Equivalent Circuit MESFET/HEMT Modelling Approaches Angel Mediavilla, Tomás Fernandez, J.A. García Antonio Tazón, F. Marante* Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones ETSII de Telecomunicación Universidad de CANTABRIA * Dpto. Telecomunicaciones – ISPJAE- La Habana UNICAN Modelización MESFET/HEMT Presenter Contact Data Angel Mediavilla Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones ETSII de Telecomunicación Universidad de Cantabria Av. Los Castros s/n 39005 – Santander – Cantabria – Spain Phone: +34-942-201490 Fax: +34-942-201488 Mail: media@dicom.unican.es A. MEDIAVILLA Web: http://www.unican.es Was born in Santander, Spain, in 1955. He graduated in 1978 and received the Doctor of Physics (Electronic) degree with honours in 1983, both from the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. From 1980 to 1983 he was Ingenieur Stagiere at THOMSON-CSF, France. He is currently professor at the Department of Communications Engineering at the University of Cantabria. He has a wide experience in the analysis and optimization of nonlinear microwave active devices in both hybrid and monolithic technologies. He is currently working in the area of nonlinear MESFET/HEMT and HBT device modelling with special application to the large signal computer design and intermodulation properties BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 2 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Outline Brief Introduction - Physics of the device - Physical meaning of the EECM - Extraction techniques - Analytical equations - Temperature description - Intermodulation Properties - Conclusions BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 3 Modelización MESFET/HEMT MESFET/ /HEMT HEMTDevices Devices MESFET GaAsFET GaAsFET Devices Devices MESFET HEMT Active Region S G Ohmic Contact D S N+ GaAs N+ GaAs N Channel N AlGaAs Undopped Buffer Semi Insulating GaAs D G Undopped Buffer Semi Insulating GaAs 2Deg AlGaAs due to the 2Deg layer: - Superior mobility - Higher frequency - Lower noise figure If GaN: higher Power density BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 4 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Simplifiedoperation operationfor forHEMT HEMTDevices Devices Simplified HEMT S D G N+ GaAs A wide-bandgap material N AlGaAs lies on a undoped narrow-bandgap material GaAs. N AlGaAs Undoped GaAs Buffer Semi Insulating GaAs Schottky Gate N AlGaAs 2Deg AlGaAs Thickness and Doping density of N AlGaAs chosen for absence of free electrons under normal operation. Sharp dip in Ec occurs in the boundary: High carrier concentration in this region (2Deg), and do not encounter donnor atoms: high mobility undoped GaAs Current flows through the electron gaz controlled by Vgs. As Vds increases, current saturates. Ec Ef G 2Deg region Ev As Vgs is more positive, sheet carrier density tends to decrease and current tends to saturate Band Diagram BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 5 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Parasitic Inductances Lg, Ld, Ls: - due to metal contact pads - Lg, Ld between 5 to 20pH - Ls is lower: 1pH PhysicalMeaning Meaningof ofthe theEquivalent EquivalentCircuit CircuitModel Model Physical Lg Rg Cgd Cgs Parasitic Resistances Rg, Rd, Rs: -Rd, Rs: ohmic contacts < 1 ohm -Rg: metalization resistance < 1 ohm G S Rd Ld Vgs Cds Vds