Guidance for the industry on The Notification and Registration Scheme of Environmentally Hazardous Substances (EHS) in Malaysia Department of Environment Hazardous Substances Division ISBN 978-983-3895-17-5 2nd Edition 2012 FOREWORD The Environmentally Hazardous Substances Notification Registration Scheme (EHSNR) has been developed implemented by the Department of Environment since 2008. objective of which is to collect information on hazardous stances that are available or used in the country. and and The sub The notification and registration is done electronically through EHS link that is available on the Department of Environment website, This Guidance document is to facilitate the importers and manufacturers to notify to the Department of Environment on the EHS that are important or manufactured. Halimah Hassan Director General Department of Environment, Malaysia Page Contents 1.0 Background to the proposed scheme 1 2.0 The Purpose of a Notification and Registration Scheme 1 3.0 Scope of the Scheme 2 4.0 What is an Environmentally Hazardous Substance (EHS)? 2 5.0 Who Shall Notify? 6.0 7.0 Who Shall Not Notify? 3 Substances which are exempted from the EHSNR 8.0 9.0 Substances which are included for the EHSNR 4 Notification 9.1 Pre-Registration 4 9.2 Registration 5 9.3 Type of notification required 5 - 6 9.4 Notification Process 6 - 9 10.0 Period for Notification 10 11.0 External Notification 10 3 3 4 12.0 Proposed Road Map for EHS Notification and 11 - 12 Registration Scheme 13. 0 Proposed Notification Plan 14.0 12 Role of DOE 13 1.0 2.0 Background to the proposed scheme 1.1 At the present there is very limited information available on the nature and amounts of Environmentally Hazardous Substances (EHS) present in Malaysia. The Environmental Quality Act established that there was a need to manage and control EHS in order to minimise effects to people and the nvironment. In order to be able to manage the potential adverse impacts of EHS imported into, produced and used in Malaysia, the government needs information on the amounts of such substances that are used. 1.2 While some types and some aspects of chemicals and their effects are already managed, many chemicals that are poten tially EHS are not currently managed. The proposed Chemicals Notification and Registration scheme is designed toclose that gap in knowledge and provide government with theinformation they need. The Purpose of a Notification and Registration Scheme 2.1 The purpose of the notification and registration scheme in Malaysia is to provide the necessary information to the Malaysia Government that will enable the Department of Environment to identify substances of concern in the country and make decisions about how manage these substances in a safe and sound manner. 2.2 Based on the information submitted by industry, Department of Environment (DOE) will establish the Malaysian Chemicals Register. The Malaysian Chemicals Register will contain information about the identify of substances that have been notified to Doe, their uses in Malaysia, their hazard market in classification and the accumulated amounts placed on the Malaysia. 1 3.0 4.0 Scope of the Scheme 3.1 This Scheme will cover all substances not covered by other notification/registration schemes in Malaysia, and substances fulfilling the criteria for classification as hazardous in accor dance with Globally Harmonised System (GHS) or until the full implementation of GHS, in accordance with the current classification requirements for chemicals in Malaysia. The scheme also covers substances not covered by the GHS classification but considered to be substances of concern. 3.2 This Scheme does not apply to substances from which information has already been submitted to other government agencies in Malaysia by means of other legislations, unless the substance is also used for other purposes not covered by the Pesticides, Poisons and Chemicals Weapons Convention Acts. What is an Environmentally Hazardous Substances (EHS)? 4.1 Environmentally Hazardous Substances (EHS), under the environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974, is defined as “any natural or artificial substances including any raw material, whether in a solid, semi-solid or liquid form, or in the form of gas or vapour, or in a mixture of at least two of these s ubstances, or any living organism intended for any environmental protection, conservation and control activity, which can cause pollution”. 4.2 For the purposes of Notification and Registration under the EQA, an EHS will be defined as follows: ‘“An EHS is a substance that is assigned a hazard caegory under the GHS classification scheme or is present on an existing internationally agreed list of proscribed substances” 2 5.0 6.0 7.0 Who Shall Notify? 5.1 The Scheme The Scheme is aimed at manufacturers and importers of EHS and importers of chemical mixtures or finished products that contain EHS as their constituents. 5.2 The Scheme is also aimed at companies importing individual EHS and/or chemical mixtures or finished products containing EHS as constituents above certain cut-off limits. Who Shall Not Notify? 6.1 Chemical industries involved in the manufacturing of chemical mixtures or products using locally manufactured EHS or imported EHS sourced from local suppliers as raw materials are not subject to this scheme. 