New neutrino mass bounds from BOSS photometric luminous galaxies Elena Giusarma IFIC, University of Valencia-CSIC in collaboration with: Roland De Putter, IFIC of Valencia, ICC of Barcelona Olga Mena, IFIC of Valencia Introduction (0.36 eV). Σmν < 0.90 W of adding supernova and , Θs , τ, nsoscillation , log[1010 Aexperiments {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2Neutrino ment, but when the HS s ], fν , ASZ , bhave i , ai }adduced robust additions lower the upp evidence for a non-zero neutrino mass but they are not Combining the CMASS data with a CMB prior from only model). Consideri sensitive the scaleΣm of neutrino the WMAP7 survey, weto find anabsolute upper bound < 0.6 masses. pole range, characterize • • ν eV (0.90 eV) at 95% confidence level for "max = 200 in the we find that a significan Cosmology provides meansthe to tackle thelargest multipoles and of ai ).theAdding in the model with free parameters bi (bi one absolute scale of neutrino masses. current"max limit=on thethe galaxy HST measurement of the Hubble parameter, the A prob150, ability distribution and we find neutrino sum oftightens neutrino masses is Σmν < 0.6 eV at 95% CL, mass. depending on the cosmological data and on the cosmological model. • We derive neutrino mass constrains from the angular power spectra of galaxy density at different redshifts, in combination with priors from the CMB and from measurements of the Hubble parameter. owave Backconstraints on the sum of the neutrino masses and other n anisotropy parameters for several data combinations in section 6. ased experiFinally, we discuss these results and conclude in section of the stan7. eigh neutri- Imaging data from DR8 2. DATA eutrinos can (Aihara et al, APJS ’11) e formation The data and the method for obtaining angular spectra Sloan Digital Skyin detail in Ref. Ross et al. (2011) ogical data ofhave been described mordial rela- Survey and in III, Ho etSDSS-III al. (2012). Here we provide a brief descriper-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader to those etfor al,details. APJ ’00) tropies. Af- (York papers Our galaxy sample is obtained from ming nature imaging data from DR8 Aihara et al. (2011) of SDSSthe growth The III first York etdata al. (2000). This survey mapped about 15, 000 release of ecting both square degrees of the sky in five pass bands (u, g, r, i and in the low- the z) Baryon FukugitaOscillation et al. (1996) using a wide field CCD camera ). MeasureGunn et al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter Sloan telescope at Spectroscopic Survey, sed to place Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. (2006) (the subogy Elgaroy BOSS (Eisenstein al, sequent astrometric et calibration of these imaging data is tad (2003); described in Pier et al. (2003)). A sample of 112, 778 APJ ’11) Barger et al. galaxy spectra from BOSS Eisenstein et al. (2011) were Ross et al. t al. (2004); used as a training sample for the photometric redshift 5); Hannescatalog, as described in Ross et al. (2011). t al. (2007); focus of on luminous the approximately mass-limited CMASSWe sample galaxiesstellar (White et al APJ ’11) is divided matsu et al. CMASS sample of luminous galaxies, detailed in White into four bins , four photometric a); Thomas et al.photometric (2011), whichredshift are divided into t al. (2011); redshift bins, zphoto = 0.45 − 0.5 − 0.55 − 0.6 − 0.65. 2011); BenThe photometric redshift error lies in the range σz (z) = It covers an0.06, area of 10,000 degree and Figure consists of 900,000 sum of neu0.04 − increasing fromsquare low to high redshift. Reid et al. 1 shows the estimated true redshift distribution of each galaxies. ion of data bin, determined using the methods described in section del. 5.3 of Ross et al. (2011). rom the fiThe calculation of the angular power spectrum for each Data • • Angular power spectra of the galaxy density The showing theoretical is given by:15 . It then folthat power this is aspectra safe approximation lows from the above (see Fisher et al. (1994); Heavens & Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that � � �2 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) C� = b2i k 2 dk Pm (k, z = 0) ∆� (k) + ∆� (k) , π (9) where Pm (k, z = 0) is the matter power spectrum at redshift zero and � (i) ∆� (k) = dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) large non-line stricted to low modes per uni many modes a ure 3 (left pan value of � abov dimensional p lar spectrum b considering va kNL (z). Given range z = 0.45 comes inadequ Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the a conservative 150 and 200. matter transfer function relative to redshift zero16 . The Alternativel contribution due to redshift space distortions is � portance of no � 2 (2l + 2l − 1) RSD,(i) non-lin ∆l (k) = βi dz gi (z) T (k, z) jl (kd(z)) fect of (2l + 3)(2l − 1) trum18 (which panel in Figur l(l − 1) Angular power spectra of the galaxy density The showing theoretical is given by:15 . It then folthat power this is aspectra safe approximation lows from the above (see Fisher et al. (1994); Heavens & Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that � � �2 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) C� = b2i k 2 dk Pm (k, z = 0) ∆� (k) + ∆� (k) , π (9) where Pm (k, z = 0) is the matter power spectrum at redshift zero and � galaxy bias. We add (i) four free bias, one ∆� (k) = dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) large non-line stricted to low modes per uni many modes a ure 3 (left pan value of � abov dimensional p lar spectrum b considering va kNL (z). Given range z = 0.45 for each bin comes inadequ Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the a conservative 150 and 200. matter transfer function relative to redshift zero16 . The Alternativel contribution due to redshift space distortions is � portance of no � 2 (2l + 2l − 1) RSD,(i) non-lin ∆l (k) = βi dz gi (z) T (k, z) jl (kd(z)) fect of (2l + 3)(2l − 1) trum18 (which panel in Figur l(l − 1) Angular power spectra of the galaxy density The showing theoretical is given by:15 . It then folthat power this is aspectra safe approximation lows from the above (see Fisher et al. (1994); Heavens & Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that � � �2 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) C� = b2i k 2 dk Pm (k, z = 0) ∆� (k) + ∆� (k) , π (9) where Pm (k, z = 0) is the matter power spectrum at redshift zero and � galaxy bias. We add (i) four free bias, one ∆� (k) = dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) large non-line stricted to low modes per uni many modes a ure 3 (left pan value of � abov dimensional p lar spectrum b considering va kNL (z). Given range z = 0.45 for each bin comes inadequ matter power spectrum at Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the a conservative redshift zero 150 and 200. matter transfer function relative to redshift zero16 . The Alternativel contribution due to redshift space distortions is � portance of no � 2 (2l + 2l − 1) RSD,(i) non-lin ∆l (k) = βi dz gi (z) T (k, z) jl (kd(z)) fect of (2l + 3)(2l − 1) trum18 (which panel in Figur l(l − 1) Angular power spectra of the galaxy density The showing theoretical is given by:15 . It then folthat power this is aspectra safe approximation large non-line lows from the above (see Fisher et al. (1994); Heavens & stricted to low Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per uni � many modes a � � 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) 2 2 C � = bi k 2 dk Pm (k, z = 0) ∆� (k) + ∆� (k) , ure 3 (left pan π value of � abov (9) showing that this is a safe approximation15 . It then follarge non-linear p co dimensional (see matter Fisher etpower al. (1994); Heavens & stricted to low �.b where Plows z =the0)above is the spectrum at m (k,from lar spectrum (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per unit � i redshift Taylor zero and considering va � many modes as pos � � �2 galaxy bias. We add 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) kNL (z).panel) Given 2 ure 3 (left d (i)= b2i C∆ k dk P (k, z = 0) ∆ (k) + ∆ (k) , m four free bias, one � � � dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) π range = 0.45 � (k) = value of � zabove wh for each bin (9) dimensional power comes inadequ matter power spectrum atis the matter power spectrum at where P (k, z = 0) m lara spectrum becom Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the conservative redshift zero and redshift zero considering various 150 and 200. matter transfer function�relative to redshift zero16 . The k (z). Given that NL (i) contribution due redshift distortions ∆�to(k) = dz gspace z) j� (k d(z))is. (10) i (z) T (k, rangeAlternativel z = 0.45 − 0. � portance of noa � comes inadequate 2 (2l +and 2l T−(k, 1)z) the RSD,(i)Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function a conservative choi fect of non-lin ∆l (k) = βi dz gi (z) T (k, z) j (kd(z)) l 150 and18 200. matter transfer function relative to zero (2lredshift + 3)(2l −161). The trum (which Alternatively, we contribution due to redshift space distortions is panel in Figur l(l�− 1) � portance of non-lin 2 Angular power spectra of the galaxy density The showing theoretical is given by:15 . It then folthat power this is aspectra safe approximation large non-line lows from the above (see Fisher et al. (1994); Heavens & stricted to low Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per uni � many modes a � � 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) 2 2 C � = bi k 2 dk Pm (k, z = 0) ∆� (k) + ∆� (k) , ure 3 (left pan π value of � abov (9) showing that this is a safe