ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Part 2: Electrodynamic loudspeaker driver Ilkka Huhtakallio Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering March 03 2016 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver Flexible edge suspension Flexible wiring Diaphragm Flexible center suspension Dust cap Basket Electric terminals Soft iron structure Voice coil Airgaps Vent hole Magnet “Shorting” ring or cap Soft iron structure Acoustic resistance and dust protection Figure adapted from [1] ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 2/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver Mechanical system Diaphragm mass MMD Electrodynamic force F Vibration velocity u F u Compliance suspension CMS MMD CMS rMS Compliance losses rMS Basket (ground) (a) (b) Figure: Single degree of freedom mechanical system. a) mechanical elements, b) mechanical mobility analogy Figure adapted from [1] ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 3/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver i R EG R EC L EC eG Bl :1 e M MD C MS r MS 1:SD 1:SD Y ARb uD Bli eG F Y ARf F REG + REC LEC (Bl)2 (Bl)2 Bl uD MMD CMS rMS Y MRf Y MRb Figure: TOP: Electro-mechano-acoustic analogy for the moving coil transducer showing all three domains. Acoustical domain in impedance analogy and mechanical and acoustical domain in mobility (admittance) analogy. BOTTOM: Mechanical equivalent circuit in mobility analogy Figure adapted from [1] ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 4/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver Using Norton-Thevenin transition to present the electrical circuit as current source with parallel impedance, and then using "dot method" to convert from parallel (mobility) circuit to series (impedance) circuit [1, p. 312-313] LEC (Bl)2 uD e Bl G REG + REC + j ωLEC (Bl)2 MMD CMS RMS F Z MRf Z MRb REG + REC Figure: Mechanical impedance equivalent circuit of moving coil transducer. Figure adapted from [1] ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 5/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver Small signal parameters [2] The suspension resonance frequency fs is given by fs = 1 2π MMS CMS √ Where MMS = MMD + 2MM1 and MM1 = 2.67a2 ρ0 is a mass air load on one side of the piston when ka < 0.5 and a is the radius of the piston. The total Q value of the suspension resonance is given by QTS = (Bl )2 + RMS RE + RG −1 s MMS CMS ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 6/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver The total Q can be separated in two parts QTS = 1 1 QES + 1 QMS QES QMS QES + QMS = namely the electical Q QES RG + RE = (Bl )2 s MMS CMS and the mechanical Q QMS 1 = RMS s MMS CMS ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 7/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Electrodynamic (moving coil) loudspeaker driver Thiele-Small parameters [2] The low frequency model of loudspeaker driver can be defined by just six parameters known as Thiele-Small parameters. RE , QES , QMS , fs , SD and VAS . VAS is the equivalent suspension volume, a volume of air having the same acoustical compliance as the suspension: VAS = CAS ρ0 c 2 = CMS SD2 ρ0 c 2 These parameters are usually found from the specification sheets of (low frequency) loudspeaker drivers. ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 8/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Measuring voice coil impedance Using known series resistor and voltage division the voice coil impedance can be measured MATLAB demo ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 9/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Moving coil high frequency drivers Diaphragm Sound absorptive plug Diaphragm Flexible edge suspension Flexible edge suspension Voice coil Magnet Airgaps (a) Soft iron structure Airgaps (b) Figure: a) Convex and b) Concave dome diaphragm Figure adapted from [1] ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 10/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Diaphragms Material: Thickness, density, Young’s modulus Profile: Flat, straight cone, hyperbolic cone, etc Reinforcement, protective finishing Straight cone Hyperbolic cone Corrugated cone Some possible sections ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 11/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 6.18 Nonlinearity 283 Suspension However, from Fig. 6.21a we see that for large excursions, the suspension becomes stiffer as it stretches and so the compliance becomes nonlinear, typically in an asymmetrical manner, as shown in Fig. 6.21b. It is also common for hysteresis losses to prevent the coil from returning to the same position as before. In order to combat this, a “regressive” spider design [15] has been proposed in Should the diminish moving system stableradius. and in control in high which the hold corrugations in height with increasing Force factor. If the coil length hc is equal to the gap length hg (see Fig. 6.22a), the force factor excursions. decreases as soon as the coil starts to move in the x direction because the part of the coil which is rubbersmaller roll surround Anechoic produces the dashed curve then outside the gap experiences Nitrile a much force. This typically termination for shown in Fig. 6.22b. In order to improve linearity and to extend the waves maximum excursion, the length bending of the coil is often extended Basket beyond the length of the gap and this is known as overhang. This typically produces the solid curve shown in Fig. 6.22b. Alternatively, it can be shorter, which is known as underhang. One disadvantage of overhang is that the ratio of force factor Bl to moving Diaphragm mass MMS is decreased, which tends to reduce efficiency somewhat (see Eq. (6.47)). Although f (a) (b) x FIG. 6.21 (a) Sketch of suspension at center and extreme end positions and (b) non-linear force vs. displacement curve (solid curve) withfrom ideal linear curve[2] (dashed line). Figures adapted [1] and ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 (a) 12/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Ilkka Huhtakallio 5 (b) Aalto SPA Overhang (hc hg) Voice coil and air cap FIG. 6.21 (a) Sketch of suspension at center and extreme end positions and (b) non-linear force vs. displacement curve (solid curve) with ideal linear curve (dashed line). (a) (b) 5 Overhang (hc hg) Equal-length (hc = hg) Force factor Bl (T.m) 4 hc hg 3 2 1 0 x -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Displacement x (mm) 4 6 8 FIG. 6.22 (a) Sketch of a coil of lengh hc in a magnetic gap of length hg and (b) force factor vs. displacement curves with hc [ hg (dashed line) and hc > hg (solid line). Voice coil inductance varies also as a function of position. Voice coil resistance increases as a function of temperature, that increases due to increase power dissipation. This leads to power comprsession Figure adapted from [2] ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 13/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650 Bibliography [1] Kleiner, Mendel. Electroacoustics. CRC Press, 2013. [2] Beranek, Leo L., and Tim Mellow. Acoustics: sound fields and transducers. Academic Press, 2012. ELEC-E5650 Electroacoustics, Lecture 2 Ilkka Huhtakallio Aalto SPA 14/15 2016/03/03 ELEC-E5650