6.2 Chemical companies involved in formulation, distribution, retailing and use of EHS or EHS containing mixtures/products from locally sourced EHS are not subject to this scheme. Substances which are exempted from the EHSNR a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. naturally-occurring materials incidental/end-use reaction products substances formed during the manufacture of an article mixtures (but not mixture components) impurities by-products non-isolated intermediates contained site-limited intermediates transported intermediates substances manufactured solely for export substances used in research and development substances produced for test marketing low volume substances (<1 tonne per annum) polymers 3 8.0 Substances which are included for the EHSNR The N & R scheme will cover substances such as: a. Petrochemicals including plastics and resins b. Chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides * c. Soap and detergents d. Cosmetics, toiletries and household products e. Organic chemicals f. Oleo-chemical products g. Chemicals in pharmaceutical* products h. Industrial gases i. Paints and paints products j. Basic industrial chemicals k. Rubber industry * Not active ingredients which are already regulated 9.0 Notification 1.1 9.1 Pre-Registration 9.1.1 List out chemicals imported or manufactured into a table which contains; Name of substances CAS no/ EC no / Index no Tonnage imported/manufactured 9.1.2 Prepare any available Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each of the substances 9.1.3 Get ready with the document related to the company registration, i.e. SSM registration number 9.1.4 Go through the guideline or guidance document provided in the EHSNR website at 4 9.2 9.3 Registration 9.2.1 Register your company with the Department of environment Malaysia to participate in the EHS NOTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION SCHEME This can be done by logging into the DOE website ( and activating the menu on EHS Notification and Registration. Select the option on Company Registration in the resultant output to register your company. A letter of approval, sent by e-mail, will be communicated to you once the registration is verified and approved by the Department. 9.2.2 Fill in all the empty boxes provided. Boxes with * are mandatory. Submission for registration cannot be done without completing all the relevant fields re required. Once completed, click the “submit” button. 9.2.3 The submission will be reviewed by DOE and once approved a confirmation letter will be send directly to the registered email. Users now can start enter the system by using the registered username and password. Type of notification required 9.3.1 Check whether your substance required Basic or Detailed Notification. This can be done by providing the substance CAS/EC/Index No. in the box provided at the homepage. 9.3.2 Substances which are already listed in the EHS reference List or CMR Reference List are required t o do Basic Notification only 9.3.3 Substances which are Not Listed in the EHS Refer ence List or CMR Reference List are required to go for further clarification. There are two possibilities; 5 i) The substance may be classified as not hazardous based on the GHS hazard classification. The Manufacturer/Importer (M/I) are required to go through the substance Material Safety Data Sheet and search for any clues or statements which can relate the substance as hazardous or not hazardous. ii) The substance is not yet classified and there fore is not yet listed in the list. In this case, M/I are required to submit additional information (Detailed Notification) together with the basic information. The information required are; a. b. c. d. e. f. 9.4 Data on Data on Substance Identification (e.g. structural formula, molecular weight, etc) Data on Physical Chemical Properties (e.g. melting point, auto-ignition temperature, etc) Data on Physical Hazards (e.g. flam flammability, corrosivity to metals, etc) Data on Hazards to Human Health (e.g. acute toxicity, skin corrosion/ irritation, etc) Data on Hazards to Aquatic Environment (e.g. acute aquatic toxicity and properties like bioaccumulation, etc) Overall GHS Classification Notification Process 9.4.1 1.1.1 A two stage approach is recommended to chemical industries for the Notification and Registration of EHS. Once access to your company private domain or win window is obtained, i.e. after entering the User ID and Password, follow the procedures listed below: 6 9.4.2 Active the menu on Basic Notification of EHS to undertake a basic notification for each hazardous substance which you have finalized. On completion of data entry, check for correctness of your data before submitting the information to DOE, since information once submitted will not be subject to any changes. Repeat the basic notification for all substances in your list. A display listing all substances entered into the system and notified by your company is available for your viewing and printing, if required. Explanatory texts to assist you in entering the data as well as how to proceed with the notification process are given in the system. Once the basic notification has been completed, a detailed notification can then be undertaken. In this case, the substances which require detailed notification will be listed when the menu Detailed Notification of EHS is activated. Select a particular substance to begin the detailed notifications process. (Note: All six sets of data, i.e. EHS Identification, Physical Chemical Properties, Physical Hazards, Hazards to Human Health, Hazards to Aquatic Environment and Overall GHS Classification must be completed before submitting the data to the Department of Environment Malaysia). If a substance had been previously notified in detail (e.g. in the previous year), a detailed notification of the said substance is not required anymore. However a new detailed notification of the substance should be made if new data are available to the company. In this case, detailed data previously notified can be accessed and edited to reflect the changes 7 9.4.3 Notification has to be done online at EHS Notification and Registration website. The website can be accessed at or 9.4.4 To start with the notification, please login to the system by using the registered username and password. 9.4.5 Click “Notify Substance” and fill in the information required. Click save in order to save the data without submitting first and click submit to completely submit the data to the department. M/I are advised to check the data completely before submitting to DOE. Please take note that no changes are allowed after the data submitted to the department. 9.4.6 For substances that are unable to be classified due to lack of data or data cannot be submitted due to no information available, the M/I can submit the notification with reasons on why those information cannot be submitted. 