d e p a r t m e not f a g r i c u l t u r aeln g i n e e r i n g o b y J . N . W a l k e ra n d G . A . D u n c a n l^' I r' Ltrculotlon in Greenhouses o f a g r i c u i t u r .ec o o p e r a t i veex t e n s i o sn e r v i c e u n i v e r s i t oy f k e n t u c k y. c o l l e g e a g r i c u l t u r e . h o m e e c o n o m i c s. 4 h . d e v e l o p m e n t near For maximum plant growth in greenhouses, and humidity and normalor optimum levelsof temperature abovelevelsof carbon dioxide must be maintainedat the leaf surfaces.These conditionsare influencedby several factors,Duringdaylighthours,the plantsurfaces areadding moistureto tfG air, therebyincreasing the humidity. Also, the plantsareutilizingcarbondioxidein the photosynthesis process,thereby decreasing the level of carbondioxide in t h e s u r r o u n d i nagi r . At night, and on cool days,radiantheatlossfrom the plant surfacescan resultin a reductionof leaftemperatures below the surroundingair. Temperaturestratification,due to the tendencyof warm air to riseand cold air to fall, can alsooccur in houseswithout positiveair circulation. lf conditions within the foliage regionsare to be maintainedat the desiredlevels,the transportof carbon dioxide and thermalenergyinto the plant canopyand the transportof water vapor out of the plant canopy must be provided.This can be accomplished with positiveair circulation. TemperatureVariation In one study where a continuouslyrunningfan was used to mix air within a greenhouse, temperatures averaged 8oF higherand relative humidities11% lower (measuredat a point two feet abovethe ground beds)than when a convection heating systemwas usedalone.aThe improved environment yield resultedin an increased of tomatoes and a lower incidenceof plant diseases. J r r e{ 1 r , . , { r ::\.1: .t:i .tt r r r d r ! r O r ; i r ! - i i i O i r r . - r: i ' r/ r i l r ' : ,r i ri. i :,rarr' i ) i ) t|:i tr :i i :) 19tj-i lilt-'11 r:1:..'iilrr: r".t , i" e ii (arl,ilrlr q,',r,i I rr ,i lrr,.rii',, .r ,.,:ir. rrr)1. e.', ssLredflurlh.,r;:i.-,.1r1(ilrLrL,rrllirIr]'fs P o s i t i v ea i r c i r c u l a t i o np e r m i t sh u m i d i t y l e v e l si n greenhousesto be effectively controlled during cold the condensation on the cold glassor weatherby increasing plasticsurfaces. To achievethis, air movementmust transport the moist air to the cool surfaces.6 Whenpositiveair movementis provided,an outsidetemperature90 to 120 below the inside temperaturein a single covered greenhouse,or an outside temperature17oF be I ow the temperatu re in a double c o v e r e dh o u s e ,w i l l r e s u l ti n i n s i d e h u m i d i t i e sb e i n g l i m i t e d t o 90Vo. In a study of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in conventionalglassgreenhouses without air circulation, the daytime CO2 concentrationsin the crop zone dropped to 83% of the n o r m a l a i r v a l u ee v e n w h e n top vents were fully open.l :1t:- ]t I'r,,j i\ Humidity Variation CarbonDioxideVariation ) t ,\, tt ?.t'ti !taa) ai ,r"ri!Jr irrlrrJ i.' ,irl,,L .i:F jr'l:rr'.rar,a |1r'L_rfi.ii rrLtrr,:it, '1,. ' ,'. ': r.i ,, itf Ha/:,rlrr ,llrl,ii rl.r iid,iifaj il; In a different study of heatingsystemperformance, resultsshowedthat air circulationfans which moved'air verticallyreducedthe air temperaturegradientsand eliminated the high temperaturebuildup in the ridge areaof a greenhouse usingside-wallheatingpipes.3In this case,however,the air patterncreatedby the circulationfansopposed the thermal induced convectioncurrentscreatedby the heatingpipes.The net resultwas an increased temperature v a r i a t i o na t t h e c r o p l e v e l ,w h i c h w a s ,o f c o u r s eu, n d e s i r able. ,r'r, I i, fr/ri, ^dtll !rr.rrrn aal.r,rll.lnt[Ja:oJuie]30 Servce Lln!arsl!tlKeir!a[!Cr'rr:tt:rtLcr!!ll]ri,Lrrr'rol1)n a. l rr: Jirril6 1!1.1 faoLiprrali'rr!\,l aidKenl!ckvSlaleUf"!'s1! rfr' Fraail!rfl . i : i : j r ' , j r L l AEN_18 Thesereductionsin concentrationwereconsideredto be at least partly due to the lack of air movement within the greenhouses. In another investigationan air flow rate of 100 fpm at a CO2 concentrationof 200 ppm gaveequivalent growth as 300 ppm when the air was still, the difference being attributed to the circulation of CO2 to the leaves,2 Typical Air CirculationSystems To evaluatethe adequacyof air circulationpatterns, severalrecommendedsystemswere installedin a 33 by 90 foot gablegreenhouse at the Universityof Kentuckyand the air circulationmeasured. Basedupon these studies?and the studies of other relativeto air