Event and Continuous Hydrologic Modeling with HEC-HMS Xuefeng Chu, A.M.ASCE1; and Alan Steinman2 Abstract: Event hydrologic modeling reveals how a basin responds to an individual rainfall event 共e.g., quantity of surface runoff, peak, timing of the peak, detention兲. In contrast, continuous hydrologic modeling synthesizes hydrologic processes and phenomena 共i.e., synthetic responses of the basin to a number of rain events and their cumulative effects兲 over a longer time period that includes both wet and dry conditions. Thus, fine-scale event hydrologic modeling is particularly useful for understanding detailed hydrologic processes and identifying the relevant parameters that can be further used for coarse-scale continuous modeling, especially when long-term intensive monitoring data are not available or the data are incomplete. Joint event and continuous hydrologic modeling with the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System 共HEC-HMS兲 is discussed in this technical note and an application to the Mona Lake watershed in west Michigan is presented. Specifically, four rainfall events were selected for calibrating/verifying the event model and identifying model parameters. The calibrated parameters were then used in the continuous hydrologic model. The Soil Conservation Service curve number and soil moisture accounting methods in HEC-HMS were used for simulating surface runoff in the event and continuous models, respectively, and the relationship between the two rainfall-runoff models was analyzed. The simulations provided hydrologic details about quantity, variability, and sources of runoff in the watershed. The model output suggests that the fine-scale 共5 min time step兲 event hydrologic modeling, supported by intensive field data, is useful for improving the coarse-scale 共hourly time step兲 continuous modeling by providing more accurate and well-calibrated parameters. DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9437共2009兲135:1共119兲 CE Database subject headings: Watersheds; Hydrologic models; Geographic information systems; Runoff. Introduction Watershed hydrologic modeling and the associated model calibration and verification require a large set of spatial and temporal data 共e.g., topography, land use/covers, soils, rainfall, and flow monitoring data兲. In practice, however, the availability and quality of these data are often an issue one needs to cope with. Sometimes, one has to compromise the overall modeling quality because of insufficient high-resolution data for developing, calibrating, and validating the model. Under these circumstances, it is critical to develop an effective modeling strategy that not only takes full advantage of the available data but also maximizes the accuracy of modeling. The goal of the current study is to develop such a strategy by combining fine-scale event and coarse-scale continuous hydrologic modeling with the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System 共HEC-HMS兲 共USACE-HEC 2006兲. This approach has been applied to the Mona Lake watershed, located in west Michigan. Event hydrologic modeling for a basin characterizes finer-scale hydrologic processes and reveals how the basin 1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, North Dakota State Univ., 1410 14th Ave. North, Fargo, ND 58105; formerly, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State Univ., Muskegon, MI 49441. E-mail: xuefeng.chu@ndsu.edu 2 Professor and Director, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State Univ., 740 W. Shoreline Dr., Muskegon, MI 49441. E-mail: steinmaa@gvsu.edu Note. Discussion open until July 1, 2009. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. The manuscript for this technical note was submitted for review and possible publication on January 31, 2007; approved on April 17, 2008. This technical note is part of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 1, February 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9437/2009/1-119–124/$25.00. responds to an individual rainfall event 共e.g., quantity of surface runoff, peak, timing of the peak, and detention兲. Thus, event hydrologic modeling is useful for better understanding the underlying hydrologic processes and identifying the relevant parameters. Also, intensive fine-scale hydrologic monitoring data for certain rainfall events, which are essential to the calibration of the event hydrologic model, are easily