New Technique For Solving System of First Order Linear Differential

Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 64, 3177 - 3183
New Technique For Solving System of First Order
Linear Differential Equations
Karwan H. F. Jwamer and Aram M. Rashid
University of Sulaimani
Faculty of Science and Science Education
School of Science, Department of Mathematics
Sulaimani, Iraq
In this paper, we used new technique for finding a general solution
of (2×2) and (3×3) system of first order nonhomogeneous linear differential equations.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 34A30, 34A34
Keywords: System of linear differential equations, variation of parameters, general solutions
The study of differential equations is a wide field in pure and applied mathematics, physics, meteorology, and engineering. All of these disciplines are
concerned with the properties of differential equations of various types. Pure
mathematics focuses on the existence and uniqueness of solutions, while applied mathematics emphasizes the rigorous justification of the methods for
approximating solutions. Differential equations play an important role in modelling virtually every physical, technical, or biological process, from celestial
motion, to bridge design, to interactions between neurons. Differential equations such as those used to solve real-life problems may not necessarily be
directly solvable, i.e. do not have closed form solutions. Instead, solutions can
be approximated using numerical methods [3,5].
Mathematicians also study weak solutions (relying on weak derivatives),
which are types of solutions that do not have to be differentiable everywhere.
K. H. F. Jwamer and A. M. Rashid
This extension is often necessary for solutions to exist, and it also results in
more physically reasonable properties of solutions, such as possible presence of
shocks for equations of hyperbolic type. Several authors studied the solutions
of linear differential equations and system of differential equation but they
used different methods, see[1 − 5] .In the present work we find the solution
of (2×2) and (3×3) systems of first order nonhomogeneous linear differential
equations using new technique which defined in section two .
Consider the following system of first order nonhomogeneous linear differential
⎧ ⎨ x = a11 x + a12 y + f1 (t)
⎩ y = a21 x + a22 y + f2 (t)
Where f1 (t) and f2 (t) are continuous functions of the variable t on the interval I, by the following technique, we can reduce the given system to a
non-homogeneous second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients:
The matrix form of system (1) is :
a11 a12 x
f1 (t)
a21 a22 y
f2 (t)
a11 a12
tr(A) = a11 + a22
Now let A =
a21 a22
det(A) = a11 a22 − a12 a21
Next, from system (1), we have : y = a21 x + a22 y + f2 (t)
Differentiating both sides with respect to t, then we obtain :
y = a21 x + a22 y + f2 (t) and as x = a11 x + a12 y + f1 (t)
y = a21 (a11 x + a12 y + f1 (t)) + a22 y + f2 (t)
= a11 (a21 x) + a12 a21 y + a21 f1 (t) + a22 y + f2 (t)
Also since a21 x = y − a22 y − f2 (t) or x =
From (2), we have
1 (y − a22 y − f2 (t))
y = a11 (y − a22 y − f2 (t)) + a12 a21 y + a21 f1 (t) + a22 y + f2 (t)
= (a11 + a22 )y − (a11 a22 − a12 a21 )y + (f2 (t) + a21 f1 (t) − a11 f2 (t))
= tr(A)y − det(A)y + (f2 (t) + a21 f1 (t) − a11 f2 (t)).
New technique for solving system of LDE
y − tr(A)y + det(A)y = g(t),
g(t) = f2 (t) + a21 f1 (t) − a11 f2 (t).
We see that eq.(3) is a non-homogeneous second order differential equation
with constant coefficients.
Now we try to solve eq.(3) by using variation of parameters, suppose that
the complementary solution of (3) is:
y c = c1 y 1 + c2 y 2
The crucial idea is to replace the constants c1 and c2 in (3) by functions v1 (t)
and v2 (t) respectively, this gives the particular solution,
yp = v1 (t)y1 + v2 (t)y2
By putting eq.(5) in (3), then we get a system of two linear algebraic equations
for derivatives v1 (t) and v2 (t) of the unknown functions:
⎧ ⎨ v1 (t)y1 + v2 (t)y2 = 0
⎩ v1 (t)y1 + v2 (t)y2 = 0
Since y1 and y2 are fundamental set of solutions, then the Wronskian of y1 and
y2 does not equal
that is:
to zero,
y1 y2 = 0. Thus by Cramer’s rule we have:
w(y1, y2 ) = y1 y2 v1 (t) =
−y2 g(t)
w(y1, y2 )
v2 (t) =
y1 g(t)
w(y1, y2 )
v1 (t) =
−y2 g(t)
w(y1, y2 )
v2 (t) =
y1 g(t)
w(y1 , y2)
By substituting (7) in (5) we get the particular solution of (3), and then the
general solution of eq. (3) is :
y = yc + yp
K. H. F. Jwamer and A. M. Rashid
1 [y + yp − a22 (yc + yp ) − f2 (t)], a21 = 0.
a21 c
Therefore, the equations (8) and (9) are solutions of the system (1).
