COMMENTS K0803000 DATE_COMPLETED TASK_INSTRUCTIONS 1994 TRUCK (AERIAL) 1F9FT4286RB140411 REAR PASS, WINDOW WILL NOT GO UP, Q-15 11/7/05 * OIL PRESSURE GAUGE INOP, Q-15 12/12/05 * DRIVER SIDE WINDOW WILL NOT GO UP OR DOWN Q-15 1/11/06 * A INSPECTION Q15 3/24/06 * A/C 10-7 , CHECK BRAKS SMELLS LIKE MAYBE LOCKING UP Q15 4/6/06 * HANDLIGHT INOP, Q-15 4/7/06 * B INSPECTION, REAR WHEEL SEAL LEAKING, Q-15 4/21/06 See B Inspection pre-printed form TOW UNIT FROM STA-57 TO CENTRAL SHOP, (SISTERS TOWING) WHEEL SEAL LEAKING, Q-15 5/3/06 * WELD CRACK NEAR R/FRONT OUTRIGGER, Q-15 (VAN LINDA IRON WORKS) 5/11/06 * RELACE REAR WINDOW FRAME Q15 5/11/06 * RELACE REAR WINDOW FRAME Q15 REPLACE 4 REAR TIRES, (TCI) 5/11/06 * Air brakes leaked down 80 psi from 2300 hrs to 0700 hrs and caused a delayed response to a medical call. SPARE QUINT AT 29 7/27/06 * ARM ON RUNG ALIGNMENT SWITCH BROKE OFF K8030 OLD Q-15 AT 28 7/28/06 * check eng lt on spare quint at sta 57 7/31/06 * AINSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED SPARE QUINT BACK FROM 57 9/15/06 * WILL NOT START, SPARE QUINT 15 (AT STA-29) 10/12/06 1. TRAVELED TO STN 29 FOUND SPARE QUINT NOT STARTING. USED JUMP LIFT MOTOR TO LIFT CAB. BELTS GONE/ REPLACE BELTS AND BATTERY, TEST. VEHICLE NOW IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. ROAD SERVICE TO STA-29 REPLACE 1 REAR TIRE Q-29 (CALLAGHAN TIRE) 11/6/06 1. REPLACE REAR TIRE Q29 WINDOWS WILL NOT GO DOWN, Q-15 12/13/06 1. A Inspection 2. Both left and right rear windows inop. Removed panals and regulators. Re placed all needed parts. 3. Finished window repair. ON CALL RAN OUT OF FUEL SQ AT TRAINING 2/28/07 Filled Quint with 15 gallons of fuel Followed to ST33 for top off REAR BRAKES Q-29 3/19/07 Check brakes; Rear grease seals leaking; brakes full of grease; swap into Batt 2 spare. ladder collision 10-7 at training 3/19/07 Checked operation of ladder and found system not on truck rear grease seals leaking sq at 29 3/20/07 1. Removed wheel and hub assy. Cleaned all parts. Installed new brake shoes and seal. Reinstalled assy. and serviced rear end. 2. Replaced wheel seal, brakes, hardware, and axle gaskets. Cleaned all related parts. Adjusted brakes. 3. Picked up and dropped off truck to station 4. Serviced rear diff. because of water contamination on call unit overheating sq at 29 3/27/07 Belt pulley inop. Travel to ST25 to get spare tow unit from sta 28 to shop batt 2 4/3/07 Tow unit from station 28 to shop ENGINE OVERHEATS PULLEY ON FRONT OF ENGINE DAMAGED SQ AT 29 4/5/07 A-inspection Topped off fluids & filled water tank. A/C belt missing; installed new A/C belt. Trans temp gauge inop; rep connector @ temp sender. R/F door won't open from inside; Rep Door linkage. Remove pulley-installed small vibrator; damage pulley road tested, repaired. Stripped damaged threads to remove pulley. Chkd engine problem on the road. A/C belt off/installed new A/C belt. Engine running hot/gauge bad-replaced. Horn inop/repaired horn wiring. Trans fluid low/leak @ filter; tightened Eng runs hot/gauge bad; replaced gauge Horn inop; repaired horn wiring. Trans fluid low; leak @ filter; tighten filter. repair unit per list from UL test 4/30/07 1. Rem class on pnl for access to crcked torque box mount; sent trk for rep & reinstalled class one pnl. 2. Lube outrigger stabilizers. 3. Replc lkng hyd suction ose & replc hyd fluid. 4. Chkd aerial conn sys; FNP 5. Clnd/lube ladder sections & waterway tube UL TEST UNIT NATIONAL TESTING SQ1 5/15/07 Aerial Inspection ON CALL FOUND PART OF BELT UNDER TRUCK SQ AT 57 6/5/07 1. alt. belt broken. installed new belt. replace alt sq at 57 6/5/07 1. Traced out problem with altenator, found bad connection on Fram Rak(?) repaired and tested / installed new belts 2. Traced out problem with A/C, found A/C comperssor pully falling off - removed belts 3. Checked problem with sacks not coming in, found bad relay - removed and installed new relay a inspection and repairs as needed sq back from 57 a/c 10-7 l3 comp latch 10-7 7/2/07 A inspection and related repairs (back from 57) 7/3/07 "DUPLICATE" replace front tires Q57 7/18/07 Replace front tires - Callaghan wont start at gardens mall s1q at 15 9/25/07 Drive to mall; R/R belts on alt; test ok A INSPECTION SQ-1 9/25/07 1. A/c inop- comp locked up- R&R and recharge freon 2. Comp latch inop- Redrill stricker to body- and tighten all others 3. Cab tilt cylinder safety latch inop- secure loose cylinder plug and clean area. Connect fault with safety latch. 4. Cab tilt cylinder hose leaking- remove and replace line, install fittings, fill hydraulic reservoir and bleed air from system 5. Remove and rebuild defective primer valve reinstall 6. Handing in paperwork from E-One. Schooling for F-3 class Ocala Fl. 7. Meeting for Ed Brown 8. A inspection 1. A INSPECTION, ADD P/S FLUID AND REMARK RESERVIOR. ADD WASHER FLUID. TIGHTEN AIR FILTER HOUSING HOSE CLAMP. AIR LEFT REAR TIRES. 