Curriculum Vitae of Rafael Rubio



Curriculum Vitae RAFAEL RUBI0

Place of birth: Queretaro, Qro. Mexico. 1928

Academic training

Mexico Science 1963

Syntex S.A. Mexico

Inst. Nac. Cardiol. Mex.

Western Reserve Univ.

Univ. de Virginia

Univ. de Virginia

Univ. de Virginia

Univ. de Virginia

Univ. de Virginia

Univ. de Virginia

Univ. Aut. San Luis Pot.

Occupied Positions :

Research Division Research Asóciate

Physiology Dept. Technical Reearch

Physiology Dept.

Physiology Dept.

Physiology Dept.

Physiology Dept.

Research Associate

Postdoctoral Fellow

Asistant Professor

Associate Professor

Physiology Dept.

Physiology Dept.


Emeritus Professor

Cardiovasc.Center Visiting Res.Scholar

Depto. Fisiologia Profesor VI


Fogarty International Fellow 1983. Who is Who in America (Since1983)

Who’s Who in Science (Since 1975)










1996- presente

Investigador Nacional: Sistema Nacional de Investigadores NIVEL III. (Since 1996 hasta 2013)

Awards :

Univ. of Va. “Inventor of the year; 1993”, $ 20,000 Dlls

Johnson & Johnson “Setting New Directions in Science and Technology” 1991. $ 450,000 Dlls

“OHTLI 1996” (Sec. Rel.Ext. Mex) “For Distinguíshed Services to the Mexican Community Abroad” Medal

Member of Editorial Boards:

Amer J. Physiol (1972-1986), Circ. Res (1975-1990), y Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol.

Member of Study and Evaluation committees:

National Institute of Aging Nat. Inst. Health 1979-1982. Amer. Heart Assoc., Va. Chapter (1976-1980)

National Science Foundation 1991- 2000. National Research council. 1991 – 1998.

Oak ridge Associated Universities 1994- 1999. Amer. Heart Assoc. Scientific Council., CONACYT; Comite de Ciencias Naturales 1999-2003, CONACYT; Comite de Campos Emergentes 1999-2003, CONACYT;

Comite evaluacion del Sistema Nac. De Investigadores 2006-2009

Scientific Societies :

American Physiological Society, Circulation Group de la Amer. Physiol Soc., American Heart Association;

Scient. Council, Sociedad Mex. de Ciencias Fisiologicas, Sociedad Mexicana de Cardiologia,

Sociedad Mexicana de Bioquimica, North American Vascular Biology Organization.

Internationa Soc. for Heart Researh. American Society of Matrix Biology




Inventors: Robert M. Berne, Luis Belardinalli and Rafael Rubio


CONDUCTION DISTURBANCES”. Inventors: Robert M. Berne, Luis Belardinelli and Rafael Rubio

No. 5,424, 297. “ADENOSINE DEXTRAN CONJUGATES”. Inventors: Rafael Rubio, Eduardo Balcells and

Jorge Suarez

Invention disclosure RR02 Univ. of Virginia. “NITRIC OXIDE AND NITRIC OXIDE-PRODUCING AGENTS


Rubio, Guillermo Ceballos and Eduardo Balcells.


Patent proposal (In process of submission 2010). “ I.

To selectively and exclusively block luminal membrane endothelial AT


receptors with Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) confined to the vascular lumen. II. To selectively and exclusively inhibit luminal membrane endothelial Angiotensin

Convertin Enzyme (ACE) with ACE inhibitors confined to the vascular lumen. III . An innovative approach for the cure and prevention of Ang II-dependent cardiovascular diseases. Inventors: Dr.

