University of Winnipeg Convocation Program, Spring 2011

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5/16/2011 1:48:45 PM
The University of Winnipeg
The Ninety-Fourth Convocation
for the Conferring of Degrees
The University of Winnipeg
Duckworth Centre
Thursday, June 9th
Friday, June 10th
To the graduates of 2011:
I am proud to join you on this extraordinary occasion and wish you well as you move forward as leaders
in our global community.
Convocation marks a day when the whole University turns its focus to its reason for being. This is a
university where the next generation of leaders is born and where students from all walks of life can
achieve their dreams.
Every one of you has much to be proud of today and I encourage you to take great satisfaction in seeing
the results of your hard work. You are the star of the show; relish your accomplishments!
Today we look to the future in great anticipation and optimism. University of Winnipeg graduates have
much to offer Canada and the world beyond our borders. Be persistent and pursue your goals and know
that you will have our continued support along the way.
Mr. Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
The University of Winnipeg
To the graduates of 2011:
It is my honour and pleasure to offer my sincere congratulations for your achievements. We are here
to celebrate the hard work and resolve you have demonstrated in completing your degrees. Today is a
testimony to your commitment and determination. You have succeeded. Enjoy it.
On this great occasion, it is wise to reflect on all those who have supported your endeavors. We pay
tribute to your family and friends, who have offered wisdom, patience and generosity of spirit, and have
contributed to your success.
And to our faculty members, we give thanks, for their commitment to providing UWinnipeg students
with the knowledge and skills demanded in today’s economy. This is what makes the educational
experience at UWinnipeg unique. Our downtown campus, combined with the wide variety of degree
programs, and smaller class sizes allows for an enriched learning experience between faculty and
For the first time in decades, the campus is expanding to better serve future generations of students with
world-class facilities, while strengthening Winnipeg’s downtown and inner-city neighbourhoods. You
have contributed your energy and talents in making this a better place for the many students who will
follow in your footsteps.
Some of you may enter directly into new careers, and others may decide to continue with further studies.
As new alumni, you are now members of a family of more than 40,000 people who have passed through
our doors as students and graduates. We have created a new UniverCity Club which sincerely welcomes
your participation. Club members help the University continue to offer accessible world-class education,
revitalize the downtown and build an inclusive community.
I encourage you to stay in touch with us. On behalf of our faculty and staff, congratulations and please
accept my best wishes for your adventures ahead.
Lloyd Axworthy, PC, BA, PhD, LLD, OC, OM
President and Vice-Chancellor
To the Class of 2011:
As President of The University of Winnipeg Alumni Association, I want to congratulate each
student for accomplishing a wonderful milestone, graduating with a University education. What
you have done is really quite phenomenal. You have spent the last few years delicately balancing
your studies with family life, work schedules and personal responsibilities. I think you are
amazing. I applaud every one of you on your graduation.
A University education places you in good stead for the rest of your life. Some of you will
continue your studies and some will join the working world soon. Regardless, you have proven
to yourself that you are capable of overcoming much. School was not always easy; life gets in the
way. You found the inner strength to persevere and get the paper written, do the lab assignment
and pass the exam. You have tested your inner resolve and shown yourself, and I would say the
outside world, that you are a strong and determined person.
On a personal note, I am very proud of you. I graduated from this great school years ago and
the time spent here taught me tremendous life skills which I draw upon almost daily to help
me with work, family and life. I am confident you too have developed, here at UWinnipeg, the
life skills already that will propel you into future success in all aspects of your life. Well done,
Mike Cook, BA, LLB
President of the UWinnipeg Alumni Association
Ninety-Fourth Convocation
Order of Proceedings
Thursday, June 9, 2011 - 9:30 a.m.
for the conferring of degrees in Arts
The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, PC, BA, PhD, LLD, OC, OM
President and Vice-Chancellor, presiding
The audience is requested to rise for the entrance of the graduands.
Barry Anderson, BA, BEd, FRCCO
Winnipeg Police Pipe Band
Terence Hidichuk, BA, MDiv, DMin
Acting Dean, Faculty of Theology
The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, PC, BA, PhD, LLD, OC, OM
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Honorary Doctor of Laws
Jonathon F. Fanton, BA, MA, PhD
Presented by
Bill Balan, BA(Hons)
Vice-President, Finance and Administration
Address to the Graduates
Jonathon F. Fanton, BA, MA, PhD
Parvin Ghorayshi, BA, MA, PhD
Presented by
Sandra Kirby, BPE, BEd, MA, PhD
Associate Vice-President Academic & Dean of Graduate Studies
Robin Michael Bryan, BA
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Master of Public Administration (Joint UM)
Ronald Andrews
Jennifer Mairi Rattray, BA (Man)
Master of Arts (Joint UM)
Mallory Richard
Gustavo Velasco
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Kaitlynn Rachelle Alarie
Gabrielle Diane Antaya
Stephen Grant Au
Meghan Lisa Bargen
Ayodele Charles Beckley
Tessa Marjorie Maureen Blaikie
Rosalind Teresa Boning
Adam Lane Bosma
Ginger Deidra Marie Boyer
Jasmine Dawn Bracken
Janine Bramadat
Brittany Nicole Budzan
Chelsea Sarah Kendra Cairnie*
Krysta Norrie Carman
Caitlyn Dee Cassell
Duane Alan Castanaga
Daniel Church
Colin Dickson Connor
Diego Contador-Salazar
Charles Andrew Corey
Kimberley Dawn Cronin
Laura Jennifer Davey
Palak Dhiman
Tina Di Fronzo
Mark David Doerksen
Kyla Ellen Doll
James Ducas
Lindsay Anne Dueck
Jennesa Claire Dyck
Liam Edginton-Green
Kajia Eidse-Rempel
Heather Ardell Feeke
Rachel Elizabeth Ganaden
Lisa Johanne Gaudry, BA (Man)
Joseph Victor Daniel Gerbasi
Mary Elisabeth Gloor
Steffen Tyler Gouzecky
Roslyn Genevieve Graham
Zöe Eileen Gross
Sherilyn Elizabeth Hale*, BA (Alta)
Spenser Halfyard
Naomi Allison Elizabeth
Claire Louise Lake Hardy
Gillian Alexandra Harlos
Rhiannon Irene Hayes
Amanda Lee Heslop
Kimberly Hunter
Natalia Ilyniak
Kaila Marie Johnston
Caddie Ruth Krindle
Alexandra Michelle Kroeger
Lauren Marie Kroeker
Hennadiy Kutsenko
Sarah Elizabeth Land
Jessica Lippik
Mallory Sharon Leigh Light
Roxanne Nicole Liivamägi
Joshua Allan Lindal
Sean Patrick Wesley Little
Sarah Grace Livesey
Sharon Trinity Lo
Michael Jeffrey Long
Theresa Amanda McIver
James Douglas Moore
Krista Dawn Nicholson
Alana Marie Odokeychuk
Charelle Leigh O’Dunn-Orto
Kim Palmquist
Lauren Nicole Partridge
