Notes on generic architecture Technische Universiteit Delft - Berlage Institute Rotterdam Abstract This essay is an attempt to reconsider the ‘generic’ as a possible political architectural category within and against the total apparatus of production, a counter-project ‘to make the brain of the system mad’, far beyond its precedent theorizations or reluctant acceptance of its pessimistic aura. If cognitive capitalism undermined any distinction between labour and life, salary and income, consumption and re-production, work and political action, then precisely production and its genericness would constitute a fertile ground to elaborate a strategy of exodus based on the new theories of value and common production, basic income and housing struggle. Adopting the Operaist tactic ‘first the struggle and then development’, which considers labour struggle as the premise of capitalist evolution rather than its consequence, all the architecture of production of the advanced capital could be conceived as an attempt to tame the violence of the labour-force, whose destructive character and quantitative requests - more money less work always forced capital itself to refine its instruments of exploitation and reduce its apparatus to the barest form of ‘possibility. Preamble: on the generic. enabled its separation and calculability from the definite ‘special form’ of the Marx defined the concept of labor a real proper use-value. Value was nothing abstraction, being an abstraction always but historically produced when “one thing homogeneous human labor, of labor- appears as common to many, to all.”i In power expended without regard to the a society where labor turned to be so mode of its expenditure”,iv being labor- widely articulated and diffused, to the power the potential aggregate of mental point of becoming the prime reason of and physical capabilities “existing in the social wealth, it has been possible to physical form, the living personality, of a embrace working human being”.v Such a potential does activities within a generic abstract labor, not exists per se but only as a capacity a labor sans phrase, uniform in quality (δύναµις),vi as possibility of becoming and only different in quantity, the one indissolubly bound to the living being. which does not require anyone in For these reasons man could be particular to be performed. This average defined a social individual, a twofold labor is social by nature and present in entity every single activity as ‘crystalized’ determinations and general faculties, expression social gradually attained through a process of (gemeinschaftliche ‘individuation’ from an indefinite basin of all the of different a common substance the “mere made congelation both of of singular this generic existence. This pre-individual sense, the use of the term ‘generic’, realm, made of material and intellectual which greek endowments, is constantly declined and substantive γενος ‘race’, ‘kind’, ‘species’ actualized by each singularity in relation and the verb γιγνοµαι to gesellschafliche being’, derives Substanz). from ‘generating’ In the ‘coming into contingent circumstances. ‘producing’, Therefore, the process of individuation results appropriate to indicate both an does not exhaust in a single act or in a undifferentiated general quality of the final balanced state but lies within an species-being (Gattungsgwesen)ii and ‘amphibious’ status the very idea of ‘life-activity’, ‘giving struggle adaptation rise’, ‘becoming’.iii Because of such preservation: the unlimited human life- abstractness engendering aptitude. and or its genericness, according to Marx, social possessed an exchange-value labor for of permanent and self- From mass worker to socialized worker. that 2 “At the highest development, point capitalist began precisely because of the working production process, in the very moment they were of social becomes a moment of the process of collectively production which means that all society apparatus of production. By then, they lives within the factory, and the factory lost their own autonomy, becoming extends its dominion over the whole entirely incorporated as a particular society”.vii mode Fordist capitalism exploited the body of Therefore, the productive power socially the worker to attain its embedded developed by the workers (Arbeiter als potential. His actions and movements gesellschaftlicher Arbeiter),ix within the where rationalized within the regulated capitalist apparatus, turned to be the space-temporal diagram of the factory productive out of calculable effort-expenditures. nurturing the real subsumption of the The exchange socialized labor-power, extending the between wage and labor-force was both limits of the factory across the entire the conviction and the force of the society and transforming ‘fixed capital’ mass-worker, which could be used to in the ‘human capital’ of living bodies counter-attack and active minds. hideous quantitative the same class of of employed existence power within of of the capital.viii capital itself, employers: “more money, less work”. The core of contemporary bio-capitalist The class dialectic was clear: labor- anthropogenicx production, a production power was autonomous, being a force of men by means of men,xi lies in that its knowledge, language and relational relations, a force that capital could only competences, creativity, in other words subsume in the form but not in the in the whole general intellect, which is content. actualized by an accurate and careful came Nevertheless, before capital whereas and the worker modulation of the ‘human capital’ and entered in relation with capital as an whose individual, as singular owner and seller accumulation is the University. of his labor-power, he was put at work Knowledge became a commodity and as a social individual, in cooperation education a service that could be with were purchased or exchanged. The creation of of other assumed as workers, other which ‘aliquots’ a value ultimate by paradigm means of of material collective labor-force. Their cooperation, production has been overcome by the gratuitously offered to the employer, creation of value through the production 3 of minds and technological innovation. This not only increased the relation “Labor struggles are an irreplaceable between private and instrument of self-consciousness for industries with programs, capital: without them it does not see, it fostering particular research sectors does not recognize its own adversary which and, therefore, it does not acknowledge could economical enterprises academic immediately advantages, provide but also itself.”xiii reduced the students to precarious When life itself is put at work,xiv then cheap workers, consumers of their own capitalist expropriation could not be knowledge, mobile victims which have exerted any longer through closed to invest and, hence, to in-debt their disciplinary lives with through open mechanisms of rent,xv in through order to not restrain the free flowering of diplomas or degrees which equals mere the common potential and reducing its skill qualifications. inner productivity. In this sense, the On the other hand, an economy driven more labor-power is exploited in its by immaterial faculties, undermined the most old wage relations and processes of capitalist apparatus is forced towards its labor valorization, shifting the object of barest form of ‘possibility’: a typical the working-class struggle from the plan, a simple, flexible, reproducible salary, a compensation for specific layout performances, to the basic income, a productive any human subjectivity. remuneration for any performed living The Operaist tactic considers labor activity. When life is exploited in its struggle as the real propelling subject of entirety then the claim for a basic capitalist income of existence constitutes the technological highest revolutionary program within the continuous reassessments have always maximum integration: a generalized, been egalitarian, discriminative annihilating violence of its opponent. redistribution of the profits accumulated From these assumptions, it could be by the economic system through the conjectured that the typical plan is a gratuitous capture and expropriation of creation of the “working-class and of the common knowledge and productivity.xii working-class struggle”, and that the Labor Struggle and Typical Plan. generic architecture corresponds to the in endless a perennial training, learning measured not regimes generic able form, to of the restrain development, deployed and to profit, but more and the make whose managerial subsume the 4 minimum spatial framework necessary lines to the contemporary brain think- to actualize the unexpressed potentiality belts. of labor-power, being ‘generic’ not just a default status, but rather the undefined Marx in Detroit: assembly lines. realm of productive forces prior to any process of individuation.xvi In his Postscript of problems,xvii Mario Tronti attempts to elaborate some theoretical principles about the workingclass after Marx at the beginning of the XX century, offering a viable testing ground to investigate the mutual relations of the wild political battles of the pre-union American workers and the Albert Kahn: Highland Park Plant, 1908 political maneuvers of the German historical Social-democracy vis-à-vis the spatial development of the architecture of production. In this sense, the history of labor movement, written “in letters of blood and fire”, seems to be vividly preserved power precisely deployed apparatuses factories, of where its resistance: machines, capital’s strongest in its offices, supermarkets, museums, academies, monuments, ruins. Therefore, by making objective the diagrams of forces and spatial configurations induced by labor strife, it would be possible to reconstruct a genealogy of the typical plan and its different deployment from the disciplinary rigidity of the factory to the modulative open-plan of the university, from the bodily assembly Albert Kahn: Glenn L. Martin Co. Assembly Building, 1939 Albert Kahn’s industrial architecture ranges between 1905 and 1942,xviii a period in the U.S. animated by advanced labor struggles, grassroots activism, sabotages and mass demonstrations for higher wages, better working conditions and freedom of assembly. All the peaks of labor strife, the milestones of the american workingclass history, found their immediate translation in new rational configurations 5 of the manufacturing space and more daylight refined strategies of social integration, articulations. reducing the shop-floor to its minimum multistory building, a three-dimensional integer elements. The two extremes of concrete frame able to contain the this progressive typological rarefaction vertical assembling processes all under of the industrial layout were the daylight one roof and, on the other hand, the factory, introduced at the beginning of horizontal workshop over one floor, a the XX century, and the formulated one story, roof lighted unobstructed layout, developed during the intense working space. The combination of WWII production for the Arsenal of these two declinations converged in Democracy. 