Rafael Rubio, MC. Jose David Torres Tirado, QFB. Erika Chi Ahumada, Dr. Juan Manuel Ramiro

Díaz, QFB. Rebeca Ramos Flores

Mentors and Trainees

Mentors; 3 Postdoctoral fellows; 24 Grad Stud; Doctors; 20 Grad Stud; Masters; 8


1. Walter B. Cannon, 2. Arturo Rosenblueth

3. Robert M. Berne.

TRAINEES (Name, Dates, Country, Role)

1. Schrader Jurgen (1971-1973, Germany,


2. Wiedmeier Thomas (1971-1973, USA, Posdoc)

3. Mustafa Jamal (1971-1975, India, Posdoc)

4. Bockman Emma (1972-1975, USA, Posdoc)

5. Degenring Fritz (1974-1976, Germany, Posdoc)

6. Thomas Rosemary (1969-1974,USA,Grad.


7. Mentzer Robert (1975-1976, USA, Surg.


8. Winn Richard (1973-1979, USA, Surg.


9. Belardinelli Luis (1977-1979, Brasil, Posdoc)

10. Miller Wayne (1973-1977, USA, Posdoc)

11. Watkinson Penn (1973-1978, USA, Grad.


12. Thompson Carl (1976-1980, USA, Grad.


13. Foley Duane (1977-1978)

14. Bacchus Alvan (1979-1982, Antilles, Posdoc)

15. Fenton Richard (1978-1982, USA, Posdoc)

16. Tsukada Tokumasu (1980-1982, Japan,


17. Ely Stephen (1982-1984, USA, Posdoc)

18. Belloni Frank (1979-1982, USA, Posdoc)

19. Knabb Robert (1978-1982, USA Grad


20. Knabb Maureen (1978-1983, USA, Grad.


21. Kumwatana Permsak (1978-1983,

Thailand,Grad. Student)

22. Malloy Laura (1980-1985, USA, Posdoc),

23. Bencherif Merouane (1980-1987, Algiers,

Grad. Student)

24. Gidday Jeffrey (1982-1987,USA, Grad.


25. Shryock John (1985-1988, USA, Posdoc)

26. Meghji Parviz (1987-1989, England, Posdoc)

27. Magdalena Torres (1991-1993, Spain,


28. Balcells Eduardo (1991-1993, USA, Med.


MEXICO ( Antes de 1996)

29 . Gustavo Zubieta (1961, Mexico, Posdoc)

30. Gustavo Pastelin (1962, Mexico St)

31. Suarez Jorge (1989-1992, Mexico, Posdoc)

32. Ceballos Guillermo (1991-1994, Mexico,


MEXICO (1996 until present )

33. Zenteno Tania (1997-1999, Mexico, Posdoc)

34. Katz Michael (1997, USA, Med. Student)

35. Gonzalez Carmen (1997-2000, Mexico, Grad.


36. Lio Francisco (1998, USA, Undergrad.


37. Sada Isabel (1999-2001, Mexico, Grad.


38. Alvergue Juan (1999, USA, Undergrad.


39. Rubio-Gayosso Ivan (1999-2003, Mexico,

Grad. Student)

40. Castillo Gonzalez Jesus (2000-2005, Mexico,

Grad. Student)

41. Ramiro Juan (2004-2005, Mexico, Grad.


42. Barajas Espinosa Alma (2003-2006, Mexico,

Grad. Student)

43. Sandate Nancy (2006, Mexico Undergrad.


44. Arroyo Blanca (2005-2008, Mexico, PostDoc)

45. David Torres (2007-, Mexico, Grad St)

46. Sandra Perez (2007-, Mexico, Grad St)

47. Maureen Knabb (2009-2010, USA Visiting



1. American Heart Association, Grant # HL-74962 .

Princ. Investigator; Rafael Rubio

1, –

2. National Institutes of Health, Grant # HL-10384

R. M. Berne and Rafael Rubio; Co-investigators.

1, –

Sept 1, 1978 - Aug 31, 1983

Sept 1, 1983 - Aug 31, 1988

2. National Institutes of Health, Grant # 19242

Vascular Smooth Muscle Program Project.

Sub-project 3; Princ. Investigator Rafael Rubio

1, –

$ 706,000

$ 900,000

1, –

3. National Institutes of Health ,

Fogarty Grant # FOGTW00821, Award to Rafael Rubio

9, – 32,615

4. National Institutes of Health, Grant # HL-19242

Vascular Smooth Muscle Program Project.

