s *9^jS* \iH. « . No ' C- ^ JJ Hill M)H PHI*.. V*. ediit-Mlax. Jan, IJS T9 23, |<*$ CoprfV* '*ei '•• When Mayor Wilson doode took office a year a^o, the country \ fifth largest city lacked direction. \ow, there Is optimism. ii- KM m \i HI Qi I^KQI t A hearmi; on lnjuor luenses lor mo resijuranis ,.n Ihe U)«l hl.n k ot SHMOOI Street ended sesieidas amid protests Hi j\sn I v H\MiH\ Maxor W dsoa * krodc ha* been in oi live tor oiilx CM xcar hul manx mwfcMl sax IK- has alrcadx ushered M thjl ihe the procodlflCI were unjust liSc proik>M>l Ikensi's lor Ihe Isfco restaurants will no\* he vonsklered h\ .1 aew en ''i ufttmtun <■<• ihe mx Ooodc ius |arau*d praise (ton hoth business ami neighborhood leaden lor his eflbftl t>' bring new lobs |o ihe s if\ ami his locccsalul ik'giifialions (.» keep Ihe I aglcs in irn- Histor) v iiv Profeuoi In Harkav) said this week ' I think hi- has been .1 nuvi'i t.»r jll of the people "I Philadelphia In* add negotiated MI ■grccrocBj with ihe Philadelphia ladles whuh ended a threat h\ (he (cam 10 mOVC l" PlWnn an jnrvnirKeiiK'nt ihjl administra tion critic lhachcr I onj^strcth told Ihr Mm )t>'i Ii"u \ .insure.! In»»li >t dedication And deified he mav well he ("us CtHineilman I iRien Hlaekwcll l its Housing OWMI who wsieidas siaicd his the distribution ol liquor I ernis Kesiauranl and th<- DP , St .^'' i><taSl»in I'hii.uieiphia Mayor v\ iKoii Goodr tvtrytMHi 'A-OK1 aftt-r his Hrsl ve.ir in olflct who represents \fce\t Philadelphia said lhi* myof has the ahihtv u- faetei * oopcralion and. reeliteel (ioodc tor the , urrcnt 'COMtniCllVC' relationship hclween the IMVOf'l OfAcC arul CH) C.Hjrkil I ndcr the previous administration the relationship hclween ( \\\ ( «mrk i! Pimdeoj Voaepl. Coteraen and the NMjWM Mm strained at he si Bleckwell oMd Good, i will in genes-. In listen as a kes tea-..»n tor ttw mavor's prxx! rapp'rt with the ( mrkil atldinft thai the niavor I will injrness u> listen u> the puhlu CM BJOM likeU pa OOWfl in hisit»r\ as .>rx»>l Ihe greatest mayon this of ans oth**r trihutes |0 his widespread pi»pulant* arvl cffectivene&l as niav«»r Mayoi ' itmlc is hl^h ^ont'klcnt s. its has evei MM he added Hm KM everyone n heop) \r\hile Ooode'l lirst ytm has hail .neitai.ulaf WCCCMCi vital pri»hlems remain iKMOtvcd I he Hid tlexihle in the was Uc runs the d t> Bla*.kwcll mud He ■ iMe ' into (he i. its. s comnMUMiea arkl talk t.' rKi>;hN>rh<M»iI and husiness leaders aivl |d thugs what ihe> (i. »mie in iiist (his 1 sl«'t*c hcvJUM he listens 10 hase («» SJS has j., oinplished MI mueh Urm scar that I think he Wttl resent dOfl40| ol the kinslev larkltill in Sew Jerses LWtfli thai Philadelphia will hase 10 lind iHhcr wass (■• dltOOM ot us Hash I here h^s also heen lillle iiv.»seiiRnl ft "iiinued nn pour <> . .is< Karp added jrrossls unl.in I u.kl. who || i'» tumiMrwai I noiis.i I i shairman as well as Mill Home la-ults Masui sakl las) iu>:hi lhat ,ilih.Hii;ti he is in tasor o| the liquot hcenacs heliescs Kaip s oppotllioi reasiinahle He dclinalels h.i suhnrhan ,ase so lo s|v.ik >k* is the ihal the was huslle ami Nisile ol cMMnerculMM is nuking an itkomplete resord and ik*1 allowing us lit hruik; out Ihe lull thrust ol not nl plase on Ilk' Mock I u. id said The >ik- is Bot, BOWCVei rtalistu sime it lenter- on an area Ihal is not a hs- said Iheretou- IR- • Hit arguments White Dog ( .it. OWMI luils *i,k\ iikl 1 ehus Kesiauranl CO-OWM1 I >.o id residents ed \iut .IN J rerah he has received a pttMiivc response frown all »>i iht* com muniiicx in the . it\ Ooodc hc*.an.c 1 .Philadelphia spons hero almost nvermght when he what he kmiws aNnit ttk- hisiors of the depth City Limits ol ihe liscnses we asked il he knew lhat sesetal lasults iik-inhers who on^irulls nk>nlh on a lhir»1 lioui»r luenv tor the W hue Dog ( ati' is daUlM| that Ihe hearing elMIN »as unlair in mlin|! tesinikins during the two dass ol ilma "The hearing CXMUMf was not allowinj: th»- applicants to icsiils in j sense ihjl things CM improxc in Ihe (in .1 sense ol hope ami determination thdt (osiers an enormous lesel ol asadenikian with c^lensise lies in the I nisersits ami the hluk Ik- said VMk-n he tesiilied that Ik" was in lasor Uock l BlVtnU) Misharl Karp oppOMUOfl to IN enart Ui Ilk- JII lue luxe unproved xiihsianliallx Wilson Goodf hjs , ri'jk-,1 1 van «1«» spirit ol ■fHiMiisni in Philadelphia among «*> ""wxTssvlvaman were rk'nnnaie.1 10 live on the Nik k and then retuse»l w,-re o(*p«'s4*d t.« the hars ied to mil inquirs When a nun ol this stature and knowledise ol IIK area \% 1'nki^ht lo lesiils he \hould h»- allowed lo siale Ihe I iquor ( ontrol Bojrd \ .le. ision U rKM rtpnlcd until Marvh and another hearing has heen scheduled foi new firull) rcxolxcd .1 dcvadc long .able television dispute ami relations bet tx CiHinsil and the maxor x ol NlOfl ;> Karp: hearings on 3400 block licenses 'unjust' A Goode Year Philadelphia I ikler his administration fmtttucO 1885 doiik-sin oik- enclave and will aevti he Hraseruun tesiilied on rx'hall ol the qualits ol then restaurants as well as on Karp said he believet ihe eaanunei i the 11 quo I restriction their esiahlishimnts wiHild mainla'ti I . fa r.isse CO owik-r I-11 lot Cook also lest died siilseiik'ni in Ihe area were also unprofessional W,- .isked I in id whal ,viu.U'iils who lived m Mill House under tlk- dunking aic ami he tol.i percent tie aaid When we .oii,-tn 10 kmiw how has in. n ik-ar ihe doimiloTS WiKlId alllM llk'ss' slliiU'llls ■IOBI wiih protpcctivc hiov k hoineowneis KrtWCCl *ri|!hl and R.*cn I u.id karp who rents hoth ollue ami residential ipacc on tin* hlmk icttificd Slondav Ihal M rxliescs additional hats on the «4U> hlikk ol Sanvmi Street will rmtf tratlis and palton in the atea karp vailed I ui id s lesluikMis u resctenl ol the leiial DfOCMt ' rhc lawscrs loi the Committee ■MUWan >alled l)r 1 us id In Ilk- stand and idem11ied him a> an esprriemal 'ion to questions ahiKii student in The iciord ol ihe hearing was thus masvuiate sime it dkl mil inslude the lull s>i^x- ol ihe lestmions Karp added karp said he plans lo pennon loi more evideme lo he added to the racord user l( imlwurd nn put:< 4) New Women's Center director is on the hot seat it. MARK < vKt) \S mea - CeMCI WiaCtOI XHnni DtwaHI is under lire as icvcral -ludents arc caargin| her with ami Seinmsui hontopaobii and marnanagjMj ilk- ceatet College si-mor Carmen ( orraknt aM •> letter Monday w BunaKI .nine what she ,ailed insiaikes ol inappropriate hehavHH In ilx- letter which wa» also sent to Provost I Ihrlkh Vise I'rososi lor I nisersiiv I iK lames Bishop .iikl memrk'i. oi the Women . t entet x.i'isors lii.aid. Corrales anrkiumed hci '. .i-'ii.itioti trom Ihe hoard t orrales ami Women I Mliame iik-niher Vi.ki Be-rnsiein iik-i with Bishop late Mondas U dissuss their compbaaU ah.Hii Bunsier Bishop sakl last night he is ''lookM| inlo ihe siiualion although he has beta salislk-d wiih Hunslcr s work .like sh<- arrised last tall Beinsiein said sesierdas Ihal she ami other lemale students plan In ask Bunsier lodas lor a meeting (orrales said last nigh! lhat she hopes the direstor will resign I would like l)r Bunslei to resign she aid She has said aikl doik enough wrong to prose thai she is unahle to Jo her ion ( orralea said she thinks Bunsier has tailed on the lesels ol .ompeterke ahd knowledge ami sensiiom "In terms ol .onipeteme it sou insestigale sou d hml there s mi programing .oining Iroin Ihe otlke ami that her ahsetue al meetings gad at the office ilselt ale substantial -he said A lot ol her per.eptions on Ihe world are based on -tereotspes She has told rik- lhat lew. are on the ascragc Tilths pro pie she added She ha-lold ilk-that she >an alwass tell a honkis^'sual apart Irinn other [X'ople and that Ihe male homosexual reseals himwlt Ixxause he tends lo he limp wnsied She has also made .ninnx-nts annul the ptis-u.il lyOH ol blask. ami Asians She- sakl sonsrlhing ahnut how bla. ks aie big ami Asians are little Bunsier last nighl .ailed the anti Semilism Charge rkluuious Shs- askkxl that she was not upset ' hut perplexed whin she MCettrad (orrales s letter "I rea.1 it ami I sakl I .an t umlersiand whs she's reacting Ihis was pluraliNlis Bunsier said But lhank (>od we re lising in a sosiels ami prnple are entitled to their owi. opinions How i.Mikl I ever sax anslhing anti Semitu when I hase some Jewish bli»kl in Hat, ami I m an anthropologist, and I lespe, i ihe lewish people' she acUett that's absolulclx a tigment ol her imagination Bunstir als.' leim-d having , omiik-nled about Ihe si/e ol bla.ks ami Asian, ami havme said Ihal nule gavs an- limp wnsted But she- said slk- ,an tell whether -oiikoik- is gas hv ohserx ing him I in an ■naiuputogul ami I luxe to wateh people Ihal s inv lavonle lOOTl Hun.tri said l ou .an datCCI |X-ople I s»-xual preleieme bx the was ibex a.i Yoll .an till wlk-n so maOM prtti-is relaling 10 a'rtain peiiple I hrli.h ami Bislkip mKh said xesli-rd.iv lhat Ihev have >kvn saiislkHl xsith Bunsier s pxrlorinami Pron what I se Ikard trom those wh.i wotk with her nartkularls iminbers ,.| die advuPT) gRIHa ami others she s doing a good n>b Ihrlkhsakl N..r>.«lv in this opera lion san salisix i-verx bmlx in running a venter. ami slse knows that He added thai he xiews the vharge ol anli Vmiiism a. vi-rx sernHis but said Ihal hidOW■( kmiw anx basis loi saxing she s anli Sennlk Ihrlnh would not DOOaMM 01 how he intends lo deal with ihe student viHiiplaints Bishop said he has im-t with Bunsier vonxerning Ihe letter hi Bunsier and I have talked about ilk- letter in general terms ami anx waxs in whi.h ilk Wouk'n s ( eulei might res |»nkl lo Penn sludents and olhei woimn M CamOW Ik- .aid I am sure Ihal l)r Bunsier will semi an appropriate response lo the letter Bernstein sakl last night ihal she hopes tlk- administration will speak lo l)r Bunster ami will make a statement suppor ting the .enter ami ihe need lor ihe venler I have serious vomerns about III Bunsiei . ontiiiuing to ast as director ol the Women s ( enlei unless (hart are drasiu . hanges in hoth her personalilx ami perlormam i said Ik-in stein a Wharlon senior Ihe dkhMM "I ml WoMH'l ( enier should be an example ol lolerame ami nMOBCt ami I )i Bunster has heen neither Bernsiein said slie ami (orrales de. uled a) take a.non alter Bunsier sent around a im-nio stating thai cad) pau|da with spcvilis business would be allowed in ihe Women s ('enter I suspevt thai there is a rational argument thai van he made lor tlk- need lor vime loinulits. but it s nm like il s a /i«. Bernstein sakl I>r Bunster's arguments ami Ihe wax xhe s II omlmurd on pagr 9) Profe favor establishing new fund UTV will relocate; Hill may house studio Hx III M SSMAS { nixersiix facvutton will move Irom Us press-ni locatwa in the Slouller basxmeal lo make mom lor additkmal dining are still underwax Jaxohscn said seslerdav Ihe I niver silx . request lor .kldilional dining s|vase • oinkidcd with I IV . plans lo BCCO* lasihtisovc ma) also provide I I A wiih atklltional prikluvtion spa.. Ihe I nisersitx s plans in resiruvture mOdate equipnk-nl lasl s^iik-.li i In adtlition. I TV k current tacililx has had problem- with sevuntx ami askquaie aVBCfl. nuking the rehkation desirable Ihx- I Quadrangle UNO lixe .ollege hous.-s and luin Sioullvr inlo live dining halls lasobsen said "That space is less than perfect lor has created Ihe need lot additional spa»v I I\ .urrentlv n.upk-s Ihe their needs she said adding. "It was never intended to he |a telex ixion siudiol The move is an opporlunitx lor e spansHKi exentual iikive .ould be nude at mi on undergraduate rdm alum and creating a hank to suppon fledgling research linamial .osl Ml I \ "Sinxe the nkne is being made at I nixerxitx request the entire iikixe plans "a great idea " "I was very pleased and exuied by St.Hiltv-r basx-iik-nl Although mi final agreement has heen reached ■ In whcie I I\ will lelikak one initial admimstratkin proposal noald put the station headquarters in Hill House UTV' PrikJuctkin Manager Neil tps tern sakl xcsierdax that finding an acceptable lixalnm lor the siudios is a pro Mem The station has suggested seseral alternative sues to the administration. I.pstcin added I l\ Station Manager I Hen Campbell said she believes there is B0 danger that I I V. would nut broads ast during dining scrxiic rcnoxationx lluri- s no (ham thai we re going to he lelt out in Ihe .old she sakl The dcvision to nkixe was reached laic last month in .'. meeting between I IS station manager I Hen Campbell I I cvutivc Diivvlor ol Student hinamial and Administrative Ssrxi.es (n-orge k.sal and Student Lile Dtrotoi Charlotte Jaxohscn NagoMmma to deckle on a site as.ep table to both I TV and the I nixerxitx Bv CKAK. OOOflMMRI lacull) memhers reacted favorably xcxicrday to the I'nixerxitx s plan to vreate funds lo stimulate research and undergraduate educaikm The plan. Inxesting in Penn'» luturr. xallx lor spending $10 millkm projecu J-aculix Senate Chairman Klect An ihons Toma/inis xrstcrdas sailed the the proposal." Toma/inis said "I think it will add a lot of cunement to the I nixerxitx I think it will devekip some projects for studenu who want to get in would hi paid lor bx the I nixerxitx.' she said Campbell sard the administration has bx-en xerx .ooperalixe in protisling the xolxed in research as soon as possible I think this shows an appreciation of the undergraduates we have here." interests of I I \ ' Thes xi- promisexl us at least equal space." she said "Thes're going to Toma/inis added "I would call this a very good signal of well directed imennonx towards the School of Arts and help out in ihe cost ol moxing But I psiem sakl the dax ol the actual site .hange was still some lime awav ■avoRtr "I would not predict Ihal we d he mosing within the semester." the Cat lege lunior said The proposeil uprixmng ol I I \ comes two months alter Ihe announce mem of a SI millkin equipment grant from Time-Life Inc The nex» cxjuipment. including a •7MJ000 teletext xxstcm and SMO.000 in cable television equipment K nntinued on page Si DP M»>c Poui»hoc« Poster Sale Ihe prupte -alkurg around I 'man Square with placards stapled to their chevts weren't selling anx thing. Ihes xvere commemoratinR Ih* annisrrsan of the Supreme Court OVXISKMI which legaliied Sciences." F-aculty Senate Chairman Jacob Abel said he believes the white paper a an indication that the University "is getting back to basics " "I think it's essentially a refocusing on the really fundamental basis of the alxirti.ni. I>rft to right: Judx Chert or. Claire Moriarly and SOW Philadelphia Chapter Prrsidenl Doria Uarversay.'" Abel said yesterday "I think the plan is really good because a is IVihkurnw directed See Uor). page t. towards our most objective " (Contmurd on page M) basic I'M.i : III! DMI i PrNNSilvXMs*, » rv i<m.« VVrdnrsdav. J Off the Wire Today's news compiled from Associated Press dispatches Factions clash on new anti-bias bill v. sSHINGTON MIL.1 lIlM IMIIMIlim prole.ti"ll li' tcnialc handle taped cldcrlv and minorut Amcri, .inCIMI right- fanaaj Md D preparing ta ll) illllfltnl tcr-loil- ol jnn hij. hill- !•• rc-lorc sateguar.lt losi in j Suprcnx' ( .Hin ruling I he .nil. ..mid help KM the k.iii-.i- RcpuNi, an mettle in hit nett i.>h j. Ilnor leader DOM tA ill anger temsert jtuct ll Ihet believe he's moving 10 expand titii right) law- JIKI Ix* rebuked ht hhctals it he irlutet to re-tore the broad tardt tht't tt jut I .11 'n'vt I Me ha- -i.lcd ttith ilk* ..»II ■crvalivet the Reagan administration .iivl pan- i.l the hutinett ..immunity in dacuJiaa tuti how mm h protection 's aecded lo leMorc the Matus quo from OP AiMm Gordon before the ruling I hen Mrrowt) constructed biU ma) Xtliutlkill KIMI In./i utrc last weekend as miM-s .mil .."- JII BMJi I'lnl.iili l|iln.i I.II Ihi lull ..I MM of Mi.III. i Nature- iii.ni M tin MI.NHI- he introdu.cd thiv week .i- in.it the' liberalversion sponsored ht Democrat* Vn Edward Keaned) .■! Massachusetts .HKI man) ,<ther- When Sludttt* Freezes I I 't I III Kl\ IK lli.il inuiiul human hcMan Marttb in walk Ml. Il'l lh< MM. ilul b IIIIMI wiih m nuin . hum, jl- .mil M nun h -ludc.i lh.il i( lltwis nfl jholll .IS I.II.M J- III II dm- Kill till- mill snap lllll ll Ihe International UAI bans Jackson lor 'negative behavior' K\N \l I niii.it. - Ml MM Ml I nite.l Arab M had la.k-on - negative inlluen-e -MI ..king pen pie i- KM IVMOa |xihh, posters i.t I III Marshall Islands IISHII I lim Mo-i live on Kill jn isolated .'t«> acre island Ml miles south "i Bikini V* hen ttxt were -rnppe.t from then Ih, ot Bikini wanderers ud ihe MCH pass ih, woi.i down the generations tt. II, "i, children "t knu nca whi.h invMUaated the bornbuani h*i warnad that new at t.i.k- mieht be timed I" .oiiKi.le with Reagan - inauguration Momlat alkl the ahoriion annoer-.ut te-t.i.lat an.1 Ih, National I Irgani/alion lor v.oiik-n orgaaued vigils M 23 clinics ■ad t.unilt piaaaatg tenter- in IN • Ule- to help pietenl jut tioleike ihe) tell then own children Wi -OUR da) thet ...i kmenca win cue ihem ..-'ii iiku Bikini I hint eight tear- alter then hoiik home atoll in i>'4r. ihe Bikimans were told tlk 1 inled Stale- would , .ire lor itUnd- became J laborator) t"i I s .itomi, t.-t etplo-iont the p. Bikini see a ikw giimmei ol h.^v thjt - when ilk bomb experiments end ed Bikini wa- .i radioactive no man land Bfkimans hjte moved ii-,1 limes -like thet lott iIK*ir home \ lew hun ,iu,i i.,n went Ki,k to Bikini once, m the earl) I'TOs iftCI then 1'ie-kleni iii, promise will ix' kepi ^ entifo comnutsee ban reported to ( OOgrcss that .lejning up Bikini purg ni,' in. ,1-nti.ii Pacific atoll ot it- official ntd Propeller blades a clue in crash investigation I lie .die. tot .'I the Kat .il Khjinuh municipality. Mubarak i.iuli.ntei -JI.I In- ..lluer- ate nuking Mire the rt'-t.'rt jr.- renmved liom ntihli. Kl Ni i Set I wo pr.^x-ller Mades lound a hall mile from where a turhoprti(i airliner crashed should "hold j krt to the cause of the acei piaset. eapeciail) stores tftlliag auji" .in.i .i.l." lapei .111,1 recordi *, i ■■- n-k haviffg their -t.'ie- deju. an ifltcstigaloi -JI.I tetterdat .it juihoruie- recovered the h.Rlie- ol Kill. -, Ikxltea. hei here ofl ' ' itlet th.it it tht' home ■ ft"1 tictim- -UkI -ji.I two more nut tut.' died Ihree people -united Mondat .rath oi the chartered Galai) Virlmct camhlcr . -pe. ul jnd two ol them him and Jl«> other HikmianSin,, l'"r, tht l.i-t growing Bikini the -me. i li.itt- ban t.jniK'.l in (hiPersian Gull emirate t.'tlei.l.it M (.Hih.niei -aid tin decision tt.it made a- pan "t the efforu t,> protect t'Hine. pe-.^tle from imitating negative .ihen ht'lut i..i I'i'-t.i- an.1 tapes •■! lackson and hi-,ine- .ii.'lie with hi- .lie— and hail -ttle .lie fM*|t>i|.if in much >'l the Mul National Cold ua\c rMppencd It - t.iiik-thinc Ilul hat to h. U 1'l.nne.l I .im ik« jn etpen hut Ihit ,ould hate Ixen i -.HII,. ot the pro bsOWS Old record lows \ ie.i-i were in .ritual .ondilion V»ath,v Count) Shentt Viikc Swinnet said the two piopeller hladet l.niikl jh«Hit hall a mile ikirtht'a-t ol the .rath MM will hold a ket to unraveling the myster) .in.Hii what .11, I .i-t Bssive cold wave hijtne.i t"i .n i.'' iieath. -t-nt mermometen phingmf in more record losvi m the Southe-iti tetteidjt In Irijiid Florida the t'1'tein..i ,le. Ijred an envieeiKt he.ause ..I .lani.i.', t.' eitnit .UKI vegetable crops r,. I he iKifth. Bulljli. S ) ttat -till .!ie.i:uie. .nil li.'in ,leep -n.m thai had -traixled tni-ker- -nxe the weekend vh.«.K were Hill doted at 1'itie- ill Mi, hn'.in tx.jii-e ,.| ut .II -n,.tt covered f.