Rev. Revision Date Description Revised By Initial Document

Black Hills Power, Inc.
Postback Methodology
Revision Date: April 1, 2011
Effective: April 1, 2011
Revision No.: 0-0
1. Purpose
The Postback Methodology document provides for the documentation of required information as specified
in the NAESB OASIS Standards and NERC MOD-029-1a Standard.
2. Definitions
2.1. Postback – The positive adjustment to ATC due to redirects, recalls, or unscheduled use of
confirmed firm transmission reservations.
3. Requirements
3.1. NAESB OASIS Standard WEQ-001, Section 13.1.5 states that if the Transmission Provider
should include a link titled Postback Methodology if applicable to that Transmission Provider.
3.2. NAESB OASIS Standard WEQ-001, Section 18.2 states that the Transmission Provider’s
Methodology for determining and incorporating postbacks in the ATC calculation methodology
shall be documented and posted under the ATC Information Link in a separate bullet titled,
“Postback Methodology”.
3.3. NERC Standard MOD-029-1a, Rated System Path Methodology, states that the use of
postbacks will be further defined in Transmission Provider specific documentation.
4. Implementation
4.1. Postbacks
4.1.1.A redirect of capacity on a firm basis will be applied as a Postback on the parent path of the
original reservation.
4.1.2. A recall of capacity will be applied as a Postback on the path of the original reservation.
4.1.3.The release of unscheduled firm capacity will be applied as a Postback in the Non-firm ATC
calculations in the Operating and Scheduling Horizons.
5. Revision & Version (REV-VER) Designations
5.1. A change to the Revision indicates a significant change to the document.
5.2. A change to the Version indicates an insignificant change to the document, not affecting content.
6. Revision History
Revision Date
Revised By
April 1, 2011
Initial Document Release
Larry Williamson