IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 2457 A Modular 32-Site Wireless Neural Stimulation Microsystem Maysam Ghovanloo, Member, IEEE, and Khalil Najafi, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents Interestim-2B, a modular 32-site wireless microstimulating ASIC for neural prosthesis applications, to alleviate disorders such as blindness, deafness, and severe epilepsy. Implanted just below the skull along with a high-density intracortical microelectrode array, the chip enables leadless operation of the resulting microsystem, accepting power and data through an inductive link from the outside world and inserting information into the nervous system in the form of stimulating currents. Each module contains eight current drivers, generating 100 M stimulus currents up to 270 A with 5-b resolution, output impedance, and a dynamic range (headroom voltage) that extends within 150 mV of the 5 V supply rail, and 250 mV of the ground level. As many as 64 modules can be used in parallel, to drive multiprobe arrays of up to 2048 sites, with only a pair of connections to a common inductive–capacitive (LC) tank circuit, while receiving power (8.25 mW/module) and data (2.5 Mb/s) from a 5/10-MHz frequency shift keyed carrier. Every 4.6 mm 4.6 mm chip fabricated in a 1.5- m, 2M/2P standard CMOS process through MOSIS, houses two modules and generates up to 65 800 stimulus pulses/s. • Index Terms—Charge balancing, current source, frequency shift keying, implantable electronics, inductive coupling, microstimulator, modular architecture, neural prosthesis, voltage compliance, wireless. • I. INTRODUCTION A UDITORY function restoration in profoundly deaf individuals has been successfully achieved by implanting wireless microstimulators capable of electrically stimulating the cochlea or auditory brainstem [1]. In spite of extensive research, however, visual prostheses and artificial vision, which have a longer history than some of the commercialized implantable devices such as deep-brain and spinal cord stimulators, have not yet been widely utilized in the blind [2]–[9]. The reason is the greater complexity of the visual system, which imposes severe technological challenges on an implant in terms of the following areas. • Number of stimulating sites: The most advanced cochlear implants have 22–30 stimulating sites. Yet, a patient can converse on the phone with as low as six sites. For a Manuscript received April 23, 2004; revised July 2, 2004. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health under Contract NIH-NINDSN01-NS-9-2304, and the work was performed at the WIMS Engineering Research Center shared facilities supported by the National Science Foundation under Award EEC-0096866. M. Ghovanloo is with the Bionics Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695–7914 USA (e-mail: K. Najafi is with the Center for Wireless Integrated Microsystems, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2004.837026 • • visual implant on the other hand, psycho-physiological experiments with a pixelized vision have shown that a minimum of 625 pixels are needed to restore a functional visual sensation [4], [5]. It is also envisaged that a minimum of 1000 sites would be needed for being able to read text with large fonts [6]. Stimulation strategy: The auditory nerve consists of about 30 000 nerves, which should be tonotopically stimulated to attain the right hearing perception. After 30 years of research, finding the best speech processing and stimulation strategy is still a hot topic in biomedical signal processing [1]. The optic nerve is made up of 1.2 million nerves and the relationship between the optical image and the activity in these nerves is yet to be understood [5]. Therefore, development of an efficient image processing and visual stimulation strategy might not happen in the near term. As a result, today’s visual implants should provide the maximum level of flexibility to be able to support most of the stimulation strategies that will emerge in the future. Power consumption: Leadless operation of the implantable devices is a necessity to reduce the risk of infection and patient discomfort as well as increase the implant robustness. Those implants with less power requirement ( 100 W), such as pacemakers, have an internal long lifetime battery that can last more than ten years. The implants with high power requirements ( 1 mW) or extreme size constraints such as auditory or visual prostheses need to be inductively powered by two magnetically coupled coils that constitute a transformer and one of them is embedded in the implantable device [5], [9]. Bandwidth: The human eye natural bandwidth is about 60 Hz [2]. Addressing and controlling more than 1000 stimulating sites based on the adopted stimulation strategy at