>a.it jith.Hich leinpeuliiret ttjimed ml,' the .'lilt li«ik- like SM ,II.IIIK-.I all the ,,ild ttejtht-r from Canada. takl metcondogtst I .HI Giordano m PHI -huiph whhh warnn-d iaao the 2(K te-leidat .iltei a low ..I IK deeiee. hclntt /em the dat baton MOM than ltt» d../en lee.'fd l.mt. all aSite BJTO tteie tied ,«f broken l.ir tetterda. li.'in lennettte t.' I 1,'ii.l.i JIKI I ,HII-,. ' • ukludin.|! 28 at Hi'lltt».«id H.i tti. .h tied that , it. - ail tune record Mont ihan no iet.»rd low- were ittHcd Mundat in the S.HitlK-att and Baal, when the ...1.1 caaceted ritaMooi activiUM at i'ie-i dent Reagan't iruuituraimn MOM It II he one ol the ket-herilt -aid the -\ Federal Avsatioa SaJnunaxratson .i,.iJenl pretenlion -|x\uli-t earlier uk'niioned engine failure j. j pottihle caBM ol the accident . harlcr airplane look tk-aptilit earlt Vlondat IkiiiK from a gambling iutt alter the ofl lor Mintaking people weekend State Bell of Pennsylvania to increase rates HARRISBl R«. -tltania tetterdat Beil ol I'enn atked the ttale l*uhh. I tilitt Comnii-tion for per nuttion lo-ollet t >'2s million more a tcjr Irom itt ' h million phone .uttomcrs The pNioe tomnant -aid the pro posal would increase the COM ol basic phone sers ice the "dial tone line" ht as much S) percent in maior , me- and raise the prne ol unlimited local plvone talk hs at nKkh as 80 percent The company also atked to collect more for irklmdual local phone calls hs charging according lo the length ol each -all wen warned that mure than '(XXI home- mat he wilh.mt water lodat he.ante pe.^tle alarnx-d ht tree/in^ temper alurct were Icatin^t lau-elt Toll calls proskled hs Bell, mean while, would drop in price The company said it needs the csira running: to ,.l keep (.ladet illc. their pipe- tioin tiee/ine. Reagan oppt>ses ahoriion violence 1'ietident Reagan deelarcd thai -loleive hat n.i pJatc in uppotinj: the (ernhle rulional trailed) ol ahor non *hik- lorict ,m hoth BMBj ,.| the ittue muttered pKkct linct. prater hreaklattt and candlelight tigilt tetterdat on the 12th annitertar\ of Ihe Suprenx- (Hun ruling »hkh legali/etl ahurlhin The N.mht that hate -tru-k two d«i/cn tlinKt at rot t the emintr. income a 14 percent increase in annual retenue - to pay expenses it at tributes to decisions hy the Federal Communications Commission, to meet higher operating costs, and to improve pocition the company s financial Contumer Adt.vale Dasid Barasch , ailed Ihe rcquctt -uhstantully ovemaicd" and said his office would oppose it before the PIC. which has nine monih-s to rule on the case Barasch and Otto Hotnunn. attorney for the Pennsylsama Utility 1 aw Pro,cii preduted thai ihe in hrtamr at much an ittuc Ihit year as creases in residential rates would force some low-income people lo do without telcphimes IM tt Wide. Ihr Supreme Court -ate that guaramrct women the right Weather to an ahtirtion. tubiect to tiate rettn. iKHvt onl) in the last three momlvt of pregnant t Mostly clear tonight with lows in the teens and lower MH Mostly sunny today and tomorrow with highs in the The Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco JIXHII live residue Sail million is leasibk* lot liui in ihe harsh iichi ot the equatorial day. some Bikuuaus rcnsaui ski. Vt ,r heard a SX-IISM. takl Vklt .oininiituit has ballooned Ii : i67pon m.itiei Senate and not let the it-ue .lie there a- n dkl in J coaaervativc tilihusicr m the waning Jjtt .-I the l.itl session Ihe liberal!' hill patted the House I7J 12 last June jnd is expected 10 win r whelming iratrgia I supieme Cowl ignited the dispute " when it ttnpprd awat an enti.i.eim'nt we.i|von colleges thjt receive Metal moncv tthile practicing ie« dittrimmjtion No longer the ..kin takl M'ul.lanc'n in. mteution be ordered t" tt"p the il legal practice but ..nit the rJeparttneM ... program * rotating the law I iberali conservatives and moderate* agree thai enrbrcenMM dwuld .ippit to an entire t.hool The ditpnte it otci in tiution 1.1 the name hrt.a.1 cnfoecctnefll coverage tn son education areas Conservatives contend this would lead 10 nett federal iniiu.inn. into Aincritan- litealKNring IKI is, stance orders th.it grocer) stores Nni.t wheel.hair r.inip- because thet .i.ecpt federal food •' lower and middle 70s then .itonik test- , tik Ilul ht w, i ,n.i,'ii lohn-on ordered ■• cleanup "i radtoactivc debru from the Moll aixi M nouike.i it wj- again -.it, It, I97g however, ii was discovered thai Ihe Bikillianwei, WMMHiag '...iio.ivtit it iiom island coconuts JIKI .rth.-r food prami abaorbfng - tjiiniunt- from the -ml Ihe inlander were rein. i am lite h.i- .iiw.it- been hard on Kid I nlike Bikini - ^f- islets whuh enclose --In-.ju.ite mile tith tilled IJL'IS,II J kill it j -ingle i.kkKnilkl ..konul i-K pnundrd ht heatt tint Young Hikmun men h.oe lott the [•.klitionjl tithing -kill- I h. Kill com niiimlt tint ne- on coConM '" and canned meal ami fish provided ht tik I s DenartmeM ol Agriculture I lie Ikre on Ini INI mile- n ol Kill it let-har-h lltsinMarum ihe atoll that it the' .apit.il ol the M l-l.iikl- Hut I ni i- eten tmjller than Kilt. Ihe lagoon it crowded JII.1 polbjied jnd tin- Btkini.in- have little to \li>. other thjn MirviVC on their .urrent s4n .i month I s allowance ti j ,1 j good 11' Bikini birds tunicgum Jams loh-ier I -hine.l barefoot kckn i.'.i-ii -- -..i.i j reporter A Mth.-ugh j lew h.ne wandered "it to .•tiki islands and I.HMKI work lor mosl oi the exiles then Bikini remains J pro un-ed Ijrkl lonjiiijn Wcisgall J Washington i.iwtet representing tin Bikiniaas. h.itwo lawsuits pending in federal -ouridemanding J4J0 mUlnn in damages jnd jnother asking lor j ,,Hirt ordered .•II, lin.il .Icjnup ol Bikini Ihe .ongtettion.illt tin.in. cd -, itn titk MMiiiiuttee meanwhile reported m Sotenihc'r th.it j .Icjnup .ould pioh.ihlt :..r between ^ Ih million aiki S4* million In -mpping oil the top 12 in , he- ol .oiit.imin.iled -oil and dumping it in the -e.i oi lagoon But Congress nut he working jt .rot- purpo-c- -in.e at the -aine tune H i- ,,'ii-idering j new polinejl reljtion-tup with the Mjr-h.iii Islands thai could tetuii in no i s tuiki- tor a cleanup of Bikini Sm.e IU47. the 1 niled Male-, h.i- ,.m ■rolled the islandtei/ed from the lapaneae in World War II unek-r J I s riu-i.i-hip' I ndei J propoaad asw ( onipj.l "I l-re. \--.Mjti"n tlk' M.u -lull- will gain -cnu independentc Consumer spending hike boosts nation's economy \s kSHINGTON ITee natsoa •e.il kkk from ton -umei spending NI the last JUjn.-i ot to not.h the -hjrpe-t jnnii.il . 'ti rale in more tfian ihn prompt i Set retarj M nlm Bal.lr lg< t" prot laim everything i- on , nurse i'r.-i,i,iu Reagan -"id ..t the repoti in .id..in., had rx-en iniahl. to le-lrjm hmitell Morkl.it night during I tour ol ui.iucuralion hall- jrxl laid oik ol the Coramercc Department figures reh te-letd.it would Ix 'he Ix-tt uocc 1951 I h.it turned .kit to he Ihe f. s |kr,ent IUK4 growlh rale whuh fol a lx«.-t at the elkl liom reti-ion ot the1 t.Hjrlh eawriei eMimatc from " x perceat t" ' ** pc'r.ent I h.ii t,Hirth cfuarter ligure ituhie-t t" tei aaothei adiusimeM aexi Tcnn . K.-ideni- \.HIK* him a promise -at he plans in eel li.nu .il legislation through the For Bikini Islanders, a glimmer of hope Briefs and Firearm I IMBJ civil nghtt (ir.nipv appear hvj.ii.1 ha J mafraau IHHI with Senate Major*) I cadcr Rotx-n Dole ovei legislation 10 restore jnii Ilk'Htll Ilk lection- ol .i -I percCM growth rate ill 1951 .'lowtli ule isrinen ■ ;vlt Vt, .ii, tucceeding » statemeni delighted in huilding -trone and lasting economK growth without inllation he -.u.l \nd I believe ihese results demonsiraM oaci again, thai ,kii ecuBomK program given J .hjnte to woik lu- worked beautifully in -pit. ol the naysayers Mo.I economists were -urpn-ed at the intentitt ol Ihe I.Hjrth .(u-irtet -pun. .onung on tht' Ik-el- ol the third quarler - I '. peicaM eiowih that ha.1 hinted at an e.ononu. -lowdown S..iik- jgreed with Bal.lnge - asscrtMat thai il bodes well loi idmuu-tulion pio While Ilk- focus ol the rc|s'ri wa- on the gross national product Ilk mem - broadcM measure oi econonut health. Baldngt and prn.ii, economuti viewed that figure in concert with a price itklet tied to ihe (INP that showed .in inflation rate ot ' I perceat lasl yeai Ihji i- the lowe-l itill.ition tigut, .in,. 1967 - ' percent aaothei te.n .: lo Mimd.it night ht Rcjg.m Vt ith growlh on j -tej.lt but no! breathtaking pace, aiki iniljtion remain me low BnJdrsge -.n.i nUercB iate-It.Hil.l east tunhe'r during the tir-i lull • .uki keep the recover) moving I'rit.ne c.onorin-tt gerxrallt agreed with Baldnge - optimistic tiew Vte are gpsng I" see .i -t'-oikl act to what ha- been jn et.eption.il recover) w ith growth and inllalion both turning m performances in the neighborli»Hkl cd 4 percent -aid lent lumosvaki ot the N.itionjl \—ikijnon ol M.iniila.tiuer. Personal consumei spending wa- up.ii an annual rale "I 1.9 percCM in the tuul three month- ol the tear compared with a small II 7 perceat increase turned in during the thud quarter \ slump in ,on -inner ipendlng ha- been blamed in • irt lor Ihe tlowdown last teat Baldnge characterized the mcreaat .i"1 real kick lor ihe overall figure and lastnowskl .ailed it the most surprising leature ot the -pecdup in Ihe lourth tfuaner Mike B*am t'le-i.lenl ol I t.int Economics J Wadungton forecauuia firm, predicted I98J growth jl 4 per Reporter's Notebook A look between the headlines It wj- all a big ganx* one wji.hcd by millHms on lelcsision and reponed in newspapers aeros- the ..Hintry. hut a game nevenhclc— present compensated lor the .old hs wearing lur coals Few .loth coats were in evidence Bui the gamev being played ihi weekend were not limited to finding tickets ui special events or to -howing The thousands of people who conterged on Washington this weekend lo celebrate Ronald Reagan - second in augur at ion were all playing a game, hut lo them it was not a trivial pursuit It was cstremely serkxis off expensive ,1.thing Petiole played lor power in other ways, with the net result a general feeling of g.»xl will Richard Byers. press secretary for Sen John Heinz, proved very helpful in arranging for credentials to cover ol ficud inaugural events This weekend t Washingtonian- were all an«KXis to establish contacts. io he seen at the right panics, to wear the right clothes In the annas, thet tur Although Heinz t office did ma have passes for any of the event- I wanted to .over. Byers suggested that I introduce myself to Jim O'Toole. the Washington nxinded one of the most important historical events of the decade with a game-like atmosphere Even the I'nisersity students who staff writer for The Pittsburgh PostGazette Although his deadline was approaching. O'Toole -pent 20 minutes talking to me and arranged for me to went to DC to lake pan in the lettitnies played games in order to get iiekctt lo the inaugural halls or to meet important politicians who could he in sited to speak on campus Frank Lunu. a May graduate who played an active role in many ol thiweekend's events, described the atmosphere of the city as ' upbeat. hut not euphoric" as everyone sought to gram and win favors. "The object was to show off who you knew and what events ynu .ould get into." Lunu said lasl nighi "It's all being trendy, he added At Perm you've got to go to the right panics — it's the same thing in Washington, escerjt it's more imponant because people's lives are made or broken " Perhaps the best example of an event al which people tried to he seen was the Slt«xi a plate benefit for the National Concert ante Political Ac thin Commit tec t NCPACI held -Sunday night at the Post Office Pavilion, a shopping center like the Bourse Tickets sales for the event, which featured performances hy Sammy Davis. Jr and Lome Greene, went poorly until Friday, when the out-oftown inaugural revelers began lo amvc Then - - as people realized that no other inaugural events were planned for chat evening - more than 200 of the 700 tickets were sold in the two day s prior to the event "NCPAC already had the reputation of throwing great parties, so it suddenly became the thing to go lo." one of that organization s officials said "When people realized it was the star attraction that night, everybody had to be there and that made ticket sales go up a lot." And it was obvious M the dinner that if one had a. one ought to Haunt n Thexigh sub-zero temperatures invaded the nineteenth century building, creating arctic-caliber drafts, most of the women cover several events for which I had not been granted press clearance For one evem. Saturday morning's youth leadership conference, he offered me his paper's only ticket because, he said, the event would be of more interest to Daily Ptwvytvamtm readen than to those of the Post-Gazrnr Both Byers and O'Toole were playing the part they have to play as actors on the Washington scene - helping out a fellow journalist who happened to be from their home Mate In the process they added a special warm touch to my weekend and helped make the game seem like child's play - tlmj EM** CnwUy III! HUM PfrNNSM.WMVS hniurs IV IMS «..IIMMIJ.. y\t.v » Wilson Goode renews Philadelphia's optimism in I1IU as j resuli ,.l |h«-s»- tas > halites I his licure \Ui.h projecuatihe taOOmdlion ConvcMtoa Centn ihe V<«i nulli..n H.MIV ...mpk-v th»- \stm 1111II1..11 IKM rowed .ns! ihe S'Vi miiium re»k>ej.>piiK-iit ,-i ilk- formei Pennsylvania • k-ik-ul M,.spitj| sue ix-ar the 1 mvenM) Qoodc -at.1 23.000 cominiction I.»I*S will rx- created as lt result ..| ihcse and .Ktx-r projacll eseiiiualK ,1. ■■ -■ V ** permanent ion in ttk- v it) OK • tikisi hitfhK |Hihli,i/ed UKCCUCS in ' 'Ik I .liter Cm commute! lunik m mtd Novcmbei ending decades ol iverme ■ iikl rspenditures ol ..set S*ixi millasn ihe- tunnel whadi conaecti rhe t..r ik-r Reading Md I'enn 1 anutef rail Ink's . ■ rs«.n t.'i ilk merchant! ..t < .alien II siikc it hrincs more is-..pi. 1.. the .its s downtown sh.'[M dislri.l ( riiks like Wolfe .IJIIII lhal the .urrent sssum tor.es >its resi.k*llts 1 . pas moTC .. than sulxilhjlute. who ute into th*- . its Ilk new etk-it ol fs«h Ihe .its waft las ai»l tlk prop .its sales las 1. that .Hs lesident- »'el hit lor r •s ' iatd lins,irises ir»r nts s moat faMhhiltaxpayertout to the suNirbs when- the uses are lowei ami <Hlk-i s, ii,- K-ttei to h...i I :fs with ,111 impending concentrate its cfldrti on • Good) lo a.hiese Ihev goals impieiikiit .1 aeighborl ■ ( hnslophei - ..I within 20 days HMIIIIV for |9N is >>nr .■■ntimir.l .ihilit. In work iMrtlMf Creating more jobs, solving trash crisis chief goals for second year K iinnnuril Irmn patr I) nwanb comifucimf .1 LonvciWoa center in Cental Cm .1 pfufccl L'un&idcrcd vital lot bringing more i'»ns 10 Philadelphia Man) "i (jade - . rm.« have said th.it IIK maym i> irtten I»H» UUK k I I stirrendCI tc ihf svnhes 14 * rls CtallK'll Isvenrs seventh vv.it,l Republican Lcaiiei Matthew vsi.ii,GoooV ma) have solved sorm i»f thi ctf) s problems «.IKI Iti.ii more quitkl) hecattM ■■< hu pm*J rapport svHli < it* t uuneil Km vv islft uud tti.it mhei problems like Ihe trash disposal ami cattle lelcvisasn issues hecame mire serious hecausi l removed hmiwit (rorn the decision process allowing ihe ii *i'H» free .1 luiki vvoiu said the env, remains vsith*mi sjMi- televnion pjrii.ii MHIIK U because Goiidc dul nol impose his \*ill upon Cil> Ctmrkil and allowed ihe counctlnien 10 squabble ovci how 10 aranl Ihe Iranchnc I IK- maym had an oppnrtunti) i" vave lime h> Ion City. Council t" L-<» along with ihe cable iranchiscs already negotiated hs ihe lormei administration and * it) 1 laincil inn he HM on his haauV Wallc taaJ toarcsull ihe crty 1* ant jn\ closerlt>pdtmgcable Is manbclorcGtaide selection It (jotidc h.ni forced the uawc »>• WHIW IX- ihji much ^ION^I ii* petting, cable lot the ^it\ IK- added VV..IU- IIMI said ihji Hu . n . current tush disposal pro Mem could havsi been handled more cfleclivcl) r>\ Ctaide \n.-i extensive neighborhood oppoMtioa Cd) Council Mccntlv refused to approve ihe mayia s plan for a lacitN) th.it would generate elcctricits hv, burning ir.ish I ndci rhe Green admrnoiralion 1 it) ( nuncil dragged ri* ted nn the Iraah rsauc r»'it '*»* n vteflls tin- ISSIK- h.is been completcl) stonewalled hi *.n<i 'Without some sort ol kaig term trash dmanal plan ilk cit) has in contract .11 hi^h prices ui have IN tr.ish hauled ktnget -itkt ksnget distances \ 1 1 .•oponunm to .is^rt hunaell »nh 1 Nit In- ihi>M- h.« to do HI «. ik'» ilk problem has reached unbelievable proportaais \s.«iii 1 Hjodc stressed the upheal ihn montli *IK'H hi' rcvtcaicd his .niinini-iuthMi - i'*K4 accomplishments in hu iir^t annual Stale "i the ( us \ddrcu Ilk' nuvi'i ».II«I '"H i»i hi\ admintstratMsn s pnikipal tcments in IvMM *«> re aaluiag irte c«> * econotm H. credited -i coalaam itl governmeM ncighnnrhauds I.|K»| jlkl huMrK's^'* Wllll Iklpm^ t»» rtCVCrSC I'tlll.kk'lphl.i x 11 downward empktyment irend and lostenng inch kui- .•! ikivhiv.ih.xi redevelopment hula) nui -it. rriiiKTii th.ii i< coMrollmg Ms spending J govcrnmem tlut is working with business mote ecomtma devekspment aixl create tabs and .1 govern meiM th.it is nk.v me , ti.sei t.. its rv»>pk' IT.MII .ill wjlks ..I likin eVCTV lk-lchN>llit«Hl Ihl.HlL'h.ml Ilk' sits < its.sk' sasd Philadelphia is .1 .us creating 1 new imagi Hew s isii.n ha the tutiue New members are welcome1 Refreshments will be served Our Pito Pocket Super Sandwiches are Mied to overflow ing with an sets of wonderful tmngs to drive your mouth mad with desire For example our Pita Paul and Mary tea tures tosty Virginia Ham and Smoked Turkey Breast writ Thousand island Dressing and Cole ^ J StOW 0' try cur #V 8 Ball m the Corner Pocket Or choose Irom a wild assortment of snacks steaks sinful omelettes decadent drinks and desserts that could mean the end ot civilization as we know it today •&SMARTAIIX33 " •• and J •IMikiil pl.ici I..1 ilk' CM) 111 .in .illi'inpl i.. ti'htiikl Ilk .in . IIIIIJSIIIKIIIK He lus begun pi..u>is ranging from ihv si-i iniiii.in improvement ..1 ttk- eastern end ..1 Marfcat Street HI the resurfacing "i '5 miles ..1 reudential streett.Hal »»l Ihe presi.kis \e.ir I 1. IH t r . capital IIH- .its will , improvements human service as services to neighbortuxsji ihe masoi stressed th. importan continued support ol the DUMH in sustaimn) momentum ot his firal scat in " ke) 10 building on iik acosmplishmenu ot 1-1X4 iik-elirif the challcn) aikl ,ir sisions t,.i i'»»»i and heyoii revenues and' t 'sen prop. i. .. .its,, ordered .1 personnel Mnng Ireeax \ llengC '"I Ilk masor is .mi continued aMits t.. woik logethei government businev. i.its.i and nciahhiH ii.-.l1,1 ; fp - r j- _ ii L> J '■ DP I In first \rjr in < il\ Hal. Seniors Sign up to have your senior portrait taken tor the Yearbook. Call 898-8720 for a sitting appt. (HHMU k« |H ihr BagtH in Hiiliidtlphiii god ttpc-dMcd »ilul Sh PI \ upairs PENN CAMPUS/FACILITY HISTORY & GUIDE PROJECT WORK STUDY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARTICIPATION Writing and Research Drafting Photography Piaaaa contact Harold Taubln PHONE 898 5831 (Bring $30.00 In order your yearbook.) UNIVERSITY CITY " 1 NAUTILUS i Free Ballet Classes Saturday Jan. 26 11:00 - 12:30 with Diane Stern -principal ballerina with Ballet Klos "First Come. First Served, "We suggest you resene a spot. Class size 13 limited . i8fc bbb6 iqeou*; amne^ OecoOent Onn.s Anfl • vioinmefii OWS Out) Mos'erLoifl visa Cone Bionc r* ana occasionally cosn ; Bu' no t'ee luncn will develop .1 -lie twice the c ioode -.11,1 that an aaprecend I hdlasn in pn . .•milk'Mal Jeseli.pi'knt has been alitkKiike.l in the , its PITA, PAUL AND MARY. NOW PLAYING AT SMART ALEX. W economicall) nisiiaiion on ikiehrs.iikssl improvements and Iik nus.u jis.. expressed concern thai s. its W.HIM ■ HOC million bud) ( it\ busincu leaders haw- praise.I UiNidc lOI ,han. husine%s taxation alterations svhich ihev claim remove a ma i.