Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Journal of Research in Applied sciences. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Available online at ISSN 2148-6662 © Copyright 2015 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Technological Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Isolated From Various Sudanese Fermented Foods Hinda A. B. Abd Elmaged, Yasmeen Y. A. Elyas, Nuha M. E. Yousif, and Isam A. Mohamed Ahmed* Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Shambat 13314, Sudan *Corresponding Author Email: Abstract: In this study, twenty-five strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from various Sudanese fermented foods (Sorghum dough, Fermented Milk, Cheese, Pickles, and Sausage). Phenotypic and biochemical tests revealed that the Enterococci (44 %), Lactobacilli (40 %) and Pediococci (16 %) were obligatory homofermentative according to their growth characteristics and production of gas (CO2) from glucose fermentation. Following the identification, evaluation of the technological properties namely; acidification activity, production of alpha-amylase, haeme-dependant catalase, and degradation of anti-nutritive tannins of LAB strains was carried out. Technological properties were investigated with a view towards selection of appropriate starter cultures. Pediococci had the highest rate of acidification with a ∆pH of more than 2 after 12 h incubation. However, Enterococci and Lactobacilli had high rates of acidifying initially (6 h), but ∆pH was below 2 after 12 h incubation. With the exception of strains SH1, SH2 and SA6 having ∆pH 2.27, 2.27 and 2.2 respectively. None of the LAB was found to produce α-amylase when grown on MRS containing starch. All isolates of Enterococci, Lactobacilli, and Pediococci produced haeme-dependant catalase. Fermentation by Enteroccoci, Lactobacilli, and Pediococci as starter culture in sorghum dough batches have the ability to reduce the tannin content, however Lactobacilli strain showed the highest ability to degrade tannin (1.7% to 0.9%) in 6 h fermentation. The Enteroccoci and Pediococci strains required 24 h fermentation to reach 1% tannin content. Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, Sorghum, Sudanese fermented foods, Tannin degradation. Introduction Fermentation is one of the oldest biotechnology approaches of food processing and preservation that extensively 88 applied in both developed and developing countries. Over thousands of years, the demands of producing and consuming fermented foods has extremely increased, and consequently these foods occupied a Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 substantial part of the diet worldwide (Elyas et al., 2015). The explosion in the production and consumption of fermented foods is due to the increased demand for nutritious, safe, natural, additives-free, and well-preserved foods (Vaughan et al., 1994). Fermentation enhances the nutritional quality of foods through the biosynthesis of vitamins, essential amino acids and proteins, improving protein and fiber digestibility, enhancing micronutrient bioavailability, and degrading anti-nutritional factors (Giraffa, 2004). It also contributes to food safety and sustainability particularly under conditions where refrigeration or other foods processing facilities are not available such as in arid and semi-arid rural areas in Sudan (Elyas et al., 2015). Food fermentation covers a broad range of microbial and enzymatic processing of food and ingredients to achieve desirable characteristics such as prolonged shelf-life, improved safety, attractive flavour, nutritional enrichment, and health promotion (Giraffa, 2004; Holzapfel, 2002). Throughout the fermentation processes, microorganisms played a key role in the production of specific metabolites such as acids, alcohols, enzymes, antibiotics, carbohydrates, which contribute to the safety and nutritional quality of fermented foods. Of them, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that is generally regarded as safe (GRAS), play an essential role in the majority of food fermentations and preservation, and a extensive variety of strains are routinely employed as starter cultures in the manufacture of dairy, meat, vegetable, and bakery products (Elyas et al., 2015; Giraffa, 2004; Saeed et al., 2014). This due to the fact that LAB has several vital technological properties such as acid production in different media and at different temperatures, proteinase and peptidase activities, autolysis, production