HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEGREE – M025 Associate of Applied Science (AAS) CATALOG DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM: BCCC’s Health Information Technology (HIT) graduates perform a variety of technical, health information management functions including organizing, analyzing, and technically evaluating health information; compiling administrative and health statistics; and coding diseases, operations, and other procedures. Responsibilities also include maintaining and using a variety of health information indices, special registries, storage and retrieval systems; inputting and retrieving computerized health data, and controlling the release of health information. The majority of health information practitioners work in acute care hospitals, ambulatory, long-term, and mental health facilities, state and federal agencies, and at insurance companies, and colleges. Some are self-employed in businesses such as transcription services and consulting. Graduates are eligible to apply for the certification examination administered by the American Health Information Management Association. passing the examination entitles a person to use the initials RHIT (Registered Health Information Technician) after his/her name. COURSE 1st Semester PRE 100 ENG 101 AH 130 BIO 202 HIT 120 2nd Semester AH 230 AH 135 HIT 130 HIT 232 PSY 101 AH 110 ENG 102/113 3rd Semester HIT 123 HIT 262 HIT 231 HIT 251 HIT 132 HIT 252 4th Semester SP 101 BIO 203 MAT 107 HLF-Elective HIT 240 CURRENT SEQUENCE CREDITS PREREQUISITES Preparation for Academic Achievement Biology Placement Exam (Test out of BIO 101) English Writing Medical Terminology Anatomy and Physiology I Health Information Systems Semester Credits 1 0 None None 3 3 4 4 15 ENG 82 or RENG 92 ENG 82 or RENG 92 BIO 101 or BIO 102 ENG 101, HIT 232 Study of Disease Process Allied Health Pharmacology Health Information Practicum I Computer Applications in Healthcare 3 2 2 2 Introductory Psychology Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics Intro. to the Term Paper & Research/Business Writing Semester Credits 3 2 3 AH 130; BIO 202 AH 130 HIT 120; HIT 232 HIT 120 and instructor’s perm. ENG 82 or RENG 92 None ENG 101 17 ICD-9-CM Coding Principles and Practice 4 Health Information Practicum IV Health Information Practicum II Healthcare Management Supervision CPT-4 Coding Principles and RVUs/APGs Clinical Quality Assurance and CQI Semester Credits 2 1 3 2 3 15 Fundamentals of Speech Communication Anatomy and Physiology II Modern Elementary Statistics 3 4 3 ENG 82 or RENG 92 BIO 202 Health and Life Fitness Advanced ICD-9-CM Coding/DRGs and DSM-IV Semester Credits 2 2 None HIT 123; BIO 202 14 PROGRAM TOTAL 61 SEMESTER AH 130; HIT 120; BIO 202 HIT 232; HIT 120 HIT 120 HIT 120 AH 130; BIO 202 HIT 130 MAT 82 or MAT 87 or MAT 92; ENG 82 or RENG 92 Advisor Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: 43 | P a g e Document Updated (7/27/16) GRADE Pre-Requisites for Students in Developmental Courses COURSE CURRENT SEQUENCE CREDITS PREREQUISITES RENG 90 Intensive Program Writing 4 hrs. Placement Test RENG 91 Composition Skills I 4 hrs. Placement Test or RENG 90 RENG 92 Composition Skills II 4 hrs. Placement Test or RENG 91 MAT 80 Arithmetic 3 hrs. Placement Test MAT 86/ Integrated Pre-Algebra and Introductory Algebra 5 hrs. Placement Test or MAT 80 ___________________________________ __________________ __ MAT 87M Integrated Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Students who complete MAT 80 with an A or B within a one year period: Students who recently (within one year) failed and need to repeat MAT 91; students whose ACUPLACER placement score on Elementary Algebra falls within the range 52-62. MAT 91 Elementary Algebra 4 hrs. Placement Test or MAT 80 MAT 92 Intermediate Algebra 4 hrs. Placement Test or MAT 91 SEMESTER GRADE