Application Form for a Grant/Renewal of Street Trading Consent for

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982
If you are completing this form by hand, please write legibly in block capitals using ink.
To: The Licensing Manager
North Herts District Council
PO Box 480
M33 0DE
Tel: 01462 474000
I hereby make application for the grant/renewal of a Street Trading Consent in accordance with
Section 3 and Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.
Applicant details:
Other (please state):
First name/s:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Date of Birth:
Company/Organisation (if applicable):
Trading details:
I wish to trade in the following streets or from the following private property. (N.B. You must also provide
a copy of a map of at least 1:1250 clearly identifying the proposed site position by marking the boundary
with a red pen.):-
Landowner details:
Other (please state):
First name/s:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Company/Organisation (if applicable):
I wish to trade on the following days:Day
From (Time)
I intend to permit the trade of the following types of goods:-
To (Time)
I intend to permit the use of stalls, containers or vehicles of the following general description:-
Additional Information
I have
Please Tick
enclosed written consent of the landowner to trade and make this application
enclosed the fee as required by the Council
(If paying by cheque please make payable to “North Herts District Councill”. Please write
your name and address on the reverse.)
Fee Per Application
Please see the NHDC website for the fees applicable at the time of this application.
Declaration (Please check and tick all boxes)
I declare that I am not under the age of 17 years.
In connection to this application for the grant, renewal or variation of a Street Trading Consent,
if you provide information which you know to be false, you may be prosecuted for that
offence. On conviction you are liable to a maximum fine of £1000.
I certify that I have adequate third party and public liability insurance or if not, will have such
insurance in place before such trading takes place.
I certify that in the case of an application for consent to trade from private premises, I have the
written authority of the landowner to do so AND have submitted such authority with this
In the event that consent is given by the Council to trade I consent to any inspection by the
Council’s officers of any vehicle, barrow, cart, van, portable stall or other vehicle or premises
which I intend to trade from or permit the trade from.
I understand that I may authorise other persons to trade in the consent area that is the subject
of this application.
I understand that I am required to keep records of all traders that use a consent issued to me
including; date, trading location, name and company name (where appropriate), address,
vehicle registrations and contact telephone number. Additionally, I will keep the same details of
traders to whom I refuse a consent together with reasons for such refusal.
I agree to adhere to the Council’s principles specified in paragraph 3.5 of its Street Trading
Policy when determining whether or not to grant an individual or organisation to use a consent
issued to me.
I understand that I may charge other persons authorised to trade under a consent issued to me
except in the case of not-for-profit organisations where no charge may be made or payment
I understand that I will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditions attached to a
consent at all times whilst the consent is being used for street trading whether by me or a
person authorised by me.
I understand that the Council may, subject to the requirements of an individual application, still
authorise any person to trade in the area to which this application refers notwithstanding this
consent being given to me. In such circumstances I will have no right to charge that person or
have any refund from the Council.
I understand that the Council in considering this application may consult other appropriate
persons or organisations. In the event that this application is refused by the council my fee will
be repaid less appropriate expenses incurred by the council.
I understand that the council may impose conditions it deems appropriate when granting
consent to trade.
I understand that there is no right of appeal against the Council’s decision.
I certify that I have read and understand the above statements and that all of the above
information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Applicants signature:
North Herts District Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and may use some
or all of the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud and
other offences. It may also share this information with other public bodies for the same purposes.
Notes relating to an application for grant/renewal of a Street Trading
The Council has not designated any streets as "prohibited streets" e.g. Where no street
trading is permitted.
All streets within the conurbations of North Hertfordshire have been collectively determined to
be "consent streets", where street trading is permitted under the authority of a written consent
from the Council.
Undesignated streets are those that have not been designated as prohibited, consent or
licensed streets and in North Hertfordshire all streets in rural villages are ‘undesignated’.
Details are obtainable Licensing and Enforcement Manager.
If you propose to trade from a stationary van, cart, barrow or other vehicle or from a portable
stall (i.e. to remain stationary for more than a few minutes at a time) you must specify the sites
on which you wish to trade. You must also provide a copy of a map of at least 1:1250 clearly
identifying the proposed site position by marking the boundary with a red pen.
If not and you moving from street to street, it will be sufficient to write "all consent streets".
However, the Council may exclude from a "consent" any "consent street" or part thereof.
Evidence of any history of non-compliance with any relevant statutory provision or any illegal
activity associated with street trading may result in refusal of a street trading consent.
The making of this application does not confer any immediate right to trade. No trading shall
be undertaken until this application has been determined and you are in possession of
a ‘consent to trade’.
The key considerations and principles that have been adopted by the Council in determining
and application are as follows;
The Council will normally grant a street trading consent unless, in its opinion:
a significant effect on road safety would arise either from the position of the
trading activity itself, or from customers visiting or leaving the site; or
where there are concerns over the recorded level of personal injury accidents in
the locality where the street trading activity will be sited; or
there would be a significant loss of amenity caused by traffic, noise, rubbish,
potential for the harbourage of vermin, odour or fumes; or
there is already adequate like provision in the immediate vicinity of the site to be
used for street trading purposes; or
there is a conflict with Traffic Orders such as waiting restrictions; or
the site or pitch obstructs either pedestrian or vehicular access, or traffic flows, or
places pedestrians in danger when in use for street trading purposes; or
the trading unit obstructs the safe passage of users of the footway or
carriageway; or
the pitch interferes with sight lines for any road users, for example at road
junctions, or pedestrian crossing facilities; or
the site does not allow the Consent Holder, staff and customers to park in a safe
manner; or
the street trading activity is carried out after dusk and the site is not adequately lit
to allow safe access and egress from the site for both customers and staff.
This form, when completed, must be sent with the relevant fee and documents to:
The Licensing Manager
North Herts District Council,
PO box 480,
M33 0DE
(Tel. 01462 474000)
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