Ids,τ Ri Ids(Vgs,Vds,τ) D Rs Rg Ls Cgs Rs Ri Cgd Rd Ids,τ Intrinsic Resistance Ri: -Questionable physical meaning -Introduced to improve S11 Cds BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 6 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Intrinsic Capacitances Cgs,Cgd,Cds: - Cgs,Cgd: depletion charge - Cds: geometrical capacitance D-S - Cgs: 1pF/mm, Cgd&Cds 1/10 Cgs PhysicalMeaning Meaningof ofthe theEquivalent EquivalentCircuit CircuitModel Model Physical Lg Rg Cgd Cgs Intrinsic Current Source Ids: - reproduces I/V curves - will reproduce the Gm and Gds values G S Rd Ld Vgs Cds Vds Ids,τ Ri Ids[Vgs(t- τ),Vds] D Rs Rg Ls Cgs Rs Cgd Rd Ri Ids,τ Cds BRNO- march 2011 Transconductande delay τ : -Current does not respond instantaneously to changes in Gate voltage. - Order of 1ps. Increases with Gate length UNICAN 7 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Dependenceon onthe theBias BiasPoint Point(NL (NLelemens) elemens) Dependence Main Nonlinear Elements: Lg Rg Cgs Cgd Rd Ld Vgs Cds Vds Ids,τ - Ids : Obviously I/V curves - Cgs and Cgd depend on the bias because the depletion region changes with the bias Ri Ids[Vgs(t- τ),Vds] Rs Secondary Nonlinear Elements: - Parasitic resistors Ls - Cds geometrical capacitance - Transconductance delay τ BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 8 Modelización MESFET/HEMT SmallSignal SignalEquivalent EquivalentCircuit Circuitfor foraagiven givenBias BiasPoint Point Small Given a Bias Point Vgso,Vdso Ri Vgs Rd LINEAR Equivalent Circuit. Now Vgs and Vds are AC values Cds Cgs Cgd Gds Rg Gm e-jωτ .Vgs Lg Ld Vds Transconductance Rs Ls Ids[Vgs(t- τ),Vds] Gm e-jωτ .Vgs. + Gds.Vds δIds Gm = -------δVgs Vgso,Vdso Output Conductance δIds Gds = -------δVds Vgso,Vdso BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 9 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Exampleof ofI/V I/Vcurves curves(DC) (DC) Example Gm low Gds<0 Id (mA) 350 1.0 0.6 300 Phenomena in DC: 0.2 250 0 200 Vgs Gm High -0.2 -Very different Slopes for Gds Gds>0 150 100 -0.6 Gm Low 50 -1.0 0 Vds 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 - Gds<0 high current area (self-heating). 3.0 3.5 - Gm varies having a max. at medium curren range. -Vgs Pinch-off voltage varies with Vds. 4.0 - Soft Pinch-off evolution All these behaviours must be tacken into account in order to write an equation for the Ids current source in DC. BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 10 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Behaviourof ofGm Gmand andGds Gdsin inRF RFOperation Operation Behaviour From AC meas. or from S meas. Gds Output Conductance Dispersion 2.4 35 2.2 30 2.0 1.8 Cutoff 1.6 Gm Transconductance Dispersion 40 Gm (mS) Gds (mS) 2.6 20 15 1.4 10 1.2 5 1.0 Ids High 25 Ids Low 0 101 102 103 104 105 101 102 103 Frequency (Hz) DC area Transition area BRNO- march 2011 105 Frequency (Hz) RF area Gds = (δ δ Ids / δ Vds)|Vgo,Vdo VERY IMPORTANT 104 Gm = (δ δ Ids / δ Vgs)|Vgo,Vdo NOT IMPORTANT UNICAN 11 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Compensationfor forGds Gdsin inRF RFOperation Operation Compensation Given a Bias Point Vgso,Vdso Ld Clf Rd Vds Rlf Ri Vgs Cds Cgs Gds Rg Gm e-jωτ .Vgs Lg LINEAR Equivalent Cgd Circuit. Rs Ls - Above cutoff, the DC output resistance Gds parallels with the additional Rlf. - The Clf capacitor is in the