Profile of the Faculty Members 1) Name :: M.Kondalu 2) Date of Birth :: 10-4-1975 3) Educational Qualifications :: M.Tech(Ph.D) 4) Work Experience :: 11 years a)Teaching :: 8 years b)Research :: c)Industry :: 3 years d)Others :: 5) Area of Specialization :: Power Electronics 6) Subjects teaching at UG Level: The power electronics ,PSD, EN II 7) Research Guidance :: No.of papers published in Master’s :: National Journals :: International Journals :: 14 1) An article “Estimation of Re-striking Transient Over voltages in a 3-phase 132kv Gas Insulated substation published in International journal Electrical Engineering, vol.3(2012)pages 757-763 2) An article “Calculation of Transients at Different Distances in a single phase 220kv Gas Insulated substation published in International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Issue4-Volume1pages 28-33,June-2012 3) An article “Estimation of Transient Over Voltages in a 3-Phase 400kv Gas Insulated substation" , Published in International journal of computer science information and Engineering ISS2277-4408,Issue2-Volume2-series1,pages 1-6.May -2012. 4) An article “Estimation of Transient over Voltages in Gas Insulated bus duct from 220kv Gas Insulated Substation”, Published in International journal of computer applications(USA)Volume 20-no-08, pages1-6., April 2011. 5) An article “Analysis and Calculation of Very Fast Transient over Voltages in 220kv Gas Insulated Substation,” Published in International Journal engineering techno science Volume2 (4), pages 314-319., 6) An article’ A MODIFIED PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION TO SOLVE THE ECONOMIC DISPATCH PROBLEM OF THERMAL GENERATORS OF A POWER SYSTEM’ Published in International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol2(11) december,2010, 7) An article ‘Real Time Economic and Emission Dispatch using RBF Network with OLS and MPSO Algorithms’, Published in International journal of computer application. 8) An article “Vehicle Suspension System Control by using Adaptive Fuzzy Controller” Published in International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UK) pages 469-474, March, 2012. 9) An article “Estimation of Re-striking Transient Over voltages in a 3-phase Gas Insulated substation Accepted in International Conference of IEEE –USA. 10) An article “ Calculation of Very Fast Transient over Voltages in a 400kv Gas Insulated Substation,” Published in International Journal Research & Technology Volume1, Issue 8, pages 1-6, October-2012. 11) An article “Modeling and Analysis of a 3-Phase 132kv Gas Insulated substation Insulated Substation,” Published in International Journal science, Engineering and technology Research Volume1, issue(5), pages 12-16., 12) An article “Estimation of Very Fast Transient OverVoltages by using EMTP Software in a 3-phase 400KV GIS” Published in International Journal science, Engineering and technology Research Volume1, issue (5), pages 6-11.,December 2012. 13) An article “ Calculation of Transient Overvoltages by using EMTP software in a 2-phase GIS,” Published in International Journal Advanced Research in computer Engineering & Technology , volume1, issuse9, November2012. 14) An article “Estimation of Transient Over voltages of a 2-phase Gas Insulated substation Accepted in International Conference of ICEEN 2013, Singapore . Conferences :: 8) Projects carried out :: 9) Patents :: 10) Technology Transfer :: 11) Research Publications :: 12) No.of Books published ::