Colin Robert Peterson*
Robyn Morgan Pooley
Samantha Dawn Renee Price
Brett Murray Rach
Alissa Rappaport
Elise Dawn Regehr
Sarah Nora Foley Reilly
Clare Reimer-Dorratt
Chloe Rebecca Rew
Dylan Jon Barg Roberts
Faye Alyssa Roberts
Brittany Crystal Romano
Julie Rebecca Rubinger
Heather Anne Russell
Candace Lynn Sabiston
Rebecca Holly Sawdon
Monica Shannon
Monica Sharma
Andrea Maria Shnider
Ellen Susan Smirl
Rachelle Marie Aline Sorin
Kristy May Sytkowski
Ellen Iris Taylor-Quiring
Lincoln Lester Murray Thomas
Gaku Tobinobu
Andrew Mitchell Durance Tod
Toh Choon Hooi
Vanessa Ann van Drongelen
Alison Leigh Vargo
Sarah Elisabeth Watkins
Rhys Williams
Jamie Alexander Woods
Nicole Terese Iskwew York
Christopher Zaste
Bachelor of Arts (4 Year)
Karl Michael Anderson
Carlie Rae Banmann
Janna Michelle Breckman
William Michael Christopher
Jessica Erin Brown
Michelle Castonguay
Cindy Lee Chatwell
Tyler Nicholas Chliboyko
Andrea Lynn Clark
James Mitchell Clinton
Andrea Collins*
Kathleen Elizabeth Cook
Eillene Juliet Cruz
Kedeen Cummings
James Andrew Dalton
Meryl Kaye Raymundo De Leon*
Kyle Reid Dempsey
Harkiran Dhillan
Rosemary Anne Dominguez*
Scott Kenyon Donnelly
Katherine Mary Gordon Dow
Bonnie Jessica Dowling
Cynthia Doyle
Alexa Anna Drepko
Robin Leeanne Dudgeon
Angela Dunn
Laura Diane Durling
Lori Ebbitt
David Mark EisBrenner
Sean Esselmont
Heather Beth Ewert
Mohammad Farid
Nicole Ainsley Julie Ferland*
Stephanie Fisher
Ryan Fontaine
Leezann Freed-Lobchuk
Kerrie Garraway
Susanna Vieira Gomes
Marleah Beth Eriksson Graff
Allison Zoe Groening
Jessica Lea Hassard
Megan Cora Hunter
William Benjamin IverachBrereton
Benjamin Hazen Jeffers
Wesley Johnston
Alana Sara Kaplan
Andrew Peter Kress
Jason Kuchirka*
Arthur George Ladd
Ryan Alexander Lettner
Katherine Diane Leverick
Ke-Kang Liu
Conor Gordon Kramski Lloyd
Shannon Martin
Kiirsten Margaret May*
Brent Anthony Metcalfe*
Kimberly Dawn Mowat
Kelly Erin Nickie
Heather Louise Olynick
Mark Stuart Oxer
Raena Lee Penner
Karl Lee Peters
Alana Christina Pona
Angela Priscilla Pringle
Jodi Proctor
Farooq Qureshi*
Yvonne Louise Marie Raymond
Kaitlin Joy Rempel
Gillian Lauren Richards
Roger Ronald Ritsema
Nicole Louise Robidoux
Heather Roscoe
Kelly Dawn Ross
Rebecca Lyn Routhier*
Serena Melinda Salfert*
Dana Marie Seidel
Kelly Dawn Sheedy
Kristin Lynn Sheffield
Violet Shiplack
Paul Allan Shirtliffe*
Susanne Lynne Siemens
Tali Breanne Sitschkar
Jonathan Ferdinand Spacek*
XiaoYi Sun
Zackary Henry Joseph Swain
Jeffrey Vallis*
Justin Pierce Van Damme
Sara Giovanna Vendramelli
Dorota Elżbieta Wadowska
Lindsay White
Roberta Louise Whiteman*
Stephen James Wilcox
Erica Lee Zawadowski*
Amber Christina Zimmerman*
Michelle Tina Zyla
Kimberly Lilja Bakker
Jacqueline Lorraine Michelle
Neera Bhamini Sing Barber
Brittany Dawn Barker
Brittany Lynn Bauer
Loretta Mary Bauer
Melanie Ann Beardy
Chelsea Leeanne Becker
Mark Behrendt
Cory Jake Bell
Melissa Erin Bell
Amanda Jean Helen Bembenek
Julie Michelle Bennett
Victoria Lauren Bergen
Jocelyn Marie Best
Marla Ann Bettencourt*
Jonathon Bickle-Tapper
Chanelle Anne Birks
Jonathan Bitton*
Erika Ashley Black*
Kolby Christopher Blundell
Daniel Bohémier
Robyn Caroline Bonnell
Kaitlin Sarah Afton Born
Marleigh Bragg
Kyle James Bridges
Hilary Taylor Britton
Jerrah-Lee Kateri Marie Broesky
Lisa Michelle Brooks
Bachelor of Arts
Sara Abbi
Paula Avery Aduna
Tavga Hussamadien Ahmed
René Christopher Akong
Cloé Rachelle Allard-Cramer
Rachelle Jennifer Anderson
Shannon Andruski
Matthew Thomas Antosh
Brittany Kara-Lynn Ariss-Ferris
Rachel Armstrong*
Patricia Atkinson
Andrew Augustyn
Jeremy Warren Douglas Babcock
Jenna Ruth Baker*
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Cailey Kathleen Brown
Brooklyn Marie Brunel
Robin Michael Bryan
Samantha Buccini-Smykalski
Hannah Lena Buckley
Sara Marie Budowski
Leah Anne Buermeyer*, BA (CMU)
Curtis Burbella*
Laura Burbella
Beverly Lyn Bustare
Laura Katherine Butler
Jeffery Lee Richard Byckal
Krista Byers
Maria Cabas
Vanessa Cabral
Rachel Catherine Cameron
Matthew Gregory Cann
Doriza Caraos*
Tamara Joy Cardinal*
Andrew Serge Cardona
Margaret Careless*
Leah Marie Carrey
Andrée-Anne Carrière*
Elena Carty
Ashley Carvalho
Roxana Beatriz Castaneda
Ryan Catellier
Klayton Gordon Cawson*
Arlene Cayabyab
Lei Chai
Nicole Chambers
Wing Yee Chan
Sophie Charriere
Jenna Anne Chartrand*
Amy Mary Cherniak
Emily Faye Christie*
Ken Jin Chuah
Uem Chun
Kelly Ann Cochrane
Matthew Bruce Robert Codville
Lacey Jade Collins
Carli Norma-Lee Conway
Danielle Lee Cook
Fatima Correia*
Heather Louise Cottrell
Dana Louise Cougnon
Krystin Larissa Cullum
Nancy Lynn Cumbers
Monica Suzanne Curry
Judy Dang
Krysta Barbara Johanna DeBeer
Danielle Chantal Deck
Boran Dedeoglu
Devyn Kristey DeGagne
Hosanna Sharayah Promis deJong
Livia Carreira Delgado
Hayley Denby
Jean-Pierre Roger Deniset
Yvonne Danielle de Ruiter*
Kevin Desjarlais
Kira Shai Gwozdz Despins
Enrico Daniel De Thomasis*
Nicole Elizabeth Marie Dewar
Jessica Marie DeWit
Kiran Preet Kaur Dhillon
Raphael Cloetta Dutch DiCosimo
Tasha Dirr*
Kevin James Dobbie
Darren Stephen Dobchuk
Alisha Ducharme
Arlea Amy Dueck
Alison Therese Duffy
Joel Peter Klassen Dumont
Amanda Jaclyn Durand
Chelsea Amber Dyck
Jasmine Dyck
Phillip James Dyck
Antoinette Johanna Dyksman
Jillian Deborah Dyson
Caleb Shaun Elias
Mélina Heather Elliott
Taliza E. Elson*
Susan Emerson
Jared Walter Andrew Enns
Steven Tyler Enns*
Kirsten Ritta Eskildsen
Larissa Anne Evans
Lindsay Amanda Evans
Kristina Dede Sigrid Eyjolfson
Justine Joan Fehr*
Allister Ricardo Duane Fernandes
Jill Blaire Feuer
Brandee Fiks
Robyn Adele Flamand
Russell Ford
Tessa Lauren Forest
Christopher James Fossen
Catherine Fouillard
Ashley Brianne Fraser
Kyle Richard Friesen
Lauren Brooke Friesen
Pamela Gwen Friesen
Carlos Froese
Christan Loreen Froese
Michael Galenda
Jie Gao*
Julio Garcia Mendez*
Daniel Edouard Giasson Lother
Landon Gibson
Jessica Constance Gilligan
Randi-Dee Girard
Lesley Roberta Girling
Marek Glowacki
Lucas Gluchowski*
Alexandra Faye Goldfeld
Wendy-Leigh Della Goodman
Melissa Joy Granovsky
Lee Evelyn Gregg
Adelinde Villette Grobler*
Randy Guimond
Jon Ellis Cepe Gutierrez
Leslie Shia Helen Hajer*
Jennifer Laura Halstead
Denis Halvadzija
Bryce Charles Wesley Hamilton
Erin Colleen Hannah
Kerry Ann Hanstead
Jessica Marie Harper*
Jillian Cynthia Harris*
Richard Johannes Harzing
Natasha Farrah Havrilenko
Evelyn Faye Hayden
Candice Diane Hemphill
Jonas Hendrickson-Gracie
April Dawn Hiebert
Tiffany Ashley Joy Hiebert
Kathleen Adaire Hohne
Taylor Rowena Camille Homenick
Larissa Horbay
Devon Hurd
Kayla Whitney Hurd
Jordan William Hutsal
Joseph Hamilton Ingrilli
James Patrick Philip Irwin
Tamra Marie Rosa-May Irwin
Ilana Claire Isaacs
Amanda Doris Jackson
Donovan Reid Jackson
Michael William James*
Carlene Nicole Janzen
Kandyce Michelle Jaska
Alana Michelle Jenkinson
Courtney Dayna Jessiman
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Lisa Lynn Johnson
Vanessa Dawn Johnson-Sagers
Élise Kathryn Marie Jones
Hiromu Josha
Tanya Patricia Juarez-Barros
Angela Marie Justus
Jagjoat Kalar
Daniel Ronald Kammerlock
Preeti Kaur*
Diana Lynn Kessler-Kochie
Elvira Ketler
Bryan Kehler
Paige Jaclyn King
Charlene Joy Kisiloski
Tess Elizabeth Klachefsky
Jonathan Addison Klassen*