microfarad range because cutoff is in the KHz range. -This correction is the same at any bias point (first approach) -This correction can be used in Large Signal equivalent circuit BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 12 DEVICE MEASUREMENTS Modelización MESFET/HEMT BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 13 Modelización MESFET/HEMT MeasurementSetup Setup SS Measurement Pay attention to the access resistances inside the N.A. BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 14 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Howto toextract extractthe thevalues valuesof ofthe theSS SSequivalent equivalentcircuit circuit How Given a Bias Point Vgso,Vdso Cgd Intrinsic part Vgs Ri Ld S params Cds Cgs Rd Gds Rg Gm e-jωτ .Vgs Lg Vds Total device Circuit Transf. Rs LINEAR Equivalent Circuit. Z or Y params Total device Ls De-embedding Y params Intrinsic part BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 15 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Howto toextract extractthe thevalues valuesof ofthe theSS SSequivalent equivalentcircuit circuit How From Intrinsic Y params. Cgd = − Im[Y12 ] Cds = ω Im[Y22 ] − ω ⋅ Cgd ω Capacitors 2 Re[Y12 ]) Im[Y11 ] + Im[Y12 ] ( Cgs = ⋅ 1 + 2 ω (Im[Y11 ] + Im[Y12 ]) Ri = Re[Y11 ] 2 ( Re[Y11 ]) + (Im[Y11 ] + Im[Y12 ]) Gm = (1 + ω 2 ) 2 Internal Resistor 2 ( 2 ⋅ Cgs ⋅ Ri2 ⋅ ( Re[Y21 ]) + Im[Y21 ] + ω ⋅ Cgd ) 2 Gds = Re[Y22 ] Current Source - Im[Y21 ] − ω ⋅ Ri ⋅ Cgs ⋅ Re[Y21 ] − ω ⋅ Cgd τ = ⋅ arctg 2 ω Re[Y21 ] − ω ⋅ Ri ⋅ Cgs ⋅ Im[Y21 ] − ω ⋅ Ri ⋅ Cgs ⋅ Cgd 1 BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 16 Modelización MESFET/HEMT MultibiasExtraction Extraction(Capacitors) (Capacitors) Multibias Cgs (pF) 0.8 Cgd (pF) 0.3 Vgs=1 Cds Cds Tau Tau Ri Ri Vgs=1 0.24 Vgs=0.5 0.6 Vgs=0.5 0.18 Vgs=-0.5 0.4 Vgs=-0.5 0.12 Vgs=-1 Vgs=-1 0.2 CONSTANTS 0.06 In a first step 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 Vds (Volt) BRNO- march 2011 0 2 4 6 8 Vds (Volt) UNICAN 17 Modelización MESFET/HEMT MultibiasExtraction Extraction(Gm (Gm&&Gds) Gds) Multibias Gm Gds HEMT: DO2AH. Gm vs. Vgs & Vds. HEMT: DO2AH. Gds vs. Vgs & Vds. Gain Compression Pinchoff region 4 40 3 20 2.5 0 -2 -1 -0.5 0 Vgs [V] BRNO- march 2011 0.5 1.5 3 3 2 1 0 -2 2 -1.5 Gds [mS] Gm [mS] 60 2.5 2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Vds [V] 0.5 1.5 Vds [V] Vgs [V] UNICAN 18 Modelización MESFET/HEMT DeviceBreakdown: Breakdown: DC DC and andPulsed Pulsed Device Ibreak Id Ig - Occurs when the GD junction is highly negatively biased (Ibreak=-Ig) -DC breakdown < Pulsed breakdown Vds Vgs - Important in Power Applications DC Breakdown -2.5 Id -2 Pulsed Breakdown Vgs = -3 GaN devices very high Vds 10 to 20 volt BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 19 Modelización MESFET/HEMT ExtendedHEMT HEMTNonlinear NonlinearModel Model Extended G-D Breakdown Igd High frequency Cgd Cgs Igs Ld Vgs Ids,τ Ri Vds Rlf Gate current Rd Rgd Clf Rg Cds Lg Ids[Vgs(t- τ),Vds] Rs Ls - Normally: G-D breakdown and Gate current are modelled by using simple diode equations. - Rgd: high freq. fitting to S. BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 20 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Equationsfor forthe theHEMT HEMTNonlinear NonlinearModel Model (Angelov) (Angelov) Equations Ids(Vgs,Vds) = Ipk.[1+tanh(Φ Φ)].