this frequency needs several megahertz of bandwidth across the inductive link. Wireless networks have achieved tens of megahertz of bandwidth by increasing the carrier frequency well into the gigahertz range. In biomedical implant applications, however, the challenge is to achieve a wide bandwidth with a carrier frequency that is limited to 20 MHz due to the high tissue electromagnetic absorption at higher frequencies [10] as well as the coupled coils self-resonance. Implant Size: So far, visual implants have been tested below/above the retina, around the optic nerve, and on the visual cortex with planar, cuff, and, penetrating electrodes, respectively. Each of these methods has its own unique set of surgical and physiological advantages and 0018-9200/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE 2458 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 limitations [2], [5]. Nonetheless, what is in common for all of them is the extreme limitation in size for minimal invasiveness. Full integration and minimization of the number of hybrid components seem to be the only ways to achieve a visual implant with reasonable size. Several researchers have addressed the above problems with limited success [2]–[9], [11]–[16]. This paper presents Interestim-2B (IS-2B), a 32-site wireless microstimulator ASIC with a modular architecture [17]. Every IS-2B module is a self-contained, fully integrated unit (two modules per chip) that operates with only a pair of connections to a hybrid LC tank. The IS-2B individually addressable modules would allow assembling a 64-module 32-site wireless microstimulating system while sharing the same hybrid LC tank. Therefore, a cluster of 32 IS-2B chips in a single implant or a network of stand-alone implants under a single external coil would be capable of addressing up to 2048 stimulating sites, which advances the state-of-the-art in nearly all of the aforementioned directions. Because of the similarities between different sensory or motor regions of the cerebral cortex, it is likely that a high-density electrode array architecture, designed for IS-2B, be well suited for several applications [2]. Hence, the ultimate goal is to develop multipurpose button-sized wireless microstimulating three-dimensional (3-D) electrode arrays by mounting IS-2B chips on micromachined platforms that are connected to passive microelectrodes, or implementing the IS-2B circuitry on the backend of active silicon micromachined probes, as shown in Fig. 1 [17], [18]. Section II describes the system overview and modular architecture of the IS-2B. Section III presents the major circuit blocks in more detail along with simulation results. Experimentally measured results are reported in Section IV, followed by the concluding remarks in Section V. II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW A. External Components The block diagram of the IS-2B wireless neural stimulation microsystem is shown in Fig. 2 [17]. The external components of the system are enclosed in a dashed box on the left side of Fig. 2(a). The rest of the system, which is fully integrated extank circuit, is small enough to be cept for the receiver implanted in the body. Digitized image or sound information, acquired by a miniature camera or microphone for a visual or auditory prosthesis, respectively, is sent to a portable computer or PDA as shown in Fig. 1. The computer processes the incoming information in real-time and generates a series of stimulation command-frames that can cause a set of spatiotemporal stimulus pulses based on the adopted stimulation strategy at a two-dimensional (2-D) or 3-D array of stimulating sites that is implanted in the targeted neural tissue. The command-frames are arranged in bursts of nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) serial data bit stream, which are then modulated into a square-shaped frequency shift keyed (FSK) signal at 5 and 10 MHz by a high-speed digital I/O card (National Instruments DIO-6534) as shown in Fig. 3. To achieve a high data rate close to the carrier frequency, a particular phase- Fig. 1. Multipurpose button-sized wireless microstimulating 3-D array [18]. coherent FSK protocol is utilized in which logic “1” is transmitted by a single cycle of the carrier at frequency and logic “0” is transmitted by two cycles of the carrier at . The carrier frequency switches at a small fraction of a cycle and only at negative-going (or positive-going) zero crossings. Choosing , results in a constant data rate that can be as high as [19]. In practice, limitation in the inductive link bandwidth, in spite of using a wideband series-parallel LC tank combination for the transmitter coil [20], does not allow utilization of the modulation full-speed with an acceptably low bit-error rate (BER). In order to