obtained. In contrast, continuous hydrologic modeling synthesizes hydrologic processes and phenomena 共i.e., synthetic responses of the basin to a number of rain events and their cumulative effects兲 over a longer time period that includes both wet and dry conditions. In addition, calibration and verification of a continuous hydrologic model over a long time period often require considerable monitoring data. For many small watersheds, however, such long-term monitoring data may not be available, may not be “continuous,” or may not have sufficient resolution 共small time-interval data兲. Thus, a combination of event and continuous hydrologic modeling takes advantage of the two modeling methods and data availability. In particular, the parameters that are well calibrated in event models will help improve the continuous hydrologic modeling. The Watershed Modeling System 共WMS 1999兲 and the latest version of HEC-HMS 共USACE-HEC 2006兲 are used in this hydrologic modeling study. The Watershed Modeling System is a comprehensive modeling environment for watershed-scale hydrologic analysis that incorporates several commonly used hydrologic models 关e.g., Hydrologic Engineering Center 共HEC-1兲, Technical Release 共TR兲-20, TR-55, National Flood Frequency 共NFF兲, and Hydrological Simulation Program–FORTRAN 共HSPF兲兴 and facilitates processing of various geographic information system 共GIS兲 data, automated watershed delineation, computation of hydrologic parameters, and hydrologic modeling. HEC-HMS, the successor to HEC-1, is a precipitation-runoffrouting model that represents a drainage basin as an intercon- JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 / 119 Downloaded 29 Jan 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright Fig. 1. Location of the Mona Lake watershed The SCS-CN model is available in HEC-HMS for simulating direct surface runoff from a storm event 共i.e., event rainfall-runoff model兲. To facilitate continuous hydrologic modeling, a soil moisture accounting 共SMA兲 model has been incorporated in HEC-HMS 共USACE-HEC, 2000, 2006兲. Basically, SMA in HEC-HMS is a lumped bucket-type model that represents a subbasin with well-linked storage layers/buckets accounting for canopy interception, surface depression storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration, as well as soil water and groundwater percolation. In this study, the SCS-CN and SMA models were used for event and continuous hydrologic modeling, respectively. The event modeling focused on understanding how the hydrologic system responded to individual storm events on a fine time scale and identifying relevant hydrologic parameters. The SMA continuous hydrologic modeling operated over a longer period, which included a series of rainfall events and dry time periods on a coarse time scale. The main purpose of implementing joint SCS-CN event and SMA continuous modeling is to strengthen the overall modeling capability. Parameters that are well calibrated in the event modeling are further used to improve the continuous hydrologic modeling. The relationship between the SCS-CN and SMA methods can be analyzed as follows: The SCS-CN model can be expressed as 共USDA 1986兲 P2e Pe + S 共1兲 Pe = P − Ia 共2兲 Ia = ␣S 共3兲 R= nected system of hydrologic and hydraulic components and simulates the surface runoff response of the basin to precipitation 共USACE-HEC 2006兲. The Mona Lake watershed covers 191.64 km2 and is dominated by forest, residential, and agricultural cropland land-use types. The soils are mostly Rubicon and Au Gres sands 共RsB, AsB, and Ra兲 共Steinman et al. 2003兲, which possess relatively low runoff potential and high infiltration capability. Mona Lake itself covers an area of 2.65 km2 and receives inflows from a number of tributaries and storm drains 共Steinman et al. 2006兲; the lake connects directly to Lake Michigan via a small channel. Major tributaries include Black Creek 共BC兲, Little Black Creek 共LBC兲, Cress Creek 共CC兲, and Ellis Drain 共ED兲 共Fig. 1兲. Black Creek drains the largest area and it also receives discharge of treated wastewater from the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System 共WWMS兲. in which S= 2,540 − 25.4 CN Methods and Model Development The Soil Conservation Service curve number method 关共SCS-CN兲, USDA 1986兴 is essentially an empirical, one-parameter 共CN兲, event rainfall-runoff model. The dimensionless curve number takes into account, in a lumped way, the effects of land