2. REPAIR LEFT REAR PUMP PANEL LIGHT. DRILL FROZEN SCREW HEAD AND EXTRACT BROKEN BOLT. REPAIR GORUND. 3. REPLACED BULB LEFT SIDE REAR MARKER. REPLACED BULB LEFT TOP STEP LIGHT. REPLACED BULBS LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE PUMP COMPARTMENT LIGHTS FILTER HOUSING HOSE CLAMP. AIR LEFT REAR TIRES. 2. REPAIR LEFT REAR PUMP PANEL LIGHT. DRILL FROZEN SCREW HEAD AND EXTRACT BROKEN BOLT. REPAIR GORUND. 3. REPLACED BULB LEFT SIDE REAR MARKER. REPLACED BULB LEFT TOP STEP LIGHT. REPLACED BULBS LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE PUMP COMPARTMENT LIGHTS 4. REPAIR ENGINE COVER LATCHES, AND LUBRICATE. 5. REPAIR HORN BUTTON. STRAIGHTEN OUT BENT ELECTRICAL TERMINAL. 6. DIAGNOSE WARM FRT A/C PROBLEM. REMOVED ELECTRICAL COVER AND FOUND CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPING, TRACED OVERLOAD SITUATION AND FOUND BAD CONDENSOR FAN MOTORS. REPLACED FAN MOTORS. DRILL AND MOUNT NEW STYLE FANS. 7. DRILL AND MOUNT NEW VISE. ORGANIZE WORK AREA. 8. FREE UP STICKING SPOOL VALVE. REPLACED LEFT OUTRIGGER LABEL TRIM TO SIZE. 9. CHECK ABS CODES 28 SI. ERASE CODES AND RECHECK. CHECK CODES WITH PTO LINK O.K. 10. DIAGNOSE NO CAB STEP LIGHTS AND DOOR ADJAR LIGHTS. FOUND BAD CONNECTION AT DIODE. 11. FREE UP RIGHT DOOR LATCH. 12. CLEAN SHOP AND DUMP TRASH. UNIT HARD STARTING SPARE QUINT AT 29 10/15/07 1. TRAVEL TO STATION 29 AND WAIT FOR VEHICLE TO RETURN, NO RETURN. 2. TROUBLE SHOOT STARTING SYSTEM AND REPLACE STARTER A inspection and related repairs (back from 15) horn button on steering wheel 10-7 10/22/07 1. a inspection 2. repair horn ring on steering column. weld ladder truck per Annual Insp. report (outside agency-vanlinda) 10/25/07 * driver states exhaust fumes in cab Q47 10/26/07 sealed engine cover due to hot air coming out of cover C INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED BACK FROM 47 2/4/08 C-Inspection 12/6/07 8.0 hrs 12/7/07 8.0 hrs Total 16.0 hrs 2. Replace all (6) batrys(load test NG); recable all btry & replc several aux wiring. 3. Remove Racor fuel sys; rebuild Racor assy & reinstall 4. Frnot side of body pane diamond plate falling off veh; drill out & rep several mountng holes & install msng bolts; tighten/secure panel. 5. Replace all engine belts 6. Realign A/C compressor to straighten belt alignment 7. Replace pump cooler lines & new fittings 8. Repair frayer wiring to A/C compressor clutch. 9. Replace wiper blades. 10. Replace air filter restricter valve 11. Air compressor pushing oil; replace air compressor assy. transfer all fittings & assor. 12/13/07 7.0 hrs 12/14/07 5.0 hrs Total 12.0 hrs 12. Repair retarder dash switch & rewire to operate properly. 13. Rewire hourmeter to work. 14. Rewire/install new oil pressure sender & alarm for pump panel. 12/7/07 8.0 hrs Total 16.0 hrs 2. Replace all (6) batrys(load test NG); recable all btry & replc several aux wiring. 3. Remove Racor fuel sys; rebuild Racor assy & reinstall 4. Frnot side of body pane diamond plate falling off veh; drill out & rep several mountng holes & install msng bolts; tighten/secure panel. 5. Replace all engine belts 6. Realign A/C compressor to straighten belt alignment 7. Replace pump cooler lines & new fittings 8. Repair frayer wiring to A/C compressor clutch. 9. Replace wiper blades. 10. Replace air filter restricter valve 11. Air compressor pushing oil; replace air compressor assy. transfer all fittings & assor. 12/13/07 7.0 hrs 12/14/07 5.0 hrs Total 12.0 hrs 12. Repair retarder dash switch & rewire to operate properly. 13. Rewire hourmeter to work. 14. Rewire/install new oil pressure sender & alarm for pump panel. 15. Air dryer contaminated w/oil from bad air compressor; replace entire assy; transfer all fittings & install new wiring to heater. 16. Emerg eng shutdown inop; remove and freeup mechanism to work properly; wiring frayed; rewire. 17. Svc pump auto-luber. 18. Svc T-Case 19. Svc coolant system 20. Replace all marker lights across rear of veh & rewire. 21. Pump panel slide step frozen; beat out step to gain access to slide mounting bolts; remove entire step asy; dissassemble slides from step; order new slides; NOTE: original NA! order revised set & completely modify installation; slides on backorder. 12/19/07 8.0 hrs 1/8/08 2.0 hrs 1/18/08 1.0 hrs Total 11.0 hrs 22. Remove trans cooler; order new cooler; NOTE: original cooler "NA"; had to order a universal cooler; modify entire mounting & hoses; makeup new piping. 