References and bibliography on epidemiology

Communicable Diseases Surveillance in Singapore 2011
References and Bibliography on Epidemiology
I Air-droplet-Borne Diseases
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
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Communicable Diseases Surveillance in Singapore 2011
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Communicable Diseases Surveillance in Singapore 2011
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Meningococcal Infection
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Viral Conjunctivitis
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II Vector-Borne/Zoonotic Diseases
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Japanese Encephalitis
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III Food-/Water-Borne Diseases
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Food Poisoning
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IV Blood-Borne Diseases
Hepatitis B
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Hepatitis C
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V Environment-Related Diseases
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VI HIV/AIDS, STIs, Tuberculosis & Leprosy
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
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Sexually Transmitted Infections
Chan RK, Tan HH. Sexually transmitted infections in Singapore teenagers. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2003 Jan;32(1):25-8.
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Chan YC, Ng KY, Chan RK. The epidemiology and treatment of anogenital warts in Singapore: a retrospective
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Premarital sexual intercourse among adolescents in an Asian country: multilevel ecological factors.
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