CHAPTER - 2 REVIEW OF LITERATTIRE B@@ of beetr done oo b€ing nett@cd crop verY liule rcs.eb wo sns to havc riccbed in Patistan and around Oe torld. However, an effon has becn mrd. in rhis chaprcr to rcyiw rhc€ scatcc literaorc on riceb€an and orhcr releva gnh lcg'E qops. cb$tdel @tmis vdied fron ndt (lyt8) md Relwmi (1979 rcported ftar in ri@bean, pdein 14-24 perccnt ard anim acids nc6ionine ad tryprophd ve.e consid€rably high. TIE secds also posessed high quality vnamis a.d rhianine. It was also statcd that sccdr of w.r. r€sisbnr lo srore grain p6rs ard rhe s€ed viabitny r@iDcd uftLn8€d for !\{o to thrce yea6 ad thc nutririvc valu€ of d€be& was also cxceptionally hisl' (Mukhcrjee .r at., millaiIcd tlat sced yicld 199). Funler, Cbsn€rj€e and Mukhe.jee pore id of riccbcan vas L&2.6 r ha (rt9) ' ar comparcd ro yields of 0.6-1.0 t hat of other lcguDcs. Again MuLherJ€. s, ar, (1980) ctaimed $r1 somc cultivars of ricebean could p.oduc. fongc during two l@ 33{2 q ha I dry he.bagc to p€riod5 i.€., April-June meet sercity of green afll Novenb.r-Decenbe. ard Sreat yicld pormtials and unde. good nanagemed pBclices, ir 6utd atso had produc€ 30 q hai se€d. sd S$t|gr ed DeDDttb (r96E) conparcd whcal rict. ctotolatio iunc.a tor growd aDd b[lev, W s' viSna unbellata nurient uFak. ando"&"'{hat concentBLion ol nitrogetr, phofphorus affl potassim in rool atrd thoot of vEna unbelLtta inct@sdJ Pr€ms e, ot Nith (1990) obscrvcd thlt in ric€b€an th€ pods/Plmt. pod lengh and s€.ds/pod wer€ rhe chief contibulors ro tcd Pcr plant Rodrlsulz ed Mend@ (1991) repon d |hat PrcxiErc composition of ddcd se.ds of ricebe3tr was; l6- 1? Percenr c proleils. 3-4 perc.nt fa6, 5-7 Frc.llt qhohydrats, II'12 Pcrcc dpinic dc fibre' 3'4 Percent arh and acid ald 6l{5 P€'ce l?'tE pcrcctt glutmic &id- AhDtd and dEr AsNq (199) oPined thal ric.bcan was thc non PromisinS lodder crop and @ncluded h a! addrrion to providitg fodder, it also 'drl reporLd as a very lblt s!.d s.n6 rs ft.$h vegeltble atd s€eds could b€ usel lasctul dish cnuld b. pr.Per€d from the cook€d se€ds It was aho dcv€lopmcot in riceben conti ed uplo 19 davs atur a ltesG and germiMtion physiologicd nnudty r€lched at 22 davs afier anth.sis wher sccd wcight' .rd s€ed viSourla+hn'h lzrd. ct al.' 1993r. md Nrh (r9q,) cooductld field on dceb€an' sovabea' 'xP€rinent! dlat g'cen fodder coryea, velvctD€an and black grun Srown in rice fallows ald reponed yields of6.56.4.57,7 98,3.7E and 6 241h.r, r€spetivelv were oblaiftd' I. PLANTING PATTERN AND BOPULATION DENSTTY Nt aaL ., dr. 0960) strl.d r[|1 difiere rce 30.0, 37.5 alrd 45.0 cn bad very lidc spacings of 7.5, 15.0,22.5, cffcct on thc heigbt of plmls, but the nubcr of bt@bcs, pod and gnin yield r|cr plaln w.rc itEresed with eide. spacog io ca$ of chickp€a- (r9r) whilc Amra ,r aL found rlar mwpcas cm apan gave average seed yield of 1.06, l.18 ad g.oM in rcws 20, 30 and 40 1.14 t har, resp€ctlvely. Bharagarva ct or. (192) conclud€d that soyabean sown at Plant deNity 0.2. 0.4 and 0.6 million pla s per hcctare and at row spacing 30, 45 and 60 cm, a deNity of 0.6 DilioD plant! per h€cir|E aod a spacitrt of 45 cm beiwen the rle N8h6r yield. R4ragopelor ., da (192) foud tnat at 3pacinSr of 30 x IO @ &d 45 x l0 dn ard broadcasl (@turol) plo6. Hoecvcr, B !veb& s€d ad 12 cm Plel ros &vc yields wqc highcl lore. at all olner spa.in8s ftar in wllsor tnd TcrI. 0972) reported grown with a platrt disbnc€ of 1.5, 3.6 of witbh the rows 15 thar lentib wncn or 30 cn aPan' gave rhe hiSh€st yield a1 the close$ spacinS. Ituque G973) ot6eded lhal growing muDgten plants ia 30 o.60 cn apart ro\{s produced statbticaUy the sde yield, while phen spaced in 45 cn .pan rcws yiclded EDrc. But S€ft4r tnd Evals 0973) rhat AckerDerlin a cultive of vtaalara. whcn tom al60, lm, l'/|O, 180, 220 or 260 tg s!.d per hetarc wifi the tw spacirgs si8trifi@tly biShd at l5 cro t!:o at 30 of m 15 cm rePorted o. 30 crn, the seed vields s?acing at a[ s.€dins 6t6 Howcv.r, Eussrh rd hiSher s€€d yi.t<ls 18 inch (45 cm) t2' 094] G|ll t!!n th€ nodcld tlat nungb€an groen ar .ow spacin8 of L5 fi save speing I n. or 2 fi. Simitady Rlndhawa (1974) rcPoned lhtt int r-row sPeiDg yi€ld€d significantly more nutgbeaD seed vield than (30 cm) and 24 inch (60 cm) i eFrovs lpacings- The row sP6cing did not alfect significa ly sc€ding desity per uDit ar.i- Sltr8h rnd Bhsdwqi ott r.pon d ttst hishcr $cd vields (66h79 kglh.) of $nmcr wng werc obtain€d by sowing in rows 20 and 30 cn aPan' Alen.r lnd Rodi$ez 0t6) 166 b rows 0.5 atr(| 0.6 n apan plant€d cowp€as cultivars Aauca and 69F_ vith 5 or t0 cm betw€en Pls ! ald yicld of 69 F-166 ranged fton 0 9? lollB Per hccBrc obs€rvcn $ar lhe * [0 6 o berwdn the rcwtlnd l0 cd be.*ecn lhc plants lo t .24 rotrEs with 0.6 m betw€en the rows and 5 ch betwccn rhc plant!. Whilc in cas€ of Arauca, yiclds vcrc 0.87{.92 tom's Pet lec|,rc' Thc ffixitnum yield was given by 0.6 m b€tween the rows and l0 cm betw€€n planis. Mutherj€€ 0970 @ealed thal when sovlbean wd gro{n a1 the 60 crn apa't rows pirh 30. 45 and 60 cD intfa row spacir85, thc tovabean grc*n at 30 cm int|.'{o$' spacing yicld.d sigtifi@tly noE t|i'n Yrdrr t ||ld Jsy$aE tha( 45 ad 60 cm btm-rcw spacnSt l (l97O reponed that av.ragc s..d vields of mungb'rn in rows 30 yi'ld of ard 45 cm apart 642 tg and 550 kg pcr heclare' resp@tivetv The hiShet 695 kg p.r hcctarc w4 Siven by @ltivar lawahar-4s with ?,50 000 plan$ per hed're m 10 (197) concluden lf)al the'e was no significant incr@s' rows 30 cm aPan. Howcvcr, Jain in s yicldofmurUbcan(t4te tddiora L.) wi$ iEr.asirt poFilationabove l20'000 Pla D€r hcctlre @mpded wift The r€sponscs upto 4 00,000 planls per h€ctare of sovabean of photosvntba€s atul nltm8en sced yi€ld of mungb€an was limitcd bv avaiLbilitv siniLtly MrLy (197) more noticed $at 30 cm inreFrows spacing yield€d signiftcadlv Rut soyabean secd lhan 45 ald 60 cm inter-rows spacitrss *nib coductitrg and l9+?5 exPcrimed on ad (198) rlso ?5 cn oPitr€d (tvD repod.d decr€ascd the seed thlt $tl yi.ld of thrce L.)grovn at l0 cm plant tpocing in row 22.5 ar plrrt sp.cbt of 10, 0.98, 1.12, l.l5 (l9E) 15. 20 or 25 sovabean 10 cm sPacins (50 culdvan Subbaiab of Arc' Enm \Wena q[ ryrn &d radiato in rows 15 to 30 cm apan' reponed d|at green granj. \wgna radiata L ) Ztowr cn h mws 30 cn aDd 0.91 tonnes per hccide, olant€d French b€an (Prarzort x iilcr€asin8 tbe spacrng ber$''en rcws ftom rhere \ras higher secd vields Moreover. Subba$vrfu s, di. al'(1977) glam varielv Co'2 in 0|e we1 s'sson of !973_74 concludcd rhat the st€.t vield was hiShest at 20 DLnts/mr. similarly Rio 25 to 50 grd Rdikrlshmr ,' r vrlsatir L.) at a aPan Save average sed yiclds r$P€rtively Sinilarlv tuias pla distance of 20 cm in rotrs of (1979) 3Gl0 plant (5 6 cm apan and indi€ted tlE! 20 cm rPan rows gavc the lowest seed vield Per g) and lhe highest leed yield p€r hechr€ (2 64 tigh.$ (10.6 8) Mth a sPacing of l0o cm b{t se.d yicld Pcr hcctaE lon). Drnr. !r 4r. 60 cm lonnet Se'd vi€ld pe' Pla wd tre i (r99) in a trial onpla spacin!of10 *" dF lowe (l 15 and 20 cm and 30' 45 ?5 ald a .Frcws in beqss (Prr$olu wl8@r L ) conclud'rl tlat towdg a! Phttr ll dkane of l0 othc. cm and in l0 cm lprr ,ows Save signincdLly hiSher yield than rhe spacio8s. fiinmn"r.nd Fsnda (1979) ehi,le g.owhegr4n (Cicer adetin@ L.) with se€d rate6 30, 45 and 60 kg per hectare and keeping row spacing of20, 30 or 40 cm, obs€rvcd lbat yield due to u incr€ase imr.a&d vith ircrcasitr8 roe in lo0Ggain w€idt ad nu$er of ircr.ased, 1000-seed weieht ald seeds Arir, (19E0) spacings and B(es seeds per pod. Ar roe spacc pod ako incrcas.d due ro better light Fr pt.nt d Frenchbcan (Phat.ol6 wlSarb L.) .ttltilat'r?catisra in 30 and 60 cm apa.t roes with either 5 or t0 cm between plmls or 15 to 20 cn b€rween drills (4 s€ed drill') ard found ftat seed yield per plant wai m imm(12.5I pl.nrr) ar the low6t dcBitt (10 cm of plmts in rows 60 cn ap.n) and dccre$€d wilh incrcasing plrntitrS denJity. Sed yield pcr h@tare was rhe hiShest 2825 kg pfrna 10 cn x 30 cm lpart. Sl||gh ., sown on 15 Marcn, 5 or 15 April tbcrc was no rignrficad PS-7, PS-I6, Baisalhi dr. (1980) iD rials with fout viga rudidta c'.tntua sl3,33,0m b 500,0m phnts per het.are observed that dificrcM in yield among Plant dcmity from all cultivaFj ad Aurtrlian (I l .32- 38 tonncs har). Taylor (1980) rePorlcd $al th€rc was no sigrficant difi€rence itr yi€ld of soyab€4tr among 25, 50, 75 row widtls. Howcvcr, Dlsnts lsf ir J0, 75 ad arca and scr rnorc pods than ll)ose ?dftn gran \Ciet odeti@ L.) ha'wirh at l0O qn roes widths 8rcw talle., had larger grcM io 25 cd rows. Ve€mnm plot spacitg of 7.5, t0 1Z ed lm cn e, zt (19E0) and 15 cm in rows 22.5 and 30 cm :p|n urd ob6clcd itlt Alcirg of 30 x l0 cm tonB pcr h.cb.. followcd by 30 x ?.5 cm (l.l I $dn cD (Vigno ndi.ta L., v.s sigtificirtly rh|n1l5 r6ond o.t x t'v. tom€s dE NShBr s..d yicld of I .24 hr'r) Thc sced vield ol gr€en tn tlr whcn grovn .t 3 tPacing of 22.5 x l0 l0or30r{ocn(V.rl|t6wr|lu.r41,1980) mury (1.'8ra rudjr& L.) wh.n trcwo i! But thc s.mi add h Bqlpat.,a4 096r) r.doN of RrjhisBn in Knarif sc.!o4 yieldcd morc h Ho$/.vcr, Bhd 0981) whilc .Ydu.ti4 t!rcc cowFlr typ6 t mlv SPACING'|5I' Chie 30 cm rpon rcws thrn rows 20 or 40 cm apan. r.d ed N.v Srovn al thrcc row 3pecin85 (3O, 40 |od 60 c'n). Co|Elud.d dEt yicld of C l5l and Chindc .cd va! incrcas.d wilh itEre3s€ in ro* sprcirys bu did oot diffcr signifiently. WLteas, bcMccr.owr with thrc! pbnB Hld.yd Fr (1981) fotnd dl.| phnl 3P4ing of l:l0 hol. Oill) (450000 PIdt! p.r iccr.E) Ptoductd rbc mrxinum yicld of 8m kg pcr h.ctarc of Bbrtd, a mong c1'lllivar' Hursc. 096l) obo€rvcd that plaDt hcighl lod poir i€[ing w$ (1961) 8rc$ soyabcan a (rt8l) sEt d th.t thc !tr d..r ttrorc (69 cm) with a d.ruc t!. lowdl qttiv.r, k &6i9' dcnsitv (10 pbnt , in 30, ,15 ard /n) ,..d yicld of vtf]a rd Olrr land (25 ptm6 mi, whilc th. vich w's in mungbcan. K5h ,, tL 60 cm ap8n rows and concludcd !.€d yicld vas sig!fieottv 8rt-!l.r rt Mrcw.r planrlcigh t w'! xinun 4E4 plor' tti! maxinun (369 g plor') rl cm ft.ara lViSM rd How'vcr' tllt Sdr'ir nliata L ) $T s nor siSnilicrndv by growinS in ross 22 5, 30, 3?.5 or 45 cm apart bot thc nulbcr of bruDhcs pcr pl.nt l{!r. ti$€r with wider row sPtcins. while Uddln O98r) lcPoncd and Fd! tbat s..d yicld of soyab€$ wr' orilnllm .t 30 cm row sprciry but numbcr of pods pcr pLn and l0oGgBi! w.i8ht was marimum wirb /tgAD .mrn @hat@lB vulseit 70 or 95 cm apan with th. optimum bctweeo 5, spacing for th. rcws. ie|%ed 10, 20 or 30 cm b€tweeD tdimM hill' lO i @ apin. l0 cm spaci4s. Lsvn (19831 (rgn ,Ms pla in January. He concluded lhal b€tw€en Plants witb ?0 cm bmm aPan gav€ similai to Howevcr, R E s l0 ch sc.d yi.ld w.s thal th€ yield of mungbean (l?8n4 mnbtu L.) ||^s cn o. 40 wlE|%. Felnilrd€z L.) culrivsr CA'Tui in 1980 in Cuba in rows 35, 45, Sowitr8 two s€eds pcr hiu 20 sowing of singte sccd sprcinS. iput tnd Verma higtg G982) rcpodcd ^t30x10cmdanat20xl0 w (Vig"a rudiata L ) Bcrketr and Celera and L.) cultivrs Kolobok Ma&ba a! i .rjow sPacing of 25, 50, 75 or and conclud€d that dry malter Production \tas incre3!€d wilh incrcasing Plant s..rl yield ws deprcss.d $ Siobodlsnd rhe |0ocm d€i.sily The higt€r d.nsity fo. mct of the sowing due to lodging Hrutr (194) cultivat d syabean culrivr6 Zon' Allom and Nomao using 45, 60 or 75 gemimble se€ds per m: and given 0, 60 and 120 kg h.n. Thcy concluded thlt trmber of ptanls nn wa5 85.5 P€rcent of $e seeds sovn rh. lowest so*iry I:t sowing, resp€ctivcly. They densiry white sd s€t ad atd 76.0 wa! yicld i{ere DoGsignifisnt. 75.6 perc.nt for tbc tut!€r hidst a1 .mediat atd lh. reponed thar brarchhg thc highcst N.ttgrva i desitv pe (ca.iantlt fi.t s..d caiu L.\ cttti'var Kaki l4 hiSher va. increis€d in lower characterislics werc most affecEd by sP&ing b€tlr,een lhe Plants Seed weiSht ard vi8ou' were v/id€r spacins, whcn pigeon for Wherea!' lhe differences in seed G983) rePoi.d e, aJ. nitro8en gr'tcr at was sown in etrlv I.nuary at 5 to 20 cm alart with 50, l0O or 150 cm between the lows While in @nuadictioD. Singh .r dL (1983) reponed that row spacinS did nol affccl the ot pig€I,\ p@ lcajw aiott L.) but thc handt irdex *d wd yield ircrcsld signifi@dv with ole incrca!. in row spacings. Clens 0984) @trdwted an €xp.tineat$lPht5.olu5 vut8a"' L ) cul$vars ald Eport d lh.r yi.ld w4 Positively concLt d with nmbcr of sc€d P€r pod. Palb aElysis of tansfofln€d dala shol'/ed that the contributior of trunber of se€ds Per plant werc ?6.9 ad ?8.6 percent, sPerivcly. However, there wcE no posnive corelarion of yield p€r plant witi pldt height, numb€r of clfective nodes lnd brarches with lbe effective number of bramh€s. S€td yield pcr udt area was increas€d a! planting densny was i!cre:!.d with optinum Plant ddsity at 4+50 Platrts o!turaioed ltal soyab€$ gro*a at widcr_ow spacirys produced ma Escr .,4,. 0944) nor. pods .nd bnncbcs per plant and more plant surviYal at nanlrity than nanow row spacing But Patel d, 4t' (19E4) obsened s.ed yield! tlat (vkn4 /4d,lda L ) grown in rows Od whd grom ir ros while onducting at exPerimmr o! 15 or 45 cm apart gave 30 cm aPan. similarlv gr€.n ob*ned ttat s€.d yield wd more with l0 x grd X.o ud fie lo{est Rqian (19E4) (vig@ todioh L ) oltivar Ps 30 cm spacing olatr wilh 10 i 20' 15 x 16 15 or 15 x 20 cn spacinS. B€st economic r€sul$ were obtain€d in bour Rabi and Sumner aJ. (1984) gr€w sovab'ao cultivar s6on! with l0 x 30 crn slacing. Rqiput ,, 266 at inti? and inrlr row slacing of lO, 15, 20 llamFon- ad 30 45 aod 50 cm' r€tpetivelv $d @ncluded 1hal incr€asitr8 the rcw or plant spacing incrcased lhc rumber of pods p€l planr witl higtcsl mc{ Dmber of lm pcr pls in 20 cm plrit sgaci.g ad 45 cm roe spacing. They obtain€d tt€ nrximum nmber of s€€ls per plant (250) with 60 cm rcw spacing ard 15 cm plad spacrng. The hiSh€sl at 20 x 60 cm spaciDg, but looGgrain wcighr l{eU a5 intra'rov spacings. Sirgh alrd mu!8be3n w n biglcr plmi seed yi.ld ol3E 8 per plant s"s obtained wd mt affecto\d significandy by intcr riitlogo 09E4) repon.d d.nsities in rows 20 @ that lh. apan and at low€r seed yiclds pla ir row 2l) cn apan yicld.d nore than th.t ot rows 30 of density in rows 30 cm apan were statbtically sinilar. Tomar e, ar. (r9E4) concluded that 4 rar',ara L.) culrivm a m (viara apan. Agrrclo (1989 grew c1lllivar CESIDI at row spacing of 30, 50 ard 75 cm, *ilh madnu pla secd yield popobtion (5ll kelri) of 10, 20 dd 30 cm at 30 cm row spacirss. r.poned thn sowin8 (r8nd rudiata L.) ai 20 incrcased DW wn€n int€rcroryeA 50 or lm m, plants pe. m: 3nd obiained Ilulya @ eithin rov \lith Cucwbla pepo L. a1 aDd Oebke. (r9E spaciog had sienaficandy witnh row lpacing of 25, wh.rca!. planl populadon did not economc yiclds of Ue lwo le8lllB. Klpus{(a rrd Wihor (l9Bt soyabcatr cultivsr Wayn€ report d llEt increasing plant de$iti$ of ftom 30 to l0 cm inlcFplaDt distqnce incrcased appare speific nitogeEs. acdvity, decr.rsed mdule mmber .nd eeight altered morpholoeJ ald g.osth rate had no elfect on frui and seed production p€r plad. Slcm, ad ncight of syabco cultil6 Pcllas, William, Golden han6t t6 lef, w.i8hr 1285 .nd Srein 3G308 pla were nEreascd sienific:ntly with incresing pla]€d deGfty. ftuDg ed (vigta ndiataL.) ar3 pladinS dctrsities r! soils i! which 'lO, 100 and 100 ks N, PrOr and K:O pcr hectare, Ep<stivcly hd tEn ircorponted Thre in ech hole and lhiN€d later on !o on€ Pla . They report d deNity increas€d dry m.t er production per unit arc!, LAI, per unir d€, t]{rt hrd ndc efrer of s€cd! per pod- Th€ increaiing pla oD Y6hid.! 0985) of s€€ds w€re sown th.t increatibS pl4tinS 8€ed vield and Pod numler aveBtc numb.r (8.2_8-6) or weight (0.39 o 0-4 8) 1000-s€€d w€ight (42.6 to 47.1) was also lest affect€d by deffity. The loul Nmber ofpods/tnr atur two bdcsts were 805,915 ard 1035 io thc 8, 14 ard 26 plant/m'? reatnerts, rcsp€ with co.isPonditrg se.d yields of 313, 369 and 411 39.2 g, r.s?€crivcly i! ca3€ gnt. Pod nunber ad s€ed weiSht per plaot was 100.6 and ofE plads/m':*h.r€as 37 ad pbn6/mt 14.7 g in c.asc ol2E DuDcu (r9EO reporM tlat teed yield continued to incrqse wilh incrcas€ b pbfi density o a definit! linn. rvbile Rror md Anqi, /rdirra Nltivars in rows 20, 30 and,lO cn (19E6) @ltivated lhrce apart and report.d ftal sverage seed yields of 621, 6?4 and 499 kg ha I wec oblaincd. resPetively. cltltivar PS'16, Pus4 .!d K-E5l yields of 0.033, 0.55 and 0.28 and pods beigh a$d dmbcr of bhrcne sioilar in all othcr cultivsrs coDclud€d that intra-rcw spacinS did not aff€.t yicld t7 Baisthi t h.