12/20/07 8.0 hrs 1/4/08 5.0 hrs 1/7/08 2.0 hrs 1/18/08 5.0 hrs Total 20.0 hrs 23. Svc Trans 24. Svc all pullout ladders & rerope 35 foot extension ladder 25. Completed aerial svc: degrease complete ladder guides, cables & slides; (gummed up with sand, dirt & old DURING C INSPECTION TECH FOUND RUST ON LADDER, SHOP REQUESTED TO HAVE LADDER INSPECTED. 5/2/08 rmove ladder from tractor trailer sisters 6/20/08 INSTALL NEW LADDER ON UNIT SQ 7/28/08 1/28/08 Walther 8.0 hrs 26. Repair stansion bracket for rear discharge piping. (Walther) 27. Failed vac test; pressurize sys; rebuild several intake/discharge T-pump & recirc valves; 2/4/08 Walther 4.5 hrs 2/4/08 Larson 4.5 hrs 28. On road test; belts blew off fan asy; replc all (3) belts. 2/4/08 Walther 2.0 hrs 2/4/08 Larson 2.0 hrs j During C-Inspection, tech found rust on ladder; shop requested to have ladder inspected. j Remove ladder from tractor trailer - Sisters 1. Rem accessories & needed parts from old ladder; rem & replc ladder; rewired access plug & installed all hyd lines; replc waterway seals & bushings. 2. Swap ladder 3. Welded holes closed on waterway carriage& redrilled for (4) bolt flanges; rewired switches & boards for nozzle & lights; replc waterways & made adjustments fan sys. j MAKE REPAIRS TO UNIT PER UL TESTING SQ-1 8/29/08 1. Rem outrigger cyl for r ep; isntalled outrigger cyl after repair. 2. Adj cable for ladder elevation control 3. Dry lubed under side of outriggers. 4. Rep loose wire on control handle on side panel for extend retrct. 5. Rem wiring from bent water pan & rem pan; installed new pan; drilled holes for water way; rewired electric & ran wires; j 2. Adj cable for ladder elevation control 3. Dry lubed under side of outriggers. 4. Rep loose wire on control handle on side panel for extend retrct. 5. Rem wiring from bent water pan & rem pan; installed new pan; drilled holes for water way; rewired electric & ran wires; tested ok. 6. Adj cables after running ladder. j Rt headlight not working. No spare in station.SQ AT 29 9/29/08 possible hydralic leak under turntable. Spare fluid all inside ladder well. Had leaked out onto floor after ladder during day. Q-29 9/30/08 travel to 29 replace headlight 1. Drive to Sta-29 check Veh. Ladder bed full of oil. Could not determine source of leak/all hoses look goo. Took ladder section out of service/run Veh as engine. (R.T.) NO PUMP GEAR SQ AT 29 9/30/08 1. Drive to Sta-29. Check codes and wiring/bad cfonnection at trans ECU? Test (OK) (R.T.) repair stops on ladder 9/30/08 1. Installed water pan stops on end of fly section. Installed update brackets on water pan linkage. to prevent disengagement in reserve mode. (R.T.) siren chirps and goes on and off while driving. (when not intentionally activated) s q at 29 10/9/08 1. Drive to Sta-29. Talk with driver and radio shop about need to turn off siren before starting and shut off battery. RETEST AERIAL WATERWAY FOR DEFECT, SQ-1 10/17/08 Quint stalled when pulling up on scene. Put in neutrel and parking brake applied then stalled. Also when accelerating truck hesitates / runs rough. S Q AT 29 10/22/08 Retest aerial waterway for defect, SQ-1 - Conam j 1. Troubleshoot stalling & hesitation. 2. Replaced fuel filter. 3. Replace turbo boost sensor. Road test. 4. R&R fuel feed line from water seperator to fuel pump. Complete fuel line. Reassembled truck & road tested. truck now runs good. No sputter, No hesitation. 5. R&R and resealed pressure switch manifold on rear of air brake compressor. 6. Repair broken wires to Trans/PTO indicator. 7. Checked out hydralic leak inside ladder compartment. Remove all ladders & removed ladder rack to access hydralic leak. Tightened loose hydralic fitting on ladder turrett. Cleaned hydralic fluid off rack & ladders & reinstalled. 8. Cleaned shop after above repairs. (R.T.) bullet light out, officer side rearSQ AT 29 11/20/08 B INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED 11/21/08 Diss rear light asy; rep broken wire; reassemble. B-Inspection 2. Rem/diss L/F side marker & turn signal combo light fixture; NOTE: No replacement fixture available. Cln out corrosion frm socket & mk up grnd wiring; old fixture working for now. 3. Chk out both cab lift cyls(leaking) write down model , j fixture; NOTE: No replacement fixture available. Cln out corrosion frm socket & mk up grnd wiring; old fixture working for now. 3. Chk out both cab lift cyls(leaking) write down model , serial numbers & take all measurements; give to parts dept to order new cyls. 4. Adj alt belts. 5. Frnt intake air piston for close/opn valve leaking air badly; fnd that mnting brkts for piston was in bad alignment; rem/mod brkts for piston stork to wrk w/o binding. 6. Rep hyd tank drain hose(leaking oil). 7. Replc both frnt/rear T-Case oil seals. 