-r nhatacle to pn ipunsioa lave> an Tk.v> collected "ii a pi..lit hasv.l plan ralhet Ihan Ofl rCCC^tS as in Ilk' past Asociacion Cultural de Estudiantes Latino Americanos Will meet TODAY (Wed . Jan. 23) at 8 PM in the HRE roottop lounge USA-II Uondc lus ais.. lormuuMCd .. comprehensive econonui ACELA This is an IMPORTANT meeting for all 'i Gondi recycling eflort w. will also take " ik'.essars toluse ik ss dis|s.. 1.11 ts. increase tlk- .its s roe- and now 1 iondt 1.1.1..! thai ihe .us will Commission 1..1 NcighNsrhiaids ain.h functnfl to oiiei p.ii,> advice m tha We w ill institute hs the' end of ll expenditures. imtinui |S'., sill .its masoi ;. omeM plan Ihe- masor said Ik' will ais.. appoint a nhhi.n committee ol union members CIVH eaden and .<he-r, mxcni n. rind .■ »JS to 1 •nuin.ip.il (k-nsion .ost> while still providing ac retirement hem I masor must solve in the- coming sear Indeed Ilk- masoi himscll has said he considers tlk' formul 1' ' I w manage mem -> stem a- oik ol his top > tut tor I''-long icrm waste dupnaal needs I in. ma. in, lu.k purcba laikllill capacM) and It Hospital whnh jtirlbornoods 1.1 1 Ooodt wpponen md crsuci alike agree that Ilk- trash issue is one- ol the- ke> piuWBim Ilk- ' I h«' kv\ tu realizing our ilk main conumi ettorts will iv concentrated in areas with isHenii.it ..onoiin. .II,' 1,'inple I thai rkiildini' .1 lepla,. IIK in ' w.Hikl lake it least MI months Gondc ins lhal construction .rew. work ai.Hind Ilk (HHMIC: and MI w.kii.l esiahhsh several innei .its indu mak ing i.shs iik.re accessible 10 , its le.id. 11: Ml iinsale tail bndfC forced tin- tunnel to Jose les. 1! . . ,--, ■ ■ opened When t Wihofl delWM sh.nii.1 svMhtn its said that his ruuon t..i 1'hila.k-lphia I e,on..mi. growth rcsponsibl laming the MIS S infrastructure improve neig^ibornoodi 1. ode was ais,. lauded foi hu .kMsis, Ihe- tepaiT- - budget University City Nautilus cares about your needs and meets them. University City Nautilus University City Mall - 4009 Locust Street Philadelphia. Pa 19104 382-9010 PM.I- 4 III) 1)411.\ KNNSM \ %N1AN Campus Events A listing of University news and events ►fNN SUMMER ABROAD Fa* Wadriaaday January » Mliilir 100 pm and 500 pn Boosa launga i« too Houakm Hai Free CAMPUS f VI ST'. are kated lea, m e pod pussc servsre of tie Uni.iM, ol l*s»r.ie,».eiaa and an aek-tiii.eesiefl lor tie Un».ere«, by "»• Oar/, Aannnnanun Than a no cnatga lo aunonrad Ur»,a«a«y .■"mm )>I>«I to taavtga ol FREE •vanta latenge me. » rneeed or (Mead «i person ai T V Oaty P»v> s-ta-kenavi Biasneee 0»3ce 4014 Amii Street from tarn «o 4 p m THE AMERICAN Marketing »aanriaw.«i organuakonal maakng Ml Be nakj Wadnaaday Jen 23 at ? pm m Vanoa Hal Rm B-10 Markakng and NorvMarkakng ma tort ara «aKnma UNFTED JEWISH APPEAL cam paagn a January 21 lu Fabuary 10 Inter eeieJ Mudanki mual anand ona aorkarap January 71 73 a 7* at ' 00 P m M4a* Monday trvougri FrnMy Cantpua tvema ad no) Da accapkso oy pnona » aord km* rue Oatt "•nrm»»an»>n reeervea use r«j« to eo** Campus Ftwa accordkng to apace •a-'stafcoria UNrvERSrry TELEVISION turn naaoa arrears parlor mat tunny people to* neat kve oomady enow* .•nancanacaaaary CM Dae ■BOSS! Of Todd 3§T-JrW CM TOD4y —i !!»«■■ a» 9k. dam Onjar>/ahoni •*• meal tkJed Jan n alSpm astneMflt rooOop tounga For mora rnkjiinafcoii cat tie Greenkeid mavcuilutai Cank» u» Padm « c*V 10»4 i«'l R POLO Ouo maars Tusa day and Wadnaaday najhtt at s 44 •tO-moat NawmarnMrsraakxma 1 aaktaTJi A> - /.'. ' 'u- TOMOmOW~ FMI AMERICA ScmOAHs AJkanca «ponao«i ainoun of pnongtapna on central Amanca Sncw opana lode,' Houston HM An Cili'i * i 'j. i' Mt "*i ■"•«"■ n njMt »•■ Ml »anca MM B' Naw "anajars aaauirna Gal ma msar nal«naf •—• CMESS CLUB meets kngM «s »a «oo> o> Houaion Hai hom ; 30 urm ris«-in«/.i Hoards and fats ara pro><Md Cave's Pi aa saenga-st aetcotrie Atktnkon etecfjone nail A SENSOR SMASH' Thursday '000pm Kjck oil ina limian m stykj Saapoatars tor ucabon BADMINTON PRACTICE January 71 and 73 4-7 pm at Wasgnman Hal For xto cal Laura 30B-3479 Jackay 3070039 u> Pan 300-4444 GAY MENS Oacuatmn Group Ogan./mg rneekng kx Si»mg Semetkj. tVadnaada, January 73 19M Sponaorad by umarMv Counaafcng Sannca Few locefcon Of other mtormalen iil OOO CO?! mxxamnt i N't'-v* A-». tor kscn and produCfjon pnakoiia January 74 and 74 CM AMon 77? 7904 tor apcontmant Aur> l«nsjan ?7and70HR[ Rakasar 7 Xpm Hi ,"(«*.. MAGAZINE naadt you' m«ro maakng Wadnaaday January .*3 Houaion Hal rm 300 9 00 p m Ba ona <i ma taw tha hjfl H^noM Marf WATOO' NVOLVED strain tna Undarg/ad Psychology Sooary' c^narjt maating Thursday 4 30 Houtaon Hal Room 230 Nabona1 Psychology Honor Socssty nto Naw mimbt't waicoma Harraanmanis MEMBCrlSHIP Ur,«» Waak" Jom today to you can par t-c^ata ft M tha aicttvig programs •M* Km* ptannad lor ma lamastar' ?0? S 3rHh Si 8»» 'y*< ' I «•-. <a ' mandaiory maattu •or M na» houasrs and srliars Thurs Jan ?4 Houaion Hal rm 303 8 00 suing scftarJuia on ofkca toot '.', ''LAYERS saat dawgnars product'* '•■ ' i • actors staga managars puolca4s props paopta and caw mrjmoars tor spr ng drama Bracm i Caucasian !•* C'CM CM 090-7470 GROOVE PHI Groova ptatams Tony Brown rjf Tony Brown s Journal Toprc Blacks and Jaws FriandS o< Foas Thursday January 74 Logan Hal B • ' p m •up Maakng Thursday Jan 74 6 30 p m B-6 VancaHM Putfcc domam sotwara aichanga itxtg blank MI mtot inalsjn aachanoa into 22? 3006 NOT NECESSARILY tha In augural Bal A danca sponaorad by ma nr» HakM at Pann Thurs day Jan 24 to 00 pm wth 0 J Enc 20? S 30M St Danca Mmgkt and hava ton' PHHADEIPHIA NEEDS you coma to Pann Communtly Ounaach ofcjrmakon maatmg 9 pm WadnatoWy Jan 73 1904 > taw turn Cankn 3770 Chaatnut a to 222 4407 HEUiSICR FOR Lanma - HatMt inoncraditi claasas workshops and samnars m Haonrw vodan HMory rwtirjon PoMtcs ate Step by l0> ragrslr Man it.' 70? S 30*< Si Craasas bar>n Mon Jan 70 M i *«M'.'Clu vonup tor a porVM srlkng Ki sat your PC tura <r> tha yaafOook THE BLACK fVMARTON ■*) Ha having panai ikautamin Jan 74HS00nDHrm380 There ««■ Mao M a ganaraJ maakng THERE IMU ba • Oanaral Maaang and knaatiian Qama ie.tstet.ii on Thuraday I94AW ■ « 30 p m 'oom 3«i SHOH Can E'« 307 40?? * unatM k> aland WOMEN S ALLIANCE •*• hotd an *npotan< maakng toraght lr?4 7 30 « ma Pann Woman t Censer Fm koor 0> HouMon HM A» a» •atom, ID anand WrtW-sdas. Jimuri U, I'M* UA will discuss Irvine plans, campus safety at first meeting By l-UH SV**.RI/ PENN PLAYERS drama Tha rtiiraaiari Cna» c»cta by BracM Aurjaona Sunday. Jan 7' Hi Ban Frankkn Room Mon Jan It Houakm Hal Aursabnum ■»r5ro vtXJ ARE maad » a aafcoma back ludrjan nononng our n»m rjukkng akfdaraa Had and lacuky « Pann kjaomng 4 46 p m aar ncaa lapn»ni«na»i 5 46 p m I m •urn JO? S 30m Tht 1 nuVrfradiutc i!i\tiiNi plans AualtliKiuni. 30»i and Watnul ?nd *oo> Brcran "ENTKtN CAMPi '. ■>*»)«-. ■rastad i running a bacsai dumg rmg Fkng Appkcaaons are now m ma OOaca ol Student lie iHouaion Htf ' 101 Oaarjkne Fab 16 BRIDGE •lAVCr. Play dupkcaM bndga every Wadnaaday r*gN at 7 pm above uatataiai m Houaion Hat Partnarslapa ar-ang ad Cat Dan -n advance ai 307-4043 COMPUTERS AND SOCIAL raaponrMMrty daKukSron group mpact crl mrMory rundng on 'aaeanrh Friday t X pm n me Moore School room 464 COUNTERPARTS JANUAM BOREE> Acappeaa smgng ai iravagarua lealurmg groups kom Tutts Yale and Pann Partor mancas at 7 00 and 9 30 Tenets 13 40 at door and on Locuel Wats GRAD STUDENTS Gtad HeMi at Pann a haying a special Grao ShabbM drnner Friday January 74 Ai Grade mvaad Sign-up by 4 p m Thuraday. Jan 24 202 S 36th Si ett 7301 HtLLELS inaugural Servce and dtnnar Wat Da held Fraley Jan 24 Sanncaa Cvthodoi plus conaar vakve 4 44 p m Retorm 6 30 p m LViner Thursday Shabbal Shaken KAPPA ALPHA PSI rrYtrfkss yuou 10 Loose on Froay January 26th ■ The Bode* Lounge ol Houaion Hal starting at 10 p m BUM MUSIC OF Oomenax Scarlatti Dana Marben nokn Chnau Raarcn harpracnoro Fraiay January 2S 8 pm Church ol the Saw* 3Btn and Ludtow free PROGRESSIVE STUDENT Alkanca hrst maakng aapraaa your opanon on a program--a aganoa tot Pann 7 30 p m Bashop whaa room Thuraday January 24 I9a*> RAISE HELL w*h your Drains Al the Phaumathaan Sonyty maating' I ood and ton on Friday at I 00 pm tourth koor coaega has SCCIET> OF Woman Engtnaars Waleoma Back Druncft and general maakng Thursday 1/74/04 11 AM m RaJar Lounga Fnd out whal w* Ot happening thrs Mmaalat' TAKE ACTION FOR Human rrgnts Sovrat jews need your voaca Par topaky m me Waehrngejn Lobby For ragrslrafrO" intormahon saa DP ad*. IB the rcnoyaic Irvine* UnivcrMlyN hnnot The I'A will also have a new memhrr this M-nvrsici u>po<irn.>re replacing: Nnah Whirtnn Breakvtnnc The Irvine AuJilnnuni (Oniminee met loe 4< minutes ycvict.ljN StNGERS Jon ArtMt Ptvays jawash cosegeacw cnoa Wa ang ninaraaanrs to Rock Fr/st raharar sal Sunday January 2' 6 30pm at Pann a Miiai Can Sieve 06? 1*70 ptnhahly weeks in the ol (he neil lew I A ( hattnun Hrm-ks Harris satd last ntfhi I'A rnemhef Ri* (rnttn said last ni([h( thai nuns siudc-ms ,lnn t knnw all the surtnundinf the Irvine "One oi the prtirileiiis we run into is that the sludem raajs dm-sn I know lhaT much jhnul (he lr\inc situadon (inrin a Wtumw nuke vanl ftCNhttun an effort at Vs,- n rducatin-- »•-"'• •-'••- •^•KtT T*NO) HutMA CMACNAind gkm *>• -aBX-tMt o» grMi »«v*-, ir*ak*o*-nq t«cft waton l^-** Ort H»» .-**»xo«» OHM tWU -Xkadvt. -nO>v<a^H '-*»• liViMf *K> rtu iMt*. NHI md oucuy *i «M m*f* $1 W o- -•■m.-w. 1. itw h»*»i ajaroow txH^aon an**mw (\s tmwmmm M<W*%U» ttmiw at P»«n' SaM*tKKon 9L***rm»6 PtHX CiUfll»US COURMS MrtA * *VV.»I1 m*9n*q* b^j-*vx-ig j*n 79 . y » 'sas.#«.v*', «**-«,»■%■ JxsjtW JUMHiug• 9 Btuon* *00 ■ . • '.' bC ."is* ii-.se-*) FMC BRCFING Saaaton tor Sales and Chemcai Encanaars Thurs day January 24 7 9pm Houaion HM Ban Frankkn Room Co sponsor Marketing AaeocMkon AI are eetcomod GRADUATE STUDENTS Tha Aceoema- rob March WaajIWigme cnancas of getting tenure Mon day January 20 43OO00 pm on Houeton Hal Racket" i hon r3»74XC^e*r>lenr-ngerid ^ATIONAL ASTRONOMY/ lonoapnare Canker Aracajo Observaiory summer student pro gram astronomy ssectroncs com pular scence atmospheric SCrence Must Da sjraor senror gtad Deadkne Fee t Oataes i'i-, ajaj LEARN MORE IN LESS TIME Take advantage ol University Rearing and Study improvement Service Cat tor a kae mtervarw »»«434oreomeioA3 Educatron Buaong STOOWakvjt THE FIRST BOSTON Corporalon wat be on campus lo dracuas with undergraduates career oppor m rnveetment Banking Jan 23 7 00 pm Hajh R^Normtooltop WORK STUDY posnrons avaAsbk) 2 poaarons m Career banning and Ptacamam OlVe - Graduaie and Prjiaiiiunal School Aovsng Area Please apply now wan Jan m CF^S ortica EkMCCS Dircvtnr and Rnhert hs ihe Indergradualc Avsetnhls m c« lend ({>ni hour's in H p m no weekends A lasl L'A conduclcd surves showed that We II he Ui>ka.inf> intn how cllecltsc the' * urtcni IkafrfJlB is and nnw (ait i( is t«i Harris lhj( a cnmmiltee has heen Itkikinp ai ihc- (kissihiliis mi |x-ilcstrian IV.'pIc hjsc valets l.aikc-d nn inln nl campus prutlirtk: up Mjins in warn nmtiirisls nl Ihc- pnssihilm nl pedestrians in the JTCd Hams students strnnajy lasnrrd milulls said that bBCBBH a student this lh' sjtd is Cnntmitlce persuaded ("hairitun Cilen .•..in,' list- sltcvt last setiK-sier The I A will Inrnulls (ilassiKl M extend more students in Ihe annminve the in see an increase of several hundted people M Ihe weekends Schusiet sakl hrfiinnini! l-ehrujn. 4 ai the tm-eltn^ inni|ihi Hi, \ DMU| Sets 1 The thtiHii'h ihe ellnns nl tended on a uial ha>is lo test sludem The Irial will run until spring in 11 a m increase In 10 p m rfoy or t**nlng 568-5972 t&% Uimng Vrii.es ( n Chairnun Wends in student use THE SECRET IS OUT- '< nnttnurtl /rum page I) ClassiKi and Schusicr warned thai it gsm is not actively, used. Ihe hours aaaj THE SALE ISON- JANUARY 23 to 26, 1985 (EXCLUDING ALREADY MARKED DOWN CLEARANCE MERCHANDISE) STORE ■=23 University of <C> Pennsylvania g>m. "When the cold weather comes increase in student pressure on our lax times." he said well as they did." said 11A Chaimun Htmks Hams will increase student use of the gym "I know that many students will come this weekend." he said last night (ilascntt said that his slafl will be put ling up signs around the gym and pool in p m an effort to inform students ol ihe ex weekend schedule The ness htHirs.il suc.csslul. mas no tended hours Rl.h.iti said lasl inch! Ihal hct intnmiltcc I A will rkiw siart a drive In fuse j Mi.isk bar p m <>n .aittpus where students ,jn nuke up Dieliich Hall Kings Court hnglish She said HKMIS House* prnpns.il was fx-itik.* dec ulcd high lurnoul lontghl nt Ihc* i> iiR'mber fhe meeting is scheduled Inr in t.kini l-(H Sicinherg u k) HJII Other items OB (he agenda include Ihe 'Hihlishing nl a I A newsletter. Ihe plac nig nl suggesiinn Nues around campus and We ate pBifaJ I" tfcl whateset we .an in see that re.nrded all Icsiimons he said is pjupul) When thai is rJOM ■VC .-i'i pTOtSBBd ttniu Ihc'te Ms hope is th.tl there will he BB luenscs but H si.ai scheduling all weekly of ihc group's hi meetings tor the renuirtaler of the' se'tik'stet restaurants ihe examiner wuh Michael Karp has ncscr wnrked well in a group and he is msiing us j cte.it .leal nf unic and mnncs ihciiisclscs nuking joking wise between cracks and .ailing each .4her bs their first names " IK- SJI.I ol an nfti.e Utltl W'alnul Street which mas as house many ihree additional liquor serstng wslablishments I nuersils ntti. lals and members nl the Sansmii Streei Committee met today Karp mas protest lor several seats lo begin discussing what University Real He told us lhal he intends to continue Inr tise years." she I don't bcltese he chance nl placing winning my the dispute, restaurant in said has. a he i» financial difficulties I -late Cnnsullani Paul Levy is calling "suhseqiicnl issue's "We began discussing how Meiravian Street nuy "Wc also be improseo." MkJ larvy began discussions pf a timetable tor Ihc* constTxiclinn I his kind ol Ihinc makes sou "I do not utklivsund (he basis for his wonder it this is ■ Ian ssstciti Sans, .in (nminitiec* mcinricis said last nighl lhal Ihcs believe they the ..instruction butlding on linns in net rcstaurani. said she believes "Although were possible W ki\. who needs the liuunt license in appealing nidinary They he added ihe lawscrs was alsci out ol the As pan of the agreement, the Sanvim ('nmmittee has consented not to lighl the nt.ler In obtain I bank loan for rcnova Kar*p also said he beliescs the relalmn nl SWS|JIIH-.I 1 ..nls IB sjs Ihiw things will end ship .nv.1 Ihe mainrtls nl .mrs will even fvoatd mcnibets JI ihe healing, n we II gel Ihc license's." Hraserman said Ihe ludge openls ob|e« led I" opposition." she a.lde.l malls the Iniversits atkl Ihe wilhdrcw of Us npposiiton liquor licenses to complete its c.instruction by April but is expected lo petition for an Sanseim ("ominiilce. the Iniscrsits Inr distribution The* University is under legal nhliga lion In accordance w ith an agteeineni sign cd last week hs looks like there s a KM) percent chance Contact: JCAB 202 S. 36th St. 3rd floor 898-8265 JACKETS Ihe he reduced In Ihe current \2 noon lo .1 deal of Karp's icsiimonv the* next Iwn weeks Volunteer Service in Israel -Summer '85 Work in Day Camp and Community Must speak Hebrew and have worked with children Airfare and housing provided ALL of ospccialls since winter started Karp: liquor license hearings 'unjust' PROJECT RENEWAL 20% starting last He added (hat he has seen an alter ] p m hreak Harris said lasl nighl lhal he cvpeds j ( nttiniillec I,IS p m added that he Ircis ihe extended hours lhat the nlea was pul on hold while Ihe ^JIIK' -INHII Gla-kcott said sestcrdas that weekday hours were extended from 12 noon to 9 The Whannn and rnginccnng senior (ilascntt said nrni hours arc Ivinv' ta I ;'utl im'se on Sundays I m really glad things worked out ■ hope tut Insi dining MTVici Hnuse shcirscr on Saturdays and 13 noon lo II p m gjra .nsiituiinn nl htcuklast sersne al Kinj: Knicltsh sports, hours could go back into effect, he said usualls around Thanksgising. there is an He added llul he hopes the additional hours will draw When ihe weather is bet to outiloor hem,; June hit hs j >jt while SSJS suited September nnls Ihe Sundas hours reaclion he ukl added pfOW/1a>| semcsier esiended hiktrs AlhlelK ler The ness hours are I i noon to 7 p m The muse OOafaBi in resptin*e in efloris extension U-sy said he helicses the Committee will agree lo this extension lo ihe to the "Wc wanl In sc((lc* all of Ihcse issweand we will he meeting wuh the I ebus Kesiaurani. (he White Dog Cafe residents user the next lew weeks." he and a proposed Irish pub added Consulting Jg ■ Not jus, for MBAs • One of the fastest growing career opportunities for technical graduates Have you considered technical management consulting.' Find out if vou should from the worlds leading consulting firm. Who shoillll .lllcnd: * Inalmctor It K*n KrvtMool. B A .Hittrfonft J 0 (V «* UWeM«aN: •■^«u« Wtxlii Pr-otMalor-itl Bai'room tna-lAiClor. .orm*r ArlNir Mwrrvy ir-wfrvcto* For li^onnalion and rvgiimtloa •GCTTA Sports at Ihe (is m Hatris sjkl .ill studenis HraWaMrnrfnrSTrQ •jjVaVisBfjW Intramural he effevtive during the wintertime. < .lax.4i said I Of Aa-I 0«S tOOOiW-W i 3 S M» 1*4 BVC •> v Recreation "Vic The I nuctsio s hunnr .ink will alvi CBS MAGA73NES Mnomy Intor matron Session 4 0 30 p m Oraenksad mssrcuiturai Cantar Co spunaor UrvMd Mrnonty Counca To ba hald on Thursday Jan 24 weekend. Vhusiet said this week thai ihe I'A had !l-rni\JtliH-l (hem BLOOMiNGOAiES General ntor matron s in on Thursday Jan 24 • 9 p m Houaion Hat HSP Open ID M F*r*eahments wrl be served this (ilaK'isTt said sesirrdas Itiiin-t in Kindly recycle this product of many a weenie • lin-i "It kalis irntjtncK like we re |intni| In Ai a tm'tr oiensisc surso AUDITIONS FOR Intuejone Spnng Pnjducfton An ungrnal play about ma tatoormebury Group Houaion HstHrnra! January 27 12-6 71? and January 20 6-t? I) (iimhel (ism will he i»prn laler slat I intn Ihe actions nl (he ludgc and ON CAMPUS! Hi T-U'B SWART/. wtm (walls he* awarded the licenses BALLROOM DANCING CLASSES! Gym hours on weekends are increased for Gimbel Iranstcrmi in antKhci in\lilulHKi issues A PUNCHBOW1 MEETING1 For old and new arkats wnksrs and Duarnaas paopM Noon Saturday room 3 tr».na Basement Macadam* nuis avaitabte on will ctkir and i.aninu\ safcry students AiANON M pm ft | A»»fmbt> mcrt d>f the ftru tirrsr tht» sctrsrslrt In iH-hninil t-nuiualr atuoVnts A a-nnrs S[K'.tktT: i ."> Mmupr \a*r f*r*Mid>nt Whfti: \S..lnrsdav January Z\. ISKj VimTtkl pm Where: Ka.sU'r U.unri' Tbwnr liuiMinic 2nd r'Wair IV K )/ UUN&IIWUIK )\ l\( FUTONS lilt l)\ll >, PtNNsM \ \NUN Greeks oppose supervision by adults in chapter houses B> HI KA SIUW At an .^vrn Inrum la>1 ni^hl lr*ictni[> jnd snroriiv nicmhcrs SJK] thcv arc .if. pr»cJ 10 *lult suprr\iNH<n in .runlet l»»»sc« The Greek members SJKI Ihc Inicr !rjierniiv ( ,mikil should Jevelof jn in icrnjl review panel to discipline . hjpu-rs. adding Ihjl adult supervision is out nesessars Fhe lurum vvhish •« OCJIMMd hv :lx- PraMnfe) Md SoraH) \dvis.ir\ *as designed t" jii.'vs Greed menben ti» evpreai their views .HI *ii.it involvement in Irjtcrnitv hie s,-vsiv elected UNertannaV) i ooocil I'nsidenl Mislurl Sfiein said ust nn'hi •k- Icvls adults should pljv a In'i ri Iratirnits life The term adult involvi-incm SJUSSS IHC a link- BfOpklW lx- said I think all the mcinberi ol the C irL i ■ adults This person VS.HII.I N moot effcl Hvc in an advisors not j sunvn is.»