-', rcspetively. PS-16 wrs sigrifica ly superior !o other cuttivds in DM produdion soyabaD Bing row width of 51, 102 arld 152 Eun &84, in 19E2 plant', whil. plant W.nse ad 5l m (1966) grcw in 19E3. H€ signinca ly, but inter row sPacing i luenc€d distribution of yield on bnnches and increas€ in yield was associat€d with incr€asc in pod nunber and iDcr€:s€ of S-8 lDd Sirou (r9En lonl yield in upper mopy. gc* tlAE ald PS-? at l5 ad 30 pLnts/d ard corcluded &.t Jai rows of 30 co m pldrr, it crops r pod planr' and pod bmnchJ decreased in all culdvan Dd Chruchor (198t) rcport€d that yields of (v*ro zdiah L.) on apan we.e hiShe. than in rows 15, 22.7 or 37 cm apan. Seed protcin rrybe?{lt (Vi8M 8om Bsir*ni, S'9, all oltivars wler.2s vield ents of crcps in {,idet tows wcrc hiShcr ll|an in nanow trstt,J 4 Pu-ra tI. yieldh. atrd nmber of s€€ds podr on bramhs iNr€ased wirh incr..siDg Plant dcnsty planrr, nmb€r of flowers olivs mdirra tuliata L.) cultivars at 4 rows Jal! el ar. (r9AE) differcol row sPacirys atd stated $at in rows 30 cn apan Save yield of 1.86 r !!r conparcd with 1 50 !o | ?0 I h.-r itr crops groeB in rows 15, 22.5 or 30 cm apan. Incr€$€ in spacing from 15 lo 22-5, 30 and 37.5 €m incr€i!€d |he prot€in conteds from 17.6 ro 20 3,21 8 p€rcent, respectively. Srl Babu rnd Carg (1988) grcw NnCbeM lvigna rudiota cultivan K-85 I and P6a BaisaLhi at of 15. 30. 45 247 .5 ro l!f..l anl60 cB Elm'1 afi atl22 a plant spacing and rcponed that of s..d vi€ld 10 cm sd and pod 3 L) be!*eeo row spacitrSs nwb€r d€'rcascd iiom !214 2 !o 609.3 p.r mi ald Nmber Per pod incre!€d fton E 37 !o 9.83 with increas. in ros/ Yrdrr.nd Warst groM at spacing of 5, r0 or 15 cn (1988) @Nlud€d dBt crops in rows 30 cm apan Save sinilar vields' l8 Ydra d Gupb (19E9) tesred the performance ot 3 grain legumes in rclatiotr to sowiry metnods atrd rcponed tllar g.een srafl (Vi8na radiata L.) .ri clustefie n (L>anopit tetmgon"rora) groqn in rows 22.5 cm apart and norhbe3n lviSna aconitifolia) b rcws fi cm apart gave fte nigheet yields of L11, 2.1? and 2.1I Prrsrd and Yrdlv 090) o6t fld n 8t1M al difiercd row sFcinss of 30, 22.5 ald t haJ, of s€ed spocing of 5, yi.ld rqpcctivcly. SbS 10 or rd 15 yigna mdialo a$ tiSM M8o cm apan gav€ 0.E4, 090) gw Dungb€e 15 cm in rows 20, 30, 40 or 50 cm apan ad Ll3 and 0.93 culdvars at a planr concluded tnr seed yields we.e sinilar in ro\r$ 20 or 30 cm apart but highcr tlan,lO or 50 cm apan row!. Pldt speing of5 and l0 cn tave similar yields bll yields were higher lban 15 cm plant rial spacing. Slngb aDd Sirgh 0990) reporred that io a ned munS Cv. PN Baisaldi, Type-I, ML26n08 and UMP 79-1-2 were sosn at populatioB of 400,000, 5,00,000 or 600,000 plmls har. Seed yield was highst in Cv. UMP 79-l-2 in Cv. Typc-l (1.06 t har) plant population did mr Cbouhr ., rr. r.42, r.o,2.o1 lld rerpc.tively. Kler ., by sowiry al s€ed 1.56 (l9l) and towesr se€d yield. obsrvcd ott !ietdt ot (vbM ndiata L.) avensei t/ta at inrer rop sp.cing of 15, 22.5,30 ard 37.5 d. 09r) nl6 afier O.2l r har) @Dducred an of 15, 20 ard 25 E e4crirne n!-r in l9 u on mungbertrolriv& cm ML,13l E.w o. N-S dir@rion in roes 30 x 15 cm apan or bidirectional (E.W x N.S) rows rvith 30 x 30 July (6lml) Eno* spacins ,!reard 10 swi.g dat (l9l) o. 25 July-4 Ausu$ $v. Gir.) .nd coeluded cn apart spacing on 29 thar bidir@rioml sowing highcr s.ed yi.kls., 20 ks s.ed har lnd nol@t gavc hich sc.d yicld tnan 15 or 25 kg har lare tEw DuSben (yia& ndiata L.) Cy. PS 16 ar .ither brcadcast or at 20, 25 ad 30 cm incrrow e*'r8 16, 24 lld dare. Slogh .r 32 k8 seeds spaciDg. S.€d yield war 0_32, 0.48 4L b.,. ed 0.55 t har with 16, 24 and 32 ks h!-' swinS etes, rcsp€criv€ly, while yield was hjgher in 25 and 30 cm rows thm iD 20 cm rcws Ihi,aDgeD 30 cn apan aid DvarSrn ea zL ,t a sl1n(ts. (199) Srew arc.\ s^m (vigna rudiata L.) in fows 20 or dJ. obse.ved dBl le€d yi€ld was the higbest with 20 cm row spaciDg. (1992) erew gren girm (yAM ndiata L.) C\. pus aaishrti ob6edcd high€r N ard P concennarioN in se€d and sraw when Srown a1a 30 thatr 20 x imr€asing l0 cm spacinS. Uprate of N ad P ad and x l0 cn yield of rhe crop increased wirh plafi speings. MlDbar 0992) gr€w nunSb€.o in 6 sowitrg parrerns wilh unilorm plant density of 320,000 plan6 har. He .eported th.t plant grcwth ald yierd va.ied wir[ sowing irr€gul& !o 5.3 r ba'r wilh sowirS in Poolp€kd ad square pattern. Patrrsdilok (1993) compared planr densities (200,000, :l&,000 and 800,000 plants ha') of mungbean sd obseryed rhar yield increased wirh increaiing plant d€Nity while pod nmb€r planr' de.reased wirh ircr€bing densily. 20 Prrsad 0994) reponed har yield ot VigM unbeqab decrea!€d wilh incr€asiq spacirSs (30, 45 or 60 x l0 cm) while alnory drogcn 616 (0{O kg N ha r). 40 kg nitrog€n produc€d highdt yi€lds in each y€!r. Slngh .iebar ,r had 0E highesr yield ( I .95 t bar) wben soen in 40 cm aa. (t9r4) reporred riat roe sprcings and 15 cn plant spacirys in the lait w€€k of June and Iertilizer war applied a1 the rale of 30 ks dlrctctr,60 kg pboGphoru ad tI!,. Borat (1994) corcluded that 9 spacings of 30 x l0 cm and 4 x l0 cm. 40 kg pobsn cultivars of ric4b€an gave similar seed yield i! 2. NUTRIENT MANAGEMENI Arera a!.a.r ud Luthn were incr€rs€d iri|[ Oyl2) r.port d iDcrcaling proain conte rhar seed nr.s of N rld P- Brlge ea s of Ptar.otzr d. (rt3) ob$efled dut with thc application of N, P and K in .rmbinalion of 0-30 and 60 ke N + 60 and 120 kg PzOr ald M kg applicaion increased the Kp seed h.n at ewin8, rhe r€suh *"$ posirive and yicld of bean crops. Similarly lhat .pplicafion ofnitrogen upto 50 tg li@r white p Meharnu 0t4) rcpon and PrOj upto l0O kg per hetrre, d resp€crively iftrcased ftc reed yield of nungbe!!. Johnsoo ond Eyrn yield of cow pea, war highcsl ro very a1 (199 obs.rv€d in rbe field nials durinS 1969,7t thar 67 kg N per hechf€, soil phosphons nnged higt, fenilizer P bid no cfftcr on yield. Niklylee (199 concluded 2l fron high rhar mirenl fenililer ir.r€a$d sc.d yi€ld ad pmrein from l 4 to 2.0 timcs in 6e ofpulses. He turtber rcported thar ninog€n had Oe gre!.st eftect otr conpositioD of g.ain panicularly prorein contcnl. Dlshtp in singl. yes 98 kg P per ,, oL (1t76) du.io8 192-74 gr€w soyab€an, pcas and beans at rtu@ or four sires ,!d Save all conbinlios of 0, 28 or 56 kg N. O, 49 o. h.chre. Fcnilias h.d lidle etf€ct on yiclds. Avcrage s.€d yield sites nnged from 1.74-3.m t hr-Ifor syabee, 2.94 io 3.25 r hal for p€as ar different ed l.?44.40 toooesforb€ais.Fertilizcrnearnc,howdcr,badnon-signirt€ntefielonse€dpnein co enB. Agnwd e, aL (l9O foud 0.7 t ha' wilh application of25 Ratli !!d Siqh pnosphorus fiat sed yield of mungbean was increased fron k8 P,Or ta-' o 0.q) o €s witn 50 kg P,Oj p€r hecrare. O97O @mluded rhar appticarion of virioos rai.s of nilrogetr ald in rea$d sced yield oJ g|u. Nmd€€ lDd Ch8tgi (l9O appli.:tion of 20 k8 N + @ t8 P1q per belarc ro btack Snrn producld s€€d!, wher€as s.€d yicl.l of co rol rcffiiDed Rrra alrd Chrnd (197) seeds and giv€n 20 kg se.d yields l foutrd rhat lhe l 64 ro||B of 19 ronner p€r heclare. obs€rved tl|ar soyabeu groen fmm inoculared P,O, N per hectarc witn 40, E0 or 120 kg per hecrare gave aveng. of 1.51, 2.03 ad l.8l lom€s pcr brcra$, Bpcctively comparql virh tormr without P. heLrc gav. Rrma*irhlrftI ar. (l9D 1.0? sbred thar application of 60 kg P,Or pet siSnificantly itror€ yicld of grcen gr.m. They tunher notcd rbar oprimun 2? econonicrat€ofP,qwar48kghar.panwerrat (t9D k8 P,q hal ro vi8'a naryo .tn Nr?,l ier.sed yield by 153 kg that apptied G30 ks N and G60 oprimM N nr. b.r. Morcover, rb. opriou ru PrO, l5 ka n& *as han which 46.3 ks hlr wnich incrcas€d yiel& by 298 kg ha'. Ac.ording ro Cl'rdet r! ar. (197t) 20 kg nitrogen ad 40 kg phosphorus p€r hedrr! weE rcquired to pmduc€ good secd yields of nc€bsn. S€iem (197E), how.ver, reported out pigmr p.3, @w pcd, cbick pea, yi8r, /a/iiata, lenril broadbean, peas aid ViSno t unSo rcspoDded to 50 ard 75 kg Prq per hecbrc in medium and tow fenility soil, rerp€ctively. men FYM and P was applied to pigeon pcr, yietds wcrc imreased ald also in applicalion of 25-50 kg foUowing crop6, small yield irErealer werc ob.ained wirh &O p€r hecraE. Wher6, Gowrh lrd Go{dr (197E) srated (har spplicatior of 30 tg N ald 60 kAPzO5 pet l]f,ctarc ro Vignt .aniarc Savc rhe highest s€ed yield of l-2? t tar. Tlley also repon€d Oat nunb€r of pod! pcr plant and seeds per pod werc incrcalcd with N ald P applications. Cl'rdd ,r d. (r98) ed Relerri minl3ired tlEl ir ric€ber pmt in @ vdied ftom 14-24 percert and alriDo acids €trrs 0979) nethionine and lyplophan were .rsiderably high. The seeds also posessed hiSh qualiry Bah lg N + 60 kg P?O, (rqt9) appiicd (a) no fenilizcr (b) 60 k8 Pror + 120 kg &O ald (d) 90 k8 N 2l + + 90 k8 P:Or 120 ks + Kp (c) 60 lEo kg KiO per hecrar. ro pas aDd eyab.e crolE ft@ inocllal'd s.€ds ai variM pla deNilics. Wnh increasing fenilizer ra& rhe DM yield increased from 4.32-5.12 to ?.11-7.73 r ba' in Fa5 a|d Aon 4.2q5,16 to 6.26?.02 r tar in soyabcan. Applic:doD at (c) 8ave hiSlest seed yield of 4.14.37 t h.r in pcz6 ard 1.75-2.01 t ha' in soyabean, @mparcd wilh resp€ctive yi€ld of 2.57-2.81 Ml€dly ircr..lcd ^rA 1.2-1.42 toB without f€rtilizer. Applied feniluet crude protein @rt€ms Murilerj€e dl al 099) n Nidrin d that ir tll. DM ad se€ds of ricebean wcrc resistant to store grain s€d viabihy remain€d unchanSed for two lo Oree years md thc nudtive pesB and the valuc of ric4b.:n was also exc€plionaly bieh. Ali P 10 letuil crop and concluded yicld- crude prcrein yields- Stlhidul|h.rrr. (199) applied various dNs or N ad drd 30 k8 N aDd 120 kg P:Or per hectare improved the (1979 applied 40lbs dtrcgeD + 0, 30, 40 or 50 lbs P,O5 per acre lo soyab€{n and obs.rved imrealed plad heiShr wi0' 40 lb P,O, p.r erc lnd Lhlt oi co rol. Number of pod! per plad were also maxinun witb 40 lbs PrO, per acr.. Hoecv.r, the niShd s.d procin co enls of 37.57 ps.ent eere ob.aircd with 50 lbs P,q pcr &re. Chatt€rlee ,nd Mutherje€ ricebcao was l (1979) rcported thar seed yield potental of E-2.6 r h. ' as compar€d 10 yields of 0.61 .0 t nar of other l.tumcs. Hrmfssa (1980) oba€rv€d tnat lJa'r yietd ot ml.lngtaall. (vigna rcdiota L.) % imlBcd 9.+10.5 Frc€ by tb! rppli€.tion of l8 kg N pd with m fertilia h@larc or mo.e and 9.8 and 15.7 percent with 3E and 72 k8 P1q per hecare, rqp.crively. Mukh€rje€ n4L (19E0) reported that u sorne cultivare of ri@bean prcduced 33-62 q nd net srcity dry terboge to of 8.een foEge duting two lcan pcriods i c April-Juae rnd Nov.rnber-Decenber. Ri&bc.n h.d g@r yield potentials and urde. Sood mMg.nent pncri@s ir A..ording to Uddtn O98r) l5 d plot wirh m feftilizlr lo noted lhat hidcr mles gave pod yield pcr plmt and hr' could prod@. 30 q s€€d yi€ld 2- 19 s€ed. of soyabeatr kg eith l0 + 20 wd tg Fr increased h weight wcre also inc.eased by NP fenilizers. Similarly, nutrgbean. Tle Nmb.r of bnncbes per plant. He tuil€r of s..ds pcr pod, lregain .66 kg per Plant hciSht braDchs, Yash (198r) naintained tlat combin€d applicrtion of 25 ks N + 50 kg gave highcr sccd yield I b@tarc of NP. He tunher m turtc. yield r..ponsc. MoEv.r, 1ms€.d lron P1OJ incr€ase in seed yield was due p.r hectare lo increase in stated thrt number ot pod! p€r plant, nunber *€i8ht wcrc nEreased vith the applic.tion of N and S.lon rnd Nah (1982) ako noled significandy imre.!.d P- se€d yield in munSbcrn with the application of 30'60 kg PrOJ per hec|arc. Whereas. Samiullah ,r at. (1982) rcpon d dDt application of 20 kg N ad 60 kg PlOr onbiiation sas the optinum dose for most of yield nungDe3n. wrile, ShaDblr .t sigdfiddy imre3led oub.r rt of !€r h€ctarc charact€ristics (19E2) sLlcd ttlal aPPliction of brdh.s p.r Pla s€ed weighl in mungb€an. 25 separatelv or m kg P'ol ir of s'llmer Per hectare r , numte. of pods Plant and 1000' ., d. Ro6ol€m G9a3) applicd 39 kg N+ 60 kg P,q lo murgbein obsened that seed yield ircr.ased to 1 .94 bnnes per i@tare, compared with i! udEtcd plots. Tbj! yicld irctts wa due !o iEl€c witi 60 kg 54 tontes in number of Pods Per Wbile KoteDIo 09&l) cnrcluded thal sc€d yictds of iNreas€d 2.02 tomcs p€l h€ctare t and plet. fron l-49 to N + 60 kg Pp5 per h€.l3re. NP was mosl eflective fenilizcr follo*€d by N alonc. Tom€I wrc incrc.srd et to Daiimum with appliqtion of 20 tunhcr incr.a!. in N significant al. (1984) reported th.1 sced yield of four v€ra nm8o cultivars incrde ad tg N + 50 kg P,Or Per h€.tarc while P proved irEffcctive However, Prtel s, dr' 0984) found in munSbenn yield wilh 20 kg N and ulo kg PA pef h€ctare. Thev tuiDe. sbr.d ttat im|%iry PhosPhorus rat6 showed ao in numbcr of pods Pe. plur and 1000-se€d weighl. Simil&ly, Kushlrsha aDd Bhandouria (1964) reponed rhar sced yicld and loocseed wci9hr .pplied P hk WEna ntnSo werc by increasing rates of Am G@ 18 Fr hetarc. Toner ., rJ. G9BO obaerycd fiat fenilizeB werc + :lO kg P?O, of 1281.25 k8 Per beclarc y profitable for mun8, whcrc the oPtimum €.onoDic ratc was 20 ks N p.r trect.Ic. Ayyorb was ot (l9E rcPort€d tltlt hiShat s€€d vield l@r(ted in Dlots f.nilizcd with 25-50 kg NP per halar€ at agailst 691.66 k8 in conuo! h mungb€an. Bul application of 25 kg Ch.foor (198t N + lm trot€d dle daritnum proleiD contents ll/ith rhe kg P,Or in munSbe! 26 Abnad 0980 clrihcd $at N alone or in combination with P and K incr€ased the leaf area per plant, nunber of pods but the etrec1 of Raytl ed fenili4r p.r planr a 1000{eed weight of on rh€ protein content of se€d was ron siSnificant. Yadrv 09EO repornd thar sced yiclds of viSra nun8, \rcre incrssed by incr.asirg N nLs fiomG2o.rd 40 kg h.r. Wltile plant height, dry matcr poduction, weiShr of lm c!.siri..rd Meira se€d, pods per 6) srat€d rhar pldr ircrcasld incrcas in phcphorus appli!^atiotr in but had no effet on M€lh! ., al. 0987) (1 found 0Bl applirlrion of 25 kg Mber p,q duc lo of s.€dr per p€. hcclarc ro mugb@r irEr€aled d|€ yield by 24.l perc€nl, bu tunler uplo 50kg p,O, had non-sigrificafl eff@t. They tunler sbted dEt sed content ircrssed with applied P. N.Ddel .t.1. (198?) ob!€ryed in triats with four Brain tegumes given 0-90 kg pp, har ttat dry nrAtter accumularion and se€d yield were hilnest in Cajan6 cajan urdbeatr with 60 ke P?Or har and in mungbean and soyabear wnh 90 kg Sarbr rnd &bmth Mb.llab aN Crotolatia G9B8) colnpaEd, jMea for P:q. ice, tattey, p. s, growrh and nutrienr uprakc afi viSna ald reponed rhar coretrmdoD ofoiEogen. phcphorus and potassiM in r@r andst\mtot VigM ukbe ato iftrssed veigli age lt|an kgPprto viw ndiata ol}cB. Arye and l(,lra (r98E) foud that applicrlion of 25,75 ircrca$d rhe sced yicld and proreir conrenls and P uplake. 27 Ito*ever, Par€l ,l 4t. (1988) poinled out $ar applic{rion of 20 kg PlOr ha' increased Srowth and 100csced wcignr in sumer gran. Whereas, Si.wtr (l9EE) concluded thar diftereDr yield componen$ of munSbeln like number of pods per plant, number of se€ds per pod and loocse.d weight, fenilier at the w.e signilt@ntly aflectal by $e application of NPK Br. of 3G9G30 t8 haj. Gupt! (19E9 rppli.d l0 kg N, l() kg P ard 20 kg K har in differcnt @DbiradoN with or withoui se.d inoculation M8o sigdircrn cffect on se.d yield EIes. Howcver, Juwrl ., ar. (1989) reponed viSno nunSo incrcase{l of Vigna LAI, LAD, *ith Rhizobim and obse.ved non- following Vrtzic grown with nigh NPK tlnt applicadon of 60 kg P:OJ har nodulatiotr md sced protein corrents. Mshmood G989) found tlut mungbean s€€d yield increased wilh the applietion of 75 ha ' at sandy loarn soil. The fedilizer also incrcased the per plan and other yield contributinS compondBgreen grarn yield increa$d ro pla + 75 kg PK heigh! nunber of branches wltile Meem ,t al. (1989) foutrd that who it lras soM aier haryesting sole croppcd potatoes or wheal giv€n 0 and 17.5 kg PrO5 nar. Th€y tunher concluded rhar respose lo P was highcr wbcn applied with N. ho! podi wer€ tle cti€f ., dr. (190) ob$n.d rlar c. ribuics lo 'ted ine.stigated lhe €ffect of NPK on two 1he yields p€r pods planrI, pod lenglh and secds pla of ri@bean. HuilaiD differe cuitivas of munSbsn 28 (1990) and found rhat yield