Proposition : Consider the following system
⎧ x = a11 x + a12 y + a13 z + f1 (t)
y = a21 x + a22 y + a23 z + f2 (t)
⎩ z = a31 x + a32 y + a33 z + f3 (t)
where f1 (t), f2 (t) and f3 (t) are continuous functions and if a11 + a22 = 0 or
a22 + a12 a231 = a11 + a21 a232 , then the system (10) can be reducing to a nonhomogeneous third order linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
Proof: First we take a11 + a22 = 0 . The matrix form of system (10) is
Let A = ⎣a21
⎡ ⎤ ⎡
⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡
f1 (t)
a11 a12 a13
⎣y ⎦ = ⎣a21 a22 a23 ⎦ ⎣y ⎦ + ⎣f2 (t)⎦
a31 a32 a33
f3 (t)
a11 a12 a13 a12 a13
a22 a23 ⎦
det(A) = a21 a22 a23 a31 a32 a33 a32 a33
In system (10), since z = a31 x + a32 y + a33 z + f3 (t) , then we start the
previous technique to get the requirement
z = a31 x + a32 y + a33 z + f3 (t)
z = a31 x + a32 y + a33 z + f3 (t)
x = a11 x + a12 y + a13 z + f1 (t)
y = a21 x + a22 y + a23 z + f2 (t)
So eq.(11) becomes
z = a31 [a11 x + a12 y + a13 z + f1 (t)] + a32 [a21 x + a22 y + a23 z + f2 (t)],
+ a33 z + f3 (t)
∴ z = (a11 a31 + a21 a32 )x + (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )y + (a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z + [a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)].
New technique for solving system of LDE
Again since
x = a11 x + a12 y + a13 z + f1 (t)
y = a21 x + a22 y + a23 z + f2 (t),
Then we have:
z = (a11 a31 + a21 a32 )[a11 x + a12 y + a13 z + f1 (t)]
+ (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )[a21 x + a22 y + a23 z + f2 (t)]
+ (a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z + [a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)],
z =
[a11 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a21 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]x
[a12 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a22 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]y
[a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]z
(a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z + [(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)],
z =
[a31 (a211 + a12 a21 ) + a21 a32 (a11 + a22 )]x + a32 [(a222 + a12 a21 ) + a12 a31 (a11 + a22 )]y
[a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]z
(a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z + [(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)],
By hypothesis a11 + a22 = 0 , then we have
z =
a31 (a211 + a12 a21 )x + a32 (a211 + a12 a21 )y
[a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]z
(a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z + [(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)],
z =
(a211 + a12 a21 )(a31 x + a32 y) + (a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z [a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]z
[(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)],
K. H. F. Jwamer and A. M. Rashid
But a31 x + a32 y = z − a33 z − f3 (t), then we have
z =
(a11 + a12 a21 )(z − a33 z − f3 (t)) + (a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + a33 z [a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )]z
[(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) + f3 (t)],
z =
a33 z + (a211 + a12 a21 + a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z [a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 ) − a33 (a211 + a12 a21 )]z
[(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) − (a211 + a12 a21 )f3 (t) + f3 (t)],
z =
a33 z + (a12 a21 − a11 a22 + a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z [a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 ) − a33 (a211 + a12 a21 )]z
[(a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31
a22 a32 )f2 (t) + a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) − (a211 + a12 a21 )f3 (t) + f3 (t)],
Now let
g(t) = (a11 a31 + a21 a32 )f1 (t) + (a12 a31 + a22 a32 )f2 (t)
+ a31 f1 (t) + a32 f2 (t) − (a211 + a12 a21 )f3 (t) + f3 (t)],
z = a33 z + (a12 a21 − a11 a22 + a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + [a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 ) − a33 (a211 + a12 a21 )]z + g(t).
det(A) = a11 a22 a33 + a31 a12 a23 + a21 a32 a13 − a11 a32 a23 − a21 a12 a33 − a31 a22 a13
= a13 (a11 a31 + a21 a32 ) + a23 (a12 a31 + a22 a32 ) − a33 (a211 + a12 a21 ),
Hence we obtain
z = a33 z + (a12 a21 − a11 a22 + a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z + det(A)z + g(t),
z − a33 z − (a12 a21 − a11 a22 + a13 a31 + a23 a32 )z − det(A)z = g(t).
This is a non-homogeneous third order linear differential equation with constant coefficients we can solve it by variation of parameter and obtain z(t).
Substitute z(t) in the first and second equation in system (10) and use the
technique for (2×2) we obtain y(t) and x(t).
In this paper , we conclude that (2×2) and (3×3) systems of first order nonhogeneous linear differential equations can solved by new technique which defined
as before , also in the future we want developed the same technique for (n×n)
system .
New technique for solving system of LDE
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Received: May, 2012