company Manufacturer of Steel and Files Boston, Massachusetts Newell, William Manufacturer of Brass and Bronze Castings Central Falls, Rhode Island New England Butt Company Providence, Rhode Island New York Sand and Facing Company New York, New York 16 North Point Foundry and Machine Works Jersey City, New Jersey Novelty Iron Works New York, New York Noxon Brothers Manufacturing Company, Limited Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada Nutter, Richard Commission Merchant Boston, Massachusetts 17 Oat, Joseph, & Sons, Dr. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Office Warren Foundry and Machine Company Phillipsburg, New Jersey Ohio Machine Company Engine Builders, Founders, Sheet Iron and Brass Workers Middleport, Ohio For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 2 18 Olds, C.L., & Company also known as Fort Wayne Steam Iron Works Fort Wayne, Indiana Olive Machine Shops, Foundry, Boiler Yards Ironton, Ohio Olmsted Brothers also known as Hamilton Ornamental Foundry Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Oram, H.C., & Company also known as Philadelphia Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19 Oregon Iron foundry Dealers in Railings, Baluster and Verandas New York, New York Orr, Hess & Morgan Iron Founders, Steam Engine Builders and Boiler Makers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Osborn, J.F., & Brother Founders and Machinists Clarksburg, West Virginia Otterson, J.D. Manufacturer of Small Iron Castings Nashua, New Hampshire 20 Pacific Iron Works Manufacturer of Plain & Ornamental Iron Railing St. Louis, Missouri Page, J., & Son Manufacturers of Steam Engine, Machinery, Railroad and Building Castins, Etc. Albany, New York Pascal Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 21 Patchin & Delaney Manufacturers of Car, Crank, Truck and Driving Axles Buffalo, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 2 Folder 21 Patterson's Iron Works Manufacturer of Portable, Stationary, Locomotive & Marine Engines Alton, Illinois Patton Iron Works also known as Ricker, Gould & Company Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers Patton, Pennsylvania 22 Paxson, J.W., & Company Dealer in Foundry Supplies Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 23 Pearl Street Iron Foundry also known as Johnson & Holt Camden, New Jersey Pembroke Forge Company formerly Alger's Forge Boston, Massachusetts Pembroke Iron Works Dealer in Boiler and Tank Rivets Boston, Massachusetts Peoples’ Works also known as Hunsworth & Naylor Iron Founders, Engineers, Machinists and Boiler Makers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia Ornamental Iron Works also known as Robert Wood & Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 24 Phoenix Foundry and Manufacturing Company Lansdale, Pennsylvania Pierpoint, William A., & Company Brass Founders and Machinists Boston, Massachusetts Plimpton, C.G. & H.M. Iron Founders, Blacksmiths and Machinists Walpole, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 2 Folder 24 Poole & Hunts Founders and Machinists Baltimore, Maryland Poole, Robert, & Son Company Founders and Machinists Baltimore, Maryland 25 Pratt & Letchworth Also known as Buffalo Malleable Iron Works Buffalo, New York Prescott, B.M. Manufacturer of Gar, Locomotive and Wagon Axles Franklin, New Hampshire Providence Forge & Nut Company Providence, Rhode Island Providence Iron Company Providence, Rhode Island 26 Providence Iron and Steel Works Company Marchienne-Au-Pont, Belgium Providence Steam and Gas Pipe Company Providence, Rhode Island Pulsometer Iron Works Founders and Machinists Jersey City, New Jersey Purmort, John Iron Founder and Machinist Lebanon, state unknown 27 Queen City Iron Foundry also known as Boyd & McDonald Queen City, Texas Quinnipiac Malleable Iron Company New Haven, Connecticut Quinsigamond Iron and Wire Works Worcester, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 2 28 Ramapo Wheel and Foundry Company Ramapo, New York Ransom, E.D., & Company also known as Foundry Facings & Founders Supplies Albany, New York Reading Industrial Works Reading, Pennsylvania Reading Iron Works also known as Seyfert, McManus & Company Reading, Pennsylvania Reed & Birbeck also known as Fulton Foundry Jersey City, New Jersey 29 Reliance Works also known as Edward P. Allis & Company