improve the BER, the FSK carrier spectral bandwidth was decreased by repeating every bit twice. ThereMHz and MHz resulted in a data fore, choosing rate of 2.5 Mb/s, which should be enough for a visual prosthesis with minimum functional resolution [13]. The square-wave digital FSK signal, which has a 2.5-V dc component, passes through dc-level adjustment circuit and a band-pass filter (10 kHz–5.6 MHz) to turn into a bipolar sinusoidal FSK carrier (Fig. 3) before being amplified by a wideband power amplifier (Amplifier Research, PA). Finally, the amplified FSK carrier, which contains both data and power for the IS-2B implant, is transmitted through a wideband, low-Q inand ductive link that is set up by generating two zeros at across the transmitter 50 output with a series-parallel tank combination, to reshape the inductive link passband, as GHOVANLOO AND NAJAFI: A MODULAR 32-SITE WIRELESS NEURAL STIMULATION MICROSYSTEM Fig. 2. 2459 (a) Block diagram of the IS-2B microsystem. (b) Current drivers schematic diagram [17]. B. IS-2B Architecture Fig. 3. High data rate phase-coherent FSK modulation protocol [19], [20]. described in [20]. A wideband inductive link is necessary for achieving high data rates in order to eliminate residual ringing (intersymbol interference) on the receiver side when the carrier frequency switches from to and vice versa. The implantable part of the IS-2B wireless stimulating mitank circuit, IS-2B modcrosystem consists of a receiver ules (2–64), and passive probes, which interface with the neural tissue [21]. An IS-2B module is a system-on-a-chip (SoC) consisting of all the gray boxes in Fig. 2(a) and blocks in Fig. 2(b). There are two identical modules in each IS-2B chip, supporting a total of 64 stimulating sites. The receiver tank circuit provides each module with inductively coupled power and data. Power Supply: Implant size reduction is achieved in the power supply block by utilizing a fully integrated full-wave CMOS rectifier [22], [23], followed by an on-chip ripple . The previous implants used either rejection capacitor 2460 Fig. 4. Format of the IS-2B 18-b command frame. hybrid rectifiers or an inefficient half-wave substrate diode [11], [12], [14]. A series-type regulator stabilizes at 5 V for unregulated inputs 6.7 V. In order to ensure safe operation, especially at start-up, a power-on-reset (POR) circuit activates , and a global reset line at start-up, continuously monitors releases the reset line 70 s after the regulator voltage exceeds 4.8 V to ensure that the digital circuits start from a known state (reset) after transients are passed. It also shuts the entire 3.4 V. microstimulator down when Receiver Block: Receiver is the second block that is connected directly across the tank circuit. Using a new FSK demodulator, which is designed specifically for a phase-coherent FSK modulated signal (Fig. 3), data bits are detected by measuring the duration of each received carrier cycle. The demodulator also derives a constant frequency clock from the phase-coherent FSK carrier to sample the recovered data bits and run the IS-2B digital circuitry [19], [20]. Digital Controller: Isochronous communication scheme is adopted to provide a fast, steady, and uninterrupted data stream, which is preferred for video applications [24]. Fig. 4 shows the format of IS-2B 18-b command-frames, which contain a data byte and an address byte, each accompanied by a parity bit. In a burst of serial data bit stream, these command-frames are transmitted back to back, while being separated by 1-b spacers. In the digital controller block, an 18-b shift register and a sequencer convert the serial data bit stream to parallel, while a pattern detector resets the sequencer upon receiving a unique frame (0FF0FFh) to maintain synchronization with the transmitter. The address byte consists of a 6-b module address ). The module ( – ) and a 2-b register-address ( , address is compared to the module’s hard-wired user-programmable address, and if they match, and there is no parity error, the data byte ( – ) is stored in one of the four internal registers that is defined by the register-address. Otherwise, the received command-frame is ignored with no further action. The module’s hard-wired 6-b address, which is originally set to 3Fh, can be changed by laser-cutting the hardwired links in order to assign a unique address to each one of up to 64 modules that can operate in parallel in a multichip system. Current Drivers (CD): Each module has eight current – ) that are enclosed in dashed boxes in drivers ( Fig. 2(b). Each has both nMOS current sink and pMOS current source versions of a closed-loop circuit topology that utilizes the above transistors in deep triode region as linearized voltage-controlled resistors (VCR) by applying , while actively