8. Redrill all mntng holes to except new style step slides for pump panel slide out step; redrill/reposition mntg brkts in veh. 9. Rebuild air shift for road/pump engagement; install new style shaft assy in T-case. 10. Set up aerial in yard & extend ladder; test intercom with Ed E. from fly stn; all work ok; but frm side panel return frm tip is weak; will let go as is per Ed. E. (shop foreman). j A INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED, SQ-1 1/2/09 A-Inspection. 2. Rep pump panel (frozen up) latch asy; reposition & adj to hold door tight. 3. Replc both discharge & pressure gauges; cln off oil residue frm pump panel. j A INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED 1/26/09 1- Troubleshoot no start condition: removed air intake at turbo & truck started. traced problem to emergency shutdown valve closed. resert shutdown valve and tested. 2- Perform A serviced. Driver side rear window in-operable. Q-15 2/19/09 drive to Stn; take door part; rework hardware; test ok. plastic protection sheath for ladder wiring Broken Q15 2/19/09 Go to Stn15; rep track on ladder. ON CALL Q 15 NO THROTTLE 2/19/09 Go to Stn15; T-shoot; no throttle response. repair power unit Q15, repair saw B14 (outside agency-regan's small engine service) 3/3/09 Repair power unit Q15 & saw B14 - Regans WATER- WAY PAN AND STOPS WHERE DAMAGED DURING AERIAL TESTING SQ-1 3/6/09 * wiper blade on rt side is missing 1/3 of the blade and left side is bad sq at 15 3/9/09 1. Parts for road service. 2. travel to Stn15. 3. Replcd wiper blades & adj wiper arms. stays in gear to long when shifting to a higher gear sq at15 j j j j 4/10/09 1. Travel to Stn15; veh was swapped out; chkd electrical on new quint (ok). 2. Dia eng bucking, not a trans problem; previous problem. 3. Make up sight glass for fuel; replcd fuel filters; chkd for air; replcd fuel line from tank; replcd chk valve. 4. Install fuel chk valve & lines; bleed sys; tie strap line. 5. A-Inspection; fill P/S & trans fluid & oil. 6. A-Inspection; air LF tire; ajd trans fluid; road test for driveability problem. 7. Rep connection R-rear spotlight. 8. Replcd R-lower steplight; splice/heat shrink wires; mod cover to fit. 9. Replcd R-window squirter & adj. 10. Rem truck off window & dia problem w/new track; rem j 2. Dia eng bucking, not a trans problem; previous problem. 3. Make up sight glass for fuel; replcd fuel filters; chkd for air; replcd fuel line from tank; replcd chk valve. 4. Install fuel chk valve & lines; bleed sys; tie strap line. 5. A-Inspection; fill P/S & trans fluid & oil. 6. A-Inspection; air LF tire; ajd trans fluid; road test for driveability problem. 7. Rep connection R-rear spotlight. 8. Replcd R-lower steplight; splice/heat shrink wires; mod cover to fit. 9. Replcd R-window squirter & adj. 10. Rem truck off window & dia problem w/new track; rem R-rear door panel to compre; fnd that new track needs to be mod. 11. Install R-frnt step; dril holes to fit. 12. Install L-rear track, window, door panel & hardware; install R-rear door panel & hardware. 13. Tighten belts. 14. Dia air leak & no low air alarm. 15. Install low air alarm for frt/rear sys. j repair damaged step Q15 (outside agency-van linda iron) 4/13/09 Repair damaged step Q15 - Van Linda Iron j WIRING BROKE INSIDE TRACT, Q-47 4/17/09 Ladder stuck out 20ft, pinching cable; rem brkn pieces of track; brought ladder in; told to use as eng until rep parts come in. j REPAIR CABLE GUIDE SQ AT 47 4/23/09 ON CALL WONT START SQ AT TRAINING 4/28/09 Rep cable guides on ladder. j Fnd btry dead; jump started trc ; raised ladder/cab; fnd alt belts off & damaged; had to replc (3) btry to start trck; temp. install belt to ck alt; alt ck ok; went to shop for btry/belts; returned to trck; R/R all btry & (2) belts; ck opn-ck ok; returned home. j emergency strobe above driver not working on spare quint AT 47 4/29/09 A INSPECTION...BACK FROM ST-47 4/30/09 1. hurst fitting leaking; rep all fittings. 2. Coolant leak; rep coolant leak. 3. Adj ladder cables/tested. 4. Air leak; traced out air leaks & rep. j A-Inspection 2. Replace lens on rear marker lite; rep bad grnd on ____ lite 3. C/O lite bar; fuse blown; ck bar for shorts; power pack shroted; didn't have pack; try to adapt diff pack after the third try; got SB6 pack to work out ok. j wont start at sta 47 sq 5/1/09 1. No start; fnd emergency switch was on; reset/tested. 2. Fuel leak; fnd fuel lea at filter & rep. j WIRES PULLED OUT OF TRACK, Q-47 5/1/09 Wires out of track; rep track on ladder that were brkn. j the Hurtz spreaders spring control is sticking in the open and close position. Unit operates but must manually turn on/off. q47 5/5/09 Hurst leaks oil rep oil leak. j repair trac for wiring on ladder sq 5/21/09 Rem complete trac for wiring & straightened rails; fab shims to shim out 14'; replcd brokn pieces of trac & tested ok. j oil level low s q at training C INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED SEE ATT LIST FROM UL TEST. 7/6/09 1. Oil low; refilled/chkd for leaks. 