1 BESS-SB13 CALIFORNIA: Advancing Towards Net Zero. Pomona, California, USA. 24-25 June 2013 2 Gypsum - Rubber from pipe foam insulation waste recycling: 3 Thermal performance JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A., DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A., GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. 4 ABSTRACT: The aim of this research work is to study the effect of different percentages of waste rubber coming from pipe foam insulation addition in the thermal performance of a gypsum matrix. Four particle size waste rubber: 1-2 mm, 2-4 mm, 4-6 mm and 20-25 mm, and different rates of waste rubber addition: 1.25%; 2.50%; 5.00% and 7.50% were analyzed. After deciding the optimal size and percentage of waste rubber, two combinations were chosen to carry out the thermal test. Furthermore, in order to characterize its mechanical behavior, an experimental plan was elaborated to study its density, flexure strength and compression strength. This addition contributes to obtain a low density, lightweight, environmentally friendly material with improved thermal performance. Keywords: thermal performance, waste rubber, low density. 1. INTRODUCTION Under the 2020 objectives on energy efficiency, all new buildings shall be nearly zero-energy consumption by 31 December 2020 and new materials with improved thermal behaviour are a key tool in order to obtain this target. For this reason, the development of research studies in this field has experienced a strong growth in recent years and many works are focusing on cement - concrete - gypsum matrixes incorporating different additions to improve their thermal conductivity. Recently, Bouvard et al (2007) characterized and simulated an expanded polystyrene (EPS) lightweight concrete and Vejmelková et al (2012) analyzed the improved thermal properties of concrete containing fineground ceramics, among other examples. Moreover, due to the concern about the high rate of waste disposal in landfill, the recycling of industrial wastes in new materials would contribute to valorise certain types of waste, forming part of new materials with improved thermal properties: Bederina et al (2007) studied the effect of the addition of wood shavings on thermal conductivity of sand concretes, Corinaldesi et al (2011) tested the mechanical behavior and thermal conductivity of mortars containing waste rubber from used tires and Panesar and Shindman (2012) analyzed the mechanical and thermal properties of concrete containing waste cork. However, no previous experience about the addition of pipe foam insulation waste rubber in any matrix has been found. Only in Spain about 400 tons of this foam insulation are yearly sent to landfill for only one manufacturer, meaning a great amount of waste in volume due to its low density. This new material would contribute to pursue the European Union targets set out for waste recycling. (European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2008) 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS - Gypsum matrix E-35 plaster, Type B1 according to UNE-EN 13279-2 Standard, and certified by N mark from AENOR. (Fig.1) TABLE 1: MATERIALS Materials Thermal conductivity Size (mm) E-35 Plaster 0.30 >0.2 Pipe foam insulation ≤ 0.036 1 - 25 5 Affordable Sustainability & Empowering the User Departamento de Construcción y Vías Rurales, ETSIA - UPM, Madrid, Spain 139 BESS-SB13 CALIFORNIA: Advancing Towards Net Zero. Pomona, California, USA. 24-25 June 2013 - Ground waste rubber coming from pipe foam insulation, received from a Spanish manufacturing plant as material rejected during its production process. It is listed in the European List of Waste (ELW) as 07 02 13: Waste Plastic. (Fig. 1) Its initial ground size, after being shredded by the manufacturer, varies from 20 mm to 25 mm, being subsequently mechanically shredded in laboratory, to sizes from 25 mm to 1 mm. obtaining a first approximation of the composite heat conductivity. To assess the heat conductivity rough value a model house-box with replaceable side walls (Fig. 2 and Fig 3) was used. The box had an inside heat source and a temperature sensor connected to the thermal control thermostat. Three NiCr-Ni thermocouples connected to temperature measurement tools and the software Measure, to program the box and to export the results, were used. The temperatures were measured in the steady state, at a constant interior and outer air temperature. (Phywe Systeme GmbH & Co. KG, 2008) Fig. 1: Waste rubber 20-25mm and plaster under study 3. TEST PIECES ELABORATION AND METHODOLOGY Test pieces series of 40 mm x 40 mm x 160 mm (three per series) were produced in order to assess the mechanical behavior. Furthermore, 230 mm x 230 mm x 25 mm wall test pieces were prepared to assess thermal performance. Sizes of crumbed rubber, 1-2 mm, 2-4 mm, 4-6 mm and 20-25 mm and percentages of 1.25%, 2.50%, 5.00% and 7.50% added by plaster weight were studied. The water/plaster (w/p) ratio was assessed according to UNE-EN 13279-2 Standard, being 0.76 the value obtained. Wet weight was recorded after the test pieces were unmolded, then they were kept for 6 days in laboratory atmosphere and later stored for 24 hours in a stove (CENTERM 150 model), at 40 ± 2 ºC (313 ± 279 K), to reach a constant mass and in order to obtain the dry weight value. Seven days later, the test pieces were cooled in the desiccators in order to achieve the room temperature and being subsequently mechanically and physically tested. The reference standard for this process has been the UNE-EN 13279-2. In order to determine