How to Use MV - 90 Web Report

How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
Log into the MV-90 Web Report tool by clicking on the MV - 90 Web Report link available from
the Oilfield and Large Distribution Customers and/or Transmission Customers page at
Before you start
KWH = The kilowatt hour (symbol kWh, kW·h, or kW h) is a derived unit of energy. If
the energy is being transmitted or used at a constant rate (power) over a period of time,
the total energy in kilowatt-hours is the product of the power in kilowatts and the time
in hours. The kilowatt-hour is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to
consumers by electric utilities.
KVA = A KVA is 1,000 volt amps. A volt is electrical pressure. An amp is electrical current.
A term called apparent power is equal to the product of the volts and amps.
KVAR = Is power wasted by the customer.
What this means to a customer:
Undesirable: A higher KVAR equals higher KVA demand and the Power Factor will be
Desirable: A lower KVAR equals lower KVA
demand and the Power Factor will be
o Most efficient: If a system is at
100% Power Factor, the KW and
the KVA will be close to the same
value and the KVAR will be next to zero.
Be aware:
Do not use your browser back button when using this tool. Clicking on the
browser back button takes you out of the tool and you’ll have to log back in
again. If you do use the back button and receive a blank screen when trying to
log back in, close all browser windows and start again.
You can click on the ‘?’ button within the tool to access the User Guide. This
guide describes all the reports available within MV - 90 Web Report tool.
Data is refreshed daily and shows up to midnight of the previous day.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
System Requirements
To the access MV–90 Web Report tool, you need a computer equipped with Internet access, and
a Web browser that supports the Java™ plug-in. Supported browsers include Internet Explorer,
Firefox, and Google Chrome. If the Java plug-in is not installed on the machine, MV-90 Web
downloads and installs it automatically.
For Java conflict issues when launching MV-90 Web, SaskPower’s IT group would like to suggest:
Navigate to Control Panel, un-install Java, and then re-install the plugin from
Contact the SaskPower Service Desk at 306 – 566 – 2013 if this does not resolve the
Please contact SaskPower if user access changes are required to your account.
For Technical support, please call the SaskPower Service Desk at 306 – 566 – 2013. The Service
Desk will collect contact information and details of your issue and assign a service ticket to the
MV- 90 Web Report support group.
For inquiries about the information contained in your reports, please contact your SaskPower
Account Manager.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.1 Login with Username and Password
1.2 Click the Login button
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.3 Select report.
1.4 Select meter.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.5 Select channel.
1.6 Select date range.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.8 Select time interval.
Note: You can select 20 or 60 minute intervals, but billing is based on 20 minute intervals.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.9 Run report.
1.10 Options: View as bar graph.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.11 Options: View as line graph.
1.12 Options: View as data table.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.13 Options: View previous day data.
1.14 Options: View next day data.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.15 Save as local file.
1.16 Select save location.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.17 Save.
1.18 Click OK.
MV - 90 Web Report
How to Use MV - 90 Web Report
1.19 Close.
MV - 90 Web Report