WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ISSN 1448-949X PRINT POST APPROVED PP665002/00041 CONTENTS PART 1 Page Port Authorities Act 1999—Port Authorities Amendment Regulations 2013 ........................ 3737 Spent Convictions Act 1988—Spent Convictions Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013 ...... 3736 Teacher Registration Act 2012—Teacher Registration (General) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013 ............................................................................................................................. 3733 ——— PART 2 Agriculture and Food ................................................................................................................. Cemeteries.................................................................................................................................. Deceased Estates ....................................................................................................................... Heritage ...................................................................................................................................... Justice......................................................................................................................................... Local Government ...................................................................................................................... Planning ..................................................................................................................................... Premier and Cabinet.................................................................................................................. Training ...................................................................................................................................... Transport .................................................................................................................................... 3739 3739 3752 3740 3741 3741 3749 3751 3751 3751 IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE © State of Western Australia This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Attorney General for Western Australia. Inquiries in the first instance should be directed to the Government Printer, State Law Publisher, 10 William St, Perth 6000. PUBLISHING DETAILS The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by State Law Publisher for the State of Western Australia on Tuesday and Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances. Special Government Gazettes containing notices of an urgent or particular nature are published periodically. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette. • Material submitted to the Executive Council prior to gazettal will require a copy of the signed Executive Council Minute Paper and in some cases the Parliamentary Counsel’s Certificate. • Copy must be lodged with the Sales and Editorial Section, State Law Publisher no later than 12 noon on Wednesday (Friday edition) or 12 noon on Friday (Tuesday edition). Delivery address: State Law Publisher Ground Floor, 10 William St. Perth, 6000 Telephone: 6552 6000 Fax: 9321 7536 • Inquiries regarding publication of notices can be directed to the Editor on (08) 6552 6010. • Lengthy or complicated notices should be forwarded early to allow for preparation. Failure to observe this request could result in the notice being held over. If it is necessary through isolation or urgency to fax copy, confirmation is not required by post. If original copy is forwarded later and published, the cost will be borne by the advertiser. ADVERTISING RATES AND PAYMENTS EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2013 (Prices include GST). Deceased Estate notices (per estate)—$29.30 Articles in Public Notices Section—$68.00 minimum charge (except items of an exceptionally large nature. In these instances arrangements will be made for pricing the notice at time of lodging). All other Notices— Per Column Centimetre—$13.60 Bulk Notices—$249.00 per page Electronic copies of gazette notices sent to clients for lodgement with the Delegated Legislation Committee—$44.70 Clients who have an account will only be invoiced for charges over $50. For charges under $50, clients will need to supply credit card details at time of lodging notice (i.e. a notice under 4cm would not be invoiced). Clients without an account will need to supply credit card details or pay at time of lodging the notice. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA — PART 1 — EDUCATION ED301* Teacher Registration Act 2012 Teacher Registration (General) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013 Made by the Governor in Executive Council. 1. Citation These regulations are the Teacher Registration (General) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013. 2. Commencement These regulations come into operation as follows — (a) regulations 1 and 2 — on the day on which these regulations are published in the Gazette; (b) the rest of the regulations — on the day after that day. 3. Regulations amended These regulations amend the Teacher Registration (General) Regulations 2012. 4. Regulation 3 amended In regulation 3 delete the definition of educational programme. 5. Regulations 15 and 16 replaced Delete regulations 15 and 16 and insert: 15. Duration of non-practising registration (1) The period of non-practising registration — (a) commences on the day that the registration is granted to a person; and (b) unless the person commences teaching after that day, is for an indefinite period. 3733 3734 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 (2) If a person holding non-practising registration commences teaching, the period of the registration ends on whichever of the following occurs first — (a) the first anniversary of the day that the person first commenced teaching while holding non-practising registration (expiry day) or such later day — (i) as is specified in a notice given under subregulation (3); or (ii) as is determined under subregulation (4); (b) the person is granted full or provisional registration. (3) The Board may, by notice in writing given to a person who has applied to the Board in the form approved by the Board, extend the period of the person’s non-practising registration if the Board is of the opinion that there are extenuating circumstances to do so. (4) If either of the following applications is made at least 28 days before expiry day, the non-practising registration continues until the application is decided — (a) an application for full or provisional registration under Part 3 of the Act; (b) an application to the Board under subregulation (3) for the period of non-practising registration to be extended. 16. Condition on non-practising registration (s. 25(2)) It is a condition of non-practising registration that, within 14 days after a teacher first commences teaching while holding that category of registration, the teacher gives written notice of that fact to the Board. 6. Regulation 27A inserted After regulation 26 insert: 27A. (1) Notice to be given of change of name, postal or email address A registered teacher must give written notice to the Board of any change to the teacher’s registration details no later than 30 days after the change occurs. Penalty: a fine of $1 000. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA (2) 7. 