2. A/C inop; recharged sys. 3. Door hard to open; readj door linkage. 8/17/09 C-Inspection 2. Svc rear diff. 3. Svc T-case. 4. T-shoot pump nut holding vac; fnd valve not completely clsd; lubed valve to operate more freely; passed vac test. 5. Replcd faulty hyd press gauge on aerial pump panel. 6. R/R press gauge on pump panel. 7. Secured loose rotation arrow for turntable alignment. 8. Looked for aerial waterway relief valve; not located on waterway section in ladder; asked for assistance still cld not locate. 9. Rem monitor; installed 2-1/2x1-1/2 step down adapter on end of waterway to reach 250 PSi to adj rel valve; cld not reach press; capped off waterway & was able to make 250. 10. R/R rear steplight bulb R-side; water in lens; used clear silicone to seal bolts above light to prevent water. 11. R/R dim hi-beam lamp. 12. R/R A/C filter. 13. Drove hinge pins back in place on outrigger control doors. 14. Rep backup alarm; fnd loose connection at speaker. 15. T-shoot wigwag inop; R/R module because burnt looking. 16. Chkd PTo mntng; did not hear loud noise when turning off as stated in aerial inspection results; turned on/off multiple times. 17. Adj load minder on aerial control panel; had to find manual on procedure. 18. Lube outrigger slides. 19. Clnd trans area of fluids; cld not determine where leak is coming from. 20. Fnd loose connection on console light at aerial panel; tightened connection. 21. Chkd ABS light; fnd no history of codes light; went out when grnd speed over 3MPH. 22. No heat stickers available - on order. 23. Lubed ump panel slideout platform. 24. T-shoot aerial controls. 25, Rep wigwags. 26. Adj slide pad locknuts on ladder. 27. T-shoot & rep aerial controls; fnd bad section in wire harness; rem/rep wire. j 3. Svc T-case. 4. T-shoot pump nut holding vac; fnd valve not completely clsd; lubed valve to operate more freely; passed vac test. 5. Replcd faulty hyd press gauge on aerial pump panel. 6. R/R press gauge on pump panel. 7. Secured loose rotation arrow for turntable alignment. 8. Looked for aerial waterway relief valve; not located on waterway section in ladder; asked for assistance still cld not locate. 9. Rem monitor; installed 2-1/2x1-1/2 step down adapter on end of waterway to reach 250 PSi to adj rel valve; cld not reach press; capped off waterway & was able to make 250. 10. R/R rear steplight bulb R-side; water in lens; used clear silicone to seal bolts above light to prevent water. 11. R/R dim hi-beam lamp. 12. R/R A/C filter. 13. Drove hinge pins back in place on outrigger control doors. 14. Rep backup alarm; fnd loose connection at speaker. 15. T-shoot wigwag inop; R/R module because burnt looking. 16. Chkd PTo mntng; did not hear loud noise when turning off as stated in aerial inspection results; turned on/off multiple times. 17. Adj load minder on aerial control panel; had to find manual on procedure. 18. Lube outrigger slides. 19. Clnd trans area of fluids; cld not determine where leak is coming from. 20. Fnd loose connection on console light at aerial panel; tightened connection. 21. Chkd ABS light; fnd no history of codes light; went out when grnd speed over 3MPH. 22. No heat stickers available - on order. 23. Lubed ump panel slideout platform. 24. T-shoot aerial controls. 25, Rep wigwags. 26. Adj slide pad locknuts on ladder. 27. T-shoot & rep aerial controls; fnd bad section in wire harness; rem/rep wire. 28. Adj extension & retraction cables on ladder. 29. Lubed rotation gear on turntable. 30. Rep intercom sys; chkd wiring & fnd sys to be working. 31. Assisted in aerial repairs. j spare quint at station 29 reverse lamps and audible signal disabled 9/3/09 Installed new backup alarm & rewire; test ok. j spare quint located at station 29 retarder doesn't work 9/3/09 Drive to Stn; test; retarder works ok; talk w/drivere about. j Driver side rear bullet light not working; Siren goes off by itself in the off position; windshield 9/16/09 Driver side rear bullet light not working; Siren goes off by itself in the off position; windshield wipers need to be adjusted. sq at 29 will not go into pump, Q-29 1. R/R bullet light bulb. tightened grnd; chk ok. 2. Ck wipers; rem/adj both wiper arms & blade angle ck ok. 3. Ck for siren going off; rem control head; head did not match Whelen; reinstalled head; need sys updated; return to shop. j 9/17/09 1. UPS unit not engaging pump; rem drive shaft to take out VPS; rem VPS & rebuild, reinstall, reconnect drive shaft; test/operate sys. 2. Assist Mac w/rebuilding VPS unit; tighten hyd filter & chk for air leak; chkd opn of pump shift - ok. j Panel light in aerial box not working; aerial overload alarm goes off with aerial in rescue mode and only one FF on ladder; sq at 29 9/21/09 Ck panel light; rem light asy; R/R bulb; went to Stn; rep light sckt & wiring; reassembled; ck ok. j A INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED SQ BACK FROM 29 9/28/09 Firefighter door behind driver not latching tightly when closed. sq at 29 10/7/09 Move door latch; pull door panel; lube linkage. j CABLE LOOSE ON LADDER SQ AT 57 / LOAD MINDER GOING OFF 10/22/09 1. Adj cables. 