approximation15 . It then follarge non-linear p co dimensional (see matter Fisher etpower al. (1994); Heavens & stricted to low �.b where Plows z =the0)above is the spectrum at m (k,from lar spectrum (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per unit � i redshift Taylor zero and considering va � many modes as pos � � �2 galaxy bias. We add 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) kNL (z).panel) Given 2 ure 3 (left d (i)= b2i C∆ k dk P (k, z = 0) ∆ (k) + ∆ (k) , m four free bias, one � � � dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) π range = 0.45 � (k) = value of � zabove wh contribution due to the for each bin (9) dimensional power comes inadequ redshift space distortions matter power spectrum atis the matter power spectrum at where P (k, z = 0) m lara spectrum becom Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the conservative redshift zero and redshift zero considering various 150 and 200. matter transfer function�relative to redshift zero16 . The k (z). Given that NL (i) contribution due redshift distortions ∆�to(k) = dz gspace z) j� (k d(z))is. (10) i (z) T (k, rangeAlternativel z = 0.45 − 0. � portance of noa � comes inadequate 2 (2l +and 2l T−(k, 1)z) the RSD,(i)Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function a conservative choi fect of non-lin ∆l (k) = βi dz gi (z) T (k, z) j (kd(z)) l 150 and18 200. matter transfer function relative to zero (2lredshift + 3)(2l −161). The trum (which Alternatively, we contribution due to redshift space distortions is panel in Figur l(l�− 1) � portance of non-lin 2 for an approach based on perturbation theory and the local bias model McDonald (2006), and Swanson et al. (2010) for a cross-comparison of a number methods), Angular power spectra of ofthe galaxy density we consider it appropriate, given the multipole range we include, to use the simple model described in Eq. (9), characterized by bias parameters bi . In addition to this The theoretical power is givenmodel by:15 . with model, we also an alternative more showing that consider this is aspectra safe approximation It then follarge non-line lows from the above Fisher et al. (1994);aHeavens & stricted to low freedom, by adding shot(see noise-like parameters i (see also (1995);papers), Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per uni ourTaylor companion � � many modes a � � � � 2 2 RSD,(i) 2 (ii)(ii) 2 22 2 (i)(i) RSD,(i) 2 ure 3 (left pan (k) + ∆ (k) , m (k, C� C� = b=i bi π k kdkdk PmP(k, z z==0)0) ∆∆ (k) + ∆ (k) +a . � � i � � value of � abov π (9) showing that this is a safe approximation15 . It then(12) follarge non-linear p co dimensional the0)above (see matter Fisher etpower al. (1994); Heavens & stricted to low �.b where Plows z = is the spectrum at m (k,from lar spectrum The parameters a serve to mimic effects of scalei Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per unit � i redshift zero and considering va dependent galaxy bias and to model the effect of poten� many modes as pos � � �2 galaxy bias. We add 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) kNL (z).panel) Given 2 2 ure 3 (left d noise subtraction. This model is a (i)=shot C∆ b k dk P (k, z = 0) ∆ (k) + ∆ (k) , m fourtial freeinsufficient bias, one i � � � (k) = dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) π range = 0.45 � value of � zabove wh contribution due to the version of what is sometimes referred to as the “P-model” for each bin (9) dimensional power comes inadequ redshift space distortions (e.g. Hamann et al. (2008); Swanson et al. (2010)) and is matter power spectrum atis the matter power spectrum at where P (k, z = 0) m lara spectrum becom Here, j is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the conservative � independently motivated (2000, redshift zero and by the halo model Seljak 16 redshift zero considering various �relative to redshift zero . The 150 and 200. matter transfer function k (z). Given that 2001); Schulz & White (2006); Guzik et al. (2007) and NL (i) Alternativel contribution due redshift distortions ∆�to(k) = dz gspace z) j� (k d(z))is. (10) i (z) T (k, range z = 0.45 − 0. the local bias ansatz Scherrer & Weinberg (1998); Coles � portance of no � comes inadequate a (2l +and 2l T−(k, 1)z) the RSD,(i)Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function 18 However, a conservative choi fect of non-lin must keep in mind that this may underestimate ∆l (k)one =β dz g (z) T (k, z) j (kd(z)) i i l 16 150 and18 200. matter transfer function relative to redshift zero . The (2l + 3)(2l − 1) trum (which the effect of non-linear galaxy bias, as galaxies are more strongly Alternatively, we contribution due tothus redshift space distortions is clustered than matter and are prone to larger non-linear corpanel in Figur l(l�− 1) � portance of non-lin 2 rections. 2 for an approach based on perturbation theory and the local bias model McDonald (2006), and Swanson et al. (2010) for a cross-comparison of a number methods), Angular power spectra of ofthe galaxy density we consider it appropriate, given the multipole range we include, to use the simple model described in Eq. (9), characterized by bias parameters bi . In additionshot-noise to this that serves to mimic The theoretical power is givenmodel by:15 . with model, we also an alternative more showing that consider this is aspectra safe approximation It effects then folnon-line of scale large dependent lows from the above Fisher et al. (1994);aHeavens & stricted to low freedom, by adding shot(see noise-like parameters also i (see galaxy bias (1995);papers), Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per uni ourTaylor companion � � many modes a � � � � 2 2 RSD,(i) 2 (ii)(ii) 2 22 2 (i)(i) RSD,(i) 2 ure 3 (left pan (k) + ∆ (k) , m (k, C� C� = b=i bi π k kdkdk PmP(k, z z==0)0) ∆∆ (k) + ∆ (k) +a . � � i � � value of � abov π (9) showing that this is a safe approximation15 . It then(12) follarge non-linear p co dimensional the0)above (see matter Fisher etpower al. (1994); Heavens & stricted to low �.b where Plows z = is the spectrum at m (k,from lar spectrum The parameters a serve to mimic effects of scalei Taylor (1995); Padmanabhan et al. (2007)) that modes per unit � i redshift zero and considering va dependent galaxy bias and to model the effect of poten� many modes as pos � � �2 galaxy bias. We add 2 (ii) (i) RSD,(i) kNL (z).panel) Given 2 2 ure 3 (left d noise subtraction. This model is a (i)=shot C∆ b k dk P (k, z = 0) ∆ (k) + ∆ (k) , m fourtial freeinsufficient bias, one i � � � (k) = dz gi (z) T (k, z) j� (k d(z)) . (10) π range = 0.45 � value of � zabove wh contribution due to the version of what is sometimes referred to as the “P-model” for each bin (9) dimensional power comes inadequ redshift space distortions (e.g. Hamann et al. (2008); Swanson et al. (2010)) and is matter power spectrum atis the matter power spectrum at where P (k, z = 0) m lara spectrum becom Here, j is the spherical Bessel function and T (k, z) the conservative � independently motivated (2000, redshift zero and by the halo model Seljak 16 redshift zero considering various �relative to redshift zero . The 150 and 200. matter transfer function k (z). Given that 2001); Schulz & White (2006); Guzik et al. (2007) and NL (i) Alternativel contribution due redshift distortions ∆�to(k) = dz gspace z) j� (k d(z))is. (10) i (z) T (k, range z = 0.45 − 0. the local bias ansatz Scherrer & Weinberg (1998); Coles � portance of no � comes inadequate a (2l +and 2l T−(k, 1)z) the RSD,(i)Here, j� is the spherical Bessel function 18 However, a conservative choi fect of non-lin must keep in mind that this may underestimate ∆l (k)one =β dz g (z) T (k, z) j (kd(z)) i i l 16 150 and18 200. matter transfer function relative to redshift zero . The (2l + 3)(2l − 1) trum (which the effect of non-linear galaxy bias, as galaxies are more strongly Alternatively, we contribution due tothus redshift space distortions is clustered than matter and are prone to larger non-linear corpanel in Figur l(l�− 1) � portance of non-lin 2 rections. 2 Angular power spectra of the galaxy density Xiv:1201.1909v1 [astro-ph.CO] 9 Ja 4 form of massive neutrinos. A new bound on the sum of neu confidence level (CL), is obtained after combining our sampl with WMAP 7 year Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) of the Hubble parameter from the Hubble Space Telescope (H conservative multipole range choice of 30 < � < 200 in order bias parameter in each of the four redshift bins. We study th bias model using mock catalogs, and find that this model cau For this reason, we also quote neutrino bounds based on a con additional, shot�noise-like free parameters. In this conserva weakened, e.g. mν < 0.36 eV (95% confidence level) for WM also study the dependence of the neutrino bound on multipol on which combination of data sets is included as a prior. Th Acoustic Oscillation data does not significantly improve the n is included. A companion paper (Ho et al. 2012) describes the constru detail and derives constraints on a general cosmological mode state w and the spatial curvature ΩK , while a second compa measurement of the scale of baryon acoustic oscillations from based on the catalog by Ross et al. (2011). scription at least t During the last several years, experiments involving sothe two lar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator neutrinos have 2 ∆m 23 = adduced robust evidence for flavor change, implying non(2011), zero neutrino mass, see Ref. Gonzalez-Garcia & Maltoni tions. D (2008) and references therein. The most economical deoscillatio 1 ICC, University of Barcelona (IEEC-UB), Marti i Franques future se 1, Barcelona 08028, Spain ve 2 Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, University of ValenciaDe Putter etDirac al. 1. INTRODUCTION Effect of massive neutrinos on the angular power spectra We assume that there are three degenerate species of massive neutrinos with Fig. 4.