LASERJET PRO 400 M401 SERIES 0Q0GQ0GZ 'RPRUHZLWK\RXUZRUNGD\6HWXSDQ\ZKHUHLQWKHRIÀFHXVLQJEXLOWLQZLUHOHVV QHWZRUNLQJDQGVKDUHSULQWLQJUHVRXUFHVRQDQHWZRUN3ULQWRQWKHJRZLWK PRELOHSULQWLQJRSWLRQV8VHEXVLQHVVDSSVWRDFFHVVDQGSULQWIURPWKH:HE 3ULQW6SHHG%ODFN8:8SWRSSP/HWWHU 3ULQW5HVROXWLRQ8SWR[GSL%HVW+3)DVW5HV1RUPDO 6WDQGDUG&RQQHFWLYLW\12: 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Host USB; 1 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Gigabit network; 1 Walk-up USB; 1 Wireless 802.11b/g/n 'XW\&\FOH Up to 50,000 pages 'XSOH[3ULQW2SWLRQV$XWRPDWLFVWDQGDUG0GQGZRQO\ 0RELOH3ULQWLQJ&DSDELOLW\: HP ePrint, Apple AirPrintTM, Business Application, Wireless Direct Print +3/DVHU-HW3UR0GZ ZLWKRSWLRQDOVKHHWWUD\ +3/DVHU-HW3UR0Q Professional-quality output for a great value Reduced environmental impact 3URGXFHSURIHVVLRQDOTXDOLW\EXVLQHVVSULQWVZLWKEROG crisp text and sharp images. 5HGXFHHQHUJ\XVHZLWK+3$XWR2Q$XWR2II Technology.6 'HSHQGRQDSULQWHUZLWKDSDJHUHFRPPHQGHG PRQWKO\SDJHYROXPH³WKHLGHDOÀWIRUUHOLDEOHSULQWLQJ 5HGXFHSDSHUXVHE\XSWRZLWKDXWRPDWLF two-sided printing. 6DYHPRQH\E\VDYLQJHQHUJ\³+3$XWR2Q Auto-Off Technology powers your printer up and down automatically.6 (DVLO\UHF\FOH2ULJLQDO+3/DVHU-HWWRQHUFDUWULGJHV through HP Planet Partners.11 6DYHWLPHZLWKHDV\WRLQVWDOO2ULJLQDO+3FDUWULGJHV and save more with high-capacity cartridges.10 5HGXFHSDFNDJLQJZDVWH³2ULJLQDO+3WRQHUFDUWULGJHV ship in the printer. Easy Web-connected ease of use 8VHLQFKFPFRORUWRXFKVFUHHQWRDFFHVVDQG print from the Web.5 +3/DVHU-HW3UR0GQGZ ,QVWDOO\RXUSULQWHUIDVW³WKHUH·VQR&'UHTXLUHGZLWK HP Smart Install.7 8VHWKHHDV\DFFHVV86%SRUWWRSULQWIURP³DQGVDYH VFDQVWR³DÁDVKGULYH (DVLO\FRQWURO\RXUSULQWHQYLURQPHQWZLWKPDUNHWOHDGLQJ management tools. :LUHOHVVSURGXFWLYLW\³LPSUHVVLYHPRELOLW\ 6HWXSDQGVKDUHDQ\ZKHUHLQWKHRIÀFHZLWKZLUHOHVV connectivity.2, 3&RQÀJXUHQHWZRUNLQJIDVW9 3ULQWIURPYLUWXDOO\DQ\ZKHUHXVLQJ+3H3ULQW4 'ULYHSURGXFWLYLW\DQGVDYHSDSHUXVLQJDXWRPDWLF two-sided printing.1 +3/DVHU-HW3UR06HULHV (&2,1)250$7,21 6DYHHQHUJ\³+3$XWR2Q$XWR2II7HFKQRORJ\WXUQV\RXU printer on when you need it, off when you don’t.1 6DYHSDSHUE\XSWRXVLQJDXWRPDWLFWZRVLGHGSULQWLQJ )UHHFRQYHQLHQWFDUWULGJHUHF\FOLQJLQPRUHWKDQFRXQWULHV2 ENERGY STAR®4XDOLÀHG3URGXFW HP Auto-On/Auto-Off capabilities subject to printer and settings. Program availability varies. Original HP cartridge return and recycling is currently available in more than 50 countries and territories around the world through the HP Planet Partners program. For more information, or to request return envelopes and bulk collection boxes, visit 1 2 Please recycle your computing hardware and printing supplies. HP asset management and recycling services make responsible disposal easy. %RRVWSURGXFWLYLW\ZLWKIDVWSULQWVSHHGV8 Do more with the 300-sheet paper capacity.2 Available on M401dn, and M401dw models only. 2Available on M401dw model only. 3Wireless performance is dependent upon physical environment and distance from access point, and may be limited during active VPN connections. 4Requires an Internet connection to the printer. Feature works with any connected Internet- and email-capable device. Requires HP Web Services Account Registration. Print times may vary. For a list of supported documents, and image types, see And for additional solutions, see 5Requires a wireless access point and an Internet connection to the printer. Services may require registration. Availability varies by country, language, and agreements, and requires a ÀUPZDUHXSJUDGH)RUGHWDLOV 6HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology capabilities subject to printer and settings. 