>v role IIK- 'shew most povsirtul fufCC that 0* .an help I* .1 peel IIVHVS Shew add,.! Phi Iviia Then Prcudetn Pen whether the status ol adult involvement needs in he .handed and il so in what manner But traternitv and wrorits memhers said adult supervision would he sontrars to the spirit ol (,reek lile What I i*K"v' to is the- I nisersitv ctMOCOaJ to have vHiieone some and live in our house, said C hi OIIKI dcnl P*i|[e Druinmonsl I think most .1 us i.nned traternities and sororities t.leas] a more private life . Phi I psil.vn (Mother But *ulsi*>r\ hVurd Chairman Mars saul she feels the s hapters with disciplinary problems do not en SKuraee an aslequate level ol adult insolvemenl I tiHjnd a prol.Hiikl nevutise at n*»sphere toward a live in rn»n hrother tor avlvue he said We are more There s a level ol adult inv.vlscment in the strone oi^'ani/ations whish is not what I see in the* pr,»hlematis ,hap(ers ,HI sampus sos said last nifhf that 'IK- IPC vsill coll sidit the .nation of an inlirrul rou-vs tsijr.t at its nieciing lomorrooj Vs hen prohlenis eatne up. it prows .1 iH.ii . mharrassm,-nl to u. said Phi President Mi.e issue ot aslult I . •. WENDELL WELLS -The choreographer for Sister Sledge \ I asuiiv Senate sutxommittee is also knfcUMJ int>> the issue .imt will eafldUCl Hi own surv. • hie Ihe 3:00-4:30 WITH In addilkin the- IK and the Inter traternitv Alumni Council have distributed a survev on IIK- ISS(1, "First ('(•me First Served. ii( v«i,ri,vw you resern ./ spot (7«m w.« js limited supers isiou in .it ol a • . i sou repon oo .i ra|V ai i'>. \ i ' I I ■ .l.iinlv IIR- re(vi.rt led the aslrninistralion to seek turths*r inlormalion arvout t oeek lile on sampus l»\N s\| SHI Kt. KtlHHIf Mm NiKhl Kdilnrs I heta PrCMdM PMCI Hoius •ircst s..luti..n is the Iralcrnilv svsicm dis. iphnuii: its own member*. SAT., JAN. 26 H.sir.1 ha> sutseved varunjs ,anipus (.reek or^ani/ations and other non (.nek organizations ,HI the pOMtbUlT) ol aslult supervision 01 tratcrnities , rupter. have ahsolutelv 00 lor evlra aslult involvement Council FREE JAZZ DANCE LESSONS she said alkl Soronts Vlvisorv Hoard shtniu] .id dress its solutions to those .hjptets Panhellenis III, k said UNIVERSITY CITY Ihe I raternitv arxl Vnonts ^dvlsor^ than avtequatelv vupplietl with .klvue Other dreek rersresen'jlive- said that onlv .erlain .hapters require aslult su|H/rv isjon asldine that ilk' l-raternitv nod PU.t « MSM.HU^U- Inn Wilson said he relieves ..lull supers i -...n A.mld . rejte a negative I jinone. inetnlx'ts WrdnoA.,. j.nuarv l\. IW5 UNIVERSITY CITY NAUTILUS cares about your needs and meet them j£}<ri University City Nautilus B^V J M#- \iT ^•6-**^ Un.versity City Mali - 4009 Locust Street Philadelphia. Pt 19104 382-9010 • IVItj K\M)\ SUM K I upv f-ifitiir Urn \ssist.ini to the Executive Dim lor ol I in.iiisi.il md Xdiinnistraliv,- Vr VKI'S Mars hVi'rnt.inn lOldthc I im,-rsi tv is respOOSlMc tor tin- students KAUN sWIIHs Investment Banking Opportunities at First Boston Photo Ninhl fdltors beiaf fix- l mvirsitv has t.i he ullinuliiv rctponMblc tor the students ssho live in llu'sr ti,HISS'S IIK M\KK IMI I SHIM K vsi-ll S< III I NO\ \( k ihc said I mvitsiiv PI.HIIH perceived that the \H> ittsideni was indicative »»t deepei ptv»hlcms m Greek organization, sin- \dvertisuii; I opv f dit.n added 'We decided to look at the pr> MM status o| adult involvement in Iratermties aihl sororities ami IIIKI .Hit UTV I ust lioston, .i s|>ii t.tl hr.ickei nv IIUMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIhllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (( unijnueil from pat* ' rcprctvvnfs a m-uot impfv>vefneiM I l\ . teshnoloei..il sapahilittes paml its teshnis.il trauma- proerain lor jofrnecrv is ,i non-credM entitled I W 101 .; lirni. hi ■ |ii.iiti-u-il in New V»rk. will hf recruitii K>i ram MIScnKiMfrom throfinhmit tin I nivcrsitv .irccordi.ilb Relax... Henry's coming. in \-.i result ot the er.int I \\ willev •Mte.i.iv planned soutse tenlalivels lion llav Manami ( \lll\ svH/fH invited tu attend .i presentation .mil informal reception Resumeh will be accepted from iho*c who have nni |irevii>u-sl\ submitted tin in I' )lllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIMMIIIMIIItllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllU)0millllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllMll' rntatii in Reei ption: \\l -lllll N«l |\ . 1.11111,11 , The Daily Pennsylvanian means Business k.»iiici|i I otmjjc. I li'^li Ki-i \niili - mi Q mi C \] lntii\ iiiMiii; -i hedule: : \\i . 11ic -«1.1 \ . I•i-liiu.il v I all majors welcome i I ,v - ii Planning and I'l.nrmeni Cenrei |tL,; Clu-iiuii istrei t As a member of The Daily Pennsylvanian student Business Stafl you have opportunities to gain excellent experience and training in: Sales * l.a>oul Marketing * Accounting * Creative design * Office procedures Mana^emenl Promotions Human relations The First Boston (Corporation P\RK HIMI I'l l/\ SI U ,nKk si VV MiKk * (Ompulers Make The Daily Pennsylvanian part of your education. Put some quality in your future. HOWTHEPOWERFUL RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER. Applications for our Business Training Program are now available at The Daily Penns\Kanian offices, 2nd floor, 4015 Walnut Street Slop in at the DP (it'iu-ral Intro Meeting on Friday. Jan. 25 at 4:30 to let us know voa*re interested. Attend Ihe Daily Pennsylvanian, all day Business Training Program 10:00 am - 4:00 pin on Saturday. Jan. 2h .it The Daily Ptumvlvanuui Offices. You must be a Penn student to apply. After you successfully complete the Business Training Program, you will be invited to join the Business Stafl As a member of the Business Division you will have opportunities to grow personally and professionally, while participating in a unique student activity. %*>*, The Daily Pennsylvanian Inc. is one of the largest and most successful college media organizations in the United States. The DP has dual mission: Publish a good college newspaper for Penn and provide a rewarding educational experience for our student staff members. The Business Division lnstn.sOiik-sH KiiNN.n.iiLii*',)! Place: and the News Division of The Daily Pennsylvanian are staffed entirely by students. II interested but can ntM attend, ple.tse sail l.jurj JI Ks>K-f>.SXI The Daily Pennsylvanian Trv» Nawsoaoar of tne tn« University Unrversitv ~crf Tho Nawapopor Ol ■■'ol Poonsytvarna Pannsytvant* ' Class Ring Counter U of P Bookstore Date: Everyday: Mon.-Fri. Time: 1-5 pm Foundad Founoad 188' IMS . JOSTENS COLLEGE RINGS. — AXE TO GRIND/ Eric Noyes (The Jlatln IJettnstjhnmum Sullivan Unprincipled The Independent Sewspaptr/f tkg L'niversity of Pennsylvania lOOttf Xfar of PuWuXUion PXI.f n Vx rdnr>das. januars O, I*' Food for Thought * oni'UluUlions Hr.k'kt Ihe students I he I ndcrgraduale Assemhlv should he commended lor ithandling ol the breakfast issue M hinge Court Inglish House Because oi the actions ol the I S a ^ri>up ol dudente hat caiikd the cmscnicncc ol lull meal service in their dormilors hul no liicd eggs set I'n% sucecsctul I V KtlM could (X j eignititjnl mrriiri-.- paM i,.i IIK- i ntveruty selected wkw representatives Hm l»i Ihis |u OCCUI I \ I luiinuii Hams .IIKI the other rli> led student representatives must now 'k»w 11«r jn entire tttneuei the campus has been vosd oi news about ihe d • I the I x (nun Ihe past pattern ol bickering jnd gcncrjllv ctiildiih bchavm ,.t the bat) «>•- ssjs not unwelcome HM I A lllfcIIMJI iiuini.iiikd Ihjl Ihe silence »J% smipls Ihe lirsi siep in assuring Ihe jdimnieirjiion Ihjl ihjl the .issciihu could deal with issues in a nulure JIKI rjii.'ii.t ik-r Student, arete" '"id ihjl substantial quiet diploma, s and n discussant » j. gOMeJ on hchinil ihe scenes in hehall ol Km ihe sileixc weni on ton long Nevertheless ihe reseni I A involvement JI kings Court I nglish House mas indeed be a signal thai Harris is hi inglisg i "es» 1 \ <HII from within us mirnn I'I silence N.nhmg ,ould he- IBOfC hcnelKi.il lor Ihe sliklenis ol ihis \ rwversrty Given die WMHtnUl'l and cspeeiallv \nc II Jim Bishop s incessant hahil ol ignoring student inpul .ok! needs ihe I nisersiis ■ uncle rgraduatcs need a strong ad VOCUSt jnd alls M i. HI, i k axvaj fron extinction end do—1 ID won Ijhilis was jn unheard ol thought lasi yaaj The I A now hat ilk' o|»portuniis lo do iusi that In oi.lef lor ihis 1.1 happen ' tackle larger issues ihan milk and BM I'k l.i.> I klu.l and slisc,induct Irxmc Auditorium and diveJUWBI jll loom large Hope-lulls Ihe I A will attompanv its hard won egg* with some has on 1Hm nwap MacNelly PBiimPioPLR jo, tuikiii oi the sth,k,i - ,'t|uii> Mveumenti in such corpora ,.Minis t oppressive government ihe rraataae' Commrtsrc lions in Januars I4K fin I ru-tet • MHMdODHd far■ polus ol hriccfivc disesinvnt it netessan Ufcinf 'ne rjtinj.'s ts stem on l nisersiis Kesponsibihtv . which adsises Ihe Umvcrsil) s TO LET US H WE SOME Is foesplititls voice .1 klfung mtiiiution.il poMltOfl I hes made .1 comcrvntivc .nkl litun, i.ills pij^inati, tion Mans tsere pleas»-,l thai the Irusteet hanlletl Ihen tidiitiars retponsihilitv uell t rths'rt men upseM lhat the &^EwrwvER MALFPRlCt R5R0NLY35D L'niverMt) did not come oui «nh j hi.ski moral declnration 1 s.Hiih Africa's poin ol racial wfreialion and discrimination known j, jpartheid l mvertiiv ,lul in.ike j tiatenk'iit hossesei in optint i^TRav 1 ihH lo complelel) diveftl OIK that illustraled Ihe p.ir,khialism of Ihe liutiee- .it uell .it tonk'unsophitiitjled ihinkinc I he Sullisaii Prirkiples 10 xshith Ihe I rutieet .ittiilv |R MrOf ihvshile aikl productive at t.:i it HI,, go ssho t.Hild lind emplosment in the signators American romp—w 1 Ihis paal Novaaahei the Pnaciplei were aniphhed BLOOM COUNTY/Berke Breathed MY Am/ imtr' ■ S --. I A < r ."•■' «*va , iOi-C WJUNK* s V^:L 1 rr ! J-W , ."IB Letters Welcome Ihes letters mu\l he tsped douhle spjeed and ,.mum the author s naiiK- ph>me numher and I'nisersiis, afHIialion lo Ihe ediioi Signed ,.'luinns letters, and , jn.s»ns appearing on this I MMeik,I nuiierul *ill n»H he printed Please limit letters to ivso ispessrillcn p.ie, • rTii HP resi-rses the riiiht 10 .ondense all letters Send all material 10 Robert Mahl.mil/ I dlloiul Page hdilor /Tie l\nl\ Prnnwtui page represent the opinions ol the authors and do not neeessanls relies I the >iesss ol ihe /)/' Board ol Mananers and al Ihe same time help to promote human rights lefotlin ( ..inplete Joesiment mtghl not hase been Ihe soutklcst tin.iiki.il mote It would cerlainK hase he-en Ihe mosi moral It would hjse been, jnd would continue to he- .1 reitera lion .111 jsowjl. ol the- voice ol tonscK-ike not a withdrawl ol >HK il The gojl ol ihe I nisertjit should run he to change ,01 porate conduct in South Mn,.i through the Sulhs.111 Prin , iples It should he to eluninjle jpjrthe-id in the enure etmn us Administrators would argue that under the Sulhsjn Prin tiples the lust trjnsljtes into the second Their opponentt counter hs sjsing thai insetting in esil will m»t make il gikkl qtii, k HI point ,»ut the Significance (ft IIK- .impl itu.it ion lor in deed us measures arc intportant What Ihes lail lo realize it lhal mcrcaaMtl) ihe SulllVM I'niKiplet jikl those who adopt them are .okme. huge multinational torporaliont whose- sole nioliv JIHUI it prolit to e,l lirune IJIK and linancialls secure posernments tcn,l lo keep doing wh.il works I or South Africa. Jpaitheid works It is in stituiions like the I'nisersiis which gise the white niinofits iinli/e-d more effectivel) to battle jpartheid I hi- I nisersiis should be- an .iciise pioblem solser. not .1 paaafVC lejper ol rewjrd wnh j guilts conscience The Seniih \tru an gosemment protnt In.iii I invrrtiiv's rrl srsiments in nmlti natnmjls m rheir eisunirs It it tirengihe'h strength Hiding behind Ihe important, but insulin lent Sullivan Principles, while contributing to .111 economy that tuelt .1 utist regime is irresponsible The Sullivan Principles do ik't go IJI enough in jddressing the plight ol jll bljekt m Souih Alricj The I Mvarsiy'l jdoption ol selective does! busineu ot husiik-st is not human rights activism V»uth Aliita is s*i rcaourcc nth lhal a substantial foreign ,ur pome praaeace is ensured there lor main sears Those- torn panics will prohahls do Imle lo ieopor,li/e thtir lucrative posi lions esen it 11 iik-.uis ikin tomphark-e with the- Sullis.m Prin tiples I hose who briretra lhal Ihe Print iples .ire a me.mtow.11,1 widespread reform .ire misled Ilk- value ol the I'nn tiples it lhal the\ euarantee .1 heller life loi al least some ol South Atrua t hlj, k population Their danger lies in pro tiding a veil behind whith investments like Ihe I niVCTSIt) s .an tndireells Mow into Ihe- hands ol the while niinorrls /Jir /»III/\ /Vnnn/iuii/.in sseli.Mik-s COOMMM Ironi IheI nisersiis ,01111111111111 in ihe lorm of .olumns and lellei- howeser ihe I nisersiis believed, I ho|X- njisels .irkl n«»t greedily, that n tould nuinuin its hcjltht lin.m, 1.1I interetit Certamf) the resources ol the I nisersiis. Us colleelise in telle.t its ,onsiderahle prestige, and its money, could he I'u -! made a go«H] trustee ol ihe I nisersiis ' Ihe I niseisiis invests in corporaHons tor one reason onlv prolit Ihjl ilsell is no! an esil In (he ,.ise- ol South Alncj nott require all signalors to work lor non discrimination and non segregaiion outside ihe- workplace and 10 support the retention ol all jpartheid Imri When ilk- Umverut) .hlopied ihe Principles m IUS2 he-tore this amplitttalion. 11 te, hint alls limned its scope oi concern 10 around 1 percent ol Mask South Alrita t labor Into rhose who were emplosed h\ sipnaiort ,s>mp.miet liida) I nnersitv :idniinistralors .in- effect political a'ki KKtal change in ■• foreiga t.Kiniis V 1 iiul reaction the Committee lorgot how quiekK a single act t an become a Signal action Would Rosa Palkt hase However, until November l''"-i rcmembci thai IIK- I nivenny'i Trustees adopted lh,- Sullivan ke[>or1 in WHJ ihes impasted upon Ihe small percCMafC ol hl.hk antl non while South Atru .iris -,■;■■■■. suth publitils as might be- generated w.nild alti.it 1 Ihe alien lion ol .1 lew members ol the American public and he s,«.n forgotten Ol ignored Ihe repon read \,i,le from predicting, in its own interests, public .ipinion to tlrjithl eikl.miik-nl nijii.ii'ine .irkl njttme up .111 OppurhMM 9J .•-•:-. Investment Board ■•" shareholder ittues teeomnk*ndi*d tele, mi ralher than lull disesliiknl "A single atl ol selling all ol ihe University's holdings m sush lunasanici sccompamed h\ Principle* Hie) wo! onrj icauimM step limitinf ihemiclves IMAGINE A $a&ic£s GOING \ reform 0 at wione as 11 it run,' \ el ilk* 1 nisertiiv I rusiees nnplititls adi^pted this p..tiii..n tshen ihes t.He.l .i^ainsi lull ol the Sulloan Pnn» iplet as ihe hasi. lot pourbk .lnestnu'iii villisan Print iples .ire guidelines ol non .list 11m1n.1t1.u1 lor limit optfMMf »' South \ln,.1 When Ihe liu-t,i- mjCCWd lompleii dnetiiiknt and ensconced iht-inseUes in Ihe evaluntivc ,, stem ol ihe Su I lit. 111 H£GvNeRW.S^ WINH0N0R0F A OO'J Siawl Diessss." eoterniik-ni Ilk- 1 nisersiis is moralls wrone to he pjrtmpaling in the i-,onom> ol S.Hith Mrua lls insestmenit keep healths those torpor at ions which help 10 drise lhal BCOtHSn) aivl sustain the Ihe e»pe,talion thai multinational torpor at ions openMIMJ in South MII,J could ier»l J- insirunK-nls lot human rights tnenl is a moral bahs step Crealise. mature, and responsible action is needed now The I'nisersiis naivels believes that it is working toward tital relorm ol jpanheid It is wrong Leaej SiM Stonhus Vjnje Proponents ol selective divestmeni .it the I niversil) sh,Hil,t heed j neglected motlo in, \.o.,/,,/(../v. eivm" ahemaii HiiMmdni sse roOrfnd willappnu Quotation ot the Day / \r nr\er MI";t0 thf tbot, Hfa I *hitt ii*ui turn a**ii\ — WsHiun's Mli HK > mrnilMT N kki HrrnsUin i>n \nin n.i Bunslrr's -<.nt.nin.ii (In tin smell of Ihr awa\ f 1 the W.IHUH'S Ontrr. FIMHI kct-ps prophf ■n,m 4013 Walnut St . Philadelphia. PA l"HM Letters to the Editor Criticism of Littlepage is No Answer To Ihe falil.il Mr l\iil\ Pennwlumuin ol Januars 17 ciHHaincd an artKle hs Howard Oeashtt which called lor ihe resignation ol ihe Varsiis Basketball Team's head record is nothing 10 he proud ol I con lend howeser. lhal this record is due not Herein IKS the problem that I have with Mr Genslcr's crude request It is hvus Moieosci tan one rcaviruhls argue that a cinch is alwass at the DM of a team's production, or lack thereof* to inadcciualc coaching, hut to factors that lull beyond the scope of any coaching staft Clearly, the coaches are responsible lor leaching the players as well as inspiring them But hear in mind rxl through the circular, rose-colored glasses of a spoiled prinu donna who leels that Penn basketball teams must ITvough tempted. I will n**t cite solumes ot staiisiits which are al my disposal in the Coach s dele use (just one lhat practices and blackboard sessions ,ompiisc onlv hall ol the athletic covenant, ihe players must uphold their .V) example was lhat our Set Otlensne I Hi, lent s Rating .ic'.nn-l Hjrsjr I percent of the bargain by executing the game plan It's been said before the ,»>jchcs cannot shesit treethre»ws. or rehound on game nights Coaches are dismissed otten alter others have tailed and re read that article. I am ,ompelled to ask a question which has he-en ignored so tar Whs mutt .oaehes he sjeke-,1 esers linn- thai then teams lounder' I 2 points per peissesshsn was among our highest of the yean I will instead argue as Mr (lensler did. Irom a more eiiktionai more erealive perspective, for il is ihus thai I dassits ans.wsc who knows when games should have been won First. I hase seen team after learn in sport alter sport lire their coaches as a "remedy'" for their perecised MM This is an eass vdulion whkh paeities volatile critics from all walks, par Itcularly the fans and the media While I recogni/e the ticket holder's right to the best possible team, and the media's mandate to delve into mosi public affairs, both must realize that the firing of a coach scarcely guarantees champion ship banners More often Ihan not. such emotional responses serve only as temporary fixes while other problems are perminesJ 10 fester New York's Mets. Jets. Yankees. Giants. Rangers, and Knicks have all fired coaches and managers on a regular ba>is for the last decade without large amounts of success to show for il While ihere are certainly crises that coach C'raig I ittlepage As 1 staiistklan who reports direclls to the ,,caching staff, mil unls hefnre and after, hut dur mg games. I am to a small degree in votved with team stralegs Having read necessitate the dismissal of a conch, each case must he esamined individual K wholesale renovaimns rarely serve as effective panaceas I do acknowledge that a 2 and-9 around them, rarely do players suffer the same tale In the case of the Penn Basketball team, a coaching change will serve no purpose, escept perhaps to quench the colleetiscly primal thirst ol a numher of tans who arc hitter becasue their team can no longer defeat opponents merely hv tossing their jerseys out on the court win simple because thev art Penn basketball teams This is a beliel that must be dispelled To those who support Mr Ciensler. I ask the lollowing will a coaching level of play in our league will suiter To me. our non league record of I and K should serve as a message to Ivy league schedule makers Specifically. Ihere is a lack ol symmetry between the athletes ot the other conferences Indeed Penn has lined up against much bigger learns in almost all of its non-league games change strengthen our from line, or make it taller'* Will a coaching change enable our players to leap higher or mo lastcr' It is no secret that the level of play in the Ivy League has been higher in the past Perhaps the reason is that the best athletes no longer can afford to play in a league that does not offer athletic scholarships If this is the case, then our hisioncalls excellent basketball reputa tion. which has attracted the finest players for so long, is fast becoming moot If the best athletes are going 10 the Big East and the ACC. then surely the To the F.ditor Thank you lor enlightening the I nisersiiy community about the medical prool lhat ome students are mentally in capable of learning a foreign language One might wonder how many students. eager lo be exempted from their foreign language requirements are. at this moment, searching for a doctor who will attest to their affliction of this disorder My hope is that those few who honestly have dyslexia are able to obtain medical recognition However. I stress that these are rare cases and that they are. by no means, a justification for the abandon merit of the language requirement This, along with the other College distribu nonals was instituted to benefit and not burden the student while assuring every College graduate a truly well rounded education As for the language requirement — since the US is no longer the sole economic leader, we Americans have no reason to expect the world to learn to speak our language To never study a second language is a sign of in sensitivity and even ignorance Rebecca korarh College-a* are capable of winning the League Such controversy as Mr Gensler has cultivated can only serve to distract fans, players and coaches alike from that omnipresent goal Marc Handetmaa College '85 elite- Hailu |Irmtsuhtanum GWENDOLYS FREYD. EXM t mi EontM MICHAEL SAIDUS. Msssi.tsi. EontM KEVIN KELLY. BISIMSS MASM,I« LAUREN COLE MAN htHtimui PSI.I HOIK* MARK CARO AsVKIAII ElMIIHI STEVE BERKOWITZ Sronts Hum* Language Study a Necessity 1 ot now. Penn fans must he patient, for the season is young and the Qiakcrs USA GOLDGERG SAI IS M ss.»,.m FRITZ VON BVLOW PHOTIK.IXPHV EOII<>« MEG BAUM PltOOllCTION MAMI.II JEFF SALAMON Assoc 34TH Stnut Eixn* fiiES at\<\nm Ni-ws Enrnat AI.EC HARRIS FlAII Ml fclMlna MARY LUIS (ROWLEY Cits Emti* S-trfrV/Nt EATO/k Eim MIHSIHIII SCOTT LANGSTON Etsmra PMIIIII«.