Stephen William Peter Klatt
Natasha Kleinsasser
Serena Nadine Klos
Brenda Knight*
Irena Kofman
Garrett Kohanek
Tyler David Kohut
Darius Nickolas Konotopetz
William James Konrad
Chelsey Marie Kopeschny
Carly-Anne Korsunsky
Jordan Kovacs
Michelle Anna Kowch
Johanna Margaret Krahn
Hadarah Benay Kravetsky
Russell Francis Kraychuk
Dixon Kruszynski
Joanna Danuta Krzyzelewski
Priyanka Kumar
Rita Kyriakakos
Shaunna Lacey
Tania Christine Louise Lachance
Crystal Laderas*
Christopher Lafrance
Signy Lamont
Paul Landry
Kristie Lynn LaPorte
Michael Brian Larson*
Amanda Jade Lash
Robyn Lynlee Laurie
Baillie Bryann Laurin
Brandon Law*
Nicole Catherine Layco*
Nicole LeBlanc
Charles Andrew Lefebvre*
Jared Ross Lehotsky
Shimon Joseph Leibl
Levi Lequire
Sarah Michelle Leroux
Sara Leschasin
Caitlin Samantha Liewicki
Laura Margaret Lillies
Taryn Janelle Lister
Oluwaseun Lloyd-Kuyinu
Lynsey April Lodge
Amber Dawn Loeppky
Stephanie Lauren Loewen
Lois Elizabeth Loewen Epp*, BRS
Alisha Long
Sydney Dalyce Loschiavo
Sanjeeva Omaree Louis
Samantha Jane Luczenczyn
Trang Thi Li
Andrew William Lynch
Tara Lynne Lyseyko
Joanne Melody MacDonald
Allan Sterling MacLean
Christina Sarah MacNeill
Matthew Adam MacNeil
Courtney Melissa Maddock
Amy Major
Jason Maksymowycz
Justin Nicholas Maksymowycz
Monica Elizabeth Malbasa
Tanya Oksanna Manastersky
Ashley Marie Marcinyk
Calum Stuart MacIver Martin*
Charissa Jane Martin
Tendai Lavinia Maruta
Rohith Christopher Mascarenhas*
Joel Kristjan Johannes Matheson
Jessica Anne Maxwell
Kailyn Levada Maxwell
Brittany Marie Nicole Maydaniuk
Heather McAndrew
Allison Christina McBurney
Randi Elaine McCallum
Corie McCormick
Colin Eric George McFadyen*
Sara Alexandra McGregor
Heather Michelle McIntyre*
Stephen Michael McIsaac
Lynette Hazel Simonne McLarty
Kyle Douglas McLean
Marcie McMillan*
Pamela Lynn McMillan
Akela Darlee McMullin
Bahiyyih Grace McRedmond
Christine Méthot
Derek Micholson
Alexis Vivienne June Miller
Catherine Elizabeth Miller
Donna Michelle Mills
Melody Mirza-Agha
Jenna Lise Mitzok
Rotha Moeun
Lysa Molcan
Andrea Stephanie Moreno
Tamara Jasmine Morin
Alexis Hillary Moritz
Benjamin Joseph Morrisseau
Ashley Lynn Elsie Motuz*
Dena Abed Moussa
Frances Siobhan Mulhall
Mackenzie Robert Royal Murdock
Raymond Daniel Nagamori
Rachel Neil
Erin Michelle Neskar
Janessa Helene Neufeld
Marc Aron Neufeld
Jacqueline Jeannine Nicholson*
Vlatko Nikolovski*
Cynthia Wolfe Nolin*
Meaghan Elene Oakley
Mandy Lee O’Brien
Marla Sheena Ochoa
Loa Jorunn Olafson
Amanda Oliver
Thomas Morton Ormonde
Jerri-Lynn Orr
Tamara Nicole Paley
Jodi Paradoski
Amanda Diane Parisien
Vadim Parshintsev
Kathryn Mary Elizabeth Parsons
Trevor James Pascal
Jennifer Paterson
Lauren Diane Paterson
Tiffany Rose June Pele
Andrew William Penner
Kirby Leigh Penner
Marita Omaga Perez
Scott Pettitt
Brenna Deanne Philp
Anton Plesca
Danielle Verla Procyshyn
Bachelor of Arts (continued)
Nicolette Rabliauskas
Alison Nicole Ralph
Alan Wayne Rankine
Ali Raza
Karen Rea
David Reidke*
Erin Lee Reimer
Karen Remoto
Maricar Remoto
Suzanne Rempel
Athena Kondilo Retalis
Ashley Marie Riazanov
Neil Richard
Megan Rieger
Lauren Rist
Brett Adam Ritlbauer
Jaclyn Nicole Rivest
Ashley Alissa Roach
Helena Robertson
Ricki Anne Robertson
Amanda Nicole Rosney
Cameron Alexander Ross*
Carla Jean Ross
Stacie Ross
Alexandre Ross-Gautron
Jasmine Dewar Rusu*
Stephanie Colleen Ruud
Edward Shane Ryshak
Muna Hassan Salah
Clifford George Sanderson*
Christopher Sargent
Robert Sarvis
Peter James Saunders
Randy Carlos Sawatzky*
Lisa Jean Schellenberg
Marika Leanne Schellenberg
Ashley Schmidt
Kaitlyn Jamie Sciberras
Darice Courtney Louise Scott
Dmitrii Scurtu
Teri Ann-Marie Seifert*
Melissa Senden
Aden Mohamed Shaiye
Nitasha Sharma*
Tabitha Samantha Shiplack
Patrick Edward Short
Fabrice Siaux
Jessica Lee Sidak
Stacey Lee Silk
Armin Singh
Courtney Skinner
Ashley Anne Skoropet
Kyle Andrew Small
Erica Joanne Smith*
Glenice Lorna Smith-Mini
Kara Marie Smukowich
Kristen Amy Smyrski
Jillian Paige Sobovitch
Sumanpreet Sodhi
Andrea Marie Sokal
Chava Sosnowicz
Cameron David Grant Sprange
Jeffery Steinke
Kristopher Wayne Stevenson
Wendy Lynne Stevenson
Jaana Marie Anne Stewart*
Shea Clifford Harold Stratton*
Amy Louise Sullivan*
Christine Swan
Kimberly Robin Symons
Brynne Takeuchi
Humail Tariq
Destiny Zoyla Maria Teles
Kyle Lael Thiessen
Cassandra Marie Thomas
Samantha April Thomas
Richard Bryan Toews
Chelsea May Tomchuk
Melanie Jo-Anne Toupin
Stephanie Treminio-Guido
Brian James Trenchard
Amanda Lynn Rose Trunzo
Dana Mandy Marie Tucker
Marissa Ann Tylipski
Kurtis Fredrick Ulrich
Angela Carmen Uta*
Matthew Edward Valcourt
Roland Van Gend*
Jordan Dana Vickar
Michael Graham David Vogt
Stephanie Jenea Vopni
Chaley Lynn Voth
Andrea Elizabeth Wach
Jerald John Wake
Tyler Waldbauer
Kayla Dawn Wallman
Breanna Marion Walls
Savanna Marie Walls*
Ji Wang
Fahadkhan Wanna
Ronae Warkentine
Christie Marina Warren
Heather Watson-Burgess
Jared Matthew Wheeler
Katherine Anne Whitbread
Ginger Marie White
Madeline Dora White
Shawna Marie Whiteside
Amanda Katherine Wiebe
Linda Mae Wiebe
Tania Monica Wiebe
Conrad Adam Wilson
Daniel Wilson
Sarah Eileen Wilson
Stewart Malcolm Boyd Wiltshire*
Teresa Roxanne Wolfe
Stacie Wolkowski
Samantha Woloski
Russel Kenneth Wonnek*
Cameron John Derek Wood
Delaney Elizabeth Wood
Leanne Chelsea Woods
Robert Jason Wozny*
Kennedy Wychnenka
Sergey Yermolenko
Alexander Nicholas Zebrun
Alison Claire Zenisek
Zhang Xi
Zhe Zhu
Ciara Dawn Ziegler
*As at February 2011
Mike Cook, BA, LLB
President, The University of Winnipeg Alumni Association
Margo Goodhand, BA(Hons)
Presented by
Mike Cook, BA, LLB
President, The University of Winnipeg Alumni Association
Jennesa Claire Dyck, BA(Hons)
Colin Russell, BA(Hons), BEd, MA
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
The audience is requested to remain in their places until the academic procession has retired.
An informal reception will be held immediately following the recessional on the Portage Commons and
Spence Street Promenade. We invite you to enjoy our campus.
Ninety-Fourth Convocation
Order of Proceedings
Thursday, June 9, 2011 – 2:30 p.m.
for the conferring of degrees in Science, and Business and Economics
The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, PC, BA, PhD, LLD, OC, OM
President and Vice-Chancellor, presiding
The audience is requested to rise for the entrance of the graduands.
Barry Anderson, BA, BEd, FRCCO
Winnipeg Police Pipe Band
Terence Hidichuk, BA, MDiv, DMin
Acting Dean, Faculty of Theology
The Honourable Erin Selby, BA
Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy
The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, PC, BA, PhD, LLD, OC, OM
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Honorary Doctor of Laws
David A. Golden, LLB, LLD, OC
Presented by
Michael Benarroch, BA(Hons), MA, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics
Address to the Graduates
David A. Golden, LLB, LLD, OC
Ingrid Truderung
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Master of Science
Joël Wynn Jameson, BSc (Hon)(Man)
Kristin Anna Jonasson, BSc (Hon)(Cal)
Jian Ren, BSc (Macau)
Nada Sagga*, BSc (King Abdulazez)
Adriana Rocio Suarez Gonzalez, BSc (Ind. De
Vignesh Sundararajan, MSc (Bharathidasan), BSc (Amer.