2. Load minder sensor 10-7; disconnected sys. AC not blowing cold. Can you check please ?. SQ at 57 11/12/09 A-Inspection 2. Replcd air compressor filter. 3. A/C belt damaged because of pulley alignment; went to single belt to adj for alignment issue. 4. Calibrated load minder for ladder; used forklift w/force scale to simulate force on end of ladder. j 1. Recharged rear A/C & tested. 2. Adj ladder cables/tested. j j SQ at 57 A inspection and repairs (from 57) 11/30/09 A-Inspection & Road Test. 2. P/S stiff; no fluid in reservoir; fill/operate expell air from sys. 3. Cln back of eng & trans looking for P/S leark; no leak fnd. 4. Air leak; fnd several fittings leaking & line pinched; correct all faults. 5. Dia outrigger stabilizer light failure; chk all connections, cables; fnd flasher working intermittent; part on order. 6. Pump panel vac & pum press warning buzzer & light inop; rem/install new asy. 7. Cab marker light inop; rem blown bulb & install new bulb. 8. Ok to pump light inop; dia fault; bulb good; grnd good; no power at pos side; chk pump eng good; chk sys at class one box; fnd weak connection at power strip; properly secure connection. 9. Windshield fluid low; add bug solvent & water. 10. Cab entrance light inop; fnd loose connection at switch; secure wire/harness. 11. Dia pump panel lighting failure; fnd switch defective; rem switch & install new switch. 12. Aerial hyd gauge unsecure; diss console; sec gauge & reassemble console. 13. Install new relay for outrigger stabilizer warning light; reassemble control board. j ON CALL SQ AT 47 NO THROTTLE 12/7/09 No throttle on eng; fnd high iddle switch stuck on. LOAD MINDER ALERM GOING OFF ON CALL SPARE Q AT 47 12/7/09 Noise in ladder when out of bed side over load on pump panel max out. j PUMP NOT WORKING 47 1/4/10 1. Help to rem gear & shaft fork in T-case. 2. Dia pump shift lockup; fnd shift seized up; diss pump shift; rem input shaft & input flange & rem fordk, damage components; parts on order. 3. A/C compressor mntng bolts sheered off; rem plate & A/C compressor, drill sheered bolts; rem studs from block. 4. Assist Mac w/set up of pump shift & dia problem w/Tcase input shfat asy; set up holding jig for removal of entire T-case & also gland & rear shaft asy-Larson 5. Set up eqmpt; diss pump trans frame; diss pump ___; cut off corroded bolts for gland packing asy; rem packing asy & diss. 6. Pump trans - diss, inspect parts & list parts to be ordered; cln all reusable parts & sand surfaces. 7. A/C compressor support fell off; cln mntng asy holes out; install mntng brkt; install compressor; sec/install new belt & adj tension. 8. Press on bearings on both input/output flange spline for Tcase asy. 9. Assist in T-shoot pump shift problem - Reines. 10. Assist w/putting pump shift back tog; fnd out main gear must be damaged; cannot get shaft to go on. 11. Gen installation; mod of mntng plate, protective cage & exh sys. 12. Rem seat/SCBA brkt; diss old brkt & reassemble/install new SCBA brkt; reinstall seat. 13. Reassemble pump trans according to manual & mfg specs, torquing nuts/bolts; installing trans. 14. Assist Mac w/T-case - Byrum 15. Assist Mac w/T-case; install; adj pump packing; replcd waterway valve actuating air swtch; heat shrink/protect gen wires. 16. Install T-case; adj packing; fill water tank; operate pump as per mfg specs after completion of repairs. j shift; rem input shaft & input flange & rem fordk, damage components; parts on order. 3. A/C compressor mntng bolts sheered off; rem plate & A/C compressor, drill sheered bolts; rem studs from block. 4. Assist Mac w/set up of pump shift & dia problem w/Tcase input shfat asy; set up holding jig for removal of entire T-case & also gland & rear shaft asy-Larson 5. Set up eqmpt; diss pump trans frame; diss pump ___; cut off corroded bolts for gland packing asy; rem packing asy & diss. 6. Pump trans - diss, inspect parts & list parts to be ordered; cln all reusable parts & sand surfaces. 7. A/C compressor support fell off; cln mntng asy holes out; install mntng brkt; install compressor; sec/install new belt & adj tension. 8. Press on bearings on both input/output flange spline for Tcase asy. 9. Assist in T-shoot pump shift problem - Reines. 