— Effect of neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The so respectively. the input values (although the parameter most affected De Putter et al. by the mock CMASS data, ΩDM h2 , is higher than the In the presence of massive neutrinos theto angular power spectra are suppressed at bylessclose 1σ).is dominated input values (although the parameter most affected input significantly (as their reconstruction by the mock CMB prior). the mock data, Ω hand , is higher thansuppression the anyCMASS redshift, this could be partially increasing Unfortunately, do compensate have by mocks basedtheon Adding the nuisance parameter awe , we obtain thenot red ut by close to 1σ). points and curves in Fig. 6. The effect of marginalizing nfortunately, we do not have mocks based on a with biasof non-zero Σm . lower Onethe check cold dark matter energy density. Thetheeffect the is νto powerwe overcosmology a is to diminish parameter so that Ω bias h osmology with non-zero Σm . One check we is typically reconstructed to well within 1σ. We atdo, however, is to fit a model with parameters can however, to fit spectra at any multipole range. tribute do, this change to a accounting is for a possible scale-a model with parameters h , Ω h , θ, A , n , τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 2 in galaxy bias 2 on quasilinear scales. The dependence ck spectra. The parameters affected by far the most {Ω b h , ΩDM h , θ, As , ns , τ, Σmν , b0 } to our Σmν = 0 g. 4.— Effect of neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The solid and dashed curves depict the massless and Σmν = 0.3 eV cases, ectively. DM 2 0 0 ν 2 DM 2 s s ν 0 ν 2 DM 0 2 bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra of the galaxy density at different 1 redsh rana particles Gomez-Cadenas et al. (2011). Forthcomcombination with priors from the CMB and 1 fro ing ββ(0ν) experiments aim for sensitivity approaching surements of the Hubble parameter, supernov �meff � < 0.05 eV Gomez-Cadenas et al. (2011). tances and the BAO scale. The spectra and the 2 2 10 Cosmology of the means a minimal ΛCDM cosmology are described in d ,provides τ, ns ,one log[10 As ],toftackle Athe , bi , aofof ΛCDM + sneutrino mass fraction Sunyaev-Zel’dovich bh , Ω ch , Θ ν ,, Amplitude SZ abi }the solute our companion paper Ho et al. (2012) and the m 10 2 scale2of neutrino masses. Some 10of the earliest cosog[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters fourfrom nuisance {Ωbmological hspectrum ,Ω ,onτ, log[10 As ], fνfrom , ASZ ai }(optionally) s c hbounds ν, Θs SZ ins , igalaxy neutrino masses followed the, bi ,and ment of the BAO scale the spectra is prese relic neutrinos, present today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). As ], frequirement , ASZ , that bi , amassive νparameters i} in the expected numbers, do2 not saturate the critical den-10 often refer to these works for details and focus 2 , Ωthe , Θs , τ, mass ns , log[10 fν ,neutrino ASZ , bibound. , ai } sity of the Universe, {Ω i.e.,b hthat energy As ],the c h neutrino density given by The structure of the paper is as follows. In se we describe the data set and the derived angular � mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the spec Ων = (1) We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti 93.1h2 eV explain the specific signature of neutrino mass on satisfies Ων ≤ 1. The Universe therefore offers a new labclustering data. We test our model for the angula oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino physics. spectra against mock data in section 5 and pres Accurate measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Backconstraints on the sum of the neutrino masses an ground (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy parameters for several data combinations in se from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experiFinally, we discuss these results and conclude in ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. dard cosmological model and allow us to weigh neutri2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Indeed, neutrinos can ect ofplay neutrinos on therole angular power spectra. Theformation solid and dashedThe curves the massless and Σmν angular = 0.3 e a relevant in large-scale structure datadepict and the method for obtaining and leave key signatures in several cosmological data have been described in detail in Ref. Ross et al sets. More the specifically, the amount of primordial relaand inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief ues (although parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction is domina tivistic neutrinos changes the epoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our galaxy sample is obtain Adding the nuisance , we obtainof e to ter 1σ). becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data fromparameter DR8 Aiharaa0et al. (2011) points and curves in(2000). Fig. 6.This The effect of margin power small scales, ely, damps we do noton have mockssuppressing based onthe growth III York et al. survey mapped about of matter density fluctuations thus affecting both square degrees ofthe the parameter sky in five pass bands (u, g, over a0 is to diminish bias so that with non-zero Σm Oneandcheck we ν. CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et al. (1996) wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed tousing wella within ever,the is to fit model with parameters redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). MeasureGunnchange et al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter Sloan teles 2 tribute this to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 ν 0 ν all of these observations have been used to place Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. (2006) (t dependence in astrometric galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by far the most Elgaroy newparameters bounds on neutrino physics from cosmology sequent calibration of these imaging 2 MCMC Analysis and Results 1redsh bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra the galaxy at ± different 0.975 ± 0.026 − 1.002 ± 0.004 0.949 ± 0.004 0.991 ± 0.004 1.001of ± 0.003 0.954 ±density 0.004 1.007 0.004 0.972 ± MCMC Analysis and Results rana particles Gomez-Cadenas et al. (2011). Forthcomcombination with priors from the CMB and 1 fro — ββ(0ν) experiments — −0.035 −0.026 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — — — ing aim ± for0.005 sensitivity approaching surements— of the Hubble parameter, supernov �meff � < 0.05 eV Gomez-Cadenas et al. (2011). tances and the BAO scale. The spectra and the 2 — 2 10 — — ΛCDM cosmology — −1.19 0.10 −1.06 Cosmology of—the means tackle a minimal are ± described in ± d ,provides τ, ns ,one log[10 As ],tof— Athe , bi—, aofof ΛCDM + sneutrino mass fraction Sunyaev-Zel’dovich bh , Ω ch , Θ ν ,, Amplitude SZ abi }the solute our companion paper Ho et al. (2012) and the m 10 2 scale2of neutrino masses. Some 10of the earliest cosog[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters four nuisance {Ωbmological h—spectrum ,Ω ,onτ, log[10 As ], , ASZ ai }(optionally) —s — — fνfrom — BAO scale — from 0.77spectra ± 0.23 is0.40 ± s c hbounds ν, Θ SZ ins , igalaxy neutrino masses followed the, —bi ,and ment of the the prese relic neutrinos, present today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). As ], frequirement , ASZ , that bi , amassive νparameters i} the expected do2 not saturate theeach critical den-10 ofteninrefer to these details focusc LE I. in Constraints on numbers, cosmological parameters for model described the text. We works report for both 68% and 95% 2 , Ωthe , Θstandard nsdeviation , log[10 Asthe ],the fposterior ASZ , distribution bibound. , ai } sity of parameters the Universe, i.e., that neutrino energy of bh c hand s , τ, mass ν ,neutrino he neutrino and{Ω the mean for the others cosmologic density given by The structure of the paper is as follows. In se meters. we describe the data set and the derived angular � mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the spec Ων = (1) We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti 93.1h2 eV explain the specific signature of neutrino mass on satisfies Ων ≤ 1. The Universe therefore offers a new labclustering data. We test our model for the angula oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino physics. spectra against mock data in section 5 and pres Accurate measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Backconstraints on the sum of the neutrino masses an ground (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy parameters for several data combinations in se from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experi! Finally, we discuss these results and conclude in 95% CL m [eV] prior only prior+CMASS,! = 150 prior+CMASS,!max = 200 ν max ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. WMAP7 prior and allow 1.1 us to weigh 0.74 (0.92) 0.56 (0.90) dard cosmological model neutri2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Indeed, neutrinos can ect ofplay neutrinos on therole angular power spectra. Theformation solid and dashedThe curves the massless and Σmν angular = 0.3 e a relevant in large-scale structure datadepict and the method for obtaining and leave key signatures in several cosmological data have been described in