Julia Furii Procurement Specialist City of Hamilton Corporate Services Department Procurement Section Phone: (905) 546-2424, ext.: 3988 Fax: (905) 546-2327 E-Mail: Julia.furii@hamilton.ca Date Issued: July 07, 2016 City of Hamilton REQUEST FOR TENDERS Contract Number: C13-40-16 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton ADDENDUM 5 The following queries and responses, issued by the Procurement Section shall form part of the Request for Tenders documents for the above, and the revisions and additions noted herein and any attachments shall read in conjunction with all other documents. This Addendum shall, however, take precedence over all previously issued Request for Tenders documents where differences occur. Addendum 5 contains: 7 pages of Addendum information 26 pages of PDF information 33 pages total .0 2 pages, Addendum Summary .1 Questions: 6 pages .2 Architectural Addendum A- 04, dated July 7, 2016.(Attached) 12 total pages include: .1 2 pages, Architectural Addendum Summary .2 7 pages, Glass Guards and Railings Section 08 88 00 .3 3 pages, 3 sketches (ASK-14, ASK-15, ASK-16) .3 Structural Addendum S-02, dated July 7, 2016.(Attached) 1 total page includes: .1 1 page, Structural Addendum Summary .4 Mechanical Addendum M-04, dated July 6, 2016.(Attached) 4 total pages include: .1 2 pages, Mechanical Addendum Summary .2 1 page, Re-heat Coil Schedule .3 1 page, Custom Make Up Air Handling Unit Schedule .5 Mechanical Addendum M-05, dated July 7, 2016.(Attached) 1 total pages include: .1 1 pages, Mechanical Addendum Summary C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 1 of 7 .6 Electrical Addendum E-03, dated July 6, 2016.(Attached) 8 total pages include: .1 1 page, Electrical Addendum Summary .2 7 pages, Luminaire Schedule .1 Questions PREVIOUS QUESTIONS Response RFIs received: June 30th, 2016 Question 4.15: The polyethylene tubing for splash pad is 160 psi or 1600 psi? Is pipe diameter/size IPS or DIPS? Butt or socket fused? Pipe lengths in 10’ or 20’ or 40’ sticks, or coils? Most HDPE pipe these days is the newer and improved 4710 resin, and I’m not sure 3408 is manufactured in many sizes now a days. Response 1(as provided in Addendum 4): Piping can be rated for 200psi. Pipe diameter/size is DIPS. Contractor can use set lengths or coils. Contractor is to follow 3408 resin piping. Contractor to use brass for compression fitting as well as for other fittings including but not limited to threaded tees, elbows and reducing bushing Response 2: Piping shall be rated for minimum of 200psi. Pipe diameter/size is IPS. Piping from headers to splash pad nozzles shall be assumed as 1-1/2”. Splash pad contractor shall detail and provide required pipe sizes for splash pad in shop drawings. Contractor can use set lengths or coils. Contractor is to follow 3408 resin piping. Contractor to use brass for compression fittings as well as for other fittings including but not limited to threaded tees, elbows and reducing bushings. RFIs received: July 5th, 2016 Question 4.18: Please provide an exact location of the substrate board to be adhered over the pool area – such as from grid line ? - to grid line ? Response 1: Ceiling types indicated on A112. Ceiling types are defined on A001. Vertical surfaces assemblies are indicated on various sections. Refer to A310-323 Question 4.19: The “ through-wall flashing “ is mentioned in section 076200 but doesn’t state any material to be used. Please advise? Response 1: Refer to Section 04 05 23 Question 4.22: Section 08 88 00: Glass Guards & Railings: Part Response 1: Refer to revised section 08 88 00 included within C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 2 of 7 2 Products: Please specify Manufacturer & model #’s for Glass Anchors required for Balustrade glass as detailed on drawing 12/A500. this addendum. Question 4.23: Please specify Manufacturer & models #’s for glass standoff anchors for handrails as per details 22/A501 & 23/A501, also please specify Handrails as per same details. Response 1: Refer to revised section 08 88 00 included within this addendum Question 4.24: Please specify channel cap & acceptable Manufacturers, for laminated glass as per detail 14/A500. Response 1: Refer to revised section 08 88 00 included within this addendum. NEW QUESTIONS Response RFIs received: July 5th, 2016 Question 5.1: On Drawing E-402 Ground floor lighting in Hall 126 & 125 the fixture shown is a type L1 fixture that show to be 4feet long. The Lighting schedule description for the type L1 says it is supposed to be an 8 foot long fixture? Response 1: Light fixtures in Hall 125 &126 are to be type L1B. Question 5.2: Are barriers required in all exterior lighting pole that have 120V and low voltage wiring for cameras and AV equipment? Response 1: 4 rigid conduits shall be provided (One for power to the light fixture, one for camera heater power, one 27mm (1”) for security, and one 27mm (1”) for AV) to the base of the light pole. Within the pole, the rigid conduits for the power to the light fixture and camera heater will transition to liquid tight ACWU90 flex conduit (or approved equivalent) and run throughout the pole. The flex conduit and cable for the camera heater will run to the pre-fabricated location of the security camera and terminate within the weatherproof box at the top of the pole. The security and AV cables are to run in free air. Refer to Detail 1 on drawing E002 and Detail 9 on drawing E003 for pole base details. Refer to drawings E206 and E207 for conduit requirements for AV equipment and security cctv, respectively. Power for light fixture and camera C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 3 of 7 to be in separate conduit as they are coming from two different sources. Question 5.3: Where is Panel RP-1G located. Drawing E203 states that it is located in the main electrical room but on the Layout of the main electrical room on drawing E600 does not show panel RP-1G. Response 1: RP-1G is located in Janitor room #182. Refer to drawing E302. Question 5.4: Panels LP-1C and RP-1D are not located on the ground floor drawings. E203 notes that there are supposed to be 2 electrical rooms located on the ground floor, but only one room is shown. Also the location of the of TX-1A shown on drawing E600 is shown different on drawing E203. Response 1: LP-1C and RP-1D are on drawing E203 located in Storage Room #112 (North of the Gym). TX1A is located in Electrical Room #122; Detail 2 on drawing E600 shows correct location. RFIs received: July 6th, 2016 Question 5.5: Drawing M-401. Note on floor plan reference: 150 underground E/A pipe to pool gutter as per detail ---. Mechanical detail drawings have been reviewed and there is no detail provided for this connection/termination. Please advise. Response 1: 150dia. exhaust air connection to gutter is as per detail #3 on M702. Question 5.6: Section 23 31 13.00 Lists Mechanical contractors as acceptable sheet metal contractors. We contacted most of those and are not participating in the tendering process. Can we use other than those listed for the sheet metal? Response 1: The list of Sheet Metal Contractors will be deleted. Refer to Addendum M-02. RFIs received: July 7th, 2016 Question 5.7 There are designations “R 0.5kW/700”. These look like Radiant Heaters or Wall Fins. I don’t see any such equipment on the Schedules. Can you please clarify? Response 1: Type R is a wall fin. Enclosure shall be Engineered Air type WF-2X or equivalent and be indicated in addendum ADD-M-05. Question 5.8 Please advise where the refrigeration system air cooled fluid cooler shall be placed. Response 1: Fluid cooler FC-01 shall be in mechanical well as per M403. C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 4 of 7 Question 5.9 Where and how does