Ch-Ch-Changes... - Quadrilect for Training, Conferences and Events

Joint Planning
Law Conference
16-18 September 2016
New College Oxford
Apply before
end of June for
Early Bird Fee
CPD Available
Joint Planning Law Conference
At the forefront of planning
The only residential conference that is
specifically targeted at barristers, lawyers,
planners and surveyors
Jointly organised by members of the Law Society,
the Bar Council, the Royal Town Planning Institute
and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, it
is attended by over 200 practitioners from the four
key professions that specialise in town and country
This residential conference is a unique opportunity
to learn and socialise in an informal environment
and in the wonderful grounds of Oxford University
- New College (accommodation and dinners) and
the Oxford Union Debating Chamber (conference).
The mix of speakers, delegates and official
guests provides a rare opportunity to discuss
topical issues facing the development industry
with experts in the field throughout the weekend
(during the formal conference at the Oxford Union,
breakfasts, lunch, dinners and drinks at the bar).
In addition to the presentations at the weekend,
each speaker is required to produce a formal
paper. These papers are widely used by delegates
as seminal research in the field. The conference
is a not for profit event and is organised over the
course of the year by a dedicated committee
comprising representatives of the four professions.
This ensures continually high quality and topical
papers relevant to all.
Who should attend
Town planners, chartered surveyors, solicitors,
barristers and developers with an interest in
planning and environmental issues. Whether you
are at the top of your profession or on your way up
the ladder, there is something for everyone.
Sarah Richards
Planning Inspectorate
Yolande Barnes
Keith Holland
Intelligent Plans and
James Fennell
Nathaniel Lichfield &
Rebecca Warren
Pinsent Masons LLP
Richard Moules
Landmark Chambers
Beverley Firth
Mills & Reeve LLP
Pat Hayes
London Borough of Ealing
Richard Ground QC
Cornerstone Barristers
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Broadcaster and journalist
Value for money
Why should you attend
The conference fee includes attendance at the
conference; two nights’ college accommodation and
breakfast at New College; lunch on Saturday at the
Oxford Union; two conference black tie dinners with
wine; refreshments; and conference documentation.
• The leading annual planning law conference
Conference Committee
• High quality speakers providing topical research
The Bar Council Michael Humphries QC,
Paul Brown QC, Mary Cook, Rupert Warren QC
The Law Society
Duncan Field, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Claire Dutch, Hogan Lovells International LLP
Matthew White, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
RICS Rory Joyce, Brunel Planning
Mary Power, PowerHaus Consultancy
Robert Evans, Argent LLP
RTPI Mike Hayes CBE, Michael Hayes Consulting,
Trudi Elliott CBE, Adrian Penfold OBE, British Land
• Opportunity to discuss experiences with the
best in the industry
• CPD available
• Unique networking opportunity
• Informal environment with practitioners
The programme
Friday 16 September
Arrival and registration, New College. Tea will be available until 18:00
Newcomers’ tea with the committee 17:00 - 17:30
Drinks Reception in Cloisters
Black Tie Dinner with Keynote Address by Sarah Richards, Chief Executive, Planning Inspectorate
Saturday 17 September
Breakfast, New College
Conference, Oxford Union, Chairman’s Introduction
State of the Nations Supply, demand and pricing in the UK. How does the UK compare with other
countries? Global trends which will impact UK housing. Learning from other nations: some solutions
Yolande Barnes, Head of World Research, Savills
Questions and discussion
Local Plans – An Outside In View Review of Local Plan issues from a range of perspectives.
Keith Holland, Director, Intelligent Plans and Examinations
Questions and discussion
Would You Tell Me, Please, Which Way I Ought To Go From Here? Planning reform: a view from
the coalface. James Fennell, Chief Executive, Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
Questions and discussion
Access All Areas? A review of the trend towards greater transparency and public access to information
in the planning arena with a particular focus on viability assessments.
Rebecca Warren, Partner, Pinsent Masons LLP
Questions and discussion.
