Chair and Non-Executive Members (Voting)
Mr. Mike Ridley
Mr. Rolf Levesley
Mr. Peter Phillips
Mrs. Nuala O’Kane
Mrs. Jane MacKenzie
(Vice Chairman)
(Non-Executive Director)
(Non-Executive Director)
(Non-Executive Director)
Executive Members (Voting)
Ms. Jan Ditheridge
Dr. Mahadeva Ganesh
Mr. Steve Gregory
Mrs. Ros Francke
Executive Members (Non-Voting)
Ms. Julie Thornby
Members of the Public
(Chief Executive)
(Medical Director)
(Director of Nursing and Operations)
(Director of Finance)
(Director of Corporate Affairs)
On behalf of the Board, Mr Ridley welcomed everyone to the Trust Board Meeting held in public.
Minute No 2015.6.121 - Apologies (Agenda Item 1)
Mr. Steve Jones (Non-Executive Director)
Minute No. 2015.6.122 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 September 2015 (Agenda Item 2)
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
Position accepted.
Mr Gregory FORMALLY PROPOSED that the Minutes of the Board Meeting of Shropshire
Community Health NHS Trust held on 24 September 2015 be received and approved as an accurate record. The proposal was SECONDED by Dr Ganesh. BOARD MEMBERS
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Minute No. 2015.6.123 – Review of action log (Agenda Item 3)
Members accepted the action log giving an update on actions from the last meeting; all of the actions that were completed or were scheduled for imminent completion could be removed from the log although additional information was provided in relation to:
September 2015 2015.5.105 – Ms Thornby to arrange for the role of a staff Health and Well-being
Board champion to be defined via the HR and Workforce Group. Ms Thornby said that Occupational
Health and HR have identified the role including engaging with external stakeholders to help raise the profile, and would send this to Mr Ridley so he could discuss it with non executive directors.
September 2015 2015.5.105 – Mr Gregory to arrange thematic review of urgent care and ICS, for the Quality and Safety Committee. Mr Gregory said that this was on plan and scheduled to take place in February.
September 2015 2015.5.105 – Mr Ridley to work with all non-executive directors to strengthen their contacts with acute Trust non-executives. Mr Ridley said that the Chairman of SaTH was enthusiastic to meet early in the New Year.
Position accepted
Minute No. 2015.6.124 - Declarations of Interest (Agenda Item 4)
There were no new declarations of interest.
Position accepted
Minute No. 2015.6.125 - Chairman’s Communications (Agenda Item 5)
Mr Ridley highlighted the summary in his report of topics covered in the private section of the
September Board meeting, and meetings he had attended. He thanked all those involved in the recent Celebrating Success and Staff Awards day. He said it was an excellent opportunity to share good practice and successful things that the Trust is doing and looked forward to a similar event next year.
In relation to charitable funds Mr Ridley said that he felt that the Board should be aware of the extent of funds and our strategy for using them. The Charitable Funds Committee was keen to share its plans more with the Board and to have more discussions with Leagues of Friends about the use of funds.
He attended a meeting this week with all 11 Leagues of Friends from across Shropshire and praised the work that they do and extended this Board’s thanks to them. At the meeting there was a lot of discussion about working closer together. He concluded that he believed it is not our intention as a
Trust Board to be fund raisers- which others do so well - but to accept and receive funds and use them well. Ms O’Kane agreed but commented that it would be good if the Board could support fundraising events. Ms Thornby said that although we do have individual Board members linked to different organisations so that specific event details could be communicated, we do aim to circulate all fund raising dates from other organisations to all members. Ms Ditheridge noted that we had responded to feedback by now attending League of Friends meetings when invited rather than routinely.
Mr Ridley informed those present about the ‘Takeover Challenge’ that took place recently. Thirty or forty children and young people ‘took-over’ William Farr House as part of public engagement and had freedom to knock on staff’s doors and ask questions. He met with a group of the children and young people and was asked some challenging questions; they were well informed and interested in the work of the Trust.
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Minute No. 2015.6.126 – Non-Executive Directors’ Communications (Agenda Item 6)
Mr Levesley reported on a recent visit to Ludlow Hospital in order to talk to staff about their experience following the merger of the two wards. He said that overall staff were positive and he was able to speak to a wide range of staff groups. One concern that was expressed was around communication and staff felt that they were not given enough notice of the ward consolidation; this could have been better. Every member of staff that he spoke to supported the changes. There was enthusiasm about the changes particularly around the savings made on agency costs and improvements in team working. Overall he felt that morale had significantly improved from 3 years ago.
Ms O’Kane had attended a meeting of Healthwatch along with a large number of stakeholders.
Mental Health was the main point of discussion, and CAMHS were represented there. She found it very interesting and informative.
Ms McKenzie and Ms Ditheridge carried out a clinical visit to District Nurses in Bridgnorth. Ms
Mackenzie said they were a very lively and committed team. They highlighted the challenges of delivering social care to patients and care packages being delayed unless patients were selffunding. Ms Ditheridge noted that we are working with social care to try to stimulate the market for social care. Ms Mackenzie noted that the next team leader event was due to be held in Oswestry next week.
Position accepted
Minute No. 2015.6.127 - Chief Executive’s Report (Agenda Item 7)
Ms Ditheridge highlighted the issue of loneliness in our communities this winter; if individuals become unwell then risk levels increase and this can lead to further physical and mental health issues. Our staff do identify these risks, and it is a broad social issue beyond our control, but it will be important for us to pay attention to it when we develop our services. She went on to highlight key findings from reviews contained in the Care Quality Commission annual report adding that we will have our visit during the week commencing 7 March, and we will be taking the opportunity to check and learn.
Ms Ditheridge said that there had been some senior leadership changes locally with some lost some corporate knowledge; this will be a challenge in a fast moving environment.
She noted that Jane Cummings, Director of Nursing for NHS England, is championing the increased employment of people with learning disabilities in the NHS. Our HR department are engaging in the programme which includes the development of a range of tools, guidance and events. Ms Thornby explained key actions which the Trust is taking, including apprenticeships and work experience arrangements, identifying particular departments that are keen to progress this, and ensuring application processes are as accessible as they need to be. Mr Gregory added that opportunities for voluntary work should also be considered.
Mr Philips commented on the national whistleblowing policy consultation and asked if there was anything the Trust would like to add to this consultation. Mr Levesley said that a discussion around whistleblowing arrangements had taken place at the last Quality and Safety Committee, and that a national policy would be welcomed. Ms Thornby said that we will need to ensure our local policy is as clear and supportive as possible. We are developing the local role of Freedom to Speak Up
Guardians and looking into the possibility of using teams to address this as some other Trusts around the country successfully use. Ms Ditheridge commented that it did not make sense for our
Trust to have one whistleblowing lead as we are spread over a large geographical area. She also commented that we need to get better at addressing ‘You said, we did’, and making these messages are more visible. The Board agreed that Ms Thornby would circulate to members specific questions for the CQC whistleblowing consultation and co-ordinate the Trust response. She would also continue to develop the Trust’s local procedure
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Mr Levesley asked what effect, in practice, the Monitor and TDA merger will have on this Trust. Ms
Ditheridge said that regulations will not change as both organisations still need to operate in their individual legal frameworks. A more joined up approach should be evident as hopefully the merger will bring the strengths of each organisation together.
In relation to 1.7 of Ms Ditheridge’ report about the Health and Care Act, Ms Ditheridge commented that there are a lot of cultural issues around information sharing as some staff are worried about breaking confidentiality. Mr Gregory said that the Caldecott Guardian forum is having some discussions around this, and the more services are integrated, the more comfortable people will feel around this.
In relation to the Shropshire CCG deficit, Ms Francke provided assurance to the Board that the Trust is not exposed to significant risk in year because income is largely secured but she is not so assured for next year and further discussions will need to take place.
Mr Ridley asked two questions in relation to urgent care; what is the winter situation likely to be and will the ECIP report come to a board meeting for discussion. Ms Ditheridge said that winter is challenging but there are winter and escalation plans in place, and escalation meetings. Throughout the year hikes of demand have occurred. In relation to ECIP, a report is expected by the end of today and feedback is anticipated over the next couple of weeks. There is an event on 16
December to discuss this and the national team will also be in attendance. The report will be received at the board at some point in the future. The national team have got lots of experience; they will make suggestions, and give diagnostic support, guidance and supervision.
Position accepted
ACTIONS: (a) Ms Thornby to circulate national CQC consultation questions to the Board and co-ordinate Trust response. Also, continue work to progress local staff guardian arrangements in support of national policy.
(b) Ms Thornby to ensure HR team continue work around employment of people with learning disabilities
(c) Ms Francke to consider Board Assurance Framework and corporate risk register entries for financial risk next year in light of Shropshire CCG’s position.
(d) Ms Thornby to check if NEDs are required to complete the Staff Survey
(e) Ms Ditheridge to arrange for the Board to receive the ECIP Report
Minute No 2015.6.128 – Integrated Quality, Safety and Performance Report (Agenda Item 8.1)
Performance Aspects:
Mr Gregory said that new rules around RTT had come in to effect on 1 October 2015 and the consequence of this new monitoring would mean that the Trust runs a higher risk of not meeting the
92% target for patients waiting less than 18 weeks. We will continue to update the board as we move forward with the new monitoring. Mr Gregory noted that we rely heavily on other partners to deliver the RTT times. In relation to safer staffing Mr Gregory reported that we are looking to include a report on children’s services in the future.
Quality Aspects:
In reply to a question from Mr Ridley, Mr Gregory explained that we are working towards the ICS service operating 7 days per week until 8pm and a management of change process is taking place with staff towards this which will be complete in January. About 90% of recruitment to the service has been completed and the gap is not affecting service delivery. Mr Ridley challenged about whether there was more the Trust could do as the health economy position on urgent care was not on target; Mr Gregory said that the system needs to be much more proactive with all staff empowered to act.
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Mr Gregory explained that the rules for using agency staff have changed with a TDA price cap in place. We have had a frank discussion with our main agency provider because they are not on the framework. He stressed we need a really robust plan to deliver safe care without agency; he was keen for the Quality and Safety Committee to consider the definition of safe staffing, otherwise it would be unaffordable and not provide good quality to continue at the past rate of agency use.
Report from the Quality and Safety Committee:
Mr Levesley reported that at the last meeting the Committee noted considerable progress on patient experience and also QEIA’s, where it was especially important not to be compromising quality in our
CIPs. He noted that members received an update on the quality strategy and mortality report and was pleased to report a positive approach to infection prevention and control.
Position accepted
Minute No 2015.6.129 – Health and Safety Annual Report (Agenda Item 8.2)
Ms Thornby presented the annual health and safety report which had previously been discussed at the Quality and Safety Committee. She provided a highlight of the key points which included risks around lone working; local arrangements in support of the lone working policy have been audited by
Risk Manager Peter Foord, and further checks on the adequacy of those local procedures have been instigated by team leaders. A survey carried out by Peter Foord has found that staff are aware of Trust policy and have their own team arrangements in place but that more can be done to ensure local arrangements are consistently robust. Ms O’Kane raised an issue which a member of
Podiatry staff had told her about, where she was met at a patient’s house by an unfamiliar family member and went in, although she felt uncomfortable about doing so; nothing untoward happened.
Policy arrangements about staff not taking risks, use of safe words for phone conversations, visiting in pairs where there are issues and letting your whereabouts be known were discussed. It was agreed the timescale for the current re-audit of local procedures would be clarified.
There has been an increase in the number of incidents of violence to staff related to the condition of patients. Mr Levesley commented that it is important that training for staff is appropriate. Mr
Gregory said that it may be wrong to label all incidents as “violence” as sometimes it can be the case that communication with vulnerable patients is not right and this prompts a form of patient communication which is described as ‘violence’. Therefore close monitoring of training is important.
He said that he is keen to improve the environment for patients which may reduce frustrations.
In relation to a point around staff stress, it was agreed to seek further clarity about the relative proportions of work and home related; Ms Ditheridge believed the majority of stress is home related and therefore actions taken within the Trust would be different for this than work related stress.
Ms Thornby to clarify timescales for re-audit of lone working arrangements and proportions of home and work related stress.
Minute No 2015.6.130 – Preparation for potential junior doctor industrial action (Agenda Item
The Trust currently employs one junior doctor in CAMHS and also hosts four rotational junior doctors. Dr Ganesh provided assurance that if the doctor’s strike were to go ahead that plans are in place to cover the clinics affected, and there would not be a gap in service.
Position accepted
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Minute No 2015.6.131 – Patient Story
Mr Gregory introduced Angela Cook Diabetes Nurse Specialist from Shropshire Community Health, and Julie a patient. Julie spoke about her type 1 diabetes diagnosis at the age of 17 and her lack of understanding and knowledge of her condition at that time. She said that she was unsure about how to manage her condition and was scared at times therefore she missed appointments, provided incorrect blood sugar results and sometimes felt frustrated and isolated.
