Asian Journal of Research in
Social Sciences and
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Vol. 6, No. 9, September 2016, pp. 1509-1524.
ISSN 2249-7315
A Journal Indexed in Indian Citation Index www.aijsh.com
DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00886.8
Category:Science and Technology
*Assistant Professor,
Sriram Engineering College,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Anna University, BIT Campus,
Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India.
The power generation based micro-grid system connecting several small alternative power sources and also an addition to the maingrid one particular site. It can mentioned solar cells, wind turbines, micro-turbines (natural gas), fuel cells and storage batteries and also connected to the low voltage distribution network through power electronics converters. In this paper, proposed a three-phase
Active Power Conditioner to improve power quality in microgrids based on renewable energy.
Active Power Conditioner (APC) acts as an interface between renewable energy sources and the
AC bus of micro-grid. Also, it can be proved important alternative to compensate current and voltage disturbances in power distribution systems. The novel control strategy used offer the possibility to inject electrical energy from the different renewable sources and another hand to improve the power quality in the same microgrid. The multilevel inverter connected in between the micro and main grid for power quality analysis, such as harmonic compensation, power factor correction, THD (total harmonic distortion), voltage and current balancing. The proposed topology have been implemented and results obtained by using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Micro grid, DC – DC converter, Renewable energy, Active power conditioner, Multi level inverter and power quality enhancement.
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