3735 In this regulation, a change to a teacher’s registration details occurs if there is a change to any of the following — (a) the teacher’s name as recorded in the register; (b) the teacher’s postal address as last provided to the Board — (i) when applying for registration or renewal of registration; or (ii) under this regulation; (c) the teacher’s email address as last provided to the Board — (i) when applying for registration or renewal of registration; or (ii) under this regulation. Schedule 1 amended Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. Table Provision Delete Insert Sch. 1 it. 1(a) $120 $122 Sch. 1 it. 1(b) $120 $122 Sch. 1 it. 1(c) $400 $408 Sch. 1 it. 1(d) $120 $122 Sch. 1 it. 2(a) $150 $153 Sch. 1 it. 2(b) $150 $153 Sch. 1 it. 2(c) $430 $439 Sch. 1 it. 2(d) $120 $122 Sch. 1 it. 3(a) $480 $490 Sch. 1 it. 3(c) $200 $204 Sch. 1 it. 4(b)(i) $150 $153 Sch. 1 it. 4(b)(ii) $150 $153 Sch. 1 it. 4(b)(iii) $430 $439 Sch. 1 it. 5 $30 $31 Sch. 1 it. 6(a) $40 $41 3736 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA Provision Delete 13 August 2013 Insert Sch. 1 it. 6(b) $80 $82 Sch. 1 it. 7 $50 $51 Sch. 1 it. 8 $50 $51 Sch. 1 it. 9 $50 $51 Sch. 1 it. 10 $50 $51 Sch. 1 it. 11 $280 $286 Sch. 1 it. 12 $50 $51 By Command of the Governor, R. KENNEDY, Clerk of the Executive Council. JUSTICE JU301* Spent Convictions Act 1988 Spent Convictions Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013 Made by the Governor in Executive Council. 1. Citation These regulations are the Spent Convictions Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013. 2. Commencement These regulations come into operation as follows — (a) regulations 1 and 2 — on the day on which these regulations are published in the Gazette; (b) the rest of the regulations — on the day after that day. 3. Regulations amended These regulations amend the Spent Convictions Regulations 1992. 13 August 2013 4. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA Regulation 6A amended In regulation 6A in the Table delete item 1 and insert: 1. Children’s Guardian Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (New South Wales) By Command of the Governor, R. KENNEDY, Clerk of the Executive Council. MARINE/MARITIME MA301* Port Authorities Act 1999 Port Authorities Amendment Regulations 2013 Made by the Governor in Executive Council. 1. Citation These regulations are the Port Authorities Amendment Regulations 2013. 2. Commencement These regulations come into operation as follows — (a) regulations 1 and 2 — on the day on which these regulations are published in the Gazette; (b) the rest of the regulations — on the day after that day. 3. Regulations amended These regulations amend the Port Authorities Regulations 2001. 3737 3738 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 4. 13 August 2013 Schedule 2 amended In Schedule 2 Division 4 amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. Table Provision Delete Insert Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 1 $870.65 $914.19 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(a) $2 849.42 $2 991.89 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(b) $1 978.75 $2 077.69 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(c) $1 741.33 $1 828.40 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(d) $2 999.41 $3 149.38 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(e) $3 482.64 $3 656.77 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(f) $3 799.22 $3 989.18 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 2(g) $562.10 $590.21 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(a) $3 411.52 $3 582.09 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(b) $2 540.85 $2 667.89 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(c) $2 303.43 $2 418.60 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(d) $3 561.51 $3 739.58 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(e) $4 044.74 $4 246.97 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(f) $4 361.32 $4 579.39 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 3(g) $562.10 $590.21 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 4 $870.65 $914.19 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 5 $395.74 $415.52 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 6 $237.46 $249.33 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 7 $395.74 $415.52 Sch. 2 Div. 4 it. 8 $443.23 $465.40 By Command of the Governor, R. KENNEDY, Clerk of the Executive Council. ——————————— 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3739 — PART 2 — AGRICULTURE AND FOOD AG401* BIOSECURITY AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT ACT 2007 DESIGNATED INSPECTION POINTS The places named or described below are designated inspection points for the purposes of the Act— Australian Air Express Air Cargo on Boud Road, Perth Airport WA Australia Post Depot on 379 Boud Road, Perth Airport WA Australia Post Depot on Pilbara St, Welshpool WA Broome Airport on Sandpiper Ave, Djugun WA Department of Agriculture and Food Office on 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth WA Department of Agriculture and Food Office on Level 1, 9 Fricker Rd, Perth International Airport WA Direct Freight Express on 881 Abernethy Road, Forrestfield WA East Perth Passenger Rail Terminal on Summers St, East Perth WA Fremantle Port on North Quay and Victoria Quay, Fremantle WA Kalgoorlie Airport on Hart Kerspien Dr, Broadwood WA Kalgoorlie Container Rail Terminal on West Kalgoorlie Road, Kalgoorlie WA Kalgoorlie Passenger Rail Terminal on Forrest St, Kalgoorlie WA Kewdale Intermodal Rail Terminal on Fenton St, Kewdale WA Kununurra Airport on Dust Rankin Drive, Kununurra WA Kununurra Quarantine Stockyards on Drover Rd, Kununurra WA Newman Airport on Great Northern Highway, Newman WA Perth Airport (Terminals T1, T2, T3 and T4) on George Wiencke Drive and Horrie Miller Drive, Perth Airport WA. Port Hedland Airport on Great Northern Hwy, Port Hedland WA South Boulder Quarantine Stockyards on Lot 1 Smelterman Road, Feysville WA Star Track Express Air on Boud Road, Perth Domestic Airport WA Star Track Express Road on Boud Ave, Perth Domestic Airport WA TNT on 272 Rutland Ave, Welshpool WA Toll Air Express (Virgin Air Cargo) on Boud Road, Perth Airport WA Toll Ipec on 401 Bushmead Road, Hazelmere WA Toll Priority on 10 Snook Road, Redcliff WA Western Australian (WA)/Northern Territory (NT) Quarantine Road Checkpoint (Kununurra) on Victoria Hwy, WA / NT Border. Western Australian (WA)/South Australian (SA) Quarantine Road Checkpoint (Eucla) on Eyre Hwy at WA / SA Border. ROB DELANE, Director General. CEMETERIES CE401* CEMETERIES ACT 1986 Shire of Gingin FEES AND CHARGES In accordance with Section 53(2) of the Cemeteries Act 1986 and the Shire of Gingin Cemeteries Local Law 2004, it is hereby notified that the following fees and charges are applicable to the Gingin Cemetery— In open ground for sinking or re-opening grave Issue of grant of Exclusive Right of Burial—Ordinary land for grave 2.4m x 1.2m 25 yrs $875.00 $75.00 3740 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 Renewal of a grant of Exclusive Right of Burial—Ordinary land for grave 2.4m x 1.2m 25 yrs $75.00 Transfer of a grant of Exclusive Right of Burial—Ordinary land for grave 2.4m x 1.2m 25 yrs $25.00 For permission to construct a vault or headstone $50.00 Alter or add to any grave or headstone monument $50.00 For each interment on a Saturday, Sunday or after hours (Additional charge) $200.00 For removal of headstone/concrete