Green Globes® Professional (GGP) Program Details The Green Building Initiative created the Green Globes Professional (GGP) program to train qualified individuals to become expert users of the Green Globes environmental assessment, rating, and certification system. Certified GGPs possess a demonstrated knowledge of green building and management practices, familiarity with the Green Globes online evaluation, and expertise with the third-party assessment process. Interested parties should first review the minimum qualifications to determine their eligibility for the program. If eligible, candidates must apply online, pay the application fee, and submit their completed application form or résumé for review. Once approved, candidates will be authorized to purchase the GGP Package, which includes the training materials, final exam, and initial 2-year certification. Upon completing the program and passing the exam, GGPs can market their services as consultants on Green Globes assessment projects. The GGP training program is delivered through an online learning management system (LMS) accessed from the user’s GBI Account and takes approximately five hours to complete. The training is divided into eight sections, and each section includes a video presentation and study guide. The final exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and is accessible online after completing all training components. You must achieve a minimum score of 80% on the exam to become certified. If you do not achieve a passing score, you may retake the exam at no additional cost. After successful completion of the exam, GBI staff will review your score, process your certification, and provide instruction for obtaining your GGP certificate. The GGP program has been approved by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for continuing education (CES) credit under the course code “GBIGGPTNOV13” and the course title “Green Globes Professional Training.” Those who complete the training and pass the exam with an 80% or higher are eligible to receive 5 LU/HSW credits from AIA. Eligible individuals should contact GBI at after passing the exam and provide their AIA member number for credit reporting. The following is an outline of the GGP program goals and objectives: Section 1: Introduction The Green Building Initiative The History of Green Globes Use of Green Globes in the United States Learning Objectives Describe the mission of the Green Building Initiative and how Green Globes plays an integral part in fulfilling that mission. Section 2: Green Globes Overview Green Globes Modules & Major Components The Green Globes Continuum Benefits of Green Globes Certification Learning Objectives Describe the Green Globes Continuum. GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE | PHONE: 503.274.0448 | WWW.THEGBI.ORG Page 1 of 4 ©2014 GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Identify the Green Globes modules. List and explain the benefits of using Green Globes. Section 3: Green Globes Criteria & Scoring Protocols Green Globes Rating System Organization of Criteria o Environmental Assessment Areas o Sections & Subsections o Paths Flexibility, Features & Concepts o Weighted Criteria o No Pre-Requisites o Non-Applicable Criteria o Incremental Point Awards & Partial Credit o Energy Performance o Life Cycle Assessment o Whole Building Lifecycle o Management Areas o Water Performance o Emissions Point Allocation for NC, CIEB, and CIEB Healthcare Learning Objectives Recall the Green Globes environmental assessment areas and describe the organization of criteria. Identify features that make the Green Globes assessment and certification system unique. Section 4: Green Globes Roles & Responsibilities GBI Staff Green Globes Professional (GGP) Green Globes Assessor (GGA) Green Globes Auditor Who To Contact Learning Objectives Describe the roles and responsibilities of the various individuals involved in the Green Globes assessment process. Section 5: Green Globes NC Process Eligibility Requirements Tasks & Estimated Time Commitments Process Map & Major Steps Ordering the NC Online Evaluation & Adding a New Project Completing the Pre-Design, Schematic Design, and Construction Documents Surveys o Pre-Design Survey o Schematic Design Survey o Construction Documents Survey & Automated Report GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE | PHONE: 503.274.0448 | WWW.THEGBI.ORG Page 2 of 4 ©2014 GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Requesting a Quote & Ordering the Third-Party Assessment Stage I Design Assessment o Submitting the Construction Documents Survey o Scheduling the Design Assessment o Assessor Review & Third-Party Report Stage II On-Site Assessment o Completing & Submitting the Post-Construction Survey o Scheduling the On-Site Assessment o Preparing for the On-Site Assessment o On-Site Assessment: Introductory Meeting o On-Site Assessment: Site Tour o On-Site Assessment: Closure Meeting Post Assessment o Missing Documentation o Third-Party Report Certification & Recognition Benchmarking & CIEB Certification Supplemental Resources Learning Objectives Describe the eligibility requirements for Green Globes New Construction certification. Recall the major steps of the Green Globes NC assessment and certification process. Explain the difference between the New Construction Stage I and Stage II assessments. Section 6: Green Globes CIEB Process Eligibility Requirements Tasks & Estimated Time Commitments Process Map & Major Steps Ordering the CIEB Online Evaluation & Adding a New Building Completing the Survey o Energy Performance o Water Performance o Automated Report Requesting a Quote & Ordering the Third-Party Assessment Third-Party On-Site Assessment o Scheduling the On-Site Assessment o Preparing for the On-Site Assessment o On-Site Assessment: Introductory Meeting o On-Site Assessment: Site Tour o On-Site Assessment: Closure Meeting Post Assessment o Missing Documentation o Third-Party Report Certification & Recognition Benchmarking & Recertification Supplemental Resources GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE | PHONE: 503.274.0448 | WWW.THEGBI.ORG Page 3 of 4 ©2014 GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Learning Objectives Recall the major steps of the Green Globes CIEB assessment and certification process. Identify the differences between the NC and CIEB assessment processes. Section 7: Special Considerations for CIEB Healthcare Eligibility Requirements Adaptations to CIEB for Healthcare o Energy o Water o Resources o Emissions o Indoor Environment o Environmental Management Systems Point Allocation Differences Between CIEB and CIEB Healthcare Ordering the CIEB Healthcare Online Evaluation & Adding a New Building Accessing the Survey Supplemental Resources Learning Objectives Describe specific adaptations made to CIEB for healthcare users. Describe the differences between CIEB and CIEB Healthcare point allocation. Identify potential differences between the CIEB and CIEB Healthcare assessment processes. Section 8: Benefits & Marketing Your Services GGP Benefits o Green Globes Subscription Rebate Program o Online Directory Listing o GGP Document Repository o Marketing Materials o LinkedIn Form How to Market Your Services Certified Professionals are encouraged to use the GGP title and logo to promote Green Globes and market their GGP services. Logos and a variety of other resource materials are available to GGPs through an online reference library within their GBI User Account. Additionally, a comprehensive List of Certified Personnel is available on the GBI website. Certified GGPs are eligible for rebates on all Green Globes NC, CIEB, and CIEB Healthcare subscriptions purchased through their GBI User Account. Please refer to the GBI Personnel Certification Price List for rules, procedures, and current rebate amounts. After achieving certification, GGPs are expected to keep their Green Globes knowledge current by periodically reviewing the online materials and completing training updates as they become available. Initial GGP certification is valid for two years, at which point payment of biennial recertification dues is required to maintain certification. GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE | PHONE: 503.274.0448 | WWW.THEGBI.ORG Page 4 of 4 ©2014 GREEN BUILDING INITIATIVE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED