JOINT HEALTH & WELLBEING UNIT Action Plan October 2011 1 Foreword The concept of Dumfries & Galloway Council and NHS Dumfries & Galloway pooling resources to form a joint unit that would be responsible for taking forward and commissioning actions to improve health and wellbeing, and to reduce inequalities was first raised in the spring of 2010. Further discussions led to joint agreement in principle from both organisations. A period of consultation followed, and ultimately both organisations agreed in April 2011 to the practical arrangements with regard to transfer of staff and resources that allowed the establishment of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit in June 2011. Staff in the unit worked quickly since then to produce this first Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit action plan. In its development it draws on all the key national and local frameworks, policies and strategies which have focused on health improvement and reducing health inequalities, for example Equally Well Implementation Plan, Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland, The Early Years Framework and Getting it Right for Every Child. Due to the extensive list of key documents these have not been specifically listed. The desired high level outcomes are long term aspirations. The actions included in the plan designed to achieve these high level outcomes are, however, to be taken over a shorter period. Many of them will have been achieved by March 2012 but, equally there are actions that will extend over a period of a few years. The plan is being produced only in an electronic format and this will allow the plan to grow and develop over the ensuing three years as actions are completed and new actions emerge. Improving health and wellbeing; and reducing inequalities is a highly complex matter. There are no simple „magic bullet‟ solutions, and achieving the outcomes requires close partnership working. As a consequence of this the action plan is very long and complex and because of this it has been produced in an electronic format that allows navigation up and down from high level outcomes down to detailed actions and back again. It is hoped that in this way the logical links between individual actions and their intermediate and high level outcomes is readily apparent. The very important public health issues of cigarette smoking and alcohol and drug use are not covered in detail in this plan since there are other strategies and mechanisms already in existence for addressing these. Despite the large number of disparate actions outlined in this plan, all of which are designed to achieve a variety of high level outcomes, these are all linked by an overarching theme of encouraging and enabling people to take control over their lives. This theme is entirely consistent with the person centred approach which is at the heart both of the NHS quality framework and the report of the Christie Commission on the future delivery of Public Services. The health and wellbeing of the population of Dumfries & Galloway will be improved only if our public services allow people to take control of their lives by continuously putting the person at the centre of everything they deliver. Dr Derek Cox Director of Public Health - Head of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit Go to children and young people plan October 2011 Go to adults and older people plan 2 Children and Young People‟s Action Plan Team: Michele McCoy (Consultant in Public Health) Valerie Whyte (Consultant in Public Health) Laura Gibson, Veronica King, Jo Kopela, Chris Topping (Health & Wellbeing Specialists) Back to forward 3 Introduction Improving the outcome for children and young people is a priority, both locally and nationally. Addressing the health and safety of children and young people, their education and socialisation all need to be prioritised. “Getting it Right for Every Child” provides the context for working in partnership to ensure that all children and young people reach their potential. National policy has also recognised the importance of action in the early years and early intervention to reduce the risk of problems escalating. The action plan for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit builds on existing work across the region and has identified key priority areas which aim to ensure better outcomes for all our children and young people. It recognises the different environments that all our children live in. The Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit ensures that there is focus placed on addressing the needs of all children and young people, and that there is a co-ordinated approach to multi-faceted interventions which are designed to improve outcomes. The high level strategic outcome is: Children and young people enter adulthood with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Child development may be grouped into 5 domains: Physical health and well being Social competence Emotional maturity Language and cognitive development Communication skills and knowledge Each of these domains have to be addressed so that our children and young people are equipped with the skills and capabilities to make their transition into adult life. Actions to address these domains have to be revisited throughout the life course of children from pre-conception to adult life. Working in partnership is a basic premise of the action plan and team members will work with local staff and partner agencies to ensure the best possible use of all local resources. 4 The action plan does not stand in isolation, and should be viewed in association with local action plans and those of partner agencies (including the third sector). It is intended to be a working document with high level actions which put in place the direction of travel. The indicators noted are to be progressed by March 2012 and will be built on when further actions and anticipated outcomes are identified for the next three years. A number of key priority areas have not been specifically highlighted in this action plan because they are already prioritised and being progressed elsewhere, for example, addressing smoking in children and young people. This is progressed regionally through Smoking Matters. The Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit, Children and Young People, sets out three high level outcomes to be delivered over the next year: 1. Children enter primary school with optimum levels of health and wellbeing 2. Children enter secondary school with optimum levels of health and wellbeing 3. Young people enter adulthood with optimum levels of health and wellbeing 5 High level outcome Children and young people enter adulthood with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Children enter primary school with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Children enter secondary school with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Young people enter adulthood with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Outcome 1 details Outcome 2 details Outcome 3 details Back to foreword 6 Outcome 1 Children enter primary school with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Back to high level outcome Outcome 1.1 All children will have access to health and wellbeing experiences, learning, support and services to make safe and healthy choices Outcome 1.1 details Outcome 1.2 All parents and carers will have access to learning, support and services to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children Outcome 1.2 details 7 Outcome 1.1 All children will have access to health and wellbeing experiences, learning, support and services to make safe and healthy choices Back to Outcome 1 Outcome 1.1.1 All children will have positive mental health and wellbeing Outcome 1.1.7 All children have access to high quality physical activity Outcome 1.1.7 details Outcome 1.1.1 details Outcome 1.1.2 Early years services meet the needs of children and families Outcome 1.1.6 All children will have good oral health Outcome 1.1.2 details Outcome 1.1.6 details Outcome 1.1.3 All pre-schools incorporate health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes in planning, learning, teaching, assessment and reporting Outcome 1.1.3 details Outcome 1.1.4 Improved child nutrition-related health & wellbeing Outcome 1.1.4 details Outcome 1.1.5 Healthy weight is maintained among the target population Outcome 1.1.5 details 8 Action Research and identify potential wellbeing tools e.g. PEDS QL, EDI and Strengths and Difficulties and in partnership, agree a shared wellbeing tool for children Action Commission and administer wellbeing measurement tool(s) in identified pilot clusters over a specified period Action Establish mechanisms to measure the wellbeing of children over time Performance Indicator: Wellbeing tool pilot commissioned Action Work in partnership to support the implementation in Priority One of Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland: Policy and Action Plan Action Complete mapping exercise to identify gaps in ante-natal and postnatal service provision and develop full report with associated demographic information Action Review 0-3 year services as part of implementation of Scottish Government (2008) Early Years Framework and the five domains of Childhood Development Action Develop a business case for service improvement in partnership with the Early Years Planning and Delivery Group Outcome 1.1.1 All children will have positive mental health and wellbeing Back to Outcome 1.1 Outcome 1.2.2a Improved availability of and access to early years services to improve HWB in line with the five domains of Childhood Development Outcome 1.1.2 Early years services meet the needs of children and families Back to Outcome 1.1 Performance Indicator: Business case developed 9 Action Identify and work with X number of pre-schools providers/school clusters on health and wellbeing moderation Action Develop moderation process and exemplars for health and wellbeing (across six HWB areas) Action Improve confidence and skills among preschool staff to plan for health and wellbeing Performance Indicator: Health and wellbeing moderation exemplars on Glow.X Number Action Work with partners in education to agree two whole cluster pilot sites that will integrate HWB across the entire curriculum and the day to day life of the school Action Commission, implement and monitor two whole school/cluster HWB plans Outcome 1.1.3 All pre-schools incorporate health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes in planning, learning, teaching, assessment and reporting Back to Outcome 1.1 Action Review learning from pilots through sharing emerging practice to inform continuous improvement Performance Indicator: Two pilots commissioned Further PI‟s to be determined 10 Outcome 1.1.4 All parents receive full information they can understand on infant feeding to enable them to make an informed choice on how they will feed their infant Outcome 1.1.4b details Outcome 1.1.4 All women receive the support they need to initiate and continue breastfeeding for as long as they wish Outcome 1.1.4c details Outcome 1.1.4 Women entering pregnancy are a healthy weight, in good nutritional health and this continues throughout their pregnancy and beyond Outcome 1.1.4a details Outcome 1.1.4 Improved child nutrition-related health & wellbeing Back to Outcome 1.1 Outcome 1.1.4 Infants are given appropriate and timely complementary foods and continue to have a wide and varied healthy diet throughout early childhood Outcome 1.1.4d details Outcome 1.1.4 Children are supported to have good eating habits to enable healthy growth and development Outcome 1.1.4e details Outcome 1.1.4 Children are offered a range of food and health learning experiences Outcome 1.1.4f details 11 Action Improve knowledge and skills of practitioners Outcome 1.1.4a Women entering pregnancy are a healthy weight, in good nutritional health and this continues throughout their pregnancy and beyond Back to Outcome 1.1.4 Action Distribute maternal and infant