circuinvestigators, severalrecommendations lation systemscan be made. Three primary methods of creatinga positiveair circulation pattern are recommended and discussed asfollours, Rateof Air Circulation Ho rizo ntaI Convectio n System: All these benefitsof air movementare important to plant growth within greenhouses. Thoughthe optimum air velocity has not beenthoroughlyevaluated,it is suggested that a minimum velocity of 40 fpm shouldbe provided.? Below this level, air flow is highly erratic and mixing throughoutthe selectedspacecan not be assured.Such a velocitywill causeslightleaf movementwith plantshaving long branchedleaves,suchas tomatoes.Fansare generally necessary to obtainthis levelof positiveair movement. f*l- The horizontal convectionconctpt wasfirst reported by Kothsin Connecticut.slt consistsof usingfans 16 to 18 inchesin diameterwith small motorsto developa horizontal air movementpattern. ln a singlehouse60 feet or lessin length,fanswould positioned be in diagonallyoppositecornersof the house. Each would direct the air along the sidesof the houseas shownin Figure1(a),To preventlow velocityregionsin the f.* t- -+ o . S M A L L S I N G L EH O U S E -+ -+ --+*t +* f*J *+ -+ f* c . M U L T I P L EL O N G N A R R O W -l b. LONG SINGLEHOUSE - f* {l* {-_ {* -, {*- -+ -+ d. MULTIPLELONG WIDE HOUSES HOUSES Figurel. Typical arrangementsforfansforhorizontal convectionaircirculationsystems. 2 AEN_18 centerof the house,the fans shouldbe aimedslightly(10o to 150)towardsthe center.The fansshouldbe closeto the For houses roof and shouldbe wired to run continuously.. to usetwo additionalfans longerthan 60 feet,it is desirable to assurecompleteair circulation.The two additionalfans should be positionedmidway alongthe .houseon opposite sidesof the houseasshownin Figure1(b). houses(commonly For narrow multiple-connected houses),the air is usually referredto as ridge-and-furrow circulateddown one houseand backup the adlacenthouse as shown in Figure 1(c). Koths indicatesthat, for houses lessthan 100 feet long, only one fan is neededper house; for though for longerhouses,two fans would be necessary houses24 leet eachhouse,as shown.For ridge-and-furrow or morein width, air is usuallycirculatedwithin eachhouse as shown in Figure 1(d). In this casethe air in adjacent housesis in oppositedirectionsso the circulationpatterns betweenadjacenthousesis in the samedirectionwherethe adjacenthousesconnect, In the studiesat the Universityof Kentucky, four 16-inchdiameterfans havinga ratedcapacityof 1800cfm each at 1/8 inch static pressurewere used.The total fan capacityin CFM l"free" delivery)was approximately1/4 the housevolume.Eachfan motor was 1/4 HP givinga total connectedhorsepowerof 1 HP. The fanswere pointed150 towardsthe center.The velocitypattern6 inchesabovethe ground surfaceis shown in Figure 2. The systemproved highly effectivewith no air velocitiesbeingbelow 40 fpm. The velocitiesvaried between50 and 200 feet per minute with the highestvelocitiesoccurringalongthe sidewallsin sf thefans. t h ev i c i n i t i eo Overhead Pertorated Sleeve Systems: The overheadperforatedtube systemis commercially available.lt consistsof a fan, or fans,locqtedat the end of the houseand blowingair through a perforatedpolyethylene tube suspended the lengthof the house.The tube has small holesuniformlyspacedalongits lengthto allow air to into the greenhouse discharge space. For a singlehouse 100 feet or lessin lengthand 30 feet or lessin width, a singletube can be usedasshownin Figure3(a). The fan capacityin cubic feet per minute (at 1/8 or 1/10 inch static pressure) should be approximately 1/4 of the housevolume.The cross-sectional areaof the 'l tube shouldbe approximately squarefoot per 1000 cfm of fan capacityand the area of all the holes in the tube should be 1.5 to 2.0 times the duct cross-sectional area.In greenhouse feet long words, feet wide and other a 28 80 and havingan averageheightof 9 feet,would havea house v o l u m eo f 2 O , 1 6 0c u b i cf e e t .T h e a i r c i r c u l a t i o n fanshould therefore have a capacity of about 5000 cfm. The sleeve should have a cross-sectional: areaof 5 souarefeet which requirea s d i a m e t e r ( do) f 2 . 5 f e e t,14l d 3 = S t . f n t t o t a l h o l e areashould be between7.5 and 10 squarefeet. lf holesare placed every 2 feet in both sidesof the sleeve,and the sleeveis 6 feet shorter than the houselength, a total of 74 holeswould be provided(or 37 eachsidel. Eachhole would needto be approximately2114 inchesin diameter. The tube shouldbe suspended aboveheadheight(6.5 to 7.0 feet) and the holes oriented to dischargeair out towardseachside.With the commercialtubes,the discharge holes are actuallyslightly below a horizontalline passing through the center of the duct and therefore the air is directedslightlydownwardstowardsthe ground. With houseswider than 30 feet, two or more tubes are recommendedas shown in Figure3(b). lf the houseis longerthan 100 to 120 feet, a fan and tube should be run from eachend asshownin Figure3(c). For multiple (ridgeand-furrow)houses,a tube is placedin eachhouse,providing eachhouseis lessthan 30 feet wide. Additionaldetails on polyethylenetube systemsare givenin Extensionpublication AEN-7, "Poly-tube Heating-Ventilation Systenrs a n d E q u i p m e n t . "T h i s p u b l i c a t i o ni s a v a i l a b l ae t n o c h a r g e from your county Extensionoffice. at the Universityof KenIn the experimentalstuglies tucky, both a singleand a two tube systemwere investigated in a 33 feet wide greenhouse. The two tube systemgavethe performance. best lt consistedof two 18 inch diameterfans through 18 inch diametersleeves.The fan dischargingair motors were each 114 HP, givinga total connectedhorsepower of 1/2 HP. The holesin the tubeswere 3 feet apart and were 2 3/4 inchesin diameter.The air flow pattern6 inchesabovethe groundis shownin Figure4. As indicated, approximatelV114of the floor areahad air velocitiesbelow 40 fpm, which is consideredthe lowestdesirablelevel.The total rated capecity of the two fans was only 20% of the housevolume.lf largerfanswereto be used,higherground air flow velocitieswould be anticipatedand comparable performanceto that achievedwith the horizontalconvection systemsmight be obtained. With the singletube systemin the 33 feet wide house (wider than recommended), a largerair flow capacitywas provided but the velocitiesat the ground were below 40 fpm virtually everywherewithin the greenhouse.This demonstratedthe lack of ground level circulationwhen a singletube is usedin too wide a house. SidewalI VentiIatio n-R* i rculatio n System: A conceptof usingsidewallmountedfansto recirculate, ventilateand distributeheatwithin a greenhouse was developedand describedpreviously.sFor this system,the fans should have a capacity of from 3/4 to 1 times the volumeof the houseto providesummerventilationrequirements.The fanscan be operatedat low speedin the winter AEN_18 \ FAN 7, Figure2. Air velocity pattern at 6 inchesabove ground level for horizontalconvectioncirculationsystem. --1-,! N HORIZONTAL CONVECTION ( F A N S P O I N T E D TOWARDCENTER) .. I FAN e = BELow40 F.P.M. I 20 t D I S P E R S I OTNI M E I . O M I N . AEN_18 I __-___+ b . W I D ES I N G L EH O U S E O . S M A L L S I N G L EH O U S E ----____+ --+ - ---l- - f+f -|TrTT F r or LESS C. LONG SINGLE HOUSE d. MULTIPLE HOUSE Figure 3. Typical arrangementsfor overheadperforated plastic sleeveair circulation svsrems to provideapproximately 1/2 of theseamounts.Whenrecirculating,the fanspull air across the greenhouse andthrough a chamberon the outsideof the greenhouse and then dischargeit back into the housealongthe undersideof the roof of the greenhouse. A sketchof the unit is shownin Figure5. A triangularbafflein front of the fan directsthe majorportionof the air diagonally acrossthe house. Air movement tests on a commerciallyfabricated sidewallventilationunit wereconducted. The unit hadtwo fans,eachratedat 8,540cfm at high speed.Eachfan motor was 3/4 HP, givinga total connectedhorsepower ol 1 112 HP. This unit, which was positioned10 feet off-centerin the 33 by 90 foot greenhouse, had an air movingcapacity of 52o/o of the housevolume.The effectiveness of the unit in developing a desirable air circulationpatternis shownin Figure5. Only the one corner,which was55 feet from the unit, had air velocitiesbelow 40 fpm. Therewas a wider rangeof velocitieswith the sidewallunit than with the other systems, the velocities varyingwith the sidewallunit from 20 to 350 fpm. The power requirementsfor this systemwere also higher than for the other systems.However,the systemwas capableof developingeffectiveair circulationpatternswithin the greenhouse whilecombining heatdistributionand 100%ventilationinto one package. AEN-18 Figure 4. Air wlocity pattern 6 inches above the ground for an overhead perforated plastic tube air circulation system. _J^N (rwo) O V E R H E AP DE R F O R A T E D P L A S T I CS L E E V E = B E L O W4 0 F . P . M . D I S P E R S I OT NI M E O . 8 5 M I N . AEN_18 Figure 5. Air velocity pattern 6 inches above the ground for a sidewal I ventilation-recirculation system. _/\ h\ 200 25o I S I D EW A L L V E N T I L A T I O N ( H I G HS P E ED ) = B E L O W 4 0 F ,P .M . F A N U NI T D I SP ER SI O N T I M E I . I M I N . AEN_18 References Other Systems: Two other systemswere studied:e 1) overheadvertical convection units (turbulators),and 2) perforatedplastic sleeveson the ground. Neither of these systemsmoved air effectively within the greenhouse.The turbulators were commercial units rated for 2500 squarefeet of greenhouse space.The actual spaceservedby the units was only 1485 squarefeet, considerablylessthan recommended.Even so, low velocities were observedeverywherewithin the greenh o us e , The system using perforated plastic sleeveson the ground consisted of six 11.4 inch diameter sleevesuniformly spacedacrossthe house and running from one end of the house to the other with 1 inch diameter holes 12 inches apart on each side of the sleeves.The rated fan capacity was approximately 1/4 the housevolume. As with the previous system, very little air movement could be measuredat ground level and the system was judged as being ineffective. Summary Continuous. positive air movement within greenhouses is highly desirable since it equalizestemperature, carbon dioxide and humidity conditions within the house. Through improved conditions, healthier plant growth can be obtained and problems with diseasesassociatedwith high humidity are lessened.Since high temperatures are reduced in the upper portions of the house,air circulation may also reduceheatingcoststo some extent, For effective air circulation, some form of fan inducedair movement is necessary.Basedupon experimental studies,the horizontal convection system,where all the air in the house is moved in a horizontal circular pattern, is recommended. Such a system is simple in concept and easily installed. lt is quite adaptableto a wide variety of types and shapesof greenhouses. As alternate systems,either a perforated polyethylene sleevesystem or a sidewall ventilation recirculationsystem are recommended. Both of these systemsare more difficult to install properly; but. when correctly installed,they are quite effective in developing desirable air circulation patterns.These systemshave the added advantagethat the system can effectively be used for heat distribution as well as air circulation. The perforatedsleevesystem is also widely used for the introduction of ventilation air in the winter. The sidewallsystem, by the use of motorized dampers,can be used for winter and summer ventilation in addition to lMorris, L. G.; "Some Recent Advancesin The Controlof Plant Environmentin Glasshouses." Symposiumon EngineeringAspectsof Environment Controlfor PlantGrowth, CSIRO, Engineering Section.Belbourne, 1963. 2Waggoner,P. E., Moss, D. N., and Hosketh,J. D.; "Radiationin The PlantEnvironrnent and Photosynthesis." AgronomyJournal,Yol.55, pages36-39,1963. 3Carpenter, W. J., and Bark,L. D.; "Temperature Patterns in GreenhouseHeating." Florisa Review, January 26, 1967,pages17-19,February2, pages43-45, February9, pages21-22,February16, pages28,92-95 and February 2 3 ,p a g e9s8 - 1 0 1 , 1 9 6 7 . 4cotter, D. J. and Seay,P. T.; "The Effectof Circulating Air on The Environment and Tonnto Growth Response in a PlasticGreenhouse."Proceedingsof American Society for Horticultural*ience, Yol.77, pages643-646,1961. sCotter,D. J. andWalker,J. N.; "An Automatic Systemfor Environmental Kentucky Control in PlasticGreenhouses." Agricultural ExperimentStation, Misc. Bulletin 275-A, 1962. 6Walker,J. N. and Cotter, D. J.; "Condensationand ResultantHumidity in Greenhouses DuringColdWeather." Transactionsof the American Society of Agricultural Engi nr-rc,Yol. 1 1, No. 2, pages263-266,1968. Twalker,J. N.; "Ventilationand Air Movementin Greenhouses."4e CongresInternationaldu Chauffageet de la Climatisation, Paris,1967. 8Koths,J. S.; "Air MovementWithin Greenhouses." Proceedingsof Greenhouse Constructionand Environmental Control Seminar,Universityof Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, January,1967. ewalker, J. N. and Duncan, G. A.; "Effectivenes of R e c o m m e n d e dG r e e n h o u s A e i r C i r c u l a t i o nS y s t e m s . " ASAE Paper,presented Region,American at the Southeast Societyof AgriculturalEngineers, SheratonBiltmoreHotel, Atlanta,Georgia,February4-7,1973. heat distribution. Neither the vertical convection system (tu;bulators) nor the perforated plastic sleeveson the ground are recont mended for developingeffective air circulation patterns in greenhouses. lssued7-73; 10M to 12-75; 5M-782