the refrigeration air cooled fluid cooler glycol supply & return piping run from the ice plant room to the air cooled fluid cooler. Response 1: Piping is run on M401, M402 and M403 as indicated as CDS and CDR form mechanical well to basement refrigeration room. Question 5.10 What is the total pipe distance between the refrigeration system and the air cooled fluid cooler? Response 1: Contractor must measure and estimate this distance from documents. Question 5.11 The vibration and noise control does not clearly identify what is required for our 20,000lb refrigeration package. What seismic restraints is required for the refrigeration package. Response 1: Contractor to follow mechanical specification section 23 05 49.00 Seismic Restraint Systems and structural documents. Question 5.12 The vibration and noise control does not clearly identify what is required for the refrigeration fluid cooler. What seismic restraints is required for the air cooled fluid cooler. Response 1: Contractor to follow mechanical specification section 23 05 49.00 Seismic Restraint Systems and structural documents. Question 5.13 Is 68 DBA for the refrigeration air cooled fluid cooler acceptable? Response 1: Due to the timeliness of the question, we are unable to provide a full and complete response. The bidder should base their bid on the contract documents. Question 5.14 What seismic category shall this facility be constructed for? Response 1: Contractor to follow mechanical specification section 23 05 49.00 Seismic Restraint Systems and structural documents. Question 5.15 DWG M70 Make-up water level sensor and pump shut-off water sensor TO BAS. Can you please if the controls contractor is required to supply these sensors? If so, are there to be two separate sensorss or one ultrasonic? What is the intent? Is BAS to monitor the tank level only? Response 1: Make-up water level sensors in surge tanks and water circulation pump shut-off water sensor shall be by pool contractor and are hard wired to pump and makeup water solenoid. They are specified in pool spec. Question 5.16 Section 23 09 23 Item 3.22 RECIRCULATION POOL PUMPS Item 3.22.2 “During a purge cycle, the VFD speed shall be adjusted to match the filter purge rate.” Can you please advise if an interface is Response 1: Filter backwash is completed manually using valves. C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 5 of 7 required between the BAS and the pool controller to obtain the purge information? Would this be accomplished through contacts or communication protocol? Question 5.17 Section 23 09 23 Item 3.24 REFRIGERATION PLANT “install refrigeration contractor supplied software to access information”? Is the controls contractor required to install the entire refrigeration plant DDC system including setting up graphics, programming etc? As per 23 30 30, this scope of work is to be carried out by the refrigeration contractor, and BAS is to have ability to connect to the refrigeration plant control system through a BACnet interface. Please elaborate. Response 1: BAS must pick up all data and alarm points, show in graphics and trend all points indicated going to BAS in Refrigeration Spec. BAS contractor must coordinate with refrigeration contractor. Question 5.18 Section 23 09 23 Item 3.25 SPLASH PAD AND REFLECTING POOL What protocol is to be used for the interface between BAS and the Refrigeration Plant Controls? Can you elaborate on “install splash pad/pool contractor supplied software to access information”? This is a pretty vague statement, what is involved here? Response 1: BAS must pick up all data and alarm points, show in graphics and trend all points indicated going to BAS in Splash Pad and Reflecting Pool Spec. BAS contractor must coordinate with Splash Pad and Reflecting Pool contractor. Question 5.19 Section 23 09 23 Item 3.26.7 “Provide LAN connection to the unitary air conditioning unit”. Item 3.20 states to ONLY monitor temperature in the AC conditioned space. Which is to be considered? If LAN connection is required, please indicate protocol to be used and confirm it will be available on the AC unit. Response 1: Provide alarms from unitary air conditioning units. Question 5.20 Section 23 09 23 Item 3.26,8 “Provide a connection to the sprinkler system remote monitoring device.” Please elaborate. Response 1: Provide and trend status. C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 6 of 7 Question 5.21 Section 23 09 23 Item “Alarms shall not be tied through BAS. Provide function that can email operator for refrigerant leak and refrigerant plant failure.” Please elaborate. Since this is specified in the BAS section, is it still part of our scope? Response 1: BAS shall still collect alarms and graphically show. A separate dedicated system has been requested by the City of Hamilton to provide these alarms directly to operator email. A secondary system must be implemented. END OF ADDENDUM 5 Bidders providing a signed Form of Tender have made any necessary inquiries with respect to addenda issued by the City and have provided for all addenda in their Bid submission. All Addenda will be posted on the City’s Biddingo.com bid portal at: biddingo.com/hamilton Procurement Section, City of Hamilton, Ontario C13-40-16 Addendum 5 Tender for the Construction of the New Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre in the City of Hamilton Page 7 of 7 Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects Project No. 1429 Architectural Addendum 04 A-04 Page 1 July 7, 2016 ARCHITECTURAL ADDENDUM A-04 1. ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Section 08 88 00 Glass Guards and Railing a) Add Section 2.2.5 - Handrail, stairs in public areas: .1 Custom solid wood handrails .2 Species: White Oak .3Grade A .4 Cut: plain sawn .5 Finish: catalytic clear lacquer b) Add Section 2.2.6 Standoff System: .1 CRL ‘Standoff System’ 1-1/2” (38.1mm) diameter brushed 316 stainless steel 2” ' with ‘Flush Mount Cap Assembly’. .2 Catalogue numbers: S0B1122BS, CAPF112BS, CAP38S. c) Add Section 2.2.7 Handrail Brackets: .1 Glass Mounted Handrail Bracket: .1 CRL Brushed Stainless ‘Coastal Series Glass Mounted Hand Rail Bracket’ brushed 316 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: HR2FGBS. .2 Wall Mounted Handrail Bracket: .1 CRL ‘Coastal Series Wall Mounted Hand Rail Bracket’ brushed 316 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: HR2FWBS. .3 Post Mounted Handrail Bracket: .1 CRL ‘Coastal Series Post Mounted Hand Rail Bracket’ brushed 316 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: HR2FPBS. d) Add Section 2.2.8 Channel cap: .1 CRL ‘Crisp Corner Low Profile 11 Gauge Cap Railing’ brushed 304 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: GRLC20BS. e) Revise subsequent subsection numbers based on new subsection numbers indicated above. f) See revised section 08 88 00 Glass Guard and Railing Section attached, Addendum 4, dated, July 7, 2016 2. Section 14 24 23 Hydraulic Passenger Elevators a) Revise paragraph Handrails on non-access sides: .1 50mm (2”) flat bar .1 38mm diameter stainless steel tube 2. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS Drawing A104– Roof Level Plan .1) 1/A104 Roof Level a) Revise location of roof ladder and section reference “3/A316”. Move ladder and section reference east 4.1M to match location as shown on drawing A103. Drawing not re-issued. Drawing A111– Reflected Ceiling Plan Ground .1) 1/A111 RCP Ground Floor Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects Project No. 1429 Architectural Addendum 04 A-04 Page 2 July 7, 2016 a) Add section detail reference “7/A122” at ceiling access hatches in wood ceiling in Multipurpose Room 1 RM106. Drawing not re-issued. b) Add ceiling tag at gym RM120. Refer to ASK-16 attached. Drawing A112– Reflected Ceiling Plan Second .1) 1/A111 RCP Second Floor a) Add section detail reference “7/A122” at ceiling access hatches in wood ceiling in Hall RM200. Drawing not re-issued. Drawing A120– Enlarged Ceiling Plans and Ceiling Details .1) 1/A120 Enlarged Wood Ceiling Plan – Lobby a) Add removable wd slat access panel and section detail reference “7/A122”. See ASK-15 attached. .2) 4/A120 Enlarged Wood Ceiling Plan – Cafeteria / Lounge / Multipurpose a) Add section detail reference “7/A122” at removable wd. slat panels. Drawings not reissued. Drawing A122– Ceiling Details .1) 7/A122 Removable Access Hatch at Wood Ceiling a) Add section detail for removable panel at wood ceiling. See ASK-14 attached. Drawing A351– Interior Wall Sections .1) 3/A351 Int. Wall Section – Universal Changeroom Entry a) Revise section detail reference “1/A410”. Delete “1/A410”. Replace with “7/A402” Drawing not re-issued. .2) 2/A351 Int. Wall Section – at fireplace wall a) Revise section detail reference “3/A121”. Delete “3/A121”. Replace with “1A/A121 sim” Drawing not re-issued. END OF A-04 Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 1 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 .1 Summary Section includes: .1 1.2 .1 Administrative Requirements Conduct a pre-installation meeting in accordance with Section 01 31 19. .1 1.3 Glass guards, railings and components. Independent inspection and testing company shall attend the pre-installation meeting. Submittals .1 Submit required submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00. .2 Product data sheets: .1 .3 .4 Shop drawings: .1 Submit engineered shop drawings. .2 Submit shop drawings illustrating construction of glass guards and railings, glass thicknesses, supports, methods of joining, details of field connections and anchorage, layout showing locations of glass joints, interfacing with other parts of the Work, fastening and sealing methods. .3 Submit design calculations to support drawing details. Prepare calculations in a clear and comprehensive manner so that they can be easily reviewed. Incomplete or haphazard calculations will be rejected. Samples: .1 1.4 Submit manufacturer’s Product data sheets for Products proposed for use in the work of this section. Submit samples of glass, stainless steel, anchors, and railings, showing shapes and finishes, glass edges, and as required. Closeout Submittals .1 Submit closeout submittals in accordance with Section 01 77 00. .2 Operation and maintenance data: .1 1.5 .1 Submit manufacturer’s maintenance instructions for incorporation into the operation and maintenance manuals. Quality Assurance Qualifications: Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 2 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 .1 .2 Installers / applicators / erectors: Provide the work of this section by a Subcontractor who has adequate plant, equipment, and skilled workers to perform the work expeditiously, and is known to have been responsible for satisfactory installations similar to that specified during a period of at least the immediate past 5 years, who is completely familiar with referenced standards and requirements of the work of this section, and with approval of Product manufacturers. Mock-ups: .1 Provide mock-up of railing installation, including minimum of 2 full size sections of glass and railings. Locate mock-up where approved by Consultant. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 Performance/Design Requirements .1 Work of this section that functions to resist forces imposed by dead and live loads shall conform to requirements of jurisdictional authorities and the building code. .2 Design in accordance CAN/CGSB 12.20-M89. Make adequate provision for differential thermal and structural movement of component parts of system and fastenings, to prevent opening of joints, breakage of glass, undue stress on fastenings or other detrimental effects. .3 Design glazing to withstand metal railings loads as calculated in accordance with the building code. .4 Design of glass guards and railings and shop drawings for glass guards and railings shall be carried out by a professional engineer licensed to practice engineering in the Place of the Work experienced in this type of engineering, and in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 2.2 .1 .2 Materials General: .1 Unless detailed or specified otherwise, standard Products will be acceptable if construction details and installation meet intent of the Contract Documents. .2 Include materials, Products, accessories, and supplementary parts necessary to complete assembly and installation of the work of this section. .3 Incorporate only metals that are free from defects which impair strength or durability, or which are visible. Install only new metals of best quality, and free from rust or waves and buckles, and that are clean, straight, and with sharply defined profiles. Glass: .1 Tempered to CAN/CGSB 12.1-M90, glazing quality, with clean cut edges, without wings, convolutions, sharks teeth, serration hackle, flare, bevel and chips. .1 Fabrication Process: By horizontal (roller-hearth) process with roll-wave distortion parallel to bottom edge of glass as installed unless otherwise indicated. .2 Laminated glass: Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 3 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 .1 Clear glass to requirements of CAN/CGSB 12.1-M90, 1.52 mm (0.060") minimum thickness, PVB interlayer. .2 Construction: .1 Laminate glass with polyvinyl butyral interlayer to comply with interlayer manufacturer's written recommendations. .3 Interlayer thickness: Provide thickness not less than 1.52 mm (0.060") and as needed to comply with requirements. .4 Interlayer colour: .1 Clear. .5 Each glass layer minimum 10 mm thick. .6 Glass type: annealed or heat strengthened or tempered, as required to suit design requirements. .7 Laminated glass products to be fabricated free of foreign substances and air or glass pockets in autoclave with heat plus pressure. .3 .3 Exposed edges of panels at vertical joints shall have slight arrises and be polished. .4 Wherever balustrades finish with exposed glass at end, the face edge and arrises shall be polished. Glass clamps: .1 .4 C.R. Laurence Co., Inc., ‘Z-Series Square Type Radius Surface Glass Clamps’ Heavy duty base shoe: Aluminum extrusions: Alloy 6063-T5 to ANSI H35.1/H35.1M-2013. .1 C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. Base #B7S, 69 mm (2-3/4") x 103 mm (4-1/8") high rectangular cross section. .2 Base cladding finish: .1 ANSI Type 304 stainless steel. .1 No. 4 brushed finish. .3 Fasteners for base shoe: .1 For concrete: Hilti HSL3 expansion anchors 95 mm (3-3/4"), CRL Part # EBA334. .2 For steel: Stainless steel socket head cap screw 1/2-13 x 25 mm (1"), CRL Part # SHCS12X1. .5 .6 Handrail, stairs in public areas: .1 Custom solid wood handrails. .2 Species: White Oak. .3 Grade: A. .4 Cut: plain sawn. .5 Finish: catalytic clear lacquer. Standoff system: Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 4 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 .7 .1 CRL ‘Standoff System’ 1-1/2” (38.1mm) diameter brushed 316 stainless steel 2” ' with ‘Flush Mount Cap Assembly’. .2 Catalogue numbers: S0B1122BS, CAPF112BS, CAP38S. Handrail brackets: .1 Glass Mounted Handrail Bracket: .1 CRL Brushed Stainless ‘Coastal Series Glass Mounted Hand Rail Bracket’ brushed 316 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: HR2FGBS. .2 Wall Mounted Handrail Bracket: .1 CRL ‘Coastal Series Wall Mounted Hand Rail Bracket’ brushed 316 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: HR2FWBS. .3 Post Mounted Handrail Bracket: .1 CRL ‘Coastal Series Post Mounted Hand Rail Bracket’ brushed 316 