nutrition publications and resources universally as per nationally agreed early years information pathway Action Incorporate actions to implement the Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition: A Framework for Action into the Refreshed Framework for Maternity Care Services Action Commission Women and Children‟s Directorate to facilitate and co-ordinate the agreed D&G Action Plan Outcome 1.1.4b All parents receive full information they can understand on infant feeding to enable them to make an informed choice on how they will feed their infant Action Accredited Breastfeeding Peer Support Programme will continue to be provided Action Achieve and maintain UNICEF UK BFI accreditation for Community Healthcare Services (Seven Point Plan) as minimum standard Action Improve knowledge and skills of all those working with families and young children Outcome 1.1.4c All women receive the support they need to initiate and continue breastfeeding for as long as they wish Outcome 1.1.4d Infants are given appropriate and timely complementary foods and continue to have a wide and varied healthy diet throughout early childhood Action Work in partnership with pre-schools to support the implementation of national guidance for provision of a nutritionally balanced diet Outcome 1.1.4e Children are supported to have good eating habits to enable healthy growth and development Action Work in partnership to support pre-schools and communities to provide food and health learning experiences for children and families Outcome 1.1.4f Children are offered a range of food and health learning experiences Back to outcome 1.1.4 12 Performance Indicator: Action Plan Developed. Service will be commissioned (PI‟s as per SLA to be added) Action Commission East and West Directorate to deliver the Child Healthy Weight interventions Co-ordinate delivery of „Raising the Issue of Child Healthy Weight‟ training to a minimum of 200 participants Maintain and update Think4urself website Action Deliver target number of Child Healthy Weight interventions Performance Indicator: Achieve Child Healthy Weight Interventions target (413 by 2014), 200 people trained, Number of website hits Action Deliver in partnership with localities, best practice from the experience of Healthy Weight Communities Programme Action Implementation in each locality of a Healthy Weight Communities model Outcome 1.1.5 Healthy weight is maintained among the target population Back to Outcome 1.1 Performance Indicator: Each locality has a plan that incorporates Healthy Weight Communities ethos Action Consult with key stakeholders to inform development of lifecourse approach to tackling overweight & obesity Action Commission community based life-course approach to healthy weight within a pilot area Performance Indicator: Pilot commissioned. Consultation report Action Evaluate pilot to assess transferability and roll out potential Develop a delivery framework to establish a life-course approach to healthy weight 13 Outcome 1.1.6a Increased knowledge and skills of children, parents and carers regarding positive oral health Outcome 1.1.6a details Outcome 1.1.6 All children will have good oral health Back to 1.1 Outcome 1.1.6b All children aged 0-5 years have access to preventive dental care services Outcome 1.1.6b details 14 Action Work with partners to offer supervised tooth brushing in all partnership and local authority nursery schools Outcome 1.1.6a Increased knowledge and skills of children, parents and carers regarding positive oral health Back to 1.1.6 Action Issue of Oral Health Packs to all children 5 times by age 5 Performance Indicator: 75% of nurseries participating in supervised tooth brushing programme (available July 2012) 15 Action All targeted nursery schools are participating in nursery fluoride varnish programme Action Preventative dental services are available in target schools Performance Indicator: 60% of eligible children receiving fluoride varnish application in nursery school (6 monthly, Fluoride varnish HEAT target is on trajectory Action All priority children receive oral health intervention from a Dental Health Support Worker (DHSW) Performance Indicator: Number of referrals per year to DHSWs, 95% of children referred to DHSW successfully contacted, 100% of children referred to a DHSW register with a dental practice or receiving ongoing support Action All local dental practices offer the Childsmile Practice Programme Outcome 1.1.6b All Children aged 0-5 years have access to preventive dental care services Back to 1.1.6 Performance Indicator: 100% of Dental Practices participating in Childsmile practice, 40% of children 0-2 years 11months and 86% of children aged 3-5 years are registered with a dentist Action Link with Looked After Children with key stakeholders to further develop oral health support pathway for LAC Action Oral health Support Pathway for LAC in place Action Looked After Children are supported to achieve good oral health and regularly attend a dentist Performance Indicator: Baseline for % of LAC participating in dental services annually and 6 monthly to be obtained, link with key stakeholders to further develop oral health support pathway for LAC 16 Action Work with identified partners to increase the awareness and use of parents play@home resources Action Deliver the play@home training to identified partners including third sector Action Monitor and evaluate the number of certified trainers, training courses delivered and uptake and usage of play@home resource by families Outcome 1.1.7 All children have access to high quality physical activity Performance Indicator: Number of people trained Back to Outcome 1.1 Action Establish an evidence base for targeted parent/toddler water based play Action Work in partnership to develop additional/targeted parent/toddler water based play where need identified from evidence base Action Commission additional opportunities for parent/toddlers to participate in water based play Performance Indicator: Evidence base established, additional opportunities available 17 Outcome 1.2 All parents and carers will have access to learning, support and services to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children Back to Outcome 1 Outcome 1.2.1 All parents and carers will have been offered support in positive parenting skills Outcome 1.2.1 details Outcome 1.2.2 Improved availability of and access to early years services to improve health & wellbeing in line with the five domains of childhood development Outcome 1.2.2 details Outcome 1.2.3 Improved maternal nutrition-related health & wellbeing Outcome 1.2.3 details 18 Action Work in partnership with maternity services and other key services locally to develop a multi agency approach to deliver antenatal parent education that target specific parents Action Facilitate elements within parent education core syllabus that is flexible and responsive to the priorities of participating parents and carers Action Delivery of specific parent education programmes (antenatal and early postnatal provision) in order to build the capacity of vulnerable parents in preparation for transition to parenthood Outcome 1.2.1a Provide quality parent education services that meet the needs of all parents based on the principles underpinning Getting it Right For Every Child (2008) and using asset based approaches Performance Indicator: Written syllabus of parent education with resources to support the delivery and training to increase staff skills and confidence in facilitation and delivery of the syllabus Action Develop and agree a business plan to expand the Parents as First Teacher (PAFT) Programme to increase the numbers of families offered parenting support Action Commission the Women and Children‟s Directorate to extend the PAFT programme Outcome 1.2.1b Parents and parents to be will have access to parenting interventions and support according to need Performance Indicator: 50% of families who participate in 10 or more personal visits will feel more confident and competent in parenting practice, including reduced anxiety (insert target – X num of families)75% of families who participate in a minimum of 10 personal visits will show an increase in parenting knowledge and skills Action In conjunction with key partners in NHS psychology services, Educational psychology services CAMHS and Health Visiting/Public Health Nursing establish the evidence base and develop business case for conduct disorder pilot Action Commission identified partners to pilot intervention to manage conduct disorder in young children Action Evaluate pilot to assess transferability and roll out potential Outcome 1.2.1 All parents and carers will have been offered support in positive parenting skills Back to 1.2 Outcome 1.2.1c Reduce the number of children manifesting with conduct disorders Performance Indicator: Pilot commissioned Action Work in partnership to support the implementation of Positive About Parenting: A Framework for Developing Parenting Support Services 2009-12 19 Action Complete mapping exercise to identify gaps in ante-natal and postnatal service provision and develop full report with associated demographic information Action Review 0-3 year services as part of implementation of Scottish Government (2008) Early Years Framework and the five domains of childhood development Action Develop a business case for service improvement in partnership with the Early Years Planning and Delivery Group Outcome 1.2.2 Improved availability of and access to early years services to improve health & wellbeing in line with the five domains of childhood development Back to 1.2 Performance Indicator: Business case developed 20 Action Improve knowledge and skills of practitioners Action Incorporate action to implement the Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition: A Framework for Action into the Refreshed Framework for Maternity Care Services Action Commission Women and Children‟s Directorate to facilitate and co-ordinate the agreed D&G Action Plan Action Distribute maternal and infant nutrition publications and resources universally as per nationally agreed early years information pathway Outcome 1.2.3a Women entering pregnancy are a healthy weight, in good nutritional health and that this continues throughout their pregnancy and beyond Outcome 1.2.3b All parents receive full information they can understand on infant feeding to enable them to make an informed choice on how they will feed their infant Action Achieve and maintain UNICEF UK BFI accreditation for Community Healthcare Services (Seven Point Plan) as minimum standard Outcome 1.2.3c All women receive the support they need to initiate and continue breastfeeding for as long as they wish Outcome 1.2.3 Improved maternal nutrition-related health & wellbeing Back to 1.2 Action Accredited Breastfeeding Peer Support Programme will continue to be provided Action Improve knowledge and skills of all those working with families and young children Outcome 1.2.3d Infants are given appropriate and timely complementary foods and continue to have a wide and varied healthy diet throughout early childhood Performance Indicator: Action Plan Developed. Service will be commissioned (PI‟s as per SLA to be added) 21 Outcome 2 Children enter secondary school with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Back to high level outcome Outcome 2.1 All children will have access to health and wellbeing experiences, learning, support and services to make safe and healthy choices Outcome 2.2 All parents and carers will have access to learning, support and services to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children Outcome 2.2 details Outcome 2.1 details 22 Outcome 2.1.1 All children will have positive mental health and wellbeing Outcome 2.1 All children will have access to health and wellbeing experiences, learning, support and services to make safe and healthy choices Outcome 2.1.1 details Outcome 2.1.9 All children will have good oral health Outcome 2.1.9 details Back to Outcome 2 Outcome 2.1.8 All children have access