detail in Ref. Ross et al sets. More the specifically, the amount of primordial relaand inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief ues (although parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction is domina tivistic neutrinos changes the epoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our galaxy sample is obtain Adding the nuisance , we obtainof e to ter 1σ). becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data fromparameter DR8 Aiharaa0et al. (2011) points and curves in(2000). Fig. 6.This The effect of margin power small scales, ely, damps we do noton have mockssuppressing based onthe growth III York et al. survey mapped about ! of matter density fluctuations and thus prior+CMASS,! affecting both square degrees ofthe the parameter sky in five pass bands (u, g, over max a0 = is to diminish bias so that with non-zero Σm . ν [eV]One check we 95% CL prior only 150 prior+CMASS,! νm max = 200 CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et0.26 al. (1996) wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed wella within ever,the is to fit model with parameters WMAP7 + HST prior 0.44 0.31 (0.40) (0.36)tousing redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). MeasureGunnchange et al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter Sloan teles 2 tribute this to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 ν 0 ν all of these observations have been used to place Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. (2006) (t dependence in astrometric galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by far the most Elgaroy newparameters bounds on neutrino physics from cosmology sequent calibration of these imaging 2 1redsh bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra the galaxy at ± different 0.975 ± 0.026 − 1.002 ± 0.004 0.949 ± 0.004 0.991 ± 0.004 1.001of ± 0.003 0.954 ±density 0.004 1.007 0.004 0.972 ± MCMC Analysis and Results rana particles Gomez-Cadenas et al. (2011). Forthcom-2 combination with priors from the CMB and 1 fro Fig. 6.— Left panel: Recovered values of ΩDM h from averaged mock spectrum together with CMB prior. W — ββ(0ν) experiments — −0.035 ± −0.026 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — — — — ing for0.005 sensitivity approaching thevalues Hubble parameter, supernov different lines ofaim sight. The points with error bars show surements the posteriorofmean and 1σ error bars after the �meff � < 0.05 eV Gomez-Cadenas et al. (2011). and the BAO scale. The spectra and the the i scenarios: varying Σmν 10 with (red) and without (blue) a0 tances marginalized. The vertical magenta lines indicate 2 — 2 — —parameter — −1.19 0.10the−1.06 Cosmology of—the tackle the a minimal ΛCDM uncertainty cosmology are ± described in ± d input ±means one =, 0.0032 is the based on data ,provides τ,and nsthe ,one log[10 Asand ],totwo f— Awhere , σbi— aofof ΛCDM +(solid) mass fraction Amplitude Sunyaev-Zel’dovich bh , Ω ch , Θ sneutrino ν ,,σ, SZ abi }the (ai = masses. 0 fixed). Some There is athe bias of about 1σ without nuisance parameter, which disappears a solute of neutrino earliest cosour the companion paper Ho et al. (2012) andwhen the m 10 2 scale2spectra 10of og[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters four nuisance {Ωbmological h—spectrum ,Ω ,Θ ,onτ, log[10 A fνfrom , ASZ bithe ,and atwo —s — —distributions — — discussed — from 0.77 ± 0.23 ±a panel: The posterior neutrino mass cases above. The mock constraints s c hbounds ν SZ ins , igalaxy s ], i }(optionally) neutrino masses followed the,for ment of the BAO scale the spectra is0.40 prese cosmology of Σmrelic Other parameters are all reconstructed to close to their input values and are not stro ν = 0. that massive neutrinos, present today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). As ], frequirement , A , b , a } parameters ν SZ spectra. i i the expected do2 not saturate theeach critical den-10 ofteninrefer to these details focusc LE I. in Constraints on numbers, cosmological parameters for model described the text. We works report for both 68% and 95% 2 , Ωthe , Θstandard nsdeviation , log[10 Asthe ],the fposterior ASZ , distribution bibound. , ai } sity of parameters the Universe, i.e., that neutrino energy of bh c hand s , τ, mass ν ,neutrino he neutrino and{Ω the mean for the others cosmologic � 95% CL mν [eV] prior only The prior+CMASS,� 150 isprior+CMASS,� m density given by structure of max the = paper as follows. In se meters. the (0.92) data set and the derived0.56 angular 1.1 we describe0.74 (0.90 � WMAP7 prior mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the(0.36 spec WMAP7 + HST prior (1) 0.44 0.31 (0.40) 0.26 Ων = We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti 93.1h2 eV explain TABLE the specific signature of neutrino mass on 1 satisfies Ων ≤The 1. The therefore offers alimits new labclustering data. Wemasses test our model for the angula 95%Universe confidence level upper on the sum of the neutrino Σm ν . The top row inv oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino a WMAP spectra prior against mock in section 5 and pres adding the CMASS galaxy power spectra while thedata bottom row uses WMAP Accurate measurements CosmicInMicrowave Backfrom HSTofasthe a prior. parentheses we show constraints results foron the more model margin the sumconservative of the neutrino masses an noise-like . ground (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy parametersparameters for severalaidata combinations in se from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experi! Finally, we discuss these results and conclude in 95% CL m [eV] prior only prior+CMASS,! = 150 prior+CMASS,!max = 200 ν max ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. WMAP7 prior1, 1.1 0.74 0.56the (0.90) dard cosmological model and allow to weigh neutrirow of Table with theusresults with a(0.92) WMAP7+HST bound is so i marginalized in 2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & PastorThe (2006). Indeed, neutrinos parentheses. bound improves fromcan 1.1 eV for CMB WMAP7-only one, i.e. Σmν < ect ofplay neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The solid and dashed curves depict the massless andAdding Σmν angular =the 0.3 eC a relevant role in eV large-scale formation The data andΣm theνmethod obtaining only to 0.56 for CMBstructure with CMASS data (�max = 200). < 1.1foreV. and leave key cosmological data Σmhave been described detail in Ref. Ross et al by Reid etinal,the JCAP’10 Thissignatures constraintinisseveral comparable to the limit tightens bound significantly ν < 0.62 sets. MoreeV specifically, theReid amount of(2010) primordial inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief derived by et al. from relathe DR7and spectroper bound of Σm 0.26 eV is ues (although the parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction domina ν < is tivistic neutrinos changes theItepoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 scopic sample. thus appears that the advantage of (in the bias-only model), as is s the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our 1. galaxy sample ismargin obtain spectroscopic redshifts (providing information on clusof Table The effect of Adding the nuisance parameter a , we obtain e to ter 1σ). 0et al. (2011) of becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data from DR8the Aihara tering along the line of sight) in that sample is offset to bring constraint back to c points and curves in Fig. 6. The effect of margin power on have small scales, suppressing the growth ely, damps we do not mocks based on III York et al. (2000). This survey mapped about by the advantage of the current sample having a larger bound. ! of matter density fluctuations and thus affecting both square degrees ofthe the parameter sky in bands (u, g, over a is to diminish bias so that with non-zero Σmalthough . ν [eV]One check we differencesmax 0 = 150 the 95% CL prior only prior+CMASS,! prior+CMASS,! = five 200 pass νm max volume, there are other between The posteriors for all cosm CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et0.26 al. (1996) using a within wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed to well ever,the is to fit model with parameters WMAP7 + HST prior 0.44 0.31 (0.40) (0.36) samples and analyses as well. Note, however, Gunn that the shown in Fig. 8. InSloan addition redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Measureet al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter teles 2 tribute this change to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 ν 0 ν deteriorates significantly for Σmν , summarized Table allconstraint of these observations have been used towhen place marginalizing Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. in (2006) (t dependence in galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by parameters far the most the nuisance ai . InElgaroy this case, sequent the massastrometric ors are worth noting. The effe newparameters boundsover on neutrino physics from cosmology calibration of these imaging 2 1redsh bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra the galaxy at ± different 0.975 ± 0.026 − 1.002 ± 0.004 0.949 ± 0.004 0.991 ± 0.004 1.001of ± 0.003 0.954 ±density 0.004 1.007 0.004 0.972 ± — particles Gomez-Cadenas — −0.035 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — with priors — from the—CMB and fro — rana et al.−0.026 (2011). Forthcomcombination 2 Fig. 6.