«»PH> 1 At RA ERTEL Anviarisisr. DIRKK* JENNIFER WHITIXKK Asv« .UTHSIRIII EiHToa . Cnni^a tSSS Tha Da#r »wvwt«i.aM«n mc HO pat rtaHMI may M '•BtfOOuCM « *Mf lor m <ft wnot* or <* pat w*hoca mo MOHI cowoora ol mo •■• 0—< "On—1—nun ■ OutlQMJ Wonao. tk-OMOl, Fndav at PTiloppSjii ■ P* demo, mo lot »"d Kvmf Mom—il PWO ■oolil| 0cirm9 ocmsmt Tho Soon oi WinOBOH o< rn» o»*r roimM i-»ko.o son «amor«>g— «*a-ca np.oi.iani io> mo coMom or mo ■■ipopn NooPVpuvi pome* r—« cioso poowao a-a « «~»do»mPo-ior'.o.^ itHM SvSocnpHM mn M onjo-od lor S3S 00 pv ■rimmr OM> a aois Worno Saroor Pvman ^nw-agaaj?** »VWJ a* atl^sneall COnc*"wtg tfta* COnaWral itVjC tat y»'»Cl»d tO tfnl •CkkVd O* mmtm mar M psmd a aso ovao imm H'Sl SU Mil No-o it'H III III. IM IN I Ml l)\ll i Pr.NNSYI WNIVN XXrdncsdav. lamia, > 2.X, ImV I'Xi.l Currents >ATE OF IVORY, GATE OF HORN/ Randy Helm Marketing the Liberal Arts Degree r : sJScene I: A hitler .old nighi in January IIM duesloi Xlv wile and I •ad. in imi ear after Jinncr and a tew drinks b*IK >e 11 ml. IT aJaring our undergraduate vcarx r he lurns and sneers. rjsvs re dead ' I'k- ha.1 ik-ws is Hut ilks< siews have not alwav. In.kled down t.. Hi, tliiin.' "Iluels in .oniparnes 'IIK nun and An irctK hljsi whips the hat nil rm head and jrjls 11 Jiwn the sireel ibjtfed ''■ when thev were tHMergraduMCtl -X. we get lornir The Ithcrjl arts arc dead ln»l ar« most tsi^ Lorpuralioni tmovl >'t whom got wrapped in a leather walking about Iwentv paces ahead wh.' tells Ilk- that u ses and no weird niilk'lilv view|kMiil The only .ibcr pcrvm in the nrfcct is j guy with a new wave coiffure Sat orne aejm rhe e.sn! rk-ws is that Ihe stews we heard were r*si V4t»ik- We re talking turn glad we ire we studied lihctjl arts JNHII .1 ( areer Planning alkl PUrcmeM th*- answer a* walking down Jn almost deserted Smith Street .<n Ihc way thine, in Hut th.- Inckle-down looking up ■ I Ik- ses,ral naliotiallv promiik nl I'll D IV jll arts and sciences rJrtrtrOMM act eluding I'enn s |«. kind ol flak' m is ink- indkaiion ot iln. pruei lions ik« longei hase to he .orisiiked that |vo(vte wilti p Vein- II: NlHUWbM 11*4 Hrcaklasi ,«i Wall Siteel in j in ihe humanities and vocu ■lhe hCM ■ .1 ( ollcgc il'ollcgc" alumnus Jiistnrs MaJM u hisiorv m.i|or"i IvSt Hcrg .iv dean ol the graph) College (act an The answer is 1*1 expert in and se- sou need an XfHA thel e-'«sl Ik-ws is that Ihe klMIVlK are iiiisleaslinc ■rain '•'Hi 10 do things their way .ours*- Hul and this is ihe important point inuintj. undergraduates is hurl) aflGC irrelevant Furthermore advice X "U won t dacOVCI all yaw talents woik inn t" XX here XXharton interview tasade Klasalk'Ssks Ihe .'tlk'l j| Ihe undertirjdujle level is "I duhums utilitv eettme Mo an MBA pfOff—l we ask .-Itie-r ashiesement that deiik»nstiates tiutiatise "l^jm/alion vjrd vrrosls *"' iiiatiinls Princeton eiasls iiuaemati.'n VXshire^ak e'asN tlk*v tell us ami "'«s. H.i' most MnOorUHM is mil tlw sourse's Ir.inssripi. hul ihe erenerjl level "I |mfill 11—IHi ot skills and perhaps nkisl imporianl "t all Sa'ire sort ol work e\penenee press \Xell applv In last whv we on the Still in Sew Xork ner with another mid sixties historv or |.«h .onskleriiie 1 hut wtut matters iik>st wlnn jpfilitjni is int lornul husiness md ivohsin1 I | has done -omelli and should has, nisi as ,■'-.! 1 -ho- sfualilies VIHI can t li" Bfrilagtw: irans, npl Hi,, norm own investnk'nt lirm niaioi Dm president ol his Bs ik<w 11 s gcNing pieslutahle Good into the has corporate ITiere is one exception t" th ICVCl (Oh SS Till .1 It.. Vim x retearch that s nisi as it -howl.! he s4 ■ .'lion hut personal stsle ^•ressisefk'ss arkl reliahililv culture to pan as a native •omethiaf donnT compuM rntn ■ counting mijM Period there are still cloomv re|ioris that the average xlarting salai I olleei graduMci a sear or two out ot s*h.»il ate dismal cam VrrH- IX: St 1II later the sank d.is lOmctMng sp»\ lal he- tellt us Ik's ik« main -indents trom the t the rjtio ..I XXrunon to ( olleee applkations 1, ahout Id I the- diversitv evlrasurrkiilar astivitv I ho jdinii grsdet ire important umser wnuldn t we hire I'enn liheral arts freduMti ' Hut .1" thev Nit sail sou tCI that finr |.»h with a i;o.id hrni XXhat s persisletke -itie~ don t even ton undergraduate butincu s, ti.».i. then e«» have a liher.il arts Jjcfrcc ' I hev l»»ok at us in juu/e MK'nt Hut naliming that th. anthropoliigiial the MH-X is the work tor two sears with a tond '.oinpjnv •! its values UH demoristiate initialise Hid ahilitv ,Hilside Ihe .la-sr.-.m Bi'lh s«»n on lor the MBA Xha thl analvli.al alkl wrilme skills, hut saieer tnkel and undergraduate husiness .iiirws don t 1111 VIHI have has diversified a. adv mi.allv land this mcaita mastenne all cm ssnh our hteaktasi companion profeuunil tpecialuatipn 11 ht into hunting skills like tnounting a rewme hhi/ One a History nu r-ne!lish nu|or v\h<» ^radualeil in the earls seventies dtversitv vv lav. students >e- them who can still Jo a startling impres Mesalklel pi IVI ttk-ir itart same as those ot then \X tiarl .an I urkh in the director s din hoih managing directors mid sixties graduate prove vinir eharkes ot il siiivru't tailnliarilv with the corporall Vene III: I MSI the same das IVfless'ir -uaies pi PtychK rewanh don 1 do much tot th. saiaiv rrporaic wiwld me room at a m.iiot Ncn Xork ImaiKial institution, vsith two "I . ikHirklud ' aikt i.ir. vinn ' out those liheia! arts graduate! wthi eho while y.ni hase ihe sluixe College jiuntni '.alls f hul tru-se hrase iauh> mike our world hi I he Ix st preparation tor these changes is to diversify S.HJ > a sicniikant teaslu and opportunities, until vou vc he-en nut in the world lor a lev* sears Suiik-rou- and olher less .tulinars |not 10 mention lev* lueralivi interests 10 mjsier as mans disciplines jnd nstthaxhtlogies as ik.il no buvinevi before the in His ml" i-d in the statistks berauic the) ire mil in realize that yOM ss ill rhUTgf during the- course i| sour career do m.'st ol them will pios|k-r tmaik lail. he tells us that an\ JIKI Mi': 1, - 1 k;o i>n to law ichool and med ll s as simple as thai arofcuioml specialization More the MHX 1 siike v niii.ills ill WhartlK i.hluale- <>ur host compans n go IIK- n ttk- inisuk-ss immcdialel) aftci iraduaiinn while man) labor I urthcrrik.rc vc got thai credential under s.Hir hell houM v, ui get ahead with Ihe big companies, unless ran nt 'Ik' rare cxccpiion SIMI rv. now incarnated asks it the liberal arts .rcdcnlial still cuts ans i.c in Ihc financial world , xplaius in 'MII Class ,ii enot ■ ite world Ml partner s dining rnorr. J' -1 .'old ship inscsinVnl linn pared t" thost- id XX hjrton >;rasls .I'l iUlnnii I iiwnninl /<r.\ iilit iin tUUSIUM rjVrJfl . > so ro-s as ,mr trrerkls in Sew X ork led III to heliese ' I 01 ad sise I turn to ork- ol I'enn s undervalued licaaurev //. M II WIM/I.-. Xre thinps nuvrv tuH ejuile tiale ot Is..is III ll* ' CMC "< Horn ,.1,1 appl Pal K">e Come One, Come All Ihe coal ol this sear s I \ has hcen to make improvements in sanipus showing the teasibilitv of keeping rcdiKe dorm parlies the I \ spoke up take that Inn to tueuv on the issues ot greatest tor iikinilor the aleivhol concerns .ommittee lion proposal ot Irvine Auditorium the soixern .kin.inistr.it,u. ol the I Htise ol I nisersiiv I ite 10 make I A is lobbving 10 ensure that a space tor sure sush a restrictive polk v iv run im student pi-si-d on the students maintairk-d Ihe L'A with as mans has nutiaie.l enm- hie undercraduates as [s.-si Xhose all. Ihc I A has nude an el tort to reflect v»cll on Ihe iiiiiints CooptfttiM, poliliekinc Pcnn com rather has hcen the students and aeceptable lor A similar method ot rational persua sum is hetng used to petition the ad ministration tor hreaklast servise King s Coun English House than final desision has nm heen reaehed. it is likely that breakfast will he served in the facility nc»t semester, it not ««iner I Ik- I A has eorkcnlrated its efforts on While the I A t.xuses primarilv tat improv inv> many ol the facilities on cam- tangible improvements, there are MM pus that students use on a dally basis policy To deeiskins which dirceilv. attest loster eonvemenl use ot the gym and students lihrary. ihc I'A has sucesslullv petition bies lor thai position whieh is thought to ed the adniinisiation to keep these revHirecs open longer on weekends. In such instances, the I A lob- be most popular among undergraduates By When the administration announced making the directors ol these fax dines an alcohol poliev which would eliminate aware ol the demand on weekends and open traterntiv panics POINT: The other day I attended Management 31 lecture it Ye». Virginia, Engineering ves. even my and the LA sonlinues to at While a tone nt this seat s assetnhlv grcailv Another polks which imposed hard ships tor students was the "free hour* lor this seriK-sicr Ol lucsdavs uxl you Wharton can enjoy and A truly no means pragmatic majors am benefits I ol a hack an fknir announced increases UA .onlronied t'.Hjncil ol 1 ndergraduate IVans explaining Ihe drawbacks ot th<- No one hive [undergraduates are courses in which no signing I in The I A is also seeking srcxltt lor scrum This the tree' hour in the As pofkv dee isions arise the I A pell are student governmem the I A whish has been issues newsletters are and humanly . fields IA potential employer 11 certain to look ! Insurance can save time, worry and bills business and engineering tually • about in a fancy car en Brody lays. "Have !' you ever seen a philosopher driving a car like this' Socrates rode around on . the back of a donkey This attitude exemplifies the world we students ac prefer business and engineering courses Often. I've listened to accusations of Ihe single mindednevs majors I've heard it of job-oriented said that my "narrow" the above a materialistic society on a more compe Tent level And I'm sad to say that they were surpassed in usefulness and enjoy mem by my "boring" business courses year's will appear esers We.lik-s.las and tealurrs the- ideas and assenihlv relleel an altitude ol soopcra opinions ot I niversitv member! Ih> lion and a lommilmcnl lo the pnrkiple l\ill\ an.1 that encourages guest .olumns on a vane rational persuasion is superior veiling and name .ailing to Kaihct than being a tomm where aspiring politicians , ultivale their scheming /Vnniv/.iinni/i ts ol topi,, wel.orik-s lo .oniribule to Ilk I'l.e .onla.t kotvrt Slalilowil/ H1K 11*4 intrigues, the Liberal Arts Students Best Prepared for Life not he li»i different from what it psc the natural sciences Philosopher wrote in Jose Ortega y (.asset lured <m the AV»i»rr« OOVM It w.mld he easier to he .omtortable Mission ol the I niversitv judges, doctors, engineers if the Studies at society needs before this and more than shown that humanities and social science this u> be assured that the capacity majors achieve Ihe best ovetall perfor with reasoned valuev judgement It and furnish professional training But is XIAI developed lor another kind of proles mance in an investigation of such areas sum. the profession of governing as The obligation to govern is a duty for It could he said thai a administrative skills, skills, interpersonal intellectual ability, and motiva for wlv-an* »menl. spec die alls every citizen if we are 10 live in a civ iliz HOP School trains one to be a professional in ed nation healing out business majors a leadership position to Engineering, or Nursing With due respect have A liberal education allows us panicipaic intelligently in those "We found evidence allairs extremely "that the pertinent humanities/social sciences majors were most suited lor sional curricula, it cannot be argued thai This is not meant to imply thai a good thev provide the depth of understanding education cannot he had in the Wharton. change, whkh is the leading feature of Engineering, ihc high-speed, high pressure, high lech our civilization our culture, and or Nursing ourselves thai is fostered by a liberal arts However. education lake advantage of it have been four Scfkkilv I would argue that MO tew To obtain a liberal education within a preprofessional eur world which we now occupy." said Charles Brown, chairman of ATAT. in 1983 (ieneral Foods agrees Much undergraduate riculum requires a true commitment to the fostering of an understan- Ihe ponton of one's studies which lakes preprofessional place m the arts vvi sciences breadth and depth that the liberal arts of goals of an of intellectual skills the More than once I have heard attempts fen training "Business it lacks fundamentally the the preparation for the fullest life possible at rationalizing the Penn preoccupation relationship hetween human heingv and wiih commented (ieneral Ponds chairman the development of a .onvious ll hardly preprofessional ism have told me that the requires a Rhodes scholar to select the concern area healthy of the University nut best ac- euctly what they say. we the arts business They leave it lo Dale Carnegie and the Japanese " Perhaps the best example of the danger of preprofcsskmal thinking rha! and any thought 10 1 career subordinates liberal educational values The ment just does not hold up Bui the arguThe Penn it offered by one of Newsweek s typical Yuppies ideals and values which have shaped our a career path which ensures a imu—blc ssonal we aspire lo be. we had better pier civilization. amount of food and idequnf shelter slop and think about what we are doing preaches individualism students less pruloaophy when I would be much hap- Social as all. schools leach this "but preprofessional does not merely choose After all. isn't u us After a Ferguson, humanities, it is sasd. teach us about the "wasting my brain" in marketing offer one is actually James graduation because they had not given True as it may be. it seems worthwile restate with a vocation would not want students to starve after complishes these objectives 10 Professxvrs Penn student's reason for me to take the liberal arts student who so loudly Despite ifus don't see any for its popular appeal system ol sciences Henry VH1 or Anttotle's view of the than I ever wanted to know about both of with I I'm in Wharton and I year to know about the >n wives of King solar achievements hated it I But. along the same lines. I Preprofessionalisrn should be lauded !lion deal going to enjoy it not only for its practical benefits but also Wharton education. I have teamed more to Currents The ferent not I'm We may not like it. but we can- us I don't expect a history major 10 "musing out"' if I don't pay $16,000 a • not change a. A preprofessional educaenables I believe in the freedom of individual statistics when he's certainly Currents lx-,,»itie iik.re res|»onsi.c to siu.lents even he the hevt vma civilized commitment lo a set of values take Bv in Initial training cultivation for moat and IkHirs eserv weekdav atterrkkiri rdusaik-n may for ding of our basic cultural heritage, the What many patrons to sti^i bv AVooAi Itiir'i* ,1 Htuirton ,11./ t.nninrrrinv SfAoo/ irnn-' U oVflimMM i'f ihr I ruli '^r,Ltu*iii A\\rmbl\ lo edui ation Computer knowledge, for eum- Brody". rice lion. Ihe I A will continue to hold office If there are .hanges sou wimld like to s.-.- on ,am|His I urge and therefore the university is prepared traditional fad to realize is thai In addi iv Sieinherg leaches us to meet what is new and dif- of of rhe liberal arts vtudents wiih direct IVitn.h Hall l.'nl responsible 10 ihe successfulness of the preprofes- preprofesuonalism Hall student nieemig evidence did nut show that a liberal am Wharton. • lust a few courses in I-cgal Studies and limight at '' Wi I'M in VIKI will provide hrst men Ihe same thing ! pie. has become not merely an advan Dillon set up suggestion boxes over the next iwo weeks in ihe ma|or residential areas Our hearted. to he responsive 10 the new and open other hand, does not accomplish exactly , course does not have 1 viable applxa Mali lo continue this process the I'A will aftf,t .ill students XXIIK-TI alwavs elkimrages pani.ipation government run I his IX with preprofessional educations and A preprofessional aJucation. on the j some type of business or engineering Kid. and l>P humanity [ some financial and marketing acumen Ilk that. "Society needs good professional tough minded For centuries there trepreneunal king. "Mr able to important editorials discerning llexihlc for In a scene from the movie 7V flam has articles have informed students on I A tcllectually choice ot problems .reaving student interastion the I A van A liberal education, it has heen sasd. lo in the long run .Jeemexl I A is a ilk-.lium lor rational divussion leedbask on how the students want their trains the whole person to he at once in But thai v the obvious, salient value ot suivevs open loniins. aikt POINT: the favorably upon a background involving Polls inters icws with students has,- proskled COUNTER Professional Schools Ensure Job Security "caught dead'" necesarty issues placed a hcav v emphasis on sornmunua Posters Almost no area eiuts today in which live in vcar s which and h..w students leel about these topis s to eliminate tulure •_ Wharton courses Iiflfo ,ouises ell I've actually heard an English major • tage hut an actual groups h.kl>. .omplain that he could .m/v take four J tion arts determine "red-blooded Col- '. lege student" used to he performing dent SAS up for tree the Liberal arts students are realizing this more is IkMir svvtemlhe I A .onvinced the-s.nin climate and performances W iih the I nisersiiv s fis, Bv keeping in touch with the siu apologi/c for wanting to cam a living. More In the ieik>va lion J particularly in today s unstable financial •too IIH.SI Alter career oriented should be assess lo their rcprcscnialivcv W'hen the desision was the There is indisputably something job and to veai plan, the I'A is aelvoealing space to be said for being able to graduate and And tikivies other nkTiung .lasses have been pushed non- denying tfvougbi acaclemieallx wonhv Tint Nursing is RcneTi, ial to the sluJents and enjoyed and whkh Skull I preprotessioiul education By soursc rtiursdavs Jassi-s begin at M AM and monetary, non materialistic approach to ; to discarded, nuinieation programs to keep in toueh k adiiunisiralion to work siut a svheslule whieh was heller but was the Mier In an el iikinths M woik. the p»»tie} Uam irtcse places ..pen longer, the I A helped wliisli diiestlv attest studs-Ms lite hy sciences aid No. M Perm we mike sure that we are of the societies in which we and others guaranteed a VCR and a BMW live The natural sciences allow us to become familiar scientific inquiry with the and man's quest lo process of understand the physical universe single Kobtxt Suel. a Whancm and Collet* utphnmorr. « a ilaff member of The Daily Penmylvaman our understanding of the complex structures svord heniagt humilities, ind describes if If the the society If this is the kind of profes "Money means 1 lot to my happmsess." our typical Yuppie sells us W hen I saw the two aspiring profes "I want to be able to go to Europe when I want lo. ssonals drawn by Doonesbury cartoonist to buy clothes if I want to The way you Gary look Trudeau Ntwtwetk'i on "Yea* the of rhe cover of Yuppie it very important Sometimes I think it is more unponam than what you issue. I could hardly help but dunk that can do " these two had so he Penn grids Ltm Schocler. a Whancm puuot. 