works $100.00 For interment of ashes (in ground or niche wall) $50.00 Issue of a grant of exclusive Right of Burial—Ashes—Niche Wall 25 yrs $75.00 Renewal of a grant of Exclusive Right of Burial—Ashes—Niche Wall 25 yrs $75.00 Transfer of a grant of Exclusive Right of Burial—Ashes—Niche Wall 25 yrs $25.00 Purchase of engraved Niche Wall Plaque Cost plus $50 (instalment & administration costs) Funeral Directors’ Single Funeral Permit $70.00 Funeral Directors’ Annual Licence Fee $150.00 Monumental Masons—Annual Licence Fee $100.00 Dated: 7 August 2013. J. EDWARDS, Chief Executive Officer. HERITAGE HR401* HERITAGE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA ACT 1990 ENTRY OF PLACES IN THE REGISTER OF HERITAGE PLACES Permanent Registration Notice is hereby given in accordance with section 51(2) of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 that, pursuant to a direction from the Minister for Heritage, the place described below has been entered in the Register of Heritage Places on a permanent basis with effect from today. No. 2 Sub Station, Murray Street at 325 Murray Street Perth; Lot 351 on DP 301726 being the whole of the land contained in C/T V 2033 F 3. Proposed Permanent Registration (Crown and Private) Notice is hereby given in accordance with section 47(5) of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, the Heritage Council hereby gives notice that it has advised the Minister for Heritage regarding registration of crown property that it has resolved that— 1. the place listed below is of cultural heritage significance, and is of value for the present community and future generations; 2. the protection afforded by the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 is appropriate; and 3. the place should be entered in the Register of Heritage Places on a permanent basis. Notice is hereby given that the place below will be entered in the Register of Heritage Places on an interim basis with effect from today in accordance with section 50(1)(b) of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990. The place listed below is wholly or partly vested in the Crown, or in a person on behalf of the Crown, in right of the State. Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 49(1) of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 that, pursuant to a direction from the Minister for Heritage, it is proposed that the place described below be entered in the Register of Heritage Places on a permanent basis. The Heritage Council invites submissions on the proposal, which must be in writing and should be forwarded to the address below not later than 24 September 2013. Jardee School (fmr) at Lot 555 Tynans Road, Jardee; Res 14622 being Lot 555 on DP 74285 being the whole of the land contained in Crown Land Title V 3162 F 764. Dated: 13 August 2013. GRAEME GAMMIE, Executive Director, State Heritage Office, Bairds Building 491 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3741 JUSTICE JU401* JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ACT 2004 APPOINTMENT It is hereby notified for public information that His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following to the Office of Justice of the Peace for the State of Western Australia— Lisa Anne D’Souza of 40 Raeburn Crescent, Landsdale WA RAY WARNES, Executive Director, Court and Tribunal Services. LOCAL GOVERNMENT LG401* LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 Shire of Laverton (BASIS OF RATES) Department of Local Government and Communities. DLGC: LA5-4#02 It is hereby notified for public information that in accordance with the provisions of section 6.28 of the Local Government Act 1995, as Minister for Local Government charged with the administration of the Local Government Act 1995, I have determined that the method of valuing the land described in the Schedules hereunder shall be gross rental value for the purposes of rating with effect from 1 July 2013. Hon TONY SIMPSON MLA, Minister for Local Government. ———— TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONS TO GROSS RENTAL VALUE AREA SHIRE OF LAVERTON All those portions of land comprised in the schedules below— SCHEDULE “A” Stone Australia Limited—BRIGHT STAR GOLD PROJECT M 38/9—Accommodation Village That land commencing at the most northern corner of Surveyed Mining Lease M 38/9 and contained within the following boundaries; 150 metres azimuth 108 degrees 44 minutes along the northern boundary of M 38/9; then 150 metres azimuth 198 degrees 44 minutes; then 150 metres azimuth 288 degrees 44 minutes; then 150 metres azimuth 18 degrees 44 minutes along the western boundary of M 38/9 back to commencement point. SCHEDULE “B” Stone Australia Limited—BRIGHT STAR GOLD PROJECT M 38/9—Administration, Mill That land commencing 365 metres at an azimuth of 198 degrees 44 minutes along the eastern boundary of surveyed Mining Lease M 38/9 from the most north east corner of surveyed Mining Lease M 38/9 and contained within the following boundaries; 200 metres azimuth 198 degrees 44 minutes along the eastern boundary of M 38/9; then 250 metres azimuth 288 degrees 44 minutes; then 200 metres azimuth 18 degrees 44 minutes; then 250 metres azimuth 108 degrees 44 minutes back to commencement point. SCHEDULE “C” Stone Australia Limited—BRIGHT STAR GOLD PROJECT M 38/9—Accommodation, Administration and Workshop That land commencing at a point 765 metres at an azimuth of 198 degrees 44 minutes along the western boundary of surveyed mining lease M 38/9 from the most northern corner of Surveyed Mining Lease M38/9 and contained within the following boundaries; 100 metres azimuth 108 degrees 44 minutes; then 150 metres azimuth 198 degrees 44 minutes; then 100 metres azimuth 288 degrees 44 minutes; then 150 azimuth 18 degrees 44 minutes along the western boundary of surveyed Mining Lease 38/9 back to commencement point. 3742 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 SCHEDULE “D” Regis Resources Limited—MOOLART Administration, Plant and Workshops WELL GOLD PROJECT M 38/499— That land commencing 1330 metres at an azimuth of 269 degrees 53 minutes along the southern boundary of surveyed Mining Lease M 38/499 thence 395 metres azimuth 0 degrees from the most south east corner of surveyed Mining Lease M 38/499 and contained within the following boundaries; 450 metres azimuth 270 degrees; then 450 metres azimuth 0 degrees; then 450 metres azimuth 90 degrees; then 450 metres azimuth 180 degrees back to commencement point. SCHEDULE “E” Regis Resources Limited—MOOLART WELL GOLD PROJECT M 38/943—Aneura Accommodation Village That land commencing 165 metres at an azimuth of 0 degrees 10 minutes 56 seconds along the western boundary of surveyed Mining Lease M 38/943 from the most south west corner of surveyed Mining Lease M 38 / 943 and contained within the following boundaries; 300 metres azimuth 0 degrees 10 minutes 56 seconds along the western boundary of M 38/943; then 400 metres azimuth 90 degrees 10 minutes 56 seconds; then 300 metres azimuth 180 degrees 10 minutes 56 seconds; then 400 metres azimuth 270 degrees 10 minutes 56 seconds back to commencement point. ——————————— LG402* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 Shire of Gingin APPOINTMENTS In accordance with Section 38 (1) of the Bush Fires Act 1954 hereunder are the Fire Control Officers appointed by the Shire of Gingin for the 2013/2014 Fire Season— Chief Bushfire Control Officer/Fire Weather Officer—Paul Ryan Postma. Deputy Chief Bushfire Control Officers/Weather Officers—George Robert Grant, Murray Charles Hyne, Arthur Henry Elliot, Gary James Barrett and Phillip Bruce Barrett. Inspection, Prosecution and Fire Permit Issuing Officers/Shire Rangers—Alan James Brown and Winston Daniel Benoiton. Gingin Fire Area M. C. Hyne A. Maddern Gingin North Fire Area P. Crowe Gingin West Fire Area G. R. Grant Beermullah Fire Area C. W. Fewster S. Beckwith Red Gully Fire Area E. R. Howard B. Williams Nilgen Fire Area J. Reymond Gingin Townsite A. H. Elliot Guilderton Townsite W. G. Marshall Seabird Townsite Vacant Ledge Point Townsite G. J. Barrett P. B. Barrett Lancelin Townsite R. K. Scaddan Ocean Farm M. Regan Woodridge C. F. Browne (Permits Only) JEREMY EDWARDS, Chief Executive Officer. Dated: 8 August 2013. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3743 LG403* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 Shire of Denmark APPOINTMENTS In accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954 the Shire of Denmark has appointed the following officers to the respective positions effective immediately— Chief Bush Fire Control Officer Graeme Thallon Deputy Chief FCO Ross McDougall Fire Weather Officer Adrian Kranendonk Bush Fire Control Officers Shire of Denmark Nathan Hall Shire of Denmark David Lonie Shire of Denmark Charmaine Shelley Carmarthen Brigade Leslie Baines Denmark East Brigade Christopher Hoare Harewood Brigade Michael Hills Hazelvale Brigade Alexander Williams Kordabup Brigade Bruce Pringle Mehniup Brigade David Guthrie Mt Lindsay Brigade Malcolm Hick Nornalup Brigade Jean-Marc Merat Ocean Beach Brigade Derek Baker Owingup Brigade Samantha Blythe Parryville Brigade Kevin Hard Peaceful Bay Brigade Ivars Sulcs Scotsdale Brigade Arthur Marshall Shadforth Brigade Lee Shelley Somerset Hill Brigade Ross McDougall Tingledale Brigade Brian Vigus Town Brigade Donald Atkinson William Bay Brigade Joan Merrifield V.F.R.S. (Town) Gary Stanway All previous appointments made under this Act are hereby cancelled. ANNETTE HARBRON, Acting Chief Executive Officer. 15 July 2013. ——————————— LG404* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 Shire of Harvey APPOINTMENTS It is hereby notified for public information that in accordance with the provisions of the Bush Fires Act 1954 the following persons have been appointed by Council as a Bush Fire Control Officer for the Shire of Harvey for the 2013/2014 fire season— Chief Bush Fire Control Officer—Philip Royce Penny Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (South)—Michael Papalia Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (North)—Vaughn William Byrd Bush Fire Control Officers—Peter Simpson Colin Edmund Smith Ian Roderick Dobson Daryle Wilson Philip Royce Penny Kevin Prowse Fredrick Mark Talbot Robert William George Vaughn William Byrd Andrew Hookham Gary Arthur Council Rangers All previous appointments published are revoked. MICHAEL PARKER, Chief Executive Officer. 3744 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 LG501* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 Shire of Chittering FIREBREAK NOTICE Notice to all owners and / or occupiers of land situated in the Shire of Chittering As a measure to assist in the control of bush fires, or prevent the spread or extension of a bush fire which may occur, all owners and occupiers of land within the shire’s district are required before the 16th day of October in each year, or within 14 days of becoming the owner or occupier of land if after that date, to clear firebreaks or take measures in accordance with this notice and maintain those firebreaks and measures in accordance with this notice up to and including the 31st day of May in the following year. Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, you are hereby required to clear all flammable material from fire breaks, not less than 3 metres in width and 4 metres in height, immediately inside all external boundaries of any lot owned or occupied by you and situated within the Shire of Chittering. Such firebreaks may be constructed by one or more of the following methods— Ploughing, Cultivating, Scarifying, Raking, Burning, Chemical Spraying Or Other Approved Method. The following land categories are to be cleared and maintained to the satisfaction of an Authorised Officer of the Shire. Rural Residential and Shire Town sites with land with less than 2 hectares Do not require firebreaks but are required to follow General Fire Hazard Reduction. All properties, including Rural Residential and Shire Town sites with land equal to or greater than 2 hectares Must clear a firebreak of all flammable materials three (3) metres wide, with a four (4) metre vertical clearance along the inside of the boundary to the property. Land greater than 120 hectares Land with an area of 120 hectares or more must have a firebreak in such a position which divides the land into areas not exceeding 120 hectares. Fire Management Plans Where Fire Management Plans have been implemented as part of a subdivision, property owners must ensure their property meets the requirements as outlined in the Fire Management Plan. Property owners should seek clarification from the Shire of Chittering if they are unsure in regards to their responsibilities and the requirements contained within their Fire Management Plan and this Firebreak Notice. Buildings, haystacks and fuel storage Clear a firebreak, not less than three (3) metres wide with a four (4) metre vertical clearance completely surrounding and not more than twenty (20) metres from the perimeter of all buildings, haystacks and fuel storage areas within the property. General Fire Hazard Reduction All property owners are required to reduce fire hazards on their property prior to the summer season by maintaining grassed areas as far as reasonably practicable, to 50mm in height over the entire area, by slashing or the application of stock. It is recommended that property owners program their hazard reduction in conjunction with the clearing and maintenance of firebreaks. Hazard Reduction Orders will be issued where landowners have failed to reduce fire hazards. Installation of a Building Protection Zone The first 5m around all buildings is to be cleared of all flammable material. Reticulated gardens may be located in this zone; The spacing of trees should be 15-20 metres apart to provide for a separation of 10 metres between crowns; Trees are to be under/low pruned at least to a height of 2 metres; No tall shrub or tree is to be planted within 2 metres of a building including windows Alternative Firebreaks If it is impractical for you to clear a firebreak along your boundary you can request permission from the Shire to install a firebreak in an alternative location or of a different nature. All requests must be in writing to the Shire and received by 1 October. Harvesting operations (including stubble processing) The Shire will permit harvesting operations, including stubble processing, during the Restricted and Prohibited period on the following conditions— That a fully operational firefighting unit (inclusive of associated pump, hose system and a minimum of 400 litres of water is present) at all times. Harvesting operations, and stubble processing, are not permitted when the Shire has declared a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban, including Hot Works Activities. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3745 Harvesting operations (including stubble processing) on Sunday and Public Holidays, excepting Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, will be permitted on the following conditions, in addition to the conditions above— The Local Fire Control Officer is notified. Two (2) able-bodied adult persons are present during the harvesting operations, only one (1) of whom may be harvesting. Restricted and Prohibited Burning Periods Burning is prohibited from 1 December to 31 March. Permits are required from 19 October to 30 November and 1 April to 31 May. Control of operations likely to cause a fire Property owners should take care to prevent bush fires. The operation of welding equipment and angle grinders are activities likely to create a fire danger when used in the open air. A person shall provide at least one fire extinguisher at the place where welding or cutting operations are carried out and surround this place with a firebreak which is at least five (5) metres wide. HOT WORKS, HARVEST AND MOVEMENT OF MACHINERY BAN WILL BE IN PLACE ON CHRISTMAS, BOXING DAY AND NEWS YEARS DAY The following restrictions apply throughout restricted and prohibited periods— No burning on Sundays and Public Holidays No burning of garden refuse No lighting of camp fires or solid fuel BBQs in the open air in the Shire of Chittering Burning of road side verges is prohibited without written approval from the Shire of Chittering or other authorities. Firebreaks must be cleared by—16 October and remain cleared until 31 May Burning is prohibited between—1 December to 31 March Burning permits are required between—19 October to 30 November and 1 April to 31 May Penalties Failure to comply with this Firebreak Notice can result in fines ranging from $250 to $250,000 or imprisonment. GARY TUFFIN, Chief Executive Officer. ——————————— LG502* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 Shire of Gingin FIREBREAK ORDER 2013/2014 Notice is hereby given to all landowners/occupiers within the Shire of Gingin, that firebreaks must be installed by 1 November 2013 and maintained clear of flammable material up to and including 31 May 2014. RURAL / RURAL LIVING / LIGHT INDUSTRIAL LAND 20ha (50 acres) or larger. Clear a firebreak of all flammable material, for a width of not less than three metres (3m), immediately inside the external boundaries of the property. Trees must be trimmed back to provide a vertical clearance of a minimum three and a half metres (3.5m) to allow fire appliances to drive along the firebreak. Construct a three metre (3m) firebreak immediately surrounding all buildings and fuel storage areas. Areas cleared for burning require a twenty metre (20m) firebreak. 2023 m2 (half an acre) to 8 ha (20 acres). Clear a two and a half metre (2.5m) wide firebreak of all flammable material, immediately inside the external boundaries of the land. Trees must be trimmed back to provide a vertical clearance of a minimum three and a half metres (3.5m) to allow fire appliances to drive along the firebreak. On heavily grassed blocks slash all dry grass to a height of no more than 50mm. 8 ha (20 acres) to 20 ha (50 acres) Clear a two and a half metre (2.5m) wide firebreak of all flammable material, immediately inside the external boundaries of the land. Trees must be trimmed back to provide a vertical clearance of a minimum three and a half metres (3.5m) to allow fire appliances to drive along the firebreak. On heavily vegetated or grassed blocks, implement supplementary fuel reduction for a further five metres (5m) inside the firebreak. For your own protection, landowners are encouraged to install additional firebreaks around all buildings where practical. 3746 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 URBAN LAND—ALL TOWNSITES Land 2023m2 (Half acre) or less Clear land of all flammable material, i.e. debris, dry grass, dry bush etc. Land larger than 2023m2 (Half acre) Clear a two and a half metre (2.5m) wide firebreak of all flammable material, immediately inside the external boundaries of the land. ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS If it is impractical to have a firebreak immediately inside a boundary, for environmental or any other reason(s), you are required to notify the Shire of Gingin in writing, before 1 October, to obtain permission for firebreaks to be installed in an alternative position. Once approval is granted, there is no need to re-apply each year, unless circumstances change. PLANTATIONS Tree Plantations of less than three hectares (3ha) Construct a ten metre (10m) wide firebreak, clear of all flammable material, immediately surrounding the plantation (Adjacent areas of the same property subject to provisions as for Rural Areas). Plantations larger than three hectares (3ha) Comply with the Shire of Gingin’s Guidelines for Plantation Fire Protection. A copy is available from the Shire Office upon request. HARVEST/MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES BANS A ban on harvesting and the movement of vehicles in paddocks (except for the watering of stock) is likely to be imposed when the predicted weather conditions are classified by the Bureau of Meteorology as very high or extreme. Phone the Gingin Fire Weather Hotline on 9575 1330 for details and updates, or contact your local Fire Control Officer for further information. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND PENALTIES Persons who fail to comply with the requirements of this Order may be fined up to $1000. In addition, Council can arrange for the required work to be carried out at the cost of the owner or occupier. Gas or electric barbecues ONLY, are permitted during Prohibited Burning Times. A Permit to Burn must be obtained during the Restricted Burning Period. Permits are generally subject to a number of conditions but will NOT be issued for burning on Sundays or Public Holidays, unless approved by the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer. Permits to burn must now be obtained to burn any garden refuse in the Restricted Burning Period. Prior to any burning, you are required to notify your neighbours, local or Duty Fire Control Officer and the Shire of Gingin. Besides being responsible for the safety of your own property, if a fire escapes from your property you may be liable to pay compensation for any damage caused outside of your property—this could be very costly. Public infrastructure must not be placed in a manner that results in an above-ground encroachment into the firebreak area. Trees must not be planted in a manner that results in vegetation encroaching into the firebreak area. BURNING PERIODS RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD Permit to burn required from a Fire Control Officer 1 October to 21 November 1 March to 31 May PROHIBITED BURNING PERIOD 22 November to 28 February NO BURNING WITHOUT EXCEPTION Dated: 8 August 2013. JEREMY EDWARDS, Chief Executive Officer. ——————————— LG503* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 City of Cockburn FIRE CONTROL ORDER Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 (as amended) you are hereby required to comply with the requirements set out in this order. This works outlined in the following as applicable must be completed by the 1 November of each year. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3747 PART IIA—FIREBREAKS AND RELATED MATTERS Interpretation “Act” means the Bush Fires Act 1954; “Flammable Matter” includes all form of vegetation both living and dead, and any other flammable materials and combustible matter; “Firebreak” means ground which is cleared to a mineral earth standard in which all flammable material (which includes vegetation and with all overhanging branches, trees, limbs, etc to be trimmed back clear of the Firebreak area) has been removed and on which no flammable material (which includes vegetation) is permitted during the Firebreak period and the Firebreak must be the required width from the ground up in a vertical line with no restrictions; “Firebreak Period” means the time between 1 November in any year until 31 May in the year following; “Trafficable” means able to be driven around, unhindered, in a standard four-wheel drive vehicle. Construction of Firebreaks All owners and occupiers of land within the district shall clear flammable matter from the land in accordance with the following requirements— (1) As to land which is 2032m2 or less in area, or which is zoned “Residential” under the town planning scheme, the owner or occupier is to remove all the flammable matter from the whole of the property, except living trees, shrubs, plants under cultivation and lawns, by slashing or mowing the matter to a height of not more than 50 millimetres, or otherwise to the satisfaction of Council or an authorised person, and the property is to be maintained to the standard so stated in this subsection for the duration of the period November to 31 May each year. (2) As to land, which is greater than 2032m2 in area, shall— (a) Have a trafficable firebreak three (3) metres in width cleared immediately inside all external boundaries of the land to mineral earth or to the satisfaction of Council or an authroised person, (b) Have the area which is within 5 metres of a shed or outbuilding clear of all dry vegetation, debris and flammable material. (3) In reference to subsection (2) all firebreaks must be cleared by the owner or occupier of land on or before 1 November in any year, and thereafter be maintained by the owner or occupier clear of flammable matter up to and including 31 May in the following year. (4) Where an owner or occupier of land fails or neglects to comply within the time specified in this order, an authorised person may with such employees and/or contractors, vehicles and machinery as the authorised person deems necessary enter upon the land and do all such things as necessary to comply with this Local Law and may recover costs and expenses of doing so as a due debt from the owner or occupier of the pursuant to the Act, in addition to any penalty which might be imposed. Variation to Fire prevention Measures If for any reason an owner or occupier considers it impractical to clear firebreaks in accordance with this order, the owner or occupier may apply in writing to Council or an authorised person no later than 1 October in any year for approval to construct a firebreak in an alternative position on his or her land. (1) If permission is not granted in writing by Council or an authorised person, the owner or occupier must comply with the requirements of this order. (2) An exemption or partial exemption granted by Council or an authorised person shall only remain in force until a change of ownership of the land immediately following the date of grant of the exemption or partial exemption. (3) In reference to subsection (2) Council reserves the right, at any time, to revoke, alter or add to the provisions of a variation order. Change of Land Ownership If a person becomes an owner or occupier of land within the firebreak period the owner or occupier must within fourteen (14) days of becoming the owner or occupier of land comply with this order. Enforcement of this Part A person who fails to comply with any provisions of this order commits an offence and any fine or penalty shall be as prescribed by the Bush Fires Act 1954. NO FURTHER WARNINGS OR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH THIS FIRE CONTROL ORDER WILL BE GIVEN. THIS PROCEDURE WILL APPLY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOUR CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN ENGAGED OR NOT. PERMITS All AREA’S either RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL NO BURNING ALLOWED At anytime in accordance with section 24G(2) of the Act 3748 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 AREAS ZONED RURAL AND OTHER AREAS PROHIBITED BURNING PERIOD 1 December to 31 March (No burning permitted) RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD 1st April-30th November (permit required) PERMITS TO BURN MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO any BURNING NOTE: These periods can be varied at the discretion of Council because of weather conditions. Permit holders are responsible to verify the current dates with the Council. WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION, NO FIRE may be lit on a day when the fire danger is declared as VERY HIGH, SERVERE, EXTREME or CATASTROPHIC To determine what the fire danger level is, a person should ring 1196 for information. If there is any doubt of your responsibility in lighting a fire, of any type, the City of Cockburn should be contacted before lighting. ——————————— LG504* BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 Shire of Harvey FIREBREAK ORDER AND HAZARD REDUCTION 2013/2014 BUSH FIRE SEASON All Land Owners and Occupiers of Land within the Shire of Harvey With reference to Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, you are required to carry out fire prevention work on land owned or occupied by you, in accordance with the provisions of this order. Persons who fail to comply with the requirements of the order may be issued with an infringement notice (penalty $250) or prosecuted with an increased penalty, and additionally, Council may carry out the required work at cost to the owner or occupier. All landowners, including irrigated landowners, please note— If it is considered to be impractical to clear firebreaks or remove flammable materials as required by this notice, or where— (a) Compliance with this order may aggravate soil erosion; or (b) You consider a more effective system of fire protection can be obtained; or (c) Natural features render firebreaks unnecessary You must apply to the Council in writing no later than the 1st of November, for permission to provide firebreaks in alternative positions or to take alternative action to abate fire hazards on the land. A. RURAL LAND/SPECIAL RURAL LAND Firebreaks not less than 3 metres wide must be provided in the following positions— (a) Within 10 metres inside and along all boundaries of all land; (b) So as to divide the land into areas of not more than 120 ha (300 acres); (c) Around all groups of buildings, haystacks (includes two or more round bales placed in a paddock for storage purposes) and fuel installations but not closer than 6 metres; and (d) Irrigation Areas—Owners or occupiers may be exempted from all or part of the requirements of the above. Contact Council’s Law and Safety Services. IRRIGATED LAND DEFINITION Irrigated Land is defined as land that is watered, kept fully watered and is maintained in a non flammable state of the whole of the restricted and prohibited burning periods. B. URBAN LAND/SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL (Residential, Commercial and Industrial land within a townsite or any other area subdivided for residential purposes) (a) Where the area of land is 2,024m2 (approx ½ acre) or less, remove all flammable material on the land except live standing trees, shrubs and plants, from the whole of the land; and (b) Where the area of land exceeds 2,024m2 (approx ½ acre) provide firebreaks of at least 2 metres wide and within 6 metres of the inside of all external boundaries of the land, cleared hardstand areas and reticulated grassed areas maintained in a green state maybe considered acceptable as an adequate firebreak. NOTE: Myalup and Binningup—the following are accepted in lieu of item (a) of the above requirements. Firebreaks 2 metres wide inside and around all boundaries of land are accepted in lieu of item (a) of the above requirements. 1. Firebreaks 2 metres wide inside and around all boundaries of land. 2. Slashing of the entire block to remove flammable materials. 3. Removal of isolated fire flammable materials on the block. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3749 C. FUEL AND/OR GAS DEPOTS In respect of any land used for the above purposes, you shall maintain the land clear of all flammable materials. D. PLANTATIONS (a) Definitions— (i) A plantation is any area of planted pines or eucalyptus species exceeding 3 hectares in area; and (ii) A windbreak is a planted area a maximum of 15 metres wide but with no defined length. (b) Boundary Firebreaks—On the horizontal plane, a firebreak shall be provided 15 metres wide and immediately adjoining all external boundaries of the planted area. The outer 10 metres will be cleared of all flammable material while the inner 5 metres, i.e. that portion closest to the trees, may be kept in a reduced fuel state, i.e. by slashing or grazing grass provided that the height of the grass does not exceed eight centimetres. On the vertical plane, a clear space of 10 metres high will be maintained above outer 10 metres of the firebreak; (c) Internal Firebreaks—Plantations shall be subdivided into areas not exceeding 30 hectares by firebreaks 6 metres wide and shall be cleared of all flammable material. In the vertical plane, a clearance of a minimum height of 4 metres from ground level will be maintained above the firebreak; and (d) Special Risks— (i) Public Roads and Railway Reserves Firebreaks 15 metres wide shall be maintained where the planted area adjoins public roads and railway reserves. The specification will be as for “boundary firebreaks” on planted areas. (ii) Power Lines-Firebreaks shall be provided along power lines where they pass through or lie adjacent to planted areas. The specification of the width and the height of clearing shall be in accordance with Western Power specifications. FIREBREAK DEFINITION Firebreak means an area of land which must be maintained totally clear of all flammable material (living or dead) and any overhanging trees or other vegetation (up to a height of four (4) metres from ground level at any point) for the whole of the compliance period, 30th November 2013 to 26th April 2014. SPECIAL WORKS ORDERS Whilst the requirements of this Firebreak Order are considered to be the minimum standard for fire prevention work not only to protect individual properties but the district in general, Council retains the ability to issue Special Work Orders pursuant to Section 33 of the Bush Fire Act 1954 to individual landowners should additional works be necessary for a potential fire hazard that may exist on a property. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED BURNING TIMES The prohibited (total ban) and restricted (permits required) burning times applying within this Shire are— IRRIGATION LAND Restricted 9th November 2013 to 22nd December 2013 Prohibited 23rd December 2013 to 14th February 2014 Restricted 15th February 2014 to 29th March 2014 Restricted Prohibited Restricted 2nd November 2013 to 15th December 2013 16th December 2013 to 14th March 2014 15th March 2014 to 26th April 2014 BALANCE OF SHIRE M. A. PARKER, Chief Executive Officer. PLANNING PL501* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 METROPOLITAN REGION SCHEME MAJOR AMENDMENT 1228/41 Bellevue Urban Precinct and Environs Call for Public Submissions The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the local government of Swan and Mundaring and is seeking public comment. 3750 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 13 August 2013 The amendment seeks to rationalise approximately 33.85 ha of the Urban, Rural and Parks and Recreation zones and reserves in the Bellevue locality in the Metropolitan Region Scheme. The amendment also defines the boundary between the Urban zone and Parks and Recreation reservation for the Helena River. Display locations The plans showing the proposed change and the WAPC’s amendment report which explains the proposal, will be available for public inspection, free of charge from Tuesday 13 August 2013 to Friday 15 November 2013 at— Western Australian Planning Commission, 140 William Street, Perth J S Battye Library, Level 3 Alexander Library Building, Perth Cultural Centre City of Perth City of Fremantle City of Swan Shire of Mundaring Documents are also available from the PlanningWA website www.planning.wa.gov.au. Submissions Any person who desires to make a submission to support, object or provide comment on any part of the proposed amendment should do so on a form 41. This submission form is available from the display locations, the amendment report and the internet. Submissions must be lodged with the: Secretary, Western Australian Planning Commission, Locked Bag 2506, Perth WA 6001; on or before 5 pm Friday 15 November 2013. Late submissions will not be considered. NEIL THOMSON, Secretary, Western Australian Planning Commission. ——————————— PL401* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 APPROVED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT Shire of Carnarvon Town Planning Scheme No. 10—Amendment No. 63 Ref: TPS/0978 It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the Shire of Carnarvon local planning scheme amendment on 25 July 2013 for the purpose of— 1. Rezoning Lot 1 North West Coastal Highway, Brown Range from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Use Site’. 2. Rezoning Lot 2 North West Coastal Highway, Brown Range from ‘Light Industry’ to ‘Special Use Site’. 3. Inserting the following into Schedule IX of the Scheme— Land Description Lot 1 and Lot 2 North West Coastal Highway, Brown Range Primary Uses Fuel Filling Station Roadhouse Development Requirements As specified by Council. All other uses to be listed incidental: eg Arts and Crafts Studio Caretaker’s Dwelling Car Parking Licensed Restaurant Motel Shop Liquor Store Amenity Building. as K. BRANDENBURG, Shire President. M. BATTILANA, Chief Executive Officer. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3751 PREMIER AND CABINET PR401 APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY OF THE GOVERNOR It is hereby notified for public information that the Governor, under clause XVI of the Letters Patent relating to the Office of Governor of the State of Western Australia, dated 14 February 1986, has appointed the Lieutenant-Governor, the Honourable Wayne Stewart Martin AC, to be the deputy of the Governor and in that capacity to perform and exercise all the powers and functions of the Governor for the period 11 to 18 August 2013, both dates inclusive. N. HAGLEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. TRAINING TA401* VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACT 1996 STATE TRAINING BOARD (APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS (NO. 2) INSTRUMENT 2013 Made by the Minister for Training and Workforce Development under section 19(1)(a) of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996. Citation 1. This instrument may be cited as the State Training Board (Appointment of Members) (No. 2) Instrument 2013. Appointment 2. The person whose name is listed below, namely— Mr Dan Hill is appointed member of the Western Australian State Training Board for a period commencing 29 July 2013 to 30 June 2014, replacing Ms Simone Frances McGurk. 