paraneteis lire number of pods per planl, number of seeds per pod, 1000 seed weiSht and prot€in conlent! were signilicanrly affecred. Whereas, GhalTsr (1990) rcvcded thlt rppliqtion of25 k8 N of + 75 kg mungbean. The various crop yield P,q mrimun yield gave (tE5E.9 kg ha r) co ributing parameteB Mnely brmchcs, plant heiSht, nunber of pods, .umber of seeds pod werc inva.iably affelcd rignificadly with thc spplication of ' and lcnilizr, sd number of weight plan.l while lhe fenilizer application did not affcd lhe bary€st inder ro a sigtrificant extent. Toner et ar. (l9l) coDducred a field tial 1983 on soyabed by inocularing se€d and applying effecl on yield but 40 kg P ha' (l9l) incMed s€€d in Kharifseason during 1982 and N and reponed that there was no yield in both years. Wberea HrDld.rat @rcludcd that appli@tior of r!6ogcn to muSben incr@ed ihe s€ed yield dd yield increaes werc associatcd widr increas€ in pod number per plaL md seed number p€r pod rath€r rudia1a, sowing VitM ft.n in se€d weigit. Sarkr rrd Multrerj€€ (r99r) f€rtiliz€d v/8ro Mgo ha I al ^tt lfith ad *irhoul ViEM uttb.llota 7.E5 kg ^t tlg nE ot 26.2 or 52-4 kg PrOr Prq a! 4 p€rcent spmy ar flowe.in8 and obsed€d that applied P?O, increased nunber and dry weight of nodules in all crcps- Mear s€€d yield was 0.74, 0.&5 ald r .85 r ha I Yield of all crops wrs a1 sowing plol. + 7.85 kg n incr*€d v- tudiato, v- Mgo aN v. unbe ora, rcs.ettuet! by applicd PrO, and was th. highBt P,Or al flowering. In 8ereBl, it fton 26.2 k8 incr€ased number . P,O5 ol pods per Rodriguez and Mendoa (1991) obreded 1b.1 proxilrBt€ coDlosnioD of dri€d 29 se.ds of riccbcatr wa6 16- 17 f'erccnl prcteins 3 4 perccnr fars, 5-7 percenr crude fibre 3-4 p.@ ah atn 61-65 pc!@t cirbohydrar6, as?snic acid I l-12 ald gturamic Rqjput.ral. 099) @mtuded darNP f.nilizirion yi.ld over coturcl. A f.nilizer tr€.nnc 34-37 kg NP har grv. k8 har. However, D*rngan., cftcimy iarer.d wit! Thtutu + pod lormarion an im@sc in rle incMed graitr a grain yield of 802.50 ar. (199) fcnilized g.eetr grim ar mre P,Oy'ba dong with iniSation at bnmhing e ro murS of0, srages. Seed nr. of appligrioD. Bur 30 or 60 tg and warer Rdrohw..Dd (1992) ot6erved dljrl gretr 8r!m fertilizcd ar the rale of G60 kg P1O, pe. [cctarc as SSP o. DAP gave highesr seed yield with 20 kg PrOr ard was uFff€.lcd by P-!oue. While KushrvabN r[d SiDgh (ltt92) poiored our illat Inungb€& sd yield ircr.ased with applicanon of phosphorus @ 50 kg hai and wa! mt atre&d by applicalion Zde .t aI. (l99}l te{f,ftn b^ upto 19 days afier sntb€sis ard physioloSiel s€€d dcvclopnctu na i! nccbein contift€d rity war rech€d at 22 days after .nbes's wtln s€ed w.ieht. germiEtioo FrccnaSc ard s€.d vigour war hi8h. Srltthu (193) repon d Uut application of essential 10 harst phosphorus and porash alotrgwirh oitrogcn was good yield ofmungbean. He tunher corcluded baj od a srdy loan soil appcared to be rhc b€st lcvcl. 30 ttlr 25 + 75 kg PK Sdhc..ha.d Khlr.t (r93) concrudcd tlnt 8MI4st k8 ' s€€d. Srtutvrsa ha yi.ld seed ard Xlirrk olgna Q993, mbellata.arnr ftom application of rryn& b^t viSna mbeuata ' witlout N-fertili4r ard I .60 t ha-' wilh tavc lhc !i8h6l firanciel r.$ru. gMt6t sed yicld of vi8r, RhiabiM bio-fertilte. YtJ.y 25 tg N 4 g MO prcduced L22 r ha I al|d fourd tnat appti€d nilrogen Kmrr .|rd Khrlrt (1993) obsen€d th.r @D.lrara affl number of nodules pcr platrr came ftom per hec.are, althouglh benetir mu rano wa! higher wirh 2m gm biofe.tilizlr. KhlD 0993) lourd that rl:ximm s.€d of nusbern ws obain d with application of lm Abbas kg N+ O9l) 250 kg PrOr hai. coochded aloDgwith nitrogm was $s€trtial dlir of application phosplorus and porash io h.rv$t a good yi€ld of nungb€an. The belt combi.arioo .pp.$ed !o bc 25-7t75 k8 hr,. Qrsim ,, at (t994) slldid rhe etrec1 of diferent LSurn.s on soil prop.nies al.l reponed rllat leguncs like riceb€qn, soyabean, murSb€a!, malh b€an incrcased soil organic na$er, incre$ed ir filtrnion rate ard and ric.bean. dccree available phospnoru$, dccre$d soil pH. Soil polalsim wd abo decr€ased by Arya and Singb (1991) rcporred that se€ yi€td of yi8,?, |rrzreltrr, incrcased with i[crcasing phosphoru Er€s upio 40 k8 P,q sources si!8le superpho$hrtc gave highest Nle.o (195) s..d yield 1.20 found tbrt rpplication ofP ad r hr' and amotr8 tal. K ar the mte of75-50 tg hr'' with the br$rldose of nitrogen at nte of 25 kg haj appsrcd ro be an approprialc dosc 3l !0 obah maxirnum yield (861.722 kg hr1) of muDgbean. According to md Effat (1995) rhe applicadon of panially acidulared purulia .ock phosphare (PRP) 30 F.celrt willl lilric &id ircre3!€d pbosphorus upi*c in V|SM ,adiata .nn wtp.t.nn lbo lqbd (1999 Drspatlallyrk tegus tike vie@ u'nJiuab, ircrqsed phosphorus conrcn$ in the soil. repofted tbat 8ro*1h characcristics of riceb.rn lite Dldl heiglt, numb€r of brafthcs per plant incr.ased siSnificantly by the application of nirroSen ard phocphorus oler conrrol. H. abo coo.lud€d Oat tteE was a coDtenB witl dc! succ4sivc do!€ of nirrogd appli@rion. Tbe hig[6r @ntcnis 21.E9 p€rce io For.iD crude !.otcin obraircd by rhe applicarion of 50-75 kg Npha.'. 