— Left panel: Recovered values of ΩDM h from averaged mock spectrum together with CMB prior. W — ββ(0ν) experiments — −0.035 ± −0.026 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — of the Hubble — — — ing aim for0.005 sensitivity approaching surements parameter, supernov different lines of sight. The points with error bars show the posterior mean values and 1σ error bars after the — � < 0.05 eV — Gomez-Cadenas — — — — the BAO scale. — −1.19 ± 0.10and −1.06 �m et al. (2011). tances and The spectra the± eff scenarios: varying Σm with (red) and without (blue) a marginalized. The vertical magenta lines indicate the i ν 0 2 — 2 10 — and the — —parameter — −1.19 0.10the−1.06 Cosmology provides one of—the totwo tackle the abof a minimal ΛCDM uncertainty cosmology are ± described in ± d (solid) input ±means one s and σ, where σ i— = 0.0032 is the based on data ΛCDM + neutrino mass fraction , Amplitude of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich b c s s ν SZ i — — (a = 0 fixed). — There is a bias — of about 1σ— — ± 0.23 when nuisance parameter, which disappears a solute of neutrino masses. Some cos- without our the companion paper—Ho et al.0.77 (2012) and0.40 the±m i 10 2 scale2spectra 10of the earliest og[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters four nuisance {Ωbmological h—spectrum ,Ω ,Θ ,onτ, log[10 A fνfrom , ASZ bithe ,and atwo —s — —distributions — — discussed — from 0.77 ± 0.23 ±a panel: The posterior neutrino mass cases above. The mock constraints s c hbounds ν SZ ins , igalaxy s ], i }(optionally) neutrino masses followed the,for ment of the BAO scale the spectra is0.40 prese cosmology of Σmrelic = 0.neutrinos, Other parameters are alldescribed reconstructed to close toWe their input values and are not ν parameters LE I. requirement Constraints on cosmological forpresent each model in the text. report both 68% and 95%stro c. that massive today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). parameters s ν SZ spectra. i i MCMC Analysis and Results h , Ω h , Θ , τ, n , log[10 A ], f , A A ], f , A 1 ,b,a} ,b,a} he parameters and thedo mean and standard deviation of theoften posterior distribution for the others the expected not saturate theeach critical den-10 to these for details and 95% focusc LE neutrino I. in Constraints on numbers, cosmological parameters for model described inrefer the text. We works report both 68% cosmologica 2 2 , Ωthe , Θstandard nsdeviation , log[10 Asthe ],the fposterior ASZ , distribution bibound. , ai } meters. sity of parameters the Universe, i.e., that neutrino energy of bh c hand s , τ, mass ν ,neutrino he neutrino and{Ω the mean for the others cosmologic � 95% CL mν [eV] prior only The prior+CMASS,� 150 isprior+CMASS,� m density given by structure of max the = paper as follows. In se meters. the (0.92) data set and the derived0.56 angular 1.1 we describe0.74 (0.90 � WMAP7 prior mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the(0.36 spec WMAP7 + HST prior (1) 0.44 0.31 (0.40) 0.26 Ων = We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti explain TABLE the specific signature of neutrino mass on 1 satisfies Ων ≤The 1. The therefore offers alimits new labclustering data. Wemasses test our model for the angula 95%Universe confidence level upper on the sum of the neutrino Σm ν . The top row inv oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino a WMAP spectra prior against mock in section 5 and pres adding the CMASS galaxy power spectra while thedata bottom row uses WMAP Accurate measurements CosmicInMicrowave Backfrom HSTofasthe a prior. parentheses we show constraints results foron the more model margin the sumconservative of the neutrino masses an ! noise-like parameters aidata . ground (CMB) temperature anisotropy = 150 parameters for several combinations in se 95% CL mν [eV] and priorpolarization only prior+CMASS,! prior+CMASS,! max max = 200 from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experi! Finally, we 0.56 discuss these results and conclude in WMAP7 prior 1.1only prior+CMASS,! 0.74 (0.92) (0.90) 95% CL m [eV] prior = 150 prior+CMASS,! ν max max = 200 ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. WMAP7 prior1, 1.1 0.74 0.56the (0.90) dard cosmological model and allow to weigh neutrirow of Table with theusresults with a(0.92) WMAP7+HST bound is so i marginalized in 2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & PastorThe (2006). Indeed, neutrinos parentheses. bound improves fromcan 1.1 eV for CMB WMAP7-only one, i.e. Σmν < ect ofplay neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The solid and dashed curves depict the massless andAdding Σmν angular =the 0.3 eC a relevant role in eV large-scale formation The data andΣm theνmethod obtaining only to 0.56 for CMBstructure with CMASS data (�max = 200). < 1.1foreV. and leave key cosmological data Σmhave been described detail in Ref. Ross et al by Reid etinal,the JCAP’10 Thissignatures constraintinisseveral comparable to the limit tightens bound significantly ν < 0.62 sets. MoreeV specifically, theReid amount of(2010) primordial inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief derived by et al. from relathe DR7and spectroper bound of Σm 0.26 eV is ues (although the parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction domina ν < is tivistic neutrinos changes theItepoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 scopic sample. thus appears that the advantage of (in the bias-only model), as is s the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our 1. galaxy sample ismargin obtain spectroscopic redshifts (providing information on clusof Table The effect of Adding the nuisance parameter a , we obtain e to ter 1σ). 0et al. (2011) of becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data from DR8the Aihara ! tering along the line of sight) in that sample is offset to bring constraint back to c points and curves in Fig. 6. The effect of margin power on small scales, suppressing the growth 95% CLhave mν [eV] prior only prior+CMASS,! = 150 prior+CMASS,! = 200 ely, damps we do not mocks based on This survey mapped about max III York et al. (2000).max by the advantage of the current sample having a larger bound. ! of matter density and thus prior+CMASS,! affecting WMAP7 + fluctuations HST prior 0.44 0.31both (0.40) 0.26 (0.36) square degrees ofthe the sky in bands (u, g, over abetween is to diminish parameter bias so that with non-zero Σm . One check we 0 = 95% CL m [eV] prior only 150 prior+CMASS,! = five 200 pass ν ν max max volume, although there are other differences the The posteriors for all cosm CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et0.26 al. (1996) using a within wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed to well ever,the is to fit model with parameters WMAP7 + HST prior 0.44 0.31 (0.40) (0.36) samples and analyses as well. Note, however, Gunn that the shown in Fig. 8. InSloan addition redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Measureet al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter teles 2 tribute this change to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 ν 0 ν deteriorates significantly for Σmν , summarized Table allconstraint of these observations have been used towhen place marginalizing Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. in (2006) (t dependence in galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by parameters far the most the nuisance ai . InElgaroy this case, sequent the massastrometric ors are worth noting. The effe newparameters boundsover on neutrino physics from cosmology calibration of these imaging 2 93.1h2 eV 1redsh bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra the galaxy at ± different 0.975 ± 0.026 − 1.002 ± 0.004 0.949 ± 0.004 0.991 ± 0.004 1.001of ± 0.003 0.954 ±density 0.004 1.007 0.004 0.972 ± — particles Gomez-Cadenas — −0.035 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — with priors — from the—CMB and fro — rana et al.−0.026 (2011). Forthcomcombination 2 Fig. 6.— Left panel: Recovered values of ΩDM h from averaged mock spectrum together with CMB prior. W — ββ(0ν) experiments — −0.035 ± −0.026 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — of the Hubble — — — ing aim for0.005 sensitivity approaching surements parameter, supernov different lines of sight. The points with error bars show the posterior mean values and 1σ error bars after the — � < 0.05 eV — Gomez-Cadenas — — — — the BAO scale. — −1.19 ± 0.10and −1.06 �m et al. (2011). tances and The spectra the± eff scenarios: varying Σm with (red) and without (blue) a marginalized. The vertical magenta lines indicate the i ν 0 2 — 2 10 — and the — —parameter — −1.19 0.10the−1.06 Cosmology provides one of—the totwo tackle the abof a minimal ΛCDM uncertainty cosmology are ± described in ± d (solid) input ±means one s and σ, where σ i— = 0.0032 is the based on data ΛCDM + neutrino mass fraction , Amplitude of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich b c s s ν SZ i — — (a = 0 fixed). — There is a bias — of about 1σ— — ± 0.23 when nuisance parameter, which disappears a solute of neutrino masses. Some cos- without our the companion paper—Ho et al.0.77 (2012) and0.40 the±m i 10 2 scale2spectra 10of the earliest og[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters four nuisance {Ωbmological h—spectrum ,Ω ,Θ ,onτ, log[10 A fνfrom , ASZ bithe ,and atwo —s — —distributions — — discussed — from 0.77 ± 0.23 ±a panel: The posterior neutrino mass cases above. The mock constraints s c hbounds ν SZ ins , igalaxy s ], i }(optionally) neutrino masses followed the,for ment of the BAO scale the spectra is0.40 prese cosmology of Σmrelic = 0.neutrinos, Other parameters are alldescribed reconstructed to close toWe their input values and are not ν