3. The person whose name is listed below, namely— Mr Lindsay O’Sullivan is appointed member of the Western Australian State Training Board for a period commencing 29 July 2013 to 30 June 2014, replacing Ms Kelley Yeats. Dated this 7th day of August 2013. Hon D. T. REDMAN, Minister for Training and Workforce Development. TRANSPORT TN401* ROAD TRAFFIC (CHARGES AND FEES) REGULATIONS 2006 EXEMPTION (RTCFR 2013 008xx) Pursuant to sub-regulation 42A(2) of the Road Traffic (Charges and Fees) Regulations 2006, (the Regulations), I, Reece Waldock, Director General of the Department of Transport, hereby specify that the bodies listed in the schedule to this notice are bodies for the purpose of sub-regulation 42A(1) of the Regulations. Sub-regulation 42A(1) of the Regulations provides that, “A person is not required to pay the fee set out in Schedule 2, items 1A and 1B of the Regulations to take or re-sit a theory test if the person or body administering the test is specified in a notice published under sub-regulation (2).” This Notice is to be known as RTCFR—2013—008xx and revokes and replaces the notice under these regulations published in the Gazette on 1 March 2013. Schedule East Kimberley CDEP Pty Ltd 116 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra, WA, 6743 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Level 2, 87 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, WA 6004 3752 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA Karrayili Adult Education Centre Ngarliyandu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation Pilbara Iron Company (Services) Pty Ltd Wila Gutharra Aboriginal Corporation Winun Ngari Aboriginal Corporation Wunan Foundation 13 August 2013 Flynn Drive, Fitzroy Crossing, WA 6765 2 Harding Street, Roebourne, WA 6718 Level 22, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000 78 Anderson Street, Geraldton, WA 6530 145 Loch Street, Derby, WA 6728 Cnr Coolibah Drive and Messmate Way, Kununurra, WA 6743 Dated this 7th day of August 2013. REECE WALDOCK, Director General, Department of Transport. DECEASED ESTATES ZX401 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Frances Therese Menegola, late of St. Joseph’s Lodge, 2/162 Aberdeen Street, Albany in the State of Western Australia, Manager of Home Economics/Farmer, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of the deceased who died on the 18th day of January 2013 at Albany, in the said State are required by the personal representatives David Malcolm Moss of 45 Duke Street, Albany, Western Australia, Christine Margaret Palfrey of 87 Mead Street, Kalgan, Western Australia and Tracey Kathryn Menegola of 15 Willow Place, Willyung, Western Australia to send particulars of their claims to David Moss & Co of PO Box 5744, Albany W.A. 6332 by the date one month following the publication of this notice after which date the personal representatives may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claim for which they have then had notice. ——————————— ZX402 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants In the estate of Roman Rudnyckyj, who died on 3rd January 2013, of 6 Jason Road, Bayonet Head, Albany, Western Australia 6330, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of the said deceased person are required by the Executors of the deceased’s estate being Kerry Andrea Harfield and Luba Dowell, c/o Albany Legal PO Box 5333 Albany WA 6332, to send particulars of their claims to them by the 13th September 2013, after which date the Executors may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. ——————————— ZX403 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Josephine Suarez, late of 1 Skinner Street, Fremantle, Western Australia, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on the 26th July, 2012, are required by the trustee, Leslie George Gevers of 31 Tuckfield Street, Fremantle, Western Australia, to send particulars of their claims to him within one month and one day of the date of publication of this notice, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets of the deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. 13 August 2013 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 3753 ZX404 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Maria Helena Morley, late of Craigcare Nursing Home, 6 Third Avenue, Maylands, Western Australia, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of the deceased who died on 3 December 2012 at Craigcare Nursing Home, Maylands aforesaid are required by the Executor and Trustee of care of Messrs Dwyer Durack Lawyers of 8th Floor, 40 St Georges Terrace, Perth to send particulars of their claims to him by 12 September 2013 after which date the Trustee may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. ——————————— ZX405 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Estate of the late Gutha Shamynka Rokylle, late of Lot 63 Davies Road, East Augusta, Western Australia, Artist, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 25 November 2012 are required by the Executor, Susan Frances Harrison care of Seymour Legal PO Box 5897, Albany, WA to send particulars of their claims to the address stated herein within 30 days of this notice, after which date the personal representatives may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. ——————————— ZX406 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Vida Maurine Salkilld Williams, late of Wanneroo Community Nursing Home, 9 Amos Road, Wanneroo in the State of Western Australia, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of the deceased who died on 25 May 2013 are required by the personal representative to send particulars of their claims to her care of Clement & Co, Lawyers, Unit 2, 12 Sutton Street, Mandurah by 18 September 2013 (six weeks) after which date the personal representative may convey or distribute the assets having regard to the claims of which she then has notice. CLEMENT & CO, as solicitors for the personal representative. ——————————— WESTERN AUSTRALIA FAIR TRADING (RETIREMENT VILLAGES INTERIM CODE) REGULATIONS 2013 *Price: $11.20 plus postage * Prices subject to change on addition of amendments. 3754 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA \ 13 August 2013 STATE LAW PUBLISHER SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR 2013 All subscriptions are for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2013. Subject to certain limitations, refunds may be allowed if a subscription is cancelled during the year. The prices quoted include GST where applicable and postage by surface mail unless stated otherwise. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE General Government Gazettes are published on Tuesday and Friday of each week, unless disrupted by public holidays or unforseen circumstances. Special Government Gazettes are published periodically on any day. 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