7HP Smart Install works with Windows® only. Mobile device must be wireless-enabled. Printer must be HP ePrint-enabled. Feature may require driver or apps, available for download at 80HDVXUHGXVLQJ,62,(&H[FOXGHVÀUVWVHWRIWHVWGRFXPHQWV)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHH Exact speed varies depending RQWKHV\VWHPFRQÀJXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHDSSOLFDWLRQGULYHUDQGGRFXPHQWFRPSOH[LW\9+3$XWR:LUHOHVV&RQQHFWPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHIRUDOOV\VWHPFRQÀJXUDWLRQV:LUHOHVVSHUIRUPDQFHLVGHSHQGHQWXSRQSK\VLFDOHQYLURQPHQWDQGGLVWDQFHIURPDFFHVVSRLQW)RU information on compatibility, visit 10HP 80X LaserJet Black Toner Cartridge not included; must be purchased separately. 11Program availability varies. Original HP cartridge return and recycling is currently available in more than 50 countries and territories around the world through the HP Planet Partners program. For more information, or to request return envelopes and bulk collection boxes, visit 12Walk-up USB available on M401dn & dw only and Wireless 802.11b/g/n on M401dw only. 13Business Applications available for M401dn and M401dw models. Wireless Direct Print available for M401dw only. 1 HP LASERJET PRO 400 M401 SERIES 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLÀFDWLRQV 3ULQW7HFKQRORJ\ 3ULQW6SHHG1 )LUVW3DJH2XW2 3ULQW5HVROXWLRQ 6WDQGDUG3ULQWHU /DQJXDJHV 1RRI3ULQW&DUWULGJHV 6XUHVXSSO\6XSSRUWHG 3ULQWHU0DQDJHPHQW 0RELOH3ULQWLQJ&DSDELOLW\ &RQWURO3DQHO 3URFHVVRU 0HPRU\ 'XUDELOLW\5DWLQJV 3DSHU Input Output Duplex Print Options Media Types 0HGLD6L]HV Media Weight ,QWHUIDFHV +3/DVHU-HW3UR0Q&=$ +3/DVHU-HW3UR0GQ&)$ +33&/H+33&/+3SRVWVFULSWOHYHOHPXODWLRQGLUHFW3')YSULQWLQJ EODFN Yes :LQGRZV+3'HYLFH7RROER[GHIDXOWLQVWDOO613$OHUWVPLQLPXPQHWZRUNLQVWDOO+3:HE-HWDGPLQGRZQORDG0DF HP Utility HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint™, Business Application, HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint™ HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint™, Business Applications Wireless Direct Print OLQHEDFNOLW/&'JUDSKLFGLVSOD\EXWWRQV2.0HQX LQFKFPWRXFKVFUHHQFRQWUROSDQHO&*'&RORU*UDSKLFV'LVSOD\EXWWRQV+RPH+HOS&DQFHO/HIWDUURZ &DQFHO%DFN/('LQGLFDWRUOLJKWV$WWHQWLRQ5HDG\ 5LJKWDUURZ%DFNDUURZ/('LQGLFDWRUOLJKWV$WWHQWLRQ5HDG\:DONXS86% Speed:0+] Standard/Maximum: 128 MB Standard/Maximum: 256 MB 'XW\F\FOH: Up to 50,000 pages; 5HFRPPHQGHGPRQWKO\SDJHYROXPH: Up to 750 to 3,000 pages VKHHWPXOWLSXUSRVHWUD\VKHHWLQSXWWUD\8SWRVKHHWVDXWRPDWLFGXSOH[HUIRUWZRVLGHGSULQWLQJDQG2SWLRQDOVKHHWWUD\IRU0GZ0GQ Up to 150 sheets, Up to 10 envelopes, Up to 75 sheets transparencies 0DQXDOGULYHUVXSSRUWSURYLGHG $XWRPDWLFVWDQGDUG 3DSHUSODLQOLJKWKHDY\ERQGFRORUOHWWHUKHDGSUHSULQWHGSUHSXQFKHGUHF\FOHGURXJKHQYHORSHVODEHOVWUDQVSDUHQFLHVFDUGVWRFN Letter, legal, executive, 8.5 x 13 in 7UD\WRJPîWROEVWUDLJKWWKURXJKSDSHUSDWKIRUVSHFLDOPHGLD7UD\RSWLRQDO7UD\WRJPîWROE 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Host USB; 1 Ethernet 10/100/1000 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Host