Sub-project 3; Princ. Investigator Rafael Rubio

1, –

5. Johnson & Johnson; Focusing Giving Program Award

“Setting New Direction in Science & Technology”

Award to Rafael Rubio

Jan 1, 1989 – Dec 31, 1991

6. National Science Foundation Grant # IBN-9120353

Princ. Investigator Rafael Rubio

1, –

7. National Institutes of Health, Grant # HL-47367

Princ. Investigator Rafael Rubio

1, –

$ 450,000

USA $1,332,127

TOTAL COST; USA Dlls $5,138,203





Donation to Rafael Rubio

Equipment, materials, reagent donation.Sept 1996

2. CONACYT. Repatriacion de R. Rubio y equipo. Sept 1996

3. FUNSALUD . Repatriacion de R. Rubio. Sept 1995

4. CONACYT 0433P . Invest. Princ Rafael Rubio

Sept 1995 – Agos 1998

UASLP . Fondos Concurrentes .

5. CONACYT 25963-N. Invest Princ. Rafael Rubio.

Sept 1998 – Agos 2001

UASLP . Fondos Concurrentes .

6. CONACYT G34998-N.

Invest Princ. Rafael Rubio

Abr –

UASLP . Fondos Concurrentes .

SHIGO 20000202018 . Invest Princ.. Rafael Rubio

Agos –

CONACYT Ref. SEP-2003-CO2-42567 . Invest Princ.

Agos 2004 – Sept 2008

UASLP . Fondos Concurrentes

CONACYT. Salud-2004-C01-156.

Oct 2005 - Nov 2008.

CONACYT Ref. SEP-CB-2008-101850 . Invest Princ.

Abril Mayo

UASLP . Fondos Concurrentes

$ 3,500,000

$ 500,000

$ 100,000

$ 600,000

$ 765,286


$ 1,328,512

$ 2,000, 000


1. Symposium during 2010 Annual congress of Soc. Mex. Cienc. Fisiol. Villahermosa Tabasco

“Diverse Intrinsic Regulatory Mechanisms of Cardiac Contraction: One of Starling’s Legacies”

Organizer, Chair and Speaker.

2. Symposium during the 2010 annual Fed. Amer. Soc. Exper. Biol. meeting. Anaheim. Cal USA

“One Hundred Years of Starling: His Contributions to Physiology” Organizer and Chair

3. Symposium during the 2009 annual meeting of Asoc. Mex. Preven. Arteriosc y sus Complic.

(AMPAC). “Isquemia y reperfusion coronaria: del Laboratorio básico a la unidad coronaria”.


4. Symposium during the 2nd congreso Innovacion en Cardiologia y medicina. Inst. Cardiol y Med.

Vasc. “Metabolismo” Speaker

5. 1er Congreso Nacional “Union de la Ciencia Basica y la Clinica” ANCISSSTE/AMPAC. 2007.



6. 1er Congreso Nacional “Union de la Ciencia Basica y la Clinica” ANCISSSTE/AMPAC. 2007.


7. Symposium during 2007 Annual congress of Soc. Mex. Cienc. Fisiol. Puebla, Puebla.

“Functionality of the luminal membrane of vacular endothelium”. Organizer, Chair and Speaker.

8. Symposium during 2007 Annual congress of Soc. Mex. Cienc. Fisiol. Puebla, Puebla.

“Science, Education and Advocacy”. Speaker

9. Course “Glycobiology: an introduction to the biological functions of glycoproteins and glycolipids”

Organizer and participant. UASLP 2006

10. Symposium during the 2004 annual congress of the Internat. Soc. Heart Research. “Coronary

Circulation and Ischemia”. Organizer, Chair and Speaker.

11. Congreso Soc. Pot. De Cardiologia 1999. Lecture “Activation selectiva y exclusiva de receptores intravasculares del endotelio coronario para adenosina y acetilcolina”

12. 1997 Annual Congress of Australian and New Zeland Cardiological Soc. Australia. Lecture

“Role of coronary endotelial luminal adenosine receptors”

13. 1997 Annual Congress of Australian and New Zeland Cardiological Soc. Australia. Lecture

“The importance of coronary flow as regulator of cardiac function: Molecular mechanisms.

14. Lecture “El flujo coronario: una senal regulada por y reguladora de la función cardiaca” Univ.

Zacatecas, Zac. 1997.

15. Symposium during 1994 annual congress Soc. Mex. Cardiologia. “Funtionality of endothelium in health and diseased states: A comprehensive review”. Organizer and lecturer.