parameters LE I. requirement Constraints on cosmological forpresent each model in the text. report both 68% and 95%stro c. that massive today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). parameters s ν SZ spectra. i i MCMC Analysis and Results h , Ω h , Θ , τ, n , log[10 A ], f , A A ], f , A 1 ,b,a} ,b,a} he parameters and thedo mean and standard deviation of theoften posterior distribution for the others the expected not saturate theeach critical den-10 to these for details and 95% focusc LE neutrino I. in Constraints on numbers, cosmological parameters for model described inrefer the text. We works report both 68% cosmologica 2 2 , Ωthe , Θstandard nsdeviation , log[10 Asthe ],the fposterior ASZ , distribution bibound. , ai } meters. sity of parameters the Universe, i.e., that neutrino energy of bh c hand s , τ, mass ν ,neutrino he neutrino and{Ω the mean for the others cosmologic � 95% CL mν [eV] prior only The prior+CMASS,� 150 isprior+CMASS,� m density given by structure of max the = paper as follows. In se meters. the (0.92) data set and the derived0.56 angular 1.1 we describe0.74 (0.90 � WMAP7 prior mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the(0.36 spec WMAP7 + HST prior (1) 0.44 0.31 (0.40) 0.26 Ων = We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti explain TABLE the specific signature of neutrino mass on 1 satisfies Ων ≤The 1. The therefore offers alimits new labclustering data. Wemasses test our model for the angula 95%Universe confidence level upper on the sum of the neutrino Σm ν . The top row inv oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino a WMAP spectra prior against mock in section 5 and pres adding the CMASS galaxy power spectra while thedata bottom row uses WMAP Accurate measurements CosmicInMicrowave Backfrom HSTofasthe a prior. parentheses we show constraints results foron the more model margin the sumconservative of the neutrino masses an ! noise-like parameters aidata . ground (CMB) temperature anisotropy = 150 parameters for several combinations in se 95% CL mν [eV] and priorpolarization only prior+CMASS,! prior+CMASS,! max max = 200 from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experi! Finally, we 0.56 discuss these results and conclude in WMAP7 prior 1.1only prior+CMASS,! 0.74 (0.92) (0.90) 95% CL m [eV] prior = 150 prior+CMASS,! ν max max = 200 ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. WMAP7 prior1, 1.1 0.74 0.56the (0.90) dard cosmological model and allow to weigh neutrirow of Table with theusresults with a(0.92) WMAP7+HST bound is so i marginalized in 2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & PastorThe (2006). Indeed, neutrinos parentheses. bound improves fromcan 1.1 eV for CMB WMAP7-only one, i.e. Σmν < ect ofplay neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The solid and dashed curves depict the massless andAdding Σmν angular =the 0.3 eC a relevant role in eV large-scale formation The data andΣm theνmethod obtaining only to 0.56 for CMBstructure with CMASS data (�max = 200). < 1.1foreV. and leave key cosmological data Σmhave been described detail in Ref. Ross et al by Reid etinal,the JCAP’10 Thissignatures constraintinisseveral comparable to the limit tightens bound significantly ν < 0.62 sets. MoreeV specifically, theReid amount of(2010) primordial inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief derived by et al. from relathe DR7and spectroper bound of Σm 0.26 eV is ues (although the parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction domina ν < is tivistic neutrinos changes theItepoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 scopic sample. thus appears that the advantage of (in the bias-only model), as is s the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our 1. galaxy sample ismargin obtain spectroscopic redshifts (providing information on clusof Table The effect of Adding the nuisance parameter a , we obtain e to ter 1σ). 0et al. (2011) of becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data from DR8the Aihara ! tering along the line of sight) in that sample is offset to bring constraint back to c points and curves in Fig. 6. The effect of margin power on small scales, suppressing the growth 95% CLhave mν [eV] prior only prior+CMASS,! = 150 prior+CMASS,! = 200 ely, damps we do not mocks based on This survey mapped about max III York et al. (2000).max by the advantage of the current sample having a larger bound. ! of matter density and thus prior+CMASS,! affecting WMAP7 + fluctuations HST prior 0.44 0.31both (0.40) 0.26 (0.36) square degrees ofthe the sky in bands (u, g, over abetween is to diminish parameter bias so that with non-zero Σm . One check we 0 = 95% CL m [eV] prior only 150 prior+CMASS,! = five 200 pass ν ν max max volume, although there are other differences the The posteriors for all cosm CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et0.26 al. (1996) using a within wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed to well ever,the is to fit model with parameters WMAP7 + HST prior 0.44 0.31 (0.40) (0.36) samples and analyses as well. Note, however, Gunn that the shown in Fig. 8. InSloan addition redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Measureet al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter teles 2 tribute this change to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 ν 0 ν deteriorates significantly for Σmν , summarized Table allconstraint of these observations have been used towhen place marginalizing Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. in (2006) (t dependence in galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by parameters far the most the nuisance ai . InElgaroy this case, sequent the massastrometric ors are worth noting. The effe newparameters boundsover on neutrino physics from cosmology calibration of these imaging 2 93.1h2 eV 1redsh bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra the galaxy at ± different 0.975 ± 0.026 − 1.002 ± 0.004 0.949 ± 0.004 0.991 ± 0.004 1.001of ± 0.003 0.954 ±density 0.004 1.007 0.004 0.972 ± — particles Gomez-Cadenas — −0.035 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — with priors — from the—CMB and fro — rana et al.−0.026 (2011). Forthcomcombination 2 Fig. 6.— Left panel: Recovered values of ΩDM h from averaged mock spectrum together with CMB prior. W — ββ(0ν) experiments — −0.035 ± −0.026 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — of the Hubble — — — ing aim for0.005 sensitivity approaching surements parameter, supernov different lines of sight. The points with error bars show the posterior mean values and 1σ error bars after the — � < 0.05 eV — Gomez-Cadenas — — — — the BAO scale. — −1.19 ± 0.10and −1.06 �m et al. (2011). tances and The spectra the± eff scenarios: varying Σm with (red) and without (blue) a marginalized. The vertical magenta lines indicate the i ν 0 2 — 2 10 — and the — —parameter — −1.19 0.10the−1.06 Cosmology provides one of—the totwo tackle the abof a minimal ΛCDM uncertainty cosmology are ± described in ± d (solid) input ±means one s and σ, where σ i— = 0.0032 is the based on data ΛCDM + neutrino mass fraction , Amplitude of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich b c s s ν SZ i — — (a = 0 fixed). — There is a bias — of about 1σ— — ± 0.23 when nuisance parameter, which disappears a solute of neutrino masses. Some cos- without our the companion paper—Ho et al.0.77 (2012) and0.40 the±m i 10 2 scale2spectra 10of the earliest og[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters four nuisance {Ωbmological h—spectrum ,Ω ,Θ ,onτ, log[10 A fνfrom , ASZ bithe ,and atwo —s — —distributions — — discussed — from 0.77 ± 0.23 ±a panel: The posterior neutrino mass cases above. The mock constraints s c hbounds ν SZ ins , igalaxy s ], i }(optionally) neutrino masses followed the,for ment of the BAO scale the spectra is0.40 prese cosmology of Σmrelic = 0.neutrinos, Other parameters are alldescribed reconstructed to close toWe their input values and are not ν parameters LE I. requirement Constraints on cosmological forpresent each model in the text. report both 68% and 95%stro c. that massive today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). parameters s ν SZ spectra. i i MCMC Analysis and Results h , Ω h , Θ , τ, n , log[10 A ], f , A A ], f , A 1 ,b,a} ,b,a} he parameters and thedo mean and standard deviation of theoften posterior distribution for the others the expected not saturate theeach critical den-10 to these for details and 95% focusc LE neutrino I. in Constraints on numbers, cosmological parameters for model described inrefer the text. We works report both 68% cosmologica 2 2 , Ωthe , Θstandard nsdeviation , log[10 Asthe ],the fposterior ASZ , distribution bibound. , ai } meters. sity of parameters the Universe, i.e., that neutrino energy of bh c hand s , τ, mass ν ,neutrino he neutrino and{Ω the mean for the others cosmologic � 95% CL mν [eV] prior only The prior+CMASS,� 150 isprior+CMASS,� m density given by structure of max the = paper as follows. In se meters. the (0.92) data set and the derived0.56 angular 1.1 we describe0.74 (0.90 � WMAP7 prior mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the(0.36 spec WMAP7 + HST prior (1) 0.44 0.31 (0.40) 0.26 Ων = We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti explain TABLE the specific signature of neutrino mass on 1 satisfies Ων ≤The 1. The therefore offers alimits new labclustering data. Wemasses test our model for the angula 95%Universe confidence level upper on the sum of the neutrino Σm ν . The top row inv oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino a WMAP spectra prior against mock in section 5 and pres adding the CMASS galaxy power spectra while thedata bottom row uses WMAP Accurate measurements CosmicInMicrowave Backfrom HSTofasthe a prior. parentheses we show constraints results foron the more model margin the sumconservative of the neutrino masses an ! noise-like parameters aidata . ground (CMB) temperature anisotropy = 150 parameters for several combinations in se 95% CL mν [eV] and priorpolarization only prior+CMASS,! prior+CMASS,! max max = 200 from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experi! Finally, we 0.56 discuss these results and conclude in WMAP7 prior 1.1only prior+CMASS,! 