USB; 1 Ethernet 10/100/1000 1 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Gigabit network Gigabit network; 1 Walk-up USB Gigabit network; 1 Walk-up USB; 1 Wireless 802.11b/g/n :LUHOHVV&DSDELOLW\ 1HWZRUN&DSDELOLWLHV None Yes, built-in WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Wireless Direct Via built-in 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet network port Via built-in 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet network port or Wireless 802.11 b/g/n )RQWV 3ULQWHU6PDUW 6RIWZDUH)HDWXUHV 1HWZRUN3URWRFROV 84 scalable TrueType fonts HP ePrint, HP Auto-On/Auto-Off, HP Smart Install, 2-line LCD backlit control panel, Gigabit networking [[LQ[[PP 0D[[[LQ[[PP with multipurpose tray and foldup cover extended, tray 2 H[WHQGHGWROHJDOVL]H OENJ [[LQ[[PP [[LQ[[PP 0D[[[LQ[[PP 0D[[[LQ[[PP with multipurpose tray and foldup cover extended, with multipurpose tray and foldup cover extended, tray 2 WUD\H[WHQGHGWROHJDOVL]HWRXFKVFUHHQFRQWUROSDQHO H[WHQGHGWROHJDOVL]HWRXFKVFUHHQFRQWUROSDQHO raised to 90 degrees raised to 90 degrees OENJ OENJ 3& Microsoft® Windows®ELWELW:LQGRZV9LVWD®ELWELW*+]ELW[RUELW[SURFHVVRU *%5$0ELWRU*%5$0ELW0%KDUGGLVNVSDFH&'520'9'520RU,QWHUQHW86%RU1HWZRUNSRUW ® Windows ;363ELW3HQWLXP®0+]SURFHVVRU0%5$00%KDUGGLVNVSDFH&'520'9'520RU,QWHUQHW86%RU1HWZRUNSRUW 0DF Mac OS X v 10.5, v 10.6, v 10.7; PowerPC G4, G5, or Intel® Core™ Processor; 500 MB hard disk; CD-ROM/DVD-ROM or Internet; USB or Network 3ULQWHU+3$%ODFN/DVHU-HW7RQHU&DUWULGJHaSDJHV,QVWDOODWLRQJXLGH*HWWLQJ6WDUWHGJXLGH6XSSRUWÁ\HU Warranty guide, Printer documentation and software on CD-ROM, power cord; 0GZ same as above plus USB cable 2QH\HDUZDUUDQW\UHWXUQWR+3$XWKRUL]HG6HUYLFH3URYLGHU +3$%ODFN/DVHU-HW7RQHU&DUWULGJHaSDJHV&)$+3;%ODFN/DVHU-HW7RQHU&DUWULGJHaSDJHV&); HP LaserJet Pro 400 Sheet Feeder 500 page capacity, CF284A :KDW·VLQWKH%R[8 :DUUDQW\ 5HSODFHPHQW&DUWULGJHV $FFHVVRULHV +3&DUH3DFNV HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint, Wireless Direct Print, HP Auto-On/ Auto-Off, HP Smart Install, Walk-up USB, 3.5 inch color touchscreen control panel, Gigabit networking, automatic two-sided printing, Business Applications Password-protected network embedded Web server; enable/disable Network protocols; SNMPv2 community password change; SNMPv3; 802.1x; SSL cert management; Firewall; Access Control List; 0GZ as above plus Wireless WPA/WPA2 Personal, WPA2 Enterprise, WEP :HLJKWZLWKSULQW FDUWULGJHV 6\VWHP5HTXLUHPHQWV :LQGRZV HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint, HP Auto-On/Auto-Off, HP Smart Install, Walk-up USB, 3.5 inch color touchscreen control panel, Gigabit networking, Automatic two-sided printing, Business Applications 9LDEXLOWLQQHWZRUNLQJVROXWLRQ7&3,3,3Y,3YSULQW7&3,3SRUW'LUHFW0RGH/3'UDZTXHXHVXSSRUWRQO\:HE6HUYLFHV3ULQWLQJ,33$SSOH$LU3ULQWTM, HP ePrint, FTP 3ULQW',6&29(5<6/3%RQMRXU:HE6HUYLFHV'LVFRYHU\,3&21),*,3Y%RRW3'+&3$XWR,30DQXDO7)73&RQÀJ$533LQJ,3Y6WDWHOHVV/LQN/RFDODQGYLD5RXWHU6WDWHIXOOYLD '+&3Y0DQDJHPHQW6103YY+773+773V7HOQHW7)73&RQÀJ)73):'RZQORDG6\VORJ6HFXULW\6103Y66/&HUW0DQDJHPHQW)LUHZDOO$&/[ 0GZ as above plus WPA1/2 Personal and Enterprise 6HFXULW\ 'LPHQVLRQVZ[G[K +3/DVHU-HW3UR0GZ&)$ Laser %ODFN/HWWHU Up to 35 ppm As fast as 8 sec %ODFN%HVW Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi; %ODFN1RUPDO HP FastRes 