NYE COUNTY AGENDA INFORMATION FORM LI Presentation LI Presentation & Action Action Department: Public Petitioner Agenda Date: May 17, 2010 Category: Consent Agenda Item Phone: 775-751-1970 Contact: Pahrump Museum Return to: Action requested: Continued from meeting of: I Location: Phone: (Include what, with whom, when, where, why, how much ($) and terms) Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Franklin Construction Services, Inc. for the Pahrump Museum for a change in work and an increase in the amount of $1,570.45 to re-prime the red iron on the steel building which has already been approved from Fund 492 Settlement Agreement, PE0606. Complete description of requested action: (Include, if applicable, background, impact, long-term commitment, existing county policy, future goals, obtained by competitive bid, accountability measures) Any information provided after the agenda is published or during the meeting of the Commissioners will require you to provide 20 copies: one for each Commissioner, one for the Clerk, one for the District Attorney, one for the Public and two for the County Manager. Contracts or documents requiring signature must be submitted with three original copies. Expenditure Impact by FY(s): (Provide detail on Financial Form) II No financial impact Routing & Approval (Sign & Date) 1. Dept Date 6. Date 2. Date 7 J.fl Date 3 Date 8. Legal Date 4 Date 9 Date 5 Date i 0. County Finance ‘7/ Board of County Commissioners Action L Approved Clerk of the Board II Disapproved on Agenda I Amended as follows: Date TEM #jj 2 AGENDA FINANCIAL FORM Agenda Item No.: 1. Department Name: 2. Financial Contact Person: Pam Webster Direct Phone 3. Personnel Contact Person 482-8138 Direct Phone 4. Was the Budget Director consulted during the completion of this form (Y or N)? 5. Does this item require a budget adjustment to be made (Y or N)? 6. Account Number Data: (Complete for all revenue and expenditure lines and for all fiscal years that are impacted. Budgeted: Y=Yes, N=No, A=Absorbed in budget (state how under “Comments” section below.) FY 10 Budgeted Y Fund 492 Dept # 6100 Function 519 Object 61-03 $ Amount $1,570.45 7. Comments: Completed Date: by: Signature CHANGE ORDER Contractor: Franklin Construction Services Contract No.: Change Order No: 2 Date: May 17, 2010 Work: Erection & Finishing of Pahrump Museum • 1. Authorization * ( The Board of County Commissioner at its meeting on May 17, 2010 approved the Agenda Item 9z in which it was recommended that a Change Order be approved and signed for the scope of work as described herein. 2. Scheduled Rate (Unit Price in accordance with the Contract) Net Increase to Contract Funding: $1,570.45 The following is therefore an amendment to the Contract stating the agreement between the County and Contractor upon a Change in the Work and the adjustments in the Contract Price and Contract Time. (Contract Time means the time stipulated in the Contract for completion of the Work, including any extension(s) of time made pursuant to the Contract) 3. Detail of Work: Re-prime the red iron on steel building. A complete description can be located per the attached information and request for change. Original Contract Price: Change Order No. 1: Change Order No. 2: Total Contract Price: $222,680.00 $2,215.68 $1,570.45 $226,466.13 Work done on this Change Order must be examined and reported by the Purchasing Department. Any claim for compensation must be supported by production of this order at the time the Contract is completed. Agreed by the Contractor: Franklin Construction Services Steven Figgins Project Manager Approved by: Nye County Commissioner Gary Hollis, Chairman Signature Date Signature Date 29—!pr--2010 FrQnkliri Constructi 01:49 FM 2/2 7024764776 Sf30 S. V fteyVlow ikilø Ls Vegas, N’i 8911$ FRAJmUk lian:: 7Q2..4ThA7PP Far 70247a4778 wnhCSicn I - eit7imTh Complete Cnstrui1 Sevices Request For Change # 5 Date: - April 27, 2010 Bob Jones TO: ATTN: Project Managers Pahrump Museum RE: JOB FRANKUN JOB # 2009-29 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Due to the condition of the steel building’s red primer It is necessary to reprime the red iron with a metal base primer this will take one work day to complete. — BREAK DOWN 74498 @ $62.08 per Hrwith bwden Labor 2 men 6 Hrs Material RFC Sub Total $33.10 per gallon x 15 gallons 4.50 t241.48 5% 607 Overhead RFC Sub Total 10% 124.15 I ,427.8 Profit/GC Fee 10% 142.77 lnsurance& Bond $ RFC Total To approve pric8 and process Change Order, please sign and fax back to Franklin Construction Seivices, Inc. Submthed by: Approved by: Bob Jones Project Manager Nye County Steven Figgins Project Manager Frank1 Construction Servkes, Inc. /4Y721 &L 1,570.45