9.4.7 Importers can request the overseas suppliers to submit detailed notification on behalf of them in case where the substances are classified as confidential. Please refer to the external notification for further explanation. 9.4.8 The differences between Basic Notification and Detailed Notification are shown in the table 1 below; Table 1: Differences Between Basic and Detailed Notification of EHS Basic Detailed Chemical manufacturer or importer are only required to furnish the following data; Chemical manufacturer or importer are required to furnish the following data; 8 Substance identification (CAS No, EC No or Index No) Substance identification (CAS No, EC No or Index No) Annual tonnage in metric tons Annual tonnage in metric tons Use of the substance Use of the substance Concentration interval of substance in raw materials or finished products (maximum and minimum concentration) Concentration interval of substance in raw materials or finished products (maximum and minimum concentration Country of export (if imported) Country of export (if imported) Data on Substance Identification (e.g. structural formula, molecular weight, etc) Data on Physical Chemical Properties (e.g. melting point, auto-ignition temperature, etc) Data on Physical Hazards (e.g. flammability, corrosivity to metals, etc) Data on Hazards to Human Health (e.g. acute toxicity, skin corrosion/irritation, etc) Data on Hazards to Aquatic Environment (e.g. acute aquatic toxicity and properties like bioaccumulation, etc) Overall GHS Classification 9 10.0 Period for Notification 10.1 For the purpose of this notification, the recommended period for industries to submit Basic Notification is from January to June. Notification to be done annually based on the previous year data. 10.2 The recommended notification period for Detailed Notification is from January to December. Notification for detailed notification is only required once unless there are some major changes in the hazard classification for the substance. Once submitted the substance will be registered in the list and therefore the substance will fall under Basic Notification in the following year. 11.0 External Notification 11.1 In the case where Manufacturer/Importer (M/I) cannot provide the data due to the reason that the overseas supplier classifies the substance as Confidential Business Information (CBI), the M/I can request the overseas suppliers to notify it directly to DOE. This is known as “external notification” and can only be done online through registration by local Malaysian companies. 11.2 Malaysia companies who want to request overseas suppliers to notify on behalf of them due to the confidential issues can register their overseas suppliers in the system. 11.3 The overseas suppliers will receive a notification email together with the auto generated username and password. The overseas suppliers can immediately change to their own preference username and password. Local companies who make the request can only monitor the notification made by the overseas suppliers by logging to the system. 11.4 Request made to the overseas suppliers on the same substance will be based on the first notification request only. Other notifiers will be sharing the same submission made for the first notifier. 10 12.0 Proposed Road Map for EHS Notification and Registration Scheme 2017 Authorization 2015 Evaluation 2013 Registration 2009 The EHS Notification and Registration (EHSNR) Road Map • • • 2009 to 2013 – set up initial inventory by encouraging importers and manufacturers of substances classified as hazardous to register and submit the notification. This scheme will remain as voluntary and industries can continue to do the registration and notification on the following years. 2013 to 2015 – during this period, the department will start on evaluating substances and establish prioritise list base on certain criteria for risk assessment. 11 • • • • • 2015 to 2017 – during this period, the risk assessment measures proposed on selected substances will be identified and substances which are potential to cause bad impact to the environment will be managed by introducing some control measures to control the usage of that particular substance in the country. 2017 onward – Control measures on selected substances, such as regulation to control single substance, will be introduced. 13. 0 Proposed Notification Plan ANNUAL TONNAGE (MT) > 100 10 -100 1 - 10 PROPOSED YEAR FOR NOTIFICATION 2009 2013 2015 2017 2012 2014 2016 2018 Initial Baseline Data Collected * * * * * * The main objective of introducing this table is just for helping the industries on steps that they might want to follow for the notification process. Since the scheme is a voluntary scheme, industries have their own choices of submitting the notification to the department. 2013 – 2014: All substances that, under GHS classification, are assigned an aquatic toxicity classification of ‘chronic 1’ or are ‘suspected or known human carcinogens, reproductive toxicants or mutagens’ and those which the accumulated tonnage imported or manufactured more than 100 MT are encouraged to notify during years 2012 and 2013 2015 – 2016: During this period industries can focus on accumulated tonnage between 10 – 100 MT 2017 – 2018: During this period focus should be given to those accumulated tonnage of 1 12 14.0 Role of DOE 14.1 DOE will check the substance classification data supplied by the M/I for; a. b. c. Accuracy and self consistency. Consistency of classification assigned with those by other M/I and/or Department of Occupational Safety and Health DOSH) to that substance. Correct assignment of GHS classification based on the substance data supplied and GHS classification rules. 14.2 In the case of DOE disputing the GHS classification assigned by the M/I, there will be discussion between DOE and the M/I to resolve any disagreement or misunderstanding. If agreement still cannot be reached, the Technical Committeeon Classification will decide on the agreed GHS classification. 14.3 Once the GHS classification has been accepted, DOE will enter the substance and the associated data into the Register of Notified Substances (EHS Register). Hazardous Substances Division Department of Environment Putrajaya 13