B.Sc. Engg. Thesis Algorithms in Computational Geometry By Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed Student No.: 0305003 Md. Ariful Islam Student No.: 0305006 Submitted to Department of Computer Science and Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Dhaka-1000. Declaration This is to certify that the work presented in this thesis entitled “Algorithms in Computational Geometry” is the outcome of the investigation carried out by us under the supervision of Dr. Masud Hasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. It is also declared that neither this thesis nor any part thereof has been submitted or is being currently submitted anywhere else for the award of any degree or diploma. −−−−−−−−−−−−− (Supervisor) Dr. Masud Hasan Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering (BUET), Dhaka-1000. −−−−−−−−−−−−− (Author) Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed Student No.: 0305003 Department of Computer Science and Engineering (BUET), Dhaka-1000. −−−−−−−−−−−−− (Author) Md. Ariful Islam Student No.: 0305006 Department of Computer Science and Engineering (BUET), Dhaka-1000. Abstract Two types of problems were studied in this thesis. The first one is cutting a convex polygon out of a circle and the second one is to find out the center of a sphere and an ellipsoid under some definite constraints. The problem of cutting a convex polygon P out of a piece of paper Q with minimum total cutting length is a well studied problem. Researchers studied several variations of the problem, such as P and Q are convex or non-convex polygons and the cuts are line cuts or rays cuts. In this thesis we first consider the variation of the problem where Q is a circle and P is convex polygon such that P is bounded by a half circle of Q and all the cuts are line cuts. We give a simple linear time O(logn)-approximation algorithm for this problem where n is the number of vertices of the polygon. We also give an constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem with a running time of o(n3 ). Finally, we give an constant factor approximation algorithm in general case i.e. cutting a convex polygon out of a circle in which the convex polygon is not necessarily cornered with a running time of O(n3 ). For both of the cases we also give the (1 + ²) Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme 6 (PTAS)which runs in O( ²n12 )-time. The problem of finding the center of a circle, starting from a point on the boundary and using a limited number of operations is an interesting problem. The searching algorithms for circle and ellipse have been given by the researchers. In this thesis we give efficient strategies of searching the centers of spheres and ellipsoids which inherently works for circle and ellipse respectively. Acknowledgments First of all we would like to thank our supervisor, Dr. Masud Hasan, for introducing us to the amazingly interesting world of computational geometry and teaching us how to perform research work. Without his continuous supervision, guidance and valuable advice, it would have been impossible to complete the thesis. We are especially grateful to him for allowing us greater freedom in choosing the problems to work on, for his encouragement at times of disappointment, and for his patience with our wildly sporadic work habits and passion for travelling. We are grateful to all other friends for their continuous encouragement and for helping us in thesis writing. We would like to express our gratitude to all our teachers. Their motivation and encouragement in addition to the education they provided meant a lot to us. Last but not least, we are grateful to our parents and to our families for their patience, interest, and support during our studies. I Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Computational Geometry . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Major Research Problems . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Static Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Geometric query problem . . . . . 1.2.3 Dynamic Problems . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Applications of Computational Geometry 1.3.1 Design and manufacturing . . . . . 1.3.2 Graphics and visualization . . . . . 1.3.3 Information systems . . . . . . . . 1.3.4 Medicine and biology . . . . . . . 1.3.5 Physical sciences . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.6 Robotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.7 Other applications . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Previous Works . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.3 Cutting Polygons . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.4 Searching for the centers of spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and ellipsoids 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Polygon Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Preliminaries on searching center of sphere and ellipsoid 2.2.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Preliminaries on Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 11 13 14 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 . . . . . . 20 20 20 23 23 25 25 3 Previous Works 3.1 Previous Works on Polygon Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Previous Works on Searching for the Center of a Certain Geometric Shape Under Definite Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 28 4 Cutting a Convex Polygon Out of a Circle 4.1 The Basic Problem that We Studied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Algorithm for Cornered Convex Polygon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Algorithm 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Algorithm 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Algorithms for General Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Separating Minimum Rectangle Bounding P Using Rotating Calipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Algorithm 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Algorithm 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.4 Algorithm 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 33 34 36 45 47 5 Searching for the Center of Spheres and Ellipsoids 5.1 Searching the Center of Spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Mathematical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Proposed Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.4 How to detect a direction which is inside the sphere 5.1.5 Correctness Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Competitive Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Detection Stage of Searching the Center of an Ellipsoid . . 5.3.1 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Our Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Proposed Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.4 Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Correction Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Proposed Correction Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Convergence of the strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Performance Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.4 Worst Case Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.5 For Ellipsoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Use of Volume Knobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 63 63 64 64 65 66 71 72 72 72 74 75 76 79 80 80 81 81 81 III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 49 51 52 59 6 Conclusion and Future Works 6.1 Cutting a cornered polygon out of a circle 6.2 Cutting a centered polygon out of a circle 6.3 Searching for the center of a sphere . . . . 6.4 Searching for the center of an ellipsoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 82 83 84 84 Index 85 Bibliography 86 IV List of Figures 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 (a) Cornered Convex Polygon (b) Centered Convex Polygon. (a) l1 and l2 are line cuts, (b)l3 and l4 are not line cuts . . . Ray cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Axis Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22 23 24 3.1 3.2 Problems associated withe the two dimensional search techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 32 4.1 (a) A convex polygon. (b,c) Two different cutting sequences to cut P out of Q. The cost of the sequence in (b) is more than that in the (c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some preliminaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Critical edge and critical vertex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Separating P from c by using more than one cut increases the cutting cost. The cutting length is shown in bold lines. . . . . . . . . Triangle separation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obtaining obtuse triangle(s) from Ta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curving phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lower bound for C ∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . shortest chord through a point inside a circle is perpendicular o the line joining the center and that point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Rotating Calipers (b) Rotating two orthogonal pairs of rotating calipers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upper bound of the cut length of minimum area rectangle bounding P when P is centered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . possible shape of bounding box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cutting strategy for O(log n) approximation ratio when P is cornered. cutting out minimum area rectangle with constant cut length.t . . Determining the portal points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Determining the estimated cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 V . . . . . . . . 34 35 37 39 40 43 44 48 49 50 50 51 53 55 59 60 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 Searching the center of a sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proposed strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to detect a direction which is inside the sphere . . . . . . . . Cross section of a sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The straight line joining the center of the sphere and the center of the circular plane produced by a cross-section of that sphere is perpendicular to that plane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perpendicular plane to a circular plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure for Lemma 5.1.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correctness of the strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correctness proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Competitive ratio calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure for Lemma 5.3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure for Lemma 5.3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proposed strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electromagnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revised elliptical model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assumed model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dead regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrong result by proposed strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correction strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI 63 64 66 67 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 79 79 80 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Computational Geometry Computational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. Some purely geometrical problems arise out of the study of computational geometric algorithms, and such problems are also considered to be part of computational geometry. According to the Encyclopedia, the definition of the computational geometry is The study of algorithms for combinatorial, topological, and metric problems concerning sets of points, typically in Euclidean space. Representative areas of research include geometric search, convexity, proximity, intersection, and linear programming. The main impetus for the development of computational geometry as a discipline was progress in computer graphics, computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), but many problems in computational geometry are classical in nature. 1 Other important applications of computational geometry include robotics (motion planning and visibility problems), geographic information systems (GIS) (geometrical location and search, route planning), integrated circuit design (IC geometry design and verification), computer-aided engineering (CAE) (programming of numerically controlled (NC) machines). The main branches of computational geometry are: • Combinatorial computational geometry, also called algorithmic geometry, which deals with geometric objects as discrete entities. A groundlaying book in the subject by Preparata and Shamos dates the first use of the term ”computational geometry” in this sense by 1975. • Numerical computational geometry, also called machine geometry, computeraided geometric design (CAGD), or geometric modeling, which deals primarily with representing real-world objects in forms suitable for computer computations in CAD/CAM systems. This branch may be seen as a further development of descriptive geometry and is often considered a branch of computer graphics or CAD. The term ”computational geometry” in this meaning has been in use since 1971 1.2 Major Research Problems The core problems in computational geometry may be classified in different ways, according to various criteria. The following general classes may be distinguished. 1.2.1 Static Problems In the problems of this category, some input is given and the corresponding output needs to be constructed or found. Some fundamental problems of this type are: 2 • Convex Hull:Given a set of points, find the smallest convex polyhedron/polygon containing all the points. • Line segment intersection:Find the intersections between a given set of line segments. • Polygon cutting: Cutting a polygon out of another geometric shape with minimum total cutting length. • Delaunay triangulation • Voronoi diagram:Given a set of points, partition the space according to which point is closest. • Linear programming • Closest pair of points: Given a set of points, find the two with the smallest distance from each other. • Euclidean shortest path: Connect two points in a Euclidean space (with polyhedral obstacles) by a shortest path. • Polygon triangulation:Given a polygon, partition its interior into triangles The computational complexity for this class of problems is estimated by the time and space (computer memory) required to solve a given problem instance. 