use/cover, soil types, and hydrologic conditions on surface runoff, and relates direct surface runoff to rainfall. The SCS-CN method has been widely used for estimating rainfall-generated surface runoff in watershed hydrologic modeling. In spite of the popularity of the SCS-CN method, it is controversial; its limitations, application conditions, abuses, and future directions have been discussed by many researchers 共e.g., Ponce and Hawkins 1996; Garen and Moore 2005兲. The SCS-CN method is selected in this study primarily because it allows one to fully utilize the available spatially distributed GIS data for the Mona Lake watershed that also can be easily processed by using the Windows-based tools in WMS. 共4兲 where R⫽cumulative runoff; P⫽cumulative rainfall; Pe⫽cumulative effective rainfall 共Pe ⬎ 0; otherwise, R = 0兲; S = potential maximum retention; Ia = initial abstraction 共all initial losses: surface depression storage, vegetation interception, and infiltration兲; ␣ = initial abstraction coefficient; and CN= curve number. For a default value of ␣ = 0.2, Eq. 共1兲 becomes R= SCS-CN Event Model versus SMA Continuous Model in HEC-HMS 共SI unit system,cm兲 共P − 508/CN + 5.08兲2 P + 2032/CN − 20.32 共5兲 According to the SMA method in HEC-HMS, rainfall contributes first to the canopy interception storage 共Sc兲. Then, rainwater is available for infiltration, which is determined by infiltration capacity and soil storage 共Ss兲. Any excess rainwater sequentially fills the surface depression storage 共Ssf兲 and eventually becomes surface runoff. The potential infiltration rate is given by 共USACEHEC 2000兲 i共t兲 = im Ssd共t兲 Ss max 共6兲 in which Ssd共t兲 = Ss max − Ss共t兲 共7兲 where i共t兲 = potential infiltration rate at time t 共the actual infiltration rate also depends on the water available for infiltration at time t兲; im = maximum infiltration rate; Ssmax = maximum soil water storage; Ss共t兲 = soil water storage at time t; and Ssd共t兲 = soil water storage deficit at time t. The infiltration rate equals zero when 120 / JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 Downloaded 29 Jan 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright Ssd共t兲 = 0 关i.e., Ss共t兲 = Ssmax兴 and reaches the maximum rate im when Ssd共t兲 = Ssmax 关i.e., Ss共t兲 = 0兴. From the definition of initial abstraction in the SCS-CN model and the computation procedures of the SMA model 共no evaporation during rainfall兲, one has Ia = Sc + Ssf + F0 共8兲 F 0 = i 0t 0 共9兲 in which where F0 = cumulative infiltration before surface runoff starts; i0 = average infiltration rate before surface runoff starts; and t0 = initial time. Substituting the expression of Ia 关Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲兴 into Eq. 共8兲, we have F0 = ␣共2,540/CN − 25.4兲 − Sc − Ssf 共10兲 For ␣ = 0.2, Eq. 共10兲 becomes F0 = 共508/CN − 5.08兲 − Sc − Ssf 共11兲 Fig. 2. HEC-HMS conceptual model for the Mona Lake watershed For the entire rainfall event, total runoff can be expressed as R = P − Sc − Ssf − F0 − Fr 共12兲 F = F0 + Fr = 关共508/CN − 5.08兲 − Sc − Ssf兴 + i.e., R = Pe − Fr 共13兲 F r = i rt r 共14兲 in which where Fr = cumulative infiltration after surface runoff initiates; ir = average infiltration rate after surface runoff starts; and tr = postrunoff time 共note that the entire time of the rainfall event T = t0 + tr兲. According to Eqs. 共1兲 and 共13兲, one has P2e = Pe − Fr Pe + S 共15兲 thus, Fr = P eS Pe + S 共16兲 Substituting Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲 into Eq. 共16兲, one has Fr = 共P − ␣S兲S 共P − ␣S兲 + S 共17兲 RS Pe 共18兲 or Fr = 共P − 508/CN + 5.08兲共2,540/CN − 25.4兲 共P + 2,032/CN − 20.32兲 共20兲 The average infiltration rate over the entire event can be written as i= F T 共21兲 Although SCS-CN and SMA utilize dissimilar methods for simulating surface runoff, infiltration, and other related hydrologic processes, the above-presented derivations do provide a way to better estimate the involved parameters in the SMA continuous model based on those well calibrated in the SCS-CN event model. Hydrologic Monitoring and Field Data Collection In this watershed study, eight sites 共Fig. 1兲 were selected for hydrologic monitoring 关three BC sites 共S1–S3兲; three LBC sites 共S4–S6兲; one CC site 共S7兲; and one ED site 共S8兲兴. The specific location of each site was determined based on a number of factors, such as shape and stability of stream channels, flow conditions, and accessibility. An Odyssey pressure and temperature recording system was installed for collecting stream water level and temperature data at each site. Streamflow also was manually measured and processed by using the Windows-based hydrologic software, HYDROL-INF 共Chu and Mariño 2006兲. Then, rating curves were developed and observed hydrographs 共Q – t兲 were computed for all monitoring sites, which were further utilized for model calibration. Watershed Delineation and Parameter Computation Substituting ␣ = 0.2 and Eq. 