Foundrymen, Machinists and Mill Furnishers Milwaukee, Wisconsin Remington, James C., Dr. location unknown Rhodes & Company Manufacturers of Besser Foundry and Mill Pig Iron New Castle, Pennsylvania Richardson, Barnum, Company Manufacturers of Salisbury Charcoal Pig Iron and Car Wheels Lime Rock, Connecticut Ricker, Gould & Company Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers Patton, Pennsylvania Riehle Brothers Testing Machine Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 30 Ripley, Roberts & Company Importers and Dealers in Iron and Steel Hartford, Connecticut For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. Box Folder 2 30 1827-1924 Robbins, B.W. Blacksmith East Bloomfield, Illinois Robbins and Lawrence Company Windsor, Vermont Rollstone Iron Foundry Manufacturers of Iron Castings Fitchburg, Massachusetts 31 Round Pembroke Iron Boston, Massachusetts Royer Brothers Iron Founders and Pattern Makers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ruhland, H., & Company also known as Girard Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rutland Foundry & Machine Shop Rutland, Vermont 32 St. Albans Iron & Steel Works St. Albans, Vermont St. Louis Malleable Casting Company St. Louis, Missouri Salem Foundry and Machine Shops Manufacturer of Furnace Grate Bars Salem. Massachusetts Sands, William L., Dr. Manufacturer of Iron Railing, Fire-Proof Doors and Shutters, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Saurman & Tobin, Dr. Foundry and Machine Shop Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Schaeffer, Merkel & Company Fleetwood, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 2 Folder 33 Schall, William, & Sons Manufacturers of Merchant, Bar, Boiler and Flue Iron Norristown, Pennsylvania Sedgwick, C.H., & Sons also known as Central Foundry and Machine Works Poughkeepsie, New York 34 Sellers, William, & Company Founders and Machinists Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Sessions Foundry Company, Incorporated Bristol, Connecticut Seymour & Watson also known as Union Foundry Troy, New York 35 Shaaber &Johnston Franklin Iron Works Manufacturers of Machinery, Mill Gearing and Castings Reading, Pennsylvania Sheldon & Company Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, &c. Auburn, New York Shoener, Charles F. also known as Coleraine Iron Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Shriver, T., & Company Iron Foundry and Machine Shop New York, New York Slater & Reud, Dr. Engineers, Machinists and Boiler Makers New York, New York 36 Smett, Quimby & Perry also known as Empire Foundry Troy, New York Smith, Earl, & Company Manufacturers of Steel and Cast Steel Files Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 2 Folder 36 37 Smith, J.D., Foundry Supply Company Cincinnati, Ohio Smith, s. Decatur Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Smith, Snell & Company Fiskdale, state unknown Somersworth Machine Company Iron Founders and Machinists Dover, New Hampshire 38 Southwark Foundry and Machine Company Engineers and Machinists Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Spink, Monroe Dealer in Foundry Supplies Albany, New York Springer & Gering, Dr. also known as Hope Iron Works Engineers, Founders & Boiler Makers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 39-43 Springfield Malleable Iron Company Springfield, Ohio 44 Spuyten Duyvil Foundry also known as Cox, Richardson & Boynton New York, New York 45 Stewart Iron Works Company Agents Price List, 1917, 1918 Cincinnati, Ohio 46 Stock & Kent Manufacturers of Metal & Wood Patterns Newark, New Jersey Stuart, Peterson & Company also known as Spring Garden Iron Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box 3 Folder 1 Talcott, N.W. Manufacturers of Locomotive Shafts, Gar Axles, &c. Springfield, Massachusetts Tappey & Steel Successors to Tappey, Lumsden & Company Iron Founders and Machinists Petersburg, Virginia Taylor, Robert J., & Son Manufacturers of Black Lead Crucibles Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Taylor, Stiles & Company Manufacturers of Planing and Moulding Machine Knives Riegelsville, New Jersey 2 Taylor, Strow & Company also known as Philadelphia Crucible Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thomas, James E., & Company Founders and Machinists Newark, Ohio Tiers & Bradshaw