Additional information 2016 NCEA fee Payment of the 2016 NCEA fee (it is not an exam fee) means any credits you gain this year will be officially recorded in your NZQA Record of Achievement in mid-January 2017 so they count towards your qualifications. Credits must be paid for in the year they are gained to avoid an additional late payment fee. This fee is collected on behalf of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and is in addition to any enrolment fee/donation you may have made to Te Kura. If you are enrolled as a Young Adult, your Te Kura enrolment is free but you must still pay your NCEA fee. Financial assistance is available to reduce the 2016 NCEA fee. Read the reverse of the financial assistance form you should have received to see if the person paying this year’s NCEA fee can apply. If they can, complete and return the form and pay the reduced fee through the online registration. The applicant will only be contacted if there is an issue. The person paying the NCEA fee/s should complete one application form to include all students in their household required to pay a 2016 NCEA fee. If one of the students is in Year 10 or below, refer to page 3. For NCEA students at different schools, send the application to Te Kura but evenly split the reduced fee to pay each student’s portion to their appropriate school. To pay the reduced fee, you must first apply for financial assistance. If the reduced fee is paid but we do not receive a financial assistance application form, your results will not count towards your qualifications. QUALIFY for financial assistance Single NCEA student on application $20.00 More than one NCEA student on application form $30.00 per family maximum DO NOT qualify for financial assistance $76.70 for all NCEA standards $30.00 each NZ Scholarship standard 1 $200.00 per family maximum 1 NZ Scholarship standards are only available to eligible Level 3 students. Refer to information on page 2. Internally assessed standards Internally assessed standards are marked by your Te Kura teachers during the year. Results from your internal assessments are updated with NZQA each month until the end of November. Completing your online NCEA registration as well as paying your 2016 NCEA fee will ensure your 2016 NCEA results are officially registered with NZQA. This means they will count towards your qualifications. Externally assessed standards Te Kura does not automatically register its’ students for externally assessed standards. If you wish to register for any external assessed standards, select the appropriate standards when completing your online NCEA registration. Externally assessed standards include: (1) NZQA assessed end of year exams held during November/December All your end of year exams must be sat at one secondary school. A completed and signed Confirmation of Exam Centre Permission form must be received by Te Kura’s Qualifications Team (well in advance of the deadline date) before an end of year exam registration can be processed with NZQA. Photo ID must be taken to each end of year exam. If you do not have any photo ID (eg passport, driver’s licence), download a student ID card application form from our website. 2 (2) Portfolio submissions for: Digital Technology Graphics: Design and Visual Communication (DVC) Technology Visual Arts Portfolio submissions will only be assessed if you have selected the appropriate externally assessed standard/s in your online NCEA registration. (3) Maths Common Assessment Task (MCAT) - the final date you can register online is 25 July Level 1 Maths & Statistics standard 1.2 (91027) is an externally assessed standard and is only available if you are enrolled in Level 1 Maths course MX1000. It will be assessed by Common Assessment Task on Tuesday, 13 September at a special Te Kura MCAT venue. If you require additional information about the MCAT, please contact your Maths teacher. (4) NZ Scholarship standards NZ Scholarship standards are designed to extend very high achieving Level 3 students. You must discuss any NZ Scholarship registration with your subject teacher first. If you are not eligible to apply for Financial Assistance, each NZ Scholarship entry is $30.00 in addition to the $76.70 NCEA fee. How do I register for externally assessed standards? You must be enrolled in the course to register for externally assessed standards. Talk with your subject teachers about which externally assessed standards you should enter. This is especially important for students enrolled in any of our Science courses. Select the externally assessed standards in your online NCEA registration. If you choose to register for end of year exams, you must follow the instructions on your Exam Centre Permission form. Where will I sit end of year exams? Because Te Kura is not an exam centre school, your end of year exams must be sat at a secondary school in your local community. Carefully follow each instruction on your 2016 Exam Centre Permission form. Your chosen exam centre school must offer all the exam sessions you wish to register for as you must sit all your end of year exams at one school. If your chosen school does not offer all your exam sessions, you will need to make arrangements