Foundations of Physics, Vol . 28, No. 3, 1998 An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 1 Marlan O. Scully 2 and Herbert Walther 2 Received October 10, 1997 In the present paper we expand upon ideas published some time ago in connection with which path detectors based on the micromaser . Frequently questions arise concerning the time ordering of detection and eraser events. We here show, by a detailed and careful analysis of a quantum eraser experimental setup, that the experimenter can choose to ascertain particle-like which path information or wavelike interference information even after the atom has hit the screen. 1. INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION Complementarity, e.g., wave± particle duality, lies at the heart of quantum physics. For example, in Young’s double slit experiment a ``particle’’ displays interference ( wave-like) behavior when it ``goes through’’ both slits. But as soon as we have which slit ( particle-like) information we lose the interference pattern. Just how the acquisition of which way ( Welcher Weg ) information rubs out the interference fringe is an interesting question. The most common route to incoherence is clearly stated by Feynman who says that it is impossible to get Welcher Weg information without disturbing the interference pattern, to wit: ( 1 ) ``If an apparatus is capable of determining which hole the electron [ or atom or ...] goes through, it cannot be so delicate that it does not disturb the pattern in an essential way.’’ 1 We dedicate this paper to our friend and colleague Asim Barut who always delighted and inspired us with his insights and ideas concerning basic physics. 2 Max-Planck-Institut fuÈr Quantenoptik, 85748 Garching, Germany and Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843. 399 0015-9018/98/0300-0399$15.00/0 Ñ 1998 Plenum Publishing Corporation 400 Scully and Walther But, as was pointed out some time ago, ( 2 ) it is not necessarily the indelicate nature of our probing that rubs out the interference pattern. It is simply knowing ( or having the ability to know even if we choose not to look at the Welcher Weg detector) which eliminates the pattern. This has been verified experimentally. Hence one is led to ask: what would happen if we put a Welcher Weg detector in place ( so we lose interference even if we don’t look at the detector) and then erase the which way information after the particles have passed through? Would such a ``quantum eraser’’ process restore the interference fringes? The answer is yes and this has also been verified experimentally. One particularly vivid, and physically sensible, arrangement demonstrating the quantum eraser concept ( 3 ) is shown in Fig. 1. In this setup the atoms are detected, one by one, at the screen and an interference pattern is observed or not, depending on what the experimenter does with his which path detectors. That is, if the Welcher Weg information is present in the detectors then there can be no interference fringes observed even after accumulating a large number of counts. However, if this information is ``erased’’ then fringes can be recovered. As we have pointed out elsewhere, this erasure ( and fringe retrieval) can be achieved even after the atoms have hit the screen. This somewhat Fig. 1. Quantum eraser overview. ( a) Electro-optic shutters separate microwave photons in two cavities. (b) Detector wall absorbs microwave photons and acts as a photodetector. Plot is density of particles on the screen depending upon whether a photocount is observed in the detector wall (``yes’’ ) or not (``no’’), demonstrating that correlations between the event on the screen and the eraser photocount are necessary to retrieve the interference pattern. An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 401 subtle point has been the subject of some confusion; for example we are often asked whether this eraser must be carried out before the atom hits the screen. In actual fact, the experimenter’s choice exists as long as the micromaser Welcher Weg photons are not lost due to finite cavity Q, that is, for times which are of order 0.1 sec. In other words, the experimenter can indeed choose to analyze his data in ways that will show fringes ( or not) by manipulating the which path detectors ( erase or not to erase, experimenter’s choice) even long after the atoms are detected at the screen. In order to bring the physics into sharper focus we here present a detailed physical model of an atomic detector array ( screen ) and the microwave Welcher Weg radiation as it evolves under various quantum eraser scenarios. Each detector, atomic and photon, will be equipped with shutters which are opened, for a short time, at the discretion of the experimenter. The envisioned setup, as shown in Fig. 2, is a more detailed physical model of the quantum eraser experiment of Fig. 1, the point being that this model permits detailed specific calculations yielding answers to physically realizable experiments. In particular we consider an array of detectors at the screen at various ® points r i . Each detector is equipped with a shutter which opens at time t a for a short time t a . Likewise, the quantum erasure photodetector is activated by opening the corresponding shutters at time t m for a time t m . Then, as shown in the following sections and Appendices A and B, ( 4 ) we may easily calculate the state vector for the combined system. Fig. 2. Quantum eraser detector array. The photon detector in Fig. 1 is represented by a two-level system which is excited upon absorption of a photon. The screen consists of an array of atom detectors. 402 Scully and Walther For example, suppose that at time t o an atom is sent through the micromaser-slit arrangement and arrives at the screen at some time t f t o + d/v, where d is the distance to the screen and v is the mean particle velocity. Suppose, furthermore, that we consider only detection events corresponding to times t a substantially later than t o + d/v so that the atom will surely have arrived at the screen. Now in order to clarify some of the points raised by interested colleagues, let us consider the state of the i th detector, atomic wave function, Welcher Weg ( WW) fields and eraser photodetector. In the limit of perfect screen detectors, in the notation of Fig. 2, for times t> t m and t> t a , the ``erasure’’ state vector | Y i ( t, t a , t m ) ñ erase = {w ( r i , t a ) [ cos gt m | b , s ñ 2 i sin gt m | a, 0 1 , 0 2 ñ ] ® s + w ± ( r i , t a ) | b, s ñ } |e ® sÅ i ñ ( 1a) which represents the state in which the i th atomic detector is excited to the state | e i ñ at t a and erasure shutters are opened at time t m , where a g is the ± photodetector-field coupling strength. The | a, 0 ñ , | b , S ñ , and | b , S ñ are the state of the excited photodetector± ± vacuum in the cavities and ground state photodetector± ± and symmetric and antisymmetric radiation field states ( 8a, b) respectively. The symmetric and antisymmetric probability ® ® amplitudes w s ( r i , t a ) and w sÅ ( r i , t a ) written in terms of the amplitudes associated with the i th detector excitation by an atom from hole 1 and 2, ® ® i.e., w 1 ( r i , t a ) and w 2 ( r i , t a ) are given by 1 ® w s ( ri , ta ) = sÅ ( r i , ta ) = Ï 2 ® (w 1 ( r i , ta) + w (w 1 ® 2 ( ri , ta) ) ( 1b) and ® w Ï 1 2 ® ( ri , ta ) + w ® 2 ( ri , ta ) ) ( 1c) If we do not open the photodetector shutter then we have ( see following section) the ``Welcher Weg ’’ state vector |Y i ( t a ) ñ ww = Ï 1 2 [w 1 ( r i , t a ) | 1, 0 ñ + w 2 ( r i , t a ) | 0, 1 ñ ] | e i ñ | b ñ ( 2) Suppose we send an atom through the apparatus and find it excites the i th detector at time t a . If we do not activate the quantum eraser then An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 403 we must use the WW State ( 2b) and we can correlate the frequency ( likeli® ® hood) of exciting the i th detector, | w 1 ( r i , t a ) | 2/2 and | w 2 ( r i , t a ) | 2 /2 with the WW information | 1, 0 ñ and | 0, 1 ñ . But suppose we choose to open the eraser shutter at t m f t a , i.e., after ® the atom has been detected at r i on the screen, but without making any WW measurements of the type discussed in the previous paragraph. In this case we write the joint count probability that the photodetector is excited ( or not) at time t m , and the i th screen detector records a count ( º ``clicks’’ ) at time t a as P( a, i; t a , t m ) = á Y i ( t a , tm ) | { | e i ñ á ei | Ä |añ á a| } | Y i ( t a , t m ) ñ ( 3a) P( b , i; t a , t m ) = á Y i ( t a , tm ) | { | e i ñ á ei | Ä | b ñ á b | } |Y i ( t a , t m ) ñ ( 3b) We remind the reader that in the present section we assume that t> t m and t> t a so that the time t is unimportant, i.e., will not appear in the final results. Thus we could choose to correlate screen events with excited erasure photodetector counts and ``sort the data’’ so as to record interference fringes as per ( 3a) , independent of whether t m is earlier or later than t a . Or we could turn things around and view Eqs. ( 3a, b) as giving the ® probability that a screen detector event at r i gives us information about the likelihood of the erasure atom being in state a or b . Mathematically such conditional probabilities are given by P( i | a; t a , t m ) = P( i, a; t a , t m ) P( a; t m ) ( 4a) P( a | i; t a , t m ) = P( i, a; t a , t m ) P( i; t a ) ( 4b) and These single and joint count probabilities are easily shown ( see next sections) to be ® P( a, i, t a , t m ) = | Y s( r i , t a ) | 2 sin 2 gt m P( a, t m ) = sin 2 gt m P( i, t a ) = | w ( 5b) ® s ( r i , ta) | 2+ |w ( 5a) ® sÅ ( ri , ta ) | 2 ( 5c) 404 Scully and Walther and the conditional probabilities ( 4a) and ( 4b) are thus given by P( i | a; t a , t m ) = | w ® s ( ri , ta) | 2 ® P( a | i; t a , t m ) = ( 6a) | w s( r i , t a ) | sin gt m ® ® | w s ( r i , t a ) | 2 + | w sÅ ( r i , t a ) | 2 2 ( 6b) Note that all probabilities are independent of t m . Thus we can correlate events on the screen given a count in the erasure detector in order to regain interference fringes. Or we can turn things around and say that we seek information concerning erasure photodetector events in view of data present in the screen detectors. Then ( independently of whether t a > t m or t a < t m ) we view ( 6a) as giving the ``betting odds’’ that the i th atomic detector is excited given that the eraser photodetector is in the a states, and vice versa for ( 6b). As a case in point, let us consider the symmetric point on the screen such ® that | r 1 | = | r 2 | = r and, writing the probability amplitudes as w 1 ( r 1 , t a ) = ® ® w 2 ( r 2 , t a ) º 1/Ï 2 w o ( r, t a ), from Eq. ( 20a) we have P( i | a; t a , t m ) = | w o ( r, t a ) | 2 ( 7a) and P( a | i; t a , t m ) = sin 2 gt m ( 7b) What could be simpler? As we said before: ``The choice falls to the experimenter’’: Do we want particle-like WW information? Then keep the eraser shutters closed and use Eq. ( 12). Do we want wavelike complementary information? Then open the eraser shutters and use Eq. ( 1). It matters not in which order the atomic detection and photodetection occur. The result is the same. In the following we develop explicitly the states given by Eqs. ( 1, 2) and discuss the problem in detail. 2. MODEL AND METHODOLOGY Consider the atomic proximity detector array as depicted in Fig. 2. ® There we see atom detectors at positions r i which are triggered by the passage of an atom in the neighborhood of the detector. This is governed by the atom± detector interaction Hamiltonian V a, d . We envision our atomic detector as an ionization type detector which, in effect, annihilates ( ionizes) atoms as they pass close by. The detector responds to the emitted An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 405 Fig. 3. (a) Atomic photodetector absorbs a photon and makes a transition to its excited state. (b) Quantum eraser photodetector: The b ® a transition is sensitive to a symmetric combination of photons 1 and 2. election and is thus promoted from the ground to an excited state; this is depicted in Fig. 3a. Then, as shown in Appendix A, the probability for exciting the i th detector at time t a is given by | á e i , 0 | Ua, d ( t, t a ) | w a , giñ | 2= g |w ® s ( r i , ta ) | 2 ( 8) where | g i ñ is the detector ground state, and the atomic center of mass state is given by |w a ñ = Ï 1 2 |w 1 ñ + |w 2 ñ ] ( 9) 406 Scully and Walther with |w j ñ being the spherical atomic wave coming from hole j= 1, 2; the time development operator for the atom± detector system Ua, d ( t, t a ), |0 ñ is the atomic vacuum and | e i ñ is the excited state of the i ± n detector; g is the detector efficiency, and the spherical wave w 1( r i , t a ) = á r i | w i ( t a ) ñ with a similar expression for atoms coming from slit 2. From Eq. ( 8) the interference cross terms w 1*( r i , t a ) w 2( r i , t a ) are apparent. Note that it is the atomic wave function at time t a which is important since the detector shutter is only open for a short time after t a . Having set the stage by treating the center of mass interference problem in detail we turn to the main problem, namely the inclusion of micromaser Welcher Weg detectors and the option of quantum eraser, i.e., delayed choice. The initial state of the atom, Welcher Weg , micromaser fields, quantum eraser photodetector, and atomic detector array is | Y ( 0) ñ = Ï 1 2 [ |w 1 ñ | 1, 0 ñ + |w 2 ñ | 0, 1 ñ ] |W d ñ |W m ñ ( 10) where the atomic states | w j ñ are the same as in the preceding paragraphs; the Welcher Weg photons are described by the states | 1, 0 ñ and |0, 1 ñ denoting the photon in cavity 1 or 2; the mitial state of the detector array | W d ñ it that of all N detectors in their ground ``ready’’ states; and the initial state of the microwave photodetector atom ( quantum eraser ) | W m ñ is simply the atomic ground state | b ñ , which upon absorbing a Welcher Weg photon is excited to | añ . The microwave± photodetector interaction is turned on by opening a shutter at time t m which remains open for a time t m and then closes at t= t n + t m ; see Fig. 3b. The temporal evolution from the initial state ( 4) is determined by the usual U matrix expression U( T ) = T exp 2 i & T 0 dt[ V a, d ( t) + V m, p ( t) ] ( 11) where T is the time ordering operator. We note, however, that V a, d and V m , p operate in different Hilbert spaces and therefore commute. Hence, was may write U( T , t a , t m ) = Ua, d ( T , t a ) Um , p ( T , t m ) ( 12) and it is clear that the time evolution of the atomic detection and photodetection ( eraser) subsystems are completely independent. The consequences of this are developed in the next section. An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 407 3. ERASURE BEFORE AND AFTER THE ATOM HITS THE SCREEN: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? First we note that the erasure photodetector process acts very differently on the symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of Welcher Weg states |s ñ = 1 Ï 2 [ | 1, 0 ñ + | 0, 1 ñ ] ( 13a ) [ | 1, 0 ñ 2 ( 13b) and | s± ñ = 1 Ï 2 | 0, 1 ñ ] so that 1 ( a^ 1 + a^ 2 ) | s ñ = [ | 0, 0 ñ + | 0, 0 ñ ] = Ï 2 1 ( a^ 1 + a^ 2 ) | s± ñ = [ | 0, 0 ñ 2 Ï 2 Ï 2 | 0, 0 ñ ( 14a ) | 0, 0 ñ ] = 0 ( 14b) Thus motivated we rewrite Eq. ( 10), making use of the fact that | s ñ + | s± ñ ]/Ï 2, etc. as | Y ( 0) ñ = 12 [ | w 1 ñ + |w 2 ñ ] | s ñ | W d ñ | W m ñ + 12 [ | w 1 ñ 2 | w 2 ñ | s± ñ ] | W d ñ |W m ñ ( 15) Hence the state of the system at time t, as found by letting the time development operator ( 12) operate on ( 15), is | Y ( t) ñ = Ua, d ( t, t a ) 12 ] | w ñ 1 + Ua, d ( t, t a ) 12 ] | w + |w 1 2 ñ ] | W d ñ Um , p ( t, t m ) | s ñ | W m ñ ñ 2 |w 2ñ ] | W d ñ Um, p( t, t m ) | s± ñ | W m ñ ( 16) where we have included the shutter times t a and t m explicitly in the U-matrices in order to emphasize the independence of the two observation times. 408 Scully and Walther In Appendix B we take the simplest possible photodetector, a twolevel atom with excited state | añ and ground state | b ñ = | W m ñ , and show that Um, p( t, t m + t m ) | s, b ñ = cos gt m | s, b ñ 2 ± i sin gt m | 0, 0, añ ± Um, p( t, t m + t m ) | s , b ñ = | s , b ñ ( 17a ) ( 17b) In view of ( 17a, b) the total state ( 16) reads 1 | Y ( t, t a , t m ) ñ = Ia, d ( t, t a ) 1 Ï [ |w Ï 2 3 { [ cos gt m | s, b ñ 2 + | b , s ñ h( t m 2 + 1 Ï 2 2 1 ñ + |w 2 ñ ] |W d ñ i sin gt m | 0, 0, añ ] h( t 2 tm) t) } Ua, d ( t, t a ) Ï 1 2 [ |w 1 ñ + |w 2 ñ ] | W d ñ | s± , b ñ ( 18) From Eq. ( 18) we easily show that the probability amplitude that the i th detector clicked at t a and the Welcher Weg detector is excited or not ( erasure complete or not) is given by á e i | w ( t, t a , t m ) ñ = w ( r i , t a ){[ cos gt m | s, b ñ 2 ® s + | s, b ñ h( t m 2 t) }+ w sÅ i sin gt m | 0, 0, añ ] h ( t 2 ± ( r i , t a ) |s, b ñ tm ) ( 19) ® where w s( r i , t a ) and w sÅ ( r i , t a ) are given by Eqs. ( 1b, c). Equation ( 19) is the key state vector which is Eq. ( 1) of the introduction when t> t m . Further technical details are given in the appendices. APPENDIX A. ATOMIC DETECTOR ARRAY AND INTERFERENCE OF ATOMIC DE BROGLIE WAVES Consider the atomic proximity detector array as depicted in Fig. 2. ® There we see atom detectors at positions r i which are triggered by the passage of an atom in the neighborhood of the i th detector. This is governed by the atom± detector interaction Hamiltonian, in the interaction picture, which is given by ® v g( r i 2 V a, d ( t) = + i ® à ie,² ( t) Dà ig ( t) w à ( r, t) + adj r, t, t a ) D ( A.1) An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice ® 409 ® where v g ( r i 2 r , t, t a ) is the coupling strength for excitation of the detector ® at r i at time t a ( shutter opening time t a < t< t a + t a ), D ie² ( t) and D ig ( t) are the creation and annihilation operators for the i th atom detector in the ® excited and ground states, and w à ( r, t) is the corresponding operator which annihilates an atom at r, t. The initial state for the atom ( prepared by a ``double-slit’’ assembly) and the detector array is given by 1 | Y ( 0) ñ = Ï [ |w 2 1 ñ + |w 2 ñ ] |W d ñ ( A.2) where | w j ñ represents a spherical wave originating at slit j= 1, 2 and | W d ñ denotes the ground state of the detector array given by |W d ñ = * | gi ñ ( A.3) i which represents the state in which all atom detectors are in the ground or ``ready’’ configuration. The state of the atomic center of the mass± ± detector array at time T is determined by the usual U matrix, that is, | Y ( t) ñ = Ua, d ( t) | Y ( 0) ñ ( A.4) where, to a good approximation, Ua, d | T ñ @ 12 i & t dt ¢ V a, d ( t¢ ) 0 ( A.5) á Hence the probability amplitude for exciting the i th atomic detector is given by e i , O | U ia, d ( T , t a ) | Y ( 0) ñ @ 2 i & t dt¢ á e i , O | V 0 i a, d ( t¢ , t a ) | g i , w ( 0) ñ ( A.6) where | w ( 0) ñ = [ | w 1 ( 0) ñ + | w 2 ( 0) ñ ]/Ï 2. Using a delta function in time to model the shutter and using ( A.1) we have á e i , O | Ua, d | Y ( 0) ñ = 2 3 = 2 i & ® dt v e, g( n 2 0 | w à ( r 2 t)[ | w á i ve, g Ï 2 ® ( ri2 à +e ( t) D à +g ( t) | g ñ ta ) á e| D ® r ) d( T 2 2 ñ + |w 2 ñ ]/Ï r) á 0 | w à ( r 1 t a ) | w 2 2 ñ + 1« 2 ( A.7) 410 Scully and Walther Writing out the atomic wave function for hole 1 we have á à ( r® , t a ) | Y ( 0) ñ = 0| Y à ( r® ) e { 0 | e iH o ta Y á = n á à ( r ) |n ñ 0| Y á ® n| e = & dr on á r | n ñ = & dr o G( r , t a ; r o , 0) w ® á ® |w iH o ta { 1 iH o ta n | r oñ e{ ® ñ |w i en t a 1 á ñ ro | w ( r o , 0) ( A.8) ) ® e i 0 | U iad | Y ( 0) ñ = 2 i Ï vo 2& ® ñ ® 1 Inserting ( A.8) into ( A.7) and using the fact that v e, g ( r i 2 ® peaked about r i we have á 1 ® dr o G( r i , t a ; r o , 0)[ w ® r ) is sharply ® 1 ( r o , 0) + w ® 2 ( r o , 0) ] ( A.9) Hence the probability of exciting the i th detector at time t a is given by | á e i , 0 | U iad | Y ( 0) ñ | 2 = g | w 1 ( r i , t a ) | 2 º P( r i , t a ) ® ® ( A.10) APPENDIX B. ADDING WELCHER WEG DETECTORS AND QUANTUM ERASER Having set the stage by treating the center of mass interference problem in detail we turn to the main problem, namely the inclusion of micromaser Welcher Weg ( which way) detectors and the option of quantum eraser, i.e., delayed choice. The initial state of the atom, Welcher Weg , micromaser fields, quantum eraser photodetector and atomic detector array is | Y ( 0) ñ = Ï 1 2 [ |w 1 ñ | 1, 0 ñ + |w 2 ñ | 0, 1 ñ ] |W d ñ |W m ñ ( B.1 ) where the atomic states | w i ñ and the detector array state vector are the same as in Appendix A; the Welcher Weg photons are described by the states | 1, 0 ñ and | 0, 1 ñ denoting one photon in cavity 1 or 2 and the initial state of the quantum eraser photodetector | w m ñ = | b ñ which upon absorbing a microwave photon is excited to | añ . An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 411 The total interaction Hamiltonian is now V ( t) = V a, d ( t) + V m, p ( t) ( B.2 ) where the atom± detector contribution, V a, d ( t), given by Eq. ( A.1) and the micromaser photon-eraser photodetector term V m , p ( t) may be written as à ²a( t) R à b ( t) + adj V m, p ( t) = g( t m ) ( a^ 1 ( t) + a^ 2 ( t) ) R ( B.3 ) where g is the ( time-dependent) photodetector-radiation coupling constant which is switched on at time t m , a^ j ( j= 1, 2) is the radiation annihilation à ²a and R à b create and annihilate a photooperator for the j th cavity, and R detector electron in the excited | añ and ground | b ñ states, respectively. It is convenient to rewrite the initial state ( 11) in terms of the symmetric and antisymmetric micromaser states |s ñ = | s± ñ = 1 Ï 2 1 Ï 2 [ | 1, 0 ñ + | 0, 1 ñ ] ( B.4a ) [ | 1, 0 ñ + | 0, 1 ñ ] ( B.4b ) since the interaction Hamiltonian ( B.3) couples only the | s ñ state. That is, V m, p ( t) | s ñ = g( t o ) R ²a( t) R b ( t) e { in t | 0, 0 ñ ± V m, p ( t) | s ñ = 0 ( B.5a ) ( B.5b ) where n is the microwave frequency which is the same for both cavities. For simplicity we shall take the frequency difference between states | añ and | b ñ to be equal to n, so that the time dependence implicated in Eqs. ( B.5a ) and ( B.3 ) drops out; i.e. the interaction Hamiltonian V m, p is time independent. The state of the total system at time t is | Y ( t) ñ = U( t) Ï 1 2 [ |w 1 ñ | 1, 0 ñ + |w 2 ñ | 0, 1 ñ ] |w d ñ | w m ñ ( B.6 ) where the time evaluation operator U( t) is given by U( t) = Ua, d ( t) U m, p ( t) ( B.7 ) It is important to note that the two parts of ( B.7), corresponding to the two parts of the interaction Hamiltonian of Eq. ( B.2) , are independent since V a, d ( t) and V m, p ( t) commute. 412 Scully and Walther Um , The atom-detector U matrix is given by Eq. ( B.7); in order to specify p we insert ( B.7) into ( B.6) and use ( B.4a, b) to write | Y ( t) ñ = Ua, d ( t) 1 Ï 2 [ |w 1 + Ua, d ( t) Ï ñ 1 [ |w 2 + |w 1 2 ñ ] | w d ñ Um, p ( t) | s ñ | w p ñ ] | w d Um , p ( t) | s± ñ | w p ñ ñ 2 |w 2 ñ ( B.8 ) We proceed by taking our photodetector coupling constant to be turned on at time t m ( shutters in Fig. 2 open) and off at time t m + t m ( shutters closed). Then we have Um, p ( t m + t m ) | s ñ | w d ñ = cos gt m | s ñ | b ñ 2 i sin gt m | 0, 0 ñ | añ ( B.9 ) so that for t= p/2g we have Um , p | s ñ | w p ñ = | 0, 0 ñ | añ ( B.10a) whereas, in view of Eq. ( 15b) we have Um , p | s± ñ | w p ñ = | s± ñ | b ñ ( B.10b ) indicating that half the time the photodetector is not excited. In view of Eqs. ( B10a, b) we may write ( B.8 ) as | Y ( t) ñ = Ua, d ( t) 1 Ï + Ua, d ( t) 2 [ |w 1 Ï 2 1 ñ [ |w + |w 1 2 ñ ] | w d ñ | 0, 0 ñ | añ ñ 2 |w 2ñ ] | w d ñ | s± ñ | b ñ ( B.11 ) so that the joint probability amplitude for finding the i th atomic detector excited at t a and the eraser process carried out at t m ( photodetector in state | añ ) is given by á e i , a, 0 | U( t, t a , t m ) | Y ( 0) ñ = ’ g (w 2 ® 1 ( ri , ta) + w ® 2 ( ri , ta) ) ( B.12 ) which is the same as the result found in Appendix A with an overall factor of 1/Ï 2. That is, the joint probability for erasing the which way information at t m and finding the i th detector excited at time t a is ® ® P a( r i , t a , t m ) = 12 P( r i , t a ) where P( r i , t a ) is given by ( 10a) and is independent of t m . ( B.13 ) An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice 413 Likewise, when the atomic shutters are opened at t a and the erasure photodetector at t m but no count is registered in the photodetector, Eq. ( B.13) yields the joint probability amplitude á e, b , 0 | U( t, t a , t m ) | Y ( 0) ñ = ’ g ® ( w ( ri , ta) 2 2 w ® 2 ( ri , ta ) ) ( B.14 ) which again is independent of t m ; but now the interference pattern will be shifted as in Fig. 3. REFERENCES 1. R. Feynman, R. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. III ( Addison Wesley, Reading 1965) , pp. 1± 9. 2. M. O. Scully, R. Shea, and J. McCullen, Phys. Rep. 43, 486 (1978). 3. M. O. Scully, B.-G. Englert, and H. Walther, Nature 351, 111 ( 1991); Sci. Am. 271, 56 ( 1994). 4. U. Mohrhoff, Am. J. Phys. 64, 1468 (1996).