11 aW Simiem Gmvmtter cm UndergratkaMr Edmulum Chairman If one chararacterucs the social sciences, then had to characterue the end-product of Jin overs is die word which epitomizes the Penn eipenessce. the result would I'M.I I j. January u, ins IHr. IIAII.V P>>NSil A AM AN - W Protecting 'the right to choose9 PROFESSORS, TAKE THE "CUT" OUT OF THE UNIVERSITY CUTBACKSUSE KINKO'S PROFESSOR PUBLISHING • NOW vigil marks pro-abortion ruling ft. J* H»l kf KPtK A frigid Inui) wind Mew out the candles that were supposed lo light tan ni (thi s pnxhoicc abortion vigil in Censer City The rally look place in front of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, seat of Philadelphia* Roman Catholic Archbishop kri'l. a vtaunch foe of ahortion DK ..'I.I weather did not deter the almost VI men and women who par impaled in che e>ent, marching, chan ling protests and carrying signs The vigil was organized hy the Na lional Organization lor Women Moat of the marcher* were female, hut a few of ihem brought along their husbands, who joined them in pntfcsting the inlervcn lion ol the v.hur*h group* in national polKy making They carried placard* that said "No more coal hangar* Ahortion legal, women safe and "Jerry Falwcll. hand* ..II our holies Neither Judy (irew Posusney nor her hu*l*and hi* are member* ol N( )W hut the* .are to the e*ent to show their *up iu,ill\ Add Supplemental*) Material! to Your Courts • No Charge la You or Your Department A. • Low Cos" to Your Stud.-ills • () • • Longer Houra to Serva You Better 39th & WALNUT STREETS 386-5679 port for freedoai of choice "We had heen waiting to read in the paper about any hint of protest to the anti ahortion violence." Judy Poaumey said last night "We abhor the violence of the bombings of the clinics Boh Potusney said he believes it u inv portant to protect women's reproductive freedom, especially against church pressure grmps "The atmosphere against the right to choose in this ctaintry has heen generated from the highest levels of the ("hurch.' he *aid The vigil also commemorated the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court * Roe ** Wade decision that legalized abor •i.iii NOW wanted lo protest abortion .link bombings conducted by pro-life groups artnind the country When Judy Posusney learned about the vigil, she said she called NOV. and volunteered her services as a singer and guitar player NOW accepted, and *hc *ang a song called "Right to Life" writ ten by one of her fnend* She ~JKI that her own feeling* were he*i <• (pressed by a line in the vwig TAKE CORPORATE RETAIL, FIRST CLASS "The woman who cnea out in the night I never heard a word about her right lo life " One of the major themes of the vigil was that the option of abortion must et ist for a pregnant woman, a feeling mlr rored in the chant. "Separate the church and state, women must decide their fate " NOW member Maryanne Miccoh said the vigil was especially aimed against Philadelphia's conservative, staunchly pro-choice Catholic hierarchy "We are protesting the Catholk Church* interference in a person's in di* klual right to control her own body.'' *he *akl MKCOII said she was angered hy what she called "the inequality of women in this country today Philadelphia NOW Vice President kathy Miller *akl last night that *he agrees with Mkcod* feeling* "A woman in the United States doing the *ame fob as a man with the same level ol etperience *lill makes only 59 naaaj ..impared lo the dollar the man UNITED JEWISH APPEAL 1985 CAMPAIGN January 27 thru February 10 UJA WORKSHOPS Interested students and workers must attend one of the following at Hillel at 7:00 PM 0*11 MNUAIV It 1*15 ti MI * 10 PM-a. fas HOUSTON HAIL H»fl itN HANKIIN Tonight, January 23 Thursday, January 24 she said Miller added that she does not feel abortion should be held in advanced *tages of pregnancy, hut that each women must make the decision for herself "I nut want to protect the right so chooae that exists now." Hie said "I feel we must protect the gains we have made The women at the *igil stressed the idea that legalized abortions mean safe abortions for women Ann ahortion groups have said the violence occurring against abortion clinics is a direct result of the violence against a fetu* in an abortion, hut Judy Posusney said that this was a "non*ec|uitur We didn't use *iolencc when we wanted ahortion* to he made legal, how can they he justified in using it now?" she said Research It ontinufd from paft I) "One get* really wrapped up in the things you have to do at the University they re not the essence of the Uniser sity." he added "You hope that no diversions will come up I think the plan says. 'Look, this is what we're really supposed to he doing Abel added that after talking lo many Faculty Senate members, he feel* the faculty strongly approse* .'I the document and it* emphasis Rnglish IVpartinent Chairman Robert Lucid said last night that although he supports Hackney's report, he feels the University's funding in the liberal arts might he mi*dircctcd <>t COMM I think it * a line thing.' Lucid said The money pro* ides enor nmusls important *crsatility lo an administration that's trying to be versatile But Lucid said he thought more effort should be made lo design a fundahle five year plan for SAS "I think we must take thi* reality with another reality the internal condition of arts and sciences as a school," he said "I don't think it* heen given the attention, time and study it deserves — there is close lo a crisis of resources in arts and sciences "I would welcome the $10 million concurrent with the development of arts and sciences.'' Lucid added "I hope it's not being developed at the eupcnse of the fundamental needs of the departments in the school." Lucid said he would prefer the development of a five year plan lo the goals presented in "Investing in Penn's Future "I think the most important thing for the school i* the discovery of a fundahle plan not the funding of a supplementary fund outside the school." tie said. "I don't think it (the white paper| constitutes compensation " Look over there! «OOM For information, call: Mark 387-1034 Jody 387-3585 BATUS RETAIL GROUP ••• *-<"u« Mavv*eu»atia 1 • efti ■ i**-». aVcunf s **«Otm.*f" Th.mon*A *o»u » Where? Januamboree is coming. Are you tired of people not understanding your speech? Are you tired ol people asking you where you are from? You van *uh*lanliall> improve v.njr speech hy enrolling in our program for *ienl reduction Ha lurlhcr information and > free initial consultation, call 2l3'664-4996 K SI GOBIN I'OMMl'MK'ATHIN VMKKII.s •'000 CURTAINS' Mai Samoa UNIT ——.— ... W e get the best assignments haiArthnll truck mirk :ind Football,I basketball, and tractor milk pulls. presidential candidates, floatation tanks, evangelists, political rallies. Salvadoran refugees, tin) sex therapists, soccer, chocolate shows, fashion, fires, lacrosse, the Dalai Lama, ice carvings, hot tubs. Ut IIIII.HIU, Ilk I II' I" -ti I'M I\ • I.in,; • '»>< sEROX COPIE! ,il Ull ■*■ W.ilnul Sllcc'l ml soy |*JSfi || lo ih. IIHIIMI.IV LllOlO "•> piece . .ill V s i.nl I' 5* 4* ftaTSaVVfot nut at no SafSmfee imMMa. ■L. KMm nil l>UI * KVNNS^I \ \M\\ Bunster under fire from student leaders I fuse il timluwrd from mtgr I) Bunster presented ihcm h»\e hccn irrational in ierm» .•( who »he'\ lucked she s allowed lo rrituin .an i eat JIX) uui. »hv prople Women s RunMcr that VJKI hevause j limp lies Sctween (he semer s en irjrxi iml her hihneil tt.mi ullke. poing people lo see are in il the her lounge is >ru»Jnl and li»el> II HMH ihe> hase M ■■■ all their eating Jon I simsiuVr il or lor rape laughing s.m u> he a prolcuional the awav smell ol l,»»J turns take a sshill and turn assas I hi- .mlv point at whish she ha* DMA an actoist meeting on lampus was at that she sax] M • ohiolog) a OMMMIM] Prolessor inemher Advisors. ol the Board Helen Women's thai six- is disturbed hv ( orralcs ■ letter in and the events preieding it Huiister said she has talked to people "The various women s are an usionx-il to hating Ihe V».»mcn's ol ihe atmosphere ikm She jikleil that (enter as a focal point knew thai then- is ,uttnig dossn on BOCMl jstisin in the would have lo he a period ol adiusiment .oiiiniuiiiis nioie not iust a small group iffioc I luse mv Iriends. Iml I don t II sow Iriends are around all the S.HI Bunster can't dD work also sjid new mal direuor ' ndaaip Moaj Davies prom a woman distance this six' does not leel M SOIIH- rxHnm wiMix-n have I tension gramme ai the WomMl (enter this." she ailde.l Ir.Hii g.i to K. -. i. nt I.I i Living Offtci . I lire tannot reflect! above j.:- . , ■ ' - ■ 4 AN OPEN LETTER To Professors and Teaching Assistants at the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA lasuhv sav an oreaiii/aiion s,.iiH-whal t.». torinal lor u- ( oriales is m a po\ilnm lo judge pro if sax) -Hiilents aixl stall wttethei [• .--■-. I servoix- rx-i-ils lo leali/e the unpor ask tncni to spend Ihe whole das in ms IIIIK- a H ■I tarxe Ihe tenter has j\ j plan- ,*t mlor it s n«< ihji i in ejectmj people she said with i • V ITS APPLICANT POOL »".H.ps whi. Aho.ivoni the Women I CcMCf hesjuse sersc tin entire . INFORMATION SESSIONS THURS . JAN 24 1985 5 PM WED. JAN 30 1985 5 PM BODINE 3 LOUNGE (QUAD) sai.l last night sou rMv( lo hase an appointment and i nlversit) ol I'A Thuis Jan. 24 1983 i ogan Hall is I 7 2 19 5 ""-MM st. 7 PM free resrxmded that she operates vomeiHx- km Mafcad she I eniei intends 10 ,re.ile a DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 5, 1985 Topic: Blacks and Jews: Friends or Foes l>n/in said I'm mush more low kes i .enter and noi an IHM raffia "here she of "Tony Brown's Journal" more i|uietlv l>avies enter 1986«6 APPLICATIONS A^ID If-' .AILABLEIN \MPUS Of FICE (3/00SPRUCE STREET) was hired The V.onxn s (enter should still spin utmooherc THE PARTICIPATION Of UNDERGRADUATES D IN THE ORIENTATION OF NLWAND A FORMAL ROLE IN DEVELOPING THISCOMMUNITY Tony Brown the issue at all people who nx-i with Bunster helore she WELCOMES Present I don t Tve hren an advixatc eaih tune when I if ncscr seen people conic ti> the said said ol women im sampus. and (here is no in people Bernstein illiMIH I km she THE UPPER QUAD Connaissance think she s made a statement lor MM) Hunstei Bernstein said Hunsler tijs lomplaincd H victims PA<;I: and Julie I dim I think that she has made the .Hi,,- that inemher l>n/in added lhat six- was ,me ol the II sou stalk in the lounge |vi>plc Alliance lampus aware of hersell as a revwrce with .1 pruMeni and vou see seven or .-ight lo in her rote as a counselor and advixate HHJI.I, c through the lounge to rcash mc. Bunster said have .Ikalum lhat she has involved hersell in 10 speak »nh mc »JIIK doesn't I>n/m last nigh; said Bunster is (ailing VOMM \ (ewer tOWfC She Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship Inc. know about that who read ihr paper i* meet in the ol programs going on UKS said WnWvUt. januart 0. IW5 thai we Hop iix-eling like SPRING BREAK Subject - Bt 1 K rr U HIM, PM KRS PRESENTED BY Vtr »o,ill* likr to mikr »ou a*»arr «>i thf %rtsur\ -r .iller in ArSI>OUI>CIING: PENN SKI CLUB motion lo lrathin| matrnalt AUDITIONS ,1' Prrparatmn ol o ntavtrr *rt The mattrr %el **ill l»r kepi ->n die at our locllllf YOUR BAHAMAS COLLEGE WEEK INCLUDES: • ond a dupli<.alr will b« iMiund and drhtrrrd lo >ou (ralit FOR I Ovi \l KO\ duplicator BLOOMERS' SPRING SHOW "BABY BLOOMER EDITION" SUNDAY t* MONDAY. JANUARY 27 «f 73 HRE RATCELLAR 7:30 PM •i xin*- • IISKUIStsll HISS* »H7 iTlltOH 4^*»MI COOMf 2-9 either IfOffl fwHifci* <n ln»m Hal cop* at no * harne ,#»' March v»huh it o »iotr ol ihe art will make single tided or if denred ACCOMMODATIONS: <y« a cho^a o* a .a'**, of nolots ■ ^ 'at*u»out iv..i tided n'piet made at no additional COM 4 *ou . n#s Raiat a*a bawd on quad occupa Cxxa ol nor* Pa.krtt will he prepared l«>r the tludentt fli no ..nt 10 The tludentt can pick up Ihe packett (mm our «lore * when the* need them ,V S375 Complete truy Boogaga Mandbng We will offer hindin^ A f U> and (.B( Ho hKStfon com to*ji p*«a inciuOa>« «<• ">iJ o/aiui*** »w.#pt %b Banamat • SPIRAL' of ihe packelt lo your tludentt ■ •pornroffti* • n ■■"t sa»i and no«o \\ no lime will il be necettar* lor the Profe»%oi Of Teaching \ttitlanl lo come lo our ttore All work will l*e ■in»r ir>»o Comaci puked up from fOO al fOUl < »nsenience .**<1 Dy onlocolion tour |7| Moil important we offtl quick service to both *ou and tout ttudrnit anal al a «rt> lov. copy topi t PIT \M W| HI CIVI t I III t*>0 Dopoft'i 'e<]u<rod TO mako A '•••fvaeion Spaca <% we-ry ..m.tao tho inp WILL SELL OUT ACT NOW" 'c »40 AddHionai \ i H XNCE M Kr »>l H MH\H » "III SATISF1 >*>« Deadeime Deposit Due Fob t YOU UE GOT TO PLHV HEflDS-UP BALL WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR CAREER As a writer, you could report on breaking campus news. Or interview the mayor. Or review a student production. Or cover Iv) basketball from the flwr ot the Palestra. As a business representative, you could help manage a $650,000 annual budget. Or design ads tor the next day's paper. Or develop promotional campaigns tor the newspaper and its advertisers. As a photographer, you could capture the pulse of campus life. Or follow an Ivy championship team around the country. The Daily Pennsylvanian is the only student organization with the resources and opportunities to bring the Real World to you . . . Now. Get out of the classroom and into the Real World. THAT'S WHY NSA OFFERS YOU THESE EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES COMPUTER SCIENCE LINGUISTS ENGINEERING THE REWARDS AT NSA ELECTRONIC Tk«*a o*a appa''w«'i»ai m A* NSA raw H *-»<•-•- an* NSA ©"••i a w<da -o«|* NSA affart o tol«-» and a *«r>aif a* ••»••*<■' and • I >h« lo'tai* ca^puia- af chollangmg o I |if >"-•«' » banaf>> p»af»ani rha* t d«»»'Mm»"' p»ata<»t mttaHaiiam «« »ka «a»ld fa> SUxc 'a«if<"| f»»m *n*ii*>oval with almatf a»a»y rr>m\»f ond A».«n lonfvOf* mO)a<t OIOIOM •nduti'T aawipmanti •• *anda' a' ci-ip-'*' i«.tl«»n| Mantla'ian oiiif"m«'Mi '«> thata *»• **'T Tht DaHy Pannsytvanlan OttlcM 4015 Walnut Sir** Oacood Floor H you cavrt •fund, can Hatda EartM at I • •ui» can^o*'1*'** *"*h Tha»a —• •a,v>a>m«nf 'ap'«tani«d ('On«r*pl»an onrj co »t't wnh ia tra*al m**4 tytlamt >n*al*inf l**fa NSA coraart p-a*>da • apa'ttno okwndam yaad n>«| ** rha nur*«toa*t a' "iii'w'at af tuch ddoplmat i'«f«>t'% can cawnt t* at »»t*«'*'» o«aiyt'« and '•<•'.•"«, «dvan<ad »»a»n»nf (•' BOM -"• «"th *• ••■* <•"*»„'••! anal <ama>c«tar danffn •n thaw pxmo'v >m|Vo|« i data '• ha-na f >»^<l Cawndati <-'!«••! iwmt io»"ii*K Nawlv-hwad ••atma'* Wathmfjtan mfm opplxalian* pr«f>ammm| •nd ion plan an man, orawih •■ anh«n<ad do'o bata manofamant <fm't af contintaad h.i»#..<»i rh-auoh ^ia*acr^»» w.th • Vttamt apa*aimf p'afa«t*an«l yrawlh adv<ar*an«l aaa>a'i*»«wtf | rwfnly aiaar^ncad NSA \,%'mr"t <»'"p«'«' a*afatt»a««'t and nVawfh natwa'hmf tae«M»» (ani«M*t m rha mdvittMl fafphKt •■•••ll'tnr <acraai»awl and 1* rwtf ffMnwtat away •«« trmm NSA > canvarwanf twa>w>>a«t 'a<«»-an •nd scadamK avafldt nMMM *•> ."rr-aarto •n*lT«tt «nd d«»>f To 'md out more •wiam«t>*n **• amant tha about NSA coeoor bait t.a-oW« opportunifioi. MATHEMATICS INTRODUCTORY MEETING Friday at 4:30 p.m. Na«r laaiarn (implfi »ftla'«<»t»« ~.<-•»»'•<•..••» T.u « wok «n *>«•!« nhadula on interview Fort (kerne (I. Mrade, Man land MB ■■«"■» puM'"" •P»'»">t a vartaty •' maiKamarKal nia«ni«ii miphr mciwa* talvwta (•f*wnwAM«t**n»'.!■'" fiMw Blr'l'in-I U«f .'anf« iMitmiiiHiil ■• «••"!► •• •«ah«at«<t •••/ MrhnfMi 1MO •v HA^D iiroii*i4iioi The Real World Begins at The Daily Pennsylvanian ■ '<4>Uu and ngfH on «ou tan na*e through your college placement office For additional information On Campus Recruiting: February 20 on tho Notional Security Agency wr.te lo NonervoJ Security Agency Ann M322, Pact George G Mearfe Mejrylo>nd 20755 • THK DAILY PENNSYLVANIA* - Wtdnrutot. Ivmmrj 13. INS PA«.» I" Navigation and guidance systems realtime digital and analog communications avionics integration signal processing inertiai sensor assemblies Work on these complei assignments and others white bringing your career into clear locus with Keartott See your Placement O'hce tor our company profile and to sign up'or a one-on-one interview US citizenship required An equal opportunity employer m/t who creates opportunities MQ BS&MSEE.BS& MS Systems Engineering CAMPUS INTERVIEWS WEDNESDAY FEB. 6 TAKE THE ■■■■■1 FOR FREE, SAFE, AND CONVENIENT EVENING TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM YOUR UNIVERSITY CITY RESIDENCE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DESIGN FOR YOU. PennBus 1984-85 Schedule please cut out and save Wallet-size schedules are available at: ' Transportation & Parking Office, P107 Franklin Building * Houston Hall Information Desk, * Off-Campus Living Office, 3732 Locust Walk f MON FRI 4:50 pm Houston Hall 33rd A Walnut 30th Street Station 36th A Walnut 38th A Walnut 39th A Spruce 4.55 40th A Baltimore 5C0 42nd A Baltimore 5:02 504 42nd A Chester 43rd A Baltimore 5:05 46th A Springfield 508 46th A Springfield 510 47th A Baltimore 5:13 5:17 47th A Pine 520 44th A Pine 5 22 44 A Spruce 5:24 42nd A Spruce MON FRI 5:10 pn 5:14 MON FRI 5.55 pm 559 5:16 5:18 5:22 5:24 5:26 5:28 5:30 532 5:34 5:37 5:40 5:43 5:45 5:47 6:01 6 03 607 609 6:11 6:13 6:15 6:17 6:19 622 6:25 628 630 6:32 7 DAYS PER WK 6 40 pm 6:44 649 654 655 656 7 DAYS PER WK 7:30 pm 7:34 7.36 737 738 7 DAYS PER WK 8:05 pm 8:09 8:14 8:19 820 8:21 7 DAYS PER WK 8:45 pm 8:49 8:54 8:59 9:00 9:01 7 DAYS PER WK 9 25 pm 929 9:34 9:39 940 9:41 MON FRI 10:10 pm 10:14 10 15 10:16 10:17 7 0AYS PER WK 10.45 pm 10:49 10:54 10 59 11:00 11 01 7 DAYS PER WK 11:30 pm 11:34 ■ 37 35 7 DAYS PER WK 12:05 am 1208 12:12 12:15 SI? 7 DAYS PER WK 12:40 am 12.44 MONFRI 1 10 am 1.14 1246 12:47 12:48 1:16 1:17 1 18 NOTE: STARTING WITH THE 6:40 P.M. RUN, THE PennBus WILL DEVIATE SLIGHTLY FROM ITS ESTABLISHED OFF-CAMPUS ROUTE TO TAKE PERSONS TO THEIR PLACE OF RESIDENCE UPON REQUEST. THEREFORE, PERSONS WISHING TO RETURN TO CAMPUS FROM THE RESIDENTIAL AREA TO THE WEST AFTER 6:40 P.M. SHOULD DIAL 898-7297 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR PICKUP. mi i>\m nsNsM\\M\N Sororities hope rush attracts more pledges H. I U RA SHAH Spring Rush loi Panhrllrnii C'.Hiikil OOMa begins (his Simla* ami runs through ihe end ol ne«t wcrt fhc lnur Panhrlknn MWMM »ill he holding parties ami rcsrumng ne» members rhnughiajt the »rek helore • •llering bids MitkHigh fall ruth produced a l.m lut m-ut I'anhrllrnk ( nunul members -JKI the* arc optimist* spring rush mil he more MQQMM Sue President (or rush Barbara Miller said this »eek lhal lh«- low tur tor the tall rush was Jue to students proWi-tiu ol moving in and ad lusting to sshool IKUI When it nme time lor rush tir-t seiiKstcr. the Ireshmen svercn t read) lo loin a soronit bCGBM Ihcs *crcn I on.ntid towards sororils lite she san] hornier Phi S i g m J Sigma Pledgenuslre»s Karen l>unn sai.l the soronts hopes to jttrast more women than last semester REPRESENT OUR FORTUNE 50 COMPANY last rush we were a little Jisap pointed Dunn said "lt'» i good lime lor girls who are new pledges lo make rushe* Icel mm lortaMe. said fhi Omega Prurient I'aige Drummond It s 0M (<■»> lo gt\e them a vie* of our , haptci She added thai spring rush is generalls more successful than the fall rush We usualls do gel more responses in the spr ing she said Pie spring ruining period has al trailed an average al 4II ID SO petiple in the past Miller said she hopes students will take the time 10 divover ihe sorontv ei penence for themselves MM houses have a nice living room and lelesision where ihes ian he warm and he with the sisters she said Ihe «..hi...u. UIIIUI. :.». MM JITTERBUG COURSE! HruVi * youf *-*WW fiwm »M.1 U* h bmk youf KMT* tin* , **** liW fcn**l l«rrKxj t •■***■> •vir«lwn tvoumf In «u* 4 «mAang >n#»«• ««l MMh you abuul a naV-n «*p* !