(1+λ λ.Vds).tanh(α α.Vds) Vgs dependence Saturation Slope Initial increase slope Vpk and Ipk : values at peak Gm HEMT: DO2AH. Gm vs. Vgs & Vds. Φ = P1m.(Vgs-Vpk) + P2(Vgs-Vpk)2 + P3(Vgs-Vpk)3 + ... as α depends on Vgs,Vds: as Vpk and P1m dpends on Vds: P1m = P1 / [1+B1/cosh2(B2.Vds)] Gm [mS] Vpk = Vpko + (Vpks-Vpko).tanh(α.Vds) 60 40 3 α = αr + αs.[1+tanh(Φ)] 20 2.5 0 -2 2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1.5 Vds [V] Vgs [V] Current is continuously derivable BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 21 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Simplifiedmeaning meaningof ofthe thedifferent differentparameters parameters Simplified Id (mA) 350 1.0 0.6 300 0.2 λ 250 -0.2 Φ 150 α : Initial Slope 0 Vgs 200 λ : Saturation Slope α 100 -0.6 Φ : Gate modulation Vpk(Vds) & P1m(Vds) controls the pinchoff dependence with Vds 50 -1.0 0 Vds 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 The Hiperbolic Tangent assures the continuity and coherence of the high Order derivatives BRNO- march 2011 3.5 4.0 The Hiperbolic Tangent assures the Soft Pinchoff evolution UNICAN 22 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Equationsfor forthe theHEMT HEMTNonlinear NonlinearModel Model (Angelov) (Angelov) Equations Reactive Current: ∂Qg ∂Vgs ∂Qg ∂Vgd Ig = -------- . -------- + -------- . -------∂Vgs ∂t ∂Vgd ∂t Qg : total charge in the channel Cgs(Vgs,Vds) = Cgs1 + Cgs2 = ∂Qg/∂ ∂Vgs Adiv ≅ 1 Cgs1(Vgs,Vds) = Adiv.Cgso.[1+tanh(P20+P21.Vds)].[1+tanh(P10+P11.Vgs)] Cgs2(Vgs,Vds) = (1-Adiv).Cgso.[1+tanh(P20+P21.Vds)].[1+tanh(P110+P111.Vgs)] Cgd(Vgs,Vds) = ∂Qg/∂ ∂Vgd = Cgdo.[1+tanh(P30+P31.Vds)].[1+tanh(P40+P41.Vgd)] Charge is continuously derivable BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 23 Modelización MESFET/HEMT FrequencyDispersion DispersionEffects Effects Frequency Ids Ids Pulsed Pulsed DC Q(Vgs0,Vds0) DC Q’(Vgs0,Vds0) Vgs Vds Vgs Vds For each bias point we have a Pulsed I/V plane BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 24 Modelización MESFET/HEMT FrequencyDispersion DispersionEffects Effects Frequency Possible Solutions Single Bias Clf(µ µF) Multi Bias IdsDC IdsDC Rlf Pulsed I/V Single-Bias IdsDC BRNO- march 2011 Clf(µ µF) Clf(µ µF) IdsDC Ipu(Vgs,Vds) Rlf(VgsDC,VdsDC) Pulsed I/V Multi-Bias Clf(µ µF) IdsDC Ipu(VgsDC,VdsDC,Vgsi,Vdsi) UNICAN 25 Modelización MESFET/HEMT FrequencyDispersion DispersionEffects Effects Frequency G-D Breakdown Igd High frequency Cgd Cgs Igs Gate current Rd Rgd Ld Clf Rg Vgs Ids,τ Cds Lg Vds Ri Ilf Ids[Vgs(t- τ),Vds] Rs Ilf(VgsDC,VdsDC,Vgs,Vds) Ls BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 26 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Validation Validation Multibias Scattering 10 Etot (%) 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 HEMT DEVICE 0 -2 -3 -1.5 -2.5 4 -1 -2 2 1.5 -1 0 Vds ( V ) 1 -0.5 0.5 0.5 01 LAYOUT 6 0 1 to 21 GHz (-1,3) BRNO- march 2011 0 8 3 2.5 -0.5 -1.5 Vgs ( V ) 5 7 UNICAN 27 Etot (%) Modelización MESFET/HEMT Validation Validation Cds (pF) Linear Scaling Rules (W) Nonlinear Scaling Linear Scaling BRNO- march 2011 Saturation Slope λ Non-Linear Scaling Rules (W) UNICAN 28 Modelización MESFET/HEMT Validation Validation Pin-Pout validation for a given Bias Point GEC-MARCONI F-20 Bathtub 10*140 microns GaAs MESFET Pulsed I/V validation for a given Bias Point MEASURED MODELED BRNO- march 2011 UNICAN 29