of volatile compounds, resistance to bacteriophages, 88 and production of inhibitory compounds (Piraino et al., 2008). These properties are important for the use of LAB as starters or adjuncts to maintain and improve the nutritional, sensory, and safety qualities of final products (Piraino et al., 2008), and their evaluation in the screening of proper starter culture from natural environments has been and still on the rise in recent years. Due to the frequent droughts and famines in many African countries, recent decades have witnessed increased interest in recognizing African indigenous fermented foods, with the aim to provide better prospects for long-term food sustainability in those countries. Like other African countries, fermented foods of the Sudan are numerous and varied, and many indigenous fermented foods of animal or plant origin are still widely consumed and highly appreciated (Dirar, 1994; Elyas et al., 2015; Saeed et al., 2014). In Sudan, fermented foods are prepared from numerous raw materials such as sorghum, pearl millet, dates, honey, milk, fish, meat, wild plants, marginal food crops and even skins, hooves, bones, caterpillars, locusts, frogs and cow urine (Dirar, 1994). The preparation and storage of Sudanese fermented foods are strongly dictated by the ecology of a hostile environment of drought, desertification and recurrent food shortage (Dirar, 1994), there are thus considered as famine or survival foods. However, these fermented foods are still mainly prepared at the household level under poor sanitary conditions and marketed through informal routes (Elyas et al., 2015; Saeed et al., 2014). Accordingly, many different contaminating microorganism and/or indigenous microflora involved in this fermentation processes could be expected. In addition, there is a lack of data on the technological properties of microorganisms involved and their metabolic impact on flavour, hygienic safety and shelf life of these products. Therefore, Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 the aim of this study was to characterize the technological properties of LAB isolated from Sudanese fermented foods to develop starter cultures with real technological characteristics for the preparation of products with consistent taste and nutritional quality, as well as improved marketability. Materials and Methods soluble starch. The plates were incubated at 37ºC overnight, after which they were flooded with iodine. A colorless area around the growth indicated a positive test. Bacillus subtilis strain DSM 2109 and Escherichia coli ATCC 29522 (obtained from the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan) were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. Food samples and LAB isolates Production of Haeme-dependant Catalase In this study, twenty-five LAB strains those isolated previously from six types of Sudanese fermented foods; sorghum dough, mish, yoghurt, cucumber pickles, cheese and meat sausage (Saeed et al., 2014) were used for assessing the technological properties such as acidifying activity, production of αamylase, haeme-dependant catalase, and tannin-degrading abilities. All chemicals and reagents used were of technically recommended analytical grade. Acidification activity of LAB In this assay, MRS broth (De Man et al., 1960) was inoculated with 1% of a 24 h LAB culture and incubated at 37 ºC for 36 h. At intervals of 6, 12, 24, and 36 h, the culture was centrifuged at 3000 × g for 15 min at 4°C and the supernatant recovered was used for pH measurement using a pH meter (Model L15-1260/7, Pusl, Munchen, Germany). ∆ pH was calculated as the change in pH from an initial 6.05 which was the pH of the MRS broth at the time of inoculation (0 h). Production of α-amylase To test for α-amylase production, a single streak of a test Enterococcus, Lactobacillus or Pediococcus culture was made on modified MRS agar plates that did not contain glucose, but instead contained 0.2% 89 Overnight cultures of Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Pediococcus isolates were spotted on MRS agar plates containing 30 mM hematin. The plates were incubated at 37ºC overnight, after which the catalase test was carried out by dropping a few drops of a 3% H2O2 solution on each colony. A positive result was recorded when gas production was evident by the formation of bubbles from the colonies. Tannin degradation by controlled fermentation starter-culture To study the influence of starter cultures on tannins degradation in