Things had changed 3 years ago when she started receiving care from a specialist diabetes nurse, who explained and worked with her to manage her condition. She now felt in control and able to manage much better.
Julie spoke about the STILE Diabetes programme that she is a part of, which she had found extremely helpful. Julie explained that she had lost her sight as a result of her diabetes but that having her guide dog had given her confidence.
She finished by saying that she would like to see all patients own their health and be in control of the treatment that they receive.
Mr Ridley thanked Julie and asked if she had any other comments or suggestions. Julie said that she would like to see an improvement in education for GP’s and also education for the public about diabetes. Short films could be shown in hospitals or surgeries to inform the public about the different types of diabetes.
Mr Jones asked Julie if she was 17 again today and diagnosed with diabetes today would she feel any different about her diagnosis or deal with things differently. Julie said that she would probably still feel shy and lack some confidence but she would hope that she would benefit from seeing the diabetes nurses.
Mrs Francke asked Julie for her view on any waste that she had seen whilst accessing services.
Julie said that leaflets were not always a good way to communicate to patients and the public and that the best way is 1:1 communication. She also said that more information for carers of diabetes patients would be beneficial.
The Board noted the story.
Minute No 2015.6.132 – Board’s Reflection on the Patient’s Story
The Board found the story inspiring, and reflected that accessing the correct information and the way that information is communicated is a big issue. If services can communicate the right information to patients early in their diagnosis then it will enable a better use of resources.
Minute No. 2015.6.133 – Transformation Report (Agenda Item 9.1)
Mr Gregory provided an update on the current position with regard to the status of Future Fit and acute options. He summarised Community Fit and explained the outputs expected to be delivered in phase one by February/March 2016. If we are to be truly ambitious in our community offer, we need to think strategically and system-wide. Mr Gregory said that he believed that home is the best place to be but that an investment of time, energy and resources will be needed to ensure that this takes place.
In relation to EPR Mr Gregory said that he was hopeful that a decision would be made by the TDA by Christmas.
Mr Levesley commented that the Community Fit outputs are critical to us so are we happy that we have the right input at a high level and the right resources? Mr Gregory believed we have the right people taking part.
Ms Ditheridge commented that there is not a lot of data and information available across community pathways. We have played into national work with Community providers but this needs to be applied locally. It is a big challenge to get the right data; she said that the CSU is providing a lot of capacity in relation to this.
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Mr Ridley asked about progress on the deficit reduction plan in the context of Future Fit. Ms
Ditheridge said that the economy wide financial challenges are critical and we need to make sure that the community offer is the answer to this. She said that a meeting is planned on 7 December of the CEOs and Finance Directors to bring the strategic and financial plans together and making sense of the total picture. The current pause in the Future Fit programme has enabled us talk more about the community element.
The Board accepted the Transformation Report and noted progress.
Minute No. 2015.6.134 – Finance and Estates Report (Agenda Item 10.1)
Mrs Francke reported that at month 7 the Trust is on plan but that the delivery of the planned surplus at year end requires the delivery of all planned efficiencies and will need to be closely monitored.
The risk associated with delivering the CIP in full is increasing which therefore increases the risk to the delivery of the overall financial plan. The reduction in agency spend is currently not on track and further work is needed to address this. Mrs Francke said that a special Resources and Performance
Committee meeting will be convened to look in detail at forecasting and delivering the year end position; it is a critical time and our regulators have been informed of the position.
Nationally, the comprehensive spending review has been published and the health sector can be pleased that healthcare is protected. However we need to be mindful of the position of social care and the impact this will have on healthcare.
Mr Levesley noted the lengthy discussions that had taken place at the Resources Committee, and that he thought the approach being taken was the correct one, with a special meeting of the
Resources Committee planned to look at the ten key drivers for our position, and the best, worst and likely scenarios. During discussions around agency spend Mrs Francke said that although there was a plan around agency spend we are not meeting this and this is a concern that needs to be addressed. Mr Gregory commented that the Trust will need to consider what is safe and how this is addressed; he said that he did not think that the price cap on agencies will help us significantly. We need to consider how we work before we get agency staff in; agency should be considered the last resort.
In relation to estates, Mrs Francke reported that the Trust is almost fully compliant following the fire alert. There is one area with work underway to the end of the January, and then the alert could be closed. During discussions about the Mayfair Centre lease Ms Ditheridge said that there were legal issues that need to be thought through before this can be completed but that we are committed to making this work for the community. Mrs Francke informed the Board that discussions were ongoing with GPs and commissioners to develop a business case to consider the relocation of two
GP practices onto the Whitchurch Hospital site. As yet we have not yet received the level of assurance that we need to commit resources and ensure that no risk will be placed on this organisation.
The Board accepted the Report.
Minute No. 2015.6.135 – Report from the Resource & Performance Committee (Agenda Item
Mr Levesley, who had chaired the Resources and Performance Committee in Mr Jones’ absence, noted that the main points had already been discussed. Ms Ditheridge asked if the Board was comfortable with the approach being taken at Whitchurch. Mr Levesley confirmed the Committee had been content with both overall financial management and the approach to the development at
Whitchurch. Mr Ridley reported that the Committee was committed to following through on all of the estates-related issues (see previous minute), and would continue as usual to monitor the Cost
Improvement Programme.
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Position accepted
Minute No.2015.6.136 – Annual Audit Letter (Agenda Item 10.3)
The board received and noted the contents of the Annual Audit Letter received from Grant Thornton, our external auditors. The audit letter reflects the professional standards of our financial team and our use of funds in a value for money way. Mr Phillips added that he felt we have a good and constructive relationship with our auditors.
The Board formally accepted the Annual Audit Letter
Minute No. 2015.6.137 – Review of Ludlow Hospital Capital Scheme (Agenda Item 10.4)
Mr Ridley presented the report from the TDA into the failed assurance processes which led to the cancellation of the Ludlow Hospital redevelopment in 2013. The paper also included our reflections on lessons learned, setting out our steps taken by the Trust since the cancellation of the scheme.
Mr Ridley said that he was pleased that the report had finally arrived, and considered the background to events which were now some time ago. The report was a useful reminder that no one organisation can work in isolation. The report contains other important lessons which the Trust has discussed in detail. As Chairman, Mr Ridley said that he considered this report very seriously and it was important that the board understands the report and the way forward.
Ms Thornby added that the report describes events in 2012/13 and the covering report demonstrated that a lot has changed within our organisation since this time.
Mrs Francke said that as a new member of the organisation she has seen evidence that recommendations identified in the report have been implemented and in her role she would ensure that learning continued to be acted on.
Mr Ridley noted that many of the current Board had not been part of the Board at the relevant time.
Mr Phillips FORMALLY PROPOSED that the Review of Ludlow Hospital Capital Scheme be received. The proposal was SECONDED by Mr Levesley. BOARD MEMBERS UNANIMOUSLY
AGREED the proposal.
Minute No. 2015.6.138 – Governance Report including Board Assurance Framework (Agenda item 10.5)
Ms Thornby highlighted the BAF changes captured in table 1.2; none of the risk ratings have changed. She noted an improving direction of travel for the risk relating to fire safety arrangements and that that further improvements will be made by the time of the next meeting.
In relation to the Corporate Risk Register Ms Thornby asked the Board if they believed the register captured all the current relevant Trust- wide risks and gave sufficient assurance on risk mitigation.
Ms Ditheridge said that although recruitment is improving there are some areas of significant concern, particularly around CAMHS.
Mr Phillips said that at the last meeting of the Audit Committee concerns were expressed around the
SLA for the estates service and the progress being made on this. A progress report was requested for the next Audit Committee meeting.
The Board considered the review of our position in relation to the Board Code of Conduct. The recommendations in the report were agreed, including that future Board development events should again include sessions with staff and patient/partner organisations, that the appropriateness of part
2 confidential items should be considered, and that we should keep under review key changes in
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ways of working across services, and ensure this is being discussed at committee and board, and is clearly communicated with stakeholders.
Mr Ridley thanked Ms Thornby for her report and noted the importance of this regular review. He proposed and it was agreed that in the interests of openness, the hospitality register should be brought to the Board, rather than solely to the Audit Committee.
Ms Ditheridge commented that it would be good to revisit the ‘speed dating’ events that we had with partners and public, which is relevant for assessing progress on our culture, and because there are a number of new board members. She also asked members to consider if we need to do more about engaging with patients and stakeholders, and to consider if we are having conversations with groups that are not statutory bodies.