1908, in his renown project for the Ford At the fall of the Progressive Era, the Highland Park Plant in Detroit. The old hideous social conditions of the labor- shop was a four-story high concrete force and the exhausting working rates skeleton, hosting the different assembly devoid of safety or sanitary assistance, procedures of the vehicles, arranged exploded strikes, around the gigantic glazed canopy of supported by the rising first union the machine-shop, where all the parts of organizations the Ford T were manufactured. The in numerous and often violently system suppressed. The daylight factory, the plan very first fruit of the new age, with its mathematically innovative requirements reinforced concrete and On turned in two one advanced hand, into a developed of the the layout, from the manufacturing glazed procedures and the arrangement of surfaces, cleaner and safer spaces, machinery, according to the three shop- provided ‘technical theory principles: “a planned orderly solution’ to eliminate the menace of the progression of the commodity through workers’ associations and to neutralize the shop, the delivery of work instead of social discontent while providing the leaving it to the workman’s initiative to definitive structure for an even heavier find it, the analysis of operations into labor exploitation. their constituent parts”.xix Already in 1906, delivering his first two The important industrial commissions, the resulted from the long reorganization of Packard Motor Car Company Plant in forces, Detroit and the Geo Pierce Arrow in methodologies following the financial Buffalo, Albert Kahn developed the crisis in 1929. The Keynesian therapy fireproof structures, the larger convenient ‘formulated approach’,xx instead, investments and design 6 suggested capitalism to inject the derive a ‘formulated’ grammar of destructive power of its enemy rather industrial layouts, consisting in a limited than maintaining a strenuous opposition set of typical plans and standardized against it, considering the crisis as an criteria rapidly applicable to any kind of inexorable element of its evolution and production demands. the animal spirits of the working-class The Chevrolet Commercial Body Plant as its driving force.xxi The future New (Indianapolis, 1935), the De Soto Press Deal reforms, and the ‘capitalistic use’ Shop (Detroit, 1936) and the famous of Half-Ton Truck Plant for the Chrysler the working-class, required the leading ‘planning’ role of the State in Corporation order to overcome the market forces nothing but exemplary declinations of and to address them towards long-term the same fundamental module: a fixed social investments. formula based on a modular steel- The drastic economical conditions and structural bay 40 by 40 feet halved or the Keynesian principles induced Henry doubled according to the production Ford and Albert Kahn to enlarge the requirements. The butterfly bent roof market of mass production precisely beams, differently articulated in the where the labor-force was the strongest, three projects, considerably enlarged the demand was the highest and the the structural spans avoiding a direct State had an uncontested economic solar lighting through inclined steel sash xxii control: U.R.S.S. (Detroit, 1937) were The remarkable monitors. The outer walls were usually amount of commissions received during in brick, with continuous steel sashes the the and Gunite sheathes. All technical consequent international expansion of equipments and service spaces were the firm, convinced Kahn to restructure either packed above or below the shop- his own office on the model of the floor leaving the manufacturing space industrial assembly line. A rational completely subdivision in specialized departments lighting and air-conditioning eliminated allowed to orchestrate all the technical the strict dependency upon natural and executive phases of the projects at daylight the same time while drastically reducing absolutely homogeneous clear plane: the time of delivering. The massive because of the artificially controlled volume new conditions, all the points of the floor had to the same potentiality whereas the width Russian of bureaucratic venture, work and procedures and the forced unobstructed. turning the layout Electric to an 7 and length of the building became instruments for unlimited exploitation. Nevertheless, the highest refinement of the ‘formulated approach’ had been definitely achieved in Kahn’s project for the Glenn L. Martin Co. Assembly Building in Baltimore, designed to produce the PBM Mariner and the PB2 Mars airplanes in 1938. It