16. 1990 Annual congress Sociedad mexicana de Cardiologia. Morelia Mich. Lecture “Functional

Interactions Between endotelial-Parechymal cells”

17. 1992. Lecture “Functional significance of coronary flow as a regulatory signal: Possible molecular mechanisms” Dept. Physiology, Jefferson Univ. Philadelphia Penn.

18. 1987 Annual Congress Soc. Mex. Cienc. Fisiol. Symposium “Musculos esqueletico y cardiaco”

Lecture. “Significado de la produccion de adenosina en corazon”.

19. 27 th

Annual Richard Symposium Pennsylvania 1986. Lecture “Adenosine: site of release in the nervous system and control of phosphatidylinositol turnover”

20. 3 rd

International symposium on adenosine 1986. Lecture “A critique on the use of adenosine deaminase to test the adenosine hypothesis: Disregarded implicit assumptions”.

21. 2 nd

International symposium on adenosine 1982. Organizer and Lecturer “Mechanisms of action of adenosine on vacular smooth muscleand cardiac muscle”.

22. 1 st

International symposium on adenosine 1979. Lecture “Cardiac adenosine:

Electrophysiological effects, possilbe significance in cell function and mechanisms controlling its release”.

23. 7 th

Internat. Symp. on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 1975. Sclotand UK. Lecture

“Relationship of Adenosine Concentation, Lactate Levels and Oxygen Supply in Rat Brain”

24. Lecture “Role of Adenosine in regulation of coronary and cerebral blood flow; molecular mechanisms of adenosine production”. Dept Physiology, Duke Univ.

25. Ciba Foundation Symposium 56, 1973. Lecture “Production, metabolism and possible functions of adenosine in brain tissue in situ.



On the average two abstracts per year are submitted.

List of Publications (total 190 publications. C itations on Citation Index > 10,000)

1. Rosenblueth, A. and R. Rubio. La influencia de la frequencia de estimulacion sobre los tiempos de propagacion auriculo-ventricular. Arch. Inst. Nac. Cardiol. Mex. 25:535-570, 1955.

2. Rubio, R. and A. Rosenblueth. La organizacion funcional de los tejidos ventriculares.Arch. Inst.

Nac. Cardiol.Mex. 26: 644-663, 1956.

3. Rosenblueth, A., J. Alanis, and R. Rubio. A comparative study or the isotonic and isometric contractions of the striated muscles. Archiv. Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 66: 330-353, 1958.

4. Rosenblueth, A., J. Alanis, and R. Rubio. The influence of initial load and length on the amplitud of muscular contractions. Arch. Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 66: 354-372, 1953.

5. Rubio, R.; and A. Tohen. Las curvas de intensidad duracion en la clinica. Acta Neurol.

Latinoamer. 5: 195-112, 1959.

6. Rubio, R.,and L. Sierra. Fisiologia de las transposiciones musculares. Ann. Rehabilit. 5: 195-

207, 1959.

7. Rubio, R. Las contraciones isotonicas de los musculos estriados. Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 9:

298-305, 1959.

8. Rubio, R. La distribucion de la tension en el musculo durante el reposo y la contraccion . Acta

Physiol. Latinoamer. 9: 306-312, 1959.

9. Rosenblueth, A., J. Alanis, and R. Rubio. Some properties of the mammalian ventricular muscle.

Arch. Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 67: 276-293, 1959.

10. Rosenblueth, A., J. alanis, E. Lopez, and R. Rubio. The adaptation of the ventricular muscle to different circulatory conditions. Arch. Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 67: 358-373, 1959.

11. Rosenblueth, A., J. Alanis, R. Rubio, and E. Lopez. The two staircase phenomena. Arcn.

Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 67: 374-383, 1959.

12. Rudomin, P. and R. Rubio. Actividad subliminal de los quimioreflejos originados por el cianuro de potasio. Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 9: 194-200, 1959.

13. Rosenblueth, A and R. Rubio. The time-course of the isometric and the isotonic twitches of striated muscles. Arch. Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 67: 718-731, 1959.

14. Rosenblueth, A., and R. Rubio. The velocity of shortening of striated muscles. Arch. Internat.

Physiol. Biochem. 67: 705-717, 1959.