Ms Thornby to ensure that:
(a) the corporate risk register includes recruitment issues sufficiently
(b)future board development sessions include staff and partner/public engagement and the hospitality report is brought to a future Board meeting
Ms Francke to ensure that an update report on SLAs is brought to the next Audit Committee
Minute No. 2015.6.139 – Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Annual Report
(Agenda item 10.6)
Mr Gregory informed the Board of the outcome of this year’s emergency preparedness resilience and response assurance audit by NHS England and CCGs which had been discussed at a previous
Quality and Safety Committee. The Trust is substantially compliant following the review; there are some areas for action identified in order to be fully compliant but nothing substantial. The board was asked to agree that the current emergency preparedness of the Trust is substantially compliant with national guidelines and has effective mechanisms in place to respond to a major incident
Dr Ganesh FORMALLY PROPOSED that the board agree that the current emergency preparedness of the Trust is substantially compliant with national guidelines and has effective mechanisms in place to respond to a major incident
. The proposal was
Minute No. 2015.6.140 – Questions or Comments from Members of the Public (Agenda Item
Gren Jackson, Chair of Bishops Castle Community Hospital Patients Group, commented on the good quality of the papers and associated discussions at the meeting today. He continued by saying that he advocates for what is needed within the health economy including a proactive and progressive approach to the integration of services, and thanked Ms Ditheridge for her attendance at a recent local meeting. Mr Jackson said that the Patient Group see the delay in Future Fit as an opportunity to make joined- up incremental changes in services. The Patients Group had received concerned rumours about plans to close the hospital, and he asked what assurance and hard evidence the board could provide to allay concerns. Ms Ditheridge assured Mr Jackson that there is no plan to close Bishops Castle Community Hospital.
Mr Jackson said that he supported the approach of the Rural Urgent Care Centres but is disappointed about the lack of analysis and lack of engagement with patient groups in relation to this. He added that in the summer the CCG were going to take the work forward but there has been no clarity since then. Ms Ditheridge said the principle underpinning the Trust strategy is around partnership and integration where appropriate and we are starting to see good examples of this.
There is a national appetite to make this happen. She went on to say that the Trust recognises that we are not going to create an Urgent Care Centre system across the whole of Shropshire that fits
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all. We can celebrate extended primary care services in Bishops Castle and there will be a role out of integrated community services in this area.
Sylvia Jones from Clunbury Parish Council spoke about the ageing population in this rural area and asked what steps the Trust has put in place to plan for the increase in the ageing population. Ms
Ditheridge explained relevant pathways and Mr Gregory said that he would be happy to meet with
Ms Jones outside of the meeting if she wished as we are having conversations with partners about the possibility of providing more domiciliary care.
Heather Price, a resident from Ludlow, urged the board to address the issues around the lease at
Ludlow Community Hospital. Ms Ditheridge explained the efforts currently being made to get the lease signed and Mrs Francke expressed her frustration that we are not able to do more at the local level. Ms Ditheridge said that we have no plans to reopen the beds at Ludlow Hospital; our proposal is that money should be put into better community services to prevent admission. She said that mattresses were available at Ludlow so that if we really needed to open the beds during winter pressures this could happen.
John Crowe commented on the lease issues at Ludlow Community Hospital and asked for any assurances when this will be rectified. Mrs Francke said that we were unable to secure a timeline with the Department of Health at present. Mr Crowe asked for clarity around the definitions of
Urgent Care Centres and Rural Urgent Care Centres. Ms Ditheridge said that there would be a commissioning process for this but the trust would contribute to the definition where appropriate.
In relation to the cancelled Ludlow Hospital case Mr Crowe asked when the public would see all of the fully audited costs. Mrs Francke said that all of the costs had been fully incorporated in to the
Trust’s accounts over time.
Minute No.2015.6.141 – Committee Minutes (Agenda Item 12)
Resource and Performance Committee
24 August 2015
21 September 2015
The Board accepted the minutes
Minute No.2015.6.142 – Any Other Business (Agenda Item 13)
There was none.
Minute No.2015.6.143 – Reflections on the meeting (Agenda Item 14)
It was agreed the meeting had been successful, with enough time and relevant discussions on priorities but the board noted that the CCG deficit was a new risk to the Trust which would need to be considered.
Minute No.2015.6.144 – Dates of Future Meetings (Agenda Item 15)
9.30 am – 1.00 pm, Thursday 28 January 2015 Meeting Point House, Town Centre, Telford, TF3
Mr Ridley thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
The following resolution was PROPOSED by Mr Gregory and SECONDED by Ms Nuala
O’Kane and UNANIMOUSLY SUPPORTED by all Members:
IT WAS RESOLVED that representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest (in accordance with Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960).
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