Coll. India)
Naseta Zarin
Leping Zou, BSc (SW Jiaotong)
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Zaid Aboud
Tyler John Atchison
Sarah Anne Beattie
Robert Bergen
Joshua Joseph Boulding
Allison Joy Breddam
Dylan Earl Hedges Buhr
Wesley Cade
Chantal Joanne Carrière
Jonathan Karl Challis
Zachary Corso
Brian Michael Desautels
Evan David Elias
Sasantha Nilman Fernando
Andrea Kathleen Globa
Victor Mingxue Gong
Phillip David Grayson*
Leanne Arlene Grieves
Alannah Hallas
Rebecca Anne Hiebert
Carrie Roxanne Kosinski
Michael Lang
Jordyn Sean Lerner
Brittany Rebecca Lynn
Tony Mantler
Alex Melo*
Allyson Kate Menzies
Thomas Morris
Mathias Pielahn
Patricia Lynne Roche
Alison Smith
Jessica Maarit Stromberg
Phoebe Jean-Anne Thiessen
Alyssa Marie Vergata
Mathias Abiel Wengiel
Alana Rachel Westwood*
Kyle Gregory White*
Changzhi Xie
Bachelor of Science (4 Year)
Ruel Afurong
Kristie Lee Bailey
Grant Steven Bainard*
Kassandra Bouchard
Brock Henry Bradford*
Andrew Langh Budge*
Rachelle Marie Budge
Tyler Clearwater
Brenden John Clarke*
Troy Michael Deda
Michelle Dawn D’Souza
Alysha Dawn Dudych
Amanda Lee Marie Dumont
Jennifer Ethans
Jessica Anne Falk
Saucha Alexis Feder
Kelly Ferrand*
Cory Sean Fogel
Danielle Maria Gadsdon
Katherine Anne Forsyth Galloway
Zoe Kathleen Glover
Danielle Guenette
Cale Scott Hildebrand
Justin Matthew Hurd
Jordan Dale Janisse
Thomas Karl Jordan*
Eleni Karasoulis
Matthew David Katz
Bryan Kehler
Meghan Lynn Kynoch
Kara-Lea Lafosse
Samantha Judeanne Lake
Diep Quang Le
Donna Lee
Robyn Tess Makowski
Jesse Isaac Marantz
Joshua Luke Markham
Derek Micholson
Winnie Muyombano
Jennifer Alice Myles
Alexandra Nataluk
Jillian Aylen Neusitzer
Chineze Nwamalubia Ofodile
Ryan Michael Oleschak
Meaghan Ann Pacholek*
Kim Palmquist
Keera Lynn Peladeau
Valerie Maria Pelleck
Vincent Petrzelka
Matthew James Henry Pierce
Karen Elizabeth Rispler
Lauren Ritchie*
Jillian Leigh Rumore
Zachary Scott Salmonson
Megan Lee Seddon
Marianne Serrano
Danielle Kathleen Sliboda
Maegan Springman*
Candice Lynn Stonebridge
Robin Gabriel Super
Peter Han Yu Tan*
John Titus
Alexa Rae Toop
Justin Michael Waito
Kaira Dawn Wasylyshen
Kristopher Watts
Lauren Whittaker
Stephen Hendrick Winnemuller*
Kaylee Donn Mabel Woodward
Bachelor of SCIENCE
Heather Dawn Alexander
Joyce Izabel Aquino
Michelle Arbez*
Ryan Montgomery Arnold*
David Karl Barchet
Michael David Berry
Courtney Elma Robin Berthelette
Kiranpreet Brar
Kayla Ruth Marie Broadfoot
Fabien Jérémie Bruel
Leah Dawn Budzinski*
Jaime Campos
Nelly Johanna Castillo-Pilcol
Pamela Castro
Ruchi Chhibba
Alexander Chiborak
Iyvan Wasyl Chuchman
Valerie Roberta Cobb-Friesen
Jordan Alexander Cram
Yen Minh Cung
Stuart Darrach-Cottick
Lisa Dasiewicz
Jenna Helen DeBoer
Breanne Jade Derhak
Brittney Danielle Derksen
Daniel Brian Despins
Rochelle Andrea Dickson
Justin William Duff*
Adam George Edward Erickson
Sean Michael Fainman
Allyson Joy Fedak
Jared Joseph Fitzpatrick
Megan Kendra Flynn
Daniel Cornelius George Froese
April Rose Gabisan
Vincent Joshua Gallo*
Jessica Katy Gamble
Christine Marie Garand*
Jemie-Lee Gonzales
Samuel Anthony Goszer
Lindsay Marie Grabner
Christopher John Graham
Mychèle Julie Grégoire
Janessa Lauren Grieve*
Rui Guo
Timothy John Hiebert
Candace Marie Isaac
Hyekyeong Jang
Olujimi Jegede
Kayleigh Jephcote
Rae-Kiran Jhinger
Chuang Jiang
Michael David Johnson
Erika Kristin Jonasson
Imran Kang
Stacey Jill Katz
Johnathan Kirupakaran
Amanda Marie Lynne Kula*
Nah Eun Lee
Karlene Elisabeth Luchka
Allison Caitlin MacKinnon
Nicholas Malazdrewicz
Adrian Julius Manalo
Oksana Marushchak
Shubha Mathur
Charley Anna McDonald-Mitchell
Aaron Yale Micflikier
Adriana Kristin Muc*
Sara Ellen Murray
Ndinda Faith Musyoka
Christian Nathan
Samuel Peter Neufeld
Bryce O’Donnell*
Febijesusola Oyelana
Reiner Carlos Eleazar Padilla
Adam Paul Peleshaty
Stephen James Pierce
Natalie Elaine Queau
Bonibelle Anne Rebenque
Hayley Alana Rehberg*
Henry Rho
Rebekah Danielle Evonne Rittberg
Shannon Lee Robinson
Carly Marie Sable
Ann Sam
Heather Sandhu
Jarrett William Schmidt*
Laura Chesley Scott
Rachel Laura Searle
Maala Sharma
Prabhjit Singh
Preeti Singh*
James Eric Snowdon
Aaron Joseph Leslie Steinberg
Sharda Stokes
Tao Sun
Joscelynn Tan
Laura Lynn Tanner
Fabrizio Justin Tarantola
Kristine Mary Taraschuk
Ivan Tat
Gurveer Singh Turka
Luk John Brian Vanderhooft
Tara-lynn Wallegham
Christopher Walmsley
Navsharan Kaur Warraich
Cian John Joseph Gabriel Whalley
Jeffrey Brian Wheeler
Jessica Suzanne Wiebe
Thomas Andrew John Winter
Teresa Roxanne Wolfe
Lauren Jade Wooley
Weiguo Zheng
Bachelor of Business Administration (4 Year)
Adeolu Adetola
Wenqi Chi
Maria Elizabeth Clearwater
Corey Abraham Coker
Sean Thomas Espey
Mallory Jan Gomez*
Kayla Kristina Guevarra
Qinsi Huang
Sadiq Imam
Xiaonan Ji*
Mohammad Hossein Khakbaz
Shawn Darrell Klym
Jordan Kovacs
Jonathan Stuart Laco
Thomas Hoyin Lai
Jiamin Liu
Yan Fei Li
Michael Jeffrey Long
Mario Raimondi*
Fernanda Marques Dos Reis*
Jared Michael Romanychyn
Maninder Saini*
Karli Schon
Chao Wang
Brandon Hugh Yestrau
Shuyu Zhang
Xingyu Zhu*
Rushda Adiba*
Jawad Ahmed
Bachelor of Business Administration
Duncan Stephenson Antoniuk
Faheem Bhat*, BBA (Kashmir)
Jewanjot Singh Bhullar
Jamie Marie Breyfogle
Gladys Wanjiru Chege
Mangose Chinya*
Amy Davidson*
Shuai Duo
Rory Patrick Egan
Wen Gao
Michelle Devina Gazze*
Alexandra Michelle Gravenor*
Danielle Grzybowski
William Wai Kit Ho
Charlene Isla
Byron Junior James
Hardeep Kaur
Michael Duncan McNeill LeFervr*
Weizhen Liang
Yupu Li
Lucy-Ann Matitu*
Sarah Nadine Mickoski*
Takeshi Ochiai
Alexandra Ufuoma Okobaroh
Devan Laurel Ostapyk
Kristine Padpad*
Angel Premika Perera
Jin Qi
Anukirat Randhawa*
Elizabeth Rheubottom
Mikaela Robinson
Nicholas Serafino Cornelius Romio
Jessica Alexis Rozmus
Stanislav Schoichet*
Anita Nadia Seecharan
Kirk Bruce Shepard*
Jennifer Shields*, BA
Olumayowa Sodipo*
Jonathan Solomon*
Morris Ashton Stern*
Janet Louise Thomas
Leah Joy Vanderzwaag
Jonathan Villa*
Wang Xiao
Yan Wang
Yun Wang*
Jessica Anne Wolf
Hiu Ching Wong
Yu Xing*
Xin Yu
Dongmei Zhang
Lei Zhang
Mu Zhang
SuChao Zhang
Lingling Zhao
Andrew Paul Zmiyiwsky
The following are also listed in the Arts section of this program:
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics
Ayodele Charles Beckley
Steffen Tyler Gouzecky
Michael Jeffrey Long
Gaku Tobinobu
Bachelor of Arts (4 YEAR) in Economics
Paul Allan Shirtliffe*
Jonathan Ferdinand Spacek*
Xiao Yi Sun
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Sara Marie Budowski
Wing Yee Chan
Jean-Pierre Roger Deniset
Jei Gao*
Colin Eric George McFadyen*
Oluwaseun Lloyd-Kuyinu
Trang Thi Ly
Vadim Parshintsev
Anton Plesca
Ji Wang
Sergey Yermolenko
Zhe Zhu
*As at February 2011
Mike Cook, BA, LLB
President, The University of Winnipeg Alumni Association
Alana Rachel Westwood, BSc(Hons)
Colin Russell, BA(Hons), BEd, MA
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
The audience is requested to remain in their places until the academic procession has retired.
An informal reception will be held immediately following the recessional on the Portage Commons and
Spence Street Promenade. We invite you to enjoy our campus.
Ninety-Fourth Convocation
Order of Proceedings
Friday, June 10, 2011 – 9:30 a.m.
for the conferring of degrees in Theology and Education
John Corlett, BSc, MSc, PhD
Vice-President Academic, presiding
The audience is requested to rise for the entrance of the graduands.
