Existing time-series of marine biodiversity and the need for naturetype mapping in Svalbard waters: Status, financing, and value for developing management strategies in a changing Arctic Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport: 6229 - 2 This page is intentionally left blank Akvaplan-niva AS Rådgivning og forskning innen miljø og akvakultur Org.nr: NO 937 375 158 MVA Framsenteret 9296 Tromsø Tlf: 77 75 03 00, Fax: 77 75 03 01 www.akvaplan.niva.no Existing time-series of marine biodiversity and the need for nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters: Status, financing, and value for developing management strategies in a changing Arctic Authors Akvaplan-niva report no 6229 - 2 Paul E. Renaud Trine Bekkby Date 30.10.2013 No. of pages 41 pp + 14 pp appendices Distribution Public Client Client’s reference Norwegian Environment Agency 12040107 / 03.12.2012 Summary Nature-type mapping and both physical and biological time-series data are essential tools for obtaining a good understanding of ecosystem status and how systems respond to natural and human-based threats. A recent workshop was help to assess which mapping techniques and time-series data are available for Svalbard's nearshore waters. Despite the isolation and often harsh conditions of the high Arctic, an impressive collection of oceanographic and biological time-series exist for the area. Many result from collaborations between Norwegian and international researchers, and some of the longest are for benthic fauna. In addition, methodologies developed from more than a decade of work along the Norwegian mainland, and new physical/geological baseline data, allow the initiation of nature-type mapping efforts on Svalbard. Continuity of funding and data access present some of the largest challenges for prolonging existing time-series and new habitat mapping, but these must be overcome to assure effective environmental management in the region. Project manager Quality controller _________________________ Paul E. Renaud __________________________ Salve Dahle © 2013 Akvaplan-niva AS. This report may only be copied as a whole. Copying of part of this report (sections of text, illustrations, tables, conclusions, etc.) and/or reproduction in other ways, is only permitted with written consent from Akvaplan-niva AS. Table of Contents PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. 6 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ON SVALBARD ................................................... 7 2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Nature-type mapping........................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Time series ....................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 National initiatives relevant to this workshop.................................................................. 9 3 NATURE-TYPE MAPPING ................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Mainland techniques and results .................................................................................... 11 3.2 Physical mapping of habitats on Svalbard ..................................................................... 13 3.3 Technology for monitoring and nature-type mapping ................................................... 14 3.4 Habitat sensitivity analysis............................................................................................. 14 3.5 Priority areas/habitats and recommendations ................................................................ 15 4 EXISTING TIME-SERIES ................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Oceanographic time-series ............................................................................................. 18 4.2 Biological time-series .................................................................................................... 20 4.3 Changing biodiversity patterns in Norway and Svalbard .............................................. 28 4.4 Ecological time-series and climate proxies .................................................................... 29 4.5 How can time-series coverage address management needs? ......................................... 30 4.6 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 31 5 DATABASES ....................................................................................................................... 33 5.1 What exists and where are data currently stored? .......................................................... 33 5.2 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 34 6 FINANCING STATUS AND POSSIBILITIES FOR FUTURE SUPPORT ....................... 35 7 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................... 37 8 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 39 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 42 Appendix 1: Meeting agenda ............................................................................................... 42 Appendix 2: Participants ...................................................................................................... 44 Appendix 3: Change in marine, benthic macro-invertebrates along the Norwegian coast .. 45 Appendix 4: Existing time series around Svalbard .............................................................. 47 Appendix 5: Publications from time-series .......................................................................... 52 4 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Table of Figures Figure 1. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of oceanographic observatories and transects. ………………………………………………………………………………………………...18 Figure 2. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of subtidal hardbottom photographic stations. .................................................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 3. Map of Svalbard indicating location on repeated intertidal community surveys...... 22 Figure 4. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of soft-sediment benthos time-series. ........... 23 Figure 5. Map of Svalbard indicating locations and years of beam trawl and shrimp trawl sampling or epifaunal communities ......................................................................... 25 Figure 6. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of ice-fauna monitoring locations. ................ 26 Figure 7. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of zooplankton time-series. ........................... 27 Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 5 Preface Successful environmental management requires a strong understanding of habitats, species present, and the levels of natural variability in the system. Mapping of habitats (more operationally termed 'nature types') to be managed, and time-series that monitor of key elements of these habitats, provide valuable tools for integrating scientific knowledge in time and space. Whereas considerable strides have been made in these areas along the mainland coast of Norway, a mapping of habitat distribution and sensitivity, and synthesis of relevant time-series have generally not been conducted Svalbard's coastal waters. In February 2013, the Directorate for Nature Management (DN) 1 and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) funded a workshop drawing together governmental agencies and institutes responsible for producing and using this information in Norway, and those Norwegian and international research institutions involved in relevant studies on Svalbard. The workshop took place Longyearbyen, Svalbard and was organized by DN, UNIS, and Akvaplan-niva. This report summarizes the mapping techniques and time-series data currently available for managers, and provides recommendations for improving the quality, relevance, and availability of knowledge of Svalbard waters. The authors wish to thank Drs. Tove Gabrielsen and Ole Jørgen Lønne for their assistance in organizing the workshop at UNIS. We are also grateful to Prof. Jørgen Berge for his help with some of the figures included in the text, and to Hector Andrade for technical assistance. Paul E. Renaud Akvaplan-niva Tromsø Trine Bekkby Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) Oslo Cover photos: Hard-bottom time-series photos from Bjørnøya over a period of ten years, showing succession to a climax community, then re-initiation of community development again after sloughing off of dense cover of colonial invertebrates. (Photos: Bjørn Gulliksen) 1 In July 2013 the Directorate of Nature Management and the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency merged to form the Norwegian Environment Agency. For the purposes of this report, however, we will retain the original name and abbreviation, DN. 6 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 1 Environmental management on Svalbard Environmental management of Svalbard's waters is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Environment (MD: Miljøverndepartementet), with the Directorate for Nature Management acting as the managing authority. The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) provides strategic and scientific advice for management through the directorates, while the Governor of Svalbard (Sysselmannen på Svalbard) is responsible for practical implementation of regulatory policies. Each of these agencies/institutes funds specific research projects aimed at helping fulfill the relevant management roles. For this process to be successful, communication among all parties, including researchers working in Svalbard waters, is critical. This report summarizes the discussions of a workshop on nature-type mapping and timeseries conducted in Longyearbyen in February 2013. Topics discussed include summaries of mapping and monitoring efforts underway around Svalbard, recent research findings, knowledge gaps/needs identified by researchers and managers, funding possibilities for continuing work, data management strategies, development of management plans for East and West Svalbard, and priorities for future management-relevant research. Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 7 2 Introduction 2.1 Nature-type mapping To make well-founded management decisions for the coastal zone, managers and policy makers need information (i.e. maps) identifying where important habitats and key resourceareas are found, and how valuable they are. Baseline information on the current status of marine habitats is required in order to detect possible changes in the future (due to e.g. climate or anthropogenic influences). According to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) all countries are obliged to understand and preserve their biological diversity. In Norway, this was addressed with a White Paper (Report to the Storting, 1996-1997) describing the policy for achieving sustainable development of the environment, and instructing all municipalities to collect knowledge on biodiversity. This work was followed by the establishment of the Norwegian National Program for mapping and monitoring of biodiversity (initiated in 2003). The marine component of the program (now named the National Program for mapping of biodiversity - coast) covers a selection of species, habitats and key areas in the coastal zone, and studies the geological-biological linkages and the distribution of species and habitats along environmental gradients using spatial analyses and distribution modeling. The program has been financed by the Ministry of Defense (until 2010 only), the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs. Challenges for the National Program are the quality and resolution of the bathymetric data, the lack of substrate data in most areas, the few habitats and key areas covered (see chapter 2.3 and Bekkby et al. 2011), and the lack of the in-depth information needed in order to set value to the occurrences mapped (see Bekkby et al. 2012). Distribution modeling is an important management tool and is used for sampling design, delineation and distribution analyses. In the more offshore areas, the MAREANO project (www.mareano.no) is mapping the seabed, including bathymetry, terrain, substrate, species, biotopes, habitats and pollution. MAREANO aims to answer questions about the seascape of the continental shelf, the seabed sedimentology, biodiversity, biotope and habitat distribution, the relationship between the physical environment and the biodiversity and amount of contamination stored. MAREANO is financed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Challenges in MAREANO are, for instance, the lack 8 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no of water flow information and the large number of biological samples to analyze (both NIVA and APN have recently been involved in the MAREANO lab work). There is currently no extension of MAREANO to Svalbard waters. 