was a single monolithic rectangular space of 300 by 450 feet, 73 feet high, whose ceiling Ludwig was supported by a series of parallel Building, 1928 Hilberseimer: Proposal for a City Pratt trusses, 300 feet long and 30 feet depth, placed at 50 foot intervals, “What then is the purpose of these allowing an assembly spacexxiii entirely unheard-of constructions? In large part, free of columns. they directly serve production. In part they serve transport and trade and thus Historical social democracy: enabling indirectly production. In part, they serve architectures. administration, domicile, care, thus and and health predominantly production. In part they serve science, art, technology, education, recreation, and thus indirectly once again production.”xxiv Mies van der Rohe: Concrete Office Building, 1923 The spirit of capitalism, as Weber put it, relied on the transformation of the professional duty in internal vocation, in a complete and unconditioned abnegation towards its proper officium. Such a completely irrational mandate could only be rationalized through the power of an ethos, the “worldly ascesis” of labor as supreme truthful human 8 activity, fruit calculated been improvised but rather legally entrepreneurial responsibility. Arbeit as planned through the continuos political supreme principle of civilization: the modulation between subversion and ideological Bildung project, enacted by control. Politics als Beruf. the historical German social-democracy The at the beginning of XX century, lied undoubtedly favored by the German precisely on the cultural transformation advanced ‘labour aristocracy’ of high- of the precision and specialized workers that working-class in tangible forms and impeded the rapid diffusion of the constituent behaviors. While in United Taylorist scientific management and the States, introduction of the unskilled Fordist the of a unrestrained at the power same of time, labor protective policies struggles were having large victories mass-worker. and advanced results with workers representative of the German labor organization opposition were the workers of the and wild-cat Another were deep-rooted insubordinations, in no other country as heavy in Germany it was so difficult to reach movement exerted large pressures on the struggle because of the particular the national economy as in 1889, when Sachlichkeit the Ruhr miners mass-strike made the of the German class- extractive-sectors, composition and the highly developed whole bureaucratic state apparatus, which was Bismarck to introduce labor committees always capable to the in the factories. But the radical figure of conflict within the “organizational the German class-composition in the recompose consequences they generated”.xxv In have Germany the empire whose ‘tremble’, forcing early 20‘s was the Kopfarbeiter,xxvi the salaried brain worker. Within the organization of the working-class came general rationalization of the clerical from the capitalist initiative at first, both workspace, on a political and on an economical informational, level. and in managerial consultancy sectors, The democratic power of the party, sided socialby the this new especially in mass-media mass of cultural, industries intellectual monitoring role of the trade unions, proletarians constituted the other side of succeeded in institutionally formalizing the ungelernte industrial mass workers: the the new modern slavery, underpaid relation through a struggle/organization careful compromising reformism: revolution should not have precarious, highly exploited and devoid of political and professional 9 representation.xxvii Despite their Fordist economy, and rationalization in disposable and the place of class struggle - in short, entrepreneurial initiative, which resulted socialization instead of socialism”.xxix fundamental in the organization of the Financial workers councils competition, salaried masses self-coordination homeless’, after 1918, were maneuvering production and controlling the market economic and bank investments. Between 1922- principles which generated their own 1923, at the peak of hyper-inflation, existences, both victims and unaware when the Deutschmark was substituted authors of the mass spectacle of the by capitalist Grossstadt. Retenmark, Mies According to Kracauer, Berlin was the postulated several city abstract projects, unmasking the inner the with solid invisibly beyond through oligarchies of stock-companies by of ‘spiritually run values, eroded devoid the capital same the most pronounced the abstract Angestelltenkultur, a culture made by rules employees and architectures as construction, conceived for by employees most employees of the currency and of Hilberseimer ‘destructive’xxx metropolis of the pure through ‘enabling’ ermöglichenden culture tout-court.xxviii With its almost 4 Konstruction.xxxi millions Berlin In 1923 Mies van der Rohe was became the third city in the world after collaborating in the magazine G, with London and New York, counting 883 Hans Richter, Lerner Gräff, El Lissitzky square kilometers to be administrated. and Theo van Doesburg. Their intention The Greater Berlin Building Plan, by was Martin the mechanization was devoid of spiritual following Martin Wagner’s New Berlin in purposes