共4兲 into Eq. 共17兲, one has Fr = 共P − 508/CN + 5.08兲共2,540/CN − 25.4兲 共P + 2,032/CN − 20.32兲 共19兲 Thus, the cumulative infiltration over the entire rainfall event time T is given by Using WMS, overland flow directions and accumulations were computed and the drainage network and subbasin boundaries were determined. The entire Mona Lake watershed was divided into thirteen subbasins: five BC subbasins 共Basins 1–5兲, five LBC subbasins 共Basins 6–10兲, one CC subbasin 共Basin 11兲, one ED subbasin 共Basin 12兲, and a subbasin adjacent to Mona Lake JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 / 121 Downloaded 29 Jan 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright 共Basin 13兲 共Figs. 1 and 2兲. Further, all geometric parameters, such as subbasin area, overland flow length, basin slope, and stream channel length and slope were computed. Curve numbers were computed for all subbasins based on their land use/covers, soil types, and hydrologic soil groups. Other parameters 共e.g., lag time and time of concentration兲 also were estimated by using appropriate approaches in WMS. Event Hydrologic Modeling A 5 min time step was selected in the event hydrologic modeling. The SCS-CN loss method, the Clark transform method, and the recession baseflow method were selected for all subbasins. The SCS-CN method simulates rainfall excess and losses; the Clark unit hydrograph method 共Clark 1945兲 transforms the computed rainfall excess to direct runoff at the outlet of a subbasin; and the recession method utilizes an exponential recession model 共Chow et al. 1988兲 to represent baseflow from a subbasin. To better represent the distinct flow characteristics of BC and smaller tributaries 共LBC, CC, and ED兲, three reach routing methods— straddle-stagger 共progressive average-lag兲 method 共USACE 1960兲, Muskingum method, and lag method—were utilized in the modeling. Selection of rainfall events is a critical step for event hydrologic modeling and model calibration/verification. Selection depends on many factors, such as rainfall characteristics 共magnitude, duration, intensity, and temporal and spatial variability兲, watershed properties 共size, land use/covers, soil types, etc.兲, and availability and completeness of rainfall and stream monitoring data. Four rainfall events were selected for calibration and verification of the event model. Two methods—normalized objective function 共NOF兲 共Ibbitt and O’Donnell 1971兲 and modeling efficiency 共EF兲 共Nash and Sutcliffe 1970兲—were used to quantify the goodness of fit between the simulated and observed flows. The values of NOF and EF, respectively, are given by NOF = 1 Q̄obs 冑兺 EF = 1 − n 1 共Qobs,i − Qsim,i兲2 n i=1 n 兺i=1 共Qobs,i − Qsim,i兲2 n 兺i=1 共Qobs,i − Q̄obs兲2 Table 1. Normalized Objective Function 共NOF兲 and Modeling Efficiency 共EF兲 for the Event Model Event Watershed Outlet/site NOF EF 8/10-8/15 BC 8/26-8/30 共Calibration兲 BC Outlet 2 共S1兲 Outlet 3 共S2兲 Outlet 4 共S3兲 Average Outlet 2 共S1兲 Outlet 3 共S2兲 Outlet 4 共S3兲 Average Outlet 7 共S4兲 Outlet 9 共S5兲 Outlet 10 共S6兲 Outlet 11 共S7兲 Outlet 12 共S8兲 Average Outlet 9 共S5兲 Outlet 10 共S6兲 Outlet 7 共S4兲 Outlet 10 共S6兲 Average Outlet 11 共S7兲 Outlet 12 共S8兲 Outlet 11 共S7兲 Outlet 12 共S8兲 Average Overall average 0.136 0.068 0.082 0.095 0.084 0.069 0.066 0.073 0.425 0.212 0.238 0.115 0.182 0.234 0.186 0.300 0.355 0.135 0.244 0.159 0.242 0.248 0.207 0.214 0.185 0.641 0.897 0.922 0.820 0.852 0.753 0.810 0.805 0.793 0.962 0.961 0.887 0.932 0.907 0.954 0.921 0.930 0.971 0.944 0.723 0.861 0.380 0.877 0.710 0.844 9/28-10/1 共Verification兲 LBC CC ED 8/26-8/30 共Calibration兲 LBC 6/30-7/3 LBC 8/26-8/30 共Verification兲 CC, ED 6/30-7/3 CC, ED 共Verification兲 the suggestions provided in the HEC-HMS User’s Manual 共USACE-HEC 2006兲. As in the event modeling, the NOF and EF methods also were applied to quantify the fit of the simulated hydrographs to the observed ones at the eight sites. 