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: HR2FPBS. .8 Channel cap: .1 CRL ‘Crisp Corner Low Profile 11 Gauge Cap Railing’ brushed 304 stainless steel. .2 Catalogue number: GRLC20BS. .5.9 Spacers and setting blocks: Neoprene to ASTM C542-05(2011), 70 to 90 Durometer Shore 'A' hardness, of sizes required, exposed colour as selected by Consultant. .6.10 Stainless steel: .1 Material and finish: Type 304, AISI No. 4 finish. .2 Stainless steel plate: ASTM A167-99(2009). .3 Stainless steel bar stock: ASTM A276-15(2015). .4 Stainless steel tubing: ASTM A269. .7.11 Ferrous metals: Steel, structural shapes, plate, bars: hot-rolled, to meet specified requirements of CSA G40.21-04, Grade 300W or acceptable alternative. .8.12 Bolts, screws and fasteners: Non-magnetic, stainless steel, countersunk, tamperproof. .9.13 Dry glazed shoe system: Consists of high strength reinforced nylon tapered shims, L-shaped pressure block, and roll-in gasket. .1 .10.14 C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. ‘GRS Glass Railing Dry Glaze Taper-Loc System’. Structural glazing adhesive; meeting the following: .1 One-part, neutral-cure elastomeric sealant. .2 ASTM C920-11, Type S, Grade NS, Class 50, Use NT, G and A. .3 ASTM C1184-05. Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 5 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 .4 SWRI Validation. .5 Colour: as selected by Consultant from manufacturer’s full colour range. .11.15 Sealant: One component, 100% silicone base glazing sealant, chemical cure, conforming to CAN/CGSB 19.13-M87. Colour to later selection by Consultant. .1 Acceptable manufacturers: .1 Tremco. .2 Dow Corning. .3 Momentive. .12.16 Dielectric separator: Non-staining alkali resistant, rubber isolation pads or 10 mil vinyl membrane type, electrolytic isolation factor of 1.0. 2.3 Fabrication .1 Fabricate glass guards and railings to types indicated or scheduled, and as specified herein. .2 Fabricate anchors and devices to be built into or attached to structure which are necessary for adequate anchorage and attachment of the work of this section. .3 Fabricate with materials, component sizes, metal gauges, reinforcing, anchors, and fasteners of adequate strength to withstand intended use, and within allowable design factors imposed by jurisdictional authorities. Fabricate items from stainless steel unless otherwise noted. .4 Ensure that glass guards and railings will remain free of warping, buckling, opening of joints and seams, distortion, and permanent deformation to expansion and contraction forces and loads. .5 Accurately cut, machine and fit joints, corners, copes and mitres so that junctions between components fit together tightly and in true planes. .6 Fasten with concealed methods unless otherwise indicated. .7 Continuous weld, grind welds smooth and flat where exposed to view and polish to match metal finish. .8 Allow for differential movements within assemblies and at junctions of assemblies with surrounding work. .9 Cleanly and smoothly finish exposed edges of materials including holes. .10 Cap open ends of sections exposed to view. .11 Glass to be pre-drilled to accept mechanical fastenings. 2.4 Welding .1 Do welding work in accordance with CSA W59-15 unless specified otherwise. .2 Weld structural components in steel, to conform to requirements of CSA W59-15, and by a fabricator fully certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau to conditions of CSA W47.109(2014) and CSA W55.3-08 (R2013) as applicable. Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 6 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 .3 Exposed welds shall be indiscernible from metals being welded. Fill welds, grind flat, and polish to match welded metal finish. .4 Touch up metal structural support finish as specified in metal structural support sections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 .1 3.2 Examination Inspect surfaces into which the work of this section is dependent for any irregularities detrimental to installation and performance of the work of this section. Confirm conditions satisfactory before proceeding. Installation .1 Erect members and component parts plumb, level and true to building lines, in correct relation to the work of other sections and established lines, curves and levels indicated. .2 Securely bolt steel framing to concrete by means of bolts and expansion anchors, shim and pack to true straight lines and levels. .3 Securely bolt heavy duty base shoe with anchors, shim to true straight lines and levels. .4 Install components in accordance with reviewed shop drawings. .5 Insulate between dissimilar metals or between metal, and masonry or concrete with bituminous paint to prevent electrolytic action. .6 Adhere prefinished sheet metal cladding to exposed shoe base sections with manufacturer’s silicone sealant. Provide end caps where ends of shoe base sections are exposed to view. Install sheet metal cladding in continuous lengths, longest lengths possible available from manufacturer. Set to ensure installation is free of gaps and joints are tightly fitted without gaps. .7 Glass shall be in lengths shown, cut to shapes and conditions indicated and to provide vertical joints. Set glass plumb and true to line with no variation in face plane between sections of glass at joints. .8 Coordinate railing anchorage with related work of other Subcontractors. 3.3 Installation – Tolerances .1 Install plumb, level, tight and secured. .2 Comply with the following maximum tolerances: 3.4 .1 Level and plumb: 3 mm in 3 m (1/8" in 10'-0"). .2 Variation from indicated position: plus/minus 3 mm (1/8"). Field Quality Control .1 Conduct quality control in accordance with Section 01 45 00. .2 Manufacturer’s field review to be in accordance with Section 01 45 00. Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre City of Hamilton Section 08 88 00 Page 7 July 7, 2016 Glass Guards and Railings Section revised and reissued by Addendum No. 04 3.5 .1 Adjusting and Cleaning Clean and polish glass and metal surfaces after installation is complete. Use only materials that won't scratch or mar finished surfaces and as approved by material manufacturers. END OF SECTION Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre Blackwell Project No. 150046 Structural Addendum S02 SA S02 Page 1 7 July 2016 1. GENERAL .1 Part 2 STRUCTURAL REVISIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS – 1 page. .2 Structural Addendum No. S02, dated July 7, 2016, 1 page. Drawings not reissued. 2. STRUCTURAL REVISIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS .1 Structural Drawings Drawing S102 – GROUND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN .1 Revise GD1 note to read “GD1 - 62 concrete on 38 composite metal deck r/w 152x152 MW 18.7/18.7 WWF”. Drawing S103 – 2ND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN .1 Revise 2D2 note to read “2D2 - 62 concrete on 38 composite metal deck r/w 152x152 MW 18.7/18.7 WWF”. .2 Revise 2D3 note to read “2D3 - 62 concrete on 38 composite metal deck r/w 152x152 MW 18.7/18.7 WWF & 4-20M each edge of track on each of the 4 sides between grids 6-12 & A-F, typ. Refer to sections 2&3/S501 for further information”. .3 Revise deck designation for second floor deck south of grid P between grids 6-8 (approx) to be 2D2. Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre, Stadium Precinct, Hamilton Smith + Andersen Project No. 15331.000.M.000 Mechanical Addendum M-04 M-04 Page 1 July 6, 2016 MECHANICAL ADDENDUM M-04 1. Mechanical Specifications 23 82 19.00 – Fan Coil Units 1. Revise section 2.1.1 as follows; 2.1.1. Fan Coil Units: Daikin, York, Carrier, Engineered Air, Dunham-Bush, Aeromec or Rittling. 