0.74 (0.92) (0.90) 95% CL m [eV] prior = 150 prior+CMASS,! ν max max = 200 ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. WMAP7 prior1, 1.1 0.74 0.56the (0.90) dard cosmological model and allow to weigh neutrirow of Table with theusresults with a(0.92) WMAP7+HST bound is so i marginalized in 2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & PastorThe (2006). Indeed, neutrinos parentheses. bound improves fromcan 1.1 eV for CMB WMAP7-only one, i.e. Σmν < ect ofplay neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The solid and dashed curves depict the massless andAdding Σmν angular =the 0.3 eC a relevant role in eV large-scale formation The data andΣm theνmethod obtaining only to 0.56 for CMBstructure with CMASS data (�max = 200). < 1.1foreV. and leave key cosmological data Σmhave been described detail in Ref. Ross et al by Reid etinal,the JCAP’10 Thissignatures constraintinisseveral comparable to the limit tightens bound significantly ν < 0.62 sets. MoreeV specifically, theReid amount of(2010) primordial inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief derived by et al. from relathe DR7and spectroper bound of Σm 0.26 eV is ues (although the parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction domina ν < is tivistic neutrinos changes theItepoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 scopic sample. thus appears that the advantage of (in the bias-only model), as is s the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our 1. galaxy sample ismargin obtain spectroscopic redshifts (providing information on clusof Table The effect of Adding the nuisance parameter a , we obtain e to ter 1σ). 0et al. (2011) of becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data from DR8the Aihara ! tering along the line of sight) in that sample is offset to bring constraint back to c points and curves in Fig. 6. The effect of margin power on small scales, suppressing the growth 95% CLhave mν [eV] prior only prior+CMASS,! = 150 prior+CMASS,! = 200 ely, damps we do not mocks based on This survey mapped about max III York et al. (2000).max by the advantage of the current sample having a larger bound. ! of matter density and thus prior+CMASS,! affecting WMAP7 + fluctuations HST prior 0.44 0.31both (0.40) 0.26 (0.36) square degrees ofthe the sky in bands (u, g, over abetween is to diminish parameter bias so that with non-zero Σm . One check we 0 = 95% CL m [eV] prior only 150 prior+CMASS,! = five 200 pass ν ν max max volume, although there are other differences the The posteriors for all cosm CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et0.26 al. (1996) using a within wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed to well ever,the is to fit model with parameters WMAP7 + HST prior 0.44 0.31 (0.40) (0.36) samples and analyses as well. Note, however, Gunn that the shown in Fig. 8. InSloan addition redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Measureet al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter teles 2 tribute this change to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 ν 0 ν deteriorates significantly for Σmν , summarized Table allconstraint of these observations have been used towhen place marginalizing Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. in (2006) (t dependence in galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by parameters far the most the nuisance ai . InElgaroy this case, sequent the massastrometric ors are worth noting. The effe newparameters boundsover on neutrino physics from cosmology calibration of these imaging 2 93.1h2 eV 1redsh bound which would only apply if neutrinos are Majospectra the galaxy at ± different 0.975 ± 0.026 − 1.002 ± 0.004 0.949 ± 0.004 0.991 ± 0.004 1.001of ± 0.003 0.954 ±density 0.004 1.007 0.004 0.972 ± — particles Gomez-Cadenas — −0.035 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — with priors — from the—CMB and fro — rana et al.−0.026 (2011). Forthcomcombination 2 Fig. 6.— Left panel: Recovered values of ΩDM h from averaged mock spectrum together with CMB prior. W — ββ(0ν) experiments — −0.035 ± −0.026 ± 0.005 −0.008 ± 0.005 — of the Hubble — — — ing aim for0.005 sensitivity approaching surements parameter, supernov different lines of sight. The points with error bars show the posterior mean values and 1σ error bars after the — � < 0.05 eV — Gomez-Cadenas — — — — the BAO scale. — −1.19 ± 0.10and −1.06 �m et al. (2011). tances and The spectra the± eff scenarios: varying Σm with (red) and without (blue) a marginalized. The vertical magenta lines indicate the i ν 0 2 — 2 10 — and the — —parameter — −1.19 0.10the−1.06 Cosmology provides one of—the totwo tackle the abof a minimal ΛCDM uncertainty cosmology are ± described in ± d (solid) input ±means one s and σ, where σ i— = 0.0032 is the based on data ΛCDM + neutrino mass fraction , Amplitude of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich b c s s ν SZ i — — (a = 0 fixed). — There is a bias — of about 1σ— — ± 0.23 when nuisance parameter, which disappears a solute of neutrino masses. Some cos- without our the companion paper—Ho et al.0.77 (2012) and0.40 the±m i 10 2 scale2spectra 10of the earliest og[10 A ], f , A , b , a } , four bias parameters four nuisance {Ωbmological h—spectrum ,Ω ,Θ ,onτ, log[10 A fνfrom , ASZ bithe ,and atwo —s — —distributions — — discussed — from 0.77 ± 0.23 ±a panel: The posterior neutrino mass cases above. The mock constraints s c hbounds ν SZ ins , igalaxy s ], i }(optionally) neutrino masses followed the,for ment of the BAO scale the spectra is0.40 prese cosmology of Σmrelic = 0.neutrinos, Other parameters are alldescribed reconstructed to close toWe their input values and are not ν parameters LE I. requirement Constraints on cosmological forpresent each model in the text. report both 68% and 95%stro c. that massive today a separate companion paper Seo et al. (2012). parameters s ν SZ spectra. i i MCMC Analysis and Results h , Ω h , Θ , τ, n , log[10 A ], f , A A ], f , A 1 ,b,a} ,b,a} he parameters and thedo mean and standard deviation of theoften posterior distribution for the others the expected not saturate theeach critical den-10 to these for details and 95% focusc LE neutrino I. in Constraints on numbers, cosmological parameters for model described inrefer the text. We works report both 68% cosmologica 2 2 , Ωthe , Θstandard nsdeviation , log[10 Asthe ],the fposterior ASZ , distribution bibound. , ai } meters. sity of parameters the Universe, i.e., that neutrino energy of bh c hand s , τ, mass ν ,neutrino he neutrino and{Ω the mean for the others cosmologic � 95% CL mν [eV] prior only The prior+CMASS,� 150 isprior+CMASS,� m density given by structure of max the = paper as follows. In se meters. the (0.92) data set and the derived0.56 angular 1.1 we describe0.74 (0.90 � WMAP7 prior mν We then discuss our theoretical model for the(0.36 spec WMAP7 + HST prior (1) 0.44 0.31 (0.40) 0.26 Ων = We derive their cosmology dependence in section 3. In secti explain TABLE the specific signature of neutrino mass on 1 satisfies Ων ≤The 1. The therefore offers alimits new labclustering data. Wemasses test our model for the angula 95%Universe confidence level upper on the sum of the neutrino Σm ν . The top row inv oratory for testing neutrino masses and neutrino a WMAP spectra prior against mock in section 5 and pres adding the CMASS galaxy power spectra while thedata bottom row uses WMAP Accurate measurements CosmicInMicrowave Backfrom HSTofasthe a prior. parentheses we show constraints results foron the more model margin the sumconservative of the neutrino masses an ! noise-like parameters aidata . ground (CMB) temperature anisotropy = 150 parameters for several combinations in se 95% CL mν [eV] and priorpolarization only prior+CMASS,! prior+CMASS,! max max = 200 from satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based experi! Finally, we 0.56 discuss these results and conclude in WMAP7 prior 1.1only prior+CMASS,! 0.74 (0.92) (0.90) 95% CL m [eV] prior = 150 prior+CMASS,! ν max max = 200 ments have fully confirmed the predictions of the stan7. WMAP7 prior1, 1.1 0.74 0.56the (0.90) dard cosmological model and allow to weigh neutrirow of Table with theusresults with a(0.92) WMAP7+HST bound is so i marginalized in 2. DATA nos Lesgourgues & PastorThe (2006). Indeed, neutrinos parentheses. bound improves fromcan 1.1 eV for CMB WMAP7-only one, i.e. Σmν < ect ofplay neutrinos on the angular power spectra. The solid and dashed curves depict the massless andAdding Σmν angular =the 0.3 eC a relevant role in eV large-scale formation The data andΣm theνmethod obtaining only to 0.56 for CMBstructure with CMASS data (�max = 200). < 1.1foreV. and leave key cosmological data Σmhave been described detail in Ref. Ross et al by Reid etinal,the JCAP’10 Thissignatures constraintinisseveral comparable to the limit tightens bound significantly ν < 0.62 sets. MoreeV specifically, theReid amount of(2010) primordial inless Ho (as et al. (2012). Here we provide a brief derived by et al. from relathe DR7and spectroper bound of Σm 0.26 eV is ues (although the parameter most affected significantly their reconstruction domina ν < is tivistic neutrinos changes theItepoch of matter-radiation tion of the main properties and refer the reader t 2 scopic sample. thus appears that the advantage of (in the bias-only model), as is s the mock CMB prior). CMASS data, ΩDM , is higher than the equality, leaving anhimprint on CMB anisotropies. Afpapers for details. Our 1. galaxy sample ismargin obtain spectroscopic redshifts (providing information on clusof Table The effect of Adding the nuisance parameter a , we obtain e to ter 1σ). 