共22兲 Analysis of Results 共23兲 where Qobs,i = observed discharge; Qsim,i = simulated discharge; Q̄obs = mean of the observed discharge; and n = number of the observed or simulated data points. Note that if all observed discharges are the same as the simulated ones, the NOF and EF values equal 0 and 1, respectively. Continuous Hydrologic Modeling In the continuous hydrologic model, the simulation time period ranged from April 6, 2005 to September 15, 2005 and an hourly time step was used. As in the event model, the Clark transform method, the recession baseflow method, as well as the straddle stagger, Muskingum, and lag routing methods were selected in the continuous model. The relevant parameters calibrated in the event model were used. The SMA loss method was utilized for continuously simulating rainfall excess in this continuous model. Initial estimates of the parameters involved in the SMA method were determined primarily based on the relationship between the SCS-CN and SMA methods and the well-calibrated SCS-CN model parameters, the actual conditions 共e.g., soil properties兲, and The event hydrologic model was calibrated and verified using the observed flow data at the eight monitoring sites 共Sites S1–S8, Fig. 1兲. According to quantitative evaluation of the performance of the event hydrologic model 共Table 1兲, the overall NOF and EF averages for all rainfall events and all monitoring sites are 0.185 and 0.844, respectively. The minimum NOF value is 0.066 for Event 8 / 26-8 / 30 at Site S3 and the highest EF value is 0.971 for Event 6 / 30-7 / 3 at Site S6. Thus, good agreement between simulations and field data has been achieved in the event hydrologic modeling. The parameters calibrated in the event model were then used for continuous hydrologic modeling. Comparisons between the simulated and observed hydrographs at the three BC sites and five other sites 共three LBC sites, one CC site, and one ED site兲 for the continuous hydrologic modeling are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. Similarly, performance of the continuous model was quantitatively evaluated by using the NOF and EF methods 共Table 2兲. The average NOF value for all eight monitoring sites is 0.312 and the average EF value is 0.691, suggesting a fairly good agreement between the simulated and observed hydrographs. Site S4 has the highest NOF 共0.663兲 and the lowest EF 共0.341兲 because of the significant variations in the flow measurements in April 关Fig. 4共a兲兴, which can be attributed to various factors 共e.g., 122 / JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 Downloaded 29 Jan 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright Table 2. Normalized Objective Function 共NOF兲 and Modeling Efficiency 共EF兲 for the Continuous Model a). Wolf-Lake Site (Outlet 2) 1.0 0.5 0.0 8/1/05 9/1/05 1.0 0.5 0.0 6/1/05 7/1/05 8/1/05 9/1/05 c). US31 Site (Outlet 4) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 6/1/05 7/1/05 Outlet 2 共S1兲 Outlet 3 共S2兲 Outlet 4 共S3兲 Outlet 7 共S4兲 Outlet 9 共S5兲 Outlet 10 共S6兲 Outlet 11 共S7兲 Outlet 12 共S8兲 Average 0.172 0.101 0.200 0.663 0.323 0.351 0.241 0.445 0.312 0.916 0.954 0.605 0.341 0.681 0.715 0.703 0.613 0.691 Simulated Observed 2.0 5/1/05 EF 8/1/05 9/1/05 Date Fig. 3. Comparison between simulated and observed hydrographs for the BC sites 共simulation period: April 6–September 15, 2005兲 diurnal changes in temperature and moisture兲. In addition, minor diurnal oscillations, induced by the varying discharge of treated wastewater from the WWMS, were observed at Sites S1 and S2 along Black Creek 关Figs. 3共a and b兲兴, but such oscillations were not represented in the continuous model because only daily discharge data were available for the simulation time period. Overall, the simulated hydrographs at the eight sites reflect the dominant trends and variations observed in the field flow data 共Figs. 3 and 4兲. The hydrologic modeling suggests that the overall percentage of rainfall excess for the entire Mona Lake watershed is 6.8% and the remaining portion of rainfall 共93.2%兲 is subject to various losses. The BC subbasin, which is the largest in the watershed 共Basins 1–5兲, has higher loss and lower excess percentages than the other subbasins. During the simulation period from April 6 to September 15, 2005, 1.65⫻ 107 m3 of water was generated from the 13 subbasins, of which 93.9% came from baseflow and 6.1% was contributed by direct runoff; baseflow was the primary source of runoff in the Mona Lake watershed. the event model兲 enabled the writers to refine the model calibration and identify parameters more accurately on a fine time scale, which sequentially improved the continuous hydrologic modeling over a much larger time scale. Thus, this modeling study suggests that a combination of fine-scale event and coarse-scale continuous hydrologic simulations can be an effective way that not only fully takes advantage of the characteristics of distinct modeling approaches and the availability of various data, but also enhances the overall modeling capabilities. The event hydrologic model was calibrated and validated, which was then used for improving the continuous modeling over a longer time period. The quantitative evaluation of the goodness Discharge (m3/s) 5/1/05 2.5 NOF a). Roberts Site (Outlet 7) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Discharge (m3/s) 3 7/1/05 1.5 3.0 Discharge (m /s) 6/1/05 b). Broadway Site (Outlet 3) 3 Discharge (m /s) 5/1/05 2.0 Outlet/site 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Discharge (m3/s) 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Discharge (m3/s) 3 Discharge (m /s) 2.0 0.5 5/1/05 5/1/05 Discharge (m3/s) In practice, long-term hydrologic monitoring data are not always available or they may not always be of sufficient frequency and duration for hydrologic modeling. How to implement effective and accurate hydrologic modeling when faced with such incomplete data is often an issue for modelers. In this study, both event and continuous hydrologic models were developed for the Mona Lake watershed in west Michigan by using WMS and the widely used HEC-HMS. However, it was found that for some small subbasins, a larger computation time scale 共such as an hourly time step used in the continuous model兲 prevented the writers from 共1兲 effectively identifying how these basins responded to a storm event and 共2兲 accurately determining the time-related parameters 共e.g., time of concentration or lag time兲 because their response time was shorter than the hourly time step. In contrast, smallscale, high-resolution storm event data 共5 min time step used in 7/1/05 8/1/05 9/1/05 8/1/05 9/1/05 8/1/05 9/1/05 b). Airline Site (Outlet 9) 6/1/05 7/1/05 c). Hoyt Site (Outlet 10) 5/1/05 Summary and Conclusions 6/1/05 6/1/05 7/1/05 d). Grand-Haven Site (Outlet 11) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 5/1/05 6/1/05 7/1/05 8/1/05 e). Rood Site (Outlet 12) 5/1/05 6/1/05 7/1/05 8/1/05 9/1/05 Simulated Observed 9/1/05 Date Fig. 4. Comparison between simulated and observed hydrographs for the LBC, CC, and ED sites 共simulation period: April 6–September 15, 2005兲 JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 / 123 Downloaded 29 Jan 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright of fit by the NOF and EF methods indicated that good agreements between the simulated and observed flows were achieved in both event and continuous simulations. As to the practical aspect of this application study, the following conclusions can be reached: 共1兲 the continuous hydrologic modeling suggested that only 6.8% of rainwater was available for surface runoff; 共2兲 93.9% of the runoff from the 13 subbasins originated from baseflow; and 共3兲 Black Creek had hydrologic characteristics distinct from Little Black Creek, Cress Creek, Ellis Drain, and other small tributaries flowing into Mona Lake, which can be attributed to their dissimilar sizes, land use/land covers, soil types, and other hydrologic conditions. Black Creek was supported primarily by subsurface flow and characterized by a consistent, relatively stable pattern 共Fig. 3兲 and an obvious annual hydrologic cycle. In contrast, Little Black Creek and other small subbasins were particularly “sensitive” to rainfall showing a number of high short-duration peaks dominated by storm events 共Fig. 4兲, which could be attributed primarily to their small size and higher percentage of impervious area. Acknowledgments This project was supported by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Grand Valley State University. The writers would like to thank Annoesjka Steinman, David Fongers, David Kendrick, Vivek Singh, Rick Rediske, Kurt Thompson, Rod Denning, Patrick Womble, Eric Nemeth, and Brain Hanson for their contributions to various aspects of this research. References Chow, V. T., Maidment, D. R., and Mays, L. W. 共1988兲. Applied hydrology, McGraw-Hill, New York. Chu, X., and Mariño, M. 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