2. Add section 2.2.9 as follows; 2.2.9. Units shall be low noise construction 23 74 13.16 – Roof Mounted Air Conditioning Units 1. Add section 2.4.3 as follows. 2.4.3 Control valve for hot water heating coils shall be provided by this section. 2. Mechanical Schedules 23 06 70.17 – Pool Dehumidification Unit Schedule 1. Revise air handling unit tag from AHU-11 to AHU-01. 23 06 80.29 – Reheat Coil Schedule 1. Revise reheat coil schedule page 5 as per attached. 23 06 70.16 – Roof Top Unit Schedule 1. Revise roof top unit schedule as per attached. 3. Mechanical Drawings M403 – Second Floor HVAC 1. Revise Fluid cooler tag from CT-01 to FC-01. 2. Add reheat coil tag number as per below sketch. Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre, Stadium Precinct, Hamilton Smith + Andersen Project No. 15331.000.M.000 Mechanical Addendum M-04 3. Add reheat coil tag number as per below sketch. M601 – Mechanical Room Part Plans 1. Add heating coil tag RHC-B-01. END OF ADD-M-04 M-04 Page 2 July 6, 2016 Bernie Morelli Recreation Center, Stadium Precinct, Hamilton 15288.000 EQUIPMENT NO. RHC-02-15 RHC-02-16 RHC-02-17 RHC-B-01 Location Pool Viewing Corridor Meeting Room Pool Mech Room Airflow Rate cfm L/s 2,862 1,351 278 131 153 72 In In ft² fpm mm mm m² m/s Entering Air Temperature (db) °F °C 55.0 12.8 55.0 12.8 55.0 12.8 Leaving Air Temperature (db) °F °C 71.9 22.2 63.7 17.6 90.0 In H2O KPa 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 USgpm L/min Water 2.62 9.90 °F °F °C °C ft H2O kPa MBH kW 1,200 566 -- ----- ----- -4.0 -20.0 -- 32.2 60.0 15.6 -- 0.04 0.2 0.04 -- Number of Coils Width Height Area Face velocity ----- ----- ----- Type Minimum Rows Fins per inch Series AIR SIDE Air Pressure Drop FLUID SIDE Fluid Fluid Flow Rate Entering Fluid Temperature Leaving Fluid Temperature Fluid Pressure Drop MINIMUM CAPACITY Total Turbulators Yes/No REMARKS Issued for Tender on 2016-06-14 160.0 120.0 71.1 48.9 Water 0.13 0.49 160.0 120.0 -- 52.3 No 15.3 71.1 48.9 Water 0.29 1.10 160.0 120.0 -- 2.6 No 0.8 71.1 48.9 Water 10.00 37.85 160.0 120.0 -- 5.8 1.7 100.0 71.1 48.9 --- -- -- 29.3 -- No No Electro-Fin coating Electro-Fin coating Re-Heat Coil Schedule -- Page 5 of 5 Bernie Morelli Recreation Center, Stadium Precinct, Hamilton EQUIPMENT NO. LOCATION SERVES MODEL RTU-01 RTU-02 RTU-03 RTU-04 MAU-R-01 Mechanical Well Gymnaisum Daikin Mechanical Well Multipurpose Space Daikin Mechanical Well Changerooms AAON South Building South Building Daikin Mechanical Well Kitchen AAON SUPPLY FAN External Static Pressure RPM Motor cfm In H2O L/s Pa 10,000 1.5 hp kW RETURN FAN External Static Pressure RPM Motor cfm In H2O Sound Data 2nd Band 3rd Band 4th Band 5th Band 4,720 373 25,000 1.5 10.0 11,800 373 2,500 2.0 7.46 25 18.64 L/s Pa 10,000 1.0 4,720 249 25,000 1.0 11,800 249 hp kW 3 2.24 9 Inlet Outlet 1,420 75 71 68 65 MBH MBH °F °F °F °F kW kW °C °C °C °C 407.6 279.9 79.3 66.5 53.7 53.0 HEATING Entering Air Temperature (db) Leaving Air Temperature (db) Type (gas/elec/glycol) Entering Glycol Temperature Leaving Glycol Temperature Glycol Flow Rate Glycol Pressure Drop MBH °F °F kW °C °C °F °F USgpm ft H2O °C °C L/min kPa 311.0 91 43.0 6.1 71.4 21.9 40% Prop. Glycol 155.0 68.3 115.0 46.1 17.3 65 1.6 5 FILTERS Pre-Filter Final Filter MERV # MERV # INCHES INCHES lbs/hr kg/hr °F °C 2 12 32.20 35.0 842.3 642.2 77.3 64.7 53.8 53.4 hp kW 26 4 3,000 1.5 1,416 373 --- --- 2.24 -- -- 548.1 161 55.4 13.0 75.5 24.2 40% Prop. Glycol 155.0 68.3 115.0 46.1 30.5 115 1.0 3 2 12 145.0 3 87 89 86 79 68 78 80 69 152.0 86.8 88.0 74.0 54.8 54.6 45 25 31.1 23.3 12.7 12.6 192.0 56 -2.2 -19.0 59.5 15.3 40% Prop. Glycol 155.0 68.3 115.0 46.1 10.5 40 9.5 28 8 14 2 12 65.91 95.0 35.0 6 19.24 1,453 72 2.98 82 78 79 74 85 81 84 80 ERV-RTU-03 247 188 25.2 18.2 12.1 11.9 8 14 2,360 373 6,350 2,997 0.8 187 1,760 5 3.73 1,730 84 79 77 76 4 ELECTRICAL Volts/Phase/Cycle Maximum Circuit Ampacity REMARKS 119 82 26.3 19.2 12.1 11.7 95.0 2.24 6.56 N/A COOLING (total) Sensible Capacity Entering Air Temperature (db) Entering Air Temperature (wb) Leaving Air Temperature (db) Leaving Air Temperature (wb) CONDENSER Ambient Air Temperature (db) No. of Compressers Compressor Motor (total) 3 2,013 81 76 74 73 N/A 70.8 5,000 1.5 649 71 68 63 60 8 14 1,180 497 857 476 Energy Recovery Wheel HUMIDIFICATION (integral) 15288.000 N/A 142.0 118.0 76.3 64.0 54.7 54.5 42 35 24.6 17.8 12.6 12.5 78.1 23 70.0 21.1 84.3 29.1 40% Prop Glycol 155.0 68.3 115.0 46.1 4.3 16 1.7 5 8 35.0 2 -- 95.0 2 53.84 88 92 86 77 N/A -- 95.0 83 84 75 71 ------608.0 178 -4.0 -20.0 74.0 23.3 40% Prop Glycol 155.0 68.3 115.0 46.1 67.0 254 6.6 20 8 -- -- 35.0 -- 7.90 -- 2 -- 11 600/3/60 70.4 600/3/60 140.6 600/3/60 28 600/3/60 17.9 600/3/60 8 9687 lb Comes with MHGRH VFDs & Harmonic Filters 15729 lb 2466 lbs Custom Unit 120/1/60 circuit for lights 2637 lbs R/A balanced to 944cfm Heat Pump Operation 1300 lbs Issued for ADD-M-04 on 2016-07-06 VFDs & Harmonic Filters 2 -- Custom Make Up Air Handling Unit Schedule Page 1 of 1 Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre, Stadium Precinct, Hamilton Smith + Andersen Project No. 15331.000.M.000 Mechanical Addendum M-05 M-05 Page 1 July 7, 2016 MECHANICAL ADDENDUM M-05 1. Mechanical Specifications 23 82 36.00 – Wall Fin Convectors 1. Add section 2.1.5 as follows; 2.1.5. Enclosures for type R wall fins shall be engineered air type WF-2X or equivalent, unless specified in trench with grille above as per detail 4 on M6.02. END OF ADD-M-05 Bernie Morelli Recreation Center Hamilton, Ontario Project No. 15288.000.E.001 ED-03 Page 1 July 6, 2016 Electrical Addendum E-03 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM E-03 1. Electrical Specifications 1. LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE 1. Revise light fixture type L1A, as highlighted. 2. Revise light fixture type L1B, as highlighted. 2. Electrical Drawings Drawing E002 – Electrical Details (not attached) .1 Detail 1 – Pole Concrete Base Detail – Type L15B a) Add note N-13 to read, “Where security and/or AV equipment will be mounted to the light pole, the rigid PVC conduits for the power to the light fixture and camera heater will transition to liquid tight ACWU90 flex conduit, or approved equivalent, and run throughout the light pole, as to provide a barrier. The flex conduit and cable for the camera heater will run to the prefabricated location of the security camera and terminate within the weatherproof box at the top of the pole; refer to detail 8/E003. The security and AV cables are to run in free air.” Drawing E003 – Electrical Details (not attached) .1 Detail 9 – Pole Base Detail – Type L13, L13A, L15, AND L15A a) Add note N-12 to read, “Where security and/or AV equipment will be mounted to the light pole, the rigid PVC conduits for the power to the light fixture and camera heater will transition to liquid tight ACWU90 flex conduit, or approved equivalent, and run throughout the light pole, as to provide a barrier. The flex conduit and cable for the camera heater will run to the prefabricated location of the security camera and terminate within the weatherproof box at the top of the pole; refer to detail 8/E003. The security and AV cables are to run in free air.” Drawing E203 – Rise Diagrams (not attached) .1 Detail 1 – Power Riser Diagram b) Relocate Panel RP-1G from Main Electrical Room to Janitor Room #182. c) Relocate Panel RP-1F from Ground Floor Elec Room (Near Gym) to Ground Floor Kitchen. d) Relocate TX-1A from Ground Floor Elec Room (Near Gym) to Ground Floor Elec Room (Near Pool). e) For clarification, revise “Ground Floor Elec Room (Near Gym)” label to “Ground Floor Elec Room (Storage Room #112). Drawing E402 – GROUND FLOOR LIGHTING (not attached) a) Revise light fixture type to L1B in Hall 125 & 126. END OF ED-03 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 TYPE