to high quality physical activity Outcome 2.1.8 details Outcome 2.1.2 Increase access to up to date, accurate and appropriate health and wellbeing information advice and support via digital technology Outcome 2.1.2 details Outcome 2.1.3 All schools incorporate health and wellbeing experiences and actions in planning, learning, teaching, assessment and reporting Outcome 2.1.3 details Outcome 2.1.7 Children make safe and healthy choices to maintain their sexual wellbeing Outcome 2.1.7 details Outcome 2.1.4 Improved child nutrition-related health & wellbeing Outcome 2.1.4 details Outcome 2.1.5 Healthy weight being maintained among the target population Outcome 2.1.5 details Outcome 2.1.6 Reduce culture of stigma and discrimination among children around LGBT issues and mental health Outcome 2.1.6 details 23 Action Research and identify potential wellbeing tools e.g. PEDS QL, EDI and Strengths and Difficulties and in partnership, agree a shared wellbeing tool for children Action Commission and administer wellbeing measurement tool(s) in identified pilot clusters over a specified period Action Establish mechanisms to measure the wellbeing of children over time Outcome 2.1.1 All children will have positive mental health and wellbeing Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Wellbeing tool identified for use in commissioned pilot Further indicators to be identified Action Work in partnership to support the implementation in Priority One of Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland: Policy and Action Plan Action Prepare brief for commissioning research and consultation for digital communication as a means of increasing communication of health and wellbeing information to children Action Commission research and consultation about digital communication and resources. Develop a business case for ongoing provision Action Develop a range of digital health and wellbeing information and resources for children and young people Outcome 2.1.2 Increase access to up to date, accurate and appropriate health and wellbeing information advice and support via digital technology Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Business case for digital communications 24 Action Identify and work with X number of schools/school clusters on health and wellbeing moderation Action Develop moderation process and x exemplars for health and wellbeing (across six HWB areas) Action Improve confidence and skills among school staff to plan for health and wellbeing Performance Indicator: Health and wellbeing moderation X number of exemplars on Glow Action Work with partners in education to agree two whole cluster pilot sites that will integrate health and wellbeing across the entire curriculum and day to day life of the school Action Commission, implement and monitor two whole school/cluster HWB plans Action Review learning from pilots and share emerging practice to inform continuous improvement Outcome 2.1.3 All schools incorporate health and wellbeing experiences and actions in planning, learning, teaching, assessment and reporting Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Two pilots established 25 Action Work in partnership with schools to support the implementation of national guidance for provision of a nutritionally balanced diet Outcome 2.1.4a Children are supported to have good eating habits to enable healthy growth and development Outcome 2.1.4 Improved child nutritionrelated health & wellbeing Back to Outcome 2.1 Action Work in partnership to support schools and communities to provide food and health learning experiences for children and families Outcome 2.1.4b Children are offered a range of food and health learning experiences Performance Indicator: 26 Action Commission East and West Directorate to deliver the Child Healthy Weight interventions Coordinate delivery of „Raising the Issue of Child Healthy Weight‟ training to a minimum of 200 participants Maintain and update Think4urself website Action Deliver target number of CHW interventions Performance indicator: Achieve Child Healthy Weight Interventions target (413 by 2014), 200 people trained, Number of website hits Action Deliver in partnership with localities, best practice from the experience of Healthy Weight Communities Programme Action Implementation in each locality of a Healthy Weight Communities model Outcome 2.1.5 Healthy weight being maintained among the target population Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Each locality has a plan that incorporates Healthy Weight Communities ethos Action Consult with key stakeholders to inform development of lifecourse approach to tackling overweight & obesity Action Commission community based life-course approach to healthy weight within a pilot area Action Evaluate pilot to assess transferability and roll out potential Develop a delivery framework to establish a life course approach to healthy weight Performance Indicator: Pilot commissioned. Consultation report 27 Action Work with partners to identify specific learning experiences and campaigns to challenge the culture of stigma and discrimination among children Action Increase children‟s knowledge and understanding of LGBT issues and mental health Outcome 2.1.6 Reduce culture of stigma and discrimination among children around LGBT issues and mental health Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Ten actions of „see me‟ pledge delivered. Ten schools engaged in Challenging Homophobic Together project. Further indicators according to campaigns to be established Action Undertake consultation with key stakeholders to identify key sexual health priorities Action Develop a revised Sexual Health Action plan in line with the national Sexual Health and BBV Framework 2011-15 Action Implement action plan and commission key actions as required Outcome 2.1.7a Children have increased knowledge and confidence to maintain their sexual wellbeing Outcome 2.1.7 Children make safe and healthy choices to maintain their sexual wellbeing Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Action Plan produced and indicators prioritised 28 Action Research and identify monitoring tool for PA. Consult and agree method of measurement with key stakeholders Action Establish a mechanism for implementing physical activity measurement tool across two school clusters Action Commission delivery of physical activity measurement tool in identified school clusters Outcome 2.1.8a Measurement tool informs number of children accumulating minimum physical activity national guidelines Performance Indicator: Two pilots and baseline established Action Undertake consultation with key stakeholders to identify key PA priorities Action Develop a revised PA prioritised Action Plan using PHIT indicators Action Implement action plan and commission key actions as required Outcome 2.1.8b Children have increased opportunities to participate in physical activity Performance Indicator: Action Plan produced Action Establish an Active Travel Group. Research and identify mechanisms for delivering active travel in schools Action Develop a business case for ongoing provision Action Commission delivery of key active travel programmes in schools with focus on building community capacity Outcome 2.1.8d Increase the number of children walking and cycling to school Outcome 2.1.8 All children have access to high quality physical activity Back to Outcome 2.1 Performance Indicator: Active Travel develop a business case.(0.5%) Finalise a delivery mechanism for Schools and Community Sport Plans incorporating themes detailed in Leisure and Sport Strategy including e.g Active Start 0-9 years Link to Context ? Action Agree local, regional and national School and Community Sport plans Action Implement the action plan and commission identified programmes Performance Indicator: Achieve actions in 2011/12 School and Community Sport Plan Outcome 2.1.8c School and Community Sport plans delivered 29 Action Work with partners to offer supervised tooth brushing in all primary schools to at least P1 and P2 classes Outcome 2.1.9a Increased knowledge and skills of children, parents and carers regarding positive oral health Performance Indicator: 95% of priority target primary schools participating in supervised Tooth brushing (July 2012), 75 % of primary schools participating in supervised tooth brushing (July 2012), Resources and processes developed for teachers Action Link with key stakeholders to further develop oral health support pathway for LAC Action Oral health support Pathway for Looked After Children in place Action Looked After Children are supported to achieve good oral health and regularly attend a dentist Performance Indicator: Baseline for % of Looked After Children participating in dental services annually and 6 monthly to be obtained, 95% of 6 to 12 year old children are registered with an NHS Dental Practice Action All target primary schools are participating in the school fluoride varnish programme Action Preventive dental services are available in targeted primary schools up to P4 Performance Indicator: 60% of eligible children receiving fluoride varnish application in school (6 monthly), Fluoride Varnish HEAT target on trajectory Outcome 2.1.9 All children will have good oral health Back to Outcome 2.1 Outcome 2.1.9b All Children aged 6-12 years will have access to preventive dental care services Action All priority children receive oral health intervention from a DHSW Performance Indicator: Number of referrals per year to Dental Health Support Workers, 95% of children referred to DHSW successfully contacted, 100% of children referred to a DHSW registering with a dental practice or receiving ongoing support 30 Action Work in partnership to support the implementation of Positive About Parenting: A Framework for Developing Parenting Support Services 2009-12 Outcome 2.2 All parents and carers will have access to learning, support and services to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children Back to Outcome 2 31 Outcome 3 Young people enter adulthood with optimum levels of health and wellbeing Back to high level outcome Outcome 3.1 All young people will have access to health and wellbeing experiences, learning, support and services to make safe and healthy choices Outcome 3.1 details Outcome 3.2 All parents and carers will have access to learning, support and services to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children Outcome 3.2 details 32 Outcome 3.1.1 All young people will have positive mental health and wellbeing Outcome 3.1.1 details Outcome 3.1.11 Improved nutrition-related health & wellbeing of young people Outcome 3.1 All young people will have access to health and wellbeing experiences, learning, support and services to make safe and healthy choices Back to Outcome 3 Outcome 3.1.2 Increase access to up to date, accurate and appropriate health and wellbeing information advice and support via digital technology Outcome 3.1.2 details Outcome 3.1.11 details Outcome 3.1.10 Healthy weight being maintained among the target population Outcome 3.1.10 details Outcome 3.1.3 All schools incorporate health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes in planning, learning, teaching, assessment and reporting Outcome 3.1.3 details Outcome 3.1.4 Reduce risk taking behaviour and offending among young people, e.g. substance misuse, risky sexual behaviour, problem gambling, crime Outcome 3.1.4 details Outcome 3.1.9 Reduce culture of stigma and discrimination among young people around LGBT issues and mental health Outcome 3.1.9 details Outcome 3.1.5 Young people will feel more confident when leaving school/care and more able to make positive transition decisions Outcome 3.1.5 details Outcome 3.1.6 Young people make safe and healthy choices to maintain their sexual wellbeing Outcome 3.1.6 details Outcome 3.1.7 All young people have access to high quality physical activity Outcome 3.1.7 details Outcome 3.1.8 All young people will have good oral health Outcome 3.1.8 details 33 Action Research and identify potential wellbeing tools e.g. PEDS