maintaining their a larger than threshold at 80 mV [25], [26]. Each , which is multiplexed among four stimulating sites, is controlled by two specific ) and two shared mode bits ( , ). status bits ( , Combinations of these bits can connect each stimulating site to , current source, GND, current sink, common analog IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 line (CAL), or keep it at high- , in four different operating modes, as summarized in Table I. The result is a wide variety of functions and stimulation strategies that can be used depending on the application. An additional reference line [not shown in Fig. 2(b)], which stays at high- in bipolar stimulation (between two sites), can be connected to , GND, or CAL under , ) control in Mode-0 for monopolar feedback bits ( stimulation (between one site and the reference electrode) [21], [27]. Register Bank: Two current amplitude registers [ and in Fig. 2(a)] store two sets of 5-b stimulus amplitude and 1-b offset information for a dual pair of voltage-mode digital to analog converters: DAC-p ( , ) and DAC-n ( , ). These DACs control the pMOS VCR current sources and nMOS VCR current sinks in the CD blocks [25]. and , called mode bits ( , The last two bits of ) and feedback bits ( , ), respectively, indicate the microstimulator mode of operation and the type of back and ) telemetry feedback. Two site status registers ( store the individual status bits ( , ) for each (see Table I). Timing: The timing of the stimulus pulses in IS-2B is controlled by the sequence of successive command-frames. In other words, every change in the mode of operation, sites configuration, and stimulus amplitude is instructed to the implant by the external system in real time. This method, which is described in more detail in a measured example in Section IV, provides the highest level of flexibilitily in generating any arbitrary stimulus waveform from any of the sites [13]. In addition, since the external controller takes care of the time keeping functions, there is no need for on-chip timers and their associated logic. This has significantly simplified the IS-2B digital circuitry, and consequently reduced its circuit area in a 1.5- m fabrication process. These advantages, however, come at the expense of a larger required bandwidth, which is not a limiting factor with utilization of the high-speed digital FSK demodulator that is described in Section III-B [19], [20]. Back Telemetry: The power transmission efficiency of the inductive link highly depends on the relative distance between and receiver coils [29]. Because of the transmitter the variations in the relative coils distance with patient’s movements, an open-loop, constant power transmission scheme can result in significant fluctuations in the implant received power, which might exceed the on-chip regulator dynamic range. To externally regulate the implant received power (coarse regulation), in addition to the on-chip regulator (fine regulation), a closed as a feedback, is foreseen loop system, which monitors to stabilize the implant received power by adjusting the external power amplifier gain. Another purpose of the back-telemetry block is to wirelessly monitor the stimulating sites potential through CAL. The stimulating site voltage can be an indicator of the site and tissue impedance, while passing a 1-kHz sinusoidal current, as well as charge balancing situation at the end of each stimulus [27]. These measurements are necessary especially in long-term chronic stimulations to check for the defective sites and stimulation safety. The back-telemetry block selects one out of four possible feedbacks, , CAL, , and , based on the feedback bits, as shown in Fig. 2(a). This block then pulse GHOVANLOO AND NAJAFI: A MODULAR 32-SITE WIRELESS NEURAL STIMULATION MICROSYSTEM 2461 TABLE I CURRENT DRIVER TRUTH TABLE width modulates (PWM) the selected analog input signal, and shifts the impedance across , which is reflected back to , due to their mutual coupling (passive back telemetry by load shift keying) [28]. III. CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION A. Integrated Full-Wave CMOS Rectifier Diode-connected MOS transistors are used to form a fully integrated full-wave CMOS rectifier as shown in Fig. 5(a) [21], and conduct in the forward direction when the [23]. coil voltage at or is higher than , while delivfrom the coil to the load. passes through ering current the load, which is the rest of the chip, to the grounded P-sub, , , and . strate and returns back to the coil via The rectifier drop-out voltage, , should be minimized to decrease power dissipation in the rectifier block, increase the average rectified dc voltage available at the regulator input, and lower the minimum operational receiver coil voltage. passes through a diode-connected MOS When (1) where is the MOS threshold voltage, is the intrinsic transconductance, and and are the transistor width and can be minimized in the circuit by length, respectively. eliminating the body effect. To minimize the second term in ratio should be increased as much as the rectifier size (1), constraints permit (4800 m 1.6 m). Fig. 5(b) shows half of the rectifier symmetrical cross section. In order to protect the rectifier against latch-up and substrate leakage, the separated N-well voltage should be dynamically controlled. Two auxiliary pMOS transistors are added to each or the rectifying pMOS to connect the separated N-well to coil terminals ( and ), whichever is at a higher potential. shares its source and The source-side auxiliary pMOS gate terminals with the diode-connected and turns on is ON, connecting the separated N-well to , whenever at this time. The drain-side which is higher than shares its source terminal with auxiliary pMOS Fig. 5. (a) Full-wave CMOS rectifier schematic. (b) Half of the rectifier symmetrical cross section [21], [23]. and turns on whenever the coil voltage is less than by at , connecting the separated N-well to . Since least no current passes through the auxiliary MOSFETs when they turn on, their drain-source voltage is close to zero. Therefore, they prevent the parasitic vertical PNP transistors from turning on and leave little chance for latch-up or any leakage current to the substrate. Another advantage of this circuit, which is also used in charge pumps [30], is eliminating the body effect 2462 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 on the rectifying pMOS transistors, thus, reducing the rectifier drop-out voltage according to (1). On the nMOS transistors side, common-collector vertical PNP transistors and parasitic and facilitate current return diodes in parallel to back to the coil when its voltage goes below the grounded . To decrease the risk of substrate by a diode-drop latch-up even further, the pMOS complexes and the nMOS pair are widely separated in the layout and protected by N and P guard-rings, respectively [31]. B. High Data Rate Digital FSK Demodulator Fig. 6(a) shows the receiver block schematic diagram, which is a high-speed digital FSK demodulator, and Fig. 6(b) shows simulated waveforms at different nodes of the receiver block [19], [20]. A cross-coupled differential pair that is directly contank squares up the incoming sinusoidal nected across the FSK carrier signal . An -b ripple counter runs , which is generated by a five-stage by a time-base clock is high and resets when is ring oscillator, only when MHz, is chosen based low. The oscillator frequency, on (2) MHz MHz, such that the counter which yields most significant bit (MSB) goes high during long carrier halfand stays low during short carrier half-cycles at cycles at . Therefore, MSB discriminates between short (logic “0”) and long (logic “1”) carrier cycles by generating short pulses associated only with the long cycles. A digital circuit then derives the demodulated serial data bit stream (Data_Out) and a constant frequency clock (Clock_Out) from a combination of MSB and . It should be noted that this scheme is highly robust, and as is in the desired range, indicated by (2), the phase long as noise and process-dependent frequency variations of the on-chip ring oscillator or the external transmitter do not affect the data and clock recovery performance [20]. In the specific simulaand are chosen equal to tion of Fig. 6(b), for example, 8 and 4 MHz, respectively. Nevertheless, the demodulator still works because the carrier frequencies still satisfy (2). A latency exists between the transmitted and received data, of which does not cause a significant problem in this biomedical application. C. Large Voltage Compliance, High Output Impedance Current Driver In current microstimulation applications, the load is highly capacitive, due to the electrode–electrolyte impedance at the interface of the metallic stimulating sites and tissue fluids, and variable from one site to another, or during the lifetime of one site. Therefore, the stimulator output voltage can change significantly, which should not affect the desired stimulus current level. Cascode or wide swing cascode current mirrors are the conventional current sources that are used in many microstimulator designs including [11]–[16] to generate site-voltage-independent stimulus currents, while providing high output impedance. High output impedance in these cir- Fig. 6. (a) Phase-coherent FSK demodulator (b) Demodulator simulated waveforms [19], [20]. schematic diagram. cuits comes at the expense of a reduction in voltage compliance (headroom), and an increase in power dissipation in the current source due to the unused voltage, both of which are