Barry Anderson, BA, BEd, FRCCO
Winnipeg Police Pipe Band
Terence Hidichuk, BA, MDiv, DMin
Acting Dean, Faculty of Theology
John Corlett, BSc, MSc, PhD
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Honorary Doctor of Sacred Letters
William D. Roberts, BA(Hons), MA, MBA
Presented by
The Honourable Bill Blaikie, PC, BA, MDiv, DD
Minister of Conservation
Address to the Graduates
William D. Roberts, BA(Hons), MA, MBA
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Honorary Doctor of Laws
Leslie Spillett
Presented by
Jennifer Rattray, BA, MPA
Executive Director, Government, Indigenous and Community Affairs
Address to the Graduates
Leslie Spillett
Eleoussa (Louesa) Polyzoi, BSc(Hons), MA, PhD
Conferred by
Chancellor Robert Silver, BSc(Hons)
Master of Sacred Theology
Joanne Biggs, MDiv, BA (Hon)(St.Thomas)
Gerard Michael Bzdel, BTh (St Paul), BA, BEd (Sask)
Brian Larmour, MDiv, BTh (Tyndale)
Linda Lee Stokes, BTh
Master of Divinity
Samuel Nelson Goodridge, BA (Man)
Master of Arts (Theology)
Daniel Robert Barclay, BSW (Man)
Michèle Veronika Barr, BMus (Man)
Renée Evelyn May Lavitt, BA
Helene Sarah Warkentin, BA, MA (joint Man)
Bachelor of Theology
Ruth Ross
Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education
Kiranjit Kaur Brar, MSc (GND), BEd (Khalsa Coll)
Kelly James Chabbert*, BEd, BA
Melissa Dawn Denesiuk*, BEd, BA
Sarah Ellen Jade Frost*, BEd, BA
Samantha Margaret Michaluk, BEd
Alexandra Mae Nikkel, BEd, BA
Sheena Rae Helen Smith*, BEd, BA
Bachelor of Education
Sara Abbi
Paula Avery Aduna
Rachelle Jennifer Anderson
Brittany Kara-Lynn Ariss-Ferris
Andrew Augustyn
Ronald Albert Auselin
Kristin Nicole Bahniuk
Kimberly Lilja Bakker
Emanuel Custodio Barbosa*
Brittany Dawn Barker
Melanie Ann Beardy
Mark Behrendt
Cheryl Lynn Bejo, BSc
Cory Jake Bell
Amanda Jean Helen Bembenek
Laura Lee Benedict
Julie Michelle Bennett
Carleigh Alison Benoit*, BA
Kimberly Ann Bishop, BA
Kathryn Elizabeth Bracken*, BSc
Shauna Marie Braz Patek, BSc, LLB
Kyle James Bridges
Hilary Taylor Britton
Heather Adella Broeska, BA (Man)
Jerrah-Lee Kateri Marie Broesky
Kristen Kimberly Bromilow, BA (Hon)
Lisa Michelle Brooks
Krista Byers
Eric Douglas Cable, BPEd (Alt)
Bachelor of Education (continued)
Vanessa Cabral
Sarah Ann Cameron, BA (Man)
Ruben David Carr, BA (Carl)
Leah Marie Carrey
Elena Carty
Pamela Castro
Arlene Cayabyab
Jillian Renaye Chaykowski, BA
Amy Mary Cherniak
Dana Breeann Clayton, BA
Benjamin Berton Clendenning,
Lacey Jade Collins
Carli Norma-Lee Conway
Danielle Lee Cook
Karen Settee Cook, BFA (Man)
Heather Louise Cottrell
Dana Louise Cougnon
Amy Louise Cousins, BA
Krystin Larissa Cullum
Laura Jennifer Davey
Jenna Helen DeBoer
Danielle Chantal Deck
Hosanna Sharayah Promise
Kathleen Marie Derhak
Shannon Joy Derksen, BA (Adv)
Jessica Marie DeWit
Sarah Mae Dietrich, BSc (4 yr)
Julie Elizabeth Donak, BA
Arlea Amy Dueck
Kristina Dueck, BA (4 yr)(CMU)
Thompson Edwin Durham, BA
Chelsea Amber Dyck
Phillip James Dyck
Ashleigh Lynne Enns, BPEd (Man)
Larissa Anne Evans
Allyson Joy Fedak
Jill Blaire Feuer
Robyn Adele Flamand
Russell Ford
Ashley Brianne Fraser
Sean Thomas Free, BSc (Man)
David Kevin Frey, BA
Carly Lise Blyth Friesen, BA (Man)
Kyle Richard Friesen
Mitchell Reese Currie Friesen, BA
Pamela Gwen Friesen
Christan Loreen Froese
Michelle Karen Froese*, BSc
Stephanie Lorraine Gagnon, BA
Michael Galenda
Nadiya Galinska, BEd (Kryvyy
David Gamble
Jessica Katy Gamble
Shannon Leigh Anastasia Gidzak,
Elviene Giesbrecht, BA (Man), BA
(Steinbach Bib. Coll)
Randi-Dee Girard
Lesley Roberta Girling
Marek Glowacki
Wendy-Leigh Della Goodman
Melissa Joy Granovsky
Jessica Ruth-Anne Grenier*, BA
Monica Gupta, BA
Michelle Lee Hamilton, BA
Erin Colleen Hannah
Liane Rachel Hardern*, BA
Andrew David Hedlin, BA (Man)
Candice Diane Hemphill
Saul Abram Henteleff, MA (Con),
BA (Hon)
Amber Dawn Hewitt, BA
Julia Danielle Hiebert*, BA
Taylor Rowena Camille Homenick
Carolyn Roberta Anne Huebner*,
BA (4 yr.)
Janelle Deanne Hume*, BA (CMU)
Jennifer Edna Hunt*, BA
Jordan William Hutsal
Chad David Irvine, BPEd (Man)
Candace Marie Isaac
Kandyce Michelle Jaska
Alana Michelle Jenkinson
Kayleigh Jephcote
Vanessa Dawn Johnson-Sagers
Lisa Jolly, BSc (Mem)
Erika Kristin Jonasson
Alyssa Lauren Jones, BA
Daniel Ronald Kammerlock
Imran Kang
Stephanie Ann Kardal*, BA
Stacey Jill Katz
Diana Lynn Kessler-Kochie
Elvira Ketler
Shaun Patrick Klan, BA (ND)
Damon Douglas Alan Klassen*, BA
Vern Klassen-Wiebe, BA, BTh
(CMBC), MDiv (AMBS), ThM
(Union Theol Sem)
Natasha Kleinsasser
Serena Nadine Klos
Christopher Allen Klowak, BA
Amanda Joy Knapp, BA
Darius Nickolas Konotopetz
Carly-Anne Korsunsky
Michelle Anna Kowch
Hadarah Benay Kravetsky
Joanna Danuta Krzyzelewski
Jerrod Michael Kusyk
Jarod Léo Maurice Laberge, BA
Tania Christine Louise Lachance
Vanessa Marie LaCoste, BSc
Christopher Lafrance
Kristie Lynn LaPorte
Marcel Joseph Laroche, BESS
Amanda Jade Lash
Mark Joseph Lebar, BSc (Man)
Nicole LeBlanc
Rachel Anne Lee, BA
Denise Marie Jacqueline Létienne
Amanda Marie Leuschen, BA
Amanda Lindal, BA
Joseph William Lindhorst
Elizabeth Anne Ling, BSc (Wat)
Erin Leslie Lobban, BA (Man)
Lynsey April Lodge
Sanjeeva Omaree Louis
Samantha Jane Luczenczyn
Sarah Ellen Luhowy*, BA
Ashley Rose Lunney, BA
Tara Lynn Lyseyko
Joanne Melody MacDonald
Allison Caitlin MacKinnon
Charissa Jane Martin
Kelly Lee Martin, BA
Jennifer Elizabeth Matwee, BA (Hon)
Kailyn Levada Maxwell
Heather McAndrew
Darcy Robert McCallum, BA (Man)
Stephen Michael McIsaac
Karli Leigh-Ann McMaster*, BA
Bahiyyih Grace McRedmond
Christine Méthot
Len Metro
Suzanne Marie Midford, BA
Bachelor of Education (continued)
Catherine Elizabeth Miller
David Mitchell, BA
Jenna Lise Mitzok
Rotha Moeun
Lysa Molcan
Alexis Hillary Moritz
Anne Elise Mott, BA
Dena Abed Moussa
Kassandra Mueller*, BA
Alyssa Mary Nabess, BA
Karly Breanne Nash, BSc (Hon)
Rachel Neil
Erica Joy Neufeld, BSc (StB)
Marc Aron Neufeld
Meaghan Elene Oakley
Marla Sheena Ochoa
Stephanie Allison Hidemi Okabe*, BA
Amanda Oliver
Jerri-Lynn Orr
Chantel Melanie Pachet
Tamara Nicole Paley
Criselle Angela Palma, BA (Man)
Amanda Diane Parisien
Barbara-Ann Parkin
Lauren Diane Paterson
Tiffany Rose June Pele
Kirby Leigh Penner
Marita Omaga Perez
Allison Gail Perlov, BA
Heather Ann Price, BSc (Man)
Sherry Lee Louise Proulx
Amritdeep Kaur Purba, BSc (Panjab)
Natalie Elaine Queau
Jodi Lynn Rae*, BA
Dina Raihman, BSc (Taras
Leah Chrisanne Regehr*, BA
Erin Lee Reimer
Athena Kondilo Retalis
Ashley Alissa Roach
Christy Lynn Roberts*, BA
Leanne Heather Romaniuk, BA
Amanda Nicole Rosney
Rhaena Lise Runzer, BA
Stephanie Colleen Ruud
Joel Terrance Frank Sawatzky, BA
Lisa Jean Schellenberg
Pamela Joan Scheveck
Ashley Schmidt
Kaitlyn Jamie Sciberras
Darice Courtney Louise Scott
Tabitha Samantha Shiplack
Fabrice Siaux
Stacey Lee Silk
Courtney Skinner
Ashley Anne Skoropet
Danielle Kathleen Sliboda
Amanda Grace Smith, BSc
Sandra Caitlin Smith*, BA
Jillian Paige Sobovitch
Chava Sosnowicz
Cameron David Grant Sprange
Nicholas Arthur Steckler, BA
Kristopher Wayne Stevenson
Raya Barbara Leanne Stutsky, BSc
Carina Marie Subchak*, BSc,
Lindsay Dawn Surcon*, BA
Alexander Tahimic, BA
Brynne Takeuchi
Lauren Rachel Tennenhouse*, BA
Katharina Thiessen, BA
Cassandra Marie Thomas
Jaime Leah Timmerman, BA
Richard Bryan Toews
Melanie Jo-Anne Toupin
Stephanie Treminio-Guido
Brian James Trenchard
Andrew Herbert Trethart, BSc
Jerald John Wake
Corwyn Lee Waldbauer, BA
Prabhjot Kaur Walia, MEng(Birm),
BSc (Panjab)
Raminder Walia, BA
Ian Mark Walker, BA
Ronae Warkentine
Cheryl Anne Darlene Watters, BA
Shawna Marie Whiteside
Paul Trent Willems*
Bonnie Christine Wilson, BMus
Teresa Roxanne Wolfe
Stacie Wolkowski
Joyce Yau Hun Wong, BDes (Ryer)
Leanne Chelsea Woods
Tera Marie Dyck Woodyard, BA (4
Lauren Jade Wooley
Eunkyung Yang, BBA (Seo
Shane Thomas Yeske, BA
Angelina Yu, BA (Man)
Alexander Nicholas Zebrun
Ciara Dawn Ziegler
*As at February 2011
Delmar Sexsmith, BA(Hons)
Past President, The University of Winnipeg Alumni Association
Laura Jennifer Davey, BEd
Colin Russell, BA(Hons), BEd, MA
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
The audience is requested to remain in their places until the academic procession has retired.