QL, EDI and Strengths and Difficulties and in partnership, agree a shared wellbeing tool for young people Action Commission and administer wellbeing measurement tool(s) in identified pilot clusters over a specified period Action Establish mechanisms to measure the wellbeing of young people over time Performance Indicator: Wellbeing tool identified for use in commissioned pilot Further indicators to be identified Outcome 3.1.1 All young people will have positive mental health and wellbeing Back to Outcome 3.1 Action Work in partnership to support the implementation in Priority One of Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland: Policy and Action Plan Action Prepare brief for commissioning research and consultation for digital communication as a means of increasing communication of health and wellbeing information to young people Action Commission research and consultation about digital communication and resources. Develop a business case for ongoing provision Action Develop a range of digital health and wellbeing information and resources for young people Performance Indicator: Business case for digital communications Outcome 3.1.2 Increase access to up to date, accurate and appropriate health and wellbeing information advice and support via digital technology Back to Outcome 3.1 34 Action Identify and work with X number of schools/school clusters on health and wellbeing moderation Action Develop moderation process and exemplar materials for health and wellbeing (across six HWB areas) Action Improve confidence and skills among school staff to plan for health and wellbeing Performance Indicator: X number of Health and wellbeing moderation exemplars on Glow Action Work with partners in education to agree two whole cluster pilot sites that will integrate HWB across the entire curriculum and day to day life of the school Action Commission, implement and monitor two whole school/cluster HWB plans Action Review learning from pilots and share emerging practice to inform continuous improvement Outcome 3.1.3 All schools incorporate health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes in planning, learning, teaching, assessment and reporting Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: Two pilots commissioned. Further PIs to be determined 35 Action Work with key partners to research, establish the evidence base, identify and agree a holistic health behaviour change approach to tackling risk taking behaviours and offending. Consult young people about their experiences and needs Action Develop programme/approach that can be delivered across a range of settings and by range of partners. Provide necessary capacity/skills building Action Monitor, evaluate and track progress of young people who participate in order to improve quality and content of service delivery Outcome 3.1.4 Reduce risk taking behaviour and offending among young people, e.g. substance misuse, risky sexual behaviour, problem gambling, crime Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: Establishing the evidence base, Screening tool identified, Pilot commissioned Action In partnership with young people, education, care providers, further education providers, employers etc identify key health and wellbeing needs to support the transition for young people leaving school. Identify actions required to enable young people‟s needs to be met Action In partnership agree responsibilities for implementing and monitoring processes for improving health and wellbeing aspects of transition Action Young people leaving school/care will have best advice on developing mental resilience, sexuality and sexual health, substance misuse, healthy lifestyles, financial management and debt, working life and preparing for parenthood Performance Indicator: An agreed programme Outcome 3.1.5 Young people will feel more confident when leaving school/care and more able to make positive transition decisions Back to Outcome 3.1 36 Action Undertake consultation with key stakeholders to identify key sexual health priorities Action Develop a revised Sexual Health Action plan in line with the national Sexual Health and BBV Framework 2011-15 Action Implement action plan and commission key actions as required Outcome 3.1.6a Young people have increased knowledge and confidence to maintain their sexual wellbeing Outcome 3.1.6 Young people make safe and healthy choices to maintain their sexual wellbeing Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: Action Plan produced and indicators prioritised Action Work in partnership to achieve actions in 2011 reducing teenage pregnancy action plan Action Review progress against self-assessment. Refresh current reducing action plan with actions for 201215 Action Provide regional leadership for implementing actions and ongoing monitoring Outcome 3.1.6b Reduce number of teenage pregnancies by 10% (3 year rolling average – see SOA) Performance Indicator: Teenage pregnancy rate 37 Action Research and identify monitoring tool for PA. Consult and agree method of measurement with key stakeholders Action Establish a mechanism for implementing physical activity measurement tool across two school clusters Action Commission delivery of physical activity measurement tool in identified school clusters Outcome 3.1.7a Measurement tool informs number of young people accumulating minimum physical activity national guidelines Performance Indicator: Two pilots and baseline established Action Undertake consultation with key stakeholders to identify key PA priorities Action Develop a revised PA prioritised Action Plan using PHIT indicators Action Implement action plan and commission key actions as required Outcome 3.1.7b Young people have increased opportunities to participate in physical activity Performance Indicator: Action Plan produced Action Establish an Active Travel Group. Research and identify mechanisms for delivering active travel in schools Action Develop a business case for ongoing provision Action Commission delivery of key active travel programmes in schools with focus on building community capacity Outcome 3.1.7c Increase the number of young people walking and cycling to school .Outcome 3.1.7 All young people have access to high quality physical activity Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: Achieve actions in 2011/12 School and Community Sport Plan Finalise delivery mechanism for Schools and Community Sports Plans incorporating themes identified in Leisure & Sport Strategy Agree local, regional and national School and Community Sport plans Implement the action plan and commission identified programmes Outcome 3.1.7d School and Community Sport plans delivered Performance Indicator: Achieve actions 2011/12 School and Community Sport Plan Action Establish the evidence base and identify programme to increase the number of girls and women participating in physical activity Action Commission delivery of targeted women and girls programme from social marketing research findings Performance Indicator: one pilot programme delivered Outcome 3.1.7e Increase the number of women and girls participating in sustainable physical activity programmes 38 Action Registration with an NHS Dentist is available Outcome 3.1.8 All young people will have good oral health Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: 95% of young people aged 13 to 17 years are registered with an NHS Dentist Action Work with partners to identify specific learning experiences and campaigns to challenge the culture of stigma and discrimination among young people Action Increase young people‟s knowledge and understanding of LGBT issues and mental health Outcome 3.1.9 Reduce culture of stigma and discrimination among young people around LGBT issues and mental health Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: Ten actions of „see me‟ pledge delivered. Ten schools engaged in Challenging Homophobic Together project. Further indicators according to campaigns to be established 39 Action Commission East and West Directorate to deliver the Child Healthy Weight interventions Coordinate delivery of „Raising the Issue of Child Healthy Weight‟ training to a minimum of 200 participants Maintain and update Think4urself website Action Deliver target number of CHW interventions Performance Indicator: Achieve Child Healthy Weight Interventions target (413 by 2014), 200 people trained, Number of website hits Action Deliver in partnership with localities, best practice from the experience of Healthy Weight Communities Programme Action Implementation in each locality of a Healthy Weight Communities model Outcome 3.1.10 Healthy weight being maintained among the target population Back to Outcome 3.1 Performance Indicator: Each locality has a plan that incorporates Healthy Weight Communities ethos Action Consult with key stakeholders to inform development of lifecourse approach to tackling overweight & obesity Action Commission community based life-course approach to healthy weight within a pilot area Performance Indicator: Pilot commissioned. Consultation report Action Evaluate pilot to assess transferability and roll out potential Develop a delivery framework to establish a life course approach to healthy weight 40 Action Work in partnership with schools to support the implementation of national guidance for provision of a nutritionally balanced diet Outcome 3.1.11a Young people are supported to have good eating habits to enable healthy growth and development Outcome 3.1.11 Improved nutritionrelated health & wellbeing of young people Action Work in partnership to support schools and communities to provide food and health learning experiences for young people and families Outcome 3.1.11b Young people are offered a range of food and health learning experiences Back to Outcome 3.1 41 Action Work in partnership to support the implementation of Positive About Parenting: A Framework for Developing Parenting Support Services 2009-12 Outcome 3.2 All parents and carers will have access to learning, support and services to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children Back to Outcome 3 42 Adults and Older People‟s Action Plan Back to foreword 43 The Joint Health and Wellbeing Unit, Adults and Older People (A&OP) Work Plan sets out a number of high level outcomes which will be delivered over the next year. Health Improvement outcomes are usually long term therefore a number of performance indicators are included to help gauge progress. The high level strategic Outcome of the Adults and Older People Team is:‘All adults and older people living and working in Dumfries and Galloway will have the opportunity to achieve optimum levels of health and wellbeing’ Specific programme outcomes are: 1. The health improvement culture of workplaces in Dumfries and Galloway is improved while supporting individuals to seek and remain in work 2. People in our local communities will experience good mental health and wellbeing 3. Promote and improve healthy living 4. To build capacity within communities that will improve levels of social capital, safety and security of region 5. Protect and sustain our environment An * denotes new areas of work. The strategic direction of the Adult and Older People Team is aligned to a number of national and local policy drivers including the Equally Well Action Plan Implementation Plan 2008, the Change Fund 2010, Single Outcome Agreement (draft) 2012-14 and the NHS Quality Strategy 2010. The Work Plan is also aligned to a number of local strategies and action plans for example for food and health, physical activity, sexual health and locality health improvement plans. Two new local indexes are included to measure health improvement for physical activity and, food and health; these have been developed because of the lack of measurement tools available. In order to meet these outcomes partnership working with the Council, D&G NHS, Third Sector and Independent Sector, and the Private Sector is both necessary and valued. Team: Elisabeth Smart (Consultant in Public Health) Thomesena Lochhead, Linda McFarlane, Phil Myers, Linda Owen (Health & Wellbeing Specialists) Claire Thirlwall, Richard Smith (Health & Wellbeing Officers) . 