undesirable in a wireless implantable microstimulator, where the supply voltage and permissible temperature rise due to power dissipation are limited. In IS-2B, pMOS and nMOS versions of a voltage-to-current conversion circuit, called VCR current source and shown in Fig. 2(b), are used in CDs to generate the stimulus pulses. The VCR current sources/sinks, which are controlled by voltage-mode DACs, provide larger voltage compliance, show higher output impedance, and occupy less circuit area compared to their conventional counterparts [25], [26]. The following discussion focuses on the nMOS current sinks, however, it also applies to their dual pMOS current source circuits. In Fig. 2(b), a pMOS-input folded-cascode operational amat mV, while DAC-n plifier (Amp-p) maintains gate voltage according to . All the controls the biasing and reference voltages and currents are generated from a band-gap reference generator, such that many process-dependent parameter variations would cancel out [26]. As long as , operates in the triode region, and the output stimulus current will be defined by (3) GHOVANLOO AND NAJAFI: A MODULAR 32-SITE WIRELESS NEURAL STIMULATION MICROSYSTEM 2463 Fig. 8. IS-2B die microphotograph and floor-plan [17]. evident from one of the peaks in this curve. Increasing the number of parallel transistors reduces the transconductance ripple at the expense of larger circuit area. Fig. 7(b) shows a simulated comparison between the output current versus driven output voltage of the VCR and conventional current sources. All of the current sources were designed to occupy roughly the mm and sink 100 when the same area on a chip stimulating site voltage is 2.5 V. It is obvious from Fig. 7(b) curves that the VCR current source has the closest output characteristics to an ideal current source [26]. IV. MEASUREMENT RESULTS Fig. 7. (a) Circuit simulation of the VCR output current and transconductance versus DAC-n control voltage. (b) Comparison between the output characteristics of the VCR and other conventional current sources [25], [26]. which is linear for small values close to . For larger , decreases due to the carrier mobility degradation at high vertical field and the actual stimulus current is less than what is predicted by (3). On the other hand, the nMOS drain when it is biased current goes above the linear trace versus in the in saturation. This suggests that if the drain current of triode region is added to the drain current of another transistor, , biased in the saturation region by receiving a fraction of on its gate , even though the individual transistor currents are nonlinear, their sum can be tailored to be linear. This goes out of saturation at procedure can be repeated when by adding another parallel nMOS until the entire higher from to is linearized. range of Fig. 7(a) shows the simulated contribution of each indi) to , which vidual parallel nMOS transistor ( – . It also is the sum of all four drain currents, versus curve shows the fairly constant slope of the A/V), which is a measure of the VCR ( current sink linearity. The effect of each parallel transistor is The IS-2B chip was fabricated in the AMI 1.5- m two-metal two-poly n-well standard CMOS process through the MOSIS foundry by fitting two identical IS-2B modules in a 4.6 mm 4.6 mm die. Fig. 8 shows a die microphotograph and floor-plan of the IS-2B. The chip was operated as described in Section II-A, and shown in Fig. 2(a). The command-frames were generated automatically from user-defined stimulation parameters that were entered into a graphical user interface, called digital pattern generator (DPG-6), running in LabView-7 environment. Table II summarizes the experimentally measured IS-2B specifications [17]. Fig. 9 shows the receiver block measured waveforms. The and received 5/10 MHz FSK carrier, which is measured at as well as their subtraction across the tank, can be seen on the three lower traces. Depending on the transmitter and receiver coil designs and their orientation, the power amplifier gain is manually adjusted such that at a nominal coupling distance of is induced across the tank. The upper 5 mm, 24–28 two traces from top show the recovered clock and demodulated serial data bit stream at 2.5 MHz and 2.5 Mb/s, respectively. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the fastest data rate reported so far in inductively powered applications [9]–[14] Fig. 10(a) shows the linearity of the measured stimulus versus 5-b stimulus amplitude command (DAC’s current digital input) for both VCR current source and current sink 270 A full-scale current range [also see circuits in the Fig. 7(a)]. Fig. 10(a) also shows a good matching between 2464 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 TABLE II INTERESTIM-2B SPECIFICATIONS Fig. 9. Receiver block measured waveforms. Top two traces: recovered clock and demodulated data (5 V/div). Bottom three traces: received FSK carrier across the L C tank (20 V/div) [19]. the sourcing and sinking currents for the entire range, which is important in generating charge balanced stimulus pulses. Fig. 10(b), which is measured with an HP4155A semiconductor parameter analyzer, shows the sinking and sourcing stimulus currents at different digital amplitude levels, while sweeping [also see Fig. 7(b)]. The the site voltage from GND to VCR current sink (source) can achieve a voltage compliance of 97% (95%) of the 5-V supply voltage, while maintaining high output impedance in the 100 M range to keep the desired stimulation currents constant within 1%, irrespective of the site and tissue impedances [25]. A sample measured stimulation burst is shown in Fig. 11. The two upper traces show the integrated full-wave CMOS rectifier 350 s for the reguand series regulator outputs. It takes lator to startup and sink current. Meanwhile, the rectifier output , which is inrapidly increases up to 15 V, while charging creased to 10 nF with an off-chip surface-mount capacitor to improve ripple rejection. As soon as the regulator starts sinking current, the rectified dc voltage reduces to 8 V and stays at at 5 V. One advanthis level, while the regulator stabilizes tage of the FSK modulation for this application over the more popular ASK scheme is the absence of the low-frequency ripples on the rectified carrier signal due to the carrier amplitude modulation. The POR activates the global reset line (third trace) at the startup and keeps the entire implant in the reset-mode until 4.8 V to safely start the digital circuitry from 70 s after a known state. The receiver block immediately starts recovering Fig. 10. (a) Measured current driver I versus 5-b digital current-amplitude command. (b) Measured stimulus currents at different digital amplitude levels, while sweeping a stimulation site voltage from GND to V [25], [26]. the serial data bit stream at 2.5 Mb/s (fourth trace), which consists of back to back command-frames in the format shown in Fig. 4. The stimulation burst, shown on the three lower traces, starts as soon as the digital controller block synchronizes with the transmitter by detecting the unique frame 0FF 0FFh which is sent between every two biphasic stimulation pulses in this specific example. GHOVANLOO AND NAJAFI: A MODULAR 32-SITE WIRELESS NEURAL STIMULATION MICROSYSTEM 2465 pulses/s at 270 A full-scale current. Eight current drivers per module provide large voltage compliance up to 97% of the 5-V supply, and high output impedance in the 100-M range, which are two key parameters in wireless microstimulators. 4.6 mm IS-2B chip, fabricated in the AMI Every 4.6 mm 1.5- m standard CMOS process, houses two modules and has a total of 13 000 transistors. A prototype implant is developed for acute wireless neural microstimulation, using the IS-2B chip. Further in vitro measurements in saline and in vivo experiments in an animal model (rat) are under way [21], [27]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. K. D. Wise and Dr. W. J. Heetderks for their guidance. Fig. 11. Experimentally measured stimulation burst waveforms. From top: CMOS rectifier output, regulator output, POR output, demodulated data bit stream, Site0 single-ended voltage, differential voltage across a 10-k resistor connected between Site0 and Site4, Site0 single-ended voltage (5 V/div) [17]. A 10-k load, resembling sites and tissue impedances, is connected between Site0 and Site4, and the site voltages are measured both differentially and single ended. In this experiment, no external capacitor was added to the resistive load to keep the current and voltage waveforms proportional. Fig. 11 inset shows a magnified view of the four lower traces. In this example, prior and output initialization commands have switched multiplexers to Site0 and Site4, respectively, set the stimulus , current amplitudes to full-scale for both phases ( ), and selected the operation in Mode-3 (Table I). In every bipolar-biphasic pulse between Site0 and Site4, the first stimulation command connects Site4 (Site0) to a source (sink). As a result, 270 A flows from Site4 to Site0 in the first stimulus phase for the duration of the next command-frame (7.6 s). The second command puts both sites in the high- state to create an inter-phase delay. The third command swaps the sites status and therefore, 270 A flows back from Site0 to Site4 in the second stimulus phase. Finally, the fourth command deactivates both sites by returning them to the high- state. The timing resolution of the IS-2B system is equal to the duration of every 18-b command-frame plus the spacer bit, which is 7.6 s at 2.5 Mb/s. This is an order of