15. Rosenblueth, A., and R. Rubio. Tetanic summation and isometric responses. Arch. Internat.

Physiol. Biochem. 68: 165-180, 1960.

16. Rosenblueth, A., and R. Rubio. The relations between isometric and isotonic contractions.

Arch. Internat. Physiol. Biochem. 68: 181 -189, 1960.

17. Rosenblueth, A., J. Alanis, R. Rubio and G. Pilar. Relations between coronary flow and the work of the heart. Am. J. Physiol. 200: 243-246, 1961.

18. Rubio, R, and G. Zubieta. The variations of the electric resistance of the microelectrode during the flow of current. Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 11: 91 -94, 1961

19. Rubio, R. and G. Pastelin. Las repuestas repetitivas de la fibra muscular estriada. I. Los dos comportamientos de la fibra muscular estriada. Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 13: 139-149, 1963.

20. Rubio, R. Las repuestas repetitivas de la fibra muscular estriada. Il. El efecto de la estimulacion repetida con microelectrodos de KCL and NaCI sobre la amplitud de las respuestas.

Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 14: 99-107,1964.

21. Rubio, R. La autoregulacion de los potenciales propagados. Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 13: 260-

265, 1963.

22. Rubio, R. Los cambios de resistencia de membrana provocados por la posicion del microelectrodo. Acta Physiol. Latinoamer. 13: 266-268, 1963.

23. Alanis, J., R. Rubio, and D. Masher. Metodo que resuelve algunos problemas en el estudio de la Circulacion Coronaria. Arch. Inst. Nac. Cardiol. Mex. 33: 157-164, 1963.

24. Herzberg, R., R. Rubio, and R. Berne. Coronary occlusion and embolization: effect on blood flow in adjacent arteries. Amer. J. Physiol. 210: 169-175, 1966.

25. Rubio, R., R. M. Berne, and M. Katori. Release of adenosine in reactive hyperemia of the dog heart. Am. J. Physiol. 216: 55-62, 1969.

26. Rubio, R., and R. M. Berne. The release of adenosine by the normal myocardium and its relationship to the regulation of coronary resistance. Circulation Res. 25: 407-415, 1969.

27. Berne, R. M. and R. Rubio. Acute coronary occlusion: early changes that induces coronary dilation and the development of collateral circulation. Amer. J. Cardiol. 24: 776-781, 1969.

28. Berne, R. M., and R. Rubio. Factors influencing coronary resistance in the ischemic heart.

Circulation. 39; (IV); 240-250, 1969.

29. Sperelakis, N., R. Rubio, and J. Redick. Sharp discontinuity in sarcomere length across intercalated discs of fibrillating cat hearts. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 30: 503-532, 1970.

30. Berne, R M., R. Rubio, B.R. Duling, and V.T. Wiedmeier. Effects of acute and chronic hypoxia on coronary blood flow. Adv. Cardiol. 5: 56-66, 1970.

31. Rubio, R., and N. Sperelakis. Entrance of colloidal ThO2 tracer into the T tubules and longitudinal tubules of guinea pig hearts. Z. Zellforsch. 116: 20-36, 1971.

32. Berne, R.M., R. Rubio, J.G. Dobson, and R.R. Curnish. Adenosine and adenine nucleotides a.s possible mediators of cardiac and skeletal muscle blood flow regulation . Circulation Res. 28:

115-119, 1971.

33. Sperelakis, N. and R. Rubio. An orderly lattice of axial tubules which interconnect adjacent transverse tubules in guinea-pig ventricular myocardium. J. Mol. & Cell. Cardiol. 2: 212-220, 1971.

34. Sperelakis, N., and R. Rubio. Ultrastructural changes produced by hypertonicity in cat cardiac muscle. J. Mol. & Cell. Cardiol. 3: 139-156, 1971.

35. Dobson, J.G., Jr., R Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Role of adenine-nucleotides, adenosine and inorganic phosphate in regulation of skeletal muscle blood-flow. Circulation Res. 29: 375-384,


36. Rubio, R., and N. Sperelakis. Penetration of horseradish peroxidase into the terminal cisternae of frog skeletal muscle fibers and blockade of caffeine contracture by Ca+~ depletion. Z.