and demanded a further 1924, advocated the construction of a conceptual theorization, an investigation new business City, to drive mass of the elementare Gestaltung and its consumption production economy of power and materials, which within the calculated plan of the social- required “elemental means, total control democratic compromise: “socialization of of the construction industry and mass regularity.”xxxii The problem was not to housing, technical and bureaucratic impose new ‘better’ forms, but rather to solutions to social problems, state derive management of conflicts within the directly from the Grossstadt and its inhabitants, Mächler in and 1920 1917, social and clear since means. coherent the first Elemental formal issue: order, principles 10 massive productive architecture as potentials: construction, a scrupulously calculated in the correct procedure of binding together the raw distribution of its bearing supports: the materials and the forces of an epoch minimum effort of energy out from the towards a unique coherent solution. perfect combination of structure and Mies’ proposal for a Bürohaus, a materials. With its layered floors, few concrete office building for the Grosse discreet supporting points, the cleared Berliner Kunstausstellung, appeared the floor clearest disposable demonstration of as disposable for the most varied uses, these plan, and for the free facade advertisements, the assumptions: a pure shelter for the Bürohaus was perfectly appropriate to human activities in the foreground, an the real estate logic of the Grossstadt architecture reduced to simple art of and thus further articulated, between organization. The office building was “a 1927 and 1929, for several competitions house of work, of organization, of like the Stuttgart Bank in Stuttgart and clarity, the of economy. Bright wide Kaufhaus Adam, workrooms, uncluttered, undivided, only Alexanderplatz, articulated according to the organism of Office Building in Berlin. the firm. The greatest effect with the In least elaborated expenditure of means. The 1929 also a the the Friedrichstrasse Ludwig Hilberseimer proposal for the materials are concrete, iron, glass. commercial and administrative center of Ferroconcrete buildings are essentially Berlin, a project that epitomized all is skeleton structures. Neither noodles nor precedents theories and hypotheses on tank the turrets. Supporting girder Grossstadt: the Vorschlag zur construction with a non supporting wall. Citybebauung, or Proposal for a City That Building. means structure.”xxxiii skin Despite and his bone previous Already in Grossstadtarchitektur (1927), but even skyscraper glass projects, here Mies in fully accepted the bare exigencies of the (1925), Hilberseimer considered the commercial speculation, metropolis as the logical anonymous providing the maximum exploitable floor product of the capitalist omnipotence, a area within the six-story limit of the bio-political apparatus of residential, building regulations. The result was a commercial, pure a settlements where its inhabitants could rentable volume entirely flexible and just work and reproduce themselves in hollow urban multistory factory, his previous cultural Grossstadtbauten and industrial 11 the most social proximity and, at the (Trabantenstadt), his proposal for the same time, in the greatest isolation. His Hochausstadt, architecture, profoundly influenced by conceived the metropolis as an all- the social-democratic encompassing machine explicitly based theories of Eduard Bernstein, could be on a substratum of industrial and tertiary conceived as a continuous effort to activities.xxxiv The city lied on a generic deduce a definitive ruling system to productive plinth, source of its own solve the problems of the city by ceaseless evolution, while its conditions understanding working of reproduction arose above it, in spaces within a unique generic plan, stacked vertical slabs hosting facilities because generic were also the human and residential boarding slabs. Such a productive faculties hypothesis was further elaborated in the continuously at work in the Grossstadt. project for the Citybebauung, a generic Between 1923 and 1924, his proposals city for the Chicago Tribune competition and conditions of the Berlin city center. The for an Industrial Building (Fabrikbau), project, focused entirely on exchange, were nothing but elaborations on the distribution and brain production, was fundamental emptiness the an ‘immaterial’ translation of the typical contemporary tertiary whose Albert Kahn’s daylight factories, which architecture tautologically coincided with were widely known at that time, and its simple structure (Gefüge): supports even reproduced in Beton als Gestalter, and radical published by Hilberseimer just one year simplification of the plan was also before.xxxv The two-floors glazed plinth evident in his parallel project for a embodied the ultimate transformation of Wohnstadt, residential the sky-lighted machine room: the settlement in 1923, where the housing “core” of the Fordist production turned in units were provided of a unique living an interrupted hypostyle rentable space space, a sleep-cabin, devoid of internal for cultural and commercial programs circulation and only