An informal reception will be held immediately following the recessional on the Portage Commons and
Spence Street Promenade. We invite you to enjoy our campus.
June 9 & 10, 2011
Medals for overall achievement
The Governor General’s Gold Medal for the highest
standing in a Master’s Degree
Kristin Jonasson
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Science (Honours course)
Alannah MacKenzie Hallas
The Governor General’s Silver Medal for the highest
standing in an undergraduate degree
Saskia Christine Hildebrandt as at October, 2010
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Science (Honours course)
Zachary Thomas Corso
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Arts (Honours course)
Sarah Grace Livesey
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Science (4-year course)
Megan Lee Seddon
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Arts (Honours course)
Zoe Eileen Gross
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Science (4-year course)
Donna Sookzen Lee
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Arts (4-year course)
Leezann Freed-Lobchuk
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Science (General course)
Saskia Christine Hildebrandt as at October, 2010
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Arts (4-year course)
Suzanne Lynn Siemens
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Science (General course)
Claire Siobhan McKibbin as at October, 2010
The Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for the highest
standing in Arts (General course)
Jean-Pierre Roger Deniset
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Education
Carolyn Roberta Ann Huebner
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Arts (General course)
Theresa Roxanne Wolfe
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Education
Laura Jennifer Davey
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Business and Economics (4-year course)
Jiamin Liu
The O.T. Anderson Award (for distinguished
academic and extra-curricular performance)
Janna Michelle Barkman as at February, 2011
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Business and Economics (4-year course)
Michael J. Long
The Mayor’s Medal (for contribution to the
Arthur G. Ladd
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal for the highest standing
in Business and Economics (General course)
Dongmei Zhang
The University Silver Medal for the second highest
standing in Business and Economics (General
Takeshi Ochiai
Medals for achievement in an Honours course
Anthropology (Honours)
Rosylyn Genevieve Graham
History (Honours)
Owen Peter Bradshaw as at October, 2010
Applied Computer Science (Honours)
Craig David Klassen as at October, 2010
International Development Studies (Honours)
Ellen Susan Smirl
Biochemistry (Honours)
Zachary Thomas Corso
Mathematics (Honours)
Mathias Pielahn
Biology (Honours)
Chantal Joanne Carrier & Phillip David
Grayson as at February, 2011
Philosophy (Honours)
Kajia Shasa Eidse-Rempel
Biopsychology (Honours)
Allyson Kate Menzies
Chemistry (Honours)
Alannah MacKenzie Hallas
Classics (Honours)
Joseph Victor Daniel Gerbasi
Criminal Justice (Honours)
Hennadiy Kutsenko & Caitlyn Dee Cassell
Dance (Honours)
Rebecca Holly Sawdon
Economics (Honours)
Natalia Giraldo-Gomez as at October, 2010
English (Honours)
Sarah Grace Livesey
French Studies (Honours)
Lauren Nicole Partridge
Physics (Honours)
Dylan Earl Hedges Buhr
Politics (Honours)
Dylan Jon Barg Roberts
Psychology (Honours)
Gillian Alexandra Harlos
Sociology (Honours)
Jacquie Nicholson as at October, 2010
Student-Designed Major (Honours)
Alana Rachel Westwood as at February, 2011
Theatre & Film (Honours)
Heather Anne Russell
Urban & Inner City Studies (Honours)
Alissa Esther Rappaport
Women’s and Gender Studies (Honours)
Zoe Eileen Gross
Medals for achievement in a 4-year course
Bioanthropology (4-year)
Kalyna Nadya Horocholyn as at October, 2010
Communications (4-year)
Heather Louise Olynick
Biochemistry (4-year)
Donna Sookzen Lee
Conflict Resolution Studies (4-year)
Allison Zoe Groening
Biology (4-year)
Megan Lee Seddon
Economics (4-year)
Pamela Dawn Ormonde as at October, 2010
Biopsychology (4-year)
Matthew James Pierce
English (4-year)
Leezann Freed-Lobchuck
Business Administration (4-year)
Jiamin Liu
Environmental Studies (4-year)
Megan Seddon
Combined Major (4-year)
Wesley Flett Johnston
Geography (4-year)
Justin Michael Waito
History (4-year)
Bonnie Jessica Dowling
Politics (4-year)
Kathleen Elizabeth Cook
International Development Studies (4-year)
Raenna Penner
Sociology (4-year)
Allison Zoe Groening
Kinesiology & Applied Health (4-year)
Susanne Lynne Siemens
Statistics (4-year)
Katherine Anne Forsyth Galloway
Philosophy (4-year)
Nick Jordan Tanchuk as at October, 2010
Women’s and Gender Studies (4-year)
Kristin Lynn Sheffield
Physics (4-year)
Jesse Isaac Marantz
Medals for achievement in a General course
Applied Computer Science (General)
Cian John Joseph Whalley
French Studies (General)
Catherine Michelle Fouillard
Bioanthropology (General)
Jonathan Kirupakaran
Geography (General)
Meaghan Elene Oakley
Biochemistry (General)
Saskia Christine Hildebrandt as at
October, 2010
History (General)
Lee Evelyn Gregg
Biology (General)
Claire Siobhan McKibbin as at October, 2010
Biopsychology (General)
Adriana Kristin Muc as at February, 2011
Business & Administration (General)
Dongmei Zhang
Chemistry (General)
Iyvan Wasyl Chuchman
Classics (General)
Curtis James Burbella as at February,
Combined Major (General)
Robin Micheal Bryan
Conflict Resolution Studies (General)
Linda Mae Wiebe
Criminal Justice (General)
Michiell Joy Victoria Lopez as at October, 2010
Dance (General)
Loa Jorunn Olafson
Economics (General)
Jean-Pierre Roger Deniset
English (General)
Krystin Larissa Cullum
International Development Studies (General)
Gaelene Elizabeth Askeland as at October, 2010
Kinesiology & Applied Health (General)
Teresa Roxanne Wolfe
Mathematics (General)
Michael David Johnson & Fabien Jeremie Bruel
Philosophy (General)
Bryan Benjamin Kehler
Physics (General)
Reiner Carlos Padilla
Politics (General)
Dana Mandy Tucker
Psychology (General)
Katherine Marise Rackham as at
October, 2010
Religion and Culture (General)
Jared Marshall Rombough as at October, 2010
Rhetoric & Communications (General)
Cailey Kathleen Brown
Sociology (General)
Carol Ann Chabbert as at October, 2010
Theatre & Film (General)
Kelly Ann Cochrane
Other Convocation Awards
The Certified General Accountants Association of
Manitoba Prize in Business & Administration
Jiamin Liu
The Dr. Dan A. Chekki Prize for Excellence in
Kyla Doll
The Bill Gadsby Pre-Service Teaching Award
Joanne MacDonald & Mark Behrendt
The Ron Norton Prize in Psychology
Teresa McIvor
The Swiss Ambassador Book Prize
for Distinction in French Studies
Liam Seth Edginton-Green
Lost Prizes Award
Jerald J. Wake
Bachelor of Science
Alexia Christin Graba-Landry
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Jennifer Allison Chuchmuch
Rebecca Louise Widdicombe
Bachelor of Arts (4 Year)
Stanford Robert Unrau
Bachelor of Arts
Noura Awadhallah Alharbi
Kevin Lyle Bowes
Lauren Rae Goodmanson
Kari McCluskey
Bachelor of Business Administration
Yu Yang
Xiao Chen Betty Zhang
Heibai Zhao
The University of Winnipeg
The NinetY-FOURTH Convocation
Jonathan F. Fanton
Honorary Doctor of Laws
Dr. Jonathan Fanton is a leading advocate for a more
just, sustainable and peaceful world who has devoted
his professional life to promoting innovation in higher
education, global justice and philanthropy.
As President of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation (1999-2009), Fanton provided critical support
for Canadian-led initiatives such as the Ottawa Treaty
banning antipersonnel landmines, creation of the
International Criminal Court and formation of the doctrine
of “Responsibility to Protect.” He continues to be one of
the world’s leading advocates for an integrated system of
international justice and for four years, served as chair of
Human Rights Watch, the largest U.S. based human rights
organization, which operates in 70 countries.
During Fanton’s tenure, support from the MacArthur
Foundation enabled The University of Winnipeg to engage
in a number of conservation and land use planning projects
with First Nations communities in Northern Manitoba.
David A. Golden
Honorary Doctor of Laws
David A. Golden has made his mark by launching a
distinguished career in public service that spans close to
half a century and he significantly contributed to making
Canada a world leader in science, advanced technology and
Golden was a prize student at Winnipeg’s Peretz School,
and earned a prestigious Rhodes scholarship to Oxford
University, which he deferred, to enlist with the Canadian
Army during World War II. He returned to his studies after
his release in 1945 after he survived four years in a Japanese
prisoner of war camp in Hong Kong.
After his studies, Golden experienced an impressive rise
through the ranks as a Canadian public servant to become
the first Jewish deputy minister in Ottawa in 1954. He
served as Deputy Minister of Defense Production and
subsequently Deputy Minister of Industry.