with another school. If you are unsure how to contact a secondary school, use this link. Photo ID must be taken to each end of year exam. If you do not have any photo ID (eg passport, driver’s licence), download a student ID card application form from our website. What is the Exam Centre Permission form? A completed and signed Exam Centre Permission form from your chosen exam centre school shows they have agreed to accommodate you for your end of year exams. This is an important requirement. Easy to follow instructions are detailed on the form. This form must be returned to the Qualifications Team well in advance of the due date otherwise your end of year exam registration cannot be processed with NZQA. Note: school holidays are from 11-22 July inclusive. You may not be able to contact the Principal’s Nominee at your intended exam centre school during the school holiday break. 3 If you need Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) in order to sit your external exams, please contact Jennifer Hardiman by phoning 0800 65 99 88 ext 8127 or by emailing If you have already advised Jennifer about your need for SAC in external exams, there is no need to contact her again but you must provide your SAC details on the pink Exam Centre Permission form. Special assessment conditions Students with specific physical, medical, sensory or learning disabilities may be approved for special assessment conditions (SAC) for internal and external NCEA assessments. If you need SAC but haven’t made contact with Jennifer Hardiman, please call her as soon as possible on freephone 0800 65 99 88 ext 8127 or email If you have recently transferred from another school and have already been approved for SAC, please alert Jennifer immediately as your entitlement will need to be transferred from your previous school to Te Kura. You can find out more about SAC on our website. Junior students in Year 10 or below Internal assessments – If you are completing only a few internal assessments this year, Te Kura will hold your results until you are in Year 11. This means you will not need to complete an online NCEA registration or pay the 2016 NCEA fee unless you wish to. Please note these credits will not count towards course endorsement (refer to Course Endorsement below). Externally assessed standards – If you wish to register for any externally assessed standards, you must complete an online NCEA registration and pay the 2016 NCEA fee. Students previously enrolled at another secondary school in 2016 If you were enrolled at another secondary school this year, your 2016 internally assessed NCEA results and any externally assessed standards registration will have been withdrawn at NZQA. You must complete a Te Kura online NCEA registration to reactivate your 2016 registration with NZQA. If you still wish to register for externally assessed standards, you will need to select the appropriate standards in the online registration and return a completed and signed Exam Centre Permission form. If you have already paid your 2016 NCEA fee to your previous school, follow the instructions in the online registration. University Entrance – semester two 2016 If you are enrolling at university for semester two this year, you must contact the Qualifications Team at Te Kura before you complete an online registration or pay your 2016 NCEA fee (this does not apply if you are enrolling for university at the beginning of 2017). There are special instructions you will need to follow for the early release of your results for UE. Course endorsement Course endorsement provides recognition if you perform exceptionally well in an individual course. You can gain a course endorsement if in a single school year, you achieve 14 or more credits at Merit or Excellence including: at least 3 credits from externally assessed results, and at least 3 credits from internally assessed results. Check your information on the NZQA website Your internally assessed results will be updated on your NZQA student login page at the beginning and middle of each month. Keep checking your NZQA student login page throughout the year to ensure all your internally assessed results have gone to NZQA. If you also register for externally assessed standards, these will show on your NZQA student login page about 15-20 working days after your online NCEA registration has been confirmed to you by email/letter. 4 Your payment will be recorded on your NZQA student login page from late November. To access your full year’s results in mid-January 2017, including any externally assessed results and the award of any qualifications, click ‘My Record of Achievement’. If you require a paper copy of an awarded qualification and/or official copy of your Record of Achievement from midJanuary 2017, click ‘Order Documents’. 1) Go to NZQA’s login page 2) Click ‘login’ under Students & Learners 3) You will need your National Student number. Contact details Phone Freephone (NZ only) Overseas 0800 65 99 88 644 473 6841 Fax 04 496 1295 644 496 1295 NZ Overseas Qualifications Team Extn Email Address Option 3 Freepost 10010 (NZ only) Qualifications Team, Te Kura Private Bag 39 992 Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt 5045