divided by wooden with a multi-layered sunken garage. The equipped partitions. linear empty typical plan of the two Nevertheless, if the previous projects eight-story were still conceived as isolated and self- disclosed the definitive replacement of referential productive units, sort of the suburban human think-belts: the most simple and revisionist living and beams. a and creative But of city, the suburban satellite-cities building, or ‘Vertical-City’, within office assembly-line the slabs, historical instead, machinery with 12 appropriate construction to enable between the two contradictions of the undefined spaces for business and Systems; ‘maximum Quantity’ and cognitive labor. ‘maximum Balance’. It is only in this way, by making the Brain of the System Sichtbar Machen: University Climatic mad, that we can interrupt the continuity System of processes and links alike”.xxxvi In 1970 the duo Dziga Vertov, Jean Louis Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin, shot Luttes en Italie.xxxvii The plot was simple, the intent ambitious: by looking historically at one character, the movie attempted to unveil the coercive laws of capitalist logic ideological Archizoom Associates: Proposal for the new University of Florence, 1971 unmasking surface. Paola, their the protagonist, does not know how to approach the working-class. After a long self-conscious introspection concerning her bourgeois condition, ‘composed’ of different separated events (university, shopping, family, sex), she gradually acknowledges the organic substratum of the production-distribution- consumption cycle hidden beneath the alleged ‘variety’ of her daily-life spectacle. Such a generic productive background was rendered with blackArchizoom Associates: Proposal for the new University of Florence, 1971 ideological veil occurred in front of a “There is just a ‘Quantitative’ challenge which, without presupposing screen interruptions, while the rip of the ‘other’ logic systems, accepts the actual Logic of Production as a level of comparison mirror, which immediately reflected the protagonist’s alienation within the social conditions of production. Interestingly enough, in the same year, an important architectural competition 13 for the New University of Florence was university riots to the whole working- launched, to which Archizoom Associati class struggle, in oder to establish an submitted a project entitled I progetti si ‘organic connection’ with the entire firmano (Projects need to be signed) society.xxxviii against the alleged anonymity of the At that time, Archizoom had already competition procedures. By signing the accumulated numerous experiences of project, and deliberately proclaiming ‘cultural terrorism’, an ingenious war- themselves offside, Archizoom rejected strategy aimed at revealing the marble the a chicken of the imperialist economic competition brief that fostered only mere dominion hidden beneath the domestic issues management, bourgeois culture by means of ‘acid’ megastructures, fancy programs, 'aerial installations, ‘poisoned’ objects, dream architectures' and 'roof top designs', beds, ‘exotic’ gazebos, ‘surreal’ and which architectural ‘secret’ theaters: “As fake pacifists we ‘objects’ or visionary autres realities take away our beards and mustaches rather than critical reflections on the meditating contemporary national and international cheating.”xxxix university upheavals, as documented in Influenced by the harsh political debate, Luttes en Italie. After the first university the Operaist theories, Tafuri’s Critique occupation in Trento, in 1966, three of Ideology, and Marshall McLuhan and intense years of students riots and Reyner workers’ protests, shook the Italian infatuations, they rapidly maturated an debate on the role of the new mass- operative Utopia that could be used as university within and against the ruling a critical instance on the system itself, economical Considering while realizing the intrinsic limitations of themselves as ‘labor-force in formation’ the architectural discipline in intervening and reclaiming political representative within structures analogous to the workers condition. unions, independence of knowledge admonition Sichtbar machen, making from the technical capitalist integration, things visible, “to say them clearly in freedom of accessibility to a superior order to be understood, at the risk of not education and the dismantling of the interpreting very well things intrinsically obsolete academic class hierarchies, obscure”xl became the main goal for a the students attempted to open the new political approach to the project, as obtuse of still requirements urban proposed system. of the Banham an most technological all-encompassing In this violent sense, market Tronti’s 14 a strategy drawn from the actual Pistoia. This not just as inspiration or relations of power and aimed at making poetic invention, but in the sense that the Brain of the System mad. we refuse to design an object, preferring Therefore, their proposal for the instead to design its use".xlii University of Florence constituted the The ‘Territorial Planimetry’ of the project fundamental study-case to elaborate a was a pure grid,xliii a “homogeneous definitive Theory of the Metropolis, living