10. Assist w/putting pump shift back tog; fnd out main gear must be damaged; cannot get shaft to go on. 11. Gen installation; mod of mntng plate, protective cage & exh sys. 12. Rem seat/SCBA brkt; diss old brkt & reassemble/install new SCBA brkt; reinstall seat. 13. Reassemble pump trans according to manual & mfg specs, torquing nuts/bolts; installing trans. 14. Assist Mac w/T-case - Byrum 15. Assist Mac w/T-case; install; adj pump packing; replcd waterway valve actuating air swtch; heat shrink/protect gen wires. 16. Install T-case; adj packing; fill water tank; operate pump as per mfg specs after completion of repairs. 17. Repipe exh sys. 18. Sec loose wires in gen compt. 19. Makeup spacer for gen, exh & clamp exh to brkt; cvr exh w/heat wrap/clamp. 20. Dia hyd leak; R/R ladders & ladder rack for access to hyd fitting on swivel; tightene fitting; cln, operate ladder & reinspect-ok; R/R top cvrs; cln ladders & compt of oil. 21. Assist electrician w/hookup of gen - Byrum. 22. Sec loose gen cables, cvr control panel & sec; install swtch/data plate & loose components. 23. A-Inspection & road test. 24. Add 2.5 qts oil to top off eng oil level; no leak fnd. 25. P/S fluid level low; no leaks fnd; top off to proper level. 26. Sec loose undercarriage hanging cables. 27. Stablizer grnd lights inop; component corrosive & bulbs blown; change out lite asy. 28. Air leak pump shift; fnd UPS valve gskt rusted; install generator 1/11/10 1. Change out old gen with new. 2. Assist w/gen wiring - Levy. j LADDER MAKING NOISE SQ AT 47 1/14/10 A inspection Q57 3/3/10 1. Ladder making noise; ran ladder & fnd no noise. 2. Coolant leak; rep coolant leak. j A-Inspection. 2. P/S - top off. 3. A/C belt loose; tightened A/C belt. 4. Washer inop; L/S nozzle out of adj; ajd washer nozzle & top off fluid. j on call pto 10-7 q 57 3/3/10 Pto wont stay in gear Q57 3/19/10 1. Aerial inop; short in PTo ckt; traced wiring; brought to shop & helped swap out. 2. Went to shop; ck for PTO disengaging; had direct short; rep one problem; ran hyd; has other problems. j 1. T-shoot PTo inop; searched for schematics; called Ferrara; thought electronic flasher was back feeding into PTO ckt. 2. Cld not pin point intermittent problem; but PTO working; test drove; operated aerial; will pass onto training to see if it will fail again. 3. Rep glove box that mike broke. j 4. PTO inop; fnd intermittent short out L/S frame harness; rep short. 5. Assist w/wiring problem. j 6. Tested PTO; tested ok. j NO EME LTS SQ AT 57 5/11/10 No emergency lites; fnd blown fuse. j spare quint at 47 not fitted with speerian pack brackets, packes stuffed in side compartments Q47 5/19/10 1. install velcro straps on left side top of truck above compt doors. 2. Rem SCBA brkts; adj holding to properly fit new SCBA brackets, packes stuffed in side compartments Q47 C INSPECTION AND REPAIRSAS NEEDED SQ doors. 2. Rem SCBA brkts; adj holding to properly fit new SCBA packs. j 7/13/10 C-Inspection 2. Svc air filter. 3. Fnd hyd oil on spool connection on ladder turntable; pug grn ladadholes out to stop leak; tighten nut on fitting. 4. Assist w/ladder inspection - Byrum. 5. Started rep hyd leak in spool for ladder; had to rem pipe in center of wtrway to rem hyd fitting & replc o-rings; fnd corrsion on pipe at victaulic connections; cln seal surface & put two coats of JB weld to fill. 6. Started repairing steplight; R/R (2) buls & rem all door switches; cln/reinstall hinges; make all step/dome lights & cab door alarm; all working. 7. Assisted w/ladder overload alarm - Reines. 8. Svc auto lube on frnt of pump (top lug was bad; hard getting it out so I replcd it). 9. Fnd R/R seat belt latch brkn; R/R seat belt asy. 10. Rem frnt hub cvr; fnd leaking oil; rem wheel/hub; fnd bearing pitted frm rush on both frnt hubs; R/R bearings, seal & brake pads. 11. Chk pump panel light R/side; fnd grnd bad; screw tight, had to cut off to rem brkt to replc them. 12. Started to rep victaulic connection on frnt intake wtrway. 13. T-shoot wire problem on compt door alarm; R/R cktbd/relays on Monday; fnd a jumper on wrng pin; fixed the problem. 14. Assisted w/electrical t-shooting of door alarm & cab lights. 15. Tested seal on victaulic connecton on frnt intake; tested ok; tested seal on vic connection on elbow on wtrway; both leaked; rem elbow; clnd pipe & put JD weld on seal surface; tested hyd fitting; it was ok. 16. Lube load minder on ladder w/Steve. 17. Started to mke pump pass vac tgest; fnd #1 discharge bad; started rebuild; fnd R/rear discharge valve bad; tank fill valve bad; tank-to-pump valve bad; R/R (3) valves & passed vac test. 18. Install vic connect on elbow on wtrway; test vic connection & no leak; put ladder rack back in track/ladder; replc (2) ropes on (2) ladders. 