1200 HP 3y NBD Exchange LaserJet M401 Service, U5Z48E; HP 3y NBD LaserJet M401 HW Support, U5Z49E; HP 1y PW NBD Exchange LaserJet M401 Service, U5Z52PE; HP 1y PW NBD LaserJet M401 HW Support, U5Z53PE (QYLURQPHQWDOUDQJHV 7HPSHUDWXUHUDQJH 2SHUDWLQJWR)WR& 5HFRPPHQGHGWR)WR& 6WRUDJHWR)WR& +XPLGLW\UDQJH 2SHUDWLQJWR5+ 5HFRPPHQGHGWR5+ 1RQRSHUDWLQJWR5+ $FRXVWLF7 3RZHU(PLVVLRQV 3RZHU(PLVVLRQV5HDG\ 3UHVVXUH(PLVVLRQV%\VWDQGHU$FWLYH3ULQWLQJ 3UHVVXUH(PLVVLRQV%\VWDQGHU5HDG\ %$ ,QDXGLEOH G%$ ,QDXGLEOH 3RZHU Power Supply Type: Built-in power supply 3RZHU6XSSO\5HTXLUHG ,QSXWYROWDJHWR9$&+]+] WR9$&+]+] Power Consumption6 ZDWWV3ULQWLQJZDWWV5HDG\ZDWWV6OHHSZDWWV2II 7\SLFDO(OHFWULFLW\&RQVXPSWLRQ7(&NZK:HHN 6DIHW\DSSURYDOVDQGUHTXLUHPHQWV ,(&(1$,(&(1 &ODVV/DVHU/('3URGXFW,(&(1 GB4943-2001 (OHFWURPDJQHWLFHPLVVLRQVWDQGDUG &,635$(1$&ODVV%(1$ $(1(1$$)&&7LWOH&)53DUW 15 Class B/ICES-003, Issue 4; GB9254-2008, GB17625.1-2003 0HDVXUHGXVLQJ,62,(&H[FOXGHVÀUVWVHWRIWHVWGRFXPHQWV)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHH[DFWVSHHGYDULHVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHV\VWHPFRQÀJXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHDSSOLFDWLRQGULYHUDQGGRFXPHQW complexity. 2([DFWVSHHGYDULHVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHV\VWHPFRQÀJXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHDSSOLFDWLRQGULYHUDQGGRFXPHQWFRPSOH[LW\3HP SureSupply alerts you when your print cartridge is running low and helps you purchase online or locally through HP or a participating retailer. For more information, visit; only available with Original HP supplies; Internet access required. 4'XW\F\FOHLVGHÀQHGDVWKHPD[LPXPQXPEHURISDJHVSHUPRQWKRILPDJHG output. This value provides a comparison of product robustness in relation to other HP LaserJet or HP Color LaserJet devices, and enables appropriate deployment of printers and MFPs to satisfy the demands of connected individuals or groups. 5 HP recommends that the number of printed pages per month be within the stated range for optimum device performance, based on factors including supplies replacement intervals and device life over an extended warranty period. 6Values subject to change. Power numbers are the highest values measured using all standard voltages. See for current information. 7Measured according to ISO 7779 and declared in accordance with ISO 9296; values are subject to change. For current information, seeÀJXUDWLRQWHVWHG+3/DVHU-HW3UR0GQSULQWLQJVLPSOH[RQ$SDSHU 8Average CF280A black cartridge yields 2,700 standard pages. Declared value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. 9Average CF280A black cartridge yields 2,700 standard pages and average CF280X black cartridge yields 6,900 standard pages. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. For more information, visit 1 © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. HP is a registered trademark of the Hewlett Packard Company. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered U.S. marks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. This listing of non HP products does not constitute an endorsement by Hewlett Packard Company. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is provides “as is” without warranty of any kind. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. To learn more, visit March 2012