International Journal of Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Available online at & 211 ISSN: 2319-1112 Simultaneous Network Reconfiguration and Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction of Distribution Systems by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Divya M, Bindu R Fr.CRIT, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to solve the simultaneous network reconfiguration and capacitor placement for loss reduction in distribution systems. The work employs a meta-heuristic method called Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The ACO algorithm tries to emulate the behaviour of real ants by which they are able to identify the shortest path between a food source and their nest. The proposed approach is demonstrated using a benchmark system from the literature. Computational results obtained show that the loss reduction obtained using simultaneous application of capacitor placement and network reconfiguration is higher compared to a case when they are applied separately. It is also seen that along with loss reduction, voltage profile of the system is improved. Keywords: Distribution system, network reconfiguration, capacitor placement, Ant Colony Optimization I. INTRODUCTION A distribution system is the most visible part of a supply chain. About 30 to 40% of total investments in the electrical sector go to distribution systems. Ideally, losses in a power system should be around 3 to 6% of the total power generated. However, in most of the developing countries, the percentage of active power losses is around 20%. There is a lot of scope for improvement in the field of power distribution which can serve as an effective step towards meeting the ever increasing demand for power without increasing the installed capacity significantly. Generally, distribution systems are designed to operate with maximum efficiency during peak load demand. The efficiency of the system can be improved by reconfiguring it under part-load conditions. Hence, it is very important to develop effective methods for network reconfiguration. Under normal operating conditions, the distribution feeders can be reconfigured by switching operations for increased network reliability and reduced line losses. The new configuration should be radial and should also meet the load requirements. Feeder reconfiguration is the process by which the topology of a distribution system is changed by altering the open/closed status of the sectionalizing switches and tie switches [1, 2]. Capacitors are commonly employed to provide reactive power compensation in distribution systems. They are used to reduce power losses and to maintain voltage profiles within acceptable limits. The benefits of compensation thus achieved depend greatly on how the capacitors are placed i.e. the location of capacitors and their size [3, 4]. Many works are reported which handles capacitor placement and feeder reconfiguration separately [1- 5]. Many of the later studies indicated that, for the same objective of minimizing real power losses of the system, combining reconfiguration and optimal capacitor placement results in better solution. If this is done simultaneously it results in optimal solution [6, 7]. J. J. Grainger and S. H. Lee [8] developed a procedure for optimizing the net monetary saving associated with the reduction of loss by placing fixed and switched capacitors. The work was extended to incorporate the effect of voltage variation along the feeder. Optimal sizes, locations, and switching times were determined for a given number of fixed and switched capacitors, assuming capacitors are switched simultaneously [8, 9]. M. E. Baran and F. F. Wu [10] formulated a non-linear programming problem to determine the optimal size of capacitors placed on the nodes of a radial distribution system so that the real power losses will be minimized for a given load profile. ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE IJAEEE ,Volume1,Number 2 Divya M and Bindu R Mathematically, distribution system reconfiguration problem is a complex, combinatorial, constrained optimization problem. The complexity of the problem is due to the fact that, distribution network topology has to be radial and power flow constraints are non-linear in nature. The radiality constraint and the discrete nature of the switch status prevent the use of classical optimization techniques to solve the reconfiguration problem. Therefore, most of the algorithms in literature are based on heuristic search techniques. A. Merlin and H. Back [5] proposed a branch-andbound type heuristic method to determine the network configuration for minimum line losses. S. Civanlar et al. [1] suggested a branch-exchange type algorithm, where a simple formula has been derived to determine how a branch exchange affects the losses. In [11, 12] the authors used genetic algorithm to find the minimum loss configuration. Y. J. Jeon and J. C. Kim [13] proposed a loss minimum reconfiguration methodology using simulated annealing. In [14, 15] the authors proposed solution procedure using particle swarm methods. In this paper, a method employing ant colony optimization is used to solve the simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration problem. The method has provisions built-in to prevent the method from converging to a local optimum. In [16] the authors concluded that ant colony search algorithm is better than simulated annealing and genetic algorithm methods in terms of the average solution obtained as well as the average computational time. The paper is organized as follows: section 2 gives the problem formulation; ACO algorithm is discussed in section 3; the computational procedures are explained in section 4; an application example is demonstrated in section 5 and section 6 gives the concluding remarks. II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION This study presents the simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration of distribution systems. The objective is to minimize the system power loss, subject to operating constraints under a certain load pattern. The mathematical model of the problem can be expressed as follows: (1) Min F = min (PT , Loss + λV × S CV ) Subject to the constraint (2) Vmin ≤ Vi ≤ Vmax where, PT , Loss is the total real power loss of the system. λV is the penalty constant, S CV is the squared sum of the violated voltage constraints, Vi is voltage magnitude of bus i and Vmin ,Vmax are the minimum and maximum bus voltage limits respectively. Penalty constants are given by: 0, if voltage constraint is not violated (3) λV = 1, if voltage constraint is violated Also the operating structure of the network should be radial in nature and there should be no nodes without a power supply path present in the network. A set of simplified feeder-line flow formulations is employed to avoid complex power flow computation. In figure1, Pi and Qi are the real and reactive line powers flowing out of bus i respectively and PLi and QLi are the real and reactive load powers at the bus. The resistance and reactance of the line sections between buses i and (i + 1) are denoted by ri and xi respectively. ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE 213 Simultaneous Network Reconfiguration and Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction of Distribution Systems by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Fig 1: One line diagram of radial network [2] z i = ri + jxi (4) S Li = PLi + jQLi (5) Power flow in a radial distribution network is described by set of recursive equations called Distflow branch equations. The Distflow forward update equations can be expressed as follows [2]: P2 + Q2 (6) Pi +1 = Pi − ri i 2 i − PLi +1 Vi Qi +1 = Qi − xi Pi 2 + Qi2 + Q Li +1 Vi 2 Vi +21 = Vi 2 − 2(ri Pi + xi Qi ) + (ri2 + xi2 ) PLOSSi,i +1 = ri (7) Pi 2 + Qi2 Vi 2 Pi 2 + Qi2 Vi 2 (8) (9) n −1 PT , LOSS = ∑ PLOSSi ,i +1 (10) i =0 In the above equations, Pi represents the real power, Qi is reactive power and Vi is the voltage magnitude at the receiving end of a branch. PLoss ( i , i +1) is the power loss of the line section connecting buses i and (i + 1 ) . PT , Loss is the total system power loss. These set of simplified power flow equations are widely used in reconfiguration problems. III. ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of the population based meta-heuristic optimization methods widely used for finding approximate solutions to discrete optimization problems. The method was first applied to the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) by M. Dorigo and L. M. Gambardella [17]. The method was successfully extended to other optimization problems like vehicle routing problems [18, 19] and quadratic assignment problems [20]. The method was derived from the behaviour of natural ants whereby, they identify the shortest possible path between their nest and the food source without using any visual information. Ants follow the pheromone trail built by the previous ant and reinforce it. The shortest path from the nest to food will have a stronger pheromone concentration than the other paths. This is due to the fact that ants traversing the shortest path return to the nest than those traversing the other paths. ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE IJAEEE ,Volume1,Number 2 Divya M and Bindu R ACO has some attractive features such as parallel search, shortest path finding, adaptability to changes in search space, long term memory and information sharing. In ACO, a number of artificial ants build solutions for an optimization problem and exchange information on their quality through a communication scheme that is similar to the one adopted by real ants. E. Carpaneto and G. Chicco [21] introduced ant colony method to solve the network reconfiguration problem. A general algorithm for solving an optimization problem using ACO essentially consists of the following steps [22]: 1) Initialization step during which the problem variables are defined and initial ant population is generated and distributed. 