VOLT. LAMP(S) DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER/ CATALOGUE NUMBER MINIMUM PERFORMANCE REQUIRED LOCATED LED L1 120V 96W LED (3500K) 95mmW x 102mmH x2440mm L (3.7"x4"x96") Pendant mounted linear flangless stem mounted LED. Polycarbonate protective LED frosted lens in a rigid extruded aluminum housing. High performance internal reflector. Black finish, stem mounted. Coordinate stem drop with architectural sections. Complete with 0-10V dimming driver. • Metalumen: Grande RM4D-1L35K-8-M-C (Black)-L4-1-PA-120 120V 48W LED (3500K) 95mmW x 102mmH x Pendant cement board mounted linear flangless LED. Rigid • Metalumen: Grande RM4D Series 1220mmL extruded aluminum housing c/w frosted acrylic lens. High (3.7"x4"x48") (Refer to specification section 26 51 13.00, performance internal reflector. Black finish, stem mounted. Coordinate stem drop with architectural sections. Complete with 0- clause 1.6) 10V dimming driver. L1B 120V 14W LED (3500K) 95mmW x 102mmH x Recessed linear LED. Polycarbonate protective LED frosted lens 1220mmL in a rigid extruded aluminum housing. High performance internal (3.7"x4"x48") reflector. Black finish. Complete with 0-10V dimming driver. Reserved Recessed in drywall flangless LED. Rigid extruded aluminum housing c/w frosted acrylic lens. High performance internal reflector. Final finishing to be confirmed by Architect during shop drawing review. 120V 28W LED (3500K) 95mmW x 102mmH x2440mm L (3.7"x4"x96") L2 120V 48W LED per 1200mm (3500K) 95mmW x 102mmHx length as per drawings (3.8"x 4.2"x length as per drawings) L3 120V 14W LED (3500K) 95mmW x 102mmH x Recessed in soffit linear LED. Rigid extruded aluminum housing c/w 1220mmL frosted acrylic lens. High performance internal reflector. Black finish. (3.7"x4"x48") Minimum CSA listed for damp locations. Suitable for installation in Gymnasium- wood ceiling 5500 Lumens per 1200mm Gymnasium- 1st level (Refer to specification section 26 51 13.00, clause 1.6) L1A L1C L1D 5500 Lumens per 1200mm • Metalumen:Grande RM4D Series • Mark Architectural Lighting: S4LD 4FT WRD Series • NEORAY: S23-D-P Series • Architectural Lighting Works: Lightplane LP3.5SD Series 1500 Lumens per 1200 Lobby/ Lounge wood ceiling mm • Metalumen:Grande RM4D Series • Mark Architectural Lighting: SL4L Series • NEORAY: S123-DR Series 1500 Lumens per 1200 Washrooms- above sinks mm Wall Mount LED. Polycarbonate protective LED frosted lens in an • Metalumen: Grande RM4DOD Series aluminum housing, white finish with corrosion resistant finish, stem (Refer to specification section 26 51 13.00, mounted. Complete with dimming driver. Suitable for wet clause 1.6) locations. Natatorium finish. 5500 Lumens per 1200mm Pool • Metalumen: Grande RM4DOD Series • NEORAY: S123 Series 1500 Lumens per 1200 Soffit mm • Metalumen:Grande RM4D Series • Architectural Lighting Works: LP3.5R series • Mark Architectural Lighting: Slot 2 Series 1500 Lumens per 1200 Second level- Stone Wall mm accent insulated ceilings. Suitable for cold weather. L4 120V 140W LED (3500K) 95mmWx 102mmH x Wall mounted, recessed in drywall LED. Rigid extruded 12200mmL aluminum housing c/w frosted acrylic lens. High performance (3.7"x4"x480") internal asymmetric reflector. Final finishing to be confirmed by Architect during shop drawing review. See drawing E003, detail 7 for more details. Page 1 7/6/2016 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 L5 120V 20W LED per head (3500K) 40 degree beam 230mm W x 175mm H x 600mm L (9"x6.75"x24") Recessed twin-multi-head LED. Cold rolled steel housing with solid alumnium adjustable and lockable double gimbals. Gimbal adjustment does not require the use of tools. Extruded aluminum heat sinks. Gimbals are adjustable 40 degrees in both directions along the length of the housing and 35 degrees along width of the housing. White trim, black gimbal finish, black housing interior. Final finishing to be confirmed by architect during shop drawing review. 0-10V driver. • 3G Lighting- RC2LED series • Juno Lighting: Multi-Spot LED MSSR302 Series • RSA: Combolight Gen 3 Recessed Series • Senso: LETO 1 double Series • Juno Lighting: MSSR302 Series 2000 Lumens per head Second Floor Hallway- wood ceiling L6 120V LED 3500K 35W 150mmW x 160mmH Recessed TechStyle Ceiling Linear LED Luminaire. Extruded 1220mmL aluminum housing with white powder coated sheet steel. Frosted (5.75"x6.25"x48") acrylic snap-in lens with micro lens. C/w special clips to be compatible with Hunter Douglas TechStyle Ceiling (imperial). 0-10V driver. • Gammalux: G-Beam Series • Williams: LL6 Series • Mark Architectural Lighting: Slot 5 LED Series • Neo-Ray: Define 5 LED Series • Architectural Lighting Works: Lightplane 5 LP5R Series • Metalumen: Grande RM6D Series 908 lumens per 300mm Multi-purpose rooms L6A 120V LED 3500K 35W 150mmW x 160mmH Recessed TechStyle Ceiling Linear LED Luminaire. Extruded 1220mmL aluminum housing with white powder coated sheet steel. Frosted (5.75"x6.25"x48") acrylic snap-in lens with micro lens. C/w special clips to be compatible with Hunter Douglas TechStyle Ceiling (imperial). Suitable for damp locations. 0-10V driver. • Gammalux: G-Beam Series • Williams: LL6 Series • Mark Architectural Lighting: Slot 5 LED Series • Neo-Ray: Define 5 LED Series • Architectural Lighting Works: Lightplane 5 LP5R Series 908 lumens per 300mm Change Rooms Not Used. Recessed round LED Open Down light. Self-flanged, spun 0.050" thick aluminum lower reflector with galvanized steel construction hosuing. Universal mounting bracket, adjusts 5" vertically from above and below ceiling. Light engine and driver accessible through aperture. Polygcarbonate lens integral to light engine with specular Clear finish. • Gotham: 6" Evo Downlight Series • Portfolio: LD6A15 6LM Series •GE Lighting: DI6R Series •Senso: LETO 13 Series • Clarus: 6LE-XL2-2000 Series 1400 Lumens Lobby, Vestibule, Meeting Rooms, Multipurpose Room, Lounge, Billiard, Washrooms, Open office Recessed round LED Lensed shower down light. Self-flanged, spun 0.050" thick aluminum lower reflector. Universal mounting bracket, adjusts 4" vertically from above and below ceiling. Suitable for Wet locations with covered ceiling. IP66 rated. White painted flange. • Gotham: 6" Evo Downlight Series • Portfolio: LD6A15 6LM Series (specify LGSKT6IP66 option) • Clarus: 6LE-XL2-2000 Series (specify diffuser lens and WL for wet location) 1400 Lumens Change Rooms Showers • Gotham: 6" Evo Downlight Series • Portfolio: LD6A30 6LW Series • Clarus: 6LE-XL2-3000 Series 3000 Lumens Second level gym L7 L8 120V 25W LED (3500K) 80 CRI medium beam 160mm aperature x 200mm H (6-1/4"x7-9/16") L8A 120V 25W LED 3500K 83 CRI 160mm aperature x 200mm H (6-1/4"x7-9/16") L8B L8C L8D 120V LED 3000K 70º beam angle 85 CRI 160mm aperature x 200mm H (6-1/4"x7-9/16") Not Used. Not Used. Recessed round LED Open Down light. Self-flanged, spun 0.050" thick aluminum lower reflector with galvanized steel construction hosuing. Universal mounting bracket, adjusts 5" vertically from above and below ceiling. Light engine and driver accessible through aperture. Polygcarbonate lens integral to light engine with specular Clear finish. Page 2 7/6/2016 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 L9 120V 50W LED (3500K) 610mmWx 100mmD Recessed static troffer with lens. Die formed one piece x1220mmL housing. Multi stage phosphate treated for maximum corrosion (24"x4.5"x48") resistance and finish coat is high reflectance baked white enamel. Mechanically designed interlocks eliminate light leaks. Flat steel door frame features smooth rolled edges and mitered corners c/w gasketing. Inverted K12 lens (flat part to the bottom) L10 120V 42W LED (3500K) 80 CRI 90mmW x 100mmH x1220mmL (3-3/8"x3-1/4"x48") • Lithonia: 2GTL Series • PACO: PRCL Series • Metalux: 24GR LED Series Pendant Mount Lensed LED Striplight (Chain-hung). Die formed • Lithonia: ZL2N Series • Bartco: BLT210 Series cold rolled steel channel with numerous KOs for ease of installation. Channel / wireway secured with sheet metal screw. White reflector. Medium Diffuse lens. Long-life LED system with electronic driver. 