fermented sorghum dough, laboratory-scale fermentation was carried out. This process was controlled by adding an inoculum of selected LAB isolates at the onset of fermentation to the non-sterile ingredients. In this test, five batches were prepared and inoculated separately using the following strains: A; spontaneously fermented batch (control fermentation), B; Lactobacillus sp. strain SH1 isolated from sorghum dough, C; Enterococcus sp. strain FM2 isolated from Fermented milk, D; Pediococcus sp. strain C1 isolated from cheese, and E; Enterococcus strain BFE 2206 (Tannase producing positive control). The effect of these starter cultures on tannin content reduction was tested at intervals of 0h, 6h, Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 12h, 24h and 36h. The tannin content was estimated following the method described by Price et al. (1987). Results and Discussion Phenotypic characterization and distribution of LAB in Sudanese fermented foods In this study, 25 presumptive LAB isolates were obtained from six Sudanese fermented foods. The results of the phenotypic characterization of LAB isolates tested are shown in Table 1. The results showed that all isolates were Gram-positive, catalase-negative, nonendospore- forming, and produced acid without the production of gas from glucose. Among them, 40% (10 isolates) were rods, which occurred either singly or in pairs, unable to grow in the presence of 18% NaCl, or at pH 9.6, some of which were unable to grow in the presence of 6.5% NaCl, or at 45°C when tested in MRS broth. These isolates were assigned to the genus Lactobacillus. Whereas, 44% (11 isolates) were cocci that occurred as single or in pairs with elongated, coccoid cell morphology, and which were able to grow in the presence of 6.5% NaCl, at pH 9.6, at 45°C and at 10°C in MRS broth. These cocci were considered to constitute enterococci. While, 16% (4 isolates) were cocci which occurred in pairs or tetrads, unable to grow in the presence of 18% NaCl, or at pH 9.6, and able to grow in the presence of 6.5% NaCl, at 45°C in MRS 89 broth. These cocci were identified as pediococcal strains. In addition, these cocci exhibited a well-rounded cell morphology typical of the pediococci while other LAB cocci such as enterococci and leuconostocs exhibited a more elongated or coccoid cell morphology. These findings indicated that the dominant LAB strains responsible for the fermentation process in the Sudanese fermented foods were belong to the genus Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Pediococcus. These genera are the most frequently isolated genera of LAB that associated with various Sudanese fermented foods (Elyas et al., 2015; Saeed et al., 2014; Yousif, 2003). The distribution of the isolated strains in the tested Sudanese fermented foods is presented in Table 2. The results revealed that five isolates (50%) of the isolated Lactobacilli were isolated from mish, two isolates (20%) were from sorghum dough, two isolates (20%) were from pickles and remaining one isolate (10%) was from sausage. Whereas, seven isolates (64%) of Enterococci were isolated from sausage, two isolates (18%) were from fermented milk, one isolate (9%) was from pickles, and one isolate (9%) was from cheese. While, three isolates (75%) of Pediococci were isolated from cheese and remaining one isolate (25%) was originated from fermented milk. Previous studies on the distribution of LAB in Sudanese fermented foods showed a similar trend of distribution (Elyas et al., 2015; Saeed et al., 2014; Yousif, 2003). Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Table 1. Phenotypic characterization of the isolated LAB from various Sudanese fermented foods. SH: Sorghum dough, C: Cheese, P: Pickles, SA: Sausage, M: Mish, FM: Fermented Milk. Table 2. The distribution of genera of LAB isolated from different Sudanese fermented foods. Isolated genera Fermented Food Lactobacillus Enterococcus Pediococcus Sorghum (SH) a 2 (20%) - - Pickles (P) 2 (20%) 1 (9%) - Cheese (C) - 1 (9%) 3 (75)% Yoghurt (Y) - 2 (18%) 1 (25%) Mish (M) 5 (50%) - - Sausage (SA) 1 (10%) 7 (64%) - Total 10 (40%) 11 (44%) 4 (16%) a no. of isolates, -, not detected, (%): percentage of isolates from different sources 89 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Technological isolates characteristics of LAB The purpose of this study was to select microorganisms associated with fermented foods commonly consumed in Sudan as possible candidates for starter culture strains. To achieve that, 25 LAB