2) Evaluations of the objective function for all the ants. For the feeder reconfiguration problem this will involve the estimation of the power loss for the chosen tie switch status. 3) Calculation of the probabilities for all available choices based on values obtained in step-2. reconfiguration problem, this will involve choosing a switch based on the power loss calculations. For a 4) Updating of the pheromone intensity for the step considering the evaporation factor. 5) Ants proceed to the next nodes. 6) The steps are repeated until the chosen criterion for stopping the calculation is achieved. IV. COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES Mathematical model of ACO can be explained as follows: At first, each ant placed on a starting state, will build a full path from the beginning to the end state through repetitive application of state transition rule which is given by: [τ (i, j )]α [η (i, j )]β , if j ∈ J k (i ) α β (11) pk (i, j ) = ∑[τ (i, m)] [η (i, m)] m∈J k (i ) otherwise 0, In the above equation, τ (i, j ) is the pheromone content of the path from the element i of previous stage to element j of the present stage η (i, j ) is the inverse of power loss of the corresponding path and J k (i ) is the set of elements that remain to be visited in the present stage by ant k positioned at device i . The denominator of the expression is the sum of probabilities of all the state options that are available for the k th ant for the present stage. The above equation is called the state-transition rule. This process is continued until the ant reaches the last stage. Once an ant completes its tour, the pheromone content of the complete path travelled by it is updated using the following equations: ∆τ (i, j ) = ∆τ (i, j ) + q Stage− n ∑ p (k ) Stage−1 Loss τ (i, j ) = (1 − ρ )τ (i, j ) + ∆τ (i, j ) (12) (13) Where, ∆τ (i, j ) is the incremental change in pheromone for a path from device i of previous stage to device j of the next stage, q is a heuristic parameter, ∑ pLoss (k ) is the power loss of the completed path from stage-1 to stage- ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE 215 Simultaneous Network Reconfiguration and Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction of Distribution Systems by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm n . ρ is the pheromone trail decay co-efficient, which is defined to diversify the search by shuffling the search process. Figure 2 shows the full search space for a simultaneous capacitor placement and feeder reconfiguration problem. The left side of the figure is the search space of capacitor placement and the other side is the search space of ant reconfiguration. Loop-1 of the ant reconfiguration search space contains k tie-switches; loop-2 contains m tieswitches and so on. For the system, j buses in loop-1 have capacitor banks connected to them. Each of these buses may have different capacitor sizes. Since practical sizes available for switched capacitor banks are 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500 and 1800 kVAr, they are included in the study. It may be noted that, this problem utilizes two categories of ants 1) ants that choose the optimal tie at every stage (Type-1 ant) and 2) ants that choose the optimal set of capacitors for every selected tie-switch of every stage (Type-2 ant). Fig. 2: Full search space of capacitor placement and feeder reconfiguration In the above figure, red lines indicate solution for optimal capacitor placement for loop-1 and red tie-switches indicate the optimal solution for feeder reconfiguration. For feeder reconfiguration part of the problem, all possible tie-switches for a given stage are represented by the states in the search space. It may be noted that, the number of stages will be equal to the number of loops. For the capacitor placement part, all the capacitor values for the capacitor bank connected to a given bus are represented by the states in the search space. Figure 3 shows the flow chart for the code developed for reconfiguration part of the simultaneous capacitor placement and feeder reconfiguration. Movement of reconfiguration ants (Type-1) is from one loop to the next. In a given loop, each Type-1 ant selects only one tie-switch. From the selected tie-switch of one stage, it moves to the next stage’s selected tie-switch. Capacitor ants (Type-2) move within one loop. For a given loop, they select one capacitor each for all nodes having capacitor banks. Opening of tie-switch in the last stage results in a complete radial system. Once every reconfiguration has completed all stages, the solution provided by Type-1 ant with the minimum real power loss is chosen as the optimal solution, both for tie-switches as well as optimal capacitor placement. ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE IJAEEE ,Volume1,Number 2 Divya M and Bindu R Fig. 3: Flow chart for simultaneous reconfiguration and optimal capacitor placement ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE 217 Simultaneous Network Reconfiguration and Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction of Distribution Systems by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm V. APPLICATION EXAMPLE To study simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration in distribution systems 14 bus, 3 feeder system from the literature was used. Details of the data of the system can be found in [1]. The system is shown in figure 4. Fig 4: Civanlar 3-feeder system [1] The system consists of three radial feeders, connected at the root node, thirteen sectionalizing switches and three tie switches. The system load is assumed to be constant and the base values are 100 MVA and 23 kV . The original system has 15, 21 and 26 as the tie switches. To solve the simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration problem using ACO algorithm the parameters were chosen as number of Type-1 ants to be 3, number of Type-2 ants to be 5, trail intensity factor, α = 1 , visibility factor, β = 8 , pheromone trail decay co-efficient, ρ = 0.5 and heuristic parameter, q = 10 . Figure 5 gives the voltages at all buses before and after the simultaneous reconfiguration and capacitor placement. It can be seen from the figure that the voltage profile of the system has improved with simultaneous network reconfiguration and capacitor placement. It can be seen from the figure that the maximum and minimum voltages of the original system were 1.00 p.u (feeder nodes 1, 2 and 3) and 0.9053 p.u (node 11) respectively and the maximum and minimum voltages of the new system are 1.00 p.u (feeder nodes 1, 2 and 3) and 0.9320 p.u (node12) respectively. The results obtained for simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration is compared with four different cases of the system: original system, with capacitor placement only, with reconfiguration only and first capacitor placement and then network reconfiguration. The comparisons of the results obtained for all the cases are given in table 1. It can be observed from the table that lowest power loss of the system is for simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration. Bus voltages corresponding to all the cases are shown in figure 6. From the figure it can be noted that, voltage profile of the system is considerably improved after carrying out simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration. ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE IJAEEE ,Volume1,Number 2 Divya M and Bindu R 1.02 Original After simultaneous capacitor placement and reconfiguration 1 Voltage in per unit 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 2 4 6 8 Nodes 10 12 14 16 Fig. 5: Bus voltages before and after simultaneous reconfiguration and capacitor placement Parameters Tie-switches Table 1: Comparison of results for different cases of Civanlar system Original Capacitor Reconfiguration First capacitor configuration placement only placement then only reconfiguration Simultaneous capacitor placement and reconfiguration 15, 21, 26 15, 21, 26 19, 17, 26 19, 17, 26 19, 17, 26 Maximum voltage (p.u) 1 1 1 1 1 Minimum voltage (p.u) 0.9053 0.9231 0.9143 0.9320 0.9320 (4,1500) (5,300) (11,1200) (13,300) (16,300) (4,1500) (5,300) (11,300) (13,900) (16,300) Capacitors added (Bus no., kVAr) Power loss (kW) (4,1500) (5,300) (11,1200) (13,300) (16,300) 612.3092 602.6223 438.8224 437.2928 432.7058 1.58 28.33 28.58 29.33 Loss reduction (%) ISSN:2319-1112 /V1N2:211-220 ©IJAEEE 219 Simultaneous Network Reconfiguration and Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction of Distribution Systems by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm 1 0.99 0.98 Voltage in per unit 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 Original Capacitor Reconfiguration Separate Simultaneous 0.92 0.91 0.9 2 4 6 8 Nodes 10 12 14 16 Fig. 6: Voltage profile for all the cases considered for Civanlar system VI. CONCLUSION In this paper simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration for loss reduction in distribution systems has been presented. This was done using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. ACO is a novel metaheuristic approach for the solution of combinatorial optimization problems. This method was inspired by observation of the behaviors of ant colonies. From the application example it is observed that the simultaneous capacitor placement and network reconfiguration reduces the power loss of the system. In addition, the voltage profile of the system has been improved. Computational results show that simultaneously taking into account both feeder reconfiguration and capacitor placement is more effective than considering only one technique. VI. REFERENCES [1] S. Civanlar, J. J. Grainger, H. Yin and S. S. H. Lee, “Distribution feeder reconfiguration for loss reduction,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1217-1223, Jul. 1988. [2] M. E. Baran and F. F. 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