Zellforsch. 124: 57-71, 1972.

37. Rubio, R., V.T. Wiedmeier, and R.M. Berne. Nucleoside phosphorylase: Localization and role in the myocardial distribution of purines. Am. J. Physiol. 222: 550-555, 1972.

38. Wiedmeier, V.T., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Incorporation and turnover of U-14C-Adenosine in perfused guinea pig myocardium. Am. J. Physiol. 2: 51-54, 1972.

39. Schrader, J., R.M. Berne, and R. Rubio. Uptake and metabolism of adenosine by human erythrocyte ghost cells. Amer. J. Physiol. 223: 159-166, 1972.

40. Forbes, M.S., R. Rubio, and N. Sperelakis. Tubular systems of limulus myocardial cells investigated by use of electron-opaque tracers and hypertonicity. J. Ultrastructure Res. 39: 580-

597, 1972.

41. Mustafa, S.J., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Effect of detergents and homogenization on adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase of human erythrocyte ghosts. Proc. Soc. Expt'l. Biol.

Med. 141: 161-163, 1972.

42. Curnish, R.R., R.M. Berne, and R. Rubio. Effect of aminophylline on myocardial reactive hyperemia. Proc. Soc. Expt'l Biol. Med. 141: 593-598, 1972.

43. Wiedmeier, V.T., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Inosine incorporation into myocardial nucleotides.

J. Moll. and Cell. Cardiol. 4: 445-452, 1972.

44. Bockman, E.L., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Effect of lanthanum on isoproterenol induced activation of myocardial phosphorylase. Am. J. Physiol. 225: 438-443, 1973.

45. Sperelakis, N., R. Valle, C. Orozco, A. Martinez-Palomo, and R. Rubio. Electromechanical uncoupling of frog skeletal muscle by possible change in sarcoplasmic reticulum content. Am. J.

Physiol. 225: 793-800, 1973.

46. Rubio, R., R.M. Berne, and J.G. Dobson, Jr. Sites of adenosine production in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 225: 938-953, 1973.

47. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Challenges to the adenosine hypothesis for the regulation of coronary blood flow. In: Current Topics in Coronary Research. Ed. C.M. Bloor and R.A. Olsson.

Plenum Publishing Co., N.Y.1973, pp. 3-10.

48. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Adenine nucleotide metabolism in the heart. Circulation Res. Suppl.

35: 111-109-111-120, 1974.

49. Sperelakis, N., M.S. Forbes, and R. Rubio. The tubular systems of myocardial cells:

Ultrastructure and possible function. In: Myocardial Biology. Vol. 4, pp 163, edited by N.S. Dhalla.

University Park Press, 1974.

50. Berne, R.M., R. Rubio, and R.R. Curnish. Release of adenosine from ischemic brain, its effects on cerebral vascular resistance and its incorporation into cerebral adenine nucleotides. Circulation

Res. 35: 262-271, 1974.

51. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Regulation of coronary blood flow. Adv. Cardiology 12: 303-312,


52. Rubio, R. Purine nucleoside phosphorylase. In: Electron Microscopy of Enzymes: Principles and Methods. Ed. M.A. Hayat. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., N.Y. 1974.

53. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Adenine nucleotide metabolism in the heart. Circulation Res.

(Suppl. Ill) 34 and 35: 109-120, 1974.

54. Rubio, R., V.T. Wiedmeier, and R.M. Berne. Relationship between coronary flow and adenosine production and release. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 6: 561-566, 1974.

55. Mustafa, S.J., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Uptake of adenosine by dispersed chick-embryo heart cells. Am. J. Physiol. 228: 62-67, 1975.

56. Bockman, E.L., R.M. Berne and R. Rubio. Release of adenosine and lack of release of ATP from contracting skeletal muscle. Pflugers Arch. 355: 229-241, 1975.

57. Schrader, J., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Inhibition of slow action potentials of guinea pig atrial muscle by adenosine: A possible effect on Ca++ influx. J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol. 7: 427-433, 1975.

58. Thomas, R.A., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Comparison of the adenine nucleotide metabolism of dog atrial and ventricular myocardium. J. Molec. Cell Cardiol. 7: 115-123, 1975.