Golden chaired the Parliamentary Centre of Foreign Affairs
and Foreign Trade and presided over the Air Industries
Association of Canada. In 1969, Golden oversaw Telesat as
In 2008, UWinnipeg
hosted experts from the
MacArthur Foundation’s
groundbreaking digital
learning initiative,
focused on understanding
how digital media are
changing the way young
people learn, play and
Fanton pioneered a
distinct style of higher
learning as President
of the New School for
Social Research in New York City (1982-1999). The New
School is renowned for inspiring students to create positive
change in the world. Under his tutelage, the New School
also embraced the immediate neighbourhood and became
a force for change and redevelopment in lower Manhattan,
by sponsoring market gardens and new housing.
Fanton’s determination to reach for that which is possible
has had a significant impact around the world, in Canada,
and most especially, here at The University of Winnipeg.
the first president and
helped establish a number
of satellite firsts in the
world and by providing
an important service to
Canada and Canadians.
Under his leadership,
Telesat launched Anik
A1, the world’s first
commercial domestic
communication satellite
in geostationary orbit,
making history.
After his retirement from Telesat, he continued to serve
on various boards including Atomic Energy of Canada,
MITEL, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada, Provigo and
the Conference Board.
The University of Winnipeg is honoured to present David A.
Golden with an Honorary Doctor of Laws for his leadership
as a public servant, his work in the field of communication
technology and for his insight in bridging the worlds of
government and business to help them work together for
the benefit of all Canadians.
William D. Roberts
BA (Hons), MA, MBA
Honorary Doctor of Sacred Letters
William D. Roberts is a visionary who has demonstrated
skills as a journalist, broadcaster, public policy analyst and
educator. He is currently President & CEO, ZoomerMedia
Limited, Television Division, a publicly traded multi-media
company devoted exclusively to the needs and interests of
Canadians over 45. Prior to this he was President and CEO
of S-VOX, Canada’s foremost provider of television and
digital content focused on spiritual awareness and personal
Roberts has consistently advanced freedom of the press
and freedom of expression and has championed the cause
of women and multiculturalism in Canada and abroad.
A concrete example of his commitment is reflected in his
seminal role in the establishment of Vision TV, a network
dedicated to the intersection of faith, culture and politics.
He is a consistent advocate for the rights and freedoms in
the quest for human dignity and global community and is
a strong supporter of the Knowles/Woodsworth Centre at
The University of Winnipeg.
Leslie Spillett
Honorary Doctor of Laws
Leslie Spillett has made vast contributions for more than
three decades to Winnipeg’s inner-city and Indigenous
community as an activist and advocate. She brings
Indigenous and non-Indigenous Manitobans together on a
wide range of issues that touch many aspects of the human
Spillett founded one of Manitoba’s most visionary
Indigenous organizations a decade ago, Ka Ni Kanichihk,
(translated from Cree meaning “those who lead”), to support
women and their families. Culturally-based, Aboriginalled services include leadership development, mentorship,
skill-specific training, community and economic
During that same time Spillett launched an annual
June dinner entitled Keep the Fires Burning, an event that
recognizes the importance of traditional knowledge and
the status of Indigenous women.
Spillett also reaches out to honour marginalized youth.
She founded Anishinaabe Oway-Ishi Inc. to recognize the
outstanding achievements of Manitoba’s Indigenous youth. She served four years in an executive role on the Native
Women’s Association of Canada Board of Directors. During
Skilled in finance,
marketing and business
administration, Roberts
has successfully led many
cultural organizations to
improved productivity
and profitability by
providing insight and
guidance. He shares his
knowledge as an educator
on many levels including
teaching broadcast
communications and
policy at the university
Roberts also has notable expertise in international relations,
policymaking and advocacy regarding civil society. He
is a sought after advisor and contributor to government,
business, academia and media organizations.
Today, The University of Winnipeg is honoured to present
William D. Roberts with an Honorary Doctor of Sacred
Letters for his remarkable career in advocacy, public service
and broadcast communications.
her tenure she began the
Sisters in Spirit campaign
to raise awareness and
action regarding the
hundreds of missing,
murdered Indigenous
women in Canada and
pariticpated in the
Amnesty International
research, and subsequent
report Stolen Sisters.
Spillett has represented
these missing women at
a UN World Conference
Against Racism in 2001
and at a UNESCO conference in 2005.
Spillett also invests her time and contributes to The
University of Winnipeg in a number of ways. She
volunteers her time with the Indigenous Advisory Circle
for the Master’s in Development Practice Program and has
been a dialogue associate for Global College. She is also
an instructor for Adventures in Global Citizenship, an
intensive summer institute on human rights.
Today, The University of Winnipeg is honoured to present
Leslie Spillett with an Honorary Doctor of Laws for her
notable career as a compassionate advocate and activist.
Robin Bryan, BA
Campus Sustainability Recognition Award
Robin Bryan has played a key leadership role in developing
UWinnipeg’s active transportation facilities and culture
since 2009. He was a key organizer in the campaign to
establish a $2 student levy to fund programming for the
UWSA Bike Lab. He founded a team of avid winter cyclists
called the Ice Riders – a team whose membership ballooned
over the 2010/2011 year from 10 to over 50 riders. Over the
same academic year, as the first ever Bike Lab coordinator,
he played a key role in developing cycling programming on
campus such as “Winterize your Bike” workshops, training
for less experienced winter riders, and regular bicycle tuneup sessions.
The buzz that Robin has helped generate about the UWSA
Bike Lab and the Ice Riders team has migrated outside of
the University in this short time, and their logo, message
and work is recognized throughout Winnipeg in the
cycling community. They have participated in conferences
bringing together cycling groups from across Winnipeg
and were recently featured in the Manitoba Eco-Network’s
Robin is also an
environmental activist in
the broader community.
He has fought for years to
put an end to industrial
logging activity within the
boundaries of provincial
parks in Manitoba and
Ontario. In 2008, Robin
was rewarded for his
efforts when the Manitoba
Legislative Throne Speech
banned logging in four
of the five parks with logging operations. In recognition
of his work, Robin received a Brower Youth Award, North
America’s most prestigious prize for young environmental
leaders; he is only the second Canadian to win the award.
Robin has also worked as the Outreach Coordinator of the
Wilderness Committee, Canada’s largest member based,
citizen funded wilderness protection group.
Parvin Ghorayshi, BA, MA, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award
for Excellence in Teaching
There is no higher honour for professors than being
recognized and appreciated by students and respected by
colleagues. Parvin Ghorayshi is a professor of sociology at
The University of Winnipeg, is well loved and respected by
her students, and is being honoured with both the title of
Professor Emeritus, lifelong excellence in teaching, research
and community involvement within the University, and
with the Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for Excellence
in Teaching. These two awards command the respect of
her colleagues and her students and are two of the highest
honours that can be bestowed on a faculty member.
Ghorayshi’s teaching style is unique and effective, with
a passionate delivery that engages her students. She is
described by a student as “gifted with a great teaching
style, promoting learning and flexibility while teaching
to think critically. Her acceptance of challenging points
of view is encouraged without criticism. Parvin and her
tireless commitment to her students inspires me to become
a better student.”
Known for her research, Ghorayshi breaks down barriers
between people and cultures while acknowledging
their differences. “It is important to respect individual
experiences,” she says. This journey is openly and
collectively shared with her students as she encourages
each student to pursue
their own path.
A social justice advocate
and feminist, Ghorayshi
has devoted herself to
research that touches a
wide variety of domains
including gender, the
Middle East, feminism,
economic sociology, and
community development.
One of her colleagues
describes her “as a
courageous researcher
frequently far off the beaten track doing exceptionally
detailed and insightful research.” Her students benefit from
this strong tenacity and commitment to research.
Ghorayshi encourages class debate, allowing students
to employ their knowledge and learn from their peers.
She inspires confidence in her students by stressing their
unique experiences and the ability of each individual to
make a contribution.
The Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for Excellence
in Teaching is earned by gaining the respect, support,
admiration and recognition of students. Ghorayshi
has earned this acknowledgment, a testament to her
commitment, care and dedication to her students and her
field of study.
Margo Goodhand, BA (Hons)
The Distinguished Alumni Award
Margo Goodhand is a leader and a mentor. Through her
great achievements she has made her mark in the world of
journalism and in her local community.
Born and raised in Winnipeg, she graduated from The
University of Winnipeg in 1979 with an honours degree in
Politics and English. Goodhand then went on to complete
post-graduate studies in Journalism in British Columbia.
Her career began as a journalist for the West Ender in
Vancouver. From there she became the first female news
editor in Medicine Hat. This led to working for both the
Winnipeg Sun and the Winnipeg Free Press. Goodhand has
been a reporter, columnist, copy editor, and section editor.
As a result of her journalistic talent and dedication, in 2007
Goodhand was named Editor of the Winnipeg Free Press.
Under her leadership, the Winnipeg Free Press won
the Excellence Award from the Canadian Journalism
Foundation and a Michener Citation for meritorious
public service journalism in 2009. Goodhand published
the first ever “pink” newspaper in 2008 as a way to
increase awareness of breast cancer. This endeavour raised
thousands of dollars and
the paper became a well
known souvenir. This kind
of dynamism and creativity
has become the hallmark
of the paper and has
established the Winnipeg
Free Press as one of the
leading newspapers in
Goodhand believes in the integrity of journalism and is an
active mentor to journalists and students. She serves on the
National Newspaper Board of Governors, the Winnipeg
Poverty Reduction Council, the John Dafoe Foundation
Board of Governors and the President’s Advisory Council
for the University of Manitoba.
As seen through her many accomplishments, she takes
great pride in her work as well as in her community.
Goodhand continues to provide people with a voice and
brings light to issues that matter to Manitobans.