2.2 Time series Whereas time-series from marine systems are rare, the information contained within them is critical for evaluating change over management-relevant time scales (e.g. Edwards et al. 2010). Remoteness of the Arctic, the relatively low number of researchers, and the limited research infrastructure in these areas, however, result in there being few time-series of 10 or more years across the pan-Arctic region. Topics such as climatic change, fisheriesmanagement policy, coastal-zone management, and ecosystem resilience have become highly relevant for Arctic nations since climatic change is strongly felt in this region, and there is a need to manage developing industrial activities and expansion of harvesting activities. These are highly relevant themes for Svalbard in particular, and require decadal or multi-decadal data series to support management decision-making. Fortunately, Svalbard has become an important international center for Arctic research in the past 10 years, and Arctic research has long been an interest in Norway and several other nations. This has resulted in establishment of monitoring programs (e.g. Monitoring on Svalbard and Jan Mayen, MOSJ, by the Norwegian Polar Institute), a series of permanent research stations (in Longyearbyen, Ny-Ålesund, Hornsund), and investment by national and international governmental agencies in scientific research in the coastal and offshore waters of the archipelago. Thus, Svalbard can claim some of the longest oceanographic and biological time-series found in nearshore Arctic systems. Synthesis of these activities, however, has not yet been performed; and this report serves as a first step in this process. Open communication of scientific results will allow for development of dynamic management strategies responsive to new findings, and a more informed scientific community as to needs for managementrelevant time-series data in the region. 2.3 National initiatives relevant to this workshop In Norway's Monitoring Plan for Marine Biodiversity, four main goals were outlined: 1 Have the ability to identify changes in biodiversity over time, 2 - Establish a scientific basis for developing management strategies to protect biodiversity, 3 - Evaluate the effect of species and ecosystem protection strategies, and 4 - Secure data access for national and Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 9 international user-groups (Direktoratet for naturforvaltning 2001). The Plan also suggests specific types of monitoring that are needed for the Barents Sea/Svalbard area, and includes programs for monitoring fjord physics, hard and soft bottom benthos, zooplankton, ice fauna, and epifauna. Time-series are directly called for, with sampling frequencies ranging from annual to every third year (for long-lived taxa or those with periodic recruitment cycles). The 2013 workshop that is the basis for this report can, therefore, serve as a status report in how far Norway has come in addressing these goals for the Svalbard region. The National Program for mapping of biodiversity – coast, covering the mainland coastal areas of Norway, has been financed since 2003 (field mapping since 2007). These efforts focus on ecologically and economically valuable or sensitive habitats, including large kelp forests, ice marginal deposits, soft sediments in the coastal zone, loose calcareous alga, eelgrass meadows and other seagrass meadows, carbonate sand, oyster areas, large scallop occurrences, and spawning areas for cod (Bekkby et al. 2011, 2013). Considerable mapping of the mainland's nature types, from southern regions up to Troms county has been performed, with the intent on extending this work to Finnmark (the program plan is to finish in 2018). The 2013 workshop built upon published research and valuation guidelines from the mainland to address the need and possibilities for habitat mapping on Svalbard. Available baseline data were identified, and regions and habitats to prioritize were discussed. There is a new initiative for a program called “coastal MAREANO ” (kyst-MAREANO) to extend MAREANO-type activities to the inshore waters of mainland Norway. The partners suggesting such a program is Kartverket (the mapping authorities), the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA). The plan is to get high quality and high resolution data on bathymetry and terrain, geology and substrate, water column (such as ocean current, wave exposure and water transparency), biodiversity, habitats etc. Once in place, it is conceivable that these efforts could be extended to Svalbard. In 2004, the Norwegian Research Council published a three-volume series of reports described the existing time series in climate, marine systems, and terrestrial/limnic systems (Norges Forskningsrådet 2003, 2004). Few of the physical and biological time-series outlined extended to the Svalbard area, however. Much of this is due to there being few established time-series on Svalbard at the time of publication, but even the hard-bottom photographic series from Svalbard fjords, which had been underway for more than 20 years already, were not included. In this sense, the present report is a supplement to these three volumes, updating current activities in Svalbard coastal and shelf waters. 10 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 3 Nature-type mapping 3.1 Mainland techniques and results Substantial nature-type mapping activity has been carried out along the Norwegian coast, and considerable baseline data are available. However, before 2003, little information was provided for management and planning through available portals. In addition, most of the information available was point data, and managers and planners stated a clear need for more area-based information in the coastal zone. Finally, there was no guide for which species or habitats to prioritize and how to valuate these. Consequently, a national guide describing habitats and key areas in the coastal zone was published (Direktoratet for naturforvaltning 2001), and the national mapping program was initiated. During 2003-2006, the marine component of the program focused on developing methods for mapping, modelling, and collecting existing data. The information was integrated in guidelines for municipalities (Rinde et al. 2007), and resulted in a revision of the handbook for mapping (Direktoratet for naturforvaltning 2007). The field mapping started in 2007 and is still on-going (will most likely continue until the end of 2018). The mapping is limited to coastal areas (i.e. within 1 nautical mile outside the base line), as these areas are under much pressure, are covered by the EU Water Framework Directive, and are getting most of the attention from managers and planning authorities. A selection of habitats and key areas for selected species and populations were mapped from 2007–2011 (see Bekkby et al. 2011 and 2013 for details). These habitats and key areas were selected because they: • have high species diversity • have unique physical or chemical conditions and function as a habitat for characteristic biological communities • are habitats for species that require special attention • are habitats for special populations • are highly exposed to human activities and impacts. The coast of Norway is long (> 100 000 km including mainland and islands) and complex, with large environmental and tidal gradients. Consequently, field mapping is time consuming Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 11 and costly. Alternative methods have therefore been developed to aid in mapping, including distribution modeling. Table 1 presents the methods used for the different habitats and key areas. Table 1. A list of the habitats and key areas mapped as a part of the National programme for mapping of biodiversity – coast in the period 2007–2011. Habitats/key areas Mapping institute Method used Habitats Large kelp forests NIVA/IMR/APN Spatial predictive modeling Ice marginal deposits NGU Demarcation from bathymetric data Soft sediments in the littoral zone NIVA/APN Orthophoto verification of digital models Eelgrass meadows NIVA/IMR/APN Model-assisted field mapping Carbonate sand deposits NGU/NIVA Spatial predictive modeling Oyster areas IMR Field mapping Scallop populations IMR Underwater video and bathymetric data Spawning areas for fish IMR Density estimation, egg-drift modeling Key areas The main results from the mapping are provided by Bekkby et al. (2011, 2013). The habitats and key areas mapped in this program are visualized and made available through www.naturbase.no, a portal developed by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management. Through this web site, information can be downloaded as vector (shape) or SOSI files. These maps provide managers and planners with information about the location, extent and biodiversity of valuable marine habitats or key areas for species, information that is critical to consider when developing strategies for sustainable management in the coastal zone. Considerable effort has been dedicated to describing the areas and habitats, and the program has implemented a method for valuation of each of the occurrences of the selected habitats and key areas based on specified criteria (Bekkby et al. 2012). Providing the occurrences with a value is important for giving legitimacy to the process of policy development, and results in more active management practices. The criteria are, as far as possible, objective and transparent. Where subjective criteria are used, these are thoroughly described. All 12 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no occurrences are classified as either A (nationally very important), B (regionally important) or C (locally important). Habitat size, density, diversity, age, production rate and intact ecological function are regarded as the most important criteria but size, density and overlap with other species/habitats are the most commonly used criteria, since information on the others is often lacking. 3.2 Physical mapping of habitats on Svalbard As discussed above, predictive habitat-mapping uses base-maps for relevant physical and geological parameters in determining where a specific habitat is likely to be found. For example, kelp bed occurrence has been predicted solely from available hard substrate, bottom depth, and degree of exposure (wave energy). Along complex shorelines with highly variable characteristics, it is clear that high-resolution base-maps are required for models to be accurate. The remoteness and lack of attention mapping has generally had on Svalbard appears to make it unlikely to find such resolution in key habitat-determining factors here. Luckily, this is not the case, at least in some fjords. The Norwegian Mapping Authority (Statens Kartverket) has performed such bathymetric surveys over the past several years in Kongsfjorden, Isfjorden, and the Smeerenburg area. Output data include water depth (1 m resolution), sea level, rugosity (roughness), and bottom slope. Backscatter data can provide sediment and bottom type. In addition, multibeam echo-sounders produce high-resolution, 3D imaging of large areas of the seafloor, which could be very useful in ground-truthing of habitat-model outputs. Much of these data are, or will soon be, available on-line at a 5m grid scale. Other parameters may also be available, depending on need, and this is to a large extent limited by data-storage capacity. One benefit of data from Svalbard over data from mainland Norway is that nearshore data from Svalbard are not so tightly controlled by the military, and thus are more freely available for habitat mapping. The Norwegian Geological Survey (NGU) conducts much of the same types of geological and physical mapping, most importantly for habitat-mapping purposes as part of the MAREANO project (www. mareano.no). Geological/ecological interpretations of these data have led to biotope and marine-landscape maps for some regions of the mainland coast. For now, however, these surveys have not been conducted in Svalbard coastal waters. Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 13 3.3 Technology for monitoring and nature-type mapping The challenges inherent to sampling and mapping the Arctic environment are many, and include long periods of darkness, extreme cold conditions for researchers, sea-ice cover, and the remoteness of the study area. This has prevented adequate habitat mapping in most Arctic areas, and this has become an increasing hindrance to knowledge-based environmental management in the region. Increased economic and scientific interest in the Arctic, including the recently completed International Polar Year, have recently contributed greatly to ecosystem understanding, but large expanses of the Arctic, including Svalbard, remain uninvestigated. Remote sensing from satellites has proven useful for some topics, but is limited to investigating surface-water parameters during periods without ice cover. Recently, the Norwegian Research Council has funded a Center of Excellence in Research (SFF) on in situ remote sensing (Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, AMOS) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Its fleet of remote underwater vehicles (ROV), Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), and gliders can help fill many of the missing habitat data on the Svalbard map. These vehicles measure on different temporal and spatial scales and collect data both passively via installed sensors, or actively using human-controlled devices. Already, these technologies have contributed to understanding of biological processes under the ice during the Polar Night (bioluminescence, vertical migration), but perhaps where it has greatest promise is in contributing to habitat mapping. Sidescan sonar, synthetic aperture sonar, and hyperspectral imagery can produce 3D habitat maps. Such photomosaics have already been used on the mainland coast for mapping of kelp-beds, and this activity can be easily transferred to Svalbard to map a variety of habitats after ground-truthing is performed. 3.4 Habitat sensitivity analysis It is clear that humans derive economic benefit from exploitation of marine resources, and these efforts will likely expand in a warmer Arctic with less ice cover. A primary goal of environmental management is to allow for sustainable use of marine habitats, while preserving the integrity of those most important or most sensitive habitats. Habitat sensitivity is a complex process as both the habitat characteristics (species present, rarity of the habitat, specific services of the habitat) and frequency and intensity of potential threats (pollution, physical damage by humans, susceptibility to natural processes) must be assessed. This process is still in its infancy in Svalbard waters, but a newly completed project by Akvaplan- 14 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no niva (APN) provides initial habitat-sensitivity assessment for East Svalbard, for which the Governor of Svalbard has recently been developing a Management Plan. Images from more than 1000 photographic and video stations were sampled and assessed for physical/geological characteristics, biological and ecological parameters (e.g. unique biodiversity), and economic value/potential. Stations were coded for vulnerability based on a 1-3 (low to high) scale used in an earlier assessment of oil-spill vulnerability. This scale is similar to the A, B, C scale used in mainland Norway for valuation of habitats. These analyses identified several areas of particular value, including southern Edgeøya, the Hinlopen area, Arctic fjords on Nordaustlandet, and Heleysundet and Freemansundet between Storfjord and south Hinlopen (Beuchel et al. 2011). 3.5 Priority areas/habitats and recommendations Whereas considerable amounts of data are available for some parts of Svalbard, information for many areas is missing, for instance Nordaustlandet and some fjords (e.g. Wallenburgfjord). For mapping purposes, areas with good coverage of base data should be given priority, especially if mapping is to include analyses along geophysical gradients. The eastern part of Svalbard has little base information, while the northwestern part is well covered with high resolution multibeam data (from the Mapping Authority). If mapping will take place in an area covered with high-resolution multibeam data, different terrain variables can be developed and used in spatial analyses. However, information on physical conditions, such as sediment type, ocean currents, temperature, salinity and wave exposure is needed, as these variables are relevant for the distribution and abundance of habitats/species. A discussion on the base data needed is recommended. The areas selected should include large spatial gradients in geophysical parameters, so that data on biological variability may be linked to specific geophysical factors. The western part of Svalbard should be the highest priority region for mapping, as a management plan is now being developed for this area. Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden are mentioned as good study areas because of the relevance for population centres, research facilities and ecological data, and perhaps most importantly, the good coverage of highresolution multibeam data. Furthermore, the western part of Svalbard will most likely be the first part of Svalbard to experience changes coming from increased influence of Atlantic waters. Because of the importance of contrasting Atlantic-dominated fjords with Arctic fjords, Rijpfjorden on Nordaustlandet and Hornsund in southwest Spitzbergen may also be good target areas. Hornsund has been the subject of considerable research over the past decades due Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 15 to the presence of the Polish research station, and biotic inventory and habitat mapping projects are underway there. Svalbard has very dynamic communities, and to what extent mapping habitats on Svalbard should follow the model from the mainland coast must be discussed. A suggestion is: • Ice scour zone (upper 4m) • Kelp forests (and barren grounds) • Strong tidal currents (e.g. Heleysundet, Freemansundet) • Soft sediments in the littoral zone • Corals • Chlamys islandica (Icelandic scallop) areas • Calcareous algae • Glacial deposits • Sublittoral soft bottom with "ice rafted" stones • Vertical walls under kelp zone • Silled fjords (potentially holding O2-depleted bottom waters)Cobble shoreline Carbonate sand and seagrass meadows are mapped in the National Program, but these habitats have not been detected in Svalbard. Intertidal areas might also be mapped, as these are potentially threatened areas. Studies of the intertidal have been conducted in southern Svalbard, with some indication of changes in distribution and biomass of macroalgal communities between 1980s and 2000s (see Sec 4.2). Initial mapping may be most efficient if efforts are conducted at different scales, both using multibeam models and other geophysical models together with aerial photographs at a large scale, and more detailed information for smaller scale studies. In general, the regions and habitats discussed fit well with both data availability and habitat sensitivity discussed earlier in this section. Having a well-developed sampling program in place on the mainland provides the necessary expertise for initiating mapping efforts on Svalbard. Based on the idealized priorities and the availability of baseline data with which to begin work immediately, we recommend: 1. Prioritising West Svalbard, as a management plan is being developed for this area 16 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 2. Selecting an area with good coverage of high resolution of multibeam data (e.g. Kongsfjorden) 3. Developing a plan for collecting/modelling other relevant base data (such as sediment, ocean current, temperature, salinity and wave exposure) 4. Developing a systematic plan by which habitats or dynamic biological communities will be mapped 5. Develop a sampling design in order to detect changes along geophysical gradients Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 17 4 Existing time-series 4.1 Oceanographic time-series Two main types of oceanographic time-series exist for Svalbard waters: stationary moored oceanographic observatories and CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) transects repeated at least once per year. The focus of most oceanographic time-series work has been in fjords of West Svalbard, and from the continental shelf and shelf-break region between the mainland coast and northwest Svalbard. In addition, there is one mooring time-series from Rijpfjorden on Nordaustlandet (Figure 1) Figure 1. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of oceanographic observatories and transects. 1. Kongsfjorden (established 2002), 2. Rijpfjorden (established 2006), 3. Billefjorden (established 2007), 4. E-W hydrographic transects between mainland and Svalbard (since 2003). 1-3 are partnerships between SAMS, UNIS, and UiT, while 4 is sampled by IOPAS. 18 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Oceanographic moorings are anchored instrument packages sampling the water column at discrete depths, and on Svalbard these are operated by the Scottish Association of Marine Science (SAMS), the University Centre on Svalbard (UNIS), and the University of Tromsø (UiT). Instruments presently on Svalbard moorings measure temperature, salinity, depth, light, chlorophyll fluorescence, ocean currents, backscatter (a proxy for the amount of particles in the water), and sedimentation (sinking flux). Moorings are deployed and measure continuously for a year, after which the instruments are recovered and cleaned, the data downloaded, and the mooring redeployed. Three mooring time-series are in operation at this time. In Kongsfjorden the time-series dates back to 2002, in Rijpfjorden back to 2006, and in Billefjorden data have been collected since 2007. The moored observatories provide fundamental data on physical oceanography, as well as serving as a platform for conducting biological experiments that can take advantage of high-resolution physical measurements (clam growth, zooplankton behavior, ecosystem functioning). Data produced by these moorings have proven valuable in identifying events that have strong and lasting impacts on fjord ecology. For example, current meters and thermal sensors identified intrusions of Atlantic Water from off the shelf into Kongsfjorden in Winter 2006-2007, leading to a warming of the fjord that prevented sea-ice formation for the next 3 winters, and affected biological processes in the fjord (Cottier et al. 2007). Such events have also been observed during winter periods in years following the winter of 2006-7, effectively preventing persistent sea-ice cover in the fjord in succeeding years. SAMS and UiT researchers are in the process of linking Svalbard time-series results to data from moorings across the Arctic to investigate spatial coherence of process and function. In addition, there are efforts to combine moorings with remotely operated underwater vehicles at different periods throughout the year to expand the spatial scale of measurement. Finally, it is hoped that data from at least one moored observatory will soon be fitted with datastreaming capacities, providing scientists, managers, and educators with real-time on-line data delivery. CTD transects from the nearshore, across the shelf, and off the continental slope have been performed between mainland Norway and northwest Svalbard since 1988 by the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAS). These time-series map the volume and heat transport of the West Spitzbergen Current toward Svalbard and into the Arctic Ocean (Piechura and Walczowski 2009). Other instruments on the CTD package include fluorometers and light sensors. In addition, these transects are often taken simultaneously with plankton sampling to provide the physical-environment context for Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 19 biological samples. One example of research results from these CTD transects is the description of interannual variability in dynamics of the West Spitzbergen Current throughout most of the first decade of the (very warm) 21st century. These results can be extremely important for biologists investigating, for example, establishment of boreal taxa on Svalbard, or food quality for breeding seabirds on Svalbard. 4.2 Biological time-series One of the most encouraging outcomes of the Svalbard workshop was the realization that Svalbard has the most time-series of any Arctic location, and this is highlighted by the number and quality of biological time-series of more than 10 years duration. Subtidal hardsubstrate photographic time-series are the longest continuous time-series, spanning more than 30 years. In addition, there are time-series of intertidal, soft-sediment, epifaunal, ice faunal, and zooplankton communities. In many locations there are corresponding oceanographic dataseries, making those data even more useful. These time-series provide critical baseline data on biodiversity and community structure, and depending on the duration of the time-series, can provide information on biological variability or community change over time. The subtidal hard-bottom photographic time-series, conducted by UiT, cover three fjord locations around Svalbard, two areas in Hinlopen, and a location on Jan Mayen Island (Figure 2). In addition, there are several locations in North Norway and Bjørnøya where similar studies have been conducted. The Kongsfjorden and Smeerenburg series were started in 1980 and the Isfjorden series was initiated in 2004. The two Hinlopen stations were started in 2004 and 2007. These stations have been sampled nearly every year since initiation. The Jan Mayen location was first sampled after a volcanic eruption that produced new habitat in 1970, and then has been sampled four times since, with the last sampling in 1998. Briefly, a permanent transect location is selected and bolts are driven into the bedrock such that identical locations can be photographed (non-destructively sampled) during each repeat sampling. Nearby areas of hard substrate are cleared of organisms by scraping to test community-recovery trajectories. Organisms occurring in the photographs are identified, counted, and measured. 20 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Figure 2. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of subtidal hardbottom photographic stations. 1. Jan Mayen (begun 1970 and resampled 1972, 1978, 1994, and 1998), 2. Smeerenburg, Kongsfjorden, and Isfjorden (north to south), with Isfjorden having started in 2004 and the others in 1980 and sampled annually, 3. Gyldenøyene (begun 2004) and Tommelpynten (begun 2007) in Hinlopen Strait, sampled annually. All studies in partnership between UiT and UNIS. Findings from these studies include the observation that scraped substrate at the Kongsfjorden site took approximately 13 years to recover and resemble natural substrate (Beuchel and Gulliksen 2008). Additionally, biodiversity in this habitat varies inversely with the state of the NAO climatic index (a positive NAO, meaning warmer conditions, results in lower biodiversity; Beuchel et al. 2006). Finally, there was a simultaneous and abrupt community shift in both Kongsfjorden and Smeerenburg in the early 1990s resulting in a stable community of increased macroalgae and reduced in ascidian and anemone cover (Kortsch et al. 2012). This abrupt change took place against a background of gradual (linear) changes in temperature (increasing) and ice cover (decreasing), suggesting the possibility that a tipping point may have been reached. At the Jan Mayen site, new substrate was colonized Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 21 by motile organisms, followed by bivalves within a few years. After 15 years, new substrate at shallow sites had communities similar to those in natural habitats, whereas after nearly 30 years, sites deeper than 15 m had not recovered. These results indicate that community structure on subtidal hard substrate varies considerably due to local and regional factors. Recovery from some disturbances takes one or more decades, depending on habitat-specific characteristics. This suggests that these habitats may be quite sensitive, a finding that is of significance for management. Although not requiring complex sampling devices and expensive ship time, intertidal surveys in Arctic environments are surprisingly rare, and thus variability in biodiversity and likelihood for change here is poorly understood. IOPAS revisited more than 20 intertidal sites in southern Svalbard 20 years after initial sampling (Figure 3) and found an increase in biodiversity of intertidal taxa, higher biomass of macrophytes, and an upward shift in algal abundance within the intertidal zone. This occurred during a period of increasing temperature and reduced sea-ice (Węsławski et al. 2010). Figure 3. Map of Svalbard indicating location on repeated intertidal- community surveys (1987, 2007/2008). This work has been performed by IOPAS. 22 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Soft-sediment benthic macrofauna are perhaps the most frequently monitored benthic communities due to their sedentary nature, relatively long life, and ease of quantitative sampling. Additionally, there is a good understanding of how communities respond to different types of stress, at least in temperate latitudes. At least four locations in the Svalbard area have soft-sediment time-series of at least 10 years: transects from the Atlantic Waterdominated Kongsfjorden and van Mijenfjorden, the Arctic Water-dominated Rijpfjorden, and one across the Polar Front from Storfjorden to the southeast (Figure 4). This work has been performed by IOPAS and APN. Only minor changes in community structure have been observed within Kongsfjorden and van Mijenfjorden despite measured changes in fjord oceanography (Renaud et al. 2006, Kędra et al. 2010), but substantial changes in biomass at most of the stations of the Polar Front Transect have been noted (M Carroll, APN, unpub). Figure 4. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of soft-sediment benthos time-series. 1. Polar Front Transect (1992, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, APN), 2. Kongsfjorden (1997, 2006, IOPAS), 3. Van Mijenfjorden (1980, 2000, 2007, 2013, APN/IOPAS), 4. Rijpfjorden (periodically since 2003, APN). Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 23 Biodiversity and functional complexity have been shown to be significantly different in the open Barents Sea compared to West Svalbard fjords, as well as between inner and outer fjord stations (Włodarska-Kowalczuk et al. 2012). The conclusion was that lower species and functional diversity in fjords make these habitats less resilient than open sea habitats. It may be, however, that the dynamic Polar Front region leads to lower stability of benthic communities here compared to more quiescent fjord systems. All four of these time-series are being continued and perhaps some of these results, as well as potential contrasts due to predominant water masses, can be better explained in the future. The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research has performed annual ecosystem survey cruises for nearly 10 years in conjunction with scientists from the Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO) in Russia. Since 2005, a network of stations on the continental shelf around Svalbard and within some of the fjords has been sampled, primarily for epifaunal community structure, using beam and shrimp trawls (Figure 5). Species have been identified and biomass measurements taken. Scientific articles based on these data are in preparation. 24 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Figure 5. Map of Svalbard indicating locations and years of beam trawl and shrimp trawl sampling or epifaunal communities by IMR. Ice fauna are patchily distributed in first and multi-year ice both within fjords and in open water, but where they are present, they can be an important food resource for some iceassociated taxa. Furthermore, since ice faunal communities are tied to the sea-ice environment, climatic warming presents an important threat to this indigenous component of Arctic biodiversity. Time-series from two general regions have been maintained by UNIS and UiT scientists since 1982, when UNIS researcher Bjørn Gulliksen conducted the first studies of ice fauna in Norway (Gulliksen 1984). These data can be compared with a six-year timeseries from Russian drift stations in the central Arctic Ocean (Figure 6). The biomassdominants living in the ice are amphipods that are either predator/scavengers or herbivorous Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 25 (feeding on the algae living attached to the underside of the ice). Biomass north of Svalbard has been higher in multi-year ice compared with first-year ice (Lønne and Gulliksen 1991a, b), but the consequences of the severe decline in multi-year ice over the past 2-3 decades have not been clearly determined. These time series resulted in the hypothesis that export of ice fauna through Fram Strait and into the Barents Sea represented a loss of ice fauna from the Arctic (Arndt and Lønne 2002), but recent studies suggest that some taxa may be able to conduct a wintertime migration at depth back into the Arctic basin using deep ocean currents (Berge et al. 2012). Much more work is needed to elucidate the life-cycles of ice faunal species, and more quantitatively describe their ecosystem roles, especially as climate warming is expected to result in an ice-free Arctic during summer within 30-40 years. Figure 6. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of ice fauna monitoring locations. 1. Barents Sea (established 1982, annually until 1986), 2. Multi-year ice north of Svalbard (established 1986, and sampled irregularly since), 3. Russian drift ice stations in the Arctic Ocean (1975-1980). 1 and 2 run by UiT/UNIS). 26 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Zooplankton time-series from Svalbard fjords and shelf waters have been maintained by scientists from IOPAS, NPI, and UNIS since the late 1990s (Figure 7). As with benthic sampling, baselines provided by zooplankton time series are vital for identifying 'natural' levels of variability, and a reference point against which to evaluate ecosystem change. Arguably, zooplankton communities may be expected to exhibit greater interannual variability, despite being sampled at approximately the same time each year. Short life cycles and highly variable patterns of advection into the fjords are just two reasons for significant differences among years. The ability to collect physical data simultaneously with zooplankton, however, greatly improves our ability to interpret the biological dynamics. In some fjords during some years, fatty acid and stable isotope signatures of zooplankton have also been collected, as have planktivorous-bird feeding and fledging success. These data help put the zooplankton data into a greater ecological context. Figure 7. Map of Svalbard indicating locations of zooplankton time series. 1. Kongsfjorden (annually from 1996, NPI/IOPAS), 2. Hornsund (annually since 2000, IOPAS), 3. Rijpfjorden (annually since 2006, NPI/UNIS), 4. Isfjorden (2006, 2007, 2010, NPI), 5. Svalbard shelf waters (since 1988, IOPAS). Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 27 In most areas covered by these time series, mesozooplankton abundance is higher in warmer years, with Calanus finmarchicus, a boreal species, varying inversely with the Arctic C. glacialis. Temperature also appears to affect development rates, and abundances of smaller taxa (e.g. Oithona spp., Pseudocalanus spp.) (both positive relationships) (http://mosj.npolar.no). The impact of warmer conditions on zooplankton community structure results in lower biomass and presumed quality of food brought back to little auk nests, and increases the amount of energy parents must use to provide for their chicks (number and duration of foraging trips) (Hovinen et al. in prep). So far, these longer timeseries only exist only for the West Svalbard region, but the Rijpfjorden series, now in its eighth season, offers promise of an Arctic comparison. Unfortunately, this site is not an active feeding area for seabirds, so relevance to top predators is not as clear here. These trophic links between marine and terrestrial systems elucidated by time-series data provide environmental managers with key information of how ecosystems may change in the future, but also how these changes may vary within the Svalbard archipelago. 