■*■ H*n» and #w> a -*p <* •>»-. a »»v.«c trup*4v«>a an*v 4 MrfSiij mavwust". Yosl IMUM I 'W "-W IINIIIKII mm* .1* "»«»- A* huifc* «*h MMKMI bfl IN* |«.v «n*l 0v« v^w *M*»<1.»al fcn« tumntj M> ,.«u1t hr irty*»M»r»g *» no Tim* fUr >nrrtK*V ***W t»*»V JK*1 (t.-^ Al put* J4t*ffa>nt rumt■• an K«w •Mr .*rt>rf JITTERBUG COURSE: ■hr^frsmlac *s»twsiai baanrani| Jai M Mars t l-antti Hal v pm I «•*•>. Aa» u*>, H«.l II Department of Energy Management and Policy is looking for a WORK STUDY student to do general office work (including light typing) and to run errands If you are interested please contact Patrice Dear at extension 5744. inawvitior ii >•» IIIMM I A »im<o* J D M at MwMaant •THsia uatfi' »iw»«t>o«s« taiifoom instructor i..^ tnv at.-., tnaksacia LIKE NO OTHER BUSINESS IN THE WORID GCTT\ IDVM tl 568-5972 BLOOMINGDALE'S main thing is we want the girls to lind "Ut about dreek lite So nuns tumors and seniors nunc up to me now cspcviallv oace Ihev see our houses ami thev sec ihe lamaradcric ami Incmlship ami sisierhokl. and sav Mined i■ I wish I hail PRESENTS CAREERS Quantity Theory: An economic principle that means you yet more cjreat food for less at Ohara's Dining Saloon i IN RETAIL MANAGEMENT Date: I hiits.i.i, . |.IIIII.II\ 24 Time: hum: B 00PM Locationi Universit> ol Pennsylvania MM' Room, Houston M.tll YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS GREAT CAREER OPPORTUNITY! \i >u i i ■ ■ • • • a i • • I I |!l'1 TODAY, from 8pm ■ 2FOR1 ♦ DOMESTIC DKAUGHT WIMTI !- s MM FORTUNE 50 OPPORTUNITY I'M l'.o\ "ill ;j'' l'hibttlfl|ihui I'.V i"i"J ■•'.:•• _J UNIVERSITY CITY " NAUTILUS GRAND OPENING University City Nautilus Presents: Our Brand New Professional DANCE STUDIO Featuring: AEROBICS JAZZ DANCE CLASSES BALLET CLASSES We invite the University City Community to Stop in and see our studio. Classes are open to members and non-members alike. UNIVERSITY NAUTILUS CARES ABOUT YOUR NEEDS AND MEETS THEM University City Nautilus University City Mall - 4009 Locust Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19J04 382-9010 * lilt D\m reNNSYI.V\NIAN I'M.I- U Wrdxesctat. :.». 1*15 Quakers prepare for American i( unnnutd from hmrk pmgt) In <iur lasi three games, we could have »IKI fwi> of them |afainsi Junes Madison and UNO Wilmin«ton| but we kM each by lour potnu We are no) making ihe crucial plays thai put you over Ihe hip foe a w in " ^ ^»• «*a *V-"» The key player (of (lie Eagles — a team irur usually starts ihrte freshmen and two viphomorei - it sophomore guard I rank Rou (16 7 ppg. i 9 rpg) Bui ROSS ma> n.* he in action tonight Ron it plating well for ut.'' Tapscoft uid "Bui he injured hit ihigh in practice on Sundav and he it osiet tionahle for Penri TV lou of Rou would put added pressure on freshman point guard Mike Sampson 16 6 ppg. 2 2 rpgl. who Tapscott calls his most contiticnt player And senior Jim I ut/ (12 4 ppg. 4 0 rpgl would have lo pick up some of ihe scoring slack in hit role as first man nlf ihe bench to ..ompensale for their lack of r> W. Cagers persence. and admitteaJly. their lack of talent in some areas, the Eagles play a wrappy. fast-paced game One of Amrncan't key weapons it s three CfUartcr court press that they will employ to try to keep the Quakers off balance SI lo a « II on Saturda) il she had slaved on the beam And the was not the only one in that situation Freshman Colleen lur.ss had similar problems during her © Sheraton beam r.Hjtinc This afternoon, both gtninasi- will ..Hxentralc «m keeping their t.aMing I want I" Irs to improve m\ beam I i.ivti-*ii> (ilv ■.-. .. • . M It everyone on BBJBJ will go up lust (letting them lo vuv ,*i ihe rxjm (antwell said Thai s our kev goal Thet sc got Ihe Irkks Thev iuvt g.a. to get used lo doing them (•etling used lo their routines is ihe ljuakcrs other game plan thi- Quaker Oats ■ . routine. Turnc) wnd the team does that our a lot »• :v.:t ■ DtCKVITALE— Ovc nsiulh thai laum hed a thousand I' I boats S|> • o| holing iwho SJK! anvthing arsnil bounf ' Run \urit *ill he tea. hing his pcicnniallt popular pugalistk pfuflani ,u I'cnn F his * ill he I hi- last BOBkMel thji Aunt oilers the noting sourtc so c'i-1 il will n lasts Intro mccling .'ii Ihursdat. Januart 24 at 7:00 p.m. CAFE JEUDI Spring '85 in 111 I M - He s (he -tiaightnui jrsnit iris I.I Rooftop High Rite Speakaaj ,>t IHM. He there- EMI .who -.ml Bswiluag 'i Don Huerkk knew the jriswer 10 tcsicrdat s trivia question Mark MacNamara wjs the onls Pat 10 honpsktr, utu Karetnr lo lead the conference HI Himn^ and ieh»Hiikling in tin- sank- season He won .1 ieall\ final prut And so can SIHI il SOU answet lodas s question Who has the highest of three non league wins tot Penn last season Cafe Jeudi is a student run coffee house looking for Tatstt Wc onls had one atvav meet and they panicked, (antwell said It stas panic at Needle Park We re not an el pcncike.I team and »e have to work on being awav So. more than anvthing else this altcrn.ion s meet will he like another practkr II will he another chance to work .HI perfecting roulinet. and amMher shame to hung their BJ0M |usl a tc-w rs.inls higher fe» small hints 1 1 tit plated ■ the earls I < IM Mr KS — He s the big hca.1 Speaking ot im-ciings iwho S.IKI Come to the 'vats Newt Sit in .1 row And wc even heal Mahlowil/ ( an rail tv.ii that ' All interested people should come and find out more RESUMES THURSDAY. JANUARY 24 8 PM HOUSTON HALL LOBBY AscomTtsnovC Hx 0>a*T> FOf THE FINEST IN TYPESETTING 4 PRINTING If unable to attend, call 386-5256. Ask for James. 3907 WALNUT ST • 3*6-6410 M M la M *4 M N M M M •4 7 11 y *4 • 1 20-30 4' •3 0 1 i 9 1 4 1 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 2 1 1 1 3 4 II 7 0 1 3 1 0 ) 0 0 3 ISJ3 47 ll it SO 3 M M •> MM M tm Fmagjy Btf Rsm«i 1 (*Ttl* v.~r-....r .13 » 13 20 V ftct « Foro u. ■ I 7 ran* 200 V*\ nm nv* n» n? V7 1 ' Ml >7 4-14 M 4-4 s-t M <3 0-3 04 M M M M :•■ ?i«2 1 1 1 n •• ' >1. 15 7 « '-' Mariwna Si josstm i at-ffl Turnovsrt Pans 20 Si JowcKt 13 Bkx>M Snots Si josanM? Psnn 0 AiMnosnc* 114 Giegerich stars on mats down at praclK'et Bui. he is still wrestl (( ■mlmurd from hark pagr) something helpful to s.is Giegerich who prides himself on his quickness has been troubled lately J l.oi I'M Ml-K — Oondinghi M ftaaajtannthllTilTnnaiW M Iporu Bakers Entertainers Watters/Wattresses Hall They must gel used 10 competing on other equipment and vtiUsout ihe sup p>»n ol the home .rostd men s basketball. I he PtiA Matters and the comma, ApocaltpviiK's-iinj,' >on II he g1.nl sou did SO we'll give MI 04 •Signs* s.Hirsell after.'' Allnun sonlinued "Gary s not |usi a great wresilcr bui he's a great gu> who altrajri has • j toughic Oumw Clsr. D Run The primanls Ircvhnun learn hat anything OIK- I'l'n s 2i His statn dW art make the Pusal hour Call Mef or SciMip st H*>K ISMKI tffef K:.*0 p.m. it \.HI kik-w the answer II S.HI don t. -all ut ant teas ro,* fT-a competed in only one meet avvav Irom Ihe friendlv confines ol Wrightman ahiHit iikcling-'i the III* Inlrodut lor> Meeting will he held on Iridat ji 4:.V» p.m. I he IX' OIIKCS .ire JI 4015 ".alnul I IK Sports Si.iit needs itwllcttfil nearcomeri SO IUIKIIC upsoininc assij.*niik.*nis includint: Penn ss PriiKcton I hi- INTRODUCTORY MEETING mum «T JOKWI l-J 1? Ireshmen sec that lhc> are not alone Hes the greatest. Irrshman \xe Vllman taid Gars, s a giasl captain and I wish he weren't gr.klii.itin^.' bacaaat bt'l a great guv to work wnh ' He s really a greal pervm to iikslcl potnts pei tame aconaa, tveraat m M \ \ Hjskethaii rauraaattal husnr) ' Joseph'* 74. Pann 60 Tonight's game will he the second ever between the two teamt 1 asi season at the Palestra. Penn beat the Eagles. 50-47 The Ouaker victory was only one Gymnasts on the road {( tmmmmi from hock fof) ((omammrd from mtck pat*) have to leave this gym tonight thinking maybe they thuuldn'l he ranked I Mi or I Wi m the country I think we did i nice lob against them with iniuriev In Ihe pasi month, he hasprained both ankles and has slowed ing and he has set his goals for ihe remainder Of (he season I'd like Ihe learn to do better in ihe Ivict." Ihe management nuior explain ed I want u- to finish well above 300 Mso. I'd like lo do better in (he I IV. *. " W'hkh sh.Hil.ln I he a problem lor Osaaeriek II. • always worked hard joi whal he wanted.'' Lauchlc said "He reallv lypifin the student athlete - he's intelligent, he's a gentleman and net g.xvd al whal he does Smokey Joe's The Pennstitution Since 1933 3736 WALNUT ST * 386-6114 *« Wort Oona On Pntmstt FOR THE 104th CONSECUTIVE SEMESTER WEDNESDAY NITE PARTIES CONTINUE WITH THE FUTURE PRESIDENT OF FIRST BOSTON MAY BE READING THIS AD. BRAINS $1.00 Plus NEW MENU ITEMS 40th & Walnut It the above stiitt'tiH-nt st't-ms like .111 outrageous --po ulation. i onsidei Mr. I'etei T I'u. hanan Mr Buchanan i-- now the Presidenl and L"K. > nl I'he First Boston Corporation, investment l>.mki-r>. However, he bewail lii> illustrious i .Hen iiuu Ii the \s.iv you ma\ lx- contemplatinv; doinn. iiv;lii now. Hf loined .1 Irainiiii; projTT.im .it First Boston. Il vim qualifv. In -1 Hu-lun vMHild like tn nflrl \"ii the >,imc opportunitv in its two-wai analyst training program. We're liNikink, i"i college jjraduates with strong academic records who possess excellent analytu ,il and writing skills; young men and women who have demonstrated initiative and 1 ommitment; people who i an thrive in .111 intense and demanding i nvironmenl (Qualified individuals will stai t in ,111 intensive i-ight we« k i ourse in aci ounting. tin.ui. e and tht' capital markets theoi y that provides the krjoundwork lor the program In addition to financial training. .'in will kj.nn exposure to Wall Street and the business world. AnaKst-- will get first hand experience in .1 wide variety "I .in-.is such .is mergers and acquisitions. 1 orporate, mtei national or [iiihlu finance. Who knows, in twenty years we may be using your sin 1 ess story as ,m example. AMD . . . LULU OUtOM 4 L 222 0770 SINE SCKLXV onie to our presentation in The Rooftop Lounge of High Ris( North onjiinuarv 2'.M .it 7:(MI inn AN AMERICAN IN PARIS ^ First Boston JANUARY 26 ADMISSION- $3 50 Mistim AiriTtniTA • 7=30 PM. I in H MI \. PEKNSYI \ V.NIAN vs.,i,„.,!.■. J*nuar> :>, BH rw.i n INTRAMURAL SCOREBOARD (Complete through Monday January 22) Basketball Compulsive Dr«e*ert 44 The Fuhrmen* 43 M»i»*al 28 King Parharde 19 Carpet Crewksrt 10 Compuiai»a Droolers 10 Bunec'ushevt 3' "rtif* i flonavjailee ?' tvamecockt 48 The Shape o> riwige 14 Whae Treah TO Ahmed Taha so 1-0 uamecockt Whae Traeh 10 to EnkghMned Ftoguet 00 Ahmed Taha 0-1 NoocM Renegade* 01 Snap* of Thayge 0-1 00 Tha Furemane Oi Kmg Ffccharde 01 Smie Ravanga 01 Last week's results Quirhaalan 33 Moneenaada 1* Equal Opportunity 44 Jem, a K«ja 30 Oreameai Ph. Siamma Banana 29 This week s games York League Fnkgniened Floguee v* Snap* o< Trunge iA» games on Thursday af 5 30 p m i Darby League Last week's results Miami V*e Be-oen S* The Hornet 35 Banshees*' The «avoiui<m 23 Redmen defeated The 78 era tort** IO A Dudes II 00 The Momai 01 aser* lO F.resteners 10 MSBB4 01 No Chance Weeneje 01 IO QuKhaami IO Jerry a Kan Ol Ph. Siamma Banana Ol 0-1 Ol &gma Nu B Si S^ma Alpha Mu B Alpha Epaaon Pi S3 Pn. Gam J1 » 0*«a xappa Epaaon S3 Pai Upaaon 31 1 0 W I f 10 -ns Dana 10 Pn. Kappa S-gn\s IO Sigma ". 10 P. Kappa Alpha 00 Sigma 01 'hau >■ 0-1 .'« Bala Tau 0-1 Pa- Upaaon Oi Sgmi Alpna Mu 0-1 Last week s results »■ » P- Dana Thau 30 ftPAR'MENT IRK % ■ i Animal Jlos*u' Paftoniti lo aasiv * I ammqancvM and vaaakand caia 0* 11 m hotpaai Can M * i Hospital ?48 18*6 V naa Monthly Ikaaat Call 3499429 •N PENN CAMPUS ftlvcajnoat 1 1 and 4 oedfoom apadmantt leaiy dacouiad Con,-n..nt •■ KBk Wntanmal Dpartan 386-73B0 Monl- P1NEAT46TM || I .DiUmvninti ■rt ptm la" no*d %s nugn hotels Laun 460 Sioaw a Co J»5700 •MVATE DOUBLE .oom tna.ed I* Ran child uva optKjn Un.v..v ay C.ty a.aa Call avaningt W4-6226 buACXUNGLE SINGLE aa» vn« Nfad lanani who * not piatentl, •ang on campus 386-3737 ROOM FOR BENT SingW room . vjcalad n cental o* campus Vary ■aaaonaDle $880 to" aemetM» Can 221 98?6 Aa* tot Fhc« o. ToOy 37lh and CMCSTNOT Newly Dual modem two DatVoom ap* * * j.pet.ng Elevator Duilding Separate aleciiK t«00 a momh AvailaOle February 1 LOU't Star>manCo 397 2300 43RO ANO PINE Large lt» t?60.mo tndudet neat AvaaaHe 211 Can 387 43n) ANO OSAG£ S.I Oadnjom uaiai, S7S0 Surhman Co FOR SALE H) IT najE VOX. Car Buy jaapa tor 144 trvough tha U S Government' Gal ine Lets today' Can 1-312 742 1142 Eat 3802 PRINCETON RCCOftD Eichanga Wa buy and tea records all calegonea al tha Bookstore February 4-11 B9S-7S95 TYPEWRITERS '.ve manual old heavy Oury tvpawmars 136 —en Can Dave Locnner at the OP at 89B-6S8' durmg the allernoon HELP WANTED I III! I'.lll I . 11J ■ - \ • I I" .M. I | ;.,,,,s 197* OOOGE Con Eicaaem -unn .ng ccvsuVaon SagM body damage ttOO 3874)18? ir *' p m S^maNuva Alpha Epaaon p P». Upaaon v* Sajma Alpha Mu Ph. Gamma DaHa vt Uaita Kappa Epaaon Sunalay. tOOpm S.gma Nu va Pa. Upaaon Ajpna Epaaon P va Dana Kappa Epaaon Sajma Alpha Mu vt Ph. Gamma Data HBP WANTED 10 Sajma Alpha Epaaon i 0 Sayna Ch PUdgat IO '•" Kappa PtSajma Oi BJ ^, 0' ■ HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ■ CARB.O WOMAN Ph D icancer reaaerch) eiahaa lo adopt vilant Otlert loving stimulating staple home VV4 pay medeal legal counaeang aennces ol bvthparanta Ccimpieas cenadareiaaty or open adoption Call 301S309180 coaaci WORK STUOY Now AvaaaOM pi 4 II at He Facuey CM) A» Poaawna Cast Ma Caeahan 8984618 SECRETARIES However \ ■ '•■ \.i n\n l\tH»slHHMMIIHi>«ISi . * 1 sti \i»l V MHH Ml \t» l\Mt.l\*MV> .VIIIIM ( 11// /'((/ (MU lt\t IS | .11" \n It.** IWllltlitlS 111! ..fl«>> IHM Ull W / I iKMpai . WO*aXjjTUOr Students VVharton Computing and matructonai TacnnoYjgy .t rsnng MKrooom puter and Ma<nirame operators No eip*<wnce neceaaary Contact Rand. i1838 J J'lHI, I 11,111 II \M In I. I'M EWC atAMCH needs tiudent, 10 •ecruvt on campus tor the cluo isae introductons by lalephone ad under partonam You muai be pnyscaHy attractive and under 30 Can Ere anyume Horn 7am 10 1 ipm Monday Ihru Sunday at 927 7»29 and I STUDENT ENTBEPRtNtLIRS lecnrucat Marature pan-ame tome Jovn tne woru ol akeaabuawrs the letepnone and ryovng. tend .nqua> national campus organ /alon 10 streaa-'atwi tor Mudentt wen reaume 10 PO Boi 8187 PnaacWpraa Pa 19101 by asudantt Earn HOmr prt To become a atmatuaiai conRESEARCH SUBJECTS Mate 18 tact Steven Douglas al 387-8836 or over lor evaluation 0* meuKepon enacts on cardvjvaacutar and <nte» WANTED EM>ervenced ->aDytaje< new vanabiea Muai paaa screen tor Saturday ragnts Muai have rng evaiuaton $10 tor tcreerwvj 'etarencea S4 an hour Can 1100 tor two laaaiom tor thoaa 9281894 alsar 9am Oual.ty.ng Mrs Anderson — WORK STUOY Mudeni needed 10 898-S209 OFFICE ASSISTANT: accurate typaig (SO wpm) 'eaponacaa tor oakng smaa CC once *»•*»» hours or Kaveme puaaon tend as guay wan reaume 10 PO Ek» 8187 PhaadetpNa PA 19101 SLEEP OISOROERS Canter Thomee janavton Lirvvarsay mil buavmc women age 20-29 tor study 01 tttep buarma SST paid tor participation Information 928aS'7J hee*h care aetbng C- 882 2871 NUajSPtG STUOCNTS Needed on weeaanda and inaaihOanll, 10 care tor a 24 y o mate Quad m Canter C4> Cast Lynn at Canng -«. Y, • MM • SHORTHAND SECRETARIES • TRANSCRIPTION OPERATORS • LEGAL "MEDICAL 'STATISTICAL TYPISTS • TYPISTS HI INI SI ■flat Mu hour V\i«L tin llx- arra I trier . ofjapaYwM a' . Iwaiu- l.v. aliimv rjaad vacatram aid rrtrrrai honu^N ( all II i|)v i\« IKKI l\%' Brinn this ail lor the CttHO CARE Pavm students wile Daey weeaty or evervnga 3874921 MFAaany MARMED couple wvah newborn Can warmth love and security Eipeneee pad cormden iia. Caa iS-6. 2*8 7748 ooaect ■■ .• TOWNHOUSES Chrsli-% < Itli. I ( ampus knrrvm Bids 4 to 12 bedrooms many recently renovated available June through September lours begin February 4 Campus Apartments 4043 Walnut Street call 382-1300 nd Baltimore 41st and Spruce 40tn and WalniJ • th and Locust Jvtn and Baltimore 41st 56 5 70JO KELLY SERVICES Irvr the largest & most varied selection in University City KAMII sVyt—wood H*. KHIy (,irl" People Not An lam. » Svw J Irv IVKillppn. Implovr. MH4I FVUTEasxcOBaXn Laeaona E. pervanced taerharpertorrner mm Ju«kard Caryn EaoO 3828822 FRENCH IttamU horn Nakve Frenchman Heaaonaola ram. Kexne hours mtormaaon cat 73243880 or 896-7084 Marc VOICE LESSONS Eipenanced •OHQ OpejVa ITaUas-Caw COnetMiy r *SJsf> tnaalaaaon 985-9122 ADOPT HAP*"/, secure aducatari couple seek atktnt tasang lor «*» baaoved adopted uaugntar Calcol ■act a«ev noon (203t 463-1319 ROOMMATES Looking for 4 people going abroad Fall semester 1985 who are interested in sharing a house with people going abroad Spring semester 1985. 