Point Pleasant Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tonk's, W., & Sons General Brass Founders Birmingham, England Townsend's Furnace, &c. Albany, New York 3 Traud, Alexander, Dr. also known as East Ferry Street Iron Works Newark, New Jersey Troy Iron and Nail Factory Troy, New York Turl's Iron Works New York, New York For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 3 4-23 Tuttle & Whittemore Company Dealers in Malleable Iron Castings Naugatuck, Connecticut 24 Underhill, J.L. New York, New York Union Boiler Works also known as F.J. Obert Reading, Pennsylvania Union Foundry and Machine Shops Manufacturer of Chilled Rolls and Buchanan's Crusher Rockaway, New Jersey 25 Union Hydraulic Works also known as I.S. Cassin & Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Union Iron Foundry also known as James F. Stileman Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Union Nut Company Unionville, Connecticut 26 Van Brocklin & Aland Iron and Brass Founders Rome, New York Van Tuyl & Company Foundry Furnishing Depot New York, New York Waayner, R.H. Engineer Vienna, Austria Walburn-Swenson Manufacturing Company Successors to Fort Scott Foundry and Machine Works Company Fort Scott, Kansas 27 Walworth & Mason Boston, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 3 27 Warner, G.F., & Company New Haven Malleable Iron Works New Haven, Connecticut Washington Iron Works Newburgh, New York Waterbury Brass Company New York, New York 28 Watson-Stillman Company Dealers in Hydraulic Machinery, Tools and Supplies New York, New York Webster, William H., Dr. Manufacturers of Furniture and Mouldings Limestone, Maine Wehrum & Company Foundry Equipment and Supplies Buffalo, New York Wells, L.H. Brass Founder Worcester, Massachusetts 29 West Boston Iron Company Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers and Iron Castings Boston, Massachusetts West Point Foundry Cold Spring, New York Wharton, Joseph S. Lovering Manufacturer of Iron Fronts, Railroad Castings, &c. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 30 Wheeler, William A. Manufacturer of Iron, Brass and Composition Castings Worcester, Massachusetts Whitin, John c., Dr. Holyoke, Massachusetts Whiting Foundry Equipment Company Engineers and Designers Harvey, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 3 30 Whitney, A., and Sons also known as Gar Wheel Works Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 31 Wilcox, Shinkle & Miller Successors to Hay, Shinkle & Miller Iron Founders and Machinists Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Williams, Bird & Company Manufacturers of Castings Nashua, New Hampshire Williams, E.A., & Son Brass and Bell Foundry Jersey City, New Jersey Williams, Roger, Foundry & Machine Company Providence, Rhode Island Williamsburgh Iron Foundry also known as James Ritchie, Dr. Brooklyn, New York 32-35 Wilmington Malleable Iron Company Wilmington, Delaware 36 Winne & Abeel Hollow-Ware Manufacturers Albany, New York Wood, Bishop & Company Iron Founders Bangor, Maine Wood, J., & Brothers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 37 Wood, McFarland & Company Manufacturers of Malleable Iron Castings Worcester, Massachusetts Woodruff, Walter W., & Sons Mount Carmel, Connecticut Worcester Ferrule Company Worcester, Massachusetts For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270 FOUNDRIES, ca. 1827-1926 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, ca. 1827-1924 Box Folder 3 37 Worcester Machine Screw Company Manufacturers of Standard Machine Screws Worcester, Massachusetts 38 Worrall & Company Foundry Machine Shop & Saw Manufactory New York, New York Wright, S . C . , & Company Manufacturers of Machinists' Tools Fitchburg, Massachusetts Yocum, James, & Son City Iron and Brass Foundry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania GENERAL WORKS 39-40 Associations 41 General Images 42 Patent 43 Court Documents 44 Miscellaneous RELATED PUBLICATIONS, 1872-1926 45 Chilled Rolls and Rolling Machinery, 1872 written for Farrel Foundry & Machine Company Ansonia, Connecticut 46 Plant Visitation for Detroit and Michigan, 1926 written for International Foundry Congress Detroit, Michigan What Should We See In Our Jobs?, undated by L.A. Hartley Chicago, Illinois For more information contact the Archives Center at or 202-633-3270