1.2.2 Geometric query problem In geometric query problems, commonly known as geometric search problems, the input consists of two parts: the search space part and the query part, 3 which varies over the problem instances. The search space typically needs to be preprocessed, in a way that multiple queries can be answered efficiently. Some fundamental geometric query problems are: • Range searching: Preprocess a set of points, in order to efficiently count the number of points inside a query region. • Point location: Given a partitioning of the space into cells, produce a data structure that efficiently tells in which cell a query point is located. • Nearest neighbor: Preprocess a set of points, in order to efficiently find which point is closest to a query point. • Ray tracing: Given a set of objects in space, produce a data structure that efficiently tells which object a query ray intersects first. If the search space is fixed, the computational complexity for this class of problems is usually estimated by: • the time and space required to construct the data structure to be searched in • the time (and sometimes an extra space) to answer queries. 1.2.3 Dynamic Problems A yet another major class are the dynamic problems, in which the goal is to find an efficient algorithm for finding a solution repeatedly after each incremental modification of the input data (addition or deletion input geometric elements). Algorithms for problems of this type typically involve dynamic data structures. Any of the computational geometric problems may be converted into a dynamic one. For example, the range searching problem may 4 be converted into the dynamic range searching problem by providing for addition and/or deletion of the points. The dynamic convex hull problem is to keep track of the convex hull, e.g., for the dynamically changing set of points, i.e., while the input points are inserted or deleted. The computational complexity for this class of problems is estimated by: • the time and space required to construct the data structure to be searched in • the time and space to modify the searched data structure after an incremental change in the search space • the time (and sometimes an extra space) to answer a query 1.2.4 Variations Some problems may be treated as belonging to either of the categories, depending on the context. For example, consider the following problem. • Point in polygon: Decide whether a point is inside or outside a given polygon. In many applications this problem is treated as a single-shot one, i.e., belonging to the first class. For example, in many applications of computer graphics a common problem is to find which area on the screen is clicked by a mouse cursor. However in some applications the polygon in question is invariant, while the point represents a query. For example, the input polygon may represent a border of a country and a point is a position of an aircraft, and the problem is to determine whether the aircraft violated the border. Finally, in the previously mentioned example of computer graphics, in CAD applications the changing input data are often stored in dynamic data structures, which may be exploited to speed-up the point-in-polygon queries. 5 In some contexts of query problems there are reasonable expectations on the sequence of the queries, which may be exploited either for efficient data structures or for tighter computational complexity estimates. For example, in some cases it is important to know the worst case for the total time for the whole sequence of N queries, rather than for a single query. See also ”amortized analysis”. 1.3 Applications of Computational Geometry Computational geometry emerged from the field of algorithms design and analysis in the late 1970s. It has grown into a recognized discipline with its own journals, conferences, and a large community of active researchers. The success of the field as a research discipline can on the one hand be explained from the beauty of the problems studied and the solutions obtained, and, on the other hand, by the many application domains—computer graphics, geographic information systems (GIS), robotics, and others—in which geometric algorithms play a fundamental role. For many geometric problems the early algorithmic solutions were either slow or difficult to understand and implement. In recent years a number of new algorithmic techniques have been developed that improved and simplified many of the previous approaches. 1.3.1 Design and manufacturing Architecture The influence of computational geometry in architecture is mainly indirect but multifaceted, via computer graphics for architectural visualization, vir- 6 tual reality for simulated walkthroughs, computer aided design, geographic information systems for land use planning, and finite element methods for structural simulation (see [Alexander, Black, and Tsutsui, ”The Mary Rose Museum”, Oxford 1995] for a nice example of a design informed by this last consideration). However it seems likely that within each of those areas, special problems arise in dealing with architectural information, and that more direct connections can also be made. Assembly planning Assembly planning is the problem of finding a sequence of motions to assemble a product from its parts. We present a general framework for finding assembly motions based on the concept of motion space. Assembly motions are parameterized such that each point in motion space represents a mating motion that is independent of the moving part set. For each motion we derive blocking relations that explicitly state which parts collide with other parts; each subassembly (rigid subset of parts) that does not collide with the rest of the assembly can easily be derived from the blocking relations. Motion space is partitioned into an arrangement of cells such that the blocking relations are fixed within each cell. Computer aided manufacturing Computer aided manufacturing concerns the use of algorithms for planning and controlling fabrication processes. These algorithms are also important to computer aided design, since it is important to be able to test manufacturability as part of the design process. Specific areas of computer aided manufacturing listed as separate topics here include grasping and fixturing, metrology, robot motion planning, and textile layout. 7 Fixturing Although one version of this problem comes from robotics and the other comes from manufacturing, the aim of both is the same: to construct a placement of obstacles (robot fingers or fixtures) preventing the movement of some part. Metrology Metrology is the science of measurement of objects at all scales. The NIST’s project on ”Computational Geometry and Metrology” includes the use of geometric techniques including mesh generation in computer simulations to study the accuracy and precision of coordinate measuring machines (machines which measure the dimensions of parts in a three-dimensional coordinate system). There are also connections with geographic information systems relating to problems of surveying or otherwise measuring large areas of land. One type of problem of particular interest in manufacturing is determining from a sequence of measurements the tolerance of a part; that is, its departure from the Platonic ideal form of its design. There has been some related work in the computational geometry community, on problems such as constructing the minimum width annulus containing the boundary of an input figure (a measure of its roundness) however there has been little systematic treatment of such problems. Chee Yap recently spoke on this subject at the 5th MSI Worksh. on Computational Geometry; his talk pointed out the possibility of designing algorithms that take advantage of some known structure in a sequence of measurements, and of coupling measurement and computation in an adaptive probing algorithm. 8 Nanotechnology Connections have been growing recently between the molecular modeling community and the computational geometry. Many questions in molecular modeling can be understood geometrically in terms of arrangements of spheres in three dimensions. Problems include computing properties of such arrangements such as their volume and topology, testing intersections and collisions between molecules, finding offset surfaces (related to questions of accessability of molecule subregions to solvents such as water), data structures for computing interatomic forces and performing molecular dynamics simulations, and computer graphics algorithms for rendering molecular models accurately and efficiently (taking advantage of their special geometric structure). Classical molecular modeling has dealt with biological molecules which generally have a tree-like structure, but applications to nanotechnology require dealing with more complicated diamond-like structures; it is unclear to what extent this affects the relevant algorithms. Solid modelling and constructive solid geometry Geometric questions related to solid modelling include conversion between different representations including boundary nets, constructive solid geometry (representations involving Boolean combinations of simple base shapes), and hierarchical decomposition; combination (such as intersection and union) of shapes; blending surfaces; and data structures for graphical rendering of models. More could be done to connect the models used in computational geometry (typically polyhedra) with those in computer aided design (typically involving splines or other higher order curves and surfaces). 9 Textile layout The problem here is, given a pattern in the form of a collection of shapes (polygons), to arrange the shapes so they can be cut from a piece of fabric with as little wasted fabric as possible. Essentially this is a two-dimensional bin-packing problem with various complications: the width of the fabric is fixed and one intends to minimize length; the shapes can sometimes be placed only in a small number of possible orientations so that the fabric pattern lines up correctly; the shapes can be quite far from convex; and (for leather) the hides out of which the shapes must be cut can be quite variable in shape and quality. This area is also related to more tractible geometric problems such as testing whether one polygon can be translated to fit inside another. Textile layout has some visibility in the geometry community largely due to the efforts of Victor Milenkovic, now at the University of Miami. VLSI design VLSI circuit design involves many levels of abstraction; the most geometric of these is the physical design level, in which circuits are represented as (typically) collections of rectangles representing layers of various materials on a chip. Most of the layout, routing, and verification problems at this level involve some amount of computational geometry. At another level of abstraction, simulation of the electronic and physical properties of a chip involves interesting questions of mesh generation, in which there may be some advantage to be taken from the fact that the geometry is rectilinear and planar or nearly planar. 10 1.3.2 Graphics and visualization Computer graphics This area is quite closely connected with computational geometry; for instance ACM TOG often publishes computational geometry papers. Geometric research topics in graphics include data structures for ray tracing, clipping, and radiosity; hidden surface elimination algorithms; automatic simplification for distant objects; morphing; clustering for color quantization; converting triangulated surfaces to strips of triangles (some graphics engines take inputs in this form to save bandwidth); and construction of low-discrepancy point sets (for oversampling to eliminate Moire effects in ray tracing). Specialized applications of graphics in which other geometric ideas are needed include architecture, virtual reality, and video game programming. This area is also related to mesh generation in several ways: both fields use triangulation algorithms to partition complex surfaces into simpler pieces, and radiosity calculations in graphics are essentially a special case of the finite element method. Graph drawing Graph drawing can be thought of as a form of data visualization, but unlike most other types of visualization the information to be visualized is purely combinatorial, consisting of edges connecting a set of vertices. Applications of graph drawing include genealogy, cartography (subway maps form one of the standard examples of a graph drawing), sociology, software engineering (visualization of connections between program modules), VLSI design, and visualization of hypertext links. Typical concerns of graph drawing algorithms are the area needed to draw a graph, the types of edges (straight lines or bent), the number of edge crossings for nonplanar graphs, separation of vertices and edges so they can be distinguished visually, and preservation of 11 properties such as symmetry and distance. The area has a large literature, concentrated in the annual Graph Drawing symposia, and I won’t try to link here to all available research projects and papers on the subject, only those with some particular historical or application interest. Virtual reality This is to a large extent a branch of graphics, with the focus on generation of real-time three-dimensional views of dynamic scenes. This is similar to video game programming but with a greater emphasis on accurate rendering and physical modeling. Problems of interest here include simplification of objects (to save time by avoiding the rendering of sub-pixel details) and collision detection. There are also connections with graph drawing for construction of 3d virtual environments that represent combinatorial structures. Video game programming Video game programming is closely related to computer graphics, but has its own special needs – often speed is much more important than verisimilitude. Therefore rather than using slow but accurate graphics techniques such as radiosity, video game engines are typically based on simpler techniques such as ray casting, using binary space partitions as a primary geometric data structure. Simulation of non-player-characters in video games often requires some geometric computation, for instance of short paths around obstacles. There may also be the possibility of a connection with graph drawing, for automated layout of adventure game maps. 12 1.3.3 Information systems Cartography and geographic information systems A geographic information system (GIS) is simply a database of information about natural and man-made geographic features such as roads, buildings, mountains... These systems can be used for making maps, but also for analyzing data e.g. for facility location. There has been some communication between the geometry and GIS communities (e.g. geographer Michael Goodchild gave an invited lecture on ”Computational Geography” at the 11th ACM Symp. Comp. Geom.) but more could be done to bring them together. Geographic problems already visible in the geometry community include interpolation of surfaces from scattered data, overlaying planar subdivisions, hierarchical representations of terrain information, boundary simplification, lossy compression of elevation data (e.g. by using a piecewise linear approximation with few facets), and map labelling. Other interesting geometric issues include handling of approximate and inconsistent data, matching similar features from different databases, compression of large geographic databases, cooperation between raster and vector representations, visibility analysis, and generation of cartograms (maps with area distorted to represent other information such as population). A particularly important geometric data structure in geographic analysis is the Voronoi diagram, which has been used for to identify regions of influence of clans and other population centers, model plant and animal competition, piece together satellite photographs, estimate ore reserves, perform marketing analysis, and estimate rainfall. Data mining and multidimensional analysis Data mining is the process of querying large databases (such as point-of-sale records) with the aim of distilling from them broad patterns and smaller col13 lections of useful information. There seems to be little work in this area from the computational geometry perspective, but there are likely good geometric problems to be found in it. One such problem is coping with high-dimensional data, by condensing information down to a small number of relevant dimensions and applying geometric clustering techniques. Any algorithm to be used in this context must be fast, but it is perhaps more important to deal with amounts of data that do not fit in memory, and keep to a minimum the total number of I/O operations needed, as has been considered in recent work of Goodrich et al. (”External-memory computational geometry”, 34th FOCS, 1993, 714-723). There are also interesting connections with geographic information systems, which face similar problems of querying large databases with more explicitly geometric content. 