1 Please call soon. 387-9287. ADOPTION We va beer nappe, marned 12 years and our daepaat wvah e to adopt an avatnt arwh whom to share our love and home We are hnencvaty aacure coaage aduc Mad prolaaaionaa who can grve your baoy every advantage >n Me and can help you through tret ayicuatime Confidence) Calcol ■act abar 7 pm and weesanda (212) 734-6814 INTRODUCTIONS BY Wepnone wen lua protacbon ol your vjevraty fasahar ot you grven th* oVmi t phone number Make your own setacaona (Irom ceded ada and proMaai at very low coat Can Enc March anytime Irom 7am 11 p m Monday thru Sunday at 927 7929 RaOE NEEDED Weeaenda To Etaejrnore or AnnapoM and return wa pay get 222-3126 FEMALE Ama/mg mem 4 •neoele am to 8 BOOMMMATE wanted Hamelon Court apart bedrooms 2 bathe >m avaaaMay 8689800 9 p m Aa* tor Susan HRE ROOM avaaatae Need lenant not preaenoy avw, on campua W 36<9 -» 186-2120 MOOD UFT»*Q SKILLS are enet live toot) tor bouncing back Irom tow mood, dapreaacn low produc bv*y and lack ot sahalyavj involvement Supportive dweueeran and ■aedback netpa you tackle .ey pn> btema Manorjt inctuda oognarve therapy rewarding activities poearve vnagary aanaory ermen mm* end help improving retebon arap* A Dene. teH-mege end rewriting negative personal acripta" may open new poaaajetea* For v^tonnation on mood liana problems or a bee 90-mwjs* conaulabon and leadbeck on your concerns, eel 7283SS2 Laurence Mrtar PUD ucenaeo peychotogvai NEED rafSUasfaVT OP CVaptvca we prowja you wan a ouakty photot,paaat reaume rrvjcnaracal Ca« 888-1H • KARATE AND JU-JIT-SU CLASSES (SELF-DEFENSE) WMt Rt MJcCitaanil Hat Ouetf >7». ana Spruce SfOetNERS ■*>)> IKNt wtmaoTi t TM s» ajoPM ADVANCE SAT 11)0 12)0 WEAPONS auo 9€lT» ONLV STARTS i-2iaj» OHUI.il. asSTRUCTOR ANORCWIVN 10*. PLACE WtVUtONS 198) U8 OP€ H m PLACE JAPANESE KATA laaausoetN TRIP . Club aponaort a weaeend o* Wang m Mount Snow Package nctudae Condo rjdgng "II tenets and iranaponaaon tor only |I36 For more information call peg • .v.Alan 38' I960 BAHAMAS - JOSS 'he Perm iwestvi Saj Club tor a week ot tun and ton durmg your Spring Break iMarch 2-9) mcJudee avtare hotel. and Banamaa Coaage weak ac trvoea tor S37S For further iraormaton contact Alan/Jon 387 I960 or Pag 387-369! Act now- Tnp way •aiouf ATTENTION P*SESTKJE TYPtNO and Word Procaaang Optciakew m Theses Dittertationa Manuacnptt Foreign Languages Merkcai Cm it ral naueu>»a Lai lert rieaumea Ojmpktie Word Proceaamg tervce Campus SAVE SS4 nefconei axkne tcketa Cat our Ticket Eapreaa service tor beet oeela intarnaPonal Travel E. change 332-2444 PUBLIC STENOOBAPHER Spec.ai/ing diasenalions manuacnptt Romance languagaa Flora CanVn 27S.22I1 SPPaMO BMEAK ai the Canbbaan S399 lAartare odgngj Evenvnga AUTO O.LASS guaranteed wuAnwvana) mobea gleet un* tor loreajn 4 dnmeHC cart Can T' State Auto Qiaaa Co I21SI 461 2320 TRAVEL WEEKEND SKI TRAVEL Tata. 388-6728 1640 Sutmrtian Sla Bids rt>.l4 >l>4 II III f V\\nnrv..aal ROOMMATES it i ■ spnial botlUi NVrdia : Wain,/ I Mr | '. . . ■ P£RSONAL~~ 190*8 -., eya ■ \|i|iii. .iii.HI ii.-.iillini- Februan •• I98S Ph. Kappa Alpha COME TO THE MOUNTAapJ Top OtSC JOCKEY waraed pantima tor pnvaie parMa Musi have e. pervance wonting wan chadran 9-18 vra and tnoeaaogs ol Bar WUj vans Must nave outgoing per aonakty good Knowledge ol muaac and a car 884-2M1 A prinfinliti' Hi-a<l Kr.nl. ni ha» Red League GOVERNMENT JOBS St6S»»S60SS3rYaar Now Mving vour Area Caa i«t)6-887«000 a722 WORK STUOT Fieitaa nourt Caa 999 8681 {The D P i aat tor jane CRUISESHIPS HIRING S'r>t30 000- Carnsaan Mawa. World Caa lor QuOa Oeactory Neaatenar M916I 9*4-4444 ■ ,- •' This week's games EXCELUNT BSC08M to- pan tane home eaaambty worn For «*o ca» *400E«1 018 ■ Brother'Saner camps n Pooonoa o> Pannayivaraa - June 24JAugua( 20 CounaeKv poaawna avaaaOM Can I21SI 8779700 or wr«e 407 Beneon Eaal Janamtown PA ^> Place your classifieds at the DP oftice - 4015 Walnut Streel . i I floor Cost: .'Ocper word per da. Deadline : -n two days betore ; .: HELP WANTED ' - Zau Bau Tau Exciting [ob Very Bright Person WATCHES FOR SALE Detajner took a akaa naaaonapie pneaa Ca« 386-73S3 VMIII ,I Furthei inlormation md .i|i|iin itiom 0-1 FOR SALE trail Sajma Alpha Epaaon 4. ,'au Baia Tau 3? paaj Alpha B 49 Ph nappa Pi 34 Sgnu Ch. Ptadgaa 63 Sajma Ch. B 4' Blue League Classified Ads is .1 part hmi- tlUOVfll <l.ill imnili.r HIMII RIMIII-III his STANDINGS 00 300 EU.17 .s w ' • APARTMENTS A IO Last week s results Sajma Nu va Sajma Ch. P. Kappa Alpha vt Pn. Kappa Sajma ZaiM Bafa Tau vt Ph. Gamma DaHa (An gamaa on Sunday 1 noon) This week s games Su«le Hevenge 10 0-1 00 BMJ rhc Department of Residential Living announcei HEAD RESIDENT positions lor 1985-86 Pn. Gamma Dana This week s games Phi No Jamma 300 40 Alpna Epaaon p kg* i •. STANDINGS STANDINGS Last week s results nouae Avaaeme a month Louat Last week s results t 30 Svia Nu 17 Thau < u .«a Sgmi U .'aia EM<a Tau 43 Ph Gamma DaHa K S^jma CK 41 Ol APARTMENTS • Green League Last week's results Viscosity and Stutiy ■ tax) Viacoaiiy O-i Dana Kappa Epaaon Ph. No Jamma 34 300 BM* 19 Logan League Call D.P.Graphics for quality phototypesetting 8981111 0-1 B Zf Pti v* Ph> Gamma Dana Pn. Kappa S^jma v» Phi s^ma Kappa Svgma Alpha Mu va Alpha Tau Omaga IA» gamaa on Sunday 1 < 00 pm i Gold League I»a 1 ■ CnMere defeated 01 Ph. Kappa Sajma FRATERNITIES Last week s results This week's games Alpha Tau Omaga STANDINGS IO 01 Tha Hornet vt Tha Revolution Tha 78 eis vs Miami Vica (Bergen W Dude* H va Banana** {All games on Thursday si 6 30 pm I oo STANDINGS Borne Squad Easf League 10 IO Pn. Sigma Gamma Ph. Dana Thau Equal Opportunity va Dreeme 9 30 p m >**" ja-nea on Tnundtri Borne Squad vs Faestenvrs B Sers vs No Chance Weenwt vt Mawa (A* gamut on Thuraoe> m B 30 pm) <o Miami vca iB*rgen Redmer Carpel 'forfeit IO Equal Opportunay Oecheatert va Jerry > KaM S 30 p m Mnoaeneeot va Ph. siamma Banana p m This week s games STANDINGS 10 /eta Ps. This week's games Borne Squad Oataaiad No Chenc* tor*** F.feMenera 31 Weenae 29 Tha B-Sart 3' Mel*. 29 Bonecruthers vs Gamecocks Wlvae Traeh vs Hooch • Renegades IO S-gma Alpha Mu This week's games Ore Last week s results This week s games Ph. Gamma Dana STANDINGS Su*e navanga vs Tha Futvmane Mercaner.ee vt Carpal C'Mot Miam. Vca iKa/aal vs Compukvve Dreoiert lA» gemee on Tnwtoty 1 ' 30 v STANDINGS Boneeuahers Mum v«a iKeraai STANDINGS West League 10 Last week s results RESUME? Snjma Alpha Mu S8 Ph. Kap B 3? Pn. Gamma Dana 49 Alpha Tan Omaga *S i** ymmm on rhuntdey m 9 30 pm) STANDINGS DORMITORIES Olney League It ........ Vvacoaay va Ph. No Jamma Each va SUM) • repreaenrawve 67B7I60 daey and TYPwJT Spaciakat - oeaarta bone manuacrvpta kanaenpeona Eiceaent proteeaionaVacadema: raterencea Duma 8984778 SPPaMO aMEAK Packagea Ftonda. Banamaa Bermuda kom »H9 Cel Tammy 3*7 1264 387 1388 SPPJNO BPaEAaX « Daytona Beach kom SS9 South Padre Irom ITS Mustang latand/Port A/anaa* St 19 Sleamooal Spnnga Wang kom 179 Hurry Break From The Book* ca» Suncfteae Tours ua tree lor more information t400-32t-68t1 or contact a Sun chase Campua napiatentaiaia or your local Travel Agency today SPPaMO BPKAK M VAX Joei the Perm Ski CtuC from March 4,11 tor a week ol Mung and penyng m tor only S499 Caa jon/Aktn 387 I960 or Peg 387-3681 tor more ntormepjon OARAOE OR SPACE leaned tor storage of canoe Phone 476-3834 NANNY WANTID ' .vjrm Hie*, mpnjn level poutvjn ( iJker rduialNm putrnid Musi h* rlurnr .- EnajMl musl hr well n-ad v.v.1 -ivam and well mannered I iveva pinrtMm vn a lamih vrtuatmn that mdudnprh fc day t per week Salary ptul nenel.l» send letter and mump l.< Susan SLmrn, 181* surtrr M v,ar 1600 PH.U f, ilKINI • ■ If you mr0 interested in writing sports for The Daily Pennsylvania!! bo at the DP Introductory Mooting on Thursday, January 24 at 4:30 p.m. i SPORTS Gymnastics faces weak Trenton St. After struggle, W. Cagers fall to St. Joseph's Quakers strive for on-road experienee ii. MM MAM I When the I'rnn gvmivasti,- team meets I'cnton this attcrre*m. thes will not he wnrrvin^ JNHII whether or m* thes will win Ibc Quakers lM MM was IM s I renton s last KOn Mi IV ( Icarty winning should imi he j problem ll should l» M MT) Mi Pcnn con IJIR-' i .ini».n -aid VMUI else i\ dtm to -.ii 'We're IS point- ahead ol them Ihcie - n«H mu.h moic lt> sas .11 least '-nil winning \. JJaj .i- the In- in the hag Ihc iiiipi.n.ini MM i ■ H will he ken the Quakers win .ills |.Hir tik'cis against I ten i.Mil kavt aiwa.- beat wq »MI cap IfUI Ita.i Ingiam sakl What ire'rt going lotr) to do with ihis M I* to get our hest Konng UJIII reads I .. do tin. Penn must .1*. a lot >.I fine tuning i.. n- performance Saturda) . IIM Northeastern wa- II.MI eighth litu ol the \ear falline to ttxHawk*. 74 «). jt lite PaleMri II Ihere ever »u a iharxe lor Penn to sh-Hs and Ihey hit nothing hul net When the Hawks rased out In a 19-13 the hall in the Hassks hands Although thes sveren I shooting ssell. St loe'l ag gressive plas allovsed them to come' up ssith almost eser\ lOOM hall And the Owens -..MI- W.HII.I hj\.- been close l( onlinuiil mi fMM /.') tired (Quakers sserc helpless as (he Hawks ran off a 14 point harrage lo pul the game nut ol reach with su minutes Starting today tin DP unvtik aim iiiiiwi huramml "■ HirJ providi i .. i ■'(. MMtftftfl ,m,i mWtfWet '"' Penn \ intramural program! remaining "The> g«n Ihe momentum and won the game right there.' Penn coach I 01Ashies said "But thes se done that all >car Sometimes thes 'se done that lor tortv minutes, and you can see why they are s. 1 good S,MII, intramural batketbaU leagues \, i .., ii I >tln • miramural basketball leagnei PeW . i> ,.i|H.nn 1-r.in hrci MM up for a lav up in llu Quakers' "4wi In- In M. Joseph's last iiijjhl loe'l hegan 111 falter quickly hecamc apparent that Penn could stas with the highly touted Hawks Penn - blMOM proMM was 5 11 for ward Janet Honda, who poured in 11 lirsi hall points, pacing Ihe Hawk- to .1 (S3 46), Penn hesarne unglued A se-neol louls and lurnosers vonsi-tentK ke[»( alone defMee, St realK dominated plas "We dkln't pla> scrs »ell tonight. Hassks tiwch Jim hosier said "I thoughl M MM Hal an.1 spoils lor us to plas ssell. we hasc lo plav on .1 list ol plas like a different leam Alter a IVh hie Rlask loul shot and a fern MOM lumper e<lended the lead 10 sescn I '»fn. -JI.I »f ..in I .ill.M.I ill the lad- .Mi ivjii i -i-i meet we loci .ii least rout points .HI thai DM cveta lead. 11 looked like ihe (Quakers were in lor a long cscning \. I'.-nn rtMMMtd its MM in favor i»f a more aggrcssise man u* nun Although the (Quakers neser g.M -loser than eight points in the lirst half, it ed vshat »a- a 14 point lead dossn to lour, and Ihes had all the momentum Hul all ol a vudden. the Hastks hegan lo to each score n the ompetaivt in rhe Hawks esuhlished the lempu of the game, setting up their halfcourt ..Dense while passing sharply and Jeliherilels annjnd Ihe pcrimrtcr of the leakers ] ' /one until an ,ipen shot ap rxare.l rhey did not hesitate to loft IS |eei not 10 mention longer lump iranie Althou|ih Si Joe's did pul to»;ether sonic h,K streak- thes neser IrjrjMh'a, the Quakers loond like tru-s might pull nil Ihc upsel Thes had rial itKiT more difficult Ivy match must rui theimelves »'i their erron now vsc iKv>i leu mistakefreshman Ihi\ .ic.» earls i-miHion rnni)!hl sse laskesl intinsits With the si ore V>4^ in lasor ol Si amd but ii ..Hjid have bra beMi Almost ever) icanpeMOf tell ..rt ol the halarkc beam * hi- h i- .in .IUI.MII.III. lull poM .u-.iii. i.hi.ik,I. .ir, ■. K> DAVID Hk Ml Thirty minutes into the (tame last night the Pcnn wismen s basket ha Ii team appeared B he i>n Ihe serge of oscrtaking lHth ranked Si Joseph \ f-our minutes jfKl 14 Hawk points Ijlcr Ihr Quakers »crc on iheir »j\ to their upset t hi|ihl> nnkeJ MM, this game *a» il The Hawks usualls a \er\ in tense, emotional leam looked lelhargis and CTMlMI l.-r imich ol tln- rjwken eft concerned iim am MM I.I Page 14 The Daily Pennsylvanian Wednesday. January 23, 1985 Si Joseph's Wl .onlrol ol the game healths sil percent shooting pcrformarke Irom Ihe held in tin- lust MB Ihc tjuakers halllcl hask at the stan ol Ihe second halt I orward Janet Blair puked up a loose hall oil the tap and hit the lay up to CM the lead lo six at 16-.VI The next link- down the court, with a .hansc to eut the lead lurlher. r-ran PTBJ missed a twisting lasup oil the iron In Ihc next lew pOMMMOM, Ihe i.Hiaket. had lo he satisfied with trading haskets The Hawks OfJM again extended their lead, taking a ten point lead on a Mohr lumper with 14 It remaining Penn tin Hinted another conkhask. scoring the ik-xt six points to hung the score t.i SO If. on a Blair layupoll a Rnhyn Ion -«h steal Here, the Quakers ran out ol steam, as ihe Hawk- pul the game out ol reach ror Pcnn (3-JJ, 0 1 Big f-tvci. there was satisfaction in defeat I thought we could win.'' Ashley said "We did an awesome tort defensively 10 slop their guards Most people t( nnlinurd on page 12) Quakers to battle American tonight Penn looks to get on winning track behind revitalized Maloney Ihe M.il.Mies 1- .1 inemlvr ,.| ■ Penn froMcoan that ha- been hexed ail season Freshman tor MI ti.i- .et 10 produce .1 loi ol "Uilhl -|s.|. I In, niaioi rCSMM 1- the ilcill.lil Rich I oh.111 wa- lost 10 tlk" team tor lines with inononu-leo-i- Ihcti -t.it .ling cornpelNna that the Quaken have played this sear sccordinf 10 l s\ l.si.o coach 1 r.ng 1 miepagc md hi- lean have plas..I ilk- lsth louglk-st ,.hediiic in St \ \ tine .inlet Ned Ivcrn.tcin hroke his linger 1 basketball low ol 2S2 leamsl I'enn - PCCOfd itklkates that rhe '.In.ikei.iiiteiills hase .1 J 1 liurk 1 1 I Isie. 0 I Hn I oei and thes were wime-. ihroMfhouttheil tost seven gamc- he neaded some lime ofl the coafi II. Kit K Kl ssn K lot Ihc I'eiin men - haskclhall team IIUI.I.MI Bul now the lompctition has leveled ofl I hit aikl Perm tukts itself within Us ,la-- Theteam ha- won two ol it- last I.HII came- and ti.i. -Iiown marked HIMUVCIIHIIM OVtl Ihc IC .ent -tretsh I he Ouaker- will tn to keep loosing in Ihe winning dire.tion tonight when thes t.ue Viicri.an I nnei-iis 1" p.ffl . Ihe ural \ He l^uaker- irs to turn then -ea-,MI .iriHitkl tlk-s rjoa 1 hase tar to l.s.k lo liikl .1 rale model " rVwi want- to tec how u . ,l..ik it should lake a look H Ilk' rklks lo 1.iC- to tic Ik'- -tots ol oik ol its own plas erkuk Mai,Mies aikl is -till out ol action IVnn - .»thcr .entet \hc Okor.sludu ihen baCMM Ilk' BMIHaj hie man Hut (Ikonslii.lu .triiecle.l ,md decided kj , result he h.i\ taken Ihc sear ofl Irntn theteam While 11 -eem. thai all ol tin- ...illusion ha-n I hirkleie.1 sharp-h.s't. I ( tin- I l/es t.ss. tnikh it ha- put a lot ot pressure on Bruce I elkown/ \11er shining as a lorward in his '••okii seal letkowil/ ^A^ t.Hllkl hllllse-lt with center type duties while his production ha- itiinhlcd \tkl then there is the -tors of Malotks Before the -ea-on Maloik's was con • i.lere.l to hv a kes plaser loi the I.Kiaker- thi-eason He II.KI COHK oil a -u|vt .evoikl hall ol the prcsious MfSOO, AtKi I ittlepage ,s peeled the Mi. -^t* |SHiikl Malones to ,on tiniie -iipplsing inside -.oring |s<wer and re hounding But then, training -amp opened and I ittlepage saw that the senior lorward s weight tud ballnnncd to 230 poundNee.He-- lo sas ilk' oihh was not plea-.-.l 'Before the season we lelt that Rick was a Ki.k nisi inuldn 1 do mush. UtnepafC and I lieu wete soilk* dass he eould hatch finish practice and that was beiause he was plaser who WIHII.I MBC .1 lot id playing link' aikl possihls be a -lartel I illlcpace said ll hurt us when we realized hot* -cure the practically nawnajnanaell siowis hut sure Is he - regained his strength and he has work ed himsclt h.i, c weight problem was It (breed us 10 te align out thinking In other arOrifa M.II.MIC. was t,.|,l to either lose the weight or t.-rget haskclhall I wa- tealls weak in practise Slaloncs sakl I wa- nauseiHis and di//s hul I kept tell ing ins sell not to slisp Now I leel gikkl. arkl He wa- given an ultimatum." I ill sakl I ilher s.nj gel Ilk' weight down hs a certain date or S.HI IC oil Ihe team I'ni.kl \ikl somehow hi- lost ihi- weight fame And it certainly was not jn eass proccai I wa- oserweight Slaloms .klmitled. hut I se lost IS M -<> p-Hinds since Ihe lust das ot practice I lust slopped c'jtinc es.ejH lor vinv yogart and waier Ms rccorilwas If, pounds I lost I in one and a halt class when I iluln I eat practiced twice jnd then went into tlk' -leaiiiiis.m I know it s nor gikid lor sou but I took 11 oil and I se hs-en able lo keep * oil But there was a price to pay lor the lltaatk weight ledii,lion The hist ..Hiple ot wee-ks ol pra.ii.e I 111 tealls -onlident in niysell and in my And now alter turning his season arnund ret - Sl.iloik-s CM he .onsidered oneol Penn . elusise hrighi spots He asei.iee.l less than -ix points and six rebounds a ganvc user Ihc lust eight e.miesi- But oser the last thtee catik-s he has COM lo lilc and has reloaded well ■ a larger share ol playing lime In that span he aseragi-d It minutes 7 points and nine rebounds per game Malones will hjse an .hanec 10 continue Ins impiosemenl tonight against the hagles Viikruan OOMM in sporting a 4 II re.ord IS and a ser> young squad \kc are soung. inexperienced, and stfug cling AriK'rican coach hd lapscott said (Continued on page 121 DP Dan Schmutlar Pt-nn and Kick Malones (22) fact- \inrruan inniuhi Giegerich is a champion bothBy wMton and off of the mats wanmen ■I When ynu talk aNiul Ihe kind ol guy who excels ai everything he does, you're talking about Gary Giegerich. He's the kind ol guy that wrestles harder than anyone else on the leam. set still has lime to help his teammates He's the kind of guy who works hard at wrestling and in school, and brings truth to the saying '"a cham pion both on and off ihc mat Basically, he's Ihe kind of guy you'd want as your learn captain Which he is Gicgcnch who has been wrestling for over eight years — was recruited by Pcnn for both football and wrestling during his senior year in high school in Lyndhursi. Ohio The decision 10 come 10 Penn was nut difficult for him "My dad came here." the What ion senior said, "sol wanted to come here all my life ll was not a tough decision for me "I watched him at a National Prep Tournament in October of his senior year." Penn coach Laury Lauchlc said. "I talked to him and his father aad we worked things out Gregench's big decision once he OfTommy Leonard, (iart (fiettrrich ilnpi hatlkrs his opponent from Delaware in earlier season action got here was how to handle football and wrestling while going to school "Al fim." Giegerich sasd. "I was leaning inward lonthall I really wanted to do both, so I did for iwo years But after his sophnmorc year, he knew he had to make a faMN "I just lelt thai since the two sports overlap. I was cutting it close." Giegerich explained "I decided to dedk'ale myself In wresiling because I was thinking, why be mediocre ai two sports one'" " when I can excel al lauchlc recalls Gicgerich's strong progress over his four years as a Quaker wrestler "Gary's an individual who has come along because he really wanted to." lauchlc said "He was good at ihe sun and he's really come along because of his outstanding dele nni nation "One example of his development over the past four years." lauchlc added, "is his recent victory over a Princeton opponent who had defeated Gary in high school." Giegerich recalls thai victory as one of ihe highlights of his career It was at the EIWA | Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association! heavyweight division He has deveUiped since his first year at Penn when he wrestled in the IW-pound weight class "I fell an improvement as early as Ircshman year." the M>. 21$ pnund Giegerich said "Then I moved up sophomore year and dkl even heller last year It took me a while al first to get used to eollegc w resiling It was a totally different style Also. 11 look me a while to ennvince myself that I could win I used In he intimidated by upperslassmen until I gained confidence in myself " Gicgerich's confidence helped him lo become one of the lop wrestlers in his division He has won the heavywetghl division of (he Lafayette Tournament three limes over the past four years. As Penn's so captain last year, he placed smh in rhe EIWA tournament Last year, he also gained honorable mention in Ihe All-Ivy team voting Now that he is an experienced wrestler. Giegerich is more than able 10 use his ability 10 help the younger wrestlers on his team Tournament." he sasd. "and I pinn ed this kid from Princeton who had beaten me the week before and a couple limes in high school Thai was a "He's a good example for die freshmen." Lauchlc sud. "He's always 00 time and he's always wdltng to talk 10 them i like die way he relates the experiences and problems bsg win for me." Giegerich now he had freshman year and helps our (Continued OH page 12) wrestles in the