IEEE Standards Online IEEE Xplore® Digital Library Subscription Option Maximize research and development with IEEE Standards IEEE Standards Online Quick Facts IEEE standards are used around the world to help industries and companies Make sure you are using the most up-to-date open business opportunities, generate public and customer trust, build IEEE standards: order in the marketplace, and enhance safety. IEEE Standards Online can maximize research and development efforts with unlimited access to the All IEEE active, revised, archived, and draft most comprehensive collections of IEEE standards in various industries. standards in select technology areas IEEE Standards Online: key benefits for research Automatic e-mail alerts on new standards ▪ Access to new and revised standards, including draft standards ▪ Increased productivity by having all your standards in one place ▪ Real-time updates to the most vital standards in your industry ▪ Key technology available to fit your company’s needs ▪ Product development to the right specifications and drafts IEEE Standards Online Subscription Options*: Search standards by subject, title, designation, IEEE All Inclusive—5,100+ standards IEEE All Information Technology—2,600+ standards IEEE All Power and Energy—2,500+ standards Tailored subscriptions with a full menu of access levels—from a small team to enterprise-wide access and keywords using IEEE Xplore Choose from a variety of technology packages IEEE All Telecommunications—2,400+ standards Select packages include access to IEEE Redline IEEE 3000 Standards Collection™ (formerly IEEE Color Books Power Pack) Versions of Standards IEEE Arc Flash IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility—200+ standards For a custom quote, contact an IEEE IEEE Foundations for Smart Grid Sales Representative. IEEE LAN/MAN 802 —830+ standards ® IEEE National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) IEEE Nuclear Engineering—690+ standards IEEE Power Distribution and Regulating Transformers—470+ standards IEEE Power Protective Relaying—170+ standards IEEE Power Switchgear—360+ standards IEEE Power Transmission and Distribution—270+ standards IEEE Software Engineering—300+ standards *Counts current as of September 2014 Subscribe Today See how IEEE Xplore can help drive your research and innovation. Visit IEEE Xplore Digital Library E-mail: IEEE Standards Online: Delivered through the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library Access respected technology research that generates results IEEE Xplore also provides: ▪ More than three million documents in IEEE Xplore includes top-ranked journals and technology research full-text PDF format, with over 1.5 million that is cited in patents three times more often than any other in a robust, dynamic HTML format publisher. With over 3 million full-text articles and papers, IEEE Xplore is your gateway to more than 30% of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science. Find relevant research faster with powerful search tools ▪Multiple authentication options for on-site, remote, and mobile users ▪ INSPEC® abstract and citation records ▪ New mobile friendly design ▪ Daily content updates IEEE Xplore combines an easy-to-use interface with powerful search features that make finding relevant research faster and more efficient. Search: Basic, Advanced & Command Search options, including a new author search; plus intelligent features such as convenient type-ahead and search filters let you modify and find results easier than ever before. Personalize: You can also personalize IEEE Xplore to create targeted saved IEEE standards are valuable in a variety of areas, including: ▪ Product design ▪ Reference searches and table of contents alerts, set personal preferences, and take ▪ Compliance programs such as ISO 9001 advantage of enhanced features such as search history and My Projects. ▪ Purchasing specifications ▪ Legal & patent issues ▪ Safety requirements ▪ Maintenance ▪ Quality assurance Phone: +1 800 701 IEEE (4333) (USA/Canada) +1 732 981 0060 (worldwide) E-mail: Subscribe Today Visit IEEE Xplore Digital Library E-mail: 14-PIM-241q ltr 12/14 See how IEEE Xplore can help drive your research and innovation.