1.3.4 Medicine and biology Biochemical modelling Connections have been growing recently between the molecular modeling community and the computational geometry. Many questions in molecular modeling can be understood geometrically in terms of arrangements of spheres in three dimensions. Problems include computing properties of such arrangements such as their volume and topology, testing intersections and collisions between molecules, finding offset surfaces (related to questions of accessability of molecule subregions to solvents such as water), data structures for computing interatomic forces and performing molecular dynamics simulations, and computer graphics algorithms for rendering molecular models accurately and efficiently (taking advantage of their special geometric structure). Classical molecular modeling has dealt with biological molecules which generally have a tree-like structure, but applications to nanotechnology require dealing with more complicated diamond-like structures; it is unclear 14 to what extent this affects the relevant algorithms. Biology Computational biology (Lior Pachter): Computational biology is a new discipline whose domain is the quantitative analysis of biological data, the elucidation of biological principles, and the engineering of biological systems. The central themes of computational biology have been shaped by radical breakthroughs in biotechnology, which have enabled high throughput gathering of data about DNA, RNA, and protein in cells and systems. Our lectures will focus on DNA, and we will explain the relevance of algebraic statistical models to genome sequence analysis.Computational geometry is often used as a tool for computational biology. Medical imaging A key problem in medical computation is reconstruction of shapes (of organs, bones, tumors etc) from lower dimensional information such as CAT scans and sonograms. The CAT scan information is originally one-dimensional, but is transformed into two-dimensional slices by signal processing techniques. However the reconstruction of three-dimensional shapes from slices becomes a more geometric problem, which can be abstracted as that of finding a surface connecting a collection of contour lines or data points. A different problem relates to compression of medical images for transmission and storage; this differs from most other applications of image compression in that little or no loss of information can be tolerated. 15 1.3.5 Physical sciences Astronomy Computational geometry problems arise in astronomy in observation planning, shape reconstruction for irregular bodies such as asteroids, clustering for galaxy distribution analysis, and hierarchical decomposition of point sets for n-body simulations. Molecular modelling Connections have been growing recently between the molecular modelling community and the computational geometry. Many questions in molecular modelling can be understood geometrically in terms of arrangements of spheres in three dimensions. Problems include computing properties of such arrangements such as their volume and topology, testing intersections and collisions between molecules, finding offset surfaces (related to questions of accessability of molecule subregions to solvents such as water), data structures for computing interatomic forces and performing molecular dynamics simulations, and computer graphics algorithms for rendering molecular models accurately and efficiently (taking advantage of their special geometric structure). Classical molecular modeling has dealt with biological molecules which generally have a tree-like structure, but applications to nanotechnology require dealing with more complicated diamond-like structures; it is unclear to what extent this affects the relevant algorithms. Scientific computation Computation and simulation has rapidly become a third branch of science, standing next to the older branches of theory and experiment. Much scientific computation is done with the finite element method or related techniques, requiring a geometric mesh generation stage to set up the computation, and 16 often involving more geometry in finding sparse decompositions of the resulting matrices. Other scientific problems involve more directly the geometry of polyhedra or local neighbor interactions. We include separate sections for astronomy, biology, earth sciences, and molecular modelling. 1.3.6 Robotics Computer vision Many computer vision papers tend to apply signal processing techniques rather than discrete geometry, to be very heuristic, or to simply describe coordinate systems or other geometric modelling tools. However there has been some work in the computational geometry community on exact solution of geometric pattern matching problems associated with vision, for instance by Dan Huttenlocher’s group at Cornell. Several vision projects use Voronoi diagrams to represent the structure of the image under study. Grasp planning Although one version of this problem comes from robotics and the other comes from manufacturing, the aim of both is the same: to construct a placement of obstacles (robot fingers or fixtures) preventing the movement of some part. Robot motion planning The study of exact algorithms for robot motion planning forms a major subarea of computational geometry, with connections also to symbolic and algebraic computation. Note that motion planning is useful not only for computer control of actual robots; in his invited talk at FOCS 1995, Jean-Claude Latombe showed impressive videos of applications of the same techniques in assembly planning and to computer animation. 17 1.3.7 Other applications Character recognition Compiler design Control theory Signal processing Sociology Earth sciences Metallurgy Telecommunication Timber processing Typography Windowing systems 1.4 Overview In this section we give a short overview of the contents of this thesis. 1.4.1 Preliminaries Computational geometry is an interdisciplinary subject which combines knowledge and techniques of geometry and computer science among other subjects. To understand the motivation behind the computational problems in this field, it is necessary for a computer scientist to understand concept of geometry properly. In Chapter 2 we have presented some fundamental concepts of 18 geometry that we hope will provide insight into the geometrical applications of computational problems discussed in this thesis. 1.4.2 Previous Works In chapter 3, we will highlight some of the major works so far done in our research area. We will divide this section into two parts as we have mainly focused on two fields of computational geometry in our thesis. In first part we will discuss about the previous works on polygon cutting and finding center of some geometric shape like circle, ellipse etc in the next section. 1.4.3 Cutting Polygons In this thesis, we broadly studied how to cut a geometrical shape out of another. We considered the geometric shape as the polygons, specially convex polygon. In chapter 4 we will give some algorithms to cut a convex polygon out of a circle. We will give logarithmic and constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem. We solved the problem with some elementary geometry and some techniques such as rotating calipers. 1.4.4 Searching for the centers of spheres and ellipsoids Finding center of ellipse and sphere is an interesting as well as important computational geometric problem. Though finding center of a circle has been approached, finding center of an ellipse and a sphere is yet to be approached. We are the first to approach this problem and we will develop some algorithm regarding this problem in chapter 5. 19 Chapter 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Polygon Cutting In this section we will describe some of preliminaries regarding the polygon cutting algorithms. 2.1.1 Definition Convex polygon A convex polygon is a simple polygon whose interior is a convex set. The following properties of a simple polygon are all equivalent to convexity: • Every internal angle is less than 180 degrees. • Every line segment between two vertices remains inside or on the boundary of the polygon. A simple polygon is strictly convex if every internal angle is strictly less than 180 degrees. Equivalently, a polygon is strictly convex if every line segment between two nonadjacent vertices of the polygon is strictly interior to the polygon except at its endpoints. 20 Every non-degenerate triangle is strictly convex. Concave polygon A polygon that is not convex is called concave or reentrant. A concave polygon will always have an interior angle with a measure that is greater than 180 degrees. It is possible to cut a concave polygon into a set of convex polygons. A polynomial-time algorithm for finding a decomposition into as few convex polygons as possible is described by Chazelle & Dobkin . Vertex Cut A line cut is a vertex cut through a vertex v of P if it is tangent to P at v. Edge Cut Similarly, a line cut is an edge cut through an edge e of P if it contains e. Cornered convex polygon A cornered convex polygon P inside a circle Q is a convex polygon which is positioned completely on one side of a diameter of Q. Centered Convex Polygon A convex polygon P inside a circle Q is called centered if it contains the center of Q. See Figure 2.1(b). See Figure 2.1(a). If the center of Q is on the perimeter of P , we still call P as a centered polygon. 21 (a) (b) Figure 2.1: (a) Cornered Convex Polygon (b) Centered Convex Polygon. Cutting sequence A cutting sequence is a sequence of cuts such that after the last cut in the sequence we have P = Q. In this thesis we consider the problem of cutting P out of Q by line cuts with total cutting cost as small as possible. See Figure 1(b). Line Cut line cut is a line that does not run through the polygon P and divides Q into two pieces. After a cut is made, Q is updated to the piece containing P . Q Q l3 l1 l2 P P l4 Figure 2.2: (a) l1 and l2 are line cuts, (b)l3 and l4 are not line cuts 22 Ray cut A cut is a ray cut if starts from a point on the perimeter of a polygon or a circle and can or can not be ended at a point inside that polygon or circle. Figure 2.3: Ray cut Cut and uncut edges The edges of P through which an edge cut has passed are called to be cut edges of P and other edges of P are called to be uncut edges of P. Visible edge An edge e of P is visible from c if for every point p of e the line segment cp does not intersect P in any other point.c is the center of Q. 2.2 Preliminaries on searching center of sphere and ellipsoid 2.2.1 Definition In this subsection we will give some definitions related to sphere and ellipsoid. 23 Great Circle The circle which has the same center and diameter as a sphere is called the great circle of that sphere. The plane with having a great circle as its boundary is called great circular plane. Axis Diameter The diameter of a sphere which goes through the center of a circular plane produced by a cross-section of that sphere and perpendicular to it, is called the Axis Diameter of that sphere for that particular circular plane. In fig:8 Figure 2.4: Axis Diameter ABC is a circular plane produced by a cross-section to the sphere S. PQ is a diameter of S which goes through the center of the circular plane ABC and perpendicular to it. As a result, PQ is the axis-diameter of the sphere S for the circular plane ABC. Perpendicular Great Circular Plane In the same sphere, if G is a great circular plane which is perpendicular to a circular plane, P produced by a cross-section of that sphere, G is called the perpendicular great circular plane of P. 24 2.3 Preliminaries on Algorithms We will give some important terminologies used widely in algorithms. 2.3.1 Definition In this subsection we give some preliminaries on algorithms. NP-Complete Problem In computational complexity theory, the complexity class NP-complete (abbreviated NP-C or NPC, NP standing for Nondeterministic Polynomial time) is a class of problems having two properties: • Any given solution to the problem can be verified quickly (in polynomial time); the set of problems with this property is called NP. • If the problem can be solved quickly (in polynomial time), then so can every problem in NP. Although any given solution to such a problem can be verified quickly, there is no known efficient way to locate a solution in the first place; indeed, the most notable characteristic of NP-complete problems is that no fast solution to them is known. That is, the time required to solve the problem using any currently known algorithm increases very quickly as the size of the problem grows.As a result, the time required to solve even moderately large versions of many of these problems easily reaches into the billions or trillions of years, using any amount of computing power available today. As a consequence, determining whether or not it is possible to solve these problems quickly is one of the principal unsolved problems in computer science today. 