44 High Level Outcome ‘All adults and older people living and working in Dumfries and Galloway will have the opportunity to achieve optimum levels of health and wellbeing’ Workplace Sustaining the environment Mental Health & Wellbeing Adults & Older People Themes Community Resilience Healthy Living 45 Adults and Older People’s (A&OP) Action Plan High Level Outcome All adults and older people living and working in Dumfries and Galloway will have the opportunity to achieve optimum levels of health and wellbeing Outcome 1 Workplace Improve the health improvement culture of workplaces in Dumfries and Galloway while supporting individuals to seek and remain in work Outcome 2 Mental Health & Wellbeing People in our local communities will experience good mental health and wellbeing Outcome 3 Healthy Living Promote and improve healthy living in adults and older people Outcome 4 Community Resilience To build capacity within communities that will improve levels of social capital, safety and security of region Outcome 5 Sustaining the Environment Protect and sustain our environment Back to foreword 46 Outcome 1 Workplace Improve the health improvement culture of workplaces in Dumfries and Galloway while supporting individuals to seek and remain in work Back to High Level Outcomes 1.1 Through the HWL programme workplaces will be supported to become healthy working environments (improved and supportive working conditions) Outcome 1.1 details 1.6 Actions associated with Health Promoting Health Service implemented Outcome 1.6 details 1.2 Increase in mentally healthy workplaces (reduced mental health stigma and inequalities) Outcome 1.2 details 1.3 Improved health of public (including Police, rd Fire and Rescue) and 3 Sector staff 1.4 More people in work, well and more productive 1.5 More workplaces supported to engage with the sustainability and environmental agenda Outcome 1.5 details Outcome 1.4 details Outcome 1.3 details 47 Outcome 1.1 Through the HWL programme workplaces will be supported to become healthy working environments (improved and supportive working conditions) Back to High Level Outcome 1 Outcome1.1.1 Increase in number of HWL award registrations and HWL Awards achieved Outcome1.1.2. Workplaces supported to undertake HNA and develop action plans Outcome 1.1.3 Workplaces supported to implement sickness, absence, management and welfare policies Outcome 1.1.2 details Outcome 1.1.3 details Outcome *1.1.4 Health Promoting Prison Framework supported and implemented Outcome 1.1.4 details Outcome 1.1.1 details 48 Action 1.1.1a Delivery model implemented to increase communication, support and assessment of HWL Awards Performance Indicator: Link to outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.1.1a 1.1.1a 1.1.1a 1.1.a 1.1.1e Action 1.1.2a Support workplaces to undertake HNA‟s and develop action plans Action1.1.1b Produce localised HWL communication plan for employers („HWL Offer‟) Action1.1.1c Provide regular updates on HWL activity on NHS D&G websites Key Performance Indicators KPI - baseline Number of HWL Award registrations Number of HWL Award achieved Number of health improvement visits to non registered organisations Number of HWL awareness raising or training sessions organised as one to many sessions HWL Award ceremony held Action 1.1.2b * Develop assessment tool to measure aspects of job control, satisfaction and stress Action1.1.1d Engage with D&G Chamber of Commerce and FSB to promote HWL Programme Action1.1.1e Deliver HWL Award ceremony Action1.1.1f Work to ensure links are maintained with the HWL OH&S agenda Outcome 1.1.1 Increase in number of HWL Award registrations and HWL awards achieved Back to Outcome 1.1 KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 2 8 5 10 17 24 SCHWL Service Level Agreement SCHWL Service Level Agreement SCHWL Service Level Agreement N/A 6 SCHWL Service Level Agreement October 2011 Action 1.1.2c * Work with identified workplaces to pilot assessment tool to measure job control satisfaction and stress October 2012 Action 1.1.2d * Influence local NHS/DGC Managers to include measures of job control, job satisfaction and stress in future staff surveys/audits SCHWL Service Level Agreement Outcome 1.1.2 Workplaces supported to undertake HNA and develop action plans Back to Outcome 1.1 Performance Indicator: Link to outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.1.2b 1.1.2c 1.2.1a 1.2.2b 1.1.2b 1.1.2c 1.1.2d 1.2.1a 1.1.2b 1.1.2c Key Performance Indicators Assessment tool to measure aspects of job control, satisfaction and stress in pilot phase by March 2012 % level of job control and job satisfaction (NHS D&G) KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Pilot complete Pilot complete 49 % level of job control and job satisfaction rd (Private and 3 Sector) Pilot complete Action 1.1.3a Action 1.1.3b Action 1.1.3c Audit of SME‟s to assess requirement of support needed to develop Sickness Absence Management (SAM) policies Support SME‟s to develop and implement SAM policies and other Staff Welfare Policies Deliver awareness raising sessions for SME‟s on SAM and mental health in the workplace Back to Outcome 1.1 Action1.1.4a Action 1.1.4b HMP Dumfries supported to maintain HWL Gold Award status HMP Dumfries supported to achieve HWL Mentally Healthy Workplace Commendation Award Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.1.4a 1.1.4b Outcome 1.1.3 Workplaces supported to implement sickness, absence, management and welfare policies Action1.1.4c* Action1.1.4d * Investigate opportunities to pilot an AHP supported return to work service within HMP Dumfries (to be identified) Explore opportunities to work in partnership with HMP Dumfries to provide support to those engaged with Criminal Justice System Key performance indicators HMP Dumfries HWL Gold Award maintained HMP Dumfries HWL Mental Health Commendation Award achieved KPI - baseline HWL Gold Award achieved August 2011 Nil KPI target 2011 - 2012 Outcome 1.1.4 Health Promoting Prison Framework supported and implemented Back to Outcome 1.1 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Health Promoting Prison Framework Gold Award achieved Plan agreed Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Commendation Award achieved Health Promoting Prison Framework 50 Outcome 1.2 Increase in mentally healthy workplaces (reduced mental health stigma and inequalities Back to High Level Outcome 1 Outcome 1.2.1 Assessment tool developed and used to measure levels of job control and job satisfaction Outcome 1.2.2 Increase in number of workplaces with policies supporting mental health and wellbeing Outcome 1.2.3 Increase in number of workplaces receiving HWL Mentally Healthy Workplace training Outcome 1.2.1 details Outcome 1.2.2 details Outcome 1.2.3 details 51 Action 1.2.1a *Develop assessment tool to measure aspects of job control satisfaction and stress Action 1.2.2a Undertake audit to assess number of workplaces with policies supporting mental health and wellbeing Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.2.2e Action 1.2.1b * Work with identified workplaces to pilot assessment tool to measure job control satisfaction and stress Action 1.2.2 b Deliver policy development sessions and information sessions to workplaces Outcome 1.2.1 Assessment tool developed and used to measure levels of job control and job satisfaction Action 1.2.1c * Influence local NHS / DGC Managers to include measures of job control, job satisfaction and stress in future staff surveys/audits Action 1.2..2c Support workplaces to implement organisational statements of intent for physical activity, healthy eating etc Key performance indicators Number of organisations referred to Keep Well Programme through HWL Back to Outcome 1.2 Action 1.2.2d Support workplaces to engage with training programmes delivered under the Mental Health strategy eg suicide prevention KPI - baseline Action 1.2.2e Support workplaces to engage with the Keep Well programme KPI target 2011 - 2012 Outcome 1.2.2 Increase in number of workplaces with policies supporting mental health and wellbeing Back to Outcome 1.2 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets SOA HEAT 52 Action 1.2.3a Establish programme of training for HWL Mentally Healthy Workplace training Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Action 1.2.3b* Investigate opportunities to deliver joint / cross border training eg: in partnership with neighbouring NHS Boards Action 1.2.3c Promote HWL Mental Health Commendation Award to HWL clients Key performance indicators Action 1.2.3d Evaluate the impact of HWL Mentally healthy Workplace training through auditing changes in behaviour and practice Outcome 1.2.3 Increase in number of workplaces achieving the HWL Mental Health Commendation Award Back to Outcome 1.2 KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 1.2.3a Number of Mentally Healthy Workplace Training sessions delivered 2 1.2.3c Number of workplaces achieving the HWL Mental Health Commendation Award 1 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 53 Outcome 1.3 We will have improved the health of public (including Police, Fire and Rescue) and 3rd Sector staff Back to High Level Outcome 1 Outcome1.3.1 Public sector organisations will have embraced the concept of the Public Sector Mandate Outcome1.3.2 Capacity to deliver health improving interventions increased across public sector Outcome 1.3.3 Increase in awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues among rd public and 3 sector managers Outcome 1.3.1 details Outcome 1.3.2 details Outcome 1.3.3 details Outcome 1.3.4 Increase in number of joint health improving activities delivered Outcome 1.3.4 details Action 1.3.1a Public sector working towards achievement of Healthy Working Lives Award (Gold Award for NHS by 2014) Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Action 1.3.1b * Public sector supported to implement healthy vending policies and achieve Healthyliving Award Plus Action 1.3.1c Public sector suppliers/contractors to be encouraged to participate in HWL Award Key performance indicators 1.3.1a NHS D&G Primary and Community Care Directorates to achieve HWL Silver Award by April 2012 1.3.1a NHS D&G Acute Sector to achieve HWL Bronze Award by April 2012 Action 1.3.1d Work in partnership to encourage public sector sustainable food procurement KPI - baseline HWL Bronze Award achieve by PCCD‟s September 2011 KPI target 2011 - 2012 2 Plan in place Outcome1.3.1 Public sector organisations will have embraced the concept of the Public Sector Mandate Back to 1.3 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets HPHS CEL? Safe and Well at Work OHS Framework for NHS Scotland HPHS CEL? Safe and Well at Work OHS Framework for NHS Scotland 54 Action 1.3.2a Undertake audit of public sector to ascertain opportunities to deliver a range of health improvement training sessions Action 1.3.3a Audit of public sector organisations to ascertain level of mental health improvement activity Action 1.3.2b Through existing learning and development networks establish a programme of health improvement training for public sector staff Action 1.3.3b Public sector working towards the HWL Mental Health Commendation Award Action 1.3.2c Undertake evaluation of training programme to ascertain effectiveness in terms of knowledge, application and future training needs Action 1.3.3c Mental health awareness training delivered to managers and staff in public sector organisations Outcome 1.3.2 Capacity to deliver health improving interventions increased across public sector Back to Outcome 1.3 Action 1.3.3d Public sector to be encouraged and supported to participate in the Keep Well programme Outcome1.3.3 Increase in awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues among rd public sector and 3 sector managers and staff Back to Outcome 1.3 Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Key performance indicators 1.3.3b NHS D&G achieved HWL Mental Health