isolates were investigated for their relevant and significant technological characteristics such as high acidifying activity, production of αamylase, haeme-dependant catalase and tannin-degrading abilities. Acidifying Activity of the isolated LAB Tolerance to acidity, bile and pancreatin in vitro are expected to predict the survival of a strain in the conditions encountered in the gastrointestinal tract (Rubio et al., 2014). Therefore, acid production and tolerance to the high acidity environment is one of the central roles in the selection of LAB as probiotic and or starter culture. In this sense, the acidifying ability of LAB isolated from various Sudanese fermented foods was evaluated. The results of acidifying activity of the isolated LAB are depicted in three figures (figure 1, 2, &3). The results showed that after 6 h incubation Enterococci isolates differed in their ability to reduce the pH of the MRS broth (Fig. 1). The strains SA6 and SA7 were slow acidifiers initially (6 h) but acid production these isolates were enhanced later (12 h) where they finally accumulated enough acid to reduce pH to 2.2 and 2.02, respectively. Strains SA1, SA2, SA3 and SA4 were faster initially, and the ∆ pH (6 h) was 1.17, 1.12, 1.3 and 1.3, respectively. In addition, the ∆pH (24 h) was < 1.0 for 71% of the strains. Strikingly, these findings demonstrated that Enterococci 89 isolates (SA1, SA2, SA3 and SA4) are very efficient in reducing the pH of the MRS media in the first 12 h to levels lower than 2.5. These results were not in agreement with that found by Durlu-Ozkaya et al., (2001) who reported that, the acidifying abilities of Enterococci strains at 30ºC were, in general very low and cultures lowered the pH of milk to < 5.0 after 24h of incubation. Moreover, previous reports have indicated the rapid acidification ability of Enterococci (Kostinek et al., 2007); however, the pH reduction was very low (pH > 5.0) compared to that found in the present study (pH < 2.5). The great acidifying potential and in the meanwhile tolerance to lower pH condition of the isolated Enterococcus strains may pave the way for their application as probiotic strains in starter cultures for the preparation of various functional foods. The acidifying activity of Lactobacilli strains isolated from different fermented foods is shown in figure 2. The result shows the difference among the Lactobacilli in their ability to reduce the pH of the MRS broth initially. Strain M5 being the slowest acidifier with ∆ pH 0.16 (6h). Nevertheless, the acidifying ability of all Lactobacillus strains after 12h and 24h incubation were similar and ∆ pH ranged between 1.68 to 1.97 (12h) except SH1, SH2 and M5 which had ∆ pH 2.27, 2.27 and 2.02 respectively. A similar trend in the acidifying activity of Lactobacilli was observed by Durlu-Ozkaya et al. (2001) who reported that Lactobacillus strains differed in their ability to reduce the pH of milk initially (6 h). However, after 24 h incubation the ∆pH (24 h) of the strains were similar and ranged between 1.0 and 1.4. Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Figure 1. Acidification Activity of Enterococcus Isolated from Different Fermented Foods 2.5 2 Tim e(h) 1.5 6 pH ∆ pH 12 24 1 36 0.5 0 SA:Sausage SA1 C:Cheese FM:Fermented milk P:Pickle SA2 SA3 SA4 SA5 SA6 SA7 C1 FM1 FM2 P1 Enterococcus Isolates Figure 1. Acidifying activity of Enterococcus strains isolated from different Sudanese fermented foods. SA: Sausage,Activity C: Cheese, FM: Fermented P: Pickles. Figure 2. Acidification of Lactobacillus IsolatedMilk, from Different Fermented Foods 2.5 2 Time(h) 1.5 6 ∆ pH pH 12 24 1 36 0.5 SH:Sorghum P:Pickle M:Mish SA:Sausage 0 SH1 SH2 P2 P3 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 SA8 Lactobacilllus Isolates Figure 2. Acidifying activity of Lactobacillus strains isolated from different Sudanese fermented foods. SH: Sorghum dough, P: Pickles, M: Mish, SA: Sausage. Badis et al. (2004) reported that the acidifying ability of LAB isolated from raw goat milk of four Algerian races were high after 18 h. Yousif (2003) found that acidifying activities of Lactobacilli were 89 almost similar among all strains, were they initially had ∆pH of 1.5 after 12 h incubation and remained constant until 36 h. The acidifying activity of Pediococcus isolates presented in Figure 3. The results Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 showed that Pediococcus isolates differed in evident from the current study that the their ability to reduce the pH in