25 NP-Hard Problem NP-hard (nondeterministic polynomial-time hard), in computational complexity theory, is a class of problems informally “at least as hard as the hardest problems in NP.” A problem H is NP-hard if and only if there is an NP-complete problem L that is polynomial time Turing-reducible to H, i.e. L 6T H. In other words, L can be solved in polynomial time by an oracle machine with an oracle for H. Informally we can think of an algorithm that can call such an oracle machine as subroutine for solving H, and solves L in polynomial time if the subroutine call takes only one step to compute. NP-hard problems may be of any type: decision problems, search problems, optimization problems. Optimization Problem A computational problem in which the object is to find the best of all possible solutions. More formally, find a solution in the feasible region which has the minimum (or maximum) value of the objective function. Optimal Solution A solution to an optimization problem which minimizes (or maximizes) the objective function. Approximation Algorithm An algorithm to solve an optimization problem that runs in polynomial time in the length of the input and outputs a solution that is guaranteed to be close to the optimal solution. ”Close” has some well-defined sense called the performance guarantee. 26 Approximation Ratio It is the ratio between the approximation result and the optimal solution of an optimization problem. If the approximation result of an optimization problem is C and optimal solution to that problem is C ∗ , then the approximation ratio is, a = C/C ∗ Constant Factor Approximation Algorithm The approximation ratio of a constant factor algorithm is constant. An approximation algorithm is called a c-approximation algorithm for some constant c if it can be proven that the solution that the algorithm finds is at most c times worse than the optimal solution. Here, c is called the approximation ratio. For example, the vertex cover problem and travelling salesman problem with triangle inequality each have simple 2-approximation algorithms. In contrast to that it’s proven that the travelling salesman problem with arbitrary edge-lengths can not be approximated with approximation ratio bounded by a constant as long as the Hamiltonian-path problem can not be solved in polynomial time. Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme(PTAS) A Polynomial time approximation scheme (abbrebiated PTAS) is an algorithm which takes an instance of an optimization problem and a parameter ε > 0 and, in polynomial time, produces a solution that is within a factor εof being optimal. For example, for the Euclidean travelling salesman problem, a PTAS would produce a tour with length at most (1 + ε)L, with L being the length of the shortest tour. 27 Chapter 3 Previous Works In this chapter we will briefly discuss about some of the previous works related to our research topics which motivated us to carry on our research interests. In the first section, we will discuss about the previous works behind polygon cutting and in the subsequent section, we will discuss the previous works in the field of the geometry to find out the center of some geometric shapes like circle, ellipse etc. 3.1 Previous Works on Polygon Cutting Overmars et.al were the first to introduce this problem in 1985. In [13] Overmars et.al. considered the following problem: Given a polygonal piece of paper Q with a polygon P drawn on it, cut P out of the piece of paper in the cheapest possible way. They define the cut as line cut and the cost of the cut is the length of the intersection of the cutline with the piece of paper.They asked for the cutting sequence such that the total cost is minimum and defined this sequence as the optimal cutting sequence. They showed in their paper that when P is 28 convex and the piece paper is convex then there does exist a finite optimal cutting sequence. They showed the existence of a finite optimal cutting sequence with O(n) cuts, all touching P .But in the case the piece of paper is not convex the problem seems much harder.When only edge cuts are allowed Overmars and Welzl proved an optimal cutting sequence can be computed in O(m + n3 ) time by a simple dynamic programming algorithm. The problem seems to be more difficult if the cuts are more general, i.e., they are not restricted to touch only the edges of P . In that case Bhaduri and Chandrasekaran showed that the problem has optimal solutions that lie in the algebraic extension of the input data field [3] and due to this algebraic nature of this problem, an approximation scheme is the best that one can achieve [3]. They also gave an approximation scheme [3] with pseudo-polynomial running time. After the indication of Bhaduri and Chandrasekaran [3] on the hardness of the problem several researchers have given polynomial time approximation algorithms for this problem. Dumitrescu proposed an O(log n)-approximation algorithm with O(mn + n log n) running time [10, 11]. Then Daescu and Luo [8] gave the first constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem. Their algorithm has a running time of O(n3 + (n + m) log (n + m)). The best known constant factor approximation algorithm is due to Tan with an approximation ratio of 7.9 and running time of O(n3 + m) [16]. In the same paper [16], he also proposed an O(log n)-approximation algorithm with improved running time of O(n + m). As the best known result so far, very recently, Bereg, Daescu and Jiang gave a simple O(m + n6 )²12 time (1 + ²)-approximation algorithm for this problem [2]. This problem has also been studied when Q is a non-convex polygon [13], P is a non-convex polygon [7, 8, 16], and/or the cuts are ray cuts [7, 8, 16]. 29 3.2 Previous Works on Searching for the Center of a Certain Geometric Shape Under Definite Constraints Biedl et al. [4] first posed the question of finding the center of a circle, starting with a point on the boundary, where the only allowed operations are an interior and exterior query, marking a point, and computing the line or midpoint between any two marked points. The problem was motivated by the problem of searching a skier who is victim of an avalanche. The skiers bear with them small radios which are known as transceivers. Transceivers have two modes, transmitting and receiving. Whenever a skier becomes victim of an avalanche he sets his transmitter on transmitting mode and the rest of the skiers set their transmitter on receiving mode. Then the mission is to find out the victim as quickly as possible because the victim cannot survive for a long under the snow. The transceiver, in its transmitting mode, continuously transmits signal which has a fixed range. Any transceiver in receiving mode can detect this signal if it is inside that range. But if the receiving transceiver goes beyond that range, the signal fades. The skiers who try to find out the victim follow the signal and try to reach the victim as quickly as possible. The transmitting range of the transceiver of the victim was at first thought to be bounded by a circle with the victim at the center of it and in the Avalanche Handbook, there was a solution for how to reach the center of that circle to rescue that victim. Biedl et al. showed a more efficient strategy for searching the center of a circle which is known as right angle strategy. Later in his paper he claimed that the boundary of the range of the transmitter can better be modelled as an ellipse and he posed an open problem for an efficient strategy of searching the center of an ellipse. Later Michael A. Burr [5] solved that problem with parallel chord 30 method. In both of their works they considered the searching space to be two dimensional and did not give any clue of what to do in case of searching in three dimensional spaces. But the avalanche actually occurs on the slides of a hill or a mountain and the three dimensional model is much more appropriate in these cases. Moreover helicopters are used for rescuing skiers nowadays which can easily move in three dimensions. So, an efficient three dimensional model for rescuing the avalanche victim is will be very much helpful and useful. Again, if we consider a victim under water or in space, we can not use the two dimensional model at all. So, the efficient searching technique should handle three dimensional cases which inherently takes care of the cases of two dimensions. Here we showed efficient strategies for searching in three dimensional spaces in two models, first spherical and then ellipsoidal corresponding to the circular model proposed by the Avalanche handbook [14] and T. Beidl [4]respectively. Again, the strategy for elliptical model was not complete as the ellipse has some dead areas where no signal can reach. So, the elliptical model proposed by Michael A. Burr [5] does not work perfectly in some cases due to dead areas. Figure 3.1: Problems associated withe the two dimensional search techniques. 31 T. Beidl et al. [4] proposed the right angle strategy to find out the center of a circle for this type of robot. His strategy was to take two consecutive mutually perpendicular moves to reach from one endpoint to another endpoint of a diameter of the circle. The strategy is described in Figure 2. This strategy fails to detect the center of a sphere. Michael A. Burr [5] solved the problem of searching the center of al ellipse using a special property of an ellipse. The property is that the line joining the midpoints of any two parallel chords of an ellipse is a diameter of that ellipse and the midpoint of that diameter is the center of that ellipse. For Figure 3.2: example in Figure 18 , According to his strategy, if the searcher starts from the point A and advance along AB chord , reaches B, finds out the midpoint of AB chord which is M and then goes to the point B again. Then it turns 90 degrees inside the ellipse and moves along BC chord and reaches C. Then the searcher turns 90 degrees inside the ellipsoid again, moves along CD chord and finds out its midpoint, N. Now from N the searcher moves along NM and gets the PQ diameter and gets the midpoint of it which is eventually the center of the ellipse. 32 Chapter 4 Cutting a Convex Polygon Out of a Circle In this thesis we first consider the problem where Q is a circle and P is convex polygon such that P is bounded by a half circle of Q and all the cuts are line cuts. We give a simple linear time O(log n)-approximation algorithm for this problem where n is the number of vertices of the polygon. We also gave an constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem. Finally, we gave an constant factor approximation algorithm in general case i.e. cutting a convex polygon out of a circle in which the convex polygon is not necessarily cornered. For both of the cases we also determined the Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS). 4.1 The Basic Problem that We Studied A line cut is a line that does not run through the polygon P and divides Q into two pieces. After a cut is made, Q is updated to the piece containing P . The cost of a cut is the length of the intersection of the cut with Q. A cutting sequence is a sequence of cuts such that after the last cut in the sequence we 33 have P = Q. In this thesis we consider the problem of cutting P out of Q by line cuts with total cutting cost as small as possible. See Figure 4.1(b). Q Q Q P (a) P (b) P (c) Figure 4.1: (a) A convex polygon. (b,c) Two different cutting sequences to cut P out of Q. The cost of the sequence in (b) is more than that in the (c). The problem of cutting a polygon P out of a piece of paper Q with minimum total cutting length is a well studied problem in computational geometry. Researchers studied several variations of the problem, such as P and Q are convex or non-convex polygons and the cuts are line cuts or ray cuts. Though the problem is approached considering the piece of paper is being a convex polygon, we are the first to consider it as a circle. At first we approach the problem in a restricted case that is the polygon P inside the circle Q is cornered and give approximation algorithm regarding this restricted case.Then we solved the problem in more general way where the polygon P is not necessarily cornered. 4.2 Algorithm for Cornered Convex Polygon In this section we shall represent the basic ideas of establishing our algorithms by introducing some lemma and theorem. In the first subsection we shall represent algorithm for the cornered convex polygon with O(log n) ap34 proximation ratio and O(n) runtime, in the subsequent subsection we shall give the second algorithm which is a constant factor approximation algorithm with approximation ratio 6.48 and running time O(n3 ). Let ll0 be a chord of Q. ll0 divides Q into two circular segments, one is bigger than a half circle and is called the bigger segment created by ll0 , and the other one is called the smaller segment created by ll0 . Let tt0 be another chord intersecting ll0 at x such that tx is in the smaller segment of ll0 . See Figure. Then the following lemma holds. Lemma 4.2.1. Length of xt is no bigger than length of ll0 . a b0 c0 l b0 c0 b0 t x t0 c b l0 (a) (b) Figure 4.2: Some preliminaries. Following lemma is also obvious, whose illustration can be found in Figure. Lemma 4.2.2. Let 4abc be an obtuse triangle with ∠bac being the obtuse angle. Consider any line segment connecting two points b0 and c0 on ab and ac, respectively, possibly one of b0 and c0 coinciding with b or c respectively. Then the angle ∠bb0 c0 and ∠cc0 b0 are obtuse. 35 4.2.1 Algorithm 1 Our algorithm has four phases : (1) D-separation, (2) triangle separation, (3) obtuse phase and (4) curving phase. In D-separation phase, we cut out a small portion of Q (less than the half of Q in size) which contains P (and looks like a “D”). Then in triangle separation phase we reduce the size of Q even more by two additional cuts and bound P by almost a triangle. In obtuse phase we assure that all the portions of Q that are not inside P are inside obtuse triangles. Finally, in curving phase we cut P out of Q by cutting in rounds. Let C ∗ be the optimal cutting length of P from Q. Clearly C ∗ ≥ |P |, where |P | is the length of the perimeter of P . D-Separation A D of the circle Q is a circular segment of Q which is smaller than an half circle of Q. By a D-separation of P from Q we mean a line cut along a chord of Q that creates a D containing P . In general for a circle Q and a convex polygon P there may not exist any D-separation of P . But in our case since P is cornered, there always exists a D-separation of P . We will first observe that there exists only one minimum-cost D-separation C1 of P and then we will find that C1 . (For our algorithm, however, showing the uniqueness of the minimum D-separation is not required). Lemma 4.2.3. The minimum-cost D-separation C1 for P can be found in O(n) time. Proof. Clearly C1 must touch P . So, C1 must be a vertex cut or an edge cut of P . Observe that any vertex cut or edge cut that is a D-separation must be through a visible vertex or a visible edge. Let e be a visible edge of P . Let ll0 be a line cut through e. Let cp be the line segment perpendicular to ll0 at p. If p is a point on e, then we call e a critical edge of P and ll0 a 36 critical edge cut of P . Observe that since P is convex, it can have at most one critical edge. Similarly, let v be a vertex of P . Let tt0 be a vertex cut through v. Let cp be the line segment perpendicular to tt0 at p. If tt0 is such that p = v, then we call v a critical vertex of P and tt0 a critical vertex cut of P . Again observe that P can have at most one critical vertex. Moreover, P has a critical edge if and only if it does not have a critical vertex. See Figure 4.3. Now, if P has the critical edge e, then C1 is the corresponding critical edge cut ll0 . C1 is minimum, because any other vertex cut or edge cut of P is either closer to c (and thus bigger) or does not separate c from P . On the other hand, if P has the critical vertex v, then C1 is the corresponding critical vertex cut tt0 of P . Again, C1 is minimum by the same reason. For the running time note that all visible vertices and visible edges of P can be found in linear time. Then finding whether an edge of P is critical takes constant time. Over all edges finding the critical edge, if it exists, takes O(n) time. Similarly, for each visible vertex v we can check in constant time whether v is critical or not by comparing the angles of cv with two adjacent edges of v, which takes constant time. Over all visible vertices, it takes linear time. Q Q l0 t0 c c e v P P t l Figure 4.3: Critical edge and critical vertex. 37 Lemma 4.2.4. Cost of C1 is at most C ∗ . Proof. Consider any optimal cutting sequence C. C must separate P from c. However, it may do that by using a single cut or by using more than one cut. If it uses a single cut, then it is in fact doing a D-separation. By Lemma 4.3.5, it can not do better than C1 , and therefore, cost of C1 is at most C ∗ . Now we assume that C separates P from c by more than one cut. There are several cases here. We will prove that in any case the cutting cost of separating P from c is even higher than that for a single cut. Let C be the first cut in C that separates c from P . C can not be the very first cut of C, otherwise, we are in the previous case considered above. It implies that C smaller than a chord of Q. See Figure 2.2. Let a and a0 be the two end points of C. Let bb0 be the chord of Q that contains aa0 where b is closer to a than to a0 . Now, at least one of a and a0 is not incident on the boundary of Q. We first assume that a is not incident to the boundary of Q but a0 is. Let Cx = xx0 be the cut that was applied before C and intersects C at a. Since Cx does not separate c from P , the bigger segment of Cx contains P , c and a. Now if x0 is an end point of Cx , then by Lemma 4.2.1 ab is smaller than xx0 . It implies that having Cx in addition to C1 increases the cost of separating P from c (see Figure 2.2(a)). Similarly, if x0 is not an end point of Cx , and thus another cut is involved, then by Lemma 4.2.1 the cost will be even more (see Figure 2.2(b)). Now consider the case when both a and a0 are not incident on Q. So at least two cuts are required to separate ab and a0 b0 from bb0 . Let those two cuts be Cx and Cy respectively. Let xx0 and yy 0 be the two chords of Q along which Cx and Cy are applied. Now if Cx and Cy do not intersect, then by applying the above argument for each of them we can say that the cutting cost is no better than that for a single cut. But handling the case when Cx and Cy intersect is not obvious. (See Figure 2.2(c,d)). Let z 0 be 38 their intersection point. Again there may be several subcases: x and y may or may not be end points of Cx and Cy . Assume that both x and y are end points of Cx and Cy . Remember that none of Cx and Cy separates P from c. So region bounded by xz 0 y must contain P and c inside of it and in that case the total length of xz 0 and yz 0 is at least the diameter of Q, which is bigger than bb0 (see Figure 2.2(c)). For the other cases, where at least one of x and y is not an end point of Cx and Cy , it can be recursively proven that the cost is even more (For example, see Figure 2.2(d)). a0 = b0 a0 = b0 x0 y0 c b0 z0 a0 c c x0 a x0 b x a b0 z0 c b x (b) y a b x a0 y a b (a) x0 y0 (c) x (d) Figure 4.4: Separating P from c by using more than one cut increases the cutting cost. The cutting length is shown in bold lines. Triangle Separation In this section we apply two more cuts C2 and C3 and “bound” P inside a “triangle”. From there we achieve three triangles inside which we bound the remaining uncut edges of P (in the D-separation phase, at most one edge of P becomes cut). Let C1 = aa0 be the cut applied during D-separation. We apply C2 = at such that at is tangent to P . Then we apply the third cut C3 = a0 t0 such that a0 t0 is also tangent to P . If a0 t0 intersects at inside or on the boundary of Q, then let z be the intersection point. (See Figure 4.5(a)). If a0 t0 and at 39 do not intersect, then let z be the intersection point of the lines containing at and a0 t0 . (See Figure 4.5(b)). We get three resulting triangles Ta , Ta0 , Tz having a, a0 and z, respectively, as a vertex as follows. We describe only Ta , description of Ta0 , Tz are analogous. If C1 is an edge cut, then let rr0 be the corresponding edge such that a is closer to r than to r0 . (See Figure 4.5(a)). If C1 is a vertex cut, then let r be the corresponding vertex of P . Let s be the similar vertex due to C2 . (See Figure 4.5(b)). Then Ta = 4ars. The polygonal chain of P bounded by this triangle is the edges from r to s that reside inside Ta . a0 a0 t0 r0 r t r z z s t0 s a t a (a) (b) Figure 4.5: Triangle separation. Lemma 4.2.5. Total cost of C2 and C3 to achieve Ta , Ta0 and Tz is at most 2C ∗ . Moreover, C2 and C3 can be found in linear time. Proof. Whether z is within Q or outside Q, the length of at and a0 t0 can not be more than twice the length of aa0 , which, by Lemma 4.3.5, is no more 40 than C ∗ . So the total cost of C2 and C3 is at most 2C ∗ . To find at linearly, we can simply scan the boundary of P starting from the vertex or edge where aa0 touches P and check in constant time whether a tangent of P is possible through that vertex or edge. Similarly we can find a0 t0 within the same time. Obtuse Phase Consider the triangle Ta obtained in the previous section. We call the vertex a of Ta the peak of Ta and the edge rs the base of Ta . Let the polygonal chain of P that is bounded by Ta be Hrs . Observe that the angle of Ta at a is acute. Similarly, the angle of Ta0 at its peak a0 is also acute. However, the angle of Tz at its peak z may be acute or obtuse. We obtain, by applying a cut, for each of Ta , Ta0 and Tz (if Tz is acute) one or two triangles such that the angle at their peaks are obtuse and they combinely bound the polygonal chain of the corresponding triangle. We describe the construction of the triangle(s) from Ta only, description for the triangles obtained from Ta0 and Tz are analogous. Let Pa be the polygonal chain bounded by Ta . Length of ar and as may not be equal. W.l.o.g. assume that as is not larger than ar. Let s0 be the point on ar such that length of as0 equals to the length of as. Connect ss0 if s0 is different from r. We will find a line segment inside Ta such that it is tangent to Pa and is parallel to ss0 . We have two cases: (i) ss0 itself is a tangent to Pa , and (ii) ss0 itself is a tangent to Pa . Case (i): If ss0 itself is tangent to Pa (at s), we apply our cut along ss0 . This may be a vertex cut through s. In that case we get the resulting obtuse triangle 4rss0 and the polygonal chain bounded by this triangle is same as Pa . (See Figure 4.6(a)). On the other hand, this may be an edge cut through the edge of Pa that is incident to s. Let u be the vertex other than s of the edge of the edge cut. Then our resulting obtuse triangle is 4rus0 and the polygonal chain bounded 41 by this triangle is the edges from r to u. (See Figure 4.6(b)). Case(ii): For this case, let u, u0 be two points on as and ar, respectively, such that uu0 is tangent of Pa and is parallel to ss0 . We apply the cut along uu0 . Again this cut may be a vertex cut or an edge cut. If it is a vertex cut, let g be the vertex of the cut. Then we get two obtuse triangles 4ru0 g and 4sug and the polygonal chains bounded by them are the sets of edges from r to g and from g to s respectively. (See Figure 4.6(c)). If it is an edge cut, then let gg 0 be the edge of the edge cut with u being closer to g than to g 0 . Then we get two obtuse 4ru0 g 0 and 4sug and the polygonal chains bounded by them are the sets of edges from r to g 0 and from g to s respectively. (See Figure 4.6(d)). a u0 s0 s0 s u a a a g s0 g0 g s0 s r r (a) (b) (c) (d) Lemma 4.2.6. Total cost of obtaining obtuse triangles from Ta , Ta0 , and Tz is at most C ∗ . Moreover, they can be found in O(log n) time. Proof. Consider the construction of the obtuse triangle(s) from Ta . Length of the cut ss0 or uu0 is at most the length of their base ss0 , which is bounded by the length of Pa . Over all three triangles Ta , Ta0 and Tz , the total cutting length is bounded by the length of the perimeter of P . Since C ∗ is at least the length of the perimeter of P , the first part of the lemma holds. 42 u s s r r u0 u a u0 g s0 a u0 u g0 g s0 s u s r r (c) (d) Figure 4.6: Obtaining obtuse triangle(s) from Ta . For running time, in Ta , we can find the tangent of Pa in O(log |Pa |) time by using a binary search. Over all three triangles Ta , Ta0 and Tz , we need a total of O(log n) time. Curving Phase After the obtuse phase the edges of P that are not yet cut are partitioned and bounded into polygonal chains with at most six obtuse triangles. In this section we apply the cuts in rounds until all edges of P are cut. Our cutting procedure is same for all obtuse triangles and we describe for only one. Let Tu = 4gus with peak u and base gs be an obtuse triangle. See Figure 4.7. Let the polygonal chain bounded by Tu be Pu . Let the edges of Pu be e1 , . . . , ek with k ≥ 2. We will apply cuts in rounds and all cuts are edge cuts. In the first round we apply an edge cut C 0 along the edge ek/2 . Then we connect g and s with the two end points of ek/2 to get two disjoint triangles. Since Tu is obtuse, by Lemma 4.2.2 these two new triangles are also obtuse. So, as a result we cut out one polygonal edge and get two new obtuse triangles. In the next round we work on each of these two triangles 43 recursively, then in the next next round we work on four triangles and so on. We continue in this way until all edges of Pu are cut. u g s Figure 4.7: Curving phase Lemma 4.2.7. There are at most O(log k) rounds of cuts to cut all edges of Pu . Moreover, the total cost of these cuts is |Pu | log k, where |Pu | is the length of Pu , and the total running time is O(|Pu |). Proof. At each round the number of triangles get doubled and the number of edges that become cut also get doubled. So after log k rounds all k edges are cut. At each round the total length of the bases plus the length of the edges that are being cut is no more than |Pu |. So, the total cutting cost is |Pu | log k over all rounds. For running time, for applying an edge cut we always move to the middle edge of a polygonal chain. So, finding an edge cut takes constant time. Moreover, after each cut the corresponding edge is never considered again. So, over all rounds we can have at most |Pu | cuts, which gives a running time of O(|Pu |). Corollary 4.2.8. The total cost of curving phase is C ∗ log n and the running time is O(n). 44 Combining the results of all four phases, we get the following theorem. Theorem 4.2.9. Given a circle Q and a cornered convex polygon P of n edges within Q, P can be cut out of Q by using line cuts in O(n) time with a cutting cost of O(log n) times the optimal cutting cost. 4.2.2 Algorithm 2 In this section we shall present our second algorithm which cuts P out of Q with a constant approximation ratio of 6.48 and running time of O(n3 ). This algorithm has three phases: (1) D-separation, (2) cutting out a minimum area rectangle that bounds P and (3) cutting P out of that rectangle by only edge cuts. The D-separation phase is same as that of our first algorithm and we assume that this phase has been applied. Cutting a Minimum Area Bounding Rectangle We will use the technique of rotating calipers, which is a well known concept in computational geometry and was first introduced by Toussaint [ref]. We use the method described by Toussaint [ref]. A pair rotating calipers remain in parallel. It rotate along the boundary of an object with two calipers being tangents to the object. If the object is a convex polygon P , then one fixed caliper, which we call the base caliper, is tangent along an edge e of P and the other caliper is tangent to a vertex or an edge of P . In the next step of the rotation, the base caliper moves to the next edge adjacent to e and continue. The rotation is complete when the base caliper has encountered all edges of P . For our case we use two pairs of rotating calipers, where one pair is orthogonal to the other. We fixed only one caliper, among the four, as the base caliper. As we rotate along the boundary of P , we always place the base caliper along an edge of P and adjust other three calipers as the tangents of 45 P . The four calipers give us a bounding rectangle of P . After the rotation is complete, we identify the minimum area rectangle among the n bounding rectangles. For that rectangle we apply one cut along each of its edges that are not collinear with the chord of the D. The above technique can be done in O(n) time [ref]. Once the base calipers is placed along an edge, the other three calipers are also rotated and adjusted to make them tangent to P . Notice that each caliper “traverses” an edge or a vertex exactly once. fig here Lemma 4.2.10. The cost of cutting a minimum area rectangle out of the D achieved from the D-separation phase is no more than 2.57C ∗ . Proof. There can be at most four pieces, other than the one inside the bounding rectangle, resulting from four cuts applied to the D. The length of each cut is no more than the portion of the perimeter of D that is separated by that cut. So, as a whole the total cutting cost is no more than the perimeter of D. Also see ref[fig]. Now the perimeter of D is CD + RΘ, where CD is the length of the chord of D and Θ is the angle made by the arc of D at the center c. Since CD is the cost of D-separation, which by ref[lemma] is bounded by C ∗ ,Θ is at most Π, and C ∗ can not be more than 2R, the maximum perimeter of D is C ∗ + (C ∗ /2)Π = 2.57C ∗ . Cutting P out of a Minimum Area Rectangle by Only Edge Cuts For this phase we simply apply the constant factor approximation algorithm of Tan [ref]. If P is bounded by a minimum area rectangle, then Tans algorithm cuts P out of the rectangle by using only edge cuts in O(n3 ) time √ and with approximation ratio (1.5 + (2)) [ref]. We summerize the result of our second algorithm in the following theorem. 46 Theorem 4.2.11. Given a circle Q and a cornered convex polygon P of n edges within Q, P can be cut out of Q by using line cuts in O(n3 ) time with a cutting cost of 6.48 times the optimal cutting cost. Proof. We have the cutting cost of C ∗ for D-Separation, 2.57C ∗ for cutting √ the minimum area rectangle, and (1.5 + (2))C ∗ for cutting P out of the rectangle, which give a total cost of 6.48C ∗ . 4.3 Algorithms for General Case In this section, we consider the problem where Q is a circle and P is a convex polygon which may or may not be cornered. We give three algorithms for this problem. Our first algorithm runs in O(n) time and has an approximation ratio of O(log n). Next, we give a constant factor approximation algorithm having approximation ratio of 6.74 and 7.9-constant factor when P is cornered or not respectively, and runs in O(n3 ) time. Finally, we give a polynomial time approximation scheme (P T AS) which has an approximation 6 ration of (1 + ²) and runs in O( ²n12 ) time. In this thesis we denote the radius of Q by R, diameter of P by D, the boundary of P (resp. Q) by ∂P (resp. ∂Q) and length of the perimeter of P (resp. Q) by |P |(resp. |Q|). We denote an optimal cutting cost of P out of Q as C ∗ . Let Q0 denote the minimum rectangle containing P . Let Dx (resp. Dy ) denote the x − distance (resp. y − distance) between two vertical (resp. √ horizontal) edges of Q0 . Then, Dx = D, Dy = D,and Dx + Dy = |S ∗ |/2 hold. The following two lemmas are obvious: Lemma 4.3.1. C ∗ ≥ |P |. Lemma 4.3.2. C ∗ ≥ 2D. 47 Now we prove an important lemma which would be necessary to compute the approximation ratio later in this thesis. Lemma 4.3.3. If P is a centered convex polygon, C ∗ ≥ 2R. b z y m c n a d P l x Figure 4.8: Lower bound for C ∗ . Proof. by Lemma 4.3.1, C ∗ ≥ |P |.Observe that, any cutting sequence that separate P from Q and has two disjoint subsequences each start from a point of Q and ends at a point of P . Let a and m are two such points of P and b and n are the two corresponding points on Q respectively. See Figure 4.9. Now, |ac| + |ab| ≥ R, and |cm| + |mn| ≥ R. Again, |ac| + |cm| ≤ |P |. So, the total cutting cost is at least |P | + |mn| + |ab| ≥ 2R. Hence proved. For a vertex v of P , we define the chord through v as the intersecting segment of Q with a line through v. Let Cv denote a shortest chord through a vertex v of P . Let V (P ) be the set of vertices of P , and let |C| = maxv∈V (P ) |Cv |. Then, |C| ≤ |C ∗ | holds [10]. A chord through v ∈ V (P ) is called an ST − chord if it is a shortest chord through v and tangent to P . We denote it by STv .Let |ST | = minv∈V (P ) |STv |. Now the following lemma is obvious. 48 Lemma 4.3.4. The ST − chord can be found in O(n) time. P Figure 4.9: shortest chord through a point inside a circle is perpendicular o the line joining the center and that point. 4.3.1 Separating Minimum Rectangle Bounding P Using Rotating Calipers Almost all of our algorithms cuts a minimum rectangle bounding P at the first step. We choose the rotating calipers technique for determining this rectangle. This technique was introduced by G.Toussaint in [17]. Chandrasekaran et. al. used this approach in [7] but in a different way so that their algorithm becomes dependent on the number of edges of Q. But we used it in such a way so that the running time is only dependant on n. We discuss the technique here. In [17], G. Toussaint proved that the rectangle of minimum area enclosing a convex polygon has a side collinear with one of the edges of the polygon. This theorem can be deployed to determine the minimum area rectangle bounding P . For cutting out the minimum area rectangle , we use two pairs of orthogonal rotating calipers as the method described by G. Toussaint [17] in O(n) time. This process involves rotating two orthogonal pairs of calipers 49 around P keeping one side of one calipers always collinear with one of the edges of P . Hence, we get a minimum area rectangle around P . P =⇒ Figure 4.10: (a) Rotating Calipers (b) Rotating two orthogonal pairs of rotating calipers. Lemma 4.3.5. The cost of cutting out minimum area rectangle bounding P √ is no more that 2 2C ∗ where P is centered. a a 2R a a Figure 4.11: Upper bound of the cut length of minimum area rectangle bounding P when P is centered. Proof. We know that the maximum rectangle enclosed in a circle is a square whose diagonal is 2R. See Figure 4.11. Let us assume that the side of the 50 square be a. So, 2a2 = (2R)2 or a = √ 2R. As a result, the cost of cutting out the minimum area rectangle separated by rotating callipers is no more than √ √ 4 2R. So, the total cutting length of this step cannot be greater than 4 2R. √ As C ∗ ≥ 2R, the total cutting length is less than or equal to 2 2C ∗ . The bounding box thus got by rotating calipers is not always guaranteed to be in the full shape of a rectangle. The perimeter of Q may cut some portions of the rectangle. However, if we estimate the cutting cost considering the part of the rectangle inside the circle, the estimated cost would always be √ less than or equal to 2 2C ∗ . Figure 4.12: possible shape of bounding box 4.3.2 Algorithm 1 In this section we represent an algorithm for this problem which runs in O(n) time with O(log n) approximation. This algorithm first determines whether P is cornered or centered in O(n) time. If it is cornered, we follow the algorithm proposed in [1]. If P is centered, we give here a new algorithm for cutting it out of Q. For deciding whether P is cornered or centered, we can use an easy O(n) algorithm which checks the position of the center with respect to all n edges of P . 51 If P is cornered then Ahmed et. al gave an algorithm in [1] to cut P out of Q in O(n) running time and O(log n) approximation ratio. We follow the same algorithm here. The algorithm has four phases : (1) D-separation, (2) triangle separation, (3) obtuse phase and (4) curving phase. In D-separation phase, a small portion of Q (less than the half of Q in size) which contains P (and looks like a “D”) is cut out. Then in triangle separation phase the size of Q is reduced even more by two additional cuts and bounds P by almost a triangle. In obtuse phase, it is assured that all the portions of Q that are not inside P are inside obtuse triangles. Finally, in curving phase P is cut out of Q by cutting in rounds. If P is centered we cut P out of Q in two steps: (1) cutting out a minimum area rectangle containing P and (2) cutting P out of that rectangle. For cutting out minimum area rectangle, we use the rotating calipers technique described in Section 4.3.1. As a result the separation phase runs √ in O(n) time and the cut length is less than or equal to 2 2C ∗ . After that we cut P out of the minimum area rectangle by cutting in rounds in the similar way described in the curving phase of the [1]. We do not need the obtuse phase here , as all the angles of the rectangle are right angles. Hence, the curving phase will run in O(n) time and will have an approximation ration of O(log n). So, the following theorem holds. Theorem 4.3.6. Algorithm 1 cuts P out of Q in O(n) time with O(log n) approximation ratio. 4.3.3 Algorithm 2 In this section we represent an algorithm with constant factor approximation ratio and O(n3 ) running time. The constant factor is 6.74 or 7.9 if P is centered or cornered respectively. This algorithm actually modifies the 52 a0 a0 Q Q t r z s t z t0 e t0 s a c c r l P (b) a u0 u s0 a a a s v P a (a) s0 g s0 u0 u s0 s s r r t g0 g u s r (c) r u g s (d) Figure 4.13: cutting strategy for O(log n) approximation ratio when P is cornered. separation phase of Tan’s constant factor algorithm [16]. This algorithm also has two phases: (1) cutting out minimum axis aligned rectangle and (2) cutting P out of that rectangle with edge cuts chosen optimally. If P is centered, for cutting out the minimum axis aligned rectangle, we follow the same rotating calipers technique of Section 4.3.1. So, it cuts a minimum area rectangle in O(n) time. As a result, for this case, the √ maximum cost of this phase is 2 2C ∗ by Lemma 4.3.3. If P is cornered, we could also use the rotating callipers technique. But 53 lemma 4.3.3 is applicable only when P is centered. So, we use different strategy in this case. However, using rotating callipers technique yields a simple algorithm with better approximation ratio when P is centered. In the case of P being cornered, we first find out the ST − chord. By lemma 4.3.4, ST − chord can be found in O(n) time. Suppose that a chord is ST and touches a vertex v of P . Let lv denote the supporting line of the chord ST . Our first cut is made along lv . See Fig. 4.14, where the cuts are shown with bold and dotted lines. Let u be the vertex of P whose distance to lv is maximum, and u0 the point of lv such that the angle ∠uu0 v is π/2. Denote by Cu a shortest chord through u,and d, e two endpoints of Cu on δQ. Let lu and le denote the lines parallel to lv and through u and e, respectively. W.l.o.g., assume that the point e lies in between lu and lv .(The point e may be on lv .) Let f denote the intersection point of lv with the supporting line of de. There can be following two cases. Case 1 The chord Cu is tangent to P . In this case, we make the second cut along Cu , whose length is at most |S ∗ |. W.l.o.g., assume that the slopes of the first two cuts are different. The lines through two cuts ST and Cu partition the plane into four wedges. Define the angle of the wedge containing P as the enclosing angle of ST and Cu . Case 1.1 The enclosing angle of ST and Cu is at most π/2. Consider a line segment ap tangent to P ,with p on lv and a on the semi-line originating from u0 and going through u.(The point p may not lie in Q.) Let b be the intersection point of ap with lu . Assume also that b and e lie in different sides of au0 ( 4.14(a)). Our third cut is made along ap, with the point a giving the minimum value |ap|min of |ap|.(The point a giving |ap|min may not lie in Q.) Let us now give an upper bound on |ap|min . Set Y = |au|. Since |au0 | = |au| + |uu0 | = Y + Dy and |ab| ≤ |au| + |bu| = Y + |bu|, we have |ap| = |au0 |(|ab|/|au|) = (Dy /Y + 1)(Y + |bu|). Since |bu| = Dx holds, we consider the function F (Y ) = (Dy /Y + 1)(Y + Dx ). A simple analysis shows that the 54 a d d0 a Q u d Q lv u u lu b P p u0 v lv lu (a) p v le e u0 f (b) lu a c c 0 P P c Q b=u d b p lv e h v (c) a d d Q lu le g p lv b u c Q Q lu g b u g b u e e lv v c P P e d lu P (d) c i p s (e) f lv v (f) f Figure 4.14: cutting out minimum area rectangle with constant cut length.t √ minimum value F (Y )min of F (Y ) is achieved when Y = Dx Dy . Hence, √ √ √ F (Y )min < (Dy / Dx Dy + 1)( Dx Dy + Dx ) ≤ (1 + 2/2)|S ∗ |. It is clear that |ap|min = F (Y )min . Thus, the length of the cut along ap √ is less than (1 + 2/2)|S ∗ |. Finally, we make a cut along lu , and two cuts parallel to au’ and tangent to P . This results in the minimum rectangle Q0 containing P (only part of Q0 may result). See Fig. 4.14(b). The sum of the cost taken for the cut along the chord ST and the costs for the last three cuts is less than |Q0 | + |ST | − |T |. Since |ST | = |T |, we have |Q0 | + |ST | − |T | ≤ √ √ 2(|P | + |ST | − |T |) < 2|S ∗ |. Hence, the total cost of these six cuts is less √ than (2 + 3 2)|S ∗ |. Case 1.2 The enclosing angle of ST and Cu is larger than π/2 ( 4.14(b)). Consider a line segment ap tangent to P , with the point p on lv and the 55 point a on the semi-line originating from f and going through d, such that |ap| > |af |. Let b be the intersection point of ap with lu . See Fig. 4.14(c). Set Y = |au|.Since the point f is contained in the right-angled triangle 4uu0 v in this case, |uf | < |uv| ≤ D holds. Thus, |af | = |au| + |uf | ≤ Y + D. Since |bu| ≤ Dx holds, we have |ab| < |au| + |bu| ≤ Y + Dx . Hence, |ap| = |af |(|ab|/|au|) < (D + Y )(Y + Dx )/Y ≤ (D/Y + 1)(Y + Dx ). Also, the following upper bound on the minimum value |ap|min of |ap| holds. √ |ap|min < D + 2 DDx + Dx = |S ∗ |/2 + |S ∗ | + |S ∗ |/2 = 2|S ∗ |. To cut out the rectangle Q0 , we compute the position of a giving |ap|min , and make the third cut along ap. Finally, make a cut along lu and a cut tangent to P and perpendicular to lv . The sum of the costs for the cut along √ ST and for the last two cuts is at most 2|S ∗ |. The total cost is less than √ (3 + 2)|S ∗ |. Case 2 The chord Cu intersects the interior of P . Let c be the point of lu such that the angle ∠dcu is π/2. Case 2.1 The supporting line of cd intersects the interior of P (Fig. 1c). Because of the convexity of Q, we can move a line segment c0 d0 ,with c0 on lu and d0 on ∂Q, to a place such that the supporting line of c0 d0 is parallel to cd and tangent to P ,and |c0 d0 | = |cd|. See Fig. 4.14(d). In this case, the second cut is made along the supporting line of c0 d0 .Denoteby h the other intersection of this cut with ∂Q. For efficiency, the cost of our second cut is considered as two parts |c0 h| and |c0 d0 |. Note that |c0 d0 | ≤ |cd| < |ud| < Cu ≤ |S ∗ |. Consider a line segment ap tangent to P , with p on the line le and a on the semi-line originating from h and going through d0 .Let b be the intersection point of the line lu with ap. Then, |bc| = Dx holds. See Fig. 4.14(e). Again, we compute the position of a that gives the minimum value of |ap|, and make the third cut along ap. The rectangle Q0 can finally be cut out by making two cuts along lu and along the other tangent to P which is parallel to d0 h. 56 The sum of |c0 h| and the costs taken for the first cut ST and the last two √ cuts is at most |Q0 | + ST − T = 2|S ∗ |. As in Case 1.1, the total cost is less than (2 + √3 )|S ∗ |. 