the thermal behavior a simplified method was used, which allowed 140 Fig. 2. Model house to study the heat conduction. Fig.3. Interior of the model house: NiCr-Ni thermocouples and rubber-gypsum wall test piece An EPS board with known thermal conductivity was fixed to the gypsum-rubber test piece, in order to obtain the plaster-rubber λ value. BESS-SB13 CALIFORNIA: Advancing Towards Net Zero. Pomona, California, USA. 24-25 June 2013 2 The heat flow (Q) through the wall was considered constant. The plaster-rubber λ value was obtained according to a simplified Fourier Equation: 3 S is the wall surface (known value): 0.0441 m2 T1, T2 and T3 are the layers’ temperature (ºC) h is each material thickness, being h1 0.035 m and h2 0.019 m. Fig. 5. Waste rubber percentage –density 4.2. Flexural strength test It can be stated that the waste rubber addition increases the composite plastic period: once the breaking load is achieved there isn't a division between both sides, remaining strongly joined in most of the cases. (Fig.6). However, an important strength loss is observed when increasing rubber addition and as larger its size is. (Fig. 7) Fig. 6. Waste rubber percentage -density Fig. 4. Experiment scheme. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Density Waste rubber addition entails a density decrease in the test pieces. The values obtained with 1-2 mm, 2-4 mm and 4-6 mm particle sizes, resulted very similar varying between 0.90 and 1.00 g/cm3. Up to 48% of density lost is obtained in 20-25 mm test pieces, compared to reference plaster, turning into a highly lightweight composite. (Fig. 5) Fig. 7. Flexural strength - waste rubber addition 4 5 Affordable Sustainability & Empowering the User Where: λ1 is the plaster-rubber composite thermal conductivity (W/m∙K) λ2 is the EPS thermal conductivity (known value): 0.041 W/m∙K 1 141 BESS-SB13 CALIFORNIA: Advancing Towards Net Zero. Pomona, California, USA. 24-25 June 2013 4.3. Compressive strength Once the breaking load is reached, the different fragments are still linked, allowing the material being deformed after exceeding its breaking load. (Fig. 8) The results are much smaller than the reference ones, being under UNE-EN 13279 standard the 20-25 mm size from 5.00% percentage addition: meaning a decrease of around 88% under the reference results. (Fig.9) TABLE 2. THERMAL TEST RESULTS Wall test piece Reference 1.25% 1-2 mm 7.5% 4-6 mm Thermal conductivity, λ (W/m∙K) 0.30 0.25 0.20 The minimum presence of rubber leads to an increase of 17% of the thermal performance, being 33% higher the improvement obtained with 7.5% of waste. Due to the low density of both materials and the low thermal conductivity of waste foam rubber, an improvement in the thermal performance was expected. 5. CONCLUSION Fig. 8. Test piece after exceeding its breaking load. This paper presents the results of an investigation on the use of waste ground rubber, from pipe insulation production, as addition in gypsum-plaster matrix. Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The maximum waste weight percentage accepted by the mixture, to make it workable, is 7.50% Fig. 9. Compressive strength - waste rubber content 4.4. Thermal behavior Two rubber-gypsum composites were selected to be tested in order to assess its thermal behavior: - The 7.5% of 4-6 mm waste amount: because its size is easy to obtain and its mechanical performance fulfills the UNE-EN 13279-2 standard. - The 1.25% of 1-2 mm waste amount: for being the minimum content of waste in the series studied meeting high mechanical strengths. The average results are shown in the following table (Table 3): 142 2. There is a good compatibility between waste rubber coming from pipe foam insulation and the plaster matrix. Despite the low density waste particles present, the ground rubber is distributed in a proper way inside the test pieces: they don’t float in the mixture and therefore an homogenous paste is obtained. 3. Plaster-rubber composite is a lightweight construction material: 48% weight reduction is reached compared to the reference samples. 4. Mechanical strength decreases with an increase in waste rubber addition, highlighting a higher decrease with the larger size and waste amount added, this happens because the matrix pores compromise its strength. All the flexural strength values obtained meet the UNEEN 13279 requirements. However, there are two series which don’t meet the compressive requirements: 5.00 and 7.50% with 20-25 mm rubber size. 5. An improved thermal behavior is obtained, decreasing the new composite thermal conductivity as far as the rubber content increases. For all these reasons, waste foam rubber could be used forming part of core plasterboards, achieving an environmental benefit as well as an improved thermal performance. On the other hand, the resulting lightweight drywall would be easier to handle, making it easy to install too. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the Construction Materials and Physics laboratory workers of the School of Building Engineering - Technical University of Madrid, for their assistance. 7. REFERENCES AENOR, 2006. UNE-EN 13279-2. Yesos de construcción y conglomerantes a base de yeso para la construcción. Parte 2: Métodos de ensayo. Norma Española. Madrid. BEDERINA, M., MARMORET, L., MEZREB, K., KHENFER, M.M., BALI, A. and QUÉNEUDEC, M., 2007. Effect of the addition of wood shavings on thermal conductivity of sand concretes: Experimental study and modelling. Construction and Building Materials, 21 (3), pp. 662-668. 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