Commendation Award by 2013 1.3.3d Number of Public Sector employees receiving Keep Well checks KPI – baseline KPI target 2011 – 2012 Plan in place KPI target 2012 – 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets HPHS CEL? Safe and Well at Work OHS Framework for NHS Scotland 55 Action 1.3.4a* Explore opportunity to establish joint public sector health improvement activity group Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.3.4d 1.3.4e 1.3.4e Action 1.3.4b Based on HNA deliver a programme of joint activities and campaigns across the public sector eg active travel, alcohol etc Action 1.3.4c Investigate opportunities to maximise public sector communication mechanisms to provide health improvement information/ messages Key performance indicators Model of delivery for healthy weight groups in Public Sector developed Active Nation - % of NHS staff meeting physical activity level guidelines % of NHS staff aware of the Active Nation brand Outcome1.3.4 Increase in number of joint health improving activities delivered Action 1.3.4d* Explore opportunities to pilot Healthy Weight groups within NHS and DGC (based on Obesity Route Map Action 4.6) KPI – baseline KPI target 2011 – 2012 Back to Outcome 1.3 KPI target 2012 – 2013 0 2 23% 25% 27% 17% 30% 50% Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Boorman Report Obesity Route Map HPHS CEL? Common Health Legacy Common Health Legacy 56 Outcome 1.4 More people in work, well and more productive Back to High Level Outcome 1 High Level Outcome Actions detailed in NHS D&G Health Works strategy being implemented Outcome 1.4.1 NHS D&G will embrace the employability and vocational rehabilitation agenda Outcome 1.4.2 Community Planning Partners understand the links between work and health Outcome 1.4.3 Individuals involved with criminal justice system will be supported to find employment opportunities Outcome 1.4.4 The employability needs of carers will be explored and supported Outcome 1.4.5 Those with physical and learning disabilities will be supported to find employment opportunities Outcome 1.4.1 details Outcome 1.4.2 details Outcome 1.4.3 details Outcome 1.4.4 details Outcome 1.4.5 details 57 Action 1.4.1a Promote and implement the concepts of the „Scottish Health Offer‟‟ Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.4.1a 1.4.1b 1.4.1c Action 1.4.1b Deliver Health and Employability training to health professionals Model of delivery for implementing the Scottish Health Offer tested Number of health professionals receiving Health and Employability Awareness training Model proposed for implementing an NHS Health Academy Action 1.4.1a Engage with Work Programme providers to access health input to Work Programme KPI - baseline Action 1.4.2b Ensure that the role of health in relation to employability continues to be actively promoted at the D&G Employability Partnership Key performance indicators NHS D&G engaging actively with D&G Employability Partnership KPI target 2011 - 2012 Outcome1.4.1 NHS D&G will embrace the employability and vocational rehabilitation agenda Back to Outcome 1.4 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Draft model 20 NHS D&G engaging with Working Links and Life Skills (Work Programme providers) to assess health input to Work Programme Action 1.4.2a Continue to actively promote the links between work and health to key strategic groups 1.4.2b Action 1.4.1d In partnership with DGC Employability & Skills Service explore opportunities to include „health‟ as part of Work Clubs activity programme Key performance indicators 1.4.1e Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Action 1.4.1c* Explore opportunities to establish an NHS Health Academy Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Health Works 80 Health Works Draft model HWL Arrangements in place for quarterly meetings Health Works Outcome1.4.2 Community Planning Partners understand the links between work and health Action 1.4.2c Produce Information leaflet clearly setting out the role of health in relation to supporting people into and remaining in work KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 4 meetings per year 4 meetings per year Back to Outcome 1.4 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Health Works and Equally Well 58 Action 1.4.3a* Establish formal links with key partners involved in criminal justice agenda in order to identify common areas of work Action 1.4.4a* Undertake audit of carers to identify issues / barriers to employment / activity Action 1.4.5a* Undertake audit of patients / clients with physical / learning needs to identify potential areas of support Action 1.4.3b* Work with employers to overcome barriers to providing employment opportunities for those engaged with criminal justice system Action 1.4.4b* Undertake audit of employers to assess levels of support for facilitating carers within the workplace Action 1.4.5b* Work with Public Sector to provide specified number of work placement opportunities for those with complex needs Action 1.4.3c* Set up planning group to investigate opportunities for future project development Outcome 1.4.3 Individuals involved with criminal justice system will be supported to find employment opportunities Back to Outcome 1.4 Action 1.4.4c* Explore opportunities to work with key partners to develop a pilot intervention which supports carers in or into employment Outcome1.4.4 The employability needs of carers will be explored and supported Back to Outcome 1.4 Outcome1.4.5 Those with physical and learning disabilities will be supported to find employment opportunities Back to Outcome 1.4 59 Outcome 1.5 More workplaces supported to engage with the sustainability and environment agenda Back to High Level Outcome 1 Outcome 1.5.1 Workplaces will be encouraged to contribute to being a carbon neutral region Outcome 1.5.1 details Action 1.5.1a Deliver policy development and support around active travel including promotion of the Cycle Friendly Employer Initiative Action 1.5.1b Work with NHS partners to „green‟ the NHS estate Action 1.5.1c Promote the concept that businesses should seek to encourage sub contractors to engage with the HWL Award Action 1.5.1d Work in partnership to encourage public sector sustainable food procurement Action 1.5.1e. Workplaces will be encouraged to contribute to being a carbon neutral region 60 Outcome 1.6 Actions associated with Health Promoting Health Service initiative implemented Back to High Level Outcome 1 Outcome 1.6.1. Framework for implementing HPHS agreed across Acute and Primary Care Sectors Outcome 1.6.2 HPHS actions for smoking implemented Outcome 1.6.3 HPHS actions for alcohol implemented Outcome 1.6.4 HPHS actions for breastfeeding implemented Outcome 1.6.5 HPHS actions for Healthy Working Lives implemented Outcome 1.6.6 HPHS actions for sexual health implemented Outcome 1.6.7 HPHS actions for physical activity and active travel implemented Outcome 1.6.8 HPHS actions for food and health implemented Actions Implement framework and Action Plan for HPHS actions Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.8 1.6.8 Key performance indicators KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Framework and Governance protocol in place to respond to HPHS Action in Acute settings CEL? Evidence of full time equivalent (FTE) hours of Smoking Cessation support available within Acute setting NHS D&G Tobacco Policy reviewed and revised HPHS CEL NHS Quality Strategy HPHS CEL HEAT 6 HPHS CEL Number of A&E attendances who are screened opportunistically for alcohol misuse as a % of total attendances NHS D&G Substance Misuse Policy reviewed and revised HPHS CEL HEAT 4 HPHS CEL Subsistence Misuse Policy implemented HPHS CEL Achievement of UNICEF Baby Friendly initiative in Maternity Unit NHS D&G achieve HWL Gold Award by 2014 Number of NHS catering sights achieving the Healthyliving Award Plus Group established to develop NHS D&G Healthy Vending Policy HPHS CEL Public Sector Mandate HPHS CEL Healthy vending policy implemented HPHS CEL 61 Outcome 2 Mental Health & Wellbeing People in our local communities will experience good mental health and wellbeing Back to High Level Outcomes Outcome 2.1 Will support the reduction of suicide and common mental health problem Outcome 2.1 details Outcome 2.2 People experiencing challenging circumstances will have an improved quality of life Outcome 2.3 Social inclusion will be improved within our services and communities (With Inclusion in Mind 2007) Outcome 2.3 details Outcome 2.2 details 62 Outcome 2.1 Will support the reduction of suicide and common mental health problems Back to Outcome 2 Outcome 2.1.1 Will co-ordinate the local delivery of the Choose Life Strategy Outcome 2.1.2 Will support access to self help interventions Outcome 2.1.1 details Outcome 2.1.2 details 63 Outcome 2.1.1 Will co-ordinate the local delivery of the Choose Life Strategy Back to Outcome 2.1 Action 2.1.1a Co-ordinate and deliver training so that individuals can provide initial support to those displaying signs and symptoms of distress Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 2.1.1a Action 2.1.1b Work with partners to promote marketing on available help via various mechanisms Key performance indicators Number of training sessions deliver Action 2.1.1c Work with partners to provide support to those affected by suicide KPI - baseline 12 KPI target 2011 - 2012 10 Action 2.1.1d Work with partners to research, develop and pilot training around self harm KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 10 HEAT 5 2.1.1b Number of marketing campaigns delivered 0 1 1 2.1.1c Number of partners supported 2 2 2 Stages of self harm training complete 0 Research and Mapping Exercise complete Develop pilot and evaluate one training session 2.1.1d National target to reduce suicide rates by 20% 64 Outcome 2.1.2 Will support access interventions Back to Outcome 2.1 Action 2.1.2a* Support access to interventions by researching, planning and developing a pilot to look at social prescribing within our communities Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions to self help Action 2.1.2 b Work with partners to improve knowledge of existing self help interventions such as Living Life to the Full, BHC and LTC programmes Key performance indicators 2.1.2a Stages of social prescribing completed 2.1.2b Increase number of issues of the healthy reading catalogue Action 2.1.2c Work with partners to improve knowledge and awareness of mental health through the deliverance of various campaigns and activities KPI - baseline 0 1400 KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Research and Literature Review complete Partnerships and mechanisms developed to have at least one activity delivered Section 26 Mental health Act 2003 Increase by 10% Increase by 10% Number of Scottish mental health First Aid training sessions delivered 12 8 8 Support agencies / front line staff delivering support to individuals through supervision, mentoring and training Currently supporting Ongoing support Ongoing support 0 1 1 Link to 2.2, 2.3, and outcome 4 2.1.2c Number of campaigns delivered 65 Outcome 2.2 People experiencing challenging circumstances will have an improved quality of life Back to Outcome 2 Outcome 2.2.1 Use a person centred approach to support individuals with challenging circumstances Outcome 2.2.1 details Outcome 2.2.2 Create opportunities within local communities that will empower individuals and improve their health and well being Outcome 2.2.2 details 66 Outcome 2.2.1 Use a person centred approach to support individuals with challenging circumstances Back to Outcome 2.2 Action 2.2.1a Work with partners to increase support to those experiencing domestic abuse through implementing routine enquiry within 6 NHS services (community, drug emergency, maternity, mental health, sexual health) Action 2.2.1b * Work with partners to improve or establish self management support for individuals with LTC‟s and challenging circumstances ‟ Action 2.2.1c Establish stronger links with front line health professionals, clinicians and