diagram”: homogeneous, because which would eventually result in the reality was one and the same, the one model for an Homogeneous and Not- of production; living, because life in its Discontinuous City one year later. xli genericness was the highest source of The project derived from an ‘elementary profit; diagram, because conceived as application’, at a territorial scale, of the display of the immanent forces and their new modern technologies of the ‘well- power tempered environment’ - elevators, air- resulted conditioning, electric lighting, ‘Flexible underground’ architecture, a massive Space’ and ‘Flexible Ceiling’ - which repetition equalled the programmatic and formal productive plinths, structured only by features of the university to the ones of the any other architecture of production, supporting elements, toilets, shafts and such supermarkets, elevators: the greatest possible freedom industrialized within the maximum alienation, a zero- agricultural fields. On the other hand, degree project from which everything proposing only a series of continuous was possible and unpredictable.xliv The plans and a single continuous cross- University was a gigantic platform of section, any superimposed plateaux, able to inform Archizoom and reify any of its generic social intended to overcome the problem of issues:xlv leisure, recreation, residential form in general, conceiving territory as a parkings, information sharing, scientific neutral the research. Already Cedric Price, with his existence of any ‘outside’ beyond the Thinkbelt Potteries, in 1964, attempted ubiquitous relations of production: "The to attack the concept of a secluded only architectural form we would have upper-class university and to undermine wanted to propose was thus a bank of the self-referential logic of the campus fog by envisioning a linear system for as housing factories, units, or voluntarily perimetrical definition, matter roaming devoid and between of banishing Firenze and relations. in a of discreet The sort the ordered project of thus ‘arisen Hochausstadt number of 15 'higher education facilities' on the ruins more it develops, the more capital of an abandoned pottery industrial creates its own gravediggers. infrastructure in the English Midlands. Although opening the project towards ‘uncharted territories’ and calculated uncertainties, Price's modular combinations, interactive centers, and transfer points, were not daring enough, being still a collection of objects, typologies and ‘quantities’. On circumscribed the contrary, for Archizoom, the isotropic condition of the market could not be represented except than by itself, eliminating the problem of the city and its architecture once and for all. The problem was not to imagine a different, a better or fairer city, but rather to challenge the system in its entirety, unveiling its intrinsic quantitative logic of development and exploitation through a ‘definitive’ solution. The mirror, which was used in Luttes en Italie as estrangement device to achieve class-consciousness, in the University maquette was deployed as a three-dimensional optical device to render the mise en abîme of the Universal Climatic System. But the conjectured coincidence of the market system with proletarianization knowledge, the extension and inevitably of common entails the battlefield for its final subversion. The 16 i Karl Marx. “The Method of Political Economy” in A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1859), online version, (1999) ii Karl Marx. Economical and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, (Moscow: Progress Publishers,1959), “Estranged Labor”, par. XXIV, online version, (1999) iii Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott. A Greek–English Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1940) iv Karl Marx. Capital. A Critique of Political Economy (Hamburg: Otto Müller Verlag, 1867) Volume 1, ch.1, online version, (1999) v Karl Marx. Capital. A Critique of Political Economy (Hamburg: Otto Müller Verlag, 1867) Volume 1, ch.6, online version, (1999) vi Paolo Virno. A Grammar of the Multitude. For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life (Los Angeles: Semiotex(e), 2004), 83 vii Mario Tronti. “La fabbrica e la società” originally published in Quaderni Rossi, 2 (1962), 1-31; reprinted in Operai e Capitale, (Turin: Einaudi,1966) viii Renato Panzieri, Lotte operaie nello sviluppo capitalistico, (Turin:Einaudi, 1976) ix Karl Marx. Capital. A Critique of Political Economy (Hamburg: Otto Müller Verlag, 1867) Volume 1, ch.2, online version, (1999) x Christian Marazzi. “Capitalismo digitale e modello antropogenetico del lavoro. L’ammortamento del corpo macchina”. in J.L.Laville, C.Marazzi, M. La Rosa, F. Chicci (ed) Reinventare il lavoro (Rome:Sapere, 2000) xi Robert, Boyer. La croissance, début de siècle. (Paris: Albin Michel, 2002) xii Andrea Fumagalli, Dieci tesi sul reddito di cittadinanza, (1998), online at xiii Mario Tronti. “Poscritto di Problemi”, in Operai e Capitale, 2nd edition (Turin: Einaudi,1971) xiv Andrea Fumagalli, Cristiana Morini. “Life put to work: Towards a life theory of value”, Ephemera. Theory and Politics in Organization, vol. 10, no. 3 (2010) xv Carlo Vercellone. “Crisi della legge del valore e divenire