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 User Terms and Conditions
Welcome to the Wavin website. By using this site you agree to the applicability of our
web-site user terms and conditions. We note that these terms and conditions may be
changed over time. Users of the site are advised to regularly read the terms and
conditions for possible changes. The conditions are also available for inspection at
the head office of Wavin, Stationsplein 3, (8011 CW) Zwolle, The Netherlands. If you
wish to receive a hard copy of these conditions, please send an e-mail with your
address to
This web-site is owned and operated by Wavin N.V., a company established under
Dutch law, with trade register number 05078970. In these terms and conditions
Wavin N.V., together with its subsidiaries, as well as separately will be referred to as
Wavin will make reasonable efforts to provide up-to-date and accurate information
on and by this web-site. However, this website serves information purposes only. No
rights can be exercised from the information provided on the website of Wavin.
Wavin shall not be liable for any damages or injury of any kind resulting from your
access to, or inability to access, this web-site, nor from your reliance on any
Information provided on or by this web-site, including but not limited to damages as a
result from viruses that may infect your computer equipment, defective software or
data, the use of electronic communication, including – but not limited to damages
resulting from failure or delay in delivery of electronic communications, interception
or manipulation of electronic communications by third parties or by computer
programs used for electronic communications and transmission of viruses., unless
such damage is the result of any intentional misconduct or from negligence on the
part of Wavin.
Linked Sites
The web-site of Wavin may provide links or references to web-sites of third parties.
Wavin disclaims any responsibility for the content of such other sites. Please be
aware that our Privacy and Cookie Statement does not apply to the collection and
processing of your data on such other sites. Wavin shall not be liable for any
damages or injury of any kind arising from your access to, or inability to access or
use of such other sites and the information provided thereon, nor from your use of or
reliance on any information provided on such other sites. Any links to such other
sites are provided merely as a convenience to the users of this web-site.
Other information provided by user Wavin shall be free to use or copy all information and/or materials ("Materials"),
including ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques, software or know-how disclosed
therein, provided by user in any way for any purpose. Such purposes may include
disclosure of the Materials to third parties and/or to develop, manufacture and/or
market these Materials. Wavin shall not be bound by any confidentiality obligation
with respect to the Materials. User hereby indemnifies and holds Wavin harmless
from and against all actions, claims and liabilities, suffered, incurred or sustained by
Wavin as a result of the use and/or exploitation of the Materials by Wavin.
Products and services All products and services sold by Wavin entities are subject to the relevant Wavin
standard terms and conditions of sale, a copy of which can be ordered via
Intellectual Property Unless otherwise indicated, all intellectual property rights with respect to this website and all information provided on or by this web-site (whether in text, images, lay
out, software and other materials) are owned by Wavin. Wavin permits you to
display, store and reproduce material from this website for personal use and noncommercial and informational purposes only.
The use of the website of Wavin is subject to the following conditions:
No part of this website may be distributed or sold for commercial gain or for
political purposes.
No part of this website may be modified in any way.
The copyright notice ("from the website of Wavin") must appear on every copy
or part thereof and the date of copying
Unless otherwise indicated, all the trademarks displayed on this web-site are
owned by or have been licensed to Wavin.
Nothing on this web-site should be construed as granting any license or right
with respect to any trademark, copyright, patent or any other intellectual
property right of Wavin.
Permission in writing of Wavin is required for any other use of intellectual
property contained on this web-site and all information provided on or via this
web-site. Any misuse of its contents is strictly prohibited.
Applicable Law, Jurisdiction This web-site can be accessed from various countries around the world. As each of
these countries has laws that may differ from those of the Netherlands, by accessing
this web-site you agree that the laws of the Netherlands shall apply to all matters
arising from or relating to the use and contents of this web-site or information
provided to you by this website. User also agrees to submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the competent courts of The Netherlands with respect to such matters.
Severability If these Web-site User Terms & Conditions are or become partially void, the parties
will continue to be bound by remainder of the same. The parties shall replace the
void part by provisions that are valid and have legal effect that correspond with those
of the void part as much as possible, taking into account the content and purport of
these User Terms & Conditions.