2 Case 2.2 The supporting line of cd does not intersect the interior of P . Let g denote the vertex of the rectangle Q0 such that it is on lu and |dg| > |du|. Case 2.2.1 |gu| = |du|. Suppose first that d and e are to different sides of the vertex v (as viewed from v). See Fig. 4.14(e). Let dp denote the segment tangent to P , with p on le , such that |dp| > |de|. The second cut is made along the supporting line of dp. Let b be the intersection point of the cut with lu . Since |bu| = |gu|,we have |dp| = |de|(|db|/|du|) < |de|(|bu| + |du|)/|du| ≤ |de|(|gu|/|du| + 1) = 2|de|. To cut out the rectangle Q0 , we make two cuts tangent to P and perpendicular to lv . Also, the longer cut is considered as two parts: one is between lv and lu , and the other is between lu and the line segment bd, whose length is less than |dc| < |du| < Cu < |S ∗ |. See Fig. 4.14(e). Finally, make a cut along lu . As analyzed above (like Case 1.2), the total cost is then less than √ (3 + 2)|S ∗ |. Case 2.2.2 |gu| > |du| (Fig. 4.14(f )). Assume first that d and e are to the same side of the vertex v. Let ap be a line segment tangent to P , with p on lv and a on the semi-line originating from f and going through d, such that |ap| > |af |. Let b and i be the intersection points of ap with lu and with the line through d and parallel to lv , respectively. See Fig. 4.14(f ). Set Y = |ad| and H = |df |. Since |uf | < |uv| holds in this case, H = |du|+|uf | < |gu|+|uv| ≤ Dx +D ≤ |S ∗ |. Since |af | = |ad|+|df | = Y +H and |ai| < |ad| + |di| = Y + |di|, we have |ap| = |af |(|ai|/|ad|) < (H/Y + 1)(Y + √ |di|). Since |di| < |bu| = Dx holds, we have |ap|min < H + 2 HDx + Dx = √ (1.5 + 2)|S ∗ |. To cut out the rectangle Q, we compute the position of a giving |ap|min , and make the third cut along ap. Next, make a cut along di, whose length is 57 less than |bu|. Two cuts, tangent to P and perpendicular to lv , are then made. Note that the longer cut can be considered as two parts: one is between lv and lu and the other is between lu and the supporting line of di (whose length is less than |gu|). Finally, a cut along lu is made. The sum of |gu| and the cost of the cut along lu is clearly less than 2Dx ≤ |S ∗ |. Consider now the costs represented by |bu| and taken for the first cut along ST and two cuts that are tangent to P and perpendicular to lv , excluding the part of the longer cut between lu and the supporting line of di. By noticing the relation between the segment bu and two considered vertical cuts (Fig. 4.15), we ∗ have that the sum of these costs is less than |P | + |ST | − |T | = |S |. Putting √ all together, the total cost of our cutting sequence is less than (3.5 + 2)|S ∗ |. For the case that d and e are to different sides of v, we can also show that √ the cutting cost is less than (3.5 + 2)|S ∗ |. We leave the detail to readers. It should be noted that , after finding the ST − chord in O(n) time we can make the rest cuts in no more than O(n) time. For cutting P out of that rectangle we follow the method used by Tan [16]. That is, we use the dynamic programming for choosing the optimal sequence of edge cuts. In his paper Tan proved that this dynamic programming method √ with all edge cuts has the maximum cutting length of (1.5 + 2)C ∗ . Hence the over all running time becomes O(n3 ) and the total cutting length is √ √ less than or equal to (2 2 + 1.5 + 2)C ∗ or 6.74 where P is centered and √ √ (3.5 + 2 + 1.5 + 2)C ∗ or 7.9 where P is cornered. Hence , the following theorem holds. Theorem 4.3.7. Algorithm2 cuts P out of Q in O(n3 ) time with 6.74 and 7.9 approximation ratio where P is centered and cornered respectively. 58 4.3.4 Algorithm 3 In this section we propose a polynomial time approximation scheme. We modify the separation phase of the algorithm given by Bereg et. al [2]. They used the separation phase same as the one Tan used. We replace it with the separation phase of Algorithm2. Hence, we get the minimum bounding rectangle in O(n) time with constant cut length. Next we follow the same approach suggested by Bereg et. al which is not actually dependent on the number of vertices of Q, hence, we can use it for our case. A0 P A Q Figure 4.15: Determining the portal points. First of all, we determine whether P is cornered or centered in O(n) running time. Next, we cut out a minimum area rectangle bounding P . For this, we use the similar technique as the one we used in algorithm 4.3.3. That is, we use the rotating calipers technique for P being centered and in P is cornered we choose different cutting sequences in different cases as described in 4.3.3. So, we obtain the minimum area rectangle in O(n) running time with constant cutting cost. Hence we get an estimate EST of the cost OP T of the optimal cutting sequence such that OP T ≤ EST ≤ cOP T , where c is the constant approximation factor. Next we construct a set E of candidate cuts. First put the n edge cuts 59 l1 p p1 l2 P p2 q r o Figure 4.16: Determining the estimated cost. into E, then, for each vertex p of P , and for each portal point v ∈ V , if the line through both p and v specifies a valid tangent cut anchored at p (that is, the line does not cut through P ), put the tangent cut into E. We call the candidate cuts constructed so far the type − 1 cuts. For every two type−1 cuts l1 and l2 intersecting at a point o and anchored at two vertices q and r respectively (q, r,and o may coincide), we compute, for every vertex p of P outside the triangle 4oqr, all the vertex cuts anchored at p such that the length of the cutlines segment between l1 and l2 is (locally) minimal. We put these cuts into the candidate set E and called them the type − 2 cuts. See Figure 4.16. The determination of a type − 2 cut can be done in constant time [2]. Finally, in the dynamic programming step, we use dynamic programming [13] to find a sequence of candidate cuts from E with the minimum cost. This cutting sequence is our approximate solution. We now analyze the running time of our algorithm. For the two rectangles A and A0 ,we have |A| = O(|P |) = O(OP T )and |A0 | = |A| + 8EST .Since, EST = Θ(OP T ), we have |A0 | = O(OP T ). It follows that the perimeter 60 of the polygon Q ∩ A0 is O(OP T ). The number of portal points is therefore O(OP T ) ∂EST = O(1/∂) = O(n/²2 ). The number of type − 1 cuts is O(n/²2 ). The number of type − 2 cuts is O(n2 /²4 ). The dynamic programming algorithm [13] takes O((n2 /²4 )3) = O(n6 /²12 ) time. Hence, We have the following theorem Theorem 4.3.8. Algorithm3 gives a (1 + ²) approximation scheme in polynomial time. 61 Chapter 5 Searching for the Center of Spheres and Ellipsoids Biedl et al. [4] first posed the problem of finding the center of a circle, starting from a point on the boundary and using a limited number of operations. They presented an open problem for searching the center of an ellipse in their paper. Later, Michael A. Burr [5] et al. solved that problem. But there was still a problem in the elliptical model regarding the dead areas which was not handled by the strategy of Michael A. Burr [5] and this problem remained unsolved. However, in both of their works they considered the searching space to be two dimensional. As a result their strategies do well on a plane. But in reality the searching space is three dimensional in most of the cases. In those cases we need an efficient strategy to find out the center of a sphere or in some cases, the center of an ellipsoid. In this thesis we approached the problem regarding the dead areas, proposed a model with dead areas, suggested a way to improve the strategy regarding this and proposed efficient strategies of searching the centers of spheres and ellipsoids which inherently works for circle and ellipse respectively. 62 5.1 Searching the Center of Spheres In this section we discuss about the strategy of searching the center of a sphere efficiently. 5.1.1 Problem Description Consider the problem of a robot searching for the center of a sphere. The robot has only a limited number of capabilities. It can detect whether it is inside the sphere or not, it can mark the point which it occupies, it can move along a straight line, possibly towards a mark which it had made previously. It can make 90 degrees and 180 degrees turns. It can detect and move to the middle of a line segment determined by two marked end-points, if it is on the line segment. The starting point of the robot is on the surface of the sphere and tries to reach at the center of the sphere as quickly as possible. Figure 5.1: Searching the center of a sphere 63 5.1.2 Mathematical Description Let, in the Figure 5.1, S is the sphere with center located at O. The initial position of the searching robot is at a point A on the surface of the sphere. The target is to reach the center of the sphere as quickly as possible. The robot has the following available operations: 1. It can detect whether it is inside the sphere or not. 2. It can mark a position. 3. It can move in a straight line, possibly toward a mark which it had made previously. 4. It can make 90 degrees and 180 degrees turns. 5. It can move to the middle of a line segment determined by two marked points, if it is on the line segment. Figure 5.2: Proposed strategy. 5.1.3 Proposed Strategy See Figure 5.2. 64 1. Leave a marker at point A. 2. Move along a straight line inside the sphere, until you reach another surface. Let this point be B. 3. Turn 90 degrees and move along a straight line inside the sphere. Move until you reach another surface at point C. 4. Line AB and BC are perpendicular to each other. So, A, B and C are not co-linear [except the case where AB is the diameter of the circle ABC , in which case B and C will be superimposed].As a result, A, B and C lie on a single plane. Move along the perpendicular line of this plane inside the sphere until you reach another surface at point D. 5. Mark the point D. 6. Move towards the marker of step 1, to the halfway point between two markers 5.1.4 How to detect a direction which is inside the sphere Whenever the robot is told to move in a direction perpendicular to a plane which is inside the sphere, it needs to choose between two directions. For example, when the searching robot is at point L on the surface ABL of the sphere and is told to move along the perpendicular direction inside the sphere it has to choose between the direction LM and LN which are perpendicular to the plane ABL on which the robot is standing. Now, if the object moves along LN it will be out of the range of the transmitter, so it can understand that the right direction should be LM . When the robot is told to move along a perpendicular direction to a straight line when it is on the surface of the sphere it can choose any of the direction which lies on the perpendicular plane to that straight line as shown in Figure 5.3. The directions the robot can choose at the point L is shown in the figure. Whether the chosen direction is 65 Figure 5.3: How to detect a direction which is inside the sphere leading towards the inside of the sphere or not, can be decided by the above mentioned method. 5.1.5 Correctness Proof Now we prove that the strategy leads a robot starting from the surface of a sphere to the center of that sphere. Lemma 5.1.1. Every cross section of a sphere produces a circular plane. Proof. We can easily prove this by solving the equations of a sphere and a plane. In Figure 5.4, we show how a plane cuts a sphere without the loss of generality. In the same figure, we can see the resultant circular surface yielded by that cut. Finally in Figure 5.4, we get a top view of that circular plane. Lemma 5.1.2. The straight line joining the center of the sphere and the 66 Figure 5.4: Cross section of a sphere center of the circular plane produced by a cross-section of that sphere is perpendicular to that plane. Figure 5.5: The straight line joining the center of the sphere and the center of the circular plane produced by a cross-section of that sphere is perpendicular to that plane. Proof. Let, S be a sphere with center at T . ABC is a circular plane produced by a cross-section of the sphere. P is the center of the circular plane, ABC. We join T ,P . According to this lemma T P is perpendicular to the plane 67 ABC. This can be easily proved by elementary geometry by proving M AT P and M DT P equal. Lemma 5.1.3. Every plane, containing the straight line that joins the center of a sphere and the center of the circular plane produced by a cross-section of the sphere, is perpendicular to that circular plane. Figure 5.6: Perpendicular plane to a circular plane Proof. This is trivially proved from Lemma 5.1.2 as all of these planes contain the straight line which is perpendicular to the circular plane produced by a cross section. In Figure 5.6, we can see a number of perpendicular planes to the circular plane ABC which contain the straight line joining the center of the sphere which is donated as T and the center of the circular plane ABC which is denoted as O. Lemma 5.1.4. In a sphere S, if G is a perpendicular great circular plane of a circular plane P , the line of intersection of G and P is a diameter of the circular plane P . 68 Figure 5.7: Figure for Lemma 5.1.4. Proof. By the definition of the perpendicular great circular plane G will contain the axis diameter of the circular plane, P . The axis diameter is perpendicular to the circular plane, P . Moreover, the center of the sphere lies on the axis-diameter. Now, from lemma 5.1.1 we know that the straight line, L (line T C in the Figure 5.7) joining the centers of the sphere and center of P is perpendicular to P . So, L must be a part of the axis- diameter of P . Hence the center of P must lie on G. More preciously it will lie on the line of intersection of the planes P and G, namely AB. Now,∠ACT = ∠BCT = 90 degrees and A, C and B lie on the plane G. so,∠ACT + ∠BCT = 180 degrees. Hence A,C and B are co- linear. Moreover the line segment AB passes through the center of the circular plane P . So, AB is the diameter of the circular plane P . Hence, proved. 69 Correctness of the Strategy According to the right angle strategy described by T. Beidl et al. [4], the robot can reach from one end to the other end of a diameter of a circle with two mutually perpendicular moves as shown in the Figure 5.8.Hence, if we apply this strategy on a circular plane produced by a cross-section of a given sphere, it would lead us from one end point to another end point of a diameter of that circular plane. Now we consider the great circular plane G described by the great circle ACE. G is perpendicular great circular plane for the circular plane P , described by ABC and produced by a cross section of the sphere. If the robot moves with right angle strategy on the plane P Figure 5.8: Correctness of the strategy starting from the point A, it would lead the robot to C which is the opposite end point of the diameter AC. Without the loss of generality we assume that G intersects P along the line AC and it is always true that G will intersect P with a straight line which is a diameter of P by Lemma 5.1.5. Now, we consider the circle ACE. To reach the center of the sphere, the robot needs to reach the center of this great circle. If we think about applying the right angle strategy on the circle ACE , we find that the robot has just completed one of first two perpendicular moves which leads the robot from one endpoint to the another endpoint of a diameter of the circle ACE by moving from A 70 to C. So, now it needs to move along a line perpendicular to AC and our strategy suggests the same by telling it to move along the straight line which is perpendicular to the plane, P . Figure 5.9: Correctness proof Moving along that direction the robot reaches at E on the surface. Now, according to the right angle strategy, the robot has to move toward the point, A. and on the half way it will reach the center of the circle, ACE. And as, ACE is a great circle for the sphere S, it will eventually reach the center of the sphere. So, the strategy correctly leads the robot to the center of a sphere. 5.2 Competitive Ratio The total length of traversal is [2R sin x(sin y + cos y) + 2R cos x + R] which gives the competitive ration of at most 3.82. This strategy needs only 4 moves and 2 markers for a single searcher to reach the center. 71 Figure 5.10: Competitive ratio calculation 5.3 Detection Stage of Searching the Center of an Ellipsoid 5.3.1 Problem Description This problem is almost similar to the problem of searching the center of a sphere. The only difference is that we are considering here the searching space as an ellipsoid. In their paper T. Beidl et al. [4] claimed that the searching area is not bounded by a circle in reality. It is actually elliptical. So, strategy for finding out the center of an ellipse was necessary which was later done by Michael A. Burr [5]. In three dimensional spaces we can think this model as an ellipsoidal. So, now the mission is to find out the center of that ellipsoid for that same robot which has the capabilities mentioned earlier in this thesis. 