3. TNTERCROPPINC SYSTEMS It is alEost universaly accepred lhar s€verat beietib are arrribul€d ro suftable iDt!rcroppirg sucn d efhcieDt ard bencr urililarion of nurrieDr clemeDrs from differenr soil d€pths, Mintenance and build up of roit fenilily and possibly highe. yi€lds as conpar.d ro momculruE. Evans (1960) reported towards higher yield tlul in East Africa, uder inr€rcmppiog. Ar was substaDtially reduc.d, roral yicld eas th€re was Sercrally a trend some ptaces wherc yield of companion crop 8Er.r. 32* ,, rr. OCto) st ted rlrt mixd found !o be superior to single cropping in yields cve. un lcr rdversc cliEat s Ro, .ld Srtrrt (190) legumes c@ld be rcpon d ad mai aining soil fertility and incre$ng crop wirh rhc of p.srs and oat gEtr gralD, blacl glfin, covFs 0t2) tDt if hider vrlE lcSMes adlptablc to Andr€w lnd K.Nrm G97t bdigeloB Faditiodl famiry syst D in Inlia tne economic renrru could be rhe r.poned de ftal and in some pans under inrerqopping are i ercroppiry inproved orAsia by tully utilizing the gmwirg s€ason, p.oducing two or morc crops of ri@, com ard .rd and other recoftned.d irtercropping of maize witn legmes which app€ar€d to be more profitable. They turth.r sdd ye2r dbe9s. Similarly gro*fl successtuUy as atr intercrop in association with maize. Similarly WiUey snd Oslru more cropping of leguncs wft[ mrize wa! has ilcre2scd the yicld p€r unir of lard per unit l.gues in r singlc of IiDe. B€nad (199 rcporr€d that usually all soyat'eatr is idercropp€d with coru in CeDtral Chirese province of Kirh. Six to cight row strips of soyabcan arc plmted F.d! ,, d. (tCtO sorghun with co*!€a ad Productiv€ dlan monoculture, bclwg nuch wider strips of in a pElininary snldy or tn. int rcropping of com and be3[s rcponid lbat the inlercroppirS rystem was more Fnncis ,, ar. (l9t) obsend non-significam dilTereFes in maize yietds b.Mc.n ioonoculdue aod associat d croppirS at bd6t dq$ities from 3 to 4 pe! h€ct ft r I d plads in nials with difreretrt bee cultivars. R{d de ., aL (198) indicaEd th.l thc inteB€€ding of gren gram aDd soyb..n in the unifom ro*s of 90 cm apan naize, ircresed the productivity pcr unit area. They tunh.r between r.!on d th.t . widcr ron spacing two maize rows to grow cospetable comp.titioD. Sihilarly, Rroisoo (198) sMied maizc ad @wp€a with difre.e lte i of 90 cm providcd rnor. space ercrop without offering mlrch int€rcrcpping ard monoculn|re l€v€ls of N and P. It *ai found of ftere was m @np.litioD b€twceD lhe two crops for N and P. Maize grain yiclds wcr. 1.5 to 2.06 r p.r hcctaE bigl€r but thrn in pw co*Fa ft@ yicld dercrs€ 160 to l2l kg per nccare in miJfift stlnds. Howcver, mixlures of maiz€ and gmin legumes ou yielded the ncan Abnad ., ar. 0y', co.der.d a slri.s of €rFrime s in Pbilippifts, Srilanla, Nigcria srd USA (Ha$,aii) on notrnulturt atrd i cr.roppiry of Daize with munSb€an, sunflower, soyaban and @*?e1. All tr€atmeots were treat€d wilh 0, 50 and l@ kg N bai. Irley conclud€d that wh€th.r i ercroppcd or oot lbe yicld of g!?in crcp u,as incres€d with increasing N rat s. Itr rearly all lhc cas*, fterc wc.e Don*ignificanr yicLl difrcrcm.s betwccn m:izc grl)m 6l@ o! itncrcrcpp.d, Howevcr, 34 Li@ ., /r/. (rt9) bt€rcropp€d oaize with clinbing b€ans at differed deruitia and concluded ttat alihougn mliz€ decM.d yiclds i! sonc t etrDcnr bur inrercropping incrcascd lolat uit ag. Modllo (ryt9) s0dicd MiE yicld pcr rows spaced at 45 cm within each pair of rows in 75 ed @ spac.d uoifon rcs, poncd 150 cm between fte paired rows in monocut rc and wilh $yabcnn id€rcrcppitrg wilt direrent plant populariotr of rhe b.s. cmp urd.r various fertility leleir. Maize plrnr.d iD incrscd sysGn wilh bigh fcrtility level L|lin lnd Carargal Wlley wirh single .ow planrir8 the erain yield as @mpared to all orher (19E0) planred muns alone and intercropped jn maize ude. Wlad colditioB. Tl|cy repon uDder norculturc d rblt rh. crftivers of lnlln8 wtich gave b.$cr yield noroculorrc, yield.d b€der, also in inrercropping systcm of mung + Mizc. Whic et d. (1983) iDdicatd that intercropping of l€gune with nonlegumes gave higher yiclds tbar nonoculur€ by usirg covimM.nral resourcs morc tully and eff:cien y ovcr time and space. However, dE mi'. Sb8h md Ch.lty + (f$a) groundrur iDt.rcrcpping syslcm piov€d ro be rlE repon d lb.Nl intercroppilg and doubte croppinS systln3 of er€als and mill€tr witn pdse.s and oilseds cluld increa$ puhes and oil s€eds iD dry land of irc@s.d grain yi.ld of haiz. by ulal as an 17 ro 22 ldia. rhe prcduction of Slngh ard Sirgh (1984) obrained an pc@rr whd soyabcaa .rd btack g|m wdc htlrcrops uder lami (hunid) condirion! of U .r P.edesh. Xh!|r (r9AA fourd rlat germinariotr vas i ercroppirS system. He tunher rcponed Oar Ddzc prcfitabte u ler irrigat d codirio$ of P6have. Khrrred! ud + nor affected ir mize + soyab€an soybean inrercropping was foutrd + 098E) from rbe sMy on mize soyb€an inrercropping rcladonship conclud€d Oar altnouSh rhe yield of naize ard soyabcm in nixturts was Elativcly low.r &atr thcir monoculture, yd torlt yield of rlF int rc.op sysldn was signific.ndy }igher ihln nonocultur duriog borb fte ycsrs of ssrdy. They nrftler report€d ttst grair wciglt of soyaben was feduced mor€ in aliem.t! rows wilh ln!'ze, while rhar of Mize was dccres.d norc wteo plant€d b the sarne rowc with Xhrlil leodl, lirs€.d, (1990) Eportd tlEt inrerc.opping s8oor ard garlic dccre!€d grain mDbcr, indcr Bartk ,t ad rh€ ficah grain yicld of w[al of whear wirh gram, m.6ra, Da(er, le3f a@. lef ar€. inder, over sole croppiry. ar. 0991) r€pon€d thar maize and VigM unbeltata givctr 40 kg ritrog.n ald 60 kg phoaphoru.s gave 2-3 rorn s morc foddcr yield crop6 and CP m!.nts w€rc i! purc VbM 36 @nbettnta qop ^t ^I i ercrcps thd pur. liiE.oA.n ^d