59. Mustafa, S.J., R.M. Berne and R. Rubio. Adenosine metabolism in cultured chick-embryo heart cells. Am. J. Physiol. 228: 1474-1478, 1975.

60. Degenring, F., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Adenine nucleotide metabolism during cardiac hypertrophy and ischemia in rats. J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol. 7: 105-113, 1975.

61. Rubio, R., R.M Berne, E.L. Bockman, and R.R. Curnish. Relationship between adenosine concentration and oxygen supply in rat brain. Am. J. Physiol. 228: 1896-1902, 1975.

62. Rubio, R. and R.M. Berne. Relationship of adenosine concentration, lactate levels and oxygen supply in the rat brain. In Blood flow and Metabolism in the Brain. Ed. M. Harper, B. Jennett, D.

Miller and J. Rowan. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1975, pp. 3.23-3.27.

63. Rubio, R. and C. Villar-Palasi. Effects of c-AMP dependent protein kinase on cardiac actomyosin: Increase in Ca++ sensitivity and possible phosphorylation of troponin I . J. Cyclic

Nuct. Res. 1: 143-150, 1975.

64. Rubio, R. and R.M. Berne. Regulation of coronary blood-flow. Prog. Cardiovasc. Dis. 18: 105 -

117, 1975.

65. Mentzer, R.M., R. Rubio and R.M. Berne. Release of adenosine by hypoxic canine lung tissue and its possible role in pulmonary circulation. Am. J. Physiol. 229: 1625-1631, 1975.

66. Bockman, E.L., R.M. Berne, and R. Rubio. Adenosine and active hyperemia in dog skeletal muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 230: 1531 -1537, 1976.

67. Herlihy, J.T., E.L. Bockman, R.M. Berne, and R. Rubio. Adenosine relaxation of isolated vascular smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 230: 1239-1243, 1976.

68. Rubio, R. and R.M. Berne. Intrinsic factors in the control of cerebral circulation. Current

Concepts of Cerebrovascular Disease-Stroke. 11: 21 -25, 1976.

69. Degenring, F.H., R.R. Curnish, R. Rubio and R.M. Berne. Effect of dipyridamole on myocardial adenosine metabolism and coronary flow in hypoxia and reactive hyperemia in the perfused guinea pig heart J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 8: 877-888, 1976.

70. Berne, R.M., J.T. Herlihy, J. Schrader and R.Rubio. Effect of adenosine on contraction of vascular smooth muscle. In "lonic actions on vascular smooth muscle." Ed. E. Betz. Springer-

Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1976.

71. Rubio, R. and R.M. Berne. Myocardial circulation. In the Peripheral Circulation. Ed. P.C.

Johnson. John Wiley and Sons. N.Y., 1977.

72. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Circulatory effects of tissue oxygen tension sensors. In: Tissue

Hypoxia and Ischemia. Advances in Experimental Biology & Medicine. Eds. M. Reivich, R. Coburn,

S. Lahiri and B. Chance. 78: 163-174, 1977.

73. Berne, R.M., and R. Rubio. Control of the myocardial microcirculation. In: Oxygen &

Physiological Function, Ed. F.F. Jobsis, Professional Information Library, Dallas, Texas, 1977, pp.


74. Van Harn, G.L., R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Formation of adenosine nucleotide derivatives in isolated hog carotid artery strips. Am. J. Physiol. 233(2): H299-H304, 1977.

75. Berne, R.M., and R. Rubio. Common Denominators in the Regulation of Blood Flow in Heart and Brain. In: Brain and Heart Infarct. Eds. Zulch, Kaufmann, Hossmann, and Hossman. Springer-

Verlag, Berlin, 1977, p. 1929-1938.

76. Sperelakis, N., K. Shigenobu, and R. Rubio. 3H-sucrose compartments in frog skeletal muscle relative to sarcoplasmic reticulum. Am. J. Physiol. 234: C181-C190, 1978.

77. Foley, D.H., H.T. Herlihy, C.l. Thompson, R. Rubio, and R.M. Berne. Increased adenosine formation by rat myocardium with acute aortic constriction. J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol. 10: 293-300,


78. Rubio, R., R.M. Berne, and H.R. Winn. Production, metabolism and possible functions of adenosine in brain tissue in situ. In Cerebral Vascular Smooth Muscle and its Control. Ed. Purves

M.J. Ciba Foundation Symposium 56, 1973, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica/North Holland. pp 355-372.

79. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Role of adenosine, adenosine triphosphate and inorganic phosphate in resistance vessel vasodilatation. In: Mechanisms of Vasodilatation. Eds. P.M.

Vanhoutte and 1. Leusen. S. Karger, Basel, 1978, pp. 214-221.

80. Berne, R.M. and R. Rubio. Regional metabolic regulation of myocardial blood flow and possible alterations leading to abnormal vasoconstriction. In: Primary and Secondary Angina Pectoris. Eds.

A. Maseri, G.A. Klassen and M. Lesch. Grune & Stratton, 1978, pp. 211 -216.

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184. Castillo-Hernandez, J., Rubio-Gayosso, I., Sada-Ovalle, I., Garcia-Vasquez, A., Ceballos G., and R. Rubio. Intracoronary Angiotensin II causes inotropic and vascular effects via different paracrine mechanisms. Vascular Pharmacology. 41/4-5, 147-158, 2004

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186. Rubio-Gayosso I., Barajas-Espinosa A., Castillo-Hernandez J., Ramiro-Diaz J., G. Ceballos and R. Rubio. Enzymatic hydrolisis of luminal coronary glycosidic structures uncovers their role in sensing coronary flow. Frontiers in Bioscience 10:1050-1059, 2005

187. Juan P. Reyes, R. Espinosa-Tanguma, M. A. Basurto, U. Meza, P. Perez-Cornejo, J. Arreola,

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188. Guevara, G., Rubio-Gayosso, I., Miliar-Garcia, A., Castillo, C., Ramirez-Sanchez, I., Meaney,

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189. Barajas-Espinosa Alma, Juan Ramiro-Diaz, Erika Briones-Cerecero, Erika Chi-Ahumada, Ana

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190. Jesús Castillo-Hernández, David Torres-Tirado, Erika Chi-Ahumada, Alma Barajas-Espinosa,

Juan Ramiro-Díaz, Guillermo Ceballos, Rafael Rubio. Two dissimilar AT


agonists distinctively activate AT1 receptors located on the luminal membrane of coronary endothelium. Vascular

Pharmacology 51:314-322, 2009.

191. Juan Ramiro-Diaz


, Alma Barajas-Espinosa


, Erika Chi-Ahumada


, David Torres-Tirado



Jesus Castillo-Gonzalez


, Ana Barba de la Rosa


, Rafael Rubio. Luminal endothelial lectins with affinity for N-Acetylglucosamine determine flow-induced cardiac and vascular paracrine-dependent responses. Amer. J. Physiol. Submitted.


192. Blanca Arroyo-Flores, Erika Briones-Cerecero, Erika Chi-Ahumada, Ana Barba de la Rosa, Maureen

Knabb, Rafael Rubio.

Changes in protein profile composition of coronary luminal membrane induced by ischemia and ischemia/reperfusion


Maureen Knabb, Sandra Pérez-Aguilar, David Torres-Tirado, Juan Ramiro-Díaz, Rafael

Rubio. Biochemical alterations in coronary endothelial luminal membranes during ischemia and reperfusion in isolated perfused guinea pig hearts

194. David Torres-Tirado, Jesús Castillo-Hernández, Erika Chi-Ahumada, Ramiro-Diaz Juan,

Rafael Rubio. The coronary endothelium as a functional and physical barrier for endocrine

Angiotensin II.

195. González C


, Martínez-Cuevas P


, Velarde-Salcedo J


, Rosas-Hernández H


, Fudizawa R



Castillo-Hernández JR


, Ramiro-Diaz JM


, and Rubio R. Vasoinhibins block Endothelial Nitric

Oxide-dependent vasodilatation induced by Growth hormone and Placental Lactogen: A Potential

Feedback Mechanism

196. Sandra Perez-Aguilar, David Torres-Tirado, Juan Ramiro-Diaz, Maureen Knabb, Rafael Rubio


Isolation and characterization of lectins from the coronary luminal membrane

No. citations on the Citation Index > 10,000