4700 lumens Food services 3000 Lumens Mechanical Rooms, Storage, Janitor, Elevator machine Room, 7000 Lumens Stairs Exterior- Wall mount Lights shall be suspended below any mechanical ducts or pipes. L11 120V 70W LED (3500K) 80 CRI 80mmW x 80mmH x Pendant (chain hung) or Surface Mount lensed Strip LED. • Lithonia: ZL1N Series 1220mmL • Metalux: SWLED Series Compact-design channel and cover are formed from code-gauge (3"x3"x48") cold-rolled steel. High-gloss, baked white enamel finish. Five-stage iron phosphate pre-treatment ensures superior paint adhesion and rust resistance. Snap on frosted diffuse lens. Provide minimum 3m of chains. Exact length of chains to be adjusted on site. L12 120V 20W LED 3500K 150mmW x 175mmH Architectural LED Wall Pack. Low-profile, rugged die-cast x 100mmD aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel (5-3/4"x6-3/4"x3-5/8") hardware with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment. Impact resistant tempered glass lens. IESNA full cut-off compliance. Wet location listed. Suitable for cold environments. Final colour finishing to be confirmed by architect during shop drawing review. • Lumark: XTOR Series • Lithonia: OLWX1 LED Series • WAC Lighting: WP-LED1 Series •RAB Design: GWL2-LED30 Series 1400 lumens L13 120V 100W LED per head 4000K 5 heads 40 degree beam 13-3/8" apperture various mounting heights •Lumenpulse: Lumenbeam Grande Series •Martini Lighting - LUX 400 LED Series 5077 lumens per head Exterior skating pond/ splash pad landscape islands Refer to detail 4/E003 for fixture configurations Exterior LED Floodlight. High pressure die-cast aluminum housing, silicone sealed, clear tempered glass, polyester powder coat finish, corrosion resistant coating adjustable heads. IP66 Rated. Five heads mounted per pole. Wet location listed. Suitable for cold environments. 24' round, galvanized steel, non-tapered, base-mounted pole. Light fixtures to be mounted at different heights and aimed at different angles. Refer to drawings for more details. Pole head and finish to be confirmed by architects. Page 3 7/6/2016 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 L13A 120V 100W LED per head 3500K 13-3/8" apperture various mounting heights Refer to detail 5/E003 for fixture configurations L14 L15 208V 100W LED 3500K 1 head 127mm W x 400mm H x 950mm L (each head) 6m (20ft) pole Exterior LED Floodlight. High pressure die-cast aluminum housing, silicone sealed, clear tempered glass, polyester powder coat finish, corrosion resistant coating adjustable heads. IP66 Rated. Three heads mounted per pole. •Lumenpulse: Lumenbeam Grande •Martini Lighting- LUX 400 LED Series 5077 lumens per head Exterior landscape islands •Architectural Area Lighting: Kick- K51 medium Scale series •Philips Gardco P21 Pureform Series 8154 lumens Splash pad/ skating rink perimeter 8154 lumens per head Pedestrian Pathway 15' round, galvanized steel, non-tapered, base-mounted pole. Light fixtures to be mounted at different heights and aimed at different angles. Refer to drawings for more details. Pole head and finish to be confirmed by architects. Reserved Aluminum housing with corrosion resistant finish and clear opitcal molded acrylic lenses. IP 66 rated. Type III distribution. Integral galvanized steel pole to be 6m high, round tapered, 4" round at the top of the pole with a 0.13" tapered galvanized steel shaft, internally dampened to eliminate second mode vibrations. CSA certified. Powdercoated painted (colour to be selected by Architect during shop drawing review). Galvanizing standards to ISO 1461. Wet location listed. Suitable for cold environments. Speakers (80lbs) to be mounted to pole where indicated on drawing. Refer to Audiovisual drawings for mounting heights. L15A 208V 200W LED per head 3500K 2 heads, 180 degrees apart 127mm W x 400mm H x 950mm L (each head) 4.6m (14ft) pole Aluminum housing with corrosion resistant finish and clear opitcal •Architectural Area Lighting: Kick- K52 medium Scale series molded acrylic lenses. IP 66 rated. Type III distribution. •Philips Gardco P21 Pureform Series Integral galvanized steel pole to be 3.7m high, round tapered, 4" round at the top of the pole with a 0.13" tapered galvanized steel shaft, internally dampened to eliminate second mode vibrations. CSA certified. Powdercoated painted (colour to be selected by Architect during shop drawing review). Galvanizing standards to ISO 1461. Wet location listed. Suitable for cold environments. Page 4 7/6/2016 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 L15B 208V 282W LED 4000K 2 head 2 heads, 180 degrees apart 127mm W x 400mm H x 950mm L (each head) 6m (20ft) pole 1m concrete base Aluminum housing with corrosion resistant finish and clear opitcal molded acrylic lenses. IP 66 rated. Type IV distribution. Integral galvanized steel pole to be 6m high, round tapered, 4" round at the top of the pole with a 0.13" tapered galvanized steel shaft, internally dampened to eliminate second mode vibrations. CSA certified. Powdercoated painted (colour to be selected by Architect during shop drawing review). Galvanizing standards to ISO 1461. •Architectural Area Lighting: Kick- K52 medium Scale series •Philips Gardco P21 Pureform Series 11600 lumens per head Parking Lighting Allow for 27mm conduit and mounting of security CCTV cameras on pole. Pole to have a wind dampening system to avoid camera shaking. See note 11. Wall recessed linear lensed LED. Gasketed, die-cast aluminum, • BetaCalco: Verso Series resistant to oxidation housing. Powder coated, resistant to UV and • FC Lighting: FCSL240 Series • Bega: 33 065 Series oxidation. Clear tempered glass lens. Wet location listed. L16 120V 8.5W LED 4000K 330mm W x 127mm Hx 102mm D L17 120V 33W LED (3500K) 80 CRI 80mmW x 80mmH x Wall Mounted lensed Strip LED. Compact-design channel and 1220mmL cover are formed from code-gauge cold-rolled steel. High-gloss, (3"x3"x48") baked white enamel finish. Five-stage iron phosphate pretreatment ensures superior paint adhesion and rust resistance. Snap on clear lens. L18 120V 30W LED 4000K 80 CRI 593mmW x 456mmL Recessed round LED Lensed Down light. Self-flanged, spun • Lithonia: ZL1N Series x 200mmH (23• Metalux: SNLED Series 0.050" thick aluminum lower reflector with galvanized steel 3/8"x18"x7-7/8") • Visioneerig: LCOM construction hosuing. Universal mounting bracket, adjusts vertically from above and below ceiling. Light engine and driver accessible through aperture. Polygcarbonate lens with clear finish. Minimum CSA listed for damp locations. Suitable for installation in insulated ceilings. Suitable for cold weather. L19 120V 39W LED 3500K 175mmWx 150mmH Low Profile Gasketed surface mounted LED luminaire. x 1220mmL Fiberglass housing closed cell gasket. Stainless steel latches. (6-13/16" x4Frosted acrylic lens. Suitable for damp locations. 