external agencies who will signpost to community development programmes Action 2.2.1d * Work with partners to engage with war veterans around their health and well being Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 2.2.1a 2.2.1b 2.2.1c Key performance indicators KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 0 0 3 0 6 Number of individuals who access health improving activities and/ or „one to one‟ support Number of individuals who report improved health outcomes as a result of interventions (link to 4.2.1d) Number of partners working together on specific projects / initiatives ( link to 4.2.1c) No of individuals referred / signposted to agencies / organisations e.g. the „Keep Well‟ rd and LLTF, BHC and 3 sector programmes 400 250 30 600 450 900 550 Explore ways to establish and strengthen referrals from front line workers /agencies to community development programmes Ad hoc Number of NHS services making routine enquires about gender based violence. Training delivered to three NHS services Stages of project complete 2.2.1d KPI baseline Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets CEL 41 Guan Yersel LTCAS, SE 2008 100 To be established Pathways established Research and evaluation of needs undertaken Equally Well To be determined 67 Outcome 2.2.2 Create opportunities within local communities that will empower individuals and improve their health and well being Back to Outcome 2.2 Action 2.2.2a Action 2.2.2c Action 2.2.2.b Provide training and ongoing rd support to partners ( inc 3 sector) organisations and volunteers to allow them to deliver initiatives/ activities that support those living with challenging circumstances Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 2.2.2a 2.2.2b 2.2.2c Key performance indicators No of initiatives delivered that improve mental health and wellbeing No of training sessions / opportunities taken up by partners on specific training No of volunteers recruited, supported and undergoing ricktering process. No of volunteer placements taken up within the context of individual personal development No of awareness raising events development programmes Provide resources and develop opportunities that will support partners e.g. BHC to offer one to one personal development support of individuals. (Linked to outcome 4) Support partners in establishing volunteering placements within programmes, agencies and organisations. to support community No of individuals who take up structured learning, volunteering and or employment KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 36 42 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets ---- 40 60 2 8 10 10 6 10 68 Outcome 2.3 Social inclusion will be improved within our services and communities (With Inclusion in Mind 2007) Back to Outcome 2 Outcome 2.3.1 Improve access and awareness of current opportunities to remove social exclusion through agencies rd i.e. 3 Sector, DGC and BHC Outcome 2.3.2 Tackle the discrimination health Outcome 2.3.1 details Outcome 2.3.2 details stigma and around mental 69 Outcome 2.3.1 Improve access and awareness of current opportunities to remove social exclusion through agencies rd i.e. 3 Sector, DGC and BHC Back to Outcome 2.3 Action 2.3.1a Carry out regular needs assessments with local communities and develop local action plans to establish outreach to local communities Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Action 2.3.1b Support effective partnership working by offering regular training and support for local people to engage with their local communities. Action 2.3.1c* Will work with Partners i.e. Personalisation Team to explore ways to improve access and awareness of current opportunities that aim to remove social exclusion Key performance indicators KPI baseline Action 2.3.1.d* Develop pilot with partners that assist people involved with the criminal justice system to improve inclusion KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 2.3.1a Acton planning sessions and bi annual reviews 4/ 4 4/4 2.3.1b Regular training of partnership members and volunteers in PA skills and refreshers Regular evaluation training e.g. LEAP planning / monitoring and evaluation methods Number of community engagement activities (PA sessions, workshops etc) 1-2 4 0 10 10 0 2 0 2.3.1c 2.3.1d Investigate new opportunities to improve access Number of Partners supported Number of activities supported Develop „pilot‟ to assist people involved with the criminal justice system to improve inclusion Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 4/4 70 Outcome 2.3.2 Tackle the stigma and discrimination around mental health Back to Outcome 2.3 Action 2.3.2a Work with partners to plan and deliver appropriate campaigns to tackle the stigma of mental ill health Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Key performance indicators Action 2.3.2b Deliver training to allow individuals to have a better understanding of mental health issues KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 2.3.2a Number of campaigns delivered 0 1 1 2.3.2b Number of training sessions delivered 12 10 10 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 71 Outcome 3 Healthy Living Promote and improve healthy living in adults and older people Back to high level outcomes Adults and older people increase consumption of healthier food through: 3.1a increased demand and 3.1b increased supply of healthier food Outcome 3.1 details 3.6 Adults and older people with additional support needs have increased knowledge and confidence to support them in achieving good oral health Outcome 3.6 details 3.2a Adults and older people have increased access to physical opportunities 3.2b Adults and older people have increased knowledge confidence and skills to be physically active Outcome 3.2 details 3.3 Adults and older people have increased knowledge, skills and confidence to maintain healthy weight 3.4 Adults and older people have increased knowledge and confidence to maintain sexual wellbeing Outcome 3.3 details Outcome 3.4 details 3.5 Adults and older people have increased knowledge and confidence to make healthy choices around alcohol, tobacco and drugs Outcome 3.5 details 72 Adults and older people increase consumption of healthier food through: 3.1a increased demand and 3.1b increased supply of healthier food Back to Outcome 3 Outcome 3.1.1 Support partners to deliver on the Food and Health Index Tool (FHIT) Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 3.1a; 3.1b; 3.1.1 Key performance indicators KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI is to increase the overall FHIT score, based on score of the indicators below ie extent to which action has been taken to: FHIT 1 : increase opportunities for people to learn how to cook wholesome meals from scratch and how to budget and plan for shopping FHIT 2: increase number of allotments/community gardens / growing fruit and veg FHIT 3 : increase public sector procurement of sustainably produced and sustainably packaged food FHIT 4 : increase alternative food networks to ensure availability of healthier and/or local food across the region FHIT 5 : increase (commercial) fruit and vegetable production FHIT 6 : increase the capacity of Volunteers, support workers, carers and care staff in food and nutrition knowledge and training FHIT 7 : increase availability and affordability of fresh and or healthy produce in convenience stores, corner shops etc. FHIT 8 : increase number of outlets serving food across the sectors (statutory, private, community and voluntary) with HLA FHIT 9 : increase interventions to raise awareness of food and/or nutritional issues amongst vulnerable groups 38.5/90 (September 2010) TBC (*needs to be revised due to changes to FHIT) KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Increased consumption of fruit and veg (Scottish Health Survey, 2012) 73 Outcome 3.2 Outcome 3.2a Adults and older people have increased access to physical opportunities Outcome 3.2b Adults and older people have increased knowledge confidence and skills to be physically active Back to Outcome 3 3.2.1 Support partners to deliver on the Physical Activity Index Tool (PHIT) Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 3.2a; 3.2b; 3.2.1 Key performance indicators KPI baseline KPI is to increase the overall FHIT score, based on score of the indicators below ie extent to which action has been taken to: PHIT 1 : increase % of Games for Scotland Legacy Plan outcomes being impacted upon PHIT 2 : increase % of population within quarter mile of stock free, barrier free, maintained paths PHIT 3 : increase number of barriers to access on paths which are removed or improved PHIT 4 : increase number of participants attending facilitated physical activities PHIT 5 : increase number of attendance per 1000 population for swimming pools PHIT 6 : increase number of attendances per 1000 population for indoor sports and leisure facilities excluding pools in a combined complex PHIT 7 : increase number of „hard to reach‟ groups participating in physical activity PHIT 8 : increase number of participants in L&S Diversionary Activities PHIT 9 : increase by 0.5% annually % children walking and cycling to school PHIT 10 : increase number of Dumfries and Galloway residents participating in outdoor opportunities PHIT 11 : increase % of core paths maintained PHIT 12 : increase % adults actively travelling to education/ work eg: walking, cycling 64.5/120 (September 2010) KPI target 2011-2012 TBC KPI target 2012-2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Increased % of A&OP meeting minimum recommended levels of physical activity (Scottish Health Survey 2012) 74 3.3 Adults and older people have increased knowledge, skills and confidence to maintain healthy weight Back to Outcome 3 3.3.1 Implementation of the Scottish Government obesity route action plan through delivery of regional and locality plans and programmes Action 3.3.1a* Support implementation of four healthy weight community models (HWC) across the region Action 3.3.1b Support the development, implementation and monitoring and of the GIRFEC Child Healthy Weight Action Plan Action 3.3.1c Promote and encourage use of social marketing good practice skills and social marketing campaigns Action 3.3.1d Work to ensure sustainability of Dumfries Healthy Weight Communities ethos and practice Action 3.3.1e Promote Keep Well services in all communities Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Key performance indicators KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 1 2 4 SOA 3.3.1b 4 healthy weight communities are developed % of activities progressed in GIRFEC plan 40% 60% 110% GIRFEC 3.3.1c Number of people supported to deliver social marketing campaigns 2 3 3 No Yes 3.3.1a 3.3.1d 3.3.1e Ensure HWC ethos is embedded in Nithsdale community planning structures Number of Keep Well services in communities SOA SOA HEAT and Obesity Route Map 75 Outcome 3.4 Adults and older people have increased knowledge and confidence to maintain sexual wellbeing Back to Outcome 3 Action 3.4.1a Undertake consultation to key stakeholders to identify sexual health priorities Action 3.4.1b Develop a revised sexual health action plan in line with the national framework for BBV and sexual health Action 3.4.1c Support implementation of sexual health and commission key actions as required. Action 3.4.1d In partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland and NHS Health Scotland deliver a D&G HIV Wake Up pilot Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 3.4; 3.4.1a; 3.4.1b; 3.4.1c 3.4.1d Key performance indicators Action Plan produced and indicators prioritised Delivery of the Men Who Have Sex With Men HIV pilot project in partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets HIV action plan action 8. 0 Action Plan complete 0 Pilot project delivered HIV action plan action 8. 