19. Chk A/C; fnd both evap dirty; rem filter & cln, blow out evap; relc filter (2) liner; A/C works ok. 20. Rem cab lift cyl on L/side. 21. Rem all belts & replc A/C compressor belts; need alignment & Stan helped. 22. Assist Jerry w/alignment on belts for A/C compressor. 3. Fnd hyd oil on spool connection on ladder turntable; pug grn ladadholes out to stop leak; tighten nut on fitting. 4. Assist w/ladder inspection - Byrum. 5. Started rep hyd leak in spool for ladder; had to rem pipe in center of wtrway to rem hyd fitting & replc o-rings; fnd corrsion on pipe at victaulic connections; cln seal surface & put two coats of JB weld to fill. 6. Started repairing steplight; R/R (2) buls & rem all door switches; cln/reinstall hinges; make all step/dome lights & cab door alarm; all working. 7. Assisted w/ladder overload alarm - Reines. 8. Svc auto lube on frnt of pump (top lug was bad; hard getting it out so I replcd it). 9. Fnd R/R seat belt latch brkn; R/R seat belt asy. 10. Rem frnt hub cvr; fnd leaking oil; rem wheel/hub; fnd bearing pitted frm rush on both frnt hubs; R/R bearings, seal & brake pads. 11. Chk pump panel light R/side; fnd grnd bad; screw tight, had to cut off to rem brkt to replc them. 12. Started to rep victaulic connection on frnt intake wtrway. 13. T-shoot wire problem on compt door alarm; R/R cktbd/relays on Monday; fnd a jumper on wrng pin; fixed the problem. 14. Assisted w/electrical t-shooting of door alarm & cab lights. 15. Tested seal on victaulic connecton on frnt intake; tested ok; tested seal on vic connection on elbow on wtrway; both leaked; rem elbow; clnd pipe & put JD weld on seal surface; tested hyd fitting; it was ok. 16. Lube load minder on ladder w/Steve. 17. Started to mke pump pass vac tgest; fnd #1 discharge bad; started rebuild; fnd R/rear discharge valve bad; tank fill valve bad; tank-to-pump valve bad; R/R (3) valves & passed vac test. 18. Install vic connect on elbow on wtrway; test vic connection & no leak; put ladder rack back in track/ladder; replc (2) ropes on (2) ladders. 19. Chk A/C; fnd both evap dirty; rem filter & cln, blow out evap; relc filter (2) liner; A/C works ok. 20. Rem cab lift cyl on L/side. 21. Rem all belts & replc A/C compressor belts; need alignment & Stan helped. 22. Assist Jerry w/alignment on belts for A/C compressor. 23. R/R mud flap. 24. C/O gen oil press gauge; fnd gauge cracked; ordered new gauge/sender; Installed gauge/sender; fnd problem in wire & rep. 25. Chk relief valve light; fnd bad switch; R/R switch. 26. Rep grill & replc it. AIR LEAK ON CALL SQ AT 47 8/2/10 1. Pump shift air leak - piston o-ring; installed piston kit. 2. Pump wtr leak - packing loose; adj pump packing. ja LOUD NOISE WHEN LOCKING AERIAL IN PLACE Q-47 8/11/10 Travel to Stn47; C/O aerial shut off; called RK Aerial; talked to Rick; was advised diverter valve bad; keep unit in svc; travel back to south shop. ja Not going into pump gear properly sq at 47 (callout repair) 9/3/10 To Stn47; went to shop for parts; none fnd; back to St47; dia fault; dash pump shift air valve defective; no parts in truck; unit still in svc. js air still leaking at pneaumatic valvehandle when PTO is engaged. 9/9/10 1. Rebuit pump shifter & tested. 2. Ran pump & clnd out relief valve; tested/tested ok. j Hale Relief valve not working properly. spare quint.....relief valve stuck open...can build up 47 9/17/10 Ran pump; tested relief valve & tested ok. Brakes not working very well. Needs to be checked out. 9/17/10 Road tested truck & tested ok. Not going into pump gear properly sq at 47 9/29/10 1. Rebuilt pump shifter. 2. Replc bulb in rear light bar. j j j Driver's side rear passenger seatbelt female end not latching on Q47 spare. 9/29/10 Replc seat belt. j Needs power steering fluid. 10/26/10 Travel to stn; P/S fluid low; top off P/S. fan belt is slipping Q15 10/26/10 Travel to Stn; belt slipping; adj A/C belt. measure vehicle for DOT permit- Spare quint 11/30/10 (1) TRAVELED TO STATION TO MEASURE THE SPARE QUINT FOR DOT PERMIT. J.W j j tires tread appear thin. rear tires more so than the front tires. 12/22/10 * A INSPECTION AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED 12/22/10 * air leak from pump shaft at 57. 12/22/10 (1) AIR LEAK FROM PUMP SHAFT AT ST57. TESTED AND FOUND NO AIR LEAKS. J.W. A INSPECTION / CHECK HYD LEAK SQ 1/12/11 exhaust coming through console area around A-Service 2. R/R R/frt hub cap to replc faulty valve extension - wldn't take air. replcd valve core in valve stem. 3. Replcd wiper blades. 4. Added P/S fluid. j A INSPECTION SQ 1/21/11 (1) ''A'' INSPECTION. ALL NEEDED WORK DEFERED BY MIKE LEHAN AT THIS TIME. J.W. perform ladder certification test (outside agency-Mistras Group Inc.) Q29 3/21/11 Perform ladder certifcation test Q29 - Mistras Group A INSPECTION SQ 3/23/11 1. Checked quint 2. A-Inspection j 16