1/8"x48") • Lithonia: FEM • Metalux: Vaportite 4VT2 Series • GE Lighting: Albeo ALR1 Series L20 120v 15W/ft. LED 4000K 75mmW x 70mmH x length as per drawings (2.1"x 2.7"x length as per drawings) Wall Graze LED luminaire. Extruded anodized aluminum housing. Clear polycarbonate lens. Suitable for wet locations. Provide c/w remote driver, jumper cables and required mounting accessories. • Philips eW Graze MX Powercore 872 lumens/ft. • io Lighting: line 2.0 Series • Tempo Architectural: C6RX Exterior Series • Lumenpulse: LOG HO Series Building Entrance-Exterior 75mmW x 70mmH x length as per drawings (2.1"x 2.7"x length as per drawings) Wall Graze LED luminaire. Extruded anodized aluminum housing. Clear polycarbonate lens. Suitable for dry locations. • Philips eW Graze MX Powercore • io Lighting: line 2.0 Series • Tempo Architectural: C6R Series • Lumenpulse: LOGi HO Series Building Entrance- Interior 30x60 beam angle L20A 120V 15W/ft. LED 4000K 30x60 beam angle Provide c/w remote driver, jumper cables and required mounting accessories. Page 5 • Lithonia: ZL1N Series • Metalux: SNLED Series • Visioneerig: LCOM 400 lumens Exterior Bench 3000 Lumens Elevator Shaft 1700 lumens Building Entrance-Exterior 3000 lumens Garbage Room, Pool Storage 872 lumens/ft. 7/6/2016 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 L21 120V 22W LED 3500K, 80CRI 4-1/2" Dia aperture, 5-11/16" Trim 5-11/16"" Depth • Gotham: 4" EVO WW Series Recessed round LED Wall Wash. Self-flanged, aluminum, 4" medium reflector. Medium beam distribution with 50 degree cutoff. • GE Lighting: DI4R Wall Wash Series • Portfolio: LD4A13-4LM111 series Universal mounting bracket, adjusts 5" vertically from above and below ceiling. Specular Clear finish. L22 120V 3.6W/ft. LED 3500K, 80CRI 2-1/4" x 3-5/8" x length as per drawings Recessed 2" Wide Linear flangless LED. Extruded aluminum (0.075" nominal) housing. Frosted acrylic snap-in lens with micro lens. Certified to UL standards. Suitable for dry locations. L22A 120V 3.6W/ft. LED 3500K, 80CRI 2-1/4" x 3-5/8" x length as per drawings Recessed 2" Wide Linear LED. Extruded aluminum (0.075" nominal) housing. Frosted acrylic snap-in lens with micro lens. Certified to UL standards. Suitable for dry locations. 1500 lumens Ground Floor Kitchen • Axis: Beam2 Series • Metalumen: Caladonia RML Series • Mark Architectural Lighting: Slot 2 LED Series 400 lumens/ft. Ground Floor Kitchen • Axis: Beam2 Series • Metalumen: Caladonia RML Series • Mark Architectural Lighting: Slot 2 LED Series 400 lumens/ft. Customer Service 132 Luminiare is a continuous "L" shaped recessed in drywall. Refer to drawing E302 and corresponding architectural RCP drawing for more details. EMERGENCY LIGHTING X1 120V LED Recessed edgelit pictogram exit. White, baked powder coat steel trim plate. High-output LED. Universal surface mounting- wall, ceiling, or end mount. Refer to drawings for mounting, number of faces and direction of arrows. AC only. • Lumacell: LDE Series • Emergi-Lite: EDE Series • Beghelli: Guida RM Series • Stanpro: REMA Series Public areas X2 120V LED Architectural Edge-lit Pictogram Exit, slim-profile extruded aluminum housing, high-output LED. Universal surface mountingwall, ceiling, or end mount. Extruded acrylic panel with pictogram legend. Refer to drawings for mounting, number of faces and direction of arrows. AC only. • Lumacell: LAE Series • Emergi-Lite: EAE Series • Beghelli: Ottica RM Series • Aimlite: RPEL Series • Stanpro: RMEA Series Pool, Change rooms, gym (Second Floor) X3 120V LED Commercial Steel pictogram Exit sign, high output LED. Universal surface mounting- wall, ceiling, or end mount. Refer to drawings for mounting, number of faces and direction of arrows. AC only. c/w wireguard • Lumacell: LS Series • Emergi-Lite: ES Series • Beghelli: Stella RM Series • Stanpro: RMS Series • Aimlite: RPST Series Gym (Ground floor) X4 120V LED Attractive low profile commercial pictogram exit sign, made of tough thermoplastic. Tamperproof screws. Universal surface mounting- wall, ceiling, or end mount. Refer to drawings for mounting, number of faces and direction of arrows. AC only. • Lumacell: LP Series • Emergi-Lite: EP Series • Beghelli: Verde RM Series • Aimlite: RPPL Series • Stanpro: RMP Series Back of house areas X5 120 LED Surface mounted cast Vandal Resistant pictogram exit sign, high output LED, protected by hugh abuse clear polycarbonate c/w fully gasketed housing and tamper resistant screws. Wet location listed. Suitable for cold weather application. NEMA 4X rated. Refer to drawings for mounting, number of faces and direction of arrows. AC Only. • Lumacell: LN Series • Emergi-Lite: EN Series • Beghelli: Fortezza RM Series • Stanpro: RMR Series • Aimlite: RPWP Series Exterior- mechanical well OTHER Page 6 7/6/2016 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Project Name: BERNIE MORELLI RECREATION CENTRE Project number: 15288.000.E001 Fire Do 120V not Enter LED Recessed edgelit exit with custom "Fire Do not Enter" wording. White, baked powder coat steel trim plate. High-output LED. Wording shall not be visble when not engergized. • Lumacell: LER2 Series • Emergi-Lite: Prestige Series • Beghelli: GuidaSeries • Stanpro: SLEXO Series At BMRC/ JTP Link NOTES: 1. All luminaires need to be consistent on technology and must match reference standard description regardless of catalogue number. Where finishes are not indicated, allow for special finish. Manufacturer/Catalogue number not listed will not be considered. 2. The Electrical Contractor is responsible for the supply and installation of all fixed per unit cost luminaires as part of the base electrical contract. Refer to items 1.4.8. and 2.4.5. in specification 16505 or 26 51 13.00 for more details. 3. LED's are to be latest technology to proved maximum lumens, binned, best colour and longest life at time of purchase. Drivers are to be the latest technology at time of purchase. 4.LED luminaires dimensions listed are the maximum size allowed. Luminaires provided can be smaller than the dimension listed. 5. All luminaires diameter and depth listed are the maximum size allowed. Luminaires provided can be smaller than the dimension listed. 6. All LED luminaires that present signs of failure on site, within the warranty period, must be replaced at no cost to the owner. If temporary luminaires are required to replace any failed LED luminaires, during the waiting time for parts (i.e. drivers, boards, heat sinks, etc.), the labour cost including installation, temporary luminaire supply, temporary luminaire removal and reinstallation of the LED fixture must be provided at no cost of the owner. Additional electrical costs, associated with higher Wattage temporary luminaires, must be reimbursed with interest to the owner by the manufacturer. 7. In case of failure of a LED luminaire complete or part there of the luminaire failure, a independent third party testing Laboratory (approved by Smith + Andersen) shall be commissioned by the manufacturer or vendor to perform tests on samples taken from the failed luminaires installed on corresponding site. All reporting including the test results must be submitted to Smith + Andersen for evaluation and final approval. 8. Any additional time (related to luminaire manufacturing issues) involved by Smith + Andersen will be billed at our hourly rates to the manufacturer or vendor. 9. All LED parts and accessories must be replaceable on site without removal of the luminaire. 10. Equivalents will only be considered at Smith + Andersen discretion prior to tender close. Sample must be supplied with plug and cord for mock-up 11. Poles and bases are to be designed to accommodate wind conditions to avoid damage due to wind-induced vibrations. Shop drawings are to be signed by a structural engineer registered in the local jurisdiction. 12 . Fixtures identified as "CASH ALLOWANCE" shall be purchased by the Electrical Contractor after tender award through the cash allowance carried in the Base Contract. The Electrical Contractor shall carry and include in their base bid price the handling, delivery, storage and installation of all "CASH ALLOWANCE" fixtures. No additional Contractor markups shall be allowed or accepted to be charged against the cash allowance value. Refer specification 26 51 13.00 for more details. Page 7 7/6/2016