76 Outcome 3.5 Adults and older people have increased knowledge and confidence to make healthy choices around alcohol, tobacco and drugs Back to Outcome 3 3.5.1 Work with partners to promote healthy choices around alcohol Action 3.5.1a Deliver policy development, support and training around alcohol issues 3.5.2. Work with partners to promote healthy choices around tobacco Action 3.5.2a Deliver policy development, support and training around tobacco issues 3.5.3 Work with partners to promote healthy choices around drugs Action 3.5.3a Deliver policy development, support and training around drug issues 3.5.4 Work with partners to address problems of substance misuse of people involved in criminal justice Action 3.5.4a* Commission needs assessment to find baseline data on substance misuse issues of people involved with criminal justice Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 3.5.1a 3.5.2a 3.5.3a 3.5.4a Key performance indicators KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets Number of policy development sessions delivered - Alcohol 2 3 Number of training sessions delivered Number of initiatives delivered in partnership Number of policy development sessions delivered - Tobacco 2 4 Work in Partnership D&G Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2011 with ADP HEAT H4 D&G A&DS 2011 4 4 D&G A&DS 2011 4 4 Number of training sessions delivered Number of initiatives delivered in partnership Number of policy development sessions delivered - Drugs Commission needs assessment with partner organisations 2 3 Work in Partnership with Smoking Matters HEAT 6 D&G A&DS 2011 D&G A&DS 2011 2 3 D&G A&DS 2011 2 3 Work in Partnership with ADP D&G A&DS 2011 D&G A&DS 2011 Commission needs assessment 77 Outcome 3.6 Adults and older people with additional support needs have increased knowledge and confidence to support them in achieving good oral health Back to Outcome 3 3.6 1* Work with partners to incorporate oral health outcomes within the HWL Award Action 3.6 1a* Develop oral health outcomes for inclusion in HWL Programme 3.6.3 Provide Oral Health Training and ongoing oral health support groups / individuals or those caring for people with additional support 3.6.2 Implement Caring for Smiles Training Programme in Care Homes for older people across the region Action 3.6 2a Revise current training package in line with Caring for Smiles Action 3.6 3 Revise oral health interventions to priority groups in line with forthcoming National Guidance Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions Key performance indicators KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 Integration of oral health measurers into HWL Programme Oral Health measures re integrated into HWL 3.6.2a Number and percentage of care homes for older people receiving Caring for Smiles training New training package Caring for Smiles is implemented 3.6.3 Number of oral health training sessions delivered to identified groups annually Revise oral health interventions to priority groups in line with forthcoming National Guidance and agreement of number of sessions to be delivered 3.6.1a KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 100% of care Homes receive revised annual training Delivery of agreed number of annual sessions Ambition 3.7 – Older and vulnerable adults will be supported to improve their health Ambition 3.7 – Older and vulnerable adults will be supported to improve their health 78 Outcome 4 Community Resilience 4 To build capacity within communities that will improve levels of social capital, safety and security of region Back to High Level Outcomes 4.1 The harm caused by crime, fear of crime and antisocial behaviour (including problem substance use) will be reduced Outcome 4.1 details 4.3 An assets approach to building social capital will be taken across the region Outcome 4.3 details 4.2.Local people experiencing challenging circumstances will have opportunities to improve their life circumstances and outcomes Outcome 4.2 details 79 Outcome 4.1 The harm caused by crime, fear of crime and antisocial behaviour (including problem substance use) will be reduced Back to Outcome 4 Action 4.1.1a Work in partnership with relevant Partners i.e. CSP, Police, Criminal Justice to improve awareness of mental health issues Action 4.1.1b* Work with HMP Dumfries and Samaritans to develop listening services for prisoners. Action 4.1.1c Work with advice / benefits agencies to improve services to D&G prisoners on their release Acton 4.1.1.d Work in partnership with CSP and contribute to joint working to reduce injuries on the regions roads 80 Outcome 4.2 Local people experiencing challenging circumstances will have opportunities to improve their life circumstances and outcomes Back to Outcome 4 Action 4.2.1a Individuals will be encouraged to deliver activities through supervised volunteering, tailored personal individual development and 1 to 1 support Action 4.2.1 Agencies and BHC staff will encourage and support individuals and communities through HI interventions, new learning and work experiences Action 4.2.1d The impact of health improvement interventions and opportunities will be evaluated and measured Action 4.2.1c* Support the „Putting you First agenda for older people Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 4.2.1a 4.2.1.b 4.2.1c 4.2.1d Key performance indicators Number of individuals taking up volunteering Number of volunteers involved in facilitating local initiatives across the region Number of volunteers engaging with local communities eg active citizenship / PA work Number of individuals accessing new opportunities such as learning / volunteering placement and work experiences Number of volunteers who progress to formal training, retraining or paid work Number of interventions that will support older people and those with LTC‟s No of „test of change „ interventions Number of service users attending health improvement activities/ opportunities reporting improvement of their health and wellbeing ( link to 2.2.1b) No of people taking up new opportunities e.g. training, volunteering, active citizenship, employment or becoming formally involved in partnership working. Number of volunteers who report improved health and wellbeing as a result of their volunteering opportunity (Rickter) KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 101 130 150 39 45 60 10 100 12 14 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets SOA -4 7 10 280 45 81 Outcome 4.3 An assets approach to building social capital will be taken across the region Back to Outcome 4 Action 4.3.1a Carry out regular needs assessments and a community profile / assets mapping / planning purposes Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 4.3.1a 4.3.1.b 4.3.1c Action 4.3.1b Support Partners to carry out PA studies by evaluation training with individuals and group work Action 4.3.1c Work in partnership with rd relevant agencies and 3 Sector to support and address individual and community issues Key performance indicators Action 4.3.1d Work with partners to create opportunities for individuals that will impact on both individual and community health and wellbeing Action 4.3.1e Work with partners to develop community activities that will improve the local environment and have added benefits of health improving outcomes KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 Regular local needs assessment by local people (yearly) 4 carried out in BHC areas bi annually BHC will continue to carry out 4 bi annually SOA Explore, utilise and establish assessment tools to measure community assets / social capital Regular training and refreshers for PA training / evaluation / needs assessment is provided Explore Carry out PA training at least 1 per year and include refresher training. Establish region wide group SOA Establish a PA network / support group Number of active partners working together to co-produce outcomes or on specific activities / projects 1 session every 2 years for new participants BHC staff and volunteers BHC have 39 activities across region where co-produce outcomes with other partners KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets PYF agenda SOA Number of self help groups established and numbers self sustaining Work with advice / benefits agencies to improve accessibility to correct information and support 4.3.1d 4.3.1e Number of small businesses being set up as a result of health improvement support Number of joined up health improvement activities to impact on individuals and communities Number of volunteers engaging, leading, facilitating local activities Number of training, further education, employment opportunities made available for local people Number of health improvement initiatives that will improve the environment / community 8 2 BHC have approx 40 across D&G 25 BHC has 1 2 82 Outcome 5 Sustaining the Environment Protect and sustain our environment Back to high level outcomes Outcome 5.1 Individuals and communities will be encouraged to protect, enhance and enjoy our natural resources Outcome 5.2 Individuals and communities will be encouraged to contribute to being a carbon neutral region Outcome 5.1 details Outcome 5.2 details 83 Outcome 5.1 Individuals and communities will be encouraged to protect, enhance and enjoy our natural resources Back to outcome 5 Action 5.1.1 Will work in partnership to take action on PHIT‟s 2,3 and 11 Action 5.1.2 Where possible will green the NHS estate Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 5.5.1. : PHIT 2 PHIT 3 PHIT 11 5.1.2 5.1.3 PHIT 10 Key performance indicators extent to which action has been taken to increase % of population within ¼ mile of stock free, barrier free maintained paths extent to which action has been taken to increase number of barriers to access on path which are removed or improved extent to which action has been taken to increase % of core paths maintained 6 „greening‟ projects developed and implemented across NHS Estates Extent to which action has been taken to increase number of Dumfries & Galloway residents participating in outdoor opportunities KPI - baseline 5 KPI target 2011 - 2012 KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets TBC 7 Ambition 3.7 – Older and vulnerable adults will be supported to improve their health 3 0 3 3 4.5 84 Outcome 5.2 Individuals and communities will be encouraged to contribute to being a carbon neutral region Back to Outcome 5 5.2.1 5.2.2. Will work in partnership to promote active travel and car sharing opportunities Will work in partnership to encourage sustainable public sector food procurement Action 5.2.1a Action 5.2.2a Will work in partnership to take action on PHIT 12 Will work in partnership to take action on FHIT 3 Action 5.2.1b (Ref 1.5) More workplaces supported to engage with the sustainability and environment agenda Performance Indicator: Link to Outcomes and Level 4 and 5 Actions 5.2.1a Key performance indicators KPI - baseline KPI target 2011 - 2012 PHIT12 : extent to which action has been taken to increase % adults actively travelling to education / work eg walking, cycling Ref 1.5 4 TBC FHIT 3 : extent to which action has been taken to increase public sector procurement of sustainably produced and sustainably packaged food 2 TBC KPI target 2012 - 2013 Links to SOA, HEAT and other targets 5.2.1b 5.2.2a 85 ABBREVIATIONS A&OP AHP BHC CEL CSP D&G D&G ADS FHIT FSB HEAT HNA HMP HPHS HWL JHWU KPI LEAP LLTF LTC NHS OHS PA PCCD PHIT SAM SMF SOA SCHWL TBC Adults and Older People Allied Health Professional Building Healthy Communities Chief Executive Letter Community Safety Partnership Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway Alcohol & Drugs Strategy Food & Health Index Federation of Small Businesses Health, Efficiency, Access Treatment Health Needs Assessment Her Majesty‟s Prison Health Promoting Health Service Healthy Working Lives Joint Health & Wellbeing Unit Key Performance Indicator Learning Evaluation and Planning Living Life to the Full Long Term Conditions National Health Service Occupational Health Service Participatory Appraisal Primary & Community Care Directorate Physical Activity Index Tool Sickness Absence Management Small Medium Enterprises Single Outcome Agreement Scottish Centre Healthy Working Lives To be confirmed 86