Environmental Judicial Review Pitfalls to avoid. Richard Moules, Landmark Chambers
Questions and discussion
The Future of CIL and S106 Agreements Interpretation of the changes to CIL and S106 legislation and
applying practical solutions to speed up the process and improve outcomes.
Beverley Firth, Partner, Mills & Reeve LLP
Questions and discussion
Pimms Reception - rest of the afternoon free
Optional historical and literary walking tour ‘Castle, Confluence and Carroll’
Sweet & Maxwell Champagne Reception
Black Tie Dinner with guest speaker Julia Hartley-Brewer, broadcaster and journalist.
Late night entertainment
Sunday 18 September
Breakfast, New College
Chapel, New College
Conference, Oxford Union, Chairman’s Introduction
Achieving and Assisting Regeneration An authority’s perspective to deliver successful regeneration
schemes with moving goalposts, legislation and economic challenges.
Pat Hayes, London Borough of Ealing
Questions and discussion
Legal Update What have been the key issues emerging from cases over the past year?
Richard Ground QC, Cornerstone Barristers
Questions and discussion
Conference close
Please copy this form for additional places
Return forms to:
Lucinda Howe, Quadrilect, 2 Burgon Street, London, EC4V 5DR
Please note Quadrilect have moved offices – this is a new postal address
Tel: 020 7489 7628 Fax: 020 7489 8185
Please make payment at the time of booking by
Cheque made payable to Quadrilect Ltd (VAT No. 791 4806 05)
Please contact: for bank transfer details
Credit/debit card
Please call the office with your details. A credit card carries
a 4% + VAT surcharge; there is no charge for debit cards
Note: *Parking - If you require parking don’t forget to tick the option and add
the cost to your participation fee. There is no parking at New College. We
have hired a car park nearby and a shuttle bus service will be provided at the
beginning and end of the conference. Details will be sent with confirmation.
Title Forename
The fees below include
• Conference and full conference
• Two nights’ B&B in a single
college room
• Two receptions followed by black
tie dinners with wine
• Refreshments and lunch at the
Oxford Union
„„ 1 x Early-bird participation fee
(bookings before 30 June 2016)
£599.00 + VAT = £718.80
„„ 1 x Participation fee
(bookings after 30 June 2016)
£659.00 + VAT = £790.80
„„ 1 x Scholarship fee
(see below for terms)
£330 + VAT = £396.00
„„ 1 x Car parking*
£25.00 + VAT = £30.00
Post Code
Job Title
Telephone No.
Post nominals/Qualifications
Mobile No.
Organisation/Chambers (to appear on badge)
Email address
Please tick
 Solicitor  Barrister Special room/dietary requirements
 Chartered Surveyor  Developer
 Town Planner
 Please tick if this is the first time you have attended
I have read and accept the conditions below
Signed Date
The organisers reserve the right to vary the speakers and content within the overall objectives of the conference.
The organisers accept no responsibility for views expressed or contained in the conference documentation.
Scholarship scheme 50% discount off full fee is available to the first 12 junior member applicants
(qualified for less than 5 years). Three places are allocated to each profession and only one applicant
from each firm/organisation will be allowed. Applications must be received with cheques. Unsuccessful
scholarship applicants will be offered the option of attending at full fee or receiving a full refund.
 I would like to apply for a scholarship and have been qualified for years.
Data protection Occasionally the organising bodies may wish to contact you in respect of similar
events. Please let us know in writing if you do not wish to be contacted.
Conditions of booking 1. Delegates are members of the RICS, RTPI, the Law Society, the Bar or another professional body. 2. Closing
date for registration is 13 August 2016. Numbers are limited and bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Registrations will
be accepted after this date if places are available. 3. Refunds will be given for cancellations made in writing before 6 August 2016 less an
administration charge of £60+VAT. No refunds will be given after this date and unpaid invoices for the full fee of any person cancelling after
this date will still be due before the event date. Substitute delegates will be accepted. 4. VAT will be charged at the prevailing UK rate.