magnitude finer than the actual neural signals bandwidth ( 10 kHz). Considering that at least two commands are required per stimulation phase, IS-2B is capable of generating up to 65 800 pulses/s. The timing accuracy of the IS-2B system (50 ns) depends on the external timing controller, which is the DIO-6534 high-speed digital I/O card (National Instruments, TX) with a 20-MHz internal time-base. V. CONCLUSION IS-2B, a 32-site wireless neural microstimulation system on a chip, is developed with a modular stand-alone architecture, which is easily extendable to 64 modules (2048 sites) with only two connections between every module and a common receiver LC tank. IS-2B modules receive inductive power (8.25 mW/module) and high-speed data (2.5 Mb/s) from a 5/10 MHz FSK carrier, while generating up to 65 800 stimulus REFERENCES [1] J. P. Rauschecker and R. V. Shannon, “Sending sound to the brain,” Science, vol. 295, pp. 1025–1029, Feb. 2002. [2] R. A. Normann. (2004, Apr.) “Sight restoration for individuals with profound blindness”. [Online] Available: cni/projects/blindness.htm [3] E. Zrenner, “Will retinal implants restore vision?,” Science, vol. 295, pp. 1022–1025, Feb. 2002. [4] K. 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His M.S. thesis was on development of a multisite physiologic recording system for investigation of neural assemblies, and his Ph.D. research was on developing a wireless microsystem for neural stimulating microprobes. From 1994 to 1998, he worked part-time at the IDEA Inc., Tehran, where he participated in the development of the first modular patient care monitoring system in Iran. In December 1998, he founded Sabz-Negar Rayaneh Co. Ltd. to manufacture physiology and pharmacology research laboratory instruments. In the summer of 2002, he was with Advanced Bionics Inc., Sylmar, CA, working on the design of spinal-cord stimulators. He joined the faculty of North Carolina State University in August 2004, where he is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Ghovanloo has received awards in the operational category of the 40th and 41st DAC/ISSCC student design contest in 2003 and 2004, respectively. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, and biomedical engineering societies. Khalil Najafi (S’84–M’86–SM’97–F’00) was born in 1958. He received the B.S., M.S., and the Ph.D. degrees in 1980, 1981, and 1986 respectively, all in electrical engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. From 1986 to 1988, he was employed as a Research Fellow, from 1988 to 1990 as an Assistant Research Scientist, from 1990 to 1993 as an Assistant Professor, from 1993 to 1998 as an Associate Professor, and since September 1998, he has been Professor and Director of the Solid-State Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan. His research interests include micromachining technologies, micromachined sensors, actuators, MEMS, analog integrated circuits, implantable biomedical microsystems, micropackaging, and low-power wireless sensing/actuating systems. Dr. Najafi was awarded a National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award from 1992 to 1997, and was the recipient of the Beatrice Winner Award for Editorial Excellence at the 1986 International Solid-State Circuits Conference, the Paul Rappaport Award for co-authoring the best paper published in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, and the Best Paper Award at ISSCC 1999. In 2003, he received the EECS Outstanding Achievement Award. He received the Faculty Recognition Award in 2001, and the University of Michigan’s Henry Russel Award for outstanding achievement and scholarship in 1994, and was selected Professor of the Year in 1993. In 1998, he was named the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor for outstanding contributions to teaching and research, and received the College of Engineering’s Research Excellence Award. He has been active in the field of solid-state sensors and actuators for more than twenty years, and has been involved in several conferences and workshops dealing with solid-state sensors and actuators, including the International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, the Hilton-Head Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Workshop, and the IEEE/ASME Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) Conference. He is the Editor for Solid-State Sensors for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, an Associate Editor for the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, and an editor for the Journal of Sensors and Materials. He also served as the Associate Editor for IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS from 2000 to 2004, and the Associate Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING from 1999 to 2000.