5.3.2 Our Work The strategy of Michael A. Burr [5] works well for an ellipse on a plane but it is not suitable for three dimensional cases, where the searching space should 72 be modelled as an ellipsoid. We have proposed here an efficient strategy for searching the center of an ellipsoid. Before we propose our strategy, we would like to discuss some properties of an ellipsoid. These properties along with the strategy of Michael A. Burr [5] will lead us to the proposed strategy. Lemma 5.3.1. A plane cuts an ellipse to an ellipsoid. Figure 5.11: Figure for Lemma 5.3.2 This property can easily be proved by solving the equations of an ellipsoid and a plane. Lemma 5.3.2. We can always have a projection of an ellipsoid with two parallel elliptical planes inside it which are the planes of intersection of the ellipsoid with two parallel planes, where the ellipsoid is an ellipse and those parallel planes are two parallel chords of it. From the physical property of ellipsoid, we know that any projection of an ellipsoid is an ellipse. So, if we chose to project the ellipsoid in a way that the parallel planes will be projected as parallel lines, we are done. Lemma 5.3.3. Two parallel elliptical planes produced by the intersection of an ellipsoid with two parallel planes have their centers on a diameter of the ellipsoid. 73 Figure 5.12: Figure for Lemma 5.3.3 Let us consider the Figure 5.13. Here the ellipsoid E is intersected by two parallel planes resulting two parallel elliptical-shaped planes inside it. We name them A and B. If we join the centers of the elliptical planes A and B and extend the line we shall get a chord which is claimed to be a diameter by this lemma. Hence the midpoint of this chord will be the center of the ellipsoid. This can be easily proved by using the lemma 5.1.7. On the projection of the ellipsoid, we get an ellipse with two parallel chords. The line joining the midpoints of those parallel chords will produce a diameter of that ellipse. That diameter of the ellipse is actually the projection of a diameter of the ellipsoid. Hence, we are done. 5.3.3 Proposed Strategy 1.Find the center of the ellipse as told in the thesis of Michael A. Burr [5] and mark the center. 74 Figure 5.13: Proposed strategy 2.Go to any of the two antipodal points of the last diameter used in that searching inside that ellipse. 3.Go along the perpendicular line of that plane until the signal fades. 4. Now, re-execute that strategy of Michael A. Burr [5] and find out the center of that ellipse and mark it. 5.Go toward the previously marked center and keep going until the signal fades and mark this point. 6.Turn 180 degrees and keep going until the signal fades and mark that point. 7.Go to the midpoint of the last two marked points. 5.3.4 Correctness This strategy is the direct consequence of the strategy used for searching the center of an ellipse. We apply the strategy using the Lemma 5.1.8 we can prove it instantly. So, this strategy will certainly lead the robot toward the center of an ellipsoid. 75 5.4 Correction Stage In the correction stage we handle the problem with dead areas for an ellipse. We describe the correction stage for both ellipse and ellipsoid. First of all we concentrate to the case of an ellipse and its dead areas. Then we advance to the case of an ellipsoid. The concept of elliptical model comes from the idea that the shape of the electromagnetic field of the transceiver is similar to that of a magnetic field of a magnet. Michael A. Burr [5] showed a model in his paper which is shown bellow. Figure 5.14: Electromagnetic field But this model is not realistic according to our point of view because the dead regions are not so narrow near the transceiver in reality. So, we propose here a hypothetical model assuming the transceiver as a bar magnet. A bar magnet has two poles, the North Pole and the South Pole. The magnetic force lines are assumed to be emitted from the North Pole and enters into the South Pole as showed in the Figure 5.14. So the electromagnetic field takes the shape of Figure 5.15 which is composed of two elliptical lobes. The center of the magnet is at C which we have to find out. The two ellipses are assumed to be symmetric with respect to the axis of the magnet for our purpose. Now, the boundary of the electromagnetic field looks like Figure 5.16. We assume 76 Figure 5.15: Magnetic Field that this field is bounded by a larger ellipse such a way that the center of the ellipse is the center of the magnet, C. It is obvious that the signal cannot reach to every point inside that ellipse. Figure 5.17 explains the idea. In this figure, E is the large ellipse surrounding the electromagnetic field and C is the center of the magnet as well as the center of the large ellipse. D1 and D2 are the dead regions where no signal reaches. The searching agent starts searching from any point on the dotted lines and the mission is to reach at C. Due to these dead regions the parallel chord strategy of Michael A. Burr [5] may fail to reach at C. Figure 5.18 describes such a case where the strategy fails to guide the searcher to the center. The strategy ends at point F where the original center of the ellipse is located at point C. We use here a hypothetical assumption on this model. We assume that, if we take two mutually perpendicular chords of the larger ellipse which have the same midpoint, not both of them will go through the dead regions. Using this assumption along with this model, we propose here a strategy 77 Figure 5.16: Revised elliptical model Figure 5.17: Assumed model which will improve the searching accuracy. In the worst case, this scheme will result the same point resulted by the detection stage. So, it has no sideeffect. Moreover, this strategy can detect the worst case quickly and ends up immediately. Even if, our hypothetical model is not the one really exists, still this strategy returns the same point we got in the detection stage and ends up sharply. 78 Figure 5.18: Dead regions Figure 5.19: Wrong result by proposed strategy 5.4.1 Proposed Correction Strategy 1.Apply the parallel chord strategy reach the point of 1st assumption. Remember the last diameter used to get the center. Name that diameter D(k). Mark the center , name it C(k). 2. Turn 90 degrees and get another Diameter D(k+1) and its midpoint C(k + 1). 3. Compute the distance between C(k) and C(k + 1). If its less than a predefined fixed value p then C(k + 1) is the refined result. break and end the process. If the distance is greater than p then let D(k) = D(k + 1) and C(k) = C(k + 1). Go to step 2. 79 5.4.2 Convergence of the strategy This strategy will certainly converge to a certain point because of the central tendency of the ellipse. In each step the midpoints will lead the searcher closer to the center of the ellipse if the diameter is not affected by the dead regions. No two consecutive diameters will be affected by the dead region by the hypothesis. So, this strategy will converge to the center of the ellipse. For example we can apply this strategy for the case stated in Figure 5.18 where the parallel chord method failed to reach the center. In Figure 5.19, we show how our strategy refines the solution and reaches the center. Figure 5.20: Correction strategy 5.4.3 Performance Analysis If our hypothesis matches the case, the center of the ellipse will be reached very soon. The actual length of the traversed path in correction stage is a function of the point returned by the detection stage and the last diameter used in that stage and the predetermined fixed value p. So, there exists a function F (D, C, p) describing the length of the traversal. The growth of this function is expected to be reduced at a rate which is a logarithmic function of A and B , where A and B are the length of the two axes of the large ellipse and C is the center returned by the detection stage and D is the last 80 diameter used in that stage. The upper bound of this function is roughly estimated as O([A ∗ log(B) + B ∗ log(A)]). 5.4.4 Worst Case Analysis In the worst case the model with the hypothesis may fail and both of the first two consecutive chords of correction stage will be affected by the dead regions. In that case both of the chords are in fact the chords of one of the smaller elliptical lobes. As a result, first two midpoints will be close enough to end the strategy. In other words , the strategy will end up with the same result of the detection stage and it will take only the cost of travelling one chord and determining its midpoint , more preciously O((3/2) ∗ (A + B)). 5.4.5 For Ellipsoids For the correction steps in ellipsoids , we do the almost same thing with three consecutive chords. After reaching the point returned by the detection steps , we shift the point to the midpoint of the perpendicular chord drawn at that point. Then we take another chord perpendicular to that plane and shift the assumed center to the midpoint of that chord. In this way, we gradually approach the center of the ellipsoids. 5.5 Use of Volume Knobs If we use the volume knobs of the transceiver, sometimes the searching can be even easier. The volume button can be used at the detection stage. We used the strategies of finding the center of circles and spheres to determine the center of spheres and ellipsoids. So, the technique of using volume in searching the center of circles or ellipses can be used in those steps. 81 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Works In this thesis we have studied the minimization of the length for the cutting a convex polygon out of a circle and the efficient strategy to search the center of a sphere or an ellipsoid. In particular we studied four types of problems: (i) cutting a cornered convex polygon out of a circle, (ii) cutting a centered polygon out of a circle, (iii) searching for the center of a sphere and (iv) searching for the center of an ellipsoid. Below we discuss the summary of our results, their applications and some possible future works associated with those. 6.1 Cutting a cornered polygon out of a circle We have studied the problem of cutting a cornered convex polygon out of a circle using line cuts. We have given an algorithm with runs in linear time and has an approximation ratio of O(n). We have also given a 6.74 constant factor approximation algorithm with runs in O(n3 ) time. Before our works there were no works done to cut a polygon out of a circle. We are the first to work on this to our knowledge. And comparing to the algorithms so far given by the researchers for cutting a polygon out of another, our algorithm is 82 parallel in running time and approximation ratio. Moreover, we are hopeful to extend our algorithm to device another useful way to cut out a polygon out of another in similar fashion which will oversmart the currently used algorithms. 6.2 Cutting a centered polygon out of a circle We have studied the problem of cutting a centered polygon out of a circle. We have given an algorithm which runs in linear time and has an approximation ration of O(logn). We have also given an constant factor of 7.9 algorithm which runs in O(n3 ) time. We have merger the algorithms for cornered and centered convex polygon to get the general solution of cutting a convex polygon out of a circle. For determining whether a convex polygon is cornered of centered we have also given a linear time algorithm. Finally, we have given a polynomial time approximation scheme(PTAS) for this problem. Minimizing the cutting length of a geometric shape out of another one is particularly important in metal cutting industries. It is also important in diamond cutting industries. In computer graphics it can be helpful in rendering different geometric shapes to different frames. In some very recent works we see that robot-surgeons are used to execute critical operations. Cutting certain portions of human body by a robot can be aided by minimizing the necessary cutting length. So, this algorithms are of enormous use both in the theoretical fields and application of industry and medical science. We have worked only on line cuts. The similar problems on ray cuts are still to be approached. The approximation ratio can be improved. The running time of the constant factor algorithm may get improved by using rotating calipers algorithms. The PTAS may get improved by using better 83 heuristics. 6.3 Searching for the center of a sphere We have studied the problem of searching the center of a sphere. The strategy for searching for the center of a circle was previously given by various researchers. But no algorithm was given for the three dimensional cases. The two dimensional searching strategy is not applicable for three dimensional searching spaces. So, we have given an efficient strategy find out the center of a sphere under certain limitations. We have also shown that our strategy is correct and efficient. We have also suggested the solutions when multiple signal level detection nobs are present. 6.4 Searching for the center of an ellipsoid We have studied the problem when we have to search the center of an ellipsoid under definite constraints. For a robot with minimum signal detection power our given algorithm can search the center of an ellipsoid. The algorithm of searching the center of an ellipse suffers from the problem of dead regions, so does the algorithm for searching the center of an ellipsoid. In this thesis we have given a strategy which can be helpful in avoiding the dead region problem. This strategy can be improved by using different geometric property of ellipsoids. The application of and efficient searching strategy of the center of an sphere or an ellipsoid can be helpful in searching lost objects in binary detection sensor networks. It can also be used in monitoring traffic in busy roads and the detection of lost starts in space. If we can extend the algorithm in may be useful in determining the shape of black holes, too. 84 Index Approximation algorithm, 26 D-separation, 36 Approximation ratio, 27 Edge Cut, 21 Axis Diameter, 24 Great Circle, 24 Centered Convex Polygon, 21 computational geometry line cut, 22 definition, 1 NP-Complete problem, 25 dynamic problems, 4 NP-Hard problem, 26 geometric problem, 3 main branches, 2 obtuse phase, 41 research areas, 2 optimal solution, 26 static problem, 2 optimization problem, 26 computational geometry’s application, 6 Perpendicular Great Circular Plane, 24 concave polygon, 21 Constant factor approximation algo- Polynomial time approximation scheme, 27 rithm, 27 convex polygon, 20 ray cut, 23 cornered convex polygon, 21 curving phase, 43 triangle separation, 39 cut and uncut edges, 23 Vertex Cut, 21 cutting sequence, 22 Visible edges, 23 85 Bibliography [1] Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Md. 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