rendita del profitto” in Andrea Fumagalli and Sandro Mezzadra, eds.,Crisi dell'economia globale. Mercati finanziari, lotte sociali e nuovi scenari politici (Rome: Ombre Corte, 2010) xvi Gilbert Simondon. L’individu et sa genèse phsycho-biologique: L’Individuation à la lumière des notions de forme et information (Paris: P.U.F, 1964) xvii Mario Tronti. “Poscritto di Problemi”, in Operai e Capitale, 2nd edition (Turin: Einaudi,1971) xviii A complete analysis of the Albert Kahn work could be found in Nelson, G; Industrial Architecture of Albert Kahn Inc. (New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1939); Grant Hildebrand, Designing for Industries, (Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 1974); Bucci, Federico; L'architetto di Ford. Albert Kahn e il progetto della fabbrica moderna, (CittàStudi, 1991) xix Henry Ford. “Mass Production”, in Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926). For a detailed description of the internal production procedures see Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill, Ford, the Times, the Man, and the Company (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1954) xx Architectural Forum 51, No.3 (Sept. 1929) in Grant Hildebrand, Designing for Industries, pp. 157 xxi Antonio Negri. “Keynes and the Capitalist Theory of the State post-1929”, Revolution Retrieved: Selected Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects 1967–1983 (London:Red Notes, 1988) xxii The company was involved in the first Soviet Five Year Plan to design and construct over than 500 industrial complexes, between 1929 and 1932.Led by Albert Kahn, his brother Moritz, Henry Ford and the Armtorg Trading Corporation, the output of the ‘Russian venture’ was not only the realization of several massive plants on the model of River Rouge, such as the ones in Chelyabinsk, Stalingrad and Kuznetsk, but also the ‘export’ of the American advanced technical knowledge through an intensive training of the russian architects and engineers. xxiii The nobility of this ‘box’ profoundly impressed Mies van der Rohe, who utilized a photograph of its interior hall as background for his perspective collage of the Concert Hall project, in 1942. xxiv Walter Rathenau. Gesamtausgabe, (Munich: Hans Dieter Hellige and Ernst Schulin, 1977-83) vol. 2, 51 xxv Sergio Bologna. “Class composition and the theory of the party at the origin of the workers-councils movement”, in Telos, 13 (1992), originally published in Sergio Bologna, Operai e Stato (Milan, 1972) xxvi Sergio Bologna. Ceti medi senza futuro? (Rome: Derive e Approdi, 2007), 45 xxvii Emil Lederer. “Die Umschichtung des Proletariats” in Angestellte und Arbeiter (Berlin: Afa-Bund, Freier Volksverlag, 1929) xxviii Sigfried Kracauer. The Salaried Masses: Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany, (London: Verso, 1998) xxix Manfredo Tafuri. “Sozialpolitik and the City in Weimar Germany” in The Sphere and the Labyrinth, (Cambridge Mass: MIT Press,1987) originally published in Manfredo Tafuri, La Sfera e il Labirinto, (Turin: Einaudi, 1980) xxx Walter Benjamin “The Destructive Character”, in Selective Writings, vol. 2, 1927– 1934, (Harvard University Press, 2003) xxxi Ludwig Hilberseimer; “The Highrise” in G. Material for Elemental Form-Creation, 2, Sept (1923) xxxii Hans Richter, Lerner Graff, Lazar M. Lissitzky. G. Material for Elemental Form-Creation, 1, Jul (1923) xxxiii Mies van der Rohe. “Office Building” in G. Material for Elemental Form-Creation, 1, Jul (1923) xxxiv Ludwig Hilberseimer. Großstadtarchitektur (Julius Verlag: Stuttgart, 1927) xxxv Julius Vischer, Ludwig Hilberseimer. Bauten in Eisenbeton und ihre architektonische Gestaltung (J. Hoffmann : Stuttgart, 1927) xxxvi Archizoom Associati. “Città, catena di montaggio del sociale”, originally published in Casabella, 350-351, Jul-Aug (1970) xxxvii Struggles in Italy was a short movie commissioned by RAI italian television, which was eventually refused and never distributed, highly influenced by Louis Althusser, Ideology and State Apparatuses, (1970) xxxviii To this account, see the “Tesi della Sapienza”, in Il Mulino, 4-5, May-Jun (1967), elaborated by the collective grew around the political review Potere Operaio Pisano and close to the Operaist claims xxxix Archizoom Associates. “Dream Beds” in Domus, 465 (1967) xl “Sichtbar machen means to make visible: to say clearly in order to be understood, at the risk of not interpreting very well things intrinsically obscure. Despite the difficult title, this section is the easiest of all.” in Mario Tronti. “Poscritto di Problemi” (Turin: Einaudi,1971) xli Archizoom Associates. “No-Stop City. Residential Parkings. Climatic Universal System”, in Domus, Mar (1971) xlii Archizoom Associati, “Archizoom: Progetto di concorso per l’università di Firenze”, in Domus, 509, Apr (1972) xliii The referential unit was 125 x125m and the generated territorial modules 500 x 500m were directly layered on the topographic relief and regularly traversed by diagonal infrastructure lines. xliv Andrea Branzi, “Postscript”, in No-Stop City. Archizoom Associati (Orleans: Editions HYX, 2006) xlv Archizoom Associates, “Città Catena di Montaggio del Sociale. Ideologia e Teoria della Metropoli” in Casabella, Jul-Aug (1970) 18