0et al. (2011) of becoming non-relativistic, their free-streaming nature imaging data from DR8the Aihara ! tering along the line of sight) in that sample is offset to bring constraint back to c points and curves in Fig. 6. The effect of margin power on small scales, suppressing the growth 95% CLhave mν [eV] prior only prior+CMASS,! = 150 prior+CMASS,! = 200 ely, damps we do not mocks based on This survey mapped about max III York et al. (2000).max by the advantage of the current sample having a larger bound. ! of matter density and thus prior+CMASS,! affecting WMAP7 + fluctuations HST prior 0.44 0.31both (0.40) 0.26 (0.36) square degrees ofthe the sky in bands (u, g, over abetween is to diminish parameter bias so that with non-zero Σm . One check we 0 = 95% CL m [eV] prior only 150 prior+CMASS,! = five 200 pass ν ν max max volume, although there are other differences the The posteriors for all cosm CMB and agalaxy clustering observables in the is low-typically z) Fukugita et0.26 al. (1996) using a within wide field1σ. CCD reconstructed to well ever,the is to fit model with parameters WMAP7 + HST prior 0.44 0.31 (0.40) (0.36) samples and analyses as well. Note, however, Gunn that the shown in Fig. 8. InSloan addition redshift universe Lesgourgues & Pastor (2006). Measureet al. (1998) on the 2.5 meter teles 2 tribute this change to a accounting for a possibl , θ, ments As , nsof, τ, Σm , b } to our Σm = 0 0 2 2 10 ν 0 ν deteriorates significantly marginalizing for Σm Table νi,, summarized allconstraint of these observations place Apache Point Observatory Gunn et al. in (2006) (t {Ωhave Ωc hused , Θsto ,when τ, n , log[10 A ], f , A , b a } marginalization over the parameters b h , been s s ν SZ i dependence in galaxy bias on quasilinear scales . The affected by parameters far the most the nuisance ai . InElgaroy this case, sequent the massastrometric ors are worth noting. The effe newparameters boundsover on neutrino physics from cosmology calibration of these imaging 2 93.1h2 eV Posterior probability for all cosmological parameters CMB+H 0 CMB+H0 with CMASS spectra in theprior. rangeWe show th Fig. 8.— Cosmological constraints with a WMAP7 CMB and Hubble parameter for CMB + H0 only (black), CMB + H0 with CMASS spectra in the range � = 30 − 150 (blue dash spectra in the range � = 30 − 200 (blue solid). The red curves represent the constraints in the conser over a set of nuisance parameters ai . While this marginalization degrades the neutrino bound, simulat CMB+H0 with in ΩDM h2 (see section 5). CMASS spectra on the sum of neutrino masses. We have used Fig. mock (0.36 eV).constraints We have with alsoac 8.— Cosmological in the range forHOD CMB + H0supernova only (black), + H0red w galaxy catalogs based on N-body simulations and andCMB a (lower spectra in the when range � the = 30HST − 200 prior (blue solid modeling to test two models for the angular galaxy specis over a set of nuisance parameters ai . While tra. Based on these tests, we decided to compare theh2 (seetions lower lim in ΩDM section 5). the upper Constraints in the data to theoretical spectra based on the non-linear matmodel). Considering the conservative model on bias the sum range, of neutrino masses. ter power spectrum augmented by a linear galaxy characterized byWe a N-body sim where we marginalize factor. However, since this model does result ingalaxy a biascatalogs findbased that aon significant am 2 2 10 2 modeling test two h , Ωwe , Θs , also τ, nfitted As ], fνto, the ASZlargest , bi ,models aimultipoles } for the�an over in ΩDM h of ∼ 1{Ω − b1.5σ, the data = c h have s , log[10 on tests,thewegalaxy decide to a more conservative model, with an additionaltra. set Based of �maxthese = 150, spectra based on m t shot noise-like fitting parameters, in which this data bias to is theoretical on neutrino mass. Our virtually absent. The tests also motivated us to ter use power the spectrum Table 1. augmented by a factor. this model do multipole range � = 30 − 200, but we quoted results for However, It issince interesting to compa 2 in Ω 1− 1.5σ, we al DM h ofof∼an the more conservative choice � = 30 − 150 as well. The analysis of ahave simila a more conservative model, with added advantage is that this analysis provides to insight SDSS photometric cataloa shot noise-like parameters, in into the range of scales that yields the galaxy clustering et fitting al. (2007). In Thoma virtually absent. tests isalso motivC information. boundThe quoted a 95% multipole � = SN 30 −and 200,BAO but we Combining the CMASS data with a CMB prior from range cluding da more conservative choice � = 30 the WMAP7 survey, we find an upper bound Σmνthe < 0.56 and MegaZ. However, thi− is thatrange this with analysi eV (0.90 eV) at 95% confidence level for �max =added 200 inadvantage a multipole �m into the the range of scales yields the model with free parameters bi (bi and ai ). Adding rameters ai .that As we havethe d De Putter et al. HST measurement of the Hubble parameter, theinformation. proba�max = 200 (or even sligh Correlations between parameters {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 As ], CMB+H0+CMASS fspectra b i , ai } ν , ASZ ,with {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 As ], fCMB+H b i , ai } 0 ,with ν , ASZ {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, CMB+H0+CMASS ns , log[1010 As ], fν , Awithout spectra SZ , bi , ai } {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 AsCMB+H ], fν , 0Awithout SZ , bi , ai } De Putter et al. Correlations between parameters {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 As ], CMB+H0+CMASS fspectra b i , ai } ν , ASZ ,with {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 As ], fCMB+H b i , ai } 0 ,with ν , ASZ {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, CMB+H0+CMASS ns , log[1010 As ], fν , Awithout spectra SZ , bi , ai } {Ωb h2 , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 AsCMB+H ], fν , 0Awithout SZ , bi , ai } De Putter et al. We also add supernova and BAO data to the CMB+HST+CMASS data set, and consider the neutrino mass bound in the bias only. We find negligible improvement (from 0.26 eV to 0.25 eV) relative to the case without these additional data set. Conclusions (0.36 eV). We have supernova and a (low 2 exploited 2 10 We angular power h , Ω h , Θ , τ, n , log[10 As spectra ], fν , ASZfrom , bi , athe {Ωhave when the HST prior b c s s i } SDSS-III (0.36 eV). We have also considered the effect of addi lower the upper limit DR8 sample photometric galaxy sample CMASS to put supernova and a (lower redshift) BAO measurement, b Combiningonthe CMASS data with amasses. CMB prior from Considering the depe 10 constraints the sum of neutrino 10 As ],the fν ,WMAP7 ASZ , bi survey, , ai } we find when HST priorΣm is included already, these additio < 0.90 (0.36 eV). Σm ν anthe upper bound < 0.56 acterized by a maxim ν lower thelevel upper limit to 0.25 eV (in the bias-only mode of adding supernova an eV (0.90 eV) at 95% confidence for " significant amount o = 200 in max 2 2 10 Combining the CMASS data with CMB data we find an upper a with athe CMB prior from the on thement, multipole range, h , Ω h , Θ ns ,Considering log[10bi A fν , adependence A , bi , ai }the {Ω but when thech H bmodel cwith s , τ, SZAdding (bsi],and multipoles " = 150 − free parameters i ). eVthe at 95% CLparameter, model with free bias additions lower the up upperbound bound Σmν < 0.56of , we find that acterized byinathe maximum multipole "max HST measurement Hubble the probathe galaxy spectra Combining the CMASS data with a CMB prior from model). Conside ce levelparameter. for "max amount resides larg =Adding 200 intightens thesignificant HST eV 95% CL. in the bility distribution andwe wefind find Σmνof <information 0.26 eV at only mass. the WMAP7 survey, an upper"bound pole range, ν < 0.56 ai ). Adding the we find multipoles = 150Σm − 200, but that even for characteri "max = 15 bi (bi and eV (0.90 the eV) aprobaatconservative 95% confidence level spectra for "max we find thaton a signific = 200 ble parameter, the galaxy place ainstrong bound neutri Considering galaxy bias model containing in the largest multipol the Σm model<with free parameters bi (bi and ai ). Adding the d we find 0.26 eV mass. ν additional shot noise parameters the bounds are weakened, 0.90 We (0.36"max eV).=Σm ν < HST measurement of the Hubble parameter, the proba150, the galax supernova eV at distribution 95% CL fortightens CMB+CMASS and Σmν < 0.36eV atadding 95% CL for bility and we find eVof neutrino mass. and a , Ωc h2 , Θs , τ, ns , log[1010 As ], fν , ASZ , bi , ai } {Ωb h2CMB+HST+CMASS. ment, but when the HST additions lower the upper Combining the CMASS data with a CMB prior from only model). Considering the WMAP7 survey, we find an upper bound Σmν < 0.56 pole range, characterized eV (0.90 eV) at 95% confidence level for "max = 200 in we find that a significant • • •