4.3 Changing biodiversity patterns in Norway and Svalbard Description of biodiversity levels is recognized as critical for management and understanding of ecosystem process on local, national and international scales. The recently completed Census of Marine Life projects investigated biodiversity patterns from the genetic to habitat level for terrestrial, fresh-water, and marine systems. While the intense research efforts led to the discovery, description, and cataloguing of thousands of taxa, one conclusion was that we have only started to record what is present, and that this is the most important step for evaluating ecological change. There are few nations that can claim to have a better understanding of the marine biodiversity of its coastal and shelf habitats than Norway, a fact made even more impressive by its vast and varying coastline. This is due to the devoted and systematic efforts of researchers at the University of Bergen and NTNU, and in particular, the two dedicated marine biologists. Torleiv Brattegard and Jon Arne Sneli. These efforts to continuously catalogue the biodiversity of Norwegian marine macroorganisms have been conducted for several decades, with records reaching as far back as the 18th century. Periodic summarizing and publications of this database represent an unique time-series whereby not only the number and identity of taxa are presented, but also where along the Norwegian and Svalbard coasts they have been collected. The latest report, 28 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no published in a report for DN in 2011 (http://www.miljodirektoratet.no/no/Publikasjoner/Publikasjoner-fra-DirNat/DNutredninger/Endringer-i-norsk-marin-bunnfauna-1997-2010/), is already updated in this report (Appendix 3). Since 1997, more than 500 species were added to the total inventory, bringing the total for the entire Norwegian coast to 3819 species, but today the total is close to 4000 species. In Svalbard waters there are 1853 species recorded, an increase of 313 since a 2004 report. Clearly some of these records are due to increased sampling, but several patterns emerge indicating real biodiversity change is occurring. First, 75% of new taxa on the Norwegian coast are from Scotland and the Shetland Islands, and appear on fishing banks where international fishing fleets and mesoscale oceanographic features are likely transport vectors. Further, more than 600 of recorded taxa are showing more northward distributions, with an average shift of 750-1000 km to the north (Narayanaswamy et al. 2010). Few species are retracting in the southern direction. Combined with the increase in species observed on Svalbard, these findings suggest climate warming is strongly impacting species diversity and distribution in Norwegian waters, and on Svalbard. Unfortunately it is rare to have physical data (temperature in particular) collected with species data, and it is recommended that efforts are made to do this in the future. Regardless, these data are highly significant for management of Norwegian (and Svalbard) waters today, and offer clues into future biodiversity patterns in the region. 4.4 Ecological time-series and climate proxies Most time-series data come from monitoring of particular species or assemblages, and clearly this is of great significance for environmental management. In addition, however, time series of ecological processes can provide an indication of how ecosystem function changes over time. APN and its national and international partners have been linking time-series on bivalve growth to climatic fluctuation in attempt to predict how climatic change may affect ecological processes in the marine ecosystem. Using techniques in the field of sclerochronology (the science of finding evidence of temporal change in an organism's hard parts– in this case calcified shells), species occurring in different habitats from Svalbard fjords and surrounding waters have been assessed. They display different growth patterns that appear to be related to predominating water masses and local ecological features (glacial runoff, etc.) (e.g. Carroll et al. 2011). In addition, growth patterns are related to variation in climatic indices e.g. the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Arctic and boreal bivalve taxa have lifespans ranging from decades to several centuries (500 years for one species), and thus there is the possibility of Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 29 developing growth time-series spanning the entire industrial age (Carroll et al. 2009). Results from these studies can help identify the relative (and combined) effects of regional climatic conditions and local factors so management strategies for maintaining ecosystem function can be designed and implemented. 4.5 How can time-series coverage address management needs? The time series discussed above provide critical information about baseline values and natural variability in physical and biological systems, without which any assessment of change (due to climatic variation or other human impacts) would be impossible. Furthermore, the different data series when viewed together can suggest mechanisms responsible for the observed patterns, and whether phenomena are local or consistent cross the region. Much of the sampling of biological time-series is conducted simultaneously with collection of physical data on the environment (sediment grain size and carbon content, water column temperature and salinity, ice thickness and age, etc.). These physical/geological data are valuable, but provide only a snapshot of local conditions. Coupling of biological time series with observatories where high resolution physical data is collected throughout the year, may be even more useful in detecting mechanisms of variability and change. Data alone, however, are meaningless for managers. Management agencies, and those institutes responsible for providing management advice, must be made aware of what kinds of time series exist, and should be updated on results. Further, management needs must be communicated to time-series owners and funding agencies to make sure important knowledge gaps are filled and relevant data are available in a timely manner. Adequate interpretation of time-series data, validated by publication in peer-reviewed journals, is needed, but conclusions must be communicated in non-technical language to appropriate agencies. If this is done in a timely manner then managers can weigh the scientific evidence along with economic and social elements, to develop policies, or to identify knowledge gaps. Researchers, however, rarely perform the necessary communication, even though they are often funded based on the project's ability to address management needs. Reasons for this are many, and include time constraints, lack of knowledge of how to present results in a meaningful way, and ignorance of who the most relevant end-users of the data are. Improved communication between data producers and end-users is critical for efficient translation of time-series and nature-type mapping results into management policy. Frequent workshops sponsored by funding agencies and management bodies can help provide a forum for such 30 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no exchange. One model for this may be the annual research forum for the offshore petroleummonitoring program where the former KLIF, Norway Oil and Gas, and involved consulting companies meet and discuss methodologies, developing policies, and results from the previous year's monitoring activities. The NPI's MOSJ program is one of the primary providers of scientific advice for environmental management on Svalbard. Time-series/monitoring data are collected and then assessed via an indicator-based system that describes the ecosystem. This 'scorecard' is then delivered to Parliament and relevant management agencies. The MOSJ model is valuable since it includes direct communication of ecosystem monitoring data to the governmental agencies responsible for developing management strategies. From the biological side, seabird population size, marine mammals, fish stocks, and zooplankton indices are currently part of MOSJ, although there are no indicators for benthos, despite the program being operational since 1999. This is currently in discussion, and hopefully indicators will be established soon. Only partial funding for carrying out the mandated research is provided by NPI and MD, however, leaving the independent institutes or project-related sources to support research for providing MOSJ indicators. 4.6 Recommendations Time series provide critical monitoring data for both management and research. Ideally, all major components of the ecosystem should be monitored, each at relevant time intervals. Surprisingly, most groups are being monitored regularly as part of on-going time series, although microbes, thought to be particularly sensitive to expected climatic change, have only recently been monitored (UNIS MicroFun project). Individually or in conjunction with other time-series, monitoring data should be useful for evaluating impacts of climate change, fisheries, and pollution. Sampling frequency need not be the same for all components; for example, annual resolution may be important for short-lived groups subject to variation in interannual forcing such as zooplankton, whereas sampling every 2-5 years (or longer) may be sufficient for long-lived benthos. Patterns in community composition are valuable, but it is also important to monitor ecosystem function. Little regular measurement of ecological process has been undertaken as part of existing time series. One weakness that impacts most time-series existing around Svalbard is that of available taxonomic expertise. For many groups (e.g. sponges, hydrozoans, gelatinous plankton), expertise is low, or may be lacking completely. Luckily, collaboration with Polish Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 31 and Russian research groups has been able to extend the expertise of Norwegian institutions, but the situation in Norway is becoming critical. Funding for the few taxonomic experts present is low, and education of new taxonomists is nearly non-existent. The strong record of monitoring biodiversity patterns along the mainland and Svalbard coasts (Appendix 3), is thus in jeopardy. Even simply maintaining this database requires dedicated funding and personnel, and until now this has been run by one or two individuals in their spare time with limited funding from DN. If the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) program is funded, perhaps it can be a resource for continuing this work, but SIOS is neither guaranteed to be funded, nor is this task explicitly described in the proposal. Despite many of the challenges mentioned, it is clear that Svalbard is home to perhaps the best set of marine time-series in the Arctic. For that we should be proud. Changing ecosystems, funding possibilities, and institutional priorities must not lead to these time-series being stopped as these are central to national management priorities; the value of a time series increases with its duration. New monitoring techniques, including cabled (real-time) observatories, remote sensing, and studies of ecological process and proxies will replace and/or supplement current practices. Merging time series to address ecosystem-level questions will likely also become a priority. The use of mooring data to identify novel zooplankton behaviors (e.g. Berge et al. 2009), and mechanisms for community shifts (e.g. Willis et al. 2008) is one example. Linking multiple biotic data series is also possible and can be revealing. Large-scale monitoring performed by the Institute of Marine Research (Figure 5) needs to be better integrated with coastal studies and time-series. Along these lines, a coastalor Svalbard-based extension of the MAREANO project (or the developing coast-MAREANO project) must include input and participation of the institutions with local expertise and a history of collecting and publishing data from Svalbard time-series. Although this change in philosophy, and funding scheme, may be met with some resistance, it is vital to providing managers with the necessary quality-assured information as quickly as possible. 32 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 5 Databases 5.1 What exists and where are data currently stored? Storage and archiving of data are critical for maintenance of successful time-series. The longterm nature of the data collection, and need for quality control and cross-platform compatibility over time are just two reasons for this. There are many options for storing data collected through time-series studies, but this is both an advantage and a hindrance to the process. Historically data have been under the control of individual researchers, who may or may not share the data, provide adequate documentation and metadata, or even pass the data on to someone else when they retire. Some researchers have provided accessibility over public and quasi-private web sites. In recent years, institutions have made a stronger effort to maintain internal databases as well as asserting legal ownership over much of the data collected by their employees. The Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMDC) was initiated in 2012 through a grant from the Norwegian Research Council. Climate, oceanographic, and biological data are primary contributions of the 15 member marine institutions. The goal of this database to provide seamless access to Norwegian data sets. A central database such as this, and advanced database products and services that could be available in the future, can increase efficiency of research efforts. The database is being populated now to different degrees by the member institutions. Data management policies include the clause that data from public funds should be open and free to scientists, although the private sector may be charged for access. Still, many data sets are only available as metadata, with the real data available internally only. There is no consistent requirement within or among institutes, however, regarding archiving of data or metadata. In recent years, large national (Artsdatabanken, Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System, NMDC) and international databases (Pangaea, Ocean Biogeographic Information Service, World Register of Marine Species) have become more prominent players or are under construction. Some funding agencies, such as the European Union, require that data collected with their funds be deposited in one or another of these databases. This fragmented approach of data storage must be resolved for time-series continuity to be mirrored by data accessibility. Appendix 4 underscores these issues, as data from most time-series discussed are stored privately or at the institution level, and rarely in Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 33 national databases. No international databases have received Svalbard time-series data to our knowledge. 5.2 Recommendations The fragmented and dispersed nature of databases limits their usefulness, and reduces the investment and incentive to contribute to them. Currently, it is difficult to find metadata for projects, even if one knows the project exists. For example, the zooplankton time series in Kongsfjorden may be described in part in the 'Research in Svalbard', NMDC, SIOS, or Artsdatabanken sites, or may be absent from all sites. A description and some processed data do exist on the MOSJ web site, but a complete metadata file describing the time series does not. Raw data are not available anywhere except for internal data archives at NPI. This is just one example, and the challenges are similar for nearly all the data sets discussed above. Institutes and individual researchers are hesitant to release data paid for by internal funding, and if one wishes to provide data, it is not clear how to decide where to send it. This is not a problem unique to Norway, although there seems to be an unnecessarily large variety of 'national' databases for such a small community. Several possible solutions exist, but it seems clear that the problem must be addressed in a two-step process. First, a single national database for metadata should exist, and all other databases should not accept data, but instead refer researchers to this central database. This will simplify both providing metadata and searching for relevant research data. Metadata files should then include a clear reference to where the raw (or processed) data can be located. Ideally, this should be an international database, but we recognize this is a strong political issue whereby different agencies feel their database is necessary. Regardless, these databases should be open to all, and not just select member institutions. Requirements by funding agencies for submission of data into open databases must be expanded, but should follow a clear data management policy developed in collaboration with many potential data providers. Finally, a system for petitioning institutions for data not currently available should be established and administered by the Norwegian Research Council, and relevant ministries. 34 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 6 Financing status and possibilities for future support Adequate long-term financing is one of the most important challenges for establishing and maintaining time-series. Most granting agencies have funding cycles of 2-4 years for research projects, which can help maintain time-series in the short term, but are not sufficient for the providing support for the multiple decades that are usually necessary for identifying natural cycles, variability, and real change. Most existing time series on Svalbard originated from initiatives of individuals or research groups, and have been funded from mixed sources, but predominantly through internal funding from home institutions (Appendix 4). Even within MOSJ, where a state agency has been tasked with providing expert advice to management, dedicated funding to support required activities has been difficult to secure. NPI has finances to pay for monitoring for some of the MOSJ indices, but a more secure funding base for all indicators is needed. If state agencies are not provided with money to secure funding of management-relevant time-series, and standard research-funding sources have funding windows that are too short to guarantee continuity of monitoring efforts, the burden of supporting this work will continue to fall on research institutes. The result of such a 'solution' is that time series providing important management advice may be interrupted periodically, or stopped completely, depending on institute priorities. This will clearly have negative impacts on the development of Svalbard environmental policy. One alternative, however, is the possibility for building upon the infrastructure of the Fram Centre for Climate and the Environment. The Fram Centre in Tromsø has more than 20 member institutions engaged in multi-disciplinary research and consulting with high relevance to management. It is funded by many of Norway's governmental departments, but primarily the Environmental Protection Department (MD), and provides funding for research and outreach relevant to northern Norway and Svalbard, particularly in reference to one of the most pressing issues in the region: climate change. Research is structured around 5 flagships with habitat or topical focus, but it may be possible to establish a new flagship responsible for maintaining key time-series. Fram institutes already lead some of the longest and most extensive time-series in the Arctic, including many of those Svalbard data-series discussed in this report. Additionally, climate change is happening now, and management and mitigation efforts have never been more in need of high quality knowledge to support their activities than Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 35 now. Finally, Departments and Ministries should have the flexibility to commit the resources necessary to support time-series over many years. This possibility must be pursued as it has the promise to resolve some of the financing challenges presently facing time-series research. On mainland Norway, marine habitat mapping efforts have received dedicated funding, primarily from the Directorate for Nature Management and the former Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs 2. The National Program for Mapping of Marine Habitats was initiated in 2007, and nearly two-thirds of the mainland coast has been mapped. The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry and Fisheries intend to complete the project within the next several years. For now, however, there is no commitment to have a program for Svalbard, and thus, no funding currently exists. Whereas some basic data have been collected (see Sec. 3.2 above), and many of the tools used on the mainland can be employed on Svalbard, a plan for this work is also lacking. One of the goals of this workshop was to identify whether there is need for this work on Svalbard, and determine the institutes, existing data, and available resources that can contribute to this work. Since the Governor of Svalbard needs to make decisions about how to implement policies to reduce threat to valuable and vulnerable nature types, the need is clearly pressing. Hopefully, financing for a planning stage is soon in place, to be quickly followed by project funding. 2 Beginning January 2014, relevant section of the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs will fall under the new Ministry of Industry and Fisheries. 36 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 7 Conclusions Despite clear logistical and financial challenges, there is a surprisingly extensive set of ongoing time series collecting physical and biological data in Svalbard's nearshore waters. These time series range in length from 6 to over 30 years, and have produced a strong foundation for management decisions today, and a baseline for detecting system change in the future (as we have already seen changing biodiversity patterns). Increased use of developing technology can be a cost effective way of continuing or expanding some data series, and collaboration of researchers with the newly-established Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS) Centre of Excellence is encouraged. Combining results from different time-series may provide a broader ecosystem-based basis for interpretation of observed patterns. Similarly, ecological time-series can be increasingly valuable for assessing ecosystem status over time, and potential human and climatic impacts. This more integrated use of data, however, highlights the need for better communication between researchers and managers so results are provided in a timely and easy-to-use manner. Integration of efforts among researchers is also critical as there are multiple national and international institutions responsible for these time series. Nature-type mapping offers a highly valuable management tool that has thus far been missing in Svalbard waters. Initial efforts to optimize mainland models for use on Svalbard should focus on west Svalbard fjords where high-resolution multi-beam data are available. Sensitive habitats have been identified and classified for some areas, but the basis for this is relatively crude and more directed mapping efforts should augment these initial studies. Any expansion of MAREANO-type mapping programs in Svalbard waters must not be undertaken without regard for the vast experience and expertise of those who have worked in the area for the past several decades. Greater centralization of regional and national database initiatives would encourage use of databases and greater public access to data. This is increasingly important as data series become longer and extent beyond the careers of researchers who initiated them. Perhaps the greatest challenge for maintaining time series and performing spatial mapping of nature types is the lack of dedicated funding sources for such activities. This works lies outside the typical time-frames for research projects and the budgetary lines of management agencies. The Fram Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 37 Centre for Climate and the Environment in Tromsø is funded by a number Ministries, and is one potential source of long-term support as there is a direct connection between time-series studies and the mission of the Fram Centre. Nature-type mapping has historically fallen under the Ministries of Environment and Fisheries/Coastal Affairs, and it can hopefully be extended to Svalbard under these funding sources. The knowledge gained from this work, however, has value for many other ministries, and co-funding on this work seems appropriate. 38 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no 8 References Arndt CE, OJ Lønne. 2002. Transport of bioenergy by large scale Arctic ice drift. Ice in the Environment: Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice. Bekkby, T., Bodvin, T., Bøe, R., Moy, F.E., Olsen, H., Rinde, E. 2011. Nasjonalt program for kartlegging og overvåking av biologisk mangfold - marint. Sluttrapport for perioden 2007-2010. (National program for mapping and monitoring of marine biodiversity in Norway. Final report for the period 2007-2010). NIVA-rapport 6105, 31 pp. ISBN 97882-577-5840-0. (Norwegian, English abstract). Bekkby, T. Moy, F.E., Olsen, H., Bodvin, T., Grefsrud, E.S., Espeland, S.H., Bøe, R. og Rinde, E. 2012. Nasjonal kartlegging av biologisk mangfold – kyst. Diskusjon og forslag til revidering av kriterier for verdisetting av marine naturtyper og nøkkelområder. NIVA-rapport 6446, 45 pp. ISBN 978-82-577-6181-3. (Norwegian, English abstract). Bekkby, T., Moy, F.E., Olsen, H., Rinde, E., Bodvin, T, Bøe, R., Steen, H., Grefsrud, E.S., Espeland, S.H., Pedersen, A., Jørgensen, N.M. 2013. The Norwegian Program for Mapping of Marine Habitats – Providing Knowledge and Maps for ICZMP. Chapter 2, page 21-30 in: Moksness, E., Dahl, E. and Støttrup, J. (Eds.) Global Challenges in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Vol II. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780470657560. Berge J, F Cottier, KS Last, Ø Varpe, E Leu, J Søreide, K Eiane, S Falk-Petersen, K Willis, H Nygård, D Vogedes, C Griffiths, G Johnsen, D Lorentzen, AS Brierley. 2009. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night. Biology Letters 5: 6972. Berge J, Ø Varpe, M Moline, A Wold, PE Renaud, M Daase, S Falk-Peterson. 2012. Retention of ice-associated amphipods: possible consequences for an ice-free Arctic Ocean. Biology Letters 8: 1012-1015. Beuchel F, B Gulliksen. 2008. Temporal patterns of benthic community development in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard): results of a 24-year manipulation study. Polar Biology 31: 913-924. Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 39 Beuchel F, B Gulliksen, ML Carroll. 2006. Long-term patterns of rocky bottom macrobenthic community structure in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) in relation to climate variability (1980-2003). Journal of Marine Systems 63:35–48. Beuchel F, L Wilson, R Palerud, B Gulliksen.2011. Assessment of benthic macrofaunal oil spill vulnerability and valuable areas on Svalbard, Akvaplan-niva report 5285-1, 40 pp. Carroll ML, WG Ambrose, Jr, BS Levin, WL Locke, GA Henkes, H Hop, PE Renaud. 2011. Pan-Svalbard growth rate variability and environmental regulation in the Arctic bivalve Serripes groenlandicus. Journal of Marine Systems 88: 239-251. Carroll ML, BJ Johnson, GA Henkes, KW McMahon, A Voronkov, WG Ambrose, Jr, SG Denisenko. 2009. Bivalves as indicators of environmental variation and potential anthropogenic impacts in the southern Barents Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 59:193206. Cottier F, Nilsen, ME Inall, S Gerland, V Tverberg, H Svendsen. 2007. Wintertime warming of an Arctic shelf in response to large-scale atmospheric circulation. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L10607. Edwards M, G Beaugrand, GC Hays, JA Koslow, AJ Richardson. 2010. Multi-decadal oceanic ecological datasets and their application in marine policy and management. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 602-610. Gulliksen B. 1984. Under-Ice Fauna From Svalbard Waters. Sarsia 69:17–23. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning 2001. Kartlegging av marint biologisk mangfold. DN Håndbok 19. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning 2007. Kartlegging av marint biologisk mangfold. DN Håndbok 19-2001, Revised 51 pp. Kędra M, M Włodarska-Kowalczuk, JM Węsławski. 2010. Decadal change in macrobenthic soft-bottom community structure in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Polar Biology 33: 1-11. Kortsch S, R Primicerio, F Beuchel, PE Renaud, J Rodrigues, OJ Lønne, B Gulliksen. 2012. Climate-driven regime shifts in Arctic marine benthos. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109:14052-14057. Lønne OJ, B Gulliksen. 1991a. Sympagic Macro-Fauna From Multiyear Sea-Ice Near Svalbard. Polar Biology 11:471–477. Lønne OJ, B Gulliksen. 1991b. Source, Density and Composition of Sympagic Fauna in the Barents Sea. Polar Research 10:289–294. 40 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Narayanaswamy BE, PE Renaud, GCA Duineveld, J Berge, MSS Lavaleye, H Reiss, T Brattegard. 2010. Biodiversity trends along the western European margin. PLoS ONE 5: e14295. Norges Forskningsrådet. 2003. Lange tidsserier for miljøovervåkning og forskning – viktige marine dataserier (Long time series for environmental monitoring and research – important marine data series). Norges Forskningsrådet, Oslo (in Norwegian), 36 pp + 2 appx. Norges Forskningsrådet. 2004. Lange tidsserier for miljøovervåkning og forskning – viktige klimadataserier (Long time series for environmental monitoring and research – important climate data series). Norges Forskningsrådet, Oslo (in Norwegian), 53 pp. Piechura J, W Walczowski. 2009. Warming of the West Spitzbergen Current and sea ice north of Svalbard. Oceanologia 51: 147-164. Renaud PE, M Włodarska-Kowalczuk, H Trannum, B Holt, JM Węsławski, S Cochrane, S Dahle, B Gulliksen. 2007. Multidecadal stability of benthic community structure in a high-Arctic glacial fjord (van Mijenfjord, Spitsbergen). Polar Biology 30:295–305. Report to the Storting. 1996-1997. St. meld nr 58. Miljøvernpolitikk for en bærekraftig utvikling. Parliament of Norway, Oslo (in Norwegian). Rinde E, Rygg B, Norderhaug KM, Nygaard K, Longva O, Olsen HA, Bodvin T, Steen H 2007. Veileder til startpakkene for kartlegging av marint biologisk mangfold. Sammendragsrapport med kostnadsoverslag. NIVA Report LNR 5401-2007 UN Convention on Biological Diversity 1992. http://www.cbd.int/convention/ text/default.shtml (extracted November 2013). Węsławski JM, J Wiktor Jr, L Kotwicki. 2010. Increase in biodiversity in the arctic rocky littoral, Sorkappland, Svalbard, after 20 years of climate warming. Marine Biodiversity 40: 123-130. Willis KJ, FR Cottier, S Kwaśniewski. 2008. Impact of warm water advection on the winter zooplankton community in an Arctic fjord. Polar Biology 31: 475-481. Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, PE Renaud, JM, S Cochrane, SG Denisenko. 2012. Species diversity, functional complexity and rarity in Arctic fjordic versus open shelf benthic systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 463: 73-87. Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 41 Appendices Appendix 1: Meeting agenda Workshop on habitat mapping and time series in coastal areas of Svalbard 05-07 February 2013 Svalbard Research Park Longyearbyen Day 0 (05 Feb 2013): ~1405 arrive. Bus from airport, settle into rooms in UNIS 'researcher hotel' 1900 informal DINNER (Kroa) Day 1 (06 Feb 2013): 0900 (moderator: Paul Renaud) Time series, biodiversity, and nature-type mapping Welcome: Ole Arve Misund (UNIS) 5 min Welcome: Ingrid Bysveen (DN) 10 min Welcome: Svein Kristensen (UiT) 5 min Welcome/orientation: Paul Renaud (APN) 5 min Anne Britt Storeng (DN) 15 min coastal mapping Bjørn Gulliksen (UiT) 30 min UW photographic time series Torleiv Brattegard (UiB) 20 min biodiversity/mapping 1025 ----Coffee 15 min----OJ Lønne (UNIS) 20 min Ice fauna time series Frank Beuchel (APN) 20 min East Svalbard habitat sensitivity Trine Bekkby (NIVA/UiO) 20 min Habitat mapping 1240 LUNCH 1330 PM (moderator: Jørgen Berge) Other marine time-series (including needs/plans for future) Finlo Cottier/Jørgen Berge 20 min SAMS/UNIS/NPI Svalbard fjord moorings Anette Wold 20 min NPI/IOPAS zooplankton time series Jan Marcin Weslawski 20 min IOPAS/APN fjord benthos Michael Carroll 20 min APN Polar Front time series 1450 ---Coffee 15 min ---Geir Johnson (NTNU) 20 min Remote sampling for time series and mapping 42 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Boele Kuipers (Kartverket) 15 min Svalbard bathymetry and seafloor characteristics Svein Kristensen (UiT) -15 min Norwegian Marine Data Centre Ingrid Bertinussen (NPI) -15 min MOSJ Paul Renaud (APN) 15 min A time-series flagship for FRAM Reidulf Bøe (NGU) 15 min NGU data mapping 2000 DINNER (Rica Funktionærmessen) Informal talk: Salve Dahle Day 2 (07 February 2013) 0900 Management needs and resources (moderator: Ingrid Bysveen) Ingrid Bysveen (Welcome/orientation) -5 min Elin Lien (Sysselmannen) (15 min) – SM needs for Svalbard management Discussion #1: Mapping (45 min): What benthic communities/nature types should have first priority for mapping 1005 --- Coffee 15 min--Discussion #2: Monitoring (45 min) What existing time series are most important for management purposes and what time series do we need to get a more complete marine monitoring?? Discussion #3: Possibilities for financing new mapping and monitoring activity (20 min) Discussion #4: Central databases and coordination and how do we proceed? (20 min) Paul Renaud (Summing up of discussions) (10 min) Ole Arve Misund and Ingrid Bysveen: Final remarks and closing of the workshop (5 min) 1200 LUNCH Flight to Tromsø/Oslo: 1445 Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 43 Appendix 2: Participants Name Institute Carl Ballantine Trine Bekkby Jørgen Berge Ingrid Berthinussen Frank Beuchel Torleiv Brattegard Ingrid Bysveen Reidulv Bøe Michael Carroll Salve Dahle Bjørn Gulliksen Geir Johnsen Lis Lindal Jørgensen Svein Kristiansen Boele Kuipers Elin Lien Harald Lura Ole Jørgen Lønne Ole Arve Misund Paul Renaud Jon Arne Snelli Anne-Britt Storeng Øystein Varpe Cecilie von Quillfeldt Jürgen Weissenberger Jan Marcin Węsławski Anette Wold University of Tromsø Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Univ. of Oslo University of Tromsø Norwegian Polar Institute Akvaplan-niva University of Bergen Directorate for Nature Management1 Norwegian Geological Survey Akvaplan-niva Akvaplan-niva University of Tromsø NTNU Institute of Marine Research University of Tromsø Statens Kartverk Governor of Svalbard ConocoPhillips University Centre in Svalbard University Centre in Svalbard Akvaplan-niva NTNU Directorate for Nature Management1 Akvaplan-niva Norwegian Polar Institute Statoil Institute of Oceanology, PAS Norwegian Polar Institute 1 now the Norwegian Environment Agency 44 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Appendix 3: Change in marine, benthic macro-invertebrates along the Norwegian coast Torleiv Brattegard © updated 22.08.2013 Gruppe Notes (see below): From distribution tables from the years - Southern distribution 1) 1996 2) 2001 3) 2006 4) 2012 1) 1996 PanNorwegian distribution 2) 3) 2001 2006 Northern distribution Unknown distribution Sum spp. 4) 2012 1) 1996 2) 2001 3) 2006 4) 2012 1) 1996 2) 2001 3) 2006 4) 2012 1) 1996 2) 2001 3) 2006 4) 2012 Porifera Svamper 78 71 74 101 109 100 112 120 51 48 50 50 37 44 45 22 275 263 281 293 Octocorallia Hexacorallia Staurozoa Hydrozoa Åttetallskoraller Sekstallskoraller Stilkmaneter Hydrozoer 18 42 1 48 16 45 2 57 17 44 1 54 18 43 1 48 6 15 3 73 6 14 2 74 6 17 3 74 7 20 3 77 10 15 2 21 8 14 1 22 9 15 1 20 10 19 2 20 2 7 0 12 1 10 0 19 1 5 0 13 1 4 0 6 36 79 6 154 31 83 5 172 33 81 5 161 36 86 6 151 Nemertea Slimormer 20 19 17 22 14 13 15 16 4 4 1 7 21 18 19 16 59 54 58 61 Caudofoveata Solenogastres Polyplacophora Prosobranchia Heterobranchia Cephalopoda * Bivalvia Scaphopoda Ormebløtdyr Ormebløtdyr Leddsnegler Forgjellesnegler Heterobranker Blekkspruter Skjell Sjøtenner 5 8 5 107 122 7 115 7 5 6 5 108 129 6 126 7 5 8 6 102 117 7 116 5 3 10 4 93 113 7 106 2 1 0 7 54 36 3 42 2 1 0 7 52 33 3 35 2 1 1 7 67 50 3 46 4 3 1 8 84 59 3 74 8 1 4 1 66 14 1 40 1 1 4 1 68 14 1 43 1 6 1 1 10 9 1 42 1 1 6 1 65 12 1 43 2 0 8 0 12 16 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 10 0 4 11 0 5 0 0 10 0 12 18 0 2 0 7 20 13 239 188 11 199 10 7 15 13 228 184 10 207 10 7 25 14 240 187 11 209 10 7 27 13 254 202 11 225 12 Sipuncula Stjerneormer 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 16 16 16 16 Entoprocta Begerormer 13 13 13 13 7 6 6 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 21 20 20 22 Echiura Skjeormer 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 5 5 5 Polychaeta Oligochaeta Hirudinea Flerbørstemark Fåbørstemark Igler 284 9 3 289 9 3 256 12 3 299 12 3 229 10 4 200 16 4 304 13 4 380 13 4 55 2 3 54 2 3 56 0 3 95 0 3 50 4 1 60 4 1 26 0 2 29 0 1 618 25 11 603 31 11 642 25 12 803 25 11 Pycnogonida Ostracoda Copepoda (Calanoida) # Tantulocarida (parasitic) Cirripedia (freeliving) Cirripedia (parasitic) Leptostraca Havedderkopper Muslingkreps Hoppekreps Bagatellkreps Rankeføtter Rankeføtter Leptostraker 12 80 23 0 3 16 2 15 83 21 0 3 14 2 10 76 21 0 3 16 2 11 68 24 0 4 13 1 14 46 2 0 5 3 0 13 46 2 0 6 3 1 16 52 2 0 6 3 0 18 64 2 0 6 3 1 13 13 3 0 2 0 1 13 8 3 0 2 0 1 12 9 3 0 2 0 1 12 10 3 0 2 0 1 0 7 2 1 0 2 1 0 7 2 1 0 2 0 0 7 4 1 0 2 1 0 4 4 1 0 2 1 39 146 30 1 10 21 4 41 144 28 1 11 19 4 38 144 30 1 11 21 4 41 146 33 1 12 18 4 Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 45 Appendix 3: Continuation… Decapoda Lophogastrida Mysida Amphipoda Cumacea Tanaidacea Isopoda (freeliving) Isopoda (parasitic) Tifotkreps Lofogastrider Pungreker Amfipoder Halekreps Tanaider Isopoder Isopoder Priapulida Priapulider Phoronida Hesteskoormer Bryozoa/Ectoprocta Mosdyr Brachiopoda Chaetognatha (benthic) 69 1 29 189 19 14 35 16 73 1 29 184 18 15 36 15 77 1 26 167 18 14 35 17 0 0 0 73 1 25 151 19 15 29 17 21 0 6 141 31 12 43 4 18 0 7 136 31 10 43 4 0 2 2 2 2 3 3 0 0 51 65 61 57 155 145 Armfotinger 3 3 3 2 3 4 Pilormer 1 1 1 1 0 0 Hemichordata Hemikordater 5 4 4 4 0 Xenoturbellida Xenoturbellider 1 1 1 1 0 Crinoida Asteroida Ophiuroida Echinoida Holothuroida Sjøliljer Sjøstjerner Slangestjerner Sjøpiggsvin Sjøpølser 3 10 22 9 17 3 10 22 9 18 3 10 19 9 17 3 9 15 9 14 Ascidiacea Sekkdyr 31 30 29 Cephalochordata Lansettfisker 1 1 1 1566 1604 1511 18 0 10 162 32 12 43 4 2 0 24 0 11 196 36 12 50 4 7 0 9 70 6 4 4 1 8 0 8 70 7 4 5 1 8 0 8 72 6 4 4 1 8 0 8 83 8 4 4 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 9 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 22 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 3 97 1 44 408 56 30 85 25 99 1 44 399 56 30 87 24 103 1 44 423 56 30 85 25 105 1 44 436 63 31 86 25 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 159 42 39 45 53 12 16 8 3 260 265 271 272 4 5 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 8 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 17 7 6 7 1 17 6 6 6 1 17 11 6 10 1 18 15 7 12 2 16 7 1 7 2 17 6 1 7 2 17 7 1 7 2 18 7 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 43 36 16 31 6 45 34 16 31 6 44 37 16 31 6 47 37 17 33 31 22 22 26 29 21 21 21 22 1 1 0 0 75 74 76 82 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1509 1171 1105 1571 525 517 461 596 215 222 194 153 3477 3448 3558 3829 157 1335 Sum of change in number of accepted species 1996-2001 1996-2006 38 -66 -55 1996-2012 2001-2006 -8 164 -57 -93 400 230 -29 -21 71 -56 81 -62 -28 352 110 2001-2012 -95 466 79 -69 381 2006-2012 -2 236 135 -41 271 Note 1. Corrected figures from Brattegard & Holthe (eds)(1997) in Research Report for DN Nr. 1997-1 Note 2. Corrected figures from the updated version of Brattegard & Holthe (1997) in DN Research report 2001-3 Note 3. Figures from the original tables used for making DN's database for marine, benthic macro-organisms. Note 4. From updated tables for year 2012 - by Torleiv Brattegard. Note *. Only benthic and hyperbenthic species. Note #. Only hyperbenthic species. 46 7 -64 Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Appendix 4: Existing time series around Svalbard Descriptive name of time series Institute PHYSICAL TIME SERIES isostatic rising Kartverket sea level measurements Kartverket bathymetry Kartverket detailed bathymetry Svalbard Kartverket bathymetry derived products (rugosity, slope, geomorphology) backscatter water column reflections CTD Ferrybox Other Institutes involved Location Time period covered Financing sources Data availability Ny Ålesund Svalbard, (Ny Ålesund permanent) Norge, Svalbard Svalbard (Kongsfjorden, Isfjorden, Amsterdamøya) 1992 -> Kartverket Free (IGPS) 1992 -> Kartverket Free (seHavnvå, API) Kartverket Restrictions 1998 (shallow 2007) Kartverket Kartverket Svalbard 1999 (shallow 2007) Kartverket Kartverket Kartverket Kartverket Svalbard Svalbard Svalbard Along the Ferry route. Every other trip goes to Ny Ålesund 2000 (shallow 2007) 2001 (shallow 2007) 2002 (shallow 2007) Kartverket Kartverket Kartverket NIVA APN Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 From 2008, 19-20 rounds/yr, measures every min at 4 m depth 47 NIVA, Klif, Fram Temp, salinity, oxygen, particles, chl-a fluorescence, Appendix 4: Continuation… PHYSICAL TIME SERIES APN IMR, NP (Klif and Fram programs) APN IMR, NP (Klif and Fram programs) Ferrybox NIVA Ferrybox NIVA Ferrybox NIVA APN Satellite data NIVA None Kongsfjord oceanographic observatory Rijpfjord oceanographic observatory Billefjord oceanographic observatory Hydrography on shelf 1988- 2012 Hydrography in fjords KGF and H. 1996- 2012 48 SAMS SAMS SAMS IOPAS IOPAS UNIS, NPI, UiT UNIS, NPI, UiT UNIS, NPI, UiT Along the Ferry route. Every other trip goes to Ny Ålesund Along the Ferry route. Every other trip goes to Ny Ålesund Along the Ferry route. Every other trip goes to Ny Ålesund Svalbard and Barents Sea 2010-2016 NIVA, Klif, Fram (since 2010) Water samples for nutrinet, acidification (ALK, TIC) From 2013 NIVA, Fram (since 2010) Autom. measures of pH and pCO2 in 2013. Only few dataset available ESA Deck sensors of light and ocean colour for satellite validation 2002-2012 Norwegian Space Centre Satellite ocean colour Kongsfjord near Kvadehuken 2002-2015 Rijpfjord 2003, 2006-2015 Billefjord 2006-2013 (most years) UNIS, SAMS Bjornoya to NW Spitsbergen Hornsund, Kongsfjorden NERC, SAMS, NPI, UNIS, UiT, NFR NPI, UNIS, SAMS, NFR 1988- 2013 IOPAN/ national 1996- 2013 IOPAN/ national Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no On-line public (sams.uk) On-line public (sams.uk) On-line public (sams.uk) Metadata, publications Metadata, publications Appendix 4: Continuation… BIOLOGICAL TIME SERIES Microplankton in fjords IOPAN Kongsfjorden, Hornsund Microplankton in fjords IOPAN Adventfjorden NP. Hornsund, Kongsfjorden 2009 - 2013 IOPAN/NP. UNIS Adventfjorden 2012- 2014 UNIS 1996-2013 NPI, Research projects IOPAS, UNIS, Kongsfjorden AWI Zooplankton timeseries NPI Zooplankton timeseries NPI & UNIS IOPAS Rjipfjorden 2006-2013 NPI, Research projects Zooplankton timeseries NPI & UNIS IOPAS Isfjorden 2006, 2007,2010 Research projects Zooplankton timeseries IOPAS Hornsund 2001-2013 Zooplankton in West Spitzbergen Current Zooplankton - Little auks food base IOPAS IOPAS Loff / Georg Shorebird abundance and APN / UNIS Bangjord phenology (DELTA) and others Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 Bjornoya to NW 1987-1989, 2001-2013 Spitsbergen Hornsund, 2001- 2013 Magdalenefjorden Adventfjorden 1996-2013 (high resolution in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013) 49 IOPAN/ national IOPAN/ national/ NFM Svalbards Miljøvernfond, Framsenteret, UNIS Metadata, publications Metadata, publications Database NPI, http://olav.npolar.no :3020/ 2004 & 2010-2013 Database NPI, http://olav.npolar.no :3020/ 2006-07 & 2010 Database NPI, http://olav.npolar.no :3020/ Metadata available at IOPAS, Metadata, publications Metadata, publications Appendix 4: Continuation… BIOLOGICAL TIME SERIES Marine molluscs of the Svalbard area All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory in Hornsund UiT and UNIS benthos and diving stations database Ecosystem Survey Helmer Hansen Algal vegetation from outer part of Isfjorden Algal vegetation Hansneset, Kongsfjorden Algal vegetation in Isfjorden Littoral flora and fauna – decadal survey – West Coast Kongsfjorden permanent photostation time series Smeerenburg permanent photostation time series Bjørnøya permanent photostation time series Sagaskjæret permanent photostation time series HinlopenTommelpynten time series depth transect 50 NTNU Svalbard 1850 - 2005 DN, UNIS File with all available data valuated IOPAS Hornsund 2000- 2013 IOPAN/ national Open data source 1002 stations all around Svalbard 1976-present APN, UiT, UNIS, DN IMR Around Svalbard 2009-2012 and ongoing FKD UiO/BI Isfjorden 1956/57 and 2007 AFG/SSF Species lists APN UNIS, UiT UiO/BI AWI Kongsfjorden 1996/97 and 2012 AWI + AFG/SSF Species lists UNIS UiO/BI Isfjorden 2010-2012 UNIS + AFG/SSF Species lists from Sorkapp to Isfjorden 1988, 2008, 2010 IOPAN/ national Metadata, publications 1980-present UNIS, NFR, UiT 1980-present UNIS, UiT 1980-1998; 2009 UNIS, UiT 2006- present UNIS, UiT 2002-2008 (?) UNIS, SMVF, UiT IOPAN UiT APN, UNIS UiT APN, UNIS UiT APN, UNIS UiT APN, UNIS UiT APN, UNIS 78.58,63N 11.29,89E 79.41,32N 11.04,02E 74.29N 18.45E 78.12,47 13.56,91E 79.34,16N 18.39,95E Akvaplan-niva AS, 9296 Tromsø www.akvaplan.niva.no Appendix 4: Continuation… BIOLOGICAL TIME SERIES Hinlopen Gyldenøya time series depth transect Artificial substrate colonization Meiofauna in Hornsund and Kongsfjord soft bottom Meiofauna in Hausgarten area Depth gradient in soft bottom fauna - decadal change Soft bottom zoobenthos in Van Mijenfjorden decadal change Soft bottom zoobenthos in KGF and Hornsund UiT APN, UNIS 79.40N 19.45E 2003-2009 UNIS, SMVF IOPAS Adventfjorden 2007- 2013 IOPAN/ national Metadata, publications IOPAS Hornsund, Kongsfjorden 2009-2013 IOPAN/ national Metadata, publications IOPAS AWI, Univ. Ghent Hausgarten, off Kongsfjorden 2001-2009 IOPAN/ AWI Metadata, publications IOPAS AWI KongsfjordenHausgarten 2000, 2010 IOPAN/ AWI Metadata, publications APN IOPAN Van Mijenfjorden 1980, 2000, 2007, 2013 IOPAN/AKVAPLAN Metadata, publications IOPAS APN 1996-2013 IOPAN/ national Metadata, publications Polar Front Transect APN NIVA Rijpfjorden Transect APN NPI, UNIS Bivalve Chronologies APN NPI, UNIS, UiT Time-series and nature-type mapping in Svalbard waters Akvaplan-niva AS Rapport 6229 - 2 Hornsund, Kongsfjorden Barents Sea Polar Front Rijpfjorden Multiple (at least 15 sites spanning diverse habitats and water masses) 1992-2009 (extends to 1980/82 some stations) 2003-2010 1960's-present 51 Internal Internal NFR Internal, publications Appendix 5: Publications from time-series Ambrose Jr. W.G., Carroll, M.L., Greenacre, M., Thorrold, S.R., McMahon, K.W. (2006) Variation in Serripes groenlandicus (Bivalvia) growth in a Norwegian high-Arctic fjord: Evidence for local- and large-scale climatic forcing. Global Change Biology 12: 1595-1607. Ambrose, W.G. Jr., Renaud, P.E., Locke, W.L., Cottier, F., Berge, J., Carroll, M.L., Levin, B., Ryan, S. (2012) Growth line deposition and variability in growth of two circumpolar bivalves (Serripes groenlandicus and Clinocardium ciliatum). Polar Biology 35: 345354. Berge J, Cottier F,. et al. 2009. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night. Biol Lett. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2008.0484. Beszczynska-Möller A., Węsławski J.M., Walczowski W., Zajaczkowski M. 1997 Estimation of glacial meltwater discharge into Svalbard coastal water. Oceanologia 39(3):289297. Beuchel, F., Gulliksen, B. (2003) Monitoring of rocky-bottom macrobenthic communities on locations at Svalbard and Jan Mayen using digital image analysis. Conference paper CM 2003/J:07, ICES, ASC in Tallin/ Estonia, 23-26. 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