Melanie O’Gorman, BA, MA, PhD
Faculty of Business and Economics Chartered
Accountants of Manitoba Excellence in Teaching Award
Melanie O’Gorman is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Economics at The University of Winnipeg.
She joined the department in 2006 after completing
her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. Her research is
in the areas of economic development, education and
macroeconomics, and she has done field work in Pakistan
and Tanzania. She has recently published in the Journal of
Development Studies and the Journal of Policy Modeling.
development of two new
courses, Microfinance
Theory and Practice and
Introduction to Economic
Development, and has
taught and developed
a new online Intro to
Macroeconomics course.
This award acknowledges Professor O’Gorman’s extensive
teaching contributions at the undergraduate level and her
work in the development of a new economics graduate
program. At the undergraduate level, Professor O’Gorman
has taught nine different courses, ranging from first-year
to honours level, and taught numerous reading courses
above load over the past four years. In addition, she has
made significant and innovative contributions in the
This award also recognizes
Professor O’Gorman’s
contribution to the
development of the new graduate program in Development
and Resource Economics. Professor O’Gorman played a
leading role in the development of the program and the
preparation of the Letter of Intent and Formal Proposal
submitted to the University Senate and COPSE.
Eleoussa (Louesa) Polyzoi
BSc(Hons), MA, PhD
The Erica & Arnold Rogers Award for Excellence in
Research and Scholarship
Faculty of Education Professor Louesa Polyzoi has
spent more than 20 years as an active researcher at The
University of Winnipeg with the subject of healthy child
development always at the core of her research.
Polyzoi has attracted national and international funding
for studies that have investigated adolescents at risk, the
relationship between respiratory illness in children and
school absenteeism rates, and talent development in at-risk
children in Russia and Canada.
Polyzoi has published more than 60 peer-reviewed
manuscripts and has delivered more than 100 conference
presentations – a significant achievement in and of itself.
Beyond this, she has maintained an outstanding research
program, one that is well-respected in worldwide education
circles. Her work has had
significant impact on local,
national and international
educational policies and
Polyzoi often includes her
students in her research
activities. She has also
supervised PhD students at
the University of Manitoba.
She is a frequent participant and contributor to University
of Winnipeg and Faculty of Education committees.
A scholar in the truest sense of the word, Polyzoi has
earned the respect of her students and colleagues. She is a
fine ambassador for The University of Winnipeg.
Ingrid Truderung
The Robin H. Farquar Award for Excellence in
Contributing to Self-Governance
Ingrid Truderung has served students, faculty, staff,
and the senior management team at The University of
Winnipeg for 35 years with grace, integrity, humour and
passion. Most especially, in her seven-year role as the “go
to person” in the President’s office, Truderung’s leadership
and diplomatic skills were stretched daily as she juggled
multiple demands and deadlines, solved problems quickly
and efficiently, found resources within tight budget
constraints, and acted as tireless ambassador, recruiter and
champion for all things UWinnipeg.
Truderung joined the University community in 1976, initially
in Technology Services, then moved into Employee Relations
(now Human Resources). She accepted a temporary position
as Executive Secretary in the President’s Office in 2004 and
quickly became indispensible, creating a high-functioning
executive office from the ground up. She never left, and
in 2010 was appointed Administrative Officer, President’s
Because of her extraordinary enthusiasm and discretion,
Truderung was often called upon to liaise with government
officials, donors, high-level diplomats and visiting
lecturers. She was just
as quick to assist a
colleague or student
in need, especially
international students
who could be found
seeking advice in her
Truderung served
the University on
numerous committees,
including I Heart UWinnipeg Committee, the Honourary
Degrees committee, and search committees for members
of senior administration. She leads by example, is the first
to volunteer and goes beyond expectations to shoulder
new responsibilities whenever needed.
Her diversified and finely-honed skills have served the
University well in achieving its goals and objectives.
Just as importantly, Truderung’s wit, common sense and
compassion have touched everyone who knows her, and
will leave a lasting legacy of excellence at UWinnipeg.
Chancellor — Robert Silver
President ­­— Lloyd Axworthy
Chair — Craig Lee
Vice-Chair — Brenda Keyser
John Corlett
Michael Bayer
Brenda Suderman
Stan McKay
Ron Coles
Pamela McLeod
Wayne Leslie
Lorraine Kakegamic
Paul Campbell
Joel Penner
Dylan Jones-Drewniak
Sumita Biswas
Stephanie Gemmel
Jay Rodgers
Wanda Roberts
Annette Holowka
Rhonda Taylor
Lana Adeleye-Olusae
Rachel Lewis
Parvin Ghorayshi
Phil Cyrenne
Grace O’Farrell
Gaetan Salmon
John-Paul Knox
Jason Syvixay
Katie Haig-Anderson
Lana Hastings
Ava Jerao
Mathen Mathen
Michael Weinrath
2010/2011 SENATE
Robert Silver
Lloyd Axworthy
John Corlett
Bill Balan
Sandra Kirby
Laurel Repski
Neil Besner
Rob Bend
Ken McCluskey
Erin Stewart
David Fitzpatrick
Rodney Hanley
Terry Hidichuk
Michael Benarroch
Jane Duffy
Barnett Richling
Sheela Ramanna
Karen Harlos
Judith Huebner
Desiree Vanderwel
Jane Cahill
Michael Weinrath
Phil Cyrenne
Catherine Hunter
Danny Blair
Alexander Freund
Eliakim Sibanda
Julie Pelletier
Glen Bergeron
Jeff Babb
Royden Loewen
Linda Dietrick
Jack Zupko
Dwight Vincent
Sorpong Peou
Hinton Bradbury
Albert Welter
Judith Kearns
Barry Edginton
Tim Babcock
Fiona Green
Mary Warmbrod
Mirjana Roksandic
Michael Eze
Bruce Bolster
Neil Funk-Unrau
Louesa Polyzoi
Darshani Kumaragamage
Marilou McPhedran
Serena Keshavjee
Ray Vander Zaag
George Fulford
Jim Silver
Per Brask
Andrew Burke
Xiao-Yuan Dong
Parvin Ghorayshi
Wendy Josephson
Christopher Leo
Catherine Taylor
Pradeep Atrey
Harinder Aujla
German Avila-Sakar
Derrick Bourassa
Christopher Brauer
Paul Holloway
Judith Harris
Peter Ives
Richard Jochelson
Maggie Liu
Jorge Machin-Lucas
Grace O’Farrell
Ernest Prokopchuk
Lisa Sinclair
Christopher Wiebe
Linwood DeLong
Arthur Walker-Jones
Karen Tarr
Robert Patterson
Paul Campbell
Dylan Jones-Drewniak
Jason Syvixay
Rebecca Bock-Freeman
Daniel Gurevich
Katie Haig-Anderson
Lana Hastings
Ava Jerao
John McLeod Arnould
Danielle Otto
Fabian Suarez-Amaya
Lauren Bosc
Jane Harrington
Richard McCutcheon
Jerry Buckland
The University of Winnipeg
Coat of Arms
he Coat of Arms of The University of Winnipeg was officially adopted by the governing bodies of the
University during the academic session of 1972-73. The elements found within the Coat of Arms have been
associated over the years with both Manitoba and Wesley Colleges, the ancestors of United College. The
bunch of grapes in the lower portion of the inner shield derives from the Coat of Arms of Manitoba College. The
grape symbol has its origin in the College seal adopted in the charter of 1871. The cross, the lamp, and the open
book derive from the Coat of Arms of Wesley College, designed in 1897 by Dr. J.H. Riddell. The cross, the symbol of
sacrificial service in the interest of humanity, was the basis for his design and upon it he placed a shield, the symbol
of protection. The lamp, the symbol of light, also represents learning, to which the Colleges have been devoted to
for over a century in the Province of Manitoba. The open book, representing instruction in the way of life and the
bringing of understanding to the student, symbolizes knowledge in a general sense, although it may carry overtones
of the Holy Scriptures in a more limited interpretation.
The motto, placed upon a scroll below, is the United College motto, her retained: Lux et Veritas Floreant (Let Light
and Truth Flourish). The words catch the central import of the lamp (light) and the open book (truth), and express the
hope that both may flourish (as the grape) in our country (the cross).
cademic dress originated in medieval times to provide warmth in the damp halls of learning. In its present
form it includes a gown, hood (worn over the shoulders), and a cap or mortarboard. All universities have
distinctive dress for each degree offered which explains the variety seen in the academic procession.
University of Winnipeg academic dress conforms to the North American Intercollegiate Code. All graduates wear
a black gown which varies according to the degree conferred. The bachelor’s gown is worn closed in front and is
distinguished by its pointed sleeves. The master’s gown is designed to be worn either open or closed in front and has
closed sleeves with an opening to free the hands. The front portion of the sleeve below the opening has a long semicircular cut-out. Doctorate gowns also may be worn open or closed. They are faced with velvet.
The edging colour on the hood indicates the faculty in which a degree is conferred: Theology – red; Science – gold;
Education – blue; Arts – white; Business and Economics – drab. The width of edging is determined by the degree:
three inches for doctors; two inches for masters and bachelors. Hoods are lined in red with a white chevron.
Honorary doctors’ gowns are red in colour and are faced with white velvet. They are worn with red Tudor bonnets.
The hood colour signifies the honorary degree: white for Laws; golden yellow for Science; admiralty blue for Letters;
purple for Divinity. Hoods are lined in red and white, The University of Winnipeg colours. Fellows wear a gown of
blue with neither hat nor hood. Members of the University’s senior administration wear gowns of varying colours.
They do not wear hoods.
he banner, prominently displaying the Coat of Arms, was unveiled in 1988. The volunteer effort of Pat
Corner, Fran Farquhar, Susan Ferguson, and Sonya C. Wright took more than 1,000 hours. Over 400 meters
of thread and 30 meters of wool material went into the project using traditional techniques such as quilting,
embroidery, and crewel.
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