MRS broth Pediococcus strains proved to be fast initially. All strains had initially slow acidifiers than Lactobacillus and acidifying abilities having a ∆pH between Enterococcus isolates. For LAB strains to 0.29 and 0.53. With the exception of strain have a beneficial effect on intestine health, FM3 that had a ∆pH 1.08 after 6 h they need to be able to survive low acidic incubation. However, after 12 h incubation, conditions (Liu et al., 2013). Previously, Pediococcus isolates had a high ∆pH, Solieri et al. (2014) reported that the critical ranging between 2.13 to 2.21 with the limit of survival under exposure to acidic exception of FM3, which showed relatively conditions was pH 2.0, which was effective lower ∆pH value towards the end of in completely inhibiting the survival of incubation time (36 h). These findings almost all the strains. However, likely in the agreed with that reported by Sulma et al. current study some isolates of Enterococci, (1991) who stated that the total acidPediococci and Lactobacilli showed great producing bacteria attained their highest acidifying potentiality and thus they could counts by 18h, and their numbers declined be used as an efficient starter and probiotic as the pH of Figure the batter decreased. It is cultures.Isolated from Different 3. Acidification Activity of Pediococcus Fermented Foods 2.5 2 Tim e(h) 1.5 6 ∆pH pH 12 1 24 36 0.5 0 C:Cheese FM:Fermented milk C2 C3 C4 FM3 Pediococcus Isolates Figure 3. Acidifying activity of Pediococcus strains isolated from different Sudanese fermented foods. C: Cheese, FM: Fermented Milk. Production of α-amylase and haeme-dependent catalase The results of production of α-amylase and haeme-dependent catalase by Enterococcus, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus isolates are shown in figure 4. The findings indicate that none of the isolates in this study produced α-amylase. This was not surprising because most of the LAB in the current study were isolated from 89 non-or low starch-containing foods. Previously, Kostinek et al. (2005) reported that none of the predominant LAB strains isolated from fermented cassava showed αamylase activity. These results also confirm finding reported by Yousif (2003) who found that none of the LAB strains isolated from Hussuwa produced α-amylase. Alpha- Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 amylase activity is known to improve bulk dietary properties of lactic cereal gruels by improving the viscosity/concentration relationship (Lorri & Savenberg, 1993). Most LAB, with the exception of the αamylase producing L. amylovorus and L. amylophilus (Hammes & Vogel, 1995) are known to be non-starch degrading. Haemedependent catalase is important in meat fermentations because it avoids the generation of off colours on its surface. The haeme-dependent catalase activity of the LAB isolated from different Sudanese fermented foods is shown in figure 4. The results revealed that all isolates of Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and pediococcus showed positive haemePercentage Positive dependant catalase Figure activity4.when cultivated on MRS plates with haematin. This confirms results reported by (Yousif, 2003) who found that all Lactobacilli and Enterococci strains and 71% of Pediococci isolated from Hussuwa showed positive haeme-dependant catalase activity when cultivated on MRS plates with haematin. Haeme-dependant catalase activity in LAB is a desirable property that can prevent flavor, and color defects in fermented foods thus improve their sensory quality. This character is relevant if a starter culture is to be used to ferment meat-containing foods, where haeme is abundant. Strikingly, the isolated LAB strains in the present study could be used as starter culture for the preparation of meat-based fermented foods with constant Strains LAB for the color and flavor. sensory from quality especially Technological Characteristics Tested 100 90 80 70 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 Alpha amylase haeme-dependant catalase Technological Characteristics Lactobacilllus Enterococcus Pediococcus Figure 4. Percentage of positive LAB isolates for the technological properties such as alpha amylase and haeme-dependent catalase activities. 89 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Effect of starter culture controlled fermentation on tannin Content Most cereal-based diets have a poor bioavailability of nutrients due to the presence of antinutritional factors such as phytases, polyphenols, and tannins. These antinutrients bind readily with proteins and minerals to form indigestible complexes. However, during fermentation some bacterial enzymes such as phytase and tannase degrade these complexes thereby releasing minerals and proteins and accordingly improving the nutritional quality of fermented foods. Thus, reduction of this antinutritional factor is one of the important technological properties used for selection of probiotic and/or starter LAB. With this in mind, an evaluation of tannin degradation during fermentation of sorghum flour was carried out. The results on the tannin content of sorghum batches fermenting using starter culture are shown in figure 5. The tannin content on the control batch (A) dropped from 1.7% to 0.6% during the first 6 h of fermentation. This was the lowest content in all the batches and remained constant for the next 12 to 24 h. By 36 h, it reached approximately 0.4%. The Lactobacillus fermented batch (B) and the batch fermented using positive control (E) showed a similar pattern in the degradation of tannin, where the tannin content was reduced to 0.9% and 1%, respectively in the first 6 h. Tannin content in both batches was significantly reduced and reached about 0.3% by 36h. Enterococcus fermented batch 89 (C), and Pediococcus fermented batch (D) showed a low decrease in tannin content reaching 1% in 24h of fermentation and further dropping about 0.8% at 36 h fermentation. The control batch had the highest reduction effect on tannin content in the first 6h and remained low throughout the fermentation. This may be due to the combined effect of all microbes responsible for the fermentation. The Lactobacilli strain showed the highest ability to degrade tannin from the beginning compared to the other two LAB strains and was comparable to the positive control (Enterococcus strain BFE 2206). The results obtained in this study were similar to those obtained by Idris (2004) who found that fermentation for 14 h caused an extremely significant decrease in tannin for the two sorghum cultivars. Our results also agree with that obtained by Obizoba and Atii (1994) who found that a much greater decrease in tannin content for fermented sorghum seeds. Tannins bind readily with proteins to form indigestible complexes (White, 1957). Tannase significantly breaks the galloyl ester bonds of tannins, thereby inhibiting their proteinbinding properties (Bhat et al., 1998). Thus, the tannase production would be a desirable trait if the isolates were to be selected as starter cultures. The role played by these isolates that are capable of hydrolyzing tannin is crucial in increasing the availability of proteins and thus improving the nutritional value of the food products. Res. J. Appl. Sci. Vol., 2(3): 88-100, 2015 Figure 5. Tannin Content in Different Sorghum Batches Fermented using Selected LAB Strains 1.8 1.6 Fermented Sorghum Batches A 1.4 1.2 1 B Tannins 0.8 Content (%) 0.6 C D E 0.4 0.2 0 A:Control 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 B:Lactobacillus Tim e (h) C:Enterococcus D:Pediococcus Figure 5. Reduction of tannin content of different sorghum batches during the fermentation with E:Positive control LAB isolate. A: Control, B: Lactobacillus, C: Enterococcus, D: Pediococcus, E: the selected positive control. Conclusion References In the current study, twenty-five strains of LAB were isolated from different Sudanese fermented foods composed of 44% Enterococci, 40% Lactobacilli and 16% Pediococci strains. The isolated LAB has many important technological properties such acidification ability, acid tolerance, haeme-dependant catalase, and tannin degradation ability. There technological properties are different depending on the LAB strains, for example, Pediococcus isolates had a highest acidification activity, whereas, Lactobacillus strains had the highest ability of degrading tannin during fermentation compared to the other isolates. Strikingly, some isolates demonstrated good technological properties and thus they could potentially be applied in the food industry as a starter and/or probiotic cultures. Further research shall specifically address the molecular identification and functional characterization of these potential isolates. 88 Badis A, Guetarni D, Moussa B, Henni DE, Tornadijo ME, Kihal M, 2004. Identification of cultivable LAB isolated from Algerian raw goats milk and evaluation of their technological properties. J Food Microbiol. 21: 343349. 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