An Ultra Wide Band pHEMT Low Noise Amplifier With Darlington Stage Jinse Jung, Choon Sik Cho, Member, IEEE, Jae W. Lee, Member, IEEE, Jaeheung Kim, Member, IEEE Abstract— A 2-stage Ultra Wide Band (UWB) low noise amplifier (LNA) with Darlington stage using 0.25 um GaAs pHEMT technology is proposed. Ultra wide band operation is achieved by using shunt feedback and Darlington stage. The LNA obtains an average gain of 10 dB, input and output return losses less than -6dB, and a noise figure of 0.4-2.5 dB at 4-10 GHz. The input 1 dB gain compression point (P1dB) is -2 dBm at 7 GHz. The, proposed LNA was fabricated in 2×2 mm dimension. Index Terms— UWB LNA, Darlington, GaAs pHEMT, P1dB. I. I NTRODUCTION In RF transceiver, UWB LNA is probably a basic component in the receiver part[1-3]. Since received RF signal at the antenna must have the noise by scattering, diversity path and lower message signal power, LNA has to achieve its best performance in low noise figure, high gain and wide bandwidth. In this paper, LNA for UWB wireless system applications was designed using pHEMT technology and focused on new structure. The GaAs pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor (pHEMT) with 0.25 um T-gate with heterojunction between the channel layer is increasing attention for IC applications due to its improved performance. Therefore, we describe a pHEMT MMIC that employs a low-noise GaAs pHEMT (2f100 model gate width is 2×50um, length is 0.25 um) that is composed of cascode LNA stage and directly coupled to Darlington output circuit stage. The negative gate bias voltage of pHEMT device has attracted its use in the LNA and Darlington circuit design[4-5]. Darlington circuit as gain blocks and improving linear characteristic has become a workhorse for wireless and wire line applications. Key point of Darlington circuit is that it offers multi-decade performance, can be implement in a small size, and is simple to use with few external component[6-8]. This design also requires no passive matching network because of the high input and output impedance characteristics[9-10]. The analysis of Darlington circuit and comparison between general cascode LNA stage and the proposed LNA stage were shown in Section II, Section III describes the design and implementation of UWB LNA with Darlington circuit, and its This work was supported in part by IDEC (IC Design Education Center), Korea and in part by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) under ERC program through the Intelligent Radio Engineering Center (IREC) project at ICU, Republic of Korea. Jin se Jung, Choon Sik Cho and Jae W. Lee are with the School of Electronics, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering, Korea Aerospace University, Goyang, Korea. (+82-2-300-0140; email:,, Jaeheung Kim is with Information and Communications University (ICU), Daejeon, Korea.(email: simulation and measurement result were indicated in Section IV. The conclusion was presented in Section V. II. P RINCIPLES O F UWB LNA A ND DARLINGTON S TAGE In the UWB LNA, to achieve wide-band input matching, general topology uses common-source cascode structure. Fig. 1 (a) shows the cascode structure with a source degenerate inductor that is used for classical noise matching technique for the narrow band LNA. Fig. 1 (b) is a simple shunt feedback cascode structure without degenerate inductor[4]. In this work, we employ the cascode shunt feedback two stage LNA with Darlington circuit for wideband matching. Fig. 1. Basic cascode LNA circuit topology (a) general cascode structure with inductor (b) cascode structure without degenerate inductor. Fig. 2 shows the proposed Darlington feedback circuit topology with pHEMT implementation. The negative turnon voltage of pHEMTs which can be as high as -0.5 -0.4 V at moderate current densities, enables bias of the Darlington stage. Since Darlington stage has also high input and output impedance, output matching of front stage(cascode shunt feedback LNA stage) was easily compromised. We employed the source inductor in Fig. 2 (a) which obtained high gain, low-noise figure. Fig. 3 shows the increasing linearity in the proposed circuit. The cascode shunt feedback LNA with Darlington stage improves linearity compared to the general cascode LNA with degenerate inductor. III. D ESIGN A ND I MPLEMENTATION O F UWB LNA W ITH DARLINGTON S TAGE Fig. 4 shows the block diagram of the 2-stage pHEMT UWB LNA with Darlington circuit. A pHEMT cascode preLNA is directly coupled to a pHEMT Darlington feedback amplifier. The pHEMT transistor is a pseudomorphic GaAs device nominally biased 25 mA of current when drain voltage was 2V, and model internal structure was gate finger = 2, total - 568 - Fig. 2. The ac equivalent circuit of proposed Darlington topology. Fig. 5. Measured and simulated noise figures. Fig. 5 shows the measured and simulated noise figure of total LNA. In this case, maximum and minimum noise figures of measured result were 2.5 dB and 0.3 dB, respectively and the proposed LNA reaches the goal for the noise figure. Fig. 3. Simulated IIP3 comparison between Fig. 1 (a) and the proposed LNA with Darlington stage. gate width = 100 um, unit gate width = 50 um, gate length = 0.25 um. Fig. 4. Fig. 6. Measured and simulated gains. Fig. 7. Measured input loss. Block diagram of UWB LNA with Darlington stage. Darlington stage employed two pHEMT transistors with source inductors for increasing the gain, IIP3 and output impedance[7]. Since the source inductor of Darlington stage obtains the higher output impedance than that of general source resistor, there is no passive matching circuit, and bandwidth of cascode stage is wider and linear. IV. S IMULATION A ND M EASUREMENT R ESULT The proposed 2-stage UWB LNA with Darlington stage was simulated using CADENCE analog environment at 3 GHz to 12 GHz frequencies. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the gain and return loss of the proposed LNA, where the average gain in the Fig. 6 was flat as 10-12 dB within 3-10 GHz. Linearity of the amplifier was shown by input P1 dB which indicated good performance. Fig. 8 shows that measured and simulated results of input P1 dB are -2dB and 3dB at 7 GHz frequency. Finally, 2-stage UWB - 569 - TABLE I P ERFORMANCE C OMPARISON O F UWB LNA Work [11] [2] [12] This work freq (GHz) 3-6 3-10 3-11 4-10 NF (dB) 4.7-6.7 1.8-3.1 2.8-4.7 0.4-2.5 S21 (dB) 14-16 20.3 20 8-14 IIP3 (dB) -5 2.1 -8 - input P1dB -14 -2 design library and this work was supported by the IC Design Education Center(IDEC). technology CMOS SiGe HBT BiCMOS pHEMT LNA with Darlington stage circuit layout was shown in the Fig. 9. Fig. 8. Measured and simulated input 1dB compression point at 7 GHz frequency. Fig. 9. R EFERENCES [1] Y. Lu, K. S. Yeo, J. Ma, M. A. Do and Z. Lu, “A Novel CMOS LowNoise Amplifier Ultra-Wide-Band Wireless Receiver,” IEEE Microwave Theory & Tech, vol. 53, pp. 1683-1692, Aug. 2006. [2] Y. Lu and W. L. Kuo, “A 1.8-3.1 dB Noise Figure (3-10 GHz) SiGe HBT LNA For UWB Appplications,” IEEE RFIC Symp., June. 2006. [3] Z. Y. Huang, C. C. Chen, C. C. Huang and N. K. Lu, “Design Of CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier For Low-Band Ultra-Wideband System,” APMC 2005., vol. 5, Dec. 2005. 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The input P1dB of proposed UWB LNA using Darlington stage reaches -2dB performance at 7GHz frequency. Therefore, 2